QUARTERLY REPORT NO. 12 JANUARY – MARCH 2008 MARCH 2008 This publication was produced by Development Alternatives, Inc. for the United States Agency for International Development under Contract No. 497-M-00-05-00005-00


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MARCH 2008

This publication was produced by Development Alternatives, Inc. for the United States Agency for International Development under Contract No. 497-M-00-05-00005-00

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Photo credit: Ardita R. Çaesari Ir. Budi Yuwono, Director General for Infrastructure at the Ministry of Public Works, was interviewed by journalists after the half-day media discussion entitled “2008: International Sanitation Year ” on January 22, 2008 in Jakarta. The media discussion featured a panel of speakers made up of former Millennium Development Goals Ambassador for the Asia-Pacific Region (Erna Witoelar), the Director General for Infrastructure of the Ministry of Public Works (Budi Yuwono), the Director of Settlements and Housing of the National Development Planning Board (Budi Hidayat), and a member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (Tjatur Edi Sapto). The discussion was part of ESP's nation-wide multi media campaign #10 on sanitation. For more about this, please read the Cover Story on page v.

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QUARTERLY REPORT NO. 12 JANUARI – MARCH 2008 Title: Quarterly Report No. 12,

January – March 2008. Program, activity, or project number: Environmental Services Program,

DAI Project Number: 5300201. Strategic objective number: SO No. 2, Higher Quality Basic Human

Services Utilized (BHS). Sponsoring USAID office and contract number: USAID/Indonesia,

Contract number: 497-M-00-05-00005-00. Contractor name: DAI. Date of publication: March 2008.

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Development Alternatives, Inc.

In collaboration with:

The Urban Institute Hatch Mott MacDonald

Johns Hopkins Center for Communications Programs FIELD Indonesia John Snow, Inc.

Rare Center for Tropical Conservation PERPAMSI/FORKAMI

Social Impact CO2OL-USA

Kleiman International Consultants, Inc. Evensen Dodge International

Mayflower Partners LLC

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ESP PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP................................................................................IV COVER STORY ..........................................................................................................................V

2008: A BRAND NEW YEAR FOR THE INDONESIAN SANITATION SECTOR .....................................................V CERITA SAMPUL..........................................................................................................................V

2008, LEMBARAN BARU SEKTOR SANITASI INDONESIA ................................................................................................V INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 1

ESP OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................................................2 SUMMARY OF QUARTERLY ACHIEVEMENTS ............................................................................................5

PENGANTAR DAN RINGKASAN ................................................................................................. 1 SEKILAS ESP ................................................................................................................................................................2 RINGKASAN KEBERHASILAN PENCAPAIAN TRIWULAN .............................................................................................5

ESP REGIONAL UPDATES.................................................................................................... 16 NANGGROE ACEH DARUSSALAM........................................................................................................................ 17 NORTH SUMATRA ................................................................................................................................................. 24 JAKARTA ................................................................................................................................................................. 30 WEST JAVA.............................................................................................................................................................. 35 CENTRAL JAVA AND YOGYAKARTA.................................................................................................................... 40 EAST JAVA ............................................................................................................................................................... 47 SPECIAL CONCERN IMPERATIVE AREAS ............................................................................................................... 56

NATIONAL & PROGRAM MANAGEMENT UPDATES .................................................... 57 NATIONAL UPDATES ............................................................................................................................................ 58 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT UPDATES.................................................................................................................... 65

PROJECT MONITORING & EVALUATION........................................................................ 69 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................... 83

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ESP Program Site Location Map

Krueng Aceh WatershedAceh Besar DistrictWest Coast Coridor

Deli WatershedKaro District

Deli Serdang DistrictMedan Municipality

Gede Pangrango catchment areaBurangrang Tangkuban Perahu catchment area

Cianjur DistrictSubang District

Bandung DistrictBandung Municipality

Tangsi Sub WatershedMagelang District

Klaten DistrictMagelang Municipality

Yogyakarta Municipality

Sumber Brantas Sub Watershed

Malang DistrictBatu Municipality

Surabaya Municipality

Indian Ocean

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2008: A BRAND NEW YEAR FOR THE INDONESIAN SANITATION SECTOR ESP conducted a media discussion on sanitation with the hope of providing journalists with an in-depth understanding of Indonesia’s current water and sanitation conditions. The United Nations has declared 2008 International Sanitation Year. In connection with this declaration, Environmental Services Program (ESP) hosted a half-day media discussion entitled “2008: International Sanitation Year”, featuring a panel of speakers made up of former Millennium Development Goals Ambassador for the Asia-Pacific Region, Erna Witoelar; the Director General for Infrastructure of the Ministry of Public Works, Ir. Budi Yuwono; the Director of Settlements and Housing of the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas), Budi Hidayat; and member of Commission VII of the House of Representative, Tjatur Edi Sapto, in Jakarta on January 22.


2008, LEMBARAN BARU SEKTOR SANITASI INDONESIA ESP mengadakan diskusi media tentang sektor sanitasi, sebuah upaya memberikan gambaran yang lebih mendalam dan terkini tentang dunia sanitasi indonesia kepada para jurnalis

Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa mendeklarasikan 2008 sebagai sebagai Tahun Sanitasi Internasional. Sebagai bentuk dukungan atas deklarasi tersebut, Program Jasa Lingkungan (ESP) mengadakan diskusi media bertema “2008: Tahun Sanitasi Internasional” tanggal 22 Januari lalu di Jakarta. Pembicara yang tampil pada cara tersebut adalah mantan Duta Besar Millennium Development Goals untuk Asia-Pasifik Erna Witoelar, Direktorat

Jenderal Cipta Karya Departemen Pekerjaan Umum Ir. Budi Yuwono, Direktur Pemukiman dan Perumahan Bappenas Budi Hidayat dan Tjatur Edi Sapto, anggota Komisi VII DPR.


Sanitation gathering. ESP recently hosted a media discussion aimed at providing in-depth konwledge on water and sanitation to journalists in Jakarta. Pertemuan sanitasi. ESP baru-baru ini mengadakan diskusi media dengan tujuan memberikan gambaran mendalam kepada para junalis tentang kondisi air dan sanitasi di Indonesia.

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According to Erna Witoelar, water and sanitation, which are among the most important elements toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), often fail to get adequate attention from the government. “Neither of these things has been made a national issue that would drive people to do something to improve the situation,” Erna says. With funding a perennial problem for the government, the state budget allocates only Rp 200 per person annually for sanitation. In order to access more funds, Erna suggested the government become more creative in financing sanitation facilities across the country. “They should be able to gather support from various parties, thus their limited budget would be covered by other sources, be it donors or corporations, for example.” Budi Hidayat from Bappenas said that improved information dissemination is among the efforts made by his office is to improve the situation in the sanitation sector in Indonesia. “We have created water and sanitation working groups and networked with concerned parties in many provinces in Indonesia. There is also a publication called “Percik” which features the A to Z of Indonesian sanitation,” he said. Unlike its neighboring countries, especially Singapore and Malaysia, where sophisticated treatment of human waste is one of the basic services provided by the government to its people, Indonesia is still far behind in sanitation overall. “We consider the problem solved when we manage to keep the human waste under the ground or as far as possible away from our sight,” Budi Yuwono said.

Sebagai salah satu senjata utama untuk mewujudkan MGD, air dan sanitasi, menurut Erna Witoelar, seringkali disepelekan orang dan hanya mendapat perhatian sedikit dari pemerintah. “Air dan sanitasi tidak dijadikan sebuah isu nasional yang bisa mendorong orang berbuat sesuatu untuk memperbaiki kondisinya,” kata Erna. Walau uang selalu menjadi masalah utama sektor sanitasi, sebuah kondisi yang didukung fakta bahwa pemerintah hanya mengalokasikan Rp 200 per orang untuk

fasilitas sanitasi di Indonesia, Erna menyarankan pemerintah lebih kreatif dalam mencari sumber pembiayan pembangunan sarana sanitasi di seluruh Indonesia. “Pemerintah harus bisa mengumpulkan dukungan dari berbagai pihak sehingga anggaran yang terbatas dapat diatasi oleh sumber lain, bisa donor atau pihak swasta, contohnya.” Budi Hidayat dari Bappenas menyebutkan penyebaran informasi yang lebih baik seputar dunia sanitasi adalah salah satu usaha yang telah dilakukan Bappenas untuk mendorong perbaikan kondisi sanitasi di Indonesia. “Kami sudah mendirikan kelompok kerja air dan sanitasi sambil membangun jejaring dengan pihak-pihak yang peduli di banyak propinsi di Indonesia. Sekarang juga sudah terbit majalah “Percik”, yang membahasa masalah sanitasi di Indonesia dari A sampai Z,” kata Budi. Tidak seperti negara-negara tetangganya, terutama Singapura dan Malaysia, di mana sistem pengolahan kotoran manusia yang canggih menjadi salah satu layanan dasar yang disediakan pemerintah kepada masyarakat, di Indonesia sistem pengolahan limbah jenis ini masih jauh ketinggalan. Padahal pengolahan limbah kotoran manusia adalah salah satu masalah utama yang dihadapi sektor sanitasi “Kita menganggap masalah limbah


Dirty works. With funding a perennial problem, state budget allocates only Rp 200 per person annually for sanitation. Bekerja membersihkan yang kotor. Kekurangan dana selalu menjadi masalah klasik di mana-mana. Anggaran negara untuk sanitasi hanya Rp 200 per orang setiap tahun.

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manusia selesai ketika berhasil menimbunnya di dalam tanah dan tidak terlihat oleh mata. Padahal masalahnya lebih kompleks dari itu,” kata Budi Yuwono.

The speakers at the discussion were optimistic, however, that no matter how challenging the sanitation problems are, they can be overcome with solid teamwork among all related parties, including the media, whose influence can penetrate as far as into villages and hamlets. Using the power of the airwaves is one the suggestions given by journalists present at the event. “I would suggest the use of radio frequencies to help disseminate any information on any problems, progress or ideas relating to sanitation, as that would be very effective and cost-saving,” he said.

Seberapapun besar tantangan dan masalah yang dihadapi sektor sanitasi Indonesia, semua pembicara dalam diskusi ini optimis semua bisa diatasi dengan kerjasama yang kuat dari semua pihak, termasuk media yang pengaruhnya menjangkau daerah-derah pelosok di desa dan dusun. Memanfaatkan kekuatan stasiun radio adalah satu ide yang diusulkan salah seorang jurnalis yang hadir hari itu. “Menurut saya stasiun radio bisa membantu menyiarkan program-program yang berhubungan dengan ide, masalah atau kemajuan dunia sanitasi di Indonesia dengan efektif dan hemat biaya,” katanya.



“I agree 200 percent,” said Erna. “Sanitation is too big an issue to be handled solely by the government. The more people involved, the better the results will be.”

“Saya setuju 200 persen,” kata Erna. “Masalah sanitasi terlalu pelik untuk ditangani sendiri oleh pemerintah. Semakin banyak orang terlibat, semakin baik hasil perbaikan yang akan dicapai.”

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Environmental Services Program (ESP - Program Layanan Jasa Lingkungan) USAID mendorong tercapainya kesehatan yang lebih baik melalui perbaikan pengelolaan sumber daya air dan perluasan akses untuk memperoleh layanan sanitasi dan air bersih.

USAID's Environmental Services Program (ESP) promotes better health through improved water resources management and expanded access to clean water and sanitation services.

This Quarterly Progress Report for ESP is submitted to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) in accordance with Article II, Section G, Reports (as modified) of Contract No. 497-M-00-05-00005-00, originally executed January 11, 2005. This document represents Quarterly Progress Report No. 12 of the Environmental Services Program, for the period January 1 through March 31, 2008. This report provides information on the execution of program activities in the regions covered by ESP. Copies of this report are also provided to Government of Indonesia steering committee members, other relevant programs of USAID, as well as subcontractors and partners of the ESP Program per the distribution list attached to the transmittal letter.

Laporan Kemajuan Triwulan untuk ESP ini disampaikan kepada United States Agency for International Development oleh Development Alternatives, Inc. sesuai ketentuan dalam Pasal II, Bab G, Laporan-Laporan (sesuai revisi) dari Kontrak No. 497-M-00-05-00005-00, yang ditandatangani pada 11 Januari 2005. Dokumen ini merupakan Laporan Kemajuan Triwulan No. 12 dari the Environmental Services Program (Program Layanan Jasa Lingkungan), untuk periode 1 Januari sampai 31 Maret 2008. Laporan ini memberikan informasi pelaksanaan program di berbagai daerah yang menjadi wilayah kerja ESP. Salinan laporan ini juga disampaikan kepada para anggota komite pengarah dari Pemerintah Indonesia, program USAID lain yang terkait, dan juga bagi subkontraktor dan mitra Program ESP, sesuai daftar distribusi yang dilampirkan pada surat pengiriman. Bagian I dari laporan ini menyediakan ringkasan eksekutif mengenai program dan pencapaian-pencapaiannya dalam triwulan ini. Bagian 2 menjelaskan kegiatan program terpadu di masing-masing wilayah secara lebih terperinci. Dua bagian selanjutnya memberikan informasi terbaru mengenai inisiatif-inisiatif nasional dan manajemen program (Bagian 3), dan pemantauan serta evaluasi program (Bagian 4).

Section I of this report provides the reader with an executive-style summary of the program and its achievements this quarter. Section 2 describes integrated program activities in each region in greater detail. The final two sections provide an update on national initiatives and program management (Section 3), and program monitoring and evaluation (Section 4).

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ESP OVERVIEW ESP works with national and local government, private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to improve the management of water resources and broaden the distribution of safe water to urban dwellers by strengthening watershed management and delivery of key environmental services, including clean water supply, wastewater collection and treatment and solid waste management in Indonesia. The period of the project is from December 2004 through September 2009 including an initial transition from previous programs. ESP is a five-year project which was developed by USAID/Indonesia to improve sustainable management of water resources and improve access to clean water. ESP activities are focused on the High Priority Integrated Provinces of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, East Java, Central Java/Yogyakarta, West Java/Banten and DKI Jakarta. ESP also supports a limited set of activities in the Special Concern Imperative Areas of Padang, Balikpapan, Manado, Manokwari and Jayapura. ESP supports activities in the following three key areas:

• Improving health by increasing access to clean water and sanitation services;

• Improved watershed management and protection of water resources, particularly in areas of high-value biodiversity;

• Increasing the production and distribution of clean water.

The ESP program provides technical assistance and related services to impact USAID’s Strategic Objective No. 2, Higher Quality Basic Human Services Utilized (BHS). BHS focuses on the interdependence of health and the environment and their impact on health outcomes. To achieve this, USAID will increase


SEKILAS ESP ESP bekerja sama dengan pemerintah, sektor swasta, LSM, kelompok masyarakat dan para pemangku kepentingan lainnya untuk memperbaiki pengelolaan sumber daya air dan memperluas distribusi air yang aman untuk penduduk perkotaan dengan cara perbaikan pengelolaan daerah aliran air sungai dan penyediaan jasa lingkungan penting, termasuk pasokan air bersih, penampungan serta pengolahan air limbah dan pengelolaan limbah padat di Indonesia. Periode pelaksanaan proyek ini adalah sejak Desember 2004 sampai September 2009, termasuk juga masa transisi awal dari program-program sebelumnya. ESP adalah proyek lima tahun yang dikembangkan USAID/Indonesia untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan sumber daya air secara lestari berkelanjutan dan memperbaiki akses masyarakat terhadap air bersih. Kegiatan-kegiatan ESP difokuskan pada Provinsi-Provinsi Utama yakni Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Sumatra Utara, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah/ Yogyakarta, Jawa Barat/Banten dan DKI Jakarta. ESP juga mendukung beberapa kegiatan terbatas di Wilayah-Wilayah Perhatian Khusus yakni Padang, Balikpapan, Manado, Manokwari dan Jayapura. ESP menjalankan kegiatan dalam tiga bidang utama berikut ini:

• Meningkatkan kesehatan dengan memperluas jangkauan layanan sanitasi dan air bersih;

• Memperbaiki pengelolaan daerah aliran sungai dan perlindungan sumber daya air, khususnya di daerah-daerah yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati bernilai tinggi.

• Meningkatkan produksi dan distribusi air bersih.

Program ESP menyediakan bantuan teknis dan pelayanan yang terkait guna memenuhi Tujuan Strategis No. 2 USAID yakni Layanan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia dengan Kualitas yang Lebih Tinggi (Higher Quality Basic Human Services Utilized - BHS). BHS memusatkan perhatian pada interaksi saling

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bergantung antara lingkungan dan kesehatan serta dampaknya terhadap tingkat kesehatan masyarakat. Untuk mencapai hal ini, USAID akan meningkatkan akses dan pemanfaatan dari layanan-layanan pokok dalam bidang lingkungan dan kesehatan, khususnya bagi masyarakat yang kurang terlayani atau sama sekali belum merasakan layanan tersebut.

access and utilization of key health and environmental services, particularly to users currently underserved or not served at all.




In accordance with Section C of the Contract, ESP works with the Government of Indonesia, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to strengthen watershed management and key environmental services through four interrelated project objectives:


Merujuk pada Bagian C dalam kontrak, ESP membina kerja sama dengan Pemerintah Indonesia, sektor swasta, LSM, kelompok masyarakat dan para pemangku kepentingan lainnya untuk memperbaiki pengelolaan daerah aliran sungai dan layanan pokok lingkungan melalui empat tujuan yang saling berhubungan:

1. Strengthen the capacity of communities,

governments, the private sector, local institutions, and NGOs to advocate for expanded delivery of key environmental services through improved water resources and protected areas management;

1. Memperkuat kapasitas masyarakat,

pemerintah, sektor swasta, institusi lokal, dan LSM dalam mendukung perluasan layanan pokok lingkungan melalui peningkatan pengelolaan sumber daya air dan kawasan yang dilindungi;

2. Expand opportunities for communities, NGOs, private sector and universities to participate more effectively in local management of water resources and delivery of key environmental services;

2. Memperluas kesempatan bagi masyarakat, LSM, sektor swasta dan universitas untuk berperan serta secara lebih efektif dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air lokal dan pemenuhan layanan pokok lingkungan;

3. Strengthen biodiversity conservation through improving understanding and appreciation for the linkage between protected and forested areas and the delivery of key environmental services; and

3. Memperkokoh pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati melalui peningkatan pemahaman dan penghargaan terhadap keterkaitan antara kawasan lindung dan kawasan hutan serta pemenuhan layanan pokok lingkungan; dan

4. Improve health and livelihoods of Indonesians through improved and expanded access to key environmental services (namely water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, and solid waste management) through the use of appropriate technologies, innovative financing, environmentally sustainable best practices, and sustainable market oriented activities.

4. Meningkatkan kesehatan dan mata pencaharian penduduk Indonesia melalui perbaikan serta perluasan akses terhadap layanan pokok lingkungan (yakni air, penampungan dan pengolahan air limbah, serta pengolahan limbah padat) dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang tepat, pendanaan yang inovatif, praktik-praktik terbaik yang berkelanjutan secara lingkungan dan kegiatan berorientasi pasar yang berkelanjutan.

ESP takes a community-based approach, acting as a catalyst for improving health and hygiene behavior change, stimulating better land stewardship, and improving the provision of basic water and sanitation services.

ESP mengambil pendekatan berbasis masyarakat, bertindak sebagai katalis untuk meningkatkan perubahan perilaku kesehatan dan kebersihan, mendorong pengelolaan lahan yang lebih baik, dan memperbaiki penyediaan layanan dasar untuk air dan sanitasi.

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Yang menjadi inti pengikat bagi program-program di atas adalah pendekatan terkoordinasi, kolaboratif dan terpadu dengan melibatkan semua program dari Basic Human Services Offices (Kantor Layanan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia) USAID. Agar program-program BHS bisa lebih berhasil dan berdampak efektif, telah dilakukan banyak upaya untuk mencapai sinergi setinggi mungkin antara program-program ini. ESP memiliki komitmen untuk bekerja sama dengan erat dan bekerja paralel dengan program BHS lain yang terkait antara lain—namun tidak terbatas pada—program tersebut di bawah ini:

Central to the above-described program is a coordinated, collaborative and integrated approach involving all of the programs of the Basic Human Services Offices of USAID. In order to more effectively impact the success rate of BHS programs, strong efforts are being made to assure as much synergy within the program as possible. ESP is committed to working closely with and in parallel to other relevant BHS programs such as, but not limited to:



• The Health Services (HSP) Program

(Maternal, Neo-natal and Child Health)

• The Health Services Program (HSP, Program Layanan Jasa Kesehatan) – Kesehatan Ibu, Bayi dan Anak

• The Food Security and Nutrition Programs (food assistance) NGO partners • The Food Security and Nutrition Programs

(Program Keamanan Pangan dan Gizi) – bantuan pangan dan para LSM Mitra

• The Safe Water Systems (SWS) Project (aka Aman Tirta)

• Safe Water Systems (SWS) Project (atau dikenal juga dengan nama Aman Tirta)

• Orangutan Conservation Support Program (OCSP)

• Program Bantuan Konservasi Orangutan (Orangutan Conservation Support Program – OCSP)

• Community-Based Avian Influenza Control (CBAIC) Program

• Program Pengendalian Influenza Unggas

Berbasis Masyarakat (Community-Based Avian Influenza Control – CBAIC)

ESP program also collaborates very closely with other relevant programs of related USAID Strategic Objectives, such as the Local Governance Support Program (LGSP), the Decentralized Basic Education Programs (DBE 1, 2 & 3), and the Aceh Technical Assistance Recovery Program (A-TARP). Additionally, ESP collaborates closely with the USAID regional program, ECO-Asia, based out of the USAID Regional Mission in Bangkok, Thailand, and serving Indonesia among a number of other Asian countries.

Program ESP juga bekerja sama erat dengan program-program relevan lainnya dari Sasaran-Sasaran Strategis USAID, seperti Local Governance Support Program (LGSP, Program Dukungan Tata Kelola Pemerintah Lokal), the Decentralized Basic Education Programs (DBE 1, 2 & 3, Program Pendidikan Dasar Terdesentralisasi), dan the Aceh Technical Assistance Recovery Program (A-TARP, Program Bantuan Teknis Pemulihan Aceh). Selain itu, ESP juga bekerja sama secara erat dengan program regional USAID, ECO-Asia, yang berbasis di Misi Regional USAID di Bangkok, Thailand, dan melayani Indonesia serta sejumlah negara Asia lainnya..

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Bagian 1.2 memberikan ringkasan kegiatan dan keberhasilan pencapaian di masing-masing Provinsi Utama ESP dalam periode pelaporan ini. Kegiatan-kegiatan yang menonjol pada Inisiatif Nasional dan Pengelolaan Program juga dipaparkan di bagian ini.

Section 1.2 provides a brief summary of quarterly activities and achievements in each of ESP’s High Priority Provinces during this reporting period. Notable activities for National Initiatives and Program Management are also presented.


Aceh Darussalam terus melanjutkan keberhasilannya dalam mewujudkan mata pencaharian lestari berkelanjutan bagi masyarakat di lokasi-lokasi terpadu yang ditangani dalam triwulan lalu. Hasil-hasil utama dalam triwulan tersebut antara lain:

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. ESP in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam continued to successfully leverage sustainable livelihoods for people in its integrated sites during this past quarter. Major outcomes during the quarter included:

• ESP memfasilitasi pengembangan 15 program pengelolaan limbah padat tingkat desa.

• ESP facilitated the development of 15 village-level solid waste management programs. • ESP memanfaatkan dukungan USAID/SPD

untuk membeli perangkat keras seharga 380 juta rupiah untuk sistem distribusi air yang desainnya dikembangkan oleh ESP. ESP dan masyarakat Naga Umbang memasang sistem tersebut dengan mendapat bantuan dari PDAM Aceh Besar.

• ESP leveraged USAID/SPD support for the purchase of hardware worth Rupiah 380 million for a water distribution system design developed by ESP. ESP and the people of Naga Umbang are installing the system with the help of PDAM Aceh Besar.

• 2.290 hektar lahan kritis telah direhabilitasi sepanjang Triwulan sehingga total dalam tahun ini telah mencapai 3.132 hektar. Dengan demikian, ESP hanya kurang 50 hektar lagi untuk memenuhi target keseluruhan untuk proyek ESP di Aceh.

• 2,290 hectares of critical land was rehabilitated during the Quarter for an annual total of 3,132. This leaves ESP only 50 hectares short of the overall target for the ESP project in Aceh.

• One new forum, Forum Peujroh Pantee Aceh Jaya (FORPPAJA), was established on Aceh’s west coast.

• Satu forum baru, Forum Peujroh Pantee Aceh Jaya (FORPPAJA), dibentuk di pantai barat Aceh.

• Tiga kebijakan baru yang mendukung pengelolaan lingkungan hidup lokal dan konservasi keanekaragaman hayati telah diberlakukan.

• Three new policies in support of local environmental management and biodiversity conservation were enacted.

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North Sumatra. The North Sumatra ESP program was in full stride during this quarter, with significant activities in both upstream and downstream areas. In previous periods, budgets were ‘leveraged’ from government sources, and currently these funds are being turned into pipes, treatment facilities, and community organizing activities.

Sumatra Utara. Program ESP Sumatra Utara berjalan dengan kecepatan penuh dalam triwulan ini, dengan berbagai kegiatan penting baik di wilayah hulu maupun hilir. Pada periode-periode terdahulu, anggaran telah “diupayakan" dari sumber-sumber pemerintah, dan saat ini dana-dana tersebut sedang diwujudkan menjadi pipa-pipa, fasilitas pengolahan, dan kegiatan-kegiatan masyarakat.



• Facilitating Inter-agency collaboration

and resource mobilization. In order to scale-up ‘Water for the Poor’ programs, ESP facilitated partnerships and resource sharing between Government agencies, in this case between provincial water company, PDAM Tirtanadi, the Medan City Government, and local NGOs.

• Considering the Future. A visit by Patrick Smith from USAID Washington stimulated discussion on adapting current approaches and modalities to the important issues of the future related to Climate Change. Internal workshops with field staff were held to initiate the development of curriculum and learning activities on Climate Change Awareness and Adaptation.

• Investing in the Next Generation through School-based Activities. 11 schools, representing both upstream and downstream areas, are involved with Clean, Green, and Hygiene programs now aligned with school curricula. An additional 8 schools in upstream areas will work on ‘Conservation Savings and Environmental Education Programs’ under a small grant initiated this Quarter.

DKI Jakarta. This Quarter, ESP Jakarta strengthened the existing community-based solid waste management programs in Petojo Utara and Jembatan Besi. ESP’s school-based program got underway with the initiation of a CGH school program in an Islamic school in Penjaringan and 5 public elementary schools in partnership with

• Memfasilitasi kerjasama antar badan dan mobilisasi sumber daya. Untuk memperluas program “Air bagi Warga Miskin”, ESP memfasilitasi kemitraan dan berbagi sumber daya antar badan-badan pemerintah, dalam hal ini antara perusahaan air minum provinsi, PDAM Tirtanadi, Pemerintah Kota Medan dan LSM-LSM lokal.

• Merenungkan Masa Depan. Kunjungan oleh Patrick Smith dari USAID Washington telah mendorong diskusi tentang bagaimana untuk mengadaptasi pendekatan-pendekatan dan jalur-jalur modalitas yang ada saat ini untuk mengatasi persoalan-persoalan penting di masa mendatang yang berkaitan dengan Perubahan Iklim. Lokakarya internal dengan para staf lapangan diadakan untuk memulai pengembangan kurikulum dan kegiatan pembelajaran tentang Kesadaran dan Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim.

• Investasi pada Generasi Masa Depan melalui Kegiatan-Kegiatan Berbasis Sekolah. 11 sekolah, mewakili wilayah-wilayah hulu maupun hilir, turut serta dalam program Bersih, Hijau dan Sehat yang sekarang diselaraskan dengan kurikulum sekolah. Sebanyak 8 sekolah lainnya di wilayah hulu akan menjalankan “Program Penghematan Konservasi dan Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup” berdasarkan sebuah hibah kecil yang disalurkan pada Triwulan ini.

DKI Jakarta. Triwulan ini, ESP Jakarta memperkuat program pengelolaan sampah padat berbasis masyarakat yang telah ada di Petojo Utara dan Jembatan Besi. Program berbasis sekolah ESP terus berjalan dengan dimulainya program sekolah Bersih, Hijau dan Sehat di sebuah sekolah Islam di Penjaringan dan 5 sekolah dasar negeri, bermitra

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dengan Helen Keller International (HKI), yang merupakan salah satu program Kesempatan bagi Anak-Anak Rentan (Opportunities for Vulnerable Children) USAID. Sorotan lain pada triwulan ini antara lain:

Helen Keller International (HKI), which is a USAID Opportunities for Vulnerable Children program. Other highlights this quarter include:



• Development of CBSWM module

followed by a cadre training on solid waste management in Petojo Utara and Jembatan Besi.

• Comparative study to ESP field sites in Bandung, West Java, for communities to learn about solid waste management programs and a communal water supply system.

• ESP conducted an introductory workshop for small grant recipients and community members.

• The first composting pilot program of HP3/IDRC produced 150 kg of good quality compost from 500 kg of organic waste after 4 months of operation.

• ESP Jakarta jointly conducted several national seminars and workshops, namely: Workshop on Community Based Solid Waste Management, National Workshop of Gender Equality in Urban Environmental Management Project, National Seminar on Sanitation for Water and Environmental Conservation, and ESP’s internal workshop on gender mainstreaming.

West Java. This Quarter, ESP established a model spring protection program in Batukarut spring, which is an important water intake of PDAM Kota Sukabumi. Villagers and PDAM officials are learning how to protect the upstream area above the spring in an attempt to stabilize the water quantity and quality, which has been declining in recent years. Five villages in the Cikapundung subwatershed, which are supported by PT. Indonesia Power and PDAM Kota Bandung, began implementing their WSM action plans. Other highlights this Quarter include:

• Training of Trainers for communities, local NGOs and government staff on Conservation

• Penyusunan modul CBSWM diikuti dengan pelatihan kader pengelolaan sampah padat di Petojo Utara dan Jembatan Besi.

• Studi perbandingan ke lokasi-lokasi lapangan ESP di Bandung, Jawa Barat, agar para anggota masyarakat dapat belajar mengenai program-program pengelolaan sampah padat dan sistem pasokan air masyarakat.

• ESP melaksanakan sebuah lokakarya pengenalan bagi para penerima hibah kecil dan para anggota masyarakat.

• Program percontohan pengomposan pertama dari HP3/IDRC berhasil memproduksi 150 kg kompos berkualitas baik dari 500 kg sampah organik setelah beroperasi selama 4 bulan.

• ESP Jakarta bekerja sama dengan pihak-pihak lain menjalankan beberapa seminar dan lokakarya tingkat nasional, yakni: Lokakarya tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Padat Berbasis Masyarakat, Lokakarya Nasional tentang Kesetaraan Gender dalam Proyek Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Perkotaan, Seminar Nasional tentang Sanitasi Air dan Konservasi Lingkungan Hidup, dan lokakarya-lokakarya internal ESP mengenai pengarusutamaan gender.

Jawa Barat. Triwulan ini, ESP membentuk sebuah percontohan program perlindungan mata air di mata air Batu Karut, yang merupakan salah satu sumber air yang penting bagi PDAM Kota Sukabumi. Para penduduk desa dan pejabat PDAM belajar mengenai cara untuk melindungi wilayah hulu di atas mata air demi untuk menstabilkan kuantitas dan kualitas air, yang semakin menurun pada tahun-tahun belakangan ini. Lima desa di sub-daerah aliran sungai Cikapundung, yang didukung oleh PT. Indonesia Power dan PDAM Kota Bandung, mulai mengimplementasikan rencana-rencana tindakan Pengelolaan DAS. Sorotan lain pada triwulan ini antara lain:

• Pelatihan untuk Pelatih bagi anggota masyarakat, LSM lokal dan staf pemerintah mengenai model Desa Konservasi, bekerja

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Village model in collaboration with Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGP).



• Signing MOU between TNGP and two villages (Cihanjawar and Ginanjar) to protect the area around the TNGP.

• Survey and Design of rural water supply system at Desa Kertajaya, Sukabumi District. This is a collaborative program with VNG Nederland, where is ESP responsible for the design and community development work and VNG is responsible for construction work at a cost of Rp 65 million.

• Microcredit: PDAM Kota Sukabumi and Subang installed 57 new household connections through the microcredit scheme

• Replication of CBSWM model at RW 7 and 9 Kelurahan Tamansari.

• 5000 trees planted in a collaborative effort between Forestra (community network) and PT. Telkom in the downstream area of Cikundul-Cianjur subwatersheds.

Central Java/Yogyakarta. ESP Central Java/Yogyakarta’s community-based and municipal sanitation programs are hitting their stride. This Quarter, ESP small grantee, Lestari, began helping communities develop an action plan to increase the utilization rate of ten municipal communal septic tanks, and improve six community’s solid waste management practices. Following ESP’s collaboration with the ADB to facilitate a Yogyakarta Municipality sanitation working group to prepare a five-year Sanitation Strategic Plan, this quarter ESP started facilitating the working group to prepare a one-year Sanitation Action Plan. Other significant achievements this Quarter include:

• Linking field schools to village planning processes: ESP assisted twenty-three villages to link their WSM plans to the medium-term village

sama dengan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango (TNGP).

• Penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman antara TNGP dan dua desa (Cihanjawar dan Ginanjar) untuk melindungi wilayah di sekitar TNGP.

• Survei dan Derain sistem pasokan air pedesaan di Desa Kertajaya, Kabupaten Sukabumi. Kegiatan ini merupakan sebuah kerja sama dengan VNG Belanda, di mana ESP bertanggung jawab untuk pekerjaan desain dan pengembangan masyarakat dan VNG bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan kegiatan konstruksi dengan biaya sebesar Rp 65 juta.

• Kredit-Mikro: PDAM Kota Sukabumi dan Subang telah memasang 57 sambungan rumah tangga baru dengan menggunakan skema mikrokredit.

• Replikasi model CBSWM di RW 7 dan 9 di Kelurahan Tamansari.

• 5000 pohon ditanam dalam sebuah kerja sama antara Forestra (jaringan masyarakat) dan PT. Telkom di wilayah hilir sub daerah aliran sungai Cikundul-Cianjur.

Jawa Tengah/Yogyakarta. Program-program sanitasi berbasis masyarakat dan kota dari ESP Jawa Tengah/Jogyakarta telah mulai berjalan. Pada Triwulan ini, penerima hibah kecil ESP, Lestari, mulai membantu masyarakat untuk mengembangkan sebuah rencana kerja untuk memperbaiki tingkat penggunaan sepuluh tangki septik komunal kota, dan memperbaiki enam praktek pengelolaan sampah padat masyarakat. Mengikuti kerja sama ESP dengan ADB untuk memfasilitasi kelompok kerja sanitasi Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta dalam mempersiapkan sebuah Rencana Strategis Sanitasi, triwulan ini ESP mulai memfasilitasi kelompok kerja tersebut untuk menyusun sebuah Rencana Tindakan Sanitasi satu tahun. Pencapaian-pencapaian penting lainnya Triwulan ini antara lain:

• Mengaitkan sekolah lapangan dengan proses perencanaan desa: ESP membantu dua puluh tiga desa untuk mengaitkan rencana Pengelolaan DAS (WSM) mereka dengan rencana pembangunan desa jangka menengah dan BAPPEDA berkomitmen untuk

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memfasilitasi proses anggaran untuk memastikan adanya pembiayaan bagi kegiatan-kegiatan ini.

development plans and BAPPEDA committed to facilitate the budget process to ensure funding for these activities. • Pelaksanaan hibah kecil terus berjalan:

Empat hibah kecil telah diberikan dan mulai diimplementasikan baik di kelompok masyarakat wilayah hulu dan hilir. Sebuah lokakarya telah diadakan untuk memperkenalkan norma-norma dan konsep-konsep ESP yang harus dipromosikan melalui masing-masing hibah kecil dan juga untuk menjelaskan sasaran-sasaran dan keluaran-keluaran yang perlu dicapai. Para penerima hibah kecil juga turut serta dalam lokakarya satu hari ESP “Pengarusutamaan Gender.”



• Small grant implementation gets underway: Four small grants were awarded and began implementation in both upstream and downstream communities. A workshop was held to introduce ESP norms and concepts that must be promoted through each small grant as well as to explain targets and outcomes to be achieved. The small grantees also participated in ESP’s one-day “Gender Mainstreaming” workshop. • Program Bersih, Hijau dan Sehat terus

berjalan di enam wilayah masyarakat di Yogyakarta dan enam sekolah di Blongkeng dan Soti. Untuk mendukung hal ini, Departemen Lingkungan Hidup telah menawarkan untuk menyediakan Rp 15 juta untuk masing-masing kelompok masyarakat untuk meningkatkan fasilitas dan infrastruktur pengelolaan sampah padat mereka. Kantor Koperasi Pertahanan bertemu dengan 4 alumni sekolah-sekolah Bersih, Hijau & Sehat di Magelang untuk mendiskusikan rencana dan jadwal untuk renovasi sekolah, dan telah mengajukan sebuah rancangan Nota Kesepahaman kepada kantor wilayah Departemen Pendidikan Nasional setempat untuk dibahas dan ditandatangani. Pelaksanaan konstruksi diharapkan dimulai bulan April, setelah ditandatanganinya Nota Kesepahaman tersebut.

• The Clean Green Hygeine program got underway in six new communities in Yogyakarta and six schools in Blongkeng and Soti. In support of this, the Department of Environment has offered to provide Rp 15 million to each community to improve their solid waste management facilities and infrastructure. The Office of Defense Cooperation met with the 4 alumni CGH schools in Magelang to discuss construction plans and timelines for school renovations, and submitted a draft MOU to the local Department of Education for discussion and signing. April is the target for the start of construction, pending the signing of the MOU. • PDAM Surakarta dan BRI

menandatangani satu perjanjian induk untuk menjalankan sebuah program kredit-mikro dalam rangka meningkatkan akses terhadap air bersih bagi 500 pelanggan baru. Perjanjian ini merupakan kesepakatan kredit mikro pertama yang ditandatangani di Jawa Tengah.

• PDAM Surakarta and BRI signed a master agreement to implement a micro-credit program to increase access to clean water for 500 new customers. This is the first micro-credit master agreement to be signed in Central Java.

Jawa Timur. Triwulan ini, ESP Jawa Timur membentuk tim pemantauan dan evaluasi untuk Sekolah-Sekolah Lapangan di tiga sub daerah aliran sungai sebagai cara untuk melibatkan pemangku kepentingan dari pemerintah lokal dan menarik lebih banyak pembiayaan untuk mendukung rencana tindakan desa baik di lokasi-lokasi hulu maupun hilir di sepanjang daerah aliran sungai. Sorotan lain pada triwulan ini antara lain:

East Java. This Quarter, ESP East Java established monitoring and evaluation teams for the Field Schools in three subwatersheds as a way to engage local government stakeholders and attract more funding to support village action plans in both upstream and downstream locations throughout the watershed. Other highlights this Quarter include:

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• Tumpuan untuk Masa Depan Berkelanjutan: Kota Batu telah mengalokasikan anggaran untuk mendukung LMDH bagi rehabilitasi hutan dan perbaikan sistem pasokan air skala kecil. PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali mendanai pelaksanaan dua Sekolah Lapangan di daerah aliran sungai sebelah atas, yang mengembangkan rencana tindakan desa berkaitan dengan rehabilitasi lahan hutan. Di daerah aliran sungai yang lebih rendah, sebuah fasilitas MCK++ baru telah selesai 90% dan akan melayani 500 orang. MCK++ ini dibangun dengan sebuah skema berbagi biaya antara anggaran ESP, pemerintah lokal, provinsi dan nasional.

• Leveraging for Sustainability: The city of Batu has allocated funding to support LMDH for forest rehabilitation and improvement of a small-scale water supply system. PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali funded the implementation of two Field Schools in the upper watershed, which developed village action plans related to forest land rehabilitation. In the lower watershed, a new MCK++ facility is 90% complete and will serve 500 people. It was constructed under a cost sharing scheme between ESP, local, provincial, and national government budgets.

• Lima hibah kecil telah diserahkan: Tiga penerima hibah kecil akan menjalankan Sekolah Lapangan di lokasi-lokasi baru di tiga sub daerah aliran sungai. Dua program hibah kecil lainnya akan memperbaiki akses terhadap air bersih, sanitasi, manajemen sampah padat, dan perilaku kesehatan di wilayah-wilayah perkotaan dan sekolah-sekolah di Kota Malang dan Kabupaten Sidoarjo.



• Five small grants were awarded: Three of the small grantees will implement Field Schools in new locations in three sub-watersheds. Two other small grant programs will improve access to clean water, sanitation, solid waste management, and hygiene behaviors in urban areas and schools in Malang Municipality and Sidoarjo District.

• Kesadaran dan Langkah-Langkah Pencegahan Influenza Unggas: ESP bekerja sama dengan CBAIC dari USAID untuk menjalankan penilaian terhadap rumah-rumah pemotongan ayam tanpa regulasi di Temas untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat ancaman dan menyusun rekomendasi untuk kesadaran dan langkah pencegahan Flu Burung di kalangan pengolahan ayam.

• Pembayaran untuk Jasa Lingkungan: Transaksi Pembayaran untuk Jasa Lingkungan yang pertama telah dilakukan antara PT Jasa Tirta dan Pemerintah Kecamatan Bumiaji, di mana PT Jasa Tirta memberikan sebuah pembayaran tunai sebesar Rp 31 juta secara langsung kepada kecamatan tersebut untuk rehabilitasi lahan di enam desa. Masyarakat menggunakan dana tersebut untuk membeli bibit untuk merehabilitasi lahan sepanjang bantaran sungai, pinggir jalan, dan pada tanah-tanah yang mengalami kerusakan kritis. ESP terus melanjutkan pekerjaan dengan para pembeli (contohnya, forum pasokan air berbasis masyarakat, PDAM Batu dan PDAM Kota Malang, Perhutani, Jasa Tirta, dan PJB) dan pelaksana (Kelompok Tani Tahura,

• Avian Influenza Awareness and Prevention Measures: ESP collaborated with USAID’s CBAIC to conduct an assessment of unregulated chicken slaughter houses in Temas to identify threat levels and develop recommendations for AI awareness and prevention measures among chicken processors.

• Payment for Environmental Services: The first PES transaction was made between PT Jasa Tirta and Pemerintah Kecamatan Bumiaji, in which PT Jasa Tirta made a cash payment of Rp 31 million directly to the sub-district for land rehabilitation in six villages. The communities used the funds to purchase seedlings to rehabilitate lands along river banks, road sides, and on critically degraded lands. ESP continues to work with buyers (e.g., community-based water supply forum, PDAM Batu and PDAM Kota Malang, Perhutani, Jasa Tirta, and PJB) and implementers (Kelompok Tani

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Tahura, Upstream Farmer’s Association, Fokal Mesra, Tahura, and LMDH) to design a formal agreement and mechanisms of the PES program.



Special Concern Imperative Areas. This Quarter, ESP wrapped-up various sanitation activities in Padang, West Sumatra. This included completion of the Citywide Sanitation Strategy as well as completion and turn over to community and local government of a Community-Based Sanitation (CBS) system. Municipal government officials and local communities were pleased with the results of this work, and have committed to future investments to broaden the impact of the work at a greater scale.


A number of themes and activities span the breadth of the ESP program. Such activities during this Quarter included the following: Watershed Management and Biodiversity Conservation. During the second Quarter of the Program Year 4 Work Plan, the WSM Group worked with ESP colleagues and partners towards addressing the Work Plan’s theme of Leveraging for Sustainability. At the national level, the WSM team worked with the Ministry of Forestry and other national-level government, NGO and private sector partners to systematically explore ESP’s field-based tools in order to see how they might be best applied and scaled-up by others. Highlights of the Quarter include:

• Development and Implementation of WSM Plans. The WSM National Team provided on-going technical support to regional teams for the strengthening of WSM forums as well as the development and implementation of WSM plans.

Kelompok Tani Hulu, Fokal Mesra, Tahura, dan LMDH) untuk merancang sebuah perjanjian formal dan mekanisme untuk program Pembayaran atas Jasa Lingkungan (PES).

Wilayah Perhatian Khusus. Pada Triwulan ini, ESP menyelesaikan berbagai kegiatan sanitasi di Padang, Sumatra Barat. Antara lain hal ini meliputi diselesaikannya Strategi Sanitasi Menyeluruh Kota dan juga diselesaikannya dan diserahkannya sistem Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (Community-Based Sanitation/CBS) kepada masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Para pejabat pemerintah kota dan anggota masyarakat setempat merasa senang dengan hasil yang dicapai dari pekerjaan ini, dan telah berkomitmen untuk melakukan investasi di masa mendatang untuk memperluas dampak dari hasil pekerjaan ini pada skala yang lebih luas.


Sejumlah tema dan kegiatan mengisi berbagai program ESP. Aktivitas tersebut sepanjang triwulan ini antara lain: Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai dan Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati. Sepanjang Triwulan kedua dari Rencana Kerja Tahun Program 4, Kelompok WSM bekerja dengan para rekan dan mitra ESP untuk menjawab tema Rencana Kerja ini yaitu Tumpuan untuk Masa Depan Berkelanjutan. Pada tingkat nasional, tim WSM bekerja sama dengan Departemen Kehutanan dan badan pemerintahan tingkat nasional lainnya, LSM dan mitra-mitra dari sektor swasta untuk secara sistematis menggali perangkat-perangkat ESP berbasis lapangan dalam rangka melihat bagaimana perangkat-perangkat itu bisa diterapkan sebaik-baiknya dan diperluas skalanya oleh pihak-pihak lain. Sorotan-sorotan penting dalam Triwulan ini antara lain:

• Penyusunan dan Implementasi Rencana-Rencana WSM. Tim Nasional WSM menyediakan bantuan teknis berkelanjutan bagi tim-tim regional untuk memperkuat forum-forum WSM dan juga pengembangan dan pelaksanaan rencana-rencana WSM.

