11f v CIIAITEU XXVI TILE BATTLES OF WASIIISOTO I < A T twenty minutes after 12 Seua ¬ tor LnnRdou nnd Secretary Halncs were still undisturbed by any move on the part of Peabody and Stevens who maintained n silence that to Haliies was dlstluctly I omInous Ills experience nt the cnpl tol had taught him that when the BCII ate macbbw was quiet Itwas time for some one to get out from under Miss Williams the naval commit ¬ tees stenoRrapher entered Senator Langdon she said Senn ¬ tor Ponbodr and Senator Stevens are To tell you that thctfi I be ¬ in committee room G and they told me to tell you that theyd he I cant say It Please sir 1- Dd Inter- polated Lancelot ItiURhlng Yes sir thats It Theyll b- ethatIf they come in lore nt 12uTO You must come to them they say Tell the gen tlcmcu Im sitting here with my bat- on the buck of my head smoking a good see gar with nails driven through both shoes Into 1 the floor and looking nt the clock At 1225 Senator Stevens entered I came to warn you J mgdon he said that Senator Icnbodys patience Is nearly exhausted You must come to see him at once If you expect the r south to get a naval base at Altacooln or anywhere else If you do not agree to take his advice this naval bill and I any other that you are Interested In now or lu future will be trampled un ¬ t derfoot In thu senate Mississippi will have no use for a senator who cannot produce results In Washington nnd that will prove the bitterest lesson you have over learned Im waiting for Peabody here Ste m t i wens Oh ridiculous Of c urse hes not t coming Why Lnngdon hes the king of the senate He has the biggest men IIosj but 1 1a hell owe I trust Peabody more than the best clock made at a time llko this Q Ithen i e figure of the senior senator from i Pennsylvania appeared In the door ¬ riway i day Senator Lnngdon he remarked Icily f Same to you Have n seegar sena ¬ oJ tor said Lnngdon Ho turned and significantly nt IIajuaa 1 1i nLrmurNrsenatormsemen themsctres l wouldnt consider 1fo I youT we now r luenrtxr of the naval affairs com ¬ I ftl c over to our side for Altacoolu I began Peabody That gives us a m- at ¬ b jority of the committee without your voteThat wouldnt prevent me from > tanking a minority report for Gulf City and explaining why I made that r report would ItV tho Mlsslsslpplan I illr asked blandly lelbotlnl1l1 Stevens both knew that rl It wouldnt Stevens exchanged glances t 1 with the boss of the senate nnd in l how voice began making to Langdon u proposition to which Peabodys assent J t At had been gained L Laugdou we would like to be r alone and he nodded toward Halues t Sorry cant oblige senator Lang don replied Bud and I together make up the senator from Mississippi 1All right What I want to say is The president 18 appointing a commission to Investigate the condi ¬ f thou of the unemployed The members are to go to Europe five or six coun- t J tries and look Into conditions there formulatel instance tare under liberal pay 1i Ive heard of that commission sail I Lnngdou I Well Senator Peabody has time I naming of two senators who will go on that commission and I suggested that your character and ability would make you Good glory exclaimed Lnngdon you mean that my character and abll othi nto this afternoon Stevens Pvo been wirprlsed SI many times since I came b to time capital that It doesnt nffvt I me any more Im Just nmused at your offer or Senator Peabodys I want to toll you two senator that theres only one thing that I want In Washington and you havent of ¬ 1fered It to me yet When you do Ill with you Whats that Speak out maul said Peabody quickly A iunro dent for the people of the United States I Good lord exclaimed the boss of the senate Is this Washington or Is It heaven a It Is not heaven senator put III URlnlI1I Man alive cried Peabody Ive been In Washington so long that j t So long youve forgotten that time American people really exist retorted Langdon and there are more like you ohm tho senate all because the voters have no chance to choose their own i senators The public In most states f Losjtoltake the kind of a senator that legislature made up mostly of pollUcluhtf feels like making them tS Yeti P < fbQdy wouldnt be lu n 4 S Ii Jk 1 the senate today If the voters had any ¬ thing to say nbout It I shoulders The Pennsylvanian shrugged his And now Ill tell you honorable sen ¬ ators went on I ingdon thoroughly aroused something to surprise you I have discovered that you were not working for yourselves alone In the Altacoola deal lint that you Intend to turn your land over to the Standard company nt n big profit as tjoon till naval base bill U passed Then Ins company will squeeze time govern ¬ for time best part of the hundred millions that nre to be spout The senator sank back In hU chair and gazed nt his two opponent Those two statesmen Jumped to Iheir feet I Come Stenns let hlnrdo what he j will We cannot stay here to be in suited by the ravings of a madman cried the Pennsylvania lint he brought Ills nssiklate to n standit midway to the door Hy the way Langdon what Is It you nre going to- I do In the senate thU afternoon lie asked You said you were going to make us honest against our wll You know you cant do anything Hud Unities turned his face toward the speaker and grinned broadly to tho senators Intense discomfort Ill do more thus that announced Langdon rising and pounding a fist Into his open baud Ill make you awl Stevens more popular than you ever were In your lives before nah shouted Peabody Ill do even more yet Im going to make you generous patriots And I regret to say Ill give you the chance to make the lilts of your careers The iwllshed hypocrites looked at him too astonished to move How What they gasped Swept on by his own enthusiasm and the force of hits own courageous honesty the voice of the southerner rose to oratorical height This afternoon he exclaimed when the naval base committee makes ltd report I will rise In uiy place and declare that for once In the history of the senate men have been found who place the Interests of time government they serve above any chance of pecuniary reward These men lire the members of the naval base committee With this idea In view realizing that dishonest men would try to make money out of the government these members of the naval