Project Work-Introduction Chapter

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  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter





  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter




    An organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, controls

    its own performance, and has a boundary separating it from its environment.

    The role of organization is to consciously co-ordinate as a social unit, which is

    composed of two or more people, who function continuously to achieve a common

    goal or set of goals. It forms the back bone of an industrial set up.

    Hospital is an industry too and many clinical and administrative services are carried

    out in a hospital to achieve the goal of providing quality healthcare service to the

    patient and even achieve profits required to run the hospital. Indian healthcare is

    rapidly growing and due to this rapid growth many corporate and private hospitals are

    coming into existence in India.

    Hospital is a place of complexity and innovations. It promotes its services through its

    essence of human assets. Human resources are the most important component of

    hospital as it is a service based industry. All the basic services that are related to the

    goal of providing quality healthcare are related to the quality of human resources

    present in the hospital.

    Human resource is defined asThe people that staff and operate an organization

    as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an organization. The

    organisational function that deals with the people ... (According to William R.


    Human resource management is dynamic in its approach and functions of the

    department are:

    - Maintenance of selection and induction.

    - Manpower management.

    - Recruitment and training.

    - Wages and salary administration.

    - Human relations management

    - Motivation of employees

    - Communication

    - Research


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    Role of HR in hospital:

    A hospital is a complex organization where technology and human expertise

    work in rhythm with each other to provide medical services to the people. Human

    resources department comes in play in formulating programs to maintain high

    standard performances by the employees, continuously motivating them for the work

    and also initiating employee retention and employee satisfaction.

    The amount of human resources required by the hospitals is much higher than we

    actually have in India. The ratio of doctors to patients and ratio of nurses to patients

    much less when compared to what is required to meet the international standards of

    the healthcare.

    Concept of Organization Climate

    The climate of an organization may be defined as the common perception of its

    employees about various aspects of its internal working environment. The crucial

    element here is the common perception of individuals. This means that although

    individuals, depending upon their personal characteristics such as values, needs,

    attitudes, experience etc. may differ in their perceptions but there is always a widely-

    hold and a relatively stable view about the organizations internal working

    environment which should be termed as organisational climate. Thus, every

    organization has its own unique climate. Not only this, even different departments of

    the same organization may have different climates depending upon the perceptions of

    members of these departments.

    Defining Climate:

    Perception about an organizations goals and about decisions that a manager

    should ache to achieve these goals come not only from formal control systems but

    also through informal organization. Both the formal and informal structure combine to

    create what is organisational climate.

    The term climate is used to designate the quality of the internal

    environment which conditions in turn the quality of cooperation, the development of

    the individual, and the efficiency with which that purpose becomes translated into

    results. Climate is the atmosphere in which individuals help, judge, and reward,


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    constrain, and find out about each other. It influences morale and the attitudes of the

    individual his work and environment.

    Hellriegel and Slocum (1974) define organisational climate as a set of

    attributes which can be perceived about a particular organization and /or its sub-

    systems, and that may be induced in the way that organization and /or its sub-systems

    deal with their members and environment. This definition implied that in the

    measurement of organisational climate:

    a) perceptual responses sought are primarily descriptive rather than evaluative;

    b) the level of inclusiveness of the items, scales and constructs are macro rather

    than micro;

    c) the units of analysis tend to be attributes of the organization or specific sub-

    systems rather than the individual

    d) The perceptions have potential behavioral consequences.

    According to Tagiuri and Litwin (1968), organisational climate is a relatively

    enduring quality of the internal environment of an organization that:

    1. is experienced by its members,

    2. Influences their behaviors, and

    3. can be described in terms of the values of a particular set of

    characteristics (or attributes) of the organization,

    Thus, the climate identifies with the quality of the internal environment

    which in turn describes the quality of cooperation, the development of the

    individual, the extent of members dedication or commitment to

    orgsnaitional purpose and the efficiency with which that purpose translated

    into results. Thus organisational climate is the summary of perception

    which people have about an organization and defined according to three

    approaches (Structural, Subjective and Synthetic by Dessler).


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    1. Structural approach define climate as a set of enduring characteristic

    which describes an organization, differentiate it from other organist

    ions and affect the behavior of human resources in it.

    2. Subjective approach analyze climate from the stand point of the feel

    that people have for the organization

    3. Synthetic approach stress both structural and subjective elements.

    Hence, organisational climate embraces factors like:

    o Context, which spells the philosophy of the management and policies

    that, reflects the attitude towards both human and non-human attitude


    o Organization structure; defines framework of formal relationship,

    degree of centralized and design of the organization,

    o Process emphasizing communication, decision-making, motivation and


    o Physical environment in which employees work.

    o System of values and norms reflected in culture

    The organisational climate is reflected in the way the organization works and

    organization from this context is a self-contained entity like the total organization, or

    its one division, or a department or a branch. The climate is developed by the

    organisational process. Pareek (1988) suggested such processes as dimension of

    organisational climate as follows:

    1. Orientation: The dominant orientations, characterized by the main concern of

    the members of the organization, are important determinants of the motivational

    climate. If the main concern or orientation is to follow laid down rules, the


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    climate will be on kind (control); if the orientation is to excel and achieve goals,

    it will be of another kind (achievement).

