VOL 64 Qispatcfj Michigan Mirror |Schod News . 'SEVENTH ANO EIGHTH NEWS) l ,4 4»«ic« wiU have m-ut its tradit We have been writing Thanfcgivhi"' iouai character if it refute* tfuel stories for our English work. Some tad laBunej relief under auspices", of them are quite good. Lorraine a*id Senator Arthur H Vaudenberg|Tomasik wrote on about a turkey in an address at the \J, <M M. .Till »en*tart remark*, favoring additional caTOmernQrating me Dutch settlement ©i Michigan luu years agq tfWnMltanoualy and by coincidci.ee Gov, ftp* Bigier announced the Mich CitUetw' Food Cu*nm. led by Prof. Harm** Wyngarden, head of the Michigan State College economics department , Senator- Vandenberg added an im portant 4 'W f . "We must frankly con vaaa our own resources lest we im pair our own economy and thus vin dicate the sinister hopes those who expect our economic eollapae to end all democracy lor keeps.,..We muse knofrv the total bill V;»*»denberg de-hred we *U> a i)d strive for an "unpartisan American foreign policy Qov. -Sigler ttressed our patriotic obligatiofu **lti is not a question Oi whether we agree win the Pres, the U. S. Pinckney Dispatch [c7' S DEMOCRACY <*• y Nov 12. 1947 named "Gobble". Fred Rebman wrote. about a crook eating poison turke;. Mavy Jean Kirschke wrote about the Hates family and their 1 hanks - giving Pay f We want to dhank Mi^. Swarthout | Sty helping us with our art ,vork. Some of Ub are making drawings of Pilgrims and other Nov. pictures Jimmy Portar is going to bo ref- eree for the seventh and eighth grade football game We played a game of football with the fifth and sixth graders and we won. Maybe they will beat us nc\i time We have some more items' H lded . to our science collection, Leonard Barrett brought a piece of birch bark which came from Mackinac Island. Mary Jean Kirschke brought aome sand from the Pamted Desert of Ariz. Leonard Barrett brought a jol lection of stones Jack Jefferys and Bob Clark air- drawing a picture to show our «• tti^.- entihip code. The picture is THE UINITED STATES MARINE CORPS , FdUPJDED NOV 10,1775 program. The Pres. of has asked the people to cooperate jm fe . th . the head That* rttponsib e should know the ^ tupk .-. named food actuation, in Europe. We in bec / th ig Michigan should, as in the past, do - What U necessary to cooperate During World War II, more than half million Michigan, young men and a thousand or so young women left their homes for military duty. Most of them returned, home safely j Some did not Our directing military genius, war-time- chief at Washington, was. General George C Marshall. Marshall notr sec. of state Quoting Sec. Marshall: "During what we need now. work on right M^Pt of us are enrolling in the IA an Junior Red Cross P. T. A. MEETNG, NOV. The national P. T. A. has wen(, a four joint program to be followed this year One of th^se lour points has to do with Parent and family life education We have secured a speaker t'roni the U. of M. to speak on "Child iv, this critical period in world affairs, jeholo*/" at this n-j >:in>- iofld is a vital factor in our foreign J We urge all parents and other. interested to atter<£ Pub Committee i of :i Pi! < i off of a ] Courtesy ' policy. The attitude of' Americans towards food can make or break our afAprta to. achieve peace and sec Brity throughout the world- ; ' Why did General Marshall and Sen ator Vandenbeig both stress the im Portance ojf food and fuel Tha national citizens' food comra. vouchee for the following: i kesc au&litie* - traditional inline Marine Gwpt—are recognized throughout car lawi as American characterises tkafr make our tuition strong *mon& nations «-Jieep us, as a "20»' .. alt * 3 a Url An SECOND AND THRD NEWS iron Dope 1 Current Comment DEXTER WINS ,8 TO 0 The above score does not tell the stony 01 tlit game. The score was 0 . to C for Dexter until late in the 4th ' quarter when Pinckney gambled by parsing on their own ^0 yard line. Dexter intercepted and scored a tou cUUuwn. A tew mmui.es ••••^i JJexur blocked a I'inckney kick, ^ickud u up and ran for a touchduvvn. Pin- ckney uutguined Dexter through uu 1 making' 7 1 ir.vt down.- io ijt-.vn.-i -. 1 however, Dexter plaj i.-u a hem.;.. t>i- game and ^iH-a they ^m me bieaiia canned iii on them. u I'inckney saaned ot'i t!it ii»^>. quarter and tore the U e x t e r i i n e Lw pjev.es making several ijj-.-t do>vns. Wiien thi-.v reached the fJextt r lu yard line u looked as of they were j gc-.i bound but ihey lost tlie ua!l on l downs. There were no scorej tne first quarter both teams d o i n g <-'on ' siderable kicking with Dexter having tlu; edge George Johnson, JJextM- kickei was well protected and iiad plen-t/ oi time with his k.ekj and was able to avi rage 5u yards. 1 .\J«.I. his punts weni over the Pin-jMiey woal. line. He kept the ball mostly in Pinekney territory, in the Although wi are as tar apart IW the north and soutn pole politici|fcf» lie thought the world was c o m i n g tip an 1 i;d Lack in i\)iii when H0OV*T wad defeated, I wish to tak| thif opportunity tu tak t! my hat off to Judge Fred Cronnenwett of HoWOlU WHO is i.t:itainly doing his best tO make di'ui.kea dri\ing unpopular in Howell. u\ei .t lonii' j)eriod of time we nt'Uit e tJ1;iL tiie line he usually hands out s i'or t ; iis of'l'en.^e is ^100» Oi IOUI'M: tjuiu- a lot ot these ot- lenders are pei'.-ions c'jtside who .tie . 1 i\ing through the county but ...a' vers get the sanie treatment and h.u fines stick. We understand that in Detroit ;-onie years back cer- tain judge* a>-<- .-ed hea\y fines then l.iti-r re/nitted them, i he judg.i k^.w.- all ahoai '.his kin-i of ^f|'eri*e us he was sheriff in Mon.oe county back in the prohibition days when thai place was overun with rum run ners bringing booze into Michigan from Ohio second quarter Pinckney g-ot'one of his | in kicks near their Jil vear line. I'nable to gain Meyer had hi* kicki W block ed and Dexter tu,ok ovei-. . 1 ;>a*s . •L'iTorrc>--Johiihon s^omd ••». ter first touchdown. Johnson did not kick goal. Pinckney had all thy best of the livd quarter and twhe in tint; period by short passes and line piays reached the Dexter 10 vard line on y to lose the ball on downs. Here trie Dexter iine always braced ami held and Pincknc| pas|.*s usualJy failed for lack ctf capiabie receivers In the 4th qu ter I'inckney got a big break. Mey. . punted and the Dexter safety man fumbled it on the ^0 yard line. Pinckney recovering. He'e once more'' I'inckney lost the ball on dawns With the time rapidly running out and the ball deep in their ten.'.en -•- - f Watching a football gam e the oth er night we wi-re thinking of th© gie.it change which has taken place gai.e in tin- past years. Back of Fielding H. Yost at Musele and brawn were IN 111* the d:M .\l: 1 . \ j I j 1 > 1 All of our spare time is being de- voted te decorating the school roo.iu fc:- Thanksgiving. Chairman of the Uv-'coraiing comm. are Rq-beru Aek Proatt droth and floods in Europe ley, Janet Shirley James Campbell rt4oc*4 th# wheat and rye product- and Joyce Ann Fuhrman. Um M> Weatern Europe by 200 mill- * The music class is w o< k n g h a r d I L j f d |>uahels. The U. S. wheat crop on Thanksgiving song:; ' Via i> record 1,460 million b». while 'Denise Kennedy was in Ann esr corn yield waa down 900 million J ri.day aftei^ooa * * * J Janet Shjrley went to Howe f4 Cows Shot Europe needs 670 million bus. of afternoon to have her eye e ^ _ _ _ ! « * « ,ib> I'ri. a te.uej. en be- lie -dF •^tate JJOIJCC a;..: have been busy iki- rymy to dis* 0 li:<*>- ^M»JOf who : co'.-.'s b e l o n g i n g Lo 1 it J am Knei 'i t)i'< 1 wo untied to u> a i h . alt ivH >OM. 1 i'>'m-i a i<; vaiacd at lis i : !i al j .-o l-:ai!y Morii-v ii kill. <i"j- > i'eai. jii ; <> t;<m y Jhs hi] 'I'W'o o,J In.'u.'y ;- _ ; .V> W:i cows ahot be iv-ibie. One cow ht ri 4 tinits. It :iu.i: , r. t.1-1 a 0 u.<-d Mis Alex. h.-ihK stiot, from 4 to 7 u hone and taken a seat to tide them, o^ver the ;epndug (We expect to see her wearing > And we have qnly 470 milk es within a few days fce&vbaf. at hand for expert ,... 100^ Twenty of our people are now million bu*. leas than are .needed (jcping hot lunches Tatff why you are being asked 1 —— b s your leaden .. Pres. Tiuman.. KDC Ai*D FIRST GARDE S*e. Of Sfatt* IfareheU, Senator Vtn j Paul Russell haa been absent denharg *ri Gov. feigter ./ to co >oj| cause of a fractured shoulder. ^anU fry fonaerving fervi /Ifs ios^j^was hit by.aca* and we have u)\ v* e , LhL . 0 3 .- j..,,,,,. •i simple AS that » j cided we should remember to Stop, j m iio er-; of 1 u Aj Ifr. MarahaJJ ttwady. puts-it, 1 *Lo->k and Listen before crossing .the \ ri0rt ;, oi v.v ( , LV o«r foreign policy has entered the:) afreet, also use our eyes, ears ao4J w!iu ., 0 (.,,,, j, (V then our feet > \ n0 \s,, ( . f;v; wa , 1K , Some of us have started to icarl j i h , .-h•)/-!:ng v..-.< aud are doing very well. We kno*- J45 p u lo i a .'em;>:,- ls»ro*ds Jim and Judy and will learn I at X he .,-.-»e of "the ,;,uatings I 2 more this week The *ti te has purchased Pi*ekney *M aend their usurU i FIRST: Diane Murphy joined our ! farm land i n the viciuitv of these mm* 0. 4atf Iwntera north this year J First Grade yesterday. She was wir.n .,ho'/.inps'for public hunting lands, Moat mi tkttm wi« l«*ve Thui-s. al-Jus in KdgJb last year but attended j including the; ]:> -•. ^o>s. Moross 4ao«g* «a«ae WlM no* get away un-j school in Detroit the lsf part of this [ RTU \ p .,,. t 0 f Kue ^;:n . Many city til f>l W« believe Putnam town-Wear. We welcome her back. I hunters have hunted there this vear. jwaf iM*P*»» tmkMters *ar kuh j Evelyn MeAiaah and Be\orly Morlev Ke^'nolds v as working on flaw* « W M a w ^a tia» M#te 'C^CH&plX have had birthdays recent- \ th,- 1 oof of hi.« hov.-,-- Tues. and saw Hm%» * «at «itiaoaef«wn W\ + > r ft>s fei^icers ( past Weer of so i^e identity of ;' lour valuable .. :aci s, lUot cast 1 . li:e cows weie j •i t.^d to be put J •.d la.4 Tues. ^^^- *:«•» p. in. i " i aiatjcnt . r vus wounded n ; ach ^M'i:.V -,.I.A cow of I Su . nda y " :( ^ 7 -i.-a,had lo be! I] - '-'.ili'jn !>.. ; ^Mon " c " IviurpTiy. VA&VT l.GOO endl -•lojy r- a - ses p.in <> a. oiiirwui Mercy 1 1 :fii> iust a l i t t l e •, ' Mrs. Pearson \ Pei ' :.-, The Key e i:i 1 nd until Wed. ' *^ : w nh an army the v o.>L, :';h ('Oi.. .V;; '>ng- ihc into M . ,•; 1«: J.'.-ii .in. in ai u- .No-. |,»*"'i me nan ueep in their ten.'.on I Pinckney took to t/.e au-. Aio.st of the passes were ineouiiplete but J)u,\ ter intercepted one and i';in iur a touchdown. The last touchdown >vas when Dexter recovered a Pinckney blocked kick Jn this game Pinckney gave the best exhitition ol line plunging ajid end runs they have shown this yt:ui. 'J rear 'he oaterials and forv \.i i p.s-co had clicked they would hn'„- been as easy winner DEVTEft L 1« R T K G C t 0 L T F. i, E Q B ii a H—- n Substitution-;. .Jeffreys, D. Clark tl • prime requisites of a football bail ;», J i.(/f course spued was des ired but 1 here were 0 of the beef tru.t b;i\+ on a team tq (jne speed nH'j'cliant and t< , t .a> won in those days by main .-trength. In those days center n..->h< s a n d flying wed- ges were the favored plalys. The for win i pa.-s Jin.- re. (jlutionized foot- ball. One good completed pass will krain 4 timea the ground a line plunge will, of course there is dan- bger of interceptions and int^icept- 1 <i pa.-..- '^ ha\>- v.un canu-s for many teams but it jnits uncertainly into th-' game and opens it up. It also place- a j'l'i TI 1 j Li rti o,n speed and not bi 1 .11. 'I'e:.ins aj-e niorc and ?ruore ^j . ,i/in; un pa-ses. Every team in I . 1., 11 \ -A-.ich .is considered a tl-. nipio;.sh;j; dam has a fine pass ing attack It make-, the game thrill- ing >{».•{.taci'l.-u- .nid enables many an undeidog tcani to emerge victor iou- an J inrjdmi i : it draw.-, 8u,000 crowd- to tie- manon dollar college stadiums K. Clark burroughs .Schneider Klnier Heath Ci. Clark Hurtibuse I>arrow Amburgey Meyer -f> Hums y We note a delegation O; Inghant county mi/iister> have pro ested to '.he legislat are ag.anst op .ation of paii-mutuai bc'ti 111^ on horse racing at the ingii.-r 1 cfwintj fair at Mason liiis is the same kind of betting .vliK'h is proving p< p u l a r a t ;Norlh ille and the UetxiKt fair grounds. in-idently oilier fair.- seem to be get Ling the sanio id< a. We see that 13 county fairs ha\e .ijjplied for a por- tion of the $]IM;,<MII.) appropriated by the legislatuie uidcr tho Cloon iaw to aid county fairs. These are Joh7rsxraf^^wtr'rv1tre7 MasohT To ma Devlin Williams .Schults Vanghan Uailey Ue La Torre Kielwasser E.Dc La Torre I'richaru .- were found ' ^ ato J'^-ejdi liii;,i- I Catherine Sim't!:: muci\ ' service; Wed. ,lo : for i,-i- •i.l 1 ,ii.- are Sun. * 1 (1 a< rpiiy ;Alon. • a :.'•' Tu>-, late iJr. also i.i'e men in 1. a.ai J; lie Cun.n- \"( re aca ; Tiiur. \i\ K Dunkas; I ( . by V.r*. Mar- '. la'e Vl'icent Johr.sa.n fomi'y feiwttt SnMy i^Wte; ^iUaed m. Cm** V****** Bowie* £«» Itowml Uaeihew, Cwrxan; W ML Mey WFjH AMD SIXTH NEWS >Wm> friah to thank the mothers and aVv-inj<>yfeo so gxaciously 'u-ip^l "* 'jgim nefreahnaents for ovr Paity IfUler won the contest *t «£## <*» »OSt worcUi out of' ell. These pistols «K«een zfebt.' The xMmW.r j w * ^- *'* i^o-;,'i l«f. W* piayed many tare- •. -^-^.-ea<. Low* , . dOTHm: for apples Ah - | r!/; '' r,Lira '-'- ; ^ all cane oot with blagi- | \° "-f ['• l'- s > ve < a black sflar pa-V his; cow -was sho- lu j of it. Most of th/.-se crv,- were shot in tlie pasture n e a r ".he highway. * uWjHfe to *mr initiation into lh< &th and «wi gxade room . ,. . . Our apell down waa with 3 lette; nanMlOlwIifel worcU jbptt over half went douT 01. ; BettmaH 4. latter. words. * ^etdnaula; fXV fte 4ij? having a apecial class on r . B*y fieason, St jyin 4ays for those who want to Wjgawjar ami *m* Ger learn drviakm tetter, so far 8 pupil, MtPphel a n d jUvi Lod-jhaw voluntarily enrolled. M o r e p< loiter wo ar<- -i^:armed a«bullet from a' 4a automatic was found -n the i-'tackable cow butchered h tow ell. These p i s t o l s n.-< common and •a in bac K from. .lanition for and according ;ed with th^s^ pi>;oi-- tic not .-hoot aer.-urate, htate police picked up a h.»y in this ;:<>c+- ioit who is ^aid to li?ve h u i ' d with such a riistol but v.ere unab to fan nect him with it. The Simon- n child ren who live on tne old Ajcie .."naiii iaj.n ne:.r ^he »Sti..-kat>le f a r m i^laim eau: and S i s t e r A! fojr tlte dead, ivq. Fri. for the deiid rc< aney DonoMin; Sa LaP.o.-a, req. by Ro\- Sun. anni.'ersary nia.-s for late Aag- 1 us:a Kelly, req. by David and Hai d near where 'riot La /Kelly thourrh nothing j A peal for <u le-rt serainary drive * Reception ojf . acreire;.',- J'or poor ?^)Uls Appeal fn~ stu 4c;.t . eaa.ar-- driv e " Otterbein Touchdov First Referee . I P-npiiv .... Ik j (lead Line- I born ---Kielwasser, Jo]i:--,;n i^owns Pinckney 7 Joe Fleming, Dearborn ••noi.d Will-. \; I -»troit Mn.-Rcc Milie 1 -. I.V»ai Ton ia, I U>MM. Cu.-v Vl . V^JJRCH Rev. Aured A'.iarJ castor Organist ar.d cno:r Jjircctor jklv«. Me. win Canrpoeii g g. jv Jf Hee^an idany men are spying"] was glad when the> said unto me, come let us go into the hou.-c of the Lord.'' lhere is a place in tha^ chu.ch for you, iu ^day the day the cattle were I ~ . ipie.xionod man about / ^-VPenntendent .. •J ^10 da r*ar. Kara £e«*chey» Fasu«r Moixiii^ worsxiip - ^... 10H)0 Sunday dchool 11:09 WUbur L^idig FULLER GAD WELL The mar J 1 cage of Miss Hazel «' er of How*., to Jack Cadwcll jj Pinckney 1I.,,.K place Sat. nigiit at tj Howell Raju.st cliurch. Re'. Ka-'y officiating. ..:- couple were attea ]- ed by V l 'n.. r'arr SLS best man .uid Miss Esther Fuller, si. ter of the bride as bridesmaid. A reception nus held at the church parlors. Following a wedding trio to Hou lU Gratiot iiany, Calhoun, JLlsdalJe, Eaton Allegan, Centeiv ille, Adrian, Kalam azoo and VaniJuran. T.his ironcy is part of the states share oi the pari- mutual betting at \orth\ilL. The fairs would use it to buy starting gates, photo finishing junginyjiigh- er purses The king is dead, long live the king. Edward J. Jefiiey.-, 4 'unes mayor of Detroit \\<ht down to de- feat last week before a man who al though he has been in public life in Detroit fc,r 11', years v as little \n >wn. Jeffreys was a republic'In n.Antwerp is a Democrat and at time was n candidate for gov. on at ticket in the primaries, lie is an engineer and has 11 children. Some of his relatives were much bet ter knov.n than he was, He oaved ghton Lake the couple will live at I his election to the fact t:«at h e «ai the Cadwell larm at Bentley Lake. I a bU- to carry the heavily congested Th^ grown, 1* a war, veteran and ,cr j wards on t h e east side where the col ved in the South Pacific in the navy durmg the world war.Congratulatons ] Jeffreys depended on the silk stock .vards where MRS. MARY FJCJC Mrs. Mary Faulks Fick was born in Birkenhead, England in 1862. She «red people and foreign born live. ins: wards where the well to do people live and they forget to vote. Incidently although Jeffrejys waa I ranked as a conservative, his fath- came to Axnerica in 1872 and maie f e r old Judge -T *frevs marched her home with the family of Free- man Webb, west of Pinckro y. Unithc Washingtoir v. h Coxey's arm/ »w M*m Brnqg <L!oydier^to them Baetfhiw Xar'xwf We arc doing apatter work decor M»; ^aca, Friday Jatioas for ThankagiTing 4<je ;«••!• ir^ A>witoj| 1 mi"** jnil Karl > " SUMdjf^t. JOM0FiTHS% W/iie Bmd mui &&\ 4«voe Soaaoer apofce, her wedding <*t»l«p*» to Owoald fi. <«lriffiths Fhdbv fSm #*&*% evening at *.-00.The bride |s the dau ^ow| j0 h i ^ r e f Mr. aid Mrs. Enm,ons 41 Aim Avbor. The bride Mr. ad Mr*. Joe j 40 years o-d passed them in a 19 i 2 r-ord cai*. lie turn.-H down the road tov.-a.rd the SLackab.e farm and park- ed th; car 'and w:nt into a field where he shot a pistol several ti, es o3ico shooting toward the children. Thi- may h«vc been tiie same car Money Reynolds sitw parked State police found r. number of A 5 f'^is m tlw f^. 1 .' 1 ,\here the man' •. iv the 4 rhlren. *ou-.-- i . : -^v; Marriage licenser Don Combs, 22, Fenton, Virginia John.-, 20, FenUjo; Jack Cadv\eii 2*, I Pinckney^Jii^el Puller, 2\* t Howeli, Charies l^ksonvich, 2^, r owllervilie, Dorotny Jones, 18, Fowlerville 'JCHRSlTtfAS GIFTS' J Th dwble . riqf /oereenony wa* mj iter. Yeayw «^ the Ziou t#tlnwan ioamaoh^in Ann Arbor «ra. <mml W m\&v*t Ann ArboT *«#*4fc*ee wa« Matron oT OTHER FOOTBALL SCORES Exquisitely packaged gilts oy j 'Avon, tou win give tatm wiln : pnoe or leceive tuem WJUI joy, Av- • on g*lts are br^agm to your iiomc f Brighton 44, So«i^ L^-on O;Hen- -I**slu*ively by **» Avon r«j>re»ejtta- tve, Millar of Pmck Jackson <«; Flat Roclc 12, Saline V. ! **w Lucile Shirey, J'hone «J j . o:i 1.,, iJimde. 12: Milan 2 , Abuer ^i" 0 *** ^toiiy apent ! waa ''nr^rsiu- o- Rr-muius 13, Roosevelt i fi«»- with Dr. max Mrs. WJylie in; *"'•-»- 4;<3m*ati 1¾ Manchester « JiJejaer 1 1876 she was married in the Pi:i- ney Methodist church to Horace Fick who was employed on a nearby farm They lived on farms in this section for sotue time and later moved to Gregory where }ir. Fick ran a gener al store and was also postmaster for a namber of years. Afterward they owned a farm in Fitchberg and on sellinar this they moved to Pincknefe'. Mr. Fick died, 15 years ago. Always of a deeply relianous nature she was active in church work and taught in the Sunday school for years. Surviving are a son, Ferris, a dau jrhter. Joeie Chapman of Detroit ana Raymond of Lapeer. Alao 4 gtauocmiklran and & great prand- Childron. nineties and was the radical in Detroit where he hold otf ice most of hs lifet;me, We see that high costs have pled the school hot lunches in Detroit. The Republican cut the appropiation 15 percent am$\ more schools than ever applied 4p take part in it this year. With fcfc£ er prices the schools had to efe^jfP more this jyear with the reatrit a^TCp less b# lunches per day are ~ sold this year than mat The ce per person a day ia 7 c Thai gram was started when at waa that many school ^children school all day without ^Wc^ 1 _. . others were ao scantily The funeral waa held at the dtvaw p.^^j^ ^, * t1»eut foetal Home Sat with Rev, among them J" " " AUavd officiating. Burial in Piock '"^ W oe-rtcty iLAftT <JOJL 09* Met. Kenaeth Wytie and children I Saturday, Me«. IS ai the >|pfe spot Sat at o>e W H Wyiie home in « whack I aamll mo ami pj 3N * , * m aw A m '*rf' . - - . •-<. - » . ^(¾¾ - : <p '^**

Qispatcfj - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-11-12.pdf · Qispatcfj • Michigan Mirror ... the U. S. Pinckney Dispatch [c7'S DEMOCRACY ... Moat mi tkttm

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Page 1: Qispatcfj - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-11-12.pdf · Qispatcfj • Michigan Mirror ... the U. S. Pinckney Dispatch [c7'S DEMOCRACY ... Moat mi tkttm

VOL 64

Qispatcfj bull Michigan Mirror |Schod News


l 44raquolaquoiclaquo wiU have m-ut its tradit We have been writing Thanfcgivhi iouai character if it refute tfuel stories for our English work Some

tad laBunej relief under auspices of them are quite good Lorraine aid Senator Arthur H Vaudenberg|Tomasik wrote on about a turkey in an address at the J ltM M

Till raquoentart remark favoring additional caTOmernQrating me Dutch settlement copyi Michigan luu years agq

tfWnMltanoualy and by coincidciee Gov ftp Bigier announced the Mich CitUetw Food Cunm led by Prof Harm Wyngarden head of the Michigan State College economics department

Senator- Vandenberg added an im portant 4Wf We must frankly con vaaa our own resources lest we im pair our own economy and thus vin dicate the sinister hopes those who expect our economic eollapae to end all democracy lor keepsWe muse knofrv the total bill

Vraquoraquodenberg de-hred we Ugtai)d strive for an unpartisan American foreign policy

Qov -Sigler ttressed our patriotic obligatiofu lti is not a question Oi whether we agree win the Pres

the U S

Pinckney Dispatch


ltbull y Nov 12 1947

n a m e d G o b b l e F r e d R e b m a n wrote a b o u t a c rook e a t i n g poison turke Mavy J e a n K i r s c h k e wro te a b o u t t h e Ha te s fami ly a n d t h e i r 1 h a n k s -g iv ing P a y

f We w a n t to dhank Mi^ S w a r t h o u t | Sty h e l p i n g u s w i t h o u r a r t vork

Some of Ub a r e m a k i n g d r a w i n g s of P i l g r i m s a n d o t h e r Nov p i c t u r e s

J i m m y P o r t a r is g o i n g to bo refshye r e e for t h e s e v e n t h a n d e igh th g r a d e foo tba l l g a m e

We p layed a g a m e of footbal l w i th the f i f th a n d s ix th g r a d e r s a n d we won Maybe t h e y will bea t us n c i t i m e

W e have some m o r e i t ems H lded to ou r science co l lec t ion L e o n a r d B a r r e t t b r o u g h t a p iece of birch b a r k which c a m e f r o m Mack inac I s land M a r y J e a n K i r s c h k e b r o u g h t aome sand f rom t h e P a m t e d Dese r t of Ariz L e o n a r d B a r r e t t b r o u g h t a jol lect ion of s tones

J a c k J e f f e r y s a n d Bob Cla rk air-d r a w i n g a p i c t u r e to show our laquobull tti^-entihip code T h e p i c tu r e is


program The Pres of has asked the people to cooperate jm fe t h t h e h e a d That rttponsib e should know the ^ tupk - n a m e d food actuation in Europe We in b e c th ig Michigan should as in the past do -What U necessary to cooperate

During World War II more than bull half million Michigan young men and a thousand or so young women left their homes for military duty Most of them returned home safely j Some did not

Our directing military genius war-time- chief at Washington was General George C Marshall Marshall notr sec of state

Quoting Sec Marshall During

w h a t w e need n o w w o r k on r i g h t

M^Pt of us a r e en ro l l ing in the I A an J u n i o r Red Cross


T h e na t iona l P T A has wen( a f o u r jo in t p r o g r a m to be fol lowed th is y e a r One of t h^se l o u r po in t s h a s to do wi th P a r e n t a n d family life educa t i on

W e have secu red a s p e a k e r troni t h e U of M to speak on Chi ld i v

this c r i t i ca l pe r iod in wor ld a f fa i r s j e h o l o a t this n - j gtingt-iof ld is a vital f a c t o r in o u r fo re ign J W e u r g e all p a r e n t s and other

i n t e r e s t e d to atterltpound P u b C o m m i t t e e

i of i Pi lt i off of a ]

C o u r t e s y

policy The attitude of Americans towards food can make or break our afAprta to achieve peace and sec

Brity throughout the world- Why did General Marshall and Sen

ator Vandenbeig both stress the im Portance ojf food and fuel

Tha national citizens food comra vouchee for the following

i kesc auamplitie - traditional inline Marine Gwptmdashare recognized throughout car lawi as American characterises tkafr make our tuition strong monamp nations laquo-Jieep us as a 20raquo alt nlaquo 3 a Url An


iron Dope 1 Current Comment D E X T E R W I N S 8 T O 0

T h e above score does no t tell the stony 01 t l i t g a m e T h e score w a s 0 to C fo r D e x t e r u n t i l l a te in the 4 t h

q u a r t e r when P inckney gambled by p a r s i n g on t h e i r own ^0 ya rd line D e x t e r i n t e r c e p t e d a n d scored a tou cUUuwn A t e w mmuies bullbullbullbull^i J J e x u r blocked a I inckney kick ^ ickud u up a n d r a n for a touchduvvn Pin-

ckney u u t g u i n e d D e x t e r t h r o u g h uu1

making 7 1 irvt down- io ijt-vn-i - 1 h o w e v e r D e x t e r p la j i-u a hem tgti-g a m e and ^iH-a they ^ m m e bieai ia canned iii on them u

I inckney s a a n e d oti tit iiraquo^gt q u a r t e r and to re the Uex te r iine Lw pjeves m a k i n g severa l ijj--t dogtvns Wiien thi-v r e a c h e d the fJextt r lu y a r d line u looked as of they were

j gc-i bound bu t ihey lost t l ie ual on l downs T h e r e w e r e no score j t ne

f i rs t q u a r t e r bo th t e a m s do ing lt-on s ide rab le k i ck ing wi th D e x t e r hav ing

tlu edge G e o r g e J o h n s o n JJextM-kickei was well p r o t e c t e d and iiad plen-t oi t ime with his k ek j and was able to avi r age 5u ya rds 1 JlaquoI

his p u n t s w e n i over the Pin-jMiey woal l ine He k e p t the ball mostly in P inekney t e r r i t o r y in the

