COMMONWEALTH QF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of GENERAL ADJUSTMENT OF ELECTRIC ) RATES OF KENTUCKY UTILITIES ) COMPANY ) CASE NO. 8624 0 R D E R IT IS ORDERED that Appendix A to the Commission's Order entered March 18, 1983, be and it hereby is amended and attached. hereto as Amended Appendix A. Done at Frankfort, Kentucky, this 25th day of March, 1983. C SERVICE COMMISSION Chairman VMe Chairman Ccmafiis s ioner g ATTEST: Secretary


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CASE NO. 8624

0 R D E R

IT IS ORDERED that Appendix A to the Commission's Order

entered March 18, 1983, be and it hereby is amended and attached.

hereto as Amended Appendix A.

Done at Frankfort, Kentucky, this 25th day of March, 1983.



VMe Chairman

Ccmafiis s ioner g





The fallowing rates and charges are prescribed for the

customers in the area served by Kentucky UtiH.ties Company. All

other rates and ch'arges not specifically mentioned herein shall

remaIn the same as those in effect under authority of this

CommIssion prior to the date of this Order.

.Rs ResidentialRural and Farm Residential Service+

Cust,orner Charge-Plus an Energy Charge of:

$ .402 cents per 1'or the B.rst 100 KRBused per month

4.943 cents per KWE for the next 300 KMH .used per month

4.532 cen'ts per KW for all in excess. of400 KHH used per month

0 2.2S per month

Ninimuin Bill: $ .2.75 per month 'for single phase service or $ 7.06per month for three phase service, for a3.1 ordinary residentialuses. Additional 85 C per connected HP per month when specialequIpment, greater than normal Investment, abnormal or seasonal - .use Involved.

FERSFu11 ElectrIc Resf.'dentfa1; Service+


Customer Charge . $ 3.75 per month. - Plus. an Energy Chirge ofi *


4.588 cents per KMH for the first 1,000 KHK used:ger month4.184 cents per KWH for all in excess of 1,000 EWE used

per month0

* An additional charge or credit wi11 be made on the Mlowatt-hourspurchased by the customer fn accordance with the fuel clause.

GS ECeneral Se~ce'continued)

Hinimma chaxge under (a), above, shall be billed on a monthlySasis. Minimum charge under (b), abo~e, shall be billed on acumulative annual basis that staxts on the month in which

the'eterwas installed or service was first taken under the schedule.This is the beginning date'f:the contxact, year. Payments to bemade monthly. of not less than 1/12 of the annual minimum until theaggxegate payments during the contract year equal the annualminimum. Ho~ever, minimum payments made in excess of the amountbased, on the rate schedule wil1 be applied as a cxedit on billingsfor energy used during, the contract year.

O.P.M.H.OM Peak Mater Heating+


Custcnner Charge :::- 0 1000, per monthPlus all energy at 3-61Bc per KHE per month



The monthly minimum charge is the Customer Charge.


C.V.E.'ombinatS.on'xcPeaR Rat'er Heating

ln All Territory Served by the Company


For Domestic uses located. on aeKstfing secondary lines of theCompany when "Off-Peak" water heating is used in connection ei.than electric range of 8 kilowatts or more where 'customer cookselectrically.CHARACTER OF SERVICE

The electric service furnished under this rate schedule villba single phase 60 cycle, alternating current., delivered fromload centers at approximately 2QS or 240 volts taro 'wire, or 120,208 or 240 volts three wire.


Customer Charge . 0 1.00 per monthPlus all energv at 3.OLEIC pe'd KtK..per ~nth

* An additional charge or credit will be made on the kilowatt-hourspurchased by th'e customer in accordance with the W61'lause.

~~ax e ACRES.Tlg 1688K'*E

Rates 4. per KMH

Minimums $ 13.4S per connected IM Sut not less than $ -LE;24 .perheating season.

'ate A'.E.S'.: '(AEX Electric: ScRo'os+

Rate s 4.255 'er KWK

Annual, ~Knimum: $ 20.12 per connected %f excluding air conditioningand equipment of one RR or less, than $201..24per.year.

' IS .XNTKRRbr x'iSKt,'KRVXvr.

Xn a11 territory served'by the Company.


This schedule shall be made available 'to any Customer receXvtngtransmission service wh6 contracts for not less than 4,000 KVA ofhis total requirements to be sub)ect to either 200 or 400 hoursinterruption upon notification by the Company. Service under thf.sschedule will be limited to customers whose Dxm capacity:requirementdoes not exceed 10,000 KVA. Custom'ez's with firm capacfty:.requfrementsthat exceed 10,000 XVA will Save a rate developed as part; of theircontract based upon their electrica1 characteristics.

Service at other than the Company's nominal transmission voltages'illbe.available to Customers who contract to reimburse 'the Company

for the additional facilities required beyond the transmission level.

Customer Charges $300 ': ped 'mooch

D~nd Charges.The fina capacity ats $ 9.86'gait kVh,"-


An additional charge or credit vi1% be made 'on the Rilemtt-hourspurchased by the customer in accordance with tea feel clause.






