QUARTERLY REPORT 2 nd Quarter 2012/13 July – Sept 2012 BRANCH : Rights of Children and People with Disabilities UNIT: Children’s Rights and Responsibilities 07/04/22 1

QUARTERLY REPORT 2 nd Quarter 2012/13 July – Sept 2012

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BRANCH : Rights of Children and People with Disabilities UNIT: Children’s Rights and Responsibilities. QUARTERLY REPORT 2 nd Quarter 2012/13 July – Sept 2012. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: QUARTERLY REPORT 2 nd  Quarter 2012/13 July – Sept  2012


2nd Quarter 2012/13July – Sept 2012

BRANCH : Rights of Children and People with Disabilities UNIT: Children’s Rights and Responsibilities


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•To facilitate and coordinate the mainstream and advocacy of Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s policies and governance processes through the development and promotion of the National Plan of Action for Children and annual advocacy campaigns in partnership with government and other stakeholders .

• To coordinate and facilitate an integrated approach to the promotion of capacity building and institutional support to enable key stakeholders in the sector to participate and contribute more efficiently and effectively in mainstreaming and monitoring of children’s rights at all levels of government and civil society.

• To monitor, evaluate and report annually on the realization of children’s rights in line with the Constitution , national, continental and international obligations


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output


Quarter 2 Target

Responsible Manager

Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not


Reason for Variances

(partially or not achieved)

Proposed Corrective Actions

To mainstream Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s Policies and Governance Processes

National Plan of Action for Children (NPAC) developed Departmental reports

Draft NPAC consulted with stakeholders

Chief Director Achieved N/A N/A


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output


Quarter 2 Target

Responsible Manager

Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not


Reason for Variances

(partially or not achieved)

Proposed Corrective Actions

To mainstream Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s Policies and Governance Processes

Integration of mainstreaming strategy into policies and governance processes facilitated

Mainstreaming strategy disseminated to national departments

Chief Director

Partially Achieved •The CRR Mainstreaming Strategy document was refined after the departmental strategy was finalised and presented to MANCO as a cluster document and awaiting approval• The refined CRR document was consulted at the CRR machinery and inputs were provided to refine the document.

Present the CRR mainstreaming document to MANCO after the approval cluster document . solicit approval of the CRR document and distribute to the departments


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output


Quarter 2 Target

Responsible Manager

Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved)

Reason for Variances

(partially or not achieved)

Proposed Corrective


To mainstream Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s Policies and Governance Processes

Sanitary Dignity Programme coordinated

National Integrated Strategy for Sanitary Dignity Programme approved

Chief Director

Partially achieved

Concept document available.

A visit was undertaken on the 20th July with other stakeholder's (IDC, DTI and DWCPD) to Cape Town on a study tour relating to the production of Sanitary Towels and Nappies. Two Companies were visited (AC Productions and V&G products). Report compiled to provide feasibility information on engaging women in the production, distribution and disposal of sanitary towels.

Awaiting approval for the Intersectoral integrated dialogue

Planning is unfolding for an Intersectoral dialogue to get the national status of the programme, enrich the concept document and develop the integrated strategy (Q3

Memo compiled for a intersectional dialogue to be held on the 26 October 2012


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output


Quarter 2 Target

Responsible Manager

Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved)

Reason for Variances

(partially or not achieved)

Proposed Corrective


To mainstream Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s Policies and Governance Processes

Sanitary Dignity Programme coordinated

National Integrated Strategy for Sanitary Dignity Programme approved

Chief Director

CRR, WEGE, IR and Water AID are planning to launch the project addressing menstrual hygiene on the 19/11/2012.

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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output

2012/13Quarter 2 Target Responsible

ManagerProgress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved)

Reason for Variances

(partially or not achieved)

Proposed Corrective Actions

To mainstream Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s Policies and Governance Processes

Number of Social Campaigns coordinated

2 Social Campaigns Concept Documents and Campaign Plan for Universal Access to Education and Child and Maternal Mortality Reduction finalised

Chief Director Achieved N/A N/A


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output

2012/13Quarter 2 Target



Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved)

Reason for

Variances(partially or not


Proposed Corrective Actions

To mainstream Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s Policies and Governance Processes

Child participation and self advocacy strengthened

Nelson Mandela Children’s Parliament co-convened in partnership with NMCF

Chief Director


Prepared a Memo with the Concept document regarding the National Children’s Day Celebration that is planned for 3rd November 2012 . The recommendation is that this year the National Children’s Day be hosted by Limpopo.



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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output

2012/13Quarter 2 Target

Responsible Manager

Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved)

Reason for

Variances(partially or not


Proposed Corrective Actions

To mainstream Children’s Rights considerations into Government’s Policies and Governance Processes

Child participation and self advocacy strengthened

Nelson Mandela Children’s Parliament co-convened in partnership with NMCF

One Children’s Parliament concept Document developed and approved

Chief Director


Developed the National Children’s Day Concept document taking place in November 2012

Additionally the unit participated in the planning for the international Day of the Girl child which is to take place on the 11/10/2012


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output

2012/13Quarter 2 Target

Responsible Manager

Progress (Achieved,

Partially Achieved or Not


Reason for Variances(partially or not


Proposed Corrective Actions

To Monitor and Evaluate the Mainstreaming of Children’s Rights Considerations into Government Policies and Governance Processes

Comprehensive children’s rights M+E Strategy developed

Draft M&E Strategy with sector departments refined

Chief Director: M+E

Achieved N/A N/A

Indicators for ECD reviewed and monitored

Existing ECD indicators reviewed

Chief Director: M+E

Achieved N/A N/A.


