P.U.R.E Report Newsletter Issue 3 - March 2011 $2.00 http://pure-report.moonfruit.com pg 1

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Texas Death row

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P.U.R.E Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 $2.00 http://pure-report.moonfruit.com pg 1



Harvey “Tee” Earvin. Nadine Broxton

Tilon Carter Tai Chin Preyor Raphael Holiday

Muenda Anthony Doyle Derrick Charles

Troy Clark Eugene Broxton Milton D Gobert

Editors Note Dear Readers Well here we are with the third issue of the P.U.R.E. Report, and I would like to begin this intro with greetings and peace, love and solidarity to all our supporters, the soldiers fighting in the war against class oppression, and to the oppressed people of every nation I say to you....... Rise as one in unification, remain valiant in the face of tyranny, and be persistent in your goal, to achieve a profound midification for the betterment of your lives. Now since the preparation of this third issue began a lot has transpired, not only within the death row community of Texas but also in the world itself.... A variety of reports have been conducted on the various issues, which range from the people of Cairo strong show of action, then there is the Libyans righteous fight against Moammar Gadhafi, and there is also the people of Wisconsin's demonstration in opposition to their State Government's new “Neo-Union Busters” political tactics. And within the Death Row community, the battle rages on to abolish the death penalty and achieve prison reform. Within everyone of these incidents there circulate a common theme which is: The dissatisfaction from a class of people who have suffered long enough with injustice...and history has illustrated that when the people have reached a level of 100% dissatisfaction, then it will initiate a profound display of solidarity to achieve a

100% change... so there is no doubt that power of the people must be respected. Now within the following pages of the P.U.R.E Report we are beginning a series of interviews which we called: “ Innocence Revealed” It is our endeavor to bring awareness to the public concerning the injustice that have occurred in cases with legitimate claims of Innocence. So we hope you all will enjoy this third issue of the P.U.R.E. Report. I bid you all a good journey, so remain positive and despite the various struggle you may experience, remember, Life is a beautiful blessing so take time out to enjoy it. Pure Love & Solidarity Kamau P. Emerson

P.U.R.E Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 $2.00 pg2

Inspirational Quote

“Injustice any where is a threat to

justice every where”

By Martin Luther King Jr. -----------------------------------------------

Nadine and Eugene Broxton

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH NADINE If a man has obtained happiness from finding a loving partner, he indeed have been blessed with a very invaluable treasure. Especially if that partner is a woman who is virtuous, loyal and profoundly compassionate. And certainly Mr .Eugene Broxton is currently incarcerated on Texas Death Row, but his fiancée is remaining unconditionally supportive and she has done so for many years.. And the pure report was given the opportunity to interview Ms Nadine Broxton. And this blonde haired, doe eyed beauty with the affable smile, has such a captivating spirit of kindness, that it reminded one of why we all should overcome any wickedness of heart. So I'm sure you will appreciate the time Ms Broxton has so graciously agreed to share with us.

THE P.U.R.E Report: Greetings Nadine. How are you doing today?

Nadine Broxton Hello my friend, well, I have to say I'm doing fine. Just recently been in contact with you (by letter).Because I know all of you guys need to feel alive and loved...As for me, I just recently found a job, so that made my day. Now I'm Looking forward to fulfilling my desire to get on a plane and come to Livingston, but until then I will keep smiling, try my best to remain fine, and handle each day from there.

THE P.U.R.E.Report: Certainly that sounds like an awesome plan to me. One Eugene will definitely love. Now I

must thank you for sharing your time with our readers. Most definitely it is appreciated, And congratulations on the

new Job.

Nadine Broxton I must thank you too. Because your work inside (the prison) is helping us outside (in society) to understand a lot of the situations. You know, like what the guys are going through in there. The cruel treatment, the loss of certain rights, no access to T.V, etc. so I appreciate you all giving us the descriptions and genuine reality of your conditions. That way, we can fight more and more for your rights.

THE P.U.R.E. Report: Now Nadine, quite naturally, our readers are a bit curious to understand more about the Mrs

Broxton to be. So tell us about yourself?

Nadine Broxton Well I really will be Mrs Broxton this year officially. That is after my divorce is finalized, and yes I was married when Eugene and I first met. At that time I had a good Restaurant Business and sometimes when I tell people that, they say “wow” you were a millionaire” But no my friend, I was not. I was, and still am a hard working woman. I believe I'm a good person at heart. Sometimes maybe too kind, because in the past false friends took advantage

of my kindness. But I suppose it's a lesson that life teaches us. continued on page 4>>>

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 pg3

THE P.U.R.E.Report: You may be right about that being a lesson of life, because sometimes in order for us to grow to become a better person, we have to experience certain

struggles to make us stronger. But exactly how did you and Eugene meet each other?

Nadine Broxton Well, I began to write Eugene in 2004 January 20th

. Actually made it seven years you guys! With a good teacher's face I was on the internet and discovered someone (Eugene) saying he was an innocent man on death row. It was actually an error that his name popped up, because I typed in Braxton and up came Broxton! I saw his face and read his story, and a week later I decided to write him. And im so glad I did. I found this wonderful man that I love and I thank God for that. It was destiny!

THE P.U.R.E.Report: Now what would you say initiated or created the desire in your heart to write a death row prisoner?

Nadine Broxton Since 1978 I've been a fighter against the Death penalty. Furthermore, I would like to say to anyone deciding to write a death row Inmate. Think about it, Because your pen friend is locked up 22 hours per day, and he is not pet you can abandon, or something you toss on the road. He is a human being! A person who will be close to you because you may be his only contact with the free world. So just try to give him your genuine friendship and love, and that's what I did with my Eugene.

THE P.U.R.E.Report: What Qualities did you see in Eugene that made you fall in love with him?

Nadine Broxton My Eugene is an exact copy of me. He has a good heart. If he can help you, he will, but sometimes people take advantage of that. He is honest. He doesn't lie. I love him for that. He is also sincere. It's hard to find someone beautiful inside, so I feel in love with all of that.

THE P.U.R.E.Report Now in general, the average citizen don't understand how a woman can have a meaningful relationship with a man in prison. So tell us how do you two

make your relationship work?

Nadine Broxton Well, It's something really difficult for people in the free-world to understand. Especially if they don't know anything about the person incarcerated, the prison or its rules. And since we (Eugene and Nadine) don't have a physical experience in our relationship. It's probably strange for some people to imagine being with someone and not being to hug, kiss, touch or even smell that person they love....but when the physical experience is absent, it creates pure love, great passion... so when you decide to dedicate yourself to that

person, I believe to make it work being honest and sincere is the best thing to do. It works for me, I use to say all the time that Eugene was created for me.. and I for him, because we have such a very strong connection a really deep and I mean DEEP connection! It's been seven years and even if we are apart, it still feels wonderful.

THE P.U.R.E.Report: Certainly it's difficult having the man you love on Death Row, How do you deal with that?

Nadine Broxton Yes I can tell you, it's not easy, but we didn't make plans to fall in love. It just happened! So then you have to learn together how to deal with the situation, You become unique in mind, body and spirit to cope with a unique situation. And you express genuinely the beautiful love that God has blessed you with.

THE P.U.R.E.Report: Please tell our readers in your opinions why the abolishment of the death penalty must occur?

