PVant Ad. Rates. ONE CEN 1' PER WORD when paid fn advance. No Ad. taken for Icj» than TEN CENT3. NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LE5S THAN TWENTY-FIVE CENT5 when ,-phbned in or charged at thc counter. FOR BUSINESS CONTRACTS Phone Monroc I for the VVANT AD MAN to call. U W 3Lo3t anti JFaunto. StbAYKD, JANI'AltV 1, l-'lto.M MY resldoneo, Orovo lload, near ftoldlera' llornr, 11 iargo Jcraoy Cow, Elcward it ictiiriicd lo MIl. S. 1'. WADDILU, . Orov Kwid. fcSTTtA Vlil) l-'IIOM 1 nV, "s< lltTI f II AK- rlson Htront, aettor dog, blnrk nnd whltc, femalo; aiiswcra to the naino of "Kly." Llhoral reward if returned to abovc aadresa, LOST, .vfiMAUi MINK '.Mi'l':'. I-'EOM auiomohlle, between ihe ilo'.el itlch- ninnd and Rlo Vlsta slore. llowanl \<> llnilf-i- If ictiirnr-1 I, HOTEL ItlCHMONI)._ iyctp uMantzU, ii-uiic. TlOVS WANTED; GOOD WA^KS. A P- ply 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. AMERICAN GLA88 WORK8, IlOBpltal and Ml.'la jjtrcetg._ AVanteK r'ailway :>iAV;7cbmiks~ commoncement aalary $soo; apring oamlnatioiiH overywhero; candldatca prcpared free. FRANKLIN INSTI- TUTE. Dept. 110 .1. U.ich.'Kl'.r. N. Y. WANTED, DRUGGIST* REOISTERED or uaalatant clerk, nt oncc: good po- t-ltlon. State aalary. referencea aa to hahlts. etC. RHEBARB. Lrawer 259, Lyiichburg, Va. SvTNTED! REGISTERED I'HAI'.MA- clat: glve referencea: mar'rled or Hingle. SMOTHERS'S DRUO STORE, l«mwert's Polnt, Norfolk. Va. W ANT ED.~M EN~ OR~ BOV S* TO 1 \kF.\> ' ua In spare tlmc in all portlona of thc 1,'nltcd States. Box 503, Rlch¬ mond, Va. ?KCHIiT.\"uV-TIU:ASL'Hl".l;. it kti n" Ing from Rlchmond, wlll hl-11 hla In- tereat In n Maln Street bualneaa r»r $1,000. payltig 8 ucr cent., und will xecure hla pc.--itii.in for party; aalary Sioo per inonth. Addrcaa .1 391, carc Tlmea-Dlapatch. _ YOtffl "OPPOP.TI/Nlf y'i* NI-fWLY formed corparatlon, whlch--.recentlj took over an oatabllahed bualncaaj de-airea to scctirc at om.-e. as direc- inr, alao ofllcer, a capable party. who can invcat from $3,000 t<> $5,000 wlth aervlce*. In fir.-t letter, e1v<* expor ii'-ii'-'. ;i£;<\ ref<-ren>.cs, <t<-. Aadreea .1 :\-,h. ,.,r.. Tlmcs-liiapiilch. SVANT131I. ' YOUNII M AN ST BNOO raphcr wlth aomo oxperloncc. Ad¬ drcaa. atatlng aalary dealrcd, K 122. caro Tlmcs-Dlapatch._ LAHORKRS WANTED. U'l'I^Y TO MR. WILLIAMS, Amerlcan Natlonal lianl: H'.llldltiK. ._ leap.n haleVmansiiiv. v.\rn $'j.ooo to $5,000 pcr ;iiir; ;\ furtii.-.h stu- dentn positlonf wherc they enn earn Itoo p«*r month whlle utitdylnK. PRACTTCAL SCHOOL OF SALES- MAX8HIP. New Raveh. Conn: % SMuations a<Hanre&, ftiait. w^t^dT^ohitTon ON MAHCII 1 by roglaterdd drtlgglat of l<m« e.\- pcriencc: graduale ln phawhacy: not cmployed noW in Yn-Klma; Rlchmond p'reforred; i" referencea, Addre** _lt M. ."¦ Tl nea-Pi pati h. WANTED, HV YOUN« MAN, POSITION ki; bookkcopcr and Mcn-Kraph-r; moderatc aalar; expected. I-: <37, carc Tlmea-Piapatch. POS1TION-" WANTED; KY "LXPERI- Cliced bookkcepcr and blll clerk: cm¬ ployed at present. Al referencea. Addr<::.v_E .Cv._ .-.:.. TnjKs-Li-paicb. BdoKKEEPEnr S< »W KMl'l/.iVKn. can devote few hours dally to <:irtl- ca.1 <vork. Refecencea Addrcaa 13 C2. carc Tlmea-Dlapatch. ^elp WLantttt, $cmalc. t-EUVANTS l'OK Ttirir.\10NI> AND North; tlckct furnlahed. EMPLOY- MENT Kt'KE.VI'. 120 North Klghth. 'I'liurii: Madla'm T^2JJ. WANTED,; A FIRST-CL.\Sri \VO.MAN aa cook and laundresa to so to Kast OraiiRe. >».. j.; wagea. $20 a inonth. Apply at oncc to MltS. DR. 'l'AYLOK. No « Ntitth Kifih Sti-jf.t_ WANTKD, YOUNO UAPIKh'BKTWEEN the agca of 16 and 1:2 ycara to he- como operators. Apply t3 TELE- PHONI-. EXCHANGE.'711 Eaat Grace. ^\NTED^~SETTLED COLOltED V.'O- inan to niirKc lnvalld. 2200 Grove Avenuc. .WANTi:iV."'~\"N ''l?XPtfltiE"Ni5Eb-'C0L- ored u-onian to cook, ono without Incumbranco. A k»|"1 homo and sat- lafactory aalary. t:all wlth refer- ences at 2003 Weat Main. XOUNO LADIES"ASD^GlitLS DEtiR- Ing poaltlona wlth pleaaant aur- roundlrsa and good pay cannot do better than wrlte or apply to THE WHITLOCK BRANCH, Twenty-thlrd and Cary Ptreeta. Rlchmond. Va. becretarT^treasurer, R~E T I R- Ing from Rlchmond, wlll nell hls ln- tprest in a Maln Street buslness for $1,000, paylng S per ccnt.. and wlll necuro hla position for party; aalary $100 per month. AddrcHs J 331, caro Times-Dlspatch. j&itMtions tMantd), J'emalc. ^VXNTED,' BY REFINED YOUNQ ladv, poaltion as governess ln Vlr¬ glnla" fnmlly. Address D 1S3, care Tlmea-Dlspatch. ^elp, iflale nrits jTemalc. CHiROPATHY 1^'^DEVISED AND taught by Dr. Slmnions, tho osteo- path,, Coui-hc is conclae. complete and casily mastcred. f.-'la.-is inatrieu- latea .lanuarv 10 at 122 North Elghth. 3Xoams( W^antto. WANTED, FOUR FU^NISHED ROOMS for llght housckeeping; modern lin- provements. fetatc locatlon and prlco". F 25(5, caro Timea-Dlspatch. WANTED. vBY OOUFLE '.',WITH ONE child sover.al furnlahed. rooms for light; housekcoplng; tontrally lo- cated; posaosslon wanted Fobruary 1. Address R. B. II., carc Postmaster, Nottoway, Va. itaSiness ©pportumttcs. WaI^'dC^ntlI^l^n^vith $10,000- to $15,000 as sllont or activo part- ner ln flrat-claaa mcrcantilo busi¬ ness; annual proflt, $286,875. Wrlto _ MERCHANT. care Tlmes-Dispatch. MONEY LOANED TO INVENTORS TO patent good idoaa. JOHN WEDDER- BURN. Capltallat. Brookliuid. D. C. BESV' PAYINO BOARDINO ilOUSE IN Rlchmond- for aalo; low prlce qulck buyov. SAMUEL WANT, S.1D East Broad. HAVE: BPECIALTY OF~^ARE MBRIT, and want a llve, wldo-awako man uf buslnosa ablllty. with modoratu capltal; wlll not froni $6,000 to $8,000 por month; prlnclpala only. For par- tlcuhtrs seo itic. Wrlto ut oncc if lntnrestod. CIIAS. CRAWFORD, 611 North Tenth Street._ .YOU'r" OP'PORTUNITY: N E \VLY formed corporatlon, which roceutly took over an cstabllshcd bttslnoHa, deslrea to soouro at onco. as dlrco- tor, alfsu' ofllcer, a capitblo purty, who can Invcst t'rem $3,000 to ?r..ooo wilh sorvlces. In flrst letter, gH'e c\pc "jrlcnoo, atje, reforenco, olc. Addroau J 378, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch, HEGRETARY»TREASURMR, EHTIB. Ing from Rlchmond, wlll soll hls In- toro.'it' ln' a Maln Htroet hualnoaa for $1,000, paylng 8 por cont., and wlll Hocuro hla pusltioii for party; aulory $100 por month. Addrc^s J 301, caro Timoa-Dl8patch, .-'' jStoarbdig. VKGE, BHlGIPf AND ATTRACTIVI5 rooma for r<;nt, wlth or without board. Heflaonable ratca. Refer- cncea requlred. 413 Nortb Elghth Street. 'Phone Madlaon 7660. SHITaNBNT, TRANHJENT AND TA- bio boarder*. 030 WcBt Graco. 'Phone Mitdlaon 6781. ANTBDJ KOAI1UK1W I'OH LAROK und ainall roonia. 1011 EOBt Mur- BHa.ll. _\ ANTED, BOAItb'JSitS "FOR *T\VO iileo, sunny rooma. 103 Kaat Qraco, ftoomsf forl&tnb HeVyOH 'cOMETO RICHMOND atop whore you can get a clean, r.omfortable bed for 50 cents; eentral. refirn.-d nelgbborhood; free uae of 'phono and bath. Excelient. tneaja eurved uextXdoor. No. 1002 Ea*t Clay. ')ri itentTonk~vront r"oo"m. fu R- nlshed or tinfurnlshed. 106 North Kftrflson._ i;7iNisHi-:i7'RooM.s""Ff7u gentlu,- hlcn. 111 f-'onth Thlnl .Street. $lats W&anttti. ANTKIJ, BY"'COl.'PLE. FOR HEV- erui moiitlia, Ilve or nlx-room upart- iiK-ni. heatod nnd fui'nlBhcd, botwoon Broad nnd Main nntl weat of Klghth Stroct. Addroaa J :i9S, care Tlmca- Dlapateh. &tal (fcstate foc g>ale. iRGlNXA-.-, FA'BM&.£< E. WII1TB, "Tho Land Man," Charlotteavlllc, Va. lno|o»e s centa for ratulogue. . A BMS AND TIM' BBR T.AND S^.MY new catalogue eontalna 400 farrna nnd tlmber landa; beat bargalns in Vlrginla. I pay your rallroad fare. Wrltc for free catalogue. Addreaa J. R. ELAM. Box 107, Charlottesvllle, Va,_._ OR SALB, WEST KND LOTS, ON Qraco, Main, Leouard, Cary and Park' Avonue atreots. Apply 615 Brook Avoruio. 'Phonc Madlaon 1167._ Jouitrp.$ei iinQ iitoe &toriL StTsale, dark iron ohay iiorse, 17 3-4 hands hlgh, alx yeara old; ub- aolutcly aoutid; work any where nnd welgha 1.610 potinds. CHAR KINtl & HON CO-. INC Charlottesvllle, Vn. &ottux. I'ANTi.D, tiie" Vubi/ic "t6'"kno\v that Jahnko Bros., Jewelcra, 912 Kaat Main 6treet, buy. sell. ex- change nnd remount diamonda ln the lateat alyiea. Old go;d and ail- ver lukon ln exchange. ~LANKS'S vTcLV^'EEN LOTION. THE famous akin food, prcaerver; beau- tltloa by keeiilng thc akln free of plmples, frecklea, tan. blackhoada and all blemlahea; uiakea tbe skln aofi und arflooth. Prloe. 25c by drugglsta. or dellvered to ariy part of thc city by ono of our dellvery messengers. Qal[ 'phonc Madlson ::or,4. Our do- livory ayaiem makea lt easy to goi at onco. Don't healtatc to 'phone. Wo aro seiidlng to all parts of tbe city. Bcwarc of so-callcd just tbc pamo remedlea! 