Dolo-Denk Gel Gel – for external, topical use Active substance: etofenamate Nonsteroidal antirheumatic drug Package leaflet: Information for the user Read all of this leaflet carefully because it contains important information for you. – This medicine is available without pre- scription. However, you still need to use Dolo-Denk Gel carefully to get the best results from it. – Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again. – Ask your pharmacist if you need more information or advice. – You must contact a doctor if your symp- toms worsen or do not improve after 2 weeks (blunt trauma) or after 3 –4 weeks in the case of rheumatic diseases. – If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist. In this leaflet: 1. What Dolo-Denk Gel is and what it is used for 2. Before you use Dolo-Denk Gel 3. How to use Dolo-Denk Gel 4. Possible side effects 5. How to store Dolo-Denk Gel 6. Further information 1. What Dolo-Denk Gel is and what it is used for Dolo-Denk Gel is a medicine for external, topi- cal application. The active substance, etofenamate, belongs to the group of nonsteroidal (cortisone-free) antirheumatic drugs (medicines for rheuma- tism) and has anti-inflammatory (antiphlogis- tic) and pain-relieving (analgesic) properties. Therapeutic indications Dolo-Denk Gel is applied topically for the relief of pain and inflammation associated with mus- culoskeletal, joint, and soft-tissue disorders. It is used to treat pain – in acute strains, sprains or contusions of the limbs following blunt trauma, e.g. sports injuries; – of the soft tissue around joints (e.g. bursa, tendons, ligaments and joint capsule). For example, Dolo-Denk Gel can be used to treat pain in case of muscular rheumatism, muscular strain in painful shoulder rigidity (periarthropathia humero-scapularis), lumba- go, ischialgia, tendovaginitis, bursitis. Dolo- Denk Gel furthermore has a similar action on painful soft tissue disorders as a result of over- exertion and aging in the spine and joints (arthrosis, spondylosis). 2. Before you use Dolo-Denk Gel Do not use Dolo-Denk Gel – if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to etofena- mate, flufenamic acid, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or any of the other ingredients of Dolo-Denk Gel; – on open wounds, inflamed or infected skin, on eczema lesions or on the mucous mem- branes; – during the last trimester of pregnancy; – in children and adolescents. Dolo-Denk Gel must not be used in children and adolescents, because there is insufficient clinical experience concerning this age group. Take special care with Dolo-Denk Gel – if you have asthma, hay fever, nasal polyps or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic respiratory tract infections (especially when associated with hay fever-like symp- toms), – if you also have hypersensitivity reactions, such as skin reactions, itching or nettle rash, to other substances. Take care not to apply Dolo-Denk Gel to the eyes. Also make sure that children do not touch with their hands the areas to which the medi- cine has been applied. Using Dolo-Denk Gel with other medicines So far, there are no known interactions when Dolo-Denk Gel is used correctly. Please tell your doctor if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medi- cines obtained without a prescription. Pregnancy and breast-feeding Pregnancy You should only use Dolo-Denk Gel in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy after con- sulting your doctor. Dolo-Denk Gel must not be used in the last trimester of pregnancy because an increased risk of complications for mother and baby cannot be excluded. Breast-feeding Since small amounts of etofenamate pass into the human milk, use of Dolo-Denk Gel for pro- longed periods should be avoided as far as possible during breast feeding and the daily dosage (see section 3) should not be exceed- ed. In order to prevent ingestion by the baby, nursing mothers should not apply the product to the breasts. Important information about some of the ingredients of Dolo-Denk Gel Propylene glycol can cause skin irritation. For other ingredients, see section 6 “Further information”. 3. How to use Dolo-Denk Gel Always use Dolo-Denk Gel exactly as your doc- tor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. Unless your doctor has prescribed otherwise, the usual dose is: Apply a 5 – 10 cm long strip of gel, depending on the size of the painful area, 3 – 4 times daily and rub in gently. Only for use on the skin! Not for oral con- sumption! Before a dressing is applied, Dolo-Denk Gel should be left on the skin for several minutes to dry. The use of occlusive dressings (covering made from plastic sheets) is not recommend- ed. Your doctor will decide how long treatment should last. In the case of blunt trauma (e.g. sports injuries) application over a 1 week peri- od is usually sufficient. The therapeutic benefit of longer periods of use has not been docu- mented. For rheumatic conditions, a treatment peri- od of 3 – 4 weeks is sufficient in the majority of cases. If pain persists, consult your doctor, who will decide on how to proceed. Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you think that the effect of Dolo-Denk Gel is too strong or too week. If you use more Dolo-Denk Gel than you should If you exceed the recommended dosage when using the medicine on your skin, remove the gel and wash the skin with water. If you use a very large quantity, or if you accidentally swal- low Dolo-Denk Gel, notify your doctor. 