PROPHECY -- A Timeless Existence is Rapidly Approaching Like a Freight Train on the Downward Slope

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  • 8/9/2019 PROPHECY -- A Timeless Existence is Rapidly Approaching Like a Freight Train on the Downward Slope


    Beginning NowWe escape the bonds that have held us.

    We expose the reigns and hearts of our adversaries.



    There is little time anymore to get together our dowry.

    There is also little time to conform to all Scripture that we

    have been deprived of through translation error, or hiddenprophecy soon to be brought forward in our hearing. One thing

    sets us apart from those who neglect these wonderful gifts for

    Faith building and that is our heritage.

    For All Israel Will Be Saved, say the Scriptures, and only

    through Israel can any enter the eternal promised presence of


    before us.

    Becoming Israel takes first a heart set on the Love of the

    Truth, and second, a personal desire from the heart to be in

    the presence of0T

    , no holds barred. Being in His Presence

    is not a fleeting choice of shallow expectation, but a heart-

    felt, and above every wish we may have, to be there in His

    Presence at all cost even life itself, and there are only few

    willing to live by returning to the seed. Our presence in kind is

    His desire, because it was from His Presence we were sent to

    do the jobs we were given in the face of evil men, and in the

    face of disaster, as a warrior set out in battle array with only

    the tools of Love to do that battle with.

  • 8/9/2019 PROPHECY -- A Timeless Existence is Rapidly Approaching Like a Freight Train on the Downward Slope


    Our promise was to return unscathed from the wiles of war and

    vicious men set to destroy us in the Face of 0T. We were

    even instructed to do battle with our hearts only as long as we

    could, and only when all else failed, should we bring out the big

    guns so to speak,0T

    fighting on our behalf.

    Now we come to the end of patience.We are approaching the end run by the enemy as he has

    planned from the beginning, to surround and strangle us out of

    existence and keep the spoils of this physical universe for his

    star wars existence, but that is being brought to an end evenas we speak by his own lack of wisdom.

    Today we are beginning the end of the war: The war that

    began eons of timelessness before physical creation. Today we

    are announcing defeat of the enemy, and our victory

    accomplished. The only thing necessary to finish this war is

    what is coming even as we speak. Scripture testifies!

    With this, we begin the End Time

    Prophetic Writings that will set us free.

    Today, as we are entering the Fifth Year since beginning our

    One Thousand Years Reign with our Blessed Messiah Abba YHVH Yahoshua, we are beginning the Victory March around

    the camp. Today we are rejoicing, knowing from observation,

    that the evil ones have just announced their ultimate intention

    plainly enough to condemn them forever.

  • 8/9/2019 PROPHECY -- A Timeless Existence is Rapidly Approaching Like a Freight Train on the Downward Slope


    Today we mark the end of the age as we have known it and the

    beginning of our eternal existence for all who overcome. Today,

    Five years in, we claim Victory!

    Abba Now Speaks to All

    Our Claim in Prophecy begins here

    A Timeless existence is rapidly approaching

    like a freight train on the downward slopeWhat can be seen of this existence is also rapidly approaching,

    and can be seen by examining the news we see throughout the

    world, as it conforms to Scripture, and separates Israel from

    the flock or herd, like a predator separating his prey and

    stalking it ferociously. Israel is like a lamb in the wilderness of

    strong and weak nations, all of whom desire to feed upon her

    and destroy her because of one precariously discovered

    condition that is only seen through an eternal glance: Israel is

    the Apple of My Eye, and closely looking into Scripture proves

    that even the laws of the sun and the moon will not change and

    Israel will remain. Without setting a sail in the wind to

    understand which way it is blowing, the nations of this slowly

    changing world have chosen to die rather than serve their

    Creator and bless Israel. Therefore, an epitaph is beingprepared for the eternal tombstone that will mark the demise

    of all past governments: Governments that have eventually

    turned on tiny Israel, hoping to keep the spoils of war and

    become what was eternally marked only for Israel.

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    Those shocking moments in time are set. Not set by our loving

    Creator, but by the enemies of life and love. With blood

    drenched hands, their leaders throughout time have dared to

    encounter the eternal plans set forth from before Creation

    that would have given them safety and solace forever. Instead,they, one by one, have chosen to thwart eternal plans for their own

    making and eliminate the Firstborn, Israel, from the hand of 0T.

    How have you been so vociferously denied by your own

    selfishness, O' daughters of evil and self indulgence? How

    have you been brought down to the sides of the pit, O'

    daughters of Sheol? To think that you could change thecommands that originate from the Words that Create and

    sustain both Life and Death among yourselves.

    Today is this Prophetic writing come for your understanding,

    should you choose to Sh'ma. Or is that a word that you have

    failed to acknowledge as a COMMAND to hear?

