CANDIDATE NAME :WWW.QMATHS.IN EXAM START TIME : 13:30:00 EXAM DURATION : 01:30 Hrs TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS : 100 Click to Print logout Challenges REGISTRATION NUMBER : WWW.QMATHS.IN EXAM DATE : 20-September-2017 EXAM NAME : SSC Examination TOTAL MARKS : 150 QID : 101 - Options: 1) 18 2) 21 3) 23 4) 27 Correct Answer: 21 Candidate Answer: 21 QID : 102 - Downloaded from www.qmaths.in Visit www.qmaths.in for tons of free study materials and latest exam updates.

QID : 101 - Hyderabad Metro Railhyderabadmetrorail.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/20Sept_S2.pdf · 4) Dice पासा Correct Answer: Shuttle चड़ी Candidate Answer: Shuttle

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    DURATION  :  01:30 Hrs TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS :  100

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    QID : 101 -

    Options:1) 18

    2) 21

    3) 23

    4) 27

    Correct Answer: 21

    Candidate Answer: 21

    QID : 102 -

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  • Options:1) 4

    2) 5

    3) 6

    4) 8

    Correct Answer: 6

    Candidate Answer: 8


    QID : 103 -

    Options:1) 40, 89, 31, 12, 22

    2) 99, 41, 30, 85, 23

    3) 40, 89, 58, 86, 95

    4) 99, 41, 56, 88, 95

    Correct Answer: 40, 89, 58, 86, 95

    Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

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  • QID : 104 -





    Correct Answer:

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  • Candidate Answer:


    QID : 105 -





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  • Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:


    QID : 106 -

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  • Options:1) 




    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:


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  • QID : 107 -





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  • Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 108 - What will come in place of question mark (?) in the given equation?

    14 ? 8 ? 16 ? 4 = 16

    �दए गए समीकरण म� �� �च� (?) के �थान पर �या आएगा?

    14 ? 8 ? 16 ? 4 = 16Options:1) +, ÷ and –

    +, ÷ तथा –2) ×, + and –

    ×, + तथा –3) ÷, + and ×

    ÷, + तथा ×4) +, ÷ and ×

    +, ÷ तथा ×Correct Answer: +, ÷ and ×

    +, ÷ तथा ×Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 109 - If 9 % 11 % 5 = 793 and 4 % 9 % 7 = 275, then 8 % 2 % 6 = ?

    य�द 9 % 11 % 5 = 793 तथा 4 % 9 % 7 = 275 हो, तो 8 % 2 % 6 = ? Options:1) 604

     2) 377

     3) 539

     4) 460

     Correct Answer: 604

     Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 110 - Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.

    1. Stone2. Store3. Single4. Sand5. Singer

    �न�न�ल�खत श�द� को श�दकोश म� आन ेवाल े�म के अनसुार �लख�।

    1. Stone2. Store3. Single4. Sand5. Singer

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  • Options:1) 34512

     2) 34521

     3) 45312

     4) 43521

     Correct Answer: 45312

     Candidate Answer: 45312

      QID : 111 - In the following question,select the missing number from the given alternatives.

    6, 17, 10, 14, 14, 11, 18, ?

    �न�न�ल�खत �� म� �दए गए �वक�प� म� स ेल�ुत अकं �ात क��जए।

    6, 17, 10, 14, 14, 11, 18, ?Options:1) 8

     2) 7

     3) 6

     4) 9

     Correct Answer: 8

     Candidate Answer: 8

      QID : 112 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    A, B, D, G, K, ?

    एक अन�ुम �दया गया ह,ै �जसम� स ेएक पद ल�ुत ह।ै �दए गए �वक�प� म� स ेवह सही �वक�प च�ुनए, जो अन�ुम को परूा कर।े

    A, B, D, G, K, ?Options:1) N

    2) M

    3) P

    4) O

    Correct Answer: P

    Candidate Answer: P

     QID : 113 - In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.

    �न�न�ल�खत �� म� �दए गए �वक�प� म� स े�वषम श�द को च�ुनए। 

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  • Options:1) Carकार2) Motorcycleमोटर-साइ�कल3) Bullock cartबलैगाड़ी4) Truck�क

    Correct Answer: Bullock cartबलैगाड़ी

    Candidate Answer: Bullock cartबलैगाड़ी

     QID : 114 - In the following question, select the odd number pair from the given alternatives.

    �न�न�ल�खत �� म� �दए गए �वक�प� म� स े�वषम स�ंया य�ुम को च�ुनए।

    Options:1) 43 : 47

    2) 61 : 67

    3) 71 : 73

    4) 83 : 87

    Correct Answer: 83 : 87

    Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 115 - In the following question, select the odd letters from the given alternatives.

    �न�न�ल�खत �� म� �दए गए �वक�प� म� स े�वषम अ�र� को च�ुनए।

    Options:1) DF

    2) KN

    3) GI

    4) SU

    Correct Answer: KN

    Candidate Answer: KN

     QID : 116 - Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.

    Sky, Continent, Ocean

    वह आरखे च�ुनए जो नीच े�दए गए वग� के बीच के सबंधं का सही �न�पण करता ह।ै

    आकाश, महा��प, महासागर

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  • Options:1) 




    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 117 - In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.

