"fTV •/•'•v: •*'•• . * ' •••* •1 V 'T Dispatch V 73 THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday, April 25, 1956 MICHIGAN MIRROR The political campaign is getting underway. The Democrats %ee'm to have the jump as the Republicans have not yet come up with a candi dct« fox governor. State Chairman % went to Washngton last week to see Congressman Ford but he turned A:~_ M^.,1, t.V»f»v dowr the nomination they plan to draft Mayor Cobo of Detro it whc is at his ranch at Arizona for health reasons. He has perviously turned it dowrt. 'Gov. Williams the 5 Demo №e No. If Wedding Anniversary r SOCIETY NEWS One hundred and fifty guests at. terukd the 50th wedding anniver. faary open house for Mr. and Mrs. Marion Reason Sunday afternoon. The honored couple with their sons, Jack and Gerald received the quests Many gift bouquets of yellow spiim/ flowers decorated the living room and «un room. The tea table was beautiful with a threetiered wedding cakt, chystal candelabra with gold candels. Presiding at the table were Mrs. Helen Reason Rey nodis and Mrs. Anna Reason. Their granddaughter, Mrs. Shirley Freder crat office holders are touring state giving their reports and meet ing the people. T^ Repubicsns seem to be relying on embezzlement charges against a license plate sales . i c ks had charge of the guest book. .•. a woman. The Democrats say They received m a | y beautiul gifts. Among the out of town guests were Gale Johnson and wife, Dr. Walter Reason and wife, Mrs. Flor refusal of Republicans to approp rate funds kept them from carrying out their promises. The Republican* retort this" refusal kep the state out j oncce Artz, Norbert Lavey, Detroit, of the red. \ | Paul Fredericks of Battle Creek; Michigan judges are asked to give bad drivers stiffer sentences $1 a mile for the first 5 miles over " the MARRIED AT DEARBORN Jerry Heath, son of Mrs. Kather. ine Heath of Pinckney was marpried Saturday at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, Dearborn to Mrs. iJj'kie Jennings of that place. Hi brother, Joe, was best man and the brides sister, matron of honor. Mike Heath, Bobby Darrow, Billy Miller u: hered.The bride's daughter % Linda, was flower girl. The reception was at the American Legion hall. Jerry is on the Dearborn police force. . . Those trom nere who attended ' were Mrs Katherine Heath, son,' Gburcu St. Mary's CauwQc C&arco JUr* *T. Albert bchmitt, Faster fenday Aiasse 8 8:00 and 10:00 tuxx. t Notena devotions, Friday eveuing at 740. Confessions, Friday evening alter Novena Devotions and Saturday from 7:30 to 9:00 p. m. and Suaday ne fore the 8;0t> Meononite Mike, the Charles Heaths^ Bob Young Peoples Meeting Vedders, Noll Cooks, Bobby Darrow j Cottage Fellowship Service Cai?aiy Mtimoatu Cnurcb fiftv. Ezra, Beachy, faster S. S. Supt. Walwr fisca Morning Worshif .. 1U;00 Sunday Sciif el 11:00 . 1:80 and Bill Miller .Also the Tom Goods sr and Tom Goods jr of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. the Ward Swaithouts, Mrs Mable Suydam, the 2 McVey families and \ Mi a. Winifred Graves of Jackson; the second 5 miles and Bill Cushing,Dexter,Mrs Lulu Lamb 83 for the third. j EaLt Lansing, Mrs. Mae Rane Whit Work has been resumed on the more Lake; Mrs Fanny Bradley of Mackinac bridge. Resort owners are ; lint^ Harold Swarthout and wife., building on both sides of the bridge. Forndale.Gene and Clare Reason call Michigan Week is May 20_26.500 ' e J from Florida. Three weddings this day, Alice Wakefield and Ted Stock ton at the People's Church and Ce cil Hooker and Ella Sunday at the Grace Bible church, An n Arbor. Sat Cong'l. church. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION Mrs Mae Daller was the only dele ate from Putnam to the convention 600 lait yeear. Harold vacationed in Michigan Last Wednesday evening the M.J.l^ " oweI1 las * Wednesday Harold Reasons were entertained at a dinn £? r * Cn <L hairman absence of Reasons were entertained at a dinn- Michigan week s Maiy 20 26. 500 cr at the Elks' Club, Ann Arbor by cities will take part in the mayrr their children. A large wedding exchange. cake decorated with yellow roses The Young Republicans meet at was presented and the organist play -Lansing May 11. They will crown "The Anniversary Song" for them. a Miss Republican. One of their num ber, Rep.Lester Sallade of Ann Ar. bor may run for governor. wedneetay ft:O0 Elementary Schod | CURRENT CUIIBBNT Second Grade j We decorated our room to reures-} Ti^ Trighton Argus has thls~te em Holland for the carnival.Tiininy ' say/a ut th ^ Kelly.Monaco wedi. .Sjji-jut's grandmother is visiting his ' " ' " !aiit Week: By the time you real aur.t.Xar«n Kaiser attended a bridal j iniL Uie international nonsense te ajjuwer for her aunt. Robert Kaiser i Monnc ' vvi11 b e over - The movie h-d the a day measels.Dan Gubaci^v J queen wiu h * vt stepped .down te ZiiU Davis had company SundayJim ! the roIe ot a minor princess and tfce mie iiaughu visitd the Howell Sani.. . kua<lreds of sooiy newspaper, r*4 ui-ium Sunday. Linda Wegner*- j i o : >^' v 'sion and society, hound* reice visited her. Toby Shettelro* , D i : "" e 1>et '-inied to the U.S. A. iius v. new jacket. Debby Can- ana ! al>er 8 Qtun S ionly fleeting glimpse , ; of the ceremonies and write great ng columns of copy about J-' Congregation*., Cindy Hummer had company Sunday. John Ta&ch visited his aunt i grandmother in Ann Arbor.Tory i ha* a white dress and Kenny j We a r e n o t quite as extreme m Fisher a rabbit called Taps. Joe | lhi& but thmk this *™ ch Publicised Kennedy had a polio shot. Debby roma " y l s a s s >' n ^ic as the on« J/muTS bus a new coat Connie ' a . ff - w > yars *&> ^tween the Priaoa ftev. J. w. Wingw, factor School V:30 A. m. Worship 10:45 a. m. iiiurs. rttgtt prayer meeting visited her Kraadiuor.her. Wu pla\t\l "Scat, .Scat ti uuy. Little Cat'' i ^t-uit shooter, wi ^ is at the time Wallie SimpeoB, £@con4 aac T^trd licily Puckett'-; cou.,in, at th& cburch ai Jfidt*! Uici'.^rdsoji visited her They went Vi ihe Ann Arbor movies. 1-iicky JJjoxom Mtt a base ball bat, bail and a j^ovc ior his birthday. Mike liar. UiiU si.-ier, France v.a.s home from Flint Sis-iiday. liiily Sliirey caught coirlv' of Ulue (Jills with 'us handy. l J u1 I i heatI of CONGRESSIONAL LETTER NOTICE ^ Tiektts for the Mother & Dau^h ter Banquet at school May 9 can be obtained from Mrs. Viola Read at 147 South Mill St., Pinckney 0000 NOTICE The Ladies Fellowship group will meet at the Cong'l church at 7:30 p. ni., April 26 on account of the style show. DINNER POSTPONED Due to the fact that the kitchen and dining room in St. Mary's new Congressional Don Hayworth has introduced a soil bank bill differing in some respects from the presi.. derm's. It provides that the soil bank land, taken out of pioduction may !'•> us*d for recreational purposes. it would also put a limit on soil bark payments and eliminate arlvan incorporated in the pres- W F. Close, Prosecutor Erwin clerk. Resolutions were adopted endor.. sin President Eisenhower and his farm program and called for the nomination of a strong candidate ! for congress who can defeat Cong. } | Don Hayworth, Democrat. This is a , rather back handed slap at Kit Clavdy who lost to Hayworth in 1954.He is a capdidate for the nom ination this year Also James Card., i.'.er. Flint realtor and David MaGee | Flint attorney. The delegates named to the state convention were Mrs. Tom Bonner, Wsd. choir ntacUce %'M p. The Feooiss M-M West between Main and Unadiila Street* Ret. Keith Ruegsegffer, Pastor Sunday School Morning Worship Youth Group 0:45 a. m. 10:50 A.M. went to tile drive in by tne aewe as the romance s. Miss Kelly is a movie ttar a*. ! ;nce won an Oscar aL. though vv. i.'jver heard of her untli jhe hooked thj prince. The princes kj'<; ciuni only includes 870 ares ami ii.- 1 income is from the rental of M<jiitt Carlo, the worlds target? i^'^i.ng palace to Monnasis, the Grt k for $150 % 000 a year. Tfce parents are separated and the prince's sister and aer .Saturday with his family. ' husbi :i<!. She did not take part 7:00 p. tn. Nancy iluJIistcr hu< a baby brother, j the wet Evening Service ...... 3:00 p. m. Tiiuts. Prayer Me«dng 8:00 p. m. jr. Choir Practice Wed. 4:00 p. m. 8r. f*oir Practice WwL 7:Bt p. m T le prince had an ail •j<\.ai. tne ! ?rand mother is in iance with «* ^ench actress for She vis Led her Sunday •ix He left her a s she could not e liaisofh aunt Eileen »ave \ nave children. Marriage with Miss i.t'W umbrella for her birthday. ! Kcijy was a.ranged by the Princes' who was born in O. V.. S. CALENDAR April 27;Special Fast Matron', Patron's I^ight. . er A;,no Marie Youuy j i >:ni birthday Auhi; Uernai'dine and ior Uncle Uie her J iiii Fourth and Fifth Our room showed movies at the ; Second Cathy HeaJi's mother went to a coTiiva, DuWayn Hoy and Duvid ; wcdi-.iu^ baLiirday. Carol Menke \nndenbuach made a mural on the wcn\ to tiie llowoli snow: Sharon 2 Scandenavin countrys Norway iJiaccs went in Pimtiac .Sunday.iiilly ident's-bill. wwll ' c '"" l/ " "'%'"'=• *«"' uumiw < and Sweden. We are goi»^' VV r . V. Close, W. C. Collins # Wilfred j. lie]a viUaj?e a weo k fion, Erwin, Ray Sargeant, Clay Wilt,I ,,,.„ to Green i;ei Wetlnes , bii - - i day. Hollia Arnold, Otto Kumerous,Lyle i iiy placing a limit on the soil j Glover, Grace Kurkowski. The Li*. ' v •-. Sixth Grade News ank payments it would limit pay | i n «ston county headquarters is at ' We had a fine turnout Hotel Statler, Detroit, May 5. i piay' > Rumpolstiitsk.in"at i for our .--aw iu.s grandmutheri n Stuck biiu^e Sunday .^tan;cy Li/id had a r^l' 1 in a cabin crui.sei. Jeii' ilendee j.;oi a hatchet and canying case i'rotn hi« Kiuii'iniottH'i. Linua CJUJIS ware. She hardly knew the prince .. i speake little French He speaks il-.'.c Kpglish.. She is supposed prcvide him with a male heir ae France has Interest in hit kingdom and can take it over if there is no mi'ie heir bom. Most of the thievee ut hurope must have flocked there as many of the Americans who went to the wedding had their j«w«lry l\ad i< o cream and candy at 1KT no I its to $25000 on the one year ac. etap-e reserve and $7500 a year on the long range 3 to 15 year reserve prog-ram.He points out that if there no limits a 340.U00 acre wheat •rhool is not vet ready the fish din- ! vveJe Mr i v ^ e d there for April 27 I farmer could collect $3,400,000 a 27 Bas been postponed until further notice. Sally Doyle,Altar Soc. Pres. bv letti ^ land lie idle. Neighboring Note* Tom Howlett and Hollis Hollo way are building new homes south of Greg-ory, O?i April 26 at a banquet at Stock bridge high school the 50th anniv KINGS DAUGHTERS f ' l< ^ al *y °* the founding of the Pres.. J ^*""'. vi no nanirhtpv* I byto)-ian church and the ordination .The Pinckney Kings Uaugnteis * 1 - ~- ' of its pastor Dr. Behner will be eel tbrated at a dinner. 8tockbridge high school base ball N BAKE SALE APRIL 28 St. Girard\ Guild of St. Mary's j church will hold a bake sale Satur J d*y, April 28 at the Gerald Reason building, starting- at 10:00 a. m. THE JUNIOR PLAY The Junior play "Faith, Hope and Flaiity," drew 2 good houses at the lie camiv al and all seined iu cmjoy it. All of the characters were well taken.. Wo worked had to yet ou; 1 room back in order and prepare for tlie linal six la , U]U uc , ul c;in)pintfi echoed last week. Jay Root in the weeks of suhool role of Flarity and Donna Basydlo dnrl Nancy Willis as the Crabbe t.win,s carried the comedy part ably assisted by Dick Wy'lie, the butler, Doris Imus, the maid and Nancy meet Wednesday, May 2 at 1:30 fct the home of Mrs. Irving Cantrell. Co-hostesses Mrs. Bonner and M»s Flounce Madsen,Sec. team lost St. Johns of Jackon 2 OLD TIME LAWSUIT The delayed trial of Knute Lun-i- *torm vs William Secor was held before Justice Frost in the town hall Monday. It was an all day sess.. ion. Hiram Smith appeared for Lundstorm and Herbert WiJiere-1 of Chelsea for Secor. Secor sold a "team of horses to Lundstorm w ) claimed he was defrauded as o"ne of them was a bad kicker and would not work. The jury was Roger Carv, C. H. Kennedy, George Meabon,Fre'l Siayton^ Dallas Cox,Claude Reason. Most of the horse jockeys in to 2 and beat Chelsea 10 to 8. Dexter will vote on a new school bond issue May 24. 1 lie University of Michigan has ! awarded a Rackham scholarship to Donna Lickley .dr.ughter of the Horace Lickieys of De.<ter. .'•'cnator Charles Potter of Mich- ifca 1 ' will speak before the Brightci Ch -mber of Commerce May 11 The employees of the Haigh the Co. of Brighton joined the CJ.O.and on strike when the company refused to recognize the union. Brighton will vote on a $500000 McCarthy, the cook Jim Campbell wus the quick tempered father of the twins, Linda Lee his housekeep er; Lois Kallio ,an actress and Jack Doyle, Eric Rose^ Bob Ward and Douglas Fletcher, suitors of the twins. The specialties were by music dir eetor Backus and consisted of a trumpet solo by John St Piere, a flut solo and clarinet duo. The .Student Council The student council arc 'iii v/ork ' j on their poetry book. The boys have ' i mule G student council |.ins i'nd 8 more to make INSTALL VOTING. MACHINES The legislature has passed a law that any voting precinct that has ever 800 voters must either split their prcinct in two or install vot ing machines. Howell, Brighton and WIN THEIR SECOND GAME Pinckney won their first league game Friday by beating^ lloy-sville here 15 to 7.Two freshmen pitched the complete game. Dick Kon:u-dy going 6 inning's and Dennie Ciark 1. They allowed 3 hits but issued u few walks and had 5 errors made hind them. Herb Dyer pot ior Pinckney. In the oth^r ^umes South Lyon beat Manchoser 11 to 4 and Dexter took Hanland 16 to 8. Pinckney beat Dexter there Tues ] '{ hir ' Grade Xevva Mary U'ylie.s father luuk B(;auty, U.< jio 1 :,: t h e y j:i']>t tiiis v. inter (>ack t<< MciK' i•••!(' (>•)(;! l a u i iai nen's cal. ic) t a i l:a t ] kitLen.s. Jiiiimy Pine has . Laby ^j.-ter Anne Marie. Lei Alii, .•ot, ;;nd his father saw 10 troe.-> t h a t Had been .-D\a:k by ii^lituin^ Sun day. Marv ii;ikei's little puj), Kin^j, died. Uur j'ooai painie.l Hawaiian ii'"< J'i.sh - . c u e s and had 2 li.sh ]>onda i;' cur room for the carnival. Fourth Grade phy w<.< are studying Switzerland and decorated ! ur room about this country for the j carnival. We liked the clocks hang., hits | hi±j from oar ii^lits. We r.VKie a wur al ii))d wrote tl;e story of the old Iv.ws.-. ]e,:.ivnd,Wilhelm Tell.We enjey niaking 1 life t>i;:e pictures of Heidi <^r Peter with one of his goats from in vy hav# had voting machines for aomf? time and Handy and Green Oak are to install them. The Put. day 5 to 3 with Dick Kennedy pitch f fi\,m tlie story of Heidi by Johanna ing all of it. They made a triple play, Higgs to Packer to Rollings. v/oith. JOHN McINTEE John Mclntee, 80, died at his nam town board voted to purchase 2 homfe at Wyza]ta> Minn . Tuesday. ! lS v;hzerland and ' Mrs. Haines voting machines, This the board He wftg t h e s o n of Patrick McIntee preferred over splitting the precinct; of pinckney b u t h a d livcd - m M ;nno- as a suitable polling place would g0 . a man He visited reJa Spyri. We had a fine chart and pic. tuic illustrating- the rescue of pep. ble from the dangers of the Alps by St. Leonard dogs. We had a nice time at the carnival. We thank Mrs. Teach for loaning us her mural of her i*nti(;ue g"la.-s clock. Jolin Wilson, Pe)h Minock and Di^ne Gubcaky a display of a Swiss lake with county were witnesses. Theiv testi. momey was very conflicting. Some asserting the "horse was a confirmed kicker. Others that the horse was •xtremly gentle and decile. The ver-) 15 ttt * n * court house, Howell, April diet was that Secor take the team j 2G a 8 P- « • back, pay Lundstorm $65 and t ^'enn Berry of Howell Twp. has lh# costs be split 50 .50. o .. ... .«.». V1 . „ VV w V w, - - „,-_.-„ r go;a many years ne vi^ieu xem.. | niaot a aispiay oi a bwiss iane witn school bond issue June also on annox { hr.ve to be established conform. ' tives here 2 weeks ag0 .Surviving are ) hotels where tourists go for sailing in? the Hamburg school district. I wg to the law and anotn^r election v- ,- a crt _ a _.i A Hanp-httu-s. Uvr,.,,-,^ ««/i «!,;{„„ the Hamburg school district. j ing to the law and anotn^r election hig ^ ^ ^ a son and 4 daughters. ! skating and skiiiv. The Lakelands Gulf and Country boaid appointed. It is expected the Alg( . g sistera) Mrs Mary Fitzsim. 1 Fouth and Fifth Club has applied for liquor license. [ machines will be used at the Aug ( m o n - a n d Mrg> GW; Clark of Pinck ! S!ihrme Haxter . s father broke his The Democrat county convention ust primary election . n e y a n d M r g Kittie C ulhane of Jack J foot Leroy Porter's father bought aon.The funeral is at Wysatla, Thur a horse Sa'urii-iy. Pat Tessmer vis- Tl.c presidei.t vetoed the high support* farm bill last week and r'JJtd on cor.pre«fl to pass his woti ba> k bill.We can nee little difforanc* b'-! •.'.<•('n .i >Joth call for govwn- :13c-;.i moii..; .andouta to farmers. Th'.- Dehvnfat plan calls for pric« ^iii'jtort.-; liiyh enough so the farm. cr 'ull n.ake a profit on his crops. The president's plan would ^fitb. cii;,u Ja..d from farming to radot* the cjop yield and pay farmer* r«nt !'o) tbfir idle land which is tuppos < <1 t. . .vi' !'- fertility improved |f :' will j'aisc liiore crops when it j;iu's L3rk into production.28 Repubi cuis voted for high supports, most \y }"]•( rr western states. Personaily v-o ti.iuk this surplus businea* ia JV ?r drjiio. The fault is poor distribut* ion. Tliei are untold thousands in (his county ^nd aUo overseas who ii" r;ot have enough to eat. We • nt\ could see why these surplus- es \ W : J :>ot made available to the*. Two srits iiJcd against federal rrrnnent in Idaho by parents of children who were giren Saulk Iio ^hottj, The parents of SUM* FLDCC, 7, who became parattMMl ia\ both legs 9 days after receiving ft j/oi-'o shot want $158,688. ThU'li at Poriielli, Idaho. The ofHer fu^t by the parents of Terry Turmer, 7, of American Falls want $250,000. H<: (j-el 3 weeks after receiving 1 a ; shoi. We believe ik Jfeotfc the CLL cr v^cine made uj^C nia was Ui>»U. %«•. LIVINGSTON LODGE NO. 76 MAY CALENDAR y p Veen elected chairman of the county boRrd of supervisors. The Howell Theatre is having a new front installed. April 26_7th District meeting at j Myron Wriggelsworth has been Ann Arbpr 8 p. m May 1, 8 p m . Regular meeting. Examination of candidates May 5, 8 p. m. Livonia Lodge No. SM to work MM degrees. May 21-23, Grand Lodge in De.. troit. May 28: S p. m, PC Degrees. Alonxo VanSlambrook W. M. P. W.-Carlett, Sec. . Erwin If aim writes us that ho insitailed as commander of the How ell Knights Templars. Bob Ross, husband of the former LOSES BOTH FEET A tragic accident took place Gregory last Friday. The truck in which James Bauman, 28, and Harry Cardwell,51,of Jackson were < sday. MICHIGAN WEEK The exchange of mayors on May , Michigan Week, is up in the air Noreen Crottty is now n> Michi?aa Weekj i s u p nding o\vned by the Michigan Elgin &% f a r a g pinckney is concerned. Soft Water Co. for whom they work Thcy were to have exchanpe d with hit the- train at the Gregory cross. Lmng8burg> a shiawas^ee village ing. Baumcrn was thrown under the b , jt Lainsburg has notified them train and lost .both feei Cardwcll ., y a r e n o t ukinj? part in it . Neith id t d b i bth of the ' received cuts and bruises, both were Disteli Hotel at Austn, Taxasi Rep. Joe Warner, 86, of Ypsilanfci, a member of the Iegslaiture for 33 yoers died last week. He was called "Gas Tax Joe"as he was the first to advocate a tax on gasoline, He al.so fnvored a state income tax but could not put in over. day going through the halls Linden may purchase the dam and Mi I of the Detroit Masonic tempe. In a gkun eose he saw the names of the Masonic Building Honor Guards on which the name of his brother, the late Edward Earl* Mann was in •cribed. He was a life member of A A. X. water rights there for $6500 for o park . Lyon and Green Oak townships witi vote April 25 on giving the Con Power Co. a franchaise to ce u a , taken to University hospi^l, Arbor. LIB1ARY NEWS New books are Imperial Woman East Ann Arbor who was to Warren in Maconib «ty So-far Mayor Stanley Dinkcl not been notified who Pinckney will exchange with. it,?d his grandmother Sunday. Kitty Williams mother lost her purse Sat in day Fifth Grade News Rebecca Morris will represent the school in the district spelling at j u r , ; A f Mf « ^J ...... ii x,... ,, : ,,._ ... ... , baid threatened H is a cold day when Maf#p Oft.. ville Hubbt~d of Dearborn dflpi aott not make the front page. I^iril week in an article widely copied W sout* erii papers he boasted tthal? born had always had That an unwritten law kept the ne. groes out. This caused Bishojr Etaier ick of the Episcoal church to* repty him to such an extent that Hub. Howell. Mrs. Miller goes with her. France was our then>e for the carni. val. We are celebrating Mary Asch- I iner's and Gary Davises birth. I this week.We decorated the slender. to sue nil* for The week before foifowiaf aanonI > e '! d r...e recruiting by Buck and Our Michigan Hertiage by Gillard. i Mrs. Thomas Bonner has been elected a delegate to the Republican " u j cardg> g . ftg and wcll scate convention a Detroit in May. wh , ch madft our 5Oth THANK YOU We want to thank all of our rel- i atives and friends for their wonder KIWAN1S NOTE8 The high school, 7th and 8th suuh a memorable occasion, and u> our children who made it possible. -j All were deeply appreciated l music classes furnished the ' words and shall never ft lay mains and serve the people with program lost sight. Next Tuesday Lucy and Marion gas, _ the Ktwaaii will vote on sponsor/ing fxe* ttovies tnit Dear their poveers. Some questioned his autk. ority to defy the federal days showcase as a guide for the rooms i vZ"oBj"Ziii'!i *»~'"'"'•* * <-*•» 4U • i r\ ^ lV t.,, : born and would tear dowa for the carnival. Our trip to the Ed ison museum is Wednesday, May ?. The decorations were beautiful and we hated to take them dowa. Mra* _ ^ _ _ _ MiUcr took pictures of all the decor ) Plana ar% being formulate^* a. m the building. We are giv.. elocution known as the HfcM. T* n n ° U o ! tate8< ° Hry . DaV * an Non «'w«t- Charities Inc. to , s am GamiUee Bjjla are the first put ^ arnen d m ent legalising Mn- volanteers W^ t**: : JIrB. Heatons' ff0 o n t h e ^^ thb STft ka/5f most order 43.000 in 1952. Under it a certato amount of the profits would fo te 1th and 5th as ; ;y in the lunch wow: Kcbccea Morria finished 3rd in ( . h a r)t y. The Association Wd itt the d 1S tncUjpemn* n*Uh at How.., d^at in 1962 to the fact thtfi tke ail Alm<m Da^fnport M HoweU'ww -jrotttwiii, orfanisationj and first. . — - :j\&.;v'. J»Ue4 p ftt Vrfrm tt^ ••,•

