No. n 1901 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY,7 SEPTEMBER 1972 Declaring Land in Canterbury Land District, Vested in the Canterbury Education Board as a Site for a School, to be Vested in Ha Majesty the Queen ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to subsection (6) of section 5 of the Education Lands Act 1949, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto, being an area vested in the Canterbury Education Board as a site for a school, shall be vested in Her Majesty the Queen, freed and discharged from every educational trust affecting the same, but subject to all leases, encumbrances, liens, or easements affecting the same at the date hereof. SCHEDULE CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT-AsHBURTON COUNTY PART Rural Section 26959 situated in Blook VIII, Alford Survey District: area, 2 roods and 13.6 perches, more or less. All certificate of title, Register 2D, folio 966 (S.O. Plan 9419) . Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor- General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 1st day of August 1972. [L.s.] DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Lands. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/1226; D.O. 8/1/110) Declaring Land in the Taranaki Land District, Vested in the Taranaki Education Board as a Site for a School, to be Vested i'n Her Majesty the Queen ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to subsection (6) of section 5 of the Education Lands Act 1949, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto, being an area vested in the Taranaki Education Board as a site for a school, shall be vested in Her Majesty the Queen, freed and discharged from every educational trust affecting the same, but subject to all leases, encumbrances, liens, or ease- ments affecting the same at the date hereof. SCHEDULE TARANAKI LAND DISTRICT-INGLEWOOD COUNTY LOT I, D.P. 4902, being part Section 58, Block VI, Huiroa Survey District, containing 32 perches, and being part of the land comprised in certificate of title, Volume 25, folio 209, Taranaki Registry. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor- General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 31st day of August 1972. [L.s.] DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Lands. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/552; D.O. 8/5/85) The Intellectually Handicapped Children's Society (Incorporated), Ashburton Branch, Order 1972 ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General By his Deputy ALEXANDER TURNER ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at WelIington this 7th day of August 1972 Present: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL PURSUANT to section 4 of the Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Act 1960, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby makes the following order. ORDER 1. This order may be cited as the Intellectually Handicapped Children's Society (Incorporated), Ashburton Branch, Order 1972. 2. The Intellectually Handicapped Children's Societv (In- corporated), Ashburton Branch, an organisation approved hv the Minister of Labour under section 3 of the Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Act 1960, is hereby granted exemption in respect of the sheltered workshop at 21 Main South Road, Tinwald, Ashburton, from:

Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect

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Page 1: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect

No. n 1901


NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority


Declaring Land in Canterbury Land District, Vested in the Canterbury Education Board as a Site for a School, to be Vested in Ha Majesty the Queen


PURSUANT to subsection (6) of section 5 of the Education Lands Act 1949, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto, being an area vested in the Canterbury Education Board as a site for a school, shall be vested in Her Majesty the Queen, freed and discharged from every educational trust affecting the same, but subject to all leases, encumbrances, liens, or easements affecting the same at the date hereof.


PART Rural Section 26959 situated in Blook VIII, Alford Survey District: area, 2 roods and 13.6 perches, more or less. All certificate of title, Register 2D, folio 966 (S.O. Plan 9419) .

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 1st day of August 1972.


(L. and S. H.O. 6/6/1226; D.O. 8/1/110)

Declaring Land in the Taranaki Land District, Vested in the Taranaki Education Board as a Site for a School, to be Vested i'n Her Majesty the Queen


PURSUANT to subsection (6) of section 5 of the Education Lands Act 1949, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto, being an area vested in the Taranaki Education Board as a site for a school, shall be vested in Her Majesty the Queen, freed and discharged from every educational trust affecting the same, but subject to all leases, encumbrances, liens, or ease­ments affecting the same at the date hereof.


LOT I, D.P. 4902, being part Section 58, Block VI, Huiroa Survey District, containing 32 perches, and being part of the land comprised in certificate of title, Volume 25, folio 209, Taranaki Registry.

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 31st day of August 1972.


(L. and S. H.O. 6/6/552; D.O. 8/5/85)

The Intellectually Handicapped Children's Society (Incorporated), Ashburton Branch, Order 1972

ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General By his Deputy


At the Government House at WelIington this 7th day of August 1972


PURSUANT to section 4 of the Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Act 1960, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby makes the following order.

ORDER 1. This order may be cited as the Intellectually Handicapped

Children's Society (Incorporated), Ashburton Branch, Order 1972.

2. The Intellectually Handicapped Children's Societv (In­corporated), Ashburton Branch, an organisation approved hv the Minister of Labour under section 3 of the Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Act 1960, is hereby granted exemption in respect of the sheltered workshop at 21 Main South Road, Tinwald, Ashburton, from:

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(a) All the provisions of every award and industrial agree­ment which would otherwise be applicable in respect of persons employed in that workshop; and

(b) Section 34 of the Factories Act 1946 and all the pro­visions of the Annual Holidays Act 1944 and the Minimum Wage Act 1945.

(Lab. H.O. 30/2/11-34)

Officers of Government of Ross Dependency Appointed

ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General WHEREAS, by the Order in Council dated the 30th day of July 1923*, made under the British Settlements Act 1887 of the United Kingdom Parliament, the Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of New Zealand for the time being (therein and hereinafter called the Governor) was appointed to be the Governor of the Ross Dependency, and all the powers and authorities which by the said order were given and granted to the Governor for the time being of the Dependency were thereby vested in him;

And whereas the Governor was thereby further authorised and empowered to make all such rules and regulations as might lawfully be made by Her Majesty's authority for the peace, order, and good government of the Dependency;

And whereas, by regulations made by the Governor on the 14th day of November 1923t, it was enacted that all persons appointed by the Governor for the time being of the Dependency should have such power and authority as might be granted them in due course of law, and might be em­powered to do such things as might be necessary or desirable to ensure that the laws in force in the Dependency are duly observed and complied with in every respect, and to do all things necessary or expedient for the peace, order, and good government of the Dependency, and to safeguard and preserve Her Majesty's rights and sovereignty over and in respect of the Dependency;

And whereas it is expedient that the persons hereinafter named be appointed officers of the Government of the Dependency:

Now, therefore, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, and as such the Governor of the Ross Dependency, hereby appoint

Major Peter Gersham Frazer as an officer of the Government of the Dependency; and I hereby confer on him all the powers and authorities which may be exercised in New Zealand by a Justice of the Peace, and also the powers and authorities which may be so exercised by a Coroner.

And I also appoint Thomas Blakely, Esq.

as an officer of the Government of the Dependency; and I hereby confer on him all the powers and authorities which may be exercised in New Zealand by a Postmaster.

The said Major Peter Gersham Frazer and Thomas Blakely to exercise their functions at such places within the Depen­dency as may be directed by the officer for the time being appointed as an officer of the Governm~nt of the D,:p~nde~cy in whom is vested the general executive and admInIstratIve authority in preserving Her Majesty's rights and sovereignty and the laws and regulations in force in the Dependency; and to hold office and exercise the duties thereof during pleasure.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­General, as the Governor of the Ross Dependency, this 29th day of August 1972.

KEITH HOL YOAKE, Minister of Foreign Affairs. *Gazetfe, 1923, Vol. II, p. 2211 tGazette, 1923, Vol. III, p. 2815

Appointments, Promotions, Extensions, Transfers, Resil?nations, and Retirements of Officers of the New Zealand Army

PuRSUANT to section 35 of the Defence Act 1971, His EX'cellency the Governor-General .has approved the follo~ing appointments, promotions, extenSIOns, transfers, reSIgnatIOns, and retirements of officers of the New Zealand Army:


Captain (temp. Major) B. G. Dilger to be Major with seniority and effect from 16 June 1972. . .

Captain B. D. Dreyer to be temp. Major WIth effect from 10 July 1972.

THE CORPS OF ROYAL N.Z. ENGINEERS Captain (temp. Major) J. D. Broadbent, ASSOC. N.Z.I.E.,

R.E.A., N.Z.C.E., is re-engaged until retiring age for rank, and his seniority in the rank of Captain is adjusted to 21 December 1967 with effect from 31 July 1972.

Lieutenant (temp. Captain) D. J. Powley to be temp. Captain with effect from 1 June 1972.

ROYAL N.Z. CORPS OF SIGNALS Lieutenant (temp. Captain) M. M. Fair to be Captain with

seniority and effect from 20 June 1972.

ROYAL N.Z. ARMY SERVICE CORPS Captain (temp. Major) L. R. Garner: with reference to the

notice published in the Gazette, 27 July 1972, No. 59, p. 1531, for "below Major J. R. Presland, RNZIR", substUute "below Chaplain 3rd Class L. F. Steel, RNZChD".

2nd Lieutenant S. G. Stubbs to be Lieutenant with seniority and effect from 20 June 1972.

ROYAL N.Z. ARMY MEDICAL CORPS Lieutenant (temp. Captain) B. J. Bowen, to be Captain

with seniority and effect from 1 July 1972.


Captain (temp. Major) and Quartermaster A. K. McMichael to be Major and Quartermaster with seniority and effect from 7 July 1972.

Major and Quartermaster Alexander King McMichael is posted to the Retired List with effect from 19 August 1972.

Lieutenant and Quartermaster T. Forrester to be temp. Captain with effect from 28 June 1972.

76052 Warrant Officer Class II Robin Moore is appointed to a commission in the rank of Lieutenant and Quarter­master with seniority and effect from 28 July 1972.

ROYAL N.Z. ARMY EDUCATION CORPS Major P. G. Comrie is re-engaged until 31 August 1974.

ROYAL N.Z. NURSING CORPS Matron A. Tamaki is re-engaged until 9 July 1974.

TERRITORIAL FORCE Headquarters Logistic Support Group

Captain M. S. Taylor, B.D.S., RNZDC, to be temp. Major with effect from 17 July 1972.

3rd Field Regiment, RNZA Lieutenant Murray Charles Leach, B.A., resigns his com­

mission with effect from 1 March 1972. The commission of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) K. W.

Dickison is confirmed with effect from 27 July 1971. . The commission of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) R. A. Harns,

B.SC., is confirmed with effect from 27 July 1971.

4th (G) Medium Battery, RNZA Captain M. Lovegrove, E.p., is transferred to. the Reserve

of Officers, Regimental LIst, 4th (G) MedIum Battery, RNZA, in the rank of Captain, with seniority from 29 July 1967 and effect from 19 April 1972.

16th Field Regiment, RNZA 2nd Lieutenant Ross Edward Travers resigns his com­

mission with effect from 1 July 1972.

1st Construction Squadron, RNZE 2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer: the notice

published in the Gazette,. 22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted:

"2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect from 23 March 1972."

1st Commander Royal New Zealand Engineers (Works) John Robert Binney, M.E.(CIV.), is appointed to a com­

mission in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972.

3rd Independant Field Squadron, RNZE The commission of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob) , C. H.

Ramsay is confirmed with effect from 7 December 1970.

2nd Communications Zone Signal Squadron, RNZ Sigs Raynor George Busch is appointed ~o a c0!il~ission in the

rank of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) WIth semonty and effect from 26 July 1972.

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2nd Battalion (Canterbury Nelson Marlborough West Coast), RNZIR

Lieutenant (temp. Captain) David Robert Manks is trans­ferred to the Reserve of Officers, General List, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment, in the rank of Captain, with effect from 28 May 1972.

Honorary Lieutenant William John Samuel is posted to the Retired List with effect from 18 June 1972.

Christopher Noel Brownlee is appointed to a commission in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (an prab.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972.

Peter Bonamy D'Auvergne, B.SC., is appointed to a com­mission in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (an prab.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972.

3rd Battalion (Auckland (Countess of Ranfurly's Own) and Northland), RNZIR

Kevin Anthony Raymond Ashcroft is appointed to a com­mission in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (an prab.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972.

4th Battalion (Otago and Southland), RNZIR Captain (temp. Major) RD. Smith to be Major with

seniority and effect from 7 May 1972. Captain R G. Barrowclough to be Major with seniority

and effect from 7 May 1972. The commission of 2nd Lieutenant (an prab.) W. R.

Wilson is confirmed with effect from 10 August 1970. The commission of 2nd Lieutenant (an prab.) A. D.

Miller is confirmed with effect from 6 April 1971. The commission of 2nd Lieutenant (an prab.) M. G.

Elliott is confirmed with effect from 6 April 1971. Murray Colin Allison is appointed to a commission in the

rank of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972.

6th Battalion (Hauraki), RNZIR Cecil Wiremu Campbell is appointed to a commISSIOn in

the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (an prob.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972.

Lloyd John Parrant is appointed to a commission in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972. 7th Battalion (Wellington (City of Wellington's Own) and

Hawke's Bay), RNZIR Lieutenant John Robert Kingi resigns his commission with

effect from 1 July 1972. Leslie Allen Francis is appointed to a commission in the

rank of Honorary Lieutenant as Director of Music, with seniority from 9 February 1972 and effect from 5 July 1972.

The following are appointed to commissions in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972:

David John Allison. Robert Gordon Fraser. John Alexander Foster. Geoffrey Stewart Lewis.

1st Transport Company, RNZASC Reginald Ivan Sutherland is appointed to a commISSIOn in

the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (on prab.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972. 3rd Transport Company (General Transport), RNZASC

William David McLeod is appointed to a commission in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (on prab.) with seniority and effect from 26 July 1972.

1st Casualty Clearing Station, RNZAMC Lieutenant (temp. Captain) J. C. Powell to be Captain with

seniority and effect from 7 April 1972. 3rd Field Ambulance, RNZAMC

Lieutenant Paul Christopher Armour, M.B., CH.B., resign') his commission with effect from 7 July 1972. 3rd Infantry Workshop, RNZEME

Peter Hugh May is appointed to a commission in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (on prab.) with seniority and effect frJm 26 July 1972. Royal N.Z. Dental Corps

Major Alan John Laws, M.D.S., Otago University Medical Company, RNZAMC, is posted to the Retired List with effect from 1 June 1972. Royal New Zealand Chaplains Department

Chaplain 3rd Class Alastair Kimball Thomas Bathgate (Presbyterian) is posted to the Retired List with effect from 10 May 1972.

Chaplain 3rd Class R J. Stachurski (Roman Catholic), from the Regular Force, to be Chaplain 3rd Class with seniority from 8 August 1967 and effect from 18 May 1972.

Chaplain 4th Class J. B. Currie (Methodist) to be Chaplain 3rd Class with seniority and effect from 22 May 1972. Royal N.Z. Nursing Corps

Principal Matron Catherine Barron is posted to the Retired List with effect from 25 July 1972.


The following officers are posted to the Retired List with effect from the dates shown:

Major Peter Maxwell Nottingham, M.SC., NZDSC, 8 August 1972.

Captain Thomas Neville Lynch, RNZA, 7 August 1972. Captain Richard Henry Bruce Thomas, RNZIR, 13 July

1972. Lieutenant George Webster Macfarlane, RNZA, 4 August

1972. N.Z. Cadet Forces: With reference to the notice published

in the Gazette, 27 July 1972, No. 59, p. 1531, under "Captains", the name of Leo Francis Walsh is hereby deleted.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. ALLAN McCREADY, Minister of Defence.

Appaintments, Promotions, Extensions, Transfers, Resignations, and Retirements of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force

PURSUANT to section 35 of the Defence Act 1971, His Excellency the Governor-General has approved the following appointments, promotions, extensions, transfers, resignations, and retirements of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force:


Appaintment Squadron Leader Cecil Cmok, M.B.E., from the Royal

Air Force, is appointed to a short-service commission for a period of 5 years, in the rank of Flight Lieutenant, with seniority from 1 May 1967 and effect from 1 May 1972.

Pramotian Flying Officer N. A. Davey, B.SC., to be Flight Lieutenant,

with seniority from 21 January 1971 and effect from 28 August 1972.

Acting PilIot Officer J. K. Herron to be Flying Officer with seniority and effect from 24 March 1972.

The following Acting Pilot Officers to be Pilot Officers with seniority and effect from 24 March 1972.

A. E. D. Daly. W. K. L. MacGregor. B. G. Masters. C. C. Johnston. D. J. Forrest. P. J. Richards.

Transfer to the Reserve Squadron Leader Alexander John Brown is transferred to

the Reserve of Air Force Officers until 21 March 1976, with effect from 5 April 1972.

Flying Officer Ian Thomas Tennant-Brown is transferred to the Reserve of Air Force Officers until 11 July 1976, with effect from 12 July 1972.

Transfer to' the Retired List Squadron Leader Alexander John Brown: the notice pub­

lished in the Gazette, 20 July 1972, No. 57, p. 1486, is cancelled.

Cancellatian af Commissian The commission of Acting Pilot Officer Stephen James

Patrick is cancelled with effect from 7 July 1972. TECHNICAL BRANCH

Appointment Engineer Division

Wing Commander K. R. Orsborn. C.ENG., A.F.R.Ae.s.: with reference to the notice published in the Gazette, 18 May 1972, No. 42, p. 1064, for the date "27 April 1972", substitute "17 April 1972".

Squadron Leader Robin Line Doorne, from the Royal Air Force, is appointed to a short-service commission for a period of 5 years in the rank of Squadron Leader, with seniority from 22 March 1970 and effect from 22 March 1972.

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Promotion Wing Commander (acting Group Captain) K. R. Orsborn,

C.ENG., A.F.R.Ae.s.: the notice published in the Gazette, 18 May 1972, No. 42, p. 1064 is canceiled and the following substituted:

"Wing Commander (acting Group Captain) K. R. Orsborn, C.ENG.. A.F.R.Ae.S., to be Group Captain, with seniority from 1 May 1971 and effect from 1 May 1972."

Extension of Commission The commission of Flight Lieutenant J. R. Charlton,

B.E.M., is extended until 4 December 1974 followed by 4 years on the Reserve of Air Force Officers.


Appointment Special Duties Division

Flight Lieutenant Douglas Ian Paterson, D.F.C., from the Retired List "A", is appointed to a short-service commission in the rank of Flight Lieutenant, for a period of 5 years, with seniority from 5 February 1965 and effect from 6 March 1972.

Flight Lieutenant George Oliver Pryce, late of the Royal Air Force, is appointed to a short-service commission for a period to expire on 26 April 1975, in the rank of Flight Lieutenant, with seniority from 15 April 1966 and effect from 15 April 1972.

Promotion Supply Division

Flying Officer (temp. Flight Lieutenant) R. B. Wooller to be Flight Lieutenant with seniority and effect from 15 August 1972. Special Duties Division

Flight Lieutenant A. T. Dickie, R.E.A., N.Z.C.D., M.N.Z.I.D., to be Squadron Leader with seniority and effect from 11 August 1972 ..

Extension of Commission and Age for Retirement Special Duties Division

The commission and age for retirement of Flight Lieutenant R. I. Simpson, B.E.M., are extended to 13 September 1975 followed by 4 years on the Reserve of Air Force Officers.

Transfer to Reserve Special Duties Division

Flight Lieutenant Keith Frederick Outtrim is trans­ferred to the Reserve of Air Force Officers with effect from 5 July 1972 until 4 July 1976.

Transfer to Retired List Supply Division

Wing Commander William Neil Alexander McKay, O.B.E., A.N.Z.I.M., is transferred to the Retired List "A" with effect from 24 March 1972.

Retirement Supply Division

Squadron Leader Ian Arthur Kay is retired with effect from 5 May 1972.


Flight Lieutenant J. M. Nimmo, B.A., DIP.TCHG., to be Squadron Leader with seniority and effect from 1 July 1972.


Margaret Hodges is appointed to a short-service commission for a period of 3 years in the rank of Assistant Section Officer, with seniority from 17 January 1972 and effect from 17 July 1972.

Retirement Section Officer Grace Winifred Harvatt is retired with

effect from 30 June 1972. Section Officer Jocelyn Turner resigns her commission with

effect from 6 July 1972.



Special Duties Division The commission of Flight Lieutenant J. F. Shore is extended

until 16 August 1977.


The commission of Flight Lieutenant K. L. Lee is extended until 3 December 1976.

The commission of Flight Lieutenant D. W. Gray is exten­ded until 31 July 1974.

Retirement Wing Commander Ronald Baird, O.B.E., LL.M., B.COM.,

A.R.A.N.Z., A.C.I.S., is retired with effect from 10 August 1972. Wing Commander Ian Ronald Gow, M.SC., A.M.I.E.E., is

retired with effect from 9 August 1972. Flight Lieutenant Eliot Griffith Brooke is retired with effect

from 3 January 1972. Flight Lieutenant John Hugh Mehaffey Carswell is retired

with effect from 25 July 1972. Flight Lieutenant Raymond John Hartstonge is retired with

effect from 5 April 1972. Flight Lieutenant John Ernest Lucas is retired with effect

from 1 June 1972. Flying Officer Arthur Desmond Appleby is retired with

effect from 8 August 1972. Flying Officer Archibald Currie Beazer is retired with effect

trom 4 January 1972. Flying Officer Malcolm Cyprian Bridge is retired with effect

from 30 July 1972. Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972.

ALLAN McCREADY, Minister of Defence.

-------------------------------------------------Appointment of Parliamentary Under-Secretary

PURSUANT to the Civil List Act 1950, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint

Allan David Dick, Esquire, of Oamaru, a Member of the House of Representatives,

to be a Parliamentary Under-Secretary in relation to the office of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Dated at Wellington this 4th day of September 1972. J. R. MARSHALL, Prime Mmister.

Appointment of Member of Ball's Clearing Scem'c Reserve Board

PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby appoints John Rodney Nimon to be a member of the Ball's Clearing Scenic Reserve Board, Hawke's Bay Land District, in place of David Alfred Bathgate, resigned.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 4/1152; D.O. 13/2)

Appointment of a Member of the Timber Preservation Authority

PURSUANT to the Timber Preservation Regulations 1955, the Minister of Forests hereby reappoints

Colin George Clark (nominated by the New Zealand Wood Preservers' Association)

to be a member of the Timber Preservation Authority. Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1972.

DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Forests.

Appointment of a Member of the Timber Preservation Authority

PuRSUANT to the Timber Preservation Regulations 1955, the Minister of Forests hereby reappoints

Carlton Warwick Pollard (nominated by the New Zealand Timber Merchants' Federation)

to be a member of the Timber Preservation Authority. Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1972.

