Public Key Infrastructure July 2011

Public Key Infrastructure

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Public Key Infrastructure. July 2011. Topics. The need of PKI Trust Model PKI Structures CA types PGP. Public Key Distribution issue. Public Key cryptography solves the problem of Confidentiality, Integrity Authenticity Non-repudiation But how to ensure the public key is not faked? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Public Key Infrastructure

July 2011

Topics The need of PKI Trust Model PKI Structures CA types PGP


Public Key Distribution issue Public Key cryptography solves the problem of

Confidentiality, Integrity Authenticity Non-repudiation

But how to ensure the public key is not faked? Eve creates a pair of keys (private/public) and tells everyone

that the public key he generated belongs to Alice People send confidential stuff to Alice Alice cannot read (missing of the private key) Eve reads Alice’s messages


PKI PKI is a group of solutions for key distribution

problems and other issues: Key generation Certificate generation, revocation, validation Managing trust

Using Certificates


How to Verify a Public Key? Two approaches:

Before using anyone public key: Meet to get the right one Have the public key sent in storage device using registered mail

(if you trust registered mail) You can use the telephone (if you trust the telephone)

Contact someone already trust to certify that the key really belongs to real owner By checking for a trusted digital signature on the key That’s were certificates play a role

Topics The need of PKI Trust Model PKI Structures CA types PGP


Trust Models Web-of-Trust

P2P model for key certification based on friends and friends of friends Individuals digitally sign each other keys You trust implicitly keys signed by some of your friends Used by “Pretty Good Privacy” (PGP)

Trusted Authority + Path of Trust (CAs) A trusted agent who certifies public keys for general use Everyone trusts the root Certificate Authority (Verisign, Thawte, BT etc.) CA digitally signs keys of anyone having checked their credentials by traditional

methods CA may even nominate others to be CAs

CA model (Trust model)


Root Certificate

CA Certificate CA Certificate

Server Cert.Server Cert.Server Cert. Server Cert.

Web of Trust model









Trust Models Issues Web-of-trust

Time-consuming, requires lots of work Works well in small or high connected worlds How to verify a public key from someone who don’t know

before Certification authorities

“big brothers” that everyone must trust Simpler model to deploy


A Fully Functional PKI Certification authority Certificate repository Certificate revocation Key backup and recovery Automatic key update Key history management Cross-certification Support for non-repudiation Time stamping Client software

Topics The need of PKI Trust Model PKI Structures CA types PGP

PKI Major Parts


PKI is a system that uses public-key encryption and digital certificates to achieve secure Internet services.

There are 4 major parts in PKI. Certification Authority (CA) A directory Service Services, Web servers Business Users

PKI Structure


Certification Authority Directory services


Public/Private Keys


Storing Certificates and Keys Certificates need to be stored so that interested users can

obtain them This is not an issue. Certificates are “public”

Keys need to be stored for data recovery purposes This weakens the system, but is a necessity

This is a function of most certificate servers offer Those servers are also responsible for issuing, revoking, signing etc. of certs

But this requires the certificate server to generate the key pairs


Example (wrong)

PrivPriv pubpub

Certification Server

User generatesUser generatesa key paira key pair

Certificate is sent Certificate is sent to the userto the user

Public key is Public key is submitted to CA submitted to CA for certificationfor certification








Example (Good)

PrivPriv pubpub

Certification Server

CA generatesCA generatesa key paira key pair

Private Key and Private Key and Certificate are Certificate are

sent to the usersent to the user







User request a User request a certificate to CAcertificate to CA

CA generatesCA generatescertificatecertificate


This model allows key This model allows key recoveryrecovery

SSL with PKI


Server authentication is necessary for a web client to identify the web site it is communicating with

To use SSL, a special type of digital certificate – “Server certificate” is used

Get a server certificate from a CA Install a server certificate at the Web server Enable SSL on the Web site

Topics The need of PKI Trust Model PKI Structures CA types PGP


Single CA A CA that issues certificates to users and systems, but not

to other CAs– Easy to build– Easy to maintain– All users trust this CA– Paths have one certificate and one CRL– Doesn’t scale particularly well


Hierarchical PKI CAs have a hierarchical relationship

(as in a tree) All CAs trust the root CA Root’s is self-signed Root CA certifies its child CAs, and

they in turn certify their child CAs, and so on.

Easy to establish/verify trust relationship between any two CAs

X509 PKI – Approach to Trust

Why should I trust a CA? Cross-certification

Topics The need of PKI Trust Model PKI Structures CA types PGP

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)


Release in June 1991 by Philip Zimmerman (PRZ) PGP is a hybrid cryptosystem that allows user to encrypt

and decrypt Use session key “a random generated number from the

mouse movement or keystrokes”

PGP Public Key


Philip R Zimmermann's Public Keys Current DSS/Diffie-Hellman Key: Key fingerprint: 055F C78F 1121 9349 2C4F 37AF C746 3639 B2D7 795E -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP 7.0.3


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