5DWIN EJ 1A IT. KUNKRAL iJlREC" tor and Ernbalmer, has remoyed hla ofllce and uriacrtaklrig rooma to 113 North Klghth Street. Offlce 'phone, Madlaon 181; reaidenca 'phone. Madl- son 3239-J. for nlght and Sunday ...11s. SKATES SHARPENED \V U1L V. Y< )U wrtit. JOE BICKERSTAFF, JM1 East Main Street. \K~vT w ant "t i;ik"~ \va6k-earn i-: P~7."n \\r>}\ ns othTs. to call the FIRST NATIONAI. BANK OF RICHMOND hls bank. We want to asslat hlm to acqulru the hablt of savlng. If you aro not a deposltor. commence to- day. Three per cent. Interest paid ln savings depattmont. Banking houac No. "110-1 Kaat Main Street. Dlspatch. a7~table and meFicinal water without a peer.Ilve gallona for 2.">e, dellvered.Holly Springs I.ithla Wa- ter. 'Phones: Madlson 6232 and 5621. jfer&mais. A.SK. "YOUR g"R0CER FOR THE BEST aausage _made._It's SMITHFIELD. THE DEMAN~d" FOR BE7TER GRADES of corsets ia increaslng; no ionger la the stlffly boned coraet tho most deslrable one, but plianf modela ai¦} the rulo for tho moat elegant and chlc creatton, the cut and honing belng of cqual lmportance to Und that grace of movement io mttcn dealred by the well dressod. MRS. A. J. PYLE. 317 North Flftn S'.rcet. RICHMOND KEFINING COMPAN V. 1709 Eaat Cary Street. City Conirae- tora. Dead anlmala removed at onco .Phone Monroe 3027. Buyera of tal- low and bonea. _ edwin piTai:i\ FUNERAD DIREC- tor and Embalmor. haa removed his ofllce and undertaklng rooma to 119 North Elghth Street. Olflrc lihono. Madison 181; rcaidenco 'phonc. Jladi- aon 3339-J. for nlght and Sunday ralls._ HUMAN HAIR BCJtJGHT aND SOL.D at HUGHES'S. 209 Nortb Thlrd. FROM" ctIry STANDFOINT OUP corsets are rlght. Correct ln style durab'.lity and prico. MRS. A. J PYLE, 317 North Fifth Street. Co-^arncrfSfjtp j&otitz RT?h"tmfn'<C''\?ar^J^'r^^^ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THI5 is to certify that I have thlsjday ad- mltted my son, Kent Willlama Hood as partnor in my buslnoss. conducter under tho name of W. T. Hood .S Co.. Old Dominion Nuraerlea,'Grow era of Hlgh-Grado Nursery Stock AVe expect to keep up our standart 'of grbwing thc best that can bt produced. I wish to thank our pa trons for the very llberal patronagt we have recelved in tho paat an< aak a eontinuance of their furthe: valuod favors. Youra respectfully. W. TAYLOR HOOD. E^)WfN~"'l5HX'UP". FUNE"RAL l5"lRE"C tor and Embalmor, has removed hi ofllce and 'undertaklng rooms to 11 North Elghth Street. Offlco 'phone Madlaon 131; rcaidenco 'phone. Madi aon 3239-J, for night and Sunda; calls.__^_^^______ fflillintvp.;_ a£Cof'~my"'mTllinery'and ready made sults, walsts. coats and othe garments for ladies and ohlldrei we aro now selllng at a grcat re ductlon. We make no chargo fo alterattons. MRS. JULRJS BEAE 1423 East Main Street. Mantefc.^_ Vv^"NT'EDT"T6^'UY'FdRCAS'S, UOUSE hold goods in any quantity. 'Phon Madlson 3851_ WANTED, A CONFEDERATK CAR tilno. mado by Roblnson. of Rlch mond, and any gun or plstol bcarin name of S\ Siitherlnnd; also a Con fodernto inuaket mado at Fnyotte vlllo, N- C. Addrcss It. D. STEUAR1 Stato Edltor. The Sun, Baltlmorc, Mt W^NTED.^ jTTJRNITURE AND HOUSU hold effects to aell at auotlon. lir rnedtate returna. MAYO SALVAG CORPORATION, 1403 East Mali 'Phone Madison 7316, ."Coal anb '^aoofii^ woodT'oak'^'r^^neT^long O sawed any length to sult, apllt road for the stovo at same prico. Ov coul is olenii and frooburnlng, 'Phon ua for prluea boforo buylng. Madiso 6913. NORTH CAROLINA WOO ^VND COAL CO.. 837 Brook Aver.ue. Wdo5~THAT BURNS AND GlVli' boat; wlth dampor turnod, glves moi hont und laata Ionger. When drn ia on half of hcat goes uut chln noy. I have the rlght klnd. LONG' 'Phone Monroo 1320. DAILY PUZZLE I f t JUST'BouGirfl What hollday? ANSWER TO YESTKKDAY'S PUZ7.bE I'cnry. M6TOR CAR A'l' A BARGAINl.\VK havo for aule. a 1909 6-cyUndcr, 6- paasenger tuurlng car, whlch was lakcn in trado for a 1910 car. Thla car hafl been rcpalnted and thor- oiighlv ovcrhauled ut the factory. Address COMMERCIAL DKPT., K. R. Thomaa Motor Co.. Bnffalo. N. Y. FOR SALE. 25 NEW GENTS' SUITS. costlng upward to $20; our prico. $9 to $11. JACOB.S'S I.OAN OFFICE. JTJST PUT ON SALE DRUMMER'S aample trunk of overcoata. Orlginal ooat. $15 to $25; our pricc. $8 to $12.50. JACOBS\S IX)AN OFFICE- WAGONS! WAGONS! WAGONS! LET ua aupply your wagon wants. We have them from $75 up for every uae. F.aay terma. New repoaltory, 731 East Cnry; factory. 120 South Klghth. A. MKYER'S SONS. FOR SALE. CIIKAP. NEW McVICKER atatlonury gasolenc engine. Apply 40S Hancock .st£^fitj_____ WAGONS AND BUGGIES TO SUIT you at RICHARDSON BROS.. 616 Brook Avenue. BURNT WHEAT.-ANOTHER CAR- load burnt wheat. $1-50 per 100 pounds; cheap; good fecd for chlek- ona. W. J. TODD, 426 North Slxth Street. NATURES OWN BEVERAGE.LIGHT. sparkling, refresblng, pure; 5 gal¬ lona, 25c. dellvered.Holly Springs Llthla Watcr. 'Phonc3: Madison 6232 and 5621. _._. ssoltcttors ano §»alt&mtn. c7o\jT1CCl^^\N~W^TED; EXPE- rlcnce unncceasary; blg pay. GLOBE CIOAR CO.. Clcveland. Ohlo. iHiscellaneous. "~ IIAIR TONIC. BEAUTTFUL HEAD OKHAIR IS AD- mired by every peraon. Blanks'a Quininc 'llair Tonlc makca the halr have si Ilve and natunil appearanco; removea dandruff, stlmulatcs tho growth, openlng up dlseased oll cella, whlch aupply oll that Is rieces- aary to kcep thc halr from becomlng drv and llfclcss; stopa lt from fall- ing out and splitting at tbe ends; absolutclv harmleas; contalna noth- ing injurioua or la rcquired by law to bc prlnted on label. Price, 2.r.cu. Bewaro of so-oallcd just as good or juat the aame rcmedlep. If your dealer haan't lt. aak hlm to gct It from his Jobbor for you. or call ¦phone Madlson 3051; it will be sent at oncc. Our delivery syatem makes lt easy to gct. Do not hcsitaic to call; we aro sonding all over the clty.--rnoming and evcnlng.- ¦-.- - K FLORI57-. FUNERAL DESIGNS. $1 TO $8. M. A, WHITTY. CLEAN. DRY STORAQE ROOMS; LOW ratea. TOMPKJNS, 207 West Broad Mreet._ 8HOE REPAIKING. 76C, HALF-SOLE MEN'S SHOES; I*A> dlea", 60c Every palr aewed. Best leather. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY. 716 East Main. 'Phone Monroe 2667. Wlll send for shoes and j-eturn. FOR MAN OR BEAST. FRAYSERS NERVE AND BONE LINI- ment. Over forty yeara' test proves it tho best. 25c a bottle at all drug- giats. EDISON AMBEKOLV, $200.00.THE FINEST MUS1CAL IN- strument ever made. Come and hear it. C. B. HAYNES &. CCX_ BTJCHA3,;;vNrS~NlcjKi~dl^l"bbL. BOOKKEEPING. CIVIL S E R VI C B branchea and elocutlon. 908 East Clay Street. jHeetmss. I'nlon Bank of nichmond, Rlchmond, Va.. Dec. 23. 1909. THE REGL'LAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholdcrs of the ITnlon Bank of Rlchmond, Va., wlll be held ln Ita bar.king house on Thursday. January 13, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon. GEORGE W. CALL, Caahler. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE atockholdera of tho Drewry-Hughes Company wlll bo held TUESDAY, JANUARY 11. 1910. at 12 o'clock noon. in tho office of the company, No. 1412 East Cary Street. W. F. DANCE, Secretary. T'-.o Savings Bank of Rlchmond. 1117 East Main Street, Uichmond, Va., Dec. .22, t'lu'.i. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of thla bank wlll bo held at tho banklng house THURS¬ DAY, JANUARY 13, 1910, at 1 o'clock P. M. JAMES M. BALL. Cashlcr. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholdera of tho Flrst Natlonal Bank of Rlchmond, Va., for the oloc- ilon of dlrectors and for such othor buslness as may properly como be¬ fore sald meeting, wlll be held in the dlrectors' room of said bank, No. 1104 East Main Street. Rlchmond. Va., 12 o'clock noon, TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1910. JNO. M. MILLER. JR.. Caahlor. Bank of Commerco and Trusta. Rlchmond. Va.. Dec. 28, 1909. /THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE, stockholders of tho Bank of Com¬ merco nnd Trusta wlll bo hold at tho oftloea of the bank. Nlnth nnd Main Streets, on TUESDAY, JAN¬ UARY 11, 1910, at 2 o'clock P. M. CHAS. A. PEPLE, becrotary. Oitlce Guuranlee Bulluing Corponitlon, Tlirina Building, Rlchmond, Va,. Dec. 27. 1909. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Btocklioldcrs ot thla cotporation wlll bo held ut Ita ofllce, No., 8 North Tenth Street. Rlchmond. Va., TUES¬ DAY. JANUARY 11, 1910, at 4:30 o'clock P. M. QKORGE C. JEFFBRSON. fiooretai'y. THE A^'nTlVL-MEETING OF THW ahuroholdors of tho Amerlcan Na¬ tlonal Bank of Rlchmond wlll he held at Ita ofllce ln the city of Rlch¬ mond, Va. on TUESDAY-. JANUARY 11, 1910, at 12 M. for tho olootlon of dlrectors for tho ensuiug year. and fof'tho trausactlou of such ather buslness as, may properly como be¬ fore tho me'etlne. O. B. HILL, Cuiihior. Jtfeetfngg. II-: KKUIILAR ANNUAL MEETING >f »lie Btockholdora of thn Oerman- Vni"rl.:in Bnnkltig and liulldlng Co. Wlll he held nt. the rompar.y'u ofTlio, tloom 2. i-:hei Bullding, on V/KD- YE8DAY, I.3TH DAY OF JANUARY, :'J10, at 1 o'clock P. M. CI1AH. K. WILLIS. Soerelary-Trpafttirer. fE AECIULAR ANNUAL MEr.TINO »f tho sloi-kholflern nf tho BurtOn jyal.cm, Iiic, Rlchmond, Vn., wlll bo icld III l*« ofllce.M. H hotlth Sevnnth ;trcel, Rlchmoii'l. Vn. MONDAY, rANUARY 10, 1310, nt 12 M. WILLIAM W. WORKMAN. Hccrotary. Vlrglnla Trunt. Company, Rlchmond, Va., Dpc. 29. 