4. Possible side effects Like all medicines, Dolo-Denk Gel can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. When evaluating undesirable effects, the following frequencies are defined. Very common: More than 1 out of 10 patients treated Common: 1 to 10 out of 100 patients treated Uncommon: 1 to 10 out of 1,000 patients treated Rare: 1 to 10 out of 10,000 patients treated Very rare: Fewer than 1 out of 10,000 patients treated Not known: The frequency cannot be assessed on the basis of the available data Occasionally local skin reactions may occur, such as reddening, itching, burning, skin rash, including development of pustules or blisters. In rare cases, Dolo-Denk Gel can induce hyper- sensitivity or local allergic reactions (contact dermatitis). If Dolo-Denk Gel is used on large areas of the skin over prolonged periods, the occur- rence of undesirable effects affecting certain organ systems or the body as a whole, similar to those which occur under certain circum- stances following systemic administration of medicines containing etofenamate, cannot be excluded. If you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist. 5. How to store Dolo-Denk Gel Store in a cool place. Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Do not use the medicine after the expiry date stated on the carton and tube. 6. Further information Pharmacological properties Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs/ analgesics ATC code: M02AA06 Etofenamate is a nonsteroidal anti-inflam- matory drug/analgesic that has been demon- strated to be effective in inhibiting prosta- glandin synthesis in standard animal models of inflammation. Pharmacokinetics Patches with 300 mg etofenamate were applied to volunteers and the peak plasma concentrations of flufenamic acid were measured between 12 and 24 hours following application (21 – 28 ng / ml). Protein binding is in the range of 98 – 99 %. Etofenamate is excreted in the form of numerous metabolites (hydroxylation, cleav- age of ethers and esters) and their conjugates with 35% being excreted through the kidneys and the remainder primarily in the bile and faeces. It is probable that enterohepatic circulation is involved. Etofenamate, in the form of flufenamic acid, is excreted in small quantities into human milk. The bioavailability of preparations contain- ing etofenamate shows large inter- and intra- individual variations, which are influenced by the manner of administration, dampness of the skin, and other factors. Following cuta- neous application, the relative bioavailability, namely the proportion of the dose that is systemically available, is of the same order of magnitude as that of other etofenamate preparations (up to 20%). What Dolo-Denk Gel contains The active substance is etofenamate. 1 g gel contains 100 mg etofenamate. The other ingredients are: propylene glycol, carbomer, 2-propanol, macrogol glycerol cocoate, macrogol glycerol hydroxystearate, sodium hydroxide, purified water. What Dolo-Denk Gel looks like and contents of the pack Pale yellowish, slightly opaque gel; in tubes containing 20 g or 50 g gel. Marketing authorisation holder Denk Pharma GmbH & Co. KG Prinzregentenstr. 79 81675 München Germany Manufacturer C.P.M. ContractPharma GmbH & Co. KG Frühlingstr. 7 83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham Germany Dolo-Denk Gel Gel – aplication topique, usage externe Substance active : étofénamate Antirhumatismal non stéroïdien Notice : Information de l’utilisateur Veuillez lire attentivement cette notice avant d’utiliser ce médicament. Elle contient des informations importantes pour votre traitement. – Ce médicament est disponible sans pres- cription médicale. Toutefois, vous devez toujours utiliser Dolo-Denk Gel avec pru- dence pour en obtenir les meilleurs effets. – Garder cette notice. Vous pourriez avoir besoin de la relire. – Si vous avez besoin de plus d’informations et de conseils, adressez-vous à votre phar- macien. – Si vos symptômes s’aggravent ou si vous ne constatez aucune amélioration après 2 semaines (traumatisme fermé) ou après 3 à 4 semaines (maladies rhumatismales), vous devez consulter votre médecin. – Si l’un des effets indésirables devient grave ou si vous remarquez un effet indé- sirable non mentionné dans cette notice, parlez-en à votre médecin ou votre phar- macien. Dans cette notice : 1. Qu’est-ce que Dolo-Denk Gel et dans quel cas est-il utilisé 2. Quelles sont les informations à connaître avant d’utiliser Dolo-Denk Gel 3. Comment utiliser Dolo-Denk Gel 4. Quels sont les effets indésirables éventuels 5. Comment conserver Dolo-Denk Gel 6. Informations supplémentaires 1. Qu’est-ce que Dolo-Denk Gel et dans quel cas est-il utilisé Dolo-Denk Gel est un médicament topique à usage externe. Sa substance active, l’étofénamate, appar- tient au groupe des antirhumatismaux non stéroïdiens (sans cortisone) et possède des propriétés anti-inflammatoires et antidouleurs (analgésiques). Indications thérapeutiques Dolo-Denk Gel est appliqué topique pour le soulagement de la douleur et de l’inflamma- tion liées aux désordres musculo-squelet- tiques, des articulations et des tissus mous. Il est utilisé dans le traitement des douleurs – en cas de entorses, foulures ou contusions aiguës des membres suite à un traumatisme fermé, par exemple blessures sportives ; – au niveau des tissus mous entourant les articulations (par exemple bourse séreuse, tendons, ligaments et capsule articulaire). Dolo-Denk Gel peut être utilisé notamment dans le traitement des douleurs associées aux rhumatismes musculaires, à des déchirures musculaires en cas de rigidité scapulaire dou- loureuse (périarthrite scapulo-humérale), en cas de lumbago, d’ischiagre, en tendinite et bursite. Dolo-Denk Gel a de plus une action similaire contre la douleur des tissus mous, due à des exercices musculaires trop intensifs, contre le vieilissement de la colonne verté- brale et sur les articulations (arthrose, spondy- lose). 2. Quelles sont les informations à con- naître avant d’utiliser Dolo-Denk Gel N’utilisez jamais Dolo-Denk Gel – si vous êtes allergique à l’étofénamate, à l’acide flufénamique, à d’autres anti-inflam- MADE IN GERMANY QUALITY FOR HEALTH – LA QUALITÉ AU FABRIQUÉ EN ALLEMAGNE SERVICE DE LA SANTÉ – 5747_0813_DoloDGel_210x200_Denk 22.08.13 10:22 Seite 1

