Life on Other Worlds Must Be Much t the Same as on Ours, Declares a Dis¬ tinguished French Scientist, Explaining How Minute Life Germs Can Make, Un¬ harmed, Prodigious Journeys Through Coldest Space. PROFESSOR ALPHONSE BERQET, oi the Purls Institute of Oceanography, bae written nn art'^le supporting the theory that life originated on the planets through mi¬ nute living germs which are carried through space and fall upon the surface of these planets. Professor lierget, one of the moBt distinguished of European scientists, takes up ind answers *11 the objections to this theory raised in recent months. He makes tho important statement that if '.here 1b life in other planet* of our jlur iystena 11 mu6t be like'that upon earth, and not the weird fanstastlc monsters lmugin»'.t . bcience has heretofore conceived. Professor ' ergot begins his article by calling attention to the fact that "no question has more disturbed the mind of man than tha* of finding out whence come the earth and her Bister planets; whence comes the sun. toward whot goal In It carried by that slow evolutlou that It undergoes arid how came life uj>on earth?" Hr- gives an elaborate explanation of the f..a- place theory.that our solar system was first an Incandescent nebula. This n<-fcn;Ia, contract- In?; through lis gradual loss of heat, became condensed Into an enormous fiery and gaseous sun. This sun. whirling nt terrific rate, threw ofT. as It condensed further, the planets. His article from this point Is as follows: By Prof. Alphonse Berget, of the Paris Institute of Oceanography. WE know toilny that the Laplace theory must be modified In some points. As m whole, however, it Is still In force. It Is enough, therefore, to reconcile It with the new conquests of science; that is what the Il¬ lustrious physicist of Stockholm, Professor Svaute Arrlienlus, has done Tho Swedish scientist Introduced into the theory of the evolution of worlds u second force n.» necessary to consider a.< universal gravita¬ tion, that 1», the pressure of radiation or of light, the conception of which Is due to J. Clerk-Maxwell, and the reality of which has been demonstrated by the experiments of Lebe- deft. This pressure is exerted upon every sur¬ face exposed tu light aiid generating light. l he attraction of gravitation Is dependent on the mass of an object, but the pressure of radia¬ tion is dependent on the extent of the surface of the object. One can readily conceive, there¬ fore, that in the <as»- of very attenuated parti¬ cles ot matter the repelling pressure <jf light may exceed th>- iittractlve force of gravitation On tiny particles whose diameter would amount to ns little as the 0.0001G of a milli¬ meter, the pressure of radiation would be ten times as great as the attracting force We have such small dimensions in the spores of bacteria. The s Igbtest wind carries them oil Into the atmosphere and may even take them to Its limits. 100 kilometers, where the pressure of the air is not more than a very small fraction of a millimeter of mercury It is this pressure of radiation that Arrhenlus hfis given a place in the formation of worlds. It drives away from the stars the fine "cosmic dust which tli«* constant eruptions upon them throw out every moment The expelled parti- cles bear a negative electrical charge. They are going to coiue la contact with these cold, gaseous masses of rarified molecules, contain¬ ing helium and hydrogen, called nebulae. These nebulae contain a very small number of molecules; hence their low temperature. When the electrically charged particles reach them, 'he former make the outside luminous, und then these nebulae arc visible to observers on the eartb. The dust, which Is condensed Into meteorites, becomes centre-" of condensation for nebulae. I>»t a dark foody, such as the moon to-day, such as the sun will br- later, happen to pene¬ trate into such surroundings in the course of lis wanderings, lasting myriads of centuries, it will become still more eusliy a centre about which nebulous matter would accumulate. While It becomes heated, the nucleus becomes incan¬ descent. a sun will be born Finally, let two dark suns collide in the In¬ finity of space and time; the violence of the shock is enough to volatilize their matter; th<* breaking of their envelopes would release the Igneous matter so long imprisoned beneath their cooled crusts. Like two gigantic shells they "explode" and the compounds tbat their centres contain, held under enormous pressures. Met free masses of gas that escape in spiral aptirts. Then the stages of which I.nplaco con¬ ceived f .n begin to follow each other. Gener¬ ating planets are generated from one or two of the nuclei that exist In the midst of the nebulous spheres surrounding them. We havo watched the resurrection of a world. These collisions are not Idie hyi»othesea. We witness them in the heavens each time that a new star appears. It is a perpetual cycle that re ommences in this manner, a cycle the mech¬ anism of which has been pointed out for the first time by the brilliant genius of Arrheniu-u Such is, too briefly summarized, the Swedish physicist's principle of the theory of cosmogony. Hut lie has not been content with explaining the evolution of "cosmic" matter. He has asked himself.and it is this that will Interest tho rc-adurs more especially.how life could appear on a world thus created. He has tried to Una out whether living germs, having left a world where they found their conditions of existence realized, can endure the long journey through space and bring to another world the germ of life which is in themselves, thus becoming the starting point of a series of living beings brought slowly, by an evolution parallol to that of the piauet that sustains them, to gradually increasing degrees of perfection; in a word, to "higher" states.to man. Svante Arrhenlun answers this question bj what ia tailed the doctrine of pansperm>, adapt¬ ing it to the most recent advancement of mod¬ ern physics. Panspermy is not new; Richter was the llr.st to advance It, about 1865. Later It received the distinguished support of the il¬ lustrious English physicist. Lord Kelvin, and la Germany Helmhoitz lent it the aid of his great authority. In Its first form, this doctrine assumed that meteorite.