1300. r'B ANNEAL MEETING- OF THE itockholdera of thla company wlll io held at. thc oftlcO of the company n tho clty of Rlchmond, Va., on riTESDAY. JANUARY 18, 1910, at 12 j'clock noon. L D. AYLETT. Hecrctary. I l^HEGVLkK a'NNU XTT^MB ET INO ¦yf llio atookholdcra of tho Natlonal Stnto Bnnk. Rlchmond, Va., wlll bo li'Jd lu Ita batiklng hour,e on TLfES- DAY. JANUARY 11. 1310, at 12 o'clock, WILLIAM M. 1III.L. Cashier. I [ 6 W Lc he Virginia Fire andMarine Insurance Company, Rlchmond. Va.. Dcc. 22. 1300. IVIDKND..THE DIRECTORS OE thhi company havc declared a seml- annual dlvldend of 5 per cent. (frco of tax), payablc on and after January 3 next. Chccka for thls dlvldend will bo malted to all stock- holders of record thla datc. All changes of addrcaa ahould hc prompt- ly notlfled the company. Transfer booka closed yfrom thla dato until January .!, 1910. WM. II. McCARTHY. Secretarj-. HE PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK OF niCHMOND. VA., DECEMBER 22, 1003. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK AVE TO-DAY' DECLARED A DIVI- END OF XINE PER CENT. ON TIIE APITAL STOCK OF THE BANK rREE OF TAXES), OUT OF THE ARNINIS OF TIIE PAST SIX ONTHS, PAYABLE ON AND AFTER ^NUARY 3, 1910. - RJC1LVRD II. SMITH, CASHIER Atlantlc Coast Elne Rallroad Co., Oillcc of tho Trcasuror, Wlhnlngton, N. C, Dcc. 27, lOO'.l. HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AT- lantlc Coast Llne Rallroad Company haa declared a dlvldend of 3 per cent. on tho Common Capital Stock of that company, payabro at tho ofllce of thc trcaaurer. at Wllmlngton. N. C. on and after January 10, 1010. to stockholdera of record on thc ISth day of December, 1903. Thc transfer booka are closed from «no 17th dav of December, 1903, at 3 o'clock P. M., to the 11th any of January, 1910, at 10 o'cloctc A. M., both datcs Incluslvc. JAMES F. POST. Treasurcr. Natlonal Bank of Vlrglnla. Rlchmond, Va.. December 22. 1903. HE BOARD OE DIRECTORS OF thls bank havc to-day declared a semi-annual dlvldend of 3 per cent., payablc. on and after January 3. 1910. Checks wlll bc mailcd to stock¬ holdera. W. M. ADDISON, Cashier, Virglnia Trust Company, Rlchmond, Va.. Dpc. 21. 1903. HE DIRECTORS OF THIS COMPANY have deciarrd a semi-anmial dlvi- dend of 2 per cent.. payablc on and after JANUARY 3, 1310- Checks wlll be malled. L D. AYLETT, Secretary. Capi'ol Sitvlngs Bank, Rtchmond. Va.. Dec. 27. 1909. .HE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have declared the quarterly dlvldend of 1 per cent.. payable on and after January 3, 1310. Checks wlll bo mailcd. RO. M. KENT, JR.. Cashier. Unlon Bank of Rtchmonci. Rlchmond. Va., Dec. 16. 3 903. 'HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OP tho U'-iJon Bank of Rlchmond, Va., havo this day declared a semi-annual dlvldend of 8 por cent. on Its capital stock, payablo to stockholdera on and after January 3, 1310. GEORGE W. CALL. Cashier. Virglnia Stato Insurance Co. Rlehniond, December 29. 1309. 'HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF thls company havo to-day declared the ustial soml-annual dlvldend of three- (3) per cent. (free of tax), payable January 3, 1310. Checks will bcinalled. /" ROBERT LECKY, JR., Vlce-Presldent and Secretary. -^December 22, 1909. WE BOARD OP DIRECTORS OF THE Commonwealth Bank, Inc, has this day declared a semi-annual dlvldend of 3 per cent, payable on or after January 3, 1910. Checks wlll bo malled to partles entltled to the aame. W. L. WALTERS, Cashier. ikfjonlsu UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE «SE\T MEPICINE-DENTISTRY-PHARMACV gmmmer Sfosorts'. NMl$ra«TEffii Spend Your Vacation Here Make your arrangements now. Rcasonable rates. You'll have the beat time you cver had. C. H. PAXTON, Natural Brldge, Va. Wl)ttt to &top Wgtnia. 3ND.. *} ... u.ost niagniliccnt hotel in the South. European plan. Rooms bingle and en suite, with and without baths. Rates, $1.50. per day and up- wards. Bpacious saniple rooms. Send for booklet. Table d'Hotc Dinriqrs Saturday and Sunday evenmgs, 0. to 9 o'clock, $1.50 each. P, M, FRY, Managor. DRK1EUIEST ilcmlars of Botli Houscs Are Well F'illed With Mcasurcs. /- ILL RECOIWENE TUESDA,f iwcf Branch Is Well Preparcr to linrry Busincss Through. vVASMINGTON. January 2..Congrcs: 11 bogln bttalness ln earnest thl; ck. Thc Sonato Ia not ao forwari th Its work aa la the Houbc, whoa. lond.ir Ia already. well fllled, and a jn aH th* formilltlos pcrinit, tha rhe Coniederate Museum TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. OPEN 9 A. M. TO 5 I>. M. AD.MISSION, 25c. SATURDAY FREB. tuiUroaus. chrnond, Fredericksb'g & Potomac R. R 'o nnd From Wasblogtoo and IJejond. .oavo Hlclimond: *1:30 A. M. llnln S i.; '4:60 A. M. Byrd St. Hta.; ?O::o A. i rd St. Sta.; *7:10 A. M. Malu St. Sta.;M: M. Byrd St. Sta.; *I2:01 noon Byrd S i.; tt:00 P. M. Byrd Bt! StH.; {1:10 P. 4 ba Sta.; «3:13 P. M. JIa'n St. Sta.; «S:M 1 Byrd 8t. Sta. Arrlvo Rlchmond: *7:S0 i Byrd St. Sta.; .11:3.> A. M. Byrd St. Sta 10 P. M. Main St. Sta.; "1:M P. M. Byr Sta.; '7:15 I*. M. Byrd St. Sta.; .7:31 I Mnln St. Sta.: 110:03 P. M. Main St. Sta :2s P. M. Byrd St. Sta.; '10.=5 P. M. Mal Sta.; M:10 nlght Byrd St. Sta. icconimodatlon Trnlna-Week Dny: nvc Byrd St. Sta. 1:30 P. 4.. for Frot irkahurs. T.cavn Klbn Hta. 7..'.0 A. M., 6: M. for Aellland. Arrlvo Byrd St. Sta. S: M. from Frcdc-richsburg. Arrlvo Blt a. 6:«0 A. M., 5:30 p. M. from Ashland. DaliyT_tVvTpok~d'aya; JsTuidaya only. A iln» to or froni Byrd Stroot Statlon (o: r>t tralrm Icavlng 1:30 A. M. and arrlvlr 0 nlpht) Btop at Elba. Tlmo of arrlva d dopartures not fruaranteed. Road tl <ns. hesapeake & Ohio Railwaj :(K) A.\Daily.Fa;t trainn to Old Point, New DO P. / port Newa and Norfolk. :40 A..Daily Local to Newport Newa. :00 P..Daily. Local to Old Point. !:00 P.\Daiiy.Louiaville and Cincinnati. Pul :0O P. / man*. :45 P..Daily. "St. Louls-Cliicago Speaal. illmans. :30 A..Daily.CIiarlottcsvtHc. Weck days- Cli'ton Forge. !:1S P..Wcek dayt. Local to Gordonsvlllc, 1:00 A..Daily. L'burg. Lcx.. C. Korgc. 1:15 P..Wcek day». To Lyncliburg. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. Local from East.8:25 A. M.. 7:50 P. M. Through from East.1P.40 A. M.i 6-J5 P. 41. Local from West.*3:30 A M.. 9:50 A. M.. 7:' M. Through.7:30 A. M., 2:45 P. M. Jamc* Rivcr Line.»8 35 A. M.. 6:O0 P. M ?Dai'v except Sundav. _ jouthern Railway TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. N. B..Following schedule figurcs published formation and not guaranteed: 6:20 A. M..Daily..Local for Charlotte. 10-A5 A. M..Daily.Limited.For all poin >uth. Pullman and Day Coaches. 6.-00 P. M..Ex. Sunday.Keysville Local. 11:15 P. M..Daily.Limited, for all poin )uth- Pullman rcady 9:30 P. M. YORK RIVER LINE 4 -JO V. M..Ex. Sun..To West Pt, connectli r Baltimore Mon., Wed. and Fri. 4dO A. M..Ex. Sun. and 2:15 P. M .Moi 'ed. and Fri..Local to West Point. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. From thc South: 7:00 A M.. 9:30 P. M.. dall 40 A. M., Ex. Sun.. 4:10 P. M. Daily (Local). From West Point, 9:30 A. M., daily; 10:45 A 41 'ed. and Fri.; 5:45 P. M.. Ex. Sun. S. E. BURGESS, D. P. A.. 920 E. 4iain St. Phone' Madison 45S. lorfolk & Western Railwa; ONLY ALL RAIL LINE TO NORFOLK. Schedule in Effect October 4. 1909. Leave Byrd Street Station, Richmond, DAIL 0R NORFOLK: 9:00 A. M.. 3:00 P. M. FO YNCHBURG AND THE WEST: 9.00 A. 4 >-10 P M., 9:00 P. M. Arrive Richmond: Fro "orfolk.11:40 A. 41.. 6:50 P. 41, 10:45 P. I rom the \Vest-7.-00 A. 41.. 2:05 P. M.. 6:50 P.-l Pullman. Parlor and Sleeping Cars, Cafe Dlnii ars .. H- BOSLEY. K B. BEVILL, D. P. A.. Richmond, V G. P. A.. Roanoke Va.. ichmond and Petersburg Electric Railwi Cars leave Mancheater, Seventh and Per treete. for Petersburg: .6 7. 8, "9, 10, 11, *12 P. M. 1. 2, »3. 4. .5:45. »6, 7. 8, "), 10 P. M. 11:00 P. 41. for Chester, 12:00 midnight i eteraburg. , Cars leave Petersburg. foot Sycamore Stre< )r Manchester: 5:15 6:35. »*7:1S. *7:35, 8:35. 9:35, *10:: 1:35 A. 41.. 12:35. *1:35. 2:35, 3:35, *4:35. 5;. :35. »7 35, 8:35, 9:35. * 10:40, 11:40 P 41. . Carries baggage and cxpress. .* Limited, except Sundays and holtdays. All cara from Petersburg connect with carj Uchmond._ UCHMOND AND CHESAPEAKE BAY KAI WAY C041PANY. Schedule of electric tralns to and frc ishland, stopping at intermedlate stations up icnal. Lv. Richmond (Broad and Laurel Sts 6K)56, »7:10, 8:106. 9:10, "10:10. 11:10 A. 4 :10. 2:10. 3:10(>, 4:10, 5:10, 6:20. 7:104. 8:1 0:10 11:45 P. 41. Lv. Ashland: *5:55, *74. b 10, **11 A. 41., *li 41.. *'l. 2, 3, 46, S, 6. ;./. 9. 11 P. 41 ¦-..