Public-Key Infrastructure for Higher Education Mark Luker EDUCAUSE

Public-Key Infrastructure for Higher Education

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Public-Key Infrastructure for Higher Education. Mark Luker EDUCAUSE. EDUCAUSE is. An association of over 1,800 colleges, universities, and corporate partners professional education and best practice Net@EDU for advanced networking NLII for distributed learning Government and campus policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Public-Key Infrastructure for Higher Education


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• An association of over 1,800 colleges, universities, and corporate partners– professional education and best practice– Net@EDU for advanced networking– NLII for distributed learning– Government and campus policy

• Partner with I2 and SURA on NMI

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What’s new in technology?

• affordable “human” interactions

• affordable digital content

• affordable networked communications

• This changes everything!

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What is different this time?

• Convergence to common digital forms– incredible reduction in unit costs– incredible resource sharing– speeds both innovation and production

• Global sharing of opportunities– technology, information, human

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Why critical for higher ed?

• Our stock is in knowledge and information

• Our core activities focus on learning, research, analysis, dissemination, preservation …

• All can be improved through better, cheaper, broader, faster communications

• Irrational exuberance?

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Major barrier to success

• Low level of “trust” on the Internet

• Who are you really dealing with?

• How do you know?

• Is this signed document authentic?

• Can you prove it?

• Can the Internet support our core business?

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Fact…Networked applications require an

environment of rules and law:– Official and personal transactions– Shared resources and collaboration– Distributed systems and information– B2B and web services– Networked organization– Distributed learning– Networked research

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Aspects of trusted communications

• Authentication

• Data integrity

• Confidentiality

• Non-repudiation

• Authorization

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All a matter of degree• Assurance of products and services

– Liabilities and regulations

• Balance costs and risks– Physical and network security– Policies and procedures– Penalty of regulations and law– Insurance and indemnification

• Traditional business models

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Passwords fail the test

• Either hard to remember or easy to guess

• Difficult and expensive to manage

• Towers of Babel

• Lock you into online transactions

• Low level of trust

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PKI - the only known solution

• Issue a unique, digital “cert” to each person

• Guard and manage it with high security

• Use it automatically to prove identity

• Can support digital signatures– Provides all five types of trust– For both transactions and documents– Fits normal business models

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What is needed in a PKI?

• A registration authority (RA) that performs the physical identity checks

• A Certificate Authority (or CA) that issues, manages, and vouches for the certs

• An “authoritative” directory of roles

• Standards, policies, training, oversight

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What else is needed?

• “PKI Aware” applications that automatically use the certs and the directory– Browsers, email, online transactions– Digital signatures

• Business rules for trusted communications

• Re-engineer business workflow

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The ROI? (Wrong term?)

• Costs similar to ERP– Big bucks for full implementation– Hardware and software only a small part – A long-term, ongoing investment

• Rewards even larger than ERP– Efficiency– A basic necessity for e-education

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Mathematical underpinningsMathematical underpinnings

• Asymmetric or Public Key cryptography • Encode and decode messages using a common

algorithm with pairs of “keys”– Only you have your private key– Everyone else has your public key

• Either key can encode a message– Only the other key can then decode it

• It is “impossible” to determine your private key from your public key

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ConfidentialityConfidentiality• To send a confidential message to Mary

– Encode message with Mary’s public key– She decodes it with her private key

• To save a confidential copy of a message– Encode message with your own public key– Decodes it later with your private key

• What if you lose your private key?– Key escrow - a system to recover lost keys– Once a big policy flap with the feds

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Non-repudiationNon-repudiation• Send a message “guaranteed to be from you”

– Send the message coded with your private key– Mary decodes it with your public key– If this works, it is really from you

• Also called technical non-repudiation:– No one else could have sent the message– ASSUMING no one else has your private key

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Integrity• Send a signed document to Mary

– Compute a “1-way hash” of the message– Encode the hash using your private key

• Send message + coded hash to Mary– Mary decodes hash with your public key– She recomputes the hash from the message and

compares with the decoded hash• If they match, it guarantees integrity• Can do all combinations with Digital Signatures

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What for? Authorization• Provide controlled access to resources

– Use certificate to determine identity– Check for appropriate authorization using

access lists, class membership rules, etc.– Store attributes in a directory

• Problems?– Need expiration dates and revocation lists– Must be alert to privacy concerns– Need high quality, secure directory!

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Assumptions• You and only you have your private key

– Never escrow your private signing key– Must use two pairs of keys– Must revoke obsolete or lost keys

• Keys are easy to use– PKI-enabled applications

• Everyone has access to your public key– And they can trust that it is really yours

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Challenges• Must prevent brute force attacks

– Key size, algorithms, management, guard dogs

• Where to keep your private key?– Your head? your hard drive? the network?– Smart cards, biometrics

• How to publish your public key and guarantee it is yours?

