with Jane McGonigal’s The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life”

Public Speaking Online - Jane McGonigal Slideshow Presentation

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with Jane McGonigal’s “The Game That Can Give You 10 Extra

Years of Life”

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Jane McGonigalis a game designer and game researcher for games that are designed to improve real lives and solve real problems.

Her TED talk explains how playing games can extend the lifespan and change the top 5 regrets near death into the top 5 traits seen in post-traumatic growth.

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During her TEDTalk

Jane introduces herself as a gamer with goals. And her goal during this TEDTalk is to increase the lifespan of her audience, heightening the audience’s interest, curiousity, or doubt.

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During her TEDTalk

She begins with the her previous TEDTalk, “Gaming Can Make A Better World,” and the skeptics of games wasting people’s time.

She follows up with serious annotations of the top 5 regrets near death and explains how games helps alleviate each of these grievances.

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During her TEDTalk

Jane continued with a story of her concussion and how she turned her suicidal ideation of the brain injury into a game and post-traumatic growth for her and for others.

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During her TEDTalk

Jane continued with a story of her concussion and how she turned her suicidal ideation of the brain injury into a game and post-traumatic growth for her and for others.

She called the game:

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During her TEDTalk

She ended by telling them of her scientific results and had the audience participate in her game, thus achieving her goal of increasing her audience’s lifespan by 7.5 minutes.

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TED Talk Commandment 4“Connect with

people’s emotions”

Jane has focus well with connecting with her audience on two points:

Death is a serious subject that affects many people on an emotional level. To talk about a way to live longer connects with people’s feelings of hope and curiosity.

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TED Talk Commandment 4“Connect with

people’s emotions”

Jane has focus well with connecting with her audience on two points:

Jane had the audience play her game “Super Better” to boost their physical, mental, emotional, and social resilience. The audience physically raised their arms, mentally counted numbers, looked at baby animals, and shook hands with each other, actively completing the quests of the game.

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The Garr Reynolds and Nancy Duarte Influence

Garr Reynolds and Nancy Duarte are professionals in presentation and have explained ways to make them more professional and impacting on an audience.

Jane has done well to exercise Garr’s and Nancy’s aspect of connecting with her audience and Garr’s point that the speaker should tell the story instead of the slideshow. Jane limits the use of bullet points and lists to keep the attention on her.

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Dynamism Grade4.0/5

Jane expressed herself effectively during her talk, positively during the end with the fun and games, and projected her seriousness when she talked about death, affecting her audience on the level needed in that point in time.

She made plenty of hand gestures throughout, but what she lost points was her arms being close to her sides for the majority of the talk. Occupying your open space up promotes confidence and better breathing than closing in and looking timid.

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Sir Ken Robinson Vs. Jane McGonigalSir Ken Robinson is another TEDTalk presenter in which he talks about giving the arts and creativity more importance into the education system.

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Sir Ken Robinson Vs. Jane McGonigalWhile both are very passionate in their field of interest, I feel Jane outputted her message much more clearer than Sir Ken due to the interaction with the audience. Ken spent a lot of his time getting a laugh out of the audience and used a lot of jargon...

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Sir Ken Robinson Vs. Jane McGonigal

... while Jane focused on the goal at hand and kept the scientific speak in layman terms or explained soon after.

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Jane McGonigal & MeThe Game That Can Give You

10 Extra Years of Life The Power of Positivity

Jane and I share similarities in our presentations, including interaction and a goal-oriented talk path. Starting the audience with the purpose behind the talk is a great way have them understand where you are coming from and more likely understand why to participate during the discussion.

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Reference LinksVideos•http://www.ted.com/talks/jane_mcgonigal_the_game_that_can_give_you_10_extra_years_of_life.html•http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html•http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_changing_education_paradigms.html