QUALITY FOR HEALTH – MADE IN GERMANY Dolo-Denk Gel€¦ · loureuse (périarthrite scapulo-humérale), en cas de lumbago, d’ischiagre, en tendinite et bursite. Dolo-Denk Gel a

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  • Dolo-Denk GelGel – for external, topical useActive substance: etofenamateNonsteroidal antirheumatic drug

    Package leaflet: Information for the user

    Read all of this leaflet carefully because itcontains important information for you.– This medicine is available without pre-

    scription. However, you still need to useDolo-Denk Gel carefully to get the bestresults from it.

    – Keep this leaflet. You may need to read itagain.

    – Ask your pharmacist if you need moreinformation or advice.

    – You must contact a doctor if your symp-toms worsen or do not improve after 2weeks (blunt trauma) or after 3–4 weeksin the case of rheumatic diseases.

    – If any of the side effects gets serious, or ifyou notice any side effects not listed inthis leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

    In this leaflet:1. What Dolo-Denk Gel is and

    what it is used for2. Before you use Dolo-Denk Gel3. How to use Dolo-Denk Gel4. Possible side effects5. How to store Dolo-Denk Gel6. Further information

    1.What Dolo-Denk Gel is and what it is used forDolo-Denk Gel is a medicine for external, topi-cal application.

    The active substance, etofenamate, belongsto the group of nonsteroidal (cortisone-free)antirheumatic drugs (medicines for rheuma-tism) and has anti-inflammatory (antiphlogis-tic) and pain-relieving (analgesic) properties.

    Therapeutic indicationsDolo-Denk Gel is applied topically for the reliefof pain and inflammation associated with mus-culoskeletal, joint, and soft-tissue disorders. Itis used to treat pain– in acute strains, sprains or contusions of the

    limbs following blunt trauma, e.g. sportsinjuries;

    – of the soft tissue around joints (e.g. bursa,tendons, ligaments and joint capsule).

    For example, Dolo-Denk Gel can be used totreat pain in case of muscular rheumatism,muscular strain in painful shoulder rigidity(periarthropathia humero-scapularis), lumba-go, ischialgia, tendovaginitis, bursitis. Dolo-Denk Gel furthermore has a similar action onpainful soft tissue disorders as a result of over-exertion and aging in the spine and joints(arthrosis, spondylosis).

    2. Before you use Dolo-Denk GelDo not use Dolo-Denk Gel– if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to etofena-

    mate, flufenamic acid, other nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory drugs or any of the otheringredients of Dolo-Denk Gel;

    – on open wounds, inflamed or infected skin,on eczema lesions or on the mucous mem-branes;

    – during the last trimester of pregnancy;– in children and adolescents.

    Dolo-Denk Gel must not be used in childrenand adolescents, because there is insufficientclinical experience concerning this agegroup.

    Take special care with Dolo-Denk Gel– if you have asthma, hay fever, nasal polyps or

    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease orchronic respiratory tract infections (especiallywhen associated with hay fever-like symp-toms),

    – if you also have hypersensitivity reactions,such as skin reactions, itching or nettle rash,to other substances.

    Take care not to apply Dolo-Denk Gel to theeyes.

    Also make sure that children do not touchwith their hands the areas to which the medi-cine has been applied.

    Using Dolo-Denk Gel with other medicinesSo far, there are no known interactions whenDolo-Denk Gel is used correctly. Please tellyour doctor if you are taking or have recentlytaken any other medicines, including medi-cines obtained without a prescription.

    Pregnancy and breast-feedingPregnancyYou should only use Dolo-Denk Gel in the firstand second trimesters of pregnancy after con-sulting your doctor. Dolo-Denk Gel must notbe used in the last trimester of pregnancybecause an increased risk of complications formother and baby cannot be excluded.

