Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging Howard Halpern

Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

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Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging. Howard Halpern. Why EPR?. Bad News: native diffusible unpaired electrons: Rare Good News: rare native electrons mean no background signal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin

Resonance Oxygen ImagingHoward Halpern

Page 2: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Why EPR?

Bad News: native diffusible unpaired electrons: Rare

• Good News: rare native electrons mean no background signal

• Bad News: Need to infuse subjects with materials with stable unpaired electrons

• Good News: Can infuse materials which target pharmacologic compartments

Page 3: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Why EPR?• Spectroscopic Imaging: Specific quantitative

sensitivity to Oxygen, Temperature, Viscosity, pH, Thiol

Each property of interest is measured with a specifically designed probe.

Free Radicals can bedetected as well

Page 4: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Why EPR?• Spectroscopic Imaging: Specific quantitative

sensitivity to Oxygen, Temperature, Viscosity, pH, Thiol

• No water background for signal imaging (vs MRI)

Page 5: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Why EPR?• Spectroscopic Imaging: Specific quantitative

sensitivity to Oxygen, Temperature, Viscosity, pH, Thiol

• No water background for signal imaging (vs MRI)

• Deep sensitivity at lower frequency (vs optical)• 250 MHz vs 600 THz, 6 orders of magnitude lower• 7 cm skin depth vs < 1 mm

• Vs typical EPR (0.009T vs 0.33T electromagnet)• 250 MHz vs 10 GHz, factor of 40 lower• 7 cm skin depth

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Why Electron Paramagnetic (Spin) Resonance Imaging?

• More sensitive and specific reporter of characteristics of the solvent environment of a paramagnetic reporter

• The reporter can be designed to report (mostly) only one characteristic of the environment

• E.G.: oxygen concentration, pH, thiol concentrations

• We have chosen to image molecular oxygen.

Page 7: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Basic Interaction

• Magnetic Moment m (let bold indicate vectors)

• Magnetic Field B• Energy of interaction:

– E = -µ∙B = -µB cos(θ)

Page 8: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Magnetic Moment

• ~ Classical Orbital Dipole– Orbit with diameter r, area a = πr2

– Charge q moves with velocity v; Current is qv/2πr– Moment µ = a∙I = πr2∙qv/2πr = qvr/2 = qmvr/2m

• mv×r ~ angular momentum: let mvr “=“ S• β = q/2m; for electron, βe = -e/2me (negative for e)• µB = βe S ; S is in units of ħ

–Key 1/m relationship between µ and m• µB (the electron Bohr Magneton) = -9.27 10-24 J/T

Page 9: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Magnitude of the Dipole Moments

• Key relationship: |µ| ~ 1/m• Source of principle difference between

– EPR experiment– NMR experiment

• This is why EPR can be done with cheap electromagnets and magnetic fields ~ 10mT not requiring superconducting magnets

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Major consequence on image technique

• µelectron=658 µproton (its not quite 1/m);• Proton has anomalous magnetic moment

due to “non point like” charge distribution (strong interaction effects)

• mproton= 1836 melectron

• Anomalous effect multiplies the magnetic moment of the proton by 2.79 so the moment ratio is 658

Page 11: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

The Damping Term (Redfield)• ∂ρ*/∂t=1/iћ [H*(t’)1, ρ*(0)]+ 0(1/iћ)2 ∫dt’[H*1(t),[H*1(t-t’), ρ*(t’)]• Each of the H*1 has a term in it with H= -µ∙Br and µ ~

q/m• ∂ρ*/∂t~ (-) µ2 ρ* This is the damping term:• ρ*~exp(- µ2t with other terms)• Thus, state lifetimes, e.g. T2, are inversely

proportional to the square of the coupling constant, µ2

• The state lifetimes, e.g. T2 are proportional to the square of the mass, m2

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Consequences of the Damping Term

• The coupling of the electron to the magnetic field is 103 times larger than that of a water proton so that the states relax 106 times faster

• No time for Fourier Imaging techniques• For CW we must use

1. Fixed stepped gradients 1. Vary both gradient direction & magnitude (3 angles)

2. Back projection reconstruction in 4-D

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Imaging: Basic StrategyConstraint: Electrons relax 106 times faster than water protons

Image Acquisition: Projection Reconstruction: Backprojection

Page 14: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Projection Acquisition in EPR

• Spectral Spatial Object Support ~( ,f B x

0 0,

2 2 xB BB B

( 0app swB x B B G x

TOTh g B

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Page 16: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Projection Description

• With s(Bsw, Ĝ) defined as the spectrum we get with gradients imposed

( ( ( 2


, ,x


sw sw swB

s B G f B x B B G x dxdB

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More Projection

• The integration of fsw is carried out over the hyperplane in 4-space by

swB B G x

DefiningˆcG x



The hyperplane becomes1ˆ( )sw swB B G G x B c G

with 1tan c G

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And a Little More

( ( ( 2


ˆ, cos , cos cos sinx


sw sw swB

s B G f B x B B cG x dxdB

So we can write B = Bsw + c tanα Ĝ∙x

Page 19: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

So finally it’s a Projection

( ( ( ˆ, cosr

sw r Gs B G f r r dr


( (



ˆˆ cos ,sin

, .2 2



r x


r B c x


B B c

Page 20: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Projection acquisition and image reconstructionImage reconstruction: backprojections in spectral-spatial space


each projection filtered and subsampled;