    Cricket : Ball : : Badminton : ?

    �न�न�ल�खत �� म� �दए गए �वक�प� म� स ेसबं�ंधत श�द को च�ुनए।

    ��केट : ग�द : : बडै�म�टन : ?

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  • Options:1) Ball


    2) Shuttle


    3) Striker


    4) Dice


    Correct Answer: Shuttle

    �चड़ीCandidate Answer: Shuttle

    �चड़ी QID : 118 - In the following question, select the relatednumber from the given alternatives.

    123 : 6 : : 232 : ?

    �न�न�ल�खत �� म� �दए गए �वक�प� म� स ेसबं�ंधत स�ंया को च�ुनए।

    123 : 6 : : 232 : ?

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  • Options:1) 8

    2) 10

    3) 12

    4) 14

    Correct Answer: 12

    Candidate Answer: 10

     QID : 119 - In the following question, select the relatedletters from the given alternatives.

    TN : YS : : JK : ?

    �न�न�ल�खत �� म� �दए गए �वक�प� म� स ेसबं�ंधत अ�र� को च�ुनए।

    TN : YS : : JK : ?

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  • Options:1) OP

    2) NP

    3) NO

    4) OO

    Correct Answer: OP

    Candidate Answer: OP


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  • QID : 120 - In the following question, select the wordwhich cannot be formed using the letters of the givenword.


    �न�न�ल�खत �वक�प� म� स ेवह श�द च�ुनए जो �दए गए श�द के अ�र� का�योग करके नह� बनाया जा सकता।


    2) NATION

    3) COMMON


    Correct Answer: COMUNE

    Candidate Answer: COMUNE

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  •  QID : 121 - Deepak remembers his examination is after23rd December. While his mother remembers hisexamination is before 25rd December. On which date ofDecember is his examination?

    द�पक को याद ह ै�क उसक� परी�ा 23 �दस�बर के बाद ह।ै जब�क उसक�माता को याद ह ै�क उसक� परी�ा 25 �दस�बर स ेपहल ेह।ै उसक� परी�ा�दस�बर क� �कस �त�थ को ह?ै

    Options:1) 24

    2) 23

    3) 25

    4) 26

    Correct Answer: 24

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  • Candidate Answer: 24

     QID : 122 - In a row of 40 trees, lemon tree is 23rd fromthe right end. What is its position from left end?

    40 व�ृ� क� एक प�ं� म�, नी�ब ूका व�ृ दाय� ओर स े23 वा ँह।ै बाय� ओरस ेउसका �थान �या ह?ै Options:1) 19

     2) 17

     3) 18

     4) 16

     Correct Answer: 18

     Candidate Answer: 18


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  • QID : 123 - In the following question below are givensome statements followed by some conclusions. Takingthe given statements to be true even if they seem to be atvariance from commonly known facts, read all theconclusions and then decide which of the givenconclusion logicaly follows the given statement.

    Statements:I. All pens are chairs.II. Some chairs are tables.

    Conclusions:I. Some pens are tables.II. Some chairs are pens.

    नीच े�दए गए �� म� कुछ कथन और उनके बाद उन कथन� पर आधा�रतकुछ �न�कष� �दए गए ह�, हाला�ंक उनम� सामा�य �ात त�य� स े�भ�ता होसकती ह।ै सभी �न�कष� पढ़� और �फर �नधा��रत कर� �क �दए गए कौन से�न�कष�, �दए गए कथन� के आधार पर य�ु�सगंत ह�।

    कथनःI. सभी कलम कु�स�या ँह�।II. कुछ कु�स�या ँमज़े ह�।

    �न�कष�ःI. कुछ कलम मज़े ह�।II. कुछ कु�स�या ँकलम ह�। 

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  • Options:1) Only conclusion (II) follows.केवल �न�कष� (II) सही ह।ै2) Only conclusion (I) follows.केवल �न�कष� (I) सही ह।ै3) Neither conclusion (I) nor conclusion (II) follows.न तो �न�कष� (I) न ही �न�कष� (II) सही ह।ै4) Both conclusion follow.दोन� ही �न�कष� सही ह�।Correct Answer: Only conclusion (II) follows.केवल �न�कष� (II) सही ह।ैCandidate Answer: Only conclusion (II) follows.केवल �न�कष� (II) सही ह।ै QID : 124 - In a certain code language, "FROG" is writtenas "IURJ". How is "JUMP" written in that code language?

    एक �व�श� कोड भाषा म�, "FROG" को "IURJ" �लखा जाता ह ै। इस कोडभाषा म� "JUMP" को �कस �कार �लखा जाएगा?

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  • Options:1) MXPS

    2) MXPR

    3) MWPS

    4) MWPT

    Correct Answer: MXPS

    Candidate Answer: MXPS

     QID : 125 - In a certain code language, "CALL" is written as"84" and "ROAM" is written as "141". How is "HANG"written in that code language?

    एक �व�श� कोड भाषा म�, "CALL" को "84" तथा "ROAM" को "141"�लखा जाता ह।ै इस कोड भाषा म� "HANG" को �कस �कार �लखाजाएगा?

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  • Options:1) 30

    2) 60

    3) 90

    4) 120

    Correct Answer: 90

    Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 126 - How many positive factors of 120 are there?