The following rates and charges are prescribed for the

customers in the area served by Kentucky Utilfi,ties Company. AX.1

other rates and charges not specifically mentioned herein shall

remain the same as those in effect under authority of thiiCommission prior to the date of this Order.

.Rg Residential.Rural and Paxm Residential Service*

Customer Charge-Plus ad Energy Charge of:.

5.402 cents per RRi for the first 100 KRRused per month,

4.943 cents per KMH for the next 300 KHH,used per month

4.532 cents per I6lH for all in excess. of400 KRH used per month.

f 2.T5 per month

Minimum Bi11: 9 2-75 per month for single phase service or $ 7.66per tnonth for three phase service, for all ordinary residentialuses. Additional 85 g per connected HP per month when specialequipment, greater than normal investment, abnormal or seasonal ..use involved.

FZR8Full Electric Resi'dentia1'ervice+


Cus t,orner Charge $ 3 ~ 7$ per mont%,: Plus an Energy Charge of».


4.588 cents per KMH for the first 1,000 KHE bayd:.per month4.184 cents per KHH for all in excess of 1,000 KME used

par month

* An additional charge ox exedi.t MU. be made on the Mlovatt-hourspurchased by the customer in accordance with the fuel clause.

E FERS (continued)Full Electric Res%.dentia2. Service

Nin$ .mum Charge

Single phase service not less than $ 3.75 per monthThree phase service not less than $ 7-06 per month

For all ordinary residential uses of electric service, includingthose listed under Availability of Service. Shen the investment toserve the customer is greater than normal and/or where specialelectrical. equipment is required by the Customer other then ordinaryuses listed above, such as, but, not limited to, large heating or motorloads, and/or when the use of the service will 'be seasonal orabnormal, the Company reserves the right to require a monthlyminimum greater than that shown above in the amount of 8$ centspez month per 1Ã of connected load.

QSGeneral Service+


See Inde'. Sheet for Character of'lectric Service hvaillble.

Customer Charge '4,00Plus Energy Charge of<

~ 6.920 cents per KQR forper. month

5..778 cents per KMH forper month.

5.301 cents per KMK forused per month

per month

the H,rst 500 1NH used

the next 1,500 KMH used.

a11 in excess of 2,,000 KNE-

Mnf.mum Charge

Service under this schedule is sub)ect to a minhnum of thegreater of (a) ~<4.00 per month to ixLclude the first 20 KV orless of capacity, or (b) $ 4.0D per month; plus $ 1.69per KN fordemand in excess of 20 KW, which. shall be determined from thegreater of (1), (2) ~ (3)~ or (4) as follows-

(1) The maximum de<~nd registered Kn the current month.{2) 75'L- of the highest monthly maximum do~nd registered M the

precedirig ll months(3) The contract capacity, based on the expected maximum KV de~nd

upon the system(4) 60'L of the KH capacity of facilities specified Sy the Customer.

E CS EGeneral Service'continued)

Minimum charge under (a) ~ above, shall be billed on a monthlybasis. Minimum charge under (b), above, shall be bi11ed on acumulative annual basis that starts on the month in whf.ch themeter was installed or service was first taken under the schedule.This is the beginning date'f:the contract year. Payments to bemade monthly.of not less than 1/12 of the annual minimum until theaggregate payments during the contract year equal. the annualminimum. However, minimum payments made in excess of the amountbased on the rate schedule wt.ll be applied as a credi.t on billingsfor energy used during the contract year.

O.P.Q.H,Off Peak Mater Heating+


Ceetomer Charge $ X.OO per monthplus all energy at 3 6180 per KMK per month


The monthly minimum charge 'is, the 'Customer Charge..

c.V.E.ComMnation'ff Pea%, Rat'er Heatlitg

Xn A11 Territory Served by the Company


For Domestic uses located on existing secondary lineii of theCompany when "Off-Peak" eater heating is used in connection withan electric range of 8 kilowatts or mre where 'customer cookselectrically.ViAEACTER OF SERVXCE

The electric service furnished under'his rat'4N schedule viXl.be singe phase 60 cycle, alternating current, delivered fromload centers at approxhnately 208 or 240 volts tao Mx'e, or 120,208 or 240 volta three wire.


Customer Charge . $ 1.00 per monthPlus all energy «t. 3.011 p'e'd XtK..pa@ granth .

An additional charge or credit vill be Rale oa the ki1ovatt;hourspurchased by th'e customer in accordance with the &el clause.

G.M.H., Combination Off Peak Water Heating



The monthly minimum is the Customer Charge.


Cuktomer's payment wt,l.l be'due.within 10 day's fromm 'date ofbiD.-FUEL CLAUSE

An additi.onal charge or credi.t wi11 be made on the Rilowatt- .hours purchased, by the Customer in accordance with the fue1 clauseset forth on Sheet Mo. 24 of this Tariff.FRAMCHISE CHARGE

The rate herein provided shall include, where applicable, an-additional charge fox'ocal government franchise payment determinedin accordance with the Franchise SL,11ing Plan as set forth in theRules and Regulations of this Tariff.TEENS OF SERVICE "OFF-PEAK" PERIOD

Service rendered under this schedule will be between the hoursof 8:00 p.m. (at night) and 9:00 a.m. (next morning) E.S.T.,exceptas otherwise permitted. Said period being undaxstood as the "Of&Peak"period, and sha11 be sub]act to change from time to time asCompany's peak load condition varies.