«. J * Daily except Sunday. .. Sunday only. 6 Carrlts baggage SEABOARD AIR LINE. Fouthbound trains echeduled to leave Rlchmo laily 9:10 A. 41..Local to Norlina. Raleli ;harlotte, Wiimingtcn. 1:18 P. 41..Sleepera a loaches, AtlanU, birmiugliam, Savannah, la onville and Fiorida pointa. 7:35 P. 41..To Fl da poinla. 10:45 P. 41..SIcepers and coac ^v.-.nnali, Jacksonville. Atlanta, Birmingham o \lcmpliis. Nortlibound trains scheduled to an Richmond daily: 4:25 A. 41., 5:35 A. 41.. 4 '. M.. 5:40 P. M. OLD DOMINION LIN FOR NORFOLK AND NEW YORK. Stcamera Biandon and Berkley. Dall: veave Richmond (foot of Aah St.) . ..7:00 P. .eave Newpott Ncws .,.,5:00A Urive Norfolk .6:00 A Connecting with main line steamern leav >Jorfolk for New York daily except Sunday 7 J. M Fare: Bctweeu Rlchmond nnd Norfolk, $2, dudlng stateroom bcrtli; meala, 50 cents. Ti-ainn vla Norfolk and Western Ry. at 3 P. ind Chesapeakc and Olilo Ry. at 4 P 41. a ;onnect with New York uteamers. Ni^lit Uae bt«.irnrrsi Btandon nnd Berkel ilop at Claretnont wharf to laud passengera » an Blgcal to iccelve them. V1RG1N1A NAVIGATION COMPANY. lamea Rlver by daylight for Norfolk, Old Pol Newport Ncws and all James Rlvc* landin Steamer Pocahontas lcavca Old Domlnlon wh Monday, WeOlieaday aud Ftiday at 7:00, A. Fare to Notfolk, $1.25; Kcond class. $1.00; me. 50 centa. Ftelght iccewed ior all laudiuga ,aTic3ketiVou sale O.^D. S. a Co.'s ofllce, 821 4larn St" or 809 E. Main St., The jetienoti a Nlurphv's Hotel. Baltimore Steam Packet C Equippi:d with wltelws tclegraphy. TO BALTIMORE AND THE NORTH \ NORFOLK AND OLD POINT. Leave Rlchmond Daily cxcepl Sunday vla. N. it W. Ry. 3:00 P. M.', Norfolk 6:30 P. 41. C. & O. Ry. 4:00 P M.. Old Polut 7:301 P. 4 O D. S. S. Cq. 7:00 P. 41. (one day in Norfol Va. Nav. Co. 6:30 A 41. (Monday, \Wneac ond Frlday). Tickets at all ofiiccs. For atatcrooms apply H. M...BOYKIN. Aucut 830 East 4ialu btr jffitnncinl. jffnancfat._ WE CAN LOAN YOUR MONEY ON RICHMOND CITY REAL ESTATE, FJRST IvIORTGAGE, TO PAY YOU 6 PER CENT. NET. NO DETTER SECUR1TY TO BE HAD. SEE US AT ONCE. POLLARD & BAGBY, 1102 East Main Street body wlll gct down to serlous busl- iiesn. Both ,houses will reconvette at 12 o'clock Tucsday, but tho lmmccllato an- notincement of tho recont death of Senator McLu.urln, of Mlsslsslppl, wlll rcsult In adjournment of both for tho day out of rcspect to hls memot/. Wednosday wlll bo calondar day ln the House, and that. hody agaln wlll takc up the Mann blll for thc roorgnnt- zation of the government of tho Pana- ma Canal zone. With that out of Iho way tho Houso wlll uttack the nppro- prlatlon hlU.t. The nrmy aupply blll Is already on tho cnlondar. and by tho tlmo It ls passcd tho fortlllcatlon blll wlll bo rcady for conslderatlon. Followlng tlio fortlllcatlon measure will como tho ur- gent dcllclcncy, tho agrlcultural and tho navy blllii. Even tho sundry*clvll and the lcglstativo bills are well blocked out In commlttce. It Is the'oplnlon of tho experts that the supply bllls wlll bo so rapldly turned out by tho commlt¬ tees as to rehder It posslblo for the House to glvc almost contlnuous at- tentlon to them during the next two months. The Scnate Committee of Approprla- tlons wlll bcgln soon tho conslderatlon of tho blll maklng approprlatlons for the District of Columbla, which already han passed the House, and untll It 1b reported tho Scnato will occupy Its tlmo with the conslderatlon of compar- atlvcly unlmportant mcasures on the calendar. For tho present short dally scsslons of tho .Sonate, wlth adjourn- ments evory week from Thursday untll Monday, may be expectod. Much Intorcst Is manlfcsted ln both hotises ln tho annonnccmonts that the President.'K mcssago on tho Shcrman ntitl-lrust law and tho rosolutlons of Eonator Jones and Repreaentatlve Humphrey, provinlng for an Investlga- tlon of the Interlor Departmont and tho Forost Servlec, wlll bo prosonted on Wedhesday, the llrst leglslatlve day after reconvcnlng. Thcre ls a dlvlslon of oplnlon as to whether anythlng will bo accomplished In tho way of modlfylng tho Shorman law during tho pr6sont scsslon. but evoryhody Is concerned over the torms ot tho Prcsldent's trcatment of the suhject. and hls message wlll be read wlth unusual Intcrest. On tho other hand, lt Is generally understood that tho Jones and Humphrey resolu'tlona wlll be adoptcd by both bodles and that the invcstlgatlon wlll be entered upon in short order. . -' U"let in Lynchbarg. ISpeclal to The TimcB-Dlspatr.h.] LYNCHBURG, VA., January 3.. Aslde from tho arrest of Crlt Massey, a ncgro, wanted by Bedford authori- tlcs for alleged housobrcaking. rob¬ bery and arson, the local pollco blottcr did not show an cntry for New Yoar's Day or last night., News Forecast for the Week A new volumo ln tho llbrary of the ycar opens wlth the current week. At Washlngton Tuesday Congress wlll asscmble for thc real work of tho "long" scssion. Outsldo the natlonal boundary Unes tho Nlcaraguan sltuatlon and tho'Brlt- ish electoral campalgn aro hcrltapea from tho old ycar which exclto chlcf Intcrcst. ln tho Central Amerlcan lm- brogllo thero Is a auspenslon for tho moment ot marked netlvlty. Attentlon wlll now bo largely dlrccted to the out- como of General Estrada's announced intentlon to keep up hls campalgn agalnst the government at Managua and drlvo tho new President, MadrPz, from power. Tho week opens wlth tho tlrst poll- ings In thc Brltlsh elcctlons less than a fortnlght away. Predlctions on tho oittcome are picntiful enough, but few of them polnt to the probablllty of a pronounced Llberal trlumph. Tho week is cxpectod to develop moro clcar- ly tho real trend of popular thought. With the reconvonlng of Congress President Taft ls cxpected to submtt hls promlsed vlews on tho status of anti-trust legislation, with rccoiumen- dations of changes in tho Shcrman law and Interstato commcrco statutos. Almost colncldently tho thread of prosocution In two Important Foderal eults wlll be plckod up. Tho hearlng on the tobneco "trust* caso is scheduled lo be taken up by tho Unitod Statos Suprcmo Court in Washlngton to-day. Eor tho samc dato ls ilxed tlio rcsumption of testlmony- taklng ln the sult desisned to compel a dlsjolnture of tho Union Pacltlc and Southern Pacitic systcms. Tho rall¬ road cascs wlll bb hcard ln New York Clty. Los Angelos. Cal., clalms attentlon as a ccntrc of Interest In air navlgatlon by vlrtuo of tho avlatlon mcotlng to "be held thero thls week. Curtlss, Amerlcan, and Paulhan. of France, aro stars among thoso who -wlll partlelpatc. Basoball men wlll havo a mootlng at Cinclnnatl Wednesday, when tho mem- bers of tho Natlonal Baseball Commls- slon wlll get togcther for the electlon of'ofllcers and transactlon of other buslness._ The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS. Opcn daily from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Admluloi 25c Free on Satutdayi tyotels. HOTEL v YORK NEW ^ I" fw YORK SOUTHEnN miA-PQUAnTKRB. SKVRN'TH AVB- COR. Mth ST. KUROPEAX PI.AN RATES: 11.50 to $350, wlth dotached bath. *?.00 to $1.00, wlth prlvate bath. Occuplea tho Beographtcal centro of the clty, noar tho vortex of travel. Wlthtn from one to flvo mlnutcB' walk of twonty-ona thoatren. Cars pass the door, and wlthtn flvo mlnutoa of all tho largo retall shops. Norman Qrlll 'toom. Culslno ot ouperlor cxccllenco. Modcrato pricea. ¦! H. Q. WILLIAMS, Manager. f? (FOIUIERLY MAIISEILLE) and GOLD GRILL llroadwiiy and 103d Street, New York Clty. EXPRESS Subway at tho Door. Most Boautlful Grill Room North of 42d St. , SELECT FAMILY AND TRANSIENT HOTEL. Absolutely Flreproof and Contalning Every Modem Convonlonce. FINEST LOOATION ON TIIE AVEST SIDE. One bloclc from Rlversldo and overlooklncr tho Hudson; 7 mlnutea to Grand Central Statlon; 10 mlnutea to Theatro and Shopplng Dlstricts; 18 mlnutea to Wall Street. KCUOPEAN PLAN. CAFE, ItESTAXJRANT AND GRILL ROOM. Every room with bath. Apartmcnts of any number of rooms, fur- nlshed or unfurnlshed. All Surfnce Cara Trnnsfer to the Hotel. H. S. CLEMENT, Managcr. Bright, cnergetic and intelligent young ladies, between the ages of sixteen and twenty-two, to become telephone operators. Apply at the Telephone Exchange between the hours of io and ia A. M., and 3 and 5 P. M. SOUTHERN BELL TELE¬ PHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF VlRGINIA, 709 and 711 East Grace Street. WHITE STAR HNE ORIENT CRUISEfi S. S. ARABIC Sailing january 20 ITALY and EGYPT Vin Anorca, Mndclra, Glbraltar, Altftera, Largcst Steamors In the Trade. CELTIC CEDRIC Plill, 10, li'KB, .-', MAR, 1«. 73 Day«.$400 and up All Expenses Included 9 Broadway, New York S. H- BOVYMAN. KS B. Malu Bt.: RICUMONn TICANSFER CO., SM E. M»ln 8*. N IUMIAM0_t.... AltAIIIC.Jan. I'HIOTIO. t'A^oi'u;. .Jan. 15: Eeb. '.'(5 30, to Aloxane'rla .laii. 20; Mar. 13 Eeb. 12; Mar. 34