•1 V Dispatch - pinckneylocalhistory.orgpinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-04-25.pdf · 'T Dispatch V 73 THE PINCKNEY ... Alice Wakefield and Ted Stock ... •rhool is not vet

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73 THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday, April 25, 1956

MICHIGAN MIRRORThe political campaign is getting

underway. The Democrats %ee'm tohave the jump as the Republicanshave not yet come up with a candidct« fox governor. State Chairman%

went to Washngton last week to seeCongressman Ford but he turned

A : ~ _ M ^ . , 1 , t.V»f»vdowr the nomination theyplan to draft Mayor Cobo of Detro-it whc is at his ranch at Arizona forhealth reasons. He has perviously

turned it dowrt.'Gov. Williams the 5 Demo


No. If

Wedding Anniversary r SOCIETY NEWSOne hundred and fifty guests at.

terukd the 50th wedding anniver.faary open house for Mr. and Mrs.

Marion Reason Sunday afternoon.The honored couple with their

sons, Jack and Gerald received thequests

Many gift bouquets of yellowspiim/ flowers decorated the livingroom and «un room. The tea tablewas beautiful with a threetieredwedding cakt, chystal candelabrawith gold candels. Presiding at thetable were Mrs. Helen Reason Reynodis and Mrs. Anna Reason. Theirgranddaughter, Mrs. Shirley Freder

crat office holders are touringstate giving their reports and meeting the people. T ^ Repubicsnsseem to be relying on embezzlementcharges against a license plate sales . icks had charge of the guest book.