DUNCAN MAciNTYRE, Minister of Forests.

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Appointment of a Member of the Timber Preservation Authority

PURSUANT to the Timber Preservation Regulations 1955, the Minister of Forests hereby reappoints

Ken Athol Webley (nominated by the New Zealand Master Builders' Federation)

to be a member of the Timber Preservation Authority. Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1972.

DUNCAN MACINTYRE, Minister of Forests.

Member of the Board of Health Appointed

PURSUANT to the Health Act 1956, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint

Sir Walter Edwin Bate, O.B.E., O.ST.J., LL.M. as a member of the Board of Health for a term of 3 years from the 1st day of July 1972.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. DAVID S. THOMSON, for Minister of Health.

Appointment of Stipendiary Magistrate as a Justice of the Peace

PURSUANT to the Justices of the Peace Act 1957, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint

John Elderson MilIar, Esquire, S.M. of Hamilton, to be a Justice of the Peace for New Zealand.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. ROY JACK, Minister of Justice.

(1. 10/4/22(5»

Member of National Research Advisory Council Appointed

PURSUANT to section 3 of the National Research Advisory Council Act 1963, His ExcelIency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint

Lloyd Gilbert Brown, A.M.I.PROD.E. to be a member of the National Research Advisory Council for a period of 3 years as on and from 1 June 1972 until 31 May 1975.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. L. W. GANDAR, Minister of Science.

Chairman of National Research Advisory Council Appointed

PURSUANT to section 3 of the National Research Advisory Council Act 1963, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint

Lloyd Gilbert Brown, A.M.I.PROD.E. a member of the National Research Advisory Council as Chairman of the said Council.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. L. W. GANDAR, Minister of Science.

Minister Appointed

HIS ExceIlency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint

the Honourable Douglas Julian Carter to be Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. By command-

D. C. WILLIAMS, Official Secretary.

Resignation of Parliamentary Unda-Secretary

Prime Minister's Office, WeIlington.

4 Sepkmber 1972. PURSUANT to the Civil List Act 1950, His ExceIlency the Governor-General has been pleased to accept the resignatio~ of

Allan David Dick, Esquire Parliamentary Under-Secretary in relation to the officI.! of the Minister of Agriculture.

J. R. MARSHALL, Prime Minister.

Resignation of Ministers

HIS Excellency the Governor-General has accepted the resignations of

the Honourable John Bowie Gordon, of the office of Minister of Marine and Fisheries; and the Honourable Douglas Julian Carter, of the office of Minister of Agriculture.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. By command-

D. C. WILLIAMS, Official Secretary.

Exemption from Jurisdictz'on of State Services Tribunal and of Any Single Service Tribunal

PURSUANT to the State Services Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act 1969, the Minister of State Services hereby excludes from Tribunal jurisdiction the position in the State Services specified in the Schedule hereto, on the ground that the said position involves substantial responsibility, not only for management but also for formulating and advising on policy, and declares that this position is excluded from Parts II, III, and IV of the State Services Remuneration and Con­ditions of Employment Act 1969.

PUBLIC SERVICE Department Position

Transport Dated at

Director, Marine Division. Wellington this 4th day of September 1972.

J. R. MARSHALL, Minister of State Services.

The Traffic (Cromwell Borough) Notz'ce No 2, 1972

PURSUANT to the Transport Act 1962, the Minister of Trans­port hereby gives the following notice.

NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as the Traffic (CromwelI Bor­

ough) Notice No.2, 1972. 2. The roads specified in the First Schedule hereto are hereby

excluded from the limitation as to speed imposed by section 52 of the Transport Act 1962.

3. The roads specified in the Second Schedule hereto are hereby declared to be a 40-miles-an-hour speed limit areas for the purpose of regulation 27A of the Traffic Regulations 1956.

4. The Traffic (Cromwell Borough) Notice No.1, 1972, dated the 6th day of April 1972,* under section 52 of the Transport Act 1962 and regulation 27A of the Traffic Regula­tions 1956, which relates to No. 8 State Highway in the Cromwell Borough, is hereby revoked.

FIRST SCHEDULE SITUATED within CromwelI Borough:

No. 8 State Highway (Timaru-MiIton), being also part Melmore Terrace, Gavan Street, Goodger Avenue, and Ana Street (from a point 1 chain measured westerly generally along the said State highway from Antrim Street to the north-western boundary of Cromwell Borough) .

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SECOND SCHEDULE SrI'UATED within Cromwell Borough: No.8 State Highway (Timaru-Milton), being also part Mel­more Terrace, Gavan Street, Goodger Avenue, and Ana Street (from a point 1 chain measured westerly generally along the said State highway from Antrim Street to a point 6 chains measured westerly generally along the said State highway from Barry Street).

Dated at Wellington this 26th day of August 1972. J. B. GORDON, Minister of Transport.

*Gazette No. 31, dated 20 April 1972, p. 776 (IT. 29/2/28)

Additional Land at Hastings Taken for the Purposes of the W ellington-Napier Railway

PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Railways hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of the Wellington-Napier Railway from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


BOlli those pieces of land described as follows: A. R. P. Being o 1 1.78 Public street, being part Lot 29, D.P. 5358,

Heretaunga District,. being part of the land comprised and described in C.T. 43/45; coloured green, edged green.

Situated in Block XVI, Heretaunga Survey District. A. R. P. Being o 0 7.64 Part Lot 21, D.P. 854, Heretaunga District, being

part of the land comprised and described in C.T. 94/284; coloured sepia.

Situated in Block XV, Reretaunga Survey District. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan

marked L.O. 12013/1 (S.O. 2638) deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. J. B. GORDON, Minister of Railways.

(N.Z.R. L.O. 17348)

Land Held for Railway Purposes at Amberley Set Apart jor Post Office Purposes (Residence)

PuRSUANT to section 25 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Railways hereby declares that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for Post Office purposes on and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL that piece of Railway land described as follows: A. R. P. Being o 0 32.1 Lot 2, D.P. 15354, being part Rural Section 2759,

being all of the land comprised and described in Gazette, 1955, p. 1647, Proclamation 428502.

Situated in Blook VIII, Teviotdale Survey District. Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972.

J. B. GORDON, Minister of Railways. (N.Z.R. L.O. 22507)

Declaring Land Purchased for a Government W o'rk at Sawy.ers Bay and Not Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land

PuRSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Railways hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land, subject to the Land Act 1948, as from the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL that piece of Railway land described as follows: A. R. P. Being o 1 0.6 Part Otago Harbour and being part of the land

comprised and described in Proclamation 1520. Situated in Sawyers Bay Survey District. As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan

marked L.O. 25883 (S.O. 17208) deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways at Wellington, and thereon coloured sepia.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. J. B. GORDON, Minister of Railways.

(N.Z.R. L.O. 28056)

Cancellation of the Vesting in the Waikohu County Council and Revocation of the Reservation Over a Reserve

PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby cancels the vesting in the Chairman, Coun­cillors and Inhabitants of the County of Waikohu, and revokes the reservation for plantation purposes over the land described in the Schedule hereto.


SECTION 23, Block II, Waikohu Survey District: area, 3 acres 3 roods 13.8 perches, more or less (S.O. Plan 5099).

Dated at Wellington this 28th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAciNTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. R.O. 6/1/1125; D.O. 4/64)

Cancellation of the Vesting in the Waikohu County Council and Revocatz'on oj the Reservation Over a Reserve

PuRSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby cancels the vesting in the Chairman, Coun­cillors, and Inhabitants of the County of Waikohu, and revokes the reservation for a resting place for travelling stock over the land described in the Schedule hereto.


SECTION 24, Block II, Waikohu Survey District: area, 4 acres 2 roods 10 perches, more or less (S.O. Plan 5099).

Dated at Wellington this 28th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAciNTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. R.O. 6/1/1125; D.O. 4/64)

Cancellation of the Vesting oj Control of a Reserve in the Minister Having the Administration of the Tourist and Health Resorts Act 1908

PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby cancels the vesting of the control in the Minister having the administration of the Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act 1908 of the reserve for recreational purposes described in the Schedule hereto.


SECTION 17, Block XVI, Shotover Survey District: area, 445 acres, more or less (S.O. Plan 16937).

Section 31, mock XVII, Shotover Survey District: area, 311 acres and 2 roods, more or less (S.O. Plan 16937).

Part Section 16, Block XVI, Shotover Survey District: area, 666 acres, more or less (S.O. Plan 11850).

Part Section 30, Blook XVII, Shotover Survey District: area, 79 acres and 2 roods, more or less (S.O. Plan 11850).

As shown on the plan marked L. and S. 1/1433A, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey at Wellington, and thereon edged red.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAciNTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. R.O. 1/1433; D.O. 8/3/106)

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Revocation of the Reservation Over Part of a Reserve

PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby revokes the reservation over that part of the reserve for scenic purposes described in the Schedule hereto.


SCENIC RESERVE-MANGONUI COUNTY SECTIONS 4, 5, and 6, Block IX, Maungataniwha Survey District: area, 320 acres, more or less (S.~. Plan 40223).

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 4/451; D.O. 3/11770/25)

Reservation of Land

PURSUANT to the Land Act 1948, the Minister of Lands hereby sets apart the land described in the Schedule hereto as it reserve for scenic purposes.


SCENIC RESERVE-MANGONUI COUNTY SECTION 8 (formerly part Sections 4 and 6), Block IX, Maunga­taniwha Survey District: area, 118 acres 3 roods 30 perches, more or less (S.D. Plan 46561).

Section 9 (formerly part Sections 5 and 6), Block IX, Maungataniwha Survey District: 'area, 176 acres 1 rood 39 perches, more or less (S.D. Plan 46561).

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 4/451; D.O. 3/1770/25)

Reservation of Land

PURSUANT to the Land Act 1948, the Minister of Lands hereby sets apart the land described in the Schedule hereto as a reserve for education (pre-school) purposes.


LOT 2, D.P. 32516, being part Section 43, Manaia District, situated in Block IV, Tiffin Survey District: area, ,10 perches, more or less.

Dated at Wellington this 28th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 6/6/983; D.O. 8/5/399/1)

Reservation of Land and Vesting in the Manukau City Council

PURSUANT to the Land Act 1948, the Minister of Lands hereby sets apart the land described in the Schedule hereto as a reserve for recreation purposes and further, pursuant to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, vests the said reserve in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Manukau, in trust, for that purpose.


LOTS 1 and 7, D.P. 57453, being parts Allotments 49 and 70, Manurewa Parish, situated in Block IX, Otahuhu Survey District: area, 3 acres and 27 perches, more or less.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MACINTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.D. 1/1107/1; D.O. 8/3/538)

Reservation of Land and Vesting in the Kaikohe Borough Council

PuRSUANT to the Land Act 1948, the Minister of Lands hereby sets apart the land described in the Schedule hereto as a reserve for drainage purposes and further, pursuant to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, vests the said re~erve in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the Borough of Kaikohe, in trust, for that purpose.


LOT 35, D.P. 46326, being part Taraire l.H.2 and 1.0.1 Blocks, situated in Block XV, Omapere Survey District: area, 31.3 perches, more or less. Part certificate of title, Volume 1666, folio 47.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 1/1107/1; D.O. 8/5/733)

Authorisation of the Exchange of Part of a Reserve for Other Land

PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby authorises the exchange of that part of the reserve for recreation purposes described in the First Schedule hereto for the land described in the Second Schedule hereto.


PART Lot 24, D.P. 58130, being part Section 34, Block VI Opuawhanga Survey District: area, 4.7 perches, more or less: Part certificate of title, Volume 2044, folio 72 (S.D. Plan 47486) .


PART Lot 25, D.P. 58130, being part Section 34, Block VI, Opuawhanga Survey District: area, 5.8 perches, more or less. Part certificate of title, Volume 12A, folio 379 (S.D. 47486).

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MACINTYiRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 1/1419; D.O. 8/3/514.)

Appointment of the Masterton Free Kindergarten Association (Incorporated) to Control and Manage a Reserve

PuRSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby appoints the Masterton Free Kindergarten Association (Incorporated) to control and manage the reserve described in the Schedule hereto, subject to the provisions of the said Act, as a site for education (pre-school) purposes.


Lot 2, D.P. 32516, being part Section 43, Manaia District, situated in Block IV, Tiffin Survey District: area, 10 perches, more or less.

Dated at Wellington this 28th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAcINTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 6/6/983; D.O. 8/5/399/1)

Board Appoin'ted to Have Control of the Wairarapa Lake Shore Scenic Reserve

PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby appoints Donald Lochiel Cameron, Robert Allen Donald, Robert Bruce EgIinton, William Jacob Gooding, William Harry McArthur, Jack Raymond Matthews, Raymond Prendeville Matthews, and Norman Charles Campbell Shepherd to be the Wairarapa Lake Shore Scenic Reserve Board to have control of the reserve described in the Schedule hereto, subject to the provisions of the said Act, as a scenic reserve.

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SECTIONS 105-115, Western Lake District, situated in Block IX, Wairarapa Survey District: area, 67 acres 2 roods 23 perches, more or less. All certificate of title, Volume 194, folio 217 (S.O. 16372).

Dated at Wellington this 30th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAciNTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 4/975; D.O. 13/205)

Acquisition of Land as a Domain

PURSUANT to the Reserves and Domains Act 1953, the Minister of Lands hereby notifies that the land described in the Schedule hereto has been acquired as a domain, subject to the provisions of Part III of the said Act, to be known as the Harcourt Park Domain to be administered as a public domain by the Domain Board.


LOT 1, D.P. 7523, being part Section 169, Hutt District, situated in Block XIV, Akatarawa Survey District: area, 10 acres, more or less. All certificate of title, Volume 355, folio 278.

Part Lot 1, D.P. 7230, being part Section 169, Hutt District, situated in Bloak XIV, Akatarawa Survey District: area, 17 acres 1 rood 38 perches, more or less. All certificate of title, Volume 435, folio 241.

Part Lot 1, D.P. 7230, being part Section 169, Hutt District, situated in Block XIV, Akatarawa Survey District: area, 1 acre 1 rood 6.92 perches, more or less. All certificate of title, Volume 428, folio 102.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. DUNCAN MAciNTYRE, Minister of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 1/1626; D.O. 8/3/248)

Results of Ballot Under Nation'al Military Service Act 1961

PURSUANT to section 10 (2) of the National Military Service Act 1961, the Minister of Labour hereby gives notice that in a ballot pursuant to the above Act, covering persons born between 1 July 1952 and 30 June 1953, the following dates of birth were drawn:

July 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29; August 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 26, 28, 30, 31; September 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 30; October 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22; November 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30; December 1,2,4, 7, 9, 16, 18, 23, 26, 29, 30; January 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19,20,24,25,27,28, 30, 31; February 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23; March 1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 27, 28. 29; April 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30; May 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 25; and June 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 30. The persons whose birth dates as recorded in their applica­

tions for registration correspond with the dates drawn in the ballot are the persons liable to perform service and will later receive notices requiring them to report for medical examina­tions.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. DAVID S. THOMSON, Minister of Labour.

Bylaw Prohibiting the Stopping, Standing, or Parkir:f( of Vehicles on Portion of Museum Street, City of Wellinf(ton

PuRSUANT to section 72 of the Transport Act 1962, the Minister of Works having control of the road known as Museum Street in the City of Wellington hereby prohibits at all times the stopping, standing, or par,king of vehicles on all that portion of the said road described in the Schedule to this bylaw.

This bylaw shall come into effect on the date of its publication in the Gazette.

Every person who commits an offence against this bylaw is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $100.

SCHEDULE The eastern side of Museum Street, City of Wellington, from

its junction with Bowen Street for a distance of 250 feet in a northerly direction.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.


Crown Land Set Apart for Road in Block XIV, Ruakaka SurVtey District, Whangarei County

PURSUANT to section 25 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be set apart for road from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XIV, Ruabka Survey District, North Auckland R.D., described as follows: A. R. P. Being 2 1 28.8 Part Section 25, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey

District; coloured sepia on plan. 2 ° 9 Part Section 15, Block XIV, Rurukaka Survey

District; coloured sepia on plan. ° ° 20.8 Part Section 10, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey District; coloured sepia on plan.

2 21.7 Part Section 20, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey District; coloured yellow on plan. ° 5.9 Part Section 17, Bloak XIV, Ruakaka Survey District; coloured yellow on plan.

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26380 (S.'O. 46520) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 72/1/1/0; Ak. D.O. 72/1/13/0)

Land Held for State Highway Depot Set Apart for Road in Block Ill, Kaeo Survey District, Whangaroa County

PURSUANT to section 25 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be set apart for road from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Block III, Kaeo Survey District, North Auckland R.D., described as follows: A. R. P. Being ° ° 14.71 Parts Lot 15 of a subdivision of old land claim ° ° 11.7 f No. 69; coloured sepia on plan.

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26469 (S.O. 44610) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN. Minister of Works.

(P.W. 72/10/1/0; Ak. D.O. 72/10/1/11/0)

Notice of Intention to Take Land for Better Utilisation in Connection with the Dunedin-Milton Motorway in the Borough oj Green Island

NOTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the pro­visions of the Public Works Act 1928, to execute a ,certain public work, namely, the construction of the Dunedin-Milton Motorway (Green Island Borough section) and for the pur­poses of that public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken for better utilisation in order that a right of way in favour of the land contained in certificate of title, Volume 296, folio 248 (limited as to parcels), Otago Land Registry, may be granted; and notice is further given that the plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in the post office at Green Island and is

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there 'Open fDr inspectiDn; that all persons affected by the executiDn 'Of the said public wDrk Dr by the taking 'Of the said land should, if they have any 'Objections to the executiDn of the said public wonk Dr tD the taking 'Of the said land, not being DbjectiDns to the amount or payment 'Of compensation, set forth the same in writing and send the written objection within 40 days 'Of the first publication of this nDtice tD the Minister of WDrks at Wellington; and that, if any objection is made in accordance with this nDtice, a public hearing of the 'Objection will be held, unless the 'Objector otherwise requires, and each objectDr will be advised 'Of the time and place 'Of the hearing.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Block V, Lower KaikDrai Survey District, Otago R.D., des'cribed as follDws: A. R. P. Being o 0 0.7 Part Lot 3, Block VI, D.P. 948, being part Section

404R; coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26526 (S.O. 13730).

o 0 0.1 Part Lot 3, BlDck VI, D.P. 948, being part Section 404R; cDloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26524 (S.O. 16702).

o 0 1.1 Part Lot 3, Block VI, D.P. 948, being part Section 404R; coloured sepia 'On plan M.O.W. 26525 (S.0.17327).

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and coloured as above-mentioned and deposited in the 'Office 'Of the Minister of WDnkS at Wellington. The land is situated at the rear 'Of the Burnside Service Station Ltd.

Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister 'Of WDrks.

(P.W. 71/17/1/0/103; Dn. D.O. 28/44/0)

Land Proclaimed as Road, Road Closed and Vested, and Land Taken and Vested in Blocks VIII, XI, and XII, Punakitere Survey District, Bay of Islands County

PURSUANT tD section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister of WDrks hereby proclaims as mad the land described in the First Schedule hereto, proclaims as closed the road described in the Second Schedule heretD, and takes the land described in the Third Schedule hereto fDr the purposes of subsection (6) of the said section 29; also pro­claims that the road first described in the said Second Schedule shall, when so clDsed, vest in John Burns FergusDn, 'Of TautDro, cDmpany directDr, and JDan Vivien Ferguson, his wife; also proclaims that the road secDndly and thirdly des­cribed in the said Second Schedule shall, when so clDsed, vest in Kaikohe Tungroves (N.Z.) Limited, a registered company having its registered 'Office at Auokland; also proclaims that the road fourthly, sixthly, seventhly, and tenthly described in the said SecDnd Schedule shall, when SD closed, vest in Kenneth Harry Price of Auckland, mDtDr body builder; also proclaims that the rDad fifthly described in the said Second Schedule and the land first described in the said Third Schedule shall, when SD clDsed and taken respectively, vest in Roger John Galilee, of KaikDhe, farmer, subject tD memoran­dum 'Of mortgage A. 220527, NDrth Auokland Land Registry; alsD prDclaims that the road eighthly described in the said SecDnd Schedule shall, when so closed, vest in the said Roger JDhn Galilee, subject tD memorandum of mortgage A. 533951, North Auckland Land Registry; also proclaims that the road ninthly 'and twelfthly described in the said Second Schedule shall, when SD closed, vest in Matthew FallDw Edwards, 'Of KaikDhe, farmer, subject to memorandum of mortgage A. 195233, NDrth Auckland Land Registry.


Land Proclaimed as Road ALL thDse pieces 'Of land situated in Punakitere Survey District, NDrth Auckland R.D., described as fDllows:

Situated in Block VIII, PUnakitere Survey District: A. R. P. Being o 1 6.2 Part land 'On D.P. 15845; colDured sepia on plan

M.O.W. 26428 (S.O. 46334). o 0 7 } Parts LDt 1, D.P. 27389; cDloured yellow on plan o 0 2.5 f M.0.W.26428 (S.O. 46334). o 2 24.81 o 0 1.2 I Parts land 'On D.P. 15845; coloured sepia on plan o 0 2.1 r M.O.W.26428 (S.0.46334). o 0 2D.4 J B

A. R. P. Being

o 0 112.7 Parts Lot 2, D.P. 26891; cDIDured blue 'On plan o 0 8.4} o 1 37.5 M.O.W. 26428 (S.O. 46334). o 0 28.2

Situated in Block XII, Punakitere Survey District: A. R. P. Being

g g ~~.~ I Parts MDtatau 5Ml Block; cDloured blue 'On plan o 0 37:9 M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). o 0 9.2 Parts LDt 3, D.P. 26411; cDIDured sepia on plan o 0 1.1 f M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). o 0 0.3 1 Parts Motatau 5M2 BIDck; coloured sepia 'On plan o 0 1.4 f M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). o 0 8.5 1 Parts Maungakawakawa 10 Block; colDured blue o 1 13.4 J on plan M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). o 0 9.9 Part Lot 1, D.P. 49859; coloured yellDw on plan

M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). o 1 30.:1 Part Lot 4, D.P. 26411; cDloured yellow on plan

M.O.W. 26430 (S.O. 46336). Situated in Block XI, Punakitere Survey District:

A. R. P. Being 3 3 28.1 Part Lot 5 'Of Section 6, Block XI, Punakitere

Survey District; cDloured sepia 'On plan M.O.W. 26431 (S.O. 46514).

o 0 16.4 1 Parts LDt 4 'Of SectiDn 6, Block XI, Punakitere o 0 3.4 ~ Survey District; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. o 1 1.3 J 26432 (S.O. 46515).