base committee after they settled on Altncoola went out quietly nUll secured control of nil the land that will be needed for the naval base nnd these men secured this at a very nominal figure Now they nre ready to turn over their land to the government nt exactly what they paid for It without n cent of profitTJionthcijre jrpluc lo lilt mu over there In that senate Theyre going to realize tJl t JUt nJdud of twlltl4a han arrtredtn ° Washington = tie kind that 1 and lots of others always thought there was here And gentlemen he advanced 014 Ills colleagues triumphantly when I Senator Lnngdon of Mississippi your creation In politics have finished that speech I dare one of you to get up amid deny n word 1 The toss of the senate and his nat elllte were dumfounded Firmly boo lieving that Laupdou could find no way to jiaKs the bill for Altncoola and yet spoil their crooked scheme they were totally unprepared for any such de I lore one of ioti to ret tip and deny a ward I- nouemcnt To think that a simple old fashioned planter from the cotton melds of Mississippi could originate such a plan to outwit the two ablest political tricksters In the senate Lnngdou eyed hIs colleagues trl ¬ umphantly Peabody however was thinking quickly lie was never beaten until the lost vote was counted on a roll tall He knew that no matter how ap parently Insurmountable nn opposition was a way to overcome It might often be found by the won who exercises strong self control nnd a trained brain This corrupt victor In scores of bitter political engagements on tho battlefield of Washington was now In his most dangerous mood lie would marshal nil hU forces Tho man to defeat him uow must defeat the entire senate inn C = d J t < 1 TfI k4 4 Y fJ > A GENTU5HAN FROMlMI SSISSIPPI r M t Epx BY THOMAS A W WISE Z3 a Novelixod from the play byFred rickRToomba l COPYRlt1lt1G19916Y11pwIAd +twWL1 t chIne nnd the allies It could gRIn tn nn emergency he must overcome the power of Standard Steel be must tight the resourceful brain of the masterful 1cabody himself Ieabody whispered to Stevens We must pretend to be beaten Then the Pennsylvanian advanced smiling to Ijiugdon and held out his hand a Senator Langdon he said Im beaten Youve beaten the lender of the senate something difficult to IMS I Senator fMnydon Im beater Here What more youve given me I the chance of a lifetime to become known as n public benefactor As soon as youve finished your speech in the senate I will get up and make another oueto second yours Heres my hand I Anything you may ever want out of Peabody In the future shall be yours for the asking Lungdon refused to grasp the prof ¬ fered hand Senator Stevens wade n show of pro testing ngalnst its superiors seeming I I surrenderBut objected look here Peabody turned upon him Instantly- Oh I shut up Stevens dont be a fool Come on In The waters tine The pair of schemers with Norton I1waI Stevens ordering UII I Weve thrown dust In that old f fln tiers eyes whispered Peabody Its t now ten after 1 lIes to be rccog iilzcd to mako his speech at 330 That glues us two hours and twenty mIll mites Yes but for what asked Stevens excitedly Ive been trying myself to think of something WIU1LlIJouo wlmt ran you UIr Ti n boss ot the 9e ate stttled n t l1 ItyroTI Use Mississippi as though if mused and scornful of hits limitations as n nIlenuclol18 Then his Jaw set bard and his grows contracted I will not do anything I can- not do anything he hesitated a full ten seconds hut Juke Stein ert can Stevens hands I twltcIlPllnenoult IY Peabody eagerly clutched the re ceiver And continued Peabody Im ex pctng n phone call from him any mo ¬ ment I told him his morning that he night be able to make 1000 be ¬ fore night If The telephone bell at the desk int- errupted hlh- mIenbcdy leaned over and eagerly clutched the receiver The senior senator from Mississippi jerked himself to his feet Ho stood Bt a window and looked out over the roof tops of the citx- CIIAPTEB XXVII- WHS BPAXGLEn GIVES A LUNCIIHOX w HEX Senators Peabody and Stevens had gone Langdon and Dud went over the situa ¬ tion together nnd concluded that their opponents bad no means of defeating Lnngdons program that after all Pcabody might really have meant his words of surrCllllerI But they might ter stay right here In the capitol time rest of the day suggested Bud Lain dlou scoffed at the Idea Halncs buxtled away to get n few mouthfuls of lunch to fortify himself for a busy afternoon one that was go Ire to IKS far Mister than he Imagined The telephone bell rang at the sena- tors ¬ desk It was Mrs Spangleru voice tbnt spoke Senator Langdon she said Caro unit and Hope Georgia are here at my home for luncheon and we all want you to join us Sorry I cannot accept answered limo Mlsslsslpplap but I am to make tn important speechtills afternoon Oh yes 1 know The girls and I are coming to hear It But you have two hours time and If yon come we can all go over to the senate together Now senator humor us a little Dont disappoint the girls and me We can all drive over to the capitol lu my ear rlace The planter hesitatedthen replied All right Ill be over but It mustnt be n very long luncheon Gone to eat back by I 1 oclock he scratched quickly on n pad on the sec retarys desk and departed Mrs Hpanglers luncheons were equally as pojlular In Washington as Senator Langdonii dinners The Ml pjsalpplan and his daughters enjoyed the dpJIencjej spread lavishly before ttm4W1 1 quickly The od plant ¬ er enJoyedTjTeelng his daughters have no happy and he was not Insen ¬ sible to the charm of his hostess con ¬ versation for Mrs Spaugler had studied ontvfully the nrt of Ingratiat ¬ lug hers her guests Suddenly realizing that be hud proba- bly ¬ reached the limit of the time lie could spare the senator drew out his watchWhat n stunning fob you wear quickly spoke Mrs Spanglcr reaching out her hand nnd taking the watch from her guests hauls as the case sunpped open Oil tCata Carolinas doings laugh ¬ ed Ian dots She said the old gold chain that my grandfather left me was Why how lovely murmured Mrs Spnnglor gluiulng nt the watch We have nlcnty uf time yet Wont Ilkfllrmd bark flit have to hurry Your time Is the same an mine she added nod ding her heal to ¬ ward n French rehualssuimeelock niurble mantel As till hostess did this