Food :.(il@. Yo Vi zag May ' 09 From single shot to regular habit and from a habit to severe addiction, it's the cycle of a well nurtured practice . And when tried with dead l y stuff it curtails everything a healthy body and soul can enjoy. Such is the lethalness of tobacco. At present approximately 4 . 9 million people are killed worldwide annually by tobacco use and according to a World Health Organizatio n study it is estimated to take 10 million lives every year by 2020. India grabs a lion's share i n these deadly figures, as the same study reveals that by 2010, nearly 1 million people are going to die of tobacco related diseases caused primarily due to smoking every year . That is equivalent to 2,740 people per day or 114 people per hour or about 1.9 Indians will die every minute from smoking. Tobacco is used as cigarettes , chewing tobacco, cigars etc but taken in any form the results are the same; from painful side effects to fatal infections . With tobacco comes a long list of vulnerable diseases like oral and lung can c er, bronchitis, asthma, coronary artery disease, decreased physical fitness, unfav o urable lipid profile and inevitable death . The use of tobacco generally starts as an adventure in a young peer group but soon turns into a habit, and the vicious circle of addiction doesn't take much time to enslave its users. When consumed daily in adolescence, it leads to slow deterioration of lungs followed by Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and Asthma which on prolonged ignorance leads to lungs cancer, emphysema and such other smoking related diseases ultimately resulting in painful and untimely death. Wom e n tobacco users tend to cause ir r eparable damage on its consumption during pregnancy. I t can be all the more dangerous as it might result in premature delivery along with severe post birth irregularities . A feeding mother on smoking transfers nicotine and other toxic chemicals to the infant. Nicotine present in tobacco causes psychological effects and stimulation in the nervous system post addiction. A tobacco addict thus finds it impossible to quit a s a prolonged usage makes the body depend on it, the more you c o nsume the more it demands and at times renders one completely helpless when denied the required dose. It's not that tobacco has ill effect s onl y on the direct users. The effect of pas s ive smoking includes headache, nausea, asthma, cough and other respiratory and breathing anomalies. A nation's future greatly depends on her youth and middle age population as they form the backbone of productivity and progress, tobacco usage takes a major toll on proficiency and economy of the country. It is true that tobacco addiction is tough to quit, but with self determination backed by motivation and love there is always room f or reconciliation. Many projec t s are in place in c ollaboration with vario u s NGOs to ensure that those in the grip of this deadly stuff do stand a fair chan c e . This 31st of May on anti tobacco day let's promise ourselves to SAY NO TO TOBACCO forever and build a healthy tobacco free fami ly a nd nation .

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Food for thought :.(il@. Yo Vi zag • May '09

From single shot to regular habit

and from a habit to severeaddiction, it's the cycle of a well

nurtured practice . And when triedwith dead ly stuff it curtails

everything a healthy body and

soul can enjoy. Such is thelethalness of tobacco.

At present approximately 4.9 million people are killed worldwide

annually by tobacco use and according to a World Health

Organization study it is estimated to take 10 million lives every

year by 2020. India grabs a lion's share in these deadly figures,

as the same study reveals that by 2010, nearly 1 million people

are going to die of tobacco related diseases caused primarilydue to smoking every year. That is equivalent to 2,740 people

per day or 114 people per hour or about 1.9 Indians will die

every minute from smoking.

Tobacco is used as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars etc but

taken in any form the results are the same; from painful side

effects to fatal infections. With tobacco comes a long list of

vulnerable diseases like oral and lung can cer, bronchitis, asthma,

coronary artery disease, decreased physical fitness, unfavourable

lipid profile and inevitable death .

The use of tobacco generally starts as an adventure in a young peer group

but soon turns into a habit, and the vicious circle of addiction doesn't take

much time to enslave its users. When consumed daily in adolescence, it

leads to slow deterioration of lungs followed by Pneumonia, Bronchitis,

and Asthma which on prolonged ignorance leads to lungs cancer,

emphysema and such other smoking related diseases ultimately resulting

in painful and untimely death.