Nadine Broxton The death penalty is unconstitutional in all of Europe, and as a European and fighter against the death penalty I'm proud of that... now the Death Penalty is not a deterrent against crimes of murder. I'm a person who believes in God, and I really don't think God agree with people practicing that kind of torture. No matter what anyone may say,

it's inhuman! I've been a witness at the death chamber when my friend was executed, I couldn't shout, I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything to save his life. I could only watch him be murdered! And that for me is enough to constitute the abolishment of the death penalty. THE P.U.R.E.Report: I agree with you one hundred percent, and I understand how hard it is to lose a friend due to such a situation, But tell us, what precisely have you learned

from your encounter with death row?

Nadine Broxton My encounter with death row has taught me to be real strong, I will always remember my first visit, the noise of the doors behind me, the search my legs trembling as I walked to meet Eugene for the first time, and there I seen men human beings, who have to fight strong because time may be running out and when an execution date is given you

become part of your friend or loved one's strength, faith and hope because it is all poured inside you and that has helped me to be strong. Continued on page 5

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 pg4

Exclusive interview with NADINE BROXTON

Continued >>>

THE P.U.R.E. Report Most as-surely there are many other

wives or girlfriends who have a partner that is incarcerated.

So what kind of advice would you like to give them?

Nadine Broxton I would say to to all of them, remain united! I know some of us (wives and girlfriends) have our jealous moments or controversy but if we take the time to really think about it, we will realize the stupidity of the Jealousy or controversy so any and all drama should STOP! And we ladies should instead concentrate on really....and I mean really fight for the man you love, my advice also would be if you are not able to handle a relationship like this never declare your love to a man and break his heart, because that man don't need that kind of pain in that place, he needs love and a show of humanity, So I'm living with hope that we all can have a wonderful collaboration like I already have with some very wonderful women.

THE P.U.R.E. Report. Well Nadine once again I would like

to thank you for sharing your time with us. It was truly

enjoyable. I hope one day we can do it again.

Nadine Broxton Well my friend, it was nice to share my personal thoughts with you all. Just a hip “Keep strong” to everyone there. We are working hard on the outside to bring a change, it's not easy but like someone told me in 2009: “we can do it” and I believe we really can do it...

****BREAKING NEWS***** After the completion of this interview Eugene Broxton's case was granted relief by the Federal Judge, and it ha been sent back to the district court for review of his actual innocent claim. Look for our exclusive interview with Mr Broxton in the P.U.R.E. Reports

following pages. (Page 14)


Dear Brother Muhammad, Salaam. You may have heard of me through a mutual friend, Gloria Rubac, I am a long time death row resident with more than 33 calendar years in, and not a single day has been easy, though some may have been easier than others. My brother, I listen to your show every Wednesday religiously. At 3 o'clock (on the dot) I am on “connect the dots” FM 90.1 is the spot – with Brother Muhammad-- where the truth don't stop. Okay, enough of my attempt at humor. Straight to the urgency of the business: I am sending $20 contribution to help keep Pacifica on the air. I am ashamed to admit that this is my first time giving, but if ever there were a time to give, it is now. The conservative right-wing element in America today is on the move. It is conducting, without shame or secrecy, an out-and-out offensive against the working poor. Everyone I suppose has a point were he or she retreats no farther: a point where one stops, turns and stands, The point at which I have arrived. Man, what's going on in Wisconsin today forebodes evil for the entire nation, It is a sign of what's to come if people elsewhere do not wake up and recognize that this is just a test run. The republicans assault on unions in the interest of big business is nothing new. But this last-ditch onslaught harks back to the early days of organized labor when businesses outright hired cops and thugs to beat and intimidate workers. They were called exactly what they were back then – “Union busters.” Where am I—a prisoner-- concerned with this? The answer is plain to see: If a free laborer is without bargaining rights, what right, then, can the prisoner expect? In fact, every doggone thing that the ultra right is trying to take from the people affects the prisoners directly and more harshly. They want to cut medical services for the poor. The cuts include prisoners, but what is there to cut when a aspirin is all we get for anything? When it comes to dental the prison doesn't provide full dentures, partials, or anything. All it does is abstractions. Now how ancient is that? When all that a dentist can do for you is pull your tooth. They are cutting money for education. Again the prisoner is affected in the worst way. A G.E.D certificate is the highest level of learning provided. There is absolutely nothing in the way of educational documentation below a G.E.D … wait! I forgot. Yes! The ol' elementary report card. They want to deport all of the so called illegal aliens. I always have to pause whenever I hear that phrase. “Illegal Alien” I'm not so sure that it's a fitting description for a human being, Is it? I see them as surplus workers who are no longer needed. An experience and feeling that we black folk know all too well. But I digress. This is ot about the black experience, but rather the assault coming from the right, An why, I ask, are these surplus workers no longer needed? Could it be that, apart from the usual-outsourcing, downsizing, recession, etc-- America now has over two million prisoners? A whole labor force under lock and key? If we take our instructions from history, and look at the laws that were passed in the dee south following the Civil war—The black codes in particular-- we will not think it beyond the individual states to give business full access to prison labor, the cheapest of the cheap labor pools. The workers have no legal right to organize. In fact, it's illegal to organize. And are subjected to punishment for not reporting to work. Beyond making us all—free and confined-- wage slaves without workers' rights, the ultra right is out to discredit, de-fund, and destroy every non profit organization that's working in the interest of the people and receives any kind of government subsidies: Acorn, Planned parenthood, and now Pacifica. Man, Pacifica is our voice, And it's where I draw the line, I pledge $20 now and promise to do what I can in the future. Bro what you said about the prison Imams blocking you out, hey tell me why I am not surprised, Heck, man, you know as well as I do, to get on any team you've gotta play team ball. No matter what these guards do to us back here, these so-called Christian preachers and puppet-imams aren't gonna see, hear, or say a damn thing. We're being mistreated and dogged out at this very moment. We have been for the last two or three days, and none of those so-called men of the cloak has pleaded our case. Here is the problem. In our cells we have two air vents, one sucks air and the other blows air, They work in unison to form a circulatory system. Needless to mention, it is what enables us to breathe comfortably. Unlike the cells, the tiny shower stalls has only one small vent that sucks. To breathe without complications require that the metal flap thats attached to the shower door be left open. It is just a small opening large enough to fit your hands through to be handcuffed. For some reason or other the warden has ordered that the flaps be closed, Guys have been passing out in that small, hot and stuffy cubicle. My neighbor collapsed yesterday and had to be treated. Today I was down on one knew by the time the guards returned to take me out. But because I was able to make it back to my cell with assistance I wasn't looked at. The guards attitude were as if, hey, if you can crawl, you're alright. I know that the brothers would appreciate it immensely if you'd expose this over the air and urge people to call the unit and ask what's up. Keep up the good work, bro. Keep the fire in your eyes and your eyes on the prize and know always that you're loved and appreciated. Peace Muenda

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter Issue 3- March 2011 pg5


A CANCEROUS DISEASE People, there is a cancerous disease within our society... Its a new disease to some, but for others its quite old. Nevertheless it is a disease that we have allowed to spread into too many of our states within America. And unfortunately like all life threatening cancer, this cancerous disease is hard to get rid of.... Well that is if you don't have a large sum of money. Because those who have enough capital will not have to worry about this particular disease entering their lives. And what is the name of this disease I speak of? Its called TDP (THE DETH PENALTY) this cancerous disease in my opinion can be far worse than HIV or any life threatening diseases, Why do I say this,? I say this due to the fact of what I've experienced since my arrival on