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• Rehabilitasi Lahan Kritis Berbasis Masyarakat. Triwulan ini ditandai dengan puncak Musim Hujan dan kegiatan-kegiatan Sekolah Lapangan di sebagian besar HPP ESP, dan dengan demikian juga memasukkan penekanan yang kuat kegiatan-kegiatan rehabilitasi lahan dan perbaikan hutan baik oleh masyarakat maupun secara kolaboratif.

• Community-Based Critical Land Rehabilitation. This Quarter marked peak Rainy Season and Field School activities in most ESP HPPs, and thus included a strong emphasis on both community and collaborative land rehabilitation and forest restoration activities.

• Pengelolaan Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati. ESP terus melakukan kerja sama dengan PHKA dari Departemen Kehutanan untuk mengembangkan lebih lanjut program Model Desa Konservasi (MDK), membangun kaitan-kaitan dengan konservasi keanekaragaman hayati dan pengembangan mata pencaharian masyarakat.



• Biodiversity Conservation Management. ESP continued to work with the Ministry of Forestry’s PHKA to further develop the Model Conservation Village (MDK) program, building links to biodiversity conservation and community livelihoods development.

• Bantuan Kebijakan WSM. ESP terus menyediakan bantuan kebijakan baik bagi pengelolaan konservasi lokal maupun bagi pengelolaan terpadu daerah aliran sungai dengan penekanan pada hak guna tanah berbasis masyarakat secara bertanggung jawab.

• WSM Policy Support. ESP continued to provide policy support for both local conservation management as well as integrated watershed management with an emphasis on responsible community-based land tenure.

• Bantuan Teknis Kampanye Multi Media (MMC). Triwulan ini, Tim WSM menyediakan bantuan teknis bagi tim Komunikasi Strategis agar tercapai rancangan dan pelaksanaan yang berhasil dari MMC 11 tentang rehabilitasi lahan.

• Multi Media Campaign (MMC) Technical Support. This Quarter, the WSM Team provided technical support to the Strategic Communications team for the successful design and implementation of MMC 11 on land rehabilitation.

Penyediaan Layanan Lingkungan. Dalam Triwulan Ini, program Penyediaan Jasa Lingkungan difokuskan pada pengembangan lebih lanjut dari program-program air bagi warga miskin dan sanitasi dan juga menyediakan bantuan bagi tim Evaluasi Tengah Masa Tugas. Kegiatan utama Tim Nasional SD adalah membantu kegiatan-kegiatan SD regional, tetapi juga memiliki sejumlah tanggung jawab langsung atas inisiatif-inisiatif baru, seperti air untuk warga miskin, efisiensi PDAM dan sanitasi kota menyeluruh, dan juga memelihara dan meningkatkan komunikasi dengan Pemerintah Nasional dan lembaga-lembaga donor, untuk memperlihatkan keberhasilan-keberhasilan ESP di lapangan.

Environmental Service Delivery. During this Quarter, the Service Delivery program focused on further development of water-for-poor and sanitation programs as well as providing support to the Mid Term Evaluation team. The SD National Team mainly supports regional SD activities, but also has some direct responsibility for new initiatives, like water-for poor, PDAM efficiency and city wide sanitation, as well as maintaining and increasing communication with National Government and donor agencies, to showcase ESP field successes.

Sorotan-sorotan penting dalam Triwulan ini antara lain:

• Meningkatkan Akses Air untuk Warga Miskin. Percontohan di Medan bergerak maju baik di Panah Hijau (175 rumah tangga) dan Bagan Deli (100 rumah tangga).

Highlights for the Quarter include:

• Increased Water for Poor. The pilots in Medan are moving forward in both Panah Hijau (175 households) and Bagan Deli (100 households).

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• Program Efisiensi PDAM. Karena hasil tender oleh PDAM Surabaya untuk program efisiensi Energi tidak memenuhi hasil yang diharapkan, program tersebut telah direorganisasi pada Triwulan ini, dengan semua bantuan teknis untuk persiapan daftar rincian langkah-langkah penghematan energi sekarang disediakan sebagai bantuan hibah dari program Belanda.

• PDAM Efficiency Programs. Because tendering by PDAM Surabaya of the Energy efficiency program did not meet expected results, the program has been reorganized in this Quarter, with all the Technical Assistance for the preparation of detailed list of energy saving measures now provided as grant financing from the Dutch program.



• ESP Sanitation Programs. In this Quarter, ESP provided additional support to the two citywide sanitation strategies prepared with ADB for Medan and Yogyakarta, including several coordination meetings with Ministry of Public works and Bappenas.

• Program-Program Sanitasi ESP. Pada Triwulan ini, ESP menyediakan dukungan tambahan bagi dua strategi sanitasi kota menyeluruh yang dipersiapkan bersama ADB bagi Medan dan Yogyakarta, termasuk beberapa rapat koordinasi dengan Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan Bappenas.

• Solid Waste & Sanitation seminars in 2008. ESP participated in the National Solid Waste seminar, in January 2008, which was organized with IDRC and Mercy Corps, both ESP partners in the HP3 program.

• Seminar-Seminar Sampah Padat & Sanitasi pada 2008. ESP berpartisipasi dalam seminar Sampah Padat Nasional, pada bulan Januari 2008, yang diorganisir oleh IDRC dan Mercy Corps, yang keduanya adalah mitra ESP dalam program HP3.

• PDAM collaboration in West-Java. During this Quarter, ESP explained the proposed program of four PDAMs in greater Bandung area to the Ministry of Public Works and Bappenas to obtain their formal support.

• Kerjasama PDAM di Jawa Barat. Dalam Triwulan ini, ESP melakukan penjelasan mengenai program yang diusulkan oleh empat PDAM di wilayah Bandung Raya kepada Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan Bappenas untuk mendapatkan dukungan resmi mereka.

Environmental Services Finance. This

Quarter the Environmental Services Finance (FN) team continued to make progress on all aspects of the FN portfolio, including debt restructuring, micro-credit programs, alternative financing, and Payment for Environmental Services (PES).

Pembiayaan Layanan Lingkungan. Dalam triwulan ini, tim Pembiayaan Jasa Lingkungan (FN) terus mencapai kemajuan dalam semua aspek portofolio FN, termasuk restrukturisasi utang, program kredit mikro, pembiayaan alternatif, dan Pembayaran untuk Layanan Lingkungan (PLL).

• Perbaikan Manajemen Keuangan. Sampai Maret 2008, ESP telah menjalankan atau menyelesaikan bantuan teknis bagi enam perusahaan utilitas air untuk merestrukturisasi tunggakan utang kepada Departemen Keuangan yakni untuk PDAM di Kabupaten Gresik, Kota Bandung, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Kota Sukabumi, Kota Sibolga, dan Kota Binjai.

• Pembiayaan Alternatif bagi PDAM. Telah dicapai kemajuan dalam mengembangkan kesempatan-kesempatan pembiayaan alternatif bagi sejumlah PDAM di wilayah-wilayah HPP ESP.

• Improved Financial Management. Through March 2008 ESP commenced or completed technical assistance to six water utilities to restructure overhanging debts to the Ministry of Finance with PDAMs in Gresik District, Bandung Municipality, Purwakarta District, Sukabumi Municipality, Sibolga Municiplaity, and PDAM Binjai Municiplaity.

• Alternative Financing for PDAMs. Progress was made in developing alternative financing opportunities with a range of PDAMs across ESP HPPs.

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• Kredit Mikro untuk Pembiayaan Sambungan Air bagi Warga Berpendapatan Rendah. Sebanyak 408 sambungan pipa air baru telah dipasang dengan menggunakan program kredit-mikro yang difasilitasi ESP antara PDAM dan mitra-mitra perbankan lokal, sehingga jumlah sambungan yang telah dipasang seluruhnya adalah 2,566.

• Micro-Credit for Financing Low-Income Water Connections. A total of 408 new piped water connections were added under ESP-facilitated micro-credit programs between PDAMs and local banking partners, bringing the total number of connections to 2,566.



• Payments for Environmental Services. ESP continues to facilitate and monitor the development of “Payment for Environmental Services” (PES) Schemes across the provinces. As of the close of the Quarter, there are six schemes in all, ranging from 20% to 100% complete.

• Pembayaran untuk Jasa Lingkungan. ESP terus memfasilitasi dan memantau perkembangan Skema-Skema “Pembayaran untuk Layanan Lingkungan” (PES) di berbagai provinsi. Pada saat berakhirnya Triwulan, seluruhnya ada enam skema, yang berkisar dari 20% hingga 100% selesai.

Strategic Communications for Behavior Change. This Quarter, the Strategic Communication team focused on design and implementation of the third Multi Media Campaign theme for this year, Land Rehabilitation. Additionally, the Strat Comm team continued to support health and hygiene behavior change in schools and at the community level.

Komunikasi Strategis untuk Perubahan Perilaku. Triwulan ini, tim Komunikasi Strategis fokus pada desain dan pelaksanaan tema Kampanye Multi Media ketiga tahun ini, Rehabilitasi Lahan. Selain itu, tim Komunikasi Strategis terus membantu perubahan perilaku kesehatan dan kebersihan di sekolah-sekolah dan di tingkat masyarakat.

• Triwulan ini dimulai dengan tindak lanjut atas kegiatan MMC sebelumnya, mendukung sebuah diskusi media yang mendapat banyak publikasi dengan judul, “Indonesia Menuju 2008: Tahun Sanitasi Internasional” di Jakarta.

• This Quarter started with follow-up to the previous MMC activity, supporting a highly publicized media roundtable titled, “Indonesia Road to 2008: The International Sanitation Year” in Jakarta.

• Kampanye Multi Media (MMC) terus dijalankan di Triwulan ini di seluruh wilayah ESP, mengomunikasikan pesan-pesan berkaitan dengan tema MMC yakni "Rehabilitasi Lahan."

• Multi Media Campaigns (MMC) continued to roll out this Quarter across ESP regions, communicating messages related to the MMC theme of “Land Rehabilitation”.

• Through the MMC and other ESP-supported communications activities, more than 80 stories, articles, event reports and pictures were generated in electronic and printed media (both at the national and local level).

• Melalui MMC dan kegiatan-kegiatan komunikasi lainnya yang didukung ESP, lebih dari 80 kisah, artikel, laporan kegiatan dan gambar telah diterbitkan di media elektronik maupun cetak (baik pada tingkat nasional maupun tingkat lokal).

• Dalam upaya untuk memperkuat kampanye Mencuci Tangan Dengan Sabun (HWWS) dan untuk membentuk tumpuan bagi masa depan berkelanjutan, ESP memfasilitasi digunakannya logo HWWS dan lagu pengiringnya oleh Departemen Kesehatan.

• In the effort to strengthen Hand Washing with Soap (HWWS) campaigns and to leverage for sustainability, ESP facilitated the adoption of HWWS logo and its jingle by the Ministry of Health.

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Small Grants Program. Up to this Quarter ESP has made commitment to fund 55 small grants. 30 have been completed, and 25 new small grants are currently under implementation throughout the ESP High Priority Provinces. Total commitment to date is approximately US$819,000 or more than 80% of the total allocated funding of US$ 1.0 million for ESP’s Small Grants program. There are another two small grants, one from West Java and another one from Central Java, under review by the ESP Team.

Program Hibah Kecil. Sampai dengan Triwulan ini ESP telah membuat komitmen untuk membiayai 55 hibah kecil. 30 telah diselesaikan, dan 25 hibah kecil baru saat ini sedang dalam pelaksanaan di seluruh Provinsi Utama ESP. Seluruh komitmen yang telah diberikan sampai saat ini kira-kira berjumlah US$819,000, atau lebih dari 80% dari total dana yang dialokasikan yakni US$ 1.0 juta untuk program Hibah Kecil ESP. Saat ini ada dua hibah kecil lain, satu dari Jawa Barat dan satu lagi dari Jawa Tengah yang sedang ditinjau oleh Tim ESP.



Monitoring and Evaluation. During this Quarter, ESP Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) activities focused on providing support to the ESP Mid-term Evaluation (MTE). This included providing data on ESP achievements based on PMP outcomes as well as showing ESP impact at the community level during MTE Field Trips.

Pemantauan dan Evaluasi. Sepanjang Triwulan ini, kegiatan-kegiatan Pemantauan dan Evaluasi (M&E) ESP difokuskan untuk menyediakan bantuan bagi Evaluasi Tengah Masa Tugas (Mid-Term Evaluation/MTE) ESP. Kegiatan ini termasuk menyediakan data mengenai pencapaian-pencapaian ESP berdasarkan hasil-hasil PMP dan juga menunjukkan dampak ESP di tingkat masyarakat dalam Kunjungan-Kunjungan Lapang MTE.

Gender. Progressing from last Quarter achievement which is the formation of Regional Gender Working group in ESP high priority provinces, each regional office conducted a series of internal discussions to identify issues related to gender in the workplace as well as program implementation. The process of discussion has engaged both technical and administrative staff in an equitable manner. Some but not all ESP office have also managed to extend the same discussion with our partners, discussing issues of gender mainstreaming which are more related to program implementations.

Gender. Berlanjut dari pencapaian Triwulan lalu yakni pembentukan Kelompok Kerja Gender Regional di provinsi-provinsi utama ESP, masing-masing kantor regional menjalankan serangkaian diskusi internal untuk mengidentifikasi persoalan-persoalan yang terkait dengan gender di tempat kerja dan juga pelaksanaan program. Proses diskusi ini telah melibatkan staf teknis maupun administratif secara setara. Sebagian tetapi belum semua kantor ESP telah pula memperluas diskusi tersebut dengan para mitra kami, membicarakan persoalan tentang pengarusutamaan gender yang lebih terkait dengan pelaksanaan program.

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In this Section, we present a more detailed account of the Program’s activities and achievements during this quarter. This Section is divided into the following Subsections:

Section 2.1. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Section 2.2. North Sumatra Section 2.3. Jakarta Section 2.4. West Java Section 2.5. Central Java & Yogyakarta Section 2.6. East Java Section 2.7. Special Concern Imperative Areas


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ESP in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam continued to successfully leverage sustainable livelihoods for people in its integrated sites during the last Quarter. Major outcomes during the quarter included: • 15 villages developed solid waste programs. • Utilized USAID/SPD support for the purchase of hardware worth Rupiah 380 million for

a water distribution system design developed by ESP. ESP and the people of Naga Umbang are installing the system with the help of PDAM Aceh Besar.

• 2,290 hectares of critical land was rehabilitated during the Quarter for an annual total of 3,132. This leaves ESP only 50 hectares short of overall target for project.

• One new forum, Forum Peujroh Pantee Aceh Jaya (FORPPAJA), was established on Aceh’s west coast.

• Three new policies in support of local environmental management and biodiversity conservation were enacted.


This Quarter marked significant progress in achieving ESP outcomes and deliverables while leveraging for sustainability. Following the increased attention on Aceh during COP 13 in Bali, a major focus during the Quarter was the successful audit of the Ulu Masen region qualifying it for carbon credit trading. Three of the multi-community forums organized by ESP in Aceh lie in the Ulu Masen region. Discussions revealed that the forums and their surveyed protected areas might well be eligible for the carbon credit program. There are many obstacles to overcome before making a successful trade, and to date communities have no knowledge of the process. One of the reasons for the convening of a major workshop involving all of ESP organized forums in Aceh on 26-27 March was to discuss the process. ESP Aceh, via Field Schools, training, contacts and good fortune, continued to successfully leverage sustainable livelihoods for people across its integrated sites. In Naga Umbang in Lhoknga, ESP leveraged Rupiah 380 million from USAID’s SPD project so that residents would have access to clean water. USAID/BHS partner HSP purchased hardware for a water delivery system that taps into the PDAM Aceh Besar spring fed system in the Lhoknga region. ESP and the PDAM have agreed to organize the installation of the system. Other leveraging took the form of projects rather than contributions. The Forum Kuta Gunung and ESP promoted the Jruek Balee community nursery to the Department of Forestry in Aceh Besar, Universitas Syiah Kuala, and the American Red Cross. This resulted in leveraging: a commitment from Forestry to purchase all seedlings for reforestation from the nursery; the purchase of seedlings by the Rector of Syiah Kuala for its teaching plantation and the purchase of 50 tons of compost by American Red Cross. This effectively increased the financial positions of the 30 households cooperating in the nursery while enhancing the production capacity of the nursery. Public Works was also prevailed upon by the Forum and


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the department contributed by enhancing the water delivery system installed by ESP in Jruek Balee as well as completing a small dam project in the village. The process of regionalizing the PDAMs of Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh is continuing. ESP, via its municipal program has been involved in the process. The process underscores issues of water quality and this in turn emphasizes upstream down stream linkages. ESP presented a paper on water quality in the Kr. Aceh watershed and the relationship of turbidity to erosion caused by forest clearing and sand and gravel mining at the workshop convened by the governor on 27 March as part of the regionalization effort.


In the Forum Alur Mancang (FAMS) area, ESP helped the village of Blang Lambaro to replace 200 meters of pipe that had been purchased by the Kecamatan Development Program. The pipes were faulty and leaked. In Suka Damai, the Community Watsan team began a process of discussions related to the use of meters to allocate tariff costs in a more equitable fashion. The Sub-district Head signed a document enacting and authorizing the forest conservation area of FAMS. In the hamlet of Forum Kuta Gunung (FKG), 670 hectares of critical land was rehabilitated. The village of Ulee Ue enacted a policy (Qanun Desa) protecting the environment. The new composting building was completed by the community nursery. More signs were posted near access point to the Kr. Aceh by FKG so that all entering the area know that no heavy equipment is allowed near the river. Public works completed their work on the small dam on the Kr. Aceh. Also public works added another pump and bore well to the water distribution system in Jruek Balee that was constructed by ESP. ESP supplied some pipe and accessories for the project. This is another project that the forum leveraged out of Aceh Besar District. The Rector of the University of Syiah Kuala visited the community nursery and committed the University to purchasing all of its seed stock from the nursery. American Red Cross also purchased 50 tons of compost from the community nursery.


River bank rehabilitation on the lower slopes of Mt. Seulawah.

The District of Aceh Besar held its annual budget planning seminar during the last week of the Quarter. Project proposals from FAMS, FKG, and Forum Peduli Kr. Kaloek were injected into the process via the Department of Forestry in Aceh Besar. Also on the government side of things, the District Head of Aceh Besar issued a declaration (No. 414.17/1248) acknowledging and declaring government support of the village laws on environmental protection developed in the three forums of Aceh Besar facilitated by ESP. The declaration also thanked ESP for its work. Finally, the Head of the Forestry Department


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in Aceh Besar informed ESP that in a workshop involving his department, BRR and other stakeholders confirmed that the ESP approach to developing village regulations as a tool for conservation should be conducted in all of those villages adjacent to forests. On March 26 and 27, ESP organized a workshop in Jantho involving representatives of all the ESP organized forums, the water quality management survey group, FFI and others. The workshop, “Enhancing the Role of Community Forums and Protecting Water Resource, Carbon and Bio-diversity”, had several goals: to strengthen the network among forums as the first step in an exit process for ESP; to increase the knowledge of forum members related to carbon credit trading; and to share information related to water and bio-diversity conservation. ESP worked with HSP on the Acute Mental Health Center at Jantho Hospital. The work included assessing the environmental impact of construction, the provision of roughly US $1000 of landscaping materials and the planting of trees contributed by the community nursery in Jruek Balee. In January HSP and ESP trained 32 grade school teachers from Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh in approaches to teaching hand washing with soap. ESP’s and HSP shared the costs of the workshop. In the city of Banda Aceh, in Ulee Kareng, Penayong and Lamglumpang, ESP organized solid waste programs. The city’s sanitation department is excited about the work related to re-use and composting. This complements their efforts. Major outcomes in the Blue Thread site included: Three policy agreements were completed and executed at village, multi-village and district levels in the Blue Thread Integrated site. 670 hectares of land was rehabilitated by ESP and FKG, FORSAKA, Jantho Baru village and Aneuk Glee village.


The WSM team organized a re-greening program for Naga Umbang, re-planting 50 hectares of land in the village. The water delivery system for Naga Umbang came closer to reality as ESP partnered with the USAID project SBD. SPD purchased all of the hardware for the system. ESP and PDAM Aceh Besar will install the system. The system will tie into the PDAM and expand their rural system from Gle Teron Spring. The solid waste program was very successful. 110 women of Nusa village now meet weekly to produce and sell handicraft items out of plastic waste. In Lamkruet (35 women) and Lampuuk (40 women) women have also taken a big interest in the re-use of plastic waste. They are also meeting weekly to produce handicraft items. In Nusa and Lampuuk, the women are also conducting mass cleaning sweeps every two weeks.


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“Khaidir is The Man” The village of Nusa, although well off the coast, is one of the villages in Lhoknga that the tsunami swept through. ESP has conducted a wide range of activities in the village, from access to clean water, to solid waste management, to re-greening the village and to developing a water delivery management forum. As ESP has developed its program a strong and committed group of young people have emerged to exercise leadership and facilitate activities. One of these young people is Khaidir, a young man in his mid-twenties.


A victim of the tsunami, Khaidir has demonstrated amazing motivation and leadership. He is on the management board of the local NGO al-Hayat and of the PDAM Consumer Forum.


Khaidir taking water quality sample in Nusa.

“Boy, I don’t know where I would be without ESP. Probably in a corner somewhere. But now I am up in front of public groups talking, I know all about the PDAM and am busy all the time. I really appreciate the help and training that ESP has given me.” One of the village leaders, Nurhayati, said: “Look at him. He works so hard trying to help others learn. He reads the water meters, can do bookkeeping for the forum and he monitors the quality of our water.” Khaidir has come a long way. He wants to progress and works hard so that his village will progress.

Major outcomes in the site included: 50 hectares of land rehabilitated. Three villages organizing solid waste management programs.


The Forum Peduli Kr. Lageung (FPKL) and the Forum Sayeung Kr. Kaloek (FORSAKA) rehabilitated 1365 hectares as part of their action plans. An additional 990 hectares was added to the FORSAKA protected area for a total of 1503 hectares under improved conservation management. BKSDA began working with the villages of FORSAKA to protect the Cagar Alam Pinus Jantho forest. Five Field Schools with over 125 participants were also completed in the Ulu Masen Region.

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Misriyanti’s and Buni Amih’s Tomatoes Misriyanti and her husband Buni Amih lived in Aceh Jaya. After the tsunami they were provided help by the Department of Transmigration and were relocated to Cum Cum Village in the western hills of the Kr. Aceh watershed. Somewhat famous for their acting in local films, the couple shares hobbies as well as information.


Misriyanti attended the ESP Field School held in their village. The use of compost intrigued Misriyanti “Transmigration was providing us with fertilizer, but it didn’t seem to be of much use. Compost seemed like something we should try.” So Misriyanti learned how to produce fertilizer and tested it as part of her Field School. She also told her husband about compost and how to make it. Together they set about testing it in their gardens at their new home.


Misriyanti: “look at these tomatoes”.

“We are really enthusiastic about our results look at these tomatoes. We have enough from our garden now that we can sell produce for additional income.” Now the staff of the Department of Transmigration are asking to learn about composting.

Major outcomes included: The multi-village forum FORSAKA produced a policy agreement protecting 990 additional hectares of forest area. The agreement was enacted in January 1,365 hectares of land rehabilitated. 8,320 hectares of Cagar Alam Pinus Jantho forest protected via conservation villages of ESP in the region in association with BKSDA.


The community-based water and sanitation program devoted itself to solid waste management along the west coast. Nine villages in the Lhoong area participated in learning how to re-use plastic waste. Six Field Schools focused on composting household organic wastes. And village management programs were established. Three villages in the Calang area were also involved in this including members of the FPKL and the new Forum Peujroh Pantee Aceh Jaya. Hand washing with soap also received emphasis. As follow-up to a January joint training with HSP for primary school teachers in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, ESP worked with teachers in five Lhoong area schools to implement practical training for their primary school students.

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A fifth forum was established in Aceh by ESP along the west coast in Aceh Jaya. Forum Peujroh Pantee Aceh Jaya (FORPPAJA) spans about 30 kilometers covering 10 coastal villages starting with Babah Ngom in the north stretching to Keude Kr. Sabee in the south. ESP organized the forum to ensure sustained management for the coastal areas rehabilitated in this region. An action plan was established by the forum and 205 hectares were rehabilitated as implementation of the plan began.

Isniar Turns Solid Waste into Flowers Isniar, 42 years of age, lives in Jabi, a coastal village just north of Calang in Aceh Jaya. This mother of four has become a major force is ESP’s solid waste management program in the Calang area facilitating groups in learning how to deal with plastic and organic waste.


“It was a mess after the tsunami and we had to clean-up. We started with the trash the tsunami left us and now we are busy with managing plastic and organic waste.” Isniar started by producing handicrafts from tsunami waste as part of her ESP Field School program. Next she participated in a training program led by Oxfam and ESP in December of 2007 in which she not only learned how to turning plastic waste into handbags and flowers, but also learned how to train others to do so. In February she was sent by ESP to West Java to learn more about re-use of plastic. She has become the leader of the solid waste program in Jabi. Isniar trained members of PKK and school teachers in Lhoong, Aceh Besar in how to use plastic waste. Next she will do training in the Meulaboh area. She has also organized and leads a weekly Sunday village clean-up.


Isniar showing a participant in the Calang area training how to make a place mat from used straws.

Now organic household waste has become a target for Isniar. Again, after training from ESP about composting, she has taken her campaign to the streets. “I’ve learned how to manage plastic and organic waste; how to turn these things into something of economic value which can help us. I am going to keep on learning about how to manage solid waste so that I can teach others to do the same.” Indeed, people of Jabi often hear Isniar call out, “Come on now, let’s clean-up, let’s profit from our trash.”

Major outcomes in the West Coast Mini-ESPs included: A new forum, FORPPAJA, spanning 10 coastal villages was established. Active solid waste programs in 12 coastal villages. 205 hectares of coastal area rehabilitated.

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The municipal program continued its rural water quality management program with PDAM Tirta Mountala in Aceh Besar. The water quality working group for the Kr. Aceh watershed produced an interim analysis of its survey results in the watershed. Results show pronounced sediment levels in samples from the area below the sand and gravel mining in Indrapuri sub-district. Above Indrapuri the samples have markedly lower levels of sediment in both the wet and dry season samples. The fit and proper test in PDAM Tirta Daroy in Banda Aceh was completed. This process covered the positions of heads of four departments and their, collectively, 16 section heads. Thirty-seven people applied for these 20 positions. This may be the first time that such a process on this kind of scale was ever undertaken in Indonesia, and definitely marks a first for Aceh. ESP continued to provide technical assistance in the context of the proposed regionalization of PDAMs Tirta Daroy and Tirta Mountala. This assistance has focused on the development of a corporate plan. BRR and the World Bank have funded consultants for the process, but ESP is organizing and facilitating the process. ESP is helping Tirta Meulaboh organize a customers’ forum. The process is all but complete. ESP identified a local NGO, KOLISA (Koperasi Lima Saudara) to serve as the basis for a forum. KOLISA was selected because it has a good track record, has a permanent office and staff and has had a positive relationship with the government and community of Meulaboh. A major activity over the Quarter has been the assessment of motivation among staff of PDAM Tirta Mountala in Aceh Besar. This culminated in a two-day training in early March. The basic training approach relied on “outbound” type activities focusing on motivation and team work. There were 22 participants in the training including four women.


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Ulu Masen Area

Blue Thread in Krueng Aceh Watershed

Clean Green and Hygiene In Lhoknga District

Coastal Mini-ESPsIn West Coastal Corridor

Municipal Program





Map QPR #12 Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - 1Location of ESP Integration Approach

for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Map Location

Focus Area for Integrated sites and Strategies, FY 2008:1. Krueng Aceh Watershed in Banda Aceh & Aceh Besar

district- Blue Thread Strategy in Krueng Aceh watershed

2. Lhok Nga sub district, Aceh Besar district- Lamkruet and Nusa Clean, Green and Hygiene

3. Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya and Aceh Barat districts- Coastal Mini-ESPs in DAS Sabee-Geupu

4. Ulu Masen Area- Field School support Ulu Masen water catchment

area5. Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat ditricts

- PDAM Institutional Development Programs

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Map QPR #12 Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - 2Blue Thread Integrated Program

for Krueng Aceh Watershed

WS 1.d Rehabilitation of river banks.

Jantho Baru

SD 2.a 2.b Water quality monitoring for community based water supply systems.

Saree and Jruek Balee

WS 1.a Enacted local policy recognizing Kawasan Sumber Air Alur Mancang (KSAM)

Desa Sukadamai

WS 1.b Rehabilitation in buffer of Kr. Silanfacilitated by FAMS members.


WS 1.a Worked with community to put village regulations on public notice boards.

Jruek Balee

WS 1.b Rehabilitation of riverine buffer area in FKG mukim.

Kreung Jrue

WS 1.b Rehabilitation of community land.

Jantho Lama

SD 2.b Increased access to water. Helped Public Works drill deep well in Jruek Balee. Led meetings on water meters in Sukadamai. Provided Blang Lambaro with new pipes.

Jruek Balee, Blang Lambaro and SukadamaiLamglumpang and Peunayong

SD 2.d Re-use of plastic solid waste.

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Map QPR #12 Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - 3Coastal Mini-ESPs

in West Coast Corridor

WS 1.d & 1.b Community-based re-greening of village lands.

Sawang and Kuala Meurisi

WS 1.d & 1.b Monitoring for second term coastal rehabilitation

Kuala Meurisi

SD 2.f.c Community support through Field training in composting.

Kareng Birek, Jantang, Tanoh Ano, Tunong, Kr. Kala, Ketapang, Mon Mata, Gapuy and Pasi

SD 2.f.c Study tour for 9 coastal villages to Jruek Balee to learn about propagation.

Jruek Balee

WS 1.d Planning sessions for replanting trees.

Kuala Meurisi, Sawang, Alue Batak and Jabi

SD 2.f.b Training in handwashing with soap for teachers from A. Besar, A. Jaya, A. Barat and Banda Aceh

Meureubo Sub-district

SD 2.a 2.b Water quality monitoring for community- based water supply

Lhoong and Calang

Kareng Birek, Jantang, Tanoh Ano, Tungong, Kr. Kala, Ketapang, Mon

Mata, Gapuy, Pasi, Glee Bruek, Jabi, Gampong Baru, and Sawang Villages

SD 2.d Training in re-use of plastic solid wastes for handicrafts.

WS 1.d & 1.b FORPPAJA implemented coastal rehabilitation as part of their action plan.

Alue Batak and Jabi

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Map QPR # 12 Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - 4Ulu Masen

WS 1.b Rehabilitation marginal land in FORSAKA area.

Bueng, Awek, Data Cut and Jalin

WS 1.b Land rehabilitation in Krueng Kalok buffer zone.


WS 1.b Rehabilitation Jantho Hospital


WS 1.c Land status survey in FORSAKA protected area.


WS 1.c Erect notice board to warn off would-be illegal loggers in the protected area of FORSAKA.

Data Cut in the Cagar Alam Jantho Forest

WS 1.a Workshop for 5 multi-stakeholder forums.


WS 1.d Land rehabilitation in KALIMAT area of Forum Peduli Kr. Lageung

Pantee Kuyun

WS 1.e Erect notice boards warning off would-be illegal loggers in Kalimat area of FPKL.

Pantee Kuyun

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Map QPR #12 Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - 5Clean, Green and Hygienein LhokNga Sub District

SD 2.d 185 women from 3 villages active in re-use of solid waste program.

Nusa, Lamkruet and Lampuuk

SD 2.d 145 women participate in bi-weekly gotong royong in their villages.

Nusa and Lamkruet

SD 2.b Increase access to clean water 2 villages; funded by SPD.

Naga Umbang and Lambaro Kuh

WS 1.d & 1.d Replanting in community garden with fruit tree

Naga Umbang

WS 1.d Planning meetings for tree planting.

Naga Umbang

SD 2.a 2.b Water quality monitoring for community base water supply

Nusa and Lampuuk

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Map QPR #12 Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - 6PDAM Institution Development

In Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat Districts

Intake for PDAM Banda AcehIntake for PDAM Aceh BesarIntake for PDAM Aceh Barat

SD 2.a 3a & 1.e Survey water quality in Kr Aceh watershed.

Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar

SD 2.a Conduct fit and proper test for PDAM staff.

Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar

SD 2.a TA for PDAM re. standard operational procedure (SOP)

Banda Aceh

SD 2.a Socialization on organization of PDAM customer forum and tariff adjustments.

Aceh Barat

SD 2.a Motivation and management training

Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar

SD 2.a & 2.b On-the-job training about water quality monitoring.

Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat

SD 2.b Workshop on selection of appropriate water supply institution in Calang.

Aceh Jaya

SD 2.a & 2.b Facilitate discussions and workshop for regional PDAM business plan.

Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar

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Leverage translates into Action, and a Glimpse of the Future

The North Sumatra ESP program was in full stride during this Quarter, with significant activities in both upstream and downstream areas. In previous periods budgets were ‘leveraged’ from government sources, and currently these funds are being turned into pipes, treatment facilities, and community organizing activities.


Further, ESP technical and financial specialists are helping local government agencies tap-in to available resources at the national level through coordination meetings with central agencies (BAPPENAS, Cipta Karya) and with PDAMs through improvement of their internal financial systems including assistance with debt restructuring. Finally, during this Quarter discussions began on the incorporation of Climate Change

Awareness and Adaptation issues into community level Farmer Field School activities. With this, we are beginning to adapt the ESP program towards the demands and issues of the future.


Walter North, USAID Indonesia Mission Director, meets with the local community inYoung Panah Hijau village. Next to him is Dr. Wahyu of JKM, the NGO that works with ESP and other partners to organize the community-based ‘Water for the Poor’ system that will be expanded to 3,300 other families in the Belawan area. Survey and Detailed Engineering Design work began during this Quarter.

• Facilitating Inter-agency collaboration and resource mobilization: in order to scale-up ‘Water for the Poor’ programs, ESP facilitated partnerships and resource sharing between Government agencies, in this case between provincial water company, PDAM Tirtanadi, the Medan City Government, and local NGOs. This ‘collaborative facilitation’ has also been accomplished through Working Groups bringing together government agencies, NGO’s and the media to jointly develop programs, find funding, and take action as in the case of the Medan City Sanitation Working Group, the Provincial Sanitation Campaign Team, and also in a series of meetings with forestry and national park agencies on joint development of Model Conservation Villages.

• Considering the Future: a visit by Patrick Smith from USAID Washington stimulated discussion on adapting current approaches and modalities to the important issues of the future related to Climate Change. Internal workshops with field staff were held to initiate the development of curriculum and learning activities on Climate Change Awareness and Adaptation that can incorporated into ongoing community level programs both upstream and downstream.

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• Investing in the Next Generation through School-based Activities: 11 schools, representing both upstream and downstream areas, are involved with Clean, Green, and Hygiene programs now aligned with school curriculum. An additional 8 schools in upstream areas will work on ‘Conservation Savings and Environmental Education Programs’ under a small grant initiated this Quarter.


The Lau Petani ‘Blue Thread’ Integrated Site Upstream and Downstream Groups Join Hands for Conservation For the last year the LATERSIA community group in Puang Aja Village, Sibolangit sub-district led by Daniel Setepu(54) has undertaken a variety of conservation actions from tree nursery establishment and tree planting to village clean-up campaigns. These activities grew out of the village level plans from ESP facilitated Sustainable Livelihoods Field Schools. Most recently, LATERSIA joined hands with the SHINE group from Medan ( the Women’s Association of the GKPB Church) to conduct a conservation tree planting program in the Sibolangit area. Through discussions with ESP the constituents of SHINE became aware of their dependence upon an ever more degraded upstream watershed for vital environmental services, from fresh water to fresh mangoes. Over 130 persons joined a replanting program and 1000 trees were planted by SHINE families, LATERSIA, and representatives from ESP and PDAM Tirtanadi. This activity was also followed closely by the media in Medan so that it can become an example for others in channeling their environmental concern. Most importantly, the two groups laid plans for regular and broadened collaboration in recognition of their common needs and the key linkages between upstream and downstream communities. In addition to further tree planting and forest rehabilitation actions, the groups plan to conduct joint efforts related to family health, nutrition, environmental sanitation, and reproductive health.


Ibu Melasari Toto, Head of Women's Association of GKPB Cruch (SHINE) accompany by Latersia, USAID's ESP and PDAM Tirtanadi planted trees in Puanagaja Village on Pebruary 23rd, 2008. Tree planting action is a part of our commitments to conserv raw water resources, Melasari Toto said.

Key Activities during the Quarter include:

• Conducted Preparation Activities for the Sibolangit Area WSM Forum including: o Development of partnerships with local organizations and downstream support

groups o Creation of catchment area/hydro-geological maps in collaboration with PDAM

Tirtanadi as an aid to creating environmental service schemes. o Follow-up activities with former Field School communities and initiation of new

Sustainable Livelihoods Field Schools


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• Facilitated journalist research by Medan Bisnis newspaper into the issue of encroachment and logging in the TAHURA protected area

• Undertook activities building toward the Sikeben ‘conservation village’ model including a workshop to create educational modules for inclusion in primary and junior high school curricula on environment

• Held re-training of field workers and community cadre for the implementation of the health and hygiene ‘mini-baseline’ survey in Sibayak Valley and Sikeben

• Supported the Field Day for the first harvest of Organic Strawberry production (5000 plants) in Sibayak Valley by former Field School participants.

Tahura Bukit Barisan Integrated Site Biodiversity Underpins Sustainable Livelihoods Preden Barus, 32,(center of photo below) dreams of his local area, the sub-DAS Lau Biang bordering the TAHURA Bukit Barisan protected area, as an ‘ecological zone’ with citrus agroforestry as the main livelihood of the community. Besides organic citrus production, he has also developed ecological production methods for growing chillies, corn, and eggplant along with honey bee production in his mixed gardens. Such organic agro-forestry models are key in supporting his family’s livelihood, besides providing balanced nutrition. “Mixed gardens save money, besides keeping the family healthy” Preden and his family have been undertaking organic agro-forestry since participating in the ESP-Clemson CRSP ‘Citrus Field Study’ program in 2007. “We are following Pak Rona in joining the GILA movement”. On the family’s 3 hectares Preden observes how predators such as hunting and web spiders, predacious flies (Dolichopodidae), Staphylinideae beetles (Paederus sp), parasitoids (Ichneumonidae and Eulophidae) and predator bugs (reduviidae) work to keep pests in check naturally. An understanding of how elements


of the agroforestry ecosystem interact helps Preden see how biodiversity works within the environment. The area that Preden and other GILA members work to conserve comprises a high forest biodiversity area with many species of trees, insects, birds, and other wildlife.


JOS! (Let act, not talk only!), the agro-forestry Field School leaders in n Lau Biang Sub watershed pose with Patrick D. Smith, USAID's Climate Change Specialist, plus OCSP and ESP teams. Patrick D. Smith, Ph.D comes to Indonesia for climate change issues.

Activities of the last Quarter included:

• Multi Media Campaign on Forest Rehabilitation undertaken including a journalist discussion forum, field visits to ESP sites around TAHURA, interactive radio dialogue with the Environmental Journalists Group, coverage by DAAI TV on organic agro-forestry.

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• A series of discussions with BBKSDA, Mt. Leuser National Park Authority, and OCSP on collaboration in the development of Model Conservation Villages. Discussions were also held with the Provincial Forestry Service and the TAHURA Authority on joint efforts for conservation

• Multi-party discussion forum held on ‘Environmental Cross-Subsidies’, eg. Payment for environmental services being promulgated by members of local parliamnent from Karo, Deli Serdang, and Medan.

• A series of community WSM Planning discussions and workshops for the development of a WSM Forum for the Lau Biang Sub-DAS were conducted

• Development of a model for ‘Conservation Savings Plan’ with local NGO’s including SOS-OIC, the TAHURA Conservation Forum, PALAPA, and FK3LI

Clean, Green and Hygiene in the Medan Area Integrated Site

School and Community members from Aur village participated in a program targeting 10 elementary schools in Medan as part of the ‘Clean, Green, and Hygiene’ program. This program provided training for school principals, school committee members representatives from the community, and teachers. The program for Principals and School Committee members was to again policy support for plans developed by teachers so that teacher time and school facilities can be utilized for health and hygiene campaign activities. School teacher attended a training on topics including hand washing with soap, the water cycle, conservation, and environmental sanitation. The teachers then worked to implant these learning activities into school curricular and extra curricular programs from science coursework to scout programs.


Other key Activities in the Medan Area Site Included:

• Belawan “Water for the Poor” program begun: PDAM Tirtanadi and the Medan City government initiated the detailed survey for the program that will serve more than 3,300 poor households in the Belawan area. The World Bank Institute also agreed to a support grant for $80,000, but then pulled out without providing sufficient explanation.

• Completion of Phase II USAID-JBIC collaboration for community-based solid waste management. The MAPEL Tembung community organization received Becak Sampa" and Takakura composters from from JBIC upon completion of Phase II of ESP-JBIC collaboration.


Before I used to hand out at least one carton of ORALIT (12-16 doses) every month from our stock at the POSYANDU. But since ESP started work here in health and hygiene in the school and in the community, diarrhea has become a rare occurrence!” Ibu Mimi, POSYANDU Cadre from Neighborhood IV, Aur Village in Medan; Aur is one of the Integrated Sites where ESP, HSP, and SWS all work to improve health, hygiene, and access to clean water.

• The Medan Sanitation Working Group launched a Solid Waste Management Campaign. The city Sanitation Service constructed over 100 waste bins with separate chambers for organic & non organic waste and installed them along major arteries in the city.

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Wampu Integrated Site During this Quarter a set of upstream activities were initiated in the Bahorok area of the Wampu watershed, including a new set of Sustainable Livelihoods Field Schools, a Small Grant in the area on solid waste management and ecological agriculture, and preparation of collaborative activities with the upcoming OCSP program for Model Conservation Villages plus discussions on collaboration modalities with BBKSDA and Mt. Leuser National Park on community level training programs.


Aulia (13) is one of 53 students of of the MTS Negeri Bahorok. Nearly all of their parents earn a livelihood via agriculture, and now the students are taking an hour of school time to discuss the local agro-ecology, with an ESP Fieldworker as facilitator as part of the school’s environmental education program.

Other activities during the Quarter include:

• Work on development of a Multi-stakeholder Conservation Plan for the Southeast Langkat Wildlife Preserve was re-started with the signing of a Small Grant Agreement with the Mangrove Action Program.

• Sustainable Livelihoods Assessment Field Schools began in Desa Sampe Raya and Desa Timbang Lawan

• A local Community-based Organization, Lembaga Masyarakat Adat, began a Small Grant program in upstream Bahorok on environmental sanitation and ecological agriculture. Under this program a TOT for Farmer Trainers was held with technical support from ESP and the Wadah Belajar Petani(WBP) Deli Serdang.

• An expansion of a community managed clean water systems run by women’s credit unions was provided with a small grant(PARAS), while financing for another two systems has been leveraged from the district government of Langkat.


The SD team continued to work closely with the ESP Municipal Finance team to provide training and technical support to individual PDAM’s as well as to joint initiatives such as the Belawan Water for the Poor initiative that is garnering national attention as a model program. Debt restructuring programs and training geared to improve financial systems are allowing PDAM’s access to central resources previously unavailable. Some specific activities during this Quarter include

• A Debt restructuring proposal (RPKP) for PDAM Sibolga was developed and submitted to the Ministry of Finance, and in February MOF asked for final revisions which were completed and submitted to the Ministry in March.

• ESP staff made a key presentation on Water and the Environment at the Customer Forum of PDAM Tirtanadi in Hotel Madani Medan, and discussed possible upstream linkages and activities with Customer Forum leadership in follow-up meetings.

• An Improved Billing System designed and trained into place by ESP for PDAM Sibolga is currently (March 2008) in its trial period. The new system was installed during January and February in all PDAM departments dealing with


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customer service. An official launching ceremony is planned for April 2008 after all bugs have been worked out.

• A Debt restructuring proposal (RPKP) by ESP and PDAM Binjai was completed in January 2008. ESP has also facilitated PDAM Binjai to meet with MOF to determine the cut off date loan amount. Currently, the proposal is in process in MOF and PDAM is waiting the reply from MOF.

• The preparation of the Corporate Plan 2009 – 2013 for PDAM Binjai was started during January, 2008 by the SD team through identifying and analyzing current technical conditions and non-technical issues affecting PDAM performance and goal achievement. The more formal planning process will be initiated in April 2008.

• The ESP SD team Prepared the Detailed Engineering Design(DED) for low income water systems in collaboration with a PDAM Tirtanadi, Dinas Perkim, Dinas PU, and JKM .

• PDAM Tirtanadi and Pemko Medan collaboration was facilitated by ESP for a special presentation of Community Based Water Supply: The Belawan Water for the Poor Initiative for the Director General of Cipta Karya, Public Works Ministry.


• The Medan City Government is expanding DEWATS to include a large local Pesantren where ESP is currently assisting with solid waste management

• The Director of Waste Water Treatment of Public Works, and the Senior Urban Specialist of the Asian Development Bank visited the ESP DEWATS in the Urban Poor Rental Housing Complex in Belawan, Medan.

• All of ESP’s Small Grant Programs were finally either launched operationally or signed during this Quarter, including a final Procurement Order Contract with Jaringan Kesehatan Masyarakat (JKM) for the Young Panah ‘water for the poor’ program. Other grants commenced this Quarter include: o Oranghutan Information Center(OIC) for school based conservation

programs(Tabunan Konservasi) in Sibolangit and Karo Districts o PEKAT for peri-urban water resource management with schools and

women’s groups along the lower Deli River o MAP for development of multi-stakeholder co-management plan for

the Southeast Langkat Wildlife Sancturay and Mangrove Forest o LMA for environmental sanitation and ecological farming amongst

indigenous people’s organizations in Bahorok, Langkat, bordering Mt. Leuser National Park

o PARAS for expanding a clean water and reforestation programs along the lower Wampu River managed by Women’s Credit Unions.

• The Pekan Baru City Sanitation Working Group undertook a comparative Study with the Medan City Sanitation Working Group facilitated by ESP to look at the plans and pilot programs developed.

