Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Multidisciplinary Teaching methods (including small groups) Promoting multiprofessional education and development in Scottish maternity care

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Multidisciplinary Teaching methods (including small groups) Promoting multiprofessional education and development

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Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Teaching methods (including small groups)

Promoting multiprofessional

education and development in Scottish

maternity care

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Teaching methods

LecturesDiscussionsWorkshopsSkills teachingDemonstrationScenarios

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

MultidisciplinaryUniversal structure for all teaching

• Set

• Dialogue

• Closure.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland



Preparation of learning material – knowledge, context, rehearse.

Lesson plan – aims, objectives, summary, assessment and reading.

Making the session work – environment (physical, psychological, psychosocial).

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

MultidisciplinaryDialogue: ContentPresentation skills (getting started, keeping in

touch with audience).

Teaching aids, position, posture, voice, visibility.

Encouraging candidates to interact (using strategies such as open and direct questions, thought showers, buzz groups).

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Closure: Clear and Unequivocal

QuestionsSummary – take home messageTermination.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Other determinants ofsuccess of teaching session

Facilitator:knowledgeenthusiasmattitudeempathysize of groupstyle of teaching.

Parents:previous knowledgeintellectual skillsmotivation and interestlevel of anxietyexpectationspreferred learning style.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Small group teaching

Encourages parents to organise their thoughts and test ideas.

Different formats or different topics.

Set, dialogue and closure.

Effectiveness of Interactive learning 75 % vs didactic 10%

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland



CommunicationCo-operationTeamworkMaking FriendsReduces isolationTaking part in own learningOral skills enhancement

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Discussion groups

Closed discussions:controlledknowledge focuseddemonstration of candidate understanding.

Open discussions:divergentfree discussionno clear answerslearn through participation.

Some discussions start open and move to closed format in order for the instructor to achieve teaching outcomes.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland



Plan carefully - establish ground rulesSeating: eye-to-eye contactPresent the topicDo not give the answers but assist the discussionEnsure all candidates can participate Use your personality to facilitate.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Skills teaching

Small groups – encourages discussion. Skills station – combines acquisition of

psychomotor skills and discussion. Use basic principles of teaching.Set, dialogue and closure.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

MultidisciplinarySkills teaching:4-stage approach

Facilitator demonstrates skill in silence. Facilitator demonstrates skill with commentary. Facilitator demonstrates skill and learner

provides commentary.Learner demonstrates skill and provides

commentary. (All learners practice.)

Utilises individual senses and repetition

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

MultidisciplinaryDemonstrations Role play and scenarios

Demonstrations • Illustrate Points • Visual reinforcement• Allows parents to understand what is expected of them• Should be controlled• Not to demonstrate facilitators' expertise

Role Play – used when you want parents to experience something in a ‘real’ but safe situation.

Scenarios – form of improvised role play, real equipment but a manikin or a live model

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Things to remember

In role play and scenarios parents are either participants or audience, never just passive observer.

Always feedback and debrief.

If using equipment, know how it works and check it before starting.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Any Questions?

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Things to remember

As an facilitator you are expected to be able to work in different teaching formats to suit the topic.

Set, Dialogue and Closure applies to all methods.

If unsure ask your Parent Education Lead as facilitators need to continue to learn too.

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


“To teach is to learn twice.”Joseph Joubert

French Philosopher, 1754-1824