    It makes no difference whether you can or cannot hear. Time

    has all but condemned you in your lust for governance over My

    people Israel. They are Mine, and you have attempted to hid

    them from Me! You have murdered them in ways not even

    understood in your own minds. You have tilted the measures of

    justice to suit yourselves. You have condemned My people

    Israel throughout time and even in My presence, you have

    worked within your own man made laws to curtail every vestige

    of decency given to you, to harm My people and drive them

    into oblivion. I have seen every wicked move you have made

    against them throughout time, and not one have you been able

    to destroy, for the Prophecies I have given for their future,

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    you have worked to change, through your own greed and lust

    for personal gain and power.

    Therefore, you wicked nations among the sheep, you will be

    brought down to the death of dying slowly, as you attempt to

    gain control in My Face. I will not take you out quickly, that

    would be worthy of a warrior with valor and dignity fighting forjust causes. Your death will come slowly, as slowly as you have

    made My people Israel suffer throughout time by starvation,

    murder, contemptuous and careless abhorrence of decency and

    neglect as they scrambled about maintaining themselves as My

    people even in your face of deceit; and lastly, not that there

    are not many more to bring back to your attention, you have

    walked upon them because of Me. You have killed them becauseyou hate Me! You have murdered their babies in the womb

    because you have hated Me, and in your bitter hatred, blinded

    by your greed and selfishness, you forgot Me. You blinded

    yourselves to Me, by contemptuously concentrating upon the

    weakness that I Created them in and upon this earth, small in

    number, but living under My watch, I have guarded them even

    as you murdered them in viscous ways right in My Face.

    Therefore daughters of everything evil in this universe, you will

    have this warning, and a chance to show your true colors even

    more profoundly. You will one by one slaughter them anew,

    right there in My Face, and in doing so reap the most

    egregious penalties ever given throughout eternity. And to thinkthat this was the only eternity to fathom, you thought that

    you could take even My seat in the heavens. The shallowness of

    your self-indulgences are your destruction. Looking inward, you

    have lost touch with the reality of eternal life for a moment of

    earthly gain. How will I bring your demise? Scripture!

  • 8/9/2019 PROPHECY -- A Timeless Existence is Rapidly Approaching Like a Freight Train on the Downward Slope


    Scripture has been My witness from even before it was penned.

    My Words went forth and are even now going forth again as

    you think an evil thought to finish the job you set out to do inthe garden.



    I started out only wanting to post a page from my writings

    titled Forever is Timeless, added below, but Abba wanted it

    prefaced with the above. Recall the time, Mishpachah. TheBeginning of Trouble begins now, and keep in mind also as you

    walk toward the goal set forth, that Forever is Timeless, and

    that is where we will all meet again, soon.

  • 8/9/2019 PROPHECY -- A Timeless Existence is Rapidly Approaching Like a Freight Train on the Downward Slope


    Forever Is Timeless

    Forever can be found in the blink of an eye when we

    travel from time into eternity. There are no facts orstudies that can compare to the vast distance in time

    and space equal to eternity, yet we converse in

    these terms at the drop of a subject, considering

    that we have a grasp of what forever encompasses.

    Ever wonder what the term forever means?

    "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has itentered into the minds of man the wonderful thingsthat 0T has prepared for those that love Him."

    Ever try to explain eternity? Can we at all comeclose to understanding this vast expanse, since we only

    have the physical to peer through, and a Spiritual

    experience or two to compare timelessness with,

    how can we begin to understand?

    None of us in the flesh have been there. Noneof us have been able to see this picture clearly, either in

    spirit or experience. Certainly not from the physical can we

    make a judgment explainable, even if we had the gift of

    eternal knowledge, we would still require the hand of

    0 in every letter we print or word we write.

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    Who on this planet can see the eternity that has been

    promised by He who both Created and Promised? The

    plans of eternity are less than vague even to those who try.The Prophets were given glances into the future

    from where they were, and not into the eternity

    itself we so diligently seek to explain.

    Words were written, thoughts were conveyed,

    prophecies were given, yet the eternal event remainsa scant, exiguous view of a promise we are in wait of.

    Eternity has no timetable except on the eternal scale.

    The appearance of time can be summed up thusly:

    Imaginary; Absence of forward bliss; A blip in eternal

    presence aside from reality; A preposterous account

    of a fleeting moment; A momentary experience passingwithout notice; A non-memory!

    Eternity is!

    Faith is Hope for the substance of Promise.Faith is the Substance of that Promise.

    Faith is the ever present Word of conviction we canhold in our hands, take into eternity, and keep forever.

    Faith in0T

    only comes by hearing His Word.

    Yosef Pesach 2010

  • 8/9/2019 PROPHECY -- A Timeless Existence is Rapidly Approaching Like a Freight Train on the Downward Slope