A l t h o u g h wi a r e as t a r apart IW the no r th and sou tn po l e politici|fcfraquo lie t h o u g h t the world was c o m i n g tip a n 1 id Lack in i)iii w h e n H0OVT wad d e f e a t e d I wish to t a k | thif

o p p o r t u n i t y tu t ak t my h a t o f f t o J u d g e Fred C r o n n e n w e t t of HoWOlU WHO is i t i tainly d o i n g his bes t tO

m a k e di ui kea d r i i n g u n p o p u l a r in Howell uei t lonii j)eriod of time we ntUit e tJ1iL tiie l ine he usua l ly hands o u t s i o r t iis oflen^e is ^100raquo Oi IOUI M tjuiu- a lot ot t h e s e ot-l e n d e r s a r e pei-ions c j t s i de w h o tie 1 i ing t h r o u g h the c o u n t y but a bull vers ge t the sanie t r e a t m e n t and hu f ines s t ick We understand t ha t in De t ro i t -onie yea r s back ce r shytain judge agt-lt- -ed h e a y f ines then liti-r re n i t ted them i he judgi k^w- all ahoai his kin-i of ^f| erie us he was sher i f f in M o n o e c o u n t y back in the p roh ib i t ion d a y s w h e n tha i place was o v e r u n with r u m run ners b r i ng ing booze into Mich igan from Ohio

second q u a r t e r P inckney g -o t one of his | in

kicks n e a r the i r Jil vea r line I n a b l e to ga in Meye r had hi kicki W block ed a n d D e x t e r tuok ovei- 1 gtas

bullLiTorrcgt--Johiihon s^omd bull bullbullraquo t e r f i rs t t o u c h d o w n J o h n s o n did no t kick goa l P i n c k n e y had all thy best of t h e livd q u a r t e r a n d t w h e in tint per iod by s h o r t passes and l ine p iays r eached the D e x t e r 10 v a r d l ine on y to lose t h e ball on downs H e r e

trie D e x t e r i ine a l w a y s b raced ami held a n d P i n c k n c | pas|s usualJy

failed for lack ctf capiabie rece ivers In the 4 th qu te r I i nckney got

a big b reak Mey p u n t e d and the D e x t e r sa fe ty m a n fumbled it on the ^0 y a r d l ine P i n c k n e y r ecove r ing H e e once more I i nckney lost t he ball on d a w n s

W i t h the t ime r ap id ly r u n n i n g out a n d the ball d e e p in t he i r t e n e n - bull - - f

W a t c h i n g a football g a m e t h e oth e r n ight we wi-re t h i n k i n g of thcopy gie i t change which has t a k e n p lace

g a i e in tin- pas t y e a r s B a c k of F ie ld ing H Yost a t Musele a n d b r a w n were

IN 111

the dM l 1 j I j 1 gt 1

All of ou r s p a r e t ime is being deshyvo ted te d e c o r a t i n g t h e school rooiu fc- T h a n k s g i v i n g C h a i r m a n of the Uv-coraiing comm a r e Rq-be ru Aek

Proatt droth and f loods in E u r o p e ley J a n e t Shir ley J a m e s Campbel l r t 4 o c 4 th w h e a t and r y e p roduc t - a n d J o y c e A n n F u h r m a n Um Mgt Weatern E u r o p e by 200 mill- T h e music class is w olt k ng h a r d IL

j f d |gtuahels The U S w h e a t c rop on T h a n k s g i v i n g song

V i a igt record 1460 mi l l ion b raquo w h i l e D e n i s e K e n n e d y w a s in A n n e s r corn yield waa d o w n 900 million J r i d a y a f t e i ^ o o a J J a n e t Shjr ley w e n t to H o w e

f4 Cows Shot

Europe needs 670 million bus of afternoon to have her eye e ^ _ _ _ bull laquo bull laquo

i b gt

I r i a t e u e j


beshyl i e - d F

bull^tate JJOIJCC a have been busy iki-r y m y to dis 0 bull

liltgt- ^MraquoJOf bull w h o co-s be long ing Lo 1 i t J am Knei bull i t)ilt 1 wo untied to ugt a ih a l t ivH gtOM

1 i gt m-i a ilt

va iacd a t l i s i i al j -o l-aiy

Morii-v ii k i l l ltij- gt i e a i j i i

ltgt tltm y J h s h i ] IWo oJ Inuy -_Vgt Wi

cows ahot be iv-ibie One cow ht ri 4 t i n i t s I t

i u i r

t1-1 a

0 ult-d Mis A l e x

h-ihK stiot from 4 t o 7

u h o n e a n d taken a s ea t

to t ide them o^ver t h e epndug ( W e e x p e c t to see h e r w e a r i n g gt A n d w e h a v e qn ly 4 7 0 m i l k e s w i th in a few d a y s

fceampvbaf a t hand for e x p e r t 1 0 0 ^ T w e n t y of o u r peop le a re now mill ion bu leas than a r e n e e d e d ( j c p i n g ho t lunches

T a t f f w h y y o u are be ing a sked 1 mdashmdash

bs your l e a d e n Pres T i u m a n K D C AiD F I R S T G A R D E Se Of Sfatt IfareheU S e n a t o r V t n j P a u l Russel l haa b e e n a b s e n t denharg ri Gov feigter to co gtoj| c a u s e of a f r a c t u r e d shou lde r ^ a n U fry fonaerving fervi Ifs i o s ^ j ^ w a s h i t b y a c a a n d we have u) ve LhL0 3- j bull i s imple AS t h a t raquo j c ided w e shou ld r e m e m b e r to S t o p j m i i o e r - of 1 u

A j Ifr MarahaJJ ttwady p u t s - i t 1 Lo-gtk and L i s ten be fo re c ross ing the r i 0 r t o i v v ( L V

o laquo r fore ign pol icy has entered the ) afreet a lso use o u r e y e s e a r s a o 4 J w i u 0 ( j (V

t h e n o u r feet gt n0s ( f v w a 1K S o m e of us have s t a r t e d t o icarl j i h -hbull)-ng v-lt

aud a r e d o i n g v e r y wel l W e k n o - J 4 5 p u l o i a emgt -lsraquorods J im a n d J u d y a n d will l e a rn I a t Xhe --raquoe of the ua t ings I 2 m o r e t h i s w e e k bull The ti te has pu rchased

P i e k n e y M aend t h e i r usurU i F I R S T Diane M u r p h y j o ined o u r f a r m land i n the vic iui tv of these mm 0 4 a t f Iwntera n o r t h th i s y e a r J F i r s t G r a d e y e s t e r d a y S h e w a s wirn h o i n p s f o r publ ic h u n t i n g l a n d s Moat mi tkttm w i laquo llaquove Thui-s a l - J u s in KdgJb las t y e a r b u t a t t e n d e d j i nc lud ing the ]gt -bull ^ogts Moross 4 a o laquo g laquoalaquoae WlM n o g e t a w a y u n - j school in D e t r o i t t h e l s f p a r t of th i s [

RTU p t 0 f K u e ^ n Many c i ty til f gt l Wlaquo be l i eve Putnam t o w n - W e a r W e we lcome h e r back I h u n t e r s h a v e h u n t e d t h e r e this vea r

j w a f i M P raquo raquo tmkMters a r k u h j E v e l y n MeAiaah and B e o r l y Morlev Ke^nolds v as work ing on

flaw laquo W M a w ^a tiaraquo Mte C^CHampplX h a v e h a d b i r t h d a y s recen t - th- 1 oof of hilaquo hov--- Tues and saw Hmraquo laquoat laquoi tiaoae flaquown W +

gt r ftgts fei^icers ( past W e e r of so

i e iden t i ty of l o u r v a l u a b l e

aci s lUot ca s t 1 lie cows w e i e j

bulli t^d to be pu t J bulld la4 T u e s ^ ^ ^ -

laquobullraquo p in

i i aiatjcnt r

v u s wounded i deg n a c h ^ M i V - I A cow of I S u n d a y ( gtdeg ^ 7

-i-ahad lo b e I ] - - ili jn gt ^Mon

c IviurpTiy VAampVT

l G O O endl

- bull l o j y r-

a -ses


ltgt a



1 1 fiigt

iust a l i t t le bull Mrs Pearson P e i

- The Key e trade i i

1 nd until Wed ^

w nh an a r m y t h e

v ogtL h

( O i V

gtng- ihc in to M bull

1laquo J-ii in in

a i u-No-

|raquoi m e nan u e e p in t he i r t e n o n I P i n c k n e y took to te au- Aiost of

the passes were ineouiiplete but J)u t e r i n t e r cep ted one and iin i u r a t ouchdown The last t ouchdown gtvas when D e x t e r r ecove red a P inckney blocked kick

Jn th i s game P i n c k n e y gave the best exhi t i t ion ol l ine p l u n g i n g ajid end r u n s they h a v e shown this ytui J rear h e o a t e r i a l s and forv i i p s - c o had cl icked they would hnbdquo-been a s e a s y w i n n e r

D E V T E f t L 1laquo R T


t 0 L T F

i E Q B ii a


Subs t i tu t ion- J e f f r e y s D Clark

tl bull pr ime requ i s i t e s of a foo tba l l bail raquo J i(f course spued was des ired but 1 here were 0 of the beef t r u t bi+ on a team tq (jne speed nHjcliant and tlt tagt won in those days by ma in - t rength In those days cen te r n-gthlt s a n d f ly ing wedshyges were the favored plalys T h e f o r win i pa-s Jin- r e (jlutionized foo t shyball One good comple ted pass will krain 4 t imea the g r o u n d a l ine plunge will o f cour se t h e r e is d a n -bger of i n t e r c e p t i o n s a n d i n t ^ i c e p t -1 lti pa-- ^ hagt- vun canu-s for m a n y t eams b u t it jnits u n c e r t a i n l y i n t o th- g a m e and o p e n s it up It a l so p lace- a jli TI 1 j Li rti on speed a n d n o t bi 1 11 Ieins aj-e niorc and ruore j i in un pa-ses E v e r y t e a m

in I 1 bull 11 bull -A-ich is c o n s i d e r e d a tl- nipioshj d a m has a f ine pass ing a t t ack It make- the g a m e th r i l l shying gtraquobulltacil-u- nid enab les m a n y

an u n d e i d o g tcani to e m e r g e v i c t o r iou- an J inrjdmi i it draw- 8 u 0 0 0 c rowd- to tie- m a n o n d o l l a r c o l l e g e s t a d i u m s

K Cla rk b u r r o u g h s

Schneider Klnier

H e a t h Ci C la rk H u r t i b u s e Igtarrow A m b u r g e y M e y e r -fgt

H u m s y

We note a de l ega t ion O I n g h a n t county miiistergt have p r o es ted t o he legislat a re a g a n s t op a t i o n of pa i i -mutua i bcti 111 on horse r a c i n g at the ingii-r 1 cfwintj fa i r a t M a s o n l i i i s is the s a m e kind of b e t t i n g vliKh is p r o v i n g plt pu la r a t Norlh bull ille and t h e UetxiKt fa i r g r o u n d s i n - i d e n t l y oi l ier fair- seem to be g e t Ling the sanio idlt a We see t h a t 13 county fa i rs h a e ijjplied for a p o r shyt ion of the $]IMltMII) a p p r o p r i a t e d by the l eg i s l a tu i e u i d c r tho C l o o n iaw to aid c o u n t y fa i rs These a r e

Joh7rsxraf^^wtr rv1tre7 M a s o h T To ma

Devlin Wil l iams

Schults V a n g h a n

Uailey Ue La T o r r e

Kie lwasse r E Dc La T o r r e

I r i cha ru

- we re found ^ a t o J^-ejdi li i i i-I C a t h e r i n e Simt

muci s e r v i c e Wed lo

f o r i - i -

bullil 1 ii- a r e Sun 1 (1 alt bull rpiiy Alon bull

a bull Tugt- la te iJr also iie men in

1 aai J lie Cunn-( re aca Tiiur

i K D u n k a s I

( by Vr Mar- l a e Vl icent

Johrsan f o m i y

feiwttt SnMy i^Wte ^iUaed m Cm V Bowie poundlaquoraquo Itowml Uaeihew Cwrxan W ML Mey

WFjH AMD SIXTH NEWS gtWmgt friah to thank the mothers and

aVv-injltgtyfeo so gxaciously u-ip l jgim nefreahnaents for ovr

Paity IfUler w o n t h e contes t

t laquo pound ltraquo raquoOSt worcUi out of el l T h e s e pis tols laquo K laquo e e n zfebt T h e xMmWr j w ^ - i ^o - i l laquo f W p iayed m a n y tare- bull -^-^-ealt L o w

dOTHm f o r a p p l e s Ah - | r r L i r a -- ^ a l l c a n e o o t w i t h blagi- | deg - f [bull l-s gtve lt

a black s f l a r pa-V his cow -was sho- lu

j of it Most of th-se c rv - w e r e sho t in tlie p a s t u r e n e a r he h ighway

uWjHfe t o mr i n i t i a t i o n in to lhlt ampth and laquo w i gxade r o o m

Our ape l l d o w n waa w i t h 3 l e t t e nanMlOlwIifel worcU jbptt o v e r hal f w e n t d o u T 01

B e t t m a H 4 l a t t e r words ^etdnaula fXV f t e 4ij h a v i n g a apec ia l c lass on

r By fieason S t j y i n 4 a y s f o r those w h o w a n t to Wjgawjar ami m G e r l e a r n d rv iakm tetter so f a r 8 pup i l

MtPphel a n d j U v i L o d - j h a w v o l u n t a r i l y e n r o l l e d M o r e plt

l o i t e r wo arlt- - i ^ a rmed a laquo b u l l e t f rom a 4 a a u t o m a t i c was found -n the i- tackable cow b u t c h e r e d h tow ell T h e s e pis tols n-lt common a n d

bulla in bac K from lani t ion f o r

a n d a c c o r d i n g ed wi th t h ^ s ^

pigtoi-- tic not -hoot aer-urate h t a t e pol ice p icked up a hraquoy in th i s ltgtc+-ioit who is ^ a i d to l i ve h u i d w i th such a riistol but v ere unab to f a n n e c t him wi th it T h e S imon- n child r en who live on t n e old Ajcie n a i i i i a j n ne r ^he raquoSti-katgtle f a r m i^laim

e a u a n d S i s te r A fojr tlte dead ivq F r i fo r the deiid rclt a n e y DonoMin Sa LaPo-a req by Ro-Sun a n n i e r s a r y nia-s for la te Aag-

1 u s a Kel ly r eq by David and Ha i d n e a r w h e r e r i o t La K e l l y

thourrh n o t h i n g j A peal for ltu le-rt se ra inary dr ive Recept ion ojf acreire - Jor poor


Appea l fn~ stu 4ct eaa a r - - driv e

O t t e r b e i n T o u c h d o v

F i r s t R e f e r e e

I P-npi iv Ik j ( lead Line-I born

- - - K i e l w a s s e r Jo]i--n i^owns P inckney 7

Joe F l e m i n g D e a r b o r n bullbullnoid Will- I -raquotroit M n - R c c Milie1- IVraquoai

T o n i a


UgtMM C u - v V l V ^ J J R C H

Rev A u r e d A iarJ c a s t o r O r g a n i s t ard cno r J j i rcc tor jklvlaquo

Me win Canrpoei i g g jvJf H e e ^ a n i d a n y m e n a r e s p y i n g ] was g lad

when thegt sa id u n t o me come let us go in to t h e hou-c of the L o r d

l h e r e is a p lace in tha^ c h u c h f o r you

i u ^day the d a y t h e ca t t l e w e r e I ~ bull ipiexionod man a b o u t ^ -VPenn tenden t bullJ 10 da

rar Kara poundelaquocheyraquo Fasulaquor

M o i x i i i ^ worsxiip - ^ 10H)0 S u n d a y dchool 1 1 0 9

WUbur L^id ig


T h e m a r J 1 cage of Miss Hazel laquo e r of How to J a c k Cadwcl l j j P i n c k n e y 1IK p lace Sa t nigii t a t tj Howel l Raju s t cl iurch R e K a - y o f f ic ia t ing - coup le were a t t e a ]-ed by Vln r a r r SLS best m a n uid Miss E s t h e r F u l l e r si t e r of the br ide a s b r idesmaid A r e c e p t i o n n u s held a t t he c h u r c h p a r l o r s

Fo l lowing a wedd ing t r io t o Hou

l U

G r a t i o t i i a n y C a l h o u n JLlsdalJe E a t o n Al legan Cente iv ille A d r i a n K a l a m azoo and V a n i J u r a n This i r o n c y is par t of the s t a t e s s h a r e oi t he p a r i -mutua l b e t t i n g a t o r t h i l L T h e fa i rs would use it t o buy s t a r t i n g g a t e s pho to f in i sh ing j u n g i n y j i i g h -er p u r s e s

The k i n g is dead long live t h e king E d w a r d J Je f i i ey - 4 u n e s mayor of De t ro i t lth t down t o d e shyfea t last week before a man who a l though he has been in public l i fe in Detroi t fcr 11 y e a r s v as l i t t l e n gtwn J e f f r e y s was a r e p u b l i c I n

nAntwerp is a D e m o c r a t a n d a t bull t ime was n c a n d i d a t e for g o v o n

at t icket in t h e p r i m a r i e s l i e is a n e n g i n e e r a n d h a s 11 ch i ld ren Some of his r e l a t i ve s were much bet ter knovn t han he was He oaved

g h t o n L a k e the couple will l ive a t I his e lect ion t o the fact tlaquoat h e laquo a i t h e Cadwel l l a r m a t B e n t l e y L a k e I abU- to c a r r y t h e heavi ly conges t ed Th^ grown 1 a war v e t e r a n and cr j w a r d s o n t h e e a s t s ide w h e r e t h e co l ved in t h e S o u t h Pac i f ic in the n a v y

d u r m g t h e wor ld w a r C o n g r a t u l a t o n s ] J e f f r e y s d e p e n d e d on t h e silk s tock vards w h e r e

MRS M A R Y FJCJC Mrs M a r y F a u l k s F i ck w a s born

in B i r k e n h e a d E n g l a n d in 1862 She

laquo red people a n d fo re ign b o r n l ive

ins w a r d s w h e r e t h e well t o d o people l ive a n d t h e y f o r g e t to v o t e Inc iden t ly a l t h o u g h Jeffrejys waa

I r a n k e d as a c o n s e r v a t i v e h is f a t h -c a m e t o Axnerica in 1872 and m a i e f e r old J u d g e -T f r e v s m a r c h e d h e r h o m e wi th t h e f ami ly of Freeshym a n W e b b wes t of Pinckro y U n i t h c

Washingto i r v h Coxey s a r m i raquo

raquow Mm Brnqg ltLoydier^to them

Baetfhiw Xarxwf We arc doing apatter work decor M raquo ^aca Friday Jatioas for ThankagiTing

4ltje laquo bull bull bull ir Agtwitoj| 1 mi j n i l Kar l gt S U M d j f ^ t JOM0FiTHS

W i i e Bmd mui ampamp 4laquovoe Soaaoer apofce her w e d d i n g lt t raquo l laquo p raquo t o Owoald fi ltlaquolriffiths F h d b v

fSm amp e v e n i n g a t -00The bride | s t h e d a u ^ o w | j 0 h i ^ r e f Mr a i d Mrs E n m o n s

41 Aim Avbor T h e b r ide M r a d Mr J o e j

4 0 y e a r s o-d passed t h e m in a 19 i 2 r-ord cai l i e turn-H down t h e r o a d tov-ard the SLackabe f a r m a n d p a r k shyed th car and w n t into a f ie ld

w h e r e he shot a pistol severa l ti e s o3ico s h o o t i n g t o w a r d t h e ch i ld ren T h i - m a y hlaquovc been t i ie same car M o n e y Reyno lds sitw parked

S t a t e police found r number of A 5 f ^ i s m t l w f 11 h e r e t h e man

bull i v t h e 4 r h l r e n

ou--- i -^v

Marriage licenser Don Combs 22 F e n t o n Vi rg in ia

John- 2 0 FenUjo J a c k Cadveii 2

IPinckney^J i i^e l Pu l l e r 2t H o w e l i C h a r i e s l ^ k s o n v i c h 2 ^ r owllervi l ie D o r o t n y J o n e s 1 8 Fowle rv i l l e


Th dwble riqf oereenony wa mj iter Yeayw laquo^ the Ziou

ttlnwan ioamaoh in Ann Arbor laquora ltmml W mampvt Ann ArboT

laquo4fcee walaquo Matron oT


E x q u i s i t e l y p a c k a g e d g i l t s oy j A v o n t o u win g ive t a t m wi ln

p n o e o r l e c e i v e t u e m WJUI j o y Av- bull o n gl ts a r e b r ^ a g m to y o u r i iomc f

B r i g h t o n 44 S o laquo i ^ L^-on OHen- - Is luive ly by raquo A v o n rlaquojgtreraquoejtta-t v e

Mil lar o f P m c k Jackson ltlaquo F l a t Roclc 12 Sal ine V w Luc i le S h i r e y Jhone laquo J j oi 1 i J imde 1 2 Milan 2 A b u e r ^ i 0 ^ t o i i y a p e n t

waa n r ^ r s i u - o- Rr-muius 1 3 Rooseve l t i filaquoraquo- w i t h Dr max Mrs WJylie i n bull-raquo- 4 lt 3 m a t i 1 frac34 Manches ter laquo J i J e j a e r 1

1 8 7 6 s h e w a s m a r r i e d in t h e Pii-ney Me thod i s t c h u r c h t o H o r a c e Fick w h o w a s e m p l o y e d on a n e a r b y fa rm T h e y lived on f a r m s in this section for sotue t i m e a n d l a t e r moved to

G r e g o r y w h e r e ir F i ck r a n a g e n e r al s tore and was a l so p o s t m a s t e r fo r a namber o f years Afterward they o w n e d a f a r m i n F i t c h b e r g and on sellinar t h i s they moved t o Pincknefe Mr F i c k d i ed 1 5 y e a r s a g o A l w a y s of a deep ly relianous nature she w a s a c t i v e in c h u r c h work and t a u g h t in t h e S u n d a y school f o r y e a r s

S u r v i v i n g are a s o n F e r r i s a d a u jrhter Joe ie Chapman of D e t r o i t a n a R a y m o n d o f Lapeer Alao 4 gtauocmiklran and amp g r e a t prand-Childron

nine t i es a n d was t h e radical in De t ro i t w h e r e h e hold o t f ice most of hs l i f e t m e

We see t h a t h igh costs have pled t h e school ho t lunches in Det ro i t T h e R e p u b l i c a n cu t t h e a p p r o p i a t i o n 15 p e r c e n t am$ m o r e schools t h a n e v e r appl ied 4 p take p a r t in i t t h i s year Wi th fcfcpound e r p r ices t h e schools had t o efe^jfP m o r e th i s jyear wi th the reatr i t a^TCp less b l unches per d a y are ~ sold t h i s y e a r t h a n m a t T h e c e p e r p e r s o n a d a y ia 7 c Thai g r a m w a s s tarted when at waa t h a t m a n y school ^children school a l l d a y wi thout



_ others were ao scantily The funeral waa held at the dtvaw p ^ ^ j ^ ^ t1raquoeut foetal Home Sat with Rev among them J

AUavd officiating Burial in Piock ^ W oe-rtcty iLAftT ltJOJL 09

Met Kenaeth Wytie and children I Saturday Melaquo IS ai the gt|pfe spot Sat at ogte W H Wyiie home in laquo whack I aamll mo ami p j


m aw A m rf - - bull - lt - raquo

(frac34frac34 -ltp ^






bullbulli w laquobullbullbull T - raquo laquo ^ laquo f

^ frac34 frac34 ^

^ Pinckney Dispach Wbdraquogd v 11 J laquo f ^ - bull f raquo J gt ^ ^ w mdashrawjr bull rsraquorlaquoBjaBBssBBw- mdash ^ _ ^ ^ w^uraquow v ^ s r ^ w ~


sWff COOKCD Thats what Jim said after the Erst meal on our new electric range And hes right Postwar electric range$ are a vast improvement over older models Ovens aft better insulated Heating units are more efficient That means even faster cooking lower cost

You save extra time too with the automatic control

that starts and Stops your range by itself Why you can go shopping all day and have supper ready to serve

when you return And theres no heating up the kitchen no soot or smoke to bother about

These easy-to-use electric ranges are in stock right now1 at your local dealers Be sure to see them soon

W C Miller and family hu i ed ixva the bluffs to uuv c doji larm

C Y Van Winkle and wife have font) to California

Keuben Kisby and Florence Im kett of KaniDurg were married Oct n bull

Walled Lakes consolidated fcchool was opened last week

Sheriff Teeple and Deputie Chaa Moran and Koger Carlisle were shot ut latt week in Green Onk whilo raid ing a still k



j i

i J



1 i



raquood ath-uready

Fri Sat Nov 14 IS

STALLION ROAD A vlaquory gc^d ltov triaogie on a


SMITH fCartdbw Now SportrelaquoI

Sun Tuo Nlaquov 16181

A $uper Oram of Love and Faith

1 Tragedy CraquotoOraquo

F a Sat Nov 44 IS J

LOVE ANLT LEARN1 raquo A Comedy with


PAGE 4k Latest News

me in i ^ e n o Ore f Iu i N w raquo daughter cf Clyde i bull bull^ bull bullTrw First laquoSh bullv fell from bull 11laquo ( n t C t 0 deg P- m gt Secon


^ +fl I

fe 7 LBS DETROIT EDISON Co Switch fo Mafchlts Cookery Mow

In the drive to got a hgLraquo letk field Stockbridge has collected $665000 )

Charles Poole ho has b-n spa m l iiij -ov ui months in MichV raquon tow I retained to his home in ^-laquo 4-^

Murion McClear Mraquo(itH of Gregory ycle lrst week and broke nar leg

Born to Mr and Mrs Clifford LaniL-d ]r (Whirley Rockwell) of Lansing Oct 16 a son

Mi Kffie Wright iias resigned as teaeher in Gregoi^ and Mrs Maude Young has been hired to replace her

Taylor Collins who lost hit) suit in circuit court commissioners court to evict 8 tennants has appealed It to ejreuit court

County Clerk John Hagman has recovered sufficiently from his reshycent auto accident to be able to reshyturn home from McPherson hospital

A pipe line from the Howell gas field on the McPherson farm ia being built to the main pipe line near lew Hudson

William JacofK 69 of Howell was fatally injured in that city last week when hit by a car on on Grand River driven by Fabian Adams of South L|ron

Frank Laginess who was sent up for life in Washtenaw county for murder of Harry Cyb a gasoline stat ion operator at Willis has been granted a new trial under the reshycent court ruling He was not givshyen council and was arrested con vie ted and sentenced the same day His companion in the crime Grovcr terry js also serving life for the same crime Terry at one time lived in this section and was senten ced for chicken theft

The L^on township school board whgt)se school is situated at South Lyon has voted to change into an agriculture schoo)

The South Lyon high school ath letic teams wilt hereafter be known asu Ihe Rockets

iv^vlerville high school won 3rd plaoe in the Tri-County football lea poundue Williamston was first with no defeats

Jack Boyd New Hudson killed a 14 popnt buck last week with an arshyrow just west of Milford



Flu (News ow will Start

Second at 8lt45u

Coming- UncUtcurrent Hoart Chey


Svn Mon Nov 1617

First National


Under Federal Supervision Member Federal Deposit insurance C orporationAU Deposits Insured Up to |5000 for Each Depositor


1 Dont pay more than you car afford

2 Get impartial aMce on real estate values v f

3 Make aamp large a dcvn p^wneiu as you can

4 Finance the rest with a conshyvenient bank mortgage

Burglaries arr being prepetrated sectv erywbere Protect your cash by

ing our night dupository us

IVY Starrin



Cartoon JOE DOAKES Conadjt Sunday Shows 3S7-8

Tuclaquo Wed Thur Nov 18 19 20


A Good f Steal In TK icolor



bull u u c Fri iraquoov l 14







artooa Nraquovehjj

i d



lVrcy ^yraquo j-thcut hgts sold his biiid uin- on V Main Si to the (iorder amp Iatr(l Uakiuir Co of Detroit whlaquo bu|s milk to~~ilaquoake^ bread with^ Sev era) route will be iiai-tc-d at onoo The buikiiny has had a ionjv cee

postolfficc there It Clinton aiio )(|bull Ailgo had hardware stores theie fheii Cha llympton had his uivvr

akinc parlors there and Mr Swar thout used it for the same thing and

so as a residence

It a bviil by Chas riymnton nraquod Siracn lii-y^ In the nineties for a

i creamery Later Mike Fohey had the

The bodv of G^ Kraquoraquoraquoey was gtgtro o-lv here from Flint fo burW ^ r

tie leaves a wife 2 sons his mother MJ 2 sisters

The Federated Church Ladies Aid held their annual fair over barrva Drug Store Nov 25th

The friends ctf Mr and Mrs Frank Bowers gave them a farewell paoty wVd night and their families They are moviny to Detroit where Frank

wnt~be---dergtutymdasheoulaquoty-elerk Count Agent Bolander conduct

ed ii poultry demonstration at the m I^edwidge farm Thursday



OR PERSOi vl hi RilASO^


bdquo Nov 15Door oplaquon 6sl5 ptn KKArtCt2raquo JuAi^ofMSUi

Sugar Coffee Cheese

5 P C a C M C S NO 2frac12 CAN FkCfS

l b Bags

Daady Fresh Cop Ground

Vetveeta jlaquon lb ^LoaS

Head Lf ttuce amp Heaie 4b

5c um

43K 89euroj 17laquo

l -0 Cabbag

Cookinf Miracle Whip


Apples X lbs fr

Qts Kf afts

Yearling Lamb Side streasts St twg I


Chop End

Cts l L b

bull laquo laquo bull bull bull bull laquo bull


Nolm of 47 Years Ago The body of Terrence Shielda was

brought here for burial Thur George Lum and family have mov

ed to the rooms over the meat market

Justin Swarthottt has sold his farm to Emory Markham and brou-

I ght another one in Huron cunu I Maude Richmond a Pinckney aea por pasaed the teachers exiuninati gtn J last) week I trunks killed all ojf George Teep Is English pheasants last week