• The Provincial Sanitation Campaign Group comprising government agencies, NGO’s, and media was officially established with ESP as its focal point meeting place. While waiting for official launching by the Governor, this group is busy planning for a provincial ‘Sanitation Festival and Sanitation Campaign’.


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Map QPR 12 North Sumatra - ILocation of ESP Integration Approach and USAID partners

for North Sumatra Region

Map Location

Priority district:1. Karo2. Deli Serdang3. Kota Medan

4. Langkat5. Kota Sibolga6. Kota Binjai

Focus Area for ESP Integrated Program Sites and Strategies, FY 2008:


Priority Watershed

Provincial CapitalVolcano/ MountDistrict BoundarySub-district BoundaryProvincial BoundaryRiverLakeGrand Forest ParkNational ParkWild life Sanctuary

Priority Sub-watershed:Lau PetaniLau BiangSei BohorokSei Wampu

1. TAHURA Bukit Barisan Areas Mini ESP, focus in Lau Biang Sub-watershed

2. Blue Thread Strategy for Sub Watershed Lau Petani.3. Clean, Green and Hygiene Approach for Medan Metro Area4. Blue Thread Strategy for Wampu Watershed, focus in Sei Bohorok

Sub Watershed and Sei Wampu Sub Watershed5. PDAMs Institutional Development Program

Focused Districts for USAID Partner Activities, FY 2008:Aksi STOP AIDS ProgramOrangutan Conservation Sector ProgramCollaborative Orangutan Habitat Protection in Batang Toru WatershedDAP – Save the ChildrenDecentralized Basic Education IDecentralized Basic Education IIDecentralized Basic Education IIIEnvironmental Services ProgramHealth Sector ProgramIDS for Avian Influenza / WHOLocal Government Sector ProgramSustaining Technical Achievements in Reproductive HealthSave Water SystemStrengthening the Initiatives of Government andOthers Human Trafficking

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Map QPR 12 North Sumatra - 2Mini ESP in

TAHURA Bukit Barisan Area

• Preparation of WSM Forum and WSM plans through SLA, village discussions and management plan workshops in Sub DAS Lau Biang.

• Training and Mapping in 3 Villages (Tanjung Barus, Penampen and Sari Manis) in Sub Watershed Lau Biang

• Discussion series related to management of Tahura BukitBarisan with Dinas KehutananNorth Sumatra and Balai TahuraBukit Barisan

• Discussion series related to model conservation villages with BBKSDA, BTNGL and OCSP

• Preparation of model 'tabungankonservasi' in collaboration with SOS OIC, FKT, PerkumpulanPALAPA and FK3LI

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Map QPR 12 North Sumatra - 3Blue Thread Strategy

for Lau Petani Sub Watershed in Deli Watershed

Location of Intake PDAM Tirta Nadi Deli Tua

Location of Spring PDAM Tirta Nadi Sibolangit

• Mini Baseline (10 minute monitoring): Collecting regular monitoring data through mini baselines in Semangat Gunungand Doulu Villages

• Preparation of the WSM Forum for Managing Sibolangit Area through preparation of catchments area maps/ local hydrology of the area to promote collaboration with PDAM Sibolangit for Environmental Services programs

• Mini Baseline (10 minute monitoring): Collecting regular monitoring through mini baseline in Sikeben Village

• Strengthening support for creation of “Conservation Village” in Sikeben through a Conservation Savings Scheme (Tabungan Konservasi)

• Tree Planting in Puangaja village in collaboration with ESP - SLA - Gereja GKPB Medan - Bank Pohon

• SL Agro forestry – Kakao in 7 villages

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Map QPR 12 North Sumatra - 4Clean, Green and Hygiene Strategy

in Medan Metropolitan Areas

• Training Clean, Green and Hygiene (CGH) Program for teachers in Medan

• Kick-off action by major stakeholders in the “Water for the Poor” program for Greater Belawan

• Advice to PDAM regarding preparation of tender documents and implementation engineering design for Sewerage System improvement and expansion

• Campaign and follow-up actions for Clean, Green and Hygiene in 10 Elementary Schools in Medan

• Follow-up actions for Clean, Green and Hygiene in 10 Elementary Schools in Tanjung Mulia, Medan

• Dissemination of Clean, Green and Hygiene Program for Principals and School Committees in Medan

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Map QPR 12 North Sumatra - 5Blue Thread Strategy

for Wampu Watershed (including Karo and Langkat districts)


Location of Intake PDAM Tirta Sari Binjai

Location of Intake PDAM Tirta Wampu Stabat

Location of Intake PDAMTirta Wampu Tanjung Pura



• Training in Composting in Schools and Communities in Sub Watershed Bahorok

• ESP (Municipal Watsan and Municipal Finance) assistance to PDAM to prepare Debt restructuring Report (Proposal RPKP, complete) and initiate assistance to PDAM in preparing Corporate Plan since January

• Sustainabile Livelihoods Assessment (SLA) in Desa; Desa Sampe raya dan Desa Timbang Lawan and ToT for Farmer Facilitators for Field Schools organized by small grantee Lembaga Masyarakat Adat Peduli Lingkungan Sumatera Utara (LMAPLSU) in collaboration with Wadah Belajar Petani (WBP) and ESP

• Active participation in RakerdaDPD Perpamsi North Sumatra in February and On the job training Customer censusPDAM Pangkalan Brandan Unit

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Map QPR 12 North Sumatra - 6PDAM Institutional Development Program in Sarodik Sub Watershed

(including Tapanuli Tengah Districts and Sibolga Municipality) in Tapus Lumut Watershed

Location of Intake PDAM Tirta Nauli Sibolga

• On the job training for PDAM billing system facilitated by resource person from Unpar University. PDAM planned of Launching ceremony by Walikota, DPRD, and ESP in April

• Implementation optimization of WTP Sarudik (designed by ESP consultants) completed, PDAM plans formal Launching ceremony a soon as possible and Advice to PDAM in preparation of the Masterplan for the Sibolga PDAM

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This Quarter, ESP Jakarta focused on improving the existing community-based solid waste management (CBSWM) systems in Petojo Utara and Jembatan Besi. ESP developed a CBSWM training module and trained 25 cadres from both locations. Participants learned how to reduce waste, recycle, compost, and reuse plastic materials to make shopping bags and handicrafts instead of disposing of solid waste into rivers. Nineteen of the workshop participants also visited ESP’s Taman Sari, Babakan Sari and Jatihandap field sites in Bandung, West Java, to see firsthand how communities manage their solid waste and water for the poor programs sites. A local NGO (Association for Community Empowerment/Perhimpunan Peningkatan Keberdayaan Masyarakat) that received an ESP small grant to support a water for the poor program in Jembatan Besi, also attended the Bandung cross-visit. ESP, USAID’s Safe Water System (SWS), and Helen Keller International (HKI) jointly conducted a school program in five public primary schools in Jakarta. Sixty-five teachers participated in a training workshop, which included developing school work plans related to hygiene issues. ESP and SWS collaborated with Reckitt and Benckiser (a leading international manufacturer of cleaning products and member of the Hand Washing with Soap Core Group facilitated by the Indonesian Ministry of Health) to conduct a “Clean, Green and Hygiene School” campaign on March 6-7, in which more than 250 students and teachers participated. In addition, ESP is also supporting a CGH school program at MI Al Ifadah, an Islamic school in Penjaringan. ESP Jakarta also helped organize national seminars and workshops, namely: 1) the “Workshop on Community Based Solid Waste Management” with the Water and Sanitation Network (Jejaring AMPL), Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and HP3/Mercy Corps, 2) “National Workshop of Gender Equality in Urban Environmental Management Project” organized by CIDA-AIT and URDI, 3) “National Seminar on Sanitation for Water and Environmental Conservation” organized by the Ministry of Public Works, and 4) ESP internal workshop on gender mainstreaming.


Clean, Green and Hygiene in Kelurahan Penjaringan, North Jakarta ESP Jakarta continues to provide direction and technical assistance for field activities of the Healthy Places, Prosperous Program (HP3), which is an International Development Research Center (IDRC) funded program. The first pilot program on composting has been running for 11 months, with 50 households and 7 food stalls participating in a combined household-communal composting system that over the past four months has produced 150 kg of good quality compost from 500 kg of organic waste. ESP provides technical assistance and monitor this activity. Thanks to an effective monthly gathering called Silaturahmi Rumah Kompos, household composting also continues to grow, with 50 households now actively composting and an additional100 households involved in waste separation as of February 2008. Linkage


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to compost market and nursery activities has also been initiated this quarter, through training and identification of potential plants. A second pilot program on sludge treatment was initiated this quarter. A pre-feasibility study was conducted and formed the basis to develop a technical request for proposal. HP3 and ESP solicited proposals from subcontractors on community-based sludge management and agreed to award the subcontract the Association of Environmental and Sanitary Engineers (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Penyehatan dan Lingkungan Indonesia). Work is expected to commence in May. ESP is also conducting a CGH school program at MI Al Ifadah Islamic school in Penjaringan. ESP and SWS jointly conducted training for teachers and students on health and hygiene behaviors. Participants developed

a school-based action plan on environmental and hygiene behaviors and implementation got underway this quarter. ESP and SWS and Reckitt Benckiser also jointly conducted a Clean, Green and Hygiene School campaign on March 6-7. Prior to the campaign, ESP conducted a series of in-depth training workshops for 12 core students called ACiL or Anak Cinta Lingkungan (Children Loves the Environment) and 18 students from SWS’ Water Group. Participants learned about the oral-fecal cycle and practiced proper hand washing with soap. Students were also introduced to waste separation, recycling, reuse and composting. The ACiL team has now become the agent of change to convey the message and to pass on simple hygiene practices to their fellow students.


Household compost was shown to the Mid Term Evaluation Team during their visit to Penjaringan RW 13. “I am now able to produce compost and have already sold 11 kg of compost with a price of Rp. 2,500 per kg. I use the rest for plants in my home,” comments Ibu Yatini, a housewife in Penjaringan RW 13 (third person from the left ).


More than 250 students and teachers participate in the “Clean, Green and Hygiene School” campaign in MI Al Ifadah, Penjaringan conducted in an area under the toll road.

USAID’s Anchor Site in Kelurahan Petojo Utara, Central Jakarta and Kelurahan Jembatan Besi, West Jakarta. This Quarter, activities in Petojo Utara and in Jembatan Besi were focused on strengthening and improving the existing CBSWM program, which was initially implemented by Mercy Corps’s Kampung Hijau Program. ESP developed a CBSWM training module to provide cadres with a practical guide and comprehensive, illustrated, and effective training tools. The module, consisting of an A5 sized handbook for cadres and A3 sized flip chart for presentations, was pre-tested with 20 cadres from Jembatan Besi and Petojo Utara in January. ESP revised the module based on their input and produced a limited print run for cadre training in February. ESP used the module to conduct a CBSWM training workshop in RW 04 Jembatan Besi and RW 08 Petojo Utara on February 20-21 and February 28-29.

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During a community-based solid waste management training in Petojo Utara, female cadres examine a solid waste stream flow chart (left) and then learn how to use the flipchart module so they can train community members on how to compost (right).

Eight cadres from Jembatan Besi and 17 cadres from Petojo Utara participated in the training. Participants also attended a cross-visit to ESP sites in Bandung to learn about plastic recycling and composting. In addition, Jembatan Besi participants also visited two successful communal water supply systems managed by NGOs in Babakan Sari, Kiaracondong and Jatihandap, Cicaheum (Bandung). ESP awarded a small grant to a local NGO, PPKM, to construct a similar master meter program in Jembatan Besi this year. The cross-visit enabled the participants to learn about the installation, operation and maintenance required of the master meter. ESP conducted a small grant socialization meeting for the beneficiary communities that are receiving small grants this year. Fifty-two participants attended this workshop, including the Secretary of Kelurahan Jembatan Besi, RW and RT heads, local and religious leaders, youth group, women cadres and the representatives of the CBO. Clean, Green and Hygiene for CCFI Learning Centers in Jakarta, Tangerang and Depok. As follow-up to the successfully completed ESP-CCFI collaboration on the Cinta Air program, ESP, SWS and CCFI committed to continue the good effort by introducing ESP’s CGH concept and SWS’ safe water approach for the CCFI’s community based learning centers in three locations. CCFI will also introduce the learning center concept in one of the USAID integrated sites, Petojo Utara. An initial joint assessment was conducted and plans were developed. However due to unexpected recent changes for some of our partners, including budget limitations as well as change of ownership and contract expiration of the learning centers, all partners agreed to develop a new strategy for positively working with targeted communities. Plans are currently under development, and are expected to commence next Quarter. Hardware Follows Software for ESP School-Based Program in Jakarta . After being postponed for several months, the joint ESP, SWS, HKI activities in five primary schools in Jakarta were successfully conducted this quarter. It’s important to note that these five schools are “inclusive” schools, meaning they are public schools that allow admission of children with special needs (either physical or learning disabilities).This is the first time ESP has reached this audience. A two and a half day training workshop for 65 teachers and school maintenance staff was conducted. The modules, materials and tools for the training were provided by ESP, while HKI helped with coordination and schedule arrangement and cost sharing of the workshop. The workshop covered the oral-fecal cycle, proper hand washing with soap practiced, and the snake and ladder game. Participants developed a school-based workplan for their schools to better address and to execute actions for the hygiene related problems in the schools.


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Workshop on Community Based Solid Waste Management in Indonesia


Talkshow session during JBIC-HP3/MercyCorps workshop, with moderator Lula Kamal and speakers from DPR, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Public Works, and Local Government of Surabaya.

On January 17-18, a workshop on Community Based Solid Waste Management in Indonesia was held in Balai Kartini Jakarta. The workshop was a joint effort of Jejaring AMPL, HP3/Mercy Corps JBIC. ESP – as member of Solid Waste Management Taskforce (Gugus Tugas Pengelolaan Sampah or GTPS) of the Jejaring AMPL – contributed to the workshop concept, design, format, coordination, and also as speaker and moderator in this workshop, which was attended by more than 100 people from different stakeholders. The topics discussed included actual conditions of CBSWM in Indonesia, national and regional programs, best practices and lessons learned, and challenges in expanding CBSWM programs. The workshop also held focus group discussions to formulate strategies for expanding CBSWM, and GTPS network action plan development.


Forty-three staff from ESP National/Jakarta office participated in the ESP gender workshop.

National/Jakarta Gender Workshop On February 26, ESP conducted a 1-day National/Jakarta Gender Workshop, attended by 43 ESP staff, to identify gender issues in office policies as well as in program implementation. A list of priority issues was identified to be discussed during the National Gender Workshop in Jakarta on April 8-9. Jakarta Governor visits Petojo Utara As part of a regular program of the newly elected governor of Jakarta, called Silaturahmi Minggu Pagi (or Sunday Morning Gathering), Jakarta Governor, Fauzi Bowo, and his staff visited the community of RW 08 Petojo Utara on March 9. A total 40 visitors, including the former Minister of Environment, Nabiel Makarim, and representatives of the Provincial House of Representatives joined the tour to the community followed by a short discussion with the community members. The Governor was very impressed and appreciated the community’s efforts to self-improve the previously poor environmental condition. “I am very proud that there are still people who are concerned about the environment. This is a very clean neighborhood,” commented the Governor during the tour.


Alfred Nakatsuma, Director USAID Basic Human Services (left) and Governor DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo (right) tour ESP’s Petojo Utara field site.


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Irwansyah (right) presents the case study of MCK++ in Petojo Utara to more than 200 seminar participants.

National Seminar on Sanitation for Water and Environmental Conservation As part of World Water Day commemoration on March 27, Irwansyah, RW head from Petojo Utara RW 08, was invited to present the case study of communal sanitation system (called MCK++) in a national seminar organized by the Ministry of Public Works. He received many compliments from the audience and participants for his efforts and his strong leadership to motivate the community to change their behavior. “I wish many RW heads were like you, Pak Irwan. Then Jakarta would be a very nice place to live,” commented one of the participants during the question and answer session.


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Map QPR12 Jakarta-1.ESP Integrated Approach Update

for DKI Jakarta Region

Kab. Tangerang


Kota Depok


Kab. Bogor



Jakarta Utara

Jakarta Timur

Jakarta Selatan

Jakarta Pusat

Jakarta Barat

Province of West Java

Province of BantenProvince of DKI Jakarta

Java sea

Hardware Follows Software for ESP School-Based Program in Jakarta

65 teacher from five inclusive primary schools of Helen Keller International (HKI) developed school work plans based on water-sanitation and solid waste related issues during a 2-day workshop.

Clean Green and Hygiene in Kelurahan Penjaringan

Women of RW 13 enthusiastically answer questions on tips for making good compost. The Rumah Kompos gathering is a very useful regular event to share knowledge and lessons learned among households practicing composting.

Clean Green and Hygiene in Kelurahan Penjaringan

80 students participated in various competitions during the School Clean, Green, and Hygiene campaign at MI Al Ifadah, such as creating handwashingjingles and practicing proper handwashingwith soap.

USAID Anchor Site in KelurahanJembatan Besi RW 04

A total 19 cadres of Jembatan Besidiscussed and learned about the successful master meter system implementation from cadres in BabakanSari, Kiaracondong during field visit to Bandung.

USAID Anchor Site in Kelurahan Petojo Utara and Kelurahan Jembatan Besi

A cadre from Petojo Utara practices using a flipchart to explain community-based solid waste management to other workshop participants. A similar training was also conducted in Jembatan Besi.

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This Quarter, ESP established a model spring protection program in Batukarut spring, which is an important water intake of PDAM Kota Sukabumi. Villagers and PDAM officials are learning how to protect the upstream area above the spring in an attempt to stabilize the water quantity and quality, which has been declining in recent years. Five villages in the Cikapundung subwatershed and 6 villages in Saguling, which are supported by PT. Indonesia Power, began implementing their WSM action plans. PDAM Kota Bandung is also supporting this IndoPower initiative by providing Rp 20 million to community groups for land rehabilitation. In addition, ESP is conducting new Field Schools in Sukabumi and Bogor in close collaboration with PDAM Kota and Sukabumi District and Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park. Also this quarter, also ESP began implementing the Clean Green Hygiene School program in eleven schools in Bandung, Cianjur and Subang as well as conducted Multimedia Campaign 11 on the theme of land rehabilitation. Other highlights this Quarter include:

• Training of Trainers for communities, local NGOs and government staff on Conservation Village model in collaboration with Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGP).

• Survey and Design of rural water supply system at Desa Kertajaya, Sukabumi District. This is a collaborative program with VNG Nederland, where is ESP responsible for the design and community development work and VNG is responsible for construction work at a cost of Rp 65 million.

• Microcredit: PDAM Kota Sukabumi and Subang installed 57 new household connections through the microcredit scheme

• 5000 trees planted in a collaborative effort between Forestra (community network) and PT. Telkom in the downstream area of Cikundul-Cianjur subwatersheds.

• Eight Small grants were awarded this quarter and are in early stages of implementation.


Mini ESP in Cikapundung Sub-Watershed, Bandung

Field Gathering on the Results of Community Action Research: ESP and PDAM Kota Bandung provided financial support for a multistakeholder spring protection discussion that was initiated by PORTAB (Persatuan Organisasi Rakyat Tatar Alam Bandung, which is a community network of Field School alumni in 5 Villages of Lembang Subdistrict, Bandung). One hundred and forty six people attended the event, consisting of community groups, field school alumni, provincial, district, sub-district and village level administration officials, representatives of PDAM Kota Bandung, and local NGOs. PDAM Kota Bandung contributed Rp 20,000,000 towards the community tree planting event to protect Cikareo spring, which is a raw water source for the PDAM.


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Community members plant trees in the upper Cikapundung subwatershed.

Tree Planting Activity: The Cikidang Village group planted 22,864 multi-species tree seedlings (including Chinese Toon, Mango, Jackfruit, Durian, Petai, Salamander, Avocado, Mahogany, Dadap, Eucalyptus, and Ki Damar) on 40 hectares of village land in five villages in surrounding Juanda Grand Forest Park. The Bandung District Department of Agriculture contributed 200 seedlings and the Juanda Park Management provided 8000 seedlings. Previously, villagers had refused to plant trees on these agricultural lands under government-sponsored land rehabilitation programs. After participating in ESP Field Schools, they were willing to do so.

Replicating Solid Waste Management Programs: This quarter, cadre from RW 15 in Tamansari, Kota Bandung, who have already successfully established community-based solid waste management programs with ESP assistance, started working with their neighbors in RW 07 and 09 to replicate the solid waste management programs in these locations. Prior to ESP’s assistance, communities disposed of their solid waste by dumping it into the river. Fifteen new cadres from each unit of the local PKK and Posyandu participated in a discussion on health and hygiene issues and program overview.

Green, Clean and Hygiene School Program: ESP is collaborating with Koalisi untuk Jawa Barat Sehat (KuJBS) to implement the CGH school program in seven elementary schools in Tamansari, Bandung. This quarter, 600 students and 30 teachers were actively involved in activities that focused on educating students and teachers about the importance of solid waste management, handwashing with soap, and the role of trees in the environment. Each school formed a student committee who will serve as “peer educators”. Each school is also implementing a handwashing with soap activity to incorporate this into students’ daily practices.


Students practice making compost at a Clean Green Hygiene School in Bandung.


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IYOM ROHAENI: A vocal advocator for solid waste management: Ibu Iyom has lived in Kel. Tamansari for over forty years and for equally long she has been unaware of the importance of properly disposing of garbage. Everyday, she and her neighbors would throw their garbage into the nearby Cikapundung River that runs through the village. In 2006, Ibu Iyom got involved with other cadre to participate in an ESP community-based solid waste management training. She consistently participated in all phases of the training, from socialization to community organizing to techniques for composting and reuse and recycling. Today, she is one of the most vocal advocates for proper solid waste management in her community. “Getting the community to change their behavior is tiring work, but we can’t give up,” she remarked recently. Last year, Ibu Iyom participated in a cross-study tour to an ESP site in Wonokromo, Surabaya, where she learned how to reuse plastic waste as a raw material for handicrafts. Today, Ibu

Iyom coordinates 15 other community cadres to collect instant noodle and coffee packaging, which they make into shopping bags, wallets, waste baskets, and other handicrafts. She also shares her new knowledge with other communities, such as in Cianjur and Subang. She has even trained community cadres from Aceh who were sponsored by Oxfam. “I feel very proud to be able to share this knowledge,” she comments. Ibu Iyom’s is now working hard to motivate her fellow community members to be proud to use the products made from reused plastics, and she is confident that she will succeed.


Iyom Rohaeni

Multi Media Campaign: The implementation of Multi Media Campaign II was implemented with the theme of Land Rehabilitation. NGO discussions, media gatherings, media visits, radio talk shows, and articles by experts were conducted in two locations: Kota Bandung and West Bandung District. The NGO discussion focused on “What’s Happening with Government Land Rehabilitation”, while the media gathering focused on the subtheme “Critical Land, Floods, Land Rehabilitation: What Can We Do?”. Seven articles covering these topics were published in local newspapers and print media.

Blue Thread Cileuleuy Subwatershed – Cilamatan, Subang

“Environmental Education” for Street kids and Orphans in Subang District: Sixty-eight orphans and street children from 5 districts in DKI Jakarta participated in an outbound activity that was jointly conducted by ESP, Yayasan DF, the Deputy Assistant for Urban Residents Empowerment of the Ministry of Environment, MAPAS (People Care for the Environment, Subang), the Bina Mandiri Farmers Group. Financial support for this activity totaling Rp. 19.000.000 was contributed by Levi’s Strauss & Co and PT. Aneka Tambang, Jakarta. The outbound activity helped participants learn firsthand how their behaviors can impact their health and local environment as well as the global environment through global warming. Participants also planted 800 trees on 11 ha of privately-owned land in the Cileuleuy Subwatershed.

Blue Thread Cimandiri Watershed, Sukabumi

To monitor the number and survival rate of trees planted through community action, this quarter, ESP facilitated a tree maintenance program in Cihanjawar Village (30,000 trees) and

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Ginanjar Village (30,000 trees). Farmers in the two villages also signed and MOU with the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, which is now managing the former Perhutani land, to rehabilitate the land. ESP also prepared to conduct Field Schools next quarter in Cisarua and Langen Sari villages. ESP, VNG South Netherland and Yayasan Bangun Indonesia are also jointly working on a program to provide clean water in Kertajaya village. This quarter, a raw water supply survey and community social economic survey were conducted, and a focus group discussion was held that was attended by 75 community members. Residents of Kertajaya agreed to provide labor, land, and materials for the development of water distribution facilities.

Blue Thread Cikundul Subwatershed – Cilaku, Cianjur

Tree planting: Two hundred farmers planted 5000 trees along the main road in Mangunkerta village (Kecamatan Cugenangin). This collaborative event was supported by the Foresta Network and PT. Telkom on land owned by the Cianur Public Works Department. To monitor the number and survival rate of trees planted through community tree planting events such as this, Foresta conducted a training on how to use a tree planting database, which was attended by Foresta’s and Jampedas’s network of community members, Perhutani officers, forestry Agency officials, village heads, and local NGO members. Foresta and Jampedas also received an ESP small grant this quarter to monitor lands that have already been rehabilitated in the Ciukdunul and Cilaku subwatersheds.

Multi Media Campaign: The implementation of Multi Media Campaign II was implemented with the theme of Land Rehabilitation. NGO discussions, media gatherings, media visits, radio talk shows, and articles by experts were conducted in Cianjur. The NGO discussion focused on “Establishing a Sustainable Land Rehabilitation System”, while the media gathering focused on the subtheme “Land Rehabilitation: Economy and Ecology”. Journalists also participated on a field visit with to Sukatani Village to learn firsthand how communities are rehabilitating community forests. A radio talkshow covered this issue. Think Nationally, Act Locally: Gede Pangrango and Halimun Salak

This Quarter, ESP conducted two Field School TOTs to develop the Conservation Village Model. Sixteen farmers from three districts (Cianjur, Sukabumi, and Bogor) were trained in the first TOT. Participants from TNGP, TNHS, NU (Pesantren Al Masturiah), local NGOs and UI students (MAPALA UI) participated in the second TOT. Bogor District Innovative Financing for Expanded Access to Clean Water

This quarter, PDAM of Bogor District has expressed its intent to not purse a corporate bond to mobilize financial resources for the municipal water sector. Given this major shift, ESP would like to reallocate funds from this activity to other integrated sites in the West Java region. Clean Green Hygiene, Mekarjaya, Bandung: Ten households in RT 01 Mekarjaya (Bandung District) that are served by a newly constructed MCK under the ESP program are learning how to manage the communal facility, including operation and maintenance, setting and collecting fees, and forming a management organization. Households in RT03 Mekarjaya held a focus group discussion to discuss plans to develop a similar communal MCK in their community.


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PDAM Kota Sukabumi: To date, the microcredit program between PDAM and the BRI Sukabumi Branch has resulted in 32 household connections. ESP’s assistance with the preparation of the corporate plan resulted in the completion of discussions on the five-year plan, and the commencement of the process for determining the value of investment needed. In this corporate planning process, the planning for the protection of springs, such as the Batu Karut spring, has become a top priority and the PDAM has allocated a special fund for this. PDAM of Sukabumi District: The non-revenue water loss program was continued at the Cibadak branch which serves 300 connections. This program is a collaboration between PDAM of Sukabumi District, ESP, and the NRW Team from DPD Perpamsi, West Java. PDAM of Subang District: As of the third week of March, the microcredit program between PDAM and the Subang and Pamanukan branches of BRI has resulted in 25 household connections. The topographic survey for the transmission pipeline from the spring in Subang to the reservoir at Bandung District PDAM has been conducted. The length of the transmission pipeline will be 21 km and will require a total investment of approximately Rp 24 billion. The government of Subang District is supporting the joint program between the Subang PDAM and Bandung District PDAM by allocating Rp 10 billion. PDAM Kota Bandung: PDAM’s debt rescheduling was calculated at Rp 335 billion. The Bandung City Administration and Regional People’s Representative Council have supported the debt rescheduling plan and agreed to provide a grant to PDAM for investment financing. PDAM has sent the debt rescheduling plan to the Ministry of Finance.


Mixed Garden: A number of farmers from 5 villages in Lembang Subdistrict have now shifted from planting only vegetables to the mixed garden cultivation approach. Since attending the Field School, 13 farmers have been applying the mixed garden concept on a total area of 8.3 ha. They are now planting trees on the periphery of their vegetable fields to absorb/retain ground water and prevent landslides.


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Map QPR 12 West Java - 1Location of ESP Integrated Approach

for West Java Region

Map Location







Focused Districts for USAID Partner Activities, FY 2008Local Government Sector ProgramFood Security and NutritionAksi Stop AIDsDecentralized Basic EducationHealth Sector ProgramSafe Water SystemsSustaining Technical Achievements in Reproductive HealthCommunity-Based Avian Influenza Control



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Cikapundung River

Citarum River











Location of intakePDAM at Dago Pakar

Location of intakePDAM at Saboga


Intake CBWS CisaladaSpring water

Intake for PDAM Kota Bandung

Map QPR 12 West Java - 2Mini ESP Update

in Cikapundung Sub Watershed

Participatory Land Rehabilitation and Bio-diversity Conservation Program

Facilitated community group (PORTAB) to present the results of action research for Cikapundung sub-watershed management during Field Day, which was attended by local government and multi-stakeholders. During the Field Day, PDAM Kota Bandung contributed Rp. 20 million to support PORTAB activities.

Planting of 500 surian trees on 2.5 ha in block Kp. Cisalasih, Cikidang.

Agro-forestry research on tree/fruit crops, surian, coffee and petai on 50 tumbak (approx: 700 sqm) in Kp. Cicalung village of Wangunharja,conducted by member of Wangunharja village field school

MMC 11 on Land Rehabilitation was conducted in Kota Bandung and West Bandung district through NGO discussions, media gathering, media field visit, radio talkshow and expert column.

Multi Media Campaign # 11

Socialization of CBSWM for communities in RW 07 & 09 Kel. Tamansari, Kota Bandung

Facilitated community meeting to discuss community-based solid waste management (CBSWM) in Wangunharja, Bandung

Community Based Solid Waste Management Program

Clean Green and Hygiene Program for Elementary Schools

Students pratice making recycled paper in YKPPK Elementary School, Bandung

Student group discussion on how to properly manage solid waste in 1 of 7 elementary schools in Tamansari, Bandung

Students discuss and practice making compost at MatlaulkhairiahElementary School, Bandung

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Map QPR 12 West Java - 3Blue Thread Strategy Update

for Cileuleuy - Cilamatan Sub Watershed











y Rive


Cilamatan River

Cipunagara R







Location of intakePDAM at Cijambe

Location of intakePDAM at Jalancagak

Location of intakePDAM at Cipondoh



SUKAMANDIIntake for PDAM Kab. Subang

Participatory Land Rehabilitation and Bio-diversity Conservation Program

Facilitated community group (MAPALATA) on the implementation of action research for Cileuleuy –Cilamatan subwatershedmanagement, including community nursery, CBSWM, community water supply and spring protection for 3 villages (Tambakmekar, Cirangkong and Gunungtua)

Clean Green and Hygiene Program for Elementary Schools

Students learn to separate organic and non-organic waste at Cijambevillage

Students wash their hands with soap outside their classroom

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Map QPR 12 West Java - 4Blue Thread Strategy Update

for Cikundul – Cilaku Sub Watersheds

Location of intakePDAM at Cimacan

Location of IntakePDAM at Ciherang

Location of intakePDAM at Cijagang

Intake CBWS CiburialSpring water

Location of intakePDAM at Cirumput

Location o intakePDAM at Sarampad



Intake for PDAM Kab. Cianjur

Tree planting in Cikundul-Cilaku sub watersheds, implemented by community networks (Foresta and Jampedas)

Tree planting action at Mangunkerta village, in collaboration PT Telkom and Forestacommunity network

Land Rehabilitation and Bio-diversity Conservation Program By Multi-stakeholder

Students practice washing hands with soap and teachers developed syllabus on clean, green and hygiene school activities, including handwashing, solid waste and conservation issues in elementary schools in Salahuni, Nagrakvillage

Training on behavior change communication

Facilitated Focus Group Discussion on community water supply for Tanjakan, Padaluyu village.

Establish community-based clean water supply

Capacity Building for CBSWM cadres of Sukatani and Cipendawa community groups

Community Based Solid Waste Management Program

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Map QPR 12 West Java - 5Think National, Act Locally’ Strategy Update

for Gede-Pangrango National Park and Halimun-Salak National Park Corridor

Halimun Salak NP

Gede-Pangrango NP Cianjurdistrict

Sukabumi district

Bogor district Bogor municipality








Map of West Java

Map Location

Organized WSM forum to develop WSM plans

Facilitated preliminary discussion between TNGHS multi-stakeholder forum on the subject of water management plan in surrounding conservation area

Development of Village Conservation

Facilitated TOT for Field School Village Facilitators on Conservation Village model. 16 Farmer Facilitator came from villages surrounding TNGGP and TNGHS area, Cianjur, Sukabumi and Bogor districts, in Tangkil village

2) Facilitated TOT Farmer Study Facilitator for Conservation Village model for 12 participants from: TNGGP and TNGHS, NU (Pesantren Al Masturiah), Local NGO, and member of MAPALA University of Indonesia.

Selected area for development of Conservation village model at Cinagara village

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Map QPR 12 West Java - 6Blue Thread Strategy Update

for Sukabumi / Cimandiri Watershed

Halimun Salak NP

Gede-Pangrango NP




Cimandiri HuluSub-watershed



Kab. Sukabumi

Bogor district


Kota Sukabumi

Kertajaya village

Location of intakePDAM at Cikombo

Location of intakePDAM at Cipanas

Location of intakePDAM at Cigadog

Location of intakePDAM at Batukarut

Location of intakePDAM at Cipanumpang

Location of intakePDAM at Citarik

Intake for PDAM Kab. SukabumiIntake Plan for PDAM Kab. SukabumiIntake for PDAM Kota Sukabumi

Location of intakePDAM at Cipalasari


Indian Ocean


Sukabumi district



Bogor districtBantenprovince

Map Location




Bayah Watershed

Map of Sukabumi

Establishment community-based water supply

In collaboration with VNG South Netherlands and Yayasan BangunIndonesia, conducted preliminary work for community-based water supply establishment including water resource survey, socio-economic survey and FGD on community participation at Kertajaya village

Established Field School to maintain 60,000 trees that were replanted as part of regreeningprogram at Cihanjawar and Ginanjar villages

Facilitated land management agreements between farmer group of Cihanjawar and Ginanjarvillages with TNGGP

Discussion with PDAM Kota Sukabumi on the development of ESP spring protection model for Batukarut spring

Preparation of Field School for community of Cisarua and Langensari villages, as a part of spring protection model in upper catchment zone

Participatory Land Rehabilitation and Bio-diversity Conservation Program

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Map QPR 12 West Java – 7PDAM Programs and Water Utility Sector Update

in West Java Region

Support PDAM Programs

• Facilitated bidding for PDAM customer survey for tariff reclassification program

PDAM Subang

• Facilitated discussion for implementation of non-revenue water loss reduction program

PDAM Kab. Sukabumi

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ESP Central Java/Yogyakarta’s community-based and municipal sanitation programs are hitting their stride. This Quarter, ESP awarded a small grant to local NGO, Lestari, to help communities develop an action plan to increase the utilization rate of ten communal septic tanks, and improve the community’s solid waste management practices. Following ESP’s collaboration with the ADB to facilitate a Yogyakarta Municipality sanitation working group to prepare a five-year Sanitation Strategic Plan, this quarter ESP started facilitating the working group to prepare a one-year Sanitation Action Plan. ESP also facilitated discussions between DHV and Yogyakarta Municipality to explore the possibility of seeking a grant from the Dutch government to improve sanitation services for the Yogyakarta Province and municipality. A concept paper has been prepared that, if funded, would provide technical assistance to all aspects of the waste water system (institutional, technical, financial) for a 1.5–2 year period, including promotion campaigns, designs and financing for both centralized and community-based sanitation systems. This would provide critical funding and technical support to help Kota Yogyakarta implement its Sanitation Action Plans. Other significant events this Quarter include:


Sorting and selling recyclables and reusing the waste as raw material for other products is what participants learn about in ESP’s Clean Green Hygiene community-based solid waste management training. “We are very proud that we can reduce our solid waste and generate some income for our community group from selling the products we produce from our household recyclables,” commented Pak Hartono (57) at a recent solid waste management workshop in Magelang District.

• Linking field schools to village planning processes: Many people recognize the strengths of the Field School process but comment that if it is not linked to local government funding flows, then it will not be sustainable. In response, ESP is experimenting with linking the village-level action plans in the WSM plans to the medium-term village development plans (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa (RPJMD)). ESP conducted a workshop and TOT on this as part of the Magelang District Multi-stakeholder Spring Protection Program. Twenty-three villages developed their village development plans with activities related to the environment, and BAPPEDA committed to facilitate the budget process to ensure funding for these village level activities. This is part of ESP’s role in facilitating Payment for Environmental Services (PES) in Magelang District with a focus on Tangsi and Elo sub-watersheds this year. Successful approaches will then be replicated in other sub-watersheds in 2009.

• Small grant implementation gets underway: In mid-January 2008, four small


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grants (Kuncup Mekar, Kanopi, Lestari, and GPL Hijau) were awarded and began implementation. A workshop was held to introduce ESP norms and concepts that must be promoted through each small grant as well as to explain targets and outcomes that must be achieved. The small grantees also participated in ESP’s one-day “Gender Mainstreaming” workshop to develop an action plan for office operations and field activities.

• Implementing the CGH program in six new communities in Yogyakarta Municipality. In support of this, the Department of Environment has offered to provide Rp 15 million to each community to improve their solid waste management facilities and infrastructure. The Office of Defense Cooperation met with the 4 alumni CGH schools in Magelang to discuss construction plans and timelines for school renovations, and submitted a draft MOU to the local Department of Education for discussion and signing. April is the target for the start of construction, pending the signing of the MOU.


Mini ESP in Tangsi

Community-Based Solid Waste Working Group Formed: Field school alumni in Salaman village have formed a solid waste and recycling/composting learning center to improve their skills and increase the numbers of residents who are recycling and composting. To help them expand their activities and reach, ESP assisted the community to prepare a proposal and conduct a multi-stakeholder workshop, which was attended by 4 related local government agencies, four local businesses, and 4 community groups that are already organized around solid waste management issues. The workshop participants agreed to form a working group on this issue. The proposal contains a request for financial assistance for the purchase garbage carts and materials to improve the construction of the solid waste learning center so that it can also be used as a materials recovery facility.

40 Families Still Waiting for Clean Water: After waiting three months for the Department of Public Works to complete work on the main water transmission pipeline, 40 families that are to be beneficiaries of an ESP small grant to construct a communal tap will have to face a further delay in receiving clean water. A landslide in January 2008 destroyed the water distribution system. ESP assisted the small grant recipient, Koperasi Darmowarih Tirtolestari, to prepare a repair request to Magelang District, which agreed to repair the damage this year with funding taken from the Public Works special budget.

Elevating Potorono Hills from Production Forest to Conservation Area: Following an ESP-sponsored Field School and conservation campaign, local communities have taken the initiative to promote the concept of converting Potorono Hills from a production forest into a local protected conservation area. Perhutani is also assisting the community to raise this issue with the Province of Central Java.

WSM plans incorporated into Medium-Term Village Development Plans: The Tangsi Watershed Management Forum (Format Lintang) that prepared its watershed management plan last year has repackaged its WSM village-level action plans into medium-term village development plans, which is an existing local government planning document that is tied to the local government budget process. Twenty-one village heads from Tangsi and Kanci sub-watersheds participated in a 1-day workshop to learn about this process. This was followed by a 4-day workshop to train 21 village facilitators on how to work with their community members to prepare the medium-term village development plans. The WSM plan is now an important document that feeds into this medium-term village development plan.


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Mini ESP in Blongkeng

Tree Planting as part of Larger Conservation Movement: Last year, six villages that participated in the ESP Field School developed a community-based nursery in the Blongkeng sub-watershed, which has now produced 25,000 tree seedlings. This year, the local watershed management forum (Parikopi) is working with a local NGO, Kanopi, to conduct a pride in conservation campaign. One of the first activities in the campaign was a tree planting activity that was held every Sunday in March. High school students planted 8,500 trees to rehabilitate 50 ha of degraded land. Parikopi also facilitated village-level discussions to draft a local regulation related to land rehabilitation.


“The Merbabu National Park Management Agency really appreciates ESP’s Field School approach, especially for its community organizing and capacity building of our staff,” notes Untung Suprapto, Head of Merbabu National Park. “I always prioritize ESP’s invitations to meet because we consider ESP to be an important partner for our work”.

Three new CGH Schools: Ngargomulyo village has the highest population of residents under 10 years old in Magelang District. The negative impacts of extensive sand mining, land degradation, water and air pollution pose serious threats to the health of this young population. Through a small grant to Yayasan Hijau, ESP is facilitating the implementation of three new CGH Schools, which will serve as an entry point for addressing health and hygiene issues in this community. Eighteen teachers and 86 students are involved in this learning process. To date at the three schools, student discussion corners on health and hygiene behaviors have been held and students are now starting to regularly wash hands with soap, sort solid waste, clean up litter and re-green the school campus. Teachers at Karnisius Elementary School took initiative to involve the Ngarjomulyo local government in their

re-greening activities and students are now also rehabilitating village lands with trees and other organic plants in addition to their school campus.

Merapi National Park: The recently formed Merapi National Park Management Authority collaborated with ESP and used several ESP activities (such as Field Schools and Pride Conservation Campaigns) as an opportunity to inform local communities and the Magelang District local government agencies (e.g., department heads, village heads, and community forums) about the Park’s existence and programs. This reflects a high level of trust that the Park Authority has in ESP as they had been hesitant to interact with local and village-level government officials on their own. Critical issues that the Park Authority needs to start addressing with government officials and communities around the park are zonation, park boundaries, and conservation management. Clean Green Hygiene in Kota Yogyakarta 10 Communal Septic Tanks to be Better Optimized: An ESP survey revealed that only 40% of the capacity of Yogyakarta Municipality’s 40 existing communal septic tanks was being utilized, due largely to the low awareness on the part of the community about the need to connect to the septic tanks. This year, through a small grant to Yayasan Lestari, ESP will help 10 communities to better optimize their utilization of the septic tanks. This quarter, a multi-stakeholder workshop was conducted to select the 10 communities and design training materials. For the next seven months, ESP, Lestari, and the Yogyakarta Municipality


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Department of Environment will work with the community to raise awareness, improve the utilization of the septic tanks, as well as other health and hygiene issues. Community-Based Solid Waste Management: Through a small grant to Yayasan Lestari, ESP is providing assistance to six communities to improve their solid waste management under a program initiated by the Dept of Environment last year. As the infrastructure provided under the Dept of Environment’s program was not being optimally utilized, ESP’s small grant is focused on first mobilizing and educating the community on the importance of improved health and hygiene behaviors, which will then be expanded to include community organizing for improved solid waste management.

Blue Thread Strategy in Soti

Conservation Village Model Initiated in Six Villages: ESP assisted the community watershed forum (Forum Rembug Merbabu) to introduce the concept of conservation management in Merbabu National Park through Field Schools in six villages that border the park. ESP is supporting the forum to design and implement systematic and concrete conservation activities. The WSM planning process for communities living around Merbabu National Park is being conducted in collaboration with communities living around Merapi National Park and includes input from the management agencies of both parks.


Field School Links to Spring Protection Program: Six villages in the upper Soti watershed are located in a water catchment area that serves seven springs. These villages are now conducting ESP Field Schools and are also one of the important field sites for the Magelang District-funded Multi-stakeholder Spring Protection Program. Villagers are designing and conducting activities to support the spring protection program such as establishing community nurseries, mapping critical lands to be rehabilitated, and raising community awareness about the need for spring protection and land rehabilitation. CGH Schools Established in Conservation Area: Two public elementary schools situated on the border of the Mt Merbabu National Park serve as a strategic entry point to work with the community on health, hygiene and conservation awareness. ESP is conducting its Clean, Green, Hygiene Schools program at these

two schools, involving 60 students who will become agents of change in their community. To date at the two schools, student discussion corners on health and hygiene behaviors have been held and students are now starting to regularly wash hands with soap, sort solid waste, clean up litter and re-green the school campus. Students at Kaponan Elementary School are cultivating clove tree seedlings, which in addition to re-greening the campus will also bring in some revenue from the eventual sale of the cloves.


“After working with ESP, I now have a vision of how to develop an integrated forest management system at the village level”, commented Choirul Umam, the Village Head of Citrosono, Magelang. As a new village head, he has recently allocated 1 hectare and is working with the community to pilot a system of community-based forest management. “God Willing, four months from now, we will have a conservation learning model that we can apply more broadly”, he said enthusiastically.