Wom en tobacco users tend to cause irreparable damage on its consumptionduring pregnancy. I t can be all the more dangerous as it might result in

premature delivery along with severe post birth irregularities . A feeding

mother on smoking transfers nicotine and other toxic chemicals to the


Nicotine present in tobacco causes psychological effects and stimulation

in the nervous system post addiction. A tobacco addict thus finds it

impossible to quit as a prolonged usage makes the body depend on it, the

more you consume the more it demands and at times renders one

completely helpless when denied the required dose.

It's not that tobacco has ill effect s only on the direct users. The effect of

pas sive smoking includes headache, nausea, asthma, cough and other

respiratory and breathing anomalies. A nation's future greatly depends on

her youth and middle age population as they form the backbone of

productivity and progress, tobacco usage takes a major toll on proficiency

and economy of the country.

It is true that tobacco addiction is tough to quit, but with self determination

backed by motivation and love there is always room for reconciliation.

Many projects are in place in collaboration with various NGOs to ensure

that those in the grip of this deadly stuff do stand a fair chance.

This 31st of May on anti tobacco day let's promise ourselves to SAY NO TO

TOBACCO forever and build a healthy tobacco free fami ly and nation .

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Mother's Day


Celebrationo Vizag • May '09 .@j):

Mother's Day originated in ancient Greece honouringRhea, the Mother of the Gods; it became significant

with the official celebration by Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia

as a remembrance of her mother, who died in 1905. In

1914, President Woodrow Wilson's officially declared

as a national holiday on the second

Sunday of May. This year, it falls on May 9th.

In India of f late the celebrations have gained remarkable significance which

are in tune with popular regional festivities. With appreciable improvement

in standard of thought and gradual fusion of broad outlook with fast

vanishing conservative mentality people at home have come to understand

the specialty of this day. Make her feel special on this day; show her you

care with simple gestures ..

Flower speaks of Love all by themselves, so fill your mom's heart with the

nice aroma from a bouquet of her favourite flowers accompanied with a

poem or a lovely message.

A relaxed Sunday morning with extended sleep and her favourite snack of

table... a dream come true for any hassled Mom. Make her day with bed-tea with

exotic aroma or herbal tea to suit her taste. Be on her side while she has it to

make her feel that it's only for her.

Relieve her of ·mundane routine and culinary duties by having a relaxed bite at her favouriteeatery. Best would be to try out your own culinary skills but only if sure of a reasonably

palatable result.

I f staying away, drop in for a surprise visit. Nothing's there to match a post shock hug from the

beloved child with a souvenir as good as an album of a framed picture of good old days of

motherhood the memories of which are being cherished in this special way.

A day at the spa with manicures and pedicures to facials and massages, a gift of indulgence is

one that truly never disappoints. With her beauty always ignored owing to commitments to

responsibilities, a complete makeover can be brilliant idea.

Tickets to a movie, play, concert or bash, it's always the best break she can think of. With you

by side the event can play magic with her emotions. The day long company of progeny only for

herself is the best gift in true sense. To compliment this even a long drive along the beautiful

countrysiife does suffice.

"MA ~ ; ~ ~ ~ a ~ A V A" , ~ 1 ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ u ~ ~ a n c e Shows Mother's Day 2009 Celebrations -- . .

On May 9'h at Kalabharati (A/C Auditorium), Mothers and Children will have a chance to \foIlO

Maddilapalem, Visakhapatnam. 5pm onwards an IPOD SHUFFLE and many more surprising gifts.

- Ranita Ray

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Local Flavour May '09

- Ranita Ray



The city of destiny boasts of a long list of tourist and picnic spots in and around the

city. Before planning for a weekend visit make a survey of these places, considering

the distance, special attractions and other details. Ask around; gather information

from friends, the travel agency or tourism department. There are also a few online trip

advisors who are a great resource for reviews and information to get an idea how to

reach there or where to stay, etc. Use these reviews to find great places without

spending a fortune.