Each water heater is to ba installed with and controlled bythermostat or tharmostats and time switch (said time switch to beproperty of the Company when water heating connected load doesnot exceed 30 amperes) sat and sealed, by a Company representativeso that. "on" period of service will conform to "Off-PeaV'eriodherein set forth. The Customex'hal1 furnish and maintain times~itch control equipment when water heating connected load is inexcess of 30 amperes.

Service wiLL be metered by a special sub~ter except, undersjieciaX condit$ .ons approved by the Company.


For. a fixed term of not less than one year, and/or tsUch timeafter the axpixation of -such fixed term until terminated by, eitherparty giving 30 days written notice to the other.


Service will be furnished under Company's. general Rules andRegulations or Terms and Condi.tions. Sea General Index for approvedins tallation.



Rate 33 - Electric Space Heatini ader+E

- 'per EGA

$ 13.'45 per connected KP but not les's than $ -CL2;24,'.aerheating season.


Rate A'.E.S-.- (A?1 KIecMf:c'cKo'o'1)+

4.255< per KMK

Annual'Kn&mnhi 0 20.12 per connected Kk excluding air conditioningand equipment. of one KV or less, than $2Ql ~.24per year.



Xn all territory sex@ed'by the Company.

$300 -'et mMch

D~~md Charge.„The firm capacity at> $ 9.40 'pter



* An ad&.tiona1 charge or credit F11 be made on the kilowatt-hourspurchased by the customer Xn accordance with thief'&se1::cl,ause.-


This schedule shall be made available 'to any Customer receivhagtransmissfoa. servtee who contracts for not less than 4,000 KVA ofhis totals. rejuf.xements to be sub)ect to ef;thex MO ox 400 'hoursinterruption uyon notification by the Company. Service undex thisschedule wf.ll be '1Qnited to customexs whose firm capacity;requfremantBoas not emceed 10,000 KVA. Custamers with Serai capacity:.requirementsthat. exceed, 10,000 XVA will. Gave a xate developed as part. of theircontract based. upon thefx electrical characteristics.


Service at other'han the Ccnnpany's nominal transact.ssi.on voltageswf.ll be available to Customers who contract to reimburse the Companyfor'he additional facilities required beyond the transmissfon level.


Customer Charge:






Demand Charge: (continued}

Plus the KVA measured in excess. ofthe Bee capacity during thebilling month at:

. SuS)ect to 200 hours interruption $ 7.80 per KVA.Sab)ect to 400 hours interruption Q 7.30 pei KVh

Plus an Eneigy Charge 'of:

1.931 cents for all 15K used in the billing month

1Kni.mum CharN,'es"

The fina capacity F11 be'based on the greate0 of!(1) the 'firm capacity specified by the Customer's contract,(2) .the auudsnmt load faux'Lng any pert.o8 of requested

interruptLon Ln the MLMng month; or(3) the, maximum load. during any period of requested

interruptLon in the preceding ll billing months.


The Customer will, upon notification by the Company, reduce'ustomer'.sload being supplied Sy .the Company to the ffxm'level.

specified, by contract

The totaL hours of interruption during any 12 comrecutivemonths shall not exceed, either'00 houx's or 400 hours as agreed *

to Sy contract.SUE DATE OP BXLLs Customer's payat AU. be due &thin 10 days

from date of bill.

An additional charge or credit vi11 be made on the %11.owatt-hourspurchas'ed by the Customer in accordance with the 'fuel clause setforth on Sheet No. 24 of this Tariff.FRANCHISE CHM.CE


The rate herein prodded shall include, where 'applicable, anadditional charge for local government franchise payment deterninedin accordance Mth the Franchise Billing Plan as set forth in theRules and Regulations of this Tariff.




The term of contract shall be for an initial period of 10yeaxs and .shall continue thereafter anti.l terms.nated by ei,therparty gi Cog at least 7 years written notice to thi other.RULES AH9 REGULATXOHS

Servfce M11 be furnished under the Company's general Rulesand Regulations or Terms and Conditions, except as set out hereinand/or any provisions agreed to by wrftten contract.

'.P.Comb'ined X'ighting'nd P'ower'e'xvice '.

~ Xn all territoxy served by the Company.


This xate 'schedule is av'ailable for secondary, primary oravailable transmission line service on an annual basis for lightingand/or heiting and/or power ~here no c1ass rate is avai1able.

Et is optiona1 with tEu Customer whether service AH. bebi11ed under this schedule 'for the entf.re rejuirements, or undexvaxious otILer schedules apylf.cable to the various services. TheCustomer havtng selected. this schedule will. continue to be billedunder it for not less than 12 consecutive months, unless 'thexeshou1d be a material and permanent change in the Customer'service.