Road Closed and Vested ALL thDse pieces 'Of rDad situated in Punakitere Survey District, NDrth Auckland R.D., described as fDllows:

Situated in Block VIII, Punakitere Survey District: A. R. P. Adjoining or passing thrDugh o 0 11.4 Land 'On D.P. 14845; colDured green 'On plan

M.O.W. 26428 (S.O. 46334). o 3 20.2 Lots 1 and Lot 2, D.P. 27389, and land on D.P.

15845; coloured green on M.O.W. 26428 (S.O. 46334) .

o 0 :10.1 Lot 2, D.P. 27389; cDloured green on plan M.O.W. 26428 (S.O. 46334).

Situated in BlDck XII, Punrukitere Survey District: A. R. P. AdjDining or passing through o 0 0.2 Motatau 5Ml Block; cDloured green on plan

M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). o 1 12.1 Motatau 5M2 BIDck and Motatau 5Ml Block;

coloured green 'On plan M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335) .

o 0 7.11 Motatau 5Ml Block; cDIDured green 'On plan o 0 7.6 J M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). o 0 2.3 Part Maungrukawakawa 10 BIDck; coloured green

on plan M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). o 1 33.5 Maungakawakawa 10 BIDck and Lot 1, D.P. 49859;

cDIDured green on plan M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335).

o 0 24.2 Motatau 5Ml BlDck; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335).

o 0 1.6 Part Te RuakokDpu Stream Bed; colDured green on plan M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335).

o 0 1.7 LDt 4, D.P. 26411; colDured green 'On plan M.O.W. 26430 (S.O. 46336).


Land Taken and Vested ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XII, Punakitere Survey District, North Auckland R.D., described as fDllows: A. R. P.

o 0 2.7

o 0 8.5

AdjDining Dr passing through Part Motatau 5Ml BIDck; coloured blue, edged

blue, on plan M.O.W. 26429 (S.O. 46335). Part Maungakawakawa 10 BIDck; coloured blue,

edged blue, 'On plan M.O.W. 26429 (S.O.' 46335).

As the same are more particularly delineated 'On the plans manked and colDured as above-mentiDned, and deposited in the 'Office 'Of the Minister of Works at WellingtDn.

Dated at WellingtDn this 18th day 'Of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of WDrks.

(P.W. 33/981; Ak. D.O. 50/15/3/0/46334)

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Land Proclaimed as Road, Road Closed, and Land Taken in Blocks XII, XV, and XV], Te Mata Survey District, Hawke's Bay County

PuRSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as road the land described in the First Schedule hereto; also hereby proclaims that the road described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby closed, and shall, when so closed, vest in Hau-ora Limited at Wellington, subject to a forestry encouragement agreement contained in K. 231915 and memoranda of mortgage No. 224913 and 238945, Hawke's Bay Land Registry; also hereby proclaims that the road described in the Third Schedule hereto is hereby closed, and shall, when so closed, vest in Gordon Spencer Campbell, of Kahuranaki, farmer, subject to memorandum of mortgage No. 106638, Hawke's Bay Land Registry; also hereby proclaims that the road described in the Fourth Schedule hereto is hereby closed, and shall, when so closed vest in Tarui Farm Limited at Hastings, subject to memo~anda of mortgage No. 250171 and 260133, Hawke's Bay Land Registry; also hereby proclaims that the road described in the Fifth Schedule hereto is hereby closed, and shall, when so closed, vest in Danforth Martin Greenwood, of Havelock North, sheep farmer, and Miles Freeman Greenwood, of Maraekakaho, Hastings, sheep farmer (as executors of .the Estate of Alfred Roger Greenwood); also hereby proclaIms that the road described in the Sixth Schedule hereto is hereby closed and shall, when so closed, vest in Cynthia Claire Green~ood wife of Danforth Martin Greenwood, of Have­lock North, sheep farmer, and David Penn Scannell, of Ha:stings, solicitor, subject to memorandum of mortgage No. 79718, Hawke's Bay Land Registry; also hereby takes the land described in the Seventh Schedule hereto for the pur­poses of subsection (6) of the said section 29, and declares that the land first and secondly described in the said Seventh Schedule, shall, when so taken, vest in Hau-ora Limited at Wellington, subject to the forestry encouragement agreement contained in K. 231915 and memoranda of mortgage No. 224913 and 238945, Hawke's Bay Land Registry; the land thirdly described in the said Seventh Schedule shall, when so taken vest in Gordon Spencer Campbell, of Kahuranaki, farm~r subject to memorandum of mortgage No. 106638, Hawk~'s Bay Land Registry; the land fourthly desC!ibed i~ the said Seventh Schedule shall, when so taken, vest In TarUi Farm Limited at Hastings, subject to memoranda of mortgage No. 250171 and 260133, Hawke's Bay Land Registry; the land fifthly described in the said Seventh Schedule hereto shall, when so taken, vest in Danforth Martin Greenwood, of Have­lock North, sheep farmer, and Miles Freeman Greenwood, of Maraekakaho, Hastings, sheep farmer (as executors of the Estate of Alfred Roger Greenwood); and the land sixthly and seventhly described in the said Seventh Schedule shall, when so taken, vest in Cynthia Claire Greenwood, wife of Danforth Martin Greenwood, of Havelock North, sheep farmer, and David Penn Scannell, of Hastings, solicitor, subject to memorandum of mortgage No. 79718, Hawke's Bay Land Registry.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Hawke's Bay R.D. des­cribed as follows: A. R. P. Being 1 1 26.1 Part Lot 6, D.P. 4442, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, and parts Sections 3R and 5R; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

1 0 15.6} Parts Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, o 0 39 Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured o 0 i12, orange on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

-r Parts Lot 1, D.P. 4408, being part Block 32,

? ~ 3~:~ 1 ~:h;{::a~.2w~n2grl~nt (~O~ri~J21)~oured blue 3 0 21.4 Part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured orange on plans M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021) and M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).


Parts Lot 3, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32,

g g In ~:a~~~a~~kipI~r~.O.$r26~lp~~~:; 601~~~ured o 0 20.2 Part Lot 1, D.P. 4408, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

o 1 14.7 Part Lot 5, D.P. 3929, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

o 0 4.8 Part Lot 4, D.P. 3929, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

A. R. P.

o 0 8.4

o 4.9

o 36.6

Being Part Lot 3, D.P. 2213, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; ,coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

Part Lot 4, D.P. 5161, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

Part Lot 5, D.P. 3929, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured sepia on plans M.O.W. 265,15 (S.O. 6022) and M.O.W. 26516 (S.O. 6023).

All situated in Block XII, Te Mata Survey District. A. R. P. Being o 1 36.6 Part Lot 4, D.P. 5161, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Blocks XII and XVI; coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26516 (S.O. 6023).

1 0 35.5 Part Lot 5, D.P. 3929, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XVI; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 26516 (S.O. 6023).


Parts Lot 2, D.P. 3927, being part Block 32, o g g·t Kahuranaki Cn;>wn Grant District, Block XVI; o . 'coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26516 (S.O. 6023). o 0 37.6 Part Lot 4, D.P. 5161, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XV; coloured blue on plan M.O.W. 26516 (S.O. 6023) .


ALL those portions of road situated in Block XII, Te Mata Survey District, Hawke's Bay Coun~y, Hawke's Bay R.D., described as follows: A. R. P.

o 2 35.2

o 0 10.6

o 0 22.8

2 0 31.9

o 0 7.6

Adjoining or passing through Part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, and part Lot 1, D.P. 4408, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

Part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

Part Lots 1 and 3, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

Part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, and part Lot 6, D.P. 4442, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

Part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).


ALL those porti'ons of road situated in Blocks XII and XVI, Te Mata Survey District, Hawke's Bay Oounty, Hawke's Bay R.D., described as follows: A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through o 0 34.8 Part Lot 4, D.P. 5161, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XII; coloured green on plans M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022) and M.O.W. 26516 (S.O. 6023).

o 3 22.6 Part Lot 4, D.P. 5161, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, and part Lot 2, D.P. 3927, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XVI; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26516 (S.O. 6023) .


ALL that portion of road containing 2 roods and 20.3 perches situated in Block XII, Te Mata Survey District, Hawke's Bay County, Hawke's Bay R.D., and adjoining or passing through part LotI, D.P. 3928. being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, and Lot 1, D.P. 12086, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

Page 11: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect



ALL that po,tion of road containing 1 rood and 26.6 perches situated in Blocks XII and XVI, Te Mata Survey District, Hawke's Bay County, Hawke's Bay R.D., adjoining or passing through part Lot 5, D.P. 3929, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, and part Lot 4, D.P. 5161, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26516 (S.O. 6023).


ALL those portions of road situated in Block XII, Te Mata Surve,y District, Hawke's Bay County, Hawke's Bay R.D., described as follows: A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through 2 1 10.4 Part Lot 1, D.P. 4408, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, and part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District; coloured green on plans M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021) and M.O.w. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

o 0 5.1 Part Lot 1, D.P. 4408, being part Block 32. Kahuranaki CI'Own Grant District; coloured green on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).


ALL those pieces of land sHuated in Blocks XII and XVI, Te Mata Survey District, Hawke's Bay County, Hawke's Bay R.D., described as follows: A. R. P.

1 3 16.4

o 0 322

o 0 1.4

o 3 12.4

o 0 9.6

2 0 30.5

o 0 21.5

Being Part Lot 6, D.P. 4442, being part Block 32,

Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XII; coloured sepia, edged sepia, on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

Part Lot 1, D.P. 4408, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XII; coloured blue, edged blue, on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

Part Lot 5, D.P. 3929, being part Bloak 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XVI; coloured sepia, edged sepia, on plan M.O.W. 26516 (S:O. 6023).

Part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XII; coloured orange, edged orange, on plan M.O.W. 26514 (S.O. 6021).

Part Lot 4, D.P. 5161, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Cl'own Grant District, Blocks XII and XVI; coloured blue, edged blue, on plan M.O.w. 26516 (S.O. 6023).

Part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XII; coloured orange, edged orange, on plan M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

Part Lot 1, D.P. 3928, being part Block 32, Kahuranaki Crown Grant District, Block XII; coloured orange, edged 'mange, ·on plan M.O.W. 26515 (S.O. 6022).

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and coloured as above-mentioned and deposited in the 'office of the Minister of Works at Wellington.

Dated at Wellington this 18th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 40/652; Na. D.O. 16/80/3)

Land Proclaimed as Road and Road Closed and Vested in Block Vll, M angawhero Survey District, Wanganui County

PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as road the land described in the First Schedule hereto; and also hereby pro­claims that the road described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby closed and shall, when so closed, vest in Alan Morton Lilburn and Donald Acton Lilburn, both of Manga­mahu, farmers, as tenants-in-common in equal shares, subject to memorandum of mortgage No. 612179, Wellington Land Registry.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Block VII, Mangawhero Survey District, described as follows: A. R. P. Being o 2 6.4) o 2 14.2 r Parts Section 37; coloured orange on plan. o 011.3j o 0 0.4 Part Section 38; coloured blue on plan.


ALL those pieces of road situated in Block VII, Mangawhero Survey District, described as follows: A. R. P.

o 3 29.2 t Passing through part Section 37; coloured green o 2 38.6' on plan. o 0 1.2 Adjoining part Sections 37 and 38; coloured green o 0 19.6 f on plan.

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26533 (S.O. 27926) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 39/21; Wg. D.O. 44/157)

Land Proclaimed as Road and Road Closed and Incorpo.rated in Crown Lease in Block ll, Orieri Survey District, Marlborough County

-+--' PURSUANT to section 29 of :the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as road the land described in the First Schedule hereto, and also hereby proclaims that the road described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby closed and shall, when so closed, be in­corporated in Crown lease in perpetuity No. 275, recorded as certificate of title, Volume 7, folio 303, Marlborough Land Registry, held from Her Majesty the Queen by Colin Albert Wells, of Nopera Bay, Kenepuru Sound, farmer, subject to electricity agreement No. 59255 under se·ction 3 of the Electricity Amendment Act 1948.


ALL that piece of land containing 1 acre 2 roods 8.2 perches situated in Block II, Orieri Survey District, Marlborough R.D., being part Section 7, coloured 'Orange on plan.


ALL that piece of road containing 1 acre 1 rDod 39.6 perches situated in Marlborough R.D. and adjoining or passing through part Section 7, and Section 9, Block II, Orieri Survey District, and part Section 13, Kenepuru RegistratiDn District, situated in Block II, Orieri Survey District, coloured green on plan.

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26544 (S.O. 4995) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 43/398; Wn. D.O. 16/1152)

Land Proclaimed Road and Road Closed and Incorporat,ed in Adjoining Crown Leases in Blocks III and Vlll, Waihemo Survey District, Waihemo County

PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as road the land described in the First Schedule hereto, and also hereby proclaims that the road described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby closed and declares that the road firstly, accondly, thirdly, and fourthly described in the said Second Schedule shall, when so closed, be incorporated in pastoral

Page 12: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


lease No. P.5, held from Her Majesty the Queen by Charles Grant Duff, of Morrisons, farmer, and recorded in register book, Volume 338, folio 94, Otago Land Registry; also declares that the road fifthly described in the said Second Schedule shall, when so closed, be incorporated in lease No. 22, held from Her Majesty the Queen by Allan Michael Gunn, of Green Valley, farmer, and recorded in register book, Volume 307, folio 163, Otago Land Registry; also declares that the road sixthly, seventhly, and lastly described in the said Second Schedule shall, when so closed, be incorporated into renewable lease No. F.76, held from Her Majesty the Queen by Charles Greig Struthers, of Morrisons, farmer, and recorded in register book, Volume 377, folio 55, Otago Land Registry, subject to memorandum of mortgage No. 160304, Otago Land Registry.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Blocks V and VIII, Waihemo Survey District, Otago R.D., described as follows: A. R. P. Being

? g 2i.6 j Parts Section 67, Block V; coloured yellow on

o 0 34.1 plan M.O.W. 24904 (S.O. 16829).

g ~ 2~'j Parts Section 63, Block V; coloured yellow on o 0 18:2 plan M.O.W. 26322 (S.O. 16839). o 0 2.3 Part Section 62, Block V; coloured sepia on plan

M.O.W. 26322 (S.O. 16839).

g 6 ~~.~ 1 Parts Section 24, Block VIII; coloured blue on o 0 l' J plan M.O.W. 26322 (S.O. 16839).

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and coloured as above-mentioned and deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington.


ALL those pieces of road situated in Blocks V and VIII Waihemo Survey District, Otago RD., described as follows; A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through

o 0 22.5 M.O.W. 24904 (S.O. 16829). o 0 2.4j Section 67, Block V; coloured green on plan

o 0 1 Section 63, Block V; coloured green on plan o 0 7.9 M.O.W. 26322 (S.O. 16839). o 2 35.6 Section 62, Block V; coloured green on plan

M.O.W. 26322 (S.O. 16839).

g ~ 3~.~ 1 Section 24, Block VIII; coloured green on plan o 0 0:1 J M.O.W. 26322 (S.O. 16839).

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and coloured as above-mentioned and deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington.

Dated at Wellington this 18th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 72/85/.16/0; Dn. D.O. 72/85/16/0/0)

Land Proclaimed as Street and Street Closed in the City of Manukau

PuRSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as street the land described in the First Schedule hereto and hereby pro­claims as closed the street described in the Second Schedule heret'O.


ALL those pieces of land situated in the City of Manukau, North Auckland RD., described as follows: A. R. P.

o 0 6.4

o 0 6.7

Being Part Maraetai 4C4B Block; coloured yellow on

plan. Part Maraetai No. 1 South B Block; coloured blue

on plan.


ALL those pieces of land situated in the City of Manukau, North Auckland RD., described as follows: A. R. P.

o 0 7.6 o 0 6.3

Adjoining or passing through Maraetai 4C4B Block; coloured green on plan. Maraetai No.1 South B Block; coloured green on

plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan

marked M.O.W. 26535 (S.O. 47030) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 51/4583; Aik. D.O. 15/6/0/47030)

Land Proclaimed as Street In the City of Porirua

PURSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister of Works hereby proclaims as street the land described in the Schedule hereto.


ALL that piece of land containing 3 roods and 27.8 perches situate in the City of Porima, Wellington R.D., being Lot 1. D.P. 31313, part Proclamation No. 474451, Wellington Land Registry.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 51/4518; Wn. D.O. 22/0/3)

Road Closed and Vested and Road Closed and Added in Blocks II and III, Kaeo Survey District, Whangaroa County

PURSUANT t'O section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, the Minister 'Of Works hereby proclaims that the road described in the First Schedule hereto is hereby closed and shall, when so closed, vest in Kathleen Bramley, of Kaeo, widow, and also hereby prodlaims that the road described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby closed and shall, when so closed, be added to the land held for a State highway depot des'cribed in the Third Schedule hereto.


ALL that piece of road containing 4 acres and 26.6 perches situated in Blocks II and III, Kaeo Survey District, North Auckland RD., and adjoining or passing through parts of old land claim No. 69; as the same is more particularly de­lineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26469 (S.O. 44610) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured green.


Road to be Closed and Added ALL that piece of road containing 0.3 of a perch situated in Block III, Kaeo Survey District, North Auckland RD., and adjoining or passing through part old land claim No. 69; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26469 (S.O. 44610) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works, and thereon coloured green.


Land to Which Road to be Closed is to be Added ALL that piece of land containing 2 acres 2 roods 13 perches situated in BIlock III, Kaeo Survey District, North Auckland RD., and being Lot 15 of a subdivision 'Of old land claim No. 69. AU certificate of title, No. 17B/237 (limited as to parcels), North Auckland Land Registry.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Wo.rks.

(P.W. 72/10/1/0; Ak. D.O. 72/10/1/11/0)

Page 13: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


Declaring Land Taken for Maori Housing Purposes in the City of Rotorua

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928 the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agree~ent to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for Maori housing pur­poses from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL that piece of land containing 38.4 perches situated in Block XIII, Rotoiti Survey District, City of Rotorua, being Koutu E133 Block; as shown on a plan lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor, Hamilton, as M.L. 19095, and thereon edged red.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 24/2646/5/3; Hn. D.O. 54/150/2/69)

Declaring Land Taken for Maori Housing Purposes in Block XVll, Belmont Survey District, Hutt County

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken, subject to the fencing covenant contained in transfer No. 899192, Wellington Land Registry, for Maori housing purposes from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL that piece of land containing 1 rood situated in Block XVII, Belmont Survey District, Wellington R.D., and being Lot 17, D.P. 16946. All certificate of title, No. F2/638, Wel­lington Land Registry.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 24/2646/11/9; Wn. D.O. 32/0/6/392)

Declaring Land Taken for a Secondary School in Rlock I, Waiopehu Survey District, Borough of Levin

PuRSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken, subject to the storm­water drainage rights (in gross) granted by transfer No. 900339, Wellington Land Registry, for a secondary school from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL that piece of land containing 26.5 perches situated in Block I, Waiopehu Survey District, Wellington R.D., and being Lot 43, D.P. 32857. All certificate of title, No. 9C/963, Wellington Land Registry.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 31/2046/0; Wn. D.O. 13/2/28/0)

------_.----------------------------------------Declaring Land Taken for Soil Conservation and River

Control Purposes in the Borough of Kaiapoi and Blocks XV and XVI, Rangiora Survey District, Eyre and Waimairi Counties

PuRSUANT to ~ection 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for soil conservation and river control purposes and shall vest in the North Canterbury Catchment Board from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in the Canterbury Registra­tion District, described as follows: A. R. P. Being o 0 11.3 Part Lot 1, D.P. 4778, being part Rural Section

364; coloured orange on plan. Situated in the Borough of Kaiapoi.

A. R. P. Being

2 2 6 Part Rural Section 364; coloured orange on plan. Situated in the Borough of Kaiapoi and Block XVI

Rangiora Survey District. ' A. R. P.

o 0 24 o 0 111 1 1 37 r o 0 35 J 6 2 10 1 o 1 lOt 2 1 20

13 0 10 009 3 0 O~ 5 1 Of

22 0 35} 10 3 30 o 0 15 2 2:15

Being Part Rural Section 364; coloured orange on plan.

Parts Rural Section 391; coloured orange on plan.

Parts Rural Section 13621; coloured orange on plan.

Part Rural Section 669; coloured orange on plan. Parts Rural Section 36615; coloured orange on


Parts Rural Section 17118; coloured orange on plan.

Part Rural Section 36616; coloured orange on plan.

o 0 0.02~Parts Rural Section 368A; coloured orange, edged o 1 12.5 f orange, on plan. All situated in Block XVI, Rangiora Survey District.

A. R. P. Being 1 3 7.6 ~ Parts Rural Section 368A; coloured orange on o 0 0.4 f plan. 3 3 32.5 Part Rural Section 7886; coloured orange on plan. All situated in Block XV, Rangiora Survey District.

A. R. P. Being 18 0 27.5 Part Rural Section 368A; coloured orange on

plan. 2 1 6 Part Rural Section 7886; coloured orange on plan. .Bo~h situated in Blocks XV and XVI, Rangiora Survey


As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26451 (S.O. 10286) deposited in the oftice of the Minister of WOI1ks at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 75/23; Ch. D.O. 35/35/1)

Declaring Land Taken for an Automatic Telephone Exchange in Block Vll, Motueka Survey District, Waimea County

PuRSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928. the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken, subject to the building. line condition contained in document K. 2299, Nelson Land Registry, for an automatic telephone exchange from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL that piece of land containing 22.6 perches situated in Block VII, Motueka Survey District, Nelson R.D., and being part of the land in D.P. 4058, being part Section VI, District of Moutere; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26545 (S.O. 11601) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured orange.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN. Minister of Works.