she deft- ly ¬ turned hack the hands of the senators watch thlrtyilvo I11lu utesDo you cure to smoke semi tor Mrs Spunglcr anieu us her guests concluded their repast If the young tortes do nut objoct Ijungdbh Inclined his head gratefully und laughdL They wouldnt be southern girls I reckon Oft tbey didnt want to see a man lu vd everything to make him happy er Ijbeg pardon Mrs Kpaugler J mean Htonifortablc Nobody tints ypur Uld be unhappy The hpftwlj beamed on the chival rous southerner Laugdon drew forth n thick lunch pet fectoAnd settlod back luxuriously In his chair after another glance at Mrs Send lees clock lie was nb iorbca Itmcntlll resmue ot his forth rnlJlll 1If lal1IlIl did not hear the next woEAaof the woman addrcsse pointedly i his daughters Do yttu howrreallr why this lunch pon WA s trIm tcdny site queried Thou she outluued bolero Carolina find HnpeiQeorcIa could formulate re- Illy Bptfausfcr yoiir father and I wanted to olporluulty to nlmouuco to youqt ttrhgeuuent II sweetestp r nad nt each other Iti f2bllJnwlII then ut Mr- rrilue hw Frutuahe taulc amid feIlIY nt time cllling iluthstrt the fleet to regain h OlliIJy hum tler age ejaculated you are Very Idnd to marry father but Whnts hat t exclaimed the scan tnT roused rotri bU thoughts by liU yoitngfrif A iBphtwii words and thrust ¬ ing lilmsolf forward MisTHpi iglvr Ijld her baud on his armOh wUflTbr 1 have just told the dear glrN hat you had asked me to harry yoil that we were soon to Jl married ihotKi Id archly looking him Htralglit Ail the eye Slid clasped Lei hands andmurmured I nm so hap p3t Tim hero of Cra wfords ville tried to speak Imt4ho4jcould not He stuml at 13 4ostoss iVtlin smile uf tim- ebudding debutante Mix own open mouthed astonishment wusrefltcted lu tbij fucfSiOf Carolina rued Hope Gear ¬ gun as thly observed their fathers ex ¬ pression Iii forgot he was in Wash ington He did not know be wan a sen ¬ attic Time fact that he hull ever even thought of tanking a speech was fur ¬ thest from his mInd Whitt dud It nil menu Had Mrs BpangltT gone suddenly Insane Ills IQrcnt heaven I Im late Im Intel llnughterswhat did they think These thoughts surged through Lila flustered brain Then It hashed over him she was joking In soino now fashionable way lIe turned toward tho fair wid ow to laugh but her face was losing Its smile A pained expression n sug ¬ gestion of Intense suffering appeared In her face 7 Why do you BO hesitate flenntor Langdon she finally asked in low voice Just loud enough for the two girls to overhear The junior senator from Mlsslaslp I looked at his hostess Sue hud enter ¬ tanned him nnd lad djno much fcr hU daughters In YnrIID toll Fie was plono lu theworlda widow Ill fplt that ho could not shame her before Carolina and Hope Georgia Hlssoutb enl chivalry would not permit that Then too she was n most charming IWMOII rind the thought Why not nut take her nt her word 1 crept lufo liUssiij sit 1 tr ts vf4o 9 Yes father why Oo you hesitate unked Carolina I Senator Ijingdou mustered Ills voice Into service ut lust t Ive been thinking ho said slowly hutJt IThat your daughters dldniot know Mrs Sgnm her of our Tilt telephoneupdtaiteis riugttigi madam said a timid whol lad entered to Mrs Spanglcr rime ndviiiturcsH vould not leave the senator mind lib dntcbters nlonc though she knew It must be Peabody I calling her At nay moment ho might remember hitS speech and leave Al i rcnll lute he would still bo litter carIrll layed Tell tho person speaking that yoi I are umiionviiil to bring inu uny mw Bag < that I afoot leave time dining hall rue said to the maid hp To gain time and to hold the sena ¬ tots attention Mrs Spansler asked slowlyWell seniitor what Willi It that you were going to say when 1 Interrupted you a few moments ngoV IaiUdon land bwn nicking lilt bniln fur Rome tiiHplratloii that would enable him to save the fitlings of hula hostess tumid yet Indicate his itosltlon clearly lIe would not commit blmxulf In nay way lie would jump up and pro iiount H her an Imjumtor first After n moment of fillciiou his cloud ¬ ed face cleared Mrs Spangkr be bognn your tin nounrpinent tcday I have considered to br Iromatnre she KiiKgectcd The wail returned Mr Wall says Senator Lnuudon III wantid at once at the capitol Great heavens cxtlalinod I ingdon sprlntrlng to his feet nnd glancing at the clock Im late Im late I hope to God Im not too late Mr Wall says n carriage II coining for Senator Langdon concluded tin maidVo niusi tall this matter over some other time Mrs Spinglcr the alit slsslpiilan tried as h sent a servant for his hilt nud cote I hope tlwt carriage hurries else Ill try It on the run for the capitol tints a half hour away on foot said Mrs S anglur Better wait Yoyjl sgvc time put to herself she unuttered as though mystified 1 wonder why Peabody cbangc Ida mind so suddenly 7 Why should he now want tho old fool at time UlillonI The rumble of wheels pljtsldv Hurry father cried Hope Georgia Time senator hurried down the stone Came fact o face- wtthlmidTlahua I steps of Mrs Sjinnglcrs resi dence as rapidly an his weight II n rytTKrll II in out under which be labor wl would Iernli- tOpenlmg the couch door he plunged limlde to onio face tg face with Uud Undies who had huddled down In a cor- ner to uvoldtub sorfunce from the Spuneler windows The driver started his horn off on a run Struggling to regain his breath the senator cried Well what ore Never mind now hut first Rather lu all I say senator as weve no time HI lose When I couldnt locate you and I slur you probably wouldnt be- at the fennle chamber In time to wake your speech on the nnvat base bill I persuaded Senator Mllbank of Arkan ¬ sas to rise amid make n apeerli on the currency question which subjctt was In ender lie was under obligation to mo for some Important Information giice obtained for him amid he consent pel to keep the floor until you arrived lionet be knew he would earn tho ytiipeanca of Peabody That was over nn hour and a halt ago lIe twist be rending quotations troll Pilgrims Progress to the senate by now to keep the floor Bud paused to look at Ills watch The senator stretched Ids heath out of the window and cried Drive taster to by Kodol Insures good by duplicating Natures normal In perfectly digest Ing all food taken Into tho alma ¬ ach