ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

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Page 1: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

ProsPectus 2012

Page 2: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

Who we are iStudent was developed form the ever increasing demand in the business world for your young highly skilled IT professionals. Established in 1999, iStudent offers an opportunity to aspiring professionals to enter into this vibrant and ever progressive industry.

our courses are structured to meet the exacting standards of our partners, Microsoft and Isett Seta. The syllabus, like the industry is ever changing, ensuring that our students qualify at the cutting edge of tomorrows technology.

our close relationship with and accreditation by Microsoft, guarantees that our qualifications are recognized not only in the South African job market, but internationally as well. We offer state of the art venues and equipment with highly skilled facilitators who are passionate about their profession and Microsoft Certified with rich product knowledge.

our mission iStudent is committed to building competent I.T professionals who are passionate about their craft and the use of technology as a tool of business. In this quest we spare no effort in providing practical education of the highest standard in cutting-edge information technology, bridging the gap between business objectives and the technology that supports them, all while mentoring aspiring I.T professionals along their challenging course to competence and certification.


m ° 078 055 9225 | T ° 031 277 2000 F ° 086 614 0581e ° [email protected]

Janine Cook CArEEr MAnAgEr

m ° 078 876 3623 | T ° 031 277 2000 F ° 086 517 8140 e ° [email protected]

Jade ogdenCArEEr AdMInISTrATor

Who To ConTaCT

Page 3: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa


Page 4: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

As an enterprise administrator, you deploy and maintain vital business solutions on enterprise platform architectures. You must carefully balance business requirements against platform capabilities, because it’s your job to maintain a secure and stable environment. As an implementer, you need a thorough understanding of server solutions, Active directory, and applications critical to your business, and at times you might need to fulfill an architectural design role.

CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor

Computer Fundamentals

ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa network +

6420B: Fundamentals of Windows Server 2008

6292: Installing and Configuring Windows 7 Client

6418C : Deploying Windows Server 2008

6421B: Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure

6425C: Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Domain Services

6426C: Configuring and Troubleshooting Identity and Access Solutions with Windows Server 2008 Active Directory

6435a: Designing a Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure

6436a: Designing a Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Infrastructure and Services

CBp projeCt management

InFormatIonal asset manager // enterprIse storage admInIstrator // network admInIstrator // reuse engIneer // soFtware proCess speCIalIst (suggestIons only)

natIonal qualIFICatIonNational Certificate: IT Systems Support SAQA ID: 48573 | NQF 5 | 147 Credits

InternatIonal exam/smCts: 70-680 TS // mCts: 70-642 TS // mCts: 70-640 TS // mCts: 70-643 TS // mCItp: 70-647 PRO

InternatIonal CertIFICatIon/s(mCts) Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (mCItp) Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Administrator

“As an enterprise administrator, you deploy and maintain vital business solutions on enterprise platform architectures.”

natIonal senIor CertIFICate (grade 12)

subjects Job opportunities


entrance requirements

nETWorkIng 1sT YEAr


InternatIonal exam/sComptIa: A+ HARDWAREComptIa: A+ SOFTWAREmCIts: 70-680 TSmCItp: 70-685 PRO

InternatIonal CertIFICatIonsComptIa: A+Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician

Page 5: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

As an enterprise application developer, your responsibilities might include designing, planning, evaluating, and developing n-tier solutions that target both Web and client user experiences. Your vision drives the development of line-of-business applications and their underlying databases. You are a systems expert who relies on the Microsoft .nET Framework. You might work on a team in a medium-sized or large development environment to design and deliver mission-critical business systems—and then keep them running.

CourSE ouTlInE | onE YEAr iT sysTems developer

“As an enterprise application developer, your responsibilities might include designing, planning, evaluating, and developing n-tier solutions .”