-?, fragments resulting from the col¬ lision between two dark bodies of the heavens, come in contact with a world and bring there germs that the explosion has not had time to destroy; as, when one blows tip a quarry with dynamite, certain pieces of rock may roll to the »tr>t?o:n of th* mountain, remaining cov- Dr. Svante Arrhenius, the Exponent of the Hypothesis that Life Was First Sent Through Space to Our Planet by Light. rred wltb vegetation, with living germs that hav»> stayed intact. Under these conditions ineteroritei could admit of organic "inclu¬ sions," which could carry life to celestial bociiei yet devoid of it. However, examination of the hypothesis In tbis very simple form raises objections, the principal of which is the stupendous tempera¬ ture to which the germs would be immediately subjected. Mertlv the sudden stopping of tho earth in its motion, even without the lnterven- :ion of h collision, would suffice to volatilize its matter as n result of tin* quantity of heat liberated. If, in additiort, there should be h collision °f two celestial masses with the libera¬ tion ot the fiery matter composing their respec¬ tive nuclei, it is almost certain that not a living organism would escape this beat manifestation* which would reduce all to gas. it is. then, very difficult to admit of the conveyance of germs by meteorites considered as "fragments" from a celestial cataclysm. Arrhenius has completely modified the hypo¬ thesis of Panspertny by adapting it to the de¬ mand? ami achievements of modern physics. He has considered the possibility of the con¬ veyance of germs themselves, hide, endently of all mineral aid. and this by bringing into play the "pressure of radiation," of which we have spoken In the beginning of this article. By direct, measurement the pressure of radia¬ tion on a spherule the 0.0001»» of n millimeter fn diameter (or 0.16 of a micron) might be ten times as strong as the attractive force resulting j iciftai gravitation. Now germs of these reduced dimensions do exist. Botanists know for a certainty that the spores of many bacte-'ia have a ulameter of 0.3 to 0.2 of a micron, and that beyond doubt there exist some even much smaller. The progress of the ultra- microscopy is neginning to enable us to koo these germs of the order of one-tenth of a tnicron in size. Let us imagine such a inlero-orgnnlsm Ewept nfV the surface of the earth bv a current of 1r Chat carries It as far lib the higher atmosphere, »ay to the altitude of approximately a hundred kilometers. When It has reached that point It Ls subjected to another category oC forcea hub- ceptlhle of acting on It; these are foreefl of an electrical kind. It Is. indeed, at about that altitude that radiations produce polar auroras. These nur»- r:ih are caused by the arrival into the atmo¬ sphere of the earth of cosmic dust coming from the sun and driven from It by pressure of radia¬ tion. This dust Is charged negatively, and Its discharge makes luminous the region of the atmosph<*vo in which It is. Under these condi¬ tions, if a spore coming from the earth's sur- t.'ice is ulso negatively charged by contact with th<v electrically charged dust, it may be re¬ pelled by the latter, which will drive it to¬ ward intersidereal space by what iB known as electrostatic repulsion. We have our germ, then, started on ita journey Into space. What will be the condi¬ tions of time of such a journey? On its way the gerin will be caught, In the neighborhood of a celestial body, by somo larger particle of the order of size of a micron, which forma a portion of that dust scattered profusely around the solar systems. Once carried away by ita partlclc, which, because of Jtsgreater size, Is more subject to the action of gravity than to that of the repelling force, it can then pene¬ trate Into the atmosphere of the planets lhak it will happen to encounter. If wo assume that this travelling germ has h density equal to that of water, which is un¬ questionably accurate for living germs, we find that it will need nearly twenty days for It So reach the planet Mars, eighty days to Jupiter, fifteen months to the planet Neptune. These are only platets forming part of our own solar system. Ifwe try to find the time necessary fci this germ to reach the solar system nearest to ours, that ls, the system wlioce' cont ml sun is the star Alpha, of the constellation of the Centaur, we win find the duration of tlio journey to bo approximately nine thousand years. How will our germ, living at the time of lti» departure, act in the course of this long Jour¬ ney? Interstellar ppaco has a very low temper*- lure, i uear the absolute zero of tho physl- which is 273 degrees centigrade l.elow the temperature of melting ice. The germ that is traveling across this space under the impulse of pressure of light must, then, endure for months, years, or even centuries, a tempera¬ ture of 220 degrees Centigrade below i-ero. What is going to be tho result from the view¬ point of lta vitality, and. more than all, from tho point of view of Its germinaUve power".' Modern physicist* and physiologists answer this question victoriously. In the laboratory of the Jenner Institute, In London, scientists have quite recently met with success lu keeping In liquid oxygen for twenty hours, at a tem¬ perature of 250 degrees Centigrade below *ero, spores of bacteria which have completely re¬ tained their germlnatlve power after this se¬ vere test. And Professor MacFayder has kept living germs for more than six months at 200 degrees Centigrade below zero, not only with¬ out their germinative power having been de¬ stroyed, but eveu wlthcut Its having been In¬ jured in the slightest degree. Svnnte Arrhenius points out that this preser¬ vation of germlnatlve power at very low tem¬ peratures is the most natural thing i>osslble. This power, Indeed, ought to disappear only under the Influence o* some chemical reaction. 