PVant Ad. DAILY PUZZLE IDRK1EUIEST JUST'BouGirfl WE...iileo, sunny rooma. 103 Kaat Qraco, ftoomsf forl&tnb HeVyOH 'cOMETO RICHMOND atop whore you can get a clean, r.omfortable bed

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Page 1: PVant Ad. DAILY PUZZLE IDRK1EUIEST JUST'BouGirfl WE...iileo, sunny rooma. 103 Kaat Qraco, ftoomsf forl&tnb HeVyOH 'cOMETO RICHMOND atop whore you can get a clean, r.omfortable bed

PVant Ad. Rates.ONE CEN 1' PER WORD when paid

fn advance. No Ad. taken for Icj» thanTEN CENT3.

NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LE5S THANTWENTY-FIVE CENT5 when ,-phbnedin or charged at thc counter.




3Lo3t anti JFaunto.StbAYKD, JANI'AltV 1, l-'lto.M MY

resldoneo, Orovo lload, near ftoldlera'llornr, 11 iargo Jcraoy Cow, Elcwardit ictiiriicd lo MIl. S. 1'. WADDILU,

. Orov Kwid.fcSTTtA Vlil) l-'IIOM 1 nV, "s< lltTI f II AK-

rlson Htront, aettor dog, blnrk nndwhltc, femalo; aiiswcra to the nainoof "Kly." Llhoral reward if returnedto abovc aadresa,

LOST,.vfiMAUi MINK '.Mi'l':'. I-'EOMauiomohlle, between ihe ilo'.el itlch-ninnd and Rlo Vlsta slore. llowanl\<> llnilf-i- If ictiirnr-1 I, HOTELItlCHMONI)._

iyctp uMantzU, ii-uiic.TlOVS WANTED; GOOD WA^KS. A P-

ply 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. AMERICANGLA88 WORK8, IlOBpltal and Ml.'lajjtrcetg._AVanteK r'ailway :>iAV;7cbmiks~commoncement aalary $soo; apringoamlnatioiiH overywhero; candldatcaprcpared free. FRANKLIN INSTI-TUTE. Dept. 110 .1. U.ich.'Kl'.r. N. Y.

WANTED, DRUGGIST* REOISTEREDor uaalatant clerk, nt oncc: good po-t-ltlon. State aalary. referencea aato hahlts. etC. RHEBARB. Lrawer259, Lyiichburg, Va.

SvTNTED! REGISTERED I'HAI'.MA-clat: glve referencea: mar'rled orHingle. SMOTHERS'S DRUO STORE,l«mwert's Polnt, Norfolk. Va.

WANTED.~M EN~ OR~ BOV S* TO 1 \kF.\>' ua In spare tlmc in all portlona of

thc 1,'nltcd States. Box 503, Rlch¬mond, Va.

?KCHIiT.\"uV-TIU:ASL'Hl".l;. it kti n"Ing from Rlchmond, wlll hl-11 hla In-tereat In n Maln Street bualneaa r»r$1,000. payltig 8 ucr cent., und willxecure hla pc.--itii.in for party; aalarySioo per inonth. Addrcaa .1 391, carcTlmea-Dlapatch.


YOtffl "OPPOP.TI/Nlf y'i* NI-fWLYformed corparatlon, whlch--.recentljtook over an oatabllahed bualncaajde-airea to scctirc at om.-e. as direc-inr, alao ofllcer, a capable party. whocan invcat from $3,000 t<> $5,000 wlthaervlce*. In fir.-t letter, e1v<* exporii'-ii'-'. ;i£;<\ ref<-ren>.cs, <t<-. Aadreea.1 :\-,h. ,.,r.. Tlmcs-liiapiilch.

SVANT131I. ' YOUNII M AN ST BNOOraphcr wlth aomo oxperloncc. Ad¬drcaa. atatlng aalary dealrcd, K 122.caro Tlmcs-Dlapatch._

LAHORKRS WANTED. U'l'I^Y TOMR. WILLIAMS, Amerlcan Natlonallianl: H'.llldltiK.


leap.n haleVmansiiiv. v.\rn $'j.oooto $5,000 pcr ;iiir; ;\ ,¦ furtii.-.h stu-dentn positlonf wherc they enn earnItoo p«*r month whlle utitdylnK.PRACTTCAL SCHOOL OF SALES-MAX8HIP. New Raveh. Conn:


SMuations a<Hanre&, ftiait.w^t^dT^ohitTon ON MAHCII 1by roglaterdd drtlgglat of l<m« e.\-

pcriencc: graduale ln phawhacy: notcmployed noW in Yn-Klma; Rlchmondp'reforred; i" referencea, Addre**

_lt M. ."¦ Tl nea-Pi pati h.WANTED, HV YOUN« MAN, POSITION

ki; bookkcopcr and Mcn-Kraph-r;moderatc aalar; expected. I-: <37,carc Tlmea-Piapatch.

POS1TION-" WANTED; KY "LXPERI-Cliced bookkcepcr and blll clerk: cm¬

ployed at present. Al referencea.Addr<::.v_E .Cv._ .-.:.. TnjKs-Li-paicb.

BdoKKEEPEnr S< »W KMl'l/.iVKn.can devote few hours dally to <:irtl-ca.1 <vork. Refecencea Addrcaa 13C2. carc Tlmea-Dlapatch.

^elp WLantttt, $cmalc.t-EUVANTS l'OK Ttirir.\10NI> AND

North; tlckct furnlahed. EMPLOY-MENT Kt'KE.VI'. 120 North Klghth.'I'liurii: Madla'm T^2JJ.

WANTED,; A FIRST-CL.\Sri \VO.MANaa cook and laundresa to so to KastOraiiRe. >».. j.; wagea. $20 a inonth.Apply at oncc to MltS. DR. 'l'AYLOK.No « Ntitth Kifih Sti-jf.t_

WANTKD, YOUNO UAPIKh'BKTWEENthe agca of 16 and 1:2 ycara to he-como operators. Apply t3 TELE-PHONI-. EXCHANGE.'711 Eaat Grace.

^\NTED^~SETTLED COLOltED V.'O-inan to niirKc lnvalld. 2200 GroveAvenuc.

.WANTi:iV."'~\"N ''l?XPtfltiE"Ni5Eb-'C0L-ored u-onian to cook, ono withoutIncumbranco. A k»|"1 homo and sat-lafactory aalary. t:all wlth refer-ences at 2003 Weat Main.

XOUNO LADIES"ASD^GlitLS DEtiR-Ing poaltlona wlth pleaaant aur-roundlrsa and good pay cannot dobetter than wrlte or apply to THEWHITLOCK BRANCH, Twenty-thlrdand Cary Ptreeta. Rlchmond. Va.

becretarT^treasurer, R~E T I R-Ing from Rlchmond, wlll nell hls ln-tprest in a Maln Street buslness for$1,000, paylng S per ccnt.. and wlllnecuro hla position for party; aalary$100 per month. AddrcHs J 331, caroTimes-Dlspatch.

j&itMtions tMantd), J'emalc.^VXNTED,' BY REFINED YOUNQ

ladv, poaltion as governess ln Vlr¬glnla" fnmlly. Address D 1S3, care


^elp, iflale nrits jTemalc.CHiROPATHY 1^'^DEVISED AND

taught by Dr. Slmnions, tho osteo-path,, Coui-hc is conclae. completeand casily mastcred. f.-'la.-is inatrieu-latea .lanuarv 10 at 122 North Elghth.


for llght housckeeping; modern lin-provements. fetatc locatlon andprlco". F 25(5, caro Timea-Dlspatch.

WANTED. vBY OOUFLE '.',WITH ONEchild sover.al furnlahed. rooms forlight; housekcoplng; tontrally lo-cated; posaosslon wanted Fobruary1. Address R. B. II., carc Postmaster,Nottoway, Va.

itaSiness ©pportumttcs.WaI^'dC^ntlI^l^n^vith $10,000-

to $15,000 as sllont or activo part-ner ln flrat-claaa mcrcantilo busi¬ness; annual proflt, $286,875. Wrlto



patent good idoaa. JOHN WEDDER-BURN. Capltallat. Brookliuid. D. C.

BESV' PAYINO BOARDINO ilOUSE INRlchmond- for aalo; low prlcequlck buyov. SAMUEL WANT, S.1DEast Broad.

HAVE: BPECIALTY OF~^ARE MBRIT,and want a llve, wldo-awako manuf buslnosa ablllty. with modoratucapltal; wlll not froni $6,000 to $8,000por month; prlnclpala only. For par-tlcuhtrs seo itic. Wrlto ut oncc iflntnrestod. CIIAS. CRAWFORD, 611North Tenth Street._

.YOU'r" OP'PORTUNITY: N E \VLYformed corporatlon, which roceutlytook over an cstabllshcd bttslnoHa,deslrea to soouro at onco. as dlrco-tor, alfsu' ofllcer, a capitblo purty, whocan Invcst t'rem $3,000 to ?r..ooo wilhsorvlces. In flrst letter, gH'e c\pc

"jrlcnoo, atje, reforenco, olc. AddroauJ 378, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch,

HEGRETARY»TREASURMR, EHTIB.Ing from Rlchmond, wlll soll hls In-toro.'it' ln' a Maln Htroet hualnoaa for$1,000, paylng 8 por cont., and wlllHocuro hla pusltioii for party; aulory$100 por month. Addrc^s J 301, caroTimoa-Dl8patch, .-''

jStoarbdig.VKGE, BHlGIPf AND ATTRACTIVI5rooma for r<;nt, wlth or withoutboard. Heflaonable ratca. Refer-cncea requlred. 413 Nortb ElghthStreet. 'Phone Madlaon 7660.SHITaNBNT, TRANHJENT AND TA-bio boarder*. 030 WcBt Graco.'Phone Mitdlaon 6781.ANTBDJ KOAI1UK1W I'OH LAROKund ainall roonia. 1011 EOBt Mur-BHa.ll. _\ANTED, BOAItb'JSitS "FOR *T\VOiileo, sunny rooma. 103 Kaat Qraco,

ftoomsf forl&tnbHeVyOH 'cOMETO RICHMONDatop whore you can get a clean,r.omfortable bed for 50 cents; eentral.refirn.-d nelgbborhood; free uae of'phono and bath. Excelient. tneajaeurved uextXdoor. No. 1002 Ea*tClay.')ri itentTonk~vront r"oo"m. fu R-nlshed or tinfurnlshed. 106 NorthKftrflson._i;7iNisHi-:i7'RooM.s""Ff7u gentlu,-hlcn. 111 f-'onth Thlnl .Street.