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How to share public keys?• Can share one-to-one, but does not scale

– How can a published key be trusted?• Breakthrough

– Send the public key in a Certificate signed by a trusted, third party

– This Certificate Authority or CA vouches for the identity and public key of the sender

– We recognize and trust the CA due to its process, rules, reputation, and liability

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Managing trust in communities• Can’t have just one CA for the entire world• Hierarchical models have a root CA that determines

overall policy requirements– System, Campuses, Colleges– State, System, …– VeriSign, Campuses, …

• Trust partners in a common framework– Trust, risk, and liability– Works like a family tree

• Must validate certs through chains of trust

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Early projects• University of Texas system• University of California system• University of Pittsburgh• CREN early adopters• Digital library federation• Federal agencies – especially Defense• Automotive Network Exchange• American Bankers Association• Health Key

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Stepping up to the next level

• Need to work with certs across communities

• Difficult and expensive to manage separate certs for separate applications

• Risk PKI Tower of Babel

• Would like to use your “main” identity in most transactions

• Need to validate certs from other root CAs

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Collaboration between root CAs• Establish trust through “sufficient”

commonality of process and policy– A job for lawyers and managers– Enforced by technology, management, contract

• Cross-certify peer CAs– Trust each other, vouch for it– Examine detailed policy documents– Sign certificates for each other’s public keys

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Implementing trust between CAs• The number of pairwise agreements

between N CAs is about N squared / 2– Pairwise trust between 1,000 root campus CAs

requires the work of 1 million lawyers– Try to use a small number of root CAs

• Breakthrough– Use a common “bridge CA” in the middle– Translate trust between N kinds of certificates– Requires only 2 x N lawyers

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The bridge solution

• Translates certs and levels of trust from one PKI to another

• Provides online verification that a cert issued by another system is valid

• Provides interoperability across vendors

• (Solves the N-squared problem of trust)

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Federal Bridge• FBCA connects CAs for federal agencies

– Recognizes de facto autonomy– Supports common vendors– Authority of Federal CIO Council– 150-page detailed policy statement– New implementation by MitreTek– Online now

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Higher Education Bridge• HEBCA proposed for higher ed CAs

– Recognizes actual autonomy– Supports common vendors– Authority of ???– Mimic federal policy statement– Prototype implementation by MitreTek– Online for testing now

• Cross-certify to the federal bridge!

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Example• Campuses join some hierarchical CA

– Can interoperate through HEBCA

• Big bonus– Can interoperate through FBCA with feds– NSF, NIH, VA, INS, DOD, Ed, HHS, …

• Trial projects– Campus – HBCA – FBCA – NIH– Campus - FSA

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• Build bridges for Federal Government and Higher Education

• Hook them together (with trust!)

• Demonstrate that this model could support trusted communications between any campus and federal agency

• Won the Pioneer “Best of the Best” award

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A Picture is Worth Five SlidesA Picture is Worth Five Slides

NIH Mail ServerUniversity ofAlabama-Birmingham

University ofWisconsin-Madison



E-LockAssured OfficeDigital Signed

Grant App.

E-LockAssured OfficeDigital Signed

Grant App.

E-LockAssured OfficeDigital Signed

Grant App.

NIH Recipient

E-LockAssured OfficeDigital Signed

Grant App.

E-LockAssured OfficeCAM-enabled

Middleware: CAM with DAVE



Certificate ValidationUW-M

Certificate ValidationUA-B

Certificate ValidationDart. C

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Advantages of the bridge approach• Campuses and agencies can use their own

PKI vendors, identification, and signatures.

• They do not have to create new certificates or passwords for each new application.

• They have a standard way to check credentials received from one another.

• Could be used for trusted correspondence between higher education and NIH, NSF, NASA, FSA, INS, IRS, VA, DoD, ….

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Role of EDUCAUSE• Implement the bridge for higher education

– Interoperate with vendors and feds– Alliance with ACE for authority– Collaborate with Internet2 on technology– Focus in Net@EDU working group on PKI

• Arranging trials with MitreTek, Feds, NIH, and several campuses

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People Glue It All TogetherPeople Glue It All Together

• Clair Goldsmith, University of Alabama-Birmingham

• Jill Gemmill, University of Alabama-Birmingham

• Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin-Madison

• Eric Norman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

• Bob Brentrup, Dartmouth College

• Ed Feustel, Dartmouth College

• Michael Gettes, Georgetown University; Internet2

• David Wasley, University of California Office of the President

• Bill Weems, University of Texas – Houston Health Science Center

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D. Wasley’s PKI Puzzle

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Campus next steps for PKI• Understand PKI as an institution• Implement initial components

– CA services, directory, enabled applications– Policies, practices, contracts, business models– Stay within the emerging framework

• The payoff– Efficiency and power of networked operations– Requisite capabilities for e-education

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Whew!• Will it work?

• Are there alternatives?

• See – www.educause.edu/netatedu on PKI– NMI, I2, SURA, HEPKI– www.cio.gov/fbca, etc.– PKI by Tom Austin, Wiley Tech Brief, 2001