2nd it is known that these reactions take place more and more slowly as the temperature of the medium is lowered. At the temperature of Interstellar space, reactions of life ought to be produced by an activity a thousand million times weaker than at a temperature of 10 de¬ grees Centigrade, and at a tempeiature of 220 degrees Centigrade below zero the power of ger¬ mination would not diminish more during three inilllou years than It diminishes in a day at the temperature with which we are familiar, 10 de¬ grees Centigrade below zero. All feRr in regard to the prolonged action ot (..old is therefore removed.it Is. then, without injurious effect on the germlnatlve fuculty of spores. Time, actlnsf alone, seems equally harmless. Bacteria have been found, in fact, in a Roman remain-..1 untouched for 1,800 years and which, nevertheless, wero perfectly capable of germluntion after this long Interval. As to the inflqence of the absolute aridity ol interstellar space, an agency that is added to Hint of cold and that of time, neither does this appear to be dangerous to our germ of life. Shraider has shown that a greea algo, Pleuro- eoccus, can live three months in a medium thai has been completely sterilized by sulphuric acid. Professor Maquenne. of tho Freuch In¬ stitute, has gone still further. He has demon- .11 -'vijeriment and observation at hand, that seeds can stay several years in a i <es tube!.that is, in almost a complete vacuum, without losing their germinative power. Paul Becquerel has carried his experiments still further. In the Leydcn laboratory he hai subjected bacteria and spores for three weeks to the combined Influence of vacuum, cold (.253 degrees Centigrade below zero), and ab¬ solute aridity. Their vitality remained perfect. The "circumambient conditions" of intersid¬ ereal space are, therefore, not hostile to the vitality of a germ that would travel there, even for a very extensive period. It is enough that among the thousand mill¬ ions of thousand millions of gerra-s sent off Into the Infinite by the pressure of radiation, a single one shall reach a planet that has been without iit'e up to that time, in order to become there tho point of departure of manifold organisms that will slowly evolve from it. The minuteness of such n germ moderates Its fall through the atmosphere of this planet enough so that It does not become heated as a result of lta friction in the atmosphere to a tem¬ perature sufficient to kill It. Having entered the atmosphere of a new planet, it will follow its eddies and currents, it will fall on a sub¬ stratum. either solid or liquid, which will offer it conditions of development. Lift* will be born on the surface of a world lifeless till that time. Psychological Tests to Determine Abilities of School Children By Prof. Henry L. Weston, Ph.D. HE ineihf.de of that comparatively new science, experimental psychology, be employed very profitably in measur¬ ing tho ability of children and students to A child has a certain capacity for learning, aud It is wrong to try to force that child to learn more than its ability permits. Every child has a special aptitude for some kind of work, and If that work is likely to furnish it with a profitable livelihood it is most important to discover early what the aptitude is and to encourage it. The«e capacities and aptitudes can be measured with something approaching scientific accuracy by the methods of experi¬ mental psychology. The Binet-Simon tests for measuring a child's true educational age are already well known. A new contribution to this branch ot psychology has just been made, A handy little book has been published which alms to supply teachers with psychological tests that will enable them to measure tho educatlonul apti¬ tudes of children and students. It is entitled "Experiments in Educational Psychology" (The Alacmillan Co.). and Its author Is Professor Daniel Starch, Ph.D., of the University of Wis¬ consin. The experiments are simple ones that require no more apparatus than pencil and paper. The ability of a teacher to hold a student's attention and of the student to conccntrate his s.ttention are, of course, of primary importance in education. T\vo little figures given by Pro¬ fessor' Starch are very useful In measuring the etudeut's power of concentration. One figure suggests a book that la open. A* you look at it thoughtlessly it appears alter¬ nately to bo opened, with the printed page toward you, aud then with the cover toward you. The student calls out "In" or "out" a.s the changes appear to occur, and the teacher records the frequency of tho changes with bis watch. Till:; will show the natural tendency of the attention to wander. Then the teacher tells the student to try to think that the book is opened "in" and records how often his impression changes. This will measure the power of concentrating attention. Another figure used is tho circle with tha learn. Thinking This Picture of Babies to Be a Human Brain Shows the Interpretative Tendency of the Mind. Giving a Meaning to Tracing Over This Star llefore ft This Blot Is an Exer- Mirror fs^ an Exercisc in "Trial cise in Interpretation. und Error' Learninc. fixing Your Eye on This Circle Is a Test of Coa ccntratlnjj Attention. l-'fie across It. The teacher first asks the stu¬ dent to look at this and call out whenever he finds his mind wandering from It. Then the teacher asks the student to think how thick the cross line is and how much thicker it is than the circular line. In this way the atten- tiou should remain fixed longer than when the Btudent stared aimlessly at the figure and tho improvement will measure the power of con¬ centrating attention. One of the simplest and most useful testa ia in