    Breast-feedingSince small amounts of etofenamate pass intothe human milk, use of Dolo-Denk Gel for pro-longed periods should be avoided as far aspossible during breast feeding and the dailydosage (see section 3) should not be exceed-ed. In order to prevent ingestion by the baby,nursing mothers should not apply the productto the breasts.

    Important information about some of theingredients of Dolo-Denk GelPropylene glycol can cause skin irritation.For other ingredients, see section 6 “Furtherinformation”.

    3. How to use Dolo-Denk GelAlways use Dolo-Denk Gel exactly as your doc-tor has told you. You should check with yourdoctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

    Unless your doctor has prescribed otherwise,the usual dose is:Apply a 5 –10 cm long strip of gel, dependingon the size of the painful area, 3– 4 times dailyand rub in gently.

    Only for use on the skin! Not for oral con-sumption!

    Before a dressing is applied, Dolo-Denk Gelshould be left on the skin for several minutesto dry. The use of occlusive dressings (coveringmade from plastic sheets) is not recommend-ed.

    Your doctor will decide how long treatmentshould last. In the case of blunt trauma (e.g.sports injuries) application over a 1 week peri-od is usually sufficient. The therapeutic benefitof longer periods of use has not been docu-mented.

    For rheumatic conditions, a treatment peri-od of 3– 4 weeks is sufficient in the majority ofcases. If pain persists, consult your doctor, whowill decide on how to proceed.

    Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if youthink that the effect of Dolo-Denk Gel is toostrong or too week.

    If you use more Dolo-Denk Gel than you shouldIf you exceed the recommended dosage whenusing the medicine on your skin, remove thegel and wash the skin with water. If you use avery large quantity, or if you accidentally swal-low Dolo-Denk Gel, notify your doctor.

    4. Possible side effectsLike all medicines, Dolo-Denk Gel can causeside effects, although not everybody getsthem.

    When evaluating undesirable effects, thefollowing frequencies are defined.

    Very common: More than 1 out of 10 patientstreated

    Common: 1 to 10 out of 100 patients treatedUncommon: 1 to 10 out of 1,000 patients treatedRare: 1 to 10 out of 10,000 patients

    treatedVery rare: Fewer than 1 out of 10,000 patients

    treatedNot known: The frequency cannot be assessed

    on the basis of the available data

    Occasionally local skin reactions may occur,such as reddening, itching, burning, skin rash,including development of pustules or blisters.In rare cases, Dolo-Denk Gel can induce hyper-sensitivity or local allergic reactions (contactdermatitis).

    If Dolo-Denk Gel is used on large areas ofthe skin over prolonged periods, the occur-rence of undesirable effects affecting certainorgan systems or the body as a whole, similarto those which occur under certain circum-stances following systemic administration ofmedicines containing etofenamate, cannot beexcluded.If you notice any side effects not listed in thisleaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

    5. How to store Dolo-Denk GelStore in a cool place.Keep out of the reach and sight of children.Do not use the medicine after the expiry datestated on the carton and tube.

    6. Further informationPharmacological propertiesNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs/analgesicsATC code: M02AA06

    Etofenamate is a nonsteroidal anti-inflam-matory drug/analgesic that has been demon-strated to be effective in inhibiting prosta -glandin synthesis in standard animal models ofinflammation.

    PharmacokineticsPatches with 300 mg etofenamate wereapplied to volunteers and the peak plasmaconcentrations of flufenamic acid were measured between 12 and 24 hours followingapplication (21– 28 ng/ml).

    Protein binding is in the range of 98– 99%.Etofenamate is excreted in the form of

    numerous metabolites (hydroxylation, cleav-age of ethers and esters) and their conjugateswith 35% being excreted through the kidneysand the remainder primarily in the bile andfaeces.

    It is probable that enterohepatic circulationis involved.

    Etofenamate, in the form of flufenamic acid,is excreted in small quantities into humanmilk.

    The bioavailability of preparations contain-ing etofenamate shows large inter- and intra-individual variations, which are influenced bythe manner of administration, dampness ofthe skin, and other factors. Following cuta-neous application, the relative bioavailability,namely the proportion of the dose that is systemically available, is of the same order ofmagnitude as that of other etofenamatepreparations (up to 20%).

    What Dolo-Denk Gel containsThe active substance is etofenamate.1 g gel contains 100 mg etofenamate.The other ingredients are: propylene glycol,carbomer, 2-propanol, macrogol glycerolcocoate, macrogol glycerol hydroxystearate,sodium hydroxide, purified water.

    What Dolo-Denk Gel looks like and contents of the packPale yellowish, slightly opaque gel; in tubes containing 20 g or 50 g gel.

