By: Mohamed Fahad Ahmed Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist and antagonist moe ahmed new 7

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Page 1: Protagonist and antagonist moe ahmed new 7

By: Mohamed Fahad


Protagonist and


Page 2: Protagonist and antagonist moe ahmed new 7

There's always 3 parts of a thrilling superhero film, the start where the protagonist which is batman on this case decides to leave behind his past eight years of normal living to go back to his old superhero identity batman. In the middle the protagonist usually looses all they have and for them to gain it all back or gain justice they must concur the antagonist which will also lead the protagonist to save lives of others through their conflicts and difficulties to beat the ‘bad guy’. And in the final part the protagonist is forced to stay in their new character as they will have some sort of inspiration to carry in

furthermore they would want to finish what they started in order for them to have a good resolution after all the fighting.

Both protagonists and antagonists don’t follow an easy way of their transformation from their old life to their new. They hesitate before making dramatic jumps at the turning points when they make the most important

decisions of their routes to action.


Page 3: Protagonist and antagonist moe ahmed new 7

An antagonist is the rival’ competitor and opponent of the protagonist in most films.

The antagonists create obstacles that the protagonists must overcome. In the classic style

of story where in the action consists of a hero fighting a villain, the two can be regarded

as protagonist and antagonist, respectively. For example in ‘the dark night’ the ‘joker’ is

batman's rival competitor and opponent. This makes him the protagonist in the film.

The jokers only aim is to destroy batman. He would do anything such as from murdering

people to making tortures plans in order to kill the batman. The joker was first heard

about in the comics and since then he has always been one the biggest antagonists in the

comic industry due to his reputation as a psychopathic murdered and criminal offences

but also his motivation to kill batman. The audience are quite familiar with the jokers

drive to succeed in his quest to kill the batman as in past movies and comics he has done

a uncountable amount of killings and criminal offences. This creates a bond between the

character the joker and the audience as well, as they feel like they know the joker and

what actions he would take in order to live up to his ‘antagonist’ status.


Page 4: Protagonist and antagonist moe ahmed new 7

A protagonist is the main character in a movie that is usually the hero. The protagonists allow

the audience to experience what they're going through as threes always a dramatic

transformation from living a normal life to then going into a completely different world and

turning into a superhero. For example ‘Batman’ is the protagonist in the film ‘The Dark Night’

as he has to save the world from ‘Bane’. He has to make forfeits in order to save lives and also

to conquer ‘Gotham's’ most wicked antagonists.

Even though in most ‘comical’ films the superhero has powers, the Batman doesn’t. this brings

in a relationship between batman and the audience as they believe anyone can be a superhero if

batman can as he has no real special features.

But also as any superhero film does there’s always a lot of tragedy linking to the protagonist

who in this case is batman. The antagonist usually brings the tragic part into the movie by

making the protagonist come out to their full potential in order to defeat the antagonist.