the perception of letters and words. Many children will look at a printed page without seeing and understanding half what they read because they are deficient in perception. Cross out with short horizontal strokes all the E's in the following table. Work as quickly as you can without omitting any. Record the time: F L E S M R E T H G A IT r> RE T T E BENUTROFAERBSESOTDK MIALCXEREBTAFEELBAF ER1GEEEHRELWOBBCITO NNEVBDESHDEWOl.liBYET HEEN Y L E lllTNBR E V E T A H WTOPEEFOCESRUOCKETT EEL ATE M TESTAE E Ll'OE P NETFOSEHISFDEKOYKEV NEEBBDAEDYET T E R P L> E T PLSEMDERAOREHTAFEMO CEBNBHWZBVOEZQXKBD . It has been calculated that the ability to cross out all these E's in thirty seconds is a test of mental efficiency in an adult. The sama efficiency should be shown by every one abovt» (be age of fourteen years. Lielow that an allowance for Immature powers may be made. An important mental quality is to be able to tliink quickly of associated subjects which aro naturally called to mind by any word. To test this wrile us quickly as possible the opposite to each word in the following list. Record the time: Strong Dark Deep Rough f<8.zy Pretty Seldom High Thin Foolish Soft Present Many (i lad Valuable Strange I.ate Wrong Rude Quickly We find ordinarily that children ranking high fn one kind of ability are not equally superior in others, but there are forms of ability which are associated with others. It is useful to de¬ termine what kinds of ability aro allied to ono another, because this knowledge helps us to bring out the children's fullest powers. Kor instance, a child who makes good progress in his English studies should be able lo learn foreign languages with something of the sarno ease. A teacher should use te>sts to determine the ficuteness of vision and hearing of all children in his class, for defects in these two senses aro the principal causes of inability to acquire education at a normal speed. When a student's education is sufficiently ad* vanced, 1t. is very interesting and useful to learn wild.i kuiit ot jni.ibcd ase called to mind by certain sentences, and whether these images are auditory, motor or tactile. To determine tliis cover a selected list of words with a piece of paper. Slide it down far enough to expose the first word. Then, in a short sentence, writ© in your handbook an answer to this question: "What do you think of as soon an you see that word?" For example, If tho word is "grass" it might suggest imagery at once of this kind: "I think of tho green appearance of a meadow." Or if tho word is "shoo" It might suggest such an answer as this: "1 think of the pinching of my new shoe." Do not try to make a selection, but write down whatever comes to your mind first. Suppose you use forty words. When you have written down tho answers, put the results in the form of a table showing how many of the^ forty words aroused visual images, audi¬ tory. motor, tuctilo, etc. There are three methods by which the doing of a definite act may be learned: fa) By trial and error.that is. by rnakfug random attempts until by chance tiouio at¬ tempts are .successful. (lu Pv imitation.that Is, by observing tho performance of tho act and then attempting to copy It. (c) By reasoning.that is. by attempting to think it out and then proceeding accordingly. Tho most fundamental of these is tho trial and error method. The acquisition of all motor control Is accomplished primarily by this method. Tho others servo only as supple¬ mental aids. For instance, in learning to btrlke a ball with the bat the boy begins by attempting to strike It and keeps on until ho learns to strike it with more or less certainty. An Ingenious method of demonstrating tho trial and error method of learning is by what i3 called mirror writing. The apparent motion of a pencil in a mirror is the reverse of its actual motion. Hence the attempt to guide a pencil by looking at its motion in the mirror .leads to frequent errors. The quickness with which a person learns to overcome this ten¬ dency to error proves his ability to learn many things from experience. There is ono way of applying the test o! mirror writing: Draw eleven slx-polnted stars on eloven pieces of paper, fasten a sheet to tho table, and sit in front of a mirror. By means of a pencil trace with the loft hand the outlina of the star over it, beginning at a certain spot and proceeding in a given direction. Record the time It takes to trace over the outline. Trace the remaining ten outlines and number them in the order you do them. Tho fre¬ quency witu which your pencil leaves the line of the star wilt show your tendency to error. The improvement, if any, shown as tho num¬ bers progress will show how uuickly you nra learning by "trial and error." An important factor lu learning Is the ability to establish associations between two classes of visual symbols. To test this a J-et of pages may be prepared headed with an imitation typeN rlior keyboard, lunch letter of tho alpha¬ bet is enclosed with a number in a circle. Below this keyboard Is the reading matter which Is to be transcribed. The task of tho experiment consists in substituting the num¬ bers for the letters in the spaces below and recording the time. Tho experiment regularly repeatod. either dally or weekly, will be very useful In showing progress in tho ublllty to learn. II we can mea«uro the powpr or appercep¬ tion In a student we shall have a most valuable indication of his imaginative power and his higher mental capacities. Apperception is the "manner In which we receive a thing into our minds" (Professor William James). It includes all tho processes by which we read meaning Into sense impressions. One person calls an object a useless stone; another calls It a fossil of tho carboniferous age. The two persons receive the object differently; they give dif¬ ferent meanings to the same sense impression* Each gives that particular interpretation which in moat In accord with his particular montai makeup.