Wiliiard Henry and Charlie Tufts of Dexter visited John Martin lasi bull erk and enjoyed a few days hunt

ing Arthur Shehan and h u e Mae

t obey were married at St Mary church Wtodne4day Rev Ctynener

ford GO friends of Bert Applet gave n a surprise party Wed nigkt gtmioe Greer Is teaching at Rath

ii bull

Albsst Drake 2d uiistoa

Coxa Abbott poundigham county

ijuis lkiee of Gregory has turaed from the Plullipine

i^otert f fiach Gregory aexAiQ foreman has bete transferred to Pontiac

B O A to pound L Topping and wife N o U t g i r i

The Schuier ice house at land i being repaired

George Clark and the K A Allen families have erected monuments on heir cuirtnsfr lets here

F^y Teeple hat resoed as cashier of the Paaekney Bank and wiH go- to Maaistttae Mica

The Y M C gave their fiat dan oe at the opera house The boy or-

ltshesairaquo Fiank fewer CiyM latyre and Sid Sprout plapad The hotel larfiisaed 1



raquo^laquolaquolaquot(^U lraquolaquoitft S4llaquoiv Alaquotcei



Sun MOB NOV 1laquo 17 j Mat Sun 2 p m CoatluVlaquolaquo




Cartoon Likiost Nows




MoreJty Claquorgtoe


Week end oaUeas at the ipii J u^-c Gaj Raid


Lester Xettel s W ^ t t e T ^ ^ and wife Detroit ftjn fi Maiatj of Mnneapoiis is ^ ^

sCsi Albersa Mrkel mad Vmi U d the eaJjd e b l i r a c d USSL raquom

Lake called on


o V

s$pound~ bull bull bull



Uuoert A Campbell laquo2 Uncle BoL to most poeplo died evident^ of u heart suae at his borne in Aon Arbor Friday Ye editor hae tfiiowu nn4 ^eiiunaay xur tulaquo pas1 iO ygt Uu jgh Masenery and he haa been a regular attendant at the Pait Maa ua bullgt uuhqueia hero including the one laat Mucu lue name c-ttvid itoe was Kiven him I) the students of the University of Michigan during tha 20 years he served that instiwnWu as treasurer Ii addition he waraquo asshysistant auditor general and served 3 tcvina as mayor of Ann Arbor Ho belonged to all the Masonic organshyisations and served as chairman of the powerful grand lodge finenoe comrittee for many years l it orshyganized the U of M Craftmeni team and toured the state for many years putting on Masonic deshygree wWk Burial was in Port Hurshyon urviving are a son William of Belding ^

raquo bull t

tradepoundlt^m NoCof theltLj

With the season (an ducks patid over by NOB I tauttfN art prepar bullsquirrels and bow dnd arrow ltamplt - bullng for the dear leas o r ibartinf y5 Trapping starts in the upp

bull The Pinckney O E S at their meet tag honored Mrs Percy Ellis their treasurer who leaves tw a

bull M M a M M T

Circuit Court New Lluyd Stearms of Powlervilte waf

probtioned last June for^forgersiraquo Atigist he broke it by being sentencshyed to jail in Ingham county on a di owiejiy charge Judge Collins c^do ed i is rearrest and last week gave him a 40 day jail sentence and craquon tinut1 hi probation to June 3 10 V

In the ampuit of Charles Vincent vs tho City ctf Howell the court found in fjvor of 4he city Vincent soughi title to a portion of the street adshyjoining his property at Howell Lake He was also ordered to move hi house from the slreet

In circuit court last week follshyowing divorces granted Gertrud front Hay Wombles Lois from Earl Hill lltep from Robert Martyn No ma from W L Smith Dora from Al bert SmithGeorge from Irene Mase Dec cos were given in the suit o Mar- Huston vs Gilbert Daniels anltT j in the case of Robert vs C Bain I dissolve partnership

peninsula Nor 16 and in the lower I grsti n on the tabic At one md e l

tsiiiilEMi ^ - i ^ 1 1 Wlif tl4raquo irgeraquo crowd iiuck mm^poundJ5Spoundi T 1 V2 voy- raquolaquoy has played before Probably ar age parly following pound raquo meeting Fri ound 2000 Mora WnckaaTneou bull pound fl l yengt w l IKo were thero tpoundZtopoundampxpound n m e S S Ellis was th center dec gXulaquo n r e w ^ G w S T t S e

a uraquot

t 15 with laquo atrade MM ft uu wraquo th u s Si ZgtlaquolitSttflJJ on Lake marshes BadgeT and skunkthe other end the Union Jack Mrs weauw may bull taken to Jhn Wraquo Jibe o bull end the IJnisi Jlaquock Mrs

The thrd wesas nounViWjrment Wtnfied Aberdeen rrlaquovnui raquo tr raquon 978 foxes totalled Mttlt More Veittamp beg to Mrs Ellis in behalf than naif he foxes taken we e trap of the chapter Ann tfirdjw Wu-bdquo ped and 17 killed y cars bo danced and her sisterJoaJMgtUiy

One-fifth mora camps were pitch ed several selections on the piauo 1 in state parks this year than iu jL gt neck oT Ana Arbor chapter

nresentathas fromMichigan to rrVK was present vubdquo

1946 While most iohign farms are

well watered there are 468 f a r m -totalling 16800 acres irrigated Most ^ ltf them are in Berrien county Moat T A T | J MICtUQAN -percent get their water from streams 1W P r o s ^ t e u t t e r the Cenaty o from lakes and 20 from wells pt Uvlaquogtok

The ground water levels in the bull At a ssion of said Court hold tower Michigan are slightly above at tha ^Probate Office in thr City avcurc now bull rof Howell in said County on the

Tlie biggest bock door on record 18fd day of Norduber A Dbdquo 1947 uken in the state was one aear Mlo f rroaouS Hon WUUa L Lyons

CHOIR FESTIVAL Tl o 7th annual choir festival t

the lt hurches of the Ann Arbor Me di bullraquo ilaquo-t will be held at the Firs

Methodist church Ann Arbor No 1 In addition to^all the Washtenaw courny churches Brighton ^ou Lymi Stoltkbridge Monroe Wsvyn Flat Kck Dundee Mijlville Nortl ville and Romulus will take pan Tho tine is 800 p m

weighing 268 lbs drosfod

STATE OF MICHIGAN he Prlblaquotlaquo CoBrt for tbe Coiiaty

of Ueiagsten At a session of said Court held

aut the Probate Office in the City of Howell in said Count on the 10th day lttt November AD )047

Present Hon Willis L Lvone udge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate ot Cleve G Poole Deceased Grace If Poole having filed in

id Court her final administration lt-ount and ner petition praying |ion or the allowance thereof and for e assignment and distribution of bullbullbull residue of said estate

It is Order That the 1st day of gteccmber AD 1947 at ben oclock

in the forenoon at said Probate Of-ico be and is hereby appointed fur raminig and allowing said account id heaing said petition

iadga of Probata In tho Matter of the Batata of

Edward J Perry Deceased Robes-t J Perry havtng filed in

said Court hi final administration account 4 his petilion praying foi tha allowance theteot ism tor tile assign men and distribution of the residue dt said estate

- _ pttAd The only one rinckney intercepted

Way Hurtibuse uiaue a Kooa catch of a pass It was high A Dexter Piayer uaid a up in tne air and laquolaquoy caught it when it came down

nt aue WUd Vcly c i c ^ l l y yiimy9 oa and no penalty over gt ytinU was handeu out Pinckiey got eost of UIJJlaquo ixr otsidas _ This was tha dedicaUon gv^ie and bir-vei hulvH poeches were made

John Hoey pros of the Dexter rec Bd Mayor Wall of Dexter Carl rik-e ^e ut U4euro achua tin ^ohn JfcMsitei- rift of the Molded Plast ics was master of ceremonies

As a tfonsdation Jim Meytr Pin-canay CApt was asked to draw out the winning number for the Ford mdashd an given away by the Kiwanis club t benefit of field Dan Uckly won

The night was cold but we have seen games in colder weather There was no rain after 6 oclock Tha cheer girlc then in fall fefee did plenty of uyeJUng to keep warm We will give them a compliment They used their brains by all wearing

| slacks The Dexter cheer lassie OP

| $ gt

l J t f t t X 2 l F $ 4 2 1 deg t h M laquo - - we^e a i l W i e g g i d oclosk to the toruitam at -oald Probata Office be an is hereby appointed for examlng~oraquod allowing W1J account and hearing said p^t


CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the people of

Pitukriy and vicinity for their kinltilti nhown us during our lErif eavement bull bull bull ^ J inc -1^ of Mrs Mary Fkk

STATE OK MICHIGAN Tno Circuit Court for the Count Of Livingston in Chancery Onler Of Publication Ru-sell Lightle and Marie Lumaixl Lightle his wife

Plaintiffs -vs-

L R Lumbarc1 and his unVwgtw heirsdevipoundees legatees and assigns

Dejtendati Suit pending in said Court en tl 2r Hay of September 194J

It appearing froan the sworn b of compliant filed in tbif oaaao that the plaintifte have not bee able after diligent search and ftqi ry to ascertain whetfer defen ants are living or dead or whei^ they reside if living or whetne they or any of them have ffensona re|)resentatives living or when thegt or any of them reside or whethe the title interest claim lien or pa si Die right of said defendants in an to the land and premises heroiaaf ter described has been aaslgnod tlaquo any other peoson Or persona o whether such title interest ciaic lien or possible right in said pre mises has been disponed of by oar defendants by Will

And it further appearing to Gcvrt that the plaintiffs do no know and have not been able afte diligent search and inquiry OS a certain the names of the who are inctnded elk defendants 1 this cause wfthotrt being weaned

T h e r e f o r e anotsf o a f C i cllano tne y uuif 4 u ordored that the above nsmnd dlt iendante and each and ofl and their unknown ltritees and assigns aearampnce entered in m three montho f this onder and that of the bill of in he oaken ad eonfeeand wy aaad 4-fondants and ea and gB of

And h- is furtner ajpAonsd ft the plaintiffs from the date hereof der to be pnhlinVd In One Dispatch a itshed mad cjmristed In of six

Joaph H Cefflnt A | rraquo i Copy

A 6 4

asm is es epajHt on the fotkaxiaiT tKlbed bullate and baislaquo m Obr Or Cieen lt^_Gmr 4

H Is Further Ordered That pub-tic notice thereof be given by pub-icatlon of a copy ofu this order for three successive weeks p r i o n s to said day of hearing In the Pinekney Diraquopateh^ newspaper printed and circulated In said Coun-

Willis f Lyons Judge of Probate It is Further OrderedThat public 1 Celesta Parshall^Uglster of Probate

otlce thereof be given by publics-1 on of a cony of this order for I -ec sueceJisfve weeks previous to I STATS OF MfSjif

aid day of hearing in tampe Pfnek-1 The PreWte Coart for the Csualj y Dispatch a newspaper printed I ef Urfagtteis

id circulated in said cqnnty J At a saastoi of said Court hehi Willis L Lyons Jodga of Probate 1st the Proaoao Ottkr in io CVy ^lectia Parshall Register of Pro- lef HoweU In aaid County on the

128th day of October A D 1947 FresesX Hon WHlls L Lyonp

Judge of Frahats In the Matter of the Cstete 0

William J Nash Deceased Mark A Nash having filed in

said Court his final administaiicwi |aeeount and his petition praj-5nj- fo)

his allowance thereof and the sssij nment distribution of the residu ot said estate

It fs Ordered that the 17th day of November A D 1947 at ten orcjocl in the forenoon at said PrcbmU^tl ice be and is hereby appointed for examining and allowing said acshycount and hearing said petition

It U Further Ordered 5at pnb-m notste thereof bo gWon by puh-Msation of a oopy of this order for

each month Cor 4 months prioi of bnering a phe P^nekney

ARD OF THAWKS We wish to thank all those

tded and assisted as during ne our son was injured Mr and Mrs Max Reynolds

WA6 the



COUNTY OF LIVINGSTON At a session of said Ceart held at

he Probate Office in the City of (owe II in said County on the 6th bulla of November A D 1947

Present Hon Willis L hyoM udge of Protate raquoame of Harry Bowsher

n bthe Matter of tne Charge of Jante 0 Harry Bowsher

Adult Married Person iUrry B Bowsher having ftWd la id Court his petition praying that

he Ccani enter an order changing J fend that of his wife Grace ) Bowsher to Harry amp Britt and race O Brttt

It ts Ordered Tha^ the let day of )ecemher A a 1947 at ten oclock n the forenoon at said probate of ice copye and ft hereby eppointed fongt| tearing said petition

It is Further Ordered The psAlle ottec thereof be given py ion of a copy of this ach week for three anrteativs eeks previous to said hearing in

h Pinckney Dispatch a newspaper bullrinted and dreulaosd in said county Villis L Lyons Jadge of Probew 4 true copy ttestia Parshali Register of Probata

This game shows the advantage of having a gopd kicker In our opinshyion the superb punting of George Johnson Dexter kicker was the diff erence between the two teams He averages 50 yds to a kick and was amptly protected in his efforts

Pinckney plefed the best game of their season but just did ncjt have it Four times apparently touchdown bound they were stopped Dexter got 8 good breaks and cashed in on them This was the system which made Coach Yost Michigan famous He won most of his game on the oth er teams mistakes

Dexter is known as a fine defenshysive team having had only 6 points icored against them in 2 years They ipheld their reputation in this game holding like a stonewall when Pinck ney got on their 10 yard line

Pinckney ends her season here Friday phjying Hartland a p 10verbal pushover Dexter Brightonand South Lyon have all beaten Hartland by big scores Hartlanda victories have all been against reserve teams from Howell Holly Fontop etc

The Dexter team Is built around Tohnaon the kicker and Kielwasser m end The latter has scored most f Dexters points after receiving

cent 3



eafg nay or noon MsppteV bull newspaper printej and

lelreulnted in aaid County WftMs L Lyons Judge of Probate

Mrs Albert Dinkef Osraghter Al-berta and Levi Lodtka were fn Jack son Saturday

Mrs Leland Grant oust children of Ann Arbor visited her sister Mary Wylie Thursa and called at the F Wylte home





40 Turkeys 40 Games NOTICE

There will be a meeting of Corin hJan shine Ne W at the Masonu Hall in HowelL Thar evef Nov 18tli at 8 Vceck

Thlaquo Petition for a Charter bns been held open until after this meet ing fog those who still wish to lgte~ come CHamprter Members


The Rings Daufhtors were deHh 0 Thar eve at th

of Mrs Desxan N ltlt neult Alaquoraquon Artec Xineteer neuW bull or two guests went pMsent The aopinese of the evening con

for the Red hand and

the Town Hall Most elt


At Pinckney High School Gym

ampB8 i BL

Sponsored by

MaolttMgr VeFeWe Port 7

laquobull fA-fcji- ~

^ ^ ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ^ ^ ^ laquo(aeamp


r tf ^ ^


Rokos Soda Now Setvin g Hot Lunches Horn Made Chili

Home Made raquo ^

S^^T w


Pastry Bread Oar Display


Special Orders Picked Up

IGE CREAM Let Us Pack You a Delicious Quart

Black CherrybullOrangefRiueappIef HoneymoonChocoIato Strawberry Lemon In Bulk Pkfe PinraquoVanill a Cherry Butter Pecan

Leave Your Dry Cleaning withUs Picked Up and Delivered Twice Weekly Expert Workmanship

Phone yen105 V



Pinckney vs v

bullbull -- SttOPM amppound3poundpound-

- V bullbullgtbull

bull bull

laquo NV V raquo bull v bull=bullraquo bull bull - ~ bull bull bull- J

- bull bull raquo bull 4laquo bull laquo j bull - rbdquo






PINCKNEY DjSPATCH Wlaquodneraquodraquoy Nov 12 1947

Peoples Store N


Groceries Drygoods raquooods Shoe

Gents Furnishings Lingerie

Kenuedys Gen Store


[Weekly Trip Madhe to Detroit

Lloyd Hendae

Miss Marion Carson of Dearborn - was a Sat gest of Mr and Mrs M

Campbell I l Ihe Lee Lavey family were m f Jackfcon Sunday

raquo o n laquo 64r l4





Oriffnffi Company To Pay for DEAD STOCK

Stanley Dinkel was in Detroit on bus iness Friday

Mrs Iici2 Hondee spent Sat m Ann Arbor

Mr and Mrs Mylo Chubb of How ell ealled on Mrs Rose HendeiJ Sun

Mrs Weltha Vail and Mr and Mis Clifford Buttleman spent the week end in Detroit

Murray Kennedy and family spent Sunday at the Stanley Culver farm in Oak Grove

Mr and Mrs Irvin Kennedy spent Sunday with Ambrose Kennedy and wif gt in Howell

Mrs Hazel Ely of Ann Arbor spent tuniay with Mr and Mr M K Darrow

Mrs Mary Hoff is visiting in i)et roit

Mrnd Mrs Charles Hewlett araquori son ^pent last Wed in Detroit

Paul and Margaret Brogan of Chiison spent Sun with Mrs Eleanor ledwidge

W C AtLec and on attended the MMj-Ind football jnro at Ann Arshybor Saturday

P4MCKNEY DISPATCH Published Every Wednesday 115 Main St Pincknav StobWan

- bullbull- Entered M second vitas Hatter at Postoflice at Pinckney Michigan undc in laquot of Marcr- 8 187

Subscription rau $150 a Year

rAift w cun-BTf nnusHii Mrs Earl liautfhn entertained thy

Vast Matrons of the 0 E S Mon ampfrs Bonnie Henry and Mrs Mable Sliaffer were co-hostesses

A|rs John Carver jr spent Mon In Wayne

Mrs Max Reynolds Mrs L E Hau ghn and son and Mrs Karl Baughn were luncheon guests of Mrs Robt Seefeld Thursday

Misses Joan and K Ann Bird of Wsjpne were over night guestb of the Earl Baughns last Friday

Mr and Mrs John Carver jrwere Mon dinner guests of Mr and Mr B Wiisoa in Ann Arbor

Hollis Wylie and family spent Sun in Fowlerville

Dale Miller and family were Sun guests at the Ikdlis Hollovvay farm at Wrights Corners

Mrs Clara Kennedy and daughter Mrs Norma Uerycz and daughter of Detroit Mrs Wilbur Eisele and Mrs C Eisele Fowlerville helped Mrs Emma Vollniei celebrate birth day Wednesday

Mrand MrsDon Swarthout spem Sunday with Mr and Mis Emil Wed digo in Ann Arbor

Rev and Mrs Morris of Hamburg were a finer quests of Mr and A B D- n Swuiiiout Friday

Mrs Jack iaircliild Jind 2 children of Detroit wvre l i i guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Aberdeen

Mr and Mi Hanr Leo entertain ed Alger Lee and jamiigt of Jsauga-tuek James MeKiney and wife of Jackson and S HLCan and wife Sun in honor of Algers bivihdii

Mrs Gladys Lee Mr Jack Bay--tes and Mr llorton attended a Kinds Dau-hteis bd meeting in Howell Saturday

Mr and Mrs Glenn Cheney of Fowlerville were Sun guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Bat(dlo

Mrs Lqtois Coyle attended the rrr Daughters Past Prea meeting A i e home of Mrs Claude Jiurk-

harut in Howell Saturday Sunday guests at the Lester Mcshy

Afee home were Omar Cass and wife of Detroit and David Steele and fam ily ctf Frederick

Harold Raidy and family spent week end in Bad Axe

Mr and Mis Mylo Chubb of How ell called at the Lynn Hendee home Sunday

Gale Hendee attended the Mich-Ind football game in Ann Arbor Sat

Mr and Mrjj Ival Shirley of Way ne spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Albert Shirley

Miss Gertrude Spears of Los Angshyeles Calif is visiting her father Ed Spears sr

Billy Shehan of Ann Arbor spent teh week end with Mr and Mrs Wrti Shehan

Mrsect Ameia Rheinber^er Mrs 0 Gasset Mrs Hilda Wasmund and Blieen Gassert of Detroit were Wed (meats at the M E Danow home

mdash bull - JJJilLl

east or Alive [ORSES $20 COWS $20 HOGS $6 cwt


tern Equipment Capable Men E L PARKER KdtA Phone 88 Pinchmv

IThe FASTFST O s d ampUrktService m Mfchiffui

StoekCo I _w IJB

lectric Wgttef Heaters

Water Syttemt

Mr and Mrs Geo^y V^aboh jr spent Sunday in Jackson

Andrew Nesbitt and wfe attended the Charles DeWolfe funeral in llarn burg Friday

Mr and Mrs N A Housner of Bri ghtcn called on Mr and Mrs Andrew Nesbitt Saturday

Mrs Elizabeth Brown end daugh ters were in Dexter Friday

Mrs Nelson Treaster and children Ann Arbor spent Sunday with Mrs

John Bell Viola and John remained for a visit

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs L J Henry were Clyde Smith of Ann Arbor and Alice Lee Ware of Howell

Mrs Marie Bauer And children of Brighton spent Sunday at the Louis Shehan home

Mrs Roberts McArtor Amburgey and daughter of Mo are visiting hereMerlin Amburgey is in veterans hospital at Springfield Mo for ner vojis dsorder

Bom to Mr and Mrs Robert Ack Us (Mildred Jack) at Mcpherson hospital Sunday a girl

Mrs Felix Jerslowski ad children and Marv Lame returned home

at sta y


tanley Dlnket NOTICE

eeca tm hasintm lame Stewsat Anderson Bid tm JStteet Metelvettc gurnet downspouts repairing lis ussnear fwterc ere we alecopy be

Fabricate^ 4 Sheet Metal Company

msm bull 3

X fleets eg Jejeksmi The ftoed Seed esse fimor Wise bullHssijhs laquoett raquo ley lt$ mgt mj

Friday from a 2 mouths Phoenix Arizona

M-s Eliza VsmSiekle Mr ad Mrs Erdy VanSickle Charles Dewey ad Mr and Mrs Ben Tomliu left Me0 for Pheonix Arte for the win ter

Miss Jois Harris has been named trees of the Reeves school district to replace Mrs Louise Glenn rericn ed

Floyd Martin sad wife kave movshyed from Portland to the house en MtU St 4bey bnsuft of Joe Geatile

Mrs Eftfcer Ceinpbetl is confined to ber kome by IHeeas - Pavl R^ssesL sett of Mr and

Mrs Max Russell wss injured Thur bullday p so wiiee be wes rtick by an eeto Bis eiether bed parked

across frem tbe pestefxlee end sent Wn aerese tbe reed for tbe snail On

his way bade with it 1st wes struck by a eer driven by Miss Lots sweU-nnhcrrfr join west laquoa M-96 l b s reer feaser of tbe Kesleubensnr car WA laquoern io^e Dr Ray i Durff s was emeraquosieVend it wss felaquond that tbe bey had laquo ltesMraquossien end e

Meraquo I c t a jbsrtia laquolaquo4 Mrs Oedlaquoe

Shlrey amp Sons Garage





Phone No 138












PHONE DEXTER 5116 7628 TOMA RD RT2 Pinckny


600x16 U S ROYAL TIRES Plus Tax U Trad In 10raquoS GUARANTEED BATTERIES - - $g S 0

A TO Z LUBRICATION 730 AM TO 900 P M $ 1 0 0



M M mdash 4

If your telephone grew in SIZE the way its growing in VALUE

- s

If s a good thing we 4osrt have to snake your telephone bigger every time we flsake it possible for you to call more people Yad have to move out of tbe bouse to saake room for tbe telephone

Eaoept for tbe innreeeing jjae of your telephone directory you may not realshyise bew tibe telephone eyete is being

I Jsjje- fi

Eacb of these new telepbones aomeone else you can ceH It may be a butcher a baker a hardware store a doctor or lawyer or druggist Or it may be a friend or relative youve not been able to reach until now

The point is that each new telephone meant more errant your telephone mdashraquo nm for ym - more jobs it can do for you If s getting more vmiusbk everyday



lt bull ft

- ^ - ^ - N

s a l


MM rupmm craquoraquoawx i bull+bull

r bull r-

mm bull-

slssssss Ml

i A- tmi

3 ^

gt r laquogtgtbull - ^ - r -A

- bull4raquo

Pinckney Oil Wednesday Nov 12 VM1

Close Out Sale


02^ 00 Lrt Price Sale Price $210

Price $255 00


MclfiiersOK State Bank

raquo FOR SALE Cabbage $151) per bu j or by the head

Hurl Gallup

FOR SALE-2 Piece BUck Dress bullsiae 13 Phone 13

FORSALE-Team of Mare and Harness Cheap Famhgt M^nkivMs

Phone 3Fi Pinckney


FOR SALE Radio phoncraph co-i bination Leautiful console cabinet

1 GEHL NO 20 STO KER Lilaquot Sale Price


Sale Price $13500

Price $16500


Sale Price amp 19195

2 PURITAN WATER SOFTNERS Lint Pric $15995 Sale Price $12)95


The fixed expenses are easy to account ftgtr They are rent insur ^ amc taxt-i upkeep of car and iiCA V i o i VlaquoTLH ngti^ home Thigt leaves the variables I que Bedioom Suite 12500 food euuvtainment and personal lt) J L Cunnois Silver Lake Road j e -nsesi 1 Cement Mixers for plusmnent 8Vj cu

rite important thing is whether j ft gasolint or electric power 9frac12 tj r remtin in keeping withI Cu ft mixers for sale an wheel or income or are they Arcing a con- skids -less power) Trailers for rent siant drain on savings or hale- axles wheels and hitches

As the G Ps said Lets face it44 Charcoal and Pkg Coal Success di^enda in saving something f WILSON TRAILER RENTAL SER

every pay day Ucgin now

eah week j J I WANTEDMen to cut wood on

shares Three Brothers Farm 10354 Dexier-Pinckney Road

Money to loan at reasonable rtes | F Q R S A L E 1940 Super Deluxe Interest paid on Savings Books and j p ^ A - 1 condition Call 39F3 bet-Time Certificates of Deposit f ween 430 and fi 30 p m

All deporaquoiU up to $500000^1raquo j p o R SALE Brand new Conde Milk ing Machine in original cartoons

ftU M Deify M U Dou W Vaalas4e Pinckney Mich | Charles K teWenlel

Daily 1100 A M to 2 tOO P M Attorneys at U laquo Except Wednesday j F|rlaquot State and Savings

Mon TulaquoiFri SaU 700-600 pnr | Howell Mllhljmdash


112frac12 N eiicJugea m TeJepbeoee

Office 935 Roaidence 814 )516 FLEMING ST HOWELL Elaquooraquoogx by Appoisttatesi

Howell MilaquoWraquor


924 N Main St Ann ArbotMieJl Hauid Chubb Local Representative

ICE 63 21 Grand River HowellEast End of Lake Chemung Open E enings and Sunday Phone 35451

J I C with a dollar or more ^ K n j 0 f Lake Chemung Open Ev-

McPaerm State Balk


Pinckney Michigan

-1 MARTrN J LA VAN i Pbon 13 ) Pbon

raquourcopyd by e r i




2 membership iraquo v ^ Deposit Iolaquouranlaquoe Catymdash | alunlmunT Pftiis or Stainless Steel I

your- choice Harry Waldron Howell Mich SPINET PIANO BARGAIN

Would like to contact some rea ltiWr iiarf with good credt r e - FOR RFNT-Modern 5 room apart-

k) L pay $12500 eah j ment mdash mdash v a iw minimum iontgt I


and ^U )

Roy Hannett phone III

lv payments an a lovely spinet piano FOR SALE11 acres of corin m ear 1( iraquoi-n are of thi- pApar jiv- | a n d 30 to n alfalfa and brome hay

and I will tell ytgtu j7re(j Segerphone Brighton 4870 in r-leronces where piano can be seen

l i i FOR SALE New hQuse 22X30 io m Kitchen large bedroom

Bath poundnd lTtility Cellar 2

TO liEKT Room and board for two jjirls or Man and wife

I i i Stock


$325 cwt

Cloet Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St

HERB SNEEl Phono 1S3 Mh t ^raquoraquo4 laquoHlaquo

Howell rUal poundetetlaquolaquo

City Lk and Fmrm Pimymtf A 5slaquoeUlity

List Y o u T ^ w o r t y With Me LEE LAVEY ~

Gi^NpoundKAL INSURANCE Phoeo 59ltP3

Pint kraquoraquo Michigan







bullMM J AND HSATINU 3717 Lafcosido DtfV

Rioh Lako

PHSWARTHOUT A SON RJNERAL Modem AmbuUettcT laquo laquo ^^ _

Phon 3d Pfttkraquor Mtehlgo



OR APPOIN1MBNTS tUrid^mem laquo13

lot $350 terr^ li K EdiMt 2raquo0 Putnan St


Farnieis reed Supply Cramp PHONE 104 MAX RUSSELLMgr

laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

ROOM FOR RENT Suitable for oie I or two ladies Mrs Thomas Murphy Corner E Main nl N Mill Streets FOR RENT-Trapping rights on my farms 1 John Spears Phoiigt iHF12

FOi SALE-Base Burner Hunting Stove Alex Luzlo 3-4 Mile North of Anderson

bullbull FOR SALE Camen^ Mixer holds Vl bv of (bullomfp Geo Engtmist Hi-hMid Lak-

LOST Large Grey Cat with Dei1 St) ipes Whity Markings on Face

i ami Paws REWARD 447 E Main Pimkney Mich

WANTED General Office Work exi^vienced in bookkeeping Upin^ billing Im^jire at Dispatch Office Box 10S


SPECIAL OFFER I will conduct auction sales for

tha lint rate of $15 per sale with oyt regard to the amount of goods to be sold

_ Bert Wylie Auctioneer

FOR SALE Coal burning hot wat er heater and 30 poundpound tank Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St FOR SALE First and second cuttshying ctf alfalfa hay in bales also -onrj mixed hay Lloyd Sendee j SUFFOLK RAMS crossed with Phone 61FU j Black Top Delaine Ewes produce FOR SALt Kitchen Rangte with rapid maturing lamb of top mutton