Whllo Kodol Is doing this tho stomach Is resting and becoming strong and healthy A strong and healthy stomach sound and active brain T eman with sound stomach stomach that Is doing for the- body just what Nature Intended It to doIs the man who Is always prepared for any emergency Ho is hero with the goods The man with sick gtomacli III- II I sick all over When tho stomach Is irritated by i ndlggstod I food the blood and heart are dl ¬ rectly affected Then dullness un natural sick liendaches vertigo and fainting ppclls and oven serious bnln trouble develop Kodol will prevent these Spurring the stomach and brain Got your speech nl rlglilV mantled Bud above the din of tho rattling wheels Yes here was the response the senator tapping his lunar breast pocket Thought maybe she cried had jerking hits head luick In the direction from which they had conic rime Mississippi shook his head nepatlyely nnd set hU Jaws determin ¬ Ifhe entrance Tell mo aHktd Langdon till bulb himpedont hqw did you find out that I phoned the housegave n name Peabody uses Great huavviiH hut how did you know where to phone They were at the door of time senate chamber Norton gains mo tutu tillCor your inku mind Carollmto for mild times take bo sail was Buds reply Continual next week frightful luau Averted crippllifa e nee cap writes Frnnk Disbrrrv Kcllilior tinnt Buck lens Arnica Salve which soon cured mo Infalliablc for wounds cuts and bruises it soon cure Hums Scalds Old Sores HoiN Skin Eruptions Worlds best for Piles oWe nt larkson Drug Store you have broken your engage ¬ ISo to Charley Nlpjicrsoii 1 simply couldnt stand for hn Why limp line of bunk lint be Armlet out wan so fuzzy tbat be had me going half the time I couldnt get bop to hm at IIUCllicogo Record Herald You should not delay under spy KillnI take something promptly that you know is reliable something like Do Wilts Kidney nnd Pill They are unequalcd for weak back backache inilamution 6f tho hind ¬ I tier rheumatic trains etc WllTcn you ask for DeWitts Kidney tine AclI Jackson Drug Co I A nmns a fuel If he believes all his puilosophert t tend Le dues Cleveland leader its a Top Xiitth Jurr Great dcoihrcpmpejrcjrartl The teeth hits why trio American hoopla have crowned Dr Kings DUtbv cry the King of Throat nnd Lung remedied Kvery ntoin is health force H kills germs and colds and la grippe vanish It heals coughracked membranes a nd coughing stops Sore inflamed i bronchial tubes and lungs are cur- ed ¬ and hetnorahagcs cease Dr Gcp Moore Black Jack N C writes it cured mo of lung trout ¬ Ie pronounced hopeless by all doc ¬ t- 1otttfree Drug Co So the world Is getting batter So most people tlmlukt Or nn we Just getting used to Ifi Louisville CourierJournal Children especially like Kenne ¬ I dys Laxative Cough Syrup us U I tastes nearly as good as maple su ¬ gar It not only henls irritation rand allays inslumation thcrby stop ping the cough but it also moves cnydrives byJnckson For mllllouulio be plays mighty close and cautious Well there poker Louisville galller I The Value of Good 1Digestion Ieasy figure if you know what your stomach U worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par value insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia I digestion absolutely process guarantees a a a a man sleepiness j without I Bladder I a a to special effort by tonics and stimulants doesnt euro anything or accomplish any good Neither does dieting Indigestion anti tho serious nllmcnts which it Induces can bo averted and corrected only by natural Kodol mennsI means It work for itjust as tho should perform Itwhllu stomachI ach takes n little rest stomachs sake Our GuarAnteQ yoprdrnaglettndaysnttgettldolrtar l1IIlUuUy uudhe lluu or delay Wewlilthemearthedriil antdrttggt TliUuitrr npiitlr lu tlic lurte Umla imly mid to but ore In a family The large Lot tlacimliiluvljt times uk mucU ait the Jlftj cent buttle- Kodol is prepared at the labor ¬ tories of E C Do Witt Co Chicago V 4 tTI LEIRPJLVVAYrrvL t WLSr BOUND No 1 No 3 Qt Daily Daily Sunday r Kx Sun Only A 1ii I 0 A K lcl G 15 2 26 705 KlliUavn G 20 2 30 7 10 Onkitulo am 2 H 7 23 Atliol C 40 2 Ci2 7 30 TnlHii 0 49 S 00 7x St HiIons G 69 3 11 4B- IVtty vie Jet 7 07 I 20 7 51 Finciistlo 7 15 3 28 802 I Torrent 710 3 a 8 15 J GltMcnirn 7 10 3 CiO 8 22 Nntl large 7 46 I 55 8 26 Cmptoll Jet 748 3 57 8 28 Dundee 7 6ii 4 03 8 32I Kilson 8 03 I 14 8 42 jI Hosslyn 8 on 4 20 8 48 1 Smitten 8 15 120 8 54 Clny City 8 25 1 35 9 02 Indn Plds 8 45 1 rm 9 21 hKJct 9 00 5 07 9 84 Winciiester 9 12 6 20 9 4P Wyimdotto ft 26 r11 9 60 Avon U 55- 2Montrosn Ci 40 10 03 IJO Ii 50 1012 At Lexington 9 66 tj 05 10 25 NO 2 ro 4 EAST HOUND Daily Daily IM AM Lv Lexington 2 25 7 35 Moiitroso 2 38 7 40 Avon 1218 7 fil- Wynndotto 2 63 8 01 Winchester 3 05 8 J2 L B Juno 3 20 8 20 Indian Field 3 34 8 12 Clay City 3 60 U 02 Stanton 3 58 0 11- 1Koxslyn 4 05 U 15 Filson 4 11 9 Pfdr Dundee 4 25 o 84 38Natural Glcncairn 4 38 U 41 Torrent 4 47 0 6tt IiICnstlo 5 00 10 08- BenttyvlllcJunct 5 10 10 17 20Tnllejjii 4fiOakdalo 10OitKJunot ArJackson 810 11 20 CONNKCTJONS Nost with C 0 lly for Mt Sterling AMPTON JUN1IQos nnd 4 will connect with 11021 Central Hallway foe to and frotH Caiuutou HBATT Y VI LLE J UKWION No 2 will connect with the L sfc A llctttlyvine Q tQ K1UNrlIONTcalamNn JJ and 4 withhtlioOhio A Kentucky or C way stations OIJAH SQQKi4Tl Ar tI p I O K UAILWSVYK- IlHOTI VIS XOV HMtKHM1 or WEST HOUND Daily jfc Sun 1BTCLAM sllCtAM A U p M- Lv Jackson U 05 3 00 10Frozen fanclcvo u 38 a ja 59Ilnuipton I Jtoso Fork 12 05 4 SO 16I r N 12 35 5 30 BAST HOUND Daily Ex Sun 2n UIAM lar cii A M P14- Lv Cnnncl City 7 10 1 00 17Lee aiHamton Wilhnrst s87 151 67Frozen 25fAr leaveCanncl leaves Jackson at 4 00 p tn 1t L CONLEY Gop Mgr Mountain Central Depart Arrive 5 45 a m Campion 1 U30 a m 145 p m Camptou G 00t m DepartS 4 00 p m Campion Jun 4 40 p in Make connection withnUL B passenger trains KILL THE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH DrNKings New Discovery FOR cOUCH PRICE TN 100 rIt IAriD ALL THROAT AHDLUNQTnOUBLEt aUARANrEEDBATI8PAarOB OB MONEY REFUNDED = c = c = d DoWitts Little EarlyRisers Urn best known pills and tho bout pills made mire easy to take and net cently and are certain Wo sell and recommend IIH rn- Jackson Drug Co 4- r a U t