.•. a woman. The Democrats say They received ma|y beautiul gifts.Among the out of town guests

were Gale Johnson and wife, Dr.Walter Reason and wife, Mrs. Flor

refusal of Republicans to approprate funds kept them from carryingout their promises. The Republican*retort this" refusal kep the state out j oncce Artz, Norbert Lavey, Detroit,of the red. \ | Paul Fredericks of Battle Creek;

Michigan judges are asked to givebad drivers stiffer sentences $1 amile for the first 5 miles over "the

MARRIED AT DEARBORNJerry Heath, son of Mrs. Kather.

ine Heath of Pinckney was marpriedSaturday at Our Lady Queen ofAngels Church, Dearborn to Mrs.iJj'kie Jennings of that place. Hibrother, Joe, was best man and thebrides sister, matron of honor. MikeHeath, Bobby Darrow, Billy Milleru:-hered.The bride's daughter%Linda,was flower girl. The reception wasat the American Legion hall. Jerryis on the Dearborn police force.. . Those trom nere who attended 'were Mrs Katherine Heath, son,'

GburcuSt. Mary's CauwQc C&arco

JUr* *T. Albert bchmitt, Fasterfenday Aiasse8 8:00 and 10:00 tuxx.

t Notena devotions, Friday eveuingat 740.

Confessions, Friday evening alterNovena Devotions and Saturday from7:30 to 9:00 p. m. and Suaday ne-

fore the 8;0t>


Mike, the Charles Heaths^ Bob Young Peoples MeetingVedders, Noll Cooks, Bobby Darrow j Cottage Fellowship Service

Cai?aiy Mtimoatu Cnurcbfiftv. Ezra, Beachy, faster

S. S. Supt. Walwr fiscaMorning Worshif .. 1U;00Sunday Sciif el 11:00

. 1:80

and Bill Miller .Also the Tom Goodssr and Tom Goods jr of Pittsburg,Pennsylvania.

the Ward Swaithouts, Mrs MableSuydam, the 2 McVey families and

\ Mi a. Winifred Graves of Jackson;the second 5 miles and Bill Cushing,Dexter,Mrs Lulu Lamb

83 for the third. j EaLt Lansing, Mrs. Mae Rane WhitWork has been resumed on the more Lake; Mrs Fanny Bradley of

Mackinac bridge. Resort owners are ; lint^ Harold Swarthout and wife.,building on both sides of the bridge. Forndale.Gene and Clare Reason call

Michigan Week is May 20_26.500 ' e-J from Florida.

Three weddings thisday, Alice Wakefield and Ted Stockton at the People's Church and Ce-cil Hooker and Ella Sunday at theGrace Bible church, Ann Arbor. Sat

Cong'l. church.

REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONMrs Mae Daller was the only dele

ate from Putnam to the convention

600lait yeear.

Haroldvacationed in Michigan Last Wednesday evening the M . J . l ^ " o w e I 1 l a s * Wednesday HaroldReasons were entertained at a dinn £? r*C n ™ <Lhairman « absence ofReasons were entertained at a dinn-

Michigan week s Maiy 20 26. 500 cr at the Elks' Club, Ann Arbor bycities will take part in the mayrr their children. A large wedding

exchange. cake decorated with yellow rosesThe Young Republicans meet at was presented and the organist play

-Lansing May 11. They will crown "The Anniversary Song" for them.a Miss Republican. One of their number, Rep.Lester Sallade of Ann Ar.bor may run for governor.

wedneetay ft:O0

Elementary Schod | CURRENT CUIIBBNTSecond Grade j

We decorated our room to reures-} T i ^ Trighton Argus has thls~teem Holland for the carnival.Tiininy ' s a y / a ^ ° u t t h ^ Kelly.Monaco wedi..Sjji-jut's grandmother is visiting his ' " ' " ! a i i t W e e k : By the time you realaur.t.Xar«n Kaiser attended a bridal j i n i L U i e international nonsense teajjuwer for her aunt. Robert Kaiser i M o n n c ' vvi11 b e o v e r - The movieh-d the a day measels.Dan Gubaci^v J q u e e n w i u h * v t stepped .down teZiiU Davis had company SundayJim ! t h e r o I e ot a m i n o r princess and tfcemie iiaughu visitd the Howell Sani.. . k u a < l r e d s o f sooiy newspaper, r*4ui-ium Sunday. Linda Wegner*- j i o : >^ 'v ' s ion and society, hound*reice visited her. Toby Shettelro* , D i : "" e 1>et'-inied to the U.S. A.iius v. new jacket. Debby Can- ana ! a l > e r 8QtunS ionly fleeting glimpse

, ; of the ceremonies and write greatng columns of copy aboutJ-'


Cindy Hummer had companySunday. John Ta&ch visited his aunt

i grandmother in Ann Arbor.Toryi ha* a white dress and Kenny j W e a r e n o t quite as extreme m

Fisher a rabbit called Taps. Joe | lhi& b u t t h m k t h i s *™ch PublicisedKennedy had a polio shot. Debby r o m a " y l s a s s > ' n ^ i c as the on«J/muTS bus a new coat Connie ' a . f f-w > y a r s *&> ^ tween the Priaoa

ftev. J. w. Wingw, factorSchool V:30 A. m.Worship 10:45 a. m.

iiiurs. rttgtt prayer meeting

visited her Kraadiuor.her.Wu pla\t\l "Scat, .Scatti uuy.

Little Cat'' i ^ t -u i t shooter,wi ^ is at the time

Wallie SimpeoB,

£@con4 aac T^trdl icily Puckett'-; cou.,in,

at th& cburch ai Jfidt*! Uici'.^rdsoji visited her They wentVi ihe Ann Arbor movies. 1-iickyJJjoxom Mtt a base ball bat, bail anda j^ovc ior his birthday. Mike l i a r .UiiU si.-ier, F r a n c e v.a.s home fromFlint Sis-iiday. liiily Sliirey caughtcoirlv' of Ulue (Jills with 'us handy.lJu1 Ii heatI



NOTICE ^Tiektts for the Mother & Dau^h

ter Banquet at school May 9 can beobtained from Mrs. Viola Read at147 South Mill St., Pinckney

0 0 0 0 —NOTICE

The Ladies Fellowship group willmeet at the Cong'l church at 7:30p. ni., April 26 on account of thestyle show.

DINNER POSTPONEDDue to the fact that the kitchen

and dining room in St. Mary's new

Congressional Don Hayworth hasintroduced a soil bank bill differingin some respects from the presi..derm's. It provides that the soil bankland, taken out of pioduction may!'•> us*d for recreational purposes.it would also put a limit on soilbark payments and eliminate arlvan

incorporated in the pres-

W F. Close, Prosecutor Erwin clerk.Resolutions were adopted endor..

sin President Eisenhower and hisfarm program and called for thenomination of a strong candidate

! for congress who can defeat Cong. }| Don Hayworth, Democrat. This is a, rather back handed slap at KitClavdy who lost to Hayworth in1954.He is a capdidate for the nomination this year Also James Card.,i.'.er. Flint realtor and David MaGee |Flint attorney.

The delegates named to the stateconvention were Mrs. Tom Bonner,

Wsd. choir ntacUce %'M p.

The FeooissM-M West between Main and

Unadiila Street*Ret. Keith Ruegsegffer, Pastor

Sunday SchoolMorning WorshipYouth Group

0:45 a. m.10:50 A.M.

went to tile drive in

by tne aeweas the romance

s. Miss Kelly is a moviettar a*. ! ;nce won an Oscar aL.though vv. i.'jver heard of her untlijhe hooked thj prince. The princeskj'<; ciuni only includes 870 ares amiii.-1 income is from the rental ofM<jiitt Carlo, the worlds target?i^'^i.ng palace to Monnasis, theGrt k for $150%000 a year. Tfce

parents are separated andthe prince's sister and aer

.Saturday with his family. ' husbi :i<!. She did not take par t7:00 p. tn. Nancy iluJIistcr hu< a baby brother, j the wet

Evening Service . . . . . . 3:00 p. m.Tiiuts. Prayer Me«dng 8:00 p. m.jr. Choir Practice Wed. 4:00 p. m.8r. f*oir Practice WwL 7:Bt p. m

T le prince had an ail• j< \ .a i .

tne !?rand mother is in • iance with «* ^ e n c h actress for

She vis Led her Sunday•ix

He left her as she could note liaisofh aunt Eileen »ave \ nave children. Marriage with Missi.t'W umbrella for her birthday. ! Kcijy was a.ranged by the Princes'

who was born inO. V.. S. CALENDAR

April 27;Special Fast Matron',Patron's I^ight.

. erA;,no Marie Youuyji>:ni birthdayAuhi; Uernai'dine and


UieherJ iiii

Fourth and FifthOur room showed movies at the ;

SecondCathy HeaJ i ' s mother went to a

coTiiva, DuWayn Hoy and Duvid ; wcdi-.iu^ baLiirday. Carol Menke\nndenbuach made a mural on the wcn\ to tiie llowoli snow: Sharon2 Scandenavin countrys Norway iJiaccs went in Pimtiac .Sunday.iiilly

ident 's-bi l l .

w w l l ' c ' " " l / " " ' % ' " ' = • * « " ' u u m i w < and Sweden. We are goi»^'VVr. V. Close, W. C. Collins# Wilfred j . l i e ] a v i U a j ? e a w e o k fion,Erwin, Ray Sargeant, Clay Wilt,I ,,,.„

to Green i;eiWetlnes , bii

- - i day.Hollia Arnold, Otto Kumerous,Lyle i

iiy placing a limit on the soil j Glover, Grace Kurkowski. The Li*. 'v • •-. Sixth Grade Newsank payments it would limit pay | in«ston county headquarters is a t ' We had a fine turnout

Hotel Statler, Detroit, May 5. i piay'>Rumpolstiitsk.in"at i

for our

.--aw iu.s grandmutheri n Stuckbiiu^e Sunday .^tan;cy Li/id had ar^l'1 in a cabin crui.sei. Jeii ' i lendeej.;oi a hatchet and cany ing casei'rotn hi« Kiuii'iniottH'i. Linua CJUJIS

ware. She hardly knew the prince.. i speake little French He speaksil-.'.c Kpglish.. She is supposed *»prcvide him with a male heir aeFrance has Interest in hit kingdomand can take it over if there is nomi'ie heir bom. Most of the thieveeut hurope must have flocked thereas many of the Americans who wentto the wedding had their j«w«lry

l\ad i< o cream and candy at 1KTn o I its to $25000 on the one year a c .etap-e reserve and $7500 a year onthe long range 3 to 15 year reserveprog-ram.He points out that if there

no limits a 340.U00 acre wheat•rhool is not vet ready the fish din- ! v v e J e

Mr i v ^ e d there for April 27 I farmer could collect $3,400,000 a27Bas been postponed until furthernotice. Sally Doyle,Altar Soc. Pres.

b v l e t t i ^ land lie idle.

Neighboring Note*Tom Howlett and Hollis Hollo

way are building new homes southof Greg-ory,O?i April 26 at a banquet at Stock

bridge high school the 50th annivKINGS DAUGHTERS f'l<^al*y °* the founding of the Pres..

J ^ * " " ' . v i no nanirhtpv* I byto)-ian church and the ordination.The Pinckney Kings Uaugnteis *1 - ~- ' of its pastor Dr. Behner will be eel

tbrated at a dinner.8tockbridge high school base ball

N BAKE SALE APRIL 28St. Girard\ Guild of St. Mary's j

church will hold a bake sale Satur Jd*y, April 28 at the Gerald Reasonbuilding, starting- at 10:00 a. m.

THE JUNIOR PLAYThe Junior play "Faith, Hope and

Flaiity," drew 2 good houses at the

lie camiv

al and all s e i n e d iu cmjoy it. All ofthe characters were well taken.. Woworked had to yet ou;1 room back inorder and prepare for tlie linal six

l a , U ] U u c , u l c ; i n ) p i n t f i

echoed last week. Jay Root in the weeks of suhoolrole of Flarity and Donna Basydlodnrl Nancy Willis as the Crabbet.win,s carried the comedy part ablyassisted by Dick Wy'lie, the butler,Doris Imus, the maid and Nancy

meet Wednesday, May 2 at 1:30fct the home of Mrs. Irving Cantrell.Co-hostesses Mrs. Bonner and M»s

Flounce Madsen,Sec. team lost St. Johns of Jackon 2

OLD TIME LAWSUITThe delayed trial of Knute Lun-i-

*torm vs William Secor was heldbefore Justice Frost in the townhall Monday. It was an all day sess..ion. Hiram Smith appeared forLundstorm and Herbert WiJiere-1of Chelsea for Secor. Secor sold a"team of horses to Lundstorm w )claimed he was defrauded as o"neof them was a bad kicker and wouldnot work. The jury was Roger Carv,C. H. Kennedy, George Meabon,Fre'lSiayton^ Dallas Cox,Claude Reason.Most of the horse jockeys in

to 2 and beat Chelsea 10 to 8.Dexter will vote on a new school

bond issue May 24.1 lie University of Michigan has

! awarded a Rackham scholarship toDonna Lickley .dr.ughter of theHorace Lickieys of De.<ter.