    Marketing authorisation holder Denk Pharma GmbH & Co. KGPrinzregentenstr. 7981675 MünchenGermany

    ManufacturerC.P.M. ContractPharma GmbH & Co. KGFrühlingstr. 783620 Feldkirchen-WesterhamGermany

    Dolo-Denk GelGel – aplication topique, usage externeSubstance active : étofénamateAntirhumatismal non stéroïdien

    Notice : Information de l’utilisateurVeuillez lire attentivement cette noticeavant d’utiliser ce médicament. Ellecontient des informations importantespour votre traitement.– Ce médicament est disponible sans pres-

    cription médicale. Toutefois, vous deveztoujours utiliser Dolo-Denk Gel avec pru-dence pour en obtenir les meilleurs effets.

    – Garder cette notice. Vous pourriez avoirbesoin de la relire.

    – Si vous avez besoin de plus d’informationset de conseils, adressez-vous à votre phar-macien.

    – Si vos symptômes s’aggravent ou si vousne constatez aucune amélioration après2 semaines (traumatisme fermé) ou après3 à 4 semaines (maladies rhumatismales),vous devez consulter votre médecin.

    – Si l’un des effets indésirables devientgrave ou si vous remarquez un effet indé-sirable non mentionné dans cette notice,parlez-en à votre médecin ou votre phar-macien.

    Dans cette notice :1. Qu’est-ce que Dolo-Denk Gel

    et dans quel cas est-il utilisé 2. Quelles sont les informations à connaître

    avant d’utiliser Dolo-Denk Gel 3. Comment utiliser Dolo-Denk Gel 4. Quels sont les effets indésirables éventuels 5. Comment conserver Dolo-Denk Gel 6. Informations supplémentaires

    1. Qu’est-ce que Dolo-Denk Gel et dans quel cas est-il utiliséDolo-Denk Gel est un médicament topique àusage externe.

    Sa substance active, l’étofénamate, appar-tient au groupe des antirhumatismaux nonstéroïdiens (sans cortisone) et possède despropriétés anti-inflammatoires et antidouleurs(analgésiques).

    Indications thérapeutiquesDolo-Denk Gel est appliqué topique pour le soulagement de la douleur et de l’inflamma-tion liées aux désordres musculo-squelet-tiques, des articulations et des tissus mous. Ilest utilisé dans le traitement des douleurs – en cas de entorses, foulures ou contusions

    aiguës des membres suite à un traumatismefermé, par exemple blessures sportives ;

    – au niveau des tissus mous entourant les articulations (par exemple bourse séreuse,tendons, ligaments et capsule articulaire).

    Dolo-Denk Gel peut être utilisé notammentdans le traitement des douleurs associées auxrhumatismes musculaires, à des déchiruresmusculaires en cas de rigidité scapulaire dou-loureuse (périarthrite scapulo-humérale), encas de lumbago, d’ischiagre, en tendinite etbursite. Dolo-Denk Gel a de plus une actionsimilaire contre la douleur des tissus mous,due à des exercices musculaires trop intensifs,contre le vieilissement de la colonne verté-brale et sur les articulations (arthrose, spondy-lose).

    2. Quelles sont les informations à con-naître avant d’utiliser Dolo-Denk GelN’utilisez jamais Dolo-Denk Gel– si vous êtes allergique à l’étofénamate, à

    l’acide flufénamique, à d’autres anti-inflam-





    5747_0813_DoloDGel_210x200_Denk 22.08.13 10:22 Seite 1

  • matoires non stéroïdiens ou à l’un des autrescomposants contenus dans Dolo-Denk Gel ;

    – sur des lésions ouvertes, infectées ou en casd’inflammation ainsi que sur un eczéma ousur les muqueuses ;

    – pendant le dernier trimestre de grossesse ;– chez les enfants et les adolescents.

    Dolo-Denk Gel ne doit pas être utilisé chezl’enfant et l’adolescent car les données dispo-nibles sur son utilisation dans cette popula-tion sont insuffisantes.

    Faites attention avec Dolo-Denk Gel– si vous souffrez d’asthme, de rhinite aller-

    gique, d’un œdème des muqueuses nasales(polype nasal), d’une bronchopneumopathieobstructive chronique ou d’une infection res-piratoire chronique (notamment lorsqu’elleest associée à des symptômes de rhiniteallergique) ;

    – si vous présentez des réactions d’hypersensi-bilité à d’autres substances se traduisant parexemple par des réactions cutanées, un pru-rit ou une urticaire.

    Vous ne devez pas appliquer Dolo-Denk Geldans les yeux.

    Il convient de veiller à ce que les enfantsn’entrent pas en contact par les mains avec lesrégions cutanées sur lesquelles le médicamenta été appliqué.

    Autres médicaments et Dolo-Denk GelAucune interaction connue n’a été rapportée àce jour avec Dolo-Denk Gel lorsqu’il est prisconformément à la notice. Vous devez néan-moins signaler à votre médecin traitant lesmédicaments que vous prenez ou que vousavez pris récemment.

