Protective Protocals for Sheepdog Professionals

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The expanding cloud of evil can be seen today in every area of society. You don't have to try very hard to find it just open the newspaper, surf the web or tune into your local cable network. A majority of society walks around in a world of denial never acknowledging that evil can visit their door step at anytime. Evil is perpetrated by predators on all levels. If we are to acknowledge the existence of predators then we have to acknowledge the existence of prey. The prey in this case are the general populace of society. The final component is a question. Who stands between the predator and the prey? The answer is simple the protectors stand between the two. Three types of persona match up with these three categories. They are the wolf (predators), sheep (prey) and sheepdog (protectors) persona. Summarized below are brief descriptions of each:

Wolf- these are the individuals who place their agenda and goals above the safety and well being of others. They will kill and maim to achieve their objectives at all cost without empathy toward anyone else. Acts of violence and aggression are the tools of their trade. They consume and use sheep indiscriminately to accomplish their agenda. They even masquerade as sheep and sheepdogs to create chaos and to infiltrate the flock.

Sheep- these are the majority of individuals that represent today's society they exist in their own little world. They abide by the laws and regulations of society. The live peacefully with others and would only harm another individual in the most extreme circumstances. Personal acts of aggression and violence are something they see in the movies and are seldom personally acquainted with in their world. They live in a world of denial as it pertains to evil's direct and indirect effect on them and their loved ones. They are the prime targets of the wolf. Sometimes however, sheep may pretend to be sheepdogs to elevate themselves among members of the flock but they are easily unmasked when the wolf appears.

Sheepdog- these are the individuals that put the needs of others before their own. They sacrifice to insure the safety of those who are weaker and can not or will not protect themselves. They despise chaos and the abuse of others. Their selfless acts do not come from personal desires of fame and fortune. These actions of bravery come from a desired peace and an orderly state of things.

These three persona are very broad characterizations of human beings. Everyone has traces of all three in their personality depending on the circumstance. One example can involve a battle harden warrior known for his or her bravery in combat that makes them a sheepdog, however, when they are faced with confronting a loved one they become the biggest sheep in the world. This piece will approach the above mentioned subject matter from the most dominate of the three found in an individuals life. This persona controls the majority of the individual's decisions. Sheepdogs can be found in all areas of life they can be dedicated parents babysitters, ministers, teachers, mentors etc. However, the core audience for this paper are those individuals that are professional protectors their chosen professions in military, law enforcement and security require them to have the sheepdog persona to protect others as well as themselves. Due to this fact these individuals are called sheepdog professionals.

Unlike anytime in recent history one group of sheepdog professionals is currently enduring public vilification and humiliation. This group consists of those in law enforcement. These individuals are tasked with the protection of the flock and the enforcement of society's laws 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Their successes are always over shadowed by their failures and mistakes. They are and should be held to a higher standard. When they break the law they are sworn to protect they must face the consequences, as to not impugn the entire profession. If the entire law enforcement community is muzzled for the errors of a few the wolves will be emboldened and society as a whole will find itself in peril.

The only thing worst than not aggressively engaging a wolf is to embolden one. Those in law enforcement must increase their awareness of the threats that are currently increasing and loaming around them. This is needed for their own protection as well as that of those they protect. These men and women face threats today from both foreign and domestic actors. Summarized below are such targeted attacks that have occurred against law enforcement:

September 2014- Abu Muhammad al Adnani a representative of the Islamic State released an audio message urging home grown radical Islamist in the US to attack law enforcement officers, military and government personnel. October 2014- a self radicalized individual, Zale H. Thompson, attacked 4 New York City Police Officers with a hatchet before he was shot to death.

December 2014- 2 New York City Police Officers ( Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu) were ambushed and killed by Ishmaaiyl Brinley on a city street. Brinley was later killed by New York City Police following the ambush. Prior to the attack he made anti-police statements and threats on line toward law enforcement officers.

December 2014 2 unidentified men in Durham North Carolina attempted to ambush a police officer while he was sitting in his patrol car. The assault resulted in a gunfight, the suspects escaped and the officer was unharmed.

February 2015- an unidentified Tunisian supporter of the Islamic State published an article on line detailing how radicalized Islamist can collect and share intelligence on law enforcement and their families to aid in future attacks. This information includes but is not limited to home and work addresses, family photographs, locations of children's schools, personal vehicle information etc.

April 2015- during anti-police riots in Baltimore intelligence from law enforcement officials revealed that three known rival street gangs (Black Gorilla Family, Bloods and Crips) had entered into a pact to target law enforcement officers.

June 2015- Terror watch list suspect Usaama Rahim was shot and killed by Boston Police after he lunged at them with a knife. Mr. Rahim had been under surveillance by federal agents and was plotting to kill and behead law enforcement officers.