$lats W&anttti.ANTKIJ, BY"'COl.'PLE. FOR HEV-erui moiitlia, Ilve or nlx-room upart-iiK-ni. heatod nnd fui'nlBhcd, botwoonBroad nnd Main nntl weat of KlghthStroct. Addroaa J :i9S, care Tlmca-Dlapateh.

&tal (fcstate foc g>ale.iRGlNXA-.-, FA'BM&.£< E. WII1TB,"Tho Land Man," Charlotteavlllc, Va.lno|o»e s centa for ratulogue. .

A BMS AND TIM' BBR T.ANDS^.MYnew catalogue eontalna 400 farrnannd tlmber landa; beat bargalns inVlrginla. I pay your rallroad fare.Wrltc for free catalogue. AddreaaJ. R. ELAM. Box 107, Charlottesvllle,Va,_._OR SALB, WEST KND LOTS, ONQraco, Main, Leouard, Cary and Park'Avonue atreots. Apply 615 BrookAvoruio. 'Phonc Madlaon 1167._Jouitrp.$ei iinQ iitoe &toriLStTsale, dark iron ohay iiorse,17 3-4 hands hlgh, alx yeara old; ub-aolutcly aoutid; work any where nndwelgha 1.610 potinds. CHAR KINtl& HON CO-. INC Charlottesvllle, Vn.

&ottux.I'ANTi.D, tiie" Vubi/ic "t6'"kno\vthat Jahnko Bros., Jewelcra, 912Kaat Main 6treet, buy. sell. ex-change nnd remount diamonda lnthe lateat alyiea. Old go;d and ail-ver lukon ln exchange.~LANKS'S vTcLV^'EEN LOTION. THEfamous akin food, prcaerver; beau-tltloa by keeiilng thc akln free ofplmples, frecklea, tan. blackhoada andall blemlahea; uiakea tbe skln aofiund arflooth. Prloe. 25c by drugglsta.or dellvered to ariy part of thc cityby ono of our dellvery messengers.Qal[ 'phonc Madlson ::or,4. Our do-livory ayaiem makea lt easy to goiat onco. Don't healtatc to 'phone.Wo aro seiidlng to all parts of tbecity. Bcwarc of so-callcd just tbcpamo remedlea!5DWIN EJ 1A IT. KUNKRAL iJlREC"tor and Ernbalmer, has remoyed hlaofllce and uriacrtaklrig rooma to 113North Klghth Street. Offlce 'phone,Madlaon 181; reaidenca 'phone. Madl-son 3239-J. for nlght and Sunday...11s.


\K~vTwant "t i;ik"~\va6k-earn i-: P~7."n\\r>}\ ns othTs. to call the FIRSTNATIONAI. BANK OF RICHMONDhls bank. We want to asslat hlm toacqulru the hablt of savlng. If youaro not a deposltor. commence to-day. Three per cent. Interest paidln savings depattmont. Bankinghouac No. "110-1 Kaat Main Street.Dlspatch.

a7~table and meFicinal waterwithout a peer.Ilve gallona for 2.">e,dellvered.Holly Springs I.ithla Wa-ter. 'Phones: Madlson 6232 and 5621.

jfer&mais.A.SK. "YOUR g"R0CER FOR THE BESTaausage _made._It's SMITHFIELD.

THE DEMAN~d" FOR BE7TER GRADESof corsets ia increaslng; no ionger lathe stlffly boned coraet tho mostdeslrable one, but plianf modela ai¦}the rulo for tho moat elegant andchlc creatton, the cut and honingbelng of cqual lmportance to Undthat grace of movement io mttcndealred by the well dressod. MRS. A.J. PYLE. 317 North Flftn S'.rcet.

RICHMOND KEFINING COMPAN V.1709 Eaat Cary Street. City Conirae-tora. Dead anlmala removed at onco

.Phone Monroe 3027. Buyera of tal-low and bonea.


edwin piTai:i\ FUNERAD DIREC-tor and Embalmor. haa removed hisofllce and undertaklng rooma to 119North Elghth Street. Olflrc lihono.Madison 181; rcaidenco 'phonc. Jladi-aon 3339-J. for nlght and Sundayralls._


FROM" ctIry STANDFOINT OUPcorsets are rlght. Correct ln styledurab'.lity and prico. MRS. A. JPYLE, 317 North Fifth Street.

Co-^arncrfSfjtp j&otitzRT?h"tmfn'<C''\?ar^J^'r^^^

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THI5is to certify that I have thlsjday ad-mltted my son, Kent Willlama Hoodas partnor in my buslnoss. conducterunder tho name of W. T. Hood .SCo.. Old Dominion Nuraerlea,'Growera of Hlgh-Grado Nursery StockAVe expect to keep up our standart'of grbwing thc best that can btproduced. I wish to thank our patrons for the very llberal patronagtwe have recelved in tho paat an<aak a eontinuance of their furthe:valuod favors. Youra respectfully.


E^)WfN~"'l5HX'UP". FUNE"RAL l5"lRE"Ctor and Embalmor, has removed hiofllce and 'undertaklng rooms to 11North Elghth Street. Offlco 'phoneMadlaon 131; rcaidenco 'phone. Madiaon 3239-J, for night and Sunda;calls.__^_^^______

fflillintvp.;_a£Cof'~my"'mTllinery'and readymade sults, walsts. coats and othegarments for ladies and ohlldreiwe aro now selllng at a grcat reductlon. We make no chargo foalterattons. MRS. JULRJS BEAE1423 East Main Street.

Mantefc.^_Vv^"NT'EDT"T6^'UY'FdRCAS'S, UOUSEhold goods in any quantity. 'PhonMadlson 3851_

WANTED, A CONFEDERATK CARtilno. mado by Roblnson. of Rlchmond, and any gun or plstol bcarinname of S\ Siitherlnnd; also a Confodernto inuaket mado at Fnyottevlllo, N- C. Addrcss It. D. STEUAR1Stato Edltor. The Sun, Baltlmorc, Mt

W^NTED.^ jTTJRNITURE AND HOUSUhold effects to aell at auotlon. lirrnedtate returna. MAYO SALVAGCORPORATION, 1403 East Mali'Phone Madison 7316,

."Coal anb '^aoofii^woodT'oak'^'r^^neT^long Osawed any length to sult, apllt roadfor the stovo at same prico. Ovcoul is olenii and frooburnlng, 'Phonua for prluea boforo buylng. Madiso6913. NORTH CAROLINA WOO^VND COAL CO.. 837 Brook Aver.ue.Wdo5~THAT BURNS AND GlVli'

boat; wlth dampor turnod, glves moihont und laata Ionger. When drnia on half of hcat goes uut chlnnoy. I have the rlght klnd. LONG''Phone Monroo 1320.




M6TOR CAR A'l' A BARGAINl.\VKhavo for aule. a 1909 6-cyUndcr, 6-paasenger tuurlng car, whlch was

lakcn in trado for a 1910 car. Thlacar hafl been rcpalnted and thor-oiighlv ovcrhauled ut the factory.Address COMMERCIAL DKPT., K. R.Thomaa Motor Co.. Bnffalo. N. Y.

FOR SALE. 25 NEW GENTS' SUITS.costlng upward to $20; our prico. $9to $11. JACOB.S'S I.OAN OFFICE.

JTJST PUT ON SALE DRUMMER'Saample trunk of overcoata. Orlginalooat. $15 to $25; our pricc. $8 to$12.50. JACOBS\S IX)AN OFFICE-

WAGONS! WAGONS! WAGONS! LETua aupply your wagon wants. Wehave them from $75 up for everyuae. F.aay terma. New repoaltory,731 East Cnry; factory. 120 SouthKlghth. A. MKYER'S SONS.

FOR SALE. CIIKAP. NEW McVICKERatatlonury gasolenc engine. Apply40S Hancock .st£^fitj_____


BURNT WHEAT.-ANOTHER CAR-load burnt wheat. $1-50 per 100pounds; cheap; good fecd for chlek-ona. W. J. TODD, 426 North SlxthStreet.

NATURES OWN BEVERAGE.LIGHT.sparkling, refresblng, pure; 5 gal¬lona, 25c. dellvered.Holly SpringsLlthla Watcr. 'Phonc3: Madison 6232and 5621. _._.

ssoltcttors ano §»alt&mtn.c7o\jT1CCl^^\N~W^TED; EXPE-

rlcnce unncceasary; blg pay. GLOBECIOAR CO.. Clcveland. Ohlo.



BEAUTTFUL HEAD OKHAIR IS AD-mired by every peraon. Blanks'aQuininc 'llair Tonlc makca the halrhave si Ilve and natunil appearanco;removea dandruff, stlmulatcs thogrowth, openlng up dlseased ollcella, whlch aupply oll that Is rieces-aary to kcep thc halr from becomlngdrv and llfclcss; stopa lt from fall-ing out and splitting at tbe ends;absolutclv harmleas; contalna noth-ing injurioua or la rcquired by lawto bc prlnted on label. Price, 2.r.cu.Bewaro of so-oallcd just as goodor juat the aame rcmedlep. If yourdealer haan't lt. aak hlm to gct Itfrom his Jobbor for you. or call¦phone Madlson 3051; it will be sentat oncc. Our delivery syatem makeslt easy to gct. Do not hcsitaic tocall; we aro sonding all over theclty.--rnoming and evcnlng.- ¦-.- -





76C, HALF-SOLE MEN'S SHOES; I*A>dlea", 60c Every palr aewed. Bestleather. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOEFACTORY. 716 East Main. 'PhoneMonroe 2667. Wlll send for shoes andj-eturn.


FRAYSERS NERVE AND BONE LINI-ment. Over forty yeara' test provesit tho best. 25c a bottle at all drug-giats.


$200.00.THE FINEST MUS1CAL IN-strument ever made. Come and hearit. C. B. HAYNES &. CCX_BTJCHA3,;;vNrS~NlcjKi~dl^l"bbL.

BOOKKEEPING. CIVIL S E R VI C Bbranchea and elocutlon. 908 EastClay Street.

jHeetmss.I'nlon Bank of nichmond,Rlchmond, Va.. Dec. 23. 1909.

THE REGL'LAR ANNUAL MEETINGof the stockholdcrs of the ITnlon Bankof Rlchmond, Va., wlll be held ln Itabar.king house on Thursday. January13, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon.


THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEatockholdera of tho Drewry-HughesCompany wlll bo held TUESDAY,JANUARY 11. 1910. at 12 o'clocknoon. in tho office of the company,No. 1412 East Cary Street.

W. F. DANCE,Secretary.

T'-.o Savings Bank of Rlchmond.1117 East Main Street,

Uichmond, Va., Dec. .22, t'lu'.i.THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE

stockholders of thla bank wlll boheld at tho banklng house THURS¬DAY, JANUARY 13, 1910, at 1 o'clockP. M.

JAMES M. BALL.Cashlcr.

THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEstockholdera of tho Flrst NatlonalBank of Rlchmond, Va., for the oloc-ilon of dlrectors and for such othorbuslness as may properly como be¬fore sald meeting, wlll be held in thedlrectors' room of said bank, No. 1104East Main Street. Rlchmond. Va., 12o'clock noon, TUESDAY, JANUARY11, 1910.

JNO. M. MILLER. JR..Caahlor.

Bank of Commerco and Trusta.Rlchmond. Va.. Dec. 28, 1909.

/THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE,stockholders of tho Bank of Com¬merco nnd Trusta wlll bo hold attho oftloea of the bank. Nlnth nndMain Streets, on TUESDAY, JAN¬UARY 11, 1910, at 2 o'clock P. M.

CHAS. A. PEPLE,becrotary.

Oitlce Guuranlee Bulluing Corponitlon,Tlirina Building,

Rlchmond, Va,. Dec. 27. 1909.THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE

Btocklioldcrs ot thla cotporation wlllbo held ut Ita ofllce, No., 8 NorthTenth Street. Rlchmond. Va., TUES¬DAY. JANUARY 11, 1910, at 4:30o'clock P. M.

QKORGE C. JEFFBRSON.fiooretai'y.

THE A^'nTlVL-MEETING OF THWahuroholdors of tho Amerlcan Na¬tlonal Bank of Rlchmond wlll heheld at Ita ofllce ln the city of Rlch¬mond, Va. on TUESDAY-. JANUARY11, 1910, at 12 M. for tho olootlonof dlrectors for tho ensuiug year.and fof'tho trausactlou of such atherbuslness as, may properly como be¬fore tho me'etlne. O. B. HILL,


Jtfeetfngg.II-: KKUIILAR ANNUAL MEETING>f »lie Btockholdora of thn Oerman-Vni"rl.:in Bnnkltig and liulldlng Co.Wlll he held nt. the rompar.y'u ofTlio,tloom 2. i-:hei Bullding, on V/KD-YE8DAY, I.3TH DAY OF JANUARY,:'J10, at 1 o'clock P. M.

CI1AH. K. WILLIS.Soerelary-Trpafttirer.

fE AECIULAR ANNUAL MEr.TINO»f tho sloi-kholflern nf tho BurtOnjyal.cm, Iiic, Rlchmond, Vn., wlll boicld III l*« ofllce.M. H hotlth Sevnnth;trcel, Rlchmoii'l. Vn. MONDAY,rANUARY 10, 1310, nt 12 M.


Vlrglnla Trunt. Company,Rlchmond, Va., Dpc. 29. 1300.

r'B ANNEAL MEETING- OF THEitockholdera of thla company wlllio held at. thc oftlcO of the companyn tho clty of Rlchmond, Va., onriTESDAY. JANUARY 18, 1910, at 12j'clock noon.

L D. AYLETT.Hecrctary.

Il^HEGVLkK a'NNUXTT^MB ET INO¦yf llio atookholdcra of tho NatlonalStnto Bnnk. Rlchmond, Va., wlll boli'Jd lu Ita batiklng hour,e on TLfES-DAY. JANUARY 11. 1310, at 12o'clock,

WILLIAM M. 1III.L.Cashier.




he Virginia Fire andMarineInsurance Company,Rlchmond. Va.. Dcc. 22. 1300.

IVIDKND..THE DIRECTORS OEthhi company havc declared a seml-annual dlvldend of 5 per cent. (frcoof tax), payablc on and afterJanuary 3 next. Chccka for thlsdlvldend will bo malted to all stock-holders of record thla datc. Allchanges of addrcaa ahould hc prompt-ly notlfled the company.

Transfer booka closed yfrom thladato until January .!, 1910.

WM. II. McCARTHY.Secretarj-.




Atlantlc Coast Elne Rallroad Co.,Oillcc of tho Trcasuror,

Wlhnlngton, N. C, Dcc. 27, lOO'.l.HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AT-lantlc Coast Llne Rallroad Companyhaa declared a dlvldend of 3 per cent.on tho Common Capital Stock ofthat company, payabro at tho ofllceof thc trcaaurer. at Wllmlngton. N.C. on and after January 10, 1010.to stockholdera of record on thcISth day of December, 1903. Thctransfer booka are closed from «no17th dav of December, 1903, at 3o'clock P. M., to the 11th any ofJanuary, 1910, at 10 o'cloctc A. M.,both datcs Incluslvc.

JAMES F. POST.Treasurcr.

Natlonal Bank of Vlrglnla.Rlchmond, Va.. December 22. 1903.

HE BOARD OE DIRECTORS OFthls bank havc to-day declared a

semi-annual dlvldend of 3 per cent.,payablc. on and after January 3. 1910.Checks wlll bc mailcd to stock¬holdera. W. M. ADDISON,


Virglnia Trust Company,Rlchmond, Va.. Dpc. 21. 1903.

HE DIRECTORS OF THIS COMPANYhave deciarrd a semi-anmial dlvi-dend of 2 per cent.. payablc on andafter JANUARY 3, 1310- Checks wlllbe malled.

L D. AYLETT,Secretary.

Capi'ol Sitvlngs Bank,Rtchmond. Va.. Dec. 27. 1909.

.HE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANKhave declared the quarterly dlvldendof 1 per cent.. payable on and afterJanuary 3, 1310. Checks wlll bomailcd.

RO. M. KENT, JR..Cashier.

Unlon Bank of Rtchmonci.Rlchmond. Va., Dec. 16. 3 903.

'HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OPtho U'-iJon Bank of Rlchmond, Va.,havo this day declared a semi-annualdlvldend of 8 por cent. on Its capitalstock, payablo to stockholdera onand after January 3, 1310.


Virglnia Stato Insurance Co.Rlehniond, December 29. 1309.

'HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFthls company havo to-day declaredthe ustial soml-annual dlvldend ofthree- (3) per cent. (free of tax),payable January 3, 1310. Checks willbcinalled. /"

ROBERT LECKY, JR.,Vlce-Presldent and Secretary.

-^December 22, 1909.WE BOARD OP DIRECTORS OF THECommonwealth Bank, Inc, has thisday declared a semi-annual dlvldendof 3 per cent, payable on or afterJanuary 3, 1910. Checks wlll bomalled to partles entltled to theaame. W. L. WALTERS,





gmmmer Sfosorts'.

NMl$ra«TEffiiSpend Your Vacation HereMake your arrangements now. Rcasonablerates. You'll have the beat time you cverhad.

C. H. PAXTON, Natural Brldge, Va.

Wl)ttt to &top <« Wgtnia.

3ND.. *}

... u.ost niagniliccnt hotel inthe South.European plan.Rooms bingle and en suite, with

and without baths.Rates, $1.50. per day and up-

wards. Bpacious saniple rooms.

Send for booklet.Table d'Hotc Dinriqrs Saturdayand Sunday evenmgs, 0. to 9o'clock, $1.50 each.

P, M, FRY, Managor.

DRK1EUIESTilcmlars of Botli Houscs Are

Well F'illed WithMcasurcs./-


iwcf Branch Is Well Preparcrto linrry Busincss

Through.vVASMINGTON. January 2..Congrcs:11 bogln bttalness ln earnest thl;ck. Thc Sonato Ia not ao forwarith Its work aa la the Houbc, whoa.lond.ir Ia already. well fllled, and a

jn aH th* formilltlos pcrinit, tha

rhe Coniederate MuseumTWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS.

OPEN 9 A. M. TO 5 I>. M.AD.MISSION, 25c.


tuiUroaus.chrnond, Fredericksb'g & Potomac R. R'o nnd From Wasblogtoo and IJejond..oavo Hlclimond: *1:30 A. M. llnln Si.; '4:60 A. M. Byrd St. Hta.; ?O::o A. ird St. Sta.; *7:10 A. M. Malu St. Sta.;M:M. Byrd St. Sta.; *I2:01 noon Byrd S

i.; tt:00 P. M. Byrd Bt! StH.; {1:10 P. 4ba Sta.; «3:13 P. M. JIa'n St. Sta.; «S:M 1Byrd 8t. Sta. Arrlvo Rlchmond: *7:S0 i

Byrd St. Sta.; .11:3.> A. M. Byrd St. Sta10 P. M. Main St. Sta.; "1:M P. M. ByrSta.; '7:15 I*. M. Byrd St. Sta.; .7:31 IMnln St. Sta.: 110:03 P. M. Main St. Sta

:2s P. M. Byrd St. Sta.; '10.=5 P. M. MalSta.; M:10 nlght Byrd St. Sta.

icconimodatlon Trnlna-Week Dny:nvc Byrd St. Sta. 1:30 P. 4.. for Frotirkahurs. T.cavn Klbn Hta. 7..'.0 A. M., 6:M. for Aellland. Arrlvo Byrd St. Sta. S:M. from Frcdc-richsburg. Arrlvo Blt

a. 6:«0 A. M., 5:30 p. M. from Ashland.

DaliyT_tVvTpok~d'aya; JsTuidaya only. Ailn» to or froni Byrd Stroot Statlon (o:r>t tralrm Icavlng 1:30 A. M. and arrlvlr0 nlpht) Btop at Elba. Tlmo of arrlvad dopartures not fruaranteed. Road tl<ns.

hesapeake & Ohio Railwaj:(K) A.\Daily.Fa;t trainn to Old Point, NewDO P. / port Newa and Norfolk.:40 A..Daily Local to Newport Newa.:00 P..Daily. Local to Old Point.!:00 P.\Daiiy.Louiaville and Cincinnati. Pul:0O P. / man*.:45 P..Daily. "St. Louls-Cliicago Speaal.illmans.:30 A..Daily.CIiarlottcsvtHc. Weck days-

Cli'ton Forge.!:1S P..Wcek dayt. Local to Gordonsvlllc,1:00 A..Daily. L'burg. Lcx.. C. Korgc.1:15 P..Wcek day». To Lyncliburg.

TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND.Local from East.8:25 A. M.. 7:50 P. M.Through from East.1P.40 A. M.i 6-J5 P. 41.Local from West.*3:30 A M.. 9:50 A. M.. 7:'M.Through.7:30 A. M., 2:45 P. M.Jamc* Rivcr Line.»8 35 A. M.. 6:O0 P. M?Dai'v except Sundav.



N. B..Following schedule figurcs publishedformation and not guaranteed:6:20 A. M..Daily..Local for Charlotte.10-A5 A. M..Daily.Limited.For all poin>uth. Pullman and Day Coaches.6.-00 P. M..Ex. Sunday.Keysville Local.11:15 P. M..Daily.Limited, for all poin)uth- Pullman rcady 9:30 P. M.

YORK RIVER LINE4 -JO V. M..Ex. Sun..To West Pt, connectlir Baltimore Mon., Wed. and Fri.4dO A. M..Ex. Sun. and 2:15 P. M .Moi'ed. and Fri..Local to West Point.

TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND.From thc South: 7:00 A M.. 9:30 P. M.. dall40 A. M., Ex. Sun.. 4:10 P. M. Daily (Local).From West Point, 9:30 A. M., daily; 10:45 A 41'ed. and Fri.; 5:45 P. M.. Ex. Sun.

S. E. BURGESS, D. P. A..920 E. 4iain St. Phone' Madison 45S.

lorfolk & Western Railwa;ONLY ALL RAIL LINE TO NORFOLK.

Schedule in Effect October 4. 1909.Leave Byrd Street Station, Richmond, DAIL0R NORFOLK: 9:00 A. M.. 3:00 P. M. FOYNCHBURG AND THE WEST: 9.00 A. 4>-10 P M., 9:00 P. M. Arrive Richmond: Fro"orfolk.11:40 A. 41.. 6:50 P. 41, 10:45 P. Irom the \Vest-7.-00 A. 41.. 2:05 P. M.. 6:50 P.-lPullman. Parlor and Sleeping Cars, Cafe Dlnii

ars .. H- BOSLEY.K B. BEVILL, D. P. A.. Richmond, VG. P. A.. Roanoke Va..

ichmond and Petersburg Electric RailwiCars leave Mancheater, Seventh and Per

treete. for Petersburg:.6 7. 8, "9, 10, 11, *12 P. M. 1. 2, »3. 4.