    Grossesse et allaitementGrossesseAu cours des premier et deuxième trimestresde la grossesse, vous ne devez pas utiliserDolo-Denk Gel avant d’avoir pris l’avis de votremédecin. Vous ne devez pas utiliser Dolo-DenkGel pendant le dernier trimestre de la gros-sesse, car un risque accru de complicationspour la mère et le fœtus ne peut pas êtreexclu.

    AllaitementÉtant donné que l’étofénamate passe en fai-bles quantités dans le lait maternel, une utili-sation prolongée de Dolo-Denk Gel pendantl’allaitement est à éviter et la posologie jour-nalière (voir rubrique 3) ne devra pas êtredépassée. Les femmes allaitantes ne doiventpas appliquer le gel sur et autour de la poi-trine afin de prévenir toute ingestion par lenourrisson.

    Informations importantes concernant certains composants de Dolo-Denk GelLe propylène glycol peut provoquer des irrita-tions de la peau.

    Pour les excipients, voir rubrique 6 « Autresinformations ».

    3. Comment utiliser Dolo-Denk GelVeillez à toujours prendre Dolo-Denk Gel ensuivant exactement les indications de votremédecin. Vérifiez auprès de votre médecin oupharmacien en cas de doute.

    Sauf prescription contraire par votre médecin, la dose habituelle est la suivante :Trois ou quatre fois par jour, appliquer en finecouche l’équivalent d’un cordon de 5 à 10 cmenviron de gel sur la région à traiter et masserlégèrement pour faire pénétrer.

    À appliquer uniquement sur la peau ! Nepas avaler !

    Laisser sécher Dolo-Denk Gel pendantquelques minutes sur la peau avant d’appli-quer un pansement. Il est déconseillé d’utiliserun pansement occlusif (pellicule en plastique).

    Votre médecin traitant déterminera la duréedu traitement. Pour le traitement des trauma-tismes fermés (par exemple, blessures spor-tives), 1 semaine d’utilisation est générale-ment suffisante. Les bénéfices thérapeutiques

    d’une utilisation prolongée ne sont pasdémontrés.

    Dans les pathologies rhumatismales, unedurée d’utilisation de 3 à 4 semaines suffitdans la plupart des cas. Si les symptômes per-sistent, consulter le médecin qui décidera de lasuite du traitement.

    Si vous avez l’impression que l’effet de Dolo-Denk Gel est trop fort ou trop faible, parlez-enà votre médecin ou votre pharmacien.

    Si vous avez pris plus de Dolo-Denk Gel que vous n’auriez dûSi vous avez appliqué une dose de gel supé-rieure à la dose recommandée sur la peau,vous devez éliminer le gel et rincer à l’eau. Encas d’utilisation de doses trop fortes ou d’in-gestion accidentelle de Dolo-Denk Gel, vousdevez en informer votre médecin.

    4. Quels sont les effets indésirableséventuelsComme tous les médicaments, Dolo-Denk Gelpeut provoquer des effets indésirables.

    Les effets indésirables sont présentésd’après leur fréquence :

    Très fréquent : Plus de 1 patient traité sur 10Fréquent : 1 à 10 patients traités sur 100 Peu fréquent : 1 à 10 patients traités sur 1.000Rare : 1 à 10 patients traités sur 10.000 Très rare : Moins de 1 patient traité sur 10.000Non connu : La fréquence ne peut être estimée

    sur la base des données disponibles

    Des réactions cutanées locales peu fréquentespeuvent survenir, comme un érythème, un prurit, des brûlures, une éruption cutanéeaccompagnée de pustules ou de papules.

    Dans de rares cas, Dolo-Denk Gel peut pro-voquer des réactions d’hypersensibilité ou desréactions allergiques localisées (dermatite decontact).

    Lorsque Dolo-Denk Gel est utilisé sur unegrande surface cutanée et au long cours, lasurvenue d’effets indésirables touchant un sys-tème d’organes particulier ou tout l’organisme,similaires à ceux parfois susceptibles d’apparaî-tre après l’utilisation systémique de médica-ments à base d’étofénamate, ne peut pas êtreexclue.

    Si vous présentez des effets indésirables non mentionnés dans cette notice, veuillez eninformer votre médecin ou pharmacien.

    5. Comment conserver Dolo-Denk GelÀ conserver dans un endroit frais.Tenir hors de la portée et de la vue desenfants.Ne pas utiliser le médicament après la date depéremption mentionnée sur la boîte et sur letube.

    6. Informations supplémentairesQue contient Dolo-Denk GelLa substance active est l’étofénamate.1 g de gel contient 100 mg d’étofénamate.Les autres composants sont : propylène glycol,carbomère, 2-propanol, macrogolglycérolcocoate, macrogolglycérol hydroxystéarate,hydroxyde de sodium, eau purifiée.