Service under this schedule &11Se lhafted to im ~~~ loads .

not exceeding 10,000 iÃ. Xf, at the effect&re. «late of thS.s rateschedule, an ex%sting Customer's load 'has exceeded 10,000 EV,service may Se continued under this schedule untfl sucK time 'asthe Customer's load exceeds the capability of the existing Companyand/or Customex owned facilities; whereupon a nev. contract Mll berequired, inc1uding a xate developed to cover the 'costs of service.based upon the Customer's electrical characteristics. Afterthe effective date of this rate schedule,'ustomers with new orincreased load requirements that exceed 10„000 1% wi11 have arate developed as part of thaix contract based, upon their electricalcharacteristics.

—Comb'ined Lighting s'nd Po'wer Service(continued)


The, electr%,c service furnished under this rate schedule willSe 60 cycle, alternating current. The nomina1 secondary voltagesdelivered from load centers and the phase are as fo1.lots: . Singlehase, 120 volts, two wire, or 120/240 volts, three wire, or20/20'olts, three wire 'where network system is used. Where

Company hai three phase service avai1able, such service will besupplied at 240, 480 or 208Y volts @hen delivered from network-system. The nominal primary voltagei of Company where availableare 2400,.4160Y, 7200, 8320Y and 12,470Y volts.

N~~<~ Load ChargeSecondary Service at. noadnal voltages of 120, 240, 480 or

208Y as available.$ 4.21 per kilowatt of the maxbnum load, in the month, but

not less than 0 505.20per year.Primary Service at nominal voltages of 2400, 4160Y, 7200,

8320Y and 12,4?OY as available.$ 3.21 per kf.lowatt of the maximum load in. the month, but

not less chan $ 96$-00 per year.Transmission Line Service at voltages of 34,500 or 69,000 as

available.$ 3-4 per kilowatt of the ~~ load in the month with

minimum depending upon the facilities necessary to serve,but. not less than 0 1,824.09..per pair.

Plus an Energy Charge of3.145 cents per KQH for the first 500,000 1%8 used. per month2.898 cents per KMH for the next 1,500,000 KWH used per month.2.766 cents per KWH for all in excess of 2,000,000 KMR used


The 1oad will be measured and wi1,1 be the average KW demanddelivered to the Customer during the 15 minute period of max'e~use during the month.

The Company reserves the right to place a KVA ineter and basethe billing demand on the 'measured KVA. The charge will becomputed based. on the measured KVA times 90% of the appH.cable KN

charge. ~


J E L.P.Combined Lighting and Power Servic



ln lieu of placing a KVA meter'he Company'ay ad5ust themeasured ~mum load for bill.ing purposes when power factor isless than 90K in accordance with the following formula: (BASEDOH POMER FACTOR MEASURED AT TXME OF KQGHUH LOAD)

Ad/usted Ksmimum LW Load forBilling Pur'poses

Mmd.mum KR L'oad Heasured a907'owerFactor gin percent):


Service an8er this schedule is sub)ect to an annual ~4~<~of 050.52 per kilowatt for secondary delivery.

03S.52 per 'kilowatt for primary delivery and $36;48 perkilowatt for transmission delivery for each yearly periodbased on the greater of (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e), asfollows:

(a) The highest monthly mmhaum load durfag such yearlyperiod

(b) The contract, capacity,. based, on the expected maximka KRd nd upon the system..

(c) 60K 'of the KW capacity of facilities specified by'heCus tomer.

(d) Secondary delivery, $505.2Q.per year; Primary .delivery,)%53.00 per year, Transmission delivery, gl,~Zg,oapcryear.

(e) Minimum may be adjusted where Customer's serv!.ce requiresan abnormal investment in special facilities.

Payments to be made monthly of not less than 1/12 of the AnnualHiaimum until the aggregate payments during the contract year equalthe Annual Knimum. However, payments made in excess of the amountbased on above rate schedule m.lX, be applied as a credit enbillings for energy used during contract year. A new Customer or'n exLsting Customer having made a permanent change in the operationof his electrical equipment that materially affects the use inKilowatt-hours and/or use in kilowatts of maximum load will'begiven opportunity to determine his new service requirements, inorder to select the most favorable contract year period and rateapplicable.


Rate HLP (Hi.gh Load Factor)*

Tfaximmn Load Charge SecondaryAll RQ'f Monthly Billing D= ~d $ 5.2V per KN

Frhniry$ 4.Imper KN

Energy Charge: 2.$34 0 per K@8 fox a%1, KMH used..


The load wi11. be measured and wf.11 be the average RN &~~4delivered, to the Customer during the 15 minute period of ~~<~use during the month.

The Company reserves the right to place a KVA meter and base. thebilling d~~nd on the measured KVA. The charge will be computedbased on the measured KVA, times 90K of the applicable KN charge.

ln lieu of placing a KVA meter, the Company may ad5ust themeasured maximum load for billing.purposes when power factor isless then 90K in accordance with the following foxmula: {BASED ON


Adjusted Haxlxmaa KN Load for . Naxixmxm KV Load Measured x90'illingPurposes . ~ . Power Factor {in percent)

Excess of 600 hours use of Billing D~~~d I 2.534 cents per KWE .