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Blue Thread Strategy in Bolong Bamboo’s Role in Land Rehabilitation: The bamboo forests at the foot of Telomoyo and Andong Hills serve as a buffer zone for land and water in this important water catchment area. However, bamboo has not been managed sustainability and land rehabilitation efforts are not keeping pace with the high rate of land degradation and land conversion. Moreover, bamboo is locally underappreciated and perceived as a low quality, low value material. Through its Field School, ESP introduced villages to the practices of bamboo cultivation, sustainable clump management and harvesting, and bamboo preservation, processing and construction techniques. Villagers are now better utilizing bamboo in their land rehabilitation activities and will be able to obtain higher economic values. An international bamboo organization, Bamboo Nusa Verde, and local NGO, Sahabat Bambu, assisted with the workshop and also entered into agreements with the communities to sell their bamboo at slightly higher than market rates. In addition to the bamboo training workshop, ESP also sponsored media visits to participating villages and facilitated focus group discussions on bamboo’s role in land rehabilitation and local economic development. Bamboo’s high rate of growth, sustainable harvesting, and high economic value are now placing it higher on the community’s top choice for land rehabilitation. Intra-village Meetings to Develop WSM Plans: Twelve villages that have developed WSM action plans through the Field School approach met together to combine their village-level action plans into two sub-watershed management plans; one for Sub-DAS Soti and one for Sub-DAS Bolong. The WSM plans will be discussed with the district-level local government and the wider community in the two sub-watersheds to gain broader support for these annual action plans that will serve as a point of reference for continued collaboration and action. Citrosono Village Creates Conservation Learning Center: Citrosono Village, located on the slopes of Mt. Telomoyo, still retains its natural beauty with state forests that are still intact and numerous old trees in village gardens. Recognizing this potential, Field School participants plan to develop a conservation learning center in their community. As an initial step, each Field School participant planted three trees and worked together to establish a community-based nursery. To support this, the village government built a bamboo gazebo for community meetings and for communal animal shelters. Blue Thread Strategy in Kanci Village Heads Meet to Support Field Schools: Six village heads now regularly meet to evaluate and give support to ESP Field School activities that are being implemented by ESP small grantee, Yayasan Kuncup Mekar. The members of Yayasan Kuncup Mekar are the Village Facilitators from the neighboring Tangsi sub-watershed. Sustainable Livelihood Assessments (SLA) link to Village Development Plans: The SLAs that form the first part of the Field School process are garnering serious local government attention. The SLAs are being recognized as a dynamic, systematic method for involving a lot of voices at the village level that weren’t being heard before. Village leaders are now using the SLA process to develop their Mid-Term Village Development Plans. Water Utility Sector (PDAM) Strengthening and Water for the Poor PDAM Kota Yogyakarta: A customer satisfaction survey of 1200 respondents was conducted, which will provide important information for the corporate plan, which is currently being prepared.


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PDAM Kota Surakarta: PDAM and BRI signed a Master Agreement to implement a micro-credit program to increase access to clean water for potential customers who cannot afford the initial household connection to PDAM. Five hundred new customers are targeted for this program. This is the first micro-credit Master Agreement to be signed in Central Java. In addition, PDAM Solo is also collaborating with ESP to implement a “master meter program” to increase access to clean water for those who cannot afford household connections even with the micro-credit program. In addition, PDAM Solo recently requested ESP’s assistance with debt restructuring, which will be provided next quarter.

Magelang District PDAM: The results of the pilot non-revenue water loss (NRW) program were shared with 30 PDAM staff. The PDAM has stated its commitment to reducing NRW and replicating the NRW study in phases in other areas to identify further actions to be taken.

Magelang Municipality PDAM: With ESP’s assistance, the ETC Netherlands and Akademi Teknik Tirta Wiyata Magelang have signed a one-year contract to assist the PDAM reduce NRW.

Sleman District PDAM: ESP and Akademi Teknik Tirta Wiyata helped the PDAM prepare its Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), which has resulted in 32 procedures and 94 standard forms. The DPAM Director enacted a decree (Surat Keputusan) on January 2, 2008, to implement these SOP.

Temanggung District PDAM: Four out of seven planned focus group discussions have been conducted to help the PDAM prepare its corporate plan. ESP is facilitating this series of corporate plan meetings and a financial analysis has been undertaken.


• ODC and CGH Schools: The ODC met with the 4 CGH schools in Magelang District to discuss construction plans and timelines, and submitted a draft MOU to the local Department of Education for discussion and signing. ODC needs to have a signed MOU before construction can proceed. April is the target for the start of construction, pending the signing of the MOU.

• Possible Dutch funding for Yogyakarta Municipality’s sanitation system: Following ESP’s assistance to Yogyakarta Municipality to help them prepare a sanitation action plan, ESP facilitated discussions between DHV and Yogkarta Municipality to explore the possibility of seeking a grant from the Dutch government to improve sanitation services for the Yogyakarta Province and Municipality. A concept paper has been prepared that, if funded, would provide technical assistance to all aspects of the waste water system (institutional, technical, financial) for a 1.5–2 year period, including promotion campaigns, designs and financing for both centralized and community-based sanitation systems.

• Gender Discussions with Staff and Partners: Following a gender survey conducted last year, ESP conducted a 1-day internal gender awareness workshop with staff and 1-day external workshop for partners (village facilitators and small grantees). The results of these workshops included recommendations for improvements to existing ESP office policies and practices and will be further discussed at ESP’s National Gender workshop next quarter.


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Agus Hartono: Motivating Households to Manage their Waste One’s first impression upon meeting Agus Hartono is that he is an artist; his long hair, simple clothes, and speaking style all recall this image. But Agus is a well-known local environmental activist. Kota Yogyakarta recognized his contributions and hard work by appointing him to be a member of the evaluation committee for the city’s Clean Environment Competition and as a permanent facilitator of the city’s community development program. Agus’ work is all conducted under the auspices of a local NGO named Lestari that he founded with his wife and college friends several years ago.


He has extensive experience with community-based solid waste management. He has facilitated over 15 villages to develop household recyling and composting programs. An innovator of new ideas and approaches, careful consideration, and a vast network are what make Agus a respected community leader. In mid-2007, Agus participated in an ESP workshop. “When I met ESP, I felt I had met my true sparring partner. ESP’s approach to

community organizing and local government capacity building is strategic and pratical”, commented Agus. In January, Lestari received a small grant to assist ten communities increase their utilization of existing communal septic tanks and improve their solid waste management practices. “Through the small grant, ESP is helping us to improve our program management skills. Our activities are more systematic and we are now thinking about how the community can sustain these activities after the small grant support ends,” Agus remarked, during a multistakeholder evaluation of ESP’s two year programs in Yogyakarta.


Agus Hartono

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Map QPR12 Central Java - 1Location of ESP Integration Approach for Central Java & Yogyakarta Regions

Map Location

PROGO Watershed

TANGSISub Watershed

BLONGKENGSub Watershed

Focus Area for Integrated Sites and Strategies, FY 2008

BOLONGSub Watershed

SOTISub Watershed

KANCISub Watershed

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Map QPR12 Central Java - 2Mini-ESP Update

in Tangsi Sub-watershed

Location of Intake PDAM Sigandulan

Location of Intake PDAM Sipragak

Location of Intake PDAM Sidosari

Community-Based Solid Waste Working Group Formed:ESP assisted the community to prepare a proposal and conduct a multistakeholder workshop, which was attended by 4 related local government agencies, four local businesses, and 4 community groups that are already organized around solid waste management issues. The workshop participants agreed to form a working group on this issue.

40 Families Still Waiting for Clean Water:40 families that are to be beneficiaries of an ESP small grant to construct a communal tap have to face a further delay in receiving clean water. A landslide in January 2008 destroyed the water distribution system. ESP assisted the small grant recipient, KoperasiDarmowarih Tirtolestari, to prepare a repair request to Kab Magelang, which agreed to repair the damage this year with funding taken from the Public Works special budget.

Elevating Potorono Hills from Production Forest to Conservation Area: Following an ESP-sponsored Field School and conservation campaign, local communities have taken the initiative to promote the concept of converting Potorono Hills from a production forest into a local protected conservation area. Perhutani is also assisting the community to raise this issue with the Province of Central Java.

ToT for village planning cadres:To optimize process and result, Watershed Management Plan and Village action Plan will be adapted into Village Development Plan. The adaptation process started with a 4-day Training of Trainers for 30 village planning cadres, facilitated by ESP, Bappeda, and other related institutions from Pemerintah Kabupaten Magelang. This is also related to Payment for Environmental Services (PES) multi-stakeholder program spring protection in Kabupaten Magelang.

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Map QPR12 Central Java - 3Mini-ESP Update

in Blongkeng Sub-watershed

Tree Planting as Part of Larger Conservation Movement:The local watershed management forum (Parikopi) is working with a local NGO, (Kanopi) to conduct a pride in conservation campaign. One of the first activities in the campaign was a tree planting activity held every Sunday in March. High school students planted 8,500 trees to rehabilitate 50 ha of degraded land.

Three new CGH Schools:Through a small grant to Yayasan Hijau, ESP is facilitating the implementation of three new CGH Schools, which will serve as an entry point for addressing health and hygiene issues in this community. Eighteen teachers and 86 students are involved in this learning process.

Merapi National Park: The recently formed Merapi National Park Management Authority collaborated with ESP and used several ESP activities (such as Field Schools and Pride Conservation Campaigns) as an opportunity to inform local communities and the Kabupaten Magelang local government agencies (e.g., department heads, village heads, and community forums) about the park’s existence and programs.

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Map QPR12 Central Java - 4Clean, Green and Hygiene Update

in Kota Yogyakarta

10 Communal Septic Tanks to be Better Optimized: Through a small grant to Yayasan Lestari, ESP will help 10 communities to better optimize their utilization of the septic tanks. For the next seven months, ESP, Lestari, and the Kota Yogyakarta Department of Environment will work with the community to raise awareness of health and hygiene behaviors and improve the utilization of the septic tanks.

Develop 6 community groups in solid waste managementESP and Environmental Service of Kota Yogyakarta have committed to develop 9 community groups to improve their solid waste management systems. ESP supports the process by conducting a gradual community empowerment to build a community basedsolid waste management system.

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Map QPR12 Central Java - 5Blue Thread Update

for Soti Sub-watershed

Location of Intake PDAM Kanoman

Location of Intake PDAM Sidandang

Conservation Village Model Initiated in Six VillagesESP supports Forum Rembug Merbabu -a local community forum - to socialize conservation management, through the Field School process in 6 villages surrounding Merbabu National Park. The activity is fully supported by MerbabuNational Park Authority that was established in 2007.

Field School Links to Spring Protection Program: Six villages in the upper Soti watershed are located in a water catchment area that serves seven springs. These villages are now conducting ESP Field Schools and are also important field sites for the Kabupaten Magelang-funded Multistakeholder Spring Protection Program.

CGH Schools Established in Conservation Area: ESP is conducting its Clean, Green, Hygiene Schools program at two schools on the border of the Mt MerbabuNational Park , involving 60 students who will become agents of change in their community.

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Map QPR12 Central Java - 6Blue Thread Update

for Bolong Sub-watershed

Bamboo as an alternative for land rehabilitation activityTelomoyo and Andong Mountains in Bolong Sub-watershed have large Bamboo forest as buffer for land and water conservation. However, potential of bamboo has not explored and managed in a sustainable way. ESP introduces bamboo clump management, preserving and utilization, as well as maintaining ecological balance through Field School process.

Location of Intake PDAM Sidandang

Location of Intake PDAM Lebak

Location of Intake PDAM Kalimas

Location of Intake PDAM Tlogorejo

Location of Intake PDAM Citrosono

Intra-village Meetings to Develop WSM Plans: Twelve villages that have developed WSM action plans through the Field School approach met together to combine their village-level action plans into two subwatershed management plans; one for SubDAS Soti and one for SubDASBolong.

Citrosono Village Creates Conservation Learning Center: Field School participants plan to develop a conservation learning center in their community. As an initial step, each Field School participant planted three trees and worked together to establish a community-based nursery. To support this, the village government built a bamboo gazebo for community meetings and for communal animal shelters.

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Map QPR12 Central Java - 7Blue Thread Update

for Kanci Sub-watershed

Village Heads Meet to Support Field Schools: Six village heads now regularly meet to evaluate and give support to ESP Field School activities that are being implemented by ESP small grantee Yayasan Kuncup Mekar. The members of Yayasan Kuncup Mekar are the Village Facilitators from the neighboring Tangsi subwatershed.

Location of Intake PDAM Kalegen

Location of Intake PDAM Wulung

Location of Intake PDAM Silincat

Location of Intake PDAM Sijajurang

Sustainable Livelihood Assessments (SLA) link to Village Development Plans: The SLAs that form the first part of the Field School process are garnering serious local government attention. The SLAs are being recognized as a dynamic, systematic method for involving a lot of voices at the village level that weren’t being heard before. Village leaders are now using the SLA process to develop their Mid-Term Village Development Plans.

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Map QPR12 Central Java - 8PDAM Update

for Central Java and Yogyakarta Provinces

PDAM Kabupaten TemanggungFour out of seven planned focus group discussions have been conducted to help the PDAM prepare its corporate plan. ESP is facilitating this series of corporate plan meetings and a financial analysis has been undertaken.

PDAM Kota MagelangWith ESP’s assistance, the ETC Netherlands and Akademi Teknik Tirta Wiyata Magelang have signed a one-year contract to assist the PDAM reduce NRW.

PDAM Kabupaten MagelangThe results of the pilot non-revenue water loss (NRW) program were shared in a workshop. The PDAM has stated its commitment to reducing NRW and replicating the NRW study in phases in other areas to identify further actions to be taken.

PDAM Kabupaten SlemanESP and Akademi Teknik Tirta Wiyata helped the PDAM prepare its Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), which has resulted in 32 procedures and 94 standard forms. The PDAM Director enacted a decree (SuratKeputusan) on January 2, 2008, to implement these SOP.

PDAM Kota YogyakartaA customer satisfaction survey of 1200 respondents was conducted, which will provide important information for the corporate plan, which is currently being prepared.

PDAM Kota SurakartaPDAM and BRI signed a Master Agreement to implement a microcredit program to increase access to clean water for potential customers who cannot afford the initial household connection to PDAM. Five hundred new customers are targeted for this program. This is the first microcredit Master Agreement to be signed in Central Java.

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This Quarter ESP East Java worked in all seven integrated sites including a new one in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Field Schools are being implemented in the three Blue Thread and mini-ESP integrated sites. The monitoring and evaluation teams for the Field Schools have been established in three sub-watersheds as a way to engage local government stakeholders and attract funding support for village action plans. Many of the Field Schools are aimed at helping to protect the water sources used by PDAM and community-based water supply systems. Local government and private sector agencies are providing funding to communities in both upstream and downstream locations throughout the watershed. For example, in the upper watershed, the city of Batu has allocated funding to support LMDH for forest rehabilitation and improvement of a small-scale water supply system. PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali funded the implementation of two Field Schools in the upper watershed, which developed village action plans related to forest land rehabilitation. In the lower watershed, a new MCK++ facility is 90% complete and will serve 500 people. It was constructed under a cost sharing scheme between ESP, local, provincial, and national government budgets.

Five small grants were awarded this Quarter and implementation got underway. Three of the small grantees will implement Field Schools in new locations in three sub-watersheds. This will increase the number of villages in the three sub-watersheds that are implementing watershed management action plans and actively engaging in the community watershed forums. The two other small grant programs will improve access to clean water, sanitation, solid waste management, and hygiene behaviors in urban areas and schools in Malang Municipality and Sidoarjo District.


School children plant an endemic tree species at a new arboretum in the Welang Sub-watershed. Perhutani provided 793 m2 of land to local NGO, Yayasan Kaliandra Sejati, to establish the arboretum, which will serve as a learning site on land and forest rehabilitation. ESP provided training on topographic mapping and tree selection to support this initiative.


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INTEGRATED SITES UPDATES Mini ESP in Sumber Brantas Sub-watershed

Community Nursery Helps Protect Springs in Bumiaji. Following the completion of an ESP small grant last year, the Bumijaya II farmer group of Bumiaji is continuing their activities that were supported under the small grant, including a community-based nursery. To date, the nursery has produced 61,200 multipurpose tree species seedlings, of which 23,200 have been distributed for free and 1,390 were sold. The trees have been planted on degraded lands around springs in Toyomerto, Kasinan, and Parangmrico villages, which are an important water source for PDAM and the community-based water supply forum (Hippam). Around 30 ha forest and lands around the springs have been replanted. The LMDH Watershed Management Plan for Land and Forest Rehabilitation. The LMDH Watershed Management Plan was endorsed in January by the Batu Municipal Department of Environment. The WSM plan includes 12 villages that form the buffer zone of Tahura R. Soerjo and Perhutani forest lands. It took the community forum 1.5 years to prepare the plan because it involved reorganization within the LMDH, building a common perception among LMDH members, and engaging a broad group of stakeholders. The plan serves as common guidelines to reduce pressure on the forest by gradually shifting the livelihood of around 7,000 LMDH members from upland vegetable cropping in the Perhutani and Tahura forest to animal husbandry and other non-timber and non-agricultural income generating activities.


Catering service cares for environment. Duta Catering, a food catering service in Batu, collaborated with Paguyuban LMDH Kota Batu to rehabilitate 14 ha of degraded forest land, consisting of 10 ha of Perhutani forest and 4.6 ha of village land. Bu Djito, the owner of Duta Catering, provided funding for 4,400 trees to be planted on degraded lands in Punten village and asked her staff to plant the trees together with the LMDH members.

Temas Increases Awareness on Avian Influenza (AI). In RW XI Temas, 33 chicken slaughter enterprises are in operation as a home industry. The waste products from the slaughter operations are disposed of directly into irrigation channels. While no AI cases have been reported in the area to date, AI awareness and prevention measures were very low. To address this, ESP collaborated with the USAID’s CBAIC team to conduct an assessment of the slaughter houses to identify threat levels and develop recommendations for AI awareness and prevention measures. CBAIC distributed AI prevention materials to the target community and disseminated recommendations for the slaughter house workers, such as using masks to avoid inhaling dust with the virus, practicing personal hygiene by washing hands with soap, and changing clothes after working in the slaughter house. Payment for Environmental Services. The first PES transaction was made between PT Jasa Tirta and Pemerintah Kecamatan Bumiaji, in which PT Jasa Tirta made a cash payment of Rp 31 million directly to the sub-district for land rehabilitation in six villages. The


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communities used the funds to purchase seedlings to rehabilitate lands along river banks, road sides, and on critically degraded lands. But to date, no formal agreement or mechanism is in place to ensure the continuity of this type of PES transaction. ESP continues to work with buyers (e.g., community-based water supply forum, PDAM Batu and PDAM Kota Malang, Perhutani, Jasa Tirta, and PJB) and implementers (Kelompok Tani Tahura, Upstream Farmer’s Association, Fokal Mesra, Tahura, and LMDH) to design a formal agreement and mechanisms of the PES program. Blue Thread in Welang Sub-watershed


First Place Winner of the Best Farmer, Community Forest Management Award: In an unprecedented day, Pak Mohammad Yasin got nervous when a bunch of journalists got off two jeeps and asked him questions. Almost 20 journalists participating in the Rehabilitation Camp program chased the 58-year old gentleman. ”I am certainly pleased, but I don’t think I have done anything,” said Yasin, humbly. The journalists wanted to learn why he was selected as the best farmer forest manager in the Community Forest Management Award (Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat or PHBM) for his management of Pangkuan forest in Pasuruan. Yasin explained that since he was 11, he has planted and used trees in various locations of the forest. Currently, Yasin manages 3 areas of forest land that he rents from Perhutani, one of which is in Jatiarjo. Yasin has planted almost 1,000 trees on this quarter hectare plot since 1991, which is what brought him recognition to win the award. Yasin’s piece of forest is indeed a rare site of natural beauty. The trees are densely planted and include jackfruit, mahogany, avocado, banana, guava, and many more. “It’s so dense, that corn cannot grow there”, said Yasin proudly. The survival rate of his trees is above 80%. For the past 17 years, Yasin has only reaped the fruits, not the trees, a practice considered unusual by his fellow villagers.


Mohammad Yasin holds up his Community Forest Management Award, which recognizes his 50 years of hard work sustainably managing forest plots in Pasuruan, East Java. Yasin reaps only fruits and lets his trees grow to maturity.

Kaliandra’s New Arboretum is a Learning Site for Land and Forest rehabilitation. Yayasan Kaliandra Sejati (YKS) is recognized as a local leader in successfully improving upland forest management in Prigen. To support this, Perhutani provided 793 m2 of land to YKS to establish an arboretum. At the start of this initiative, ESP conducted a training workshop for YKS staff on topographic mapping and tree selection. Participants learned how to produce maps of the land boundaries, contours, and tree positions, and how to select trees for different slope and soil types. YKS has started implementing comprehensive field work to establish the arboretum, including selecting tree species, and number and location of trees to be planted. Rehabilitation Camp Gives Journalists a New Perspective on Land and Forest Rehabilitation. ESP’s Multimedia Campaign XI focused on land rehabilitation issues with a theme of “Participatory Reforestation: An Opportunity for Democracy of Forest Development”. ESP conducted campaign activities in Pasuruan with participation of

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television, print, and electronic media from Malang Raya and Pasuruan. Over 50 members of the media, local leaders and musicians attended a workshop and joined a field trip to a spring where they shared their thoughts, ideas, and experiences in an informal setting. A Brawijaya University expert demonstrated the use of bio-assessment as a predictor of environmental degradation. Participants gained a common vision of how to effectively rehabilitate degraded land and gained a renewed appreciation for local wisdom and initiatives that could hold the key to promoting forest conservation and rehabilitation. Payment for Environmental Services. The forty members of the Arjuno Lestari retail water association have been joined by six other companies (PT Otsuka, Schering Plough, HM Sampoerna, Taman Safari, PT Taman Dayu, and Coca-Cola) that have expressed strong interest to participate in the payment for environmental services program. A draft agreement between two major actors (Kelompok Tani Tahura and Tahura Management Authority) has been prepared and is being reviewed by the two parties. ESP facilitated the preparation of the draft agreement and conducted a 1-day PES meeting with all interested parties to discuss several PES scenarios, including a collaborative forest management program design, which is currently being considered and further developed by the KTT and Tahura Management Authority. Each member of the retail water association has agreed to allocate Rp 5,000 per water truck towards the PES conservation initiatives. The other 7 companies are currently reviewing the PES scenarios and will soon determine their level of involvement. The Pasuruan District government has agreed to draft regulations pertaining to the issuance of permits for companies utilizing ground water and springs. Blue Thread in Brangkal sub-watershed

Field School Monitoring and Evaluation Team. Two new Field Schools have started in Dilem and Begagan Limo, Mojokerto, joining three other alumni Field School villages that started last year in this sub-watershed. Fifty community members from the two villages are actively participating in the Field Schools. This Quarter, ESP also established a monitoring and evaluation team consisting of local government agencies, local NGOs, and village leaders to ensure a wider and more comprehensive participation of stakeholders within the sub-watershed. The monitoring and evaluation team will observe and participate in various stages of the Field School, such as sustainable livelihood assessments, initial action, Field Day, and preparation of the WSM plans. Blue Thread in Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park (Ambang & Lesti sub-watersheds)

Field Schools Focus on Land and Forest Rehabilitation in the National Park. Ten new villages that lie near the border of Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park are participating in ESP Field Schools. The sustainable livelihood assessments in these villages revealed that more than 75% of the five villages depend on firewood obtained from the national park. Given the villages’ dependence on the national park, ESP has invited national park rangers to join as facilitators of the ESP Field Schools together with the village facilitators. Developing alternative sources of cooking fuel, such as biogas, and land rehabilitation are emerging as major themes in this area. Dinas Pertanian and Perkebunan Malang District provided 37,000 cacao seedlings to be planted on degraded land in Argosari. Another 6,000 trees have been planted on degraded lands around springs in Pandansari.


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Clean, Green, and Hygiene (CGH) in Kota Malang, and Kepanjen Sub-District in Malang District (Ambang-Melamon Sub-watersheds)

Ibu Marno: tireless community activist. Even the pouring rain cannot stop Bu Marno, a PKK cadre of RW III, Dinoyo, from organizing her community to improve their serious solid waste management problem. During this particularly heavy downpour, she was busy preparing for an upcoming Kota Malang Clean Environment contest. One week before the contest, she borrowed 14 Takakura composters from the neighboring RW and distributed 2 units to each of the 7 RTs in RW III. To prepare her fellow residents, she spent an hour each day patiently informing and encouraging them how to use the composters. When the jury came, Ibu Marno was certain that her neighbors’ composting activities had impressed them. Two weeks passed and all the borrowed composters had been returned. Finally, the jury announced that RW III was selected as the runner up of the Clean Environment contest. As a reward, Bu Marno and her neighbors received 23 Takakura and 12 aerobic composters. “Hiyaa! Thanks to the 14 borrowed composters, we now got 23 more composters for our community!” yelled Bu Marno. “It has never been easy to ask people to live in a clean and hygienic way. But they already have potential, creativity, and skills for problem solving. A little facilitation is all that is required to raise their commitment to do something for others and the environment,” elaborated Bu Marno. Since her participation in an ESP training workshop last year, she has been regularly campaigning about community-based solid waste management and often receives requests from other communities in Lowokwaru Sub-District to give presentations and demonstrations on solid waste management.


With 14 composters borrowed from the neighboring community, Ibu Marno organized residents in RW III to recycle and compost. Her efforts received a runner up status in the Malang Municipality Clean Environment Contest, in which the community received 35 composters as a reward.

MCK++ to Serve 500 people in Pakis Kembar. Construction is 90% complete on an MCK++ that will serve 100 households (500 people) at RW I, Jambon (Desa Pakis Kembar, Pakis Sub-District, Malang District). The facility was developed under a cost sharing scheme between ESP, Malang District, East Java provincial government, and national budget. ESP supported the software, such as community mobilization and detailed engineering design, while the others provided Rp 350 million for construction. Residents who formerly practiced open defecation in an irrigation channel will now have toilets and septic tanks for the first time.


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Water and Sanitation in the Maspo Sub-watershed and Anchor Site in Kota Surabaya

Pak Darto has never felt awkward when it comes to promoting hand washing with soap.


Pak Darto is a posyandu cadre who actively promotes hand washing with soap to not only women and mothers, but also to men in his community. Here he is demonstrating proper hand washing techniques to children at Posyandu Arimbi II in Gading, Surabaya.

“Wash your hands with water, use soap, and clean your fingers.” “Wash again with water, please…” “Then dry up your hands with clean cloth…” He yells these three phrases continuously while he demonstrates hand washing with soap to the crowd at Posyandu Arimbi II, RW XVII, Gading, Surabaya. His encouraging yell can be heard competing with the sounds of a crying baby. Who says that Posyandu cadres are all women? Pak Darto (51), who is also the head of RT 04, heIps weigh babies and conducts hand washing with soap campaigns, which have become more frequent since ESP provided hand washing stations to the posyandu, consisting of jerry cans of water, soap and hand towels. “Before we received the hand washing stations, we could only talk about hand washing with soap. We had no idea how to do it properly,” said Ibu Sri Wahyuni, another cadre at Posyandu Arimbi II. Sixteen community members participated in the campaign, including Pak Darto. They are committed to campaigning on hand washing with soap at every event. ”Not only women and mothers need to understand the importance of the hand washing. Men and fathers do, too,” remarks Pak Darto.

Wonokromo Promotes Source Reduction and Recycling: Residents of RW VI Wonokromo now understand that if they throw their garbage into the nearby stream, the area will be flooded due to the reduced capacity of the stream. Community cadres tirelessly encourage residents to composting and recycle. All this effort was recently rewarded when Ibu Irsan, a cadre leader of RW VI, was selected as the 1st place winner of the Surabaya Green and Clean contest in the plastic recycling category. Residents exhibited their plastic recycled products at PKK gatherings of Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, and Madura areas. All the recycled products and handicrafts on display were sold out, including bags made from instant noodle plastic wrappers. To encourage further reduction of plastic garbage, ESP is conducting a source reduction campaign that promotes residents to use cloth shopping bags or bags made from recycled plastic rather than accept plastic bags provided by shops. Residents are now busy producing their own cloth and recycled plastic bags using plastic from their waste stream.


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PDAM Surabaya: Following the World Bank’s approval of the Output Based Aid commitment paper, PDAM Surabaya, the World Bank, ECO-Asia, and ESP developed the Project Implementation Manual required for the grant agreement and budgeting systems. The City of Surabaya was selected to be the executing agency and the fund channeling mechanism was agreed upon. The grant agreement is expected to be signed in April. Once the agreement is signed and the budgeting system requirements are met, PDAM Surabaya can start installing the first 3,000 new connections for low income families. For the micro-credit program, ESP co-supported the preparation and distribution of promotional materials together with PDAM, BRI, and Bank Jatim. ESP also worked with PDAM and the banks to monitor existing connections and expand the micro-credit facility to more families. Sidoarjo PDAM: ESP completed a technical review of the PDAM’s expansion plan. The expansion study shows that the PDAM currently serves 30% of the total population. In the first stage of the plan PDAM will increase its coverage to 34% by 2010. This figure takes into account the mud flow disaster that affects both PDAM’s service area and one of its production facilities. PDAM has agreed on the plan and will move forward with a financing plan that will determine source of funding and investment scheme. ESP also supported PDAM and BRI to promote its micro-credit water for the poor program. To date, around 1,600 households are now receiving the PDAM’s piped water through the micro-credit facility, which they repay through installments. Through a small grant to Farabi, a local NGO, ESP is also assisting PDAM Sidoarjo to implement a master meter water-for-the-poor program in two low-income neighborhoods. Gresik PDAM: ESP completed a technical review of the PDAM’s expansion plan that covers water demand, system configuration, and funding requirements. A financial review of the expansion plan will be conducted next, focusing on a debt restructuring plan. ESP also supported the development of Standard Operating Procedures, which are currently being synchronized with a computerized system for various purposes, such as billing. Malang Municipal PDAM: PDAM is developing an investment plan to target 111,000 new connections by 2015, including 24-hour service, and prime quality water. The PDAM may finance the investment through the issuance of a bond. ESP is facilitating this process. ESP has sent the invitation to bid to undertake credit rating to 3 rating agencies; Moodys, Fitch, and Pefindo. Submission of the quotation and appointment of the winner is scheduled in March 28, 2008. ESP also provided support for PDAM and BRI to market the micro-credit scheme. To date, around 90 households have now PDAM connection through the credit facility. Malang District PDAM: ESP is supporting the PDAM to develop a corporate plan that will cover a mid-term horizon to both improve and expand its service. ESP also provided support for PDAM and BRI to expand water connection through the micro-credit program. Jointly with PDAM and BRI, ESP developed promotional materials that were distributed to all 23 PDAM service units across the district.


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This Quarter, five small grants were awarded and activities are being implemented as follows:

• Fokal Mesra is implementing 5 new Field Schools and continues to support 5 alumni Field School communities in Kota Batu, Sumber Brantas Sub-watershed. Fokal Mesra will also provide technical support to one community-based water supply forum (HIPPAM) in Punten to increase access to clean water for 100 households which are having difficulty accessing water.

• Yayasan Pembangunan Pedesaan (YPP) is implementing 4 new Field Schools in villages surrounding the Tahura Raden Soerjo Grand Forest Park in the Brangkal Sub-watershed. YPP is working with the community and the Grand Park management on land rehabilitation and conservation in and around the Grand Forest Park.

• Paramitra is implementing 4 new Field Schools in villages surrounding Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS), which is in the Ambang-Lesti Sub-watersheds. Two major issues in these communities are harvesting wood from TNBTS for cooking fuel and an abundance of cow manure. A typical household has 2-3 cows and cow manure is dumped into the river. Communities will develop an action plan to convert the manure into biogas as alternative energy source for cooking, thereby reducing the need for fire wood and eliminating the cow manure disposal problem.

• LPKP is assisting with ESP’s CGH school and CGH community program in selected schools in Bareng and Arjowinangun, Malang Municiplaity. CGH schools and communities will be given assistance to implement solid waste management and re-greening programs and increased awareness about hand washing with soap. In addition, LPKP will assist a community-based water supply forum (Hippam) to extend household connections to 60 households.

• Farabi is working with PDAM Sidoarjo to provide a master meter program to two low-income neighborhoods in Sidoarjo District. Farabi is facilitating the residents to prepare a community work plan, including tariff structure. Physical and social mapping is being developed to determine piping route and location of the 100 customers.

Leveraging for Sustainability

• LMDH’s newly approved Watershed Management Plan has already attracted a commitment of funding from the East Java Provincial Forestry Department for Rp 34 million for aloe vera that can be planted under shade trees on forested lands.

• LMDH and the Universitas Islam Malang (UNISMA) are collaborating on a cow and goat raising program. UNISMA donated six slaughter cows worth Rp. 54 million to Oro-oro Ombo village and 16 dairy cows worth Rp. 55 million to Tlekung village. Additionally, 165 goats were provided to Songgokerto, Giripurno, and Sumber Rejo villages (totaling Rp. 108 million).

• The Field Schools in Argosari and Pandansari Lor received support from the Malang District Department of Agriculture in the form of 37,000 cacao trees worth Rp. 130 million.


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• Following discussions with the City of Batu, Fokal Mesra received local government funding in the amount of Rp. 231 million to be used for a water pipeline from a spring in Coban Talun to meet water demands of the local community.

• PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PJB) is supporting two Field Schools in Tulungrejo and Pandansari Lor. PJB will also provide Rp. 25 million to support ESP’s CGH school program in Malang Raya next Quarter.

• ESP sanitation programs leveraged funding from local, provincial, and central government budgets to construct one MCK++ that will serve 100 households (500 people) at RW I, Jambon, Desa Pakis Kembar, Malang District. Various Malang District government agencies contributed Rp. 200 million, while East Java provincial government agencies contributed Rp. 50 million and Satuan Kerja Pengembangan Kinerja Perngelolaan Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Jawa Timur contributed Rp. 100 million (APBN) through the Sanimas Program.


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Map QPR 12 East Java-1East Java Priority Watershed and Integrated Sites

Map Location

Focused Area for ESP Integrated Program Sites and Strategies, FY 2008:1. Mini ESP in Sumber Brantas Sub-watershed

- Integrated Program in Kota Batu2. Blue Thread Integrated Program in Welang Sub-watershed

- Pasuruan and Malang Districts- Raden Soerjo Grand Forest Park

3. Blue Thread Integrated Program in Brangkal Sub-watershed - Mojokerto District- Raden Soerjo Grand Forest Park

4. Blue Thread Integrated Program in Ambang & Lesti Sub-watersheds- Malang District- Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

5. Clean, Green, and Hygiene (CGH) Integrated Program in Ambang, Lesti & Melamon Sub-watersheds- Kota Malang- Kepanjen Sub-district, Malang District- PDAM Work Plans

6. Anchor Site Integrated Program in Maspo Sub-watershed - Kota Surabaya- Sidoarjo District- Gresik District- PDAM Work Plans

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Map QPR 12 East Java-2Mini ESP

in Sumber Brantas Sub-watershed

WS 2-1: Bumijaya II Farmer group plants trees around apple plantation and springs in Bumiaji, Batu.

WS 2-1: Duta Catering service in collaboration with Paguyuban LMDH Batu rehabilitated 14 ha degraded land and forest consisting of 10 ha Perhutaniforest land and 4.6 ha community land.

SC 6-1 Campaign activities by ESP Public Private Partnership. ESP collaborated with PJB to rehabilitate critical lands in Tulungrejo, Brantas Sub-watershed and Pandansari Lor, Ambang Sub-watershed to improve flow of stream passing PJB’s power plant.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-3aBlue Thread Strategy

in Welang Sub-watershed

WS 2-1: Students of two junior high schools are participating in tree planting in Ledug village, Pasuruan.

WS 1-4: Field School participants are presenting the ideal environmental conditions on a map in Sumber Rejovillage, Pasuruan District.

WS 2-1 An arboretum is developed to promote forest education on biodiversity conservation and eco- tourism. At least 30 variety of trees are planted around the arboretum.

WS 2-3 The Head of Purwosari Sub-district participates in a Monitoring and Evaluation Team meeting in Welang. The Team represents a collaboration between community and local government. An agreement was developed for the local government to support Field School follow up actions in Welang Sub- watershed, Pasuruan District.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-3bBlue Thread Strategy

in Welang Sub-watershed

WS 1-5 Paguyuban Kelompok Tani Tahura R. Soerjo (PKTT) drafted their watershed management plan for 2008-2010 that will also include the Tahura R. Soerjo and private companies operating in Pasuruan District as key stakeholders.

SC 2-1 Journalists, experts, and local leaders attend a two-day workshop to build a common vision of the importance of land and forest rehabilitation and conservation.

WS 3-1 Tambaksari Field School alumni attend a dialogue with PDAM Kab. Malang, Perhutani BKPH LawangBarat, and local government to share thoughts on how to collaborate to protect Mencokan spring.

WS 2-1 Mohammad Yasin is the winner of PHBM PerhutaniAward for his perseverance over thirty years to let the trees mature,andharvest only the fruit in Pangkuan forest, Jatiarjo, Pasuruan District.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-4Blue Thread Strategy

in Brangkal Sub-Watershed

WS 1-4: A Field School participant presents his team’s transect analysis on forest, springs, and local livelihoods as part of a process to prepare community plans for land rehabilitation actions.

WS 2-3: A Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop at Brangkal Sub-watershed, Mojokerto, was attended by 40 local government and community participants who pledged continuing support for new and alumni field school villages.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-5aClean, Grean & Hygiene (CGH) in Kota Malang & Kec. Kepanjen in Malang District

(Ambang-Lesti-Melamon Sub-watersheds)

SD 4-2: Cholil of Curung Rejo village, Malang District, presents the solid waste management options to the community during a workshop.

SC 1–3: Mrs. Marno of Dinoyo, Kota Malang, manages her household solid waste using the Takakura and aerobic composters. Her leadership and community organizing earned her RW recognition as runner up of the Malang Clean Environment contest.

SC 1-3: Fecal oral transmission is discussed during a community workskop to improve awareness on the importance of clean and healthy behavior.

SC 1-3: Mergosono community members practice how to manage households solid waste using Takakura composting method.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-5bClean, Grean & Hygiene (CGH) in Kota Malang & Kec. Kepanjen in Malang District

(Ambang-Lesti-Melamon Sub-watersheds)

PM 7-1: Two Gender Needs Assessment workshops were conducted, one for ESP staff and one for ESP partners, which led to greaterawareness on the importance of gender issues.

SC 2-1: MMC XI aired a radio show on land and forest rehabilitation issues through Malang News Channel 87.9 FM with participation ofexperts, local government officials, other key stakeholders, and radio listener participation through an interactive broadcast program.

SD 5-2: One MCK++ in RW I, Dusun Jambon, Pakis Kembar village, Malang District is completed and will now serve 100 households that previously lacked proper sanitation infrastructure.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-6aBlue Thread Strategy

in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (Ambang-Lesti Sub-watersheds)

WS 1-4: Field school (FS) in Argosari village

Participation of Agricultural Department and Bromo TenggerSemeru National Park staff in Field Schools improves capacity of village facilitators through experience sharing and opportunity for collaboration.

The Malang Agricultural Department provides Cocoa Sp seedlings and shares their knowledge on successful planting to the Field School participants. The use of Bokasi is also presented as a basic media nutrition for planting Cocoa Sp.

WS 1-4: Field school (FS) in Benjor village. Participants present results of the field transect and photo analysis during a Field School session. The new Field Schools in the National Parkarea are focused on land and forest rehabilitation.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-6bBlue Thread Strategy

in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (Ambang-Lesti Sub-watersheds)

WS 1-4: Field school (FS) in Patokpicis village

WS 1-4: Field school (FS) in Pandansari village

WS 1-4: Field school (FS) in Duwet village

During the Field School, various topics are discussed, such as transect analysis and fecal oral transmission. The participants discuss issues related to environment and human health.

Field school participants enthusiastically participate in the informal sessions. They not only learn about technical issues, but also build networks among community members.

Participation of women during the Field School is important to give a balanced perspective of emerging local issues.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-7Sanitation in The Maspo Sub-watershed & Anchor Site

in Kota Surabaya

SD 4-2: Wonokromo cadres are promoting the value of plastic waste that can be made into handicrafts, such as bags and mats.

SC 1-3: Posyandu cadres actively participate in the behavior change communication training in Gading, Surabaya. Health and hygiene campaign messages are delivered whenever there are events at the community health centre.

SD 4-2: Cadres of Wonokromo, Surabaya have started a plastic waste reduction campaign by using cloth bags or recycled plastic bags instead of using new plastic bag when shopping at the market. Cadres are encouraging the community to make their own cloth and recycled bags.

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Map QPR 12 East Java-8PDAM Work Plans

SD 2-1: A workshop was held to develop the Project Implementation Manual for the World Bank Output Based Aid program with PDAM Surabaya. The grant will subsidize low income families to accessPDAM’s piped water. The program will target 3,000 households in its initial stage for a total of 15,500 connections over three years.

SD 2-3: A community in Lemah Putra, Sidoarjo will get PDAM water through a master meter scheme. The community is organizing themselves to form a team, a workplan, and mapping of the piping route and location of the 100 recipient households.

SD 2-3: ESP support the expansion of PDAM’s coverage to more low income households through the micro-credit program. Promotional materials have been developed jointly by PDAM, BRI, and ESP to increase awareness of more households to the credit facility.

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ESP has supported the development of various sanitation programs in Padang, West Sumatra, over the past two years. During this Quarter, the last of these was completed and handed over to the respective community and local government. The small grant program which established a community revolving fund for a package of improved household sanitation and water supply was already completed in July 2007, but continued to increase access to improved water supply and sanitation facilities. From the original 10 participating households, enough money has been paid back to support 3 new households, with another 10 on the waiting list. The program is managed entirely by the community group. Another sanitation program completed in this period, was the Citywide Sanitation Strategy which conducted their closing workshop attended by the Pokja Sanitation, SEKDA as well as provincinal and national government representatives. All government representatives committed themselves to further develop and implement the agreed strategy. Finally the Community Based Sanitation (CBS) system, which was built as part of ESP subcontract with BORDA and co-financed with Local Government was completed and officially opened by the Mayor of Padang, in the presence of whole community, DPRD, media and government officials. The MCK++ in Purus was highlighted as an excellent example how government can support improved sanitation facilities along the coast, not only benefitting the poor communities, but also visitors. The mayor then instructed his staff to rearrange Rp 1 billion ($ 110.000) during the upcoming APBD adjustments (June) to construct an additional 3 MCK++ along the coast. He thanked ESP and BEST for all the support provided to Padang, especially on showing how they can improve their sanitation. ESP will maintain contact with Pokja Sanitation, especially to see when the additional 3 MCK++ will be constructed. ESP will not provide direct funding for this, but has requested BEST to take direct responsibility for the ’software’ component.


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In this Section, we present a more detailed account of the Program’s activities at the national level as well as significant achievements related to Program Management. This Section is divided into the following Sub-Sections: Section 3.1 National Updates Section 3.2 Program Management Updates


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During the second Quarter of the Program Year 4 Work Plan, the WSM Group worked with ESP colleagues and partners towards addressing the Work Plan’s theme of Leveraging for Sustainability. At the national level, the WSM team worked with the Ministry of Forestry and other national-level government, NGO and private sector partners to systematically explore ESP’s field-based tools in order to see how they might be best applied and scaled-up by others. This included the commencement of a seminar series with the Ministry of forestry, with the first seminar sharing lessons learned from ESP’s five Pride Conservation Awareness campaigns wrapping up in Aceh as well as East and Central Java. The WSM Team also supported MMC #11, which focused on Land Rehabilitation and culminated with a media roundtable including perspectives by Ministry of Forestry, CIFOR, PDI-P political party and the District head of Wonosobo, Central Java. At the field level, the national WSM Team provided on-going technical support necessary to ramp-up field schools and related land rehabilitation and conservation activities, as well as technical support for strengthened forums, WSM plans and Payment for Environmental Services models. During the Quarter, the WSM Team also provided technical support to the Mid Term Evaluation Team, and also collaborated closely with USAID/Washington’s Patrick Smith in order to look at ways to align ESP activities to Global Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation opportunities. Highlights of the Quarter include:

• Development and Implementation of WSM Plans. The WSM National Team provided on-going technical support to regional teams for the strengthening of WSM forums as well as the development and implementation of WSM plans. Particular emphasis was given to local biodiversity conservation management, ensuring WSM plans addressed biodiversity conservation threats assessments and that WSM plans included conservation objectives. Additionally, the WSM Team focused on timing presentation of WSM plans to local government in order to maximize opportunities for leveraging financial support during the GOI budget planning cycle. ESP also developed an integrated Spring Protection model, working with TNGP, local communities and the Sukabumi PDAM on Batu Karut spring as a model. This will be rolled-out to regional ESP teams during a training in April 2008.

• Community-Based Critical Land Rehabilitation. This Quarter marked peak Rainy Season and Field School activities in most ESP HPPs, and thus included a strong emphasis on both community and collaborative land rehabilitation and forest restoration activities. Field Schools and Field School TOTs were ramped-up in all HPPs. Heavy emphasis was given to forest restoration in and directly adjacent to National Parks and other Protected Areas, using native multi-purpose tree species and facilitating local policy agreements between communities and government agencies clarifying sustainable natural resource management and conservation objectives in forest restoration activities. During the Quarter, ESP worked with the Ministry of Forestry and District Heads of Cianjur, Bogor and Sukabumi to forge an agreement for community-based land rehabilitation that will be launched later in the year.


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• Biodiversity Conservation Management. ESP continued to work with the Ministry of Forestry’s PHKA to further develop the Model Conservation Village (MDK) program, building links to biodiversity conservation and community livelihoods development through a training process adopted from the ESP WSM Field School. ESP facilitated a multi-stakeholder MDK Field School Training of Trainers (TOT) for rangers and NGOs working in Gunung Gede Pangrango and Halimun-Salak National Parks as well as local government officials from Cianjur District, Bogor District, Sukabumi District and West Java Province. This builds extra capacity to scale-up activities in these two important National Parks in West Java, and has inspired the West Java provincial government to adapt this approach in other areas in the province.

• PRIDE. This quarter, ESP also wrapped-up five Pride Conservation Awareness Campaigns, in Aceh as well as Central and East Java. Field activities ended in March, and final evaluations indicate that the campaigns have contributed significantly to increase understanding of and commitment to local conservation issues. A seminar was held at the Ministry of Forestry to highlight the impact of this conservation awareness approach and to encourage its adaptation by other government agencies and non-government organizations. An indication of the success of these campaigns and sustainability of this approach is that IPB is training both a second and third cohort of Pride Campaign Managers in a diploma program, with funding coming from a range of other sources.

• Payment for Environmental Services (PES). ESP facilitated final agreement and signing of an MoU between water users group, FORPELA, and Gunung Gede National Park management for a PES model aimed at ensuring water resource and biodiversity conservation for the shared benefit of upstream and downstream users. This PES agreement is now under implementation and serves as a model for additional agreements across Indonesia.