During the height of the 2015 Baltimore anti-police riots protesting the death of Freddie Grey local government officials taking a page from the sheep handbook issued directives to law enforcement stand down and not to engage rioters and allow them to destroy public and private property. These riots to could cost the city of Baltimore upwards of approximately 20 million dollars. In addition to monetary damage this action embarrassed and humiliated law enforcement in Baltimore and nationwide. A sheep dominated leadership can not humiliate their protectors and expect them to be self sacrificing and brave. June 2015 New Jersey State Police in riot gear engaged a large group of individuals attempting to illegally enter the Hot 97 Summer Jam Concert at the Metlife Stadium. Approximately 60 people were arrested and several officers received minor injuries. During the melee teargas was deployed in response to the crowd throwing rocks and bottles. It can't be overstated enough, if the wolves in society are emboldened and feel the sheepdog professionals are either afraid or restrained from acting these criminal and terrorist elements will only continue to grow stronger and act out. Following the Baltimore Riots incidents of criminal and aggressive behavior directed toward law enforcement have increased in many urban areas. Sheepdog professionals are not just unpopular with wolves but are also disliked by the sheep populace. Generally speaking sheep don't like to be told to move along, turn down their music or told they've had a little too much to drink. Many of those in the flock would like to de-fang and de-claw their protectors as well as paint them white and put them at the rear of the flock. However, this opinion changes when the flock feels the hot breath of wolves on their necks.

As this dark cloud of vilification hovers over law enforcement and other sheepdog professionals, one major character flaw can be found in many of these protectors; they suffer from the fact that they are so engaged in the protection of others that they neglect their own well being. Documented below are simple protocols that protectors can implement to enhance their safety:

Always keep your travel/vacation plans and work schedule private, only share this information with a few trusted individuals.

Keep information regarding your family and associates private and off the Internet and social media sites. Remember what you tweet and text about yourself can be seen by the world. Structure your social media sites to restrict who can view them. Utilize strong passwords and regularly change them.

Limit the distribution of your personal information on line this includes banking statements, credit card numbers, social security numbers, bank account information, passwords and other sensitive information.

Avoid leaving personal mail with your address on your desk and in your vehicle. Shred all waste mailings prior to disposing of them in the trash.

Do not open suspicious emails or access unfamiliar websites. These sites may attempt to extract personal information from your computer system.

Regularly perform an Internet search of your name and agency to obtain what information is being circulated about yourself and agency.

Always keep your cell phone charged and fully functional (this includes keeping the charger accessible). Due to the fact these phone hold photographs, personal information, text messages etc. Safe guard these devices. Avoid leaving them out of your sight (unattended in your vehicle or on your desk ).

Avoid using your personal laptop in Internet cafes or locations with free wifi.

Keep your personal vehicle stocked with a full first aid kit, blanket, flashlight, small pocket multi-tool, fire extinguisher, a gallon of fresh water and some form of non perishable nutrients (ie. energy bars).

Develop alternate routes to work and home; stagger your schedule as much as possible. This will make hostile surveillance difficult.

During routine travel to work, home and other destinations always check to detect if you are being followed. Take note of seeing the same individuals in different locations during your travels take note of what they are doing ( these individuals could be conducting surveillance on your daily routine and that of your family).

At least 2 times a month check the perimeter of your residence look for signs of trespassing and attempted entry into your residence. Keep plantings, shrubs, small trees etc. maintained so that trespassers and intruders will not be provided cover. Take note of signs of potential forced entry, strange footprints and damaged vegetation adjacent to your residence.

Install solid doors, heavy duty locks and a sound security system for your residence.

Develop an emergency plan for you and your family complete with meeting locations and passwords in case of natural disaster or terrorist attack.

Many of the above recommendations are known to law enforcement, military and security professionals. But these individuals will find it easy to convey these tactics to others but difficult to implement in their own lives. However, it should be noted that as this piece is being published attacks against sheepdog professionals and their vilification is likely to increase before it lessens. Due to the fact that sheepdog professionals are tasked with the protection of others they first must be able to secure their own well being and that of their loved ones. This will allow them to have an undivided focus on evolving threats and the security of those they are tasked to protect. If these professionals were to have a motto it might read Forever protecting the intimidated while vanquishing the intimidators. As the evil in the world becomes more and more pervasive the flock becomes more vulnerable. This why those men and women who stand between the predator and the prey must be supported and hailed for their selfless daily efforts. May God Bless and Protect the Sheepdog Professionals of our society.

About the Author:

Stanley I. White is currently the CI Advisor for the IACSP as well as a defensive tactics instructor who has trained personnel from numerous local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. He is a certified Anti- Terrorism Officer and also holds an active membership with the AFIO. He is also an internationally published author on the topics of personal security and counter terrorism. Mr White can be reached for comment at [email protected].