I oil burner attachmentfine condition Phillip Sprout Phone 19FII

Classified Want Adf iOli SALE-FURNITURE 2 Piect Blue Living Room Suite Metal

Reed Settee and two Chain Crli iSt

quality that will save you weeks1 oi i S u t v a b e ^gt cottage or porclK Skirt grain feeding Small heads prevent e ] Vrnlty and Stool lambing trouble For sale by T lv Ware Rte 1 Dexter Phone Ann Ar bor 25-822two

FARM FOR SALE-80 Acres with private lakel_Hgt mile frc m Poilage Lake $10000 Cash Mr Florence Schultz 3132 Dix j OL SALERound Oak Heat Ave Lincoln Park Mich - ^ f f - ^ r H i M n ^ f i r e p o t $15 FOR SALETwo wheel Trailer I St-cl Box Price $11 Eli Aron De-ter Rd

John F Connors

FOR SALE2 HP Garden tracshytor with 8 inch i low aui Cultivat-

i or complete V E Beach FOR SALE Larfe Ofl Heaters $75 Glennbrook farm Smill Ones $27 Elm ys Guralaquolaquo Oak Grove Mich FOR SALE Gladioles spikes

cut daily Plenty of colors to pick from also rafliite 60c a doz Ww R Barrett 728 E Siubley st Howell Mich Phon c733 W

eu room house

GP UFNJ A garage at 407 Stuart St Pinckney Mrs RaymQnda


Bedroom Chair Li vwiuiiimarble Tnp Table

Tgt-o Dressers Odd Mirror Lamp Fireplace Screen Four Sets of N o vels like new Ping Pong Table and Table Tennis Outfit Pair of Maple Sk Piano Sectional Bookshycase etc Jl-iu amp Pettysville Road 4 miles 11 1 b Piiieknoy

WANTED -Sevinlaquo Dress Making iinrl altcriationsMrlt Joe Stackable )() llov-ell St Pinckney

FOR SALE-5 Heating Stoves f Rev Francis Murphy

FOR RENTSmall year around hou se at Rush Lake Call John Lobdell 800 R Howell after 6

Housewives S AV E YOUR


FOR SALE A Dodge 4 D o ^ Sedan P O R SALESevlaquon room nouso r = T - ^ ^ W r ^ n r rG8 bull w

H y m t h t w o b a t h slaquo s h a d egt ^rdc fruit good ^ A T bdquo u

g g g j ^ Coach Fltvd Coupe rumble seat | i o c a l i o n 2 JO Putnam St VOn SALEWinchester 12 bguaye I FOP SATF I u 4 ^ ^ F 0 ^ SALE Heating stove burn^ P^laquoP trade _ a n d 0 ^ frac34 6 ^

j wood or coai heats 5 rooms Stuart jampderson

FOR SALE Ladys Winter Coat Black size 38good as new a real bargain Inquire 312 W Main St hone 117

Elmers Garage Oak Grove FOll SALE An 11 Inch H a m m e r N K T P T Q n n a t fo d fn

rifle Phone 42 Lucius Doyle


Overcome Soap Shortage


Vegetable Oils Last year Soap Makers only Phere is world wide shortage of all An ia Fats and

ot one fifth of what they used in 1941 Thij also affects pamts textiles leather goods floor

coverings etc Without the help of the American Housewives there would have been uttle soap last

year One out of every nine cfltes of soap made lalaquot- yer was made from waste fats s^ved

n American kitchens

Jo dont blme your grocer ipound he has

butcher no oap but save every ounce of fat you can and sell it to yr^r

We Heed them Leave Them at this Store

guaranteed afeo 600gt16 wheels

STATE OF MICHIGAN raquoruit Court for the County)

otlaquo Livingston in Chancery

REALTOR ^L^hner^^M^g^^^J^^^ mdash n 25c ^ahle For infants girls or ladies Cuff assorted colors LADIES HOSE-4 pairs for $100 3 rooms with 1 acre op Territor-39c value choice of semi-sheer ial road East of Portage Lake Rd rayon or full-seam service weight $1000 with $600 down $20 a mo cotton Full shades N e a v jjexter 13 acres6 room house

) MENS COTTON SOX-8 pair for ^ U i t f n T L M L ^ J W lilK Ji KUSSO Plaiiuff ($$00 26c value medium weight b a n c h l t k t n h o u a e W00 00 Caah


NEELY raquoit uarniiiu in the Circuit wr

ior the County of Livingston tin Ghutbullbullbull at the City of Howell W i in f id county and state on Septeml $190 be 3rdt 1947 l -

i his cau e it appearing fvoi the worn bill of compliant on file thai the plaintiff does not know the present whereabouts of Charles uusso defendant and whether^Jvej-j is a resident of the state of Mlchi- c

Go Acres 5 rooms bath basemen^ and other outbuildings $10000 V cash

long style or short elastic topAs sorted coiors BfRDSEYE f)IAPERS-$295 a doz enFirraquot Quality27x27 hemmed in

S P S i S v w S Y 1 ra~ lt strade o i l f laquo ^ ^ cent18500 frac12 cash MENS DRLSS SOX5 pairs for lt(1 A bdquo I luA laquolaquo laquoAlaquo

60 Acres 8 room modern brick i cash


sttfe or short elastic top Assorted pound pound ^ Hosery are slight imperfects h f t s n n u gt n l f t r i n u m i T L i laquontii

35c value Fine rnyon long 16c

A c r e 7 ^ hdegW

basement electric pump o l water heater furnace nie cement pier A

rooms and bath


gan or lives outside the State ofjgtQ p o x 2029 Miehigan in a foreign country KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE

On motion of VanWinkle ft Van W A NTED Ashes and rubbish to WilSA U i l lt ls deg hau^ awagt- W i l l a llaquodeg PJ c k UP oM DERLD tnat the said Charles Russo n e w s p a p e r and mayazines cau5a his appearence to be entered laquo bullbull heroin within three months from the date of this order and that in i case of his appearence he cause hte answer to olainliffs bill of compl aint to be ii led and a copy thereof served on the attorneys for plain tiffs within lifteen days after ser vice on said defendant Charles Russo of a copy of paid bill and notice of this order And thrt in de fault thereof said bill be taken as confessed by pound~id dcrondant Chcs Rultlaquoo r bull

And it is turiher ordered that within forty days the plaintiff Base ie E Russo cause a copy of this or der poundo be published in the Ptafcney Dispatch a ne- -paper printed pub lished and circulating In amid Coun ty and that 3uch puWieatian be

| continued therein for at Watt once in each week for six weeks In sue ceasion or that she cause a copy oi this order to be personally served on said defendant Charles Roaao

fat bullleast twenty days before the time prescribed for hi gt Glenn C Yetland bull Circuit Court Commissioner j Van raquoriclaquo Van Winkle Attorneys for Plaintiff

colors Please state size Wanted c-mnnn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Jf^f WOUuu NO CODa WE PA^-Parcel Post 1 ^ ^ l _ Mtw^ SOUTHKRN SALES COMPAQ ^T^r ^ 2 - frac34 frac34 $ pound

1 $1750 down GEORGE I ROBlHt

Ypsilanti P^one 2840 Salesman Clyde OWasopPmckney Fred Millspaugh YpsiPh 1275 at R O CummingsYpsU Ph 70laquo U Harry Prfcsk


$pound Rom where I sit fy Joe Marsh

Prissys Got a Man I (Maybe)


sterday Sis Mertfn our U-bv -an found rn article cut from th file copy of the Clnritn When fHc compared it with another copy thrt I gave her che found it was my ccumn on ltHow to Kcp a Hos-pand Happy ^

Nothing unurI c gtx-c the last pcrjon fzzn reading t mper was Prissy Hcskins (or- to rs proverbial Old Maid)

i VcM if Prissy has inally got a r more pitwer to her Andatore t ranee te bclh of them he-cauife thats what my eotnma was

about Tolerance of a ta^te for old hats old pipes eld friends and mellow beer And tolshyerance on the hosnands part of a wifes tastes and aabtta

From where 1 sit nobody be-grudges Prissy taking that dipshyping from the Clarion But Pd tike to hint that if shed jnst sneewfts shed get my thoughts on tolersnea firathand And in return PH treat her to a glass of beer


eraquoer^W^ bulllaquowJewe^P e7awefjgtew bullbullaT^^n^aWW

J bull A V bullSri

Page 2: Qispatcfj - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-11-12.pdf · Qispatcfj • Michigan Mirror ... the U. S. Pinckney Dispatch [c7'S DEMOCRACY ... Moat mi tkttm






bullbulli w laquobullbullbull T - raquo laquo ^ laquo f

^ frac34 frac34 ^

^ Pinckney Dispach Wbdraquogd v 11 J laquo f ^ - bull f raquo J gt ^ ^ w mdashrawjr bull rsraquorlaquoBjaBBssBBw- mdash ^ _ ^ ^ w^uraquow v ^ s r ^ w ~


sWff COOKCD Thats what Jim said after the Erst meal on our new electric range And hes right Postwar electric range$ are a vast improvement over older models Ovens aft better insulated Heating units are more efficient That means even faster cooking lower cost

You save extra time too with the automatic control

that starts and Stops your range by itself Why you can go shopping all day and have supper ready to serve

when you return And theres no heating up the kitchen no soot or smoke to bother about

These easy-to-use electric ranges are in stock right now1 at your local dealers Be sure to see them soon

W C Miller and family hu i ed ixva the bluffs to uuv c doji larm

C Y Van Winkle and wife have font) to California

Keuben Kisby and Florence Im kett of KaniDurg were married Oct n bull

Walled Lakes consolidated fcchool was opened last week

Sheriff Teeple and Deputie Chaa Moran and Koger Carlisle were shot ut latt week in Green Onk whilo raid ing a still k



j i

i J



1 i



raquood ath-uready

Fri Sat Nov 14 IS

STALLION ROAD A vlaquory gc^d ltov triaogie on a


SMITH fCartdbw Now SportrelaquoI

Sun Tuo Nlaquov 16181

A $uper Oram of Love and Faith

1 Tragedy CraquotoOraquo

F a Sat Nov 44 IS J

LOVE ANLT LEARN1 raquo A Comedy with


PAGE 4k Latest News

me in i ^ e n o Ore f Iu i N w raquo daughter cf Clyde i bull bull^ bull bullTrw First laquoSh bullv fell from bull 11laquo ( n t C t 0 deg P- m gt Secon


^ +fl I

fe 7 LBS DETROIT EDISON Co Switch fo Mafchlts Cookery Mow

In the drive to got a hgLraquo letk field Stockbridge has collected $665000 )

Charles Poole ho has b-n spa m l iiij -ov ui months in MichV raquon tow I retained to his home in ^-laquo 4-^

Murion McClear Mraquo(itH of Gregory ycle lrst week and broke nar leg

Born to Mr and Mrs Clifford LaniL-d ]r (Whirley Rockwell) of Lansing Oct 16 a son

Mi Kffie Wright iias resigned as teaeher in Gregoi^ and Mrs Maude Young has been hired to replace her

Taylor Collins who lost hit) suit in circuit court commissioners court to evict 8 tennants has appealed It to ejreuit court

County Clerk John Hagman has recovered sufficiently from his reshycent auto accident to be able to reshyturn home from McPherson hospital

A pipe line from the Howell gas field on the McPherson farm ia being built to the main pipe line near lew Hudson

William JacofK 69 of Howell was fatally injured in that city last week when hit by a car on on Grand River driven by Fabian Adams of South L|ron

Frank Laginess who was sent up for life in Washtenaw county for murder of Harry Cyb a gasoline stat ion operator at Willis has been granted a new trial under the reshycent court ruling He was not givshyen council and was arrested con vie ted and sentenced the same day His companion in the crime Grovcr terry js also serving life for the same crime Terry at one time lived in this section and was senten ced for chicken theft

The L^on township school board whgt)se school is situated at South Lyon has voted to change into an agriculture schoo)

The South Lyon high school ath letic teams wilt hereafter be known asu Ihe Rockets

iv^vlerville high school won 3rd plaoe in the Tri-County football lea poundue Williamston was first with no defeats

Jack Boyd New Hudson killed a 14 popnt buck last week with an arshyrow just west of Milford



Flu (News ow will Start

Second at 8lt45u

Coming- UncUtcurrent Hoart Chey


Svn Mon Nov 1617

First National


Under Federal Supervision Member Federal Deposit insurance C orporationAU Deposits Insured Up to |5000 for Each Depositor


1 Dont pay more than you car afford

2 Get impartial aMce on real estate values v f

3 Make aamp large a dcvn p^wneiu as you can

4 Finance the rest with a conshyvenient bank mortgage

Burglaries arr being prepetrated sectv erywbere Protect your cash by

ing our night dupository us

IVY Starrin



Cartoon JOE DOAKES Conadjt Sunday Shows 3S7-8

Tuclaquo Wed Thur Nov 18 19 20


A Good f Steal In TK icolor



bull u u c Fri iraquoov l 14







artooa Nraquovehjj

i d



lVrcy ^yraquo j-thcut hgts sold his biiid uin- on V Main Si to the (iorder amp Iatr(l Uakiuir Co of Detroit whlaquo bu|s milk to~~ilaquoake^ bread with^ Sev era) route will be iiai-tc-d at onoo The buikiiny has had a ionjv cee

postolfficc there It Clinton aiio )(|bull Ailgo had hardware stores theie fheii Cha llympton had his uivvr

akinc parlors there and Mr Swar thout used it for the same thing and

so as a residence

It a bviil by Chas riymnton nraquod Siracn lii-y^ In the nineties for a

i creamery Later Mike Fohey had the

The bodv of G^ Kraquoraquoraquoey was gtgtro o-lv here from Flint fo burW ^ r

tie leaves a wife 2 sons his mother MJ 2 sisters

The Federated Church Ladies Aid held their annual fair over barrva Drug Store Nov 25th

The friends ctf Mr and Mrs Frank Bowers gave them a farewell paoty wVd night and their families They are moviny to Detroit where Frank

wnt~be---dergtutymdasheoulaquoty-elerk Count Agent Bolander conduct

ed ii poultry demonstration at the m I^edwidge farm Thursday



OR PERSOi vl hi RilASO^


bdquo Nov 15Door oplaquon 6sl5 ptn KKArtCt2raquo JuAi^ofMSUi

Sugar Coffee Cheese

5 P C a C M C S NO 2frac12 CAN FkCfS

l b Bags

Daady Fresh Cop Ground

Vetveeta jlaquon lb ^LoaS

Head Lf ttuce amp Heaie 4b

5c um

43K 89euroj 17laquo

l -0 Cabbag

Cookinf Miracle Whip


Apples X lbs fr

Qts Kf afts

Yearling Lamb Side streasts St twg I


Chop End

Cts l L b

bull laquo laquo bull bull bull bull laquo bull


Nolm of 47 Years Ago The body of Terrence Shielda was

brought here for burial Thur George Lum and family have mov

ed to the rooms over the meat market

Justin Swarthottt has sold his farm to Emory Markham and brou-

I ght another one in Huron cunu I Maude Richmond a Pinckney aea por pasaed the teachers exiuninati gtn J last) week I trunks killed all ojf George Teep Is English pheasants last week

Wiliiard Henry and Charlie Tufts of Dexter visited John Martin lasi bull erk and enjoyed a few days hunt

ing Arthur Shehan and h u e Mae

t obey were married at St Mary church Wtodne4day Rev Ctynener

ford GO friends of Bert Applet gave n a surprise party Wed nigkt gtmioe Greer Is teaching at Rath

ii bull

Albsst Drake 2d uiistoa

Coxa Abbott poundigham county

ijuis lkiee of Gregory has turaed from the Plullipine

i^otert f fiach Gregory aexAiQ foreman has bete transferred to Pontiac

B O A to pound L Topping and wife N o U t g i r i

The Schuier ice house at land i being repaired

George Clark and the K A Allen families have erected monuments on heir cuirtnsfr lets here

F^y Teeple hat resoed as cashier of the Paaekney Bank and wiH go- to Maaistttae Mica

The Y M C gave their fiat dan oe at the opera house The boy or-

ltshesairaquo Fiank fewer CiyM latyre and Sid Sprout plapad The hotel larfiisaed 1



raquo^laquolaquolaquot(^U lraquolaquoitft S4llaquoiv Alaquotcei



Sun MOB NOV 1laquo 17 j Mat Sun 2 p m CoatluVlaquolaquo




Cartoon Likiost Nows




MoreJty Claquorgtoe


Week end oaUeas at the ipii J u^-c Gaj Raid


Lester Xettel s W ^ t t e T ^ ^ and wife Detroit ftjn fi Maiatj of Mnneapoiis is ^ ^

sCsi Albersa Mrkel mad Vmi U d the eaJjd e b l i r a c d USSL raquom

Lake called on


o V

s$pound~ bull bull bull



Uuoert A Campbell laquo2 Uncle BoL to most poeplo died evident^ of u heart suae at his borne in Aon Arbor Friday Ye editor hae tfiiowu nn4 ^eiiunaay xur tulaquo pas1 iO ygt Uu jgh Masenery and he haa been a regular attendant at the Pait Maa ua bullgt uuhqueia hero including the one laat Mucu lue name c-ttvid itoe was Kiven him I) the students of the University of Michigan during tha 20 years he served that instiwnWu as treasurer Ii addition he waraquo asshysistant auditor general and served 3 tcvina as mayor of Ann Arbor Ho belonged to all the Masonic organshyisations and served as chairman of the powerful grand lodge finenoe comrittee for many years l it orshyganized the U of M Craftmeni team and toured the state for many years putting on Masonic deshygree wWk Burial was in Port Hurshyon urviving are a son William of Belding ^

raquo bull t

tradepoundlt^m NoCof theltLj

With the season (an ducks patid over by NOB I tauttfN art prepar bullsquirrels and bow dnd arrow ltamplt - bullng for the dear leas o r ibartinf y5 Trapping starts in the upp

bull The Pinckney O E S at their meet tag honored Mrs Percy Ellis their treasurer who leaves tw a

bull M M a M M T

Circuit Court New Lluyd Stearms of Powlervilte waf

probtioned last June for^forgersiraquo Atigist he broke it by being sentencshyed to jail in Ingham county on a di owiejiy charge Judge Collins c^do ed i is rearrest and last week gave him a 40 day jail sentence and craquon tinut1 hi probation to June 3 10 V

In the ampuit of Charles Vincent vs tho City ctf Howell the court found in fjvor of 4he city Vincent soughi title to a portion of the street adshyjoining his property at Howell Lake He was also ordered to move hi house from the slreet

In circuit court last week follshyowing divorces granted Gertrud front Hay Wombles Lois from Earl Hill lltep from Robert Martyn No ma from W L Smith Dora from Al bert SmithGeorge from Irene Mase Dec cos were given in the suit o Mar- Huston vs Gilbert Daniels anltT j in the case of Robert vs C Bain I dissolve partnership

peninsula Nor 16 and in the lower I grsti n on the tabic At one md e l

tsiiiilEMi ^ - i ^ 1 1 Wlif tl4raquo irgeraquo crowd iiuck mm^poundJ5Spoundi T 1 V2 voy- raquolaquoy has played before Probably ar age parly following pound raquo meeting Fri ound 2000 Mora WnckaaTneou bull pound fl l yengt w l IKo were thero tpoundZtopoundampxpound n m e S S Ellis was th center dec gXulaquo n r e w ^ G w S T t S e

a uraquot

t 15 with laquo atrade MM ft uu wraquo th u s Si ZgtlaquolitSttflJJ on Lake marshes BadgeT and skunkthe other end the Union Jack Mrs weauw may bull taken to Jhn Wraquo Jibe o bull end the IJnisi Jlaquock Mrs

The thrd wesas nounViWjrment Wtnfied Aberdeen rrlaquovnui raquo tr raquon 978 foxes totalled Mttlt More Veittamp beg to Mrs Ellis in behalf than naif he foxes taken we e trap of the chapter Ann tfirdjw Wu-bdquo ped and 17 killed y cars bo danced and her sisterJoaJMgtUiy

One-fifth mora camps were pitch ed several selections on the piauo 1 in state parks this year than iu jL gt neck oT Ana Arbor chapter

nresentathas fromMichigan to rrVK was present vubdquo

1946 While most iohign farms are

well watered there are 468 f a r m -totalling 16800 acres irrigated Most ^ ltf them are in Berrien county Moat T A T | J MICtUQAN -percent get their water from streams 1W P r o s ^ t e u t t e r the Cenaty o from lakes and 20 from wells pt Uvlaquogtok

The ground water levels in the bull At a ssion of said Court hold tower Michigan are slightly above at tha ^Probate Office in thr City avcurc now bull rof Howell in said County on the

Tlie biggest bock door on record 18fd day of Norduber A Dbdquo 1947 uken in the state was one aear Mlo f rroaouS Hon WUUa L Lyons

CHOIR FESTIVAL Tl o 7th annual choir festival t

the lt hurches of the Ann Arbor Me di bullraquo ilaquo-t will be held at the Firs

Methodist church Ann Arbor No 1 In addition to^all the Washtenaw courny churches Brighton ^ou Lymi Stoltkbridge Monroe Wsvyn Flat Kck Dundee Mijlville Nortl ville and Romulus will take pan Tho tine is 800 p m

weighing 268 lbs drosfod

STATE OF MICHIGAN he Prlblaquotlaquo CoBrt for tbe Coiiaty

of Ueiagsten At a session of said Court held

aut the Probate Office in the City of Howell in said Count on the 10th day lttt November AD )047

Present Hon Willis L Lvone udge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate ot Cleve G Poole Deceased Grace If Poole having filed in

id Court her final administration lt-ount and ner petition praying |ion or the allowance thereof and for e assignment and distribution of bullbullbull residue of said estate

It is Order That the 1st day of gteccmber AD 1947 at ben oclock

in the forenoon at said Probate Of-ico be and is hereby appointed fur raminig and allowing said account id heaing said petition

iadga of Probata In tho Matter of the Batata of

Edward J Perry Deceased Robes-t J Perry havtng filed in

said Court hi final administration account 4 his petilion praying foi tha allowance theteot ism tor tile assign men and distribution of the residue dt said estate

- _ pttAd The only one rinckney intercepted

Way Hurtibuse uiaue a Kooa catch of a pass It was high A Dexter Piayer uaid a up in tne air and laquolaquoy caught it when it came down

nt aue WUd Vcly c i c ^ l l y yiimy9 oa and no penalty over gt ytinU was handeu out Pinckiey got eost of UIJJlaquo ixr otsidas _ This was tha dedicaUon gv^ie and bir-vei hulvH poeches were made

John Hoey pros of the Dexter rec Bd Mayor Wall of Dexter Carl rik-e ^e ut U4euro achua tin ^ohn JfcMsitei- rift of the Molded Plast ics was master of ceremonies

As a tfonsdation Jim Meytr Pin-canay CApt was asked to draw out the winning number for the Ford mdashd an given away by the Kiwanis club t benefit of field Dan Uckly won

The night was cold but we have seen games in colder weather There was no rain after 6 oclock Tha cheer girlc then in fall fefee did plenty of uyeJUng to keep warm We will give them a compliment They used their brains by all wearing

| slacks The Dexter cheer lassie OP

| $ gt

l J t f t t X 2 l F $ 4 2 1 deg t h M laquo - - we^e a i l W i e g g i d oclosk to the toruitam at -oald Probata Office be an is hereby appointed for examlng~oraquod allowing W1J account and hearing said p^t


CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the people of

Pitukriy and vicinity for their kinltilti nhown us during our lErif eavement bull bull bull ^ J inc -1^ of Mrs Mary Fkk

STATE OK MICHIGAN Tno Circuit Court for the Count Of Livingston in Chancery Onler Of Publication Ru-sell Lightle and Marie Lumaixl Lightle his wife

Plaintiffs -vs-

L R Lumbarc1 and his unVwgtw heirsdevipoundees legatees and assigns

Dejtendati Suit pending in said Court en tl 2r Hay of September 194J

It appearing froan the sworn b of compliant filed in tbif oaaao that the plaintifte have not bee able after diligent search and ftqi ry to ascertain whetfer defen ants are living or dead or whei^ they reside if living or whetne they or any of them have ffensona re|)resentatives living or when thegt or any of them reside or whethe the title interest claim lien or pa si Die right of said defendants in an to the land and premises heroiaaf ter described has been aaslgnod tlaquo any other peoson Or persona o whether such title interest ciaic lien or possible right in said pre mises has been disponed of by oar defendants by Will

And it further appearing to Gcvrt that the plaintiffs do no know and have not been able afte diligent search and inquiry OS a certain the names of the who are inctnded elk defendants 1 this cause wfthotrt being weaned

T h e r e f o r e anotsf o a f C i cllano tne y uuif 4 u ordored that the above nsmnd dlt iendante and each and ofl and their unknown ltritees and assigns aearampnce entered in m three montho f this onder and that of the bill of in he oaken ad eonfeeand wy aaad 4-fondants and ea and gB of

And h- is furtner ajpAonsd ft the plaintiffs from the date hereof der to be pnhlinVd In One Dispatch a itshed mad cjmristed In of six

Joaph H Cefflnt A | rraquo i Copy

A 6 4

asm is es epajHt on the fotkaxiaiT tKlbed bullate and baislaquo m Obr Or Cieen lt^_Gmr 4

H Is Further Ordered That pub-tic notice thereof be given by pub-icatlon of a copy ofu this order for three successive weeks p r i o n s to said day of hearing In the Pinekney Diraquopateh^ newspaper printed and circulated In said Coun-

Willis f Lyons Judge of Probate It is Further OrderedThat public 1 Celesta Parshall^Uglster of Probate

otlce thereof be given by publics-1 on of a cony of this order for I -ec sueceJisfve weeks previous to I STATS OF MfSjif

aid day of hearing in tampe Pfnek-1 The PreWte Coart for the Csualj y Dispatch a newspaper printed I ef Urfagtteis

id circulated in said cqnnty J At a saastoi of said Court hehi Willis L Lyons Jodga of Probate 1st the Proaoao Ottkr in io CVy ^lectia Parshall Register of Pro- lef HoweU In aaid County on the

128th day of October A D 1947 FresesX Hon WHlls L Lyonp

Judge of Frahats In the Matter of the Cstete 0

William J Nash Deceased Mark A Nash having filed in

said Court his final administaiicwi |aeeount and his petition praj-5nj- fo)

his allowance thereof and the sssij nment distribution of the residu ot said estate

It fs Ordered that the 17th day of November A D 1947 at ten orcjocl in the forenoon at said PrcbmU^tl ice be and is hereby appointed for examining and allowing said acshycount and hearing said petition

It U Further Ordered 5at pnb-m notste thereof bo gWon by puh-Msation of a oopy of this order for

each month Cor 4 months prioi of bnering a phe P^nekney

ARD OF THAWKS We wish to thank all those

tded and assisted as during ne our son was injured Mr and Mrs Max Reynolds

WA6 the



COUNTY OF LIVINGSTON At a session of said Ceart held at

he Probate Office in the City of (owe II in said County on the 6th bulla of November A D 1947

Present Hon Willis L hyoM udge of Protate raquoame of Harry Bowsher

n bthe Matter of tne Charge of Jante 0 Harry Bowsher

Adult Married Person iUrry B Bowsher having ftWd la id Court his petition praying that

he Ccani enter an order changing J fend that of his wife Grace ) Bowsher to Harry amp Britt and race O Brttt

It ts Ordered Tha^ the let day of )ecemher A a 1947 at ten oclock n the forenoon at said probate of ice copye and ft hereby eppointed fongt| tearing said petition

It is Further Ordered The psAlle ottec thereof be given py ion of a copy of this ach week for three anrteativs eeks previous to said hearing in

h Pinckney Dispatch a newspaper bullrinted and dreulaosd in said county Villis L Lyons Jadge of Probew 4 true copy ttestia Parshali Register of Probata

This game shows the advantage of having a gopd kicker In our opinshyion the superb punting of George Johnson Dexter kicker was the diff erence between the two teams He averages 50 yds to a kick and was amptly protected in his efforts

Pinckney plefed the best game of their season but just did ncjt have it Four times apparently touchdown bound they were stopped Dexter got 8 good breaks and cashed in on them This was the system which made Coach Yost Michigan famous He won most of his game on the oth er teams mistakes

Dexter is known as a fine defenshysive team having had only 6 points icored against them in 2 years They ipheld their reputation in this game holding like a stonewall when Pinck ney got on their 10 yard line

Pinckney ends her season here Friday phjying Hartland a p 10verbal pushover Dexter Brightonand South Lyon have all beaten Hartland by big scores Hartlanda victories have all been against reserve teams from Howell Holly Fontop etc

The Dexter team Is built around Tohnaon the kicker and Kielwasser m end The latter has scored most f Dexters points after receiving

cent 3



eafg nay or noon MsppteV bull newspaper printej and

lelreulnted in aaid County WftMs L Lyons Judge of Probate

Mrs Albert Dinkef Osraghter Al-berta and Levi Lodtka were fn Jack son Saturday

Mrs Leland Grant oust children of Ann Arbor visited her sister Mary Wylie Thursa and called at the F Wylte home





40 Turkeys 40 Games NOTICE

There will be a meeting of Corin hJan shine Ne W at the Masonu Hall in HowelL Thar evef Nov 18tli at 8 Vceck

Thlaquo Petition for a Charter bns been held open until after this meet ing fog those who still wish to lgte~ come CHamprter Members


The Rings Daufhtors were deHh 0 Thar eve at th

of Mrs Desxan N ltlt neult Alaquoraquon Artec Xineteer neuW bull or two guests went pMsent The aopinese of the evening con

for the Red hand and

the Town Hall Most elt


At Pinckney High School Gym

ampB8 i BL

Sponsored by

MaolttMgr VeFeWe Port 7

laquobull fA-fcji- ~

^ ^ ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ^ ^ ^ laquo(aeamp


r tf ^ ^


Rokos Soda Now Setvin g Hot Lunches Horn Made Chili

Home Made raquo ^

S^^T w


Pastry Bread Oar Display


Special Orders Picked Up

IGE CREAM Let Us Pack You a Delicious Quart

Black CherrybullOrangefRiueappIef HoneymoonChocoIato Strawberry Lemon In Bulk Pkfe PinraquoVanill a Cherry Butter Pecan