Interpolation of Projections: number of projections x 4 with sinc(?) interpolation,Enabling for fitting

Spectral Spatial ObjectAcquisition: Magnetic field sweep w stepped gradients (G)Projections: Angle : tan(=G*L/H

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The Ultimate Object:Spectral spatial imaging

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Preview: Response of Symmetric Trityl (deuterated) to Oxygen

• So measuring the spectrum/spectral width≈relaxation rate measures the oxygen. Imaging the spectrum: Oxygen Image

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Why is oxygen importantin cancer?

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Known Since 1909 but in 1955Thomlinson and Gray showed



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Dramatic differences in survival for patients with cervicalcancer treated with radiation depending on mean tumor

oxygenation: > or < 10 torr

Hockel, et al, Ca Res 56 (1996), p 4509

Page 26: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

This was thought to be the

source of radiation resistance

•Hyperbaric oxygen trials √ (in human trials)

•Oxygen mimetic radiosensitizers √ (in animals only due to toxicity)

•Eppendorf electrode measurements (humans)

Page 27: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy

• Sculpts radiation dose over distances of5mm

• Able to spare normal tissues

But tumor volumes are homogeneous; noaccounting for different regions with

different sensitivity

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Biological imaging to enhance targeting of radiation therapy: oxygen imaging

• Intensity modulated radiation therapy allows sophisticated control over spatial distribution of radiation dose

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Biological imaging to enhance targeting of radiation therapy: oxygen imaging

• Intensity modulated radiation therapy allows sophisticated control over spatial distribution of radiation dose

• But: some regions may contain hypoxic cells

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Biological imaging to enhance targeting of radiation therapy: oxygen imaging

• Hypoxic cells are known to be radioresistant

0.0076 torr0.075 torr

0.25 torr

1.7 torr


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Biological imaging to enhance targeting of radiation therapy: oxygen imaging

• Intensity modulated radiation therapy allows sophisticated control over spatial distribution of radiation dose

• Areas of hypoxia could be given extra dose if only we could identify them!


Page 32: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Why use radio-frequency for EPR?

250 MHz ~6 T MRI

S/N ~ w0.8

N~w 1.2


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Image crucial physiologic information:oxygen


Communicated by reporter molecules which are injected into


Communication through EPR spectrum.

Simple spectrum in a complex biological system

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Response of Symmetric Trityl (deuterated) to Oxygen

• No temp. dependence: < 0.05 mG/K• Low viscosity dependence ~1mG/cP• Self quenching a potential confounding

variable -- Solved with Longitudinal Relaxation Rate Imaging

Page 35: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Information about fluid in which reporter molecule dissolved obtained

from Spectral Parameters4




9287 Bi

Spectral parameters extracted from spectral data using Spectral/Relaxation Rate FittingBonus: Fitting gives parameter uncertainties

Standard penalty for deviation:χ2=(yi-fit(xi, aj))2 minimize this penalty byadjusting the Spectral Parameters aj e.g., spectral width


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Page 37: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

Major improvement: Synthesis of selectively deuterated OX31

Improves1. Oxygen sensitivity: B /B~R/R2. Spatial resolution for a given gradient:

resolvable x= B/G 3. Sensitivity



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Line widths pO2 calibration

Oxygen dependence of spin packet width obtained in a series of homogenous solutions of OX31:Since minimal viscosity dependence, aqueous=tissue

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A measure of the line width resolution is the distribution of linewidths from a homogeneous

phantom. Here, the s of the distribution is 0.17 mT, or ~ 3 torr pO2 (8x8x8,projections in 20 minutes)

Page 40: Quantitative Oxygen Imaging with Electron Paramagnetic/Spin Resonance Oxygen Imaging

1.0 m m


1.0mM4.00 Tm

0.5mM2.50 Tm


0.5mM1.50 Tm


1.0mM2.50 Tm

0.5mM2.00 Tm

0.5mM1.56mT 1.0mM


1.0mM2.00 Tm

1.0mM6.50 Tm


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Line Width Fidelity: Agreement Between Image and Individually measured line-widths (1.6 mm) heterogeneous phantom. Side lines Approximately ±3 torr.

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EPR spectral-spatial 4D imaging

• CW EPR imager at 250 MHz, with a loop-gap resonator

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Dimensions of the resonator (1.5 cm thick)Sensitive Region of the resonator (total of just over 2 -2.5 cm)

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Mouse Image (OX063)



• PC3 tumor with 3D intensity image (Note no artifacts surrounding surface)

• XY and YZ pO2 slices corresponding to the slices in the volume

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Oxylite probeInto tumor

• Validation with Oxylite fiberoptic probe (measuring fluorescence quenching by oxygen)

Stereotactic PlatformFor Needle Location

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Good agreement!

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Adjacent tracks in areas of rapid oxygen variationagree with Oxylite

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New insight into the oxygen statusof tumors and tissues