Death row in December 12th,

2006. During this time I have seen many men come and many of them ...are gone.. With my being friends with some of the human beings on the row, I've obtained insight on things that those in free society will never witness. For example, I have observed the situation where the Escort officers make their way to the cell doors of D/R prisoners and take them to the captain (or major's) office, once there, the prisoner is informed he has a date,.and when they are brought back to the cell, there's a look on their face that shows they have been defeated. It's a look that I have never witness seeing in life, until I came to death row... I find this sad to say, but nevertheless it's true, A young person here is capable of physically ageing to thirty before he reaches those years., Why? Because that person's body will break down from the stress he is experiencing. Some people however can handle the stress and make efforts to get things done. But some just can't take it. All sanity disappear, and their mind slips into the abyss of insanity. Now earlier I related T.D.P with H.I.V and other deadly diseases. But the difference between them are this... A Doctor can only assume he calculated correctly, on how long a person have to live, he could tell you that you will live for four more years... And I can bear testament to such fact. My Mother (whom I dearly love) has had a tumor on her brain since the early part of 1991 and the doctor swore up and down that she wouldn't live to see 1992. Well People, it's 2011 and guess what? That's right my Mother is still alive! So that's a proven fact that you can live longer with certain cancerous diseases, however when it comes to T.D.P and the county trial judge orders a death warrant for your execution, then yo know for a fact, there is a high percentage of a chance you will not survive, especially here in Texas. But it's also hard on us who is friends with them. It's hard being around the person that you use to play chess with or share your thought and opinions with on what's going on in the world and hear that same person break down crying at 1:30 or 2:00 in the morning. What is there to say that can truly comfort them? Some people already treat us like we a deadly germ,. But when some get an execution date, i've seen people that were standing by them, suddenly leave their side. No one wants to catch this disease I suppose. And the fear I have is that one day I could be in those same shoes... You know, People have said that a Dog will be ruin once you train it to kill and destroy, but that's not true! It's a known fact that Dogs are being rehabilitated. And have been placed back around people. So if a dog is capable of being able to do that, can not the human beings on death row do the same? But like I said, The Death Penalty is a disease... and a disease by one definition according to the Oxford English dictionary, is a faulty functioning of a process.....And when a judicial system has execution (or even all most executed) an innocent person, then the function of that process has become faulty, and can no longer be relied upon. So how can anyone (who support the death penalty) in good conscious, knowing our system is faulty, applaud the legalized lynching of another human being. How can such a thing be celebrated?

There is no doubt the world is hooked on using the internet. So I hope that the people on the net who may read this, will now take the time to go online and see for yourself how many cases have been over turned because of the inside games that these prosecutors play to get a person on death row. Or look at all the unfairness and legal errors in a case that has been turned down by the courts because the courts states that what occurred was a harmless error. There should be no harmless errors or mistakes made when a person's life is in jeopardy.... Like I stated previously, T.D.P is a cancerous disease, and there are some in our society who continues to manipulate this faulty system in efforts to make this cancerous disease even stronger. I believe such efforts are morally wrong. So don't be one who celebrate these legal lynching, but be one who stands up for what is right and let your voice be heard. Because this is not right at all.

Guest contributor:

Tilon Carter. 999517 Polunsky unit d/row 3872 fm 350 South

Livingston Texas 77351

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter Issue 3 - March 2011 pg 6


As I sat there anxiously awaiting the arrival of my visitor the only thought in my mind was ...who could it be? I was at least an hour into my (2) hour recreation time when an officer called out my name over the speaker system announcing that I had a visit, it surprised me and caught me off guard because I wasn't expecting any visits at the time. The news of a visit was like music to my ears. You see, I rarely get visits from friends or family because of the long distance one would have to travel from my home town.... so there I was, inside a 5x5 foot cage sitting on a top of a steel stool (which is securely fixed to the hard concrete floor). To my right and left sides were similar cages, each with it's own window, ledge, stool and telephone bolted to the wall. It had only been a few months since I had first arrived on death row. My mind was racing between thoughts. Faces of family members flashed in my mind as I wondered who the “mystery” person was. Thankful for my visit, I silently prayed that it was my wife and four daughters.... Now the time I spent waiting for my visitor to arrive seemed like an eternity. With each passing moment, it felt as if all the moisture from my mouth, suddenly rushed and collected within the palms of my hands. Lost in my thoughts I looked out through the window in the cage. At first glance the sight of the beautiful little girl walking in my general direction didn't immediately register in my mind. I smiply thought that she was very pretty little girl.... Then it happened! As if it had been staged. The memory of that moment still plays vividly in my mind today.. The vision of my wife with my three older daughters following closely behind (her) seemed to quell the butterflies that had been dancing in my stomach. It was my very first visit from my wife and children since coming to death row. My eyes carefully searched each of their faces, I watched them one by one, spy into each cage longingly, but cautiously as they walked past each of them. At the sight of my wife and children I could no longer contain my joy, so a smile began to spread across my face- we both locked eyes, my wife and I as she came to a stop in front of my cage. My three girls standing nervously at her sides and the beautiful little girl I had seen just moments ago was now holding my wife's hand. As my wife took a seat in front of the window, my three girls followed suit. Reaching for the telephone on the wall, I couldn't help but start curiously through the window at the beautiful little girl (who was now sitting on top of the small ledge on the opposite side of the window). After wiping down my telephone before placing it to my ear, I watched as my wife pulled out a clear zip-lock bag filled with baby wipes and give her telephone a thorough cleaning before placing it into the tiny hands of the beautiful little girl. My wife then picked up the other telephone and gave it a good cleaning before placing it to her ear. It had been nearly a year since I'd last laid eyes on my wife and children which is why I didn't recognize my baby girl... the youngest of my 4 girls... she was born only (29) days before I got arrested (so of course) back then my baby girl could neither walk nor talk..... The little person in the window (that beautiful little girl) looked familiar... But I was unsure.. Through the window I watched the beautiful little face. Then as if it were sung by an angel, the beautiful little girl spoke softly into the telephone and said :

“HI, Daddy...”

To be continued in the next issue. Guest contributor:

Tai Chin Preyor 999494 Polunsky Unit. D/row 3872 FM 350 South

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 7

A REVIEW OF MUMIA'S BOOK “Jailhouse lawyer Prisoners defending prisoners v, the USA

“Jail house lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners v the USA” By Mumia Abu Jamal, city lights publishers, 2009 order from www.leftbooks.com “Jail house lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners v the USA” wow! Before I say what it is, let me say where it belongs: right next to Howard Zinn's “ A people's history of the United States” Like all societies, U.S prison houses have a beginning. They have a history, and as has been written, “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class structure” This is our struggle, our History, written by one of our very own, from our perspective, a prisoner's perspective. The prisoner's struggle is a human struggle that has yet to be recognized as such, Save for the most politicized as segment of nominally free society, prisoners have had to go it alone, suffering, sometimes dying, without anyone to turn to but ourselves. What we, the dispossessed, have most needed-lawyers, writers, poets, organizers, educators – have largely come from us. Forged out of struggle, we are the products of state oppression. Mumia Abu-Jamal says it best in his conclusion, the “Afterword” We are “men and women, often self taught, (who) have developed a tradition of selfless service and in some cases excellence to serve the needs of society's dispossessed” Yes “Jailhouse lawyers” is our story, the testimonies of many, told to our greatest voice, out best and most prolific writer. These voices refute that “history is the memory of states” as maintained by Henry Kissinger in his book “A world restored”. No, that memory, that propaganda is state repression. Lies intended to

kill to bury,but here, in “Jail house lawyers” in the testimonies of revolutionary resistance, we rise in that beautiful, victorious way described by distinguished poet Maya Angelou:

You may write me down in History

with your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt

But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Continued on page 9>>>

P.U.R.E. Report NewsletterP.U.R.E. Report NewsletterP.U.R.E. Report NewsletterP.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 8

REVIEW OF MUMIA’S BOOK continued The book begins with a lively interview by Mumia of a Philadelphia prisoner, Delbert Africa, years before Mumia himself became a prisoner. Africa is trying with his best effort to get a less-than -informed Mumia to see and understand how some prisoners come into the system, study the law for years believing that there is justice in it, that it is fixed by precedents and thus applies equally to all, favoring neither rich nor poor- only to discover a must shocking truth, a truth often times too much to handle. “Them dudes get in there, read Alla them law books, and before you know it, they be crazy as hell!” Delbert Africa argues, “what do you mean crazy?” Mumia asked. “Well, they may not be crazy when they get here, but after a few months of reading that shit, they go down to city hall and when they see that them folk down there in City Hall, in the system, don't really go by that so-called law, well! “it plumb drives them dudes crazy!” Yeah, man, but why it drives em dudes crazy? Mumia presses, still not undstanding. “Cuz they can't believ that the system don't follow they own laws”. What Mumia could not conceive of then he would bear witness to later, perhaps still, to some extent, disbelieving his own eyes, After all, this is America, is it not? Where Life, Liberty an the puruit of happiness are supposedly inviolable rights; where none stand at risk of losing Life, Liberty or property without due justice. This is what we're taught from Grade school. And these are the values that we hold up before the world, loudly and proudly proclaiming to be a Nation of Freedom that we love so much that our young volunteer for Military service to defend what we have with their life. “Jail house lawyers” shatters these myths and awakens us to the true function of their law, it's origin, it's intent and who it serves, beginning with the Declaration of Independence (The breaking away of the rich slave masters, the wealthy, land holders and the powerful Governors of the colonies that were in Rebellion and demanding freedom; a freedom that included the freedom to keep others in Bondage). The slaves were Governed by separate, uniquely designed laws, known as slave codes to keep them subdued. After Slavery was abolished in it's traditional chattel form, a new series of laws passed called “Black codes” that made everything but breathing a crime for the Ex-Slaves. Consequently, many were arrested in droves, as the Black codes did what they were designed to do: Re- Harness their labor. We, the prisoners, are the new slaves, Governed now by “prisoner codes”, codes that have lately become stricter with the passage of the prison litigation Reform act. In all the ways that people can resist Bondage, slaves, ex-slaves and prisoners have done it. In every way that one can go about attempting to acquire justice, they have done it. Using the law and litigation is just one of the many avenues taken by those who fight back. These men and women who litigate from behind prison walls are commonly called Writ writers or jail house lawyers. It is their stories that Mumia bring to us in his latest book. These men and women are our heroes, and finally their history was been recorded for all to read. At the summit of the Americas, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gave Barack Obama the book “open veins of Latin America”. I wish that I could give “jail house lawyers” to every person in the United States, including the 2.3 million slaves locked in these plantations.

By Harvey 'Tee' Earvin A founding member of Panthers United for Revolutionary Education

Harvey Earvin 000577 Polunsky Unit. D/row 3872 FM 350 South

Livingston. Texas 77351

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter. Issue 3 - March 2011 pg 9

HEAR MY PLEA The strength of my spirit allows me to rest to place any limitations on my means or methods (this is utilized) in fighting for my life. So I attack (my legal case) on many fronts.... but on the other hand, if by chance the worse occurs, and my freedom never comes, then with a good conscious I can say: “I gave it my all...despite the fact I had (great) odds stacked against me” Now ever though my constitution is stable, I must admit that being on Death Row will destroy you mentally.....in fact, being in prison period can be one of the most degrading experiences in life. Especially when being subjected to strip searches, being identified by a serial number, the awful dress code, Inadequate privacy combined with a host of rules that change too often, all a design as means to humiliate a person, and tear them down, so I would be lying if I told you, that I'm not mentally distraught by this ordeal. Now I would like to share something I believe that is not only heart felt but is quite encouraging. I've witnessed my friend “A Graves” knock on the doors of organizations and how people eventually heard his heart please of innocence. He pushed and pushed to prove not only his innocence but also how unhappy he was with his situation. So every chance he got, he knocked! He never gave up, frustrated many have walked away, turning their backs to him, yet and still he wouldn't give up. And that's because it wasn't in him to do so. Thankfully his freedom came, his attorney that stood with him went to the county jail for a visit, and according to the newspaper the lawyer asked him: “Do you remember when

you said to me that God Is good?” A.Graves replied: “Yes” “well” she said, “God is good... you are free to go home” Tears of joy came to Graves eyes, and while still in shock about the news, he was allowed to use the phone where in he called his Mother: “Momma? What are you cooking?” “Nothing, why?” his

Momma replied. “Well Momma, I'm on my way home” Screams and exciting yells escaped his Mother's mouth, an with a heart filled with joy, tears filled her eyes and softly caressed a trail down her cheeks. The elation of this moment was long in coming, it had been a long and hard fight of 18 years so the tears of joy fell from his Momma's face. Her baby was coming home and now she could once again embrace her son in love as she has dreamed of doing for so many years. Reporters asked A.Graves what was it like sitting on Texas Death Row? He said “hell” whatever your definition of “hell” is because that's how it was”. That's a profound statement wouldn't you agree? The desire and willingness to reach out for true embracing hands in hopes of getting help in some form or another is a must. A Graves push, taught us all that we cannot do this alone, without strong standing people of support, one only have half a chance, one can be a movement, but with the people we can become a force. The lesson taught here is that a modification by the people is required. A.Graves, may the grace of God forever shine upon you, your family and all... God Bless

Guest contributor

Raphael Holiday 999419 Polunsky Unit D/row 3872 Fm 350 south,

P.U.R.E Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 10




(Staff Writer)

Tony Medina 999204 Polunsky Unit. D/row 3872 FM 350 South

Livingston, Texas 77351

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter LEGAL SECTION Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 11


I was assigned Brad Levenson (Supervisory Attorney for the Texas

commission of Capital writs) (to my case) In December 17th 2011. But the budget (for the program) was cut in February. And so was I was from Brad's case load... Now this is what (state of Texas representative) Rodney Ellis said: “If Texas wants capital punishment, then it must pay the price to make

sure that innocent people are not executed, and capital trials are held in a

constitutional fair manner” (Furthermore Mr. Ellis stated:) “This is one of

those price we pay to keep the death penalty”. But I guess not in Texas because they (Governor Perry and the Texas Legislature) cut the budget by 10% and Brad (Leverson) had to cut his staff (which resulted in my case being cut as well) Former Justice John Paul Stevens said : “This risk of

executing innocent defendants can be entirely eliminated by any penalty

more severe than life imprisonment without the possibility of parole as

constitutionally excessive...” The supreme court does not deserve al the blame for the mis-equality and miserable State of indigent defense, this ideal it has of identifying equality before the law is admittedly difficult, and perhaps impossible to achieve in our system.... A capitalist economy not only tolerates, but depends on economic inequality. It is the possibility of earning more than one's neighbor that drives the system. The notion that one would not be able to spend all one owns to defend oneself in a criminal case is sharply constrained by the realities of our economic system.