Rate HP-:. (Coal Mnkng Power Service)+

Mmdmei Load ChargePr<m ~ Service at nominal voltage of 2409 or more- '

3.09 per k5.1owatt of the ~~<~um load in the month.Transmission Line Service at nominal voltage of 34,500

or more —$ 2.24 per kilowatt of the maxheeL load inthe month.

Plus an Enexgy Charge of:$.151cents per KWH for the first, 500,000 KMK used per month2.soa cents pex'RH for all in excess of 500,000 used

per month.


The load will be measuxed and wi11 be the avexage KV demanddelivexed to the Customex during the 15 minute period of maximum useduring the month.

* An additional 'charge ox credit wi11'be made on the Mlowatt-hourspurchased by the customer in accoxdance with the fuel clause.


'ate NP {Coal Ninin'g"Power Servi'c'- '

r (continued).


The Cozmiany reserves the 'right to p1'ace' KVA meter and base'hebLlling d~end on the measured KVA. The 'charge 'will Se computed

based on the measured KVA tixnei- 907,'f the applicable KbT charge.

En lieu of placing KVA meter', the Company may adjust themeasured mmc&mm load for bH.lfng purposes when power factor fi.s lessthan 90K in accordance with. the fol1.owing formula:

Ad)usted Haxixaum KR Load for Kaafmhm KW Load'easured. x %%MH.i'urposei Power Factor (in percent)


. Sot less .thin the greiter (a), (b) or (c) ae fo11eme{a} $37 08 for primary delivery and $% 88 for transmission

delivery for each, yearly period for each Kilowatt ofcapacf ty reserved Sy the. Customer's appH.cat%.on.

(b) g7.08per kilowatt fax primary delivery of $82.88 per .. kilowatt for transmission delivery, for each year1yperiod based on highest monthly m «<~ load during suchyearly period.

(c) Sot less thsn $ (to be 'detexadned by any specialinves~nt required to serve).


Each monthly bill sha11 be computed at the MMdmum Load andEnergy Charge set forth, however', fn no event sha11 the aggregatepayments at the end of any month during the contract year,including the current month's- bill be less than the sum obtainedby multS.plyfng the number of months elapsed durfng the contractyear by 1/12 of the annual minimum set. forth. During subsequentmonths should the sum of the, computed bills be less than theaggregate payments made and greater than the min<~~ payments setforth above, ad5ustment shall be made on the basis of the sum ofthe computed bills, provided such ad5ustment shi11 not reduce theaggregate payments %elms the minimum payments set forth above.

SUE BATE OP SXLL: Customer's payment wi.ll be due wf.thin 10 daysfrom date of b$.11.


h11 the Customer's apparatus shall be selected and used Mthreference to securing the hi,ghest practicabl yeller factor.


* An additional charge or credit will be made on the %5.1avatt-hourspurchased by the customer in accordance wi,th 'the fuel clause.

- 11-

E L~te MP (Coal Honing Power Ser'vice)(continued+


The Company shall have'he rfght at a11 times to make an examinationof the insta1latXon of motors and other'pparatus of'he Customerand it may refuse to make connection or to give service unlessthe installation is Ln proper'onditfon to recefve and is operatedin such ~neer's. to utilize safely and efficiently the 'energyfurnished by the Company.. The Customer shill not make sny changesin his installation which will affect the"operation of the Company'ssystem without the consent, of the, Company.

The Company undertakes'o supply the energy called for by thisagreement at a power factor of appro~<~ete1y mfty, but, it, willpermit under the 'prescribed rates the use of apparatus which shallfurnish during normal operation an average power factor not Lowerthan 90K either lagging or.leiding, in the 'accepted teA <calmeaning of the~e terms.


An additional charge or credit will bi made on the.'kilawatt-hours purchased'by'he. Customer in accor'dance with 'thi fuel clauseset forth on Sheet'o. 24 of this tariff.FRANCHXSE CHARGE

The rate her'ein provided sha11 include,'har'e 'app1icable,an additional charge for local government franchise payment,determined in accordance 'with. Franchise Silling plan as setforth fn the Rules'nd Regulations of this Tariff.TERS OF CONTRACT

Service wiLL be furnished under this schedule onlyunder'ontract.for a term of not less than 5 years, and for'early periods .

thereafter until, terminated by either party giving written notice'o

the other party 90 days prior to thi expiration date.RULES AND REGULATXONS

Customer must own and maintain or Lease. a11 transformers andother facilities necessary to take service at. the deliveredvoltage,

Service will. be furnf.shed under'he Company's general Rulesand Regulations or Terms ind Conditions, and under executed contractfor electri,c service.

An additional charge or.ere%.t Wll be made on the Mlovatt-hourspurchased. by the customir in accordance with the fuel clause.

- 12-

Rate' (Vater Pumpin'g''ervic'e)+

Customer Chaxge $16.00 permonth.'st.

10~ 000. KVE':. 4.9.89.cents pex'RH per month;Over l0,060 KME 4 256 cents yea'UifK per



The minimum montMy charge 'sTia11 be not'ess than the'eaterof (a), (b) ox (c)'s follows:.

a) The sum of $ .87 per Eozsepovez for total rated capacity,of a11 motors or other apparatus connected, but not 1essthan the Customer Charge.