Leave Your Dry Cleaning withUs Picked Up and Delivered Twice Weekly Expert Workmanship

Phone yen105 V



Pinckney vs v

bullbull -- SttOPM amppound3poundpound-

- V bullbullgtbull

bull bull

laquo NV V raquo bull v bull=bullraquo bull bull - ~ bull bull bull- J

- bull bull raquo bull 4laquo bull laquo j bull - rbdquo






PINCKNEY DjSPATCH Wlaquodneraquodraquoy Nov 12 1947

Peoples Store N


Groceries Drygoods raquooods Shoe

Gents Furnishings Lingerie

Kenuedys Gen Store


[Weekly Trip Madhe to Detroit

Lloyd Hendae

Miss Marion Carson of Dearborn - was a Sat gest of Mr and Mrs M

Campbell I l Ihe Lee Lavey family were m f Jackfcon Sunday

raquo o n laquo 64r l4





Oriffnffi Company To Pay for DEAD STOCK

Stanley Dinkel was in Detroit on bus iness Friday

Mrs Iici2 Hondee spent Sat m Ann Arbor

Mr and Mrs Mylo Chubb of How ell ealled on Mrs Rose HendeiJ Sun

Mrs Weltha Vail and Mr and Mis Clifford Buttleman spent the week end in Detroit

Murray Kennedy and family spent Sunday at the Stanley Culver farm in Oak Grove

Mr and Mrs Irvin Kennedy spent Sunday with Ambrose Kennedy and wif gt in Howell

Mrs Hazel Ely of Ann Arbor spent tuniay with Mr and Mr M K Darrow

Mrs Mary Hoff is visiting in i)et roit

Mrnd Mrs Charles Hewlett araquori son ^pent last Wed in Detroit

Paul and Margaret Brogan of Chiison spent Sun with Mrs Eleanor ledwidge

W C AtLec and on attended the MMj-Ind football jnro at Ann Arshybor Saturday

P4MCKNEY DISPATCH Published Every Wednesday 115 Main St Pincknav StobWan

- bullbull- Entered M second vitas Hatter at Postoflice at Pinckney Michigan undc in laquot of Marcr- 8 187

Subscription rau $150 a Year

rAift w cun-BTf nnusHii Mrs Earl liautfhn entertained thy

Vast Matrons of the 0 E S Mon ampfrs Bonnie Henry and Mrs Mable Sliaffer were co-hostesses

A|rs John Carver jr spent Mon In Wayne

Mrs Max Reynolds Mrs L E Hau ghn and son and Mrs Karl Baughn were luncheon guests of Mrs Robt Seefeld Thursday

Misses Joan and K Ann Bird of Wsjpne were over night guestb of the Earl Baughns last Friday

Mr and Mrs John Carver jrwere Mon dinner guests of Mr and Mr B Wiisoa in Ann Arbor

Hollis Wylie and family spent Sun in Fowlerville

Dale Miller and family were Sun guests at the Ikdlis Hollovvay farm at Wrights Corners

Mrs Clara Kennedy and daughter Mrs Norma Uerycz and daughter of Detroit Mrs Wilbur Eisele and Mrs C Eisele Fowlerville helped Mrs Emma Vollniei celebrate birth day Wednesday

Mrand MrsDon Swarthout spem Sunday with Mr and Mis Emil Wed digo in Ann Arbor

Rev and Mrs Morris of Hamburg were a finer quests of Mr and A B D- n Swuiiiout Friday

Mrs Jack iaircliild Jind 2 children of Detroit wvre l i i guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Aberdeen

Mr and Mi Hanr Leo entertain ed Alger Lee and jamiigt of Jsauga-tuek James MeKiney and wife of Jackson and S HLCan and wife Sun in honor of Algers bivihdii

Mrs Gladys Lee Mr Jack Bay--tes and Mr llorton attended a Kinds Dau-hteis bd meeting in Howell Saturday

Mr and Mrs Glenn Cheney of Fowlerville were Sun guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Bat(dlo

Mrs Lqtois Coyle attended the rrr Daughters Past Prea meeting A i e home of Mrs Claude Jiurk-

harut in Howell Saturday Sunday guests at the Lester Mcshy

Afee home were Omar Cass and wife of Detroit and David Steele and fam ily ctf Frederick

Harold Raidy and family spent week end in Bad Axe

Mr and Mis Mylo Chubb of How ell called at the Lynn Hendee home Sunday

Gale Hendee attended the Mich-Ind football game in Ann Arbor Sat

Mr and Mrjj Ival Shirley of Way ne spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Albert Shirley

Miss Gertrude Spears of Los Angshyeles Calif is visiting her father Ed Spears sr

Billy Shehan of Ann Arbor spent teh week end with Mr and Mrs Wrti Shehan

Mrsect Ameia Rheinber^er Mrs 0 Gasset Mrs Hilda Wasmund and Blieen Gassert of Detroit were Wed (meats at the M E Danow home

mdash bull - JJJilLl

east or Alive [ORSES $20 COWS $20 HOGS $6 cwt


tern Equipment Capable Men E L PARKER KdtA Phone 88 Pinchmv

IThe FASTFST O s d ampUrktService m Mfchiffui

StoekCo I _w IJB

lectric Wgttef Heaters

Water Syttemt

Mr and Mrs Geo^y V^aboh jr spent Sunday in Jackson

Andrew Nesbitt and wfe attended the Charles DeWolfe funeral in llarn burg Friday

Mr and Mrs N A Housner of Bri ghtcn called on Mr and Mrs Andrew Nesbitt Saturday

Mrs Elizabeth Brown end daugh ters were in Dexter Friday

Mrs Nelson Treaster and children Ann Arbor spent Sunday with Mrs

John Bell Viola and John remained for a visit

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs L J Henry were Clyde Smith of Ann Arbor and Alice Lee Ware of Howell

Mrs Marie Bauer And children of Brighton spent Sunday at the Louis Shehan home

Mrs Roberts McArtor Amburgey and daughter of Mo are visiting hereMerlin Amburgey is in veterans hospital at Springfield Mo for ner vojis dsorder

Bom to Mr and Mrs Robert Ack Us (Mildred Jack) at Mcpherson hospital Sunday a girl

Mrs Felix Jerslowski ad children and Marv Lame returned home

at sta y


tanley Dlnket NOTICE

eeca tm hasintm lame Stewsat Anderson Bid tm JStteet Metelvettc gurnet downspouts repairing lis ussnear fwterc ere we alecopy be

Fabricate^ 4 Sheet Metal Company

msm bull 3

X fleets eg Jejeksmi The ftoed Seed esse fimor Wise bullHssijhs laquoett raquo ley lt$ mgt mj

Friday from a 2 mouths Phoenix Arizona

M-s Eliza VsmSiekle Mr ad Mrs Erdy VanSickle Charles Dewey ad Mr and Mrs Ben Tomliu left Me0 for Pheonix Arte for the win ter

Miss Jois Harris has been named trees of the Reeves school district to replace Mrs Louise Glenn rericn ed

Floyd Martin sad wife kave movshyed from Portland to the house en MtU St 4bey bnsuft of Joe Geatile

Mrs Eftfcer Ceinpbetl is confined to ber kome by IHeeas - Pavl R^ssesL sett of Mr and

Mrs Max Russell wss injured Thur bullday p so wiiee be wes rtick by an eeto Bis eiether bed parked

across frem tbe pestefxlee end sent Wn aerese tbe reed for tbe snail On

his way bade with it 1st wes struck by a eer driven by Miss Lots sweU-nnhcrrfr join west laquoa M-96 l b s reer feaser of tbe Kesleubensnr car WA laquoern io^e Dr Ray i Durff s was emeraquosieVend it wss felaquond that tbe bey had laquo ltesMraquossien end e

Meraquo I c t a jbsrtia laquolaquo4 Mrs Oedlaquoe

Shlrey amp Sons Garage





Phone No 138












PHONE DEXTER 5116 7628 TOMA RD RT2 Pinckny


600x16 U S ROYAL TIRES Plus Tax U Trad In 10raquoS GUARANTEED BATTERIES - - $g S 0

A TO Z LUBRICATION 730 AM TO 900 P M $ 1 0 0



M M mdash 4

If your telephone grew in SIZE the way its growing in VALUE

- s

If s a good thing we 4osrt have to snake your telephone bigger every time we flsake it possible for you to call more people Yad have to move out of tbe bouse to saake room for tbe telephone

Eaoept for tbe innreeeing jjae of your telephone directory you may not realshyise bew tibe telephone eyete is being

I Jsjje- fi

Eacb of these new telepbones aomeone else you can ceH It may be a butcher a baker a hardware store a doctor or lawyer or druggist Or it may be a friend or relative youve not been able to reach until now

The point is that each new telephone meant more errant your telephone mdashraquo nm for ym - more jobs it can do for you If s getting more vmiusbk everyday



lt bull ft

- ^ - ^ - N

s a l


MM rupmm craquoraquoawx i bull+bull

r bull r-

mm bull-

slssssss Ml

i A- tmi

3 ^

gt r laquogtgtbull - ^ - r -A

- bull4raquo

Pinckney Oil Wednesday Nov 12 VM1

Close Out Sale


02^ 00 Lrt Price Sale Price $210

Price $255 00


MclfiiersOK State Bank

raquo FOR SALE Cabbage $151) per bu j or by the head

Hurl Gallup

FOR SALE-2 Piece BUck Dress bullsiae 13 Phone 13

FORSALE-Team of Mare and Harness Cheap Famhgt M^nkivMs

Phone 3Fi Pinckney


FOR SALE Radio phoncraph co-i bination Leautiful console cabinet

1 GEHL NO 20 STO KER Lilaquot Sale Price


Sale Price $13500

Price $16500


Sale Price amp 19195

2 PURITAN WATER SOFTNERS Lint Pric $15995 Sale Price $12)95


The fixed expenses are easy to account ftgtr They are rent insur ^ amc taxt-i upkeep of car and iiCA V i o i VlaquoTLH ngti^ home Thigt leaves the variables I que Bedioom Suite 12500 food euuvtainment and personal lt) J L Cunnois Silver Lake Road j e -nsesi 1 Cement Mixers for plusmnent 8Vj cu

rite important thing is whether j ft gasolint or electric power 9frac12 tj r remtin in keeping withI Cu ft mixers for sale an wheel or income or are they Arcing a con- skids -less power) Trailers for rent siant drain on savings or hale- axles wheels and hitches

As the G Ps said Lets face it44 Charcoal and Pkg Coal Success di^enda in saving something f WILSON TRAILER RENTAL SER

every pay day Ucgin now

eah week j J I WANTEDMen to cut wood on

shares Three Brothers Farm 10354 Dexier-Pinckney Road

Money to loan at reasonable rtes | F Q R S A L E 1940 Super Deluxe Interest paid on Savings Books and j p ^ A - 1 condition Call 39F3 bet-Time Certificates of Deposit f ween 430 and fi 30 p m

All deporaquoiU up to $500000^1raquo j p o R SALE Brand new Conde Milk ing Machine in original cartoons

ftU M Deify M U Dou W Vaalas4e Pinckney Mich | Charles K teWenlel

Daily 1100 A M to 2 tOO P M Attorneys at U laquo Except Wednesday j F|rlaquot State and Savings

Mon TulaquoiFri SaU 700-600 pnr | Howell Mllhljmdash


112frac12 N eiicJugea m TeJepbeoee

Office 935 Roaidence 814 )516 FLEMING ST HOWELL Elaquooraquoogx by Appoisttatesi

Howell MilaquoWraquor


924 N Main St Ann ArbotMieJl Hauid Chubb Local Representative

ICE 63 21 Grand River HowellEast End of Lake Chemung Open E enings and Sunday Phone 35451

J I C with a dollar or more ^ K n j 0 f Lake Chemung Open Ev-

McPaerm State Balk


Pinckney Michigan

-1 MARTrN J LA VAN i Pbon 13 ) Pbon

raquourcopyd by e r i




2 membership iraquo v ^ Deposit Iolaquouranlaquoe Catymdash | alunlmunT Pftiis or Stainless Steel I

your- choice Harry Waldron Howell Mich SPINET PIANO BARGAIN

Would like to contact some rea ltiWr iiarf with good credt r e - FOR RFNT-Modern 5 room apart-

k) L pay $12500 eah j ment mdash mdash v a iw minimum iontgt I


and ^U )

Roy Hannett phone III

lv payments an a lovely spinet piano FOR SALE11 acres of corin m ear 1( iraquoi-n are of thi- pApar jiv- | a n d 30 to n alfalfa and brome hay

and I will tell ytgtu j7re(j Segerphone Brighton 4870 in r-leronces where piano can be seen

l i i FOR SALE New hQuse 22X30 io m Kitchen large bedroom

Bath poundnd lTtility Cellar 2

TO liEKT Room and board for two jjirls or Man and wife

I i i Stock


$325 cwt

Cloet Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St

HERB SNEEl Phono 1S3 Mh t ^raquoraquo4 laquoHlaquo

Howell rUal poundetetlaquolaquo

City Lk and Fmrm Pimymtf A 5slaquoeUlity

List Y o u T ^ w o r t y With Me LEE LAVEY ~

Gi^NpoundKAL INSURANCE Phoeo 59ltP3

Pint kraquoraquo Michigan







bullMM J AND HSATINU 3717 Lafcosido DtfV

Rioh Lako

PHSWARTHOUT A SON RJNERAL Modem AmbuUettcT laquo laquo ^^ _

Phon 3d Pfttkraquor Mtehlgo



OR APPOIN1MBNTS tUrid^mem laquo13

lot $350 terr^ li K EdiMt 2raquo0 Putnan St


Farnieis reed Supply Cramp PHONE 104 MAX RUSSELLMgr

laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

ROOM FOR RENT Suitable for oie I or two ladies Mrs Thomas Murphy Corner E Main nl N Mill Streets FOR RENT-Trapping rights on my farms 1 John Spears Phoiigt iHF12

FOi SALE-Base Burner Hunting Stove Alex Luzlo 3-4 Mile North of Anderson

bullbull FOR SALE Camen^ Mixer holds Vl bv of (bullomfp Geo Engtmist Hi-hMid Lak-

LOST Large Grey Cat with Dei1 St) ipes Whity Markings on Face

i ami Paws REWARD 447 E Main Pimkney Mich

WANTED General Office Work exi^vienced in bookkeeping Upin^ billing Im^jire at Dispatch Office Box 10S


SPECIAL OFFER I will conduct auction sales for

tha lint rate of $15 per sale with oyt regard to the amount of goods to be sold

_ Bert Wylie Auctioneer

FOR SALE Coal burning hot wat er heater and 30 poundpound tank Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St FOR SALE First and second cuttshying ctf alfalfa hay in bales also -onrj mixed hay Lloyd Sendee j SUFFOLK RAMS crossed with Phone 61FU j Black Top Delaine Ewes produce FOR SALt Kitchen Rangte with rapid maturing lamb of top mutton

I oil burner attachmentfine condition Phillip Sprout Phone 19FII

Classified Want Adf iOli SALE-FURNITURE 2 Piect Blue Living Room Suite Metal

Reed Settee and two Chain Crli iSt

quality that will save you weeks1 oi i S u t v a b e ^gt cottage or porclK Skirt grain feeding Small heads prevent e ] Vrnlty and Stool lambing trouble For sale by T lv Ware Rte 1 Dexter Phone Ann Ar bor 25-822two

FARM FOR SALE-80 Acres with private lakel_Hgt mile frc m Poilage Lake $10000 Cash Mr Florence Schultz 3132 Dix j OL SALERound Oak Heat Ave Lincoln Park Mich - ^ f f - ^ r H i M n ^ f i r e p o t $15 FOR SALETwo wheel Trailer I St-cl Box Price $11 Eli Aron De-ter Rd

John F Connors

FOR SALE2 HP Garden tracshytor with 8 inch i low aui Cultivat-

i or complete V E Beach FOR SALE Larfe Ofl Heaters $75 Glennbrook farm Smill Ones $27 Elm ys Guralaquolaquo Oak Grove Mich FOR SALE Gladioles spikes

cut daily Plenty of colors to pick from also rafliite 60c a doz Ww R Barrett 728 E Siubley st Howell Mich Phon c733 W

eu room house

GP UFNJ A garage at 407 Stuart St Pinckney Mrs RaymQnda


Bedroom Chair Li vwiuiiimarble Tnp Table

Tgt-o Dressers Odd Mirror Lamp Fireplace Screen Four Sets of N o vels like new Ping Pong Table and Table Tennis Outfit Pair of Maple Sk Piano Sectional Bookshycase etc Jl-iu amp Pettysville Road 4 miles 11 1 b Piiieknoy

WANTED -Sevinlaquo Dress Making iinrl altcriationsMrlt Joe Stackable )() llov-ell St Pinckney

FOR SALE-5 Heating Stoves f Rev Francis Murphy

FOR RENTSmall year around hou se at Rush Lake Call John Lobdell 800 R Howell after 6

Housewives S AV E YOUR


FOR SALE A Dodge 4 D o ^ Sedan P O R SALESevlaquon room nouso r = T - ^ ^ W r ^ n r rG8 bull w

H y m t h t w o b a t h slaquo s h a d egt ^rdc fruit good ^ A T bdquo u

g g g j ^ Coach Fltvd Coupe rumble seat | i o c a l i o n 2 JO Putnam St VOn SALEWinchester 12 bguaye I FOP SATF I u 4 ^ ^ F 0 ^ SALE Heating stove burn^ P^laquoP trade _ a n d 0 ^ frac34 6 ^

j wood or coai heats 5 rooms Stuart jampderson

FOR SALE Ladys Winter Coat Black size 38good as new a real bargain Inquire 312 W Main St hone 117

Elmers Garage Oak Grove FOll SALE An 11 Inch H a m m e r N K T P T Q n n a t fo d fn

rifle Phone 42 Lucius Doyle


Overcome Soap Shortage


Vegetable Oils Last year Soap Makers only Phere is world wide shortage of all An ia Fats and

ot one fifth of what they used in 1941 Thij also affects pamts textiles leather goods floor

coverings etc Without the help of the American Housewives there would have been uttle soap last

year One out of every nine cfltes of soap made lalaquot- yer was made from waste fats s^ved

n American kitchens

Jo dont blme your grocer ipound he has

butcher no oap but save every ounce of fat you can and sell it to yr^r

We Heed them Leave Them at this Store

guaranteed afeo 600gt16 wheels

STATE OF MICHIGAN raquoruit Court for the County)

otlaquo Livingston in Chancery

REALTOR ^L^hner^^M^g^^^J^^^ mdash n 25c ^ahle For infants girls or ladies Cuff assorted colors LADIES HOSE-4 pairs for $100 3 rooms with 1 acre op Territor-39c value choice of semi-sheer ial road East of Portage Lake Rd rayon or full-seam service weight $1000 with $600 down $20 a mo cotton Full shades N e a v jjexter 13 acres6 room house

) MENS COTTON SOX-8 pair for ^ U i t f n T L M L ^ J W lilK Ji KUSSO Plaiiuff ($$00 26c value medium weight b a n c h l t k t n h o u a e W00 00 Caah


NEELY raquoit uarniiiu in the Circuit wr

ior the County of Livingston tin Ghutbullbullbull at the City of Howell W i in f id county and state on Septeml $190 be 3rdt 1947 l -

i his cau e it appearing fvoi the worn bill of compliant on file thai the plaintiff does not know the present whereabouts of Charles uusso defendant and whether^Jvej-j is a resident of the state of Mlchi- c

Go Acres 5 rooms bath basemen^ and other outbuildings $10000 V cash

long style or short elastic topAs sorted coiors BfRDSEYE f)IAPERS-$295 a doz enFirraquot Quality27x27 hemmed in

S P S i S v w S Y 1 ra~ lt strade o i l f laquo ^ ^ cent18500 frac12 cash MENS DRLSS SOX5 pairs for lt(1 A bdquo I luA laquolaquo laquoAlaquo

60 Acres 8 room modern brick i cash


sttfe or short elastic top Assorted pound pound ^ Hosery are slight imperfects h f t s n n u gt n l f t r i n u m i T L i laquontii

35c value Fine rnyon long 16c

A c r e 7 ^ hdegW

basement electric pump o l water heater furnace nie cement pier A

rooms and bath


gan or lives outside the State ofjgtQ p o x 2029 Miehigan in a foreign country KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE

On motion of VanWinkle ft Van W A NTED Ashes and rubbish to WilSA U i l lt ls deg hau^ awagt- W i l l a llaquodeg PJ c k UP oM DERLD tnat the said Charles Russo n e w s p a p e r and mayazines cau5a his appearence to be entered laquo bullbull heroin within three months from the date of this order and that in i case of his appearence he cause hte answer to olainliffs bill of compl aint to be ii led and a copy thereof served on the attorneys for plain tiffs within lifteen days after ser vice on said defendant Charles Russo of a copy of paid bill and notice of this order And thrt in de fault thereof said bill be taken as confessed by pound~id dcrondant Chcs Rultlaquoo r bull

And it is turiher ordered that within forty days the plaintiff Base ie E Russo cause a copy of this or der poundo be published in the Ptafcney Dispatch a ne- -paper printed pub lished and circulating In amid Coun ty and that 3uch puWieatian be

| continued therein for at Watt once in each week for six weeks In sue ceasion or that she cause a copy oi this order to be personally served on said defendant Charles Roaao

fat bullleast twenty days before the time prescribed for hi gt Glenn C Yetland bull Circuit Court Commissioner j Van raquoriclaquo Van Winkle Attorneys for Plaintiff

colors Please state size Wanted c-mnnn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Jf^f WOUuu NO CODa WE PA^-Parcel Post 1 ^ ^ l _ Mtw^ SOUTHKRN SALES COMPAQ ^T^r ^ 2 - frac34 frac34 $ pound

1 $1750 down GEORGE I ROBlHt

Ypsilanti P^one 2840 Salesman Clyde OWasopPmckney Fred Millspaugh YpsiPh 1275 at R O CummingsYpsU Ph 70laquo U Harry Prfcsk


$pound Rom where I sit fy Joe Marsh

Prissys Got a Man I (Maybe)


sterday Sis Mertfn our U-bv -an found rn article cut from th file copy of the Clnritn When fHc compared it with another copy thrt I gave her che found it was my ccumn on ltHow to Kcp a Hos-pand Happy ^

Nothing unurI c gtx-c the last pcrjon fzzn reading t mper was Prissy Hcskins (or- to rs proverbial Old Maid)

i VcM if Prissy has inally got a r more pitwer to her Andatore t ranee te bclh of them he-cauife thats what my eotnma was

about Tolerance of a ta^te for old hats old pipes eld friends and mellow beer And tolshyerance on the hosnands part of a wifes tastes and aabtta

From where 1 sit nobody be-grudges Prissy taking that dipshyping from the Clarion But Pd tike to hint that if shed jnst sneewfts shed get my thoughts on tolersnea firathand And in return PH treat her to a glass of beer


eraquoer^W^ bulllaquowJewe^P e7awefjgtew bullbullaT^^n^aWW

J bull A V bullSri

Page 3: Qispatcfj - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-11-12.pdf · Qispatcfj • Michigan Mirror ... the U. S. Pinckney Dispatch [c7'S DEMOCRACY ... Moat mi tkttm

o V

s$pound~ bull bull bull



Uuoert A Campbell laquo2 Uncle BoL to most poeplo died evident^ of u heart suae at his borne in Aon Arbor Friday Ye editor hae tfiiowu nn4 ^eiiunaay xur tulaquo pas1 iO ygt Uu jgh Masenery and he haa been a regular attendant at the Pait Maa ua bullgt uuhqueia hero including the one laat Mucu lue name c-ttvid itoe was Kiven him I) the students of the University of Michigan during tha 20 years he served that instiwnWu as treasurer Ii addition he waraquo asshysistant auditor general and served 3 tcvina as mayor of Ann Arbor Ho belonged to all the Masonic organshyisations and served as chairman of the powerful grand lodge finenoe comrittee for many years l it orshyganized the U of M Craftmeni team and toured the state for many years putting on Masonic deshygree wWk Burial was in Port Hurshyon urviving are a son William of Belding ^

raquo bull t

tradepoundlt^m NoCof theltLj

With the season (an ducks patid over by NOB I tauttfN art prepar bullsquirrels and bow dnd arrow ltamplt - bullng for the dear leas o r ibartinf y5 Trapping starts in the upp

bull The Pinckney O E S at their meet tag honored Mrs Percy Ellis their treasurer who leaves tw a

bull M M a M M T

Circuit Court New Lluyd Stearms of Powlervilte waf

probtioned last June for^forgersiraquo Atigist he broke it by being sentencshyed to jail in Ingham county on a di owiejiy charge Judge Collins c^do ed i is rearrest and last week gave him a 40 day jail sentence and craquon tinut1 hi probation to June 3 10 V

In the ampuit of Charles Vincent vs tho City ctf Howell the court found in fjvor of 4he city Vincent soughi title to a portion of the street adshyjoining his property at Howell Lake He was also ordered to move hi house from the slreet

In circuit court last week follshyowing divorces granted Gertrud front Hay Wombles Lois from Earl Hill lltep from Robert Martyn No ma from W L Smith Dora from Al bert SmithGeorge from Irene Mase Dec cos were given in the suit o Mar- Huston vs Gilbert Daniels anltT j in the case of Robert vs C Bain I dissolve partnership

peninsula Nor 16 and in the lower I grsti n on the tabic At one md e l

tsiiiilEMi ^ - i ^ 1 1 Wlif tl4raquo irgeraquo crowd iiuck mm^poundJ5Spoundi T 1 V2 voy- raquolaquoy has played before Probably ar age parly following pound raquo meeting Fri ound 2000 Mora WnckaaTneou bull pound fl l yengt w l IKo were thero tpoundZtopoundampxpound n m e S S Ellis was th center dec gXulaquo n r e w ^ G w S T t S e

a uraquot

t 15 with laquo atrade MM ft uu wraquo th u s Si ZgtlaquolitSttflJJ on Lake marshes BadgeT and skunkthe other end the Union Jack Mrs weauw may bull taken to Jhn Wraquo Jibe o bull end the IJnisi Jlaquock Mrs

The thrd wesas nounViWjrment Wtnfied Aberdeen rrlaquovnui raquo tr raquon 978 foxes totalled Mttlt More Veittamp beg to Mrs Ellis in behalf than naif he foxes taken we e trap of the chapter Ann tfirdjw Wu-bdquo ped and 17 killed y cars bo danced and her sisterJoaJMgtUiy

One-fifth mora camps were pitch ed several selections on the piauo 1 in state parks this year than iu jL gt neck oT Ana Arbor chapter

nresentathas fromMichigan to rrVK was present vubdquo

1946 While most iohign farms are

well watered there are 468 f a r m -totalling 16800 acres irrigated Most ^ ltf them are in Berrien county Moat T A T | J MICtUQAN -percent get their water from streams 1W P r o s ^ t e u t t e r the Cenaty o from lakes and 20 from wells pt Uvlaquogtok

The ground water levels in the bull At a ssion of said Court hold tower Michigan are slightly above at tha ^Probate Office in thr City avcurc now bull rof Howell in said County on the

Tlie biggest bock door on record 18fd day of Norduber A Dbdquo 1947 uken in the state was one aear Mlo f rroaouS Hon WUUa L Lyons

CHOIR FESTIVAL Tl o 7th annual choir festival t

the lt hurches of the Ann Arbor Me di bullraquo ilaquo-t will be held at the Firs

Methodist church Ann Arbor No 1 In addition to^all the Washtenaw courny churches Brighton ^ou Lymi Stoltkbridge Monroe Wsvyn Flat Kck Dundee Mijlville Nortl ville and Romulus will take pan Tho tine is 800 p m

weighing 268 lbs drosfod

STATE OF MICHIGAN he Prlblaquotlaquo CoBrt for tbe Coiiaty

of Ueiagsten At a session of said Court held

aut the Probate Office in the City of Howell in said Count on the 10th day lttt November AD )047

Present Hon Willis L Lvone udge of Probate

In the Matter of the Estate ot Cleve G Poole Deceased Grace If Poole having filed in

id Court her final administration lt-ount and ner petition praying |ion or the allowance thereof and for e assignment and distribution of bullbullbull residue of said estate

It is Order That the 1st day of gteccmber AD 1947 at ben oclock

in the forenoon at said Probate Of-ico be and is hereby appointed fur raminig and allowing said account id heaing said petition

iadga of Probata In tho Matter of the Batata of

Edward J Perry Deceased Robes-t J Perry havtng filed in

said Court hi final administration account 4 his petilion praying foi tha allowance theteot ism tor tile assign men and distribution of the residue dt said estate

- _ pttAd The only one rinckney intercepted

Way Hurtibuse uiaue a Kooa catch of a pass It was high A Dexter Piayer uaid a up in tne air and laquolaquoy caught it when it came down

nt aue WUd Vcly c i c ^ l l y yiimy9 oa and no penalty over gt ytinU was handeu out Pinckiey got eost of UIJJlaquo ixr otsidas _ This was tha dedicaUon gv^ie and bir-vei hulvH poeches were made

John Hoey pros of the Dexter rec Bd Mayor Wall of Dexter Carl rik-e ^e ut U4euro achua tin ^ohn JfcMsitei- rift of the Molded Plast ics was master of ceremonies

As a tfonsdation Jim Meytr Pin-canay CApt was asked to draw out the winning number for the Ford mdashd an given away by the Kiwanis club t benefit of field Dan Uckly won

The night was cold but we have seen games in colder weather There was no rain after 6 oclock Tha cheer girlc then in fall fefee did plenty of uyeJUng to keep warm We will give them a compliment They used their brains by all wearing

| slacks The Dexter cheer lassie OP

| $ gt

l J t f t t X 2 l F $ 4 2 1 deg t h M laquo - - we^e a i l W i e g g i d oclosk to the toruitam at -oald Probata Office be an is hereby appointed for examlng~oraquod allowing W1J account and hearing said p^t


CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the people of

Pitukriy and vicinity for their kinltilti nhown us during our lErif eavement bull bull bull ^ J inc -1^ of Mrs Mary Fkk