(P.W. 20/2024; Wn. D.O. 26/4/51/0)

Page 14: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


Declaring Land Taken tor Post Office Purposes (Line Depot) in the Town of Palmerston, Waihemo County

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for post office purposes (line depot) from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL that piece of land containing 1 rood and 34.4 perches, being Lots 15 and 16, Block V, D.P. 109, being also part Section 67, Block XXXIII, Town of Palmerston. Part certifi­cate of title, Volume )158, folio 185, Otago Land Registry.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 20/2045; Dn. D.O. 24/33/1)

Declaring Leasehold Estates in Land Taken for the PurpoS'e ot a Road in Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey District, Whangarei County

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agree­ment to that effect having been entered into, the leasehold estate in the land described in the First Schedule hereto held from Her Majesty the Queen by Victor Joseph Antunovich, of Waipu, farmer, under and by virtue of lease No. R.L. 2568, recorded in Register Book, Volume 641, folio 50, North Auckland Land Registry, and the leasehold estate in the land described in the Second Schedule hereto held from Her Majesty the Queen by John Kenworth Potter, of Waipu, farmer, under and by virtue of lease No. R.L. 2151, recorded in Register Book, Volume 724, folio 223, North Auckland Land Registry, are hereby taken for the purposes of a road from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey District, North Auckland R.D., described as follows: A. R. P. Being 2 1 28.8 Part Section 25, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey

District; coloured sepia on plan. 2 ° 9 Part Section 15, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey

District; coloured sepia on plan. o 0 20.8 Part Section 10, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey

Distrid; coloured sepia on plan.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey District, North Auckland RD., described as follows: A. R. P. Being 1 2 21.7 Part Section 20, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey

District, coloured yellow on plan. o 1 5.9 Part Section 17, Block XIV, Ruakaka Survey

District, coloured yellow on plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan

maI1ked M.O.W. 26380 (S.O. 46520) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 72/1/1/0; Ak. D.O. 72/1/1/13/0)

Declaring Land Taken for Road in Blocks II and Ill, Kaeo Survey District, Whangaroa County

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the First and Second Schedules hereto is hereby taken for road from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Block II, Kaeo Survey District, North Auckland RD., described as follows: A. R. P. Being o 0 4.9 Part Pahuhu No. 1B2B Block; coloured blue on

plan. o 2 2 Part Pahuhu No. 1B1 Block; coloured yellow on

plan. o 0 10.5 Part Pahuhu No. 1B2A Block; coloured yellow on

plan. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan

marked M.O.W. 26468 (S.O. 44609) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Kaeo Survey District, North Auckland RD., described as follows:

Situated ill Block II: A. R. P. Being o 0 0.9 Part Pahuhu 3 Block; coloured blue on plan. o 0 0.1 Part bed Pahuhu Stream; coloured blue, edged

o 0 4.21 blue, on plan.

o 0 14.1 t Parts Paikonga Block; coloured blue on plan. o 1 7.8 J o 0 37.6 Part Pakonga Block; coloured yellow on plan. o 0 18.1 Part old land claim No. 69; coloured yellow on

plan. o 0 1.6 Part old land claim No. 69; coloured yellow on

plan. Situated in Blocks II and III:

Being A. R. P.

015 Part old land claim No. 69; coloured yellow on plan.

Situated in Block III: A. R. P. Being

o 0 3.5 Parts old land claim No. 69; coloured blue on plan. o 1 22.2}

o 0 39.2 Situated ill Block III:

A. R. P. Being

2 0 13.81 Parts old land claim No. 69; coloured yellow on o 0 5.4 r o 0 13.7 J plan.

As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 26469 (S.O. 44610) deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above-mentioned.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 72/10/1/0; Ak. D.O. 72/10/11/0)

Declaring Land Taken for Road in Block II, Kaihu Survey District, and Block XIV, Tutamoe Survey District, Hobson County

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road from amI after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in North Auokland R.D. described as follows:

Situated in Block II, Kaihu Survey District: A. R. P. Being o 0 19.3 Part Opanake 2E1 Block; coloured blue on plan

M.O.W. 26534 (S.O. 45805). o 3 2.9 Part Opanake 2E1 Block; coloured blue nn plan

M.O.W. 26534 (S.O. 45805).

Page 15: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


Situated in Block XIV, Tutamoe Survey District: A. R. P. Being 1 0 3.2 Part land on D.P. 8062 being part Opanake 2D

Blook; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 26534 (S.O. 45805).

o 0 37.9 Part Lot 3, D.P. 15090 being part Opanake 2D Block; coloured yellow on plan M.O.W. 26534 (S.O. 45805).

Situated in Block XIV, Tutamoe Survey District, and Block II, Kaihu Survey District: A. R. P.

1 0 17.6 Being

Part land on D.P. 8062, being part Opanake 2D Block; coloured sepia on plan M.O.W. 26534 (S.O. 45805).

As the same are more particularly delineated on the phln marked and coloured as above-mentioned and deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 72/12/1/0; Ak. D.O. 72/12/1/12/0)

Declaring Land Taken for Street Diversion in the City 0/ Christchurch

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928 and section 191 of the Municipal Corporations Act 1954, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for street diversion and shall vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Christchurch from and after the 11 th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in the City of Christchurch, described as follows: A. R. P. Being o 2 34 Part Rural Section 79. All certificate of title,

Volume 221, folio 134, Canterbury Registry. o 0 22.4 Part Rural Section 79. All certificate of title,

Volume 216, folio 270, Canterbury Registry. Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972.

PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 51/1298; Ch. D.O. 35/1/5)

Declaring Land Taken for the Auckland-Hamilton Motorway in the City of Auckland

PURSUANT to section 32 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares that, a sufficient agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the First and Second Schedules hereto is hereby taken for the Auckland-Hamilton Motorway from and after the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XVI, Waitemata Survey District, City of Auckland, North Auckland R.D., described as follows: A. R. P.

o 0 7.6

o 0 21.5

o 0 11

Being Part Lot 10 of a subdivision of Allotments 1 and

2, Section 44, City of Auckland. All certificate of title, Volume 352, folio 24, North Auckland Land Registry.

Part Allotment 56, Section 44, City of Auckland. All certificate of title, Volume 597, folio 3 (limited as to parcels), North Auckland Land Registry.

Part Allotment 12, Section 43, City of Auckland. All certificate of title, Volume 778, folio 222 (limited as to parcels), North Auckland Land Registry.


ALL that undefined area of land situated in Block XVI, Waitemata Survey District, City of Auckland, North Auckland R.D., and being part Allotment 3, Section 44, City of Auckland. All certificate of title, Volume 596, folio 225 (limited as to parcels), North Auckland Land Registry.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 71/2/8/0; Ak. D.O. 71/2/8/0)

Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work and Not Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land

PuRSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 19'28, the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land, subject to the Land Act 1948, as from the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land described as follows: Situated in Block X, Puketi Survey District:

A. R. P. Being o 0 24.2 Lot 97, D.P. 27774. Part certificate of title, No.

5B/865, Wellington Land Registry. o 0 39.5 Lot 1185, D.P. 28539. Part certificate of title, No.

5A/ 1121, Wellington Land Registry. Situated in Blook XI, Puketi Survey District:

A. R. P. Being o 0 25.3 Lot 37, D.P. 29782. Part certificate of title, No.

6D/708, Wellington Land Registry. All being parts Section 41, Town of Turangi. Dated at Wellington this 25th day of August 1972.

PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. (P.W. 92/12/67/6/0; Wg. D.O. 92/25/0/11/2/2)

Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work and Not Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land

PURSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land, subject to the Land Act 1948, as from the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in the City of Christchurch containing together 2 roods and 6 perches being Lots 47 to 54 inclusive on the plan marked M.O.W. 26541 (H.D.C. 31381) deposited in the office of the Minister of Wonks at Wellington, and being parts Rural Section 340. Part certificate of title, Volume 135, folio 138, Canterbury Land Registry.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(H.C. X/2/483/8; Ch. D.O. 23/78/L/17)

Declaring Land Acqui"ed lor a Government Work and Not Required for That Purpose to be Crown Land

PURSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, the Minister of Works hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land, subject to the Land Act 1948, as from the 11th day of September 1972.


ALL those pieces of land situated in Tuapeka East Survey District, Otago R.D., described as follows: A. R. P. Being 1 3 13.7 Lots 1 to 4 inclusive on amended diagram on

D.P. 173, being also part Section 19, Block XIX. Part Proclamation No. 7140, Otago Land Registry. Formerly all certificate of title, Volume 92, folio 254.

Page 16: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


A. R. P.

1 2 16 Being

Lots I, 2, and 6, D.P. 173, on a plan of the subdivision of Section 21, Block XIX. Part Proclamation No. 7140, Otago Land Registry.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works.

(P.W. 70/20/17/3; On. D.O. 28/38/6)

The Mount Albert Licensing Trust Constitution Notice 1972

PuRSUANT to the Local Licensing Trusts Regulations 1966*, the Minister of Justice hereby gives the following notice.

NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as the Mount Albert Licensing

Trust Constitution Notice 1972. 2 There is hereby constituted a suburban licensing trust, to

be ,called the Mount Albert Licensing Trust. 3. (1) The first election of members of the Trust shall be

held on Saturday, the 28th day of October 1972. (2) The Returning Officer for the first election of members

of the Trust shall be Melborne Charles Ensor, Returning Officer for the Borough of Mount Albert.

4. The area within which polls shall be taken for elections of Trust members shall be the whole of that part of the Borough of Mount Albert that is within the Auckland Suhurbs former no-licence district, being the area more particularly described in the Schedule to this notice.

5. The area within which the Trust may expend or distribute profits pursuant to subsection (1) of section 44 of the Licensing Trusts Act 1949 shall be the whole of that part of the Borough of Mount Albert that is within the Auckland Suburbs former no-licence district, being the area more particularly described in the Schedule to this notice.

SCHEDULE ALL that part of the Borough of Mount Albert that lies to the west of a line drawn along the middle of Carrington Road, Woodward Road, and Richardson Road.

Dated at Wellington this 4th day of September 1972. ROY JACK, Minister of Justice.

*S.R. 1966/139 Amendment No.1: S.R. 1967/239 Amendment No.2: S.R. 1972/165

The Waitakere Licensing Trust Constitution Notice 1972

PuRSUANT to the Local Licensing Trusts Regulations 1966*, the Minister of Justice hereby gives the following notice.

NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as the Waitakere Licensing

Trust Constitution Notice 1972. 2. There is hereby constituted a suburban licensing trust, to

be called the Waitakere Licensing Trust. 3. (1) The first election of members of the Trust shall be

held on Saturday, the 28th day of October 1972. (2) The Returning Officer for the first election of members

of the Trust shall be Frederick Desmond Clark, Deputy Returning Officer for the Waitemata County.

4. The area within which polls shall be taken for elections of Trust members shall be the whole of the area described in the First Schedule to this notice (such area being referred to in this notice as the Trust area) .

5. For the purposes of elections of members, the Trust area is hereby divlded into 4 wards, being the wards numbered and described in the Second Schedule to this notice.

6. The Trust shall consist of 7 elective members, of whom­(a) Three members shall be elected for Ward 1: (b) Two members shall be elected for Ward 2: (c) One member shall be elected for each of Wards 3

and 4. 7. The terms of office of 3 of the members elected at the

first election of members shall expire on the day appointed for the second election of members pursuant to section 11 of the Licensing Trusts Act 1949.

8. At any meeting of the Trust, 4 members shall form a quorum.

9. The area within which the Trust may expend or distribute profits pursuant to subsection (1) of section 44 of the Licens­ing Trusts Act 1949 shall be the whole of the Trust area.


ALL that area comprising firstly, the whole of the Borough of Henderson, and secondly, ali that part of the Waitemata County (except the Titirangi Riding and that part of the County Town of Kelston West that lies to the east of the middle line of the Great North Road) that lies generally to the south and east of a line commencing at a point on the sea coast in line with the north-western boundary of Section 16S, Motutara Settlement, in Block XI, Kumeu Survey District; thence to and along the north-western and north­eastern boundaries of the said Section 16S and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the Mokoroa or Wairere Stream; thence up the middle of that stream to and along the southern boundary of Lot 2, as shown on the plan numbered 31213, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auokland, being part of Taupaki Block and Allotment 16, Waipareira Parish, to the north-eastern corner of an abutting public road; thence along a right line to the south-eastern comer of Lot 3, as shown on the said Plan 31213; thence along the western boundary of the said Lot 3, to and along the southern boundary of Lot 2 as shown on the plan numbered 118655, deposited as aforesaid, being part of Taupaki Block, to and along the middle of the road forming the southern boundaries of Lots 33, 32, 31, and 29 of a sub­division of Taupaki Block, the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of the said Lot 29, the middle of the road forming the eastern boundaries of Lots 29, 28, 27, and 26 of the aforesaid subdivision, and the middle of the road forming the south-eastern boundary of Lot 19 of the aforesaid subdivision to a point in line with the middle-line of Section 2 (closed road), Block IX, Waitemata Survey District; thence to and along the middle of Sections 2 and 1, Block IX, afore­said, and the production of the middle line of the last­mentioned section to the middle of the road forming the north­eastern boundary of Lot 18 of a subdivision of Taupaki Block; thence along the middle of the last-mentioned road and the road forming the south-eastern and eastern boun­daries of Lot 9 of the aforesaid subdivision to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of the railway land at Kumeu Railway Station; thence to and along the south-eastern houndary of the said railway land to the middle of the old Harkin's Point Railway Reserve; thence along the middle of the said railway reserve to the middle of the Main North Road through Allotment 44, Paremoremo Parish, and along the middle of that road to a point in line with the northern boundary of Allotment 1, Waipareira Parish; thence to and along the northern boundary of the said Allotment 1 and the production of that boundary to the right bank of Brigham's Creek.


Ward 1 (3 members) ALL that part of the Te Atatu Riding of Waitemata County that is within the Trust area.

Ward 2 ,(2 members) The whole of the Lincoln Riding of the Waitemata County.

Ward 3 {I member) The whole of the area comprising-(a) The Waitakere Riding of Waitemata County; and (b) That part of the Kumeu Riding of Waitemata County

that is within the Trust area. Ward 4 {I member)

The whole of the Borough of Henderson. Dated at Wellington this 4th day of September 1972.

ROY JACK, Minister of Justice. *S.R. 1966/139

Amendment No.1: S.R. 1967/239 Amendment No.2: S.R. 1972/165

The Portage Licensing Trust Constitution Notice 1972

PiURSVANT to the Local Licensing Trusts Regulations 1966*, the Minister of Justice hereby gives the following notice.

Page 17: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as the Portage Licensing Trust

Constitution Notice 1972. 2. There is hereby constituted a suburban licensing trust, to

be called the Portage Licensing Trust. 3. (1) The first election of members of the Trust shall be

held on Saturday, the 28th day of October 1972. (2) The Returning Officer for the first election of members

of the Trust shall be Arthur Alexander Bell, Returning Officer for the City of Auckland.

4. The area within which polls shall be taken for elections of Trust members shall be the whole of the area described in the First Schedule to this notice (such area being referred to in this notice as the Trust area).

5. For the purposes of elections of members, the Trust area is hereby divided into 5 wards, being the wards num­bered and described in the Second Schedule to this notice.

6. The Trust shall consist of 10 elective members, of whom­(a) Three members shall be elected for Ward 1: (b) Two members shall be elected for each of Wards 2,

3, and 4: (c) One member shall be elected for Ward 5. 7. The terms of office of 5 of the members elected at the

first election of members shall expire on the day appointed for the second election of members pursuant to section 11 of the Licensing Trusts Act 1949.

8. At any meeting of the Trust, 5 members shall form a quorum.

9. The area within which the Trust may expend or dis­tribute profits pursuant to subsection (1) of section 44 of the Licensing Trusts Act 1949 shall be the whole of the Trust area.


PART I The Trust Area

ALL that area comprising firstly, that part of Auckland Citv that is within the former no-licence district of Auckland Suburbs (being more particularly described in Part II of this Schedule); secondly, the whole of the Borough of Glen Eden; thirdly, the whole of the Borough of New Lynn; fourthly, the whole of the Titirangi Riding of Waitemam County; and fifthly, that part of the County Town of Kelston West that lies to the east of the middle line of the Great North Road.

PART II Portion of Auckland City Within the Trust Area

All that area in the City of Auckland, North Auckland Land District, bounded by a line commencing at the inter­section of the middle line of Great North Road and the middle line of Carrington Road and proceeding southerly along the last-mentioned line to a point in line with the southern boundary of Allotment 32, Titirangi Parish; thence westerly to and along that boundary to the middle of Oakley Creek; thence southerly up the middle of that creek to the north-eastern side of Richardson Road; thence south-easterly along that roadside to its junction with Stoddard Road; thence south-westerly along a right line crossing Richardson Road to the north-eastern corner of Lot 13, D.P. 41891; thence southerly along the western side of Richardson Road to the northernmost corner of Lot 1, D.P. 40677; thence ~outh-westerly generally along the generally north-western boundaries of the said Lot 1, Lot 4, D.P. 48139, Lot 1, D.P. 50159, Lots 26 to 17, D.P. 51121, Lots 16 to 11 and 8, D.P. 50880 and that last boundary produced to a point in line with the north-eastern side of the New Windsor Road; thence north-westerly along a right line to and along the said road­side to a point in line with the production of the eastern side of Boundary Road; thence southerly along a right line to and along that eastern roadside to its intersection with the northern side of White Swan Road; thence along a right line across White Swan Road to the north-eastern corner of Allotment 75, Titirangi Parish, at the junction of White Swan Road and the eastern side of Lynbrooke Avenue; thence southerly along that eastern roadside to its intersection with the eastern boundary of the aforesaid Allotment 75; thence southerlv along that eastern boundary to its intersection with the northern boundary of Lot 4, D.P. 20689; thence westerly along that boundary to and southerly generally along the generally western boundaries of the said Lot 4 and Lots 5 to 9. all on D.P. 20689, Lot 20, D.P. 52784, and Lot 12, D.P. 20889 to the mean high-water mark (spring tide) of the Manukau Harbour; thence westerly along the shores of that harbour to the western side of Portage Road; thence northerly


along that roadside to and down the middle of the Avondale Stream to and along the mean high-water mark of the Whau River and the shores of the Waitemata Harbour and the southern bank of the Oakley Creek to the middle of Great North Road; thence easterly along the middle of that road to the point of commencement.


Ward 1 (3 members) ALL that part of the City of Auckland that is within the Trust area.

Ward 2 (2 members) The whole of the Borough of New Lynn.

Ward 3 f2 members) The whole of the Borough of Glen Eden.

Ward 4 (2 members) The whole of the Titirangi Riding of the Waitemata County.

Ward 5 (1 member) All that part of the County Town of Kelston West that is

within the Trust area. Dated at Wellington this 4th day of September 1972.

ROY JACK, Minister of Justice. *S.R. 1966/139

Amendment No.1: S.R. 1967/239 Amendment No.2: S.R. 1972/165

The Road Classification (Paparua County Coundl) Notice No.1, 1972

PURSUANT to regulation 3 of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1969*, the Secretary for Transport hereby gives the following notice.

NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as the Road Classification

(Paparua County Council) Notice No.1, 1972. 2. The Paparua County Council's proposed classification of

the roads as set out in the Schedule hereto is hereby approved. 3. So much of the notice dated the 31st day of July 1%3

(Halswell County) t as relates to the classification of the roads described in the Schedule hereto is hereby revoked.


Roads Classified in Class One Lincoln/Tai Tapu Road (from the No. 75 State Highway (Christchurch-Akaroa) to Wards Road).

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. R. J. POLASCHEK, Secretary for Transport.

*S.R. 1969/231 tGazette, No. 47, dated 8 August 1963, Vol. II, p. 1132 (IT. 28/8/150)

Land in the Nelson Land District Acquired as Permanent State Forest Land

NOTICE is hereby given that the land described in the Schedule hereto has been acquired under the Forests Act 1949 as permanent State forest land.


COUNTY LOT 1, D.P. 8037, being part Sections 11, 13, and 14, Block XV, Wangapeka Survey District: area, 136 acres 3 roods 28 perches, more or less. All certificate of title, Volume 3C folio 1342, Nelson Registry. '

As shown on plan S. 19/40 deposited in the Head Office of the New Zealand Forest Service at Wellington.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. A. P. THOMSON, Director-General of Forests.

(F.S. 9/4/220,6/4/187; L. and S. H.O. 10/97/31)

Page 18: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


Ma10ri Land Development Notice

WHEREAS by virtue of the notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto the land described in that notice was declared to be subject to the provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953; and whereas it is desired to release that land from the provisions of the said Part XXIV:

Now, therefore, pursuant to section 332 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby gives notice as follows.

NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as Maori Land Development

Notice Hamilton 1972, No. 23. 2. The notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto is

hereby revoked. 3. The land described in the Second Schedule hereto is

hereby released from Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953.

FIRST SCHEDULE Date of Notice Reference Registration No. 1 September 1958 Gazette, 11 September 1958, S.210419

No. 56, p. 1215


ALL that piece of land described as follows: A. R. P. Being

123 2 22 Okauia 3A3B situated in Blocks IV and VIII, Tapapa Survey District. All Provisional Regis­ter, Volume 239, folio 143.

Dated at Wellington this 31st day of August 1972. For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs:

E. W. WILLIAMS, for Secretary for Maori and Island Affairs.

(M. and I.A. H.O. 15/2/356; D.O. 23/182)

Maori Land Development Notice

WHEREAS by virtue of the notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto the land described in that notice was declared to be subject to the provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953; and whereas it is desired to release that land from the provisions of the said Part XXIV:

Now, therefore, pursuant to section 332 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby gives notice as follows.

NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as Maori Land Development

Notice Whangarei 1972, No. 44. 2. The notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto IS

hereby revoked. 3. The land described in the Second Schedule hereto is

hereby released from the provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953.

FIRST SCHEDULE Date of Notice Reference 15 January 1942 Gazette, No.8, 22 January

1942, p. 359


Registration No. K. 27591

NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL those pieces of land described as follows:

A. R. p. Being 71 0 38 Ruapekapeka 7B 1 situated in Blocks I and V,

Hukerenui Survey District. All certificate of title, Volume 339, folio 143.

80 1 29 Ruapekapeka 7B2 situated in Block I, Hukerenui Survey District. All 'certificate of title, No. 7D/491.

Dated at Wellington this 30th day of August 1972. For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs:

E. W. WILLIAMS, for Secretary for Maori and Island Affairs.

(M. and I.A. B.O. 61j7A, 15/1/1079; D.O. 18/U/29)

Maori Land Development Notice

WHEREAS by virtue of the notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto the land described in that notice was declared to be subject to the provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953; and whereas it is desired to release certain parcels of that land from the provisions of the said Part XXIV:

Now, therefore, pursuant to section 332 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby gives notice as follows.

NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as Maori Land Development

Notice Whangarei 1972, No. 45. 2. The notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto is

hereby amended by omitting all reference to the land des­Icribed in the Second Schedule hereto.

3. The land described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby released from the provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953.


Date of Notice Reference 20 November 1963 Gazette, No. 76, 28 Novem­

ber 1963, p. 1916


ALL those pieces of land described as follows: A. R. P. Being

Registration No.

A. 21268

68 2 23 Panguru ClO situated in Block XV, Whangape Survey District. Consolidation order dated 22 May 1952.

9 0 0 Pangufu C14A situated in Block XV, Whangape Survey District. Consolidation order dated 23 May 1952.

42 0 0 Panguru Cl5A situated in Block XV, Whangape Survey District. Consolidation order dated 23 May 1952.

Dated at Wellington this 30th day of August 1972. For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs:

E. W. WILLIAMS, for Secretary for Maori and Island Affairs.

(M. and I.A. H.O. 61/3, 15/1/387; D.O. 19/5, 19/J/19)

Maori Land Development Notice

WHEREAS by virtue of the notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto the land described in that notice was declared to be subject to the provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953; and whereas it is desired to release certain parcels of that land from the provisions of the said Part XXIV:

Now, therefore, pursuant to section 332 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby gives notice as follows.

NOTICE 1. This notice may be cited as Maori Land Development

Notice Whangarei 1972, No. 46. 2. The notice referred to in the First Schedule hereto is

hereby amended by omitting all reference to the land des­,cribed in the Second Schedule hereto.

3. The land described in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby released from the provisions of Part XXIV of the Maori Affairs Act 1953.


Date of Notice Reference 20 November 1963 Gazette, No. 76, 28 Novem­

ber 1963, p. 1916

Registration No.

A. 21268

Page 19: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect



ALL those pieces of land described as follows: A. R. P.

14 0

23 0 0

30 0 26

Being Paihia 1D9A situated in Block XII, Whangape

Survey District. Partition order dated 19 July 1955.

Paihia 1D11C situated in Block XII, Whangape Survey District. Partition order dated 14 Novem­ber 1919.

Paihia 1D11D situated in Block XII, Whangape Survey District. Partition order dated 14 November 1919.

Dated at Wellington this 31st day of August 1972. For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs:

E. W. WILLIAMS, for Secretary for Maori and Island Affairs.

(M. and I.A. H.O. 61/3; 15/1/444; D.O. 19/K/17)

Licensing Mark Johnson to Occupy a Site for a Hut, Freezer, and Ramp at Martins Bay, South Westland

PuRSUANT to section 162 of the Harbours Act 1950, the Executive Officer, Harbours, Foreshores, and Pollution Section, Marine Department, acting under a delegation from the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, pursuant to section 265A of the aforesaid Act, hereby licenses and permits iMark Johnson (hereinafter called the licensee, which term shall include his administrators, executors, or assigns unless the context requires a different Iconstruction) to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and bed of the sea at Martins Bay, South Westland as shown on plan marked M.D. 14675 and deposited in the office of the Marine Department at Wel­lington, for the purpose of maintaining thereon a hut, freezer, and ramp as shown on the said plan, such licence to be heid and enjoyed by the licensee upon and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Schedule hereto.


(1) This licence is subject to the Foreshore Licence Regula­tions 1960, and the provisions of those regulations shall, so far as applicable, apply hereto.

(2) The term of the licence shall be 2 years from the 1st day of August 1972.

(3) The premium payable by the licensee shall be ten dollars ($10) and the annual sum so payable by the licensee shall be ten dollars ($10); provided always that the Minister may review the annual sum payable at the end of the first year or any subsequent year of the said term.

Dated at Wellington this 31st day of August 1972.

(M 54/9/351)

P. E. MUERS, Executive Officer, Harbours, Foreshores, and Pollution Section.

Narcotics Act 1965--Notice of Withdrawal oj Authorisations

NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Health has with­drawn the authorisations respectively conferred on James Ivan Ashforth and Harold Vernon Hubbard (published in the Gazette on 24 November 1966, No. 73, at page 1955) and on Barry Rice Haycook (published in the Gazette of 8 October 1970, No. 61, at page 1806) under section 13 (1) of the Narcotics Act 1965.

Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972. D. P. KENNEDY, Director-General of Health.


Minz'stry of Agriculture and Fisheries N otice--Additional Agricultural Chemicals on Which Subsidy is Payable-­Amendment No. 63 (Notice No. 355 Ag. 3599)

PURSUANT to the Agricultural Chemicals Act 1959, and to a delegation from the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries under sections 9 and 10 of the Department of Agriculture Act 1953, for the purposes of the said Act, it is hereby notified

that the Schedule to the Agricultural Chemicals Notice (No. Ag. 10487) * is hereby amended by adding the products specified in the First Schedule hereto and deleting the products specified in the Second Schedule hereto.

FIRST SCHEDULE Product Name Actazine 80 Gesamil Tartan Dichlormix

Proprietor No. 44 21 16

Registered No. 2028 2087 2049

SECOND SCHEDULE Product Name Proprietor No. Registered No. Shell 2,4,5,-T Extra. 37 1273

Dated at Wellington this 4th day of September 1972. S. J. CALLAHAN,

for Director-General of Agriculture and Fisheries. *Gazette, No. 55, 11 September 1969, p. 1721

Consenting to ROIl sing of Loans by Certain Local Authodties

PIURSVANT to section 3 of the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956 (as amended by section 3 (1) of the Local Authorities Loans Amendment Act 1967), the undersigned Assistant Secretary to the Treasury, acting under powers delegated to the Secretary to the Treasury by the Minister of Finance, hereby consents to the borrowing by the local authorities mentioned in the Schedule hereto of the whole or any part of the respective amounts specified in that Schedule.


Local Authority and Name of Loan Amount

Consented to $

Blenheim Borough Council: Land Purchase and De-velopment Loan 1972 ...... 85,000 Dated at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972.

J. D. LANG, Assistant Secretary to the Treasury. (T.40/416/6)

Consenting to Raising of Loans by Certain Local Authorities

PURSUANT to section 3 of the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956 (as amended by section 3 (1) of the Local Authorities Loans Amendment Act 1967), the undersigned Assistant Sec­retary to the Treasury, acting under powers delegated to the Secretary to the Treasury by the Minister of Finance, hereby consents to the borrowing by the local authorities mentioned in the Schedule hereto of the whole or any part of the res­pective amounts specified in that Schedule.


Local Authority and Name of Loan Amount

Consented to

Auckland City Council: $

Glendowie Bowling Club Loan 1972 ...... 8,500 Redemption Loan No. 87, 1972 ... 112,200

Balclutha Borough Council: Sewerage Renewal Loan 1972 ...... ...... .. ..

Christchurch Drainage Board: Renewal Loan No. 6, 1972

Dunedin City Council: Gas Renewal Loan No.1, 1972 General Renewal Loan No.5, 1972

Hutt County Council: Paekakariki Water Supply Redemption Loan 1972 Wainuiomata Roading Improvement Redemption



28,000 122,500


Loan 1972 .... ...... ...... 8,000 Hutt Valley Electric Power and Gas Board: Loan

No. 49 (Reticulation) 1972 ...... .. .... 2,500,000 Mount Roskill Borough Council: Roads Reconstruc-

tion Redemption Loan No.2, 1972 ...... .. .... Nelson Harbour Board: Redemption Loan No.4,


1972 ...... ... .. .... 59,600 Otago Hospital Board: Redemption Loan No.2,

1972 ...... .... ...... '.. 158,200 Poverty Bay Catchment Board: Waipaoa River

Flood Control Scheme Redemption Loan 1972 .'48,100

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Local Authority and Name of Loan Amount

Consented to $

Rotorua County Council: Eastern Area Water Supply Redemption Loan 1972

Southland Catchment Board: Duok Creek Works Re-demption Loan No.4, 1972 ...... . .... .

Stratford County Council: Rural Housing Loan No. 14, 1972 ..... .

Thames County Council: Rural Housing Loan 1972 Waitemata County Council:

Redemption Loan No.8, 1972 Redemption Loan No. 10, 1972

Whakatane County Council: Housing Loan No.2, 1972 Rural Housing Loan No.6, 1972 Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972.



50,000 40,000

9,400 37,600

40,000 120,000

S. A. McLEOD, Assistant Secretary to the Treasury. (T. 40/416/6)

Indecent Publications Tribunal

I, Jack Alexander McLeod Kean, Comptroller of Customs, give notice that I have applied to the Indecent Publicatiom Tribunal for decisions as to whether the books described below are indecent or not, or for decisions as to their cla'isi­fications.

1. Title: Touch Magazine, Vol. 1, No.3. Author: Anonymous. Publisher: Jaybird Enterprises Incorporated, California.

2. Title: Teenage Oral Sex Orgy. Author: Anonymous. Publisher: Exhibition Magazines.

Tariff and Development Board Notice No. 293-Cancellation of Public Hearing Concerning Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda); in Packages Not Exceeding 71b Net Weight (T.I. 28.17.001)

NOTICE is hereby given that the public hearing set down to 'commence on Tuesday, 12 September 1972, at 10.30 a.m. (New Zealand Gazette dated 15 June 1972) has been cancelled.

Dated at Wellington this 7th day of September 1972. C. H. S. RODDEN,

Secretary, Tariff and Development Board. P.O. Box 27046, Wellington.

Tariff and Development Board Noti'ce No. 294-Amendment of Notice No. 279 and Schedule C Thereof Regarding the Public Hearing Scheduled for Wednesday, 13 September 1972, Concerning Enzymatic Preparations for Pre-Tanning; Concentrated Sulphite Lye; Prepared Glazings, Prepared Dressings and Prepared Mordants, of a Kind Us,ed in the Textile, Paper, Leather, or Like Industries

NOTICE is hereby given that, as the Board has received no representations about enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning of Tariff item 32.03.001, the hearing on 13 September 1972 will now be confined to the goods of Tariff items 38.06.000, 38.12.001, 38.12.002 and 38.12.009.

Dated at Wellington this 5th day of September 1972. C. H. S. RODDEN,

Secretary, Tariff and Development Board. P.O. Box 27046, Wellington.

Appointment of Temporary Customs Examining Place in New Zealand

PURSUANT to powers delegated to me by the Comptroller of Customs under section 9 of the Customs Act 1966, and pursuant to section 32 of the Customs Act 1966, I, Michael John O'Connor, the Collector of Customs, Auckland, hereby appoint the place described in the Schedule hereto to be a temporary examining place for the examination of goods subject to the 'control of the Customs.


SCHEDULE Description of Temporary

Examining Place 93 Gavin Street, Penrose, Premises of Container Freights

Auckland. Ltd. Dated at Auckland this 9th day of August 1972.

M. J. O'CONNOR, Collector of Customs.

Appointment of Customs Examining Place in New Zealand

PURSUANT to the powers delegated to me by the Comptroller of Customs under section 9 of the Customs Act 1966, and pursuant to section 32 of the Customs Act 1966, I, Allan Oliver Coad, the Collector of Customs, Wellington, hereby appoint the place described in the Schedule hereto to be a place for the examination of goods subject to the control of the Customs.

SCHEDULE Situation Description

17-19 Gear Street, Petone. Premises of New Zealand Napier-Wellington Freight­ers Ltd.

Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1972. A. O. COAD, Collector of Customs.

Decisions Under the Sales Tax Act 1932-33-Notice No. 62.

DECISIONS in interpretation of the Sales Tax Act, notified in the New Zealand Gazette of 30 April 1970, No. 25, are amended as follows:

Minister's Decision 1. E. (f) is cancelled and replaced by the following:

(f) The building and fitting of bodies or body panels to commercial trucks and delivery vans.

NOTES-(l) The building and fitting of bodies or body panels to commercial trucks and delivery vans includes the building and fitting of parts of bodies to these vehicles but not the mere fitting of accessories.

(2) The term "body panels" does not include the following panels: bonnet, cowl, windscreen including the side panels and header panel, dashboard, valances and mudguards.

Dated at Wellington this 7th day of September 1972. J. A. KEAN, Comptroller of Customs.

The Standards Act 1965-Standard Specifications Proposed for Revocation

NOTICE is hereby given that the New Zealand standard specifi­cations listed in the Schedule hereto have been reviewed by committees of the Standards Council and have been recom­mended for revocation, pursuant to the provisions of the Standards Act 1965.

Any person who may be affected by the proposal to revoke these standard specifications, and who wishes to object to their revocation, is invited to submit comments to the Standards Association of New Zealand, Private Bag, Welling­ton, not later than 29 September 1972.

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SCHEDULE The Standards Act 1965-Draft New Zealand Standard

Number and Title of Standard Specification Specification Available for Comment

*NZS 392: 1949 (BS 911: 1940) Method for the biological assay of vitamin D, by the chick method.

tNZS 656: 1949 (BS 1394: 1947) Power driven circulators for heating plants.

PURSUANT to subsection (3) of section 23 of the Standards Act 1965, notice is hereby given that the following draft New Zealand standard specification is being circulated:

Number and Title of Specification tNZS 1038: 1952 (BS 235: 1951) Gears for traction. i·NZSI077: 1966 (BS 1740: 1965) Wrought pipe fittings, iron

and steel (screwed BSP thread).

DZ 3602/297 Specification of timber and wood-based products (Part A).

tNZS 1368: 1962 (BS 3351: 1961) Piping systems for the petroleum industry.

*Method no longer in use. tLater editions of these British standards have been proposed

for endorsement as suitable for use in New Zealand.

All persons who may be affected by this specification and who desire to comment thereon may, upon application, obtain a copy on loan from the Standards Association of New Zealand, World Trade Center, 15-23 Sturdee Street (OT Private Bag), Wellington 1. Additional copies are obtainable at 50c a copy from the same address.

Dated at Wellington this 30th day of August 1972. The closing date for the receipt of comment is 10 November


G. H. EDWARDS, Director, Standards Association of New Zealand.

Dated at Wellington this 31st day of August 1972.

(S.A. - 114/2/6) (S.A. 2-114/2/8)

G. H. EDWARDS, Director, Standards Association of New Zeaiand.

Tariff Notice No. 1972/115-Applications for Variation of Approval

NOTICE is hereby given that an application has been made for variation of a current approval of the Minister of Customs as follows: ---

Rates of Duty Effective Appn. Tariff Part List No. Item Goods

/MFN./ II No.

I B.P. Gen_ Ref. From To

CURRENT APPROVAL: 84.11.029 Compressors and compressing outfits, air, portable

or stationary, including air receivers imported Free 20% 25% 10.2 .. 1/1/72 30/9/72

with and forming part thereof: Excluding:

(a) Portable air compressing outfits of a capacity from 60 to 250 cu. ft. displacement per minute at pressures up to 105 p.s.i.

(b) Stationary, single stage, reciprocating com-pressors (other than carbon-ring dry cylinder oil-free air types) and com-pressing outfits of a capacity of 2 to 42 cu. ft. displacement per minute at pressures up to 200 p.s.i.

(c) Compressors vehicles

peculiar to use on motor

3219 84.11.029 REQUESTED APPROVAL:

Compressors and compressing outfits, air, portable or stationary, including air receivers imported with and forming part thereof:

Excluding: (a) Portable air compressing outfits of a capa-

city from 60 to 250 cu. ft. displacement per minute free air delivered at normal working pressures of 100 p.s.i.

(b) Stationary, single stage, reciprocating com-pressors (other than carbon-ring dry cylinder oil-free air types) and com-pressing outfits of a capacity of 2 to 42 cu. ft. displacement per minute at pressures up to 200 p.s.i.

(c) Compressors peculiar to use on motor vehicles

Any person wishing to lodge an objection to the granting of this application should do so in writing on or before 28 September 1972. Sub­missions should include a reference to the Tariff item and description of goods concerned, be addressed to the Comptroller of Customs Private Bag, Wellington, and supported by information as to: '

(a) The range of equivalent goods manufactured locally; (b) The proportion of New Zealand and imported materials used in manufacture; (c) Present and potential output; and (d) Details of factory cost in terms of materials, labour, overhead, etc.

Dated at Wellington this 7th day of September 1972.

J. A. KEAN, Comptroller of Customs.

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Tariff Notice No. 1972/1l6-Applications for Continuation of Approval

NOTICE is hereby given that applications have been made for continuation of the following approvals of the Minister of Customs:

Rates of Duty Effective Appn. Tariff Goods Part List No. Item


I B.P. Gen. Ref. From To I

3188 38.19.299 Tannavol, Tannavol RH .. .. .. . . Free ., Free 10.8 .. 1/1/72 30/9/72 3097 Section XI Woven fabrics (other than fabrics assembled by sewing, Free .. 10% 10.8 " 1/1/72 31/3/73

Chapters gumming, or otherwise), of or containing sheep's or 50 to 57 lambs' wool or fine animal hair and weighing not

more than 4 oz per sq. yd: Excluding:

(1) Flannel, nursery or baby (2) Fabrics packed in airtight containers, e.g.,

sealed containers of man-made plastic film or of metal

3162 59.04.009 Fishing lines, including trawl lines and net twines, as may be approved:

Free 20% 25% .. Approved:

lead cored for deep trolling .. .. " 9 1/1/72 30/9/72 I

Any person wishing to lodge an objection to the granting of these applications should do so in writing on or before 28 September 1972. Submissions should include a reference to the application number, Tariff item and description of the goods concerned, be addressed to the Comptroller of Customs, Private Bag, Wellington, and supported by information as to:

(a) The quality, range, supply, etc., of the above-described goods produced in New Zealand; and (b) The landed cost and selling price, including c.d.v., and cost into store in terms of f.o.b., insurance, freight, exchange, and other landing

charges, duty, etc., of equivalent goods of overseas origin.

Dated at Wellington this 7th day of September 1972.

J. A. KEAN, Comptroller of Customs.

Tariff Notice No. 1972/1l7-Applicationfor Withdrawal of Approval

NOTICE is hereby given that an application has been made for withdrawal of the following approval of the Minister of Customs and for the future admission of the goods at substantive rates of duty:

Rates of Duty Effective Appn. Tariff Goods Part List --No. Item


From I B.P. Gen. Ref. To

3220 34.02.000 Products, as may be approved, when imported in bulk Free .. 10% 10.8 and not being soaps or containing soap:

Approved: pHisoHex .. .. .. .. ..

I 47 1/1/72 31/12/72

Any person wishing to lodge an objection to the granting of this application should do so in writing on or before 28 September 1972. Sub­missions should include a reference to the application number, Tariff item and description of goods concerned, be addressed to the Comp­troller of Customs, Private Bag, Wellington, and supported by information as to:

(a) The quality, range, supply, etc., of the above-described goods produced in New Zealand; and (b) The landed cost and selling price, including c.d.v., and cost into store in terms of f.o.b., insurance, freight, exchange, other landing

charges, duty, etc., of equivalent goods of overseas origin.

Dated at Wellington this 7th day of September 1972.

J. A. KEAN, Comptroller of Customs.

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Tariff Notice No. 1972/118-Applicationsfor Approval

NOTICE is hereby given that applications have been made to the Minister of Customs for concessionary entry of the following goods at the rates of Customs Duty shown:

Appn. Tariff No. Item







3150} 3151 3196 3198



3173 3158


3157 3167 3163


3104 3160 2904

3146 3170 3138 3136





3122 3130


3144 3129


2933} 3037

I 30.03.099







34.02.000 38.19.299



40.09.001 40.14.049


58.04.032 58.04.032 59.03.011


59.08.068 60.01.072 62.03.029

68.16.009 69.10.009 84.10.009 84.10.009



84.17 .129


84.24.089 84.59.129


84.59.129 84.63.049




Carbocid-l00 and Carbocid-200--for the treatment of scours in cattle and sheep caused by infections due to coccidia and associ­ated bacteria

Krebex Boluses-For the treatment of ketosis in cattle, and as an aid in the treatment of acetonemia

Q-Bane tablets-An effective fecal-softening agent and laxative, with chelated minerals or metal proteinates. Prevents and treats constipation or impactions in dogs and cats

Replamin Boluses-for the prevention of grass staggers, transport tetany, and milk fever, in cows

Respiral Boluses-for use as supportive treatment in shipping fever and related complexes, and as a metabolic stimulant for horses, cattle, and sheep

Vitabolic Boluses-For use as an aid in the restoration of metabolic and anabolic processes and gastrointestinal flora, etc., in cattle, horses, sheep, and swine

Re1ca Sealer M and G- varnishes for the treatment of leather ..