Plan your travel idea at least four to five days prior. Avoid the 11th hour hustle and

bustle ... it might be financially more expensive, result in arguments, unnecessary tensions

and eventually sour the whole trip. A well planned action always yields fruitful results.

This will allow getting the most out of your holidays leaving most of the worries at


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------The 'Thing's

Prepare a list of pending tasks before and after the holidays.

This will h!=lp, pre planning in a systematic way and al so to

get back on track quicker, post-vacation. Like the laundry,

food shopping, sticking supplies . generally to mentally

prepare yourself to return to work, hassle free . Arrange them

in order of urgency and divide any work that has piled up into

three piles. One is for immediate attention, one can wait a

day or two and the last pile is for those items that can be put

off until the following week.

Jazz up the drive with some lively, energising music or relax the

senses with soothing music. This is to keep you and your companions

in good cheer.

Even if you are hitting places close to the city, it is wiser to arrange

for an overnight stay as a backup plan. This will ease out the journey

stress and fatigue, add a bit of a 'zing' and can make your trip a

sweet memorable weekend .

Local FlavourYo Vizag • May '09

.." ' ~

Make a rough estimate of the trip expenses. Keep different accounts

for different needs like food, stay, fuel, refreshments etc. Though

now we have the privilegeof

carrying cards instead of cash, butit

is always advisable to carry some liquid cash as well. As there are

still some places where ATMs are not installed and even if installed

may remain out of order.

If you are planning to drive down to the spot, check out the running

condition of your car; especially if it' s a long drive. A thorough

check-up can assure you a worry free ride. Tank up the car, so that

there will be fewer intervals in the journey.

Last but not least, whatever the situation, however the trip and stay ..

take everything in a positive spirit; a spoilsport attitude can dampeneveryone's spirits.

A short crispy trip can double the fun and be a perfect cure to daily

stresses, as compared to a long stretched tour. As long as you are with

your loved ones or likeminded partners anywhere anytime can be a fun

fiesta .

Looking forward tohappy weekends!!

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2 Local Flavour Yo Vizag May'09

ov r e

After a hard week of slogging,nothing can sound more temptingthan a weekend of having luxuriatingin classy opulent anlbience and withall requirements attended to by

diligent personnel, wholly focussedon pampering the self. ... And tappingthis psyche, major brands in

hospitality industry have repeatedlycome up with various lucrative offersand schemes for the weekend.

At the 'Gateway', the weekends are extra special. Check in on a Saturday

morning and indulge ... This luxurious hotel welcomes one with its different

categories of unmatched accommodations.

For breakfast, sample the special Gateway Dosa. The fitness savvy can

attack the in-house gym and swimming pool. Don't want to sweat it out?

Then pamper yourself with wide range of spa treatments for men and

women. Probably the best in the city, 'The Spa' at 'Gateway' offers high

quality services by renowned masseuse Mami and masseur Tenzing which

include deep tissue massage, relaxing massage, foot massage complimented

with Jacuzzi and steam bath. The price ranges from Rs.900 to Rs.2300.

Come lunch time, it's time for a change of taste. The

exotic varieties on menu at Ming's corner offer a mouth

watering option over the traditional Indian cuisine.

For those with desi predilections, equally favourable

are the delicacies of the Indian restaurant. If tagged

by collaborated corporate house, a discount too

figures in this bill.

Tryout Saturday dinner at 'Khaogali', a commendableinnovation by Taj group. In this open air terrace

restaurant one can enjoy the street treats starting

from Jalebis of Asok Jalebiwala to Appa Rao's south

Indian snacks, Chinese foods, Panda's tikkis and

pavbhajis, and special attraction like bhajji, Wada and

wide varieties of Chat and panipuris. At last hydrate

yourself with lemon juice and chanch. To give a more

- Ranita Ray

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Yo Vizag May '09 Loca l Flavour 33


realistic touch the whole set up is complimented by the

concept of open air food stalls. For mere RS.215 one can

enjoy the entire spectrum of these culinary innovations

unlimited. Its free entry for kidos but post approval by

manager uncle.