ESP continues to work in the following Protected Areas:

Province Protected Areas

Aceh 1. Pocut Meurah Intan Grand Forest Park 2. Alur Mancang Spring Protection Forest 3. Krueng Terbang Spring Protection Forest (Part of Ulu Masen) 4. Krueng Kaloek Spring Protection Forest (Part of Jantho Protected Areas) 5. Bukit Barisan Grand Forest Park North

Sumatra 6. Langkat Timur Laut Wildlife Sanctuary 7. Gunung Leuser National Park (Bahorok and Aceh Singkil Sector) 8. Sibolangit Nature Reserve 9. Sibolangit Recreation Park 10. Gede Pangrango National Park West Java 11. Corridor area of Halimun Salak National Park (Bogor District) 12. Tangkuban Perahu - Burangrang Protected Areas 13. Merapi National Park Central Java 14. Merbabu National Park 15. Raden Soeryo Grand Forest Park East Java 16. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park


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• WSM Policy Support. ESP continued to provide policy support for both local conservation management as well as integrated watershed management with an emphasis on responsible community-based land tenure. ESP facilitated Conservation Policy Working Group meetings that resulted in the provision of recommendations and a policy briefing to the Ministry of Forestry for revisions to Law 5/1990 on biodiversity conservation as well as Implementing Regulation 68/1998 on Protected Areas Management. ESP facilitated a significant two-day workshop this Quarter, including active participation from government agencies, NGOs and research institutions. ESP also provided on-going support for the development of integrated watershed management policy, incorporating ESP’s principles into it. Draft Implementing Regulations have been prepared, and have been submitted to the President from the Ministry of Forestry in order to generate broader, integrated support. This Quarter, ESP also helped develop and was invited to join the National Watershed Management Forum. Managed by RLPS and sanctioned by Ministerial decree, this new National WSM Forum will provide leadership and vision for the multitude of WSM forums currently active across Indonesia.

• Multi Media Campaign (MMC) Technical Support. This Quarter, the WSM Team provided technical support to the Strategic Communications team for the successful design and implementation of MMC #11 on land rehabilitation. This MMC resulted in significant coverage of land rehabilitation issues in all HPPs, and culminated with a media roundtable in Jakarta. Timed to coincide with the Rainy Season and seasonal flooding, the MMC effectively put land rehabilitation on the national media agenda.


During this quarter, the Services Delivery program focused on further development of water-for-poor and sanitation programs as well as providing support to the Mid Term Evaluation team. The SD National Team mainly supports regional SD activities, but also has some direct responsibility for new initiatives, like water-for poor, PDAM efficiency and city wide sanitation, as well as maintaining and increasing communication with National Government and donor agencies, to showcase ESP field successes. Highlights for the quarter include:

• Increased Water for Poor. The pilots in Medan are moving forward in both Panah Hijau (175 households) and Bagan Deli (100 households). The last one is part of the larger Belawan program covering 3,300 households. During this quarter, ESP collaborated with the World Bank, completing all necessary documents for their financial support, which will be decided in early April. ESP also started the initial design and survey phase for Belawan. A presentation was held on March 27 to Pak Budi Yuwono, Director General of the Public Works Ministry about the master-meter concept in Belawan, with very positive reactions and a commitment by Public Works to support both PDAM and PEMDA Medan. For the Global Partnership Output Based Aid (GP OBA) program, covering 15,500 poor families in Surabaya, the Project Implementation Manual was finalized and discussed during a seminar with all stakeholders in Surabaya. The remaining outstanding issue is the finalization of the fund-channeling procedures from the World Bank to PDAM Surabaya and entering of this grant agreement in Government green book.


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ESP (with ECO-Asia Indonesia coordinator.) started the water-for-poor toolkit, by drafting various CBO models, contract examples for PDAM, PDAM internal procedures and tariff issues. The ongoing programs in Medan, Jakarta and Bandung as well as planned programs in Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Solo will be used as examples. It is expected that this draft toolkit will be ready for a water-for-poor workshop planned in July 2008

• PDAM Efficiency Programs. Because tendering by PDAM Surabaya of the Energy efficiency program did not meet expected results, the program has been reorganized in this Quarter, with all the Technical Assistance for the preparation of detailed list of energy saving measures now provided as grant financing from the Dutch program. This will be done between April and June, after which the tender for pre-financing and O&M will be conducted again. The contract for the NRW program between another Dutch donor and Akademi Tirta Wiyata for PDAM Kota Magelang has been finalized and signed during this Quarter. Kick-off meeting hosted by ESP and PDAM will be on March 31 and the program will run for 10 months in order to develop a model and manuals, and will conclude with two exposure workshops for 30 other PDAMs. ESP has been asked by PDAM Surabaya to assist in development of Performance Based contract guidelines for NRW program, in anticipation of investor interest to conduct large program (ca. 70,000 households). Also during this Quarter ESP SD National Team started first drafts of the PDAM Technical Reports on NRW reduction and Water Quality monitoring.

• ESP Sanitation Programs. In this Quarter, ESP provided additional support to the two citywide sanitation strategies prepared with ADB for Medan and Yogyakarta, including several coordination meetings with Ministry of Public Works and Bappenas. The investment plan for the expansion of the Medan sewerage system has been drafted and is now being discussed at the local and national levels. The detailed sub-district sanitation mapping for Medan has started and training modules for the city Pokja teams, which have been prepared by BORDA will be finalized with ESP in early April, so that training can start by mid April. The SD National team is currently developing the SoW for detailed Sanitation Action Planning for 4 cities, including Action Plan modules, regional facilitation, (limited) real demand surveys, professional reports and National workshop (to be completed by end of 2008). ESP is also supporting ECO-Asia with development of a Twinning program between Medan city and several potential candidates, like IWK and Ilo-Ilo City. The Sanitation support program for Bandung city also started this Quarter, with sanitation mapping (using GIS) of critical area’s and customer location, in preparation for introduction of using micro-credit for accelerating new house connections. For Yogyakarta, ESP National team is facilitating a possible collaboration for substantial TA grant financing by Dutch donor to improve the sanitation institutions and facilities (both centralized and community based) in Yogyakarta region.

• Solid Waste & Sanitation Seminars in 2008. ESP participated in the National Solid Waste seminar, in January 2008, which was organized with IDRC and Mercy Corps, both ESP partners in the HP3 program. During this seminar ESP emphasized its support for the AMPL-Jejaring communication network set-up by government and donor agencies. The ESP SD National team is also supporting initiative by ECO-Asia and WSP for an intercity sanitation workshop in Bangkok from April 21-24. ESP and Eco-Asia will share the costs for participants from Medan and Malang District and ESP Strategic Communication team will present on the recent successful Sanitation MMC. ESP has supported a World Water Day event organized by Ministry of Public Works.


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• PDAM collaboration in West-Java. During this Quarter, ESP explained the proposed ADB collaboration program of four PDAMs in greater Bandung area to the Ministry of Public Works and Bappenas to obtain their formal support. However, due to bureaucratic and procedural issues, it will be difficult to quickly obtain a formal no-objection letter from the Ministry of Finance, which was required by ADB before signing the contract with UNPAD. The program will now be introduced in early April to the Balai Besar Sungai Citarum with the expectation that their agreement is sufficient for ADB to sign the contract, so that the study can commence in April.


This Quarter the Environmental Services Finance (FN) team continued to make progress on all aspects of the FN portfolio, including debt restructuring, microcredit programs, alternative financing, and Payment for Environmental Services (PES). While detailed descriptions of this work are presented in the regional sections, the following section provides an overview of the ongoing initiatives, highlighting trends across the provinces.

• Improved Financial Management. Through March 2008 ESP commenced or completed technical assistance to six water utilities to restructure overhanging debts to the Ministry of Finance: PDAM of Gresik District, PDAM Kota Bandung, PDAM of Purwakarta District, PDAM Kota (Municipality) Sukabumi, PDAM Kota Sibolga, and PDAM Kota Binjai. Three PDAMs—Bandung, Sibolga, and Binjai—have already submitted their proposals to the Ministry of Finance, and thus are likely to receive approvals in the coming Quarter. In addition, ESP also provided a general training to PDAMs in North Sumatra this Quarter on debt restructuring (See text box at right). Looking forward, ESP will commence restructuring assistance to PDAM Kota Solo next Quarter based on a formal request received in March 2008.

ESP Provides Debt Restructuring Training in North Sumatra. At the request of the PDAM Association of North Sumatra (DPD Perpamsi), ESP provided a half day training in Medan on the restructuring of arrears to the Ministry of Finance. Jointly hosted by DPD Perpamsi and PDAM Tirtanadi, a total of 16 Directors attended the workshop. Given that all in attendance were enthusiastic to participate in the MOF’s restructuring program, a subsequent training will likely be organized in the coming months.

Beyond debt restructuring assistance, ESP commenced corporate planning work with PDAM of Temanggung District in Central Java. ESP also continued assistance with PDAM Kota Sukabumi and PDAM of Purwakarta District in West Java; PDAM of Gresik District in East Java; PDAM Kota Yogyakarta in DIY and PDAM Kota Binjai in North Sumarta.

• Alternative Financing for PDAMs. While the regional sections of this report address ongoing financing initiatives with PDAMs in detail, a brief summary is as follows:

In Kota Malang, ESP completed the revision of a Pre-Feasibility Study to incorporate the PDAM’s amended investment plan. The newly calculated investment cost is approximately Rp. 133.7 billion over a three year period, with a mix of financing envisioned, including direct equity from the local government and debt from the capital market. Towards this end, ESP


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conducted a tender for the credit rating of the PDAM in order to evaluate its potential of utilizing a corporate bond. The credit rating is expected to be undertaken in April and May of 2008.

ESP visited PDAM Kota Solo early this quarter to develop a full feasibility study for the planned investment projects in Semanggi and Tempuran (a Pre-Feasibility Study was carried out for the Semanggi Project in 2006). Unfortunately, the subsequent meetings revealed that the PDAM has accrued arrears in the past 1-2 years to the Ministry of Finance, thereby greatly limiting the PDAM’s ability to attract the financing required to complete the projects. As such, ESP agree to first prioritize the restructuring of the PDAM’s debts, with the intention to revisit the investments once the arrear were cleaned up.

PDAM of Subang District is planning to undertake a bulk water supply project of 150 lps (litre per second) to PDAM of Bandung District to address the growing water needs of the area of Lembang in Bandung. The project will be done by private party under a BOT contract. Thus far, ESP has provided an integrated package of technical assistance to the PDAMs, including a raw water supply study, a topographical survey, a cost estimate of the investment, and a financial analysis. Presently, a letter of commitment to the project is being reviewed by both PDAMs for signature.

ESP received a request from PDAM Kota Tangerang this Quarter to develop a financing plan for the expanded capacity of the utility, although a specific project has yet to be identified by the management.

• Micro-Credit for Financing Low-Income Water Connections. A total of

408 new piped water connections were added under ESP-facilitated microcredit programs between PDAMs and local banking partners, bringing the total number of connections to 2,566. The table at right charts the progress of new connections to date. Further, the commencement of the promotional program in Kota Solo this Quarter means that 11 microcredit programs are now fully established across the regions

Looking forward to the next Quarter, three new micro-credit programs are expected to commence. Currently, two Microcredit Master Agreements are ready for signature in Sukabumi with two local branches of BRI. Also, a draft agreement is under review by PDAM Kota Bogor and the local branch of Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Both locations have solid potential to add new household connections using the microcredit arrangement.

New Microcredit Connections










• Payments for Environmental Services. ESP continues to facilitate and monitor

the development of “Payment for Environmental Services” (PES) Schemes across the provinces. As of the close of the Quarter, there are six schemes in all, ranging from 20% to 100% complete (based upon the steps defined in the Performance Monitoring Plan). Of particular note this Quarter is the PES arrangement in


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Magelang District, where the local water utility is the “buyer” of environmental services from agencies within the local government. More specifically, the PDAM has agreed to allocate a yearly budget for water catchment area conservation, with the fund managed and allocated by several agencies of Magelang Regency. In order to ensure the transparency and accountability of the fund management, a working group will be developed to monitor and evaluate the fund management and allocation. In 2008 the PDAM will allocate IDR 800 million, or about US$88,000. Also, the FORPELA agreement with Gunung Gede Pangranggo National Park is signed and under implementation.


This Quarter, the Strategic Communication team focused on design and implementation of the second Multi Media Campaign (MMC) theme for this year, Land Rehabilitation. Additionally, the Strat Comm team continued to support health and hygiene behavior change in schools and at the community level.

• This Quarter started with follow-up to the previous MMC activity, supporting a highly publicized media roundtable titled, “Indonesia Road to 2008: The International Sanitation Year” in Jakarta. The round table was attended by influential national media and key decision makers, adding credibility to advocate for continued emphasis on this important message. This work was picked-up by other donors, projects and government agencies, highlighting the International Sanitation Year on the national agenda.

• Multi Media Campaigns continued to roll out this Quarter across ESP regions, communicating messages related to the MMC theme of “Land Rehabilitation”. In line with the theme, ESP National/Jakarta, West Java, Central Java/DIY, East Java and North Sumatra pushed forward the problem of gaps between deforestation and land rehabilitation. Inventive campaign activities highlighted best practices of participatory approaches in each region. This included field trips for journalists, seminars, the World Water Day commemoration event, radio / TV talk-shows, and various events such as Jambore Rehabilitasi for journalists and stakeholders in East Java. In Jakarta, a media roundtable focused on “Land Rehabilitation in Indonesian Political Domain”. The theme explored historical and administrative perspectives of Land Rehabilitation policies in Indonesia.

• Through the MMC and other ESP-supported communications activities, more than 80 stories, articles, event reports and pictures were generated in electronic and printed media (both at the national and local level). ESP’s online campaign in this Quarter, managed by Program Communication team in Jakarta, functioned as an alternative channel to reach even greater target audiences. In addition, as an impact of outreach and communication activities in this Quarter, ESP forged its partnership with journalists, local leaders, NGOs activists, including key persons in Bappenas, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Health, Public Works Department, as well as District Heads and other government officials to be advocates in future ESP MMCs.

• In the effort to strengthen Hand Washing with Soap (HWWS) campaigns and to leverage for sustainability, ESP facilitated the adoption of HWWS logo and its jingle by the Ministry of Health. ESP also supported the development of GOI/MOH HWWS National Guidelines.


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Section 3.2 provides an update on broader Program Management issues, including program operations and reporting, the small grants program, and monitoring and evaluation.


Up to this Quarter ESP has made commitment to fund 55 small grants. 30 have been completed, and 25 new small grants are currently under implementation throughout the ESP High Priority Provinces. Total commitment to date is in range of US$819,000 or more than 80% of the total allocated funding of US$1.0 million for ESP’s Small Grants program. There are two more small grants, one from West Java and another one from Central Java, under review by the ESP Team.

These are expected to be approved and implemented in the next Quarter. The programs under Small Grants funding vary from community-based land and forest rehabilitation, sanitation and solid waste management, better access to clean water, to behavior change for better health and hygiene. It is anticipated that these initiatives will directly benefit the poor in urban, peri-urban and rural villages. These activities are scattered across the 6 high priority provinces.

In Aceh, the program is working in the 602 hectare water catchment area of Alur Mancang Saree located in the Seulawah ecosystem which is rich with its biodiversity and primary forest. The local community is protecting the area through the development of buffer zones and a community-based monitoring evaluation system to halt further degradation of the ecosystem.


In North Sumatra, 4 programs are working in the area of water

resource awareness, market trash composting, and field school for agroforestry and access to clean water.

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In DKI Jakarta, the program works in urban slum areas to connect a number of households with piped water to improve the socio-economic and health condition of the community. In West Java, there are 10 programs that focus on community-based land and forest rehabilitation, sanitation and solid waste management, and health and hygiene awareness programs through primary schools. One interesting program is the work with the Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) through the Gerakan Nasional Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Hidup (GNKLH) PBNU to improve watershed management and biodiversity conservation in Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun and Salak in the Sukabumi area through the development of a pesantren-based field school to create a village conservation model. Replication of similar programs can be executed to pesantrens in West Java and if done effectively and properly will have a great impact to conservation. In Central Java and DIY Yogyakarta, 4 programs are being implemented and activities vary from biodiversity conservation in Gunung Merapi National Park to clean, green and hygiene activities through school children and their parents. One interesting activity is the "Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Sanitasi (IPAL) Komunal dan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat di Kota Yogyakarta" of which has positive impact to both the community and the local government. In East Java, 5 programs are being implemented that concentrate on the protection of two national parks of Bromo-Tengger and R.Soeryo through the empowerment of community living in and surround the park and implementation of innovative community-based approaches in the distribution of clean water systems to households and sanitation systems in peri-urban areas near the capital of East java province and in Malang. All programs are designed with the emphasis of leveraging for sustainability and have a causal link of upstream – downstream activities in an integrated fashion. The “blue thread” and “anchor site “ integration approach are mostly being implemented this program year. The distribution of small grants programs in each region is as follows:

No. Region # of Grants Total Grants Rp. Total Grants $

1 Aceh 1 186,000,000 20,667

2 North Sumatra 4 381,591,000 42,399

3 West Java 10 738,133,000 82,015

4 Central Java/D.I.Jogjakarta 4 565,306,000 74,444

5 East Java 5 572,180,652 63,576

6 DKI Jakarta 1 225,000,000 25,000

Total 25 2,668,210,652 296,468

Most of the active small grants programs began early this quarter and will be completed within 8 to 12 months.


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During this Quarter, ESP Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) activities focused on providing support to the ESP Mid-term Evaluation (MTE). This included providing data on ESP achievements based on PMP outcomes as well as showing ESP impact at the community level during MTE Field Trips. The M&E Specialist linked the ESP Longitudinal Study results to present ESP impact on peoples’ lives at the community level. Several MTE Team field trips were conducted in the Longitudinal Study sites. The information gathered during the ESP Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation helped the community to identify the most important work with ESP to their lives as mentioned by Ibu Liestin Irsan, “Look at to this map and pictures! It is easier for us to tell other people of our work and results. We have much more self-confidence to conduct presentations using these simple tools”.

Other specific ESP monitoring and evaluation activities conducted during the Quarter included the following:


Ibu Liestin Irsan presents conditions of their neighborhood before ESP interventions to the MTE Team with a Participatory M&E tool.

Quantitative M&E to Support the PMP reporting: • Data collection for M&E reporting of QPR #12; • Completion of second round data collection and analysis of Ten Minutes

monitoring/Mini Baseline and reported the results in QPR #11; • Conduct refresher training for 87 community health center cadres and village facilitators

that consist of 75 women and 12 men across HPP. This training focused on the process of data collection and interview to face next coming data collection of the monitoring (third round); and

• Develop intake form to record the achievement of ESP Small Grant Program activities that contribute to the achievement of PMP based ESP outcomes.

Qualitative M&E: • Continue to finalize the ESP Longitudinal Study report.


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Progressing from last Quarter achievement which is the formation of a Regional Gender Working Group in all ESP high priority provinces, each regional office conducted a series of internal discussions to identify issues related to gender in the workplace as well as program implementation. The process of discussion has engaged both technical and administrative staff in an equitable manner. Some ESP offices have also managed to extend the same discussion with our partners, discussing issues of gender mainstreaming which are more related to program implementations. The result from the internal discussion as well as discussions with partners will be used as the base of designing the National Gender Workshop which will be conducted in Jakarta, during the first week of April 2008. In this Quarter, ESP National Gender Team processed the selection of STTA to facilitate ESP’s National Gender Workshop. The recruitment process was conducted in collaboration with the Social Impact Inc., an ESP sub-contractor for Gender. Mia Siscawati was selected based on her extensive experience in the area of gender in environmental field. Mia also has broad understanding of ESP program as she participated in the recent Mid Term Evaluation. Toward the end of this Quarter, Mia worked closely with ESP National Gender Working Group to prepare for the ESP national Gender workshop.


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This section presents progress toward ESP Outcomes and Indicators as presented in the Performance Monitoring Plan. ESP achievements are presented under the following components:

• Cross Cutting Themes/Integration; • Watershed Management and Biodiversity Conservation (WS); • Environmental Services Delivery (SD); • Environmental Services Finance (FN); and

• Environmentally Sound Design and Implementation in Aceh (EA)

Please note that the outcomes listed herein have been revised and updated in accordance with the Modification No. 8 to Contract No. 497–M–00–05–00005–00. The Project Monitoring Plan for ESP will soon be revised accordingly.

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ESP Progress based on PMP Period: January - March 2008

Component: Cross Cutting Theme/Integration

Deliverable Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress Outcome #0.a. – Program Collaboration to support the Strategic Objective (SO) of Basic Human Service

Number of integrated program activities between ESP and other USAID Programs

Twenty two (22) joint program activities conducted by ESP and other USAID partners (10 joint program activities over the project life)

a) This Quarter ESP conducted 4 collaborative program activities with other USAID Programs in NAD, North Sumatra and DKI Jakarta. These collaborative programs were implemented by ESP in collaboration with HSP, Eco-Asia and SWS.

b) To date, ESP has conducted a total of 54 collaborative program activities with other USAID programs. This achievement exceeds the life of program target (540%).

c) Detailed information regarding specific collaborative program activities between ESP and other USAID’s Program is attached in Table C-1.

Outcome #0.b. – Public Outreach and Communication

1. Number of campaigns supported by ESP

2. Number of campaigns supported led by ESP partners/stakeholders

3. Number of advocacy materials produced

1. Twenty five (25) campaigns supported by ESP (80 campaigns supported by ESP over project life)

2. Ten (10) campaigns supported by ESP partners/stakeholders (40 campaigns supported by ESP partners over project life)

3. Seventeen (17) set of advocacy materials produced (80 sets of materials produced over project life)

• This Quarter, ESP conducted 7 campaign activities across HPPs that consisted of Multi Media Campaigns, and campaign supporting PM, WSM and SD issues. To date, achievement of this outcome is 68 campaigns, which is 85% of the total target of life of program. Detailed information on this achievement is attached in Table C-2 (a).

• The achievement on campaigns by ESP partners for this Quarter is 6 campaigns. To date, total achievement of campaigns by ESP partners is 56 campaigns. This is 140% of the total target of the life of program. Detailed information is attached in Table C-2 (c).

• Of those campaign activities mentioned above, a total of 6 sets of campaign materials were produced and used during in the Quarter. To date, 55 sets of campaign materials, or 68.75% of the total target of life of program, have been produced. Detailed information is attached in Table C-2 (b).

• In total, campaign activities implemented during this Quarter are estimated to have reached at least 14,486,000 people. Detailed information on this achievement is attached in Table C-2 (d).


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Component: Cross Cutting Theme/Integration

Deliverable Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress Outcome #0.c. – Participation in ESP trainings and Workshops

Number of people that participate in ESP training and workshops

Five thousand and seven hundred ninety five (5,795) people trained (12,000 people trained over project life)

a) This Quarter, 5,866 people participated in ESP trainings, workshops and seminars. The average participation rate of women in ESP events was 44.18%. A total budget of $102,044.41 was spent for training activities during this quarter.

b) To date, a total of 39,269 people have participated in ESP trainings, workshops, and seminars. The percentage of achievement to date is 327.24%. The average of female participation to date is 40.70%. The cumulative expenditure for training through this Quarter is $1,083,051.58

c) The participation rate of women in ESP events increased this Quarter, compared with the previous Quarter which from 37.01%.

d) Detailed information on this achievement disaggregated by province is attached in Table C-3.


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Component: Watershed Management and Biodiversity Conservation (WS)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress WS Outcome 1.a. – The formation of 5 adequate policies to recognize the tenure and/or access rights of communities to manage their forests and watershed areas and implement transparent and participatory district-level management of forests, thus reducing conflict and illegal logging

Number of new policies recognizing land tenure and access right of communities to manage forest land and watershed area

Thirty six (36) local policies (5 new policies over project life)

• Midway through PY 4, ESP continues to work on the development of 13 local policies across the HPPs. Some of these local policy developments are carried over from the previous year. Of the 13, 8 local policies to recognize land tenure and/or access rights of community to manage their forest are completed and under implementation in NAD, North Sumatra, West Java and Central Java.

• To date ESP has achieved the development of 34 local policies across HPPs. These policies recognize land tenure and/or access rights of community to manage their forests. This achievement exceeds the total target over the life of the project (680%). Detailed summary of achievement of this outcome is attached in Annex C-4.

WS Outcome 1.b. – Improvement in watershed functions in areas supplying water to urban centers and PDAMs as measured by a 50% increase in rehabilitated land (total area of degraded land where trees, commercial or non-commercial, are planted)

1. This Quarter, ESP facilitated the rehabilitation of 4,095.6 hectares of critical land. More than 500,000 seedlings were planted to support land rehabilitation activities.

Increase in area of rehabilitated land and forest, presented as percentage and in hectares

9,053.1 hectares rehabilitated (50% = 35,320 ha over project life)

2. To date, ESP has facilitated the rehabilitation of 41,709.36 hectares across the HPPs. This achievement exceeds the total target over the life of the project (118.09%).

3. Detailed summary of achievement of this outcome is attached in Table C-5.

WS Outcome 1.c. – Area of forests with high biodiversity conservation value under improved, local management increases by 50%.

Increase forest area with high biodiversity value under improved, local management, presented as percentage and in hectares

134,220 hectares with high biodiversity value under improved, local management (50% = 82,650 ha over project life)

• Midway through PY 4, ESP continues to work in 14 Protected Areas that have high biodiversity value. ESP discontinued work in one PA in West Sumatra because ESP has no longer works in the province.

• Through this Quarter, ESP facilitated improved local conservation management in 74,086.5 hectares in the PAs stated above. Work in these PAs are implemented during in PY 4 and carried over from the previous year. This achievement is 89.64% of the total target over the life of the project. Detailed summary of achievement of this outcome is attached in Annex C-6.


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Component: Watershed Management and Biodiversity Conservation (WS)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress WS Outcome 1.d. – In Aceh, improvement in watershed functions with additional focus on the coastal margin directly impacted by the tsunami, as measured by implementation of 15 targeted community based land rehabilitation activities, benefiting at least 6000 people.

Number of people benefiting from community-based land rehabilitation activities in coastal areas and coastal watersheds impacted by the tsunami

2,625 people benefiting from community-based coastal rehabilitation activities in targeted areas (5,820 people benefiting from community-based coastal rehabilitation activities in targeted areas over project life)

• A total of 980 people benefited from community-based coastal rehabilitation activities in Aceh Jaya District during in this Quarter.

• To date, a total of 24,665 people have received benefits from ESP coastal rehabilitation activities. This achievement exceeds the total target over the life of the project (423.8%). Detailed information about this achievement is attached in the Table C-7.

• The coastal rehabilitation activities conducted this Quarter include: community nursery establishment and maintenance, coastal and river rehabilitation, community forum development, establishment of new community groups, ESP Field School implementation, critical land rehabilitation, and management plan development.

WS Outcome 1.e. – At least 34 Natural Resources Management and Biodiversity Conservation management plans will be developed and have funds for implementation

Number of WSM plans actually have funds for implementation

22 WSM plans developed (Total 34 WSM plans developed over project life)

• Midway through PY 4, ESP continues to work on the development of 14 watershed management plans to support improved management of water source protection and conservation of protected areas in ESP work sites. Five of the 14 management plans are under implementation, and the remaining management plans are under development.

• To date, a total of 18 watershed management plans have been developed across HPPs. This achievement is 52,94% of the total target over the life of the program. Detailed summary of this outcome achievement is attached in Table C-8.

WS Outcome 1.f. – At least 250 community groups will support and implement activities to improve natural resources management and biodiversity conservation

Number of community groups implementing activities to improve natural resource management

69 community groups implement activities to improved NRM (cumulative) (250 community groups implement activities to improved NRM over project life)

a) During this Quarter, ESP established 55 new community groups to support improved NRM activities across the HPPs. These new community groups are working to support improved NRM and/or biodiversity conservation management activities through ESP activities including Field Schools, community nurseries, land rehabilitation and biodiversity conservation.

b) To date, ESP has worked with a total of 344 community groups across the HPPs to improve natural resource management. This total represents 137.6% of the total target over the life of the program. Detailed summary of this outcome achievement is attached in Table C-9.


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Component: Service Delivery (SD)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress SD Outcome #2.a. – At least 33 PDAMs demonstrates 20% progress on a PDAM performance monitoring index that reflects technical, financial and managerial performance

Number of PDAMs providing better services, indicated by the increasing of 20% of PDAM performance index

Total cumulative 28 PDAMs (33 PDAMs over project life)

SD Outcome #2.b. – Population with access to clean water is increased by 20% in ESP geographic areas except for Aceh. In the tsunami impacted areas of Aceh, population with access to clean water is doubled

Percent and number of household that benefit from an improved water source

59,335 household that use an improved water source (20% increase = 140,000 HH over project life)

• The progress description for SD Outcomes #1 and #2 is combined, because ESP activities with PDAMs often contribute to both outcomes at same time. The results in this period are temporary results and will be evaluated in the Annual Report of PY 4.

• Up to this Quarter ESP continues to support 33 PDAMs, with three new PDAM during PY 4: PDAM Sleman, Temanggung and Pasuruan districts. PDAM performance index improvement by mid-year of PY 4 is 54.80% in average,

• Up to mid-year of PY 4, a total of 33 PDAMs have been supported by ESP (100% of the total target over the life of the program). Four out of 33 PDAMs no longer receive support from ESP because ESP no longer works in those provinces. During the last six months period, total new PDAM connections from current PDAMs supported is 39,958 connections that give access to a total 185,315 people. Related to development of community-based water supply, during in the last two quarters, a total of 1,100 households (about 5,500 people) have access to clean water that is developed in two provinces.

• The total people with access to clean water during in the last two Quarters are 190,815 and 2.19% percentage increase.

• A detailed summary on the progress of PDAM performance index and % increased of people access to clean water is attached in Table C-10 and C-11.


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Component: Service Delivery (SD)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress SD Outcome #2.c. – At least 5 district/municipal sanitation strategies with action plans including but not limited to centralized systems are developed in conjunction with local governments as catalyst for funding

Number of sanitation strategies with action plans developed and ready to be submitted for funding by (Local and Central) Government, donor and/or other financing possibilities

5 sanitation strategies (5 strategies with action plans over project life)

• During the last two Quarters, ESP supported the development of two City-wide Sanitation Strategic Plans in collaboration with Local Governments of Kota Medan (North Sumatra) and Kota Padang (West Sumatra). Also, This achievement is 40% of the total target over the life of the program.

• Through this Quarter, ESP continues to support the development of an additional 3 City-wide Sanitation Strategic Plans in Kota Yogyakarta, Kota Surabaya and Malang District The progress on the development of this plans are in stage of 57% to 78%.Detailed progress on the development of City-wide Sanitation Strategic Plans is described in Table C-12.

SD Outcome #2.d. – At least 15 community-based solid waste management plans are developed and implemented. Of these, a minimum of 5 community plans for restored and new facilities will be developed and implemented or return communities in Aceh

a) Number of community-based solid waste systems developed and implemented

b) Number of people

benefiting from the community based solid waste systems developed

a) Total cumulative 44 SWMSs (15 SWMSs over project life) b) Total cumulative 16,410 people benefiting from the SWMSs (15,000 people over project life)

Midway through PY 4, ESP accomplished the development of 5 community-based SWMS in North Sumatra, Central Java and East Java. This benefits 2,925 people.

To date, ESP has completed 20 community-based SWMS across the HPPs (133.33% of the total target over the life of the program) benefiting 10,625 people (70.83% of the total target over the life of the program).

Also, ESP continues to support the development of additional 34 community-based SWMS across HPPs that are new systems and carried over from the previous year. This system is estimated to benefit 13,030 people.

When these all system will be completed by the end of PY 5, total achievement of development of community-based SWMS will be 54 (360%) benefiting an estimated 23,655 (157.70% life of project target) people.

ESP discontinued working on the development of one system in C. Java (Kebunrejo, Salaman) due to lack of interest and responses from community members to continue the program.

Detailed progress on the development of community-based SWMS is attached in Table C-13.


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Component: Service Delivery (SD)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress SD Outcome #2.e. – At least 25 community-based small scale sanitation plans are developed and implemented. Of these, a minimum of 5 community plans for restored and new facilities will be developed and implemented for return communities in Aceh

a) Number of small scale sanitation systems (SSSS) developed and implemented

b) Number of people

benefiting from small scale sanitation system

a) Total cumulative 36 SSSSs (20 SSSSs over project life) b) 10,310 people benefiting from the SSSSs (12,500 people over project life)

Midway through PY 4, ESP accomplished the development of 7 Small Scale Sanitation System (SSSS) in NAD, North Sumatra, West Sumatra and DKI Jakarta benefiting an estimated 2,950 people.

To date, ESP has completed work on the development of 11 community-based SSSS across HPPs that are carried over from the previous year (44%) benefiting an estimated 3,820 people (30.56%).

ESP continues to support the development of an additional 25 SSSS across HPPs that are new systems and carried over from the previous year. This is estimated to benefit 5,790 people. If all this work is completed by the end of PY 5, total achievement of development of SSS will be 36 (144%) benefiting an estimated 9,610 (76.88%) people.

Detailed progress on the development of community-based SSSS is attached in Table C-14.

SD Outcome #2.f. – The precursors needed to impact childhood diarrhea (clean water, sanitation, and behavior change) are contributed to the BHS effort to reduce in the incidence of childhood diarrhea and mortality

a) Percent increased of household that adopt adequate health and hygiene practices in ESP project sites

b) Number of school

that adopt CGH concept

c) Number of people

trained in effective hand washing with soap

a) N/A (20% over project life) b) N/A


(60 schools over project life) c) 25,000 (80,000 people over project life)

Household adopted adequate health and hygiene practices: Progress of this achievement is based on the results of Mini Baseline/Ten

Minutes Monitoring. This Quarter ESP started the third round of surveys. These will be reported next Quarter.

Schools adopted CGH concept: Midway through PY 4, ESP continues to work with 64 schools on the

CGH concept across HPPs. The progress of this achievement will be evaluated in the end of PY 4.

The estimated number of schools that have achieved its target is 80% of the total target over the life of the project.

Detailed information on the progress of the achievement of this outcome is attached in Table C-15 (a).

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Component: Service Delivery (SD)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress d) People trained in effective hand washing with soap:

• Starting this Quarter ESP reports the progress on number of people trained in effective hand washing with soap. The training includes a package of sessions on fecal-oral transmission and practicing proper hand washing with soap during the 5 critical times.

• Midway through PY 4, ESP has trained 2,088 people in effective hand washing with soap across HPPs. To date achievement of total people that have been trained in effective hand washing with soap is 55,309 (69.14% of the total target over the life of the program).

• Detailed results of this achievement in attached in Table C-15 (b).


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Component: Environmental Services Finance (FN)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target


FN Outcome #3.a. – At least 30 PDAMs individually demonstrate an improved operating ratio and those in default of old SLA and RDA debts are assisted in the preparation and submission of proposals to restructure outstanding debt

a) Number of PDAMs demonstrating an improved operating ratio

b) The number of

PDAMs that were in default of SLA and RDA debts and are assisted in the preparation and submission of proposals to restructure outstanding debt

Twenty-One (21) PDAMs demonstrate improved Operating Ratio (30 PDAMs over project life) Three (3) PDAMs submit Debt Restructuring Proposals (5 PDAMs over project life)

• Midway through PY 4, a total of 14 PDAMs demonstrated an improved Operating Ratio (OR). This achievement is 46.67% of the total target over the life of the project. Detailed information on the progress of this outcome is attached in Table C.16.(a).

• Through this Quarter, ESP continues to assist 6 (six) PDAMs in the submission of debt restructuring plans to the Ministry of Finance (MOF). Detailed information on the progress of this outcome is attached in Table C.16.(b).

• Through this Quarter, 3 PDAMs in North Sumatra and West Java (PDAM Sibolga, Bandung Kota and Purwakarta) have submitted initial proposals to the MOF for debt restructuring. The percentage of this achievement is 60% of the total target over the life of the project. ESP also continues to provide support for PDAM Kota Binjai, Kota Sukabumi and Gresik District to prepare the proposal for debt restructuring. Detailed information on the progress of this outcome is attached in Table C.16.b.

• Beyond debt restructuring assistance, ESP commenced corporate planning work with PDAM Temanggung District in Central Java. ESP also continued assistance with PDAM Kota Sukabumi and PDAM of Purwakarta District in West Java; PDAM of Gresik District in East Java; PDAM Kota Yogyakarta in DIY and PDAM Kota Binjai in North Sumarta.

FN Outcome #3.b. – An improved enabling environment for domestic investment and borrowing as indicated by the adoption of at least one ESP-assisted central government regulatory guideline

Number of regulatory guidelines developed with ESP assistance that improve the enabling environment for domestic investment and borrowing

0 (1 over project life)

• This outcome was achieved during the previous year in the form of PMK No. 147/PMK.07/2006 (Municipal Bonds) and the associated Implementing Guidelines. Detailed information on the progress of this outcome is attached in Table C.17.


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Component: Environmental Services Finance (FN)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target


FN Outcome #3.c. – At least 10 PDAMs or local governments are assisted in the development of plans to access commercial financing through DCA or other means

Number of financing plans developed in cooperation with PDAMs or local governments to access commercial financing through DCA or other means

6 PDAMs (10 over project life)

• From project inception to date ESP has given assistance to 10 PDAMs to develop financing plans to improve and expand their services to the public. Two of these plans (in Bogor District and Kota Surabaya) have been completed or in the final phase of completion. It reaches 20% of the total target of the life of project. The remaining 8 plans ranges from 25% to 67% complete.

• Regarding specific progress this quarter, ESP revised the feasibility study for PDAM Kota Malang based on its new investment needs and tendered the implementation of a credit rating for the PDAM. A decision on the source of financing will be made after the credit rating is completed. Also this quarter, ESP began to compile the initial feasibility study for PDAM of Sidoarjo District as well as socializing the results of the Subang District bulk water supply feasibility study. Finally, ESP received a official requests from PDAMs Kota Tangerang and Kota Bogor to assist in preparing a financial plans during the upcoming quarter.

• Detailed information on the progress of this outcome is attached in Table C.18.

FN Outcome #3.d. – At least 1 local government, province, or PDAM is assisted in the preparations for issuance of a revenue bond

Number of local government, province or PDAM is assisted in the preparations of a revenue bond

1 PDAM (1 PDAM over project life)

• To date, one PDAM (PDAM of Bogor District) has been assisted by ESP to issue a revenue bond (completed last Quarter). This reaches 100% of the total target over the life of the project. Unfortunately, the PDAM elected to indefinitely delay the project for reasons outside ESP’s control. Specifically, the President Director of the water utility stepped down from her position after fulfilling two four-year terms of service. The Technical Director and General Director will shortly follow suit. In light of this significant change in leadership, the water utility's supervisory board was unwilling to support the investment as proposed until a new director was formally installed later in 2008.

• As noted in Outcome 3.c, ESP assistance is presently assisting Kota Malang to prepare a financing plan. Depending on the result of the rating, bond financing may be selected to finance the project.

• Detailed information on the progress of this outcome is attached in Table


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Component: Environmental Services Finance (FN)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target


C.19. FN Outcome #3.e. – At least 12 microcredit program are established with PDAMs and local banks, resulting in the connection of at least 100,000 low income persons to the water supply network

a) Number of Master Agreements signed by PDAM and local bank on micro credit program

b) The number of

new household connections as a result of micro-credit programs

a) 4 microcredit program (12 over project life) b) 7,000 connections (20,000 connections over project life)

• During this Quarter, ESP completed the establishment of one additional Microcredit Program in Kota Surakarta in collaboration with PDAM Kota Surakarta and BRI Slamet Riyadi Branch.

• To date, a total of 11 microcredit Programs have been completed by ESP in 3 Provinces (West Java, Central Java, and East Java). This achievement represents 91.67% of the total target over the life of the project.

• A total of 499 new connections were added this Quarter under ESP-facilitated microcredit programs between PDAMs and local banking partners, bringing the total number of connections to 2,566. Thus, ESP has reached 12.83% of the total (cumulative) target over the life of the project.

• Detailed information on the progress of this outcome is attached in Table C.20.

FN Outcome #3.f. – At least four ‘payment for environmental services’ arrangements are implemented in ESP priority watersheds. (Refer to Task 1.5 of Watershed Management and Biodiversity Conservation)

4 PES arrangements (4 PES arrangements over project life)

• This Quarter, ESP further developed one PES arrangement in the Gede Pangrango Watershed in West Java. This achievement is 25% of the total target over the life of the project. ESP also continues to support the development of PES in 5 locations. The progress achieved in these locations up to this Quarter ranges from 20% to 90%.

Number of ‘Payment for Environmental Services’ arrangements implemented

• Detailed information on the progress of this outcome is attached in Table C.21.

FN Outcome #3.g. – At least $15 million USD is leveraged to expand the impact and geographic coverage of ESP. Of this amount, at least $10 million USD is leveraged in Aceh.”

a) Amount ($) of funding leveraged from public or private sector to expand the impact of ESP outcomes in Aceh and all HPPs

a) $1,730,000 ($12 Million USD over project life) c) 17 PPP

• This Quarter, ESP has leveraged for a total amount of $238,180. There is limited amount leveraged in Aceh during in this Quarter.

• This amount was received from 10 PPPs. The details information on leveraging and the partnership is attached in Table C.22.

• The fund leveraged in this quarter is used to support the several activities such as land rehabilitation and supporting the construction of water and sanitation facilities.


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Component: Environmental Services Finance (FN)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target


b) Number of PPP

developed c) to expand the

impact of ESP outcomes in Aceh and all HPPs

( 50 PPP over project life)

• To date, a total of $17,322,409 has been leveraged to support program implementation in Aceh and other HPPs that come from 90 PPPs. This achievement is 115.48% of the total target for amount leveraged and 180% for PPP developed.


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Component: Environmentally- Sound Design and Implementation in Aceh (EA)

Outcome Indicator Fourth Year Target Progress EA Outcome 4.a. – At least 4 spatial plans at the district and/or kota levels in the Banda Aceh to Meulaboh coastal corridor directly impacted by the tsunami are developed and/or improved

Number of spatial plans developed and/or improved at the district and/or municipality levels

N/A (4 over project life)


EA Outcome 4.b. – A forum/network of donor, GOI and NGO water/sanitation/infrastructure/ environment practitioners is created and supported to address common implementation issues and to serve as a clearinghouse of best practices to mitigate adverse environmental impacts of post-tsunami reconstruction activities

Forum/network of donor, GOI and NGO established and functioning

Two (2) forums (1 over project life)


EA Outcome 4.c. – Hydrological study completed and disseminated widely for selected geographical areas

a) Number of hydrological study conducted

b) Number of activities on dissemination of results of the hydrological study

a) N/A (1 over project life) b) N/A (1 dissemination workshop over project life)

Completed and being followed up by Water Quality Management Program

EA Outcome 4.d. – Technical assistance to other USAID contractors/grantees in mitigating environmental and social impacts upstream and downstream associated with post-tsunami rehabilitation and reconstruction projects completed

Number of USAID contractors/grantees received ESP assistance in mitigating environmental and social impacts upstream and downstream associated with post-tsunami rehabilitation & reconstruction projects

Two USAID contractors/grantees (Two USAID contractor/grantees over project life)

• Technical Assistance to HSP: IEE and landscaping of Jantho Acute Medical Health Care Center.