Psychological Tests Determine Abilities of School Children · Life on OtherWorlds Must Be Much the Sameas onOurs, t Declares a Dis¬ tinguishedFrenchScientist, Explaining HowMinuteLifeGermsCanMake,Un¬

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Page 1: Psychological Tests Determine Abilities of School Children · Life on OtherWorlds Must Be Much the Sameas onOurs, t Declares a Dis¬ tinguishedFrenchScientist, Explaining HowMinuteLifeGermsCanMake,Un¬

Life on Other Worlds Must Be Mucht

the Same as on Ours, Declares a Dis¬tinguished French Scientist, ExplainingHowMinute Life Germs Can Make,Un¬harmed, Prodigious Journeys ThroughColdest Space.


Purls Institute of Oceanography, baewritten nn art'^le supporting the theory

that life originated on the planets through mi¬

nute living germs which are carried throughspace and fall upon the surface of these planets.Professor lierget, one of the moBt distinguishedof European scientists, takes up ind answers

*11 the objections to this theory raised in

recent months. He makes tho importantstatement that if '.here 1b life in other planet*of our jlur iystena 11 mu6t be like'that upon

earth, and not the weird fanstastlc monsters

lmugin»'.t . bcience has heretofore conceived.Professor ' ergot begins his article by calling

attention to the fact that "no question has more

disturbed the mind of man than tha* of findingout whence come the earth and her Bisterplanets; whence comes the sun. toward whotgoal In It carried by that slow evolutlou that Itundergoes arid how came life uj>on earth?"

Hr- gives an elaborate explanation of the f..a-place theory.that our solar system was firstan Incandescent nebula. This n<-fcn;Ia, contract-In?; through lis gradual loss of heat, becamecondensed Into an enormous fiery and gaseoussun. This sun. whirling nt terrific rate, threwofT. as It condensed further, the planets.

His article from this point Is as follows:

By Prof. Alphonse Berget,of the Paris Institute of Oceanography.WE know toilny that the Laplace theory

must be modified In some points. Asm whole, however, it Is still In force.

It Is enough, therefore, to reconcile It with thenew conquests of science; that is what the Il¬lustrious physicist of Stockholm, ProfessorSvaute Arrlienlus, has doneTho Swedish scientist Introduced into the

theory of the evolution of worlds u second forcen.» necessary to consider a.< universal gravita¬tion, that 1», the pressure of radiation or oflight, the conception of which Is due to J.Clerk-Maxwell, and the reality of which hasbeen demonstrated by the experiments of Lebe-deft. This pressure is exerted upon every sur¬face exposed tu light aiid generating light.

l he attraction of gravitation Is dependent onthe mass of an object, but the pressure of radia¬tion is dependent on the extent of the surfaceof the object. One can readily conceive, there¬fore, that in the <as»- of very attenuated parti¬cles ot matter the repelling pressure <jf lightmay exceed th>- iittractlve force of gravitationOn tiny particles whose diameter would

amount to ns little as the 0.0001G of a milli¬meter, the pressure of radiation would be tentimes as great as the attracting force We havesuch small dimensions in the spores of bacteria.The s Igbtest wind carries them oil Into theatmosphere and may even take them to Itslimits. 100 kilometers, where the pressure ofthe air is not more than a very small fractionof a millimeter of mercury

It is this pressure of radiation that Arrhenlushfis given a place in the formation of worlds.It drives away from the stars the fine "cosmicdust which tli«* constant eruptions upon themthrow out every moment The expelled parti-

cles bear a negative electrical charge. Theyare going to coiue la contact with these cold,gaseous masses of rarified molecules, contain¬ing helium and hydrogen, called nebulae.These nebulae contain a very small number ofmolecules; hence their low temperature. Whenthe electrically charged particles reach them,'he former make the outside luminous, undthen these nebulae arc visible to observers onthe eartb.The dust, which Is condensed Into meteorites,

becomes centre-" of condensation for nebulae.I>»t a dark foody, such as the moon i« to-day,such as the sun will br- later, happen to pene¬trate into such surroundings in the course oflis wanderings, lasting myriads of centuries, itwill become still more eusliy a centre aboutwhich nebulous matter would accumulate. WhileIt becomes heated, the nucleus becomes incan¬descent. a sun will be born

Finally, let two dark suns collide in the In¬finity of space and time; the violence of theshock is enough to volatilize their matter; th<*breaking of their envelopes would release theIgneous matter so long imprisoned beneaththeir cooled crusts. Like two gigantic shellsthey "explode" and the compounds tbat theircentres contain, held under enormous pressures.Met free masses of gas that escape in spiralaptirts. Then the stages of which I.nplaco con¬ceived f .n begin to follow each other. Gener¬ating planets are generated from one or twoof the nuclei that exist In the midst of thenebulous spheres surrounding them. We havowatched the resurrection of a world.These collisions are not Idie hyi»othesea. Wewitness them in the heavens each time that a

new star appears. It is a perpetual cycle thatre ommences in this manner, a cycle the mech¬anism of which has been pointed out for thefirst time by the brilliant genius of Arrheniu-uSuch is, too briefly summarized, the Swedishphysicist's principle of the theory of cosmogony.Hut lie has not been content with explainingthe evolution of "cosmic" matter.He has asked himself.and it is this that

will Interest tho rc-adurs more especially.howlife could appear on a world thus created. Hehas tried to Una out whether living germs,having left a world where they found theirconditions of existence realized, can endurethe long journey through space and bring toanother world the germ of life which is inthemselves, thus becoming the starting pointof a series of living beings brought slowly, byan evolution parallol to that of the piauet thatsustains them, to gradually increasing degreesof perfection; in a word, to "higher" states.toman.Svante Arrhenlun answers this question bjwhat ia tailed the doctrine of pansperm>, adapt¬ing it to the most recent advancement of mod¬ern physics. Panspermy is not new; Richter

was the llr.st to advance It, about 1865. LaterIt received the distinguished support of the il¬lustrious English physicist. Lord Kelvin, and laGermany Helmhoitz lent it the aid of his greatauthority.In Its first form, this doctrine assumed thatmeteorite.-?, fragments resulting from the col¬lision between two dark bodies of the heavens,come in contact with a world and bring there

germs that the explosion has not had time todestroy; as, when one blows tip a quarry withdynamite, certain pieces of rock may roll tothe »tr>t?o:n of th* mountain, remaining cov-