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output

2012/13 Quarter 2 Target Responsible Manager

Progress (Achieved,

Partially Achieved or Not


Reason for Variances(partially or not achieved)

Proposed Corrective Actions

To Monitor and Evaluate the Mainstreaming of Children’s Rights Considerations into Government Policies and Governance Processes

UNCRC 2013 periodic country report, ACRWC report and Optional Protocols reports finalised

Draft reports refined


Partially Achieved

Optional protocols not finalised

Lack of adequate human resources

Department of defence has not submitted the Optional Protocol on Children involved in Armed Conflict

Insufficient inputs received from government departments on the Optional protocol on the Sale, prostitution and Pornography of Children.

The draft protocol will be drafted during next two weeks.

Follow-up letter sent by Minister to Minister of defence.

Include matter of poor responses and quality of information in report to clusters


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output

2012/13Quarter 2 Target Responsible


Progress (Achieved,

Partially Achieved or Not


Reason for Variances(partially or not achieved)

Proposed Corrective Actions

To Monitor and Evaluate the Mainstreaming of Children’s Rights Considerations into Government Policies and Governance Processes

Indicators for monitoring violence against children developed


Indicators on violence against children included in M&E strategy


Achieved N/A .N/A

One comprehensive report on Progressive Realisation of Children’s Rights compiled

None CD:CRR: M&E



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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output

2012/13Quarter 2 Target Responsible


Progress (Achieved, Partially Achieved or

Not Achieved)Reason for Variances

(partially or not achieved)

Proposed Corrective


To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building for the realization of children’s rights into government policy and programmes, civil society and the private sector

Machineries convened  

Joint machineries convened

Director Achieved

CRR and Joint Machinery was convened on 26-27 September 2012


Strategy for mainstreaming children considerations in integrated public service delivery coordinated

Capacity Building of national and provincial departments coordinated

Director Not Achieved The Framework had to be aligned to the consultation processes of the NPAC to reflect on issues of capacity development and training

In the process of finalising the Capacity Building Framework which is linked to the NPAC

Envisaged to conduct Capacity Building at National and Provincial level during the third quarter

Child Friendly Cities/ Communities initiatives for realisation of children’s rights facilitated and coordinated in three municipalities

Child Friendly Cities/Communities Model implemented coordinated in one municipality

Director Partially Achieved

Engaged with COGTA, City of Tshwane and the German Development Bank towards the implementation of the Soshanguve Project

Still awaiting finalisation of the Terms of Reference with German Development Bank so as to implement Child Friendly Model at identified Municipality, i.e. City of Tshwane. Limited human resources

Finalisation of the Terms of Reference envisaged in the Third Quarter


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Strategic Objective

Performance Indicator/output

2012/13Quarter 2 Target

Responsible Manager

Progress (Achieved,

Partially Achieved or Not


Reason for Variances(partially or not


Proposed Corrective Actions

To provide an integrated approach for institutional support and capacity building for the realization of children’s rights into government policy and programmes, civil society and the private sector

Institutional Framework Developed

Draft Institutional Framework consulted provincially

Director Achieved N/A N/A


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MAIN ACHIEVEMENTSKPI Q2 Target Achieved Progress Information

National Plan of Action for Children (NPAC) developed Departmental reports

Draft NPAC consulted with stakeholders

• The NPAC was consulted at different clusters as well as the working committees

• The NPAC was also presented at the Children’s Rights machinery ( 03-05 Sep)and at the Joint Machinery on the 26/09/2012 and inputs provided to the document.

• The NPAC was also presented at the DEVCOM cluster on 20/09/2012The child friendly NPAC draft document is being developed and will be consulted in the next quarter

• NPAC was also consulted in the nine provinces and inputs were provided

Number of Social Campaigns coordinated

2 Social Campaigns Concept Documents and Campaign Plan for Universal Access to Education and Child and Maternal Mortality Reduction finalised

• Strategy has been developed to advocate for promotion and protection of Rights of Children with Disabilities.

• Developed the concept document on Access to education campaign and submitted for approval

• The Unit is part of the IMC on Violence against Children and Women and contributed in the development of the strategy to deal with Violence against children.

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AchievedProgress Information

Number of Social Campaigns coordinated

2 Social Campaigns Concept Documents and Campaign Plan for Universal Access to Education and Child and Maternal Mortality Reduction finalised

• Successfully facilitated the BHP Billiton- Path launch where the importance of the ECD services in the first 1000 days in the child’s life was highlighted .

• The importance of joint partnership regarding ECD( DSD, DoH, DBE , provinces and private business) was highlighted focusing on maternal health, child mortality and ECD services.