STATE OK MICHIGAN Tno Circuit Court for the Count Of Livingston in Chancery Onler Of Publication Ru-sell Lightle and Marie Lumaixl Lightle his wife

Plaintiffs -vs-

L R Lumbarc1 and his unVwgtw heirsdevipoundees legatees and assigns

Dejtendati Suit pending in said Court en tl 2r Hay of September 194J

It appearing froan the sworn b of compliant filed in tbif oaaao that the plaintifte have not bee able after diligent search and ftqi ry to ascertain whetfer defen ants are living or dead or whei^ they reside if living or whetne they or any of them have ffensona re|)resentatives living or when thegt or any of them reside or whethe the title interest claim lien or pa si Die right of said defendants in an to the land and premises heroiaaf ter described has been aaslgnod tlaquo any other peoson Or persona o whether such title interest ciaic lien or possible right in said pre mises has been disponed of by oar defendants by Will

And it further appearing to Gcvrt that the plaintiffs do no know and have not been able afte diligent search and inquiry OS a certain the names of the who are inctnded elk defendants 1 this cause wfthotrt being weaned

T h e r e f o r e anotsf o a f C i cllano tne y uuif 4 u ordored that the above nsmnd dlt iendante and each and ofl and their unknown ltritees and assigns aearampnce entered in m three montho f this onder and that of the bill of in he oaken ad eonfeeand wy aaad 4-fondants and ea and gB of

And h- is furtner ajpAonsd ft the plaintiffs from the date hereof der to be pnhlinVd In One Dispatch a itshed mad cjmristed In of six

Joaph H Cefflnt A | rraquo i Copy

A 6 4

asm is es epajHt on the fotkaxiaiT tKlbed bullate and baislaquo m Obr Or Cieen lt^_Gmr 4

H Is Further Ordered That pub-tic notice thereof be given by pub-icatlon of a copy ofu this order for three successive weeks p r i o n s to said day of hearing In the Pinekney Diraquopateh^ newspaper printed and circulated In said Coun-

Willis f Lyons Judge of Probate It is Further OrderedThat public 1 Celesta Parshall^Uglster of Probate

otlce thereof be given by publics-1 on of a cony of this order for I -ec sueceJisfve weeks previous to I STATS OF MfSjif

aid day of hearing in tampe Pfnek-1 The PreWte Coart for the Csualj y Dispatch a newspaper printed I ef Urfagtteis

id circulated in said cqnnty J At a saastoi of said Court hehi Willis L Lyons Jodga of Probate 1st the Proaoao Ottkr in io CVy ^lectia Parshall Register of Pro- lef HoweU In aaid County on the

128th day of October A D 1947 FresesX Hon WHlls L Lyonp

Judge of Frahats In the Matter of the Cstete 0

William J Nash Deceased Mark A Nash having filed in

said Court his final administaiicwi |aeeount and his petition praj-5nj- fo)

his allowance thereof and the sssij nment distribution of the residu ot said estate

It fs Ordered that the 17th day of November A D 1947 at ten orcjocl in the forenoon at said PrcbmU^tl ice be and is hereby appointed for examining and allowing said acshycount and hearing said petition

It U Further Ordered 5at pnb-m notste thereof bo gWon by puh-Msation of a oopy of this order for

each month Cor 4 months prioi of bnering a phe P^nekney

ARD OF THAWKS We wish to thank all those

tded and assisted as during ne our son was injured Mr and Mrs Max Reynolds

WA6 the



COUNTY OF LIVINGSTON At a session of said Ceart held at

he Probate Office in the City of (owe II in said County on the 6th bulla of November A D 1947

Present Hon Willis L hyoM udge of Protate raquoame of Harry Bowsher

n bthe Matter of tne Charge of Jante 0 Harry Bowsher

Adult Married Person iUrry B Bowsher having ftWd la id Court his petition praying that

he Ccani enter an order changing J fend that of his wife Grace ) Bowsher to Harry amp Britt and race O Brttt

It ts Ordered Tha^ the let day of )ecemher A a 1947 at ten oclock n the forenoon at said probate of ice copye and ft hereby eppointed fongt| tearing said petition

It is Further Ordered The psAlle ottec thereof be given py ion of a copy of this ach week for three anrteativs eeks previous to said hearing in

h Pinckney Dispatch a newspaper bullrinted and dreulaosd in said county Villis L Lyons Jadge of Probew 4 true copy ttestia Parshali Register of Probata

This game shows the advantage of having a gopd kicker In our opinshyion the superb punting of George Johnson Dexter kicker was the diff erence between the two teams He averages 50 yds to a kick and was amptly protected in his efforts

Pinckney plefed the best game of their season but just did ncjt have it Four times apparently touchdown bound they were stopped Dexter got 8 good breaks and cashed in on them This was the system which made Coach Yost Michigan famous He won most of his game on the oth er teams mistakes

Dexter is known as a fine defenshysive team having had only 6 points icored against them in 2 years They ipheld their reputation in this game holding like a stonewall when Pinck ney got on their 10 yard line

Pinckney ends her season here Friday phjying Hartland a p 10verbal pushover Dexter Brightonand South Lyon have all beaten Hartland by big scores Hartlanda victories have all been against reserve teams from Howell Holly Fontop etc

The Dexter team Is built around Tohnaon the kicker and Kielwasser m end The latter has scored most f Dexters points after receiving

cent 3



eafg nay or noon MsppteV bull newspaper printej and

lelreulnted in aaid County WftMs L Lyons Judge of Probate

Mrs Albert Dinkef Osraghter Al-berta and Levi Lodtka were fn Jack son Saturday

Mrs Leland Grant oust children of Ann Arbor visited her sister Mary Wylie Thursa and called at the F Wylte home





40 Turkeys 40 Games NOTICE

There will be a meeting of Corin hJan shine Ne W at the Masonu Hall in HowelL Thar evef Nov 18tli at 8 Vceck

Thlaquo Petition for a Charter bns been held open until after this meet ing fog those who still wish to lgte~ come CHamprter Members


The Rings Daufhtors were deHh 0 Thar eve at th

of Mrs Desxan N ltlt neult Alaquoraquon Artec Xineteer neuW bull or two guests went pMsent The aopinese of the evening con

for the Red hand and

the Town Hall Most elt


At Pinckney High School Gym

ampB8 i BL

Sponsored by

MaolttMgr VeFeWe Port 7

laquobull fA-fcji- ~

^ ^ ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ^ ^ ^ laquo(aeamp


r tf ^ ^


Rokos Soda Now Setvin g Hot Lunches Horn Made Chili

Home Made raquo ^

S^^T w


Pastry Bread Oar Display


Special Orders Picked Up

IGE CREAM Let Us Pack You a Delicious Quart

Black CherrybullOrangefRiueappIef HoneymoonChocoIato Strawberry Lemon In Bulk Pkfe PinraquoVanill a Cherry Butter Pecan

Leave Your Dry Cleaning withUs Picked Up and Delivered Twice Weekly Expert Workmanship

Phone yen105 V



Pinckney vs v

bullbull -- SttOPM amppound3poundpound-

- V bullbullgtbull

bull bull

laquo NV V raquo bull v bull=bullraquo bull bull - ~ bull bull bull- J

- bull bull raquo bull 4laquo bull laquo j bull - rbdquo






PINCKNEY DjSPATCH Wlaquodneraquodraquoy Nov 12 1947

Peoples Store N


Groceries Drygoods raquooods Shoe

Gents Furnishings Lingerie

Kenuedys Gen Store


[Weekly Trip Madhe to Detroit

Lloyd Hendae

Miss Marion Carson of Dearborn - was a Sat gest of Mr and Mrs M

Campbell I l Ihe Lee Lavey family were m f Jackfcon Sunday

raquo o n laquo 64r l4





Oriffnffi Company To Pay for DEAD STOCK

Stanley Dinkel was in Detroit on bus iness Friday

Mrs Iici2 Hondee spent Sat m Ann Arbor

Mr and Mrs Mylo Chubb of How ell ealled on Mrs Rose HendeiJ Sun

Mrs Weltha Vail and Mr and Mis Clifford Buttleman spent the week end in Detroit

Murray Kennedy and family spent Sunday at the Stanley Culver farm in Oak Grove

Mr and Mrs Irvin Kennedy spent Sunday with Ambrose Kennedy and wif gt in Howell

Mrs Hazel Ely of Ann Arbor spent tuniay with Mr and Mr M K Darrow

Mrs Mary Hoff is visiting in i)et roit

Mrnd Mrs Charles Hewlett araquori son ^pent last Wed in Detroit

Paul and Margaret Brogan of Chiison spent Sun with Mrs Eleanor ledwidge

W C AtLec and on attended the MMj-Ind football jnro at Ann Arshybor Saturday

P4MCKNEY DISPATCH Published Every Wednesday 115 Main St Pincknav StobWan

- bullbull- Entered M second vitas Hatter at Postoflice at Pinckney Michigan undc in laquot of Marcr- 8 187

Subscription rau $150 a Year

rAift w cun-BTf nnusHii Mrs Earl liautfhn entertained thy

Vast Matrons of the 0 E S Mon ampfrs Bonnie Henry and Mrs Mable Sliaffer were co-hostesses

A|rs John Carver jr spent Mon In Wayne

Mrs Max Reynolds Mrs L E Hau ghn and son and Mrs Karl Baughn were luncheon guests of Mrs Robt Seefeld Thursday

Misses Joan and K Ann Bird of Wsjpne were over night guestb of the Earl Baughns last Friday

Mr and Mrs John Carver jrwere Mon dinner guests of Mr and Mr B Wiisoa in Ann Arbor

Hollis Wylie and family spent Sun in Fowlerville

Dale Miller and family were Sun guests at the Ikdlis Hollovvay farm at Wrights Corners

Mrs Clara Kennedy and daughter Mrs Norma Uerycz and daughter of Detroit Mrs Wilbur Eisele and Mrs C Eisele Fowlerville helped Mrs Emma Vollniei celebrate birth day Wednesday

Mrand MrsDon Swarthout spem Sunday with Mr and Mis Emil Wed digo in Ann Arbor

Rev and Mrs Morris of Hamburg were a finer quests of Mr and A B D- n Swuiiiout Friday

Mrs Jack iaircliild Jind 2 children of Detroit wvre l i i guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Aberdeen

Mr and Mi Hanr Leo entertain ed Alger Lee and jamiigt of Jsauga-tuek James MeKiney and wife of Jackson and S HLCan and wife Sun in honor of Algers bivihdii

Mrs Gladys Lee Mr Jack Bay--tes and Mr llorton attended a Kinds Dau-hteis bd meeting in Howell Saturday

Mr and Mrs Glenn Cheney of Fowlerville were Sun guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Bat(dlo

Mrs Lqtois Coyle attended the rrr Daughters Past Prea meeting A i e home of Mrs Claude Jiurk-

harut in Howell Saturday Sunday guests at the Lester Mcshy

Afee home were Omar Cass and wife of Detroit and David Steele and fam ily ctf Frederick

Harold Raidy and family spent week end in Bad Axe

Mr and Mis Mylo Chubb of How ell called at the Lynn Hendee home Sunday

Gale Hendee attended the Mich-Ind football game in Ann Arbor Sat

Mr and Mrjj Ival Shirley of Way ne spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Albert Shirley

Miss Gertrude Spears of Los Angshyeles Calif is visiting her father Ed Spears sr

Billy Shehan of Ann Arbor spent teh week end with Mr and Mrs Wrti Shehan

Mrsect Ameia Rheinber^er Mrs 0 Gasset Mrs Hilda Wasmund and Blieen Gassert of Detroit were Wed (meats at the M E Danow home

mdash bull - JJJilLl

east or Alive [ORSES $20 COWS $20 HOGS $6 cwt


tern Equipment Capable Men E L PARKER KdtA Phone 88 Pinchmv

IThe FASTFST O s d ampUrktService m Mfchiffui

StoekCo I _w IJB

lectric Wgttef Heaters

Water Syttemt

Mr and Mrs Geo^y V^aboh jr spent Sunday in Jackson

Andrew Nesbitt and wfe attended the Charles DeWolfe funeral in llarn burg Friday

Mr and Mrs N A Housner of Bri ghtcn called on Mr and Mrs Andrew Nesbitt Saturday

Mrs Elizabeth Brown end daugh ters were in Dexter Friday

Mrs Nelson Treaster and children Ann Arbor spent Sunday with Mrs

John Bell Viola and John remained for a visit

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs L J Henry were Clyde Smith of Ann Arbor and Alice Lee Ware of Howell

Mrs Marie Bauer And children of Brighton spent Sunday at the Louis Shehan home

Mrs Roberts McArtor Amburgey and daughter of Mo are visiting hereMerlin Amburgey is in veterans hospital at Springfield Mo for ner vojis dsorder

Bom to Mr and Mrs Robert Ack Us (Mildred Jack) at Mcpherson hospital Sunday a girl

Mrs Felix Jerslowski ad children and Marv Lame returned home

at sta y


tanley Dlnket NOTICE

eeca tm hasintm lame Stewsat Anderson Bid tm JStteet Metelvettc gurnet downspouts repairing lis ussnear fwterc ere we alecopy be

Fabricate^ 4 Sheet Metal Company

msm bull 3

X fleets eg Jejeksmi The ftoed Seed esse fimor Wise bullHssijhs laquoett raquo ley lt$ mgt mj

Friday from a 2 mouths Phoenix Arizona

M-s Eliza VsmSiekle Mr ad Mrs Erdy VanSickle Charles Dewey ad Mr and Mrs Ben Tomliu left Me0 for Pheonix Arte for the win ter

Miss Jois Harris has been named trees of the Reeves school district to replace Mrs Louise Glenn rericn ed

Floyd Martin sad wife kave movshyed from Portland to the house en MtU St 4bey bnsuft of Joe Geatile

Mrs Eftfcer Ceinpbetl is confined to ber kome by IHeeas - Pavl R^ssesL sett of Mr and

Mrs Max Russell wss injured Thur bullday p so wiiee be wes rtick by an eeto Bis eiether bed parked

across frem tbe pestefxlee end sent Wn aerese tbe reed for tbe snail On

his way bade with it 1st wes struck by a eer driven by Miss Lots sweU-nnhcrrfr join west laquoa M-96 l b s reer feaser of tbe Kesleubensnr car WA laquoern io^e Dr Ray i Durff s was emeraquosieVend it wss felaquond that tbe bey had laquo ltesMraquossien end e

Meraquo I c t a jbsrtia laquolaquo4 Mrs Oedlaquoe

Shlrey amp Sons Garage





Phone No 138












PHONE DEXTER 5116 7628 TOMA RD RT2 Pinckny


600x16 U S ROYAL TIRES Plus Tax U Trad In 10raquoS GUARANTEED BATTERIES - - $g S 0

A TO Z LUBRICATION 730 AM TO 900 P M $ 1 0 0



M M mdash 4

If your telephone grew in SIZE the way its growing in VALUE

- s

If s a good thing we 4osrt have to snake your telephone bigger every time we flsake it possible for you to call more people Yad have to move out of tbe bouse to saake room for tbe telephone

Eaoept for tbe innreeeing jjae of your telephone directory you may not realshyise bew tibe telephone eyete is being

I Jsjje- fi

Eacb of these new telepbones aomeone else you can ceH It may be a butcher a baker a hardware store a doctor or lawyer or druggist Or it may be a friend or relative youve not been able to reach until now

The point is that each new telephone meant more errant your telephone mdashraquo nm for ym - more jobs it can do for you If s getting more vmiusbk everyday



lt bull ft

- ^ - ^ - N

s a l


MM rupmm craquoraquoawx i bull+bull

r bull r-

mm bull-

slssssss Ml

i A- tmi

3 ^

gt r laquogtgtbull - ^ - r -A

- bull4raquo

Pinckney Oil Wednesday Nov 12 VM1

Close Out Sale


02^ 00 Lrt Price Sale Price $210

Price $255 00


MclfiiersOK State Bank

raquo FOR SALE Cabbage $151) per bu j or by the head

Hurl Gallup

FOR SALE-2 Piece BUck Dress bullsiae 13 Phone 13

FORSALE-Team of Mare and Harness Cheap Famhgt M^nkivMs

Phone 3Fi Pinckney


FOR SALE Radio phoncraph co-i bination Leautiful console cabinet

1 GEHL NO 20 STO KER Lilaquot Sale Price


Sale Price $13500

Price $16500


Sale Price amp 19195

2 PURITAN WATER SOFTNERS Lint Pric $15995 Sale Price $12)95


The fixed expenses are easy to account ftgtr They are rent insur ^ amc taxt-i upkeep of car and iiCA V i o i VlaquoTLH ngti^ home Thigt leaves the variables I que Bedioom Suite 12500 food euuvtainment and personal lt) J L Cunnois Silver Lake Road j e -nsesi 1 Cement Mixers for plusmnent 8Vj cu

rite important thing is whether j ft gasolint or electric power 9frac12 tj r remtin in keeping withI Cu ft mixers for sale an wheel or income or are they Arcing a con- skids -less power) Trailers for rent siant drain on savings or hale- axles wheels and hitches

As the G Ps said Lets face it44 Charcoal and Pkg Coal Success di^enda in saving something f WILSON TRAILER RENTAL SER

every pay day Ucgin now

eah week j J I WANTEDMen to cut wood on

shares Three Brothers Farm 10354 Dexier-Pinckney Road

Money to loan at reasonable rtes | F Q R S A L E 1940 Super Deluxe Interest paid on Savings Books and j p ^ A - 1 condition Call 39F3 bet-Time Certificates of Deposit f ween 430 and fi 30 p m

All deporaquoiU up to $500000^1raquo j p o R SALE Brand new Conde Milk ing Machine in original cartoons

ftU M Deify M U Dou W Vaalas4e Pinckney Mich | Charles K teWenlel

Daily 1100 A M to 2 tOO P M Attorneys at U laquo Except Wednesday j F|rlaquot State and Savings

Mon TulaquoiFri SaU 700-600 pnr | Howell Mllhljmdash


112frac12 N eiicJugea m TeJepbeoee

Office 935 Roaidence 814 )516 FLEMING ST HOWELL Elaquooraquoogx by Appoisttatesi

Howell MilaquoWraquor


924 N Main St Ann ArbotMieJl Hauid Chubb Local Representative

ICE 63 21 Grand River HowellEast End of Lake Chemung Open E enings and Sunday Phone 35451

J I C with a dollar or more ^ K n j 0 f Lake Chemung Open Ev-

McPaerm State Balk


Pinckney Michigan

-1 MARTrN J LA VAN i Pbon 13 ) Pbon

raquourcopyd by e r i




2 membership iraquo v ^ Deposit Iolaquouranlaquoe Catymdash | alunlmunT Pftiis or Stainless Steel I

your- choice Harry Waldron Howell Mich SPINET PIANO BARGAIN

Would like to contact some rea ltiWr iiarf with good credt r e - FOR RFNT-Modern 5 room apart-

k) L pay $12500 eah j ment mdash mdash v a iw minimum iontgt I


and ^U )

Roy Hannett phone III

lv payments an a lovely spinet piano FOR SALE11 acres of corin m ear 1( iraquoi-n are of thi- pApar jiv- | a n d 30 to n alfalfa and brome hay

and I will tell ytgtu j7re(j Segerphone Brighton 4870 in r-leronces where piano can be seen

l i i FOR SALE New hQuse 22X30 io m Kitchen large bedroom

Bath poundnd lTtility Cellar 2

TO liEKT Room and board for two jjirls or Man and wife

I i i Stock


$325 cwt

Cloet Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St

HERB SNEEl Phono 1S3 Mh t ^raquoraquo4 laquoHlaquo

Howell rUal poundetetlaquolaquo

City Lk and Fmrm Pimymtf A 5slaquoeUlity

List Y o u T ^ w o r t y With Me LEE LAVEY ~

Gi^NpoundKAL INSURANCE Phoeo 59ltP3

Pint kraquoraquo Michigan







bullMM J AND HSATINU 3717 Lafcosido DtfV

Rioh Lako

PHSWARTHOUT A SON RJNERAL Modem AmbuUettcT laquo laquo ^^ _

Phon 3d Pfttkraquor Mtehlgo



OR APPOIN1MBNTS tUrid^mem laquo13

lot $350 terr^ li K EdiMt 2raquo0 Putnan St


Farnieis reed Supply Cramp PHONE 104 MAX RUSSELLMgr

laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

ROOM FOR RENT Suitable for oie I or two ladies Mrs Thomas Murphy Corner E Main nl N Mill Streets FOR RENT-Trapping rights on my farms 1 John Spears Phoiigt iHF12

FOi SALE-Base Burner Hunting Stove Alex Luzlo 3-4 Mile North of Anderson

bullbull FOR SALE Camen^ Mixer holds Vl bv of (bullomfp Geo Engtmist Hi-hMid Lak-

LOST Large Grey Cat with Dei1 St) ipes Whity Markings on Face

i ami Paws REWARD 447 E Main Pimkney Mich

WANTED General Office Work exi^vienced in bookkeeping Upin^ billing Im^jire at Dispatch Office Box 10S


SPECIAL OFFER I will conduct auction sales for

tha lint rate of $15 per sale with oyt regard to the amount of goods to be sold

_ Bert Wylie Auctioneer

FOR SALE Coal burning hot wat er heater and 30 poundpound tank Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St FOR SALE First and second cuttshying ctf alfalfa hay in bales also -onrj mixed hay Lloyd Sendee j SUFFOLK RAMS crossed with Phone 61FU j Black Top Delaine Ewes produce FOR SALt Kitchen Rangte with rapid maturing lamb of top mutton

I oil burner attachmentfine condition Phillip Sprout Phone 19FII

Classified Want Adf iOli SALE-FURNITURE 2 Piect Blue Living Room Suite Metal

Reed Settee and two Chain Crli iSt

quality that will save you weeks1 oi i S u t v a b e ^gt cottage or porclK Skirt grain feeding Small heads prevent e ] Vrnlty and Stool lambing trouble For sale by T lv Ware Rte 1 Dexter Phone Ann Ar bor 25-822two

FARM FOR SALE-80 Acres with private lakel_Hgt mile frc m Poilage Lake $10000 Cash Mr Florence Schultz 3132 Dix j OL SALERound Oak Heat Ave Lincoln Park Mich - ^ f f - ^ r H i M n ^ f i r e p o t $15 FOR SALETwo wheel Trailer I St-cl Box Price $11 Eli Aron De-ter Rd

John F Connors

FOR SALE2 HP Garden tracshytor with 8 inch i low aui Cultivat-

i or complete V E Beach FOR SALE Larfe Ofl Heaters $75 Glennbrook farm Smill Ones $27 Elm ys Guralaquolaquo Oak Grove Mich FOR SALE Gladioles spikes

cut daily Plenty of colors to pick from also rafliite 60c a doz Ww R Barrett 728 E Siubley st Howell Mich Phon c733 W

eu room house

GP UFNJ A garage at 407 Stuart St Pinckney Mrs RaymQnda


Bedroom Chair Li vwiuiiimarble Tnp Table

Tgt-o Dressers Odd Mirror Lamp Fireplace Screen Four Sets of N o vels like new Ping Pong Table and Table Tennis Outfit Pair of Maple Sk Piano Sectional Bookshycase etc Jl-iu amp Pettysville Road 4 miles 11 1 b Piiieknoy

WANTED -Sevinlaquo Dress Making iinrl altcriationsMrlt Joe Stackable )() llov-ell St Pinckney

FOR SALE-5 Heating Stoves f Rev Francis Murphy

FOR RENTSmall year around hou se at Rush Lake Call John Lobdell 800 R Howell after 6

Housewives S AV E YOUR


FOR SALE A Dodge 4 D o ^ Sedan P O R SALESevlaquon room nouso r = T - ^ ^ W r ^ n r rG8 bull w

H y m t h t w o b a t h slaquo s h a d egt ^rdc fruit good ^ A T bdquo u

g g g j ^ Coach Fltvd Coupe rumble seat | i o c a l i o n 2 JO Putnam St VOn SALEWinchester 12 bguaye I FOP SATF I u 4 ^ ^ F 0 ^ SALE Heating stove burn^ P^laquoP trade _ a n d 0 ^ frac34 6 ^

j wood or coai heats 5 rooms Stuart jampderson

FOR SALE Ladys Winter Coat Black size 38good as new a real bargain Inquire 312 W Main St hone 117

Elmers Garage Oak Grove FOll SALE An 11 Inch H a m m e r N K T P T Q n n a t fo d fn

rifle Phone 42 Lucius Doyle


Overcome Soap Shortage


Vegetable Oils Last year Soap Makers only Phere is world wide shortage of all An ia Fats and

ot one fifth of what they used in 1941 Thij also affects pamts textiles leather goods floor

coverings etc Without the help of the American Housewives there would have been uttle soap last

year One out of every nine cfltes of soap made lalaquot- yer was made from waste fats s^ved

n American kitchens

Jo dont blme your grocer ipound he has

butcher no oap but save every ounce of fat you can and sell it to yr^r

We Heed them Leave Them at this Store

guaranteed afeo 600gt16 wheels

STATE OF MICHIGAN raquoruit Court for the County)

otlaquo Livingston in Chancery

REALTOR ^L^hner^^M^g^^^J^^^ mdash n 25c ^ahle For infants girls or ladies Cuff assorted colors LADIES HOSE-4 pairs for $100 3 rooms with 1 acre op Territor-39c value choice of semi-sheer ial road East of Portage Lake Rd rayon or full-seam service weight $1000 with $600 down $20 a mo cotton Full shades N e a v jjexter 13 acres6 room house

) MENS COTTON SOX-8 pair for ^ U i t f n T L M L ^ J W lilK Ji KUSSO Plaiiuff ($$00 26c value medium weight b a n c h l t k t n h o u a e W00 00 Caah


NEELY raquoit uarniiiu in the Circuit wr

ior the County of Livingston tin Ghutbullbullbull at the City of Howell W i in f id county and state on Septeml $190 be 3rdt 1947 l -

i his cau e it appearing fvoi the worn bill of compliant on file thai the plaintiff does not know the present whereabouts of Charles uusso defendant and whether^Jvej-j is a resident of the state of Mlchi- c

Go Acres 5 rooms bath basemen^ and other outbuildings $10000 V cash

long style or short elastic topAs sorted coiors BfRDSEYE f)IAPERS-$295 a doz enFirraquot Quality27x27 hemmed in

S P S i S v w S Y 1 ra~ lt strade o i l f laquo ^ ^ cent18500 frac12 cash MENS DRLSS SOX5 pairs for lt(1 A bdquo I luA laquolaquo laquoAlaquo

60 Acres 8 room modern brick i cash


sttfe or short elastic top Assorted pound pound ^ Hosery are slight imperfects h f t s n n u gt n l f t r i n u m i T L i laquontii

35c value Fine rnyon long 16c

A c r e 7 ^ hdegW

basement electric pump o l water heater furnace nie cement pier A

rooms and bath


gan or lives outside the State ofjgtQ p o x 2029 Miehigan in a foreign country KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE

On motion of VanWinkle ft Van W A NTED Ashes and rubbish to WilSA U i l lt ls deg hau^ awagt- W i l l a llaquodeg PJ c k UP oM DERLD tnat the said Charles Russo n e w s p a p e r and mayazines cau5a his appearence to be entered laquo bullbull heroin within three months from the date of this order and that in i case of his appearence he cause hte answer to olainliffs bill of compl aint to be ii led and a copy thereof served on the attorneys for plain tiffs within lifteen days after ser vice on said defendant Charles Russo of a copy of paid bill and notice of this order And thrt in de fault thereof said bill be taken as confessed by pound~id dcrondant Chcs Rultlaquoo r bull

And it is turiher ordered that within forty days the plaintiff Base ie E Russo cause a copy of this or der poundo be published in the Ptafcney Dispatch a ne- -paper printed pub lished and circulating In amid Coun ty and that 3uch puWieatian be

| continued therein for at Watt once in each week for six weeks In sue ceasion or that she cause a copy oi this order to be personally served on said defendant Charles Roaao

fat bullleast twenty days before the time prescribed for hi gt Glenn C Yetland bull Circuit Court Commissioner j Van raquoriclaquo Van Winkle Attorneys for Plaintiff

colors Please state size Wanted c-mnnn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Jf^f WOUuu NO CODa WE PA^-Parcel Post 1 ^ ^ l _ Mtw^ SOUTHKRN SALES COMPAQ ^T^r ^ 2 - frac34 frac34 $ pound

1 $1750 down GEORGE I ROBlHt

Ypsilanti P^one 2840 Salesman Clyde OWasopPmckney Fred Millspaugh YpsiPh 1275 at R O CummingsYpsU Ph 70laquo U Harry Prfcsk


$pound Rom where I sit fy Joe Marsh

Prissys Got a Man I (Maybe)


sterday Sis Mertfn our U-bv -an found rn article cut from th file copy of the Clnritn When fHc compared it with another copy thrt I gave her che found it was my ccumn on ltHow to Kcp a Hos-pand Happy ^

Nothing unurI c gtx-c the last pcrjon fzzn reading t mper was Prissy Hcskins (or- to rs proverbial Old Maid)

i VcM if Prissy has inally got a r more pitwer to her Andatore t ranee te bclh of them he-cauife thats what my eotnma was

about Tolerance of a ta^te for old hats old pipes eld friends and mellow beer And tolshyerance on the hosnands part of a wifes tastes and aabtta

From where 1 sit nobody be-grudges Prissy taking that dipshyping from the Clarion But Pd tike to hint that if shed jnst sneewfts shed get my thoughts on tolersnea firathand And in return PH treat her to a glass of beer


eraquoer^W^ bulllaquowJewe^P e7awefjgtew bullbullaT^^n^aWW

J bull A V bullSri

Page 4: Qispatcfj - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-11-12.pdf · Qispatcfj • Michigan Mirror ... the U. S. Pinckney Dispatch [c7'S DEMOCRACY ... Moat mi tkttm


r tf ^ ^


Rokos Soda Now Setvin g Hot Lunches Horn Made Chili

Home Made raquo ^

S^^T w


Pastry Bread Oar Display


Special Orders Picked Up

IGE CREAM Let Us Pack You a Delicious Quart

Black CherrybullOrangefRiueappIef HoneymoonChocoIato Strawberry Lemon In Bulk Pkfe PinraquoVanill a Cherry Butter Pecan