    2. Interpersonal Relations: This is reflected in the way informal groups are formed.

    If the groups are formed for protecting their own interests, there may be cliques,

    creating a specific climate (control), as contrasted with another climate if people

    have informal relationships with their supervisors (dependency).

    3. Supervision: The supervisory process contributes significantly to climate

    formation, if the supervisors help their subordinates to improve personal skills

    and chances of advancement, their behavior will develop a climate (extension)

    different from one in which the supervisors are more concerned about

    maintaining good relations with their subordinates (affiliation).

    4. Managing Problems: Problems can be seen as challenge, or they can be seen as

    unnecessary tribulations. Problems can b solved by the supervisor, or jointly

    with the concerned employee, or can be referred to the higher levels. These

    different ways contribute to the creation of the climate.

    5. Managing Mistakes: The attitude of the supervisor towards mistakes develops

    employee orientation; one of annoyance, or concern, or tolerance. Again, who

    helps and how in dealing with mistakes influences the climate.

    6. Managing Conflicts: The same is true of conflicts. The conflicts may be seen as

    annoying and embarrassing and may be covered, or they may b seen as

    problems to be solved. The process of dealing with conflicts is equally

    significant for the climate.

    7. Communication : This is concerned with the flow of information, its direction

    (top-down, bottom-up, horizontal), its spread (selective or all concerned) , mode

    (formal or informal), and type (instructions or feedback or stat of affairs).

    8. Decision-making: What is main orientation in decision-making, maintaining

    good relations or achieving results? Who make the decisions, people high in the

    hierarchy, or experts, or those who are involved in the matters about which

    decisions are made. Such questions will be relevant to see how the decision-

    making process creates a particular motivational climate.


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    9. Trust: Amount or lack of trust amongst various members and groups in the

    organization is relevant tot se how the decision-making process creates a

    particular motivational climate.

    10.Reward Management: What is rewarded in an organization will influence its

    motivational climate, because what is rewarded reinforces the specific behaviors

    or orientation, arousing and sustaining a motive.

    11.Risk-taking: How people react to risks, whose help is sought in risking

    situations and how people respond to risks are relevant for the climate.

    12.Management of Change : Regarding management of change, the pertinent

    questions will be who initiates change, how change and innovations are

    perceived, how challenge is implemented

    Determinants of Organisational Climate:

    Factors which influence the above dimensions of Organisational Climate are as


    1. Economic condition: An organizations economic condition influences its

    climate in several ways. The more prosperous an organization is, the more it

    can afford to spend on research and innovation and the more it can afford to

    take risk and be adventurous.

    2. Leadership Style: An organizations leadership style playas profound role in

    determining several aspects of its culture. Thus, an authoritarian style may

    make the organizations culture characterized by high position structure, low

    individual autonomy, and low characteristics of an organization with

    democratic leadership style.

    3. Organization Policies: Organization Climate is also is influenced by

    organisational policies. A policy to resort to layoff only as a last remedy

    during business downturn will foster a cordial and supportive climate.

    Similarly, a policy to reward employees for increase in profits will make

    culture more reward-oriented.


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    4. Managerial values and ethos: The norms and values held by managers about

    what is good management practice and what is poor management practice will

    also influences the Organization influence.

    5. Employees Characteristics: An organization with educated, ambitious and

    young employees is likely to have a different type of Organization Climate

    than what may be expected of an organization whose employees have

    opposite characteristics. The former set of characteristics may foster a

    competitive, risk taking and open climate in the organization.

    6. Organization size: Small organizations with few levels of management are

    generally more amenable to democratic and participative functioning than big

    organizations. Systems of communication are also more open in small

    organizations. Hence these organizations foster a different type climate than

    what one comes across in big organizations.


    Organisational climate has a major influence on human performance through

    its impact on individual motivation and job satisfaction. It does this by carrying

    certain kinds of expectancies about what consequences will follow from different

    actions. Individuals in the organization have certain expectations and fulfillment of

    these expectations depend upon their perception as to how the organisational climate

    suits to the satisfaction of their needs.

    Thus organisational climate provides a type of work environment in whichindividuals feels satisfied or dissatisfied. Since satisfaction of individual goes a long

    way in determining his efficiency, organisational climate can be said to be directly

    related with his performance in the organization.