• Technical Assistance re. maps for DBE I

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APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Up Coming Activities by Region APPENDIX B: Training, Workshop and Seminar Activities of Third

Quarter of Third Year APPENDIX C: Summary of ESP Achievments based on PMP,

Status Mid-year of PY 4 (PROGRAM YEAR 4)

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April NAD Socialization of Forppaja’s Action Plan

Calang, Aceh Jaya WS Outcome 1.d and 1.e

April-June NAD 4 Field Schools in Aceh Besar Sukamulia, Teladan, Lamtamot, Wue, Aceh Besar

ESP Field Schools

April-June NAD 2 Field Schools in Aceh Jaya Padang,nRentang-Blangdalam, Aceh Jaya

ESP Field Schools

9 April NAD Training Villages in Aceh Besar WQM program for rural water systems. 10 – 17 April NAD Installation Jruek Balee, Aceh Besar Increase access to clean water 10 – 22 April NAD Repairs Blang Lambaro, Aceh Besar Repair KDP project pipe installation 14 April NAD Field Day Sukamakmur, Aceh Besar Follow up of FS: Suka Damai, Sukamakmur, FAMS 14 – 21 April NAD Strengthen KaPeSak (trail

system) Jantho, Aceh Besar Implementation of Forsaka’s action plan

(WS Outcome 1.c). 21 April NAD Field Day Cucum, Aceh Besar Follow up of FS: Cucum, Teureubeh, Forsaka 29 - 30 April NAD Training A. Besar and Banda Aceh Technical training for PDAM May June NAD Installation Naga Umbang, Lhoknga, A. Besar Water distribution system installetion. May-June NAD New forum establishment Lhoknga, Aceh Besar WS Outcome 1.e 5 – 8 May NAD Comparative Study Nusa, Lhoknga, A. Besar Consumer forum from Meulaboh visits Nusa and

their consumer forum. 5- 8 May NAD Training Meulaboh, Aceh Besar PDAM technical training 6 May NAD Training Villages in Aceh Besar WQM program for rural water systems. 9 – 20 May NAD Survey on biodiversity of

KaPeuSaK Jantho, Aceh Besar Implementation of Forsaka’s action plan

(WS Outcome 1.c). 27 - 29 May Training A. Besar and Banda Aceh Technical training for PDAM 28 May NAD Socialization of Bupati support

on Qanun implementation Jantho, Aceh Besar WS Outcome 1.c

2-8 June NAD Training Meulaboh, Aceh Barat Technical training for PDAM 5 June NAD Training Villages in Aceh Besar WQM program for rural water systems. 17 - 19 June Training A. Besar and Banda Aceh Technical training for PDAM


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7,8 April North Sumatra TOT Belawan TOT for stakeholders in Master Meter system 11 April North Sumatra Field Day Langkat FFS/SLA in Timbang Lawan and Sampe Raya Villages 21 April North Sumatra DEWATS construction Medan Construction start on Pesentraen DEWATS system 15 April North Sumatra Workshop TAHURA, Karo Community workshop to prepare WSM forum and

plans 16 April North Sumatra Official Opening PDam Sibolga Launching of renovated IPA and financial system 21 April North Sumatra Field Day Lau Biang, Karo Field Day after SLA process 22-25 April North Sumatra Comparative Study PDAM Bogor PDAM Binjai visit on tariff and SOP’s 23-28 April North Sumatra Survey TAHURA Participatory Biodiversity Survey 21-26 April North Sumatra TOT Karo TOT for Farmer Trainers for Agro-forestry, citrus

and vegetables 7 and 28 May North Sumatra Worksop TAHURA Workshop on Biodiversity Action Plan 12 May North Sumatra Strat Planning Medan Sanitation Working Group completes investment

plan May 16 North Sumatra MMC Radio Talkshow Smart FM Interactive dialogue on MMC issues 17 May North Sumatra Field Day Bandar Baru, Sibolangit FFS/SLA field day promoting action plans 23 May North Sumatra Journalist visit to community

sites Belawan, Maimun Journalists interact directly with community

28 May (tentative)

North Sumatra Water for the Poor campaign Belawan, Medan Proposed collaboration with Coca cola Indo

Late May North Sumatra Training Sibolga Optimizing distribution system June 1st week North Sumatra Commemoration World

Environment day ESP office Learning activities for Hari Lingkungan Hidup

celebration 6 June North Sumatra Reforestation Bahorok, Langkat Tree planting on 50ha in collaboration with

GERHAN Tree Bank 14 June North Sumatra Field Day Bumi Perkemahan, Sibolangit Agro-forestry Field Day for 7 FFS on Cacao June 2nd week North Sumatra Seminar/Workshop Workshop on PES/cross subsidies between districts 17 June North Sumatra Training Medan Training facilitators for Model Cons. Village


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1-8 April Jakarta FGD Jembatan Besi Focus Group Discussion, Community Mapping and Transect Walk in two RTs for ESP Small Grants on master meter program

5 April Jakarta Campaign Tangerang Supporting a school-based health and hygiene campaign on a joint Public Works and Dept of Health event for World Water Day

8-9 April Jakarta Workshop Jakarta ESP National Gender Workshop 11-12 April Jakarta Visit Bandung Field visit for Petojo Utara cadres on community

based solid waste management and master meter system

14-18 April Jakarta Monitoring Bekasi, Jembatan Besi and Petojo Utara

Wastewater quality monitoring and laboratory testing

19 April Jakarta Workshop MI Al Ifadah, Penjaringan Work plan development and monitoring workshop with students

23-24 April (tentative)

Jakarta Workshop Jakarta Join DPP workshop on introducing sanitation best practices for CSR and donors

23 & 29 April Jakarta Training Jembatan Besi Management & Health/Hygiene Training for CBO for ESP Small Grants on master meter program

25 April Jakarta Workshop Petojo Utara and Jembatan Besi Participatory Monitoring and Marketing Workshop for solid waste (composting and plastic recycling)

28 April (tentative)

Jakarta Meeting Jakarta HP3/IDRC City Team meeting

April – June Jakarta Monitoring Petojo Utara and Jembatan Besi Participatory monitoring April – June Jakarta Technical Assistance Al Qinaniyah Technical Assistance for School-Based Solid Waste

Management April – June Jakarta Monitoring MI Al Ifadah, Penjaringan Monthly monitoring and assistance for school based

hygiene-related & solid waste program May Jakarta Training MI Al Falah and MI Al Mamuriyah,

Central Jakarta Health and Hygiene Training for students

May Jakarta Visit Penjaringan HP3/IDRC Donor visit


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May Jakarta Training and Campaign Jembatan Besi Health and Hygiene Training for cadres and community for ESP Small Grants on master meter program

May – June Jakarta Training & Workshop Al Qinaniyah School-Based Health and Hygiene Training and Monitoring Workshop for students

June Jakarta Construction Jembatan Besi Construction of ground and roof tank and installation of piping system for ESP Small Grants on master meter program

June Jakarta Workshop MI Al Falah and MI Al Mamuriyah, Central Jakarta

Monthly monitoring and assistance for school based hygiene-related program



Mini ESP Sub -Das Cikapundung 4 April Commemoration event Green "Mading" Competition for Senior High School' on World Water Day

commemoration Mid April Communication event Clean Green Hygiene school in Lembang, Bandung, and CGH community in Cikidang,

Bandung Third week of April Survey & Implementation Sanitation Mapping with PDAM Bandung’s Waste Water Division 30 April, 7 & 14 May Seminar/Media gathering/Media Visit MMC#12 on water for the poor 23 May, May 27, and June 9 Talkshow MMC#12 on water for the poor 4 June Workshop Capacity Building for Local Facilitators on New Field School Implementation 10 June Workshop Multi-stakeholder Implementation of WSM Plan Update & Policy Discussion Blue Thread Sub -Das Cileuleuy - Cilamatan First week of April Communication event Clean Green Hygiene at 3 schools in Cijambe, Subang Mid April Field Activities Tree Nursery in Desa Tambakmekar, Cirangkong, Gunungtua Mid April Field School SLA in Desa Darmaga, Jalan Cagak, Cikujang (Conservation Village) Fourth week of June Training Nursery for community groups in Desa Cijengkol, Cintamekar, Curugrendeng, Cijambe,

Sukamandi, Ponggang Third week of June Field Day Community and stakeholders gather at Desa Darmaga (Cikujang) and Subang


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Anchor Site Sub - Das Cikundul - Cilaku Fourth week of April Workshop Clean Green Hygiene school in Nagrak Mid April Training TOT of solid waste to cadre at 7 villages in Cianjur District Mid April to Fourth week of May

Leveraging program Land Rehabilitation with PT Cipendawa, Local NGO (PEKA), PT Perhutani, Local Communities and JAMPEDAS in Ds Sukatani, Kec. Cipanas, Cianjur District.

Third week of April to Mid June

Leveraging program Multistakeholder Spring Protection with Jampedas, local private sector, local goverment (Desa Sukanagalih), and local community in Desa Sukanagalih, Kec. Pacet.

Mid May Survey Public latrine condition at Desa Cipendawa with cadre Clean, Green and Hygiene Third week of April Socialization Capacity building to organize public latrine at Desa Mekarjaya Mid May Training Community training on the importance of septic tanks, Mekarjaya May Monitoring Build 1 public Latrine at Desa Mekarjaya Blue Thread Sub Das Cimandiri Fourth week of April Seminar Water Report of Desa Kertajaya to Local Government (Sukabumi District) Mid April and and First week of May

Training (FFS) Land rehabilitation in Desa Cisarua and Desa Langensari, Sukaraja Subdistrict, Sukabumi District

April 8 to 11 Workshop Develop Batukarut Spring Protection Plan in Des Langensari, Kec. Sukaraja, Sukabumi Mid May Training Behavior change communication training to villagers in Langensari First week of May to end of June

FGD & Implementation Construction of water supply at 3 villages in Desa Kertajaya, Sukabumi District

PDAM Institutional Third week of April Survey NRW in Cibadak Unit, PDAM Sukabumi District April 14 to 25 Facilitation Corporate Plan and GIS Training for PDAM of Sukabumi and Purwakarta District May 2 to 31 Survey Reclassification Tariff, PDAM Subang District


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Tangsi Integrated Site April 4 - 14 Training 4 thematic trainings to be conducted by Yayasan Kuncup Mekar April 15 - 18 Training Follow up activities of CGH School focusing on providing solid waste facilities in 4

elementary schools June 27 FGD Development of Village Action Plan and Village Mid Term Development Plan for Spring

Protection Program Blongkeng Integrated Site April 15 – 24 FGD Identification and initiation of local policy May 6 Training Follow up activities of CGH School focusing on providing solid waste facilities in an

elementary school. May 18 Event Cultural activity as part of conservation campaign of West Merapi May 21 – 22 Workshop Development of conservation action plan of West Merapi Soti Integrated Site April 9 FGD Follow up activities of CGH School focusing on providing solid waste and wet land facilities

in an elementary school. May 22 Event Pride conservation campaign conducted by student of CGH School in biodiversity day. May 20 – June 2 FGD Development of Village Action Plan and Village Mid Term Development Plan for Spring

Protection Program Bolong Integrated Site April 15 FGD Finalization of WSM Plan document April 22 Event Field Day of 12 field schools from Soti and Bolong sub watershed in Citrosono Village. May 7 Workshop Workshop on Integrated Forest Management of Citrosono Village Kanci Integrated Site May 28 – 29 Workshop Develop WSM plan June 15 – 16 Workshop Inter Village Planning in Kanci Sub-watershed Management Plan June 21 Event Field Day of 6 field schools from Kanci sub watershed Clean, Green, and Hygiene in Yogyakarta and Sleman April 21 – 24 Event Photo exhibition to commemorate Earth Day. May 7 Training Follow up activities of CGH School focusing on providing solid waste and wet land facilities

in 2 elementary schools. May 12 – 15 FGD Develop village profile and action plan on sanitation and solid waste management


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Municipal / PDAM Program April 8 FGD Initial FGD on Corporate Plan development of PDAM Kota Yogyakarta April 9 FGD Initial FGD on SOP development of PDAM of Magelang District April 15 FGD Pre Bid Meeting of Master meter implementation in Kota Surakarta April 16 Workshop Socialization on NRW reduction workplan of PDAM Kota Magelang May 7 Workshop Presentation of draft PDAM Corporate Plan to Temanggung District Government June 16 Survey Step-test of NRW reduction program of PDAM Kota Magelang



Apr 1 Participatory Mapping Through small grant in Sumber Brantas Sub-watershed Apr 1-2 Training To make shopping bag from unused plastic material Apr 3 FGD CBSWM training alumni from Kota Batu and Malang District to prepare community

workshop Apr 5-6 Workshop For teachers of ESP’s assisted schools; topics incl. land rehabilitation issues 1st week of Apr & 2nd week of May

Workshop Corporate plan for PDAM of Malang District (kick off/socialization & stakeholders’ expectation)

Apr 8, 22 & May 6 FGD Development of action plan of sanitation strategic planning for Malang District Apr 10-May Field School’s follow up activities Incl. serial initial community action Apr 12-Jun Serial workshops PES implementation Apr 14-Jun Social documentary About the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Apr 15 Serial workshops WSM Froum in TNBTS Apr 15, 17, May 8, 13, 15 Training CBSWM for Kepanjen (Malang District), Temas (Kota Batu), Curung Rejo, (Malang District),

Pandan Rejo (Kota Batu), and Jatirejoyoso (Malang District) Apr, May, & Jun. Field trips (3 batches) For 4th and 5th grader of elementary school students of of ESP’s assisted schools Apr & May Signing of Grant & On-grant

Agreements OBA Grant Agreement between the Global Partnership on OBA and Government of Indonesia, while the On-grant Agreement is between the central government (MoF) and the Executing Agency (the City of Surabaya)

Apr & May ToT For CGH community; topics incl. rehabilitation and solid waste management Apr – Jun FGD, survey, design Detailed engineering design, cost estimates for CB sanitation development of Kota Surabaya


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Apr – Jun MMC XII Various activities with main theme water for the poor Apr – Jun Campaign Support micro-credit program for PDAMs in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Kota Malang, & Malang

District Apr – Jun Workshop Through partnership with PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali for CGH schools in Malang Raya Apr – Jun Farmer Study Farmer study of Vetivera sp stripe planting model to discover effective methods for erosion

and sedimentation control May 15-30 Field Day Brangkal, Welang, and Ambang-Lesti Sub-Watersheds May 15 – Jun Training Various NTFP training, community nurseries, and farmers studies to be initiated at least in 5

community groups to support biodiversity conservation May Campaign By cadres with thematic issues developed by CGH community 1st, 2nd, & 3rd week of Jun Field Day In Welang, Brangkal, and Ambang Sub-watersheds Jun 5 Workshop Sanitation strategic plan and action plan for Malang District Jun Camping program Field learning to develop action plan from and for the students of the CGH schools


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Appendix B: Training, Workshop and Seminar Activities of Second Quarter of Forth Year (Period of January - March 2008) Environmental Services Program (ESP) Indonesia Project Number: 497-M-00-05-00005-00

Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41


Refreshing Training of Mini Baseline/Ten Minutes Monitoring

ESP Reginal Office in Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, Yogya and Malang

2/13/2008 3/8/2008 20 87 86.20% 4,454,700


Desa Glee Bruek, Lhoong Aceh Besar

1/14/2008 2/14/2008 30 64 100.00% 3,460,000

Training of PDAM Regionalization ABBA Business Plan

ESP Office 1/17/2008 1/18/2008 2 17 11.80% Funded by BRR and Waseco

Tirta Rencana Aksi Sekolah Lapangan Pelatihan Teknis Perbanyakan Tanaman

Lhoong, Aceh Besar 1/19/2008 2/20/2008 33 172 65.10% 10,558,600


Desa Gampong Baro, Jabi dan Sawang, Kecamatan Setyabakti, Aceh Jaya

2/10/2008 3/10/2008 30 80 96.20% 4,676,000


Desa Nusa, Desa Lampuuk dan Kemukiman Lampuuk, Kecamatan Lhoknga, Aceh Besar

2/10/2008 3/10/2008 30 178 100.00% 6,627,300

Training Water Quality Monitoring with laboratorium equipment for PDAM employee

TEAM ESP 2/21/2008 2/22/2008 2 4 0.00% Funded by PDAM

Motivation and Management Training for staff

Intake PDAM Tirta Mountala Jantho Aceh Besar

3/5/2008 3/6/2008 2 45 17.80% 4,288,700

Training Course


Training Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik Berbasis Masyarakat

Lhoong, Aceh Besar 3/10/2008 3/13/2008 4 42 76.20% 10,412,400


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Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41



Pesantern Peunaga Rayeuk Meulaboh

3/22/2008 3/23/2008 2 26 92.30% 4,252,000

Monitoring and Evaluation Community Based Water Suply Training in Suka Maju Village, Tanjung Pura Sub District, Langkat Regency

Suka Maju Village, Tanjung Pura Sub-district, Langkat Regency

10/6/2007 10/7/2007 2 27 100.00% 6,551,000

Pelatihan Sistem Komputerisasi Rekening PDAM Tirta Nauli Sibolga Sumatera Utara

PDAM Tirta Nauli Sibolga

12/13/2007 1/21/2008 40 11 90.90% 20,114,800

On The Job Training for Sweeping Survey PDAM Tirta Wampu Langkat

PDAM Tirta Wampu Langkat

1/3/2008 1/10/2008 8 23 39.10% 77690000

PENGEMBANGAN PEMBIBITAN TANAMAN LOKAL DI KAWASAN SIBOLANGIT Desa Sibolangit, Desa Rumah Sumbul dan Desa Rumah Pil-Pil (Januari s/d Februari 2008)

Sibolangit Village, Rumah Sumbul dan Rumah Pil-Pil

1/8/2008 2/29/2008 48 35 57.10% 8,145,200

Training Sekolah Bersih Hijau Sehat untuk guru kelas 4,5,6 di Kota Medan

Kota Medan 1/16/2008 1/31/2008 15 18 94.40% 5,945,015

North Sumatra

On The Job Training and Data Collection for Sweeping Survey PDAM Tirta Wampu Langkat

PDAM Tirta Wampu Langkat

2/12/2008 2/14/2008 0.3 22 36.40% 12,086,300

DKI Jakarta School-Based Health and Hygiene Training and Work Plan Development for 5 HKI Inclusive Schools in Jakarta

schools 1/21/2008 2/15/2008 10 65 67.70% 1,392,500

Training develop Public Tap for society in Kampung Pasir Pendeuy, Mekarjaya Village

Pasir Pendeuy, Mekarjaya Village

2/1/2008 2/29/2008 30 20 50.00% 1,525,000

West java Environmental Education for Urban Poor ‘Kids’

Kelompok Tani Bina Mandiri Desa Dangdeur

2/7/2008 2/10/2008 4 68 27.90% 3,773,000

GIS Training And Data Upload Poor Household Survey For OBA Program In Surabaya

ESP Surabaya Office 1/7/2008 1/18/2008 10 8 50.00% 2,975,000

Training Course-cont'

East Java Pengembangan Bambu di PERHUTANI Jogjakarta 1/22/2008 1/24/2008 3 1 0.00% 2,466,500


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Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41 Pelatihan Pengelolahan Sampah berbasis Rumah Tangga di Kel. Mergosono

SD Mergosono 1 1/26/2008 2/10/2008 2 63 33.30% 3,214,000

Aplikasi Teknologi Remote Sensing dalam Validasi Hasil Survey Lapangan

Kelurahan Wonokromo, Kota Surabaya

1/28/2008 2/1/2008 5 4 50.00% 2,000,000

kampanye pengelolahan sampah berbasis rumah tangga di kelurahan Mergosono

Balai desa 2/10/2008 3/8/2008 8 231 58.40% Funded by Community

Pelatihan pengelolahan sampah berbasis rumah tangga Kel. Dinoyo

Malang 2/16/2008 2/16/2008 1 67 86.60% 1,410,000

Kampanye pengelolahan sampah berbasis rumah tangga di kelurahan Mergosono

Balai desa dan kantor kelurahan

2/19/2008 3/8/2008 11 225 75.10% Funded by Community

Refreshing Training for Community Cadre in Dinoyo

Balai RW 6 3/9/2008 3/9/2008 1 15 100.00% 150,000

Training Course-


East Java-cont'

Kampanye Pengurangan Sampah Plastik di RW VI Wonokromo

RW VI Wonokromo 3/10/2008 3/18/2008 9 30 100.00% 1,407,500

National workshop on collaborative watershed management

Hotel Ibis, Jakarta 12/10/2007 12/11/2007 2 65 16.90% 1,552,700

Mini Workshop On Gender Kota Medan 1/7/2008 1/7/2008 1 23 39.10% 1,375,000

Strengthening POC with StratCom mechanism: MMCs Preparation

Ratu Plaza, ESP Jakarta/National office

1/14/2008 1/15/2008 2 11 54.50% No budget needed

Pride Campaign End Result Presentation: Small Steps that Boost Behaviour Change for Biodiversity Conservation

ESP Jakarta 2/4/2008 3/6/2008 14 50 36.00% 5596000

Workshop Gender Regional Aceh Banda Aceh 2/12/2008 2/13/2008 2 73 39.70% 3,270,000

Workshop Gender for ESP Central Java/DIY Staff and Stakeholder

Yogyakarta and Magelang

2/18/2008 2/21/2008 2 36 41.70% 3,234,700

DKI/National Gender Workshop ESP Large Conference Room

2/26/2008 2/26/2008 1 43 46.50% 1,440,000

Workshop on OBA Project Implementation Manuals and Fund Channeling for PDAM Surabaya

Jakarta 2/28/2008 2/28/2008 1 45 26.70% 14,850,000

Padang City Sanitation Strategic Seminar and Opening CBS system

Padang 3/3/2008 3/3/2008 1 129 73.60% 40,350,000

Workshop National

Advance Workshop on OBA Fund Channeling for PDAM Surabaya

Jakarta 3/17/2008 3/17/2008 1 11 54.50% Funded by PDAM


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Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41 Workshop of Asset Inventory ESP 1/16/2008 1/21/2008 1 45 24.00% 2,632,500

NAD Peran Forum Multi Pihak dalam Perlindungan Air dan Carbontirde

Kota Jantho 3/24/2008 3/28/2008 5 81 19.80% 33996000

Diseminasi Sekolah Bersih Hijau dan Sehat kepada Kepala Sekolah dan Komite Sekolah di Kota Medan

Medan 1/16/2008 1/23/2008 8 13 76.90% 1,893,425

North Sumatra Loakarya 1. REVIEW MODUL


SMP N 1 Sibolangit 3/1/2008 3/1/2008 1 32 63.00% 2,801,100

West Java Round-table Discussion with West Java's journalists under MMC#11

cianjur and FDWB office

2/20/2008 2/20/2008 1 65 40.00% 11,050,000

Lokakarya Masyarakat Urban Dalam Pengelolaan Sanitasi dan Persampahan Yogyakarta

Balai pertemuan Jagalan Beji, Purwokinanti, Jl. Jagalan - Yogyakarta

1/5/2008 1/5/2008 1 44 9.10% 2,977,000

Partisipasi Dalam Kegiatan Lokakarya Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat Di Jakarta

Balai Kartini - Jakarta 1/15/2008 1/17/2008 2.5 2 0.00% 3,087,500

Workshop on Conservation and Land Rehabilitation with Bamboo

Pondok Tingal Hotel, Magelang

1/22/2008 1/23/2008 2 55 16.40% 9,333,750

Lokakarya Tindak Lanjut Pengembangan Program Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat

Pondok Tingal Hotel, Magelang

2/5/2008 2/5/2008 1 48 29.20% 4,880,950

Multi Village Planning Meeting Magelang 2/14/2008 2/15/2008 2 40 20.00% 8,167,200

Workshop on Initiation of Local Policy at Blongkeng Sub-watershed

Pondok Tingal Hotel, Magelang

3/18/2008 3/19/2008 2 32 12.50% 10,755,550

Central Java

Workshop on Development of WSM Plan of Soti and Bolong Sub-watersheds

Balai Pengembangan Sumber Daya Pertanian, Soropadan, Temanggung

3/26/2008 3/27/2008 2 69 15.90% 12,950,000


East Java Workshop Hasil Program Pemasangan Pipa dan Sistem Pengolahan Air Limbah di RW XI Kel. Temas, Kota Batu

ESP Malang Office, Jl. Raung no. 17 Malang

1/23/2008 1/23/2008 1 28 21.40% No budget needed


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Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41 Lokakarya Pembentukan Tim Monitoring dan Evaluasi Sekolah Lapangan Sub DAS Welang

Balai Desa Sumberrejo, Purwosari, Pasuruan

2/19/2008 2/19/2008 1 69 15.90% 8,041,500

Lokakarya Pembentukan Tim Monitoring dan Evaluasi Sekolah Lapangan Sub DAS Ambang-Lesti

Kecamatan Tumpang 2/19/2008 2/19/2008 1 72 23.60% 8,333,600

Lokakarya : Penguatan Paguyuban Kelompok Tani Tahura dan Perencanaan Pengelolaan Hutan Kolaboratif di Sub Das WELANG – DAS BRANTAS

Prigen-Pasuruan 3/1/2008 3/1/2008 1 17 11.80% 5157750 Workshop-cont'

East Java-cont'

Lokakarya Pembentukan Tim Monitoring dan Evaluasi Sekolah Lapangan Sub DAS Brangkal

Swiss Ind 3/4/2008 3/4/2008 1 40 7.50% 5,683,250

Field School (FS) in Jantang and Tanoh Anoe Village Lhoong Sud-District, Aceh Besar District

Balai pertemuan Desa Jantang dan Desa Tanoh Anoe

10/5/2007 1/20/2008 129 32 62.50% 14,595,000

Field School (FS) in Jantang and Tanoh Anoe Village Lhoong Sud-District, Aceh Besar District

Balai pertemuan Desa Jantang dan Desa Tanoh Anoe

10/5/2007 1/20/2008 129 32 62.50% 14,595,000

Field School (FS) in Kareng and Birek Village Lhoong Sud-District, Aceh Besar Distric

Balai pertemuan Desa Birek dan Desa Kareng

10/5/2007 1/20/2008 108 24 91.70% 12,550,400

Field School (FS) in Gapuy Village Lhoong Sud-District, Aceh Besar District

Balai Pertemuan Desa Gapuy

10/5/2007 1/20/2008 108 35 68.60% 10,348,000

Field School (FS) in Ketapang Village Lhoong Sud-District, Aceh Besar District

Balai Pertemuan Desa Keutapang dan Desa Mon Mata

10/5/2007 1/20/2008 108 27 55.60% 10,565,000

Field School (FS) in Pasi and Menasah Lhok Village Lhoong Sud-District, Aceh Besar Distric

Balai Pertemuan desa Pasi dan Desa Menasah Lhok

10/5/2007 1/20/2008 108 34 100.00% 11,163,800

Field School (FS) in Monmata Village Lhoong Sud-District, Aceh Besar District

Balai Pertemuan Desa Mon Mata

10/5/2007 1/20/2008 108 35 54.30% 12,176,400

Farmer Field



QR11/SL Siklus III Desa Gunong Meunasah dan Paya Laot, Kec. Setia Bakti, Aceh Jaya District

Gunong Meunasah dan Paya Laot

10/14/2007 2/14/2008 94 51 35.30% 8,998,500


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Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41

NAD-cont QR11/SL Siklus III Desa Sapek dan Padang, Kec. Setia Bakti, Aceh Jaya District

Sapek Dan Padang 11/14/2007 2/14/2008 94 36 27.80% 11,549,000

North Sumatra

MEMBANGUN KERJASAMA JASA LINGKUNGAN “HULU-HILIR” ANTARA MASYARAKAT DI KAWASAN DAERAH TANGKAPAN AIR DENGAN WARGA PERKOTAAN: Kerjasama penanaman pohon antara masyarakat desa Puangaja dengan Persekutuan Wanita ”SHINE” Gereja Kristen Perjanjian Baru (GKPB) Medan

Puang Aja village, Sibolangit

2/23/2008 2/23/2008 1 124 57.30% 2,042,300

SLA Desa Wulunggunung Desa Wulunggunung 11/4/2007 1/29/2008 85 27 48.10% 4,357,425

SLA Desa Tlogorejo Desa Tlogorejo 12/4/2007 1/29/2008 55 25 52.00% 5,142,000

SLA Desa Tirto Desa Tirto Kecamatan Grabak

12/4/2007 2/15/2008 71 25 40.00% 4,427,500

SLA Desa Jambewangi Desa Jambewangi 12/4/2007 1/29/2008 55 27 44.40% 4,492,400

SLA Desa Kenalan Desa kenalan 12/4/2007 1/29/2008 55 27 44.40% 4,386,400

SLA Desa Pogalan Desa Pogalan 12/4/2007 1/30/2008 56 24 29.20% 4,401,250

SLA Desa Jogoyasan Desa Jogoyasan, Kecamatan Ngablak

12/5/2007 1/16/2008 41 25 24.00% 4,200,000

SLA Desa Seloprojo Desa Seloprojo 12/5/2007 1/30/2008 55 25 44.00% 6,077,200

SLA Desa Gondangsari Desa Gondangsari 12/5/2007 1/30/2008 55 25 40.00% 4,200,000

SLA Desa Kleteran Desa Kleteran, Kecamatan Grabag

12/6/2007 1/17/2008 41 25 20.00% 4,505,250

SLA Desa Citrosono Desa Citrosono 12/6/2007 1/31/2008 55 25 40.00% 5,973,775

Central Java

SLA Desa Banyusidi Desa Banyusidi 12/6/2007 1/24/2008 48 25 40.00% 4,342,150

sekolah lapangan Desa Argosari Balai Desa Argosari 12/28/2007 2/28/2008 64 25 16.00% 6,807,700

Sekolah lapangan Desa Benjor Sekolah Lapangan Desa Benjor

1/10/2008 3/29/2008 81 25 28.00% 6,745,350

Farmer Field School-cont'

East Java Sekolah Lapangan Desa Begagan Limo Balai Dusun Gagan

Limo Desa Begagan Limo, Mojokerto

1/13/2008 3/24/2008 67 25 20.00% 7,000,000


Page 203: qpr12


Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41 Sekolah Lapangan Desa Sumberrejo Desa Sumberrejo 1/14/2008 2/18/2008 36 24 54.20% 6,404,180

Sekolah Lapangan Desa Tambaksari Desa Tambaksari 1/16/2008 2/21/2008 37 23 26.10% 6,453,880

Sekolah Lapangan Desa Cendono Desa Cendono 1/18/2008 2/25/2008 40 20 25.00% 6,141,380

Sekolah Lapangan Desa Dilem Balai Desa Dilem, Mojokerto

1/19/2008 3/24/2008 67 26 30.80% 6,990,000

Sekolah Lapangan Desa Pandansari Balai Desa Pandansari 1/21/2008 3/21/2008 61 25 28.00% 6,858,680

Farmer Field School-cont'

East Java cont’

Sekolah Lapangan Desa Patokpicis Balai Desa Patokpicis 1/28/2008 3/10/2008 43 25 36.00% 7,025,880

Konsultasi Publik Revisi UU 5 tahun 1990 Hotel Pitagiri, Jakarta 3/11/2008 3/12/2008 2 57 45.60% 28,947,530

National Regional Workshop Gender Wisata Agro Teh Wonosari, ESP Malang Office

2/26/2008 3/6/2008 2 44 56.80% 4,775,000

QR11/Penyusunan Rencana Aksi Forum FORSAKA

Jantho 1/1/2008 1/11/2008 11 23 13.00% No budget needed

FGD V Staff Performance Review Evaluation on PDAM Tirta Daroy

1/9/2008 1/19/2008 1 55 25.50% 1,732,000


Desa Gampong Baro, Jabi dan Sawang, Kecamatan Setyabakti, Aceh Jaya

1/12/2008 2/15/2008 30 80 96.20% 1,809,000


Desa Nusa, Kemukiman Lampuuk, Kecamatan Lhoknga, Aceh Besar

1/15/2008 2/15/2008 30 178 100.00% 5,189,700

FGD I of PDAM Regionalization Business Plan

PDAM Tirta Daroy banda Aceh

1/17/2008 1/22/2008 6 34 14.70% 2,094,400

QR12/Workshop Penetapan Kawasan Perlindungan Kawasan Sumber Air Alur Mancang (KSAM)

Sukadamai 1/19/2008 1/19/2008 1 21 0.00% 2,000,000

FGD I Establishment Costumer Forum PDAM Tirta Meulaboh at Kec. Meurebo

PDAM Tirta Meulaboh, Koperasi Lima Saudara Meurebo

1/23/2008 1/24/2008 4 15 33.30% Funded by PDAM

Focus Group

Discussion NAD

QR 12/ FGD Penghijauan Tanaman Pekarangan Dusun Kuala Meurisi

Dusun Kuala Meurisi 2/1/2008 2/2/2008 2 23 21.70% 610,000


Page 204: qpr12


Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41 QR 12/ FGD penghijauan tanaman pekarangan di Desa Sawang

Desa Sawang 2/3/2008 2/4/2008 2 9 11.10% 225,000

QR 12/ FGD Penghijauan Tanaman Pantai di Dusun Alue Batak

Dusun Alue Batak 2/3/2008 2/4/2008 2 28 25.00% 758,000

FGD I of Review PDAM Standard Operational Procedure ( Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh )

Aula PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh

2/4/2008 2/8/2008 1 37 13.50% 2,337,500

QR 12/ FGD Penghijauan Tanaman Pantai di Dusun Jabi

Dusun Jabi 2/5/2008 2/6/2008 2 24 12.50% 565,000

FGD II of PDAM Regionalization Business Plan

ruang meeting PDAM Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh

2/6/2008 2/8/2008 3 46 21.70% 2,580,000

FGD III of PDAM Regionalization Business Plan

InTake PDAM Aceh Besar

2/16/2008 2/18/2008 3 42 19.00% 1,732,500

FGD I Establishment Costumer Forum PDAM Tirta Meulaboh at Kec. Meurebo

Balai desa Meurebo 2/20/2008 2/21/2008 2 50 4.00% 3,665,500

FGD II of Review PDAM Standard Operational Procedure ( Tirta Daroy Banda Aceh )

PDAM Tirta Daroy 2/25/2008 2/25/2008 1 35 14.30% 2,265,000

FGD IV of PDAM Regionalization Business Plan

Ruang Meeting PDAM Aceh Besar

2/26/2008 2/29/2008 4 41 22.00% 2,260,000


FGD V of PDAM Regionalization Business Plan

ESP - USAID 3/13/2008 3/13/2008 1 40 15.00% 1,126,000

Launching community based water supply for urban poor

Jalan Young Panah Hijau, Labuhan Deli Village, Medan City


10/26/2007 5 50 48.00% 12,776,000

FGD & Transect for Master Meter Pilot Belawan

Bagan Deli Belawan 1/7/2008 2/28/2008 32 57 80.70% 19,536,000

FGD Desa Konservasi Balai Besar KSDA Sumut, Pasar Baru Medan

1/23/2008 1/23/2008 1 24 29.20% 365,000

Focus Group


North Sumatra


lembah sibayak 2/4/2008 2/29/2008 25 11 18.20% 1,563,000


Page 205: qpr12


Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41

DKI Jakarta Pre-test of Cadre Training Materials on Community Based Solid Waste Management

RW 04 Jembatan Besi and RW 08 Petojo Utara

1/10/2008 1/11/2008 2 20 95.00% 1,016,925

Survey and FGD For Develop The System of Clean Water Supplay in Kp Tanjakan Wetan, Padaluyu Village

Kp Tanjakan, Padaluyu Village, Cianjur District

2/1/2008 3/1/2008 30 20 25.00% 4,485,000

round-table discussions (NGO] under MMC#11 "Apa Kabar Gerhan?"

K3A Secretariat 2/6/2008 2/6/2008 1 27 14.80% 1,002,000

round-table discussions (NGO] under MMC#11 "Apa Kabar Gerhan?"

Cianjur and K3A Secretariat

2/12/2008 2/12/2008 1 26 15.40% 1,002,000

round-table discussions (NGO] under MMC#11 "land rehabilitation"

Foresta secretariat 2/12/2008 2/12/2008 1 11 9.10% 913,000

West Java

Round-table Discussion with West Java's journalists under MMC#11

Foresta secretariat 3/8/2008 3/8/2008 1 22 13.60% 1,100,000

FGD dalam rangka persiapan Lokakarya Masyarakat Urban Dalam Pengelolaan Sanitasi dan Persampahan - Yogyakarta

RW 22 Pringgokusuman - Gedongtengen; RW 09 Kricak Kidul - Tegalrejo; RW... Bener - Kec. Bener; RW 05 Patangpuluhan - Wirobrajan; RW 07 Cokrodiningratan - Jetis; RW 06 Panembahan


12/31/2007 6 194 46.40% 4,057,050

Pertemuan Persiapan Tindak Lanjut Pengembangan Program Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat - Desa Gulon – Magelang District

Balai Desa Gulon 1/2/2008 1/2/2008 1 21 43.29% 1,323,500

Pertemuan Persiapan Tindak Lanjut Pengembangan Program Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat - Desa Salaman – Magelang District

Balai Belajar Pengolahan Sampah Desa Salaman

1/3/2008 1/3/2008 1 32 65.60% 1520000

Focus Group Discussion-cont'

Central Java

Kampanye Pengurangan Sampah Rumah Tangga Kota Yogyakarta

Balai RW X - Kampung Gondolayu, Yogyakarta

1/30/2008 2/5/2008 2 26 73.10% 1,575,000


Page 206: qpr12


Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41 Sanitation Strategic Planning serial FGDs and Workshops

ESP Surabaya & Bappeko Office

8/20/2007 2/29/2008 120 15 40.00% 7,049,000 Focus Group Discussion-cont'

East Java Reforestasi Partisipatif. Menguak Peluang Demokrasi Pembangunan Kehutanan; Expert Forum

Fakultas Pertanian, Univ. Brawijaya, Malang

2/13/2008 2/29/2008 17 14 35.70% 3,801,300

TOT Fasilitator Desa Konservasi Cinagara, Caringin Bogor

2/5/2008 2/14/2008 9 38 13.20% 33,370,500

National TOT Fasilitator Desa Konservasi untuk Para Pihak

Cibeling, Caringin Bogor

2/24/2008 3/2/2008 8 30 10.00% 31,876,440

National -cont'

NAD Motivation and Management Training for new Kabag/Kasie

Aula PDAM Tirta Daroy

1/14/2008 1/18/2008 2 45 26.70% 6,948,300

Hand Washing With Soap (HWWS) Training for Teachers

Sabang, NAD 1/19/2008 1/24/2008 6 48 64.60% 25,401,500

DKI Jakarta Cadre training for community based solid waste management

RW 04 Jembatan Besi and RW 08 Petojo Utara

2/20/2008 2/29/2008 4 24 95.80% 2,475,100

Training of Trainers

East Java

Training of Trainer (ToT) Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat Bagi Kader Lingkungan di Kota/Kabupaten Malang dan Kota Batu

Ruang Pertemuan Gedung Perpustakaan Kota Malang, Jl. Ijen, malang

3/10/2008 3/13/2008 4 30 40.00% 12,965,500

North Sumatra

Investigasi dan Dialog Publik untuk Mencari Penyelesaian Konflik Deleng Barus

TAnjung Barus, Barus Jahe, Tanah Karo


12/1/2007 12 241 29.90% 6,604,625

Riset Aksi Partisipatif Kebun campur Desa Wangunharja Kec. Lembang, Kab. Bandung

7/9/2007 9/30/2007 200 19 57.90% 6,000,000

Riset aksi Partisipatif Jaringan air Bersih berbasis masyarakat

Desa Mekarwangi Kec. Lembang, Kab. Bandung

7/9/2007 9/30/2007 200 19 42.10% 6,000,000

Riset Aksi Partisipatif Pertanian Ekologis KMPL Desa Cibodas Kec. Lembang Kab. Bandung

Desa Cibodas, Kec.Lembang, Kab. Bandung

7/9/2007 9/30/2007 84 10 60.00% 6,000,000

Advocacy Event

West Java

Riset Aksi Partisipatif Pemilahan dan Pemanfaatan Sampah

Desa Cikidang, Kec. Lembang, Kab. Bandung

7/9/2007 9/30/2007 84 12 58.30% 6,000,000


Page 207: qpr12




Type Province Title Location Starting Date End Date Duration

(Days) Participants % Female Budget (Rp)

Total 5,866 44.18% $102,044.41 Risert Aksi Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasiis Masyarakat

Desa Gunungtua Kecamatan Cijambe Kab Subang

7/9/2007 9/30/2007 39 11 90.90% 4,000,000

Riset Aksi Partisipatif Pengelolaan Air Bersih berbasis Masyarakat

Desa Cirangkong, Kec. Cijambe ab. Subang

7/9/2007 9/30/2007 243 15 66.70% 4,000,000

Riset Aksi Partisipatif Perlindungan Mata Air Berbasis Masyarakat in Tambak Mekar

Desa Tambakmekar 7/9/2007 9/30/2007 243 15 80.00% 4,000,000

Advocacy Event-cont'

West Java-cont'

Riset Aksi Partisipatif Pengelolaan Limbah Ternak Berbasis Masyarakat

Desa Suntenjaya, Kec. Lembang, Kab. Bandung, West Java

7/10/2007 9/30/2007 84 18 55.60% 6,500,000

Page 208: qpr12
Page 209: qpr12


APPENDIX C: Summary of ESP Achievments based on PMP, Mid-year of Program Year 4 Appendix C1: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Collaborative Program

(Cross Cutting Theme/Integration #0.a.) Appendix C2a: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and Communication

(Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.1.) - Campaign by ESP Appendix C2b: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and communication

(Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.2.) - Campaign by ESP Partners Appendix C2c: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and Communication (Cross

Cutting Theme/Integration #0.b-3.) - Campaign Materials Developed and Produced Appendix C2d: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and communication

(Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.4.) - Media Coverage Appendix C3: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of People Participated in ESP Trainings and

Workshops (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration #0.c.) Appendix C4: Mid-year Summary of the Policy Development Recognizing Land Tenure and Community

Rights Access to Their Forests and Watershed Area (WS Outcome #1.a.) Appendix C5: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Increasing of Rehabilitated Land to Improve

Watershed Function for Water Supply (WS Outcome #1.b.) Appendix C6: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Biodiversity Value under Improved and Local

Management (WS Outcome #1.c.) Appendix C7: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of People Benefiting from Community-based Coastal

Rehabilitation Activities in Tsunami Impacted Area in Aceh (WS Outcome #1.d.) Appendix C8: Mid-year Summary of Achievement by Province on the Development of WSM Plan

(WS Outcome #1.e.) Appendix C9: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Number of Community Groups Implement

Improved Natural Resource Management (WS Outcome #1.f.) Appendix C10: Annual Summary of Achievement of PDAM Management Index Score

(SD Outcome #2.a.) Appendix C11: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of People Access to Clean Water

(SD Outcome #2.b.) Appendix C12: Mid-year Summary of Details Scoring of Development of District/Municipal Sanitation

Strategies with Action Plan (SD Outcome #2.c.) Appendix C13: Mid-year Summary of Development of Community-based Solid Waste Management

System/SWMS (SD Outcome #2.d.) Appendix C14: Mid-year Summary of Development of Small Scale Sanitation System/SSSS

(SD Outcome #2.e) Appendix C15a: Mid-year Summary of Schools Adopt Clean, Green and Hygiene Concept

(SD Outcome #2.f.b.) Appendix C15b: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Number of People Trained in Effective Hand

Washing with Soap (SD Outcome #2.f.-c) Appendix C16a: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of PDAM Demonstrate An Improved Operating Ratio

(FN Outcome #3.a.1.) Appendix C16b: Mid-year Summary of PDAM Showing An Improved Operation Ratio and Submit Debt

Restructuring (FN Outcome #3.a.2.) Appendix C17: Mid-year Summary of Achievement on Improved Domestic Investment and Borrowing

Environment (FN Outcome #3.b.) Appendix C18: Mid-year Summary of PDAM Develop Plans to Access Commercial Financing

(FN Outcome #3.c.) Appendix C19: Mid-year Summary of Achievement on Bond Issuance (FN Outcome #3.d.) Appendix C20: Mid-year Summary of Development of Micro Credit Scheme to Support People Get

Access to Clean Water (FN Outcome #3.e.) Appendix C21: Mid-year Summary of Achievement on Payment for Environmental Services

(FN Outcome #3.f.) Appendix C22: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Leveraging Other Funding to Support ESP Program

(FN Outcome #3.g.)


Page 210: qpr12
Page 211: qpr12


Quarter # of PPP Program Name Partner Organization Location Description1 Development of IEE (Initial Environmental Examination) for

Polindes and Puskesmas rehabilitation program

ESP and HSP NAD ESP provide technical support on the development of IEE with focus on watsan and

environment assessemnt and recommendation

2 Development of IEE (Initial Environmental Examination) for

Acute Mental Health Center construction program in Jantho

ESP and HSP NAD ESP provide technical support on the development of IEE with focus on watsan and

environment assessemnt and recommendation

3 Training for teachers from 7 schools in Bandung on hygiene

improvement related to prevention to Avian Influenza incidents.

This program is part of CGH School program.

ESP and CBAIC West Java ESP provide technical support on curriculum development and facilitation of the training.

4 Evaluation Workshop on CGH School in SD Somopuro, Klaten ESP, SWS and DBE Central Java ESP provide technical support on the topic related to hygiene improvement and

facilitated the workshop


1 FGD & Transect for Master Meter Pilot Belawan ESP and Eco-Asia North Sumatra ESP and Eco-Asia provide technical supports for the implementation of the FGD and

transect and Eco-Asia provides funding for the capacity building activities

2 Hand Washing With Soap (HWWS) Training for Teachers ESP and HSP NAD ESP and HSP provide technical support throught facilitating the process of the training

and share budget for the implementation of the training

3 Rehabilitation of Jantho Acute Medical Center ESP and HSP NAD ESP contribute on the designing of improved watsan facilities in the health facilities

reconstruct by HSP

4 School-Based Health and Hygiene Training and Work Plan


ESP and SWS DKI Jakarta ESP and HSP provide technical support throught facilitating the process of the training

and share budget for the implementation of the training


Total Collaborative Program with Other USAID's Program up to Mid-year of FY 2008


Total aCollaborative Program with Other USAID's Program up to end of FY 2007


To date achievement of total collaborative program with Other USAID's Program


Target of the collaborative program with other USAID's Program over the life of project


Percentage of to date achievement of total collaborativeprogram with Other USAID's Program


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Sub-total collaborative program during in the Second Quarter of FY2008


Quarter (Jan -

Mar 08)

Appendix C.1: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Collaborative Program (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration #0.a.)