    120 के �कतन ेधना�मक गणुनखडं होत ेह�?Options:1) 122) 163) 244) 36Correct Answer: 16

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  • Candidate Answer: 12 QID : 127 - How many times the digit 2 appears in the first100 natural numbers?

    �थम 100 �ाकृ�तक स�ंया� म� अकं 2 �कतनी बार आता ह?ैOptions:1) 102) 193) 204) 21Correct Answer: 20Candidate Answer: 19 QID : 128 -

    Options:1) 25

    2) 12

    3) 13

    4) 26Correct Answer: 25Candidate Answer: 25 

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  • QID : 129 - If 727P is divisible by 8, then what is the valueof P?

    य�द 727P, 8 स े�वभा�जत ह,ै तो P का मान �या ह?ैOptions:1) 2

    2) 4

    3) 6

    4) 8Correct Answer: 2Candidate Answer: 2 QID : 130 -

    Options:1) 35

    2) 33

    3) 34

    4) 36Correct Answer: 34Candidate Answer: 34 

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  • QID : 131 - Which of the following is not a perfect square?

    �न�न�ल�खत म� स ेकौन एक पणू� वग� नह� ह?ैOptions:1) 10000

    2) 961

    3) 1521

    4) 776Correct Answer: 776Candidate Answer: 776 QID : 132 - A and B can complete a work in 40 days, B andC in 60 days and A and C is 48 days. Who is the mostefficient worker among A, B and C?

    A तथा B �कसी काय� को 40 �दन� म� परूा करत ेह�। B तथा C, 60 �दन�  म�तथा A तथा C, 48 �दन� म� परूा करत ेह�। A, B तथा C म� स ेसबस ेअ�धककाय�कुशल कौन ह?ैOptions:1) A2) B3) C4) Cannot be determined�ात नह� �कया जा सकताCorrect Answer: ACandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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  •  QID : 133 - Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 5 hours and 20hours respectively. If both pipes are opened then, howmuch time (in hours) it will take to fill the tank?

    पाइप A तथा B एक टकं� को �मशः 5 घटं ेतथा 20 घटं ेम� भर सकत ेह�।य�द दोन� पाइप� को खोल �दया जाए, तो टकं� को भरन ेम� �कतना समय(घटंो म�) लगगेा?Options:1) 4.52) 33) 3.54) 4Correct Answer: 4Candidate Answer: 4 QID : 134 - If the radius of sphere is reduced by 10%, thenwhat will be the percentage change in its total surfacearea?

    य�द �कसी गोल ेक� ���या को 10% स ेकम कर द� जाए, तो उस गोल ेकेकुल प�ृीय ��ेफल म� �कतन े��तशत क� कमी होगी?

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  • Options:1) 21

    2) 19

    3) 20

    4) 22Correct Answer: 19Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 135 - Marked price of an article is Rs 3500. It wassold at a discount of 14.28%. If there was a loss of 20%,then what was the cost price (in Rs) of the article?

    एक व�त ुका अ�ंकत म�ूय 3500 � ह।ै उस े14.28% क� छूट पर �दया गयाथा। य�द 20% क� हा�न �ई थी, तो �य म�ूय (� म�) �या था?Options:1) 3500

    2) 3750

    3) 4000

    4) 4250Correct Answer: 3750Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

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  • QID : 136 - Cost price of an article is Rs 2500. Its price ismarked up by 20%. If the article is sold at 15% discount,then what is the value of profit (in Rs)?

    एक व�त ुका �य म�ूय 2500 � ह।ै उसके म�ूय को 20% स ेबढ़ाया जाताह।ै य�द व�त ुको 15% क� छूट पर बचेा जाए, तो लाभ का मान (� म�) �याहोगा?Options:1) 50

    2) 150

    3) 250

    4) 75Correct Answer: 50Candidate Answer: 50 QID : 137 - Shopkeeper sold big, medium and small sizedbulbs for Rs 150, Rs 80 and Rs 50 respectively. The totalnumber of bulbs sold were in the ratio 2 : 7 : 11. What isthe average cost of a bulb?

    एक �कानदार बड़,े म�य तथा छोट ेसाइज के ब�ब �मशः 150 �, 80 �तथा 50 � म� बचेता ह।ै कुल बचे ेगए ब�ब का अनपुात 2 : 7 : 11 था। एकब�ब क� औसत क�मत �या ह?ै

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  • Options:1) 72.52) 70.53) 75.54) 80Correct Answer: 70.5Candidate Answer: 70.5 QID : 138 - If x : y : z = 3 : 4 : 9, then what will be the valueof (2x + 3y + z) : (2z + x – 3y)?

    य�द x : y : z = 3 : 4 : 9 ह,ै तो (2x + 3y + z) : (2z + x – 3y) का मान�या ह।ैOptions:1) 3 :12) 2 : 13) 5 : 34) 7 : 2Correct Answer: 3 :1Candidate Answer: 3 :1 QID : 139 - Average age of A and B is 20 years. Averageage of B and C is 18 years. Average age of A and C is 21years. What is the average age (in years) of A, B and C?