Protein Hydrolisate-a smoothing oil for copper electrolyte baths Ferrax 75 and Koron 510 used as heat insulating and refractory

protection materials Unar E.L. 63 used as an additive to electrolytes used in electro­

plating Hellerman catalogue HV 3341, 10,000 yards x t" wide cable

strapping, black Metal braided flexible oil lines . . . . . . . . Synthetic rubber diaphragms being parts for natural gas pressure

regulators Sellotape 2535 in jumbo rolls for use as an autoclave steam steri-

lization indicator Halbro tufted terry towelling 100% cotton 70/72" in the piece " 100% all cotton tufted terry towelling 36" wide .. .. PelIon non-woven rubber impregnated bonded fibre fabric used for

the manufacture of luggage, hand bags, etc. Tyvek spunbonded olefin carpet wrap. Style 1072 for the wrapping

of carpet rolls in place of hessian Polyethylene woven cloth laminated with .06 polyethylene sheet .. Dampasok-a tubular seamless roller covering.. .. .. "Baggner" collapsible bag-type containers made of strong syn-

thetic duck coated with synthetic rubber for the transportation of industrial raw materials

Carbon and graphite bearings for revolving shafts . . . . Low profile ceramic marine toilet bowls . . . . . . Bosch gear pumps model series ZBR, ZFS, ZGS-2,500 p.s.i. . . Rotary piston pumps for oil hydraulic power, variable delivery,

maximum operating pressure 5,500 p.s.i. Standard Jabsco ball bearing rotary impeller pumps-viz: marine

engine circulation pumps 143 Polarstream nitrogen clip-on units used to maintain export

refrigerated cargo in containers Driers for the drying of grains, seeds, grass, and lucerne-Alvan

Blanche Models 50 and upwards Link-Belt Pull-Pak haulage machine (capstan) models 50A, 55A,

100A, and 110A Oyjord self cleaning batch type experimental plot seeder .. Alcan model C hydraulic compressor, with model C remote head

and a 768-A hand pump, and interconnecting hoses APV-Osborne type III model GDW-S-SE-HY-3OO/150 agitator used

in the manufacture of milk powder Binks Bullows paint circulating outfit . . . . . . Twin Disc friction power take off-model SP 214 for coupling a

200 h.p. engine to a stump chipper Electrical control panel for an automated product control and

cleaning in place system-control of cream, buttermilk, and cleaning solutions

Cotton braided non-kinkable rubber insulated flexible 3-core circular flex









25%* Free



Free Free


25%* 25%* Free


25%* Free Free

Free Free Free Free





Free Free


Free Free



Rates of Duty












20%* 20%* 20%* 20%*





Free 20%*


20%* 20%*











25%* 25%*



25% 25%*


25%* 25%* Free


25%* 15% 25%*

25%* 25%* 25%* 25%*





Free 25%*


25%* 25%*



*or such lower rate of duty as the Minister may in any case direct

Part II









10.8 10.2




10.8 10.8



10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2





10.3 10.2


10.2 10.2


Any person wishing to lodge an objection to the granting of these applications should do so in writing on or before 28 September 1972. Submissions should include a reference to the application number, Tariff item and description of goods concerned, be addressed to the Comp­troller of Customs, Private Bag, Wellington, and supported by information as to:

(a) The range of equivalent goods manufactured locally; (b) The proportion of New Zealand and imported material used in manufacture; (c) Present and potential output; and (d) Details of factory cost in terms of materials, labour, overhead, etc.

Dated at Wellington this 7th day of September 1972. J. A. KEAN, Comptroller of Customs.

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Decisions of the Minister of Customs Under the Customs Tariff (Subject to Amendment or Cancellation by Notification in the Gazette)


Tariff Item No.

30.03.099 30.03.099 30.03.099 30.03.099

0.03.099 3 3 3 3

0.03.099 0.03.099 0.03.099

3 3 0.03.099 0.03.099

3 4.02.000


3 3 3 7

7 8


8.19.299 9.07.269 9.07.399 1.12.009

3.40.499 4.17.129

8 8 8

4.40.109 4.40.119 4.61

9 2.12


Bevet-Co, in vials .. .. .. " .. Dibenyline capsules .. .. .. .. Gelusil-Lac tablets ., .. .. " "

Mevasine tablets (in bulk): 2.5mg .. .. .. .. .. . . 10mg . . .. .. ., . . ..

Peritrate sustained action tablets ., " "

Perlutex Leo injection .. .. .. .. Proladone suppositories, 30 mg .. .. "

Quixalud: boluses .. .. .. .. .. "

powder .. ., .. .. " "

Sodium bicarbonate intravenous solution " .. Stelazine:

ampoules .. .. .. " "

Spansule capsules .. .. .. .. suppositories .. ., .. .. .. tablets (2mg, only) .. .. .. "

Products, as may be approved, when imported in bulk and not being soaps or containing soap:

Approved: Ethylan BCP .. ., ., " ..

Antifoam preparations, as may be approved: " "

Approved: Nuodex AF 100 .. .. .. "

Contact lens cushioning solutions ., .. .. Plugs, storage drum, as may be approved " .. Parts, as may be approved, for making storage drums .. Badges and medals imported by the undermentioned

organisations for distribution to members only of such organisations, and not for sale to the public:

Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated

Parts, as may be approved, for making storage drums "

Heaters, industrial water, operated by mixing steam with cold water

{presses, laundry .. .. . . .. "

Cocks and valves: Excluding:

(20) Check valves: (a) Wafer type, ductile iron body, stainless steel flap

and seat, sized 2" to lZU. Working pressure: water, oil, gas, 275 p.s.i. (600 ft head) satu-rated steam at 150 p.s.i. (As options these valves may have soft seat insert and/or fitted with back flush lever, adjustable counter balance and cam operated micro switch).

(b) Backflow prevent or double check valves, 2" to 12" peculiar to working pressure 275 p.s.i.

(c) Swing check valves, bronze, to BSS/1953/1964 NZ 1430/1966 in sizes t" to 2"

NOTE-This approval does not cover taps, bibcocks, or fire hydrants

Recordings or tapes in the spoken word, of sermons, lessons, or lectures produced for religious instruction

Rates of Duty Effective Part List

I I II No.

I B.P. MFN. Gen. Ref. From To· I I I I I

Free 20% I

25% 23.3 64 1/1/72 30/9/77 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 30/9/77 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 30/9/77

Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 30/9/77 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 30/9/77 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 31/1/76 Free 20% 25% 23.3 64 1/1/72 30/6/77 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 30/9/77

Free 20% 25% 10.2 64 1/1/72 31/7/77 Free 20% 25% 10.2 64 1/1/72 31/7/77 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 30/6/77

Free 20% 25% 23.3 64 1/1/72 29/2/76 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 29/2/76 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 29/2/76 Free 20% 25% 23.4 64 1/1/72 29/2/76 Free .. Free 10.8

64 1/1/72 30/9/76 Free .. 20% 10.8

64 1/7/72 31/8/76 Free 20% 25% 10.2 64 1/8/72 30/9/75 Free .. 15% 10.8 64 1/1/72 30/6/75 Free .. 17t% 10.8 64 1/1/72 30/6/75 Free .. Free 16.0

64 1/3/72 "

Free .. 25% 10.8 64 1/1/72 30/6/75 Free 17t% 25% 10.2 64 1/4/72 30/5/76

Free 20% 25% 10.2 64 1/9/72 31/11/74

Free 20% 25% 10.2 64 1/1/72 30/6/74

Free .. Free 20.2 64 1/6/72 30/6/73

... Approvals lapse on the dates indicated, the goods thereafter being dutiable according to their substantive Tariff classification. If con­tinuation of an approval is desired for a further period, formal application should be made to the Collector at least 6 weeks prior to the date of expiry.

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Tariff Item No.

Goods Rates of Duty I


B·p·IMFN·I_I~ List No.


From To

MISCELLANEOUS Decisions Cancelled:


30.03.099 30.03.099 51.01.031 84.40.109 84.40.119

Compocillin: VK capsules

Econopen V, 60 mg, tablets only V-CIL-K pulvules .. Continuous ... fabrics

{Presses, laundry: .. Excluding:

Collar Shoulder ... armhole Trouser leg Trouser top Utility ... coats

84.61 Cocks and valves: Excluding:

(20) Check valves: (a) Wafer type ... micro switch) (b) Backflow ... 275 p.s.i.

Dated at Wellington this 7th day of September 1972.

32 46

J. A. KEAN, Comptroller of Customs.

Land in Taranaki Land District Forfeited

PURSUANT to section 146 of the Land Act 1948, notice is hereby given that the Land Settlement Board, with the approval of the Minister of Lands, has by resolution declared the under-mentioned lease forfeited, and that the land is thereby reverted to the Crown.

Tenure No. Description Area Title Reference Volume Folio

Lessee Date of Forfeiture

Renewable Lease RLU 149 Subdivision 54 of Section 1, Ohawe Town Belt, situated in Block VIII, Waimate Survey Dis­trict

35.8 perches, more or less

186 80 Gladys Duggan, of Normanby, deceased

4 September 1972

Dated at Wellington this 4th day of September 1972. N. S. eOAD, Assistant Director-General of Lands.

(L. and S. H.O. 20/147; D.O. RLU 149)



Notes in circulation Demand deposits­

(a) State (b) Banks (c) Marketing accounts (d) Other


Time deposits . . • • • . Liabilities in currencies other than New

Zealand curreney-(a) Demand (b) Time

$ 237,309,066 43,860,036 4,209,086


$ 214,974,168

---- 304,640,330 49,955,000


Allocation of special drawing rights by I.M.F. Other liabilities (including accumulated profits)

436,009 61,966,071 5,971,721

Capital accounts-(a) General Reserve Fund (b) Other reserves

29 August 1972. D

3,000,000 21,056,369



Gold Overseas assets-

Assets $ 704,814

(a) Current accounts and short-term $ bills •• 215,505,007

(b) Investments.. .. 154,247,122 (c) HoldiOgs of special drawing rights 51,615,603·

New Zealand coin .. Discounts Advances-

(a) To the State.. •• (b) To marketing accounts (c) Export credits (d) Other advances

Investments in New Zealand­(a) N.Z. Government securities (b) Other

Other assets

---- 421,367,732 4,976,512

271,606 172,853,735


---- 182,465,934

18,401,847 1,188,750

19,590,597 32,894,079


M. R. HUTTON, Chief Accountant.

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Ministry of Works-Schedule of Civil Engineering, Building, and Housing Contracts of $20,000 or More in Value

Name of Works

Civil Engineering-S.H. second coat seal and resealing in Whakatane Area 1972/73 S.H. second coat seal and resealing in Rotorua Area 1972/73 S.H. resealing in Taupo Area 1972/73 S.H. 2 and 35: sealing 22.04 miles-Gisborne Area S.H. 6, 7, 67, and 69: bituminous sealing various sections-Inangahua and

Buller areas S.H. 2 and 35: second coat sealing and resealing-Opotiki area .. Paeroa Residency: second coat sealing and resealing various lengths of State

highway Napier-Hastings Motorway: construction of Burness Road subway S.H. 3: Turakina River bridge renewal Lower Waitaki Irrigation Scheme: main race control gate structure South Dunedin Substation: N.Z.E.D. outdoor station

Building-University of Canterbury, Ilam: Psychology Staff Block

Housing-Contract No. 31/145: two single units at Whangarei Contract No. 44/170: two single units at Rotorua Contract No. 183/11/38: two single units at Kingseat Contract No. 282/232: four single units at Mangere

Successful Tenderer

Emoleum (N.Z.) Ltd. ., Emoleum (N.Z.) Ltd. .. Bitumix Ltd. Bitumen Sprayers Ltd. Tasman Asphalt Ltd., Nelson

Emoleum (N.Z.) Ltd. .. Waikato Bitumen Co. Ltd.

J. A. Bridgeman Emmett Bros. Ltd. R. A. Winsley Ltd. Downer and Co. Ltd.

Chas. S. Luney Ltd.

Northland Pre-cut Homes Ltd. Frank Williams Ltd. S. Wallace (Builders) Ltd. R. A. Morris and Son Ltd.

No. 72

Amount of Tender

Accepted $

29,152.50 28,924.00 20,873.50 68,195.54 35,590.00

32,473.12 168,680.06

23,930.00 159,653.79 36,675.00 74,587.00


21,229.13 20,439.60 21,760.00 46,297.00

J. H. MACKY, Commissioner of Works.

New Zealand Government Railways-Schedule of Civil Engineering and Building Contracts of $20,000 or More in Value

Name of Work

Renewal of Bridge No. 110, N.I.M.T.

Successful Tenderer

Amount of Tender

Accepted $

C. B. Fenwick, P.O. Box 4100, Hamilton 90,580.00 East

T. M. SMALL, General Manager.

New Zealand Government Railways-Schedule of Civil Engineering and Building Contracts of $20,000 or More in Value

Amount of Name of Work Successful Tenderer Tender

Accepted $

Painting of bridge No.5, Otago Central Branch W. H. Bramwell Ltd., P.O. Box 592, 87,450.00 Dunedin

T. M. SMALL, General Manager.

Notice Under the Regulations Act 1936

PURSUANT to the Regulations Act 1936, notice is hereby given of the making of regulations as under: Price

Authority for Enactment

Section 21 (3), Industries and Commerce Act 1956

Section 124, Customs Act 1966 Fisheries Act 1908

Sections 27 and 27 A, Civil List Act 1950 ..

Trustee Savings Banks Act 1948

Title or Subject-matter Serial Number

Board of Trade (Wool Packing) Regulations 1948, 1972/196 Amendment No.4

Customs Tariff Amendment Order (No. 11) 1972 .. 1972/197 Fisheries (General) Regulations 1950, Amendment No. 1972/198

19 Parliamentary Salaries and Allowances Order 1970, 1972/199

Amendment No.2 Trustee Savings Banks Regulations 1949, Amendment 1972/200

No. 12

Date of (postage

Enactment Free) 4/9/72 5c

4/9/72 5c 4/9/72 5c

4/9/72 5c

4/9/72 5c

Copies can be purchased from the Government Publications Bookshops-State Advances Building, Rutland Street (p.O. Box 5344), Auck­land 1; Investment House, Barton Street (P.O. Box 857), Hamilton; Mulgrave Street (Private Bag), Wellington 1; 130 Oxford Terrace (p.O. Box 1721), Christchurch 1; T. and G. Insurance Building, Princes Street (p.O. Box 1104), Dunedin. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number.

A. R. SHEARER, Government Printer.

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Supreme Court-in Ban,kruptcy NOTICE is hereby given that a third and final dividend of $0.241 in the dollar, making in all $0.441 in the dollar is now payable at my office on all proved claims in the estate of Roy EDWARD WATTS, formerly of Whangarei but now of Paraparaumu, optician.

T. P. EVANS, Official Assignee. Courthouse, Whangarei, 29 August 1972.

In Bankruptcy-Notice of Adjudication and of First Meetin!? NOTICE is hereby given that EDNA STELLA LAWSON, retailer, .of 116 Parnell Road, Auckland, was on 30 August 1972 adjudged bankrupt, and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be held at my office, on the 12th day of September 1972, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon.

All proofs of debt must be filed with me as soon as possible after the date of adjudication and preferably before the first meeting of creditors.

Dated this 31st day of August 1972. P. R. LOMAS, Official Assignee.

Second Floor, Government Building, corner Shortland Street and Jean Batten Place, Auckland 1.

In Bankruptcy-Notice of First Meetin!? IN the matter of LESLIE GEORGE FOSTER, contractor, of 4 Awatere Avenue, Hamilton, a bankrupt. I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be held at my office on the 11th day of September 1972, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon.

All proofs of debt must be filed with me as soon as possible after the date of adjudication and preferably before the first meeting of creditors.

Dated at Auckland this 29th day of August 1972. P. R. LOMAS, Official Assignee.

Second Floor, Government Building, Corner Shortland Street and Jean Batten Place, Auckland 1.

In Bankruptcy-Notice of First Meeting IN the matter of CLIVE WILLIAM CALCOTT, butcher, of 4 Hinemoa Street, Waihi Beach, a bankrupt. I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be held at my office, on the 12th day of September 1972, at 2.15 o'clock in the afternoon.

All proofs of debt must be filed with me as soon as pos­sible after the date of adjudication and preferably before the first meeting of creditors.

Dated at Auckland this 4th day of September 1972. P. R. LOMAS, Official Assignee.

Second Floor, Government Building, corner Shortland Street and Jean Batten Place, Auckland 1.

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court PAUL LESLIE PHILLIPS, of Flat 4, 2 Mason Avenue, Hamilton, unemployed, was adjudged bankrupt on 31 August 1972.

Hamilton. T. W. PAIN, Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court IN the matter of PAUL LESLIE PHILLIPS, a bankrupt. Creditors' meeting will be held at my office on Wednesday, 13 September 1972, at 11 a.m.

T. W. PAIN, Official Assignee. First Floor, State Insurance Building, 136 Victoria Street,


In Bankruptcy-In the Supreme Court at Palmers ton North NOTICE is hereby given that statement of accounts and balance sheet in respect of the under-mentioned estate, together with the report of the Audit Office thereon, has been duly filed in the above Court; and I hereby further give notice that at

the sitting of the said Court to be held on Friday, :the 22nd day of September 1972, at 10 o'dock in the forenoon, I intend to apply for an order releasing me from the administration of the said estate.

Sloman, Keith Watson, of 3 Munro Street, Seatoun, Well­ington, formerly of Phillip Street, Sanson, carpenter.

Dated at Wanganui this 30th day of August 1972. R. J. SETON, Deputy Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy-In the Supreme Court COLIN ROBERT McINTYRE, of R.D., Ashhurst, market gardener, was adjudged bankrupt on 31 August 1972. Creditors' meeting will be held at the Courthouse, Palmerston North, on Thurs­day, 14 September 1972, at 10.30 a.m.

Palmerston North. K. SEEBECK, Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy--Notice oj Adjudication and of First Meetin!? IN the matter of JOHN ARNOLD BRAY, checker (N.Z.R.), a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that John Arnold Bray, of 7 Ruahine Street, Paraparaumu, was on 1 September 1972 adjudged bankrupt, and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be held at 57 Ballance Street, Wellington, on the 14th day of September 1972, at 11 o'dock in the forenoon.

All proofs of debt must be filed with me as soon as possible after the date of adjudication and preferably before the first meeting of creditors.

Dated this 4th day of September 1972. E. A. GOULD, Official Assignee.

P.O. Box 5090, Wellington.

In Bankruptcy-Notice of Adjudication and of First Meetin!? IN the matter of WILLIAM DAVID MANN, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that William David Mann, of 28 Holyhead Road, Outram, farm hand, was on the 31st day of August 1972 adjudged bankrupt, and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be held at the Courthouse, Stuart Street, Dunedin, on the 14th day of September 1972, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.

1. B. K. CURRAN, Official Assignee. NOTE-All proofs of debt must be filed with me as soon as

possible after the date of adjudication and preferably before the first meeting of creditors.

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court ROBERT ALEXANDER JAMES ARTHUR SMITH, of Mabel Bush, unemployed mechanical engineer, was adjudged bankrupt on 1 September 1972. Notice of first meeting of creditors will be given at a later date.

W. E. OSMAND, Official Assignee. Invercargill.

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court WILLIAM ARTHUR MASON, unemployed fisherman, of 48 Lime Street, InvercargilI, was adjudged bankrupt on 1 September 1972. Notice of first meeting .of creditors will be given at a later date.

W. E. OSMAND, Official Assignee. Invercargill.

In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court RONALD KENNETH CoRIN, of 10 Mason Street, Bluff, fisherman, was adjudged bankrupt on 1 September 1972. Notice .of first meeting of creditors will be given at a later date.

W. E. OSMAND, Official Assignee. Invercargill.

-------------------------------------In Bankruptcy-Notice of First Meeting

IN the matter of DAYID ARCHIBALD TAYLOR, mechanic, formerly of Blackmount, now of 25 Princess Street, Pahiatua, a bank­rupt. I hereby summon a meeting of 'creditors to be held at my office, on the 13th day of September 1972, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon.

Page 28: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


All proofs of debt must be filed with me as soon as possible after the date of adjudication and preferably before the first meeting of creditors.

Dated at Invercargill this 30th day of August 1972. Supreme Court, InvercargiIl.

W. E. OSMAND, Official Assignee.


-------------------------------------------.------EVIDENCE of the loss of the duplicate originals of the certificates of title described in the Schedule below having been lodged with me together with applications for the issue of new certi­ficates of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificates of title on the expira­tion of 14 days from the date of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice.

SCHEDULE CERTIFICATE of title, Volume 581, folio 193, in the name of Ffarington Edward Lockhart Power, of Auckland, mechanic, for 2 acres, more or less, being part Allotment 75, Parish of Paremoremo, and being Lots 7-16, 66-70, Block V, Deeds Plan 1235. Application 112223.1.

Certificate of title, Volume 570, folio 217, in the name of Ffarington Edward Lockhart Power, of Auckland, accountant, for 24 acres, more or less, being Allotment 258, Parish of Waipu. Application 112223.1.

Certificate of title (residue), Volume 1138, folio 271 (limited as to parcels) in the name of Ffarington Edward Lockhart Power, of Auckland, motor dealer, for together 5 acres 0 roods and 6 perches, more or less, being Lots 1-6 inclusive, 17-20 inclusive, 51-6D inclusive, Lots 64, 65, 71, 72, and 73, Block V, and Lots 38, 54, and 55, Block VI, Town of Riverhead, and being parts of Allotment 75, Parish of Paremoremo. Application 112223.1.

Certificate of title, Volume 907, folio 225, in the name of Ffarington Edward Lockhart Power, of Auckland, accountant, for together 11 acres 2 roods 27 perches, more <;>r ~ess, bein.g Sections 2 and 3, Block VI, Waitemata Survey Dlstnct. Apph­cation 112223.1.

Certificate of title, Volume 19A, folio 773, in the name of Peter Desmond Flood, of Kaikohe, pastry cook, for 1 rood and 0.4 of a perch, more or less, being Lot 4 on Deposited Plan 54128, and being part Allotment 15, Parish of Manaia. Application 112242.1.

Certificate of title, Volume 15B, folio 917, limited as to parcels, in the name of James Adalbert Bayer, of Puhoi, farmer for 136 acres 3 roods 6 perches, more or less, being part Allotment 2, Parish of Puhoi. Application 013063.1.

Certificate of title, Volume 18A, folio 253, in the name of Gordon Rupert White and Graeme William White, ~oth of Auckland, builders, for 28 perches, more or less, bemg Lot 76 on Deposited Plan 62128, and being part of Allotment Ell, Parish of Opaheke. Application 013944.1.