Dr. Svante Arrhenius, the Exponent of the Hypothesisthat Life Was First Sent Through Space to Our Planet byLight.

rred wltb vegetation, with living germs thathav»> stayed intact. Under these conditionsineteroritei could admit of organic "inclu¬sions," which could carry life to celestialbociiei yet devoid of it.However, examination of the hypothesis In

tbis very simple form raises objections, theprincipal of which is the stupendous tempera¬ture to which the germs would be immediatelysubjected. Mertlv the sudden stopping of thoearth in its motion, even without the lnterven-:ion of h collision, would suffice to volatilizeits matter as n result of tin* quantity of heatliberated. If, in additiort, there should be hcollision °f two celestial masses with the libera¬tion ot the fiery matter composing their respec¬tive nuclei, it is almost certain that not a livingorganism would escape this beat manifestation*which would reduce all to gas. it is. then, verydifficult to admit of the conveyance of germsby meteorites considered as "fragments" froma celestial cataclysm.Arrhenius has completely modified the hypo¬thesis of Panspertny by adapting it to the de¬mand? ami achievements of modern physics.He has considered the possibility of the con¬

veyance of germs themselves, hide, endently ofall mineral aid. and this by bringing into playthe "pressure of radiation," of which we havespoken In the beginning of this article.By direct, measurement the pressure of radia¬tion on a spherule the 0.0001»» of n millimeterfn diameter (or 0.16 of a micron) might be tentimes as strong as the attractive force resultingj iciftai gravitation. Now germs ofthese reduced dimensions do exist. Botanistsknow for a certainty that the spores of manybacte-'ia have a ulameter of 0.3 to 0.2 of amicron, and that beyond doubt there exist some

even much smaller. The progress of the ultra-microscopy is neginning to enable us to koothese germs of the order of one-tenth of atnicron in size.Let us imagine such a inlero-orgnnlsm EweptnfV the surface of the earth bv a current of 1r

Chat carries It as far lib the higher atmosphere,»ay to the altitude of approximately a hundredkilometers. When It has reached that point ItLs subjected to another category oC forcea hub-

ceptlhle of acting on It; these are foreefl of anelectrical kind.

It Is. indeed, at about that altitude thatradiations produce polar auroras. These nur»-r:ih are caused by the arrival into the atmo¬sphere of the earth of cosmic dust coming fromthe sun and driven from It by pressure of radia¬tion. This dust Is charged negatively, and Itsdischarge makes luminous the region of theatmosph<*vo in which It is. Under these condi¬tions, if a spore coming from the earth's sur-t.'ice is ulso negatively charged by contact withth<v electrically charged dust, it may be re¬pelled by the latter, which will drive it to¬ward intersidereal space by what iB knownas electrostatic repulsion.We have our germ, then, started on ita

journey Into space. What will be the condi¬tions of time of such a journey? On its waythe gerin will be caught, In the neighborhoodof a celestial body, by somo larger particle ofthe order of size of a micron, which forma aportion of that dust scattered profusely aroundthe solar systems. Once carried away by itapartlclc, which, because of Jtsgreater size, Ismore subject to the action of gravity than tothat of the repelling force, it can then pene¬trate Into the atmosphere of the planets lhakit will happen to encounter.

If wo assume that this travelling germ hash density equal to that of water, which is un¬questionably accurate for living germs, wefind that it will need nearly twenty days for ItSo reach the planet Mars, eighty days toJupiter, fifteen months to the planet Neptune.These are only platets forming part of ourown solar system. Ifwe try to find the timenecessary fci this germ to reach the solarsystem nearest to ours, that ls, the systemwlioce' cont ml sun is the star Alpha, of the

constellation of the Centaur, we win find theduration of tlio journey to bo approximatelynine thousand years.How will our germ, living at the time of lti»

departure, act in the course of this long Jour¬ney?

Interstellar ppaco has a very low temper*-lure, i uear the absolute zero of tho physl-

which is 273 degrees centigrade l.elowthe temperature of melting ice. The germ thatis traveling across this space under the impulseof pressure of light must, then, endure formonths, years, or even centuries, a tempera¬ture of 220 degrees Centigrade below i-ero.What is going to be tho result from the view¬point of lta vitality, and. more than all, fromtho point of view of Its germinaUve power".'Modern physicist* and physiologists answer

this question victoriously. In the laboratoryof the Jenner Institute, In London, scientistshave quite recently met with success lu keepingIn liquid oxygen for twenty hours, at a tem¬perature of 250 degrees Centigrade below *ero,spores of bacteria which have completely re¬tained their germlnatlve power after this se¬vere test. And Professor MacFayder has keptliving germs for more than six months at 200degrees Centigrade below zero, not only with¬out their germinative power having been de¬stroyed, but eveu wlthcut Its having been In¬jured in the slightest degree.