    A तथा B क� औसत आय ु20 वष� ह।ै B तथा C क� औसत आय ु18 वष�ह।ै A तथा C क� औसत आय ु21 वष� ह।ै A, B तथा C क� औसत आयु(वष� म�) �या ह?ै

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  • Options:1) 7.1

    2) 19.67

    3) 19

    4) 29.5Correct Answer: 29.5Candidate Answer: 29.5 QID : 140 - There would be 15% loss if a toy is sold for Rs25.50. At what price should it be sold to earn a profit of25%?

    एक �खलौन ेको 25.50 � म� बचेन ेपर 15% क� हा�न होती ह।ै 25% लाभ�ा�त करन ेके �लए �खलौन ेको �कतन े� म� बचेना चा�हए?Options:1) 33.5

    2) 35

    3) 37.5

    4) 36Correct Answer: 37.5Candidate Answer: 37.5 

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  • QID : 141 - If the cost price of an article is 50% of theselling price, then what is the profit percent?

    य�द एक व�त ुका �य म�ूय, �व�य म�ूय का 50% ह,ै तो लाभ ��तशत�या ह?ैOptions:1) 1002) 503) 754) 150Correct Answer: 100Candidate Answer: 75 QID : 142 - What is the value of (36% of 4400) – (20% of780)?

    (4400 का 36%) – (780 का 20%) का मान �या ह?ैOptions:1) 1378

    2) 1578

    3) 1428

    4) 1298Correct Answer: 1428Candidate Answer: 1428 

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  • QID : 143 - What is the value of 20% of 2/3 of 720?

    720 के 2/3 का 20% का मान �या ह?ैOptions:1) 96

    2) 40

    3) 112

    4) 114Correct Answer: 96Candidate Answer: 96 QID : 144 - A man covers 3/5 of the total distance by trainand the remaining 40 km by bus. What is his total journey(in km)?

    एक ��� अपनी कुल या�ा का 3/5 भाग रलेगाड़ी �ारा तय करता ह।ै शषेबची �री 40 �क.मी. वह बस �ारा तय करता ह।ै उसक� कुल या�ा क�ल�बाई (�क.मी. म�) �या ह?ैOptions:1) 50

    2) 75

    3) 100

    4) 150

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  • Correct Answer: 100Candidate Answer: 100 QID : 145 - A man can row 8 km/hr in still water. If thespeed of the current is 4 km/hr, he takes 8 hours more inupstream than in the downstream. What is the distance(in km)?

    शातं जल म� एक ��� क� ग�त 8 �क.मी./घटंा ह।ै य�द धारा क� ग�त 4�क.मी./घटंा ह,ै धारा के अनकुूल �दशा म� कुछ �र जान ेम� �जतना समयलगता ह,ै उसस े8 घटं ेअ�धक समय धारा के ��तकूल �दशा म� उतनी ही �रीतय करन ेम� लगता ह।ै �री (�क.मी. म�) �या ह?ैOptions:1) 24

    2) 48

    3) 36

    4) 72Correct Answer: 48Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

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  • QID : 146 - A certain amount is invested in a scheme ofsimple interest. It amounts to Rs 3600 in 5 years and Rs4560 in 8 years. What is the rate of interest (inpercentage)?

    एक �न��त रा�श को साधारण �याज वाली एक योजना म� �नवशे �कयागया। वह 5 वष� म� 3600 � तथा 8 वष� म� 4560 � हो जाती ह।ै �याजक� दर (��तशत म�) �या ह?ैOptions:1) 14

    2) 24

    3) 16

    4) 20Correct Answer: 16Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

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  • QID : 147 -

    What is the amount (in Rs) spent on food?

    भोजन पर �य क� गई रा�श (� म�) �या ह?ैOptions:1) 2500

    2) 5000

    3) 7500

    4) 8000Correct Answer: 7500Candidate Answer: 7500 

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  • QID : 148 -

    What is the total amount (in Rs) spent on fuel andeducation?

    �धन तथा �श�ा पर कुल �कतना �य (� म�) �आ ह?ैOptions:1) 6900

    2) 7100

    3) 5700

    4) 6300Correct Answer: 6900Candidate Answer: 6900 

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  • QID : 149 -

    What is the difference (in Rs) between the amount spenton entertainment and clothing?

    मनोरजंन तथा कपड़� पर �कए गए �य का अतंर (� म�) �कतना ह?ैOptions:1) 2300

    2) 2700

    3) 1800

    4) 2100Correct Answer: 2100Candidate Answer: 2100 

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  • QID : 150 -

    Amount spent on fuel is what percent of amount spent onfood?

    �धन पर �कया गया �य खान ेपर �कए गए �य का �कतना ��तशत ह?ैOptions:1) 25

    2) 20

    3) 5

    4) 40Correct Answer: 20Candidate Answer: 20 

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  • QID : 151 - In the following question, some part of thesentence may have errors. Find out which part of thesentence has an error and select the appropriate option. Ifa sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

    Rohan suggested to his sisters that they should (1)/ go tothe school regularly and (2)/ do their homework sincerely.(3)/ No Error (4)/Options:1) 1

    2) 2

    3) 3

    4) 4Correct Answer: 4Candidate Answer: 1 QID : 152 - In the following question, some part of thesentence may have errors. Find out which part of thesentence has an error and select the appropriate option. Ifa sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

    Your sister’s in-law’s friend is (1)/ seriously ill and shewants you (2)/ to see her as soon as possible. (3)/ NoError (4)/

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  • Options:1) 1

    2) 2

    3) 3

    4) 4Correct Answer: 1Candidate Answer: 1 QID : 153 - In the following question, the sentence givenwith blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Selectthe correct alternative out of the four and indicate it byselecting the appropriate option.