Certificate of title, Volume 56, folio 252, in the name of Madeleine Milan, of Auckland, post office employee, for 22 perches, more or less, being Lot 1 of Section 69 on Deposited Plan 282, being a subdivision of All?tm.ent 34 and others, Section 8 Suburbs of Auckland. ApphcatiOn 013596.1.

Certific~te of title, Volume 625, folio 286, in the name of Harry Wallace Durbin, of Auckland, accountant, and Vema Florence Durbin, his wife, for 1 rood and 4.3 perches, more or less being Lot 7 on Deposited Plan 19723, and being part of AIl~tment 26, District of Tamaki. Application 110776.1.

Dated at the Land Registry Office at Auckland this 4th day of September 1972.

L. ESTERMAN, District Land Registrar.

EVIDENCE of the loss of the outstanding duplicate of certificate of title No. lA/296 (South Auokland Registry), over that parcel ~f land containing 32 perches, more or less, being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan S. 6335, and being part Section 14, Mata­mata Settlement, in the name of Brian McAllister, of Matamata, dragline operator, and Olwyn Jessie McAllister, his wife, having been lodged with me together with an application S. 570768 to issue a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate of title on the expiration of 14 days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice.

Dated at the Land Registry Office at Hamilton this 29th day of August 1972.

J. M. GLAMUZINA, Assistant Land Registrar

EVIDENCE of the loss of the outstanding duplicate of certificate of title, Volume 963, folio 141 (South Auckland Registry), over that parcel of land containing 31.8 perches, more or less, being Lot 82 on Deposited Plan 36497, and being part Section 13, Block XVI, Tairua Survey District, in the name of Victor Colin McIsaac, of Auckland, plumber, having been lodged with me together with an application S. 570419 to issue a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of mv intention to issue such new certificate of title on the expiration of 14 days from the date of the Gaz.ette containing this notice.

Dated at the Land Registry Office at Hamilton this 28th day of August 1972.

J. M. GLAMUZINA, Assistant Land Registrar.

EVIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Volume A3, folio 110 (Taranaki Registry), for (originally) 2 acres and 34.1 perches, more or less, situate in the Borough of Waitara, being Lots 1 to 12 on Deposited Plan 9449, being part Section 25C, Waitara West District, of which Lots 3 and 5 on the said plan comprise the balance, in the names of Pita Kapui Te Wehi m.a. and Te Matoe Kapui Te Wehi m.a. as tenants­in-common in equal shares, having been lodged with me together with an application No. 196029 for the issue of a new certificate of title for the said Lots 3 and 5 in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate of title upon the expiration of 14 days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice.

Dated this 29th day of August 1972 at the Land Registry Office, New Plymouth.

D. A. LEVETT, District Land Registrar.

EVIDENCE having been furnished of the loss of the outstanding duplicate of certificate of title, Volume 23, folio 131 (now Volume 2C, folio 879) (Westland Registry), in the names of Elisha Andrew Wells and Elisha John Wells, both of Wood­stock, storekeepers, as tenants-in-common in equal shares, for 5 acres and 19.6 perches, more or less, being part Reserve 190, Block V, Kaniere Survey District, and application (42315) having been made to me to issue certificate of title 2C/879 without production of certificate of title 23/131, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such certificate of title on the expiration of 14 days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice.

Dated this 29th day of August 1972 at the Land Registry Office, HOlkitika.

N. L. MANNING, Assistant Land Registrar.

NOTICE is hereby given that an application has been made for the issue of a certificate of title, pursuant to section 3, Land Transfer Amendment Act 1963, for the parcel of land described hereunder and that such certificate of title will issue unless caveat be lodged with me forbidding the same on or before 7 November 1972.

Application 728 by Keith Goldie WiIIiam Andrew Hamilton, of Christchurch, electrical inspector, for 1 acre 1 rood 23 perches, more or less, situated in Block XIII, Waimea Survey District, being part of Rural Section 1017, and being all of the land contained in certificate of title 3A/806 (Westland Registry), whereof Grace Christina Peebles, of Three Mile, Hokitika, widow, as administratrix is the registered proprietor.

Dated this 31st day of August 1972 at the Land Registry Office at Hokitika.

N. L. MANNING, Assistant Land Registrar.



SoCIETIES I, Reginald Leslie Codd, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies, do hereby declare that, as it has been made to appear to me that the under-mentioned societies are no longer carrying on operations, they are hereby dissolved in pursuance of section 28 of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908:

The Auckland and Provincial Funeral Directors' Associa­tion Incorporated A. 1936/27.

New Zealand People's Universities Association Incorpor­ated A. 1940/36.

Church Design Group Incorporated A 1963/87. The North Shore Rose Society Incorporated A. 1969/32.

Dated at Auckland this 29th day of August 1972. R. L. CODD, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies.

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SocIETIES I, Reginald Leslie Codd, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies, do hereby declare that, as it has been made to appear to me that Whaka Road (Maungaturoto) Hall Trust Board (A. 1963/11) is no longer carrying on its operations, it is hereby dissolved in pursuance of section 26 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.

Dated at Auckland this 29th day of August 1972. R. L. CODD, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies.

CHANGE OF NAME THE New Zealand Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, Incorporated, advises all concerned that the society has changed its name to "The New Zealand Cat Fancy, Incorporated", with effect from 23 August 1972.

A. H. F. ATKINSON, National Secretary.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (6) NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-mentioned companies have been struck off the Register and the companies dissolved:

H. Hayden Ltd. A. 1950/756. Industrial Tools Ltd. A. 1958/684. Noel Carter Ltd. A. 1959/1115. Stenner Elevators Ltd. A. 1963/759. Marilyn Flats Ltd. A. 1963/1266. Johnston and Managh Ltd. A. 1964/749. Marinair Lines Ltd. A. 1964/1566. Piha Store Ltd. A. 1964/1813. J. M. and V. E. Southey Ltd. A. 1966/430. L. D. and P. J. Alcock and Co. Ltd. A 1967/898. Northumberland Dairy Ltd. A. 1968/1748. Ford Ocean Cruises Ltd. A. 1969/77. G. and B. McGregor Ltd. A. 1969/432. D. Acton Ltd. A. 1969/608. N. A. Bullock and Co Ltd. A. 1969/1471. Pancake Parlour Ltd. A. 1970/30. J. and J. Lewis Ltd. A. 1970/1178. Kevin C. Sorensen and Associates Ltd. A. 1970/1680. Tyne Engineering Services Ltd. A. 1970/1981.

Given under my hand at Auckland this 29th day of August 1972.

R. L. CODD, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (6) NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-mentioned companies have been struck off the Register and the companies dissolved:

Bettermade Frocks Ltd. A. 1951/740. C. W. Rowan Ltd. A. 1955/852. Central Fancy Goods Ltd. A. 1961/1342. Fracto-Blast Cement Gunning Ltd. A. 1961/1681. L. Andrews Ltd. A. 1962/551. N.Z. Tristeel Ltd. A. 1963/1617. Avon Dairy Ltd. A. 1964/1441. Suburban Lunch Bar Ltd. A. 1965/1391. Bonanza Cartage Co. Ltd. A. 1966/1178. Discatron Products (N.Z.) Ltd. A. 1966/1919. Superior Dairy Ltd. A. 1966/1926. Kensington Pet and Plant Shop Ltd. A. 1966/2068. N. N. and A. N. Dewson Ltd. A. 1967/171. A. F. and L. F. Fuggle Ltd. A. 1967/249. D. and Z. Ashley Ltd. A. 1967/1001. Sandringham Book Club Ltd. A. 1967/1399. Jobrett Enterprises Ltd. A. 1967/1671. R. B. and R. E. Goddard Ltd. A. 1968/90. P. J. and M. A. Schlooz Ltd. A. 1968/1271. Radio Auckland Ltd. A. 1968/1623. Alert Dairy Ltd. A. 1969/86.

Given under my hand at Auokland this 29th day of Augus! 1972.

R. L. CODD, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (3) NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of 3 months from the date hereof the names of the under-mentioned companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies be dissolved:

Duthie's Ltd. A. 1931/276. Technical Holdings Ltd. A. 1959/890. Fort Commercial Cleaners Ltd. A. 1959/1263. P. and M. Barnes Ltd. A. 1960/186. L. J. Townsend Ltd. A. 1962/47. Closed Circuit Television (N.Z.) Ltd. A. 1962/1266. Matua Poultryfarm Ltd. A. 1963/432. Mirus Investments Ltd. A. 1963/600. Dave's Sports Centre Ltd. A. 1963/639. Clarke and Rosenberg Ltd. A. 1963/651. Eddystone Holdings Ltd. A. 1963/761. Mark Downs Ltd. A. 1963/854. Surfing Promotions Ltd. A. 1963/908. Forbes and Clarkson Ltd. A. 1963/915. Mangere Building Co. Ltd. A. 1963/940. R. and E. Davys Ltd. A. 1963/972. Telfars Dairy Ltd. A. 1963/1001. G. and P. Donaldson Ltd. A. 1963/1116. Tompkins' Foodmarket Ltd. A. 1963/1175. E. W. Bangs Ltd. A. 1963/1182. Roby Industries Ltd. A. 1963/1323. Donald A. Stratford Ltd. A. 1963/1427. Stan's Foodmarket Ltd. A. 1963/1490. Mahia Service Station Ltd. A. 1966/1905. Lindy's Tea Rooms Ltd. A. 1967/147. Twintex Manufacturing Ltd. A. 1969/2295.

Given under my hand at Auokland this 29th day of August 1972.

R. L. CODD, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (3) NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of 3 months from this date the names of the under-mentioned companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies will be dissolved:

G. W. Stephenson and Son Ltd. HN. 1946/192. Darrington and Tinkler Ltd. HN. 1951/396. Fresh-Pail< Meats Ltd. HN. 1957/630. Pukareao Timber Co. Ltd. HN. 1958/355. Plateau Colliery Contracting Co. Ltd. HN. 1958/1229. Arthur T. Pavitt Ltd. HN. 1958/1339. King Country Tyre Service Ltd. HN. 1959/1186. Singing Hills Ltd. HN. 1960/641. S. and S. Corbett Ltd. HN. 1961/74. Robert Autos (Rotorua) Ltd. HN. 1964/256. Esperanza Milk Bar Ltd. HN. 1966/266. Thomas and Margaret Bird Ltd. HN. 1966/656. Electrical Holdings Ltd. HN. 1966/679. Zeal Engineering Associates Ltd. HN. 1966/724. Vivian Floorings Ltd. HN. 1968/524.

Dated at Hamilton this 31st day of August 1972. R. L. RAY, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (6) NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-mentioned companies have been struck off the Register and the com­panies dissolved:

Goldmans Pharmacy Ltd. HB. 1956/23. Ebbett Farm Ltd. HB. 1956/78. Kelmac Buildings Ltd. HB. 1956/101. Newbury Farm Ltd. HB. 1958/90. J. and V. Foster Ltd. HB. 1965/44. Maraenui Milk Bar Ltd. HB. 1965/134. Wilson Motor Supplies Ltd. HB. 1965/140. Hendersons Grocery Dairy Ltd. HB. 1966/171. Marshalls Foodstore Ltd. HB. 1966/223. Sky-Line Developments Limited. HB. 1967/189. Jolls Store Ltd. HB. 1962/158. Lumsden Fare Ltd. HB. 1963/6. The Jayembee Milk Bar Ltd. HB. 1967/35. Churchill Enterprises Ltd. HB. 1969/240. H. W. Louie Ltd. HB. 1958/37. R. and J. Tilling Ltd. HB. 1969/49.

Given under my hand at Napier this 4th day of September 1972.

P. J. THORNTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (3) NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of 3 months from the date hereof the names of the under-mentioned companies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies dissolved:

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Graeme Everton Ltd. W. 1965/151. Francis Properties Ltd. W. 1965/161. Silverstream Meat Co. Ltd. W. 1965/251. R. and V. Anthony Foodmarket Ltd. W. 1965/283. Victoria Construction Co. Ltd. W. 1965/336. Richards Buildings Ltd. W. 1965/337. B. J. Hall Demolition Co. Ltd. W. 1965/363. O'Connors Transport Ltd. W. 1965/682. Pesco Distributors Ltd. W. 1965(783. Alec Smith Electrical Ltd. W. 1965/877. Airmotive Finance Ltd. W. :1965/970. W. W. Herewini Ltd. W. 1965/1184. A. F. Grieve Ltd. W. 1965/1277. B. Clausen Decorators Ltd. W. 1966/165. Associated Northern Ltd. W. 1966/186.

Given under my hand at Wellington this 29th day of August 1972.

I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of 3 months from the date hereof, the names of the under-mentioned com­panies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies dissolved:

Raetihi Carrying Company (1963) Ltd. W. 1963/43l. Brunswic.k Stores (1963) Ltd. W. 1963/485. Wellington Radio House Ltd. W. 1963/649. Stokes Valley Dairy (1964) Ltd. W. 1964/30l. Hammond and Comfort Ltd. W. 1964/601. Rex Nicholson Ltd. W. 1964(754. Casval Holdings (N.Z.) Ltd. W. 1967/884. Goodger Screen Print Ltd. W. 1968/49. Pencarrow Coffee Lounge Ltd. W. 1968/116. Randolph Enterprises Ltd. W. 1968/143. Grey town Dairy Ltd. W. 1968/252. J. Ridley Industries Ltd. W. 1968/350. Newtown Investments Ltd. W. 1968/354. Neptune Fish Shop (Lower Hutt) Ltd. W. 1968/423. Basin Reserve Spray Painters and Panel Beaters Ltd.

W. 1968/450. Corner Store Ltd. W. 1968/479. Rodney Goodall Ltd. W. 1968/597. Bobs Burger Bar Ltd. W. 1968/790. Bowen Meat Retailers Ltd. W. 1968/955. Allott and McKenna Ltd. W. 1968/%4. California Construction Company Ltd. W. 1968/972. Civic Coffee Lounge Ltd. W. 1968/976. Brian Mainwaring Ltd. W. 1%8/997. Modular Concepts Ltd. W. 1968/1064.

Given under my hand at Wellington this 4th day of Sep­tember 1972.

I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (6) NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-mentioned companies have been struck off the Register and the com­panies dissolved;

Dustins Ltd. W. 1908/72. Hanson Storage Ltd. W. 1948/336. Golden Coast Fishing Co. Ltd. W. 1960(775. Dix Smallgoods Ltd. W. 1964/273. Scott's Daily Dairy Ltd. W. 1965 (738. Empire Hotel (P.N.) Ltd. W. 1966/136. M. and B. Sloan Ltd. W. 1966/166. Mobal Advertising Ltd. W. 1966/555. John D. Robinson Ltd. W. 1966/829. R. J. Neilson Ltd. W. 1970/991. Rachel York (N.Z.) Ltd. W. 1970/17.

Given under my hand at Wellington this 4th day of September 1972.

I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (6) NOTICE is hereby given that the names of the under-mentioned companies have been struck off the Register and the companies dissolved:

W. E. North and Sons Ltd. M. 1950/14. Chapman and Wilkinson Ltd. M. 1951/1. Pinocchio Cafeteria Ltd. M. 1961/37. J. B. Wilson Ltd. M. 1964/20. Anders Foodmarket Ltd. M. 1969/18.

Dated at Blenheim this 4th day of September 1972. L. H. GILBERT, Assistant Registrar of Companies.

THE COMPANIES ACT 1955, SECTION 336 (3) NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of 3 months from the date hereof the names of the under-mentioned com­panies will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies dissolved:

Hewetts Foodcentre Ltd. 0.1963/125. Maitland Stores Ltd. 0.1965/161. Playfair Stores Ltd. O. 1967/158. Elaine's Corner Store Ltd. O. 1968/117.

Dated at Dunedin this 4th day of September 1972. K. F. P. McCORMICK,

Assistant Registrar of Companies.


IN the notice of change of name for "Klissers Farmhouse Bakeries Limited" published in New Zealand Gazette, No. 61, dated 3 August 1972, p. 1618, for company number 1955/409 read 1956/409.

F. P. EVANS, Deputy District Registrar of Companies.

CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Pharaoh Plastics Limited" has changed its name to "Anden Plastics Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A. 1972/1607.

Dated at Auckland this 28th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Smith & Wright Limited" has changed its name to "Smith & Webb Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A. 1966/1029.

Dated at Auakland this 25th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Pebblebrook Quarry Limited" has changed its name to "PebblebroOlk Holdings Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A. 1964/443.

Dated at Auckland this 25th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Merlin Stanley Associates Limited" has changed its name to "Storey T.v. Services Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A. 1%2/1664.

Dated at Auckland this 28th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Victoria Avenue Meats Limited" has changed its name to "A. M. Burke Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A. 1966/1599.

Dated at Auckland this 24th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


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CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "AV.A Sales Limited" has changed its name to "J. D. Aitkenhead Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1971/536.

Dated at Auckland this 23rd day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companie~.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Gil's Distributors Limited" has changed its name to "Gil's Bargain Stores Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1969/1881.

Dated at Auckland this 24th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companii;!s.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Thistle Dairy Limited" has changed its name to "L. M. & E. R. Aitken Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1966/1170'.

Dated at Auckland this 24th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "President Finance Limited" has changed its name to "Comsec Finance Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1964/1128.

Dated at Auckland this 24th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Air Columbus Limited" has changed its name to "Akarana Air Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1972/1170'.

Dated at Auckland this 21st day of Augnst 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Sterling Caravans & Boats Limited" has changed its name to "Sterling Kitsets & Boats Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1970'/1547.

Dated at Auckland this 22nd day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "C. J. Lovegrove, Roche & Howe Nominees Limited" has changed its name to "C. J. Lovegrove & Howe Nominees Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1970'/1143.

Dated at Auckland this 17th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Hassan's Service Station Limited" has changed its name to "Swank Auto Valet (1971) Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1963/615.

Dated at Auckland this 18th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Krispcrums Enterprises Limited" has changed its name to "Miracle Pet Products (N.Z.) Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1968/1821.

Dated at Auckland this 18th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Glassco Fish Shop Limited" has changed its name to "Glassco Caterers Limited". and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Com­panies in place of the former name. A 1967/70'3.

Dated at Auckland this 22nd day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Hacienda Beauty Salon Limited" has changed its name to "Hacienda Investments Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1958/110'6.

Dated at Auckland this 18th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "D. J. Gilberd Limited" has changed its name to "Gilberd Hadfield Kerr Piling Company Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1955/210'.

Dated at Auckland this 22nd day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Baltimore Holdings Limited" has changed its name to "Harrison Bergquist Holdings Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. A 1950'/565.

Dated at Auckland this 18th day of August 1972. W. R. S. NICHOLLS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Ngatea Service Station Limited" has changed its name to "A E. & J. V. Steward Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. HN. 1961/1099.

Dated at Hamilton this 28th day of August 1972. R. L. RAY, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Ronald Contracting Limited" has changed its name to "Ronald Mowers & Motor Cycles Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. HN. 1966/130'.

Dated at Hamilton this 28th day of August 1972. R. L. RAY, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


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CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Kennedy Road Service Station Limited" has changed its name to "Tony Reid's Service Station Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. H.B. 1%4/144.

Dated at Napier this 22nd day of August 1972. B. C. McLAY, District Registrar of Campanies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Merson Textiles Limited" has changed its name to "Merson Textile Industries Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place ,of the former name. No. W. 1965/193.

Dated at Wellington this 24th day of August 1972. I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Domett Truck and Trailer Company Limited" has changed its name to "Domett Fruehauf Trailers Limited", and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. W. 1946/331.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of September 1972. I. W. MATTHEWS, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Halswell Products Limited" C. 1955/263 has changed its name to "Enterprise Land and DevelDpment Limited", and that the new name was this day entered ,on my Register of Companies in place of the former name.

Dated at Christchurch this 25th day of August 1972. J. O'CARROLL, Assistant Registrar of Companies.


CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY NOTICE is hereby given that "Waikaia TranspDrt (1966) Limited" S.D. 1966/97 has changed its name to "F. R. Andrews Transport Limited", and that the new name was this day entered ,on my Register of CDmpanies in place of the former name.

Dated at Invercargill this 14th day of August 1972. B. E. HAYES, District Registrar of Companies.



Notice of Final Meeting of Members IN the matter ,of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

of I. D. Hopkins Ltd. : NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 291 (2) ,of the CDmpanies Act 1955, that a general meeting of members of the abDve-named ,company will be held at the office of John Doube, Chartered Accountant, Morrinsville, on Monday, 25 September 1972, at 11 a.m., for the purpDse of having an account laid befDre it showing how the winding up has been cDnducted and the prDperty of the company has been disposed ,of, and to receive any explanation thereof by the liquidatDr.

Dated this 31st day of August 1972. JOHN DOUBE, Liquida~oJ".

Address of Liquidator: Care ,of the office of John Doube, Chartered Accountant, 192 Thames Street (Box 50), Morrins­ville. 2551


Notice of Final Meeting of Creditors IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of

I. D. HDpkins Ltd.: NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 291 (3) of the Companies Act 1955, that a meeting of creditors ,of the above-named company will be held at the office of John Doube, Chartered Accountant, Morrinsville, on Monday, 25 September 1972 at 11.15 a.m., fDr the purpose ,of having an account laid before it showing how the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed ,of and tD receive any explanation thereof by the liquidator, and to authorise the liquidator to dispose ,of the books and the papers ,of the company when the company has been dissolved.

Dated this 31st day of August 1972. JOHN DOUBE, LiquidatDr.

Address of Liquidator: Care ,of the office of John DDube, Chartered Accountant, 192 Thames Street (BDX 50), Morrins­ville. 2552


PURSUANT to the Companies Act 1955, notice is hereby given that, by an entry in its minute bDok signed in accDrdance with section 362 (1) of the Companies Act 1955, the above-named cDmpany on the 2nd day ,of September 1972 passed a resDlu­tion for voluntary winding up, and that a meeting ,of creditors of the above-named company will aocordingly be held at the office of J. R. McIlraith, CDmmerce Building, 48 James Street, Whangarei, on Tuesday, the 12th day of September 1972, at 1 p.m. Business:

1. Consideration of a statement of the position of the com-pany's affairs and list ,of creditors.

2. NominatiDn of liquidator. 3. Appointment ,of committee ,of inspection, if thought fit. Dated the 5th day ,of September 1972.