Svnnte Arrhenius points out that this preser¬vation of germlnatlve power at very low tem¬peratures is the most natural thing i>osslble.This power, Indeed, ought to disappear onlyunder the Influence o* some chemical reaction.2nd it is known that these reactions take placemore and more slowly as the temperature ofthe medium is lowered. At the temperature ofInterstellar space, reactions of life ought to beproduced by an activity a thousand milliontimes weaker than at a temperature of 10 de¬grees Centigrade, and at a tempeiature of 220degrees Centigrade below zero the power of ger¬mination would not diminish more during threeinilllou years than It diminishes in a day at thetemperature with which we are familiar, 10 de¬grees Centigrade below zero.

All feRr in regard to the prolonged action ot(..old is therefore removed.it Is. then, withoutinjurious effect on the germlnatlve fuculty ofspores.

Time, actlnsf alone, seems equally harmless.Bacteria have been found, in fact, in a Roman

remain-..1 untouchedfor 1,800 years and which, nevertheless, weroperfectly capable of germluntion after this longInterval.

As to the inflqence of the absolute aridity olinterstellar space, an agency that is added toHint of cold and that of time, neither does thisappear to be dangerous to our germ of life.Shraider has shown that a greea algo, Pleuro-eoccus, can live three months in a medium thaihas been completely sterilized by sulphuricacid. Professor Maquenne. of tho Freuch In¬stitute, has gone still further. He has demon-

.11 -'vijeriment and observation athand, that seeds can stay several years in ai <es tube!.that is, in almost a completevacuum, without losing their germinative power.Paul Becquerel has carried his experimentsstill further. In the Leydcn laboratory he haisubjected bacteria and spores for three weeksto the combined Influence of vacuum, cold(.253 degrees Centigrade below zero), and ab¬solute aridity. Their vitality remained perfect.The "circumambient conditions" of intersid¬

ereal space are, therefore, not hostile to thevitality of a germ that would travel there, evenfor a very extensive period.

It is enough that among the thousand mill¬ions of thousand millions of gerra-s sent off Intothe Infinite by the pressure of radiation, a singleone shall reach a planet that has been withoutiit'e up to that time, in order to become theretho point of departure of manifold organismsthat will slowly evolve from it.The minuteness of such n germ moderates Its

fall through the atmosphere of this planetenough so that It does not become heated as aresult of lta friction in the atmosphere to a tem¬perature sufficient to kill It. Having enteredthe atmosphere of a new planet, it will followits eddies and currents, it will fall on a sub¬stratum. either solid or liquid, which will offerit conditions of development. Lift* will be bornon the surface of a world lifeless till that time.

Psychological Tests to Determine Abilities of School ChildrenBy Prof. Henry L. Weston, Ph.D.

HE ineihf.de of that comparatively newscience, experimental psychology,be employed very profitably in measur¬

ing tho ability of children and students to

A child has a certain capacity for learning,aud It is wrong to try to force that child tolearn more than its ability permits. Everychild has a special aptitude for some kind ofwork, and If that work is likely to furnish itwith a profitable livelihood it is most importantto discover early what the aptitude is and toencourage it. The«e capacities and aptitudescan be measured with something approachingscientific accuracy by the methods of experi¬mental psychology.The Binet-Simon tests for measuring a

child's true educational age are already wellknown. A new contribution to this branch otpsychology has just been made, A handy littlebook has been published which alms to supplyteachers with psychological tests that willenable them to measure tho educatlonul apti¬tudes of children and students. It is entitled"Experiments in Educational Psychology" (TheAlacmillan Co.). and Its author Is ProfessorDaniel Starch, Ph.D., of the University of Wis¬consin. The experiments are simple ones thatrequire no more apparatus than pencil andpaper.The ability of a teacher to hold a student's

attention and of the student to conccntrate hiss.ttention are, of course, of primary importancein education. T\vo little figures given by Pro¬fessor' Starch are very useful In measuring theetudeut's power of concentration.One figure suggests a book that la open. A*

you look at it thoughtlessly it appears alter¬nately to bo opened, with the printed pagetoward you, aud then with the cover towardyou. The student calls out "In" or "out" a.sthe changes appear to occur, and the teacherrecords the frequency of tho changes with biswatch. Till:; will show the natural tendencyof the attention to wander.Then the teacher tells the student to try to

think that the book is opened "in" and recordshow often his impression changes. This willmeasure the power of concentrating attention.Another figure used is tho circle with tha


Thinking This Picture of Babies to Be a HumanBrain Shows the Interpretative Tendency of theMind.Giving a Meaning to Tracing Over This Star llefore ftThis Blot Is an Exer- Mirror fs^ an Exercisc in "Trialcise in Interpretation. und Error' Learninc.