Q) The sum of $ 1.74per horsepower for total rate capacity,excluding standby paver equipment and fire pumps.

(c) Sased on required special inves~ont.

St'ree't'- Lf;gEt:in'g''e~c'e'ete+


1,000 Y umens (Approximately)500 It tl

4 ~ OOO000 . It ~ 1~

1,0,000 ~ I

'oa@/LX'gh~.3.02 KR/Light.201


KV/I f.ght.447 m/Mght.690 ER(LigM

R'a'te 'Per"LigKt'er'onth'tandard,: Ornamental

0 2.a32..ze S..SS398 4 925.36. . 6 3$2 ~ 1$ * '+74

~ ~ ' ~ '~ le» la' ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

8aM'~ Vae'or' - ' Lo'adgMgMMRat'e'"Pe'e'"L'i'ght'er'cih&

Stan@ax 6 - Gxnamenta1.


11;8711F 44

3,500 Lumens (Appxo~f~tel'y)..126 KN/Light7,000 .207 KH/Light 6',:66 8,%2

10,000 .294 ER/Light P,63 . 9,6820,000- .453 KM/Lf.ght a.a4 1O.64

Hf.gh Pre'ssur'e S'odenum .

5,800 Lumens EAppzoxhiately) .083 KM/Light gS, 449',500 " " - .'u.7 m/LC.gat

22',000 .242 KN/Light 9 0750 000 <> " . .485 SVjLight 14 ~ 64.':.-

pFluo'rescent20,000 Lumens (Approx~teXy) .489 EW(Light $ X0.54 12.14

'* An additional charge or credit wi11 be made on the kflceratt-hourspurchased by the customer in accordance with the fuel clause.Refer to Determination of Energy Consumption

Tab1e.'estxictedto those fixtures kn service 'on February 15, 1977.*** Restricted to those fixtures in service on October 12, 1982-'Exceptspot p1acemeag)


O.l. (Customer'utdoox Lighting Eat'eE


~2500 Lumen Encandeicent Light .201 KR'/Light 0 $ .51~3500 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light .126 KV/Light 6.69+++7000 Lmnen Mercury Vapor Light'207 KN/Light 7.65

Rate Per L~per monthper monthpex month


'.A.X'C.Prorate Outdoor Lfghting-

Xn a11 territory sexed by the Company.


Service under this schedule is offered, undex'he conditionsset out hereinafter, for lighting applf.cations on private propertysucb. as, but not limited to, residential, commercial and industrialplant site or parking lot, other commercial axea fighting, etc.to Customers now zecefving electric service &can the Company at thesame location. .Servt.ce F1 be provided under written contx'actsigned Sy Customer prior to servfce 'commencing.


The Company will &xznish a complete feature with 2-foot. mastaxm for 8,600 lumen and 6-foot mast arm for other size 1iahts onex5.sting polei with available secondary voltage of 120/240..8exviceshall be fzcna dusk to dawn tota1ing appzm <~~tely 4,000 hours ofannual Suzning time.



Appxoxi',:..'umens.;- TypeLight 16ating

.7;65 8,600 Mercury Vapor9 ~ 04



22,000+ ~ Mercury. Vapor14'4 50,000+ High. Pressure She~

Note< &ot available for urban residential home use.,

.21 i




Payment will be due wf.thin 10 days from dati of MX.1.'i.llingfox this service to be made g part of bill rendered fax otherelectric service.

Refex to Qetermination of Energy Consumption Tabli.Restricted to those fixtures in service on December 15, 1971*** Restricted to those fixtures in service on October 12, 1982 (exceptspot placenents} 14


P.O.Lt.Private Outdoor Lighting


An additional charge 'or credit wi11 be made 'on the Kilowatt-hours~ purchased by the Customer in accoxdance with. the fuel clause setforth on Sheet No. 24 of the Tarfff.

. The 'rate herein provided shaH include, where applicable, anadditional cheirge for local government. franchise payment detexminedin accordance wf.tb, the Fx'anchise Mlling Plan as set, forth in theRules and Regulations of this Tariff.SEramCENATXON OF ENERGY CONSUNPTXON

The Kilowatt-hours will be determined as set'orth on SheetHo. 19 of the Tariff to which. the 'fuel clause will apply.


For a:fixed texm of not less than 5 yeirs and fox such ~~thereafter until.texminated Sy'Lther party giving 30 days writtennotice to the other. Cancellation by Customer prior to the initial5-year term will require the Customer to pay to Company its costof labor to QxstaH and remove facilitiei plus cost of non-salvablematefial, pxoxated on the basis of the remaining portion of the5-gear period.ADDXTXOHAL FACXLXTXES

Where 'the 1ocation of exfstfng poles are not suitable oxwhere there are no existing poles for mounting of lights, and theCustomer requeits service under these condf.tf.ons, the Company mayfurnfsh the required facilities ~t an additional charge per monthto be detexmined by'he'ompany. These adcKtional chargei aresub)ect to change %y Company upon 30 Bays pxior written notf.ce.

All facilities xequired by Company wi11 be standaxd stockedmaterial. When undexground facilities are requested and. theCompany agrees to underground service, the Customer will, be responsiblfax ditching and backfillfng and seeding and/or repaving.