    Mahatma Gandhi’s life ______ some of the greatestevents of the century. Options:1) overcome2) included3) spanned4) rumouredCorrect Answer: includedCandidate Answer: overcome 

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  • QID : 154 - In the following question, the sentence givenwith blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Selectthe correct alternative out of the four and indicate it byselecting the appropriate option.

    It ______ to me that her husband was incurable.

    Options:1) happened

    2) occurred

    3) suggested

    4) flashedCorrect Answer: occurredCandidate Answer: happened QID : 155 - In the following question, out of the given fouralternatives, select the one which best expresses themeaning of the given word.


    Options:1) Opposing

    2) Obedient

    3) Submissive

    4) Willing

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  • Correct Answer: OpposingCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 156 - In the following question, out of the given fouralternatives, select the one which best expresses themeaning of the given word.

    Grasp Options:1) Ignore2) Misunderstand3) Release4) ClinchCorrect Answer: ClinchCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 157 - In the following question, out of the given fouralternatives, select the one which best expresses themeaning of the given word.


    Options:1) Ending

    2) Ageless

    3) Brief

    4) Temporary

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  • Correct Answer: AgelessCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 158 - In the following question, out of the given fouralternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaningof the given word.


    Options:1) Exile

    2) Dismiss

    3) Permit

    4) TransportCorrect Answer: PermitCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 159 - In the following question, out of the given fouralternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaningof the given word.


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  • Options:1) Ignorant

    2) Deep

    3) Heavy

    4) LearnedCorrect Answer: IgnorantCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 160 - In the following question, out of the given fouralternatives, select the one which is opposite in meaningof the given word.


    Options:1) Delicate

    2) Aged

    3) Effective

    4) GentleCorrect Answer: EffectiveCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

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  • QID : 161 - In the following question, out of the given fouralternatives, select the alternative which best expressesthe meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

    Bed of roses

    Options:1) A problem difficult to solve

    2) To take part

    3) Joy based on false hopes

    4) A pleasant situationCorrect Answer: A pleasant situationCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 162 - In the following question, out of the given fouralternatives, select the alternative which best expressesthe meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

    Body and soul

    Options:1) Free and frank

    2) With all your energy

    3) To be an expert

    4) Mutual cooperation Correct Answer: With all your energy

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  • Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 163 - In the following question, out of the fouralternatives, select the alternative which will improve thebracketed part of the sentence. In case no improvementis needed, select "no improvement".

    I am (a student of the Delhi University).Options:1) the student of a Delhi University2) a student of Delhi University3) student of Delhi University4) No improvementCorrect Answer: a student of Delhi UniversityCandidate Answer: a student of Delhi University QID : 164 - In the following question, out of the fouralternatives, select the alternative which will improve thebracketed part of the sentence. In case no improvementis needed, select "no improvement".

    I wish he (was) here.Options:1) has been

    2) were

    3) would be

    4) No improvementCorrect Answer: were

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  • Candidate Answer: has been QID : 165 - In the following question, out of the fouralternatives, select the alternative which is the bestsubstitute of the phrase.

    Stream flowing into another big river

    Options:1) Tributary

    2) Peninsula

    3) Strait

    4) HermitCorrect Answer: TributaryCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 166 - In the following question, out of the fouralternatives, select the alternative which is the bestsubstitute of the phrase.

    That which can be easily believed

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  • Options:1) Assurance

    2) Credible

    3) Obvious

    4) Honorary Correct Answer: CredibleCandidate Answer: Honorary  QID : 167 - In the following question, a word has beenwritten in four different ways out of which only one iscorrectly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.

     Options:1) Accomodate2) Acommodate3) Acomodate4) AccommodateCorrect Answer: AccommodateCandidate Answer: Accomodate QID : 168 - In the following question, a word has beenwritten in four different ways out of which only one iscorrectly spelt. Select the correctly spelt word.

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  • Options:1) Bulatin

    2) Bulletin

    3) Bulleton

    4) BulletenCorrect Answer: BulletinCandidate Answer: Bulletin QID : 169 - The question below consists of a set oflabelled sentences. Out of the four options given, selectthe most logical order of the sentences to form acoherent paragraph.

    Rural populationP: as the number is consideredQ: urban population as farR: still dominates the

    Options:1) QPR

    2) PQR

    3) RPQ

    4) RQPCorrect Answer: RQPCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ]

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  •  QID : 170 - The question below consists of a set oflabelled sentences. Out of the four options given, selectthe most logical order of the sentences to form acoherent paragraph.

    We can enhance developmentP: women power, by giving womenQ: by improvingR: the opportunity to develop themselves Options:1) PRQ2) QRP3) QPR4) RPQCorrect Answer: QPRCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

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  • QID : 171 - In the following passage some of the wordshave been left out. Read the passage carefully and selectthe correct answer for the given blank out of the fouralternatives.