.'•'cnator Charles Potter of Mich-ifca1' will speak before the BrightciCh -mber of Commerce May 11

The employees of the Haigh


Co. of Brighton joined the CJ.O.andon strike when the company

refused to recognize the union.Brighton will vote on a $500000

McCarthy, the cook Jim Campbellwus the quick tempered father ofthe twins, Linda Lee his housekeeper; Lois Kallio ,an actress and JackDoyle, Eric Rose^ Bob Ward andDouglas Fletcher, suitors of thetwins.

The specialties were by music direetor Backus and consisted of atrumpet solo by John St Piere, aflut solo and clarinet duo.

The .Student CouncilThe student council arc 'iii v/ork

' j on their poetry book. The boys have' i mule G student council |.ins i'nd

8 more to make

INSTALL VOTING. MACHINESThe legislature has passed a law

that any voting precinct that hasever 800 voters must either splittheir prcinct in two or install voting machines. Howell, Brighton and

WIN THEIR SECOND GAMEPinckney won their first league

game Friday by beating^ lloy-svillehere 15 to 7.Two freshmen pitchedthe complete game. Dick Kon:u-dygoing 6 inning's and Dennie Ciark 1.They allowed 3 hits but issued ufew walks and had 5 errors madehind them. Herb Dyer potior Pinckney. In the oth^r ^umesSouth Lyon beat Manchoser 11 to4 and Dexter took Hanland 16 to 8.

Pinckney beat Dexter there Tues ]

'{ hir ' Grade XevvaMary U'ylie.s father luuk B(;auty,

U . < j i o 1 : , : t h e y j : i ' ] > t t i i i s v . i n t e r ( > a c k

t<< M c i K ' i • • • ! ( ' ( > • ) ( ; ! l a u i i a i n e n ' s c a l .

i c ) t a i l:a t] kitLen.s. J i i i i m y P i n e h a s

. Laby ^j.-ter A n n e M a r i e . Lei Al i i ,

.•ot, ; ;nd h is f a t h e r s a w 10 troe.-> t h a t

Had been .-D\a:k by i i ^ l i t u i n ^ S u n

d a y . M a r v i i ; i k e i ' s l i t t l e puj), Kin^j ,

d i e d . U u r j 'ooai p a i n i e . l H a w a i i a n

ii'"< J'i.sh - . c u e s a n d h a d 2 li.sh ]>onda

i;' c u r r o o m fo r t h e c a r n i v a l .

Fourth Gradephy w<.< are studying

Switzerland and decorated !u r room about this country for the jcarnival. We liked the clocks hang.,

hits | hi±j from oar ii^lits. We r.VKie a wural ii))d wrote tl;e story of the oldIv.ws.-. ]e,:.ivnd,Wilhelm Tell.We enjeyniaking1 life t>i;:e pictures of Heidi<r Peter with one of his goats from


vy hav# had voting machinesfor aomf? time and Handy and GreenOak are to install them. The Put.

day 5 to 3 with Dick Kennedy pitch f fi\,m tlie story of Heidi by Johannaing all of it. They made a tripleplay, Higgs to Packer to Rollings.v/oith.

JOHN McINTEEJohn Mclntee, 80, died at his

nam town board voted to purchase 2 h o m f e a t W y z a ] t a > M i n n . Tuesday. ! lSv;hzerland and ' Mrs. Hainesvoting machines, This the board H e w f t g t h e s o n o f P a t r i c k M c I n t e e

preferred over splitting the precinct; o f p i n c k n e y b u t h a d l i v c d -m M;nno-as a suitable polling place would g 0 . a m a n H e v i s i t e d r e J a

Spyri. We had a fine chart and pic.tuic illustrating- the rescue of pep.ble from the dangers of the Alps bySt. Leonard dogs. We had a nicetime at the carnival. We thank Mrs.Teach for loaning us her mural of

heri*nti(;ue g"la.-s clock. Jolin Wilson,Pe)h Minock and Di^ne Gubcaky

a display of a Swiss lake with

county were witnesses. Theiv testi.momey was very conflicting. Someasserting the "horse was a confirmedkicker. Others that the horse was•xtremly gentle and decile. The ver-)15 ttt *n* court house, Howell, Aprildiet was that Secor take the team j 2G a 8 P- «•back, pay Lundstorm $65 and t ^'enn Berry of Howell Twp. haslh# costs be split 50 .50.

— o . . — „... .«.». V1. „ VVwVw, - - „,-_.-„ r g o ; a many years ne vi^ieu xem.. | niaot a aispiay oi a bwiss iane witnschool bond issue June also on annox { hr.ve to be established conform. ' t i v e s h e r e 2 w e e k s a g 0 .Surviving are ) hotels where tourists go for sailingin? the Hamburg school district. I wg to the law and anotn^r election v- ,- a crt_ a_.i A Hanp-httu-s. Uvr,.,,-,^ ««/i «!,;{„„the Hamburg school district. j ing to the law and anotn^r election h i g ^ ^ ^ a s o n a n d 4 daughters. ! skating and skiiiv.

The Lakelands Gulf and Country boaid appointed. It is expected the A l g ( . g s i s t e r a ) M r s M a r y Fitzsim. 1 Fouth and FifthClub has applied for liquor license. [ machines will be used at the Aug ( m o n - a n d M r g > G W ; C l a r k o f P i n c k ! S ! i h r m e H a x t e r . s f a t h e r b r o k e h i s

The Democrat county convention ust primary election . n e y a n d M r g K i t t i e Culhane of Jack J foot Leroy Porter's father bought• aon.The funeral is at Wysatla, Thur a horse Sa'urii-iy. Pat Tessmer vis-

Tl.c presidei.t vetoed the highsupport* farm bill last week andr'JJtd on cor.pre«fl to • pass his wotiba> k bill.We can nee little difforanc*b'-! •.'.<•('n .i >Joth call for govwn-:13c-;.i moii..; .andouta to farmers.Th'.- Dehvnfat plan calls for pric«^iii'jtort.-; liiyh enough so the farm.cr 'ull n.ake a profit on his crops.The president's plan would ^fitb.cii;,u Ja..d from farming to radot*the cjop yield and pay farmer* r«nt!'o) tbfir idle land which is tuppos< <1 t. . .vi' !'- fertility improved | f:' will j'aisc liiore crops when itj;iu's L3rk into production.28 Repubicuis voted for high supports, most\y }"]•( rr western states. Personaily

v-o ti.iuk this surplus businea* ia JV?r drjiio. The fault is poor distribut*ion. Tliei are untold thousands in(his county ^nd aUo overseas whoii" r;ot have enough to eat. We •nt\ could see why these surplus-es \W:J :>ot made available to the*.

Two srits iiJcd against federalrrrnnent in Idaho by parents ofchildren who were giren SaulkIio ^hottj, The parents of SUM*FLDCC, 7, who became parattMMl ia\both legs 9 days after receiving ftj/oi-'o shot want $158,688. ThU' l i atPoriielli, Idaho. The ofHer fu^tby the parents of Terry Turmer, 7,of American Falls want $250,000.H<: (j-el 3 weeks after receiving1 a; shoi. We believe ik Jfeotfcthe CLL cr v^cine made uj^Cnia was Ui>»U. %«•.


y pVeen elected chairman of the countyboRrd of supervisors.

The Howell Theatre is having anew front installed.

April 26_7th District meeting at j Myron Wriggelsworth has been

Ann Arbpr 8 p. mMay 1, 8 p m . Regular meeting.

Examination of candidatesMay 5, 8 p. m. Livonia Lodge No.

SM to work MM degrees.May 21-23, Grand Lodge in De..

troit.May 28: S p. m, PC Degrees.

Alonxo VanSlambrook W. M.P. W.-Carlett, Sec.

. Erwin If aim writes us that ho

insitailed as commander of the Howell Knights Templars.

Bob Ross, husband of the former

LOSES BOTH FEETA tragic accident took place

Gregory last Friday. The truck inwhich James Bauman, 28, andHarry Cardwell,51,of Jackson were

< sday.

MICHIGAN WEEKThe exchange of mayors on May

, Michigan Week, is up in the air

Noreen Crottty is now

n > M i c h i ? a a W e e k j i s u p

nding o\vned by the Michigan Elgin &% f a r a g pinckney is concerned.Soft Water Co. for whom they work T h c y w e r e to h a v e e x c h a n p e d withhit the- train at the Gregory cross. L m n g 8 b u r g > a shiawas^ee villageing. Baumcrn was thrown under the b , j t Lainsburg has notified themtrain and lost .both feei Cardwcll ., y a r e n o t u k i n j ? p a r t i n i t . N e i t h

i d t d b i b t hof the ' received cuts and bruises, both wereDisteli Hotel at Austn, Taxasi

Rep. Joe Warner, 86, of Ypsilanfci,a member of the Iegslaiture for 33yoers died last week. He was called"Gas Tax Joe"as he was the first toadvocate a tax on gasoline, He al.sofnvored a state income tax butcould not put in over.

day going through the halls Linden may purchase the dam andM i Iof the Detroit Masonic tempe. In a

gkun eose he saw the names of theMasonic Building Honor Guards onwhich the name of his brother, thelate Edward Earl* Mann was in•cribed. He was a life member of

A A. X.

water rights there for $6500 for opark .

Lyon and Green Oak townshipswiti vote April 25 on giving the Con

Power Co. a franchaise to

c e u a ,taken to University hospi^l,Arbor.

LIB1ARY NEWSNew books are Imperial Woman

East Ann Arbor who was toWarren in Maconib

«ty So-far Mayor Stanley Dinkclnot been notified who Pinckney

will exchange with.

it,?d his grandmother Sunday. KittyWilliams mother lost her purse Satin day

Fifth Grade NewsRebecca Morris will represent

the school in the district spelling at j ur, ;A fh»M f« ^ J. . . . . . i i x,... , , : , , ._ . . . ... , b a i d threatened

H is a cold day when Maf#p Oft..ville Hubbt~d of Dearborn dflpi aottnot make the front page. I iril weekin an article widely copied W sout*erii papers he boasted tthal?born had always hadThat an unwritten law kept the ne.groes out. This caused Bishojr Etaierick of the Episcoal church to* repty

him to such an extent that Hub.

Howell. Mrs. Miller goes with her.France was our then>e for the carni.val. We are celebrating Mary Asch- I

iner's and Gary Davises birth. Ithis week.We decorated the

slender.to sue nil* for

The week before foifowiaf

a a n o n I> e ' !d

r...e recruiting

by Buck and Our Michigan Hertiageby Gillard. i

Mrs. Thomas Bonner has beenelected a delegate to the Republican "uj c a r d g > g . f t g a n d w c l l

scate convention a Detroit in May. w h , c h m a d f t o u r 5 O t h

THANK YOUWe want to thank all of our rel-

i atives and friends for their wonder

KIWAN1S NOTE8The high school, 7th and 8th

suuh a memorable occasion, and u>our children who made it possible.

-j All were deeply appreciated lmusic classes furnished the ' words and shall never ft

lay mains and serve the people with program lost sight. Next Tuesday Lucy and Mariongas, _ the Ktwaaii will vote on sponsor/ing fxe* ttovies tnit


poveers. Some questioned his autk.ority to defy the federal

daysshowcase as a guide for the rooms i vZ"oBj"Ziii ' ! i *»~'"'"'•* *<-*•» 4 U • i r\ • ^ l V t.,, : b o r n a n d would tear dowafor the carnival. Our trip to the Edison museum is Wednesday, May ?.The decorations were beautiful andwe hated to take them dowa. Mra* _ ^ _ _ _MiUcr took pictures of all the decor ) P l a n a ar% being formulate^* a .

m the building. We are giv.. elocution known as the HfcM.T* nn °Uo !tate8< ° H r y .DaV *an Non «'w«t- Charities Inc. to

, s am GamiUee Bjjla are the first p u t ^ a r n e ndment legalising Mn-volanteers W^ t**: :JIrB. Heatons' ff0 o n t h e ^ ^ thb S T f t ka /5 f

most order 43.000 in 1952. Under it a certatoamount of the profits would fo te

1th and 5th as ;;y in the lunch wow:

Kcbccea Morria finished 3rd in ( .ha r ) ty. The Association Wd ittthe d1StncUjpemn* n*Uh at How.., d ^ a t in 1962 to the fact thtfi tkeail Alm<m Da^fnport M HoweU'ww -jrotttwiii, orfanisationj andfirst. . — - :j\&.;v'. J»Ue4 p ftt Vrfrm tt^

• • , •

THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wedne*kr, April 25, 1066




• . . And the High-Torque Output of Oldsmobiie's

Famous Rooket Engine Is Instantly Translated

Into Outstanding Performance at the Rear Wheels!

LET'S TAUL TORQUE! In plain language,torque i* "twist." It's the force that

make* the wheelt go 'round.So it follows . . . the more torque your

engine ha«, the more go power your car has. . . the more getaway at the light . . . themore action on the open road!

That's why, when it comes to power,there's nothing like Oldsmobile's RocketT-350 Engine — because the Rocket is torqueTNT! Figure* prove it: 350 pound-feet at2800 rpm (340 pound-feet at 2400 rpm in"88" models).


Oldamobile hat the chassis to take Rockettorque . . . a skillfully engineered Olds*mobile chassis with sn extra-sturdy, dynami-cally balanced drive shaft, and an extra-rigid frame that resists twisting and weaving.