Qt Epx BY THOMAS A WISE r l Novelixod from the play byFred ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt71rn303n0f/data/0834.pdf · honesty the voice of the southerner rose to oratorical height This afternoon

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I <AT twenty minutes after 12 Seua ¬

tor LnnRdou nnd SecretaryHalncs were still undisturbedby any move on the part of

Peabody and Stevens who maintainedn silence that to Haliies was dlstluctly

I omInous Ills experience nt the cnpltol had taught him that when the BCII

ate macbbw was quiet Itwas time forsome one to get out from under

Miss Williams the naval commit ¬

tees stenoRrapher enteredSenator Langdon she said Senn ¬

tor Ponbodr and Senator Stevens are

To tell you that thctfiI be ¬

in committeeroom G and theytold me to tellyou that theydhe I cant sayIt Please sir1-

Dd Inter-polated LancelotItiURhlng

Yes sir thatsIt Theyll b-ethatIf theycome in lore nt12uTO You mustcome to themthey say

Tell the gentlcmcu Im sittinghere with my bat-on the buck of

my head smoking a good see gar withnails driven through both shoes Into 1

the floor and looking nt the clockAt 1225 Senator Stevens entered

I came to warn you J mgdon hesaid that Senator Icnbodys patienceIs nearly exhausted You must cometo see him at once If you expect the

r south to get a naval base at Altacoolnor anywhere else If you do not agreeto take his advice this naval bill and

Iany other that you are Interested Innow or lu future will be trampled un ¬

t derfoot In thu senate Mississippi willhave no use for a senator who cannotproduce results In Washington nndthat will prove the bitterest lesson youhave over learned

Im waiting for Peabody here Stem t i wens

Oh ridiculous Of c urse hes nott coming Why Lnngdon hes the king

of the senate He has the biggest menIIosj but1

1a hell owe I trust Peabody more thanthe best clock made at a time llko this

Q Itheni e figure of the senior senator fromi Pennsylvania appeared In the door ¬riwayi day Senator Lnngdon he

remarked Icilyf Same to you Have n seegar sena ¬

oJ tor said Lnngdon Ho turned andsignificantly nt IIajuaa

11i nLrmurNrsenatormsemen themsctresl wouldnt consider1foI youTwe nowr luenrtxr of the naval affairs com ¬

I ftl c over to our side for AltacooluI

began Peabody That gives us a m-



b jority of the committee without your

voteThat wouldnt prevent me from> tanking a minority report for Gulf

City and explaining why I made thatr report would ItV tho Mlsslsslpplan

Iillr asked blandly

lelbotlnl1l1 Stevens both knew thatrl It wouldnt Stevens exchanged glancest

1 with the boss of the senate nnd in

l how voice began making to Langdon uproposition to which Peabodys assent

J t At had been gainedL Laugdou we would like to be

r alone and he nodded toward Haluest Sorry cant oblige senator Lang

don replied Bud and I together makeup the senator from Mississippi1All right What I want to say is

The president 18 appointing acommission to Investigate the condi ¬

f thou of the unemployed The membersare to go to Europe five or six coun-

t J tries and look Into conditions there

formulatelinstancetare under liberal pay1i Ive heard of that commission sailI Lnngdou

I Well Senator Peabody has time

I naming of two senators who will go onthat commission and I suggested thatyour character and ability would makeyou