.5:45. »6, 7. 8, "), 10 P. M.11:00 P. 41. for Chester, 12:00 midnight ieteraburg. ,

Cars leave Petersburg. foot Sycamore Stre<)r Manchester:5:15 6:35. »*7:1S. *7:35, 8:35. 9:35, *10::

1:35 A. 41.. 12:35. *1:35. 2:35, 3:35, *4:35. 5;.:35. »7 35, 8:35, 9:35. * 10:40, 11:40 P 41.

. Carries baggage and cxpress.

.* Limited, except Sundays and holtdays.All cara from Petersburg connect with carj


WAY C041PANY.Schedule of electric tralns to and frc

ishland, stopping at intermedlate stations upicnal. Lv. Richmond (Broad and Laurel Sts6K)56, »7:10, 8:106. 9:10, "10:10. 11:10 A. 4:10. 2:10. 3:10(>, 4:10, 5:10, 6:20. 7:104. 8:10:10 11:45 P. 41. Lv. Ashland: *5:55, *74.b 10, **11 A. 41., *li 41.. *'l. 2, 3, 46, S, 6.;./. 9. 11 P. 41 ¦-..«. J* Daily except Sunday. .. Sunday only.6 Carrlts baggage

SEABOARD AIR LINE.Fouthbound trains echeduled to leave Rlchmo

laily 9:10 A. 41..Local to Norlina. Raleli;harlotte, Wiimingtcn. 1:18 P. 41..Sleepera a

loaches, AtlanU, birmiugliam, Savannah, laonville and Fiorida pointa. 7:35 P. 41..To Flda poinla. 10:45 P. 41..SIcepers and coac^v.-.nnali, Jacksonville. Atlanta, Birmingham o

\lcmpliis. Nortlibound trains scheduled to anRichmond daily: 4:25 A. 41., 5:35 A. 41.. 4'. M.. 5:40 P. M.


Stcamera Biandon and Berkley. Dall:veave Richmond (foot of Aah St.) . ..7:00 P..eave Newpott Ncws .,.,5:00AUrive Norfolk .6:00 AConnecting with main line steamern leav

>Jorfolk for New York daily except Sunday 7J. MFare: Bctweeu Rlchmond nnd Norfolk, $2,

dudlng stateroom bcrtli; meala, 50 cents.Ti-ainn vla Norfolk and Western Ry. at 3 P.

ind Chesapeakc and Olilo Ry. at 4 P 41. a;onnect with New York uteamers.

Ni^lit Uae bt«.irnrrsi Btandon nnd Berkelilop at Claretnont wharf to laud passengera »an Blgcal to iccelve them.V1RG1N1A NAVIGATION COMPANY.

lamea Rlver by daylight for Norfolk, Old PolNewport Ncws and all James Rlvc* landinSteamer Pocahontas lcavca Old Domlnlon whMonday, WeOlieaday aud Ftiday at 7:00, A.Fare to Notfolk, $1.25; Kcond class. $1.00; me.

50 centa. Ftelght iccewed ior all laudiuga

,aTic3ketiVou sale O.^D. S. a Co.'s ofllce, 8214larn St" or 809 E. Main St., The jetienoti a

Nlurphv's Hotel.

Baltimore Steam Packet CEquippi:d with wltelws tclegraphy.



Leave Rlchmond Daily cxcepl Sunday vla.N. it W. Ry. 3:00 P. M.', Norfolk 6:30 P. 41.C. & O. Ry. 4:00 P M.. Old Polut 7:301 P. 4O D. S. S. Cq. 7:00 P. 41. (one day in NorfolVa. Nav. Co. 6:30 A 41. (Monday, \Wneac

ond Frlday).Tickets at all ofiiccs. For atatcrooms apply

H. M...BOYKIN. Aucut 830 East 4ialu btr

jffitnncinl. jffnancfat._




POLLARD & BAGBY,1102 East Main Street

body wlll gct down to serlous busl-iiesn.

Both ,houses will reconvette at 12o'clock Tucsday, but tho lmmccllato an-notincement of tho recont death ofSenator McLu.urln, of Mlsslsslppl, wlllrcsult In adjournment of both for thoday out of rcspect to hls memot/.

Wednosday wlll bo calondar day lnthe House, and that. hody agaln wllltakc up the Mann blll for thc roorgnnt-zation of the government of tho Pana-ma Canal zone. With that out of Ihoway tho Houso wlll uttack the nppro-prlatlon hlU.t.The nrmy aupply blll Is already on

tho cnlondar. and by tho tlmo It lspasscd tho fortlllcatlon blll wlll borcady for conslderatlon. Followlng tliofortlllcatlon measure will como tho ur-

gent dcllclcncy, tho agrlcultural and thonavy blllii. Even tho sundry*clvll andthe lcglstativo bills are well blockedout In commlttce. It Is the'oplnlon oftho experts that the supply bllls wlll boso rapldly turned out by tho commlt¬tees as to rehder It posslblo for theHouse to glvc almost contlnuous at-tentlon to them during the next twomonths.The Scnate Committee of Approprla-

tlons wlll bcgln soon tho conslderatlonof tho blll maklng approprlatlons forthe District of Columbla, which alreadyhan passed the House, and untll It 1breported tho Scnato will occupy Itstlmo with the conslderatlon of compar-atlvcly unlmportant mcasures on the

calendar. For tho present short dallyscsslons of tho .Sonate, wlth adjourn-ments evory week from Thursday untllMonday, may be expectod.Much Intorcst Is manlfcsted ln both

hotises ln tho annonnccmonts that thePresident.'K mcssago on tho Shcrmanntitl-lrust law and tho rosolutlons ofEonator Jones and RepreaentatlveHumphrey, provinlng for an Investlga-tlon of the Interlor Departmont andtho Forost Servlec, wlll bo prosonted on

Wedhesday, the llrst leglslatlve dayafter reconvcnlng.Thcre ls a dlvlslon of oplnlon as to

whether anythlng will bo accomplishedIn tho way of modlfylng tho Shormanlaw during tho pr6sont scsslon. butevoryhody Is concerned over the tormsot tho Prcsldent's trcatment of thesuhject. and hls message wlll be readwlth unusual Intcrest. On tho otherhand, lt Is generally understood thattho Jones and Humphrey resolu'tlonawlll be adoptcd by both bodles andthat the invcstlgatlon wlll be enteredupon in short order.

. '¦ -'

U"let in Lynchbarg.ISpeclal to The TimcB-Dlspatr.h.]

LYNCHBURG, VA., January 3..Aslde from tho arrest of Crlt Massey,a ncgro, wanted by Bedford authori-tlcs for alleged housobrcaking. rob¬bery and arson, the local pollco blottcrdid not show an cntry for New Yoar'sDay or last night.,

News Forecast for the WeekA new volumo ln tho llbrary of the

ycar opens wlth the current week. AtWashlngton Tuesday Congress wlllasscmble for thc real work of tho"long" scssion.

Outsldo the natlonal boundary Unestho Nlcaraguan sltuatlon and tho'Brlt-ish electoral campalgn aro hcrltapeafrom tho old ycar which exclto chlcfIntcrcst. ln tho Central Amerlcan lm-

brogllo thero Is a auspenslon for thomoment ot marked netlvlty. Attentlonwlll now bo largely dlrccted to the out-como of General Estrada's announcedintentlon to keep up hls campalgnagalnst the government at Managuaand drlvo tho new President, MadrPz,from power.Tho week opens wlth tho tlrst poll-

ings In thc Brltlsh elcctlons less thana fortnlght away. Predlctions on thooittcome are picntiful enough, but fewof them polnt to the probablllty of a

pronounced Llberal trlumph. Thoweek is cxpectod to develop moro clcar-ly tho real trend of popular thought.With the reconvonlng of Congress

President Taft ls cxpected to submtthls promlsed vlews on tho status ofanti-trust legislation, with rccoiumen-dations of changes in tho Shcrmanlaw and Interstato commcrco statutos.Almost colncldently tho thread ofprosocution In two Important Foderaleults wlll be plckod up.Tho hearlng on the tobneco "trust*

caso is scheduled lo be taken up bytho Unitod Statos Suprcmo Court inWashlngton to-day. Eor tho samc datols ilxed tlio rcsumption of testlmony-taklng ln the sult desisned to compela dlsjolnture of tho Union Pacltlc andSouthern Pacitic systcms. Tho rall¬road cascs wlll bb hcard ln New YorkClty.

Los Angelos. Cal., clalms attentlon as

a ccntrc of Interest In air navlgatlonby vlrtuo of tho avlatlon mcotlng to"be held thero thls week. Curtlss,Amerlcan, and Paulhan. of France, aro

stars among thoso who -wlll partlelpatc.Basoball men wlll havo a mootlng at

Cinclnnatl Wednesday, when tho mem-

bers of tho Natlonal Baseball Commls-slon wlll get togcther for the electlonof'ofllcers and transactlon of otherbuslness._The Valentine MuseumELEVENTH AND CLAY STREETS.

Opcn daily from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Admluloi25c Free on Satutdayi





11.50 to $350, wlth dotached bath.*?.00 to $1.00, wlth prlvate bath.Occuplea tho Beographtcal centro ofthe clty, noar tho vortex of travel.Wlthtn from one to flvo mlnutcB' walkof twonty-ona thoatren. Cars pass thedoor, and wlthtn flvo mlnutoa of alltho largo retall shops. Norman Qrlll'toom. Culslno ot ouperlor cxccllenco.Modcrato pricea. ¦!

H. Q. WILLIAMS, Manager.



and GOLD GRILLllroadwiiy and 103d Street, New York Clty.

EXPRESS Subway at tho Door.Most Boautlful Grill Room North of 42d St. ,

SELECT FAMILY AND TRANSIENT HOTEL.Absolutely Flreproof and Contalning Every Modem Convonlonce.


One bloclc from Rlversldo and overlooklncr tho Hudson; 7 mlnuteato Grand Central Statlon; 10 mlnutea to Theatro and ShopplngDlstricts; 18 mlnutea to Wall Street.


Every room with bath. Apartmcnts of any number of rooms, fur-nlshed or unfurnlshed.

All Surfnce Cara Trnnsfer to the Hotel.H. S. CLEMENT, Managcr.

Bright, cnergetic and intelligent young ladies, between the

ages of sixteen and twenty-two, to become telephone operators.Apply at the Telephone Exchange between the hours of io andia A. M., and 3 and 5 P. M. SOUTHERN BELL TELE¬PHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF VlRGINIA,709 and 711 East Grace Street.


S. S. ARABICSailing january 20

ITALY and EGYPTVin Anorca, Mndclra, Glbraltar, Altftera,

Largcst Steamors In the Trade.

CELTIC CEDRICPlill, 10, li'KB, .-', MAR, 1«.

73 Day«.$400 and upAll Expenses Included

9 Broadway, New YorkS. H- BOVYMAN. KS B. Malu Bt.: RICUMONn TICANSFER CO., SM E. M»ln 8*.


.Jan. 15: Eeb. '.'(530, to Aloxane'rla.laii. 20; Mar. 13Eeb. 12; Mar. 34