(1) Service shall be furnished under Company's general Rolesand Regulations or Texms and Conditions, except as setout herein.


P.O.Lt.Private Outdoor T Ighting



(2) All service and necessary maintenance on the light andfaciliti.es wi11 be performed only during regularscheduled working hours of the Company. The Company shallbe all.owed 48 hours after notification by the Customer inwhich to restore service.-

(3) The Customer shall be. responsible for fixture replacementor repairs where such replacement or repairs are causedfrom willf'ul ~e~~ge, vandalism, or causes other thannormal burnouts.

(4) The Company shall own and maintain all faci.lities requiredIn providing this servi.ce.

T p VV ~

~ 'I



Dete~<n~tion of energy set out below applies to StreetX.ighting Sheet Ho. 17~ Private Lighting Sheet Ho. 18 and Customer

,Outdoor Lighting Sheet, Ho. 18.1.MTEK~ATIOH OF ENERCY COISUHPTXOM

The applicable fuel clause 'charge ox credit will be based onthe M.lowatt-hours calculated Sy multiylying the Mi.lowatt load ofeach 'Light timei the number of hours t light is in use duringthe biLLing month. The 'k$.1owatt Load of each Light is show21 inthe section titled RATE.. The number of hours a light M11 be inuse during a given month Xs shown in the foLLowing Hours Use Table;


- -l

Hours LightKith. - . - Ts'Xn Use '.-

Dm '. '. -";.-..-,::-4DVFEI, . '.-.'..'::; - - 344ma 347'MY -. -.- .:,28K.JUN: '.-..',"257JUL --:-'-: '.:273'Uc ~.:.'-: ' .299-'-'IP .:.::.:.;,32.

.OCT -'- .- — 368

SOV -:-', 386-SEC "- - 415

TOTAL POR lEAR 4i000 888.

'73'Mee For'el'dihg'aha Other'atermit tent ance FL'uctuating Loads


Xn all territory served, by the Company.. 'VAXLASXLXTT

The Company's Rulei ind Regulations contahX Ch4:following,QVaiisions covering Pcwex'actor and Protection of Services


17:3 g; g ci( )i,

E i3Rider F -lding an'd Other Tn'texm'it'tent and Fli ting Loads

<cont$ .nues) .


'%here the Customer has equipment installed that operatesat low power factor the Company xeserves the 'right to requirethe Customer to furnish„at Sic.own expense, suitable 'corx'ec-tive equipment to maintain a pcmer factor ok 90% laggingor hf.gher."


"The Company cannot render'ervfce to any Customer forthe operation of any device that has a detrimental, effect

~upon the service rendered to other'ustomers.""The 'Company. hcwev'er, wi11 endeavox to cooperate 'with

its Customers when consulted concerning tlie 'intended use ofany elect,rica1 dev'ice."

'%here the. Customer's use 'of servt,ce is intexmittent orsubject, to violent fluctuations, thi Company reserves theright to require the Customer'o Rxnish,'t fd:i owi expense,suitable equipment .to reasonaSly 1.immit such intexmittenceor fluctuation."

Qhen comp1iance witL the Company's Rules and Regulationsrequires the Customer to Garnish 'corrective equipment forthe purpose of protecting service to Ccanpany''s othex CustomersSy increasing the power factor of and/or reducing the,intexmittence 'or fluctuations. in the Customer's use of service(such as may be the case when the Customer's load includeswelding equipment, electric azc &xxnaces, etc.), the Company,by the provision of special supply facilities, may be able toeliminate the neces'sity fox Customer furnisheR correctiveequipment. IK the estimated cost of Company provided specialsupply facilities is less than the cost of Customer providedcorrectf ve equipment, the Company may give 'the 'Customerspecial peanission to operate specified aSaormai, load, consistingof 1ow power factor, intermittent ox'idely fluctuating loads,without correction, in which case the Customer wi11 pay thefollowing, rate to the Companyi

1, A lease or x'ental chsrge on all speci'al or added facilities,'f any ~ necessary to serve. such. 'load@.

2., Plus the charges provided for under the xate 'scLe'duleapplicable, including any customer charge if applicable,energy charge, ~~~ load charge (if load charge rathis used), fue1 clause and the minimum under'ue% xatead5usted in accordance with '(a} or (b} herein.


73 JRider .el.ding and Other Tntezmittent and F ~ating Leads


RATE - (continued)

(a) Xf xate schedule calls fox' minimum based on thetotal 1Ã of connected load, each KVA of such specialequipment shall'be counted as dna KQ connected loadfor mi.nimum billing purposes.

(b) . Xf rate schedule caU.s for a minimum based on the 15minute integrated load, and such loads operate on1yintermittently so that the KW registered on a standard15 minute integrated demand meter is small in compaxi-son to the instantaneous load such equipment iscapab1e of imposing, each KUA of such special equipment,sha11 be counted as. one-third KN load for minimumbi11ing purposes.


As determined by thl,s Rider and the Rate Schedule t ~ehit is attached.

