Imperial China 221 BCE-220 CE

Qin and Han China

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Qin and Han China. Imperial China 221 BCE-220 CE. Agriculture and Human Labor. Production of wealth and taxes support China Fund gov’t activities  military, daily tasks Large populations need increase in food production canal construction and surplus during times of shortage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Qin and Han China

Imperial China221 BCE-220 CE

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Agriculture and Human LaborProduction of wealth and taxes support China

Fund gov’t activities military, daily tasksLarge populations need increase in food

production canal construction and surplus during times of shortage

Human labor=fundamental commodity, free peasants and taxesDonate 1 month labor to public works2 years military serviceExpanded at expense of ethnic groups

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The Qin Dynasty (221–206 BCE)

The Qin dynasty emerged in 221 BCE from China’s bloody civil wars between 400 BCE and 200 BCE

Qin Shi Huangdi established the dynasty.

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The Qin Dynasty (221–206 BCE)The Qin made the central government

stronger. The government was divided into three

ministries: the civil, the military, and the censorate.

Members of the censorate checked on government officials to make sure they were doing their jobs.

Future Chinese dynasties adopted this practice and kept this structure.

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The Qin Dynasty (221–206 BCE)

Qin Shi Huangdi unified the Chinese world Monetary system Road systemStandardized weights and measuresStandardized Chinese written language

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He extended the empire south to modern-day Vietnam.

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He burned books by and about Confucius and promoted learning only about military matters and economics.

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Problems with Invasion

The Xiongnu (SHE-OONG-nu) had mastered warfare from horseback.

They attacked the Chinese living in the north.

To protect these people, Qin Shi huangdi built a system of walls called the Great Wall of China.

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Han DynastyThe Han dynasty

was one of China’s greatest dynasties.

It emerged in 202 B.C. and was founded by Liu Bang, who was of peasant origin.

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Liu Bang replaced Legalism with ConfucianismHierarchyPatriarchyMoral governmentFilial piety (family)

He kept the division of the central government into three ministries and the division of the empire into provinces.

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Han rulers chose government officials by merit, not birth.

GentryInstituted the civil

service examination. Established schools

to train candidates for government service.

Students learned Confucius’s teachings, Chinese history, and Chinese law.

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Han DynastyThe free peasants suffered during the Han

period. Military service and a month’s forced labor

each year were required. The tripling of the population shrank the

size of the individual farm plot to about one acre a person—barely enough to survive.

Free farmers became tenant farmers.

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Han DynastyTechnology progressed under the Han. There were advances in textile

manufacturing, water mills, and iron casting, the latter leading to the invention of steel.

The invention of the rudder and fore-and-aft rigging made sailing into the wind possible for the first time.

Chinese traders were able to sail into the Indian Ocean, expanding trade tremendously.

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Water Mill

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InventionsImportance to success of empire

Paper was developed in the Han period.

Horse collarRoadsCourier system of boats,

horses and footpaths.CanalsSilk production,

monopoly on silk, sought to control Silk Road campaigns into Asia

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Decline of the Han DynastyOver time, Han rulers too involved with

pleasure weakened the government. The aristocratic families took over the

power void, often corruptly and brutally. Peasant revolts became common. Hired foreign soldiers not loyalBurdened by military expenditures,

nomadic attacksThe Han dynasty fell in A.D. 220. Civil

wars followed, and the next dynasty was not established for four hundred years.

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How effective were the Qin and Han authorities in maintaining control over the Chinese?Effective Ineffective