Leave Your Dry Cleaning withUs Picked Up and Delivered Twice Weekly Expert Workmanship

Phone yen105 V



Pinckney vs v

bullbull -- SttOPM amppound3poundpound-

- V bullbullgtbull

bull bull

laquo NV V raquo bull v bull=bullraquo bull bull - ~ bull bull bull- J

- bull bull raquo bull 4laquo bull laquo j bull - rbdquo






PINCKNEY DjSPATCH Wlaquodneraquodraquoy Nov 12 1947

Peoples Store N


Groceries Drygoods raquooods Shoe

Gents Furnishings Lingerie

Kenuedys Gen Store


[Weekly Trip Madhe to Detroit

Lloyd Hendae

Miss Marion Carson of Dearborn - was a Sat gest of Mr and Mrs M

Campbell I l Ihe Lee Lavey family were m f Jackfcon Sunday

raquo o n laquo 64r l4





Oriffnffi Company To Pay for DEAD STOCK

Stanley Dinkel was in Detroit on bus iness Friday

Mrs Iici2 Hondee spent Sat m Ann Arbor

Mr and Mrs Mylo Chubb of How ell ealled on Mrs Rose HendeiJ Sun

Mrs Weltha Vail and Mr and Mis Clifford Buttleman spent the week end in Detroit

Murray Kennedy and family spent Sunday at the Stanley Culver farm in Oak Grove

Mr and Mrs Irvin Kennedy spent Sunday with Ambrose Kennedy and wif gt in Howell

Mrs Hazel Ely of Ann Arbor spent tuniay with Mr and Mr M K Darrow

Mrs Mary Hoff is visiting in i)et roit

Mrnd Mrs Charles Hewlett araquori son ^pent last Wed in Detroit

Paul and Margaret Brogan of Chiison spent Sun with Mrs Eleanor ledwidge

W C AtLec and on attended the MMj-Ind football jnro at Ann Arshybor Saturday

P4MCKNEY DISPATCH Published Every Wednesday 115 Main St Pincknav StobWan

- bullbull- Entered M second vitas Hatter at Postoflice at Pinckney Michigan undc in laquot of Marcr- 8 187

Subscription rau $150 a Year

rAift w cun-BTf nnusHii Mrs Earl liautfhn entertained thy

Vast Matrons of the 0 E S Mon ampfrs Bonnie Henry and Mrs Mable Sliaffer were co-hostesses

A|rs John Carver jr spent Mon In Wayne

Mrs Max Reynolds Mrs L E Hau ghn and son and Mrs Karl Baughn were luncheon guests of Mrs Robt Seefeld Thursday

Misses Joan and K Ann Bird of Wsjpne were over night guestb of the Earl Baughns last Friday

Mr and Mrs John Carver jrwere Mon dinner guests of Mr and Mr B Wiisoa in Ann Arbor

Hollis Wylie and family spent Sun in Fowlerville

Dale Miller and family were Sun guests at the Ikdlis Hollovvay farm at Wrights Corners

Mrs Clara Kennedy and daughter Mrs Norma Uerycz and daughter of Detroit Mrs Wilbur Eisele and Mrs C Eisele Fowlerville helped Mrs Emma Vollniei celebrate birth day Wednesday

Mrand MrsDon Swarthout spem Sunday with Mr and Mis Emil Wed digo in Ann Arbor

Rev and Mrs Morris of Hamburg were a finer quests of Mr and A B D- n Swuiiiout Friday

Mrs Jack iaircliild Jind 2 children of Detroit wvre l i i guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Aberdeen

Mr and Mi Hanr Leo entertain ed Alger Lee and jamiigt of Jsauga-tuek James MeKiney and wife of Jackson and S HLCan and wife Sun in honor of Algers bivihdii

Mrs Gladys Lee Mr Jack Bay--tes and Mr llorton attended a Kinds Dau-hteis bd meeting in Howell Saturday

Mr and Mrs Glenn Cheney of Fowlerville were Sun guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Bat(dlo

Mrs Lqtois Coyle attended the rrr Daughters Past Prea meeting A i e home of Mrs Claude Jiurk-

harut in Howell Saturday Sunday guests at the Lester Mcshy

Afee home were Omar Cass and wife of Detroit and David Steele and fam ily ctf Frederick

Harold Raidy and family spent week end in Bad Axe

Mr and Mis Mylo Chubb of How ell called at the Lynn Hendee home Sunday

Gale Hendee attended the Mich-Ind football game in Ann Arbor Sat

Mr and Mrjj Ival Shirley of Way ne spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Albert Shirley

Miss Gertrude Spears of Los Angshyeles Calif is visiting her father Ed Spears sr

Billy Shehan of Ann Arbor spent teh week end with Mr and Mrs Wrti Shehan

Mrsect Ameia Rheinber^er Mrs 0 Gasset Mrs Hilda Wasmund and Blieen Gassert of Detroit were Wed (meats at the M E Danow home

mdash bull - JJJilLl

east or Alive [ORSES $20 COWS $20 HOGS $6 cwt


tern Equipment Capable Men E L PARKER KdtA Phone 88 Pinchmv

IThe FASTFST O s d ampUrktService m Mfchiffui

StoekCo I _w IJB

lectric Wgttef Heaters

Water Syttemt

Mr and Mrs Geo^y V^aboh jr spent Sunday in Jackson

Andrew Nesbitt and wfe attended the Charles DeWolfe funeral in llarn burg Friday

Mr and Mrs N A Housner of Bri ghtcn called on Mr and Mrs Andrew Nesbitt Saturday

Mrs Elizabeth Brown end daugh ters were in Dexter Friday

Mrs Nelson Treaster and children Ann Arbor spent Sunday with Mrs

John Bell Viola and John remained for a visit

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs L J Henry were Clyde Smith of Ann Arbor and Alice Lee Ware of Howell

Mrs Marie Bauer And children of Brighton spent Sunday at the Louis Shehan home

Mrs Roberts McArtor Amburgey and daughter of Mo are visiting hereMerlin Amburgey is in veterans hospital at Springfield Mo for ner vojis dsorder

Bom to Mr and Mrs Robert Ack Us (Mildred Jack) at Mcpherson hospital Sunday a girl

Mrs Felix Jerslowski ad children and Marv Lame returned home

at sta y


tanley Dlnket NOTICE

eeca tm hasintm lame Stewsat Anderson Bid tm JStteet Metelvettc gurnet downspouts repairing lis ussnear fwterc ere we alecopy be

Fabricate^ 4 Sheet Metal Company

msm bull 3

X fleets eg Jejeksmi The ftoed Seed esse fimor Wise bullHssijhs laquoett raquo ley lt$ mgt mj

Friday from a 2 mouths Phoenix Arizona

M-s Eliza VsmSiekle Mr ad Mrs Erdy VanSickle Charles Dewey ad Mr and Mrs Ben Tomliu left Me0 for Pheonix Arte for the win ter

Miss Jois Harris has been named trees of the Reeves school district to replace Mrs Louise Glenn rericn ed

Floyd Martin sad wife kave movshyed from Portland to the house en MtU St 4bey bnsuft of Joe Geatile

Mrs Eftfcer Ceinpbetl is confined to ber kome by IHeeas - Pavl R^ssesL sett of Mr and

Mrs Max Russell wss injured Thur bullday p so wiiee be wes rtick by an eeto Bis eiether bed parked

across frem tbe pestefxlee end sent Wn aerese tbe reed for tbe snail On

his way bade with it 1st wes struck by a eer driven by Miss Lots sweU-nnhcrrfr join west laquoa M-96 l b s reer feaser of tbe Kesleubensnr car WA laquoern io^e Dr Ray i Durff s was emeraquosieVend it wss felaquond that tbe bey had laquo ltesMraquossien end e

Meraquo I c t a jbsrtia laquolaquo4 Mrs Oedlaquoe

Shlrey amp Sons Garage





Phone No 138












PHONE DEXTER 5116 7628 TOMA RD RT2 Pinckny


600x16 U S ROYAL TIRES Plus Tax U Trad In 10raquoS GUARANTEED BATTERIES - - $g S 0

A TO Z LUBRICATION 730 AM TO 900 P M $ 1 0 0



M M mdash 4

If your telephone grew in SIZE the way its growing in VALUE

- s

If s a good thing we 4osrt have to snake your telephone bigger every time we flsake it possible for you to call more people Yad have to move out of tbe bouse to saake room for tbe telephone

Eaoept for tbe innreeeing jjae of your telephone directory you may not realshyise bew tibe telephone eyete is being

I Jsjje- fi

Eacb of these new telepbones aomeone else you can ceH It may be a butcher a baker a hardware store a doctor or lawyer or druggist Or it may be a friend or relative youve not been able to reach until now

The point is that each new telephone meant more errant your telephone mdashraquo nm for ym - more jobs it can do for you If s getting more vmiusbk everyday



lt bull ft

- ^ - ^ - N

s a l


MM rupmm craquoraquoawx i bull+bull

r bull r-

mm bull-

slssssss Ml

i A- tmi

3 ^

gt r laquogtgtbull - ^ - r -A

- bull4raquo

Pinckney Oil Wednesday Nov 12 VM1

Close Out Sale


02^ 00 Lrt Price Sale Price $210

Price $255 00


MclfiiersOK State Bank

raquo FOR SALE Cabbage $151) per bu j or by the head

Hurl Gallup

FOR SALE-2 Piece BUck Dress bullsiae 13 Phone 13

FORSALE-Team of Mare and Harness Cheap Famhgt M^nkivMs

Phone 3Fi Pinckney


FOR SALE Radio phoncraph co-i bination Leautiful console cabinet

1 GEHL NO 20 STO KER Lilaquot Sale Price


Sale Price $13500

Price $16500


Sale Price amp 19195

2 PURITAN WATER SOFTNERS Lint Pric $15995 Sale Price $12)95


The fixed expenses are easy to account ftgtr They are rent insur ^ amc taxt-i upkeep of car and iiCA V i o i VlaquoTLH ngti^ home Thigt leaves the variables I que Bedioom Suite 12500 food euuvtainment and personal lt) J L Cunnois Silver Lake Road j e -nsesi 1 Cement Mixers for plusmnent 8Vj cu

rite important thing is whether j ft gasolint or electric power 9frac12 tj r remtin in keeping withI Cu ft mixers for sale an wheel or income or are they Arcing a con- skids -less power) Trailers for rent siant drain on savings or hale- axles wheels and hitches

As the G Ps said Lets face it44 Charcoal and Pkg Coal Success di^enda in saving something f WILSON TRAILER RENTAL SER

every pay day Ucgin now

eah week j J I WANTEDMen to cut wood on

shares Three Brothers Farm 10354 Dexier-Pinckney Road

Money to loan at reasonable rtes | F Q R S A L E 1940 Super Deluxe Interest paid on Savings Books and j p ^ A - 1 condition Call 39F3 bet-Time Certificates of Deposit f ween 430 and fi 30 p m

All deporaquoiU up to $500000^1raquo j p o R SALE Brand new Conde Milk ing Machine in original cartoons

ftU M Deify M U Dou W Vaalas4e Pinckney Mich | Charles K teWenlel

Daily 1100 A M to 2 tOO P M Attorneys at U laquo Except Wednesday j F|rlaquot State and Savings

Mon TulaquoiFri SaU 700-600 pnr | Howell Mllhljmdash


112frac12 N eiicJugea m TeJepbeoee

Office 935 Roaidence 814 )516 FLEMING ST HOWELL Elaquooraquoogx by Appoisttatesi

Howell MilaquoWraquor


924 N Main St Ann ArbotMieJl Hauid Chubb Local Representative

ICE 63 21 Grand River HowellEast End of Lake Chemung Open E enings and Sunday Phone 35451

J I C with a dollar or more ^ K n j 0 f Lake Chemung Open Ev-

McPaerm State Balk


Pinckney Michigan

-1 MARTrN J LA VAN i Pbon 13 ) Pbon

raquourcopyd by e r i




2 membership iraquo v ^ Deposit Iolaquouranlaquoe Catymdash | alunlmunT Pftiis or Stainless Steel I

your- choice Harry Waldron Howell Mich SPINET PIANO BARGAIN

Would like to contact some rea ltiWr iiarf with good credt r e - FOR RFNT-Modern 5 room apart-

k) L pay $12500 eah j ment mdash mdash v a iw minimum iontgt I


and ^U )

Roy Hannett phone III

lv payments an a lovely spinet piano FOR SALE11 acres of corin m ear 1( iraquoi-n are of thi- pApar jiv- | a n d 30 to n alfalfa and brome hay

and I will tell ytgtu j7re(j Segerphone Brighton 4870 in r-leronces where piano can be seen

l i i FOR SALE New hQuse 22X30 io m Kitchen large bedroom

Bath poundnd lTtility Cellar 2

TO liEKT Room and board for two jjirls or Man and wife

I i i Stock


$325 cwt

Cloet Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St

HERB SNEEl Phono 1S3 Mh t ^raquoraquo4 laquoHlaquo

Howell rUal poundetetlaquolaquo

City Lk and Fmrm Pimymtf A 5slaquoeUlity

List Y o u T ^ w o r t y With Me LEE LAVEY ~

Gi^NpoundKAL INSURANCE Phoeo 59ltP3

Pint kraquoraquo Michigan







bullMM J AND HSATINU 3717 Lafcosido DtfV

Rioh Lako

PHSWARTHOUT A SON RJNERAL Modem AmbuUettcT laquo laquo ^^ _

Phon 3d Pfttkraquor Mtehlgo



OR APPOIN1MBNTS tUrid^mem laquo13

lot $350 terr^ li K EdiMt 2raquo0 Putnan St


Farnieis reed Supply Cramp PHONE 104 MAX RUSSELLMgr

laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

ROOM FOR RENT Suitable for oie I or two ladies Mrs Thomas Murphy Corner E Main nl N Mill Streets FOR RENT-Trapping rights on my farms 1 John Spears Phoiigt iHF12

FOi SALE-Base Burner Hunting Stove Alex Luzlo 3-4 Mile North of Anderson

bullbull FOR SALE Camen^ Mixer holds Vl bv of (bullomfp Geo Engtmist Hi-hMid Lak-

LOST Large Grey Cat with Dei1 St) ipes Whity Markings on Face

i ami Paws REWARD 447 E Main Pimkney Mich

WANTED General Office Work exi^vienced in bookkeeping Upin^ billing Im^jire at Dispatch Office Box 10S


SPECIAL OFFER I will conduct auction sales for

tha lint rate of $15 per sale with oyt regard to the amount of goods to be sold

_ Bert Wylie Auctioneer

FOR SALE Coal burning hot wat er heater and 30 poundpound tank Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St FOR SALE First and second cuttshying ctf alfalfa hay in bales also -onrj mixed hay Lloyd Sendee j SUFFOLK RAMS crossed with Phone 61FU j Black Top Delaine Ewes produce FOR SALt Kitchen Rangte with rapid maturing lamb of top mutton

I oil burner attachmentfine condition Phillip Sprout Phone 19FII

Classified Want Adf iOli SALE-FURNITURE 2 Piect Blue Living Room Suite Metal

Reed Settee and two Chain Crli iSt

quality that will save you weeks1 oi i S u t v a b e ^gt cottage or porclK Skirt grain feeding Small heads prevent e ] Vrnlty and Stool lambing trouble For sale by T lv Ware Rte 1 Dexter Phone Ann Ar bor 25-822two

FARM FOR SALE-80 Acres with private lakel_Hgt mile frc m Poilage Lake $10000 Cash Mr Florence Schultz 3132 Dix j OL SALERound Oak Heat Ave Lincoln Park Mich - ^ f f - ^ r H i M n ^ f i r e p o t $15 FOR SALETwo wheel Trailer I St-cl Box Price $11 Eli Aron De-ter Rd

John F Connors

FOR SALE2 HP Garden tracshytor with 8 inch i low aui Cultivat-

i or complete V E Beach FOR SALE Larfe Ofl Heaters $75 Glennbrook farm Smill Ones $27 Elm ys Guralaquolaquo Oak Grove Mich FOR SALE Gladioles spikes

cut daily Plenty of colors to pick from also rafliite 60c a doz Ww R Barrett 728 E Siubley st Howell Mich Phon c733 W

eu room house

GP UFNJ A garage at 407 Stuart St Pinckney Mrs RaymQnda


Bedroom Chair Li vwiuiiimarble Tnp Table

Tgt-o Dressers Odd Mirror Lamp Fireplace Screen Four Sets of N o vels like new Ping Pong Table and Table Tennis Outfit Pair of Maple Sk Piano Sectional Bookshycase etc Jl-iu amp Pettysville Road 4 miles 11 1 b Piiieknoy

WANTED -Sevinlaquo Dress Making iinrl altcriationsMrlt Joe Stackable )() llov-ell St Pinckney

FOR SALE-5 Heating Stoves f Rev Francis Murphy

FOR RENTSmall year around hou se at Rush Lake Call John Lobdell 800 R Howell after 6

Housewives S AV E YOUR


FOR SALE A Dodge 4 D o ^ Sedan P O R SALESevlaquon room nouso r = T - ^ ^ W r ^ n r rG8 bull w

H y m t h t w o b a t h slaquo s h a d egt ^rdc fruit good ^ A T bdquo u

g g g j ^ Coach Fltvd Coupe rumble seat | i o c a l i o n 2 JO Putnam St VOn SALEWinchester 12 bguaye I FOP SATF I u 4 ^ ^ F 0 ^ SALE Heating stove burn^ P^laquoP trade _ a n d 0 ^ frac34 6 ^

j wood or coai heats 5 rooms Stuart jampderson

FOR SALE Ladys Winter Coat Black size 38good as new a real bargain Inquire 312 W Main St hone 117

Elmers Garage Oak Grove FOll SALE An 11 Inch H a m m e r N K T P T Q n n a t fo d fn

rifle Phone 42 Lucius Doyle


Overcome Soap Shortage


Vegetable Oils Last year Soap Makers only Phere is world wide shortage of all An ia Fats and

ot one fifth of what they used in 1941 Thij also affects pamts textiles leather goods floor

coverings etc Without the help of the American Housewives there would have been uttle soap last

year One out of every nine cfltes of soap made lalaquot- yer was made from waste fats s^ved

n American kitchens

Jo dont blme your grocer ipound he has

butcher no oap but save every ounce of fat you can and sell it to yr^r

We Heed them Leave Them at this Store

guaranteed afeo 600gt16 wheels

STATE OF MICHIGAN raquoruit Court for the County)

otlaquo Livingston in Chancery

REALTOR ^L^hner^^M^g^^^J^^^ mdash n 25c ^ahle For infants girls or ladies Cuff assorted colors LADIES HOSE-4 pairs for $100 3 rooms with 1 acre op Territor-39c value choice of semi-sheer ial road East of Portage Lake Rd rayon or full-seam service weight $1000 with $600 down $20 a mo cotton Full shades N e a v jjexter 13 acres6 room house

) MENS COTTON SOX-8 pair for ^ U i t f n T L M L ^ J W lilK Ji KUSSO Plaiiuff ($$00 26c value medium weight b a n c h l t k t n h o u a e W00 00 Caah


NEELY raquoit uarniiiu in the Circuit wr

ior the County of Livingston tin Ghutbullbullbull at the City of Howell W i in f id county and state on Septeml $190 be 3rdt 1947 l -

i his cau e it appearing fvoi the worn bill of compliant on file thai the plaintiff does not know the present whereabouts of Charles uusso defendant and whether^Jvej-j is a resident of the state of Mlchi- c

Go Acres 5 rooms bath basemen^ and other outbuildings $10000 V cash

long style or short elastic topAs sorted coiors BfRDSEYE f)IAPERS-$295 a doz enFirraquot Quality27x27 hemmed in

S P S i S v w S Y 1 ra~ lt strade o i l f laquo ^ ^ cent18500 frac12 cash MENS DRLSS SOX5 pairs for lt(1 A bdquo I luA laquolaquo laquoAlaquo

60 Acres 8 room modern brick i cash


sttfe or short elastic top Assorted pound pound ^ Hosery are slight imperfects h f t s n n u gt n l f t r i n u m i T L i laquontii

35c value Fine rnyon long 16c

A c r e 7 ^ hdegW

basement electric pump o l water heater furnace nie cement pier A

rooms and bath


gan or lives outside the State ofjgtQ p o x 2029 Miehigan in a foreign country KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE

On motion of VanWinkle ft Van W A NTED Ashes and rubbish to WilSA U i l lt ls deg hau^ awagt- W i l l a llaquodeg PJ c k UP oM DERLD tnat the said Charles Russo n e w s p a p e r and mayazines cau5a his appearence to be entered laquo bullbull heroin within three months from the date of this order and that in i case of his appearence he cause hte answer to olainliffs bill of compl aint to be ii led and a copy thereof served on the attorneys for plain tiffs within lifteen days after ser vice on said defendant Charles Russo of a copy of paid bill and notice of this order And thrt in de fault thereof said bill be taken as confessed by pound~id dcrondant Chcs Rultlaquoo r bull

And it is turiher ordered that within forty days the plaintiff Base ie E Russo cause a copy of this or der poundo be published in the Ptafcney Dispatch a ne- -paper printed pub lished and circulating In amid Coun ty and that 3uch puWieatian be

| continued therein for at Watt once in each week for six weeks In sue ceasion or that she cause a copy oi this order to be personally served on said defendant Charles Roaao

fat bullleast twenty days before the time prescribed for hi gt Glenn C Yetland bull Circuit Court Commissioner j Van raquoriclaquo Van Winkle Attorneys for Plaintiff

colors Please state size Wanted c-mnnn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Jf^f WOUuu NO CODa WE PA^-Parcel Post 1 ^ ^ l _ Mtw^ SOUTHKRN SALES COMPAQ ^T^r ^ 2 - frac34 frac34 $ pound

1 $1750 down GEORGE I ROBlHt

Ypsilanti P^one 2840 Salesman Clyde OWasopPmckney Fred Millspaugh YpsiPh 1275 at R O CummingsYpsU Ph 70laquo U Harry Prfcsk


$pound Rom where I sit fy Joe Marsh

Prissys Got a Man I (Maybe)


sterday Sis Mertfn our U-bv -an found rn article cut from th file copy of the Clnritn When fHc compared it with another copy thrt I gave her che found it was my ccumn on ltHow to Kcp a Hos-pand Happy ^

Nothing unurI c gtx-c the last pcrjon fzzn reading t mper was Prissy Hcskins (or- to rs proverbial Old Maid)

i VcM if Prissy has inally got a r more pitwer to her Andatore t ranee te bclh of them he-cauife thats what my eotnma was

about Tolerance of a ta^te for old hats old pipes eld friends and mellow beer And tolshyerance on the hosnands part of a wifes tastes and aabtta

From where 1 sit nobody be-grudges Prissy taking that dipshyping from the Clarion But Pd tike to hint that if shed jnst sneewfts shed get my thoughts on tolersnea firathand And in return PH treat her to a glass of beer


eraquoer^W^ bulllaquowJewe^P e7awefjgtew bullbullaT^^n^aWW

J bull A V bullSri

Page 5: Qispatcfj - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-11-12.pdf · Qispatcfj • Michigan Mirror ... the U. S. Pinckney Dispatch [c7'S DEMOCRACY ... Moat mi tkttm




PINCKNEY DjSPATCH Wlaquodneraquodraquoy Nov 12 1947

Peoples Store N


Groceries Drygoods raquooods Shoe

Gents Furnishings Lingerie

Kenuedys Gen Store


[Weekly Trip Madhe to Detroit

Lloyd Hendae

Miss Marion Carson of Dearborn - was a Sat gest of Mr and Mrs M

Campbell I l Ihe Lee Lavey family were m f Jackfcon Sunday

raquo o n laquo 64r l4





Oriffnffi Company To Pay for DEAD STOCK

Stanley Dinkel was in Detroit on bus iness Friday

Mrs Iici2 Hondee spent Sat m Ann Arbor

Mr and Mrs Mylo Chubb of How ell ealled on Mrs Rose HendeiJ Sun

Mrs Weltha Vail and Mr and Mis Clifford Buttleman spent the week end in Detroit

Murray Kennedy and family spent Sunday at the Stanley Culver farm in Oak Grove

Mr and Mrs Irvin Kennedy spent Sunday with Ambrose Kennedy and wif gt in Howell

Mrs Hazel Ely of Ann Arbor spent tuniay with Mr and Mr M K Darrow

Mrs Mary Hoff is visiting in i)et roit

Mrnd Mrs Charles Hewlett araquori son ^pent last Wed in Detroit

Paul and Margaret Brogan of Chiison spent Sun with Mrs Eleanor ledwidge

W C AtLec and on attended the MMj-Ind football jnro at Ann Arshybor Saturday

P4MCKNEY DISPATCH Published Every Wednesday 115 Main St Pincknav StobWan

- bullbull- Entered M second vitas Hatter at Postoflice at Pinckney Michigan undc in laquot of Marcr- 8 187

Subscription rau $150 a Year

rAift w cun-BTf nnusHii Mrs Earl liautfhn entertained thy

Vast Matrons of the 0 E S Mon ampfrs Bonnie Henry and Mrs Mable Sliaffer were co-hostesses

A|rs John Carver jr spent Mon In Wayne

Mrs Max Reynolds Mrs L E Hau ghn and son and Mrs Karl Baughn were luncheon guests of Mrs Robt Seefeld Thursday

Misses Joan and K Ann Bird of Wsjpne were over night guestb of the Earl Baughns last Friday

Mr and Mrs John Carver jrwere Mon dinner guests of Mr and Mr B Wiisoa in Ann Arbor

Hollis Wylie and family spent Sun in Fowlerville

Dale Miller and family were Sun guests at the Ikdlis Hollovvay farm at Wrights Corners

Mrs Clara Kennedy and daughter Mrs Norma Uerycz and daughter of Detroit Mrs Wilbur Eisele and Mrs C Eisele Fowlerville helped Mrs Emma Vollniei celebrate birth day Wednesday

Mrand MrsDon Swarthout spem Sunday with Mr and Mis Emil Wed digo in Ann Arbor

Rev and Mrs Morris of Hamburg were a finer quests of Mr and A B D- n Swuiiiout Friday

Mrs Jack iaircliild Jind 2 children of Detroit wvre l i i guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Aberdeen

Mr and Mi Hanr Leo entertain ed Alger Lee and jamiigt of Jsauga-tuek James MeKiney and wife of Jackson and S HLCan and wife Sun in honor of Algers bivihdii

Mrs Gladys Lee Mr Jack Bay--tes and Mr llorton attended a Kinds Dau-hteis bd meeting in Howell Saturday

Mr and Mrs Glenn Cheney of Fowlerville were Sun guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Bat(dlo

Mrs Lqtois Coyle attended the rrr Daughters Past Prea meeting A i e home of Mrs Claude Jiurk-

harut in Howell Saturday Sunday guests at the Lester Mcshy

Afee home were Omar Cass and wife of Detroit and David Steele and fam ily ctf Frederick

Harold Raidy and family spent week end in Bad Axe

Mr and Mis Mylo Chubb of How ell called at the Lynn Hendee home Sunday

Gale Hendee attended the Mich-Ind football game in Ann Arbor Sat

Mr and Mrjj Ival Shirley of Way ne spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Albert Shirley

Miss Gertrude Spears of Los Angshyeles Calif is visiting her father Ed Spears sr

Billy Shehan of Ann Arbor spent teh week end with Mr and Mrs Wrti Shehan

Mrsect Ameia Rheinber^er Mrs 0 Gasset Mrs Hilda Wasmund and Blieen Gassert of Detroit were Wed (meats at the M E Danow home

mdash bull - JJJilLl

east or Alive [ORSES $20 COWS $20 HOGS $6 cwt


tern Equipment Capable Men E L PARKER KdtA Phone 88 Pinchmv

IThe FASTFST O s d ampUrktService m Mfchiffui

StoekCo I _w IJB

lectric Wgttef Heaters

Water Syttemt

Mr and Mrs Geo^y V^aboh jr spent Sunday in Jackson

Andrew Nesbitt and wfe attended the Charles DeWolfe funeral in llarn burg Friday

Mr and Mrs N A Housner of Bri ghtcn called on Mr and Mrs Andrew Nesbitt Saturday

Mrs Elizabeth Brown end daugh ters were in Dexter Friday

Mrs Nelson Treaster and children Ann Arbor spent Sunday with Mrs

John Bell Viola and John remained for a visit

Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs L J Henry were Clyde Smith of Ann Arbor and Alice Lee Ware of Howell

Mrs Marie Bauer And children of Brighton spent Sunday at the Louis Shehan home

Mrs Roberts McArtor Amburgey and daughter of Mo are visiting hereMerlin Amburgey is in veterans hospital at Springfield Mo for ner vojis dsorder

Bom to Mr and Mrs Robert Ack Us (Mildred Jack) at Mcpherson hospital Sunday a girl

Mrs Felix Jerslowski ad children and Marv Lame returned home

at sta y


tanley Dlnket NOTICE

eeca tm hasintm lame Stewsat Anderson Bid tm JStteet Metelvettc gurnet downspouts repairing lis ussnear fwterc ere we alecopy be

Fabricate^ 4 Sheet Metal Company

msm bull 3

X fleets eg Jejeksmi The ftoed Seed esse fimor Wise bullHssijhs laquoett raquo ley lt$ mgt mj

Friday from a 2 mouths Phoenix Arizona

M-s Eliza VsmSiekle Mr ad Mrs Erdy VanSickle Charles Dewey ad Mr and Mrs Ben Tomliu left Me0 for Pheonix Arte for the win ter

Miss Jois Harris has been named trees of the Reeves school district to replace Mrs Louise Glenn rericn ed

Floyd Martin sad wife kave movshyed from Portland to the house en MtU St 4bey bnsuft of Joe Geatile

Mrs Eftfcer Ceinpbetl is confined to ber kome by IHeeas - Pavl R^ssesL sett of Mr and