A late Sunday morning is the privilege of every guest as is

seen by the arrangement of late breakfast at the hotel. A

spa treatment besides the swimming pool eases out every

muscle. Relaxing for about two hours besides the pool causes

effective assimilation after which a full-body relaxation

treatment and de-stressing exercise provides an excellent

blend of peace and solace. Trunch', a great feast at lunch

combined with high tea inclusive of gym and pool . A

complete afternoon rave along with ultra delicious snacks

treats in live counters by poolside with versatile menu

including a wide range of buffet of main course along with

more than si xteen types of dessert. The open bar is enough

to charge up the forthcoming week. A dip in the pool followedby a short nap on armchair with few sips of favourite wine

or tea for non-drinkers is what one can imagine on a vibrant

weekend. The euphoria continues till 4.30PM after which

one can pack up for the day.

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Local Flavour ~ < i l @ . Yo Vizag • May'09

Impressive nteriorsAesthetics is said to exist within every thought process which endeavours to

make good everything around that can be modified to suit whimsical

fantasies ...a fact that aptly defines the quaintly done up dream house of

Renuka and her husband Jagan Mohan. A well nurtured abode, embellishedwith an innovative ensemble of brass and terracotta depicting high class and

rich artistic taste.

The Foyer ..As one approaches the entrance of the flat, the stone-clad walls, huge clay bells,

lovely paintings on the side walls, the cane stand for plants, along with bamboo

fitted doors, creates a unique classy countrified setting. Just within, the cane sofa

set with orangey mats and contrast coloured cushions provides a comfortable

seating/waiting area. Two huge brass figurines of cranes adorn a corner, an adorable

cat-family atop a heavy wooden log grace the other corner and the entire space is

li t up with curved brass hanging lamp shades. A high shelf that runs even into the

dining space holds huge brass models of deer and elephants. The centre of attraction

is the massive brass bell hanging from the roof.

- Ranita Ray

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Local Flavouro Vizag • May '09 .@fi):

The Dinning Spaces ...While the ~ i n i n g table and chairs are quite generic, the highlight of

the space is the crystal corner where glitter ing tiny crystal showpieces

are placed on a wooden rack. On the other side a wide cane stand

with Rajasthani puppets and sculptures speak volumes of the owner's

impeccable taste. The adjoining kitchen area is done up in bright

cheerful splashesof

red and yellow. Whi:le the walls are paintedyellow, the accessories like saucer stands, spoon stands and

containers are in red. The finishing touch to the kitchen are the

quaint net curtains on the window.

The Drawing Room ...Truly, the most charming area of the entire house, the drawing room

is discerningly done with an extensive use of brass and terracotta

art . A stately massive brass statue of a lion, offset by the placid

brass figurine of a cow placed in between two nicely crafted

Rajasthani wooden chairs and the four brass musicians placed in a

corner compliment the natural stone-clad arch that divides the dining

and seating areas. Many indoor plants are planted here in terracotta

pots. The corner on the adjoining wall of portico has a tall vase with

bright artificial sunflowers uniquely teamed with thin dry bamboo. A

glass top table has an impressive display of idols of lord Ganesh in

different size and shape. And akin to the kitten-display in the foyer,

this area has a wooden stand with display of canine brass statues.

The Recreational Zone ...

Renuka's aesthetic sense is well complimented by Jagan Mohan'simmense love for knowledge and music. His passion for books is

obvious by the extensive collection of books on varied subjects from

comics & jokes to brain teasers, Readers Digests, cricket to classics

in EngNsh, Hindi as well as in Tel 'ugu. In addition,there is a wide

music collection on western and classical in different languages.

The Balcony ...Here the intense love for gardening speaks for itself, as one can see

wide varieties of plants ranging from flowering plants, ornamental

plants and bonsai. Interspaced in between are massive terracotta

f,jgures of animals. For seating there is a delightful cane swing

providing a perfect view of the sea. The walls with their carved thin

bamboos and painted green leaves resembling natural bamboo trees

form the perfect backdrop.