Child participation and self advocacy strengthened

Nelson Mandela Children’s Parliament co-convened in partnership with NMCF

• Successfully hosted the Nelson Mandela Children’s Parliament in collaboration with Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and the Mpumalanga Legislature on the 14 July 2012 at Mpumalanga Legislature.

Comprehensive children’s rights M+E Strategy developed

Draft M&E Strategy with sector departments refined

• Children’s sector draft M&E Framework completed and consulted with Departments, Provinces and Municipalities during the National Children’s Rights machinery held on 03-05 September 2012.

• M&E expert workshop conducted on 10-11 September

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MAIN ACHIEVEMENTSKPI Q2 Target Achieved Progress Information

Indicators for ECD reviewed and monitored

Existing ECD indicators reviewed • Reviewed ECD Indicators

• Departments and resource persons consulted on children’s rights and well being indicators on 10-11 September 2012.

• Draft national set of indicators ready for verification and validation.

• Participated in the DPME National Steering Committee. to develop draft implementation plan at workshop on 26 September

UNCRC 2013 periodic country report, ACRWC report and Optional Protocols reports finalised

Draft reports refined • Consulted the 2013 UNCRC report with National Departments and civil society at the Child Care and Protection Forum held by DSD on 26 -27 July 2012

• Consultations on the 2013 UNCRC report were conducted in all nine Provinces during July – September 2012. Provincial Departments, Municipalities and civil society participated.

• Consultation on the draft Optional Protocol on Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography during national children’s rights machinery held on 03-04 September 2012

Compiled report to the Human Rights Council with special focus on Sex Tourism Involving Children and deposited it with DIRCO

Compiled report to African Union on Africa Fit for Children and deposited with DIRCO

Draft UNCRC report finalised

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AchievedProgress Information

Indicators for monitoring violence against children developed


Indicators on violence against children included in M&E strategy

• Provide input and participated in the GBV Forum on DIFID/UN project plan

•Included child protection indicators in M&E framework and consulted at consultative workshop.

•Reviewed violence study document& provided inputs to drafter

Machineries convened  

Joint machineries convened • CRR and Joint Machinery was convened on 26-27 September 2012

Institutional Framework Developed

Draft Institutional Framework consulted provincially

• The Framework was consulted at the sector specific machinery and the joint machinery.

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TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED Q1KPI Q1 Target Progress Information/corrective

actionIntegration of mainstreaming strategy into policies and governance processes facilitated

Mainstreaming strategy approved

The developed Children’s Rights Mainstreaming Strategy was adapted in line with the departmental strategy and was consulted at the CRR machinery . Approval will be fast tracked during the third quarter.

Indicators for ECD reviewed and monitored

Report on existing integrated ECD plan analysed

The workshop on 25 September 2012 developed the draft implementation . The ECD indicators has been reviewed and included in the M & E indicators framework

UNCRC 2013 periodic country report , ACRWWC report and Optional Protocols reports finalised

Consultations with national departments conducted

Consultations took place during the national children’s machinery that took place on 3-5 September 2012

Indicators for Monitoring violence against children developed

National Study on Violence against children including child murders/killings completed

Study in progress due on 30 October 2012 .

Child Protection indicators /violence included in the M & E Framework

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TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED Q1KPI Q1 Target Progress Information/corrective

actionMachineries convened

National Children’s rights machinery convened

The National Children’s Rights Machinery was moved to the second Quarter (3-5 September 2012) due to the Child Protection activities during the 1st quarter.

Strategy for mainstreaming children’s considerations in integrated public service delivery coordinated

Capacity Building framework for mainstreaming of children consideration into all government programmes finalised

The Capacity building was delayed due to further NPAC consultations to solicit more input. The capacity building will take place during the third quarter.

Child Friendly Cities/Communities initiative facilitated and coordinated in three municipalities

Child Friendly Cities/Communities Model implemented and coordinated in one municipality

The implementation was delayed due to further engagements with the City of Tshwane, COGTA and the German Development Bank. This will be finalised in the fourth quarter.

Institutional Framework developed

Draft Institutional framework consulted nationally

The consultation national could not happen due to the delayed national children’s rights machinery. Instead, the framework was consulted at the national machinery that took place on 3-5 September 2012

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Budget ReportItem2 Budget Expenditure Balance

Goods and ServicesTravel Fees




Car Rental

Air Transport

Transport (SMS)

Road Transport

Daily Allowance

Venue and Facilities

Promotional Material


R702 050

R6 600

R344 355

R185 752

R398 656

R72 914

R177 655

R63 132

R992 850

R235 000

R 154 052

R11 600

R6 108

R20 878

R35 290

R267 879

R2 142

R127 532



R16 842


R713 650


R365 233

R150 462

R130 777

R75 056

R50 123

R64 025

R337 219

R218 158

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Item2 Budget Expenditure Balance

Goods and ServicesCell Contract


Computer Consumable

Cutlery and Crockery

R83 781




R 11 069

R13 162

R24 890

R1 724.85

R72 712

R33 838



Tto Total exp for Goods and Service R1 222 160.85

Budget Report

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