What's more, the Rocket's got horsepower— to spare!* And with Oldsrnobile, it's- highusable horsepower ofengine design aimed straight at the wheels— design that translate? horsepower into ler»ri6c torque at normal engine rpm's.


The result is higlirr torque — silken, re.eponsive Rocket action. Touch the acieler«ator — ever so gently — \ou "go" . . . andwe do mean "GO"! You tin-Ill to smoother,swifter bursts of power for t<\eryday use—spectacular performance, when you need it. . . when you want it.

Any way you look at it. you can't top tlieRocket for thrills for the mi incy -n r furtop return when it's time to trade. Stop bysoon. Rocket 'round the block . . .or aroundthe to^n if you like!

CLDSMOBILE'S ROCKET- a double winnerin 1956 Mobilgos Economy Run. Get »nefeel of top horsepower, top torque in theengine that's an economy champion, too!

*240 hp. in NiiMy-Eigkt and Super 88 model*; 230 hp. in "88" model*.



. . . » A , „ DON MAIN MOTOR SERVICE216 W. Grand Riv*r Ave, Howell, Mich Phone 514

Netes «f 25 Yt«N Agof l i t Pinckney 0. E. S. Past Mat.

roll entertained the Grand Chapter•ff lttn at White Lodpe CountryClub Friday night .After this theyIftitftlltd the Pinckney 0. E, S. oificert at the Masonfc temple.

In the »oft bwll league Norm M'.ll•ft ttoarcaU took first place by beating A»dy Campbell's Highlanders 7to f.Bertt VanBlaricums Typhoonsbttt Hub« Ledwidjfes Victors 5 to4, Staa Dinkel's Hinkey Dinks beat

Wreys Vikings 2 to 1. PeteGtryea losing an overtime pitching

to FFred Read. The other winn *fitcaera were Merwin CampbeJj

an4 Gerald Kennedy, losers CalvinHftoktr and Rollie Singer.

St. Mary's rectory caught fire inthe roof Friday but was put outwuh the chemical tank.

Albert Schule* 83, died at hishome here April 25. He leaves hisviie . the former Maria Rabbit ofDfcxter township. He was a memberuf the Ann Arbor Elks. Funeral wasat the home Friday, Rev. Earl Ber-quiat officiating. Burial in PinckwyCemetery.

Marriage licenses have been Issn-ed to Harry Thurston 26, Pinck.ney and Edna Hull, 18, Ann Arborand to Lewis Thurston, 20, Pinckneyand Eleanor Cavanaugh ,20, AnnArbor. ' ~!* *p?J!31B

•'awes Bell has moved from theKearney house tto the Fickie Sellman house.

Mary Sober, 13, of Howell wasfc''!<>d in an auto accident there SUA-<lay. She was a neice of WilliamSiiiJMi of Pinckney.

Tho 4 Bullis Sisteis, furnishedboth vocal and instrumental musicat the 0. E. S. installation. PercySwarthout and • Florence Baughnsau^ a duet and 5 little girls Hel-en Reason, Rosemary Read, AlbertaLmikel, Wlila Meyer and DorothyParker in the colors of the orderput on a drill.

The Keystone Club operated byJames Crmnbaugh at Lakeland burnerl down Friday night.

Roy Nash, county deputy sheriffdied at Howell Tuesday. He leaveshis wife, the former Lucy Lennonnf Pinckney


Thurs, **»»;at,. April 26, 271t

Cecil B. DeMillei't



tdn««4Uy, Thursday, April 25V 26Jant BUMCII and Cornel Wilde


Friday, Saturday, AprU 27,, 28Doubi* Fcator*

kevin McCarthy and Da«a Wynterla


AboKent Taylor and Marian Carr



Iriday, Saturday, April 27,, 28Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddald

Cecil B. DeMille'tf"UNCONQUEREiyColor by Technicolor

Fe*tur«t<e and Cartooa

Sunday, Monday, April 29, 30Wait Dianoy's

"SONG OF'THE SOUTH"Color by Technicolor

* . ' With| Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit

Cartoon and

Sunday, Monday, April 29, SOMatin* Sunday, 1:30 p. m. <*mt.Richard Widm&rk and Donna Reed


In Technicolor

Tuts, Wed., Thura. May 1, 2, 3Jack Palance and' Shelley Winters


CLnemaSc-ope and Warner ColorNovelty News Cartoon

lues , Wed., Thurs. May 1, 2, 3Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard


IB TechnicolorOOOO —

£ 1 0 DriveJn THEATREFriday, Saturday, April 27., 28

"BLOOD ALLr "in Cinemascope and <


Hoover Soil Service

Natural Soil


ICOLLODIAL PHOSPHATE -coaains trace elements and minerals.

i HYbRO-THJH Nature's own ISOmineral soil conditioner, Rich inpotash, high in value.

ORGANIC BLEND_A carefully fcalanced combination of the best test-ed natural soil builderi *vailabl«.

KYBRO TITE_I\atures own 20 mlnpost —Neutralises soil.


CAT\ Cooper and Paulette Goddard

John Wayne and Lauren Bacallam*


&obert Mitchum and Jan Stirling-Cartoonnoon —

Sunday, Monday, April 29, 30i MAN WITH THE GOLDEN J AQUA ZYME_This is a liquid,

ARM" ' rich in protien, amonia acids, lauricStarring • I fccids and some 20 different •nzymas

I rank Sinatra, Kim Novak and i V/iil activate penetrate and aarataEleanor Parker


in Cinema Scope and ColorWith

Jeanne Crain and Georrg NadarCartoon

Tu«s, Wed., Thurs. May 1, 2, 3"ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS'M

Color by Technicolor 7801 DEXTER-PINCKNEY ROAD

the soil. x*

Our Materials Do Not Burn Nor.. . . . . Corrode Machinery

Available in 80 1b. bag, by tonor carload. Writtf'for free literature

!„„ I

Jane Wyman and Rock Hudsonand


Frtd MocMurray and Kim NovakColor Cortoen

Dtxter, Mich. Phone HA 6-2215Authorized Dealer

OOOOJirt Dorothy Dinkel helped out on

Red Cross Blood Bank at Hoowlllust week. They had 250 donor*signed up.

Medamcd* Eleanor Ledwidge and Mrs. Inez Martin and Mrs. LouissClaire McMacken were in Ann AT. Hamilton of Lansing* called on th«bor last Wednesday. . Irvin Kennedys Thursday.


— OOOOSun., Mon., Tues.,April 29,30* May 1"ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK1

WithBill Haley and His Comets, tha Plattors (Ernie Freeman Combo), TonyMarline and his Band, Freddie Belland His Bellboys

; WYLIE L. p. GAS ::t:v:cs.i


Where in the ftfcrldmould WUUke

No kidding, the grand prize in De Soto'sexciting new "Winning Ride" contest isa one month, all-expense-paid adventuretrip. . . anywhere in the world*... for you,your spouse and the kids . . . plus aspanking new 1956 De Soto Firefiite 4-doorSedan. In fact there are 232 wonderfulprizes in all, including four glamorous newDeSotot. There's nothing to buy. It*seasy to win. Your neighborhood De Sotodealer has all the details. See him today!

Curtain Countries excluded


Is It True That


Knocks But Once?..How about tht .inesma shack.

that comes alonft* •vtry S f W-ten? Each one is Opportunity,bringing you chanca aftarchance to get ahead.!It takes a little plaxutiaf natur-ally. You can't do muca afetutgrocer and butcher ns>nayJ«tbetween necessities amd luxur-ies, ttieip is a margia «f safetyyou can carry forward.Work out your savings plaa..and open an account at thisbank. Then steadily buiU it ufwith regular deposits!.


.:&Van's Motor Sales

peratie* aad Federal DepoeitAO DtpMita numni Vp t* H M *


| The Basil Whites of Mason Rdcalled on the Ben Whites Snnda;and the Ernest Whites

taece fzUur. . i f ^1


Financing that new car, or late model used car,is easier with a bank loan. Low interest rates;no "extras**; convenient monthly payments thatmay include insurance, if you wish. Ask aboutour auto loan plan.

r, - - . . . »



up to 110,000 insnrtd by Our M«ml>ership in tha


• msCriminal Qfla*: Annstrong, Heegt Glover.CivH Clap*: Stuibtei Wiggins, Glen*.

' FUitacft: Rflddatz, Armstrong, Hendee.SaUf>' e t ^ o n , Mille., Stuible.Public Grounds & Buildings: CatrelJ, Cole, Armstrong.Apporjk>nment-/Hendee» Snyder, Smith.County Rpadsf Glenn, Wiggins, Cole.Printing: Heeg, Seim, Miller.Agriculture: Conine, Spicer, Gentry.Conservation: Clark, Armstrong, Wiggins. >Abstract: Gartrell, Carney, Smith.Veterinary: Wiggins, Seim, Clark. ' .Drain: Smith, Glenn, Raddatz.C ounty Relief: Gentry, Catrell, Glover.

^ FOUR—SUPERVISOR'S PROCEEDINGS—Educational: Cole, Smith, Spicer. ^County Planning: Snyder, Catrell, Miller/'Aviation: Seim, Carney, Gentry. »Detention Home: Glover, Glenn, Conine.Mileage &. Per Diem: Miller, Gentry, Hendee.Social Security: Gartrell, Heeg, Carney.Public Health: Heeg, Gartrcll, Conine, Snyder.County Zoning: Cole, Gordon, Raddatz.Moved by Supvr. Spicer and supported by Supvr. Conine that the several

committees be approved and that said committees be authorized to act as such.Carried.Supvr. Spicer, chairman of the Equalization Committee presented the

report of ifk Equalization committee as follows:

m Acres

Brighton CityBrighton Twp. 21585Cohoctah Twp, 24450Conway Twp 23930Deerfield Twp. 23505Genoa Twp. 21895Green Oak Twp. 21009Hamburg Twp. 21638Handy Twp 21067Hartland Twp. 2*156H©well Twp. .. 20840How ell City ....Iosco Twp.' 22331Marion Twp. . 22600Oceola Twp. .. 23289Putnam Twp. .. 21927

Tyrone Twp 22757U'nadilla Twp. 22023Totals 358302


EsKite Assesses Pers. Assessed Total Assessea Addeo










* 1,603,619* 1,249,233* 392,064* 337,568* 130,868* 930,082* 1,352,698* 1,374,388* 728,581* 510,400* 625,853* 2,356.032* 45,392* 328,115* 360,723* 751,392* 202,145,* 293,344*13,572,497

PINCKKEY DISPATCH Wednesday, April 25, 1956

Tax at Large and other accounts chargeable to the General Fund.Signed:

Harold ArmstrongCarl W. RaddatzLloyd F. Hendee

Finance Committee.

Real Estate Equalized Pers. as Equalized Tof. as Equal. Per Cental

Brighton City 2,486,499Brighton Twp.Cohoctah Twp.Conway Twp. ...Deerfield Twp.Genoa Twp.Green Oak Twp.Hamburg Twp.Handy Twp.Hartland Twp.Howell Twp.Howell CityIosco Twp.Marion TwpOceola Twp.Putnam Twp.Tyrone TwpUnadilla Twp.Total*

... 4,574,3461,341,6511,219,8971,219,7683,252,8053,617,5894,672,366

. 2,554,0891,892,195

. 1.400.9165,113,203

. 954,2681,359.4851,307,7292.060,0X41,532.5 181,166,906










100 c/c.

Moved by Supvr. Raddatz and supported by Supvr. Snyder that the re-port of the Equalization committee be accepted, adopted and placed on file.

Carried.Supvr. Gordon presented the following resolution and moved its adop-

tion which was duly supported by Supvr. Hendee.Resolution

That the Livingston County Board of Supervisors, upon the recommenda-tion of the County Road Commission, hereby requests and authorizes theConsumers Power Company to renumber all buildings, in the area served bythem, in Deerfield, Hartland, and Tyrone Townships, to conform with thehouse numbering system used in other parts of the County and as set up inthe Official County Road Map.

Carried.Upon motion of Supw. Snyder which was duly supported by. Supvr. Con=i

ine, the Board adjourned until 1:30 P.M.AFTKRNOON SESSION

of the Finance Committee be accepted, adopted and placed on file.Carried.Supvr. Conine of the Agricultural Committee submitted the following


Resolved that the report by the Supervisors and Assessors to the CountyTreasurer of taxable dogs for the year 196 and each year thereafter be filedwith the County Treasurer at the April session instead of annually in June;that the comparison of dog lists and report of the Treasurer, of dogs of tax-able age, for which the license fee has not been paid as shown by the returnsin that office, be made immediately to the Sheriff; That the Dog Warden beauthorized to issue dog licenses after the penalty date as extended by theBoard of Supervisors. Further that the Dog Warden receive the amount of$2.50 for each delinquent dog license issued by the Dog Warden; that theDog Warden receive the amount of $2.50 for each delinquent dog licenseissues by the County Treasurer for dogs of taxable age appearing on thereport of the Treasurer to the Sheriff and that this amount be paid to the "DogWarden at the close of each month.

Agricultural Committee:Milton Conine

* Howard SpicerHoward Cjentry

Resolved that the Dog Kennel License Resolution be amended: That per-son buying KenneJ License must maintain a regular kennel inspected by theassessing officer. The Kennel License Fee to be $10.00 for 1 to 6, inclusivedogs if issued before the penalty—date. Additional tags to be issued as re-quired. Over 6 dogs $1.50 for each additional dog in the Kennel if issuedbefore the penalty date; An additional $2.00 penalty on each dog coveredby the Kennel License issued after the penalty date.