Good glory exclaimed Lnngdonyou mean that my character and abllothinto this afternoon Stevens Pvo been

wirprlsed SI many times since I cameb to time capital that It doesnt nffvtI me any more Im Just nmused at

your offer or Senator PeabodysI want to toll you two senator

that theres only one thing that I wantIn Washington and you havent of¬

1fered It to me yet When you do Illwith you

Whats that Speak out maul saidPeabody quickly

A iunro dent for the people of theUnited States

IGood lord exclaimed the boss

of the senate Is this Washingtonor Is It heavena It Is not heaven senator put IIIURlnlI1IMan alive cried Peabody Ivebeen In Washington so long that j

t So long youve forgotten that time

American people really exist retortedLangdon and there are more like you

ohm tho senate all because the votershave no chance to choose their own

i senators The public In most statesfLosjtoltake the kind of a senator that

legislature made up mostly ofpollUcluhtf feels like making themtS Yeti P < fbQdy wouldnt be lu






the senate today If the voters had any ¬

thing to say nbout ItI

shouldersThe Pennsylvanian shrugged his

And now Ill tell you honorable sen ¬

ators went on I ingdon thoroughlyaroused something to surprise you I

have discovered that you were notworking for yourselves alone In theAltacoola deal lint that you Intend toturn your land over to the Standard

company nt n big profit as tjoon

till naval base bill U passed ThenIns company will squeeze time govern ¬

for time best part of the hundredmillions that nre to be spout

The senator sank back In hU chairand gazed nt his two opponent

Those two statesmen Jumped to Iheirfeet

I Come Stenns let hlnrdo what hej will We cannot stay here to be in

suited by the ravings of a madmancried the Pennsylvania lint hebrought Ills nssiklate to n standitmidway to the door Hy the wayLangdon what Is It you nre going to-

Ido In the senate thU afternoon lieasked You said you were going tomake us honest against our wll You

know you cant do anythingHud Unities turned his face toward

the speaker and grinned broadly totho senators Intense discomfort

Ill do more thus that announcedLangdon rising and pounding a fistInto his open baud Ill make youawl Stevens more popular than youever were In your lives before

nah shouted PeabodyIll do even more yet Im going to

make you generous patriots And I

regret to say Ill give you the chanceto make the lilts of your careers

The iwllshed hypocrites looked athim too astonished to move

How What they gaspedSwept on by his own enthusiasm

and the force of hits own courageoushonesty the voice of the southernerrose to oratorical height

This afternoon he exclaimedwhen the naval base committee

makes ltd report I will rise In uiyplace and declare that for once In thehistory of the senate men have beenfound who place the Interests of time

government they serve above anychance of pecuniary reward Thesemen lire the members of the navalbase committee

With this idea In view realizingthat dishonest men would try to makemoney out of the government thesemembers of the naval base committeeafter they settled on Altncoola wentout quietly nUll secured control of nil

the land that will be needed for thenaval base nnd these men securedthis at a very nominal figure Nowthey nre ready to turn over their landto the government nt exactly whatthey paid for It without n cent of

profitTJionthcijre jrpluc lo lilt mu overthere In that senate Theyre goingto realize tJl t JUt nJdud of twlltl4ahan arrtredtn

° Washington = tie kindthat 1 and lots of others alwaysthought there was here

And gentlemen he advanced 014

Ills colleagues triumphantly when I

Senator Lnngdon of Mississippi yourcreation In politics have finished thatspeech I dare one of you to get up amid

deny n word 1

The toss of the senate and his natelllte were dumfounded Firmly boo

lieving that Laupdou could find no wayto jiaKs the bill for Altncoola and yetspoil their crooked scheme they weretotally unprepared for any such de

I lore one of ioti to ret tip and deny award I-

nouemcnt To think that a simple oldfashioned planter from the cottonmelds of Mississippi could originatesuch a plan to outwit the two ablestpolitical tricksters In the senate

Lnngdou eyed hIs colleagues trl ¬

umphantlyPeabody however was thinking

quickly lie was never beaten untilthe lost vote was counted on a rolltall He knew that no matter how apparently Insurmountable nn oppositionwas a way to overcome It might oftenbe found by the won who exercisesstrong self control nnd a trained brainThis corrupt victor In scores of bitterpolitical engagements on tho battlefieldof Washington was now In his mostdangerous mood lie would marshalnil hU forces Tho man to defeat himuow must defeat the entire senate inn


=dJ t< 1 TfIk4 4 Y fJ >



M t


Novelixod from the play byFred rickRToombal COPYRlt1lt1G19916Y11pwIAd +twWL1


chIne nnd the allies It could gRIn tn nnemergency he must overcome thepower of Standard Steel be must tightthe resourceful brain of the masterful1cabody himself

Ieabody whispered to Stevens Wemust pretend to be beaten

Then the Pennsylvanian advancedsmiling to Ijiugdon and held out hishand

a Senator Langdon he said Imbeaten Youve beaten the lender ofthe senate something difficult to IMS

I Senator fMnydon Im beaterHere What more youve given me

I the chance of a lifetime to becomeknown as n public benefactor As soonas youve finished your speech in thesenate I will get up and make anotheroueto second yours Heres my hand

I Anything you may ever want out ofPeabody In the future shall be yoursfor the asking

Lungdon refused to grasp the prof ¬

fered handSenator Stevens wade n show of pro

testing ngalnst its superiors seeming



surrenderBut objected look herePeabody turned upon him Instantly-

OhI shut up Stevens dont be afool Come on In The waters tine

The pair of schemers with Norton

I1waI StevensorderingUIII Weve thrown dust In that old f fln

tiers eyes whispered Peabody Itst now ten after 1 lIes to be rccog

iilzcd to mako his speech at 330 Thatglues us two hours and twenty mIllmites

Yes but for what asked Stevensexcitedly Ive been trying myself tothink of something WIU1LlIJouo

wlmt ran you UIrTi n boss ot the 9e ate stttled n t

l1ItyroTI UseMississippi as though if mused andscornful of hits

limitations as n

nIlenuclol18Then his Jaw setbard and hisgrows contracted

I will not doanything I can-not do anything

he hesitated afull ten secondshut Juke Stein

ert canStevens hands

I twltcIlPllnenoultIY

Peabody eagerlyclutched the receiver

And continued Peabody Im expctng n phone call from him any mo ¬

ment I told him his morning thathe night be able to make 1000 be ¬

fore night IfThe telephone bell at the desk int-

errupted hlh-mIenbcdy leaned over and eagerly

clutched the receiverThe senior senator from Mississippi

jerked himself to his feet Ho stoodBt a window and looked out over theroof tops of the citx-


w HEX Senators Peabody andStevens had gone Langdonand Dud went over the situa ¬

tion together nnd concludedthat their opponents bad no means ofdefeating Lnngdons program thatafter all Pcabody might really havemeant his words of surrCllllerIBut they mightter stay right here In the capitol time

rest of the day suggested BudLain dlou scoffed at the IdeaHalncs buxtled away to get n few

mouthfuls of lunch to fortify himselffor a busy afternoon one that was goIre to IKS far Mister than he Imagined