When the initial right to counsel cases were decided, the court seemed optimistic that it could deliver on it's promise of equality before the law... In hindsight however, Justice Black's statement that: “There can

be no equal Justice where the kind of trial a man gets depends on the

amount of money he has looks more like a descriptive account of

reality than normative argument for reform”. The court has taken some steps to alleviate inequality by requiring the

State to provide counsel that must be EFFECTIVE. Yet as we have seen, the court's moves in these directions have ultimately proved to be more ceremonial bows than acts of reforms. It (The Supreme Court) has stepped in to forestall the starkest inequalities. But its interventions have been more successful in legitimizing the gaping inequality that remain than in providing anything approaching substantive equality for the poor. Although the court is not the only cause of the problem. It does bare a special responsibility. Providing genuinely adequate counsel for poor defendants would require a substantial infusion of money. An indigent defense is the last thing populace will voluntarily direct it's tax dollars to fund it. Achieving solutions to this problem through the political process is a pipe dream...Unless Life-tenured Federal Judges, and ultimately the Supreme court, require adequate Counsel, if not politicians and the public will continue to try to get away with allocating as little as possible toward indigent defense. And even if the problem is not entirely attributed to the court, however the court alone had the power to provide a solution. Continued on page 13 >>>

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 12


(Now) more is at stake here than reluctance to spend money on criminal defendants. Consider the fate of the death penalty resource centers. A short-lived experiment in Federally funded legal aid office for death row inmates. Congress created the center in 1987 to save money and reduced delay in the death penalty appeal process, because indigent death row prisoners are entitled by statue to a federally funded Attorney in Habeas corpus proceedings, and without resource centers, the government has to hire private Attorneys to do this work. And pay those private lawyers between $35 to $75 an hour, (But) resource centers by contrast paid lawyers a relatively low salary even for public interest word. Bryan Stevenson for example, one of the best capital defence attorneys in the country, headed Alabama's Death Penalty resource center, and drew in a annual salary of only $27,000 in 1994...In addition , as “repeat players”, resource centers lawyers were more efficient... But because death penalty cases are so draining (both emotionally and financially) private attorneys rarely take no more than one (pro-bono) case in their careers. The private appointment system accordingly requires the Government to waste resources funding a stream of inexperienced attorneys, each of whom has to start from square one... A 1995 General Accounting Office study reported that hiring private attorneys to represent Death Row inmates costs the Government more than twice as much as using resource centers to do the same work, yet in 1995, congress cut off all funding for the resource centers. Representative Bob Inglis, who introduced the bill called the Centers “thin tanks for legal theories that would frustrate the critics implementation of all death sentences.”

What bothered the critics was not that the centers were too costly but that they were too effective, (so) congress was in effect willing to pay more money (tax payers dollars) to ensure that Death row inmates got the worse (and inadequate) of lawyers. As representative Inglis put it: “Frustrate the critics implementation of all death

sentences”. But a death sentence will be frustrated only if a judge finds constitutional error that can not be dismissed as harmless. (And) in those cases, the Death Penalty then should be frustrated... To be continued …..

Guest contributer Milton D. Gobert 999554 Polunsky Unit 3872 FM 350 South Livingston. Texas 77351

P.U.R.E Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 13


“Revealing Claims” of Innocence

Part One. After a conviction has been secured, It's a very difficult thing to reveal a claim of Innocence in a court of law. Especially when DNA can not be used or is not a factor in that case. And with legal situations of that nature, it means that the conviction was obtained solely on the basis of circumstantial evidence. Many times in these cases, nothing strongly exist to suggest that the defendants were involved in the crime they've been accused of. Nevertheless, the prosecution still manage to persuade a jury to reach a verdict of Guilty. So many have lingered decades behind bars before the injustice they suffered is exposed. So here at the P.U.R.E. Report we have initiated an investigation to locate men on Texas Death Row with legitimate claims of innocence in cases that are circumstantial. And in this particular series the interviews are being conducted to allow these men the opportunity

to shed light on their situations and we begin this segment with our interview with Mr Eugene Broxton. The P.U.R.E Report: Peace and blessing to you Mr. Broxton. I hope today's journey of life have been a rewarding experience.

Eugene Broxton: Peace and blessing to you too Brother and to everyone at P.U.R.E, and under the circumstances life is good, of course I would love to be out there in the free world, feel me!

The P.U.R.E Report: Yeah Brother, I definitely feel you on that. But let me congratulate you on the good news. I can certainly imagine that you are one happy


Eugene Broxton: Thank you for your congratulations, and yes I am happy, but I'm also worried too. You know how this system works or don't work. I am hoping that everything will work out for me. I don't mean to sound negative, but everyone knows how their system is, especially in Harris County. They don't play fair at all!

The P.U.R.E Report: Your apprehensiveness is understandable, but let's hope Pat Lykos (Harris county Head D.A) will keep her word, and be honorable by

correcting the miscarriage of justice she finds.

Eugene Broxton: Let's hope so.

The P.U.R.E. Report: Now Eugene as you know, the P.U.R.E. Report recently did an interview with your beloved Nadine, and brother I gotta say,

that woman certainly loves her Eugene! What kind of spell did you put on that lady man? (lol)

Eugene Broxton Man talking about Nadine, it's no secret I love my Boo. She's the one that have worked a spell on me. She have that woodoo going on (lol) She's my world man, she's my life!

Continued on Pg 15

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 14

The P.U.R.E Report: Life is filled with too many sad and unfortunate things so it's encouraging to know the blessing of love is still thriving in people's lives.

Now Eugene before we get into the Legal aspect of your situation, please give a brief history about yourself.

Eugene Broxton Wow! What can I say? I'm old school, but young at heart, just had my 56 Birthday, I am from DE Ridder Louisiana, but I call Houston my home before this madness hit me. I try t stay positive and keep my spirits up. But I don't know where I would be without my friends (who are my family) being by my side. I think I am good people, but that's my opinion about myself... (but) I try to treat everyone the way that I would like to be treated..

The P.U.R.E Report: Let us now discuss your legal journey through this experience. So please elucidate how your arrest in this case transpired.?

Eugene Broxton That was may 18th 1991, I was going to the store and the next thing I knew there was this white man who pulled out a shot gun on me, then he said

“YOU! COME HERE!” my first thought was “this is a jack play (robbery)” So I ran! But I soon realized it was the police. Long story short they arrested me and accused me of murder. I know I hadn't murdered anyone, and I told them so! So they asked me could they search my house, and knowing I didn't have anything to hide, I told them yes. I later learn that you never allow the police to search your house without a warrant. They took all sorts of things!

The P.U.R.E Report: So did the things the police take have anything to do with their murder investigation?

Eugene Broxton: NO! And they locked me up! I couldn't believe it! But I just knew in my heart that everything would work itself out, thi was a case of mistaken identity..

The P.U.R.E. Report: The majority of the time when a murder occur an there is no known suspects, the police will begin investigating parolees or people with

previous prison convictions, so were you previously incarcerated?

Eugene Broxton: Yeah, I'd been to prison before. It was for something I did, o the last thing I thought was that I would be actually charged with murder for something I didn't do, after I was charged, it blew my mind, but I was still thinking that the truth would come to the light, I really felt that...