Agricultural Committee:Milton ConineHoward Spicer

Howard Gentry

Moved by Supvr. Cole and supported by Supvr. Snyder that the resolu-tion of the Agricultural Committee be accepted, adopted and placed on file.


Supvr. Miller of the per diem committee presented the pay roll of theseveral Supervisors, for listing dogs, to the Board which was allowed as pre-sented.


Upon motion of Supvr. Gentry, which vou duly supported by Supvr,Glenn the Board adjourned until May 15, 1956 at U) A.M.


BILLS ALLOWED DURING THE APRIL, 1956 SESSIONCheck Number Name & PurposeG2871 Howard B. Spicer, Spec. Comm. ..

W. B. Clark, Spec. CommLee Gordon, Spec. CommRonald Stuible, Spec. Comm.Lyle Glover, Spec. Comm



Amount$ 23.60


Raddatz, Spec. Comm 10.00

Moved by Supvr. Snyder and supported by Supvr. Gentry that this Boardappropriate the sum of $10,000 as a budget for the County Planning for theyear ending December 3 1, 1956.

Supvr. Hendee called tor a yea and nay vote on the motion.YEAS: 19.Supvr. Glenn of the Civil Claims committee presented bills to the Board

which were allowed as recommended, as appear by numbers G2871 throughG2881, inclusive.

Supvr. Armstrong of the Criminal Claims committee presented the fol-lowing bills to the Board, wiiich were allowed as recommended, as appearby numbers G2882 through G2S93, inclusive.

Moved by Supvr. Raddatz and supported by Supvr. Cole that the County ITreasurer be authorized to trans. :r the sum of $4,675.03 from the General»Fund to the Revolving Drain Fund, for the payment of the County's share ofthe portage Lake Level, and the same to be paid to the Washtenaw County

^Revolving Drain Fund.Carried.Supvr. Cole of the Education committee submitted the following budget:

Clerk Hire $ 5,000.00* . Ixtra Clerk Hire 300.00

Attendance 600.00County Superintendent Travel 450.00

~ ^ County Board of Education 600.00Library 70.00Office Supplies : ' 1,400.00

£- Furniture and Equipment 400.00Postage 210.00


Ronald Stuible, Spec, Comm.Lillian Smith, Spec. Comm,MacDonald Funeral Home, Soldier's BurialMacDonald Funeral Home, Soldier's BurialL. C. Liverancc, Soldier's BurialLeRoy Wyckoff, Livestock Claim

A. F. Holtforth, Justice FeeRoland M. Allmand, Poultry ClaimA. H. Holtforth, Justice Fee •Walter Shiener, Livestock ClaimMark Nash, Justice FeeGuy Grieve, Livestock ClaimForest Huff, Justice FeeBurrill Driver, Livestock Claim v

Walter B, House, Justice FeeLaVerne Dibble, Coroner FeesLawrence Gehringer, Sheriff, Care of InmatesBall Office Supply, Inc., Supplies—Reg. of DeedsClaire W, Schnackcnberg, Ambulance Service-SheriffWalter Alsbach, Dog Pound RepairMuehlig Funeral Chapel, Soldier's BurialFrank W. Staffen, Soldier's BurialPhillips Funeral Home, Soldier's BurialMilton Conine, Spec. Comm.


TOTAL $3772.50



FreightTelephone 175.00Printing & Binding 600.00Program Work 40.00Film 150.00

(2 Ft. Semi.V $19900 plus freight and taxx

Total $10,000.00Signed,

Albert W. Cole,Howard B. Spicer

Lillian C. SmithEducation Committee

Moved by Supvr. Catrell and supported by Supvr. Raddatz that theBudget report of the Livingston County Board of Education be accepted,approved and placed on file.

Supvr. Hendee of the per diem committee presented the pay roll of theseveral Supervisors for attendance at the April sessions of the Board, whichwas allowed as presented.

Supvr. Stuible of the Civil Claim Committee presented bills to theBoard which were allowed as presented as appear by numbers G2894 throughG2900, inclusive.

Moved by Supvr. Clarft and supported by Supvr. Conine that the Coun-ty Treasurer be authorised to re-imburse the sum of $2.00 for a duplicate doglicense issued to Owen Davis.

Carried.. ^ Supvr, Armstrong of the Finance Committee submitted the following

resolutionsResolution _*

Your Finance Committee recommends that the County Tax Allocation *rrt qUpcatc 3.7 mills tor the year 1956 for the General Fund of the,

County dh the State Equalized valuation. ~~~ •__ u_ ,

12 Ft. Semi Reg. Price $22L30,$lighthly

Imperfect plus freight and tax now $180.25


I, John .hereby certif) for the County aforesaid, da

i foregoing is a true and correct transcript of the dpguul, ,n


g in my said Office.IN ' i tSIIMONY WHEREOF:- I have set my handthis 18th. da*' of April A.D. 1956.

JOHN A. HAGMAN,County Clerk.

"O- -o


ASDUT THE MILK STRIKE!The iil-ad\• jd rr;lk strike, in which orfc>.:»i/:'t: .dberendeavored to "take over" the dairy farmers ef theDetroit milk *hed, proved one thing: That Ubor unionpractices and the l ; - v s s of independent farmersdon't mix.

It beranu4 evident fVnn the : \ . r t that the instigatorswere not striking the dairir-o for a higher price. Theyh.ul, in fart, ovrecd with dairies they wo. 'd t - t : thei-^vai'ing mai-.v-'t price ior farmers' milk!i •i.sic-jici, t!vy directed their attack against me dairyf. .rrrers' ov, n organization, the Michigan Milkt'rtxiucers Association, which they a . cl to control'. r ciesiroy. In this attempt, forces vriU: x organized' '.or sought to capitalize on thr> econrm. • >-Hght ofiho former nnd exploited a minority group o* ;. .'morsL.O their own ends.

There should be no mi/u^Liv.i-anri-'n^ the fact that.MMPA is a d-.\\vy iann;;'".-/ coopc at , /e, o;>erated byJ:e lbrners, ior th3 farmers, to cooperatively markettheir miiL ;uul proU-vt tlvir economic interests. It wasthe propaganda V''o of the strike lei' lors to misleadthe farmers and the public in this res p. ' L.The obviou,-1/ fai-o claim ot strike leaJ. :s that iieywon a price H ^ T C e was a part of thL .v-aa;'. .idatechnique. A'^'i-.iiy, noiiiiivj good for .>. • 'laityfarmer rcsu'ied from the strike. Rather, only harmvvn- arcon:pii -!u-H. th:' ?< <• !s n-' cr ;o ' n were 30Wn,.•'>id the raal issues ?.\\d farts were wilfully mis-

The -stride s'-.">r,,--d from i'~* .-: ru n of a few'withino r^ar <zud Inbor to control the Detroit milk mark*! andto col!'. :t u i:>n dues from dairy farmers who ship milkto that m^ikot. To accoivipliih this, the strike organizersturned \n;-?r cr/>:t \ri• ,iu?r in their drive to dtstrovhis empire;f.'ve orc-cj;xizcfi:>n.

: o V/ere the £f>ikepi

A.\fj;or Iccidiiroliio e r r direction carne fromlabor. Joiiio>:l v,,ih fi :\o prcfcsvonals were a formeru;v.,n c.gc.nl^r end a small group of dairy farmtrsv -:o hcv!.- c;iT ' - / .en ' ! / dc: h\!;'.?,\ rr.o souryen the A•.'/'.PA rcr.,ir, >r.

t!\e methods andmeans of imposifig'thslr will



t VV:ro t!:o Peal Issues?: was ret a strike for a higher price f^r ir'lk norJ it arcomr.'i.'.h any rr.or.omc advantage for farmers.

1:; • >•?:•'• i;/..e v.'cs r^ccgni;!on of the so-called Fairr'/.i'.i'o c,(. ". ;o, or.,:ni':zsd labor's " f ron i " r for thepu'povj cf dues coiieciion and r^eck-off. By this action,th? sii'.Ve electors songlit to g;:,,i control cf the assetsar-.d f^.cficr.s of MM PA.

IV,'-o Won tho Piks Increase*The barrjoir.ing power of MMPA, carrlea* Out in anu'li.TiaKjrr. v.:,.;d at the March 28 delecjctes' meeting,v/as alone respc.i^bie for the price increase gained onApril 1. The Class I pries of $5 wot!d have beenachieved sooner and without ultirnatum if obstructiwrfjttactics of strike leaders and others had rvt b'oj<edprice niTJciiciiorcs carried on by the MA\F/» Detroit$al:s cc.rmittee.

Y/!:::t Are the Economic f o e ?i no increased price of $5 per cwt. appiivi only tothat por.i^n cf tha milk used for bottling and fluidopposes. It is net a> net price to the farmer, who musttj;;y mc<!:eting and shipping costs. Only part of thei .,'.< can be soJd at tl.is price, the re;r must be used forn.^nufactjred products at the prevailing market price.

O i. iside fttflk ai Prckfem/ ^cther factor not io be overlooked is the deluge of.:. !•; which rtsu'fs fa any market wrn ;e a higher thanaverage price prevoils. Competition fern ' ,-^M „ Hieml','/, shed can cause havoc for regula, pr^ :' - , ,», evento the extent of losing their market.

No one realizes morjrj fully the serious problems of thedairy f.a acr than docs t.^e MMPA, whose af'ilire aredirected by these self same farmers. Trm presentfarmer price squeeze ia the nation's NuraU;/ Onepro Mem. It ranndfc be solved by mob action nor bylofi'-.inr; for Iv !p fr.im agitator3 outside the ranks of

."«J. ' i l . i n ^ v C tiicir O'AU axe ta grind.a-r,

Mkhigan Milk Producers AssO4.\irionA Michigan Cooperative of 17,000 Dairy farmmrt

406 Stcphencon Elcfg. Detroit 2, Michigan



6 JSlS^lkxter at

Jlr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cambumattended a dinner at the MichiganUnion, Ann Arbor, la. t Wednesday.wnt!ie he received an awar.l for 20 jyears, service to the University 'f iMichigan. j

Tlie wes an error n an item wepublished ast week It read Bob Moa 'bor. ana vife spent the week end inLowels. It should have read Bob jMeabon and Joe Plummer snent the '

end in Lovells.

and Sharot sentDouglas Lake.

the week ead at

TlM Jack Follicka of Detroit callOB thn Henry Haucka Sunday en

home from Battle CreekMr. Effger of the General Store

ice & houae on

C0N8B&TATI0N NOTBft *The market for beaver peitt it

the lowest in years, only $17 Tt*years ago they were |M. M y10.000 will be taken this ye*x.J 16^07 were Wkem/

f>,000,000 younff(ne& aro a1


&r :"^WnN '. 'W..'

' ^'T??3

^ • ^ • f r ^ H

, • * • ^



-«i«iay, April 10, 1956p^rTconveiied in regular session.

Glenn BerryClair MillerW. Burr Clark

$ >

to Statute the Poard oi, Aprfl 10th, 1956, and upoa r

were found to be presentB. Snyder ...Brighton TawwWp

W. Raddatz Cohoctah Tow**5ap

- Stuible Conway Towr ^ pWiggin* ... DeerfieW Wunship MUton Conine-" Spictr Green Oak township Lloyd Hendee

J. Seim Geno*. Township Lee GordonH. Smith Hamburg Township Ralph Glenn

Glover Harndy Township Howard Gentry Howell CitArmstrong Haatland Township Fred G. Catrell Howell Cit.

Moved by Supvr. Snyder and supported by Supvr. Raddatz, that Supvrbe *kcted permanent Chairman for the ensuing year.

Moved by Supvr. Raddatz and supported by Supvr. Miller that th.be closed and the Supvr. Glenn Berry be declared elected Chair

qf the Board for the ensuing year.

Clerk, the foHowin,

Howell Townshiplosco Township

Marion TownshipOceola TownshipPutnam TownshipTyrone Township

Unadilia Township

*;1T Moved by Supvr. Raddatz and supported by Supvr. Snyder that thCounty furnish an office and the necessary clerical help for the Field Superfcior and Probation Officer.

Carried.Chairman Berry appointed the following members on the Equalization

ttmmittoe. Supvrs: Snyder, Catrell & Miller. 'Upon motion of Supvr. Gentry and supported by Supvr. Seim, Board

until 1:30 J».M.Carried.

AFTERNOON SESSION• • The County Road Commission appeared before the Board and presentedJ i t i r financial report as follows:

36th Annual Report of the -Board of County Road Commissioners)n County Michigan to the Board of Supervisors of Livingston

1955.Fred Berry, Chairman.

^ Ross J. Rofcb, Vice-Chairman'\ Delbcrt W. Smith, Member.iJPred F. Rogers, County Engineer.tfohn A. Hagman, County Clerk.

W. Kurkowsky, Secretary.SUMMARY SHEET

HIGHWAY RECEIPTS>r vehicle highway funds

sring services $ 3,175.00 $ 1,825.00 $ 5,000.00road systems 267,114.67 153,628.66 420,743.33

Stion fund 12,559.42 ~ 12,5^9.42-revenue " 83,151.68receipts ' "£. 16,084.52

from accounts re- „.: 9,962.03

receiptsOB hand. January

cash balance1955


Total other accounts

Total receipts from accounts receiv-able

Total income *A



Balance on hand beginning of year jCash balance for highway op-

erations ^ iCounty Road Commission .