This schedule applfi.es to all net loads .agio t5 eNtAhhg'lokiwhere such.existing loads nor or-hereafter have a detrf~~taleffect upon-the electric service rendered to other Customers of theCompany o


Ootf.ona1. Minimum Mder To Anv Appal.cable Rate 8&educ.eFor Seasona1 and/oz Te~ozary E1ectrf.c Service

26nimum: $ 4.21 per 1Ã pex'onth of tote1 coanected load


This rider is available at the option of the Customer +hereCustcnuer's busineis is of such nature to require only seasonal servicor temporary service, including service provided for construction ofres'chances or ccennercial buildings and where in the )udgment ofthe Company the loca1 and system electrical. facility capacitiesaxe adequate to serve the load Mahout impairment of service toother Customers.

This service is available fox not, less than one montti (approM-mately 30 days), but ~hen service is used longer than one month,any fraction of a month's use will be prorated for billing purposes.


Demand Chariec

pecial Contract for ElectricSa'r'vice''reen

EU.ver Steel Corporation<

, Non-Xnter tible Demand . ..$4.22 pex 1GfInterruptfble Semand . ,

-- X.97 per XKAddf.tional ¹~~~d '" "-;. '„" 0 97 per


an.Energy'harge 'of:

A.-,.For KQH used baleen 6 a.m. and'0 p.m., Monday-Fdiday,. ~ excluding hoB,dayss .


14.6$ miXla per KQR

B. Por all KMH used at ether hoiirei

23.24 mi11s pex KMH used

Reactive Do~~~d Charge:

$0.241per %CD

Annual Minimum: - 0 386 ?66

Special Contract: for--Electric Servf;ca-'o

West Virginia Puky 6c Payer Gcmeanv+".

D~~d Chax'ge:



an Energy Charge of:

0 3.79per KVA, but not less than 10,000 KVAx.sz pex KVA

23.63:.gsLlls per KMH for all KWK used,.I

Annual Ninhaum: I

0 45;48 per KVA of m~~~~ non-interruptible d~nd$ 21.72 per KVA of maximum interruptible de~ad but cot less

than 5807,500per said 12 month period

An adcLitional charge ox credit vill..be made on the Rf.lov'att-hourspurchased by the custom'er'n accordance. M.th.'tha fueX clause.

-ES AND REGULATIONS OR TERM AND CO?P" ~NS~plicable to All Classes of Electric '- ce


The Company is author5.zed to refuse ox'iscontinue serviceto any Applicant ox Customer for (a} noncompliance wf.th theseRules and Regulations, (b) for refusing ox'eglecting to provide.reasonable access to the premises, (c} when the Applicant is indebtedto the Company fox service, {d) for noncompliance with any applicablestate, municipal, or other code, rule or regulation, (e) fox'on-payment of Gills, or (f) for fraudulent or illegal use of service.The Company shill discontinue service when a dangerous conditi.onis found to exist*on the Customer's premises. Service shall besp refused ox'iscontinued in accordance with the provisions ofKentucky Public Service Commission Regulation 807 EAR 5:006:.Section 11 (as may bc modified or replaced by any regulationhereafter adopted governing discontinuance of eervt,ce), which is .

. hereby incorporated herein as a part of these Rules and Regulatf.ons ~

A copy of such Commission Regul.ation;shall be furnished to anyApplicant or Customer upon request.

When service has been discontinued for any'f the r~>aeonsstated above, service shall not be xestored until the Company hasbeen paid in full for the cost of sexvice rendered (which may beestimated by the Company if actual usage cannot be determined)and reimbursed .for the estimated cost to the Company incurred byreason of the discontinuance, and if service is restoxed, foxreconnection.. For any Customer whose service has been discontinuedfor nonpayment of bills, $ 10.50 sha11 be charged fox reconnectingservice during regular scheduled working hours and $ 38.00 forreconnecting service during other than regular schedule workinghours.

Shen service has been discontinued for any of the above reasons,the Company shall not be xesponsible fox any damage that may resulttherefrom.

Discontinuance or refusal of service shall be in addition to,and not in lieu of, any other rights or xemedies available to thcCompanyo


The following ehaxges will be applied uniformly throughout theCompany's service territory. Each charge, as approved by thePublic Service Commission, reflects only that xevenue required to$40t associated expenses.


21~ ~





In those instance's ~her'e a Oistomer resider's pa@meat to the'ompanyby check. wtiich. ie not honored upon depose.t by the

'ompany,the Customer we'll be cTiirged 5 5,Oa eo cove+ the'dditiona1proces'sing costs..


Where. the test of a meter'.s performed during normal workinghours upon the wry.tten request .of a Custamex, pursuant to807 KAR 5:006, Section 19, and -.the. results shor the meter wasnot more 'than Wo percent fast, tHe Customer wi11 be charge6$ 14.00 to cover the test and transportation cests.


To reconnect e eeHfce. that.his Sae'xi cKsconaected for nonpaymentof bells. or fox ~olation of thm Company's. R11es. and Re aMons,the Customer'i'11 be 'charged 410.50 for xecaamection duringregular scheduled ~orking Bouxa ox 4 38.00 fox xecoaaectien atany 0thex time

r, r