    Affects Motivation, Productivity and Job satisfaction:


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    Organisational climate can have a major influence on motivation,

    productivity and job satisfaction. Climate determines the action and it creates few

    expectations as to consequences. Employees expect certain rewards, penalties,

    satisfaction or frustrations based on the organisational climate and their expectations

    tend to lead to motivation as said in expectancy theory.

    Contingency Relationship:

    There is a contingency relationship between climate and the organization. The

    climate of an organization is contingent upon the type of employees. The type related

    to employees education like technical workers, knowledge workers. For example,

    research institutes certainly want a climate different from that of a workshop or an


    Social System:

    Organisational climate represents the entire social system of a work-group.

    It is clearly a system concept. There are two important aspects of climate: (1)

    workplace itself and (2) Personal treatment of Management. If employees feel

    satisfied while at work and if climate provides a sense of personal worth, it can be

    assumed that in that organization is favorable. Employees expect the management to

    feel and care about their needs and problems. If these two are favorable a good

    climate prevails in the organization.

    A high level of organisational climate is necessary for the development of

    organization. Good climate attracts good and efficient to the organization, who

    contribute to the productivity of the organization.


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    The scope of this study is confined Apollo Hospitals with respect to

    the employees at all the levels of hospitals..

    This study can help the management to improve its internal and external environment.

    The project throws light through valuable suggestion to increase organization climate

    in the organization.

    This study can help the management to find the weaker parts of the employee feels

    towards the organization and also helps in converting those weaker part in to stronger

    by providing the optimum suggestions or solutions.

    This study has a wider for scope in any kind of organization since climate is

    general one and makes the employees to putforth their practical difficulties and need

    factors in the organization.


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    The organizational climate is reflected in the way the organization works

    organization from this context is a self-contained entity like the total organization or its own

    division, or a department or a branch

    The climate is developed by the organizational process

    A good number studies proved that there is significant relation between the organization

    climate existing or maintained by an organization its impact on the job satisfaction,

    performance of the employees in turn on the organization effectives.

    In general the service sector, where consumer services, customer relationship customer care

    needs huge attention can b met with only highly committed personnel.

    More importantly health sector should have to take care of their customer.

    In this context, it is recognized that the study of organizational climate in hospitals is relevant


    The success of any hospital depends largely on the employees are considered as the

    backbone of APOLLO HOSPITALS Ltd.

    This study focused on relationship between organizational climate and organisational


    Since the study is critical issue, it is needed by the organizations in order toassess the overall interest and the feelings of the employees towards their

    nature of job and organization

    This study can be helpful to the management to improve its core weaknesses

    by the suggestions and recommendations prescribed in the project.


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    To study the dimensions of organsiational climate at Apollo Hospitals.

    To study the perceptions of different employees towards the Organsiational Climate.

    To study the existing organizational climate in Apollo Hospitals.

    To study the factors influence organizational climate

    To offer suggestion based upon findings of the study.


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    Research design

    A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis data in

    a manner that aims to combine relevance to the researcher purpose with economy in


    It constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. As

    such the design includes an outline of what the researcher will do from writing the hypothesis

    and its operational implication to the final analysis of data.

    The Research Design undertaken for the study is Descriptive one. A study, which

    wants to portray the characteristics of a group or individuals or situation, is known as

    Descriptive study. It is mostly qualitative in nature


    Primary Data

    Questionnaires are prepared and personal interview as well as telephonic interview

    was conducted. Proper care was taken to frame the interview schedule in such a manner it

    should be easily understood . Generally 25 questions are prepared and asked to the employees

    of the Apollo Hospitals Ltd.

    Secondary Data

    Secondary data was collected from Internets, Articles in internet, and Company Records


    Questionnaires were constructed based on the following types


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    Open ended questions

    Close ended questions

    Multiple choice questions


    The Population or Universe can be Finite or infinite. The population is said to be

    finite if it consist of a fixed number of elements so that it is possible to enumerate it in its

    totality. So In this projects consist of finite population.


    A sampling plan is a definite design for obtaining a sample from the sampling frame.

    It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting some

    sampling units from which inferences about the population is drawn. Sampling design is

    determined before any data are collected.

    Random Sampling technique was adopted. In this method the researcher select those

    units of the population in the sample, which appear convenient to him or the management of

    the organization where he is conducting research.


    Nearly 150 samples are taken in Apollo Hospitals Ltd. The sample consists of 100 Doctors

    and Nurses, 30 from Administration and Supportive Staff, 20 from Paramedical staff .


    The field work is done at Apollo Hospitals.


    The period is from March 2010 to May 2010


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    This study has been conducted purely to understand employee attrition.

    Detailed study to the