    In the past, a woman’s job was to stay at home ______care of elderly people. Now many of them ______ tochoose to work so they do not have time to take care ofthe elderly. In addition, ______ homes provide care for alarge number of elderly people. This is a ______ serviceand nurses are trained to take care of ______. They willhave frequent checkups and make sure that they alwaysmaintain good health every day.

    woman’s job was to stay at home ______

    Options:1) take

    2) do

    3) make

    4) breakCorrect Answer: takeCandidate Answer: take 

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  • QID : 172 - In the following passage some of the wordshave been left out. Read the passage carefully and selectthe correct answer for the given blank out of the fouralternatives.

    In the past, a woman’s job was to stay at home ______care of elderly people. Now many of them ______ tochoose to work so they do not have time to take care ofthe elderly. In addition, ______ homes provide care for alarge number of elderly people. This is a ______ serviceand nurses are trained to take care of ______. They willhave frequent checkups and make sure that they alwaysmaintain good health every day.

    Now many of them ______ to choose to work

    Options:1) spend

    2) mend

    3) tend

    4) trendCorrect Answer: tendCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

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  • QID : 173 - In the following passage some of the wordshave been left out. Read the passage carefully and selectthe correct answer for the given blank out of the fouralternatives.

    In the past, a woman’s job was to stay at home ______care of elderly people. Now many of them ______ tochoose to work so they do not have time to take care ofthe elderly. In addition, ______ homes provide care for alarge number of elderly people. This is a ______ serviceand nurses are trained to take care of ______. They willhave frequent checkups and make sure that they alwaysmaintain good health every day.

    In addition, ______ homes provide

    Options:1) commercial

    2) residential

    3) retail

    4) wholesaleCorrect Answer: residentialCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

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  • QID : 174 - In the following passage some of the wordshave been left out. Read the passage carefully and selectthe correct answer for the given blank out of the fouralternatives.

    In the past, a woman’s job was to stay at home ______care of elderly people. Now many of them ______ tochoose to work so they do not have time to take care ofthe elderly. In addition, ______ homes provide care for alarge number of elderly people. This is a ______ serviceand nurses are trained to take care of ______. They willhave frequent checkups and make sure that they alwaysmaintain good health every day.

    This is a ______ service

    Options:1) unprofessional

    2) door to door

    3) lethargic

    4) professionalCorrect Answer: professionalCandidate Answer: door to door 

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  • QID : 175 - In the following passage some of the wordshave been left out. Read the passage carefully and selectthe correct answer for the given blank out of the fouralternatives.

    In the past, a woman’s job was to stay at home ______care of elderly people. Now many of them ______ tochoose to work so they do not have time to take care ofthe elderly. In addition, ______ homes provide care for alarge number of elderly people. This is a ______ serviceand nurses are trained to take care of ______. They willhave frequent checkups and make sure that they alwaysmaintain good health every day.

    trained to take care of ______.

    Options:1) senior citizens

    2) young ones

    3) infants

    4) toddlersCorrect Answer: senior citizensCandidate Answer: senior citizens QID : 176 - The main watchdog of International Trade is______.

    अतंरा��ीय �ापार का म�ुय �हरी ______ ह।ै

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  • Options:1) World Trade Organization (WTO)�व� �ापार क�� (ड�ल ूट� ओ)2) Internation Trade Centerअतंरा��ीय �ापार क��3) World Customs Organization�व� �वहार क��4) Wold Bank (IMF)�व� ब�क (आइ एम एफ)Correct Answer: World Trade Organization (WTO)�व� �ापार क�� (ड�ल ूट� ओ)Candidate Answer: World Trade Organization (WTO)�व� �ापार क�� (ड�ल ूट� ओ) QID : 177 - Which of the following economic activitiescomes under primary sector?

    1. Cotton weaving2. Agriculture3. Transport

    �न�न�ल�खत म� स ेकौन सी आ�थ�क ग�त�व�धया ँ�ाथ�मक ��ेक के अतंग�तआती ह?ै

    1. कपास क� बनुाई2. कृ�ष3. प�रवहन

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  • Options:1) Only Iकेवल I2) Both I & III तथा II दोन�3) Both I & IIII तथा III दोन�4) All I, II and IIII, II तथा III सभीCorrect Answer: Only Iकेवल ICandidate Answer: Both I & III तथा II दोन� QID : 178 - Who among the following elects their ChiefMinister?

    �न�न�ल�खत म� स ेकौन अपना म�ुयम�ंी चनुत ेह?ैOptions:1) Ruling Party Memberस�ाधारी दल के सद�य2) Losing Party Members�वप�ी दल के सद�य3) Governor of Stateरा�य के रा�यपाल4) President of Indiaभारत के रा�प�तCorrect Answer: Ruling Party Memberस�ाधारी दल के सद�य

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  • Candidate Answer: Ruling Party Memberस�ाधारी दल के सद�य QID : 179 - Fundamental Rights are enumerated in whichpart of Indian Constitution?