Mrs Max Russell wss injured Thur bullday p so wiiee be wes rtick by an eeto Bis eiether bed parked

across frem tbe pestefxlee end sent Wn aerese tbe reed for tbe snail On

his way bade with it 1st wes struck by a eer driven by Miss Lots sweU-nnhcrrfr join west laquoa M-96 l b s reer feaser of tbe Kesleubensnr car WA laquoern io^e Dr Ray i Durff s was emeraquosieVend it wss felaquond that tbe bey had laquo ltesMraquossien end e

Meraquo I c t a jbsrtia laquolaquo4 Mrs Oedlaquoe

Shlrey amp Sons Garage





Phone No 138












PHONE DEXTER 5116 7628 TOMA RD RT2 Pinckny


600x16 U S ROYAL TIRES Plus Tax U Trad In 10raquoS GUARANTEED BATTERIES - - $g S 0

A TO Z LUBRICATION 730 AM TO 900 P M $ 1 0 0



M M mdash 4

If your telephone grew in SIZE the way its growing in VALUE

- s

If s a good thing we 4osrt have to snake your telephone bigger every time we flsake it possible for you to call more people Yad have to move out of tbe bouse to saake room for tbe telephone

Eaoept for tbe innreeeing jjae of your telephone directory you may not realshyise bew tibe telephone eyete is being

I Jsjje- fi

Eacb of these new telepbones aomeone else you can ceH It may be a butcher a baker a hardware store a doctor or lawyer or druggist Or it may be a friend or relative youve not been able to reach until now

The point is that each new telephone meant more errant your telephone mdashraquo nm for ym - more jobs it can do for you If s getting more vmiusbk everyday



lt bull ft

- ^ - ^ - N

s a l


MM rupmm craquoraquoawx i bull+bull

r bull r-

mm bull-

slssssss Ml

i A- tmi

3 ^

gt r laquogtgtbull - ^ - r -A

- bull4raquo

Pinckney Oil Wednesday Nov 12 VM1

Close Out Sale


02^ 00 Lrt Price Sale Price $210

Price $255 00


MclfiiersOK State Bank

raquo FOR SALE Cabbage $151) per bu j or by the head

Hurl Gallup

FOR SALE-2 Piece BUck Dress bullsiae 13 Phone 13

FORSALE-Team of Mare and Harness Cheap Famhgt M^nkivMs

Phone 3Fi Pinckney


FOR SALE Radio phoncraph co-i bination Leautiful console cabinet

1 GEHL NO 20 STO KER Lilaquot Sale Price


Sale Price $13500

Price $16500


Sale Price amp 19195

2 PURITAN WATER SOFTNERS Lint Pric $15995 Sale Price $12)95


The fixed expenses are easy to account ftgtr They are rent insur ^ amc taxt-i upkeep of car and iiCA V i o i VlaquoTLH ngti^ home Thigt leaves the variables I que Bedioom Suite 12500 food euuvtainment and personal lt) J L Cunnois Silver Lake Road j e -nsesi 1 Cement Mixers for plusmnent 8Vj cu

rite important thing is whether j ft gasolint or electric power 9frac12 tj r remtin in keeping withI Cu ft mixers for sale an wheel or income or are they Arcing a con- skids -less power) Trailers for rent siant drain on savings or hale- axles wheels and hitches

As the G Ps said Lets face it44 Charcoal and Pkg Coal Success di^enda in saving something f WILSON TRAILER RENTAL SER

every pay day Ucgin now

eah week j J I WANTEDMen to cut wood on

shares Three Brothers Farm 10354 Dexier-Pinckney Road

Money to loan at reasonable rtes | F Q R S A L E 1940 Super Deluxe Interest paid on Savings Books and j p ^ A - 1 condition Call 39F3 bet-Time Certificates of Deposit f ween 430 and fi 30 p m

All deporaquoiU up to $500000^1raquo j p o R SALE Brand new Conde Milk ing Machine in original cartoons

ftU M Deify M U Dou W Vaalas4e Pinckney Mich | Charles K teWenlel

Daily 1100 A M to 2 tOO P M Attorneys at U laquo Except Wednesday j F|rlaquot State and Savings

Mon TulaquoiFri SaU 700-600 pnr | Howell Mllhljmdash


112frac12 N eiicJugea m TeJepbeoee

Office 935 Roaidence 814 )516 FLEMING ST HOWELL Elaquooraquoogx by Appoisttatesi

Howell MilaquoWraquor


924 N Main St Ann ArbotMieJl Hauid Chubb Local Representative

ICE 63 21 Grand River HowellEast End of Lake Chemung Open E enings and Sunday Phone 35451

J I C with a dollar or more ^ K n j 0 f Lake Chemung Open Ev-

McPaerm State Balk


Pinckney Michigan

-1 MARTrN J LA VAN i Pbon 13 ) Pbon

raquourcopyd by e r i




2 membership iraquo v ^ Deposit Iolaquouranlaquoe Catymdash | alunlmunT Pftiis or Stainless Steel I

your- choice Harry Waldron Howell Mich SPINET PIANO BARGAIN

Would like to contact some rea ltiWr iiarf with good credt r e - FOR RFNT-Modern 5 room apart-

k) L pay $12500 eah j ment mdash mdash v a iw minimum iontgt I


and ^U )

Roy Hannett phone III

lv payments an a lovely spinet piano FOR SALE11 acres of corin m ear 1( iraquoi-n are of thi- pApar jiv- | a n d 30 to n alfalfa and brome hay

and I will tell ytgtu j7re(j Segerphone Brighton 4870 in r-leronces where piano can be seen

l i i FOR SALE New hQuse 22X30 io m Kitchen large bedroom

Bath poundnd lTtility Cellar 2

TO liEKT Room and board for two jjirls or Man and wife

I i i Stock


$325 cwt

Cloet Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St

HERB SNEEl Phono 1S3 Mh t ^raquoraquo4 laquoHlaquo

Howell rUal poundetetlaquolaquo

City Lk and Fmrm Pimymtf A 5slaquoeUlity

List Y o u T ^ w o r t y With Me LEE LAVEY ~

Gi^NpoundKAL INSURANCE Phoeo 59ltP3

Pint kraquoraquo Michigan







bullMM J AND HSATINU 3717 Lafcosido DtfV

Rioh Lako

PHSWARTHOUT A SON RJNERAL Modem AmbuUettcT laquo laquo ^^ _

Phon 3d Pfttkraquor Mtehlgo



OR APPOIN1MBNTS tUrid^mem laquo13

lot $350 terr^ li K EdiMt 2raquo0 Putnan St


Farnieis reed Supply Cramp PHONE 104 MAX RUSSELLMgr

laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

ROOM FOR RENT Suitable for oie I or two ladies Mrs Thomas Murphy Corner E Main nl N Mill Streets FOR RENT-Trapping rights on my farms 1 John Spears Phoiigt iHF12

FOi SALE-Base Burner Hunting Stove Alex Luzlo 3-4 Mile North of Anderson

bullbull FOR SALE Camen^ Mixer holds Vl bv of (bullomfp Geo Engtmist Hi-hMid Lak-

LOST Large Grey Cat with Dei1 St) ipes Whity Markings on Face

i ami Paws REWARD 447 E Main Pimkney Mich

WANTED General Office Work exi^vienced in bookkeeping Upin^ billing Im^jire at Dispatch Office Box 10S


SPECIAL OFFER I will conduct auction sales for

tha lint rate of $15 per sale with oyt regard to the amount of goods to be sold

_ Bert Wylie Auctioneer

FOR SALE Coal burning hot wat er heater and 30 poundpound tank Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St FOR SALE First and second cuttshying ctf alfalfa hay in bales also -onrj mixed hay Lloyd Sendee j SUFFOLK RAMS crossed with Phone 61FU j Black Top Delaine Ewes produce FOR SALt Kitchen Rangte with rapid maturing lamb of top mutton

I oil burner attachmentfine condition Phillip Sprout Phone 19FII

Classified Want Adf iOli SALE-FURNITURE 2 Piect Blue Living Room Suite Metal

Reed Settee and two Chain Crli iSt

quality that will save you weeks1 oi i S u t v a b e ^gt cottage or porclK Skirt grain feeding Small heads prevent e ] Vrnlty and Stool lambing trouble For sale by T lv Ware Rte 1 Dexter Phone Ann Ar bor 25-822two

FARM FOR SALE-80 Acres with private lakel_Hgt mile frc m Poilage Lake $10000 Cash Mr Florence Schultz 3132 Dix j OL SALERound Oak Heat Ave Lincoln Park Mich - ^ f f - ^ r H i M n ^ f i r e p o t $15 FOR SALETwo wheel Trailer I St-cl Box Price $11 Eli Aron De-ter Rd

John F Connors

FOR SALE2 HP Garden tracshytor with 8 inch i low aui Cultivat-

i or complete V E Beach FOR SALE Larfe Ofl Heaters $75 Glennbrook farm Smill Ones $27 Elm ys Guralaquolaquo Oak Grove Mich FOR SALE Gladioles spikes

cut daily Plenty of colors to pick from also rafliite 60c a doz Ww R Barrett 728 E Siubley st Howell Mich Phon c733 W

eu room house

GP UFNJ A garage at 407 Stuart St Pinckney Mrs RaymQnda


Bedroom Chair Li vwiuiiimarble Tnp Table

Tgt-o Dressers Odd Mirror Lamp Fireplace Screen Four Sets of N o vels like new Ping Pong Table and Table Tennis Outfit Pair of Maple Sk Piano Sectional Bookshycase etc Jl-iu amp Pettysville Road 4 miles 11 1 b Piiieknoy

WANTED -Sevinlaquo Dress Making iinrl altcriationsMrlt Joe Stackable )() llov-ell St Pinckney

FOR SALE-5 Heating Stoves f Rev Francis Murphy

FOR RENTSmall year around hou se at Rush Lake Call John Lobdell 800 R Howell after 6

Housewives S AV E YOUR


FOR SALE A Dodge 4 D o ^ Sedan P O R SALESevlaquon room nouso r = T - ^ ^ W r ^ n r rG8 bull w

H y m t h t w o b a t h slaquo s h a d egt ^rdc fruit good ^ A T bdquo u

g g g j ^ Coach Fltvd Coupe rumble seat | i o c a l i o n 2 JO Putnam St VOn SALEWinchester 12 bguaye I FOP SATF I u 4 ^ ^ F 0 ^ SALE Heating stove burn^ P^laquoP trade _ a n d 0 ^ frac34 6 ^

j wood or coai heats 5 rooms Stuart jampderson

FOR SALE Ladys Winter Coat Black size 38good as new a real bargain Inquire 312 W Main St hone 117

Elmers Garage Oak Grove FOll SALE An 11 Inch H a m m e r N K T P T Q n n a t fo d fn

rifle Phone 42 Lucius Doyle


Overcome Soap Shortage


Vegetable Oils Last year Soap Makers only Phere is world wide shortage of all An ia Fats and

ot one fifth of what they used in 1941 Thij also affects pamts textiles leather goods floor

coverings etc Without the help of the American Housewives there would have been uttle soap last

year One out of every nine cfltes of soap made lalaquot- yer was made from waste fats s^ved

n American kitchens

Jo dont blme your grocer ipound he has

butcher no oap but save every ounce of fat you can and sell it to yr^r

We Heed them Leave Them at this Store

guaranteed afeo 600gt16 wheels

STATE OF MICHIGAN raquoruit Court for the County)

otlaquo Livingston in Chancery

REALTOR ^L^hner^^M^g^^^J^^^ mdash n 25c ^ahle For infants girls or ladies Cuff assorted colors LADIES HOSE-4 pairs for $100 3 rooms with 1 acre op Territor-39c value choice of semi-sheer ial road East of Portage Lake Rd rayon or full-seam service weight $1000 with $600 down $20 a mo cotton Full shades N e a v jjexter 13 acres6 room house

) MENS COTTON SOX-8 pair for ^ U i t f n T L M L ^ J W lilK Ji KUSSO Plaiiuff ($$00 26c value medium weight b a n c h l t k t n h o u a e W00 00 Caah


NEELY raquoit uarniiiu in the Circuit wr

ior the County of Livingston tin Ghutbullbullbull at the City of Howell W i in f id county and state on Septeml $190 be 3rdt 1947 l -

i his cau e it appearing fvoi the worn bill of compliant on file thai the plaintiff does not know the present whereabouts of Charles uusso defendant and whether^Jvej-j is a resident of the state of Mlchi- c

Go Acres 5 rooms bath basemen^ and other outbuildings $10000 V cash

long style or short elastic topAs sorted coiors BfRDSEYE f)IAPERS-$295 a doz enFirraquot Quality27x27 hemmed in

S P S i S v w S Y 1 ra~ lt strade o i l f laquo ^ ^ cent18500 frac12 cash MENS DRLSS SOX5 pairs for lt(1 A bdquo I luA laquolaquo laquoAlaquo

60 Acres 8 room modern brick i cash


sttfe or short elastic top Assorted pound pound ^ Hosery are slight imperfects h f t s n n u gt n l f t r i n u m i T L i laquontii

35c value Fine rnyon long 16c

A c r e 7 ^ hdegW

basement electric pump o l water heater furnace nie cement pier A

rooms and bath


gan or lives outside the State ofjgtQ p o x 2029 Miehigan in a foreign country KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE

On motion of VanWinkle ft Van W A NTED Ashes and rubbish to WilSA U i l lt ls deg hau^ awagt- W i l l a llaquodeg PJ c k UP oM DERLD tnat the said Charles Russo n e w s p a p e r and mayazines cau5a his appearence to be entered laquo bullbull heroin within three months from the date of this order and that in i case of his appearence he cause hte answer to olainliffs bill of compl aint to be ii led and a copy thereof served on the attorneys for plain tiffs within lifteen days after ser vice on said defendant Charles Russo of a copy of paid bill and notice of this order And thrt in de fault thereof said bill be taken as confessed by pound~id dcrondant Chcs Rultlaquoo r bull

And it is turiher ordered that within forty days the plaintiff Base ie E Russo cause a copy of this or der poundo be published in the Ptafcney Dispatch a ne- -paper printed pub lished and circulating In amid Coun ty and that 3uch puWieatian be

| continued therein for at Watt once in each week for six weeks In sue ceasion or that she cause a copy oi this order to be personally served on said defendant Charles Roaao

fat bullleast twenty days before the time prescribed for hi gt Glenn C Yetland bull Circuit Court Commissioner j Van raquoriclaquo Van Winkle Attorneys for Plaintiff

colors Please state size Wanted c-mnnn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Jf^f WOUuu NO CODa WE PA^-Parcel Post 1 ^ ^ l _ Mtw^ SOUTHKRN SALES COMPAQ ^T^r ^ 2 - frac34 frac34 $ pound

1 $1750 down GEORGE I ROBlHt

Ypsilanti P^one 2840 Salesman Clyde OWasopPmckney Fred Millspaugh YpsiPh 1275 at R O CummingsYpsU Ph 70laquo U Harry Prfcsk


$pound Rom where I sit fy Joe Marsh

Prissys Got a Man I (Maybe)


sterday Sis Mertfn our U-bv -an found rn article cut from th file copy of the Clnritn When fHc compared it with another copy thrt I gave her che found it was my ccumn on ltHow to Kcp a Hos-pand Happy ^

Nothing unurI c gtx-c the last pcrjon fzzn reading t mper was Prissy Hcskins (or- to rs proverbial Old Maid)

i VcM if Prissy has inally got a r more pitwer to her Andatore t ranee te bclh of them he-cauife thats what my eotnma was

about Tolerance of a ta^te for old hats old pipes eld friends and mellow beer And tolshyerance on the hosnands part of a wifes tastes and aabtta

From where 1 sit nobody be-grudges Prissy taking that dipshyping from the Clarion But Pd tike to hint that if shed jnst sneewfts shed get my thoughts on tolersnea firathand And in return PH treat her to a glass of beer


eraquoer^W^ bulllaquowJewe^P e7awefjgtew bullbullaT^^n^aWW

J bull A V bullSri

Page 6: Qispatcfj - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1947-11-12.pdf · Qispatcfj • Michigan Mirror ... the U. S. Pinckney Dispatch [c7'S DEMOCRACY ... Moat mi tkttm

3 ^

gt r laquogtgtbull - ^ - r -A

- bull4raquo

Pinckney Oil Wednesday Nov 12 VM1

Close Out Sale


02^ 00 Lrt Price Sale Price $210

Price $255 00


MclfiiersOK State Bank

raquo FOR SALE Cabbage $151) per bu j or by the head

Hurl Gallup

FOR SALE-2 Piece BUck Dress bullsiae 13 Phone 13

FORSALE-Team of Mare and Harness Cheap Famhgt M^nkivMs

Phone 3Fi Pinckney


FOR SALE Radio phoncraph co-i bination Leautiful console cabinet

1 GEHL NO 20 STO KER Lilaquot Sale Price


Sale Price $13500

Price $16500


Sale Price amp 19195

2 PURITAN WATER SOFTNERS Lint Pric $15995 Sale Price $12)95


The fixed expenses are easy to account ftgtr They are rent insur ^ amc taxt-i upkeep of car and iiCA V i o i VlaquoTLH ngti^ home Thigt leaves the variables I que Bedioom Suite 12500 food euuvtainment and personal lt) J L Cunnois Silver Lake Road j e -nsesi 1 Cement Mixers for plusmnent 8Vj cu

rite important thing is whether j ft gasolint or electric power 9frac12 tj r remtin in keeping withI Cu ft mixers for sale an wheel or income or are they Arcing a con- skids -less power) Trailers for rent siant drain on savings or hale- axles wheels and hitches

As the G Ps said Lets face it44 Charcoal and Pkg Coal Success di^enda in saving something f WILSON TRAILER RENTAL SER

every pay day Ucgin now

eah week j J I WANTEDMen to cut wood on

shares Three Brothers Farm 10354 Dexier-Pinckney Road

Money to loan at reasonable rtes | F Q R S A L E 1940 Super Deluxe Interest paid on Savings Books and j p ^ A - 1 condition Call 39F3 bet-Time Certificates of Deposit f ween 430 and fi 30 p m

All deporaquoiU up to $500000^1raquo j p o R SALE Brand new Conde Milk ing Machine in original cartoons

ftU M Deify M U Dou W Vaalas4e Pinckney Mich | Charles K teWenlel

Daily 1100 A M to 2 tOO P M Attorneys at U laquo Except Wednesday j F|rlaquot State and Savings

Mon TulaquoiFri SaU 700-600 pnr | Howell Mllhljmdash


112frac12 N eiicJugea m TeJepbeoee

Office 935 Roaidence 814 )516 FLEMING ST HOWELL Elaquooraquoogx by Appoisttatesi

Howell MilaquoWraquor


924 N Main St Ann ArbotMieJl Hauid Chubb Local Representative

ICE 63 21 Grand River HowellEast End of Lake Chemung Open E enings and Sunday Phone 35451

J I C with a dollar or more ^ K n j 0 f Lake Chemung Open Ev-

McPaerm State Balk


Pinckney Michigan

-1 MARTrN J LA VAN i Pbon 13 ) Pbon

raquourcopyd by e r i




2 membership iraquo v ^ Deposit Iolaquouranlaquoe Catymdash | alunlmunT Pftiis or Stainless Steel I

your- choice Harry Waldron Howell Mich SPINET PIANO BARGAIN

Would like to contact some rea ltiWr iiarf with good credt r e - FOR RFNT-Modern 5 room apart-

k) L pay $12500 eah j ment mdash mdash v a iw minimum iontgt I


and ^U )

Roy Hannett phone III

lv payments an a lovely spinet piano FOR SALE11 acres of corin m ear 1( iraquoi-n are of thi- pApar jiv- | a n d 30 to n alfalfa and brome hay

and I will tell ytgtu j7re(j Segerphone Brighton 4870 in r-leronces where piano can be seen

l i i FOR SALE New hQuse 22X30 io m Kitchen large bedroom

Bath poundnd lTtility Cellar 2

TO liEKT Room and board for two jjirls or Man and wife

I i i Stock


$325 cwt

Cloet Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St

HERB SNEEl Phono 1S3 Mh t ^raquoraquo4 laquoHlaquo

Howell rUal poundetetlaquolaquo

City Lk and Fmrm Pimymtf A 5slaquoeUlity

List Y o u T ^ w o r t y With Me LEE LAVEY ~

Gi^NpoundKAL INSURANCE Phoeo 59ltP3

Pint kraquoraquo Michigan







bullMM J AND HSATINU 3717 Lafcosido DtfV

Rioh Lako

PHSWARTHOUT A SON RJNERAL Modem AmbuUettcT laquo laquo ^^ _

Phon 3d Pfttkraquor Mtehlgo



OR APPOIN1MBNTS tUrid^mem laquo13

lot $350 terr^ li K EdiMt 2raquo0 Putnan St


Farnieis reed Supply Cramp PHONE 104 MAX RUSSELLMgr

laquo laquo bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

ROOM FOR RENT Suitable for oie I or two ladies Mrs Thomas Murphy Corner E Main nl N Mill Streets FOR RENT-Trapping rights on my farms 1 John Spears Phoiigt iHF12

FOi SALE-Base Burner Hunting Stove Alex Luzlo 3-4 Mile North of Anderson

bullbull FOR SALE Camen^ Mixer holds Vl bv of (bullomfp Geo Engtmist Hi-hMid Lak-

LOST Large Grey Cat with Dei1 St) ipes Whity Markings on Face

i ami Paws REWARD 447 E Main Pimkney Mich

WANTED General Office Work exi^vienced in bookkeeping Upin^ billing Im^jire at Dispatch Office Box 10S


SPECIAL OFFER I will conduct auction sales for

tha lint rate of $15 per sale with oyt regard to the amount of goods to be sold

_ Bert Wylie Auctioneer

FOR SALE Coal burning hot wat er heater and 30 poundpound tank Mrs McKinley 306 Mill St FOR SALE First and second cuttshying ctf alfalfa hay in bales also -onrj mixed hay Lloyd Sendee j SUFFOLK RAMS crossed with Phone 61FU j Black Top Delaine Ewes produce FOR SALt Kitchen Rangte with rapid maturing lamb of top mutton

I oil burner attachmentfine condition Phillip Sprout Phone 19FII

Classified Want Adf iOli SALE-FURNITURE 2 Piect Blue Living Room Suite Metal

Reed Settee and two Chain Crli iSt

quality that will save you weeks1 oi i S u t v a b e ^gt cottage or porclK Skirt grain feeding Small heads prevent e ] Vrnlty and Stool lambing trouble For sale by T lv Ware Rte 1 Dexter Phone Ann Ar bor 25-822two

FARM FOR SALE-80 Acres with private lakel_Hgt mile frc m Poilage Lake $10000 Cash Mr Florence Schultz 3132 Dix j OL SALERound Oak Heat Ave Lincoln Park Mich - ^ f f - ^ r H i M n ^ f i r e p o t $15 FOR SALETwo wheel Trailer I St-cl Box Price $11 Eli Aron De-ter Rd

John F Connors

FOR SALE2 HP Garden tracshytor with 8 inch i low aui Cultivat-

i or complete V E Beach FOR SALE Larfe Ofl Heaters $75 Glennbrook farm Smill Ones $27 Elm ys Guralaquolaquo Oak Grove Mich FOR SALE Gladioles spikes

cut daily Plenty of colors to pick from also rafliite 60c a doz Ww R Barrett 728 E Siubley st Howell Mich Phon c733 W

eu room house

GP UFNJ A garage at 407 Stuart St Pinckney Mrs RaymQnda


Bedroom Chair Li vwiuiiimarble Tnp Table

Tgt-o Dressers Odd Mirror Lamp Fireplace Screen Four Sets of N o vels like new Ping Pong Table and Table Tennis Outfit Pair of Maple Sk Piano Sectional Bookshycase etc Jl-iu amp Pettysville Road 4 miles 11 1 b Piiieknoy

WANTED -Sevinlaquo Dress Making iinrl altcriationsMrlt Joe Stackable )() llov-ell St Pinckney

FOR SALE-5 Heating Stoves f Rev Francis Murphy

FOR RENTSmall year around hou se at Rush Lake Call John Lobdell 800 R Howell after 6

Housewives S AV E YOUR


FOR SALE A Dodge 4 D o ^ Sedan P O R SALESevlaquon room nouso r = T - ^ ^ W r ^ n r rG8 bull w

H y m t h t w o b a t h slaquo s h a d egt ^rdc fruit good ^ A T bdquo u

g g g j ^ Coach Fltvd Coupe rumble seat | i o c a l i o n 2 JO Putnam St VOn SALEWinchester 12 bguaye I FOP SATF I u 4 ^ ^ F 0 ^ SALE Heating stove burn^ P^laquoP trade _ a n d 0 ^ frac34 6 ^

j wood or coai heats 5 rooms Stuart jampderson

FOR SALE Ladys Winter Coat Black size 38good as new a real bargain Inquire 312 W Main St hone 117

Elmers Garage Oak Grove FOll SALE An 11 Inch H a m m e r N K T P T Q n n a t fo d fn

rifle Phone 42 Lucius Doyle


Overcome Soap Shortage


Vegetable Oils Last year Soap Makers only Phere is world wide shortage of all An ia Fats and

ot one fifth of what they used in 1941 Thij also affects pamts textiles leather goods floor

coverings etc Without the help of the American Housewives there would have been uttle soap last

year One out of every nine cfltes of soap made lalaquot- yer was made from waste fats s^ved

n American kitchens

Jo dont blme your grocer ipound he has

butcher no oap but save every ounce of fat you can and sell it to yr^r

We Heed them Leave Them at this Store

guaranteed afeo 600gt16 wheels

STATE OF MICHIGAN raquoruit Court for the County)

otlaquo Livingston in Chancery

REALTOR ^L^hner^^M^g^^^J^^^ mdash n 25c ^ahle For infants girls or ladies Cuff assorted colors LADIES HOSE-4 pairs for $100 3 rooms with 1 acre op Territor-39c value choice of semi-sheer ial road East of Portage Lake Rd rayon or full-seam service weight $1000 with $600 down $20 a mo cotton Full shades N e a v jjexter 13 acres6 room house

) MENS COTTON SOX-8 pair for ^ U i t f n T L M L ^ J W lilK Ji KUSSO Plaiiuff ($$00 26c value medium weight b a n c h l t k t n h o u a e W00 00 Caah


NEELY raquoit uarniiiu in the Circuit wr

ior the County of Livingston tin Ghutbullbullbull at the City of Howell W i in f id county and state on Septeml $190 be 3rdt 1947 l -

i his cau e it appearing fvoi the worn bill of compliant on file thai the plaintiff does not know the present whereabouts of Charles uusso defendant and whether^Jvej-j is a resident of the state of Mlchi- c

Go Acres 5 rooms bath basemen^ and other outbuildings $10000 V cash

long style or short elastic topAs sorted coiors BfRDSEYE f)IAPERS-$295 a doz enFirraquot Quality27x27 hemmed in

S P S i S v w S Y 1 ra~ lt strade o i l f laquo ^ ^ cent18500 frac12 cash MENS DRLSS SOX5 pairs for lt(1 A bdquo I luA laquolaquo laquoAlaquo

60 Acres 8 room modern brick i cash


sttfe or short elastic top Assorted pound pound ^ Hosery are slight imperfects h f t s n n u gt n l f t r i n u m i T L i laquontii

35c value Fine rnyon long 16c

A c r e 7 ^ hdegW

basement electric pump o l water heater furnace nie cement pier A

rooms and bath


gan or lives outside the State ofjgtQ p o x 2029 Miehigan in a foreign country KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE

On motion of VanWinkle ft Van W A NTED Ashes and rubbish to WilSA U i l lt ls deg hau^ awagt- W i l l a llaquodeg PJ c k UP oM DERLD tnat the said Charles Russo n e w s p a p e r and mayazines cau5a his appearence to be entered laquo bullbull heroin within three months from the date of this order and that in i case of his appearence he cause hte answer to olainliffs bill of compl aint to be ii led and a copy thereof served on the attorneys for plain tiffs within lifteen days after ser vice on said defendant Charles Russo of a copy of paid bill and notice of this order And thrt in de fault thereof said bill be taken as confessed by pound~id dcrondant Chcs Rultlaquoo r bull

And it is turiher ordered that within forty days the plaintiff Base ie E Russo cause a copy of this or der poundo be published in the Ptafcney Dispatch a ne- -paper printed pub lished and circulating In amid Coun ty and that 3uch puWieatian be

| continued therein for at Watt once in each week for six weeks In sue ceasion or that she cause a copy oi this order to be personally served on said defendant Charles Roaao

fat bullleast twenty days before the time prescribed for hi gt Glenn C Yetland bull Circuit Court Commissioner j Van raquoriclaquo Van Winkle Attorneys for Plaintiff

colors Please state size Wanted c-mnnn SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Jf^f WOUuu NO CODa WE PA^-Parcel Post 1 ^ ^ l _ Mtw^ SOUTHKRN SALES COMPAQ ^T^r ^ 2 - frac34 frac34 $ pound

1 $1750 down GEORGE I ROBlHt

Ypsilanti P^one 2840 Salesman Clyde OWasopPmckney Fred Millspaugh YpsiPh 1275 at R O CummingsYpsU Ph 70laquo U Harry Prfcsk


$pound Rom where I sit fy Joe Marsh

Prissys Got a Man I (Maybe)


sterday Sis Mertfn our U-bv -an found rn article cut from th file copy of the Clnritn When fHc compared it with another copy thrt I gave her che found it was my ccumn on ltHow to Kcp a Hos-pand Happy ^

Nothing unurI c gtx-c the last pcrjon fzzn reading t mper was Prissy Hcskins (or- to rs proverbial Old Maid)

i VcM if Prissy has inally got a r more pitwer to her Andatore t ranee te bclh of them he-cauife thats what my eotnma was

about Tolerance of a ta^te for old hats old pipes eld friends and mellow beer And tolshyerance on the hosnands part of a wifes tastes and aabtta

From where 1 sit nobody be-grudges Prissy taking that dipshyping from the Clarion But Pd tike to hint that if shed jnst sneewfts shed get my thoughts on tolersnea firathand And in return PH treat her to a glass of beer


eraquoer^W^ bulllaquowJewe^P e7awefjgtew bullbullaT^^n^aWW

J bull A V bullSri