Funds \Imprest cash and payroll ac- s


Total cash funds on hand January1, 1955 JJ

Toul ef d\l available fluids ^i




E* i



/SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION COUNTY HIGHWAY INCOMETownship Participation by TownshipsTownship General or Contingent FundBrighton $ 8,000.00 k

Cohoctah 4,000.00 *ConwayDeerfield 2,000.00Genoa .. . ^ 5,000.00 {•Green O a t 14,000.00 $Hamburg 12,500.00$HandyHartlandHowdllosco ...

1,500.00 *


i: -.5

Marion .. 20,982.00/Oceola 3,000.00 jPutnam. 1,500.00 K

Tyrone 4,000.00 ~pUnadilira 3,000.00 t

Total Participation$ 8,000.00






Total participation for all %J| £ JTownships ..$82,982.00


Expenditures • a.. .Salaries, wages, expenses, etc. % 21,304.07



Office SuppliesOffice building and equipment

expenseMiscellaneousTelephone service -


49.12 ~~434.75824.30

Total Other State Accounts ....Other Accounts

Cities and Villages $ 6,719:55Inter-County 2,040.26Miscellaneous 5,400.28


Total other accounts

Total Reimbursable Expenditures

Total ExpendituresJBalance on hand at end of year

Cash balance for high operationsCounty Road Comm. FundsImprest cash account

• • $ • - * ,

Total cash funds on hand Dec. 31,1955

Total of cash disbursements and un-expended balances

$ 14,160.09

$ 17,561.68'


$ 88,669.96100.00



$ 88,669.96100.00

11,234.26 $100,004.22

BALANCE SHEETFor the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1955

ASSETSCurrent Assets—

County Treasurer's Account— CashImprest Cash AccountsAccounts Receivable

State of Michigan -....$ 677.53Reimbursable Expenditures .... 19,556.73

" Other :Inventories:

Materials and Parts in StockFixed Assets:

LandBuildinlgs 49,706.96

Less Reserve for Depreciation 18, 50.70Equipment — Road 343,110.67

Less Reserve for DepreciationEquipment — Shop ...

Less Reserve for Dc^.-.IatioiiEquipment — Office

Less Reserve for Depreciation




21 *>11









.00 165,817.36


Total of state funds $282,849.09 $155,453.66

V.<ft all available funds

HIGHWAY EXPENDITURESation - engineering - ac-

$ 14,286.29ion. - roads and structures 131,662.25

- roads and structures 149,121.98

$ 8,216.64102,341.84139,280.39

& local roau expen-

and buildings (capital expen-ditures)OfediU - maienals accountcredits - equipment accountnimble expenditures

$295,070.52 $249,838.87J?$544>909.39





expendituresC%$k on hand December 31, 1955

Total cash balance

Total of expenditures and unexpend-balances




COUNTY HIGHWAY RECEIPTS.State Motor vehicle highway fund ^

1. County engineering service ,ftfaatty load fund $ 3,175.00 s / .Local road fund 1,825.00 g A

Total engineering 0% 5t00OQf j

4 (<

Total ExpendituresCredits to administration accounts ^

Charges to State Highway $DepU Accounts \ 261A7

Charges to other reimbursableaccounts 1,128.39

Total credits to administrationNet administration expenditures ....*Administration proration |

Primary system j 14,286.29Local system \ 8,216.64

• Countyt j Primary, ; Road

\ System

Construction expenditure (all costs \


1,395.86$ 22,502.93

Current Liabilities:Accounts PayableNotes Payable ...

County Road Equity


$ 18,304.95


$ 18,304.95322,783.14



Miles 1956

Brighton 39.21


except administration)Cost of acquiring right-of-way $ 500.00 'Construction of roads (includ-

ing engineering) 108,928.67 $ 98,906.93Construction of structures (includ-

ing engineering) 20,250.85Vacation and sick leave 929.32 I 1,609.96Retirement fund payments \ 360.95 -t' 625.33Insurance ' > 553.17 } 958.32Small tools 139.29 241.30



County primary road fundAmount of allocation $276,404.19 ;75% bf Reduction for loan

snt .*,.: 9,289.52

Net receipts for primary roads3. County local roacf fund

Amount of allocation $i56,725.142$% of deduction for loan

payment 3.096.4&iway construction fund

net fUto raised revenue

- 4L A


Total constructiory«xpenditures ... .$131,662.25 $102,341.84 $234,004.09Maintenance expenditure (all costs *

except administration) ; \ gj] \General highway maintenance \

— roads , $119,497.35 ,Snow-removal, ice c o n t r o l ,

snow fence 16,459.54Traffic control (signs,-signals,

etc ,,., 4,863.69Vacation and sick leave 3,890.90 rRetirement fund payments ... 1,511.28 ifInsurance 583.18

Total maintenance expenditures ... $149,121.98 J $139,280.39 $288,402.37Land and Buildings (capital expen

CohoctahConwayDeerfieldGenoaGreen OakHamburgHandyHartlandHowellloscoMarionOceolaPutnam


Tyrone 51.06Unadilla



Bal . 1-7-55









Fund 1955Motor Vehicle




765.28 - 917.89 155453.66Estimated Motor

Bal. 1-1-56 Vehicle Fund 1956

* r T




raised revenues?^Property taxes

Delinquent county road tax

Total property taxparticipation



or general




Final payment on heating plantditures)


) participationlatied revenues

' 82,982.00

f i f e d highway revenue"* receipts



rental 14.63 w A

>me 7Is 13,434.21

lent 785.511,850.17





Total capital expenditures forland & buildings ,

Materials AccountsExpendituresMaterials and parts purchased. $113,116.47Total expenditures

Credits to materials accounts ^Charges to county construction and $*,

maintenance projects 78,915.29 *Charges to State Highway Dept. ^

Accounts 541.48 faCharges to other reimbursable wj

Accounts 3,598.32 | :Charges to equipment accounts 37,181.08



j Total 55 Exp.

Brighton 16110.98 - 1740.84'Cohoctah ....; 16438.66 - 986.27Conway 7097.66 4474.65

!Deerfield 17497.20 - 4357.41Genoa 11977.55 - 1834.96Green Oak 24557.58 - 956.72Hamburg 23402.39 - 4922.33Handy 24659.42 - 7988.53Hartland 9413.89 - 234.90Howell 17532.23 3427.71losco 5607.16 - 175.29Marion 23211.44 14907.58Oceola 20259.30 - 8057.41Putnam 8403.92 2173.09Tyrone 9664.58 - 2565.65Unadilia 14004,91 1107.58


1955Twp. Confrib.






Budget 1956

6493.2610360.0314689.055968.29847.V 941 J37Z.72

Budget 1955


.37> i i 6 > .

237517.77Total Twp.

Contrib to Date

42750.0021000.0014000.0015000.003^000.0064/04.305 7250.00iu^OO.006400.00

1*000.00' R l l R . 6 u


8622.60 9730.18

• 46962.GO- 15VJJ.OOtw.ll.Go



iTotal credits to material accountsNet. credits of materials &Equipment account

New equipment purchased .Equipment expense

Equipment operation (Gas, oil,) 28,043.96 |Direct maintenance (labor, parts, ^and tires) > 63,225.25 iIndirect maint. & Storage 22,170.60

Total equipment expense .



$ -7,119.70

* 4





nCredits to equipment accountsCharges to:

' County construction & maintenance projects .$177,210*62\> Pit operations (gravel costs) »...' —\\ State Highway Department Accounts * 996.11

\" Other reimbursable accounts * 2,218.37

i t'

Total* credits to equipment account -*. $180,425.10Net »;redit of equipment '.;+:•.-.

Highway expenditures


249838.87 -12321.10 160708.80 148387.70 412725.36The 1955 Motor Vehicle Fund amounted to $204.39 per mile.The estimated Motor Vehicle Fund for 1956 is $210.00 per mile.The Budget for 1956 will be increased, in each township, by the amount

'that township contributes in 1956.I Moved by Supvr. Conine and supported by Supvr. Heeg that the reportof the County Road Commission be accepted, adopted and placed on file.

Carried.Moved by Supvr. Raddate and supported by Supvr. r i e n n that the Coun-

ty Treasurer be authorized to pay the Huron-Clinton \ i . . politan Authoritytax levy for the year 1956.! Carried.

Upon motion of Supvr. Seim, supported by Armstrong, the Board ad-jou.ned until Tuesday, April 17th, at 10:00 A.M.

GLENN BERRY, Chairman.JOHN A. HAGMAN, County Clerk


I, John A. Hagman, County Clerk in and for the County aforesaid, dohereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript of theoriginal proceedings of the Livingston County Board of Supervisors at theirregular meeting held on the 10th. day of April A. D. 1956 and of the wholethereof now remaining in my said Office.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF;—I have hereunto set myhand and Seal this 12th. day of April A.D. 1956.


County Clerk.

e a i g y pReil»biirsabte Expenditures (all costs includins administration)

Stlte TrinkTioe Maint Contact . $ 3,213.69

Tuesday, April 17, 1956Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Supervisors convened in regular

session, and upon roll call, by the Clerk, the following members were foundto be present:Ervin B. Snyder Brighton Twp. Glenn Berry Howell Twp,Carl W. Raddatz ... Cohoctah Twp. Clair Miller losco Twp.Ronald Stuible Conway Twp. W. Burr Clark Marion Two.Ralph Wiggins Deerfield Twp. MUton Conine Oceola Twp;

h Andrew J. Seim Genoa Twp. Lloyd Hendee Putnam Two.$ -37,153.46(Howard B. Spicer Gren Oak Twp. Lee Gordon Tyrone Twp.

$5Oi.343.1*J Lillian C. SmiOj Hamburg Twp. Ralph Glenn UnadiUa Twp.S Lyle Glover Handy Twp. Albert W. Cole Brighton City< Harold Armstrong ....Hartland Twp. Howard Gentry ...-._ Howell City- Herman H. Heef Howell City Fred G. Catrell Howell City

Berry Submitted the following committees for'the ensuing

j»t s£

V\. T',~

* • „ - ^






For the price ofa stalk of celeryyou can cooknine completefor a family of four,on your electric range*And remember,only an electric rangeis "white-glove" clean}That's why smarthomemakers say:

"You can Live Better

. *; Electrically\





THE PJKCKNEY DISPATCH Hedoeaday, April 25, 1956

Fred Read and wife viaitedthe Dr. Steve Brown* and theMrGuires in Detroit last week.


Mrs. Howard Read and cQldren- attended the Micsigras parade int Ann Abi-or Saturday.

Mrs. Clara Kennedy and childrenof Ann Arbor were Sunday guestsot Mrs. Eouua YoUxuer.

back to Ana Arbor Sunday and tookI in the new Stockhold hall at the Un-

iversity of Michigan.

Mrs. Edith Can- visited the LeoBettea family at Walled Lake lastweek. They brought her home Sun.day.

The Jack Sharps of Lansiog, Mrs.Mae M.etz of Howell, Harry Laveyand wife and Mr. Hollands of Detro-it bpent Sunday at the Lee Laveyhome. ,,

Mrs. Winifred Graves of Jecksonand Mrs.Lulu Lamb of East Lansingcalled on the Ona Campbells Sunday.

Mepdames Eloyse Campbell andVirginia VanNorpnan attended the

\ Lakeland Kings Daughters meeting-last Thursday.

The Dick Young family have nwved to Flint where he will work in adrug store

Wayne Carr spent the week end' in Fort Huron with his family! The Gerry Eichmans visited hismother Mrs. Anna Eichman at Oak-wood hospital, Detroit Sunday

The Frank Whites of Howell call-ed CiA the Ben Whites Friday.

Fiitz Wylie returned home fromVeteran.s Hospital, Ann Arbor lastWednesday.

*!ohn Boyer and wife called onher brother, Arlo Jaguish in ByronSunday.

Jack Cadwell,son Jack jr. and JimWhite are living in the Hollenbachhouse at Barber Lake

The Sam Gentiles went smelt nishitig over the week end and broughtback 2 tubs full.ICorbert Lavey and wife of Detroit

spent Sunday with Mrs Laura Gradwell.

Mrs. Madeline Shehan and son,Billy, of Ann Arbor called on theWilliam Shehans Sunday.

Ihc Lloyd Hendees visited the Ed


Complete Line of Plumbing Fixtures

and Supplies

Hectic, Oil and Gas Hot Water Heaters



PHONE UP 8 3114 1075 E M-36


Evrything in Sherwin William* Paint*

and Building Hardware

Coal and Fuel Oil

Nuuiiers in Holt Sunday.Mrs. Alberta Close phoned her

parents, the Albert Dinkels that sheI and her husband will be in Florida

until May 1.The East Marion Farm Bureau

mot at the Albert Dinkel home Fri-day with 22 present

The Homer Abneys cp.lled on herfather, Mai*k Coon, at FurmigntonFriday who has been ill.

A large crowd attended the car.,nival at the elementary school Saturdoy. There were plays, drills t*udexhibits by different rooms, ridesand punches were served.About $300was fcaken in which will be used forplayground equipment,m^ved from the Breda house to

The Harold Cavan family haveChelsea.