    Qu’est-ce que Dolo-Denk Gel et contenu de l’emballage extérieurGel légèrement jaunâtre et légèrementopaque, en tubes de 20 g ou 50 g.

    Titulaire de l’autorisation de mise sur le marchéDenk Pharma GmbH & Co. KGPrinzregentenstr. 7981675 MünchenAllemagne

    FabricantC.P.M. ContractPharma GmbH & Co. KGFrühlingstr. 783620 Feldkirchen-WesterhamAllemagne

    Dolo-Denk Gel Gel – para o uso tópico, externoSubstância ativa: etofenamatoAntirreumático não esteroide

    Folheto informativo: Informação para o utilizador

    Este folheto contém informaçãoes impor-tantes para si. Leia-o atentamente.– Este medicamento pode ser adquirido sem

    receita médica. No entanto, é necessárioutilizar Dolo-Denk Gel com precaução paraobter os devidos resultados.

    – Conserve este folheto. Pode ter necessida-de de o reler.

    – Caso precise de esclarecimentos ou conse-lhos, consulte o seu farmacêutico.

    – Se os seus sintomas se agravarem ou se adoença persistir por 2 semanas (lesãoobtusa) ou 3– 4 semanas (doença reumáti-ca), consulte o seu médico.

    – Se algum dos efeitos secundários se agra-var ou se detetar quaisquer efeitos secun-dários não mencionados neste folheto,informe o seu médico ou farmacêutico.

    Neste folheto:1. O que é Dolo-Denk Gel e para

    que é utilizado2. Antes de utilizar Dolo-Denk Gel3. Como utilizar Dolo-Denk Gel4. Efeitos secundários possíveis5. Como conservar Dolo-Denk Gel6. Outras informações

    1. O que é Dolo-Denk Gel e para que é utilizadoDolo-Denk Gel é um medicamento para aplica-ção tópica externa.

    A substância ativa etofenamato faz parte do grupo dos antirreumáticos não esteroides(sem cortisona) e contém propriedades quereduzem a inflamação (efeito antiflogístico) ealiviam a dor (efeito analgésico).

    Indicações terapêuticasDolo-Denk Gel é aplicado tòpica para o relevode dor e de inflamação associadas com asdesordens osteomusculares, das articulações edas partes moles. É usado no tratamento dador– no caso de distensões agudas, entorses ou

    contusões das extremidades na sequência detraumas obtusos, por ex. lesões desportivas;

    – de partes moles junto a articulações (por ex.bursas, tendões, ligamentos e cápsulas arti-culares).

    Dolo-Denk Gel pode ser usado, por ex., nocaso de dores de reumatismo muscular, disten-sões no caso de rigidez do ombro dolorosa(periartrite escapulo-umeral), lombalgia, ciáti-ca, tenossinovite, bursite. Além Dolo-Denk Geltem uma ação similar em desordens maciasdolorosas de partes moles em conseqüênciado esforço excessivo e do envelhecimento naespinha e nas junções (artrose, spondylosis).

    2. Antes de utilizar Dolo-Denk GelNão utilize Dolo-Denk Gel – se tem hipersensibilidade a etofenamato,

    ácido flufenâmico, outros anti-inflamatóriosnão esteroides ou a qualquer outro compo-nente do Dolo-Denk Gel;

    – em feridas abertas, pontos de inflamação ouinfeção cutânea, bem como em eczemas ouem mucosas;

    – no último trimestre de gestação;– em crianças e jovens.

    Dolo-Denk Gel não pode ser utilizado emcrianças e jovens, por não haver experiênciassuficientes para este grupo etário.

    Tome especial cuidado com Dolo-Denk Gelnos seguintes casos– se sofrer de asma, rinite alérgica, inchaços

    da mucosa nasal (os chamados póliposnasais) ou doenças das vias respiratórias crónicas obstrutivas ou infeções crónicas dasvias respiratórias (especialmente quandoassociadas a episódios de rinite alérgica),

    – se tiver hipersensibilidade a outros sintomas,por ex. com reações cutâneas, prurido ouurticária.

    O Dolo-Denk Gel não pode entrar em contactocom os olhos.

    Por isso, tenha cuidado para que as criançasnão toquem com as mãos em zonas da pelefriccionadas com o medicamento.

    Ao utilizar Dolo-Denk Gel com outros medicamentosDesde que utilizado corretamente, não sãoconhecidas, até à data, interações medicamen-tosas associadas ao Dolo-Denk Gel. Contudo, omédico responsável deve ser informado dosmedicamentos administrados em concomitân-cia ou pouco antes.

    O que deve ter em conta durante a gravidez e o aleitamentoGravidezNo primeiro e no segundo trimestre de gesta-ção, o Dolo-Denk Gel só deve ser utilizadodepois de consultar um médico. No último tri-mestre de gestação, o Dolo-Denk Gel não deveser utilizado, por não ser possível excluir umelevado risco de complicações para a mãe epara o filho.