    भारतीय स�ंवधान के �कस भाग म� मौ�लक अ�धकार व�ण�त ह?ैOptions:1) Part Iभाग I2) Part IIभाग II3) Part IIIभाग III4) Part IVभाग IVCorrect Answer: Part IIIभाग IIICandidate Answer: Part IIIभाग III QID : 180 - Who was the most famous Mauryan ruler?

    मौय� वशं के सबस े��स� शासक कौन थ?े

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  • Options:1) Chandragupta Mauryaच��ग�ुत मौय�2) Bindusara�ब��सार3) Ashokaअशोक4) Chandrapurta-Iच��ग�ुत-ICorrect Answer: AshokaअशोकCandidate Answer: Chandragupta Mauryaच��ग�ुत मौय� QID : 181 - Khan Abdul Ghaffar was also known by whichname?

    खान अ��ल ग�फ़ार को �कस अ�य नाम स ेभी जाना जाता था?Options:1) Sulemanसलुमेान2) Badshah Khanबादशाह खान3) Abdul Khanअ��ल खान4) None of the theseइनम� स ेकोई नह�Correct Answer: Badshah Khanबादशाह खान

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  • Candidate Answer: None of the theseइनम� स ेकोई नह� QID : 182 - The equator represent _____ degree Latitude?

    �वषवु� व�ृ _____ अशं अ�ाशं को दशा�ती ह?ैOptions:1) 23

    2) 90

    3) 0

    4) 67 Correct Answer: 0Candidate Answer: 90 QID : 183 - What is the solid portion of the Earth on whichwe live called?

    प�ृवी का ठोस भाग �जस पर हम रहत ेह� उस े�या कहा जाता ह?ैOptions:1) Lithosphereभमूडंल2) Atmosphereवायमुडंल3) Biosphereजीवमडंल4) Hydrosphereजलमडंल

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  • Correct Answer: LithosphereभमूडंलCandidate Answer: Lithosphereभमूडंल QID : 184 - Iron in haemoglobin exists as ______.

    हीमो�लो�बन म� लौह ______ के �प म� मौजदू रहता ह।ैOptions:1) Un-ionized iron atomअन-आयनीकृत परमाणु2) Ferric ions onlyकेवल फे�रक आयन3) Ferrous ions onlyकेवल फेरस आयन4) Ferric or ferrous ions depending upon the oxygenatedstateऑ�सीजन क� दशा पर �नभ�र फे�रक या फेरस आयनCorrect Answer: Ferrous ions onlyकेवल फेरस आयनCandidate Answer: Ferric or ferrous ions depending uponthe oxygenated stateऑ�सीजन क� दशा पर �नभ�र फे�रक या फेरस आयन QID : 185 - Menopause is the stage in human femalewhen ______.

    म�हला� म� रजोव�ृ� वह चरण होता ह ैजब ______।

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  • Options:1) Menstruation startsमा�सक च� आर�भ होता है2) Puberty beginsयौवनार�भ होता है3) Menstruation stops and reproductive capacity isarrestedमा�सक च� �क जाता ह ैऔर �जनन �मता �ीण हो जाती है4) None of the theseइनम� म� स ेकोई नह�Correct Answer: Menstruation stops and reproductivecapacity is arrestedमा�सक च� �क जाता ह ैऔर �जनन �मता �ीण हो जाती हैCandidate Answer: Puberty beginsयौवनार�भ होता है QID : 186 - Which of the following cells of pancreasproduce insulin?

    अ�नाशय क� कौन-सी को�शकाय� इ�स�ुलन का �नमा�ण करती ह�?Options:1) Alpha cellsअ�फा को�शकाय�2) B cellsबी को�शकाय�3) Beta cellsबीटा को�शकाय�4) T cellsट� को�शकाय�

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  • Correct Answer: Beta cellsबीटा को�शकाय�Candidate Answer: Beta cellsबीटा को�शकाय� QID : 187 - Sound waves are ______.

    �व�न तरगं� ______ होती ह।ैOptions:1) transverse electrical wavesअन�ु�थ �व�तु तरगं�2) longitudinal mechanical wavesअनदु�ैय� या�ं�क तरगं�3) surface wavesभ-ूप�ृ तरगं�4) both transverse electrical waves and longitudinalmechanical wavesअन�ु�थ �व�तु तरगं�तथा अनदु�ैय� या�ं�क तरगं� दोन�Correct Answer: longitudinal mechanical wavesअनदु�ैय� या�ं�क तरगं�Candidate Answer: longitudinal mechanical wavesअनदु�ैय� या�ं�क तरगं� QID : 188 - Electromotive force represents ______.�व�तुवाहक बल ______ दशा�ता ह।ै

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  • Options:1) resistance��तरोध को2) powerश�� को3) energy per unit charge��त इकाई आवशे ऊजा� को4) currentधारा कोCorrect Answer: energy per unit charge��त इकाई आवशे ऊजा� कोCandidate Answer: energy per unit charge��त इकाई आवशे ऊजा� को QID : 189 - What is the full form WAN?ड��य.ू ए. एन. का अस�ं��त �प �या ह?ैOptions:1) Wide Area Networkवाइड ए�रया नटेवक�2) Wide Access Networkवाइड ए�ससे नटेवक�3) Work Area Networkवक� ए�रया नटेवक�4) Work Access Networkवक� ए�ससे नटेवक�Correct Answer: Wide Area Networkवाइड ए�रया नटेवक�Candidate Answer: Work Area Networkवक� ए�रया नटेवक� 

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  • QID : 190 - Which of the following has an equal number ofneutrons and protons?