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Mango Flavouro Vizag • May '09

The northern coast of Andhra Pradesh

boasts of be ing the mango orchard of the

nation. It produces all-time mouth watering

favourites like Banginapalle, Suvarnarekha,

Totapuri, Sinduri and Rasalu. And as the

golden yellow fruits pile up at every corner,

check out the few pO inters that can help

one zero in on the most succulent deliciousfruits this season! For farm-fresh fruits, hit

the Rythu Bazaars early in the morning,

just as the vendor displays his wares and

before the middle-men and retailers

pounce in and get away with the best of

the lot.

The Colour...~ - - - - - ---------Make sure that there are no dots or black

spots on the mangoes. The fruit should be a

lovely mix of red and yellow fo r

Suvarnarekha, complete yellow for

Banginapalli, and orange yellow for Rasalu .

Totapuri should be yellow on top with a green

base and Sind uri should have a red top with

green bottom.

The Shape ...--------'The outstanding feature of Totapuri is its

prominent nose. The shape would be round

oval for Banginapalli and egg shape for

Suvarnarekha and Rasalu. However Sinduri

is of medium to small size weighing about

150-200gms. Banginapalli weighs about 200

700gms and is low on fibre with a small


The Heaven ly Aroma ...The key to selection for these varieties is

their strong aroma. If the smell is light, then

try next one. Banginapalli if ripened naturally

has a very strong smell and can be identified

easily. An artificially ripened fruit would lack

the sweet mango aroma despite being

deceptive in looks. As a rule of thumb, the

deeper the colour and stronger the smell the

better the fruit. With artificial ripening

practices, the product would lose out on

either of these.

Check Offs ...--.--- - - - - - - Discard the fruit if there is a black patch of

dry latex, it feels too soft when pressed or

there are black spots and creases on the skin.

In 1st week of May the predominant varieties

are of Banginapalle, Suvarnarekha and

Rasalu. These varieties rule the market till

mid June. Owing to low moisture and high

intensity heat the better quality mangoes are

in market till mid June. One has to be highly

cautious of the artificial sweeteners and

ripening agents used by some vendors which

degrade the natural taste of the fruit.

- Ranita Ray

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· Yo Vizag • May'09

As the May heat relentlessly beats down, nothing beats a chilling

treat of the traditional creamy delicious Kulfi or a refreshingly

fresh chilled sip of the best hydrating natural drink ever, coconut


Driving down the city streets, ever noticed the converted Tempo

sporting the name, "Punjab ki Mashoor Kulfi"? Well, that's where

one can indulge in perhaps the creamiest, most delectable Kulfis

in town. There are about six such moving Kulfi Havens roving thestreets since the last six months. Yet to gain ground, they have

however a dedicated fan following from those who have tasted

their wares. So pristine is the product that even at dead of night

one can find flock of Kulfi aficionados on all brands of bikes and

cars including sedans and SUVs around every such tempo . For a

meagre 25 bucks a piece, one can indulge in popular flavours like

kaju, pista badaam, kesar pista and badam & malai.

As the cool evening breeze sweeps over the city, these Tempos

can be spotted at HSBC, near Sampat Vinayak temple, opposite

Seetammadhara Rythu Bazaar, near Ushodaya, Dabagardens and

at Tenniti Park ... dishing out their wares from 5 pm till about

midnight (or till their stocks run out).

"Back to nature" is the mantra of this age. So after a session of

Yoga, Ayurvedic treatments or the spa, nothing refreshes more

than a pure natural but yet a chilled drink? Presenting the Coco

Fresco; a cool new initiative by the Coconut Development Board

to promote coconut water. The small counters offer chilled freshly

cut coconut water in easy-to-drink disposable glasses. Priced at

only Rs 10, this natural drink is perfect after a morning jog or

evening walk. Available from 9 am to 8 pm at various pOints in the

city, like outside CMR and opposite RK Beach, this is a fitting reply

to fattening pesticide ridden colas.

ummEr , e l i t ~ ~ r J , . - Ranita Ray