Business Solutions Resource and Project Management Die proRM - Massenum- buchung proMX GmbH Nordring 100 90409 Nuremberg E-Mail: [email protected] proRM Bulk Booking Bulk Booking

proRM Bulk Booking

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Often project management requires fast correction processes. If you are supported by an application like proRM Bulk Booking, you can make these corrections fast and in a controlled manner.

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Business Solut ions

Resource and Project Management

Die proRM - Massenum -buchung

proMX GmbHNordring 10090409 Nuremberg

E-Mail: [email protected]

proRMBulk Booking


Bulk BookingControllingManagerProject Tree Budget Planning

ApprovalmanagerProje t Ganttc


Project Management


anagerMFast TrackingWindowsTracking

OutlookTracking Web Tracking

Windows PhoneTracking

Activity Management

ResourceGantt Workload



Resource Management

Release NoteWhat is proRM?

Business Solut ions

Resource and Project Management


proRM Bulk Booking Overview


General Concept

Using proRM Bulk Booking





Business Solut ions

Resource and Project Management

What is proRM Bulk Booking?proRM Bulk Booking Overview

The possibility to reduce expenses can become an important competitive advantage of a company. One of the ways to help achieve this goal is saving time. However, all the administrative functions of Project Managers usually take up a great part of the working time of a manager. Thus, it becomes useful to exploit these kinds of applications, which significantly help to economize time expenditures. One of the best examples of these applications is proRM Bulk Booking.

proRM Bulk Booking gives you a chance to rebook entries to another project. It means that it is possible to pick out necessary bookings and allocate them to other projects or subprojects – having to move them not one by one, but all selected entries at once. This lets Project Managers easily correct their mistakes without having to spend time on the creating of new entries.

There is also one more important feature – all the expenses and documents such as receipts, tickets, etc. will be rebooked within the application to the projects or subprojects together with the entries for which they were created.


Business Solut ions

Resource and Project Management

The Advantages of proRM Bulk BookingGeneral Concept

proRM Bulk Booking was specially developed to give a Project Manager a way to speed up managerial processes and be able to do a mass rebooking in seconds.

Using proRM Bulk BookingproRM Bulk Booking gives you the potential to rebook in a

fast and easy way. The application consists of two parts: the first one is a “Source Customer,” who has necessary bookings for switching; another one is “Target Customer,” who receives the bookings. Both parts have project tree views and thus an understandable structure. They include such necessary information such as the dates of projects, chosen for the project Time Unit, actual efforts, booking types and estimated efforts.

It takes seconds to choose the source and the target customers and realize the efficiencies of the rebooking. If there is a need to rebook more than one booking, it is possible to exercise the simple drug & drop function between the two parts of the application. proRM Bulk Booking: It gives an

easy and quick way to exercise bulk bookings.


Die Vorteile der proRM Massenumbuchung Gesamtkonzept

proRM Massenumbuchung wurde speziell entwickelt um Projektmanagern ein schneller Arbeiten zu ermögliche

und Korrekturvorgänge wie bspw. Massenumbuchung bedeutend zu verkürzen.

Nutzung von proRM Massenumbuchung

proRM Massenumbuchung ermöglicht Ihnen schnelle Massenumbuchung auf einfachstem Weg. Während der

Umbuchung bewegt man sich in den beiden Bereichen „Quell-Kunde“ und „Ziel-Kunde“ der Anwendung. Unter

Quellkunde versteht man den Kunden, welcher die umzubuchenden Datensätze bereitstellt und auf den

Zielkunden überträgt. In beiden Bereichen ist die Projektbaum Ansicht integriert und liefert so eine klare und

verständliche Struktur für den Anwender. Die Besonderheit der proRM Massenumbuchung liegt hier in der

Anzeige der Projektdaten. So hat der Anwender permanenten Überblick über Projektdaten wie festgelegte

Termine, Zeiteinheiten, aktueller Fortschritt, Buchungstyp und geschätzter Fortschritt.

Auf Zack. Die eigentliche Umbuchung dauert nur Sekunden bis quell- und Zielkunde ausgewählt und die

Umbuchung durchgeführt wurde. Sobald mehr al seine Buchung getätigt wird, steht immer die Möglichkeit zur

Verfügung, mit drag & drop zu arbeiten.

proRM Massenumbuchung zeigt einen schnellen und einfachen Weg Massenumbuchungen durchzuführen