Computer Fundamentals

ComptIa: a+ hardwareComptIa: a+ soFtware2667a: Introduction to Programming

development Fundamentals

2310C: Developing Web Applications Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

2778: Querying and Modifying Data in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with Transact-SQ

6231a: Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database

10262a: Developing Windows Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

10263a: Developing Windows Communication Foundation Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

10265a: Developing Data Access Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

10264a: Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

10267a: Introduction to Web Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

CBp BusIness CommunICatIon CBp Customer servICe

soFtware engIneer // applICatIon systems analyst // applICatIons admInIstrator // solutIons arChIteCt // enterprIse projeCt manager (suggestIons only)

natIonal qualIFICatIonNational Certificate: IT Systems Support SAQA ID: 48573 | NQF 5 | 147 Credits

InternatIonal exam/sts 70-511 // ts 70-513 // ts 70-515 // ts 70-516 // pro 70-518 // pro 70-519

InternatIonal CertIFICatIon/smCts: .NET Framework 4, Windows Applications // mCts: .NET Framework 4, Service Communication Applications // mCts:: .NET Framework 4, Data Access // mCpd: Web Developer 4 // mCpd: Windows Developer 4

natIonal senIor CertIFICate (grade 12)mathematICs

subjects Job opportunities


entrance requirements

progrAMMIng 1sT YEAr


Page 6: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

help desk Technicians are responsible primarily for supporting end-user software applications. pC Support specialists are responsible for assisting end-users either remotely or in person, with personal computer maintenance, troubleshooting and management. The Microsoft Certified IT professional: Consumer Support Technician (MCITp: Consumer Support Technician) credential is the premier certification to highlight and validate your expertise and skill set in a job role supporting a broad range of consumer desktop operating systems.

CourSE ouTlInE | proFESSIonAl iT TeChniCal supporT

Computer FundamentalswIndows 7

mICrosoFt oFFICeMicrosoft WordMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft Outlook

ComptIa: a+ hardwareComptIa: a+ soFtwareComptIa: n+

mCItp: pro6420B: Fundamentals of Windows Server 2008

6292: Installing and Configuring Windows 7 Client 50322A: Configuring and Administering Windows 76293AD: Troubleshooting and Supporting Windows 7 in the Enterprise50331D: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician2667A: Introduction to Programming

Computer teChnICIan // support teChnICIan // network teChnICIan // It helpdesk agent // It sales // desktop teChnICIan // entrepreneur (suggestIons only)

InternatIonal exam/sComptIa: A+ HARDWAREComptIa: A+ SOFTWAREmCIts: 70-680 TSmCItp: 70-685 PRO

InternatIonal CertIFICatIonsComptIa: A+Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician

“ Premier certification to highlight and validate your expertise and skill set in a job role supporting a broad range of consumer desktop operating systems.”

(grade 10)

subjects Job opportunities


entrance requirements

CourSE ouTlInE | proFESSIonAl iT TeChniCal supporT

“ Premier certification to highlight and validate your expertise and skill set in a job role supporting a broad range of consumer desktop operating systems.”




Page 7: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

As an enterprise administrator, you deploy and maintain vital business solutions on enterprise platform architectures. You must carefully balance business requirements against platform capabilities, because it’s your job to maintain a secure and stable environment. As an implementer, you need a thorough understanding of server solutions, Active directory, and applications critical to your business, and at times you might need to fulfill an architectural design role.

Course ouTline | iT sysTems supporT enTerprise adminisTraTor

“As an enterprise administrator, you deploy and maintain vital business solutions on enterprise platform architectures.”