The telephone bell rang at the sena-tors


desk It was Mrs Spangleruvoice tbnt spoke

Senator Langdon she said Carounit and Hope Georgia are here at myhome for luncheon and we all wantyou to join us

Sorry I cannot accept answeredlimo Mlsslsslpplap but I am to maketn important speechtills afternoon

Oh yes 1 know The girls and Iare coming to hear It But you havetwo hours time and If yon come wecan all go over to the senate togetherNow senator humor us a little Dontdisappoint the girls and me We canall drive over to the capitol lu my earrlace

The planter hesitatedthen repliedAll right Ill be over but It mustnt

be n very long luncheonGone to eat back by I 1 oclock he

scratched quickly on n pad on the secretarys desk and departed

Mrs Hpanglers luncheons wereequally as pojlular In Washington asSenator Langdonii dinners The Mlpjsalpplan and his daughters enjoyedthe dpJIencjej spread lavishly beforettm4W1

1 quickly The od plant ¬

er enJoyedTjTeelng his daughters haveno happy and he was not Insen ¬

sible to the charm of his hostess con ¬

versation for Mrs Spaugler hadstudied ontvfully the nrt of Ingratiat ¬

lug hers her guestsSuddenly realizing that be hud proba-


reached the limit of the time liecould spare the senator drew out his

watchWhatn stunning fob you wear

quickly spoke Mrs Spanglcr reachingout her hand nnd taking the watchfrom her guests hauls as the casesunpped open

Oil tCata Carolinas doings laugh ¬

ed Ian dots She said the old goldchain that my grandfather left mewas

Why how lovely murmured MrsSpnnglor gluiulng nt the watch

We have nlcnty uf time yet Wont



have to hurryYour time Is thesame an mineshe added nodding her heal to¬

ward n French


niurble mantelAs till hostess

did this she deft-ly


turned hackthe hands of thesenators watchthlrtyilvo I11lu

utesDo you cureto smoke semi

tor Mrs Spunglcr anieu us herguests concluded their repast If theyoung tortes do nut objoct

Ijungdbh Inclined his head gratefullyund laughdL

They wouldnt be southern girls I

reckon Oft tbey didnt want to see aman lu vd everything to make himhappy er Ijbeg pardon Mrs KpauglerJ mean Htonifortablc Nobody tintsypur Uld be unhappy

The hpftwlj beamed on the chivalrous southerner

Laugdon drew forth n thick lunchpet fectoAnd settlod back luxuriouslyIn his chair after another glance atMrs Send lees clock lie was nbiorbca Itmcntlll resmue ot his forthrnlJlll 1If lal1IlIl did not hear thenext woEAaof the woman addrcssepointedly i his daughters

Do yttu howrreallr why this lunchpon WAs trIm tcdny site queriedThou she outluued bolero Carolinafind HnpeiQeorcIa could formulate re-Illy

Bptfausfcr yoiir father and I wantedto olporluulty to nlmouuco toyouqt ttrhgeuuent

IIsweetestpr nad nt each other Iti

f2bllJnwlII then ut Mr-

rrilue hw Frutuahe taulc amid

feIlIY nt time clllingiluthstrt the fleet to regain

h OlliIJyhum tler age ejaculated

you are Very Idnd to marry fatherbut

Whnts hat t exclaimed the scantnT roused rotri bU thoughts by liUyoitngfrif A iBphtwii words and thrust ¬

ing lilmsolf forwardMisTHpi iglvr Ijld her baud on his

armOh wUflTbr 1 have just told thedear glrN hat you had asked me toharry yoil that we were soon to Jlmarried ihotKi Id archly looking himHtralglit Ail the eye Slid clasped Leihands andmurmured I nm so happ3t

Tim hero of Cra wfords ville tried tospeak Imt4ho4jcould not He stuml at13 4ostoss iVtlin smile uf tim-

ebudding debutante Mix own openmouthed astonishment wusrefltcted lutbij fucfSiOf Carolina rued Hope Gear ¬

gun as thly observed their fathers ex ¬

pression Iii forgot he was in Washington He did not know be wan a sen ¬

attic Time fact that he hull ever eventhought of tanking a speech was fur¬

thest from his mIndWhitt dud It nil menu Had Mrs

BpangltT gone suddenly Insane Ills

IQrcnt heaven I Im late Im Intelllnughterswhat did they think Thesethoughts surged through Lila flusteredbrain Then It hashed over him shewas joking In soino now fashionableway lIe turned toward tho fair widow to laugh but her face was losingIts smile A pained expression n sug ¬

gestion of Intense suffering appearedIn her face 7

Why do you BO hesitate flenntorLangdon she finally asked in lowvoice Just loud enough for the twogirls to overhear

The junior senator from Mlsslaslp I

looked at his hostess Sue hud enter ¬

tanned him nnd lad djno much fcr hUdaughters In YnrIID toll Fie wasplono lu theworlda widow Ill fpltthat ho could not shame her beforeCarolina and Hope Georgia Hlssoutb

enl chivalry would not permit thatThen too she was n most charmingIWMOII rind the thought Why not

nut take her nt her word 1 creptlufo liUssiij


trts vf4o


Yes father why Oo you hesitateunked Carolina

I Senator Ijingdou mustered Ills voiceInto service ut lust t

Ive been thinking ho said slowlyhutJtIThat your daughters dldniot knowMrs Sgnm her of our