    AleitamentoDado que o etofenamato entra em pequenasquantidades no leite humano, deve evitar-se,tanto quanto possível, uma aplicação prolon-gada de Dolo-Denk Gel durante o aleitamentoe nunca ultrapassar a dose diária (ver sec-ção 3). Para evitar a absorção do medicamentopelo lactente, as lactantes não o devem aplicarna zona do peito.

    Informações importantes sobre algunas componentes de Dolo-Denk GelO propilenoglicol pode irritar a pele.

    Quanto a outros excipientes, consulte a secção 6. «Outras informações».

    3. Como utilizar o Dolo-Denk GelUtilize o Dolo-Denk Gel sempre de acordo comas indicações do médico. Fale com o seu médi-co ou farmacêutico se tiver dúvidas.

    Se não houver indicações em contrário porparte do médico, a posologia habitual é:3–4 vezes ao dia, dependendo da região acometida de dor, aplicar um cordão fino deDolo-Denk Gel, com aprox. 5–10 cm de com-primento, sobre a região do corpo afetada efriccionar ligeiramente.

    Apenas para administração cutânea! Nãoingerir!

    Antes da aplicação de uma ligadura, o Dolo-Denk Gel deve secar na pele durante algunsminutos. É desaconselhada a utilização de umpenso oclusivo (cobertura de película de plásti-co).

    O médico responsável decide qual a dura-ção do tratamento. No caso de lesões obtusas(por ex. lesões desportivas), regra geral,1 semana é suficiente. Não está provada a uti-lidade terapêutica para além deste período.

    No caso de patologias reumáticas, na maiorparte dos casos, 3–4 semanas são suficientes.Em caso de persistência dos sintomas, consulteo seu médico, que decidirá como proceder aseguir.

    Fale com o seu médico ou farmacêutico setiver a impressão de que o efeito de Dolo-Denk Gel é demasiado forte ou demasiadofraco.

    Se utilizar mais Dolo-Denk Gel do que deveria Se for ultrapassada a dose recomendada paraa administração cutânea, o gel deve ser remo-vido e lavado com água. No caso da adminis-tração de quantidades demasiado grandes ouingestão acidental do Dolo-Denk Gel, informaro médico.

    4. Efeitos secundários possíveis?Como todos os medicamentos, o Dolo-DenkGel pode causar efeitos secundários.

    Ao avaliar os efeitos secundários, normal-mente, tomam-se por base as seguintes fre-quências de ocorrência.

    Muito frequentes: Mais de 1 em 10 pacientes tratados

    Frequentes: 1 a 10 de 100 pacientes tratadosPouco frequentes: 1 a 10 de 1.000 pacientes

    tratadosRaras: 1 a 10 de 10.000 pacientes

    tratadosMuito raras: Menos do que 1 em 10.000

    pacientes tratadosDesconhecidas: Não é possível avaliar a fre -

    quência a partir dos dados dis-poníveis

    Ocasionalmente, podem ocorrer reações cutâ-neas locais, como por ex. eritemas, pruridos,ardor, erupção cutânea, nomeadamente comformação de pústulas ou pápulas.

    Em casos raros, o Dolo-Denk Gel pode levara reações de hipersensibilidade ou reaçõesalérgicas locais (dermatite de contacto).

    Se o Dolo-Denk Gel for aplicado numa gran-de região da pele e por um período prolonga-do, não é de excluir a ocorrência de efeitossecundários num determinado sistema deórgãos ou em todo o organismo, idênticos aosque podem ocorrer, em determinadas circuns-tâncias, depois da administração sistémica demedicamentos contendo etofenamato.

    Se algum dos efeitos secundários se agravarou se detetar quaisquer efeitos secundáriosnão mencionados neste folheto, informe o seumédico ou farmacêutico.

    5. Como conservar o Dolo-Denk GelConservar em um lugar fresco. Manter fora do alcance e da vista das crianças.Não utilize o medicamento após o prazo devalidade impresso na embalagem exterior e nabisnaga.

    6. Outras informaçõesQual a composição do Dolo-Denk Gel A substância ativa é o etofenamato.1 g de gel contém 100 mg de etofenamato.Os outros componentes são: propilenoglicol,carbómero, 2-propanol, cocoato de macrogol-glicerol, hidroxiestearato de macrogolglicerol,hidróxido de sódio, água purificada.

    Qual o aspeto do Dolo-Denk Gel e e conteúdo da embalagemGel de tonalidade ligeiramente amarelada eligeiramente opaco; comercializado em bisna-gas de 20 g ou 50 g.

    Titular da autorização de introdução no mercado Denk Pharma GmbH & Co. KGPrinzregentenstr. 79D-81675 MünchenAlemanha

    FabricanteC.P.M. ContractPharma GmbH & Co. KGFrühlingstr. 783620 Feldkirchen-WesterhamAlemanha



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