    �न�न�ल�खत म� स े�कसम� �य�ूॉन और �ोटोन क� स�ंया बराबर होती ह?ैOptions:1) Hydrogenहाइ�ोजन2) Deuterium�टू��रयम3) Iodineआयोडीन4) Chlorine�लोरीनCorrect Answer: Deuterium�टू��रयमCandidate Answer: Hydrogenहाइ�ोजन QID : 191 - Which is the fundamental particle not presentin the nucleus of hydrogen atom?

    हाइ�ोजन परमाण ुके ना�भक म� कौन-सा मलू कण नह� पाया जाता?

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  • Options:1) electronइल�े�ॉन2) proton�ोटॉन3) neutron�य�ूॉन4) None of theseइनम� स ेकोई नह�Correct Answer: neutron�य�ूॉनCandidate Answer: neutron�य�ूॉन QID : 192 - Phosphorus and nitrogen are examples ofwhich type of impurities in sewage?

    फॉ�फोरस तथा नाई�ोजन आ�द वा�हत मल म� �कस �कार क� अश�ु�य� केउदाहरण ह�?Options:1) Organicकाब��नक2) Inorganicअकाब��नक3) Nutrientsपोषक त�व4) None of theseइनम� म� स ेकोई नह�Correct Answer: Nutrientsपोषक त�व

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  • Candidate Answer: Organicकाब��नक QID : 193 - Policy holders of Pradhan Mantri Jeevan JyotiBima Yojana get life insurance cover of what amount?

    �धानम�ंी जीवन �यो�त बीमा योजना के धारक �कतनी रा�श का जीवनबीमा र�ण �ा�त करत ेह�?Options:1) Rs 1 lakh1 लाख �2) Rs 2 lakh2 लाख �3) Rs 3 lakh3 लाख �4) Rs 5 lakh5 लाख �Correct Answer: Rs 2 lakh2 लाख �Candidate Answer: Rs 3 lakh3 लाख � QID : 194 - Periodic Table was first given by whom?

    आवत� सारणी सव��थम �कसके �ारा द� गई थी?

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  • Options:1) Otto Blathyओटो �लाथी2) Johannes Keplerयोहानसे के�लर3) Dmitri Mendeleevडमेी�� म�डलीफ4) Michael Faradayमाइकल फैराडेCorrect Answer: Dmitri Mendeleevडमेी�� म�डलीफCandidate Answer: Michael Faradayमाइकल फैराडे QID : 195 - With which sport is Shekhar Naik associated?

    शखेर नाइक �कस खले स ेजड़ु ेह�?Options:1) Hockeyहॉक�2) Cricket��केट3) Footballफुटबॉल4) Table Tennisटबेल ट�ेनसCorrect Answer: Cricket��केटCandidate Answer: Hockeyहॉक�

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  •  QID : 196 - Rath Yatra of Lord Jagannath is a famousfestival of which state?

    भगवान जग�ाथ क� रथ या�ा �कस रा�य का एक ��स� �योहार ह?ैOptions:1) Odishaओ�डशा2) Uttar Pradeshउ�र �दशे3) Andhra Pradeshआ�ं �दशे4) Tamil Naduत�मलनाडुCorrect Answer: Odishaओ�डशाCandidate Answer: Andhra Pradeshआ�ं �दशे QID : 197 - Who has won the National Bravery Award2017?

    �कसन ेरा�ीय बहा�री परु�कार 2017 जीता ह?ै

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  • Options:1) Tarh Peejuतार पीज�2) Bhagwant Singhभगवतं �स�ह3) Rajan Tiwariराजन �तवारी4) Prakshit Dhandekar�काश ध�डकेरCorrect Answer: Tarh Peejuतार पीज�Candidate Answer: Prakshit Dhandekar�काश ध�डकेर QID : 198 - Who is the author of the book named'Narendra Modi: A Political Biography'?

    नर�� मोद�: एक राजनी�तक जीवनी' नामक प�ुतक के लखेक कौन ह�?Options:1) Alexander Bardअल�ेज�डर बाड�2) Neel Mukherjeeनील मखुज�3) Daman Singhदमन �स�ह4) Andy Marinoएडंी म�ैरनोCorrect Answer: Andy Marinoएडंी म�ैरनो

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  • Candidate Answer: Andy Marinoएडंी म�ैरनो QID : 199 - Which country is not among the G4 countries?

    कौन सा दशे जी 4 दशे� म� नह� ह?ैOptions:1) Brazil�ाज़ील2) Germanyजम�नी3) Japanजापान4) Pakistanपा�क�तानCorrect Answer: Pakistanपा�क�तानCandidate Answer: Brazil�ाज़ील 

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  • QID : 200 -

    Options:1) C-1, A-3, B-22) A-3, B-1, C-23) B-2, A-3, C-14) C-2, A-1, B-3Correct Answer: A-3, B-1, C-2Candidate Answer: A-3, B-1, C-2  

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