ComptIa network +

mCts: 70-642 ts:Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure

mCts: 70-640 ts:Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuring

mCts: 70-643 ts:Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure Configuring

mCItp:70-647 pro:Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Administrator

CBp BusIness CommunICatIon CBp Customer servICe

InFormatIonal asset manager // enterprIse storage admInIstrator // network admInIstrator // reuse engIneer // soFtware proCess speCIalIst (suggestIons only)

InternatIonal exam/smCts: 70-642 TS // mCts: 70-640 TS // mCts: 70-643 TS // mCItp: 70-647 PRO

InternatIonal CertIFICatIon/s(mCts) Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (mCItp) Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Administrator

tradItIonal FIrst year

subjects Job opportunities


entrance requirements


TrAdITIonAl 2nd YEAr

Page 8: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

As an enterprise messaging administrator, you are the communications expert who designs, plans, and implements high-availability servers dedicated to e-mail, instant messaging, voice mail, and other communication. You monitor and report on server health as well as design and implement disaster recovery and security solutions. You might also plan upgrades, migrations, and deployments. Cisco Certified network Associate (CCnA®) validates the ability to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-size route and switched networks.

CourSE ouTlInE | SpECIAlISATIon iT enTerprise adminisTraTor:

10324a: Implementing and Managing Microsoft Desktop Virtualization

50273a: Planning and Designing Microsoft Virtualization Solutions 10215a: Implementing and Managing Microsoft Server Virtualization

ICnd1: Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1

ICnd2: Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2

10135a: Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

10233a: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

10174a: Configuring and Administering Microsoft SharePoint 2010

10231a: Designing a Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Infrastructure

maIl server admInIstrator // messagIng admInIstrator // e-maIl admInIstrator // network manager // enterprIse admInIstrator // network admInIstrator (suggestIons only)

InternatIonal exams:ts: 70-669 / pro: 70-693 / ts: 70-659 / CCna: 640-802

ts: 70-662 / pro: 70-663ts: 70-667 / pro: 70-668 InternatIonal CertIFICatIon/smCItp: Virtualization Administrator on Windows Server 2008 R2CIsCo CertIFIed Network Associate - Routing & Switching mCItp: Enterprise Messaging Administrator on Exchange 2010mCItp: SharePoint Administrator 2010

“communications expert who designs, plans, and implements high-availability servers dedicated to e-mail, instant messaging, voice mail, and other communication. ”

mICrosoFt CertIFIed teChnology speCIalIst (mCts)mICrosoFt CertIFIed It proFessIonal (mCItp) enterprIse admInIstrator

subjects Job opportunities


entrance requirements

nETWorkIng Final year


Page 9: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

As a database developer, you probably work in a medium-sized to enterprise-scale organization and use powerful database management and data analysis tools. Your role is to design, develop, and implement complex database systems, tools, and applications. Your speciality might be writing queries and stored procedures, using data modelling tools, designing and optimising databases, or implementing at the physical level.

CourSE ouTlInE | SpECIAlISATIon appliCaTion developer

“Your role is to design, develop, and implement complex database systems, tools, and applications.”

10175a: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development

10232a: Designing and Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Applications

50401a: Designing and Optimizing Database Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2008

6236a: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

6235a: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services

6234a: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

50399a: Designing a Business Intelligence Solution by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008

soFtware developer // It manager // dataBase developer // projeCt leader // soFtware analyst // developer // BusIness IntellIgenCe (suggestIons only)

InternatIonal exam/sts: 70-573 / ts: 70-576 / ts: 70-433pro: 70-451 / ts: 70-448 / pro: 70-452

InternatIonal CertIFICatIonsmCpd: SharePoint Developer 2010mCItp: Database Developer 2008mCItp: Business Intelligence Developer 2008

subjects Job opportunities


entrance requirementsnational senior Certificate (grade 12) / microsoft Certified / technology specialist / (mCts) & microsoft / Certified professional / developer (mCpd): enterprise applications developer / 1/2 day It relevant internship/job

dEvElopMEnT Final year


Page 10: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

graphic designers create visual designs for their clients and also oversee the production of the design. They use typography, illustration, colour, photography and animation for implementation with printing, websites, environmental graphics, video and other means of visual communication. The graphic designer must organize the various elements visually to drive home a desired message.

