Public Administration First session Prof. Denise Scheberle

Public Administration First session Prof. Denise Scheberle

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Public Administration

First session

Prof. Denise Scheberle

Welcome First card: write your name, what you hope to

learn in this class, something interesting or fun about you, your learning style, and attach a picture www.ncsu.edu/felder-public/ILSpage.html

Large card: Fold in half and write your first name; bring it to class next two weeks

Nature of the class Interactive Thoughtful Challenging Open Six discussion teams for case studies

Summary, lessons, application


1. Say hello! Assign team leaders and decide how to take attendance.

2. Create a short list of guidelines or ground rules for team and class discussion

3. Turn in extra copy of assignments and list of guidelines to me.

Learning styles typology

Active and reflective learners Sensing and intuitive learners Visual and verbal learners Sequential and global learners Thoughts? Any surprises? Confirmations?

Critical thinking

Process of avoiding one’s preconceptions by gathering evidence, contemplating and evaluating alternatives, and coming to a conclusion

Thought that is disciplined, comprehensive, based on intellectual standards, and, as a result, is well-reasoned

What is public administration? “PA may be defined as all processes,

organizations and individuals associated with carrying out laws and other rules adopted or issued by legislatures, executives and courts.” Inclusive definition: administrators are the

foremost, but not the only individuals in PA Gordon/Milakovich (authors)

Other definitions of PA

“Public administration is detailed and systematic execution of the law” Woodrow Wilson includes only the administrator excludes policy formulation as well as elected


still other definitions “Whatever governments do for good or

ill. It is public administration’s political context that makes it public--that distinguishes it from private or business administration.” Shafritz and Russell both inclusive and confusing!

What can we conclude about PA?

it is conveys activity concerned with public service (what government can

give to people) tends to be concentrated in the executive branch usually connected with implementing the law

PA is also a field of study

People take undergraduate and graduate courses to learn how to manage public programs and respond to public needs

Also learn how to operate in a public rather than a private environment

How are public and private administration different?

goals incentives flexibility performance measures oversight other ways?

Tensions faced by public administrators

Efficiency v. Effectiveness reaching public goals or measuring activities?

Responsiveness v. Accountability responding to public needs or filling out


Difference between outputs and outcomes

For Thursday

what does Wilson mean by “science of administration”?

how does Wilson feel about the relationship between politics and administration?

what does Wilson mean by the “murderous fellow” sentence?

NEW: Are Wilson’s arguments still valid? Why or why not?

Public opinion of PA

Public support of PA has decreased since 1950s, even though professionalism and accountability have increased.


For Tuesday: Blast case

Who bears the blame for the disaster in Centralia?

What are the central causes of the tragedy? What are the lessons we can take from this

case? What connections do you see to Wilson’s


How to prepare a case write-up

Summary/Overview Lessons Connections

I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.

That’s good enough for government work.

People don’t like government…

Part III how does Wilson justify looking to other

countries for ideas for public administration? what does Wilson mean by the “murderous

fellow” sentence? solving what problem will allow us to “pilot the


Bureaucracy What do you think of when you think of

bureaucracy? Bureaucracy is a way of organizing to achieve

work Class example Bureaucracy is intended to maintain control

and coordination of large groups

Max Weber (1864-1920)

German economist and social historian wrote essay on bureaucracy in 1911 remains the most influential statement of what

bureaucracy is, and what problems are three types of authority

traditional, charismatic, legal-rational

Major elements of a bureaucracy

Fixed authority and official jurisdiction specialization

written, formal rules impersonal administration hierarchy of offices

chain of command career service with employment based on


Negative consequences

monopolize information hard to destroy ambivalent about democracy dehumanizing of the bureaucrat ability of anyone to control powerful

Thinking about bureaucracy

Do you agree with all, some or none of Weber’s negative consequences?

What examples do you have that support or refute his arguments?

Why have bureaucracies come to mean inefficient rather than efficient organizations?