fixing Your Eye on ThisCircle Is a Test of Coaccntratlnjj Attention.l-'fie across It. The teacher first asks the stu¬dent to look at this and call out whenever hefinds his mind wandering from It. Then the

teacher asks the student to think how thickthe cross line is and how much thicker it isthan the circular line. In this way the atten-tiou should remain fixed longer than when theBtudent stared aimlessly at the figure and thoimprovement will measure the power of con¬centrating attention.One of the simplest and most useful testa ia

in the perception of letters and words. Manychildren will look at a printed page withoutseeing and understanding half what they readbecause they are deficient in perception. Crossout with short horizontal strokes all the E'sin the following table. Work as quickly asyou can without omitting any. Record thetime:F L E S M R E T H G A IT r> R E T T EBENUTROFAERBSESOTDKMIALCXEREBTAFEELBAFER1GEEEHRELWOBBCITONNEVBDESHDEWOl.liBYETHEEN Y L E lllTNBR E V E T A HWTOPEEFOCESRUOCKETTEEL ATE M TESTAE E Ll'OE PNETFOSEHISFDEKOYKEVNEEBBDAEDYET T E R P L> E TPLSEMDERAOREHTAFEMOCEBNBHWZBVOEZQXKBD


It has been calculated that the ability tocross out all these E's in thirty seconds is atest of mental efficiency in an adult. The samaefficiency should be shown by every one abovt»

(be age of fourteen years. Lielow that anallowance for Immature powers may be made.An important mental quality is to be able to

tliink quickly of associated subjects which aronaturally called to mind by any word. To testthis wrile us quickly as possible the oppositeto each word in the following list. Record thetime:

Strong DarkDeep Roughf<8.zy PrettySeldom HighThin FoolishSoft PresentMany (i ladValuable StrangeI.ate WrongRude Quickly

We find ordinarily that children ranking highfn one kind of ability are not equally superiorin others, but there are forms of ability whichare associated with others. It is useful to de¬termine what kinds of ability aro allied to onoanother, because this knowledge helps us tobring out the children's fullest powers. Korinstance, a child who makes good progress inhis English studies should be able lo learnforeign languages with something of the sarnoease.A teacher should use te>sts to determine the

ficuteness of vision and hearing of all childrenin his class, for defects in these two senses arothe principal causes of inability to acquireeducation at a normal speed.When a student's education is sufficiently ad*

vanced, 1t. is very interesting and useful to learnwild.i kuiit ot jni.ibcd ase called to mind bycertain sentences, and whether these imagesare auditory, motor or tactile. To determinetliis cover a selected list of words with a pieceof paper. Slide it down far enough to exposethe first word. Then, in a short sentence, writ©in your handbook an answer to this question:"What do you think of as soon an you see thatword?" For example, If tho word is "grass"it might suggest imagery at once of this kind:"I think of tho green appearance of a meadow."Or if tho word is "shoo" It might suggest suchan answer as this: "1 think of the pinching ofmy new shoe." Do not try to make a selection,but write down whatever comes to your mindfirst. Suppose you use forty words. When youhave written down tho answers, put the resultsin the form of a table showing how manyof the^ forty words aroused visual images, audi¬tory. motor, tuctilo, etc.There are three methods by which the doingof a definite act may be learned:fa) By trial and error.that is. by rnakfugrandom attempts until by chance tiouio at¬tempts are .successful.(lu Pv imitation.that Is, by observing thoperformance of tho act and then attempting to

copy It.(c) By reasoning.that is. by attempting tothink it out and then proceeding accordingly.Tho most fundamental of these is tho trialand error method. The acquisition of all motorcontrol Is accomplished primarily by thismethod. Tho others servo only as supple¬mental aids. For instance, in learning to

btrlke a ball with the bat the boy begins byattempting to strike It and keeps on until holearns to strike it with more or less certainty.An Ingenious method of demonstrating tho

trial and error method of learning is by whati3 called mirror writing. The apparent motionof a pencil in a mirror is the reverse of itsactual motion. Hence the attempt to guide apencil by looking at its motion in the mirror.leads to frequent errors. The quickness withwhich a person learns to overcome this ten¬dency to error proves his ability to learn manythings from experience.There is ono way of applying the test o!mirror writing: Draw eleven slx-polnted stars

on eloven pieces of paper, fasten a sheet to thotable, and sit in front of a mirror. By meansof a pencil trace with the loft hand the outlinaof the star over it, beginning at a certain spotand proceeding in a given direction. Recordthe time It takes to trace over the outline.Trace the remaining ten outlines and numberthem in the order you do them. Tho fre¬quency witu which your pencil leaves the lineof the star wilt show your tendency to error.The improvement, if any, shown as tho num¬bers progress will show how uuickly you nralearning by "trial and error."An important factor lu learning Is the abilityto establish associations between two classesof visual symbols. To test this a J-et of pagesmay be prepared headed with an imitationtypeN rlior keyboard, lunch letter of tho alpha¬bet is enclosed with a number in a circle.Below this keyboard Is the reading matterwhich Is to be transcribed. The task of thoexperiment consists in substituting the num¬bers for the letters in the spaces below andrecording the time. Tho experiment regularlyrepeatod. either dally or weekly, will be veryuseful In showing progress in tho ublllty tolearn.II we can mea«uro the powpr or appercep¬tion In a student we shall have a most valuableindication of his imaginative power and hishigher mental capacities. Apperception is the"manner In which we receive a thing into ourminds" (Professor William James). It includesall tho processes by which we read meaningInto sense impressions. One person calls anobject a useless stone; another calls It a fossilof tho carboniferous age. The two personsreceive the object differently; they give dif¬ferent meanings to the same sense impression*Each gives that particular interpretation whichin moat In accord with his particular montaimakeup.