CourSE ouTlInE | onE YEAr graphiC design

BusIness englIsh Computer lIteraCy wIndows 7

desIgn FundamentalsLayout Theory Design Theory Digital Photography

adoBe CreatIve suIteAdobe Photoshop Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Fireworks Adobe Illustrator Adobe Flash

weB developmentHTML/DHTML JavaScript XML for Flash Introduction to PHP & MySQL Introduction to ActionScript

CBp Customer servICe CBp BusIness CommunICatIon

projeCt portFolIo

graphIC artIst // graphIC desIgner // Brand desIgner // Flash desIgner // weB artIst // weB desIgner // entrepreneur // weB developer (suggestIons only)

natIonal qualIFICatIonFET Certificate: Design Foundation SAQA ID: 49127 | NQF 4 | 141 Credits

InternatIonal exam/s(aCe) Adobe Certified Expert - Photoshop (aCe) Adobe Certified Expert - Flash (aCe) Adobe Certified Expert - Dreamweaver

InternatIonal CertIFICatIon/s(aCe) Adobe Certified Expert - Photoshop (aCe) Adobe Certified Expert - Flash (aCe) Adobe Certified Expert - Dreamweaver

“Graphic designers create visual designs for their clients and also oversee the production of the design.”

natIonal senIor CertIFICate (grade 12)

subjects Job opportunities


entrance requirements

grAphIC dESIgn 1sT YEAr

TeChniCal supporT & (neTworking)

developmenT (programming)

graphiC design


Page 11: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

ACCrEdITATIon paThway

TeChniCal supporT & (neTworking)

TradiTional 1st YeAr

aCCeleraTed TraCk 1st YeAr

2nd YeAr FinAl YeAr

developmenT (programming)

aCCeleraTed TraCk 1st YeAr

Final year

1sT year

graphiC design


Page 12: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

m ° 078 055 9225 | T ° 031 277 2000 F ° 086 614 0581e ° [email protected]

Janine Cook CArEEr MAnAgEr

m ° 078 876 3623 | T ° 031 277 2000 F ° 086 517 8140 e ° [email protected]

Jade ogdenCArEEr AdMInISTrATor

CAll uS Today

DURBAN TEL: 031 277 2000 FAX: 086 614 0581 EMAIL: [email protected]

12Th Floor MuSgrAvE ToWErS, MuSgrAvE CEnTrE, 115 MuSgrAvE roAd, durbAn, 4001, SouTh AFrICA


Page 13: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

12Th Floor MuSgrAvE ToWErS, MuSgrAvE CEnTrE, 115 MuSgrAvE roAd, durbAn, 4001, SouTh AFrICA

DURBAN TEL: 031 277 2000 FAX: 086 614 0581 EMAIL: [email protected] www.istudentsa.co.za

m ° 078 055 9225 | T ° 031 277 2000 F ° 086 614 0581e ° [email protected]

Janine Cook CArEEr MAnAgEr

m ° 078 876 3623 | T ° 031 277 2000 F ° 086 517 8140 e ° [email protected]

Jade ogdenCArEEr AdMInISTrATor

CAll uS Today

Page 14: ProsPectus 2012 · CourSE ouTlInE | IT SYSTEMS SupporT enTerprise adminisTraTor Computer Fundamentals ComptIa a+ hardware ComptIa a + soFtware 2667a: Introduction to Programming ComptIa

12Th Floor MuSgrAvE ToWErS, MuSgrAvE CEnTrE, 115 MuSgrAvE roAd, durbAn, 4001, SouTh AFrICA

DURBAN TEL: 031 277 2000 FAX: 086 614 0581 EMAIL: [email protected]


m ° 078 055 9225 | T ° 031 277 2000 F ° 086 614 0581e ° [email protected]

Janine Cook CArEEr MAnAgEr

m ° 078 876 3623 | T ° 031 277 2000 F ° 086 517 8140 e ° [email protected]

Jade ogdenCArEEr AdMInISTrATor

CAll uS Today