Mr. and Mrs. W Ketcham enter.tained last week her brother W. E.Bvown^ from Toronto, Canada. ,

12 Pinckney ladies were quests ofof the Marion-Ioscc Kinds' Daugh..ters* last Wednesdayl at a luncheonand silent auction

Charles Smith and wife of Bridgehampton, N Y. ore spending a weekat Salty Sands, D«lray Beach, FloricJa. He is the »on of the OrvilleSmithg of Pinckey.

Sunday guest of the Milton Car-ver family w u Mary Ann Wilsonof Lansing.

Oiin Robinsn attended th§ Mason-ic Past Master Night at Manch«»t«rMonday.

MraXester McAfe* and daughtersBarbara and Ltsk, att«nd«d th«wedding of her nephew, Rollin Hud.

Wagoners Grocery8066 PINCKNEY ROAD

iiolity MerchandiseLOW PRICES ,

Beer and Wine To Take Out





Lockers for Ren't Custom Butchering





I Mesdamet Iola HaB »nd Janet | 8 o n to Charlotte Burns at St. Eug.Shehan attended " . . . . . .home extension

Pmeetmgt"last Tuesday »t th,e home| of Mn Polly Hache of Silver Lake" ud Thursday at the Conway town

hajl near Fowlerville.Mrs Anna Meyer and the Mark

Farell family apeat Sunday a theW H. Meyr home. This week they return to Pmswtaia, California.

The Kcnnetk Zfflt of Ann Arbor'spent Sunday at t l* Mark Naahhome.

Me d&mes Janet fhefcan and Mary

t's Chuch in Detoit Saturday.pu«Ms. Lester McAfee and daughters

Phont HA 6-8119 Dexterr L O № S ~ WELDING SHOPa PorteWe WeWng Outfit Atoa Atetfiae


attended a ainner at the Canopy, Brighton last week, honoringMrs. John Bailey's birthday.

The Martin Bitten are entertaining. Bonnie Strong, the S year olddaughter of the John Strong's ofWhitraore Lake for a couple ofweeks.

Mr. and Mra,Oltn Robinson attended the spring party of Golden Rule

Ann Arbor Thursdaydeeooptee v o

C J Clinton and wife spent Son

ca'led on Mr. McAfee at Veteran'shospital, Ann Arbor last week.

Mesdames Florence Boughn. andBeulah Miller were in Howell la&tFriday.

Lee Lavey and wife called on theGeorge Lavey*s in Jackson Thura..da> nigh.

The Darl Baughns entertainc<ltheir children and gandchildren Sunday in honor of their 38th weddingaaniversary

The- Harold PorUrs spent theweek end in Benton Harbor.

The Georg« VanNomans, Rober..to Amburgy, Sadie Moran HazelPouison and Midge Miller attendadthe O E. S.Friendship Night &t FnwlerviUe Friday.

David Aberdeen was home fromChicago over the week end and with


Complete Service

Oil, Gas Lubrication


VEDDER'S MARATHON SERVICEh. F. Gaouiicu Tires, Batteries, AcoMierits "

Phone UP 8 3196 445 East Main Street


ffii^y'1' * * * * " * * * R * * h J th« WMk «Dd with Patty P»lm«r,— — . ^ 4



THE ROUSii PLUMBING310 Webster Phone UP 8 6607

Walter Clark and ivife CT*HWI on Jaclc Hannet's Velvet Eesthe Dr. Cecil Hendees in Lan«inff. bowled at Howell Sunday.

The Gerald Clark family «f W w The Vtoee LaRoaas aadLake were Sunday cajlers-ei Mrs. Rosa LaRosa-Wors tn

Clark family.

•»sr *••

®W&k&' . . . •••• tf


•I • ; i ' f » " ! i <

/ OifferentMiiHITInf



PtOMINTm PtaMM 40.0%lacd jfc

^ _ 260*Moonoihjni SMoolo 20«0%


VfWCUUmovdOf 73.0%

Dnsft sjBjQ TMnfisn 27»OTO



freshly mad*COLORS

to choose from

C&elsea, former state UuJbtfsf, | |•el for the Ma/ tana ftf court mI h county before Judge Wiest


•oydeil Mokos Painting A Pleasure!

LOOK AT THI AMAZING FACTSs1. Coven 600 tq. ft. p*r ooUert 4. Controlled tetf^washlng2. Pimar»M Colort S. Mildew Proof3. Extreme!/ easy oppfkotion ©\ Pour-Year GuaranteeCome in Today-See tne colort you select frethly mixed right

befoee your l ^


of 4S Ytars AfeProd Fish has been working in

Iowa ths past week planting gard -

Sherman Robmaon sad ton, Ev..•reU, of Oncoto, Neb., were guestsOf the John White family last week.

The sound of the lawn mower isftfftin heard in the village.

Editor John Thompson tried to•t*rt an Old Boys and Girls Cele.-fccfttton ,Dexter,but only a handfulturned out to the meeting. It takes$ er t years to get one of these aj-ifcirt started.

Married at St. Mary's church Aprti £9, Mary (Mae) K. Reason toJoiiu Rane of Whitmore Lake,Re.v.Conmerford officiated. Her sis-ter Florence, was brides maid andbrother, Eugene, best man. The re,ceptioo was at the brides borne.

James Brogsn has been promot.td to assistant supt. of the M. U. R.Electric Railroad of the Jacksondivision. „

Despite rumors to th« effect aSaan article-in the Howell paper the

hold here will not close. John Tuomey, the owner hag rented it to

Charles Lancaster of Jackson. Hehas a wife and 2 sons and is sales,.man fo the Fletch/er Hadware Co.

The Pinckney Junior base ballteam went to Howell If jit week andlost 15 to 16. t

Patrick O'Connor,104, of Deer.fit-id voted at the last towna meet.


W« Give Top Alewuce M Y«wr Present"• Car Regard*** of Year #r Make


WBITfl SALES RBPRMsYrTATlYji ANN AJtftwft| : * V * A l f » LAK1

The D. U. R. has purchased theBoJand Electric Road and are tak.ing up the rails and ,ties from Chel3ea to Dexter. They are using the \road from Jackson to Chelsea.

The thai of Frank Glazier of

Adding Machines



livingrtoa Office Supply/ Ml


F. L. Andrews s a t wif e hare parchased the MeCnUougn cottage * lthe Bluffs, Portage Lake

Patrick Kelly passed away at Ms1'ome south of town Wednesday.

Rev. Littlejoha has received abranch of olive aad some ferns usedin the parade at Rome on Palh Sun<d ay.

Chance Club met with Maible Sigler Monday nigfct. They presentedMae Reason, a charter member witha cut glass sot

George Collin* spent Sunday withhis children at the Henry Plummerfarm.

Sadie Harris spent the week endwith Mrs. Ray Backus in Lansing.

9 people were killed and 35 iajurtd in a wreck on the D.UR. ElectricRoarf near Ypsiianti last week.

The Howell City Band will havesew uniforms.

Charles Jewett of Howell has theplumbing contract for the Mich,state Sanitarium.J .1—1 HI

Charles Whalen is enlarging hisice cream parlor and restaurant.

R. M. Tubbs who operated sawmills for years and had one in W. C.Miller's woods a year ago, suffereda heart attack at a Howell Masonicmeeting last week and died soonafter.

Leroy Martin who. worked forMatthew Martin ia the White StarStation here who decamped a mon-th ago with money, tires etc w*3picked up Friday by state policeand is in Howell jail.

The Chelseea school has a red hotelection coming up. It is charged 2school board members were doingbusiness with the school. HowardHolmes owner of a lumber and coalcompany and John Kalmback, an insurance broker. Both have since re.signed. 454 votes were cast lastyear at the Chelsea school election.

The PincJuwy Sosftowiatt

ft*! M. Dsffj,;jL I .Hacks*? MioMgaa

Call ll:<rf A. M. U 1*0 F. M.

T B H , Fri, Sat.9.-00 to 8:00 P. M.

LEE LAVEYGeneva! InsuranceU P



Offico 211% E*st Graad liverPhons l i l l -W Howell, Mkbiga

Lrle W. MuweU, Aamdala


Telephone Office 936Residence 814

Evenings by AppoinuneatHowell Michigan

BERT WYUE,Auctioneer

FARM SALES A SPEdALJCTPhone Fowlerrifle #JA S-9Zol

Arnold Berqsist233 Uaodflla Si Pi&ckoe?, Mk*Watch Bepafatog.Gokl fiaatpbWatches, Wadh Bandfjaweia

d h U M


Prompt And CourteoMTbene UP 8 - i ^ i 12S Webster 8t



DirectorModem EquipmentAi Si


Frei C Rftktiwff, Sr.120 W«sl Grand Kiver

Howell, Micbiga&Phone 358 ^csidepec 6U

LLOYD HENDEElivestock ^ g

Weekly Trips Made to DetrotGeneral TruckingU P S4M1



Edith R. Carr1 4 2 MILL ST.

Haekmej, Mich. Phone UP S-S19I

fleal Estate^armi domes. Lake FroperO

B.sinesi OpportunitiesList Your Property With Hf

Gerald Beaton— 209 North Pea*

U P B41M


Eye ExaminaMoMWednesday and 8atnriay

by Appointment•136 Chiton Ro*d, Mrai. N. of I l -H

Vhomm Brighton AC


The Fred Reads (were Sundayquests of the James Whitleys,

The Ray Burns family grave a rfinner Sundayi honorng the birthdaysoi Bernardine Fry and JimmieBurns. All the children were therehut Mrs Conkln of Granid Rapids.

The County M. E. A. holds a dinner at tne Cong-'l. church tonight At

WANTED-Home work andand house cleaning.

\ Mrs. Norman Steels. Ph. 1ST 8 S2»0

A P Y S t . m WANTED-Responsible person Ui%

take over low monthtly paymeoUon spinet piano. Can be seen in thsvicinity. Write Credit ManagerBox 81, Greenville, Michigan.



STATE OF MICHIGANThe Probate Court for tae Cwaty

LivingstonIf * o Manor et the

Electric stove and se-vanity dresaer.washling

j n-nrhine. ironer, drum table, lamps j. rhAir, £fB*d oak bedroom suite, 2 i; comb, itorm doors and shallow wsll !"puinp. Raymond Baumgaj»tner «

9SV0 Blue Water Dr. Bass LakeShan Gri La,

WANTED Odd jobi of any kind,rak

UP 8

:To Rent PattOTtt 20 head of young stock.Green Bros. Phone UP 9783

W m m f t r dog. eotor U \

;POK SALE_x951 Studebaker pick[up. Call Bill Beck UP8 .3107


a sJFssioa ofApril 9, 1956.

Oowt held «

by June 1 first next.Com. School UP 8 3161

Present,Honorable Hiram R.Smithd f F

, o r a b lJudge of Frotcte.



. T I C E | l H1BBBY GIVBNThat all creditor* of said deceased

P h o n e -8823 Pinckney.Dextex Rd.

WANTED-Wool, market pricesLucius Doyle Phone UP 8.3131

*tt repaired to present their claim*' _ - _ ^ - _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ _writing and under oath to saW* - 0 R S ^ E - 2 0 0 f t « ot 'rontags oag d under

court, and to tervt aupon BEULAH* fidutiary of saidthat such olaims will bo

copy thereofE. MILLER

oad taat the heirs atTiaw of said do« d b d






bo dotoremlnsd by nii oovtat the Probate Office on aJune J.91 56 at ten- A. M.

It is Ordered, that ftotfee thereofbo ffiren by publieatio© of a copyhereof for three weeks eeasectfrefrprevious to said day of hearing, lathe Piacknejr Dispatch, sad that thepetitioner cause a copy of this notice-to bo served upon oaas known partyfa latorsst at his last *s*wn sddressby reVistted mail, rotara receiptdemanded, at least fourteen (14)frier to s«eh aoariat or by psrionalsorrioo at laast five (I) s s / s prior to

East M_36. also city lot* on northwide of Unadills St., PinckaejrFor information call Oscar

FOR SALK-Sendmodern h roomhouut cmd lot, oil furnace.

Marion Burnett 28« Howell St.

HELP WANTED-We wHayou in business with our care trustworthy and enorgetfie,write u.«. NO investment or exper-ience needed to start. Part time or.full time.


FOR SALE Beagle aog, female,7 months old, partry trained forhunting*, loves children.Mri. K-^1" 1P?HU },an<Wey,Jj Lakf1 pnone UP *


FOR RENT-B§d room with twinIMHIS. cooking priviliges, e*uple,s&a*

c woman, Susanna Heod21192 Doyle Read after 16 ». m. orS«tmrdays ap t* I p. m. „

Sram ft foffe, JodgsAtrmsspyCciostia Pars^.li,Register of Probate

ABTS AUlu P.oidlag StOTttMAutomo*iT« Glass

l t t d1018

TnbloJim* *vnmey, iJ ft



\ FOR SAil£<5HAVEU ^ — ^ . f

•d, also proreitusl road qravillBBAOT MIXED CONCWFTB JD.*LGaAYZLCOMW

4 xniks ws«t «i HowtJl atasoQ rwoa* rnon©

PHONT l i t ! HOWBUL •

FARMA solid ouiiuuM* ^roinrn on iatcstmsnt. Good retailparts trade. IHC, Now Idea aadG«hl Implements.

SURBURBAN REALTYJ3 2 Lafayette, South Lyon, Mica,

Phone Geneva 8-2041 ,FOR RENl^Upstairs unapartmont . Phone UP

n 1

Wells &: 1 PompsAll Makes of Pun": Serviced

9S3S Dexte*-Pintr> yPhone HA 69O4






^ ••