Tilt telephoneupdtaiteis riugttigimadam said a timid whol lad enteredto Mrs Spanglcr

rime ndviiiturcsH vould not leave thesenator mind lib dntcbters nloncthough she knew It must be Peabody

I calling her At nay moment ho mightremember hitS speech and leave Al i

rcnll lute he would still bo littercarIrlllayedTell tho person speaking that yoi


are umiionviiil to bring inu uny mwBag < that I afoot leave time dininghall rue said to the maid hp

To gain time and to hold the sena ¬

tots attention Mrs Spansler asked

slowlyWellseniitor what Willi It that you

were going to say when 1 Interruptedyou a few moments ngoV

IaiUdon land bwn nicking lilt bnilnfur Rome tiiHplratloii that would enablehim to save the fitlings of hula hostesstumid yet Indicate his itosltlon clearlylIe would not commit blmxulf In nayway lie would jump up and proiiount H her an Imjumtor first

After n moment of fillciiou his cloud ¬

ed face clearedMrs Spangkr be bognn your tin

nounrpinent tcday I have consideredto br

Iromatnre she KiiKgectcdThe wail returned

Mr Wall says Senator Lnuudon III

wantid at once at the capitolGreat heavens cxtlalinod I ingdon

sprlntrlng to his feet nnd glancing atthe clock Im late Im late I hopeto God Im not too late

Mr Wall says n carriage II coiningfor Senator Langdon concluded tinmaidVo

niusi tall this matter over someother time Mrs Spinglcr the alitslsslpiilan tried as h sent a servantfor his hilt nud cote I hope tlwtcarriage hurries else Ill try It on therun for the capitol

tints a half hour away on foot saidMrs S anglur Better wait Yoyjlsgvc time

put to herself she unuttered asthough mystified

1 wonder why Peabody cbangc Idamind so suddenly 7 Why should henow want tho old fool at time UlillonI

The rumble of wheelspljtsldv

Hurry father cried Hope GeorgiaTime senator hurried down the stone

Came fact o face-wtthlmidTlahuaI

steps of MrsSjinnglcrs residence as rapidlyan his weightIIn rytTKrll II

in out underwhich be laborwl would Iernli-tOpenlmg thecouch door heplunged limldeto onio face tgface with UudUndies whohad huddleddown In a cor-ner to uvoldtubsorfunce fromthe Spuneler

windows The driver started hishorn off on a run

Struggling to regain his breath thesenator cried

Well what oreNever mind now hut first Rather

lu all I say senator as weve no timeHI lose When I couldnt locate youand I slur you probably wouldnt be-

at the fennle chamber In time to wakeyour speech on the nnvat base bill Ipersuaded Senator Mllbank of Arkan ¬

sas to rise amid make n apeerli on thecurrency question which subjctt wasIn ender lie was under obligation tomo for some Important Informationgiice obtained for him amid he consentpel to keep the floor until you arrivedlionet be knew he would earn thoytiipeanca of Peabody That was overnn hour and a halt ago lIe twist berending quotations troll PilgrimsProgress to the senate by now to keepthe floor

Bud paused to look at Ills watchThe senator stretched Ids heath out of

the window and cried Drive taster



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Got your speech nl rlglilV mantled

Bud above the din of tho rattlingwheels

Yes here was the response thesenator tapping his lunar breast pocket

Thought maybe she cried hadjerking hits head luick In the directionfrom which they had conic

rime Mississippi shook his headnepatlyely nnd set hU Jaws determin ¬Ifheentrance

Tell mo aHktd Langdon till bulbhimpedont hqw did you find outthat

I phoned the housegave n namePeabody uses

Great huavviiH hut how did youknow where to phone

They were at the door of time senatechamber

Norton gains mo tutu tillCor yourinku mind Carollmto for mild timestake bo sail was Buds reply

Continual next week

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Kx Sun Only A1iiI0 A K lcl G 15 2 26 705KlliUavn G 20 2 30 7 10Onkitulo am 2 H 7 23Atliol C 40 2 Ci2 7 30TnlHii 0 49 S 00 7xSt HiIons G 69 3 11 4B-

IVtty vie Jet 7 07 I 20 7 51Finciistlo 7 15 3 28 802 ITorrent 710 3 a 8 15 JGltMcnirn 7 10 3 CiO 8 22Nntl large 7 46 I 55 8 26Cmptoll Jet 748 3 57 8 28Dundee 7 6ii 4 03 8 32IKilson 8 03 I 14 8 42 jI

Hosslyn 8 on 4 20 8 48 1

Smitten 8 15 120 8 54Clny City 8 25 1 35 9 02Indn Plds 8 45 1 rm 9 21hKJct 9 00 5 07 9 84Winciiester 9 12 6 20 9 4PWyimdotto ft 26 r11 9 60Avon U 55-

2MontrosnCi 40 10 03

IJO Ii 50 1012At Lexington 9 66 tj 05 10 25

NO 2 ro 4EAST HOUND Daily Daily

IM AMLv Lexington 2 25 7 35

Moiitroso 2 38 7 40Avon 1218 7 fil-Wynndotto 2 63 8 01Winchester 3 05 8 J2L B Juno 3 20 8 20Indian Field 3 34 8 12Clay City 3 60 U 02Stanton 3 58 0 11-1Koxslyn 4 05 U 15Filson 4 11 9 PfdrDundee 4 25 o 84

38NaturalGlcncairn 4 38 U 41Torrent 4 47 0 6ttIiICnstlo 5 00 10 08-BenttyvlllcJunct 5 10 10 17


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AMPTON JUN1IQosnnd 4 will connect with

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HBATT Y VI LLE J UKWIONNo 2 will connect with the L sfc Allctttlyvine

Q tQ K1UNrlIONTcalamNnJJ and 4 withhtlioOhio A Kentuckyor C way stations





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