D. HART and A. M. McLEAN, Directors. 2565


Notice of Resolution for Voluntary Winding Up IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

,of BOMAR CEILING FIXERS LTD. (in liquidation): NOTICE is hereby given that, by duly signed entry in the minute book of the above-named company on 1 August 1972, the following extraordinary resolution was passed by the cDmpany, namely:

(a) "That the company cannot by reason of its liabilities cDntinue its business and that it is advisable to wind up.

(b) "That Harvey Latta, chartered accountant, of Auckland, be nominated as liquidator."

Dated at Auckland this 1st day of September 1972. D. MARVIN, Director.



Name of Company: Bateman Records Ltd. (in liquidation). Address of Registered Office: Official Assignee's Office,

Seventh Floor, State Insurance Building, Hereford Place, Christchurch.

Registry of Supreme Court: Christchurch. Number of Matter: M. 67/72. Last Day for Receiving Proofs: 18 October 1972.

IVAN A. HANSEN, Official Assignee, Official Liquidator. 2599

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NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PROVE DEBTS OR CLAIMS IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

of BOMAR CEILING FIXERS LTD. (in liquidation) : NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, the liquidator of Bomar Ceiling Fixers Ltd., which is being wound up volun­tarily does hereby fix the 29th day of September 1972 as the day ~n or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims, and to establish any tIt~e they may have to priority under section 308 of the Compames Act 1955 or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution mad~ before the debts are proved, or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution.

Dated this 1st day of September 1972. K. S. CRAWSHAW, Liquidator.

Address of Liquidator: Room 314, Third Floor, T. and G. Building, Wellesley Street West, Auckland 1. 2560

NOTICE OF CREDITORS TO PROVE IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

of MIDWAY GARDEN CENTRE LTD. (in liquidation): THE liquidator of Midway Garden Centre Ltd., which is being wound up voluntarily, doth hereby fix the 21st day of September 1972 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debt~ ~r claims, and. to establish any title they may have to prIonty under sectIon 308 of the Act, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved, or, as the case may be, from objecting to such distribution.

T. L. REILLY, Liquidator. The address for return of proofs of debt is T. L. Reilly,

Chartered Accountant, P.O. Box 38365, Petone. 2557


Notioe to Creditors to Prove Debts or Claims TN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

of Plummer and Co. Ltd. (in voluntary liquidation) : NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, the liquidator of Plummer and Co. Ltd., which is being wound up volun­tarily does hereby fix the 20th day of October 1972 as the day ~n or before which the creditors of th~ company are to prove their debts or claims, and to establIsh any htl.e they may have to priority under section 308 of the Compames Act 1955, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved, or, as the case may be. from objecting to the distribution.

Dated this 31 st day of August 1972. J. M. WISEMAN, Liquidator.

Address of Liquidator: Care of A. and J. Grierson, Goodare, Gibson, and Co., 117 Vincent Street, Auckland 1 (P.O. Box 1810). 2595


Notice of Resolution of Voluntary Winding Up IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

of Plummer and Co. Ltd.: NOTICE is hereby given that, at an extraordinary general meeting of the above-named company held on the 25th day of August 1972, the following special resolution was passed by tho company. namely:

That the company be wound up voluntarily. Dated this 31st day of August 1972.

J. M. WISEMAN, Liquidato!. Address of Liquidator: Care of A. and J. Grierson,

Goodare, Gibson, and Co., 117 Vincent Street, Auckland 1 (P.O. Box 1810). 2594 B


Notice of Voluntary Winding-up Resolution and of Appointment of Liquidator

IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of Lismore Investments Ltd.:

NOTICE is hereby given that, by a duly signed entry in the minute book of the above-named company made on the 28th day of August 1972, the following special resolution was passed:

"That the company go into voluntary liquidation as a members' winding up, and that Mr Graham Thome Dowling be and he is hereby appointed liquidator for the purposes of such winding up."

Dated the 30th day of August 1972.

2592 G. T. DOWLING, Liquieintor.


Notice of Voluntary Winding-up Resolution and ot Appointment of Liquidator

IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the mattcr of Shirley Courts Ltd.:

NOTICE is hereby given that, by a duly signed entry in the minute book of the above-named company made on the 28th day of August 1972, the following special resolution was passed:

"That the company go into voluntary liquidation as a members' winding up, and that Mr Graham Thorne Dowling be and he is hereby appointed liquidator for the purposes of such winding up."

Dated the 30th day of August 1972.

2593 G. T. DOWLING, Liquidator.


Notice of Voluntary Winding-up Resolution NOTICE is hereby given that the following special resolutions were duly passed by the company on 24 August 1972:

1. That the company be wound up voluntarily. 2. That Mr Alison Rossmore Martin, of Auckland, chartered

accountant, be and is hereby appointed liquidator of the company.

Auckland, 29 August 1972. 2596

A. R. MARTIN, Liquidator.

In the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of PlAT HOLDINGS LTD. (in voluntary liquidation) :

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 269 (1) of the Companies Act 1955, that, by special resolution of share­holders of the above company passed on the 18th day of August 1972, it was resolved that the company be wound up voluntarily and that Walter John Heslop, accountant, of Christchurch, be appointed liquidator.

Notice is also given, pursuant to rule 85 of the Companies (Winding-up) Rules 1956, that the liquidator has fixed the 15th day of October 1972 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or ~lalms. and to establish any title they may have to priority under section 308 of the Act, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved, or. as the case may bc, from objecting to the distribution.

Dated this 31st day of August 1972. W. J. HESLOP, Liquidator.

133 Port HilIs Road. Christchurch 2. 2598

TN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of QUEENSTOWN PAINT AND HARDWARE LTD. (in voluntary liquidation) :

NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, the liquidator of Queenstown Paint and Hardware Ltd., which is being wound up voluntarily, does hereby fix the 10th day of October 1972

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as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims, and to establish any title they may have to priority under section 308 of the Companies Act 1955, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved, or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution.

Dated this 24th day of August 1972. B. C. THOMAS, Liquidator.

Address: Broad, Christie and Partners, Ballarat Street, Queenstown. 2561

NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PROVE IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

of DUNEDIN THEATRE LTD. (in voluntary liquidation): THE liquidator of Dunedin Theatre Ltd., which is being wound up voluntarily by its members, doth hereby fix the 29th day of September 1972 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims, and to establish any title they may have to priority under section 308 of the Act, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved, or, as the case may be, from objecting to such distribution.

Dated at Auckland this 4th day of September 1972. L. 1. TAYLOR, Liquidator.

Sixth Floor, 246 Queen Street, Auckland. 2568

NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PROVE IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

of WAIMATE AMUSEMENTS LTD. (in voluntary liquidation) :

THE liquidator of Waimate Amusements Ltd., which is being wound up voluntarily by its members, doth hereby fix the 29th day of September 1972 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company are to prove their debts or claims, and to establish any title they may have to priority under section 308 of the Act, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved, or, as the case may be, from objecting to such distribution.

Dated at Auckland this 4th day of September 1972. L. J. TAYLOR, Liquidator.

Sixth Floor, 246 Queen Street, Auckland. 2570

---_._---- -----


Pursuant to Section 269 of the Compani,es Act 1955 NOTICE is hereby given that by special resolution the members of this company resolved on the 4th day of September 1972 (by entry in the minute book pursuant to section 362 of the Act) inter alia as follows:

"That the company be wound up voluntarily by the mem­bers (a statutory declaration of solvency having been filed)."

Dated at Auckland this 4th day of September 1972. A. B. GODBEHERE, Secretary.



Pursuant to Section 269 of the Companies Act 1955 NOTICE is hereby given that by special resolution the members of this company resolved on the 4th day of September 1972 (by entry in the minute book pursuant to section 362 of the Act) in·ter alia as follows:

"That the company be wound up voluntarily by the members (a statutory declaration of solvency having been filed) ."

Dated at Auckland this 4th day of September 1972. A. B. GODBEHERE, Secretary.



VOLUNTARY WINDING Up IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter

of THOMSON AND SCOTT LTD.: NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to section 281 of the Companies Act 1955, the final general meeting of the above-named company will be held at the offices of Hunt Duthie, and Co., 298 Queen Street, Auckland, on the 28th day of September 1972, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of laying before such meeting the account of the winding up of the above-named company and of giving any explanation thereof.

Dated the 1st day of September 1972.

2558 F. J. WALLACE, Liquidator.

IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of QUEENSTOWN PAINT AND HARDWARE LTD.:

NOTICE is hereby given that, an extraordinary general meeting of the above-named 'company held on the 15th day of August 1972, the following extraordinary resolution was passed by the company, namely:

"That the company cannot by reason of its liabilities continue its business and that it is advisable to wind up, and that accordingly the company be wound up voluntarily."

Dated this 24th day of August 1972.

2590 B. C. THOMAS, Liquidator.

NOTICE CALLING FINAL MEETING IN the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of EMILE SEGARD-PROUVOST LEFEBVRE LID.: NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 281 of the Companies Act 1955, that a general meeting of the above­named company will be held at Cumberland House, Willis Street, Wellington, at 11 o'clock on Monday, the 25th day of September 1972, for the purpose of having an account laid before it showing how the winding up has been con­ducted and the property of (he company has been disposed of, and to receive any explanation thereof by the liquidator. Further Business:

To consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an extraordinary resolution, namely:

That the books and papers of the company be held bv the iiquidatol·.

Every member entitled to attend and to vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of him. A proxy need not also be a member.

Dated this 16th day of August 1972. G. O. DELDYCK, Liquidator.



Name of Company: Eskay Metalware Limited. Address of Registered Office: Formerly care of Messrs Spiller

and Teear, 188 Hereford Street, Christchurch, now Seventh Floor, State Insurance Building, Hereford Place (P.O. Box ]454) Christchurch.

Registry of Supreme Court: Christchurch. Number of Matter: M. 153/72. Date of Order: 1 September 1972. Date of Presentation of Petition: 2 August 1972.

IVAN A. HANSEN, Official Assignee, Provisional Liquidator.



IN NEW ZEALAND THE Grolier Society of Australia Pty. Ltd. hereby gives notice, pursuant to section 405 (2) of the Companies Act 1955, of its intention to cease to have a place of business in New Zealand as from 31 December 1972.


BUTLER, WHITE, AND HANNA, SoHcitors for the Company.

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In the Supreme Court of New Zealand Taranaki District

(New Plymouth Registry)

No. M. 12/72

IN THE MATTER of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, and IN THE MAlTER of a certain charitable trust declared by the will of ANNIE MARIE LEACH RUMBLE, deceased:

PURSUANT to the provisions of section 54 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, I hereby give notice that on Wednesday, the 16th day of August 1972, the Supreme Court at New Plymouth approved the scheme prepared by the Trustees of the deceased estate and dated the 21st day of March 1972 as re­ported upon by the Attorney-General in his report dated the 28th day of April 1972 concerning the matter of certain charitable trusts declared by the will of Annie Marie Leach Rumble, late of Stratford in the Dominion of New Zealand, widow, deceased.


B. J. BAYLEY, Registrar, Supreme Court, New Plymouth.

No. M. 249/72 In the Supreme Court of New Zealand

Wellington District (Wellington Registry)


NOTICE is hereby given that a petition for the winding up of the above-named company by the Supreme Court was, on the 25th day of August 1972, presented to the said Court by MARKET GARDENERS LIMITED, a duly incorporated company having its registered office at Wellington and carrying on business as a merchant. And that the said petition is directed to be heard before the Court sitting at Wellington on the 20th day of September 1972, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon; and any creditor or contributory of the said company desirous to support or oppose the making of an order on the said petition may appear at the time of hearing in person or by his counsel for that purpose; and a copy of the petition will be furnished by the undersigned to any creditor or contri­butory of the said company requiring a copy on payment of the regulated charge for the same.

R. CHAPMAN, Solicitor for the Petitioner. Address for Service: The offices of Roache, Cain, and

Chapman, Solicitors, Europa House, 117 Featherston Street, Wellington.

NOTE-Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of the said petition must serve on or send by post to, the above-named. notice in writing of his intention so to do. The notice must state the name, address, and description of the person, or, if a firm, the name, address, and description of the firm, and an address for service within 3 miles of the office of the Supreme Court at Wellington, and must be signed by the person or firm, or his or their solicitor, if any, and must be served, or, if posted, must be posted in sufficient time to reach the above-named petitioner's address for service not later than 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the 19th day of September 1972. 2533



IN the matter of the Municipal Corporations Act 1954 and the Public Works Act 1928:

Notice is hereby given that the Birkenhead Borough Council proposes, under the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, to execute a certain public WOI'k, namely, a new street from Mokoia Road through Mahara Avenue to the intersection of Birkenhead Avenue and Onewa Road in the Borough of Birkenhead, and for the purposes of such public work the lands described in the Schedule hereto are required to be taken.

And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the lands so required to be taken is deposited in the public office of the Town Clel1k to the said Council, situate at Highbury Corner, Birkenhead, and is open for inspection without fee by sll persons during ordinary office hours. All persons affected by the execution of the said public work or by the taking of such lands who have any objections to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of the said lands must state their objections in writing and send the same within 40 days from the first publication of this notice to the Town Clerk, Birkenhead Borough Council, Highbury Corner (P.O. Box

34001), Birkenhead. If any objection is made in accordance with the provisions of section 22 (d) of the Public Works Act 1928 a public hearing of the objection will be held unless the objector otherwise requires, and each objector will be advised of the time and place of the hearing.

Approximate Area

A. R. P.


Being part of section number

o 1.6 Lot 12, D.P. 17119, portion of Allotment 153, Parish of Takapuna, all the land comprised in certificate of title 383/237.

o 0 29.4 Lot 4, D.P. 20016, portion of Allotment 153, Parish of Takapuna, all the land comprised in certificate of title 815/164.

o 0 29.4 Lot 3, D.P. 20016, part of Allotment 153, Parish of Takapuna, all the land comprised in certifi­cate of title 712/82.

o 0 29.5 Lot 15, D.P. 17119, portion of Allotment 153, Parish of Takapuna, all the land comprised in certificate of title 400 /37.

o 0 29.4 Lot 5, D.P. 20016, part Allotment 153, Parish of Takapuna, all the land comprised in certificate of title 478/77.

o 0 21.9 Part Lots 13 and 14, D.P. 17119, portion of Allotment 153, Parish of Takapuna, all the land comprised in certificate of title 416/157.

o 2 7.5 Lot 11, D.P. 20016, portion of Allotment 153. Parish of Takapuna, all the land comprised in certificate of title 454/279.

All situated in the Borough of Birkenhead. Dated this 1st day of September 1972.

P. H. KORTEGAST, Town Clerk. 2597


IN the matter of the Public Works Act 1928: Notice is hereby given that the Auckland City Council

proposes, under the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, to execute a certain public work, namely, civic centre develop­ment in the City of Auckland in accordance with an agreement with the Crown dated 20 April 1950 entered into pursuant to section 31, Finance Act (No.3) 1944, and for the purpose of such public work the fee simple estate in the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken. And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the land in respect of which the interest above-described is so required to be taken is deposited in the publi,c office of the Town Planning Depart­ment, Auckland City Council, Civic Administration Building, Cook Street, Auckland, and is open for public inspection without fee by all persons during ordinary office hours.

Every person affected who wishes to make any objection to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of the said land (not being an objection to the amount or payment of compensation) must state his objection in writing and send the same within 40 days from the first publication of this notice to the Town Clerk, Auckland City Council, Civic Administration Building, Cook Street, Auckland.

If any objection is made a public hearing of the objection will be held, unless the objector otherwise requires, and each objector will be advised of the time and place of the hearing.

SCHEDULE ALL the fee simple estate in that piece of land containing 16.7 perches, more or less, being Lot 1, Deposited Plan 14284, and being portion of Allotment 12 of Section 30, Town of Auckland, and being all the land comprised in certificate of title, Volume 425, folio 28, North Auckland Land Registry, together with and subject to the party wall rights created by transfer No. 252266. The land is situated at 31 to 35 Cook Street, Auckland.

J. SHAW, Acting Town Clerk. This notice was first published on the 31st day of August

1972. 2553


IN the matter of the Public Works Act 1928: Notice is hereby given that the Rotorua City Council pro­

poses, under the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, to execute a certain public work, namely, the provision of a

Page 36: Published by Authority22 Jun~ 1972, No. 51, p. 1282 is cancelled and the followmg substltuted: "2nd Lieutenant George William Asby-Palmer is posted to the Retired List with effect


public road or street, and for the purposes of such public work the lands described in the Schedule hereto are required to be taken.

And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the lands to be taken is deposited in the Public Office of the Town Clerk of the City of Rotorua situated at Arawa Street in the City of Rotorua and is open for inspection, without fee, by all persons during office hours.

Every person affected by the execution of the said public work or by the taking of any of the said lands who may have any objection which he may wish to make to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of the said lands, not being an objection to the amount or payment of compensation, must set forth his objections in writing and send the same within 40 days from the first publication of this notice to the Town Clerk, addressed to him at the Council Office, Arawa Street in the City of Rotorua. If any such objection is made a public hearing of the objection will be held, unless the objector otherwise requires, and each objector will be advised of the time and place of the hearing.

SCHEDULE (1) All that piece of land containing 3.8 perches, more or

less, being part of Te Miringa 1B 1B Block and part of the land comprised in certificate of title, Volume 100, folio 85, South Auckland Registry, and being the land coloured yellow on Survey Office Plan 46839, being situated on the eastern side of Whittaker Road line.

(2) All that piece of land containing 3.8 perches, more or less, being part of Te Miringa 1B lA Block and being part of the land comprised in certificate of title, Volume 7A. folio 82, South Auckland Registry, and being the land coloured blue on Survey Office Plan 46839, being situated on the eastern side of Whittaker Road line.

Both of which pieces of land are situated in Block I, Tarawera Survey District in the City of Rotorua.

Dated this 22nd day of August 1972. H. C. CHILDS, Town Clerk.

This is the first publication of this notice. 2554


RESOLVED that: this Council raise a loan to be called Staff Housing Loan 1972-$13,000. and this resolution shall be confirmed at an ordinary meeting of Council to be held on Thursday, 17 August 1972, at 7 p.m., at the offices of the Featherston Borough Council, Fox Street, Featherston.

SCHEDULE THE loan shall be called: Staff Housing Loan 1972-$13,000.

The term shall be: 10 years. Interest shall be: 6 percent per annum. The security of the loan shall be 0.162912c in the dollar

on the unimproved rateable value of the Borough of Featherston.

The security rate shall be an annual·recurring rate to be levied and charged annually for the duration of the said loan.

Pursuant to section 34 of the Local Authorities Loans Act 1956, a poll of the ratepayers will be required to be taken if 5 percent of the ratepayers of the Featherston Borough so demand, by ruling under their hands delivered or sent by post to the Featherston Borough Council and received at the offices of the Featherston Borough Council not later than ihe day before the date fixed for the confirmation of the resolution to raise the special loan.

2563 J. A. BOGERS, Town Clerk.


IN the matter of the Public Works Act 1928, and the Muni­cipal Corporations Act 1954, and their respective amendments:

Notice is hereby given that the Wellington City Council proposes, under the provisions of the above-named Acts and all other Acts, powers, and authorities enabling it in that behalf, to execute a certain public work, namely, to take land for street at Curtis Street in the City of Wellington, and for the purpose of that public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken. And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the land which is required to be t3Jken is deposited in the Public Office of the Town Clerk to

the said Council in the Municipal Office Building, 5 Mercer Street, and is there open for inspection, without fee, by all persons during ordinary office hours; and that any person affected by the execution of the said public work or the taking of the said land should, if he has any objection to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of the said land, not being an objection to amount or payment of compensation, send his written objection within 40 days from the first publication of this notice to the Town Clerk at his said office. And notice is hereby further given that if any objection is made as aforesaid a public hearing of that objec­tion will be held, unless the objector otherwise requires, and each objector will be advised of the time and place of that hearing and at that hearing each objector will be advised of the reasons for the proposed taking.

SCHEDULE ALL that parcel of land known as part 84, Curtis Street, Wellington, containing by admeasurement 2 perches, more or less, situate in the City of Wellington, being part Section 32, Karori District, and part Lot 8, D.P. 1742, and being also part of the land contained in certificate of title, Volume 186, folio 49 (Wellington Registry).

Dated at Wellington this 21st day of February 1972. F. W. PRINGLE, Town Clerk.


INDECENT PUBLICATIONS TRIBUNAL MARKETING SERVICES (N.Z.) LTD., of New Plymouth, book distributors, gives notice that it has applied to the Indecent Publications Tribunal for a decision as to whether the magazine Witchcraft, No.1, published by T.N.T., London, is indecent or not, or for a decision as to its classification. 2555







MISCELLANEOUS-Agricultural Chemicals Act: Notice Civil List Act: Notice .... .. Customs Act: Notices ..... . Customs Tariff: Notices ..... . Forests Act: Notice Harbours Act: Notice ...... Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations: Notice Indecent Publications Tribunal: Notice ..... . Land Districts, Land Reserved, Revoked, etc. Local Authorities Loans Act: Notices ...... Local Licensing Trusts Regulations: Notices Maori Affairs Act: Notices Narcotics Act: Notice ...... National Military Service Act: Notice Public Works Act: Notices Regulations Act: Notice ..... . Reserve Bank: Statement Resignation of Ministers: Notice ..... . Sales Tax Act: Notice Schedule of Contracts: Notices ......

Page 1929





1919 1905 1920 1921 1917 1919 1917 1920

1906, 1925 1919 1916 1918 1919 1908

1906, 1908 1926 1925 1905 1920 1926

Standards Act: Notices ...... 1920 State Services Remuneration and Conditions of Em-

ment Act: Notice 1905 Tariff and Development Board: Notices ...... 1920 Transport Act: Notices 1905,1908