The P.U.R.E .Report: So while you being booked in, did you continue to proclaim your innocence to the police?

Eugene Broxton: Of course! I said over and over that I was innocent, but the police kept saying we know you did it, why don’t you make it light on yourself and confess, and I was like, I didn't do this (robbery, murder). And I didn't know anything about it either.

The P.U.R.E. Report: So this ordeal you've experienced, I must say sounds quite overwhelming.

Eugene Broxton: I couldn't believe all of this was happening to me, it was like a bad dream that I wanted to wake up from. The police was like, help us, so we can put in a word for you with the D.A office, so they won't go hard on you, and I kept saying, But I didn't do this and I didn't know anything about it.

The P.U.R.R Report: Under the eight amendment of the U.S constitution, it states:” excessive bail shall not be required...” its part of a citizen's right to the

presumption of innocence. That way our citizen's may have the opportunity to prepare an adequate defence. So tell us, were you given a bond? If so how much

was the bail amount?

Eugene Broxton: When they locked me up, there was no bail for me. It was crazy! They charged me with so many different crimes until I couldn't believe it. This was a nightmare, and all I wanted to do was to wake up and go home. I was sick to my stomach and felt like I couldn't breath. The money I had on me $4,500 the police too it, and I never saw it again.... so I was robbed in more ways than one.

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 15

The P.U.R.E.Report: Now Eugene how long did you remain in custody of the Harris county jail before going to Trial?

Eugene Broxton I was only in the county jail like ten months before the trial started.

The P.U.R.E.Report: So were you able to hire your own attorney? Or was one appointed to you?

Eugene Broxton No I couldn't afford to hire an attorney, so the one that represented me was appointed by the court.

The P.U.R.E Report: How would you rate your attorney's performance?

Eugene Broxton I only saw and talk with that attorney for about 15 minutes, and that was before the trial started, He came to see me and introduced himself and asked me did I do the crime. I told him NO, he said “i can get you a life sentence” and I told him Man I didn't do this robbery/murder, and he told me “that's all I

needed to hear”. And I didn't hear any more from him until the trial began!

The P.U.R.E Report: Wait! Back up for a second, you mean that, your court appointed attorney, who is suppose to defend you against the highest charge that

one can get, did not visit you at all during the ten months you were in the county jail?

Eugene Broxton: He only visit me for 15 minutes an that we three weeks after my arrest.

The P.U.R.E. Report: Good lord, so how could this attorney prepare an adequate or effective defence for you at trial?

Eugene Broxton: Wow! Everything that came up in that trial was a surprise to me. There was some issue I tried to get him to address during trial but he didn't do it, I didn't know what to expect, but I knew that he should of talked to me.

The P.U.R.E Report: That attorney should have done more than talked. A proper investigation should have been conducted. But tell us a little bit about what

happened during trial?

Eugene Broxton I'm legally blind, and when I was arrested the police my eye glasses and I never saw them again and at trial everyone that said it was me (who committed the crime) Never said that I wore glasses, and the D.A put man on the stand that said he was my room mate, I swear to go that man never lived with me never! The name of my defense attorney is Troy Mckinney, he wasn't trying to win he went through the motions to show a good performance, so it looked like I got a fair trial, But he did a half ass job that was all!

The P.U.R.E Report: So was there any physical evidence presented at trial to link you to the crime?

Eugene Broxton There was no evidence. None!

The P.U.R.E.Report: Knowing you were convicted and sentenced to Death for a crime you didn't commit how did that make you feel?

Eugene Broxton You know, when the jury came back in the court room, I just knew they were going to say: “WE FIND THE DEFENDANT NOT GUILTY!” but when they said Guilty, I went numb all over. It was like everything was in slow motion, and I walked around for nearly two years or so feeling numb. I thought of suicide. I remember being sentenced to death didn't bother me like being Judged Guilty did. I knew that I had not killed anyone and everything that was being said in court did not show an prove the D.A's version of it being me..

Continued on page 17

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter. Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 16

The P.U.R.E Report: If the Public was granted the opportunity to view anything

concerning your case what would you wish for them to see?

Eugene Broxton I wish everyone could read my trial transcripts. In fact, the Attorney that just got the action for me came to visit me, He'd only gotten half way through the trial transcripts, and told me that he couldn't believe that I was found guilty. He said there is no evidence to link me to this crime and all I would say was. I Know! Ive been saying that for twenty years now! Imagine that!

The P.U.R.E Report: Were you worried that the appeal courts would fail in their

duty properly address your claim of innocence?

Eugene Broxton Yes of course, cause the last twenty years I've been trying to get Attorneys after Attorneys to file an innocent claim for me. But the appeal attorneys would not communicate with me. I even wrote the judge and the Texas Bar Association on those Attorneys. But no one would listen nor help me.

The P.U.R.E Report: Please tell us precisely what was discovered to help prove

your claim?

Eugene Broxton Well my attorney came up to visit me and he said that the murder weapon was never found, And I said, yes it was. It was in the Houston Chronicle newspaper that after I was convicted the murder weapon and 900 thousand dollars was found in a house and the police said they would test the weapon to see if it had any ties to me, of course they never tested anything. Now if you read the police report and trial transcripts you would see, there is no evidence. NONE! And that is what has been pointed out in my Federal Petition. And it's evident that Judge Gilmore saw that as well.

The P.U.R.E Report: Why was this not presented to the courts sooner?

Eugene Broxton Because all the appeal attorneys that had been appointed to me have been appointed by the same Judge Michael Mcspadden, that sentenced me to death and over the years with every attorney I was given they got worse and worse

The P.U.R.E Report: But who is the attorney representing you now?

Eugene Broxton: That attorney is Robert Rosenberg, and he is the first attorney that was not appointed to me by Judge Mcspadden, he was appointed by the Federal Judge, and it took twenty years for me to get to the federal courts.

The P.U.R.E Report: Now what process does your case have to go through

in the courts in order for this Miscarriage of Justice to e rectified?

Eugene Broxton I can't answer this, I don't know yet. The Federal Judge sent my case back to the district court, and I'm not going to lie to you. I'm scared! But I'm excited too. I can se the lights, but I'm not out of the woods yet and keep in mind I'm dealing with Harris county district attorneys and they are dirty... real dirty.

The P.U.R.E Report: In your opinion do you think there are others like

yourself who didn't receive a fair trial?

Eugene Broxton What's sad is that if everyone here (Death Row) would have had a fair trial, I'd say at least 85% of us would not have been sentenced to death. Texas have the worst system in the U.S and have sent more people to death row than any other state and have executed more men and women than any other state, and the courts know they are killing innocent people. That's sad, and it breaks my heart too.

The P.U.R.E Report: Well you Eugene we all at the P.U.R.E Report

certainly wish you the best, and are very thankful that you allowed us to

share this time with you. Good luck on your endeavors and we hope you obtain your freedom soon.

Eugene Broxton I really thank you for your best wishes and I hope that this madness will end soon For me and everyone on Texas Death row, it's nothing fair about this system, nothing at all. So God help us all!

Eugene Broxton 999044

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 17


A friend of mine is leaving today

I told him goodbye as he went away be strong my friend, tear in my eye.

He showed no fear as they took him to die. As he walked away, with a smile on his face he yelled out: “ I'm going to a better place”. I

thought to myself as I watched him go, It's gotta be better than Texas Death Row

I just heard on the radio they put him to death and his last words were “I can finally rest”. I feel ya Bro, no more pain and misery

Rest in Peace, my friend, …. You're finally Free!

Troy Clark 999351 Polunsky Unit. 3872 FM 350 South

MISERY LOVES COMPANY Misery loves company

and it seems she has a full house. A room with 4 walls and no doors

no way out. Where the miserable folk sulk

and complain of all their sorrows. Afraid to make change.

Only “hoping” for a better tomorrow.. Finally one has had enough and tries to make a break.

But the room is so crowded, He's pushed back 2 steps for every one he makes,

he stops to think, hoping he wasn't stuck.

Realizing the room had no ceiling he decides to go up. He climbs to the top steps to look around

we sees those still in the room ready to pull him back down,

he goes over the edge making his escape.

Thinking misery loves company and I had all I can take.

Anthony Doyle 999478 Polunsky Unit. D/row 3872 FM 350 South Livingston, Texas 77351.


Because we all spring from different trees does not mean we are not created equally.

Is the true beauty in the tree

or in the rest of the forest in which it breathes?

The tree must fight to breed among the evils of the weeds.

To find greatness in the tree

it must blossom in darkness and give birth to promising Gods.

I was the tree who grew from weeds

and wasn't meant to be. Ashamed I'm not, in fact, I am proud

of my thriving family tree. Derrick Charles 999451 Polunsky Unit /row 3872 FM 350 South Livingston, Texas 77351

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 18

They left us quietly, Their thoughts unknown,

But left us a memory, We are proud to own;

So treasure them Lord, In Your garden of rest,

For when on earth, They were some of the best.

They could not say goodbye to us, They could not clasp our hand; but God has taken ones we loved off to

His heavenly land. Until we meet again, may God Hold you all in the palm of his

hand. Gone yet not forgotten, Although we are apart,

Your spirits lives within us,

Forever in our hearts.

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 19

In Loving Memory Of

Dominique Green Marcus Cotton

Reginald Blanton

Written By Dominique


May 13th 1974

– October 26th 2004

Rest in peace



I really would enjoy it if one of the first things people noticed about me was the radiance of my smile. Because these conditions, under which I live, have robbed many here, of the smallest traces of happiness that one could have been found at the very core of their being, so heads hanging down, faces plastered by frowns, and defeatist attitudes are things you find here en masse, Which is why the simple fact that I can smile, I can laugh, I can allow myself not to take this place so seriously.. should be more than enough reason I capture folks attention. But it is not.... Instead people are drawn to the Black and Blue Rosary that adorns my neck, which is comprised from 101 beads, and hangs to below my waist. As long as it is, and as stand outish as it is, I don't know why I thought very little attention would be paid to it. But whatever the case may be, that was definitely wishful thinking on my part, because everyone who sees me and views the Rosary always ends up asking me some form of question about it. The Questions have ranged from gang related to religious, From natural curiousness to understanding, from playfully humorous to sarcastic. At first I use to not answer the questions. But If I did, I relied on my honor or wit to put an end to deflect them, because the reason I wear the Rosary and have kept it for all these years, I felt was something personal, something that only belonged to me, but here recently, even my attorney asked about it. When she came down to visit me and didn't notice it on my neck, so the time is now I believe to finally talk about the Rosary. When I first arrived on Death row, I was just a kid, one confused, smart mouth, and belligerent kid. Fortunately, back then, Death row was nothing like it is now, I was around men, who in seeing me, realized what I had the potential to become. Those men taught me, they mentored me, they helped me find myself. They showed me how to open my eyes and in turn open up my mind. Today it's not like that, now we are all individually isolated. So the communal environment I was allowed to partake in and grow from back then is something currently being denied to the life of many men. Men who need those teachers, those mentors, and those spiritual guides to understand that coming here is not the end of their life but merely a second chance. That all sounds so easy now, but at first I couldn't accept or even fathom that concept. I was like: how can you even call living here on Texas Death Row a second chance at life? But what finally allowed things to fall in perspective for me was when a friend of mine, one of my mentors was set to be executed. He told me the fact that his number was being called and not mine, was what gave me a second chance to use all the knowledge he passed on to me, to make a difference in someone's life, feeling deeply what he said, his words stuck to my heart, and in passing, not only did I pick up his torch, but I also began making my Rosary bead by bead, each bead was meant to represent a friend, mentor, spiritual guider, etc. of mine who's died and gave me a second chance to use their knowledge and wisdom to touch lives. I never expected my Rosary to get so long. As messed up as the Texas Judicial system is, I expected the courts or the people to eventually put a stop to what was going on down here. But they haven't and 11 years after I was sent here, the death toll continues to rise, more than 250 people have been executed since my arrival. I've known almost all of them. But at 101,I chose to stop. Because it was then, I understood, how to utilize all the info I've retained, to have an impact on the lives of others and to help make a difference. Most men here will never get the chance to understand self discipline from people like Paul Rogeau; how to have a sense of humor, even when things are at their worst, from people like Rick Jones; how to have whole countries believing in them and showing an out pour of support to free them like O'dell Barnes; how to be a friend and big brother like no other just as Vincent Cooks; How to never let this place break ones mind, body or spirit, like Emerson Rudd; how to lead by being a follower like Ponchai Wilkerson; how to make people change their beliefs in capital punishment as did the wrongfully executed Gary Graham; and how to look at being here as having a second chance at life, like DA'Woud.Those are lives my Rosary reflect. So No, it doesn't bother me, that my smile is not and probably won't ever be the first thing people notice about me, after all, it's radiance is allowed to come from what I have around my neck anyway.

P.U.R.E Report Newsletter In loving memory

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 20

Written by Staff writer

Tony Medina 999204

Polunsky Unit 3872 FM 350 South

Livingston Texas 77351

Written by Staff


Tony Medina.


Rest in Peace

Marcus Cotton

ONE NEEDLE -HOW MANY SOLDIERS As I paced in the cage I'm forced to live, I waited to hear on the radio whether my friend had been murdered by Texas or whether he would be given a stay. For a long while I just walked forward four pace.... then backwards four paces over and over. When I'm troubled...

in deep thought... or feeling down, this is my habit... Alittle after the hour I heard the news announce My friend was now Dead. This wasn't the first friend I had lost since I arrived on Death Row, over 8 years ago, nor will it e the last I'm sure But I continued to pace while I thought. Earlier that day I saw my friend during his last visit with his family, This was hard for me. I grew up half a block fro his father's business and I saw him all the time. We knew a lot of the same people in our neighborhood. We'd drank home made wine and smoked cigarettes together (when we were) on the work program (that was) when death row was still on the Ellis unit. We'd sat down together at the same table to eat. There were just so many memories, yet so few also. But some of my best memories are of our conversation. We would sit and talk about the death penalty for hours. The brother was extremely intelligent and would get real deep on a lot of issues, these last couple years we weren't around each other much, but we did have a chance every now and then at visitation to see each other and talk about what each of us were doing or trying to do in our fight against the death penalty. I remember once, not too long ago I was telling him that I had just met a great friend, who helped me put up a website and how I was now trying to find help in organizing a defense project. I told him about the book I was doing and about how I'd started drawing again with the hope of finding help to raise support for my defence. And he was excited! He said that it seemed things were coming together for him(too). He told me about a lady friend who had a lot of experience in organizing events that had just started writing to him and she was already starting to help him organize a support group. It sounded like he had found a real diamond. But the state of Texas (killed) him. (and) I thought about it, another thought crossed my mind ..I wondered if with the push of this one needle ho many soldiers would the

fight (against the death penalty) lose? I recalled how after other guys we knew were murdered by the State, we would talk about them

and wondered what happened to their supporters?

We'd see how all too often when the state killed one of us, that guys supporters also lost the will to fight. My friend was a dedicated soldier in the battle to abolish the death penalty and I know from talking to hi that a lot of his supporters were also soldiers for the cause. I guess I can only pray that those people who helped him, who fought with him against Texas' killing machine , will become even more dedicated to the fight and will not let Texas win. (or) I hope that they re-join the battle and help someone else (in the plight) I hope they won't let the needle that took my friend's life also steal their dedication.


P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter In Loving MemoryIn Loving MemoryIn Loving MemoryIn Loving Memory

Issue 3 Issue 3 Issue 3 Issue 3 ---- March 2011 March 2011 March 2011 March 2011 pg 21 pg 21 pg 21 pg 21

IN MEMORIAM Reginald Blanton Aka Omari Huduma Blanton (C.Loc)

When I first started writing to Reg, I knew there was something different about him, something real, something spiritual. I wanted to know more about him, the more and more we wrote to one another the more I got to feel his pain, I could feel his pain. But Reg was a strong minded soul, and he would fight for what he knew was the right thing to do, he didn't just fight for himself but for others too, he was a brave man, a true soldier a real warrior. Reg gave others encouragement. He loved his Brothers Christopher Young, and Obie, and others, and Chris knows as well as many others when Reg was asked a question or tried to explain things to you, what would take you or I, 2 minutes to answer or explain, It would take Reg forever, he loved to go into the ins and outs of everything until finally the question would have been answered. I used to think why is it, that Reg used to wear his glasses to visit to me, then take them off, if he was going to tell me off about something,(smile) he’d put his glasses back on then talk to me looking over the top of his glasses, I couldn’t help but smile. Reg didn't suffer fools gladly either. I didn't ever think the time would come when a date would be given for his death. Even though I went into the relationship with Reg with the reality that it could happen, I never thought it would, Both Reg and myself hoped that Reggie's innocence claims would have been heard by the courts, but they were not. I have my own reservations on this and how Reg got to death-row in the first place. For one they had the wrong Man, and for those of you that really did know Reg, will understand when I say, he took that knowledge of whom to his death. A Brave man, A real man I felt honored knowing him and being a part of his life . I will always cherish the times we did have together and I will never forget what he tried to teach us all. Reg was quite old fashioned in his morals which is what I loved about him, he knew the right from wrong. Even though 18 months has gone by, he is so very much alive in my mind, and I with the help of his friends will keep his name alive. And will never ever be forgotten. But the other thing I wont ever forget and that was that last goodbye to Reg, I felt I had lost my right arm, despite Reg being on death row he tried to protect me as much as he possibly could from in that place, the times I cried to him, the times he cried to me, the state took him away from me, someone that I loved and I could never forgive them for that. NEVER. I feel lost without him, I don't have his shoulder any more, they took him from me, they took

away the only person I ever gave my all to, (apart from my children and grandson) The only person that ever really knew all there was to know about me, They took him from me, if only I could turn back the hands of time, but then Time waits for no one. I came back to England after feeling lost, no real support from anyone, except one close friend, I had to deal with Reggies death on my own, because narrow minded people didn't want to know, I felt alone, I couldn't sleep for some months, my doctor in England gave me medication to help me overcome what I was going to witness -(Reggies Death), as my own doctor from home said, that is why the U.K would never bring the death penalty back, as us doctors are supposed to pro long life not take it. Even he said he could sit next to someone to hold their hand whilst they die of old age or an illness, but to stand and watch someone be purposely put to death he could not do it, and by the sounds of it most of our

medical profession over here feels that way too. Reg taught me so much, and how to deal with different situations, he knew what I had been going through with all

the hate from Pro dps, and even some so called anti death penalty activists, and what Reg always said to me, was, no matter what you hear, don't believe anything unless you hear it direct from the actual person. So maybe that is all something we should all listen to and learn by. Some of you know exactly what I am talking about. Reg was a very understanding Man, unselfish, always thinking of others, that is why he used to protest, not just for himself, but for you all as well.

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter. P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter. P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter. P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter. In loving memoryIn loving memoryIn loving memoryIn loving memory

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 22

IN Memory of Reggie Blanton - Continued I read the article in memoriam of Willie Pondextor in the last issue of the P.U.R.E Report article I could understand exactly how the writer was feeling when he lost his friend, they do say that time can become a healer, but there was something else that the writer wrote, something about when the time was right for Willie to go to him, for a year I was hoping that Reg would come to me, we always spoke about things on that nature before he was murdered, Reggies words to me was, keep an open mind, youl know the signs when Im there, this may not mean much to some of you, but I was going to be made homeless, I went for over 35 homes after Reg died, without success, then, a year to the day of Reggies death, I had a call from the housing association, offering me a home, and I took that home, and everything is well, so as far as im concerned, that was my sign from him. In fact

the year to the day of Reggies death oct 27th, 2010 I felt more at peace than what I had done for a long time. So I knew that was the sign. Reg would never want any of you to give up, he fought to the end, and he would want you all to do so as well. I know I wont give up, So no matter how many times some of you feel at your lowest and want to give up that fight, please don't, as remember, where there is still life, there is always hope. So for Reggies Sake and the sakes of those whom has gone before, DONT EVER GIVE UP. You are all worth fighting for no matter what, I was on thin ice of my own life at one time, but I kept going so please none of you give up. Times will change. Raise your fist in the air, and shout Power to all Gods People, you are all soldiers in your own right.. And on a personal note to some of my circle of friends in there, for the support you gave me at that time, I thank Christopher Young, Willie Trottie, and Tony Medina and also Tony Medinas Mama, without her I dont know what I would of done, that Lady is a Queen of all Queens. And to Irma from Holland a lady I had only just met in that October of 2009, good people. And Thank you xx. Rest in Peace Reg wherever in the universe you are now. I miss you so much my King. Always and Forever with so much love. And to all of you, stay Blessed.

Written by Sandra Blanton

Photo Taken the day that Reg departed this world

Reginald Blanton

June 3rd 1981 - Oct 27th 2009 Rest in Peace.

P.U.R.E. Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 Pg 23

Pending Executions as of 30th March 2011


31 William Boyd Alabama

April 5 Cleve Foster Texas 5 Daniel Cook Arizona 6 Wayne Kubsch Indiana 12 Clarence Carter Ohio May

3 Cary Kerr Texas 17 Daniel Bedford Ohio

June 1 Gayland Bradford Texas 14 Shawn Hawkins Ohio 16 Lee Andrew Taylor Texas July

7 Humberto Leal Texas 13 Mark Stroman Texas 19 Kenneth Smith Ohio

August 16 Brett Hartman Ohio September 13 Joel Schmeiderer Tennessee

20 Billy Slagle Ohio 27 David Jordan Tennessee

October 4 John Henretta Tennessee 11 H-R Hester Tennessee

18 Joseph Murphy Ohio


15 Reginald Brooks Ohio






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P.U.R.E Report Newsletter

Issue 3 - March 2011 pg 24