First Quarter

(Oct 07 - Dec


Sub-total collaborative program during in the First Quarter of FY 2008


Page 212: qpr12


Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.2.a: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and Communication (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.1.) - Campaign by ESP

Status: March 2008

Quarter # of Campaign

Campaign Name Type of Campaign Activities

Campaign Activities Location

11st Quarter

(Oct 07 - Dec


1 MMC #10: Sanitation For All Media Relation Activities Media Visit (5), Roadshow(1) North Sumatra, DKI Jakarta,

West Java, Central Java, East


Advocacy Event Writing competition(1), Media Road Sow (2),

communication event (2), Forum Discussion (1)

Media Campaign Radio Talk Show (11), TV Talk Program (1), Expert

& Media Forum Discussion (4), Writing by expert

(1)Communication event public hearing (2)

2 Campaign supported to PM Issues Media Campaign Raising awareness of water & health quality on

Surabaya City


3 Campaign supported to WSM Issues Media Campaign Community and Institution Collaboration to raise



4 Campaign supported to SD Media Campaign City Sanitation Yogyakarta5 Campaign supported to SD Media Campaign Indonesian Sanitation Conference Jakarta

Sub Total of Campaign Activities by ESP during 1st Quarter 52nd Quarter

(Jan - Mar 08)

1 MMC #11: Land Rehabilitation Media Relation Activities Field Trip (6), Roadshow (8) Nort Sumatra, DKI

Jakarta/National, West Java,

Central Java/DIY, East Java

Advocacy Event Media & Experts Discussion (6), Multi-stakeholders

workshop (1), seminar (1)Media Campaign TV & Radio Talk-show (13), writing by experts (5)

Communication event - 2 Campaign supported to PM Issues Media Relation Activities ESP site media visit East Java3 Campaign supported to SD Issues Media Relation Activities ESP event media visit East Java4 Media Relation Activities,

Advocacy event

Media Visit (1), Sharing Information and data

support to media related to World Water Day (1),

Forum Discussion with North Sumatra Sanitation

Forum (1)

North Sumatra

5 Communication event Clean, Green and Hygiene School Campaign (1),

Media Discussion (1)


6 Campaign supported to WSM Issues Media Relation Activities Media Visit (1) North Sumatra7 Communication event Institution Collaboration to raise rehabilitation (1) Jakarta

Sub Total of Campaign Activities by ESP during 1st Quarter 7Total Campaign Activities by ESP up to mid-year of PY2008 12Total Campaign Activities by ESP up to end of PY2007 56To date achievement of the Campaign Activities by ESP 68Total target on the Campaign activities conducted by ESP 80To date percentage of achievement of the Campaign Activities by ESP 85.00%


Page 213: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.2.b: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and communication (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.2.) - Campaign by ESP Partners

Status: March 2008

Quarter # of Campaign

Campaign Name Type of Campaign Activities

Location Partner's Name

First Quarter

(Oct 07 - Dec


1 Mangrove Conservation Campaign Movie, media visit Pulau Jaring Halus, Langkat

(North Sumatra)

Ipanjar (Ikatan Pemuda Jaring


2 World Water Quality Monitoring Day 2007 Issue discussion, training,

water quality monitoring

implementation, public

expose, radio talkshows

Lembang, Bandung (West


Kelompok Kerja Komunikasi Air


3 World Water Quality Monitoring Day 2007 Environmental Leadership

Training, Peak event of

WWQM 2007

Kali Sunter and Kalimalang

(DKI Jakarta)


4 Conservation campaign Movie, media visit, planting


Temanggung (Central Java) PDAM Temanggung

5 Raising awareness of water & health quality on

Surabaya City

Media Campaign Surabaya (East Java) Health Services Office of Surabaya

Municipal Government

Sub Total of Campaign Activities by ESP Partners during First Quarter 5


Quarter (Jan -

Mar 08)

1 World Water Quality Monitoring Day


"Human and Water"

Documentary Film

DKI Jakarta Forkami

2 World Water Day 2008 - Commemoration Photo Exibition DI Yogyakarta Yayasan Hijau

3 Land Rehabilitation Campaign Reboization, village

discussion and media visit

Puangaja, Sibolangit, North


Local community, Gereja Kristen

Perjanjian Baru (GKPB)

4 Sibayak Valley Protection Media relation and

asistance to investigative

reporting acitivity about 3


Sibayak Valley, Karo, North


Harian Medan Bisnis

5 Hutanku Hijau, Pasokan Listrik Lancar Media Campaign Batu, East Java PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali

6 Education & conservation forest model Media Campaign Pasuruan, East Java Yayasan Kaliandra Sejati

Sub Total of Campaign Activities by ESP Partners during Second Quarter 6

Total Campaign Conducted by ESP Partners up to mid-year PY 2008 11Total Campaign Conducted by ESP Partners up to end of PY 2007 45To date achievement of the total Campaign Conducted by ESP Partners 56Total Target of the total Campaign Conducted by ESP Partners 40To date achievement of the total Campaign Conducted by ESP Partners 140.00%


Page 214: qpr12



Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.2.c: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and Communication (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration #0.b-3.) - Campaign Materials Developed and Produced

Status: March 2008

Quarter Type of Campaign Location Materials Produced11st Quarter

(Oct 07 - Dec


MMC #10: Clean Water for Better


North Sumatra, DKI Jakarta, West

Java, Central Java, East Java

Fact sheet (10), Media Kit (2), leaflet (1),

backgrounder (4), presentation (6), vandel

(6), t-shirt (1)"Culutre Background of

Sanitation" : Campaign support SD


Central Java / Yogyakarta Fact sheet (1) backgrounder

ToT ESP - Indonesia Power:

campaign supported to WSM


West Java Presentation (1), backgrounder template


Press Conference KSN: Support

SD component

DKI Jakarta, West Java Press Release (1), fact sheet (5)

"Water and Health": Campaign

supported to PM Issues

East Java Fact sheet (3), Media Kit (1), Hand-out

(2), leaflet (3), Pin/badget (1), T-shirt (1),

backgrounder (3), presentation (3),

brochure (1), Fact sheet (6), poster (1)

"Field Day": Campaign supported

to WSM Issues

East Java Backgrounder (1), fact sheet (2)

Sub Total of Sets of Campaign Materials Developed during First Quarter 6


Quarter (Jan -

Mar 08)

MMC #11: Reforestasi partisipatif,

menguak peluang demokrasi

pembangunan kehutanan.

Malang Raya & Pasuruan Fact sheet (9), Press background (2),

presentation (5), giant banners (2),

Backgrounder (3), Press release (4),

Vandel (6), T-shirt (2), Poster (5), Radio

Talkshow for announcer (1), Bag (1),

Banner (1)"Hutanku Hijau, Pasokan Listrik

Lancar" oleh PJB

Batu Press background (1), giants banners (2),

T-shirt (1)

Arboretum Kaliandra: "Education

& conservation forest model"

Pasuruan Backgrounder (1), fact sheet (1)

Water for The Poor in Jalan

Young Panah Hijau, Medan

Labuhan, Belawan

North Sumatera Fact Sheet (1)

Land Rehabilitation in Puangja,

Sibolangit, Deliserdang

North Sumatera Press Backgrounder (1)

International Year of Sanitation Jakarta Fact Sheet (1), Tree (1), Backgrounder

(1), Banner (1)

Sub Total of Sets of Campaign Materials Developed during SeconQuarter


Total Sets of Campaign Materials Developed up mid-year of PY 2008


Total Sets of Campaign Materials Developed up to End of PY 2007


To date achievement of the total Sets of Campaign Materials Developed


Total target on the campaign materials developed over the life of the project


Percentage of to date achievement of the campaign materials developed



Page 215: qpr12


Quarter Province Type of Media

Name of Media Number of Publication

Rating People Reached by Media

CampaignAnalisa 1 211,000 211,000

Waspada 1 157,000 157,000

Sumut Pos 3 6,000 18,000

Kompas 1 85,000 85,000

Medan Bisnis 3 17,000 51,000

Warta Kota 1 N/A N/A

Kompas 1 85,000 85,000

Koran Tempo 1 N/A N/A

TV Jak TV 1 N/A N/A

On-line Sinarharapan.co.id 2 N/A N/A

Pikiran Rakyat 3 468,000 1,404,000

The Jakarta Post 1 30,741 30,741

Seputar Indonesia 2 336,000 672,000

Radar Bandung 5 3,000 15,000

Kompas 2 85,000 170,000

Republika 2 12,000 24,000

Tadjuk 2 14,000 28,000

Berita Kota 1 N/A N/A

Galamedia 2 N/A N/A

Bisnis Indonesia 1 N/A N/A

BTV 3 650,000 1,950,000





Rase 4 95,000 380,000

The Jakarta Post 1 30,741 30,741

detik.com 1 N/A

Walagri 4 10,000 40,000

Rase 3 95,000 285,000

RRI 3 1,000,000 3,000,000

Sonata 2 35,000 70,000

Trijaya 3 N/A N/A

Elshinta 3 1,518,000 4,554,000

Shinta 1 235,000 235,000

Garuda 1 362,000 362,000

Antassalam 1 333,000 333,000

Mara FM 1 N/A N/A

The Jakarta Post 1 30,741 30,741

Radar Jogja 2 N/A N/A

Kedaulatan Rakyat 5 N/A N/A

Suara Merdeka 5 291,000 1,455,000

Kompas 1 85,000 85,000

Radio CBS FM 1 N/A N/A

Online Okezone 1 N/A N/A


Central Java


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Appendix C.2.d: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and communication (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.4.) - Media Coverage

NewspaperFirst Quarter

(Oct 07 - Dec

07) North Sumatera

West Java







Page 216: qpr12


Quarter Province Type of Media

Name of Media Number of Publication

Rating People Reached by Media


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Appendix C.2.d (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and communication (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.4.) - Media Coverage

Jawa Pos 6 1,224,000 7,344,000

Surabaya Pagi 2 20,000 40,000

Surabaya Post 1 20,000 20,000

Surya 4 50,000 200,000

Duta Masyarakat 2 20,000 40,000

Kompas 4 N/A N/A

Bisnis Indonesia 2 N/A N/A

The Jakarta Post 2 N/A N/A

Radar Bromo 2 10,000 20,000

Radar Kediri 3 20,000 60,000

Radar Jember 2 10,000 20,000

Radar Malang 9 20,000 180,000

SCTV 1 106,268,184 106,268,184

A TV 3 N/A N/A

Malang TV 1 N/A N/A

Trans 7 2 N/A N/A

Global TV 1 N/A N/A



Mahameru TV 1 N/A N/A www.beritajatim.com 3 N/A N/A detik.com 2 N/A N/A tempointeraktif.com 3 N/A N/A Kosmonita FM 6 N/A N/A Tidar Sakti 3 114,000 N/A Suara Surabaya 4 N/A N/A Mas FM 2 75,000 150,000

Citra Pro 3 FM 9 515,000 4,635,000

178 People Reached by

Media Campaign

during First Quarter


Seputar Indonesia 5 12,000 60,000

Medan Bisnis 3 17,000 544,000

Sumut Pos 3 6,000 18,000

Kompas 4 85,000 85,000

Waspada 1 157,000 157,000

Analisa 1 211,000 211,000


Radio KISS FM 1 N/A N/A

Smart FM 3 N/A N/A

Gundaling FM 3 N/A N/A


Metro TV 1 N/A N/A

TV One 1 N/A N/A

Online www.organicindonesia.c 1 N/A N/A

www.tanahkaro.com 1 N/A N/A

Sub Total of Media Coverage during First Quarter

East Java





Second Quarter

(Jan - Mar 08)

North Sumatra Newspaper


Page 217: qpr12


Quarter Province Type of Media

Name of Media Number of Publication

Rating People Reached by Media


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Appendix C.2.d (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and communication (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.4.) - Media Coverage

Media Indonesia 1 N/A N/A

Kompas 4 85,000 340,000

Berita Kota 1 N/A N/A

The Jakarta Post 2 N/A N/A

Suara Pembaruan 1 N/A N/A www.ampl.or.id 2 N/A N/A www.kompas.co.id 1 N/A N/Awww.thejakartapost.co 1 N/A N/Awww.suarapembaruan. 1 N/A N/A

www.mediaindonesia.co 1 N/A N/A

Pikiran Rakyat 4 336,000 1,344,000

Seputar Indonesia 2 15,000 30,000

Bisnis Indonesia 1 N/A N/A

Kompas 1 34,000 34,000

Republika 4 7,000 28,000

Tadjuk 6 3,000 18,000

Radar Bogor 2 231,000 462,000

Cianjur Kita 1 N/A N/A

Koran Tempo 1 N/A N/A

www.ampl.or.id 1 N/A N/A

www.republika.co.id 1 N/A N/A

www.bisnis.co.id 1 N/A

www.tempointeraktif.com 1 N/A N/A

www.seputar-indonesia.co 1 N/A N/A

www.prakarsa-rakyat.org 1 N/A N/A

www.pikiran-rakyat.com 4 N/A N/A

Walagri 2 10,000 20,000

Rase 2 95,000 190,000

Antassalam 2 231,000 462,000

RRI 1 1,000,000 1,000,000

Sonata 2 35,000 70,000

Plus Bio FM 2 7,000 14,000

Pasundan FM 1 9,000 9,000

BTV 2 11,000 22,000

TVRI Jabar Banten 1 N/A N/A



Suara Merdeka 1 291,000

Kedaulatan Rakyat 2 N/A N/A

Seputar Indonesia 1 336,000 336,000

Media Indonesia 1 N/A N/A

Koran Tempo 1 N/A N/A

Fresh 1 N/A N/A

Radar Jogja 1 N/A N/A

Kompas 1 85,000 85,000

Jogja TV 1 N/A N/A


Metro TV 1 N/A N/A


Online www.detik.com 1 N/A N/A

DKI Jakarta Newspaper


West Java



Central Java






Page 218: qpr12


Quarter Province Type of Media

Name of Media Number of Publication

Rating People Reached by Media


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Appendix C.2.d (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Public Outreach and communication (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration - Deliverable 0.b.4.) - Media Coverage

Jawa Pos 3 1,224,000 3,672,000

Surabaya Pagi 0 20,000 -

Surabaya Post 2 20,000 40,000

Surya 3 50,000 150,000

Duta Masyarakat 1 20,000 20,000

Kompas 2 85,000 170,000

Bisnis Indonesia 1 N/A -

The Jakarta Post 3 N/A -

Radar Bromo 2 10,000 20,000

Radar Kediri 0 20,000 -

Radar Jember 1 10,000 10,000

Radar Malang 4 20,000 80,000

SCTV 0 106,268,184 -

Metro TV 1 N/A -

A TV 2 N/A -

Malang TV 1 N/A -

Trans 7 1 N/A -

Global TV - N/A -

RCTI - N/A -

TPI - N/A -

Trans TV - N/A - www.beritajatim.com 2 N/A - detik.com 1 N/A - antara.co.id 3 N/A - tempointeraktif.com 3 N/A - Kosmonita FM - N/A - Tidar Sakti 2 114,000 - Suara Surabaya 2 N/A - Mas FM 2 75,000 150,000

Citra Pro 3 FM 9 515,000 4,635,000

161 People Reached by



149,224,407 1,129,199,853

0 1,278,424,260 To date achivement of the total People Reached by Media Campaign

Total Media Coverage up to End of Year of 2006

Total Media Coverage during in FY 2008Total Media Coverage up to end of FY 2007

East Java Newspaper




Sub Total of Media Coverage during Second Quarter


Page 219: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.3: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of People Participated in ESP Trainings and Workshops (Cross Cutting Theme/Integration #0.c.)

Status: March 2008

Quarter Region

Total People Trained based on Type of trainingTotal Average of

Women Participation (%)

Total Budget Spent for Training


Training Course

Workshop Study Tour Farmer Field


Focus Group


Training of Trainers

Advocacy Event


First Quarter

(Oct 07 - Dec 07)

National 128 0 0 0 0 0 22 150

37.01% $74,796.99

NAD 71 531 0 69 386 117 0 1174North Sumatra 174 54 73 0 63 43 0 407DKI Jakarta 80 102 0 0 0 0 0 182 West Java 78 110 0 0 128 33 0 349Central Java 485 94 0 182 163 32 0 956East Java 148 131 0 49 15 27 20 390

Total 1164 1022 73 300 755 252 42 3608

Second Quarter

(Jan - Mar 08)

National 87 486 0 0 101 68 0 742

44.18% $102,044.41

NAD 628 126 0 306 781 93 241 2175North Sumatra 136 45 0 124 142 0 0 447DKI Jakarta 65 0 0 0 20 24 0 109 West Java 88 65 0 0 106 0 119 378Central Java 0 290 0 305 273 0 0 868East Java 644 226 0 218 29 30 0 1147

Total 1648 1238 0 953 1452 215 360 5866

Total People Trained in the ESP training, workshops and seminars during FY 2008 9,474 Average of women participated in the trainings, workshop and seminars up to end of 2007 40.60%

Total Budget Spent for the training, workshop and seminars up to end of 2007 $176,841.40

Total People Trained in the ESP training, workshops and seminars up to end of FY 2007 29,795

Average of women participated in the trainings, workshop and seminars up to end of FY 2007 40.81%

Total Budget Spent for the training, workshop and seminars up to end of FY 2007 $ 906,210.18

To date Achievement of Total People Trained in the ESP training, workshops and seminars 39,269 To date Achievement of Average of women participated in the trainings, workshop and seminars 40.70%

To date of Total Budget Spent for the training, workshop and seminars (up to end of PY 2007 and this Quarter) 1,083,051.58

Total Target of People Trained in the ESP training, workshop and seminars over the life of the project 12,000 Percentage of to date Achievement of Total People Trained in the ESP training, workshops and seminars 327.24%


Page 220: qpr12


Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Sep-07

1 NAD/Krueng Aceh-

Krueng Jreue (Aceh Besar)

Qanun Gampong (village

regulation) Jruek Balee


land tenure and access

rights to manage

watershed area

0 0 0 0 100 Completed, have

been signed on 12

March 07

2 NAD/Krueng Aceh-

Krueng Inong (Aceh


Qanun Gampong (village

regulation) Jantho Lama


land tenure and access

rights to manage

watershed area

0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed, have

been signed on 4

September 2007

Total local policy developed during PY 2008


3 NAD/Krueng Aceh-

Krueng Jrue (Aceh Besar)

Qanun Gampong (village

regulation) Jruek Bak Kreh


Land tenure and access to

manage watershed area

0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed, have

been signed on 4

September 2007

Total local policy developed up to end of FY 2007


4 NAD/Sabee Geupue -

Mikro DAS Krueng Sabee

(Aceh Jaya)

Agreement on new

community protected area

"KALIMAT" by 8 villages of

FPKL (Forum Peduli

Krueng Lageun) members

Land tenure and access to

manage 1026.5 ha of

KaPeuSAK (Kawasan

Perlindungan Sumber Air

Krueng Kaloek) watershed


0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed, have

been signed on 22

August 2007 To date achievement of the policy development


5 NAD/Krueng Aceh-

Krueng Aceh (Aceh Besar)

Agreement on new

community protected area

KaPeuSAK by 5 villages of

Forsaka (Forum Sayeung

Krueng Kaloek) members

Land tenure and

community access to

protect KaPeuSAK

(Kawasan Perlindungan

Sumber Air Krueng

Kaloek) watershed area

0 0 0 0 0 25 100 Completed, have

been signed on 12

December 2007Total target of policy

development over the life of the project


6 NAD/Krueng Aceh-

Krueng Aceh (Aceh Besar)

Agreement on new

community protected area

KSAM by 2 villages of

FAMS (Forum Alur

Mancang Saree) members

Land tenure and access to

manage 602 ha of KSAM

(Kawasan Perlindungan

Sumber Air Alur Mancang)

watershed area

0 0 0 0 0 30 100 Completed, have

been signed on 19

January 2008To date percentage of

achievement of the policy development


7 NAD/Krueng Aceh-

Krueng Aceh (Aceh Besar)

Qanun Gampong (village

Regulation) Ulee Ue


Land tenure and access to

manage watershed area

0 0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed, have

been signed on 1

February 20088 NAD/Krueng Aceh-

Krueng Aceh (Aceh Besar)

Commitment of Pemkab

(Bupati) Aceh Besar No.

414.17/1348 to support

Qanun (village regulation)


land tenure and access to

manage watershed area

0 0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed, have

been signed on 12

February 2008

9 North Sumatra/Sei


MOU among community

group, ESP and BKSDA

Increase community access

to the management of

wildlife sanctuary Langkat

Timur Laut

3 27 56 60 71 82 100 Completed and

have been signed

on 4 july 2006

10 North Sumatra/Tahura Provincial Regulation

(Perda) on development of

Tahura management

Increase the capacity

management with

involvement of local


9 23 32 35 45 46 46

11 North Sumatra/Lau Biang Village regulation (Perdes)

in 7 villages in adjacent of

Tahura Bukit Barisan

Land tenure and

involvement of local

community in protecting


0 0 7 15 25 38 41

12 North Sumatra/Lau Petani Village regulation (Perdes)

in 12 villages of Sub-DAS

Lau Petani

land tenure for promoting

biodiversity conservation

5 27 41 59 69 69 69

13 North Sumatra/Lau Petani MOU among local NGO's




Increase community and

local NGO's access to the

management of Nature

Reserve and Recreation

Forest Park Sibolangit

0 0 0 0 51 71 100 Completed and

have been signed

on 15 January 2007

14 West Java/Cilamaya District Regulation No. 2

Tahun 2006

Development of DAS

Committee in Subang


20 55 80 80 100 Completed and

have been signed

on 7 February 2006

15 Peraturan Desa Kebon

Peuteuy, Kecamatan

Gekbrong, Kabupaten

Cianjur Nomor:

02/05/PM/III/Tahun 2007

Development of

conservation model village

of buffer area in the

conservation area of

Nasional Park of Gunung

Gede Pangrango

0 0 0 0 100 Completed and

have been signed

on 12 March 2007

16 MOU among Mekartani

community groups and

land owner (Mrs. Tuti

Haryani) in Cikujang Block

of Sukaresmi villages of

Cianjur District

Managing of degraded land

owned by big land holder

by the community group

to reduce the land


10 35 40 40 85 100 Completed and

have been signed

on 27 May 2007

17 Collaborative Agreement

between head of village of

Cikanyere with Mr. Marwi

(farmers) on Land

Rehabilitation (RHLP)

Managing the degraded

land in the village under

the implementation of the

RHLP Program

10 35 40 40 85 100 Completed and

have been signed

on 6 December


18 Kesepakatan Pengelolaan

Lahan (Kespela) antara

Desa Cibodas, Kecamatan

Pacet, Kabupaten Cianjur

dengan Kelompok Tani

Giri Winaya (A and B)

Right of Tani Giri Winaya

Community Group A to

manage the degraded land

in Cibodas Village, Pacet


0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed and

have been signed

on 5 February 2007

19 Kerjasama kemitraan

antara Balai Taman

Nasional Gunung Gede

Pangrango dengan Forum

Peduli Air TNGP

Using the water

environmentment services

by the water users' in the

area of National Park of

Gunung Gede Pangrango

0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed and

have been signed

on 16 July 2007

Environmental Services Program

West Java/Cikundul


Status: March 2008

No ProvinceTitle of New Local

policySubject of New Local

policyDevelopment Score (%)

Appendix C.4: Mid-year Summary of the Policy Development Recognizing Land Tenure and Community Rights Access to Their Forests and Watershed Area (WS Outcome #1.a.)


Page 221: qpr12


Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Sep-07 Remarks

Status: March 2008

No ProvinceTitle of New Local

policySubject of New Local

policyDevelopment Score (%)

Appendix C.4 (cont'): Mid-year Summary of the Policy Development Recognizing Land Tenure and Community Rights Access to Their Forests and Watershed Area (WS Outcome #1.a.)

20 Kesepakatan Pengelolaan

Lahan (Kespela) Tanah

Guna Garapan Blok Lebat

Saat Kampung Barulega,

Desa Cirumput,

Kecamatan Cugenang

dengan Kelompok Tani

Sekarwangi A, B, C, D

Right of Sekar Wangi

Community Group A to

manage the degraded land

in Blok Lebat Saat of

Barulega Kampong,

Cirumput Village,

Cugenang Sub-district

0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed and

have been signed in

26 February 2007

21 Keputusan Kepala Desa

Sukaresmi, Kecamatan

Sukaresmi Nomor:


Decesion on the Location

of RHLP Program in

Sukaresmi Village of

Cianjur District

10 35 40 40 85 100 Completed and

have been signed in

29 December 2006

22 MOU among Tunas Mekar

community groups and

land owner (Mr. M. Damin)

in Cikanyere Block of

Cikanyere villages of

Cianjur District

Managing of degraded land

owned by big land holder

by the community group

to reduce the land


10 35 40 40 85 100 Completed and

have been signed in

27 May 2007

23 Peraturan Desa Cikanyere,

Kecamatan Sukaresmi

Nomor: 522.4/Kep.01-


Decision on the Location

of RHLP Program in

Sukaresmi Village of

Cianjur District

10 35 40 40 85 100 Completed and

have been signed in

2 November 2007

24 Instruksi Bupati No. 2

Tahun 2006

Launching of "Gerakan

Indonesia Menanam"

20 55 80 80 80 100 Completed and

have been signed in

25 September 2006

25 Peraturan Desa Sukatani,

Kecamatan Pacet,

Kabupaten Cianjur Nomor:

05 Tahun 2007

Development of village

model for participatory

land and forest


0 0 0 0 90 100 Completed and

have been signed in

30 March 2007

26 West Java/Cimandiri Memorandum of

Understanding between

Cihanyawar and Ginanjar

Village and Gunung Gede

Pangrango National Park

Participatory Land

Rehabilitation in TNGP to

support Conservation


0 0 0 0 0 0 100 Completed, have

been signed on 28

February 2008

27 Perdes (Village Regulation)

on management of forest

area for agro and forestry


Conservation Management

of forest area in Sambak

Village for agro and

forestry tourism

0 100 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 31

January 2007

28 Village Regulation (Perdes)

of Mangunrejo Village

Sustainable Forest


Management of forest and

environmental resources at

Mangunrejo Village

0 0 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 3

August 200729 Village Regulation (Perdes)

of Sukomakmur Forest

Reources Management

Management of forest and

environmental resources at

Sukomakmur Village

0 0 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 10

August 200730 Village Regulation (Perdes)

of Krumpakan Village in

Managing and Sustaining

Village Forest Resources

Management of forest

resources at Krumpakan

Village, includes spring,

wildlife and riverbelt


0 0 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 4

August 2007

31 Village Regulation (Perdes)

of Sukomulyo Village

Authority in Sustaining

Function and Benefit of

Forest Resources

Management of forest and

protected area at

Sukomulyo Village, includes

spring, wildlife and

riverbelt area protection

0 0 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 26

July 2007

32 Village Regulation (Perdes)

of Banjaragung Village in

Water Management

Management of drinking

and irrigation water at

Banjaragung Village

0 0 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 17

July 2007

33 Village Regulation (Perdes)

of Sukorejo Village in Local



Management of

environmental aspects at

Sukorejo Village, includes

agriculture, forest, spring

and housing management

0 0 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 24

July 2007

34 Village Regulation (Perdes)

of Natural Resources

Management in Sutopati


Management of

environmental aspects at

Sutopati Village, include

community forest, state

forest, tourism, riverbelt

protection, spring

protection and


0 0 0 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 26

September 2007

35 Central Java/Bolong Perdes untuk Pengelolaan

Hutan Terpadu

Right of community access

to participate in integrated

production forest


0 0 0 50

36 East Java/Sumber Brantas Village regulation (perdes)

supported by Perhutani

Land rehabilitation in

Wengkon Forest

8 11 34 42 42 65 85

37 Village Regulation (Perdes)

supported by Perhutani

Management of enclave

forest by LMDH

53 100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 4

December 2006

38 Village Regulation of

Srigading Village Nomor


Management and Spatial

Plan of Srigading Village of

Lawang Sub-district, Malang


100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on 10

September 2007

39 Village Regulation of

Gumeng Village Nomor


Management of spring as

water resources of their


100 Completed, the

regulation have

been signed on

12September 2007

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Central Java/Tangsi - cont'

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

East Java/Welang

Not ApplicableCentral Java/Tangsi

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

West Java/Cikundul-cont


Page 222: qpr12


Quarter Region Sub DAS DistrictRehabilitated Area


Ulu Masen Aceh Jaya 822 This land rehabilitation activity is conducted in four villages of FPKL

(Forum Peduli Krueng Lageun) members (Gampong Baroh, Sapek,

Gunong Meunasah and Paya Laot) in Ulumasen area of Kec. Setia

Bakti, Kab.Aceh Jaya

Krueng Sabee-Geupue Aceh Jaya 20 The tree planting program is conducted in Keutapang village, Kec.

Krueng Sabee, Kab.Aceh Jaya

Lau Petani Deli Serdang 11.86 The tree planting is conducted in Rumah Pil-pil village, Sibolangit sub-


Lau Biang Deli Serdang 20 Land rehabilitation program is conducted in Siberteng village of

Tanjung Barus sub-district

DKI Jakarta Not Applicable

Cikundul-Cilaku Cianjur 2 One hectare is planted in Mangunkerta village of Cugenang sub-

districtand another 1 hectare is planted in Sindangjaya village of Pacet


Cipunegara, Ciasem, Cilamaya Subang 43 This rehabilitation program is conducted in Gunungtua, Cirangkong,

Tambakmekar, Cikujang, and Ponggang villages

Cimandiri Sukabumi 15 The tree planting program is conducted in Cihanjawar village of

Nagrak sub-district

Cikapundung Bandung 12.2 The tree planting is planted in Wangunharja, Suntenjaya, and

Mekarwangi villages of Lembang sub-district

Central Java/Yogyakarta

Sub-DAS Tangsi Magelang 175 Land reabilitation program is conducted in 9 villages of Tangsi Sub-

Watershed especially in Potorono hill

Sumber Brantas Batu 174 This land rehabilitation program is in collaboration with LMDH Kota

Batu, Perhutani, PT PJB, PT Telkom and schools

Welang Pasuruan 108 This land rehabilitation program is in collaboration with Kelompok

Tani Tahura and Balai tahura R. Soerjo

Ambang Malang 110 This tree planting program is conducted in TNBTS area and in

collaboration with Perhutani, LKDPH, villages government and PT. PJB


Krueng Aceh Aceh Besar 1635 Land rehabilitation program implemented in 10 villages of FKG

member and 5 villages of Forsaka member as well as Lamtamot,

Jantho Baru, Aneuk Glee and Teureubeh. Acitivity included

rehabilitation of river and new community protected area. A total of

60,600 trees have been planted under this program.

Krueng Sabee-Geupue Aceh Besar 50 A total of 600 trees have been planted for coastal rehabilitation

(house garden) in Nagaumbang (CGE Lhoknga)

Krueng Sabee-Geupue Aceh Jaya 605 Rehabilitation conducted in 9 villages of FPKL member in Ulumasen

area and 5 villages of Forppaja member in coastal area A total of

45,400 trees have been planted in the areas.

North Sumatra Lau Petani Karo 14 Tree planting in Lembah Sibayak. The species panted is Ingul and

Jambu Klutuk, total 400 trees have been planted in this activity.

Cikapundung Bandung 41 Trees planting seeds supported by community nursery/"swadaya",

Dinas Pertanian Perkebunan Perikanan dan Peternakan Kabupaten

Bandung Barat, BP Tahura Juanda/Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi, Program

Gerhan. Location in Desa Suntenjaya, Wangunharja, Mekarwangi,

Cikidang, Cibodas (farmers land owner). A total of 22.864 seedlings

(Surian/Toona surenii, Alpukat/Persea americana, Nangka/Artocarpus

integra, Manglid/ Michelia velutina) have been planted to support the

land rehabilitation activities.

Cikundul-Cilaku Cianjur 16.6 A total of 5.000 tress have been planted in Ds. Mangunkerta, Kec.

Cugenang, Cianjur., Sub Das Cilaku to support the land rehabilitation

activitiea as a Leveraging program with Foresta and PT Telkom


Cimandiri Sukabumi 60 Tree planting program have been conducted in Desa Cihanjawar and

Ginanjar villages of Sukabumi District during in land rehabilitation

activity. This program is a leveraging program from “Balai Besar

TNGGP). A total of 30,000 seedlings have been planted in these


Central Java/Yogyakarta

Blongkeng Magelang 150 Tree planting program is conducted in surrounding of Merapi

National Park that cover 6 villages. A total of 33,000 trees have been

planted in this activitiy

West Java

Second Quarter (Jan - Mar 08)

Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Appendix C.5: Mid-year Summary of Increasing of Rehabilitated Land to Improve Watershed Function for Water Supply (WS Outcome #1.b.)


First Quarter (Oct 07 - Dec 07)


North Sumatra

West Java

East Java

Sub total of rehabilitated area (hectares) during First Quarter


Page 223: qpr12


Quarter Region Sub DAS DistrictRehabilitated Area


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Appendix C.5 (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Increasing of Rehabilitated Land to Improve Watershed Function for Water Supply (WS Outcome #1.b.)

Brangkal Mojokerto 85 A total of 19,550 seedlings have been planted in the watershed area

by Field School alumni and Kelompok Tani Tahura with support from

Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan, Perhutani, Tahura R. Soerjo

Sumber Brantas Batu 202 A total of 46,040 seedlings have been planted in the area that

consisted of planted 4.000 trees in spring areas in Sumber Kasinan

and Karang Mrico. Through GIRAB 60 Ha degrade land has been

planted with : 8.500 Toona sureni, 6.000 pines and 1.500 Eucalyptus

has been planted. Leveraging through PJB-LMDH colaboration 12.000

MPTS trees has been planted (50 Ha). Petak 19. 32, 127 Perum

Perhutani. SD Pesanggrahan II

Welang Pasuruan 1049 A total of 161,150 seedlings have been planted by PKTT (Paguyuban

Kelompok Tani Tahura). The trees specieses are Mahagoni, T. Sureni,

Eucaliptus, Flamboyan, Jack fruit. This tree planting program is

supported by LKDPH, Perhutani and Field School alumni and LMDH.

Ambang Malang 188 A total of 77,850 trees have been planted that consist of 6.000 trees

planted in degraded area and 300 trees planted sorrounding the

spring in Pandansari. 18.800 Agroforestry trees has been planted

Pandansari Lor, 22.000 trees in Argosari. From Pembangkitan Jawa

Bali 12.000 trees has been planted







East Java

Target of land rehabilitation priogram over the life of project

Percentage of to date achievement of land rehabilitation Program

Total achievement of land rehabilitation program (up to end of PY 2007)

To date achievement of land rehabilitation program (up to end of this Quarter)

Total achievement of land rehabilitation program during in PY 2008

Sub total of rehabilitated area (hectares) during First Quarter

Second Quarter (Jan - Mar 08)


Page 224: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.6: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Biodiversity Value under Improved and Local Management (WS Outcome #1.c.)

Status: March 2008

No Province

Name of Protected/ Forest Area/ Watershed


Type of Protected/

Forest Area *)

Total Increased in Forest Area With High Biodiversity Value under Improved ManagementFY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09

Area w/ Biodiversity


Area under improved

Management (Hectare)

Area w/ Biodiversity


Area under improved

Management (Hectare)

Area w/ Biodiversity


Area under improved

Management (Hectare)

Area w/ Biodiversity


Area under improved

Management (Hectare)

Area w/ Biodiversity


Area under improved

Management (Hectare)

1 NAD Tahura Pocut Meurah


National Grand


Not Applicable

6300 3150 6300 3150

2 KSAM (Kawasan

Sumber Air Alur


Protected forest

602 602 602 602

3 KALIMAT (Kawasan

Perlindungan Mata Air

Krueng Terbang)

Protected forest

1082 1082 1082 1082

4 KaPeuSAK (Kawasan

Perlindungan Sumber

Air Krueng Kaloek),

managed by Forsaka

Protected forest

Not Applicable 1503 1503

5 Cagar Alam Pinus


Wildlife Reserve

Not Applicable 16640 8320

6 N. Sumatra Tahura Bukit Barisan

(DAS Deli)

Grand Park Forest

(Conservation area)

Not Applicable

51600 0 51600 25800 51600 25800

Suaka Margasatwa

Langkat Timur Laut

(DAS Wompu)

Wildlife Sanctuary

15765 7882.5 15765 7882.5 15765 7882.5

7 W. Sumatra Tahura Bung Hatta Grand Park Forest

(Conservation area)Not Applicable 23000 0 ESP no longer work in West Sumatra Province

8 W. Java Gede Pangrago National Park Not Applicable 21975 10987.5 21975 10987.5 21975 10987.5

9 Gunung Salak Halimun National ParkNot Applicable 113375 0

10 C. Java/DIY Taman Nasional


National ParkNot Applicable 197 98.5 197 98.5

11 Potorono Forest Community forest Not Applicable 727 727 727 727

12 Merbabu National


National ParkNot Applicable 1600 0

13 E. Java Tahura Raden Soeryo Grand Park Forest Not Applicable 27868 13934 27868 13934 27868 13934Total Area N/A 118233 21816.5 102457 52194 257634 74086.5 0 0Total Area of Baseline (hectare)


Total Target of 50% increased (hectare)


% increased N/A 26.40 63.15 89.64 0


Page 225: qpr12


Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.7: Mid-year Summary of People Benefiting from Community-based Coastal Rehabilitation Activities in Tsunami Impacted Area in Aceh (WS Outcome #1.d.)

Status: March 2008

No District

Achievement on Total People Benefiting from community-based Coastal Rehabilitation in AcehFY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09

Number of Activities

Total Beneficiaries

Number of Activities

Total Beneficiaries

Number of Activities

Total Beneficiaries

Number of Activities

Total Beneficiaries

Number of Activities

Total Beneficiaries

1 Aceh Jaya 0 0 7 2840 8 7785 8 14852 Aceh Besar Not Applicable Not Applicable 7 12555 0 0

Total Beneficiaries 0 0 7 2840 15 20340 8 1485

Total Cumulatif of Number of Beneficiaries 0 2840 23180 24665 24665

Total Target over the life of project


To date percentage of achievement of total beneficiaries



Page 226: qpr12


Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Sep-09

1 Aceh Besar/Krueng Aceh/Krueng

Inong/Krueng Kaloek 10 10 10 75 100

2 Aceh Besar/Krueng Aceh/Krueng

Seulimeum/ Alur Mancang 50 100

3 Aceh Besar/Krueng Aceh/Krueng Jrue

hilir 100

4 Aceh Jaya/Krueng Sabee-

Geupue/Krueng Sabee/Krueng

Lageun50 100

5 Krueng Sabee-Geupue/RA

FORPPAJA (Forum Peujroh Pantee

Aceh Jaya)100

Total WSM Plan developed in FY


6 Deli Serdang/DAS Lau

Petani/Kawasan Sibolangit 16

7 Karo and Deli Serdang/DAS Deli (Sub

DAS Lau Petani Hulu/Lembah

Sibayak)0 15 25 43 48 100

8 DAS Wampu/Sub-DAS Wampu

(Suaka Margasatwa Langkat Timur

Laut)5 19 28 46 46 60 70

9 Tahura Bukit Barisan/DAS Deli and

Wampu (Langkat) 39 100

10 DAS Wampu/Sub-DAS

Bahorok/Taman Nasional Gunung

Leuser 6

To date percentage of

achievement of the WSM Plans


11 West Sumatra DAS Batang Arau, batang Air Dingin

dan Batang Kuranji 5 10 41 100




To date achievement of Development of

WSM Plan

Total Target of WSM Plans

developed over the life of the


Total WSM Plan developed up to end of FY 2007


North Sumatra

Environmental Services Program

Score (%)No Province District/DAS/Sub-DAS

Status: March 2008Appendix C.8: Mid-year Summary of Achievement by Province on the Development of WSM Plan (WS Outcome #1.e.)


Page 227: qpr12


Mar-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-08 Sep-08 Mar-09 Sep-09

Environmental Services Program

Score (%)No Province District/DAS/Sub-DAS

Status: March 2008Appendix C8 (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Achievement by Province on the Development of WSM Plan (WS Outcome #1.e.)

12 Subang/DAS Cipunegara - Ciasem 25 45 60 60 80 100

13 Subang/DAS Cileuleuy - Cilamatan 80 100

14 Bandung/Sub-DAS Cikapundung 45 60 75 100

15 Cianjur/ Gede Pangrango Catchment

areas/TNGP 10 20 40 55

16 Cianjur/DAS Citarum/ Sub-DAS

Cikundul 35 50 60 100

17 Cianjur/DAS Citarum/ Sub-DAS

Cilaku 30 50 70 100

18 Cianjur/DAS Citarum/ Cikundul-

Cilaku 15 15 25 40 70 100

19 DAS Progo/Sub-DAS Tangsi 80 100

20 DAS Progo/Sub-DAS Blongkeng 10 90 100

21 DAS Progo/Sub-DAS Bolong 45

22 DAS Progo/Sub-DAS Soti 45

23 DAS Progo/Sub-DAS Kanci 15

24 DAS Progo/Sub-DAS Blongkeng

(Merapi National Park) 30

25 Sumber Brantas/Batu-Fokal Mesra 7 7 24 28 51 100

26 Sumber Brantas/Batu-LMDH 40 100

27 Pasuruan/Welang 35 50 62

Not Applicable

West Java

Not Applicable

East Java

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Central Java/DIY

Not Applicable


Page 228: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.9: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Number of Community Groups Implement Improved Natural Resource Management (WS Outcome #1.f.)

Status: March 2008

Province District

Achievement on the Total CommunityGroup Implement Improved Natural Resource Management

FY 05 FY 06 FY 07

FY 08 (Q1& Q2)

FY 09

Total Community


Total Community


Total Community


Total Community


Total Community


NAD Aceh Besar 0 4 46 6Aceh Jaya 0 3 17 0Banda Aceh 0 0 2 0Singkil 0 0 4 0

N. Sumatra Karo 9 3 14 6Deli Serdang 5 6 8 5Medan 0 2 0 0Langkat 0 1 0 6

W. Sumatra Kota Padang 7 2 4 N/AWest Java Subang 16 1 4 0

Cianjur 0 22 13 0Bogor 0 0 1 0Sukabumi 0 0 1 2Bandung 0 0 5 0

Central Java/DIY Magelang 0 15 15 18East Java Batu 15 15 5 10

Pasuruan 0 0 7 3Malang District 0 0 2 5Kota Malang 0 0 1 0Mojokerto 0 0 3 5

National N/A

Total Number of Community Group (up to September 2007)

52 74 152 66 0

Total Cumulative of Community Group (up to September 2007)

52 126 278 344 344

Total target over the life of project 250

Percentage of achievement of number of community group implement NRM 137.60%


Page 229: qpr12


Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.10: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of PDAM Management Index Score (SD Outcome #2.a.)

Status: March 2008


2004 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-082005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar SepA NAD

1 PDAM Tirta Daroy - Banda Aceh N/A N/A 26 39 40 49 55 N/A 50 54 88 112 2 PDAM Tirta Mountala - Aceh Besar N/A N/A 17 39 41 56 68 N/A 129 141 229 300 3 PDAM Tirta Meulaboh - Aceh Barat N/A N/A 13 27 30 45 53 N/A 108 131 246 308

B North Sumatra Province4 PDAM Tirtanadi - Medan 51 53 54 58 58 59 62 N/A 4 6 14 14 16 22 5 PDAM Karo District 19 15 23 36 39 40 40 N/A (21) 21 89 105 111 111 6 PDAM Langkat District 19 13 20 27 32 34 39 N/A (32) 5 42 68 79 105 7 PDAM Sibolga Municipality N/A N/A N/A 40 44 46 48 N/A 10 15 208 PDAM Binjai Municipality N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 37 N/A

C West Sumatra Province9 PDAM Padang Municipality N/A N/A N/A N/A

No longer work with ESP 10 PDAM Solok District N/A N/A N/A N/A11 PDAM Bukit Tinggi Municipality N/A N/A N/A N/A

D West Java Province12 PDAM Bandung Municipality 41 46 46 46 46 46 46 N/A 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 PDAM Bandung District N/A N/A 53 55 56 56 58 N/A 4 6 6 9 14 PDAM Bogor District N/A N/A 51 55 57 57 57 N/A 8 12 12 12 15 PDAM Bogor Municipality N/A N/A 64 66 67 67 69 N/A 3 5 5 8 16 PDAM Sukabumi Municipality 47 55 55 56 56 56 60 N/A 17 17 19 19 19 28 17 PDAM Sukabumi District 32 37 38 40 43 47 49 N/A 16 19 25 34 47 53 18 PDAM Purwakarta District 40 43 44 46 46 46 48 N/A 8 10 15 15 15 20 19 PDAM Subang District 43 50 55 53 53 53 53 N/A 16 28 23 23 23 23 20 PDAM Cianjur N/A N/A 49 49 49 49 52 N/A - - - 6

E Central Java/Yogyakarta Province21 PDAM Yogyakarta Municipality N/A N/A 47 49 49 48 47 N/A 4 4 2 - 22 PDAM Surakarta Municipality N/A N/A 54 55 55 55 57 N/A 2 2 2 6 23 PDAM Magelang District N/A N/A 48 49 49 52 54 N/A 2 2 8 13 24 PDAM Magelang Municipality N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 36 37 N/A 2.7825 PDAM Sleman District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 51 N/A26 PDAM Temanggung District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 29 N/A

F East Java Province27 PDAM Malang Municipality 53 61 62 64 65 67 69 N/A 15 17 21 23 26 30 28 PDAM Malang District 29 37 39 39 39 40 42 N/A 28 34 34 34 38 45 29 PDAM Gresik Municipality 26 32 32 34 34 35 35 N/A 23 23 31 31 35 35 30 PDAM Sidoarjo Municipality N/A N/A 29 31 31 34 49 N/A 7 7 17 69 31 PDAM Surabaya Municipality N/A N/A N/A 53 53 59 65 N/A - 11 22.6432 PDAM Pasuruan District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 32 N/A

G Special Imperative Area33 PDAM Manado Municipality 15 31 No longer work with ESP

Total PDAM Supported by ESP 11 28 29

To Date of average of % increased of the PDAM Performance Index

N/A 23 42.50 54.80

Note:- The Baseline data of several PDAMs are different because the starting time of joing PDAMs with ESP are different. The Blue Highlight indicates the PDAM starting time of working with ESP (baseline)


Page 230: qpr12


Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.11: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of People Access to Clean Water (SD Outcome #2.b.)Status: March 2008

No Province

Baseline (Year 2007) Achievement of Year 2007 *)TOTAL



(per Province)

RemarksPDAM Connection PDAM Connection Non PDAM /

Comm Based

Connection (hh)Domestic Social Commercial Total Domestic Social Comercial Total


1 PDAM Banda Aceh 11,821 187 3,292 15,300 12,235 215 3,465 15,915

1500 3,516

- Non PDAM Connection:

water supply from public

facility (Puskesmas) in Banda

Aceh and Aceh Besar, in

collaboration with HSP2 PDAM Aceh Besar 7,275 105 835 8,215 7,618 97 872 8,587

3 PDAM Aceh Barat 3,083 - - 3,083 3,890 12 210 4,112

B North Sumatra

4 PDAM Tirtanadi - Medan 323,014 8,718 34,266 365,998 329,753 8,815 34,768 373,336

-400 7,413

Reducing 400 HH get access

to clean water due confusion

on number of people and

number of household that

happened last year for

Community-based water

supply in Suka Maju (Langkat)

5 PDAM Karo District 13,651 159 1,413 15,223 13,763 162 1,438 15,363

6 PDAM Langkat District 12,967 191 1,247 14,405 12,973 187 1,225 14,385

7 PDAM Sibolga Municipality 10,539 212 675 11,426 10,644 216 681 11,541

8 PDAM Binjai Municipality 8,819 171 1,090 10,080 9,042 168 1,110 10,320

C West Sumatra

9 PDAM Padang Municipalityno more ESP support - - 10 PDAM Solok District

11 PDAM Bukit Tinggi Municipality

D West Java12 PDAM Bandung Municipality 118,297 2,003 17,561 137,861 117,995 2,003 17,555 137,553

0 9,604

13 PDAM Bandung District 46,861 502 1,907 49,270 47,117 698 1,527 49,342

14 PDAM Bogor District 99,867 1,276 2,725 103,868 101,557 1,301 2,730 105,588

15 PDAM Sukabumi Municipality 20,439 491 839 21,769 20,115 486 992 21,593

16 PDAM Sukabumi District 14,339 442 418 15,199 16,689 551 541 17,781

17 PDAM Purwakarta District 16,826 490 480 17,796 17,082 232 743 18,057

18 PDAM Subang District 22,921 562 194 23,677 26,458 764 286 27,508

19 PDAM Cianjur District 22,760 860 4,221 27,841 22,892 760 4,360 28,012

20 Bogor Municipality 68,364 1,123 3,950 73,437 69,811 1,162 3,915 74,888

E Central Java/Yogyakarta

21 PDAM Yogyakarta Municipality 32,361 716 1,414 34,491 32,297 721 1,414 34,432

0 741

22 PDAM Surakarta Municipality 46,308 970 5,877 53,155 46,870 977 5,790 53,637

23 PDAM Magelang District 34,858 1,346 840 37,044 34,721 1,283 846 36,850

24 PDAM Magelang Municipality 20,993 489 1,637 23,119 21,195 492 1,658 23,345

25 PDAM Sleman District 17,414 271 185 17,870 17,435 271 186 17,892

26 PDAM Temanggung District 22,295 795 1,248 24,338 22,508 807 1,287 24,602

F East Java27 PDAM Malang Municipality 83,063 1,953 73 85,089 81,214 2,150 3,476 86,840

0 19,784

28 PDAM Malang District 64,049 1,537 1,238 66,824 63,963 1,819 1,371 67,153

29 PDAM Sidoarjo District 69,314 499 3,795 73,608 72,364 296 3,685 76,345

30 PDAM Gresik District 51,610 858 1,314 53,782 54,133 889 1,351 56,373

31 PDAM Surabaya Municipality 330,527 5,120 27,705 363,352 342,509 5,030 27,931 375,470

32 PDAM Pasuruan District 14,692 442 688 15,822 14,779 616 685 16,080

G Special Imperative Area33 PDAM Manado Municipality no more ESP support 0 -

TOTAL Household access to Clean Water 1,609,327 32,488 121,127 1,762,942 1,643,622 33,180 126,098 1,802,900 1,100 41,058 PDAM: 39,958 and

Comm Based: 1,100

TOTAL People access to Clean Water 8,046,635 649,760 - 8,696,395 8,218,110 663,600 - 8,881,710 5,500 190,815

% Increase of People Access to Clean Water **) 2.19


Page 231: qpr12


0 = Have not Started Yet1 = On Going2 = Completed

Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.12: Mid-year Summary of Details Scoring of Development of District/Municipal Sanitation Strategies with Action Plan (SD Outcome #2.c.)

Status: March 2008

No Information





Central Java/DIY

East Java


1 2


4 5 6

A Location






MunicipalityMalang District



B Steps of Development of Citywide Sanitation

Strategic Plan: Score

1 Identification of Potential Location &Development of CSSP Guidelines


2 2 2 2 2

2 Establishing city sanitation working group (POKJA), including PEMDA budget for operational cost of POKJA


2 2 2 2 2

3 Development of Geographic Sanitation Mapping Soft Program for limited cities (only 4 out of 6)


2 2 2 2 0

4 TA to facilitate development of CSSP - Phase #1

0/1/22 2 2 2 2

5 TA to facilitate development of CSSP - Phase #2

0/1/22 2 2 2 1

6 TA to facilitate development of CSSP - Phase #3

0/1/22 2 1 1 1

7 CSSP workshops: Promoting CSSP to Central Government and other donors in Indonesia


2 2 0 0 0

Total city-wide satitation strategic plans developed during in PY 2008 2Total city-wide satitation strategic plans developed up to end of September 2007 0Appendix C12:To date achievement of development of city-wide satitation strategic plans (up to end of this Quarter)


Total target on development of city-wide satitation strategic plans over the life of the program 5Percentage of to date achievement of development of city-wide satitation strategic plans 40.00%

Note for Score:


Page 232: qpr12


Location identified &

agreed upon w/ Loc.

Stakeholders (Govt, local


Solid waste mgt system

plan developed & agreed

upon by stakeholder

Community roles and

responsibilities defined

Tariff and fee collection

system in place

Solid waste collection

system implemented

Solid waste disposal

system (where possible

inc recycling)


1 Lhoknga, Lamkruet 80 400 2 2 2 2 2 12 Lhoknga, Nusa 110 550 2 2 2 1 2 13 Lhoknga, Glebrug 50 250 2 2 1 1 1 1

Banda Aceh 4 Lhoknga, Kuta Alam,


40 200 2 1 1 0 0 0

5 Merebo, Penagen Raya 50 250 2 2 2 1 1 06 Sawang, Setia Bakti, Jabi


35 175 2 2 1 0 1 2

7 Sawang, Setia Bakti,


35 175 2 2 2 1 1 1

8 Percut Sei Tuan, Tembung,

Lingk XI

200 1000 2 2 2 2 2 1

9 Percut Sei Tuan, Tembung,

Lingk VIII

10 50 2 2 1 1 1 0

10 Percut Sei Tuan, Tembung,

Lingk IX

50 250 2 1 0 0 0 0

11 Medan Maimun, Sei Tuan,

Gang Sampurna

20 100 2 2 2 0 2 1

12 Medan Denai, Denai 45 225 2 2 1 1 1 1 in


with JBIC

13 Medan Tuntungan,

Pesantren Roudhotul


200 1000 1 1 1 0 1 1

14 Berastagi, Doulu 100 500 2 1 1 0 0 0

15 Simpang Empat, Semangat


50 250 2 1 0 0 0 0

North Jakarta 16 Penjaringan, Penjaringan

RW 13

107 535 2 1 1 1 1 1 collaboration

with MC/HP3

West Jakarta 17 Tambora, Jembatan Besi 32 160 2 2 1 0 0 0

Central Jakarta 18 Gambir, Petojo Utara 52 260 2 2 1 0 0 0

Bandung Municipality 19 Tamansari, Tamansari

(RW 15+20)

300 1500 2 2 2 1 2 2

20 Tamansari, Tamansari

(RW7 + 9)

20 100 2 1 1 0 1 1

Bandung Barat District 21 Lembang, Suntenjaya 150 750 2 1 1 0 0 0 In collaboration

with Dinas


22 Cugenang, Mangunkerta 100 500 2 2 2 2 2 2 Completed in 07

23 Cugenang, Cirumput 25 125 2 2 2 1 1 124 Cugenang, Talaga 25 125 2 2 1 1 1 125 Cianjur, Nagrak 200 1000 2 2 2 1 2 226 Cianjur, Sukamaju 200 1000 2 2 2 1 2 2

North Sumatra Deli Serdang

Medan Municipality


DKI Jakarta

West Java


Nanggroe Aceh

Darussalam (NAD)

Aceh Jaya

Completed in


Appendix C.13: Mid-year Summary of Development of Community-based Solid Waste Management System/SWMS (SD Outcome #2.d.)

Aceh Besar


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

LocationNumber of Household

participated in the

system developed

Number of people

participated in the

system developed

Steps of Development of Community-based Solid Waste Management (SWMS)Information

Score: (0) Have not started yet; (1) on-going; (2) completed

Province District/Municipality


Page 233: qpr12


Location identified &

agreed upon w/ Loc.

Stakeholders (Govt, local


Solid waste mgt system

plan developed & agreed

upon by stakeholder

Community roles and

responsibilities defined

Tariff and fee collection

system in place

Solid waste collection

system implemented

Solid waste disposal

system (where possible

inc recycling)


Appendix C.13: Mid-year Summary of Development of Community-based Solid Waste Management System/SWMS (SD Outcome #2.d.)


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

LocationNumber of Household

participated in the

system developed

Number of people

participated in the

system developed

Steps of Development of Community-based Solid Waste Management (SWMS)Information

Score: (0) Have not started yet; (1) on-going; (2) completed

Province District/Municipality

27 Cianjur, Limbangan Sari 30 150 2 2 2 0 2 128 Pacet, Cipendawa 60 300 2 2 2 1 2 129 Pacet, Sukatani 50 250 2 2 2 1 2 130 Sukaresmi, Cibadak 140 700 2 2 2 1 2 231 Cijambe, Cijambe 150 750 2 2 2 1 2 232 Pagedan, Gunung Sari 25 125 2 1 0 0 0 0

Sleman 33 Gamping, Nogotirto 27 135 2 2 2 2 2 234 Gondolayu, Jetis 130 650 2 2 2 2 2 235 Ngampilan, Ngampilan 120 600 2 2 2 2 2 236 Gedongtengen,


25 125 2 1 1 1 1 1

37 Tegalrejo, Bener 25 125 2 1 1 1 1 138 Tegalrejo, Kricak 25 125 2 1 1 1 1 139 Patangpuluhan, RW 02 25 125 2 1 1 1 1 140 Jetis, Cokrodiningratan 25 125 2 1 1 1 1 141 Kraton, Panembahan 100 500 2 1 1 1 1 142 Salaman, Kebunrejo 25 125 2 2 1 1 1 1 discontinued43 Salaman, Salaman 265 1325 2 2 2 2 2 2 Completed in


44 Salam, Gulon 27 135 2 2 2 2 2 245 Kepanjen, Jatirejoyoso 20 100 2 2 2 2 2 246 Kepanjen, Kepanjen 60 300 2 2 2 2 2 247 Kepanjen, Curung Rejo 55 275 2 2 2 2 2 2

Malang Municipality 48 Klojen, Bareng 33 165 2 2 2 2 2 249 Temas, Temas 95 475 2 2 2 2 2 250 Bumiaji, Pandan Rejo 70 350 2 2 2 2 2 2

Lamongan 51 Paciran, Paciran 60 300 2 2 2 2 2 2 Completed in


52 Genteng, Kapasari 70 350 2 2 2 2 2 2 Completed in 07

53 Genteng, Ketabang 50 250 2 2 2 2 2 2 Completed in 07,



54 Tambaksari, Gading 167 835 2 2 2 2 2 2 Completed in


55 Wonokromo,


516 2580 2 2 2 2 2 2 Completed in 06,







West Java - cont' Cianjur -cont'



Percentage of achivement of development of SWMS

Total People benefiting from SWMS developed in PY 2008

To date achivement of people benefiting from SWMS developedTotal target over the life of projectPercentage of achievement of people benefiting from SWMS developed

To date achievement of development of SWMSTotal People benefiting from SWMS developed up to end of September 2007

Total SWMS developed during in PY 2008Total SWMS developed (up to Sep 07)

Total Target over the life of project

Completed in

07, and still

continue to

add more



Yogyakarta MunicipalityCompleted in


East Java Malang

Surabaya Municipality




Batu Municipality

Estimated percentage achievement of SWMS developed until end of PY 2009 Estimated percentage achieved on the total number of people benefiting from SWMS until end of FY 2009


Total On-going on development of Community-based SWMS Total number of people benefiting from on-going SWMS 13030Estimated SWMS developed until end of PY 2008 Estimated total number of people benefiting from SWMS (from all SWMSs) 23655


Page 234: qpr12


Location identified & agreed upon with Local

Stakeholders (Govt, local com)

Plans and designs developed and agreed upon by stakeholders

Community roles and responsibilities defined through workshops and

formal meeting

Operation, maintenance and monitoring system


Community sanitation system constructed

Quality of effluent in accordance to relevant


1 Lhoknga, Lamkruet, Mon

Bungon20 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 completed

in 2008

2 Lhoknga, Lamkruet, Atlas

Logistik Housing18 90 2 2 2 2 2 2 completed

in 2007

3 Setia Bakti, Rigah, Lhok

Timon60 300 2 2 2 2 2 2

4 Setia Bakti, Gampung Baru 260 1300 2 2 2 2 2 2

5 Johan Pahlawan, Desa Pasir,

Caritas Housing60 300 2 2 1 0 0 0

6 Johan Pahlawan, Suak

Indrapuri, Caritas Housing140 700 2 2 1 0 0 0

7 Merebo, Penagan Rayek,

Pesantren Darul Hikmah20 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 completed

in 2008

8 Medan Belawan, Kel Bagan

Deli70 350 2 2 2 2 2 2 completed

in 2008

9 Medan Labuhan, Sei Mati

(Rumah Susun Sewa)95 475 2 2 0 0 2 0

10 Medan Maimun, Kel. Kampung

Baru (Gg Lampu 1)20 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 Completed

in 2007, ESP SGP

11 Lubuk Pakam, Pagar Merbau

280 400 2 2 1 0 1 0

12 Percut Sei Tuan, Kel.

Tembung (Dusun XI)50 250 2 2 2 2 1 0

West Sumatra Padang 13 Padang Barat, Purus 80 400 2 2 2 2 2 2

Central Jakarta 14 Petojo Utara (RW 8) 80 400 2 2 2 2 2 2

North Jakarta 15 Penjaringan, Penjaringan 38 190 2 1 0 0 0 0

West Jakarta 16 Tambora, Jembatan Besi 38 190 1 0 0 0 0 0 under SGP

Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Province District/Municipality No


Appendix C.14: Mid-year Summary of Development of Small Scale Sanitation System/SSSS (SD Outcome #2.e)


Number of Household participated in the system developed

Number of people participated in the system developed

Steps of Development of Community-based Sanitation System (SSSS)

Score: (0) Have not started yet; (1) on-going; (2) completed



in 06

West Java

Aceh Besar

Deli Serdang

Aceh Jaya

Destroyed by

the second big

wave hit this

areas in March


DKI Jakarta

completed in 2008

Aceh Barat

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)

North Sumatra Medan Municipality

completed in 2008

Bandung District 17 Bale Endah, Rancamanyar 63 315 2 2 2 2 2 2

18 Marga Asih, Nanjung (Kp.

Dara Ulin)73 365 2 2 2 2 2 2

19 Banjaran, Mekarjaya 40 200 2 2 1 1 1 0

20 Regol, Pasirluyu 100 500 2 1 0 0 0 0

21 Bandung Wetan, Tamansari 50 250 2 1 0 0 0 0



in 06

West Java Bandung District

Bandung Municipality


Page 235: qpr12


Location identified & agreed upon with Local

Stakeholders (Govt, local com)

Plans and designs developed and agreed upon by stakeholders

Community roles and responsibilities defined through workshops and

formal meeting

Operation, maintenance and monitoring system


Community sanitation system constructed

Quality of effluent in accordance to relevant


Environmental Services Program

Status: March 2008

Province District/Municipality No


Appendix C.14 (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Development of Small Scale Sanitation System/SSSS (SD Outcome #2.e)


Number of Household participated in the system developed

Number of people participated in the system developed

Steps of Development of Community-based Sanitation System (SSSS)

Score: (0) Have not started yet; (1) on-going; (2) completed

Magelang 22 Sangen Village, Kajoran Sub-

district, Magelang District14 70 2 2 2 2 2 0

23 Gedongtengen,

Pringgokusuman25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

24 Jetis, Bumijo 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

25 Jetis, Cokrodiningratan 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

26 Kotagede, Prenggan 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

27 Mergangsan, Brontokusuman 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

28 Pakualaman, Purwokinanti 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

29 Tegalrejo, Kricak 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

30 Umbulharjo, Giwangan 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

31 Wirobrajan, Patangpuluhan 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

32 Wirobrajan, Pakuncen 25 125 2 0 0 0 0 0

33 Kepanjen, Curung Rejo 103 515 2 2 2 2 2 134 Pakis, Pakis Kembar 100 500 2 2 2 1 1 0

Batu Municipality 35 Temas, Temas 50 250 2 2 2 1 2 1Malang Municipality 36 Klojen, Bareng 50 250 2 2 1 0 1 0

37 Tambaksari, Gading 50 250 2 1 1 0 0 038 Wonokromo 50 250 2 1 1 0 0 0




East Java Malang District

Surabaya Municipality

Total SSSS developed during in FY 2008 Total People benefiting from SSSS developed in PY 2008 2950Total People benefiting from SSSS developed up to end of September 2007 870Total SSSS developed (up to Sep 07)

3820Total Target over the life of project Total target over the life of project 12500Percentage of achivement of development of SSSS Percentage of achievement of people benefiting from SSSS developed 30.56%

Yogyakarta Municipality

Central Java/Yogyakarta

To date achievement of development of SSSS To date achivement of people benefiting from SSSS developed

Estimated percentage of achievement of SSSS developed until end of FY 2009 Estimated percentage of achievement of number of people benefiting from on-going SSSS until end of FY 2009


Total On-going on development of SSSS Total number of people benefiting from on-going SSSS 5790Estimated SSSS developed until end of FY 2008 Estimated number of people benefiting from on-going SSSS 9610


Page 236: qpr12


Region District No School NameTrained

teachers in HWWS,etc.

Students practice HWWS

School practices garbage


Teacher & Student

awareness of purifying water

School implementation of re-greening


School endorsed all the above

practices in school system

1 Aceh Besar - MIN Krueng


1 0 0 0 0 0

2 Aceh Besar - MIN Lhoong 1 0 0 0 0 03 Aceh Besar - SDN Cot


1 0 0 0 0 0

4 Aceh Besar - SDN I Glee


1 0 0 0 0 0

5 Aceh Besar - SDN Suhom 1 0 0 0 0 0Medan Municipality 6 Kota Medan - SDN 060897


2 2 1 2 1 1

7 Kota Medan - SDN 060898 1 1 1 1 2 1

8 Kota Medan - SDN 060902


2 2 1 2 1 1

9 Kota Medan - SDN 060907

Pasar Senen

2 2 2 1 2 1

10 Kota Medan - SDN 064961

Pasar Senen

2 2 2 1 2 1

11 Kota Medan - SDN 064980

Pasar Senen

2 2 2 0 2 1

12 Kota Medan - SDN 064993

Tanjung Mulia Hilir

2 2 1 1 2 1

13 Kota Medan - SDN 067094


1 2 1 2 1 1

14 Medan SDN 060898 Brigjen


1 1 1 2 1 1

Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.15.a: Mid-year Summary of Schools Adopt Clean, Green and Hygiene Concept (SD Outcome #2.f.b.)Status: March 2008

NAD Aceh Besar District

North Sumatra


Page 237: qpr12


Region District No School NameTrained

teachers in HWWS,etc.

Students practice HWWS

School practices garbage


Teacher & Student

awareness of purifying water

School implementation of re-greening


School endorsed all the above

practices in school system

Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.15.a (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Schools Adopt Clean, Green and Hygiene Concept (SD Outcome #2.f.b.)Status: March 2008

North Sumatra -


Deli Serdang


15 Deli Serdang SDN 101842


2 2 1 2 2 1

16 SDN Cempaka Putih Barat


2 0 0 0 0 0

17 MI Al Mamuriyah 2 0 0 1 0 018 MI Al Fallah 2 0 0 1 0 0

East Jakarta 19 SDN Kramat Jati 24 Pagi 2 2 0 0 0 2North Jakarta 20 MI Al Ifadah 2 1 1 2 1 1

21 SDN 02 Pagi Marunda 2 0 0 0 0 0South Jakarta 22 SDN Menteng Atas 04 Pagi 2 0 0 0 0 0

West Jakarta 23 SDN Meruya Pagi 2 0 0 0 0 0Cianjur District 24 Cianjur - SD Salahuni 1 2 1 2 1 1

25 Subang - SD Cijambe 2 2 2 1 2 226 Subang - SD Mekarsari 2 2 2 0 2 227 Subang - SD Sindandpalay 2 2 2 2 2 228 Kota Bandung - SD


2 2 2 1 2 2

29 Kota Bandung - SD


2 2 2 1 2 2

30 Kota Bandung - SD Pertiwi 2 2 2 1 2 2

31 Kota Bandung - SD Pribadi 2 2 2 1 2 2

32 Kota Bandung - SD Yakeswa 2 2 2 1 2 1

DKI Jakarta

Subang District



Central Jakarta

West Java


Page 238: qpr12


Region District No School NameTrained

teachers in HWWS,etc.

Students practice HWWS

School practices garbage


Teacher & Student

awareness of purifying water

School implementation of re-greening


School endorsed all the above

practices in school system

Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.15.a (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Schools Adopt Clean, Green and Hygiene Concept (SD Outcome #2.f.b.)Status: March 2008

33 Kota Bandung - SD YKPPK 2 2 2 1 2 2

34 Kota Bandung - SDK Baptis 2 2 2 1 2 2

35 Klaten - SDN 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

36 Klaten - SDN 3 2 2 2 2 2 237 Magelang-MI Guppi 1 1 0 0 0 038 Magelang-SD Kanisius 1 1 0 0 0 039 Magelang-SDN Gondangsari 1 1 0 0 0 040 Magelang-SDN Kaponan 1 1 2 0 0 041 Magelang-SDN Menoreh 2 2 2 2 1 142 Magelang-SDN Ngargomulyo 1 1 0 0 0 043 Magelang-SDN Salaman II 2 2 2 2 1 144 Magelang-SDN Sambak 2 2 2 2 1 145 Magelang-SDN Sutopati 2 2 2 2 1 146 Yogyakarta - SDN


1 1 0 0 0 0

47 Yogyakarta - SDN


2 2 1 2 1 1

48 Yogyakarta - SDN


2 2 1 2 1 1

Malang District 49 Kab Malang - SD

Panggungrejo 4

0 0 0 0 0 0

Malang Municipality 50 Kota Malang - SD

Arjowinangun 1

1 0 0 1 0 0

West Java-cont'

East Java

Klaten DistrictCentral






Magelang District


Page 239: qpr12


Region District No School NameTrained

teachers in HWWS,etc.

Students practice HWWS

School practices garbage


Teacher & Student

awareness of purifying water

School implementation of re-greening


School endorsed all the above

practices in school system

Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.15.a (cont'): Mid-year Summary of Schools Adopt Clean, Green and Hygiene Concept (SD Outcome #2.f.b.)Status: March 2008

51 Kota Malang - SD Bareng 2 1 2 1 0 1 0

52 Kota Malang - SD Dinoyo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

53 Kota Malang - SD


1 1 0 0 1 1

54 Kota Batu - Pandanrejo 1 1 0 0 0 0 055 Kota Batu - SD Pandanrejo 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

56 Kota Batu - SD Tulungrejo 3 1 0 0 0 0 0

Pasuruan District 57 kab Pasuruan - MI Miftahul


1 0 0 0 0 0

58 Kota Surabaya - SD Aisyah 2 2 0 2 2 1

59 Kota Surabaya - SD al


2 0 0 0 0 0

60 Kota Surabaya - SD Da'watul


2 0 0 0 0 0

61 Kota Surabaya - SD Raden


2 1 0 0 0 0

62 Kota Surabaya - SD


2 0 0 0 0 0

63 Kota Surabaya - SDN

Wonokromo 1

2 0 0 0 0 0

64 Kota Surabaya - SDN

Wonokromo II

2 0 0 0 0 0



East Java-cont' Malang Municipality-


Batu Municipality


Page 240: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.15.b: Mid-year Summary of People Trained in Effective Hand washing with Soap (SD Outcome #2.f.c.)

Status: March 2008

Quarter Region

Total People Trained in Effective Hand washing with Soap

Training Course

Workshop Farmer Field School

Health Festival

Comm. Event

Field Day Training of Trainers


First and Second

Quarter (Oct 07 -

March 08)

National 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 40

NAD 42 13 0 0 0 0 48 103

North Sumatra 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 18

DKI Jakarta 86 0 0 91 0 0 0 177

West Java 0 0 0 0 783 146 33 962

Central Java 0 0 479 0 0 0 32 511

East Java 145 0 75 0 0 0 57 277

Total 291 53 554 91 783 146 170 2088

Total People Trained in Effective Hand Washing with Soap during PY 2008 2088

Total People Trained in Effective Hand Washing with Soap up to end of PY 2007 53221

To date Achievement of People Trained in Effective Hand washing with Soap 55309

Total Target on People Trained in Effective Hand Washing with Soap Over the life of Project 80000

Percentage of To date Achievement of People Trained in Effective Hand Washing with Soap 69.14%


Page 241: qpr12


Environmental Services ProgramAppendix C.16.a: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of PDAM Demonstrate An Improved Operating Ratio (FN Outcome #3.a.1.)

Status: March 2008


Jun-05 Sep-05 Mar-06 Sep-06 Mar-07 Sep-07 Mar-082005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar SepA NAD

1 PDAM Tirta Daroy - Banda Aceh N/A N/A N/A 1.016 0.493 0.703 0.684 N/A 42.60 38.742 PDAM Tirta Mountala - Aceh Besar N/A N/A N/A 1.191 1.270 1.609 1.485 N/A 26.69 16.933 PDAM Tirta Meulaboh - Aceh Barat N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.493 0.486 N/A N/A (1.42) N/A

B North Sumatra Province4 PDAM Tirtanadi - Medan 1.051 N/A 1.059 N/A 1.037 1.277 1.049 N/A N/A 0.76 N/A (1.33) 21.50 -0.19035 PDAM Karo District 0.797 N/A 0.740 N/A 0.813 0.784 0.665 N/A N/A (7.15) N/A 2.01 (1.63) -16.5626 PDAM Langkat District 0.571 N/A 0.551 N/A 0.519 0.452 0.507 N/A N/A (3.50) N/A (9.11) (20.84) -11.2087 PDAM Sibolga Municipality N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.992 1.485 1.074 N/A 49.70 8.278 PDAM Binjai Municipality N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.52 N/A

C West Java Province9 PDAM Bandung Municipality 0.862 N/A 0.931 N/A 0.421 0.771 0.939 N/A N/A 8.00 N/A (51.16) (10.56) 8.93

10 PDAM Bandung District 1.239 N/A 1.083 N/A 1.134 1.219 1.081 N/A N/A 4.71 12.56 -0.1811 PDAM Bogor District 1.059 N/A 1.082 N/A 1.166 1.029 1.129 N/A N/A 7.76 (4.90) 4.3412 PDAM Bogor Municipality 1.096 N/A 1.166 N/A 1.192 1.280 1.239 N/A N/A 2.23 9.78 6.2613 PDAM Sukabumi Municipality 0.983 N/A 1.021 N/A 1.050 1.184 1.041 N/A N/A 3.87 N/A 6.82 20.45 5.9014 PDAM Sukabumi District 0.802 N/A 0.800 N/A 0.078 0.979 1.018 N/A N/A (0.25) N/A (90.30) 22.07 26.9315 PDAM Purwakarta District 1.005 N/A 0.998 N/A 1.039 1.145 1.03 N/A N/A (0.70) N/A 3.38 13.93 2.4916 PDAM Subang District 1.029 N/A 1.014 N/A 1.012 1.250 1.007 N/A N/A (1.46) N/A (1.65) 21.48 -2.1417 PDAM Cianjur 1.076 N/A 1.087 N/A 0.973 1.132 1.015 N/A N/A (10.49) 4.14 -6.62

D Central Java/Yogyakarta Province18 PDAM Yogyakarta Municipality 1.174 N/A 1.194 N/A 1.114 1.243 1.258 N/A N/A (6.70) 4.10 5.3619 PDAM Surakarta Municipality 1.014 N/A 1.020 N/A 1.102 1.029 1.008 N/A N/A 8.04 0.88 -1.1820 PDAM Magelang District 1.134 N/A 1.130 N/A 1.108 1.160 1.112 N/A N/A (1.95) 2.65 -1.5921 PDAM Magelang Municipality 1.110 N/A 1.125 N/A 1.139 1.128 1.142 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.2422 PDAM Sleman District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.868 N/A23 PDAM Temanggung District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.113 N/A

E East Java Province24 PDAM Malang Municipality 1.289 N/A 1.259 N/A 1.259 1.370 1.314 N/A N/A (2.33) N/A (2.33) 6.28 1.9425 PDAM Malang District 1.008 N/A 1.031 N/A 1.004 1.165 1.074 N/A N/A 2.28 N/A (0.40) 15.58 6.5526 PDAM Gresik Municipality 1.087 N/A 1.073 N/A 1.027 1.020 1.027 N/A N/A (1.29) N/A (5.52) (6.16) -5.5227 PDAM Sidoarjo Municipality 1.134 N/A 1.110 N/A 1.074 1.068 1.122 N/A N/A (3.24) (3.78) 1.0828 PDAM Surabaya Municipality 1.306 N/A 1.299 N/A 1.542 1.674 N/A 8.56 -100.0029 PDAM Pasuruan District N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Total PDAM Supported by ESP 11 19 25 29

Total PDAM demonstrate an improved operating ratio

N/A N/A 4 N/A 7 17 14

Total target of PDAM demonstrate an improved operationg ratio over the life of project 30

To date percentage of achieveement on PDAM demonstrate an improved operationg ratio N/A N/A 13.33% N/A 23.33% 56.67% 46.67%

Note:- The Baseline data of several PDAMs are different because the starting time of joing PDAMs with ESP are different. The Blue Highlight indicates the PDAM starting time of working with ESP (baseline)


Page 242: qpr12



Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.16.b: Mid-year Summary of PDAM Showing An Improved Operation Ratio and Submit Debt Restructuring (FN Outcome #3.a.2.)

Status: March 2008

Province No PDAMPercentage of Step Achieved of the Process of Debt Restructuring

Dec 04 Mar 05 Jun 05 Sep 05 Dec 05 Mar 05 Jun 06 Sep 06 Dec 06 Mar 07 Jun 07 Sep 07 Dec 07 Mar 08

North Sumat 1 PDAM Sibolga Municipality 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100%

2 PDAM Binjai Municipality 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 13% 88%

West Java 3 PDAM Bandung Municipality 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 13% 50% 50% 100% 100%

4 PDAM Sukabumi Municipality 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 25% 38%

5 PDAM Purwakarta District 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 50% 100%

East Java 6 PDAM Gresik District 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 38%

Total PDAM demonstrate an improved operating ratio and submit debt restructuring during in FY 2008 3

Total PDAM demonstrate an improved operating ratio and submit debt restructuring up to end of FY 2007 0

To date achivement of PDAM demonstrate an improved operating ratio and submit debt restructuring 3

Total target of PDAM demonstarte an improved operating ratio and submit debt restructuring over the life of the project 5

To date percentage of achievement on PDAM demonstrate an improved operating ratio and submit debt restructuring 60%


Page 243: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.17: Mid-year Summary of Achievement on Improved Domestic Investment and Borrowing Environment (FN Outcome #3.b.)

Status: March 2008

Name of Regulation: PMK No.147/PMK.07/2006 on Municipal Bonds and the SOP

Information on the Preparation of RegulationScore Achieved

Steps of Preparation of Regulation Score

1 Identify need of legal framework or new regulation 0/1/2 2

2 Review of existing laws/regulations 0/1/2 2

3 Preparation of the ministry regulation or its technical 0/1/2 2

4 Submission of the draft regulation or SOP to the Ministry 0/1/2 2

5 Socialization of draft regulation 0/1/2 2

Approval of regulation 0/1/2 2

Note for Score:

0 = Have not Started Yet

1 = On Going

2 = Completed


Page 244: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.18: Mid-year Summary of PDAM Develop Plans to Access Commercial Financing (FN Outcome #3.c.)Status: September 2007

Province No PDAM

Percentage of Step Achieved of the Development of Plans to Access Commercial Financing

Dec 04 Mar 05 Jun 05 Sep 05 Dec 05 Mar 05 Jun 06 Sep 06 Dec 06 Mar 07 Jun 07 Sep 07 Dec 07 Mar 08

West Java 1 PDAM Bandung Municipality

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 58% 58% 58%

2 PDAM Subang District 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 58% 58% 67%

3 PDAM Bogor Municipality 0% 0% 0% 17% 33% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

4 PDAM Cirebon Municipality0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 33% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

5 PDAM Bogor District 0% 0% 0% 17% 17% 33% 42% 50% 83% 92% 92% 92% 100% 100%




6 PDAM Surakarta Municipality

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 17% 33% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

7 PDAM Magelang District 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 33% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

East Java 8 PDAM Malang Municipality 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 17% 17% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 58%

9 PDAM Sidoarjo District 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 8% 8% 17% 17% 17% 25%

10 PDAM Surabaya Municipality0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 17% 75% 83% 92% 92% 100%

Total PDAM develop plans to access commercial financing during in FY 2008 2

Total PDAM develop plans to access commercial financing up to end of FY 2007 0

To date achivement of PDAM develop plans to access commercial financing 2

Total target of PDAM ddevelop plans to access commercial financing over the life of the project 10

To date percentage of achievement on PDAM develop plans to access commercial financing 20%


Page 245: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.19: Mid-year Summary of PDAM Prepare for Bond Issuance (FN Outcome #3.d.)Status: March 2008

Province No PDAM

Percentage of Step Achieved of the Development of Bond Issuance

Dec 04 Mar 05 Jun 05 Sep 05 Dec 05 Mar 05 Jun 06 Sep 06 Dec 06 Mar 07 Jun 07 Sep 07 Dec 07 Mar 08

West Java 1 PDAM Bogor District 0% 0% 0% 14% 14% 29% 36% 43% 64% 93% 93% 100% 100% 100%

Total PDAM prepare for bond issuance during in FY 2008 1

Total PDAM prepare for bond issuance up to end of FY 2007 0

To date achivement of PDAM prepare for bond issuance 1

Total target of PDAM prepare for bond issuance over the life of the project 1

To date percentage of achievement on PDAM prepare for bond issuance 100%


Page 246: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.20: Mid-year Summary of Development of Micro Credit Scheme to Support People Get Access to Clean Water (FN Outcome #3.e.)

Status: September 2007

Province No Name of PDAM PDAM's Partners

% of Achievement of Development of Micro Credit ProgramDate of Signing of

the Master Agreement

Cumulative Number of

Connection up to Last Quarter

Number of new connection in this

QuarterDec-04 5-Mar Jun-05 Sep-05 Dec-05 Mar-06 Jun-06 Sep-06 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08

N. Sumatra

1 Medan Municipality BRI Cabang Medan Iskandar


0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 44% 44% 44% 50% 50% 50% 50%


2 Langkat District N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 38% 38% 38% 44% 44% 44% 44% N/A N/A N/A

3 Karo District N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 38% 38% 38% 44% 44% 44% 44% N/A N/A N/A

W. Java 4 Bandung District BRI Cabang Cimahi 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 38% 75% 94% 94% 94% 94% 94% 94% 1-Sep-06 0 0

5 Subang District BRI Cabang Subang 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 20-Dec-06 0 0

6 Subang District BRI Cabang Pamanukan 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 50% 81% 94% 100% 100% 100% 100% 11-Jan-07 15 10

7 Sukabumi Municipality BRI Cabang Sukabumi 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 31% 56% 81% 94% 100% 100% 100% 100% 8-Nov-06 21 11Sukabumi District BRI Cabang Sukabumi 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6% 31% 44% 69% N/A N/A N/ASukabumi District BRI Cabang Cibadak 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 44% 56% 69% N/A N/A N/A

8 Bogor District N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 31% 31% 31% 44% 50% 50% 50% N/A N/A N/A

9 Cianjur District N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 44% 44% 44% 50% 50% 50% 50% N/A N/A N/ABogor Municipality N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 31% N/A N/A N/A

C. Java/DIY 10 Surakarta Municipality BRI Cabang Solo Slamet


0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 75% 88% 88% 94% 94% 100%1-Feb-07 0 0

11 Magelang District BRI Cabang Magelang 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 31% 31% 31% 38% 38% 38% N/A N/A N/A

E. Java 12 Surabaya Municipality BRI Cabang Surabaya


0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 38% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%27-Nov-07 607 175

13 Surabaya Municipality Bank Jatim 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 27-Nov-07 9 0

14 Surabaya Municipality BRI Cabang Surabaya


0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 88% 100% 100% 100%1-Jun-07 15 23

15 Sidoarjo District BRI Cabang Sidoarjo 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 38% 56% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 16-Oct-07 1337 257

16 Malang Municipality BRI Cabang Kawi Malang 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 38% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 12-Sep-06 41 23

17 Malang Municipality BRI Cabang Malang


0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%21-Dec-06 21 0

18 Malang District BRI Cabang Malang


0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 13% 38% 56% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%6-Feb-07 1 0

TOTAL 2067 499

Total micro-credit program developed with Local bank during in Second Quarter of FY 2008 1

Total micro-credit program developed with Local bank up to end of FY 2007 10

To date achievement of development of micro-credit program with Local bank 11

Total Target of development of micro-credit program with Local Bank 12

To date percentage of development of micro-credit program with Local Bank over the life of the project 91.67%

Total household get new connection from micro-credit program during in Second Quarter of FY 2008 499

Total household get new connection from micro-credit program up to First Quarter of FY 2008 2067

To date achievement of household get new connection from micro-credit program 2566

Total target of household get new connection from micro-credit program over the life of the project 20000

To date percentage of achievement of household get new connection from micro-credit program 12.83%

Total people get access to clean water from micro-credit program during in Second Quarter of FY 2008 2495

Total people get access to clean water from micro-credit program up to last Quarter of FY 2008 10335

To date achievement of people get access to clean water from micro-credit program 12830

Total target of people get access to clean water from micro-credit program over the life of the project 100000

To date percentage of achievement of people get access to clean water from micro-credit program 12.83%


Page 247: qpr12


Environmental Services Program

Appendix C.21: Mid-year Summary of Achievement on Payment for Environmental Services (FN Outcome #3.f.)Status: March 2008

Province No Watershed

Percentage of Step Achieved on Process of Payment for Environmental Services

Dec 04 Mar 05 Jun 05 Sep 05 Dec 05 Mar 05 Jun 06 Sep 06 Dec 06 Mar 07 Jun 07 Sep 07 Dec 07 Mar 08

North Sumatra 1 Deli 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% 10% 30% 50% 50% 50% 50%

West Java 2 TNGP 0% 0% 0% 10% 10% 20% 50% 50% 50% 70% 70% 100% 100% 100%

West Java 3 DAS Progo (Darmowarih) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50%

4 DAS Progo (PDAM Kab.

Magelang) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 90%

East Java 5 DAS Sumber Brantas (Malang)0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% 20% 20% 40% 40% 50% 50% 50%

6 DAS Sumber Brantas

(Pasuruan) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% 20%

Total Payment for Environmental Services Program (PES) developed during in FY 2008 1

Total Payment for Environmental Services Program (PES) developed up to end of FY 2007 0

To date Achievement of Payment for Environmental Services Program (PES) 1

Total target of Payment for Environmental Services Program (PES) over the life of project 4

To date percentage of achievement on Payment for Environmental Services Program (PES) 25%


Page 248: qpr12


Quarter # of PPP

Program Name Partner Organization Type of Organization

Location Amount Leveraged ($)


1 Development of waste water system for

Medan (Belawan Sub-district)

Dinas PU Cipta Karya Propinsi

Sumatra Utara

Public Sector North Sumatra 977,777.78 To support the constrsuction work of the waste water system

in Belawan sub-district of Medan Municipality

2 Optimizing treatment plant transmission


PDAM Langkat Public Sector North Sumatra 333,333.00 To support the construction work of the treatment plant

3 Optimizing of PDAM treatment plant PDAM Sibolga Public Sector North Sumatra 244,444.00 To support the construction work of the treatment plant

4 Computerized billing system for PDAM


PDAM Sibolga Public Sector North Sumatra 11,111.00 Provide new computers for development of computerized

billing system for PDAM Sibolga

5 Training of Trainers (TOT) for community

leaders from Cikapundung Sub-watershed

and Saguling area

PT Indonesia Power Private Sector West Java 18,888.89 To fund the implementation of TOT for 33 community groups

form Cikapundung sub-watershed and Saguling areas

6 Follow up activities of Field School

Program in Tangsi and Blongkeng sub-

watersheds on water resources protection

Local Government of Magelang Public Sector Central Java 88,888.89 To support the implementation of community action plans have

been developed during in the Field School activities focus on the

program of water resources protection for Tangsi and

Blongkeng sub-watersheds

7 Land rehabilitation program PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Private Sector East Java 13,888.89 Provide training for community groups focus on micro DAS

management and 23,900 seedlings for the land rehabilitation

program in Tulungrejo village (Kota Batu/Sumber Brantas Sub-

watershed) and Pandansari Lor village (Malang District/Ambang

Sub-watershed) 1,688,332.45


Environmental Services Program

Period: October - December 2007 Appendix C.22: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Leveraging Other Funding to Support ESP Program (FN Outcome #3.g.)

First Quarter

(Oct 07 - Dec


Sub-total of amount leveraged in HPP (excluded NAD) during First Quarter

Sub-total of PPP developed in HPP (excluded NAD) during First Quarter

Other HPP (Excluded NAD)


Page 249: qpr12


Quarter # of PPP

Program Name Partner Organization Type of Organization

Location Amount Leveraged ($)


Environmental Services Program

Period: October - December 2007 Appendix C.22: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Leveraging Other Funding to Support ESP Program (FN Outcome #3.g.)

1 Community nursery in Jruek Balee, Aceh


Dinas Pertanian NAD Public Sector Aceh Besar 53,333.00

2 Community nursery in Jruek Balee, Aceh


BRR Public sector Aceh Besar 1,333.00

3 Support for PDAM of Banda Aceh Local Government of Banda

Aceh District

Public Sector Banda Aceh 11,111.00 Conduct capacity building for PDAM staff

4 Solid waste program in Glee Bruek,

Lhoong, Aceh Besar

Oxfam Private Sector Aceh Besar 12,000.00 to support solid waste management training on recycling of non-

organic waste





1 Tree Planting Program in Cihanjawar and

Ginanjar villages of Sukabumi District

Balai Besar TNGGP Public Sector West Java 20,000.00 The budget was used to provide seedlings and for community

groups during this action. ESP provide technnical support for

this program2 Land Rehabilitation program in

Mangunkarta and Cugenang villages of

Cianjur District (Sub-DASCilaku)

PT Telkom and Foresta Private sector West Java 6,660.00 The budget was used to provide seedlings and for community

groups during this action. ESP provide technnical support for

this program

3 Support development of Community-

based Solid Waste Management System in

6 neighborhoods of Kota Yogyakarta

Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota


Public Sector Central Java 10,000.00 5 locations out of 6 locations are over lapped with ESP

locations under SGP (Yayasan Lestari)

4 Support Capacity Building for PDAM kota

Magelang staff on NRW reduction


ETC Netherlands Private Sector Central Java 49,744.00 ESP facilitated contract between Dutch donor and local

technical institute to implement NRW reduction program with

PDAM Kota Magelang.

5 Poverty survey / mapping for 12,000

households supporting OBA program

Eco-Asia Public Sector East Java 15,000.00 ESP provide technical support on designing the survey and

conduct training for the implementation of the survey

6 Secondary and Tertiary distribution pipe

for water supply in Desa Curung Rejo,

Kec. Kepanjen,Kab. Malang

Dinas Permukiman, Kebersihan,

dan Pertamanan Kab. Malang

Public Sector East Java 31,222.00 Coverage area is integrated with community based sanitation

system in Curung Rejo, Kepanjen


Quarter (Jan -

Mar 08)

Other HPP (Excluded NAD)

Total of Amount Leveraged in HPP and NAD during First Quarter

Total of PPP developed in HPP and NAD during First Quarter

First Quarter

(Oct 07 - Dec

07) - cont'

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)

To support composting program for community nursery in

Jruek Balee (providing a place for making the compost and buy

organic waste chopper machine)

Sub Total of PPP developed in NAD Only during First Quarter

Sub Total of Amount Leveraged in NAD Only during First Quarter


Page 250: qpr12


Quarter # of PPP

Program Name Partner Organization Type of Organization

Location Amount Leveraged ($)


Environmental Services Program

Period: October - December 2007 Appendix C.22: Mid-year Summary of Achievement of Leveraging Other Funding to Support ESP Program (FN Outcome #3.g.)

7 Master Plan Kota Batu and Detail

Enggineering Design for sanitation system

in Temas and solid waste final disposal

Satuan Kerja Drainase dan

Persampahan, Dinas Permukiman

Propinsi Jawa Timur

Public Sector East Java 66,666.00 DED for developing and extending of wastewater treatment

plan in Temas

8 Construction of community based

sanitation system in Kecamatan Pakis Kab.


Dinas Permukiman, Kebersihan,

dan Pertamanan Kab. Malang

Public Sector East Java 22,222.00 Collaboration between ESP, Pemkab Malang, Dinas Permukiman

Propinsi, Satuan Kerja Drainase dan Persampahan (Sanimas


9 Construction of community based

sanitation system in Kecamatan Pakis Kab.


Satuan Kerja Drainase dan

Persampahan, Dinas Permukiman

Propinsi Jawa Timur

Public Sector East Java 11,111.00 Collaboration between ESP, Pemkab Malang, Dinas Permukiman

Propinsi, Satuan Kerja Drainase dan Persampahan (Sanimas

Program)10 Construction of community based

sanitation system in Kecamatan Pakis Kab.


Dinas Permukiman Propinsi Jawa


Public Sector East Java 5,555.00 Collaboration between ESP, Pemkab Malang, Dinas Permukiman

Propinsi, Satuan Kerja Drainase dan Persampahan (Sanimas











15,318,116.00 69 17,322,405 90 15,000,000 50



Quarter (Jan -

Mar 08) -


To date percentage of achievement on total PPP developed in HPP and NAD

Sub-total of amount leveraged in HPP (excluded NAD) during Second Quarter

Sub-total of PPP developed in HPP (excluded NAD) during Second Quarter

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)

Sub Total of Amount Leveraged in NAD Only during Second Quarter

Sub Total of PPP developed in NAD Only during Second Quarter


Total Achievement of the Amount Leveraged in HPP and NAD up to FY 2007

Total target of PPP developed to support ESP program over the life of the project

To Date Achievement of the PPP developed in HPP and NAD

Total target of amount leveraged to support ESP program over the life of the project

Total Achievement of the PPP Developed in HPP and NAD up to FY 2007

To date percentage of achievement on total amount leveraged in HPP and NAD

Total of Amount Leveraged in HPP and NAD during FY 2008

Total of PPP developed in HPP and NAD during Second Quarter

Total of Amount Leveraged in HPP and NAD during Second Quarter

To Date Achievement of the amount leveraged in HPP and NAD

Total of PPP developed in HPP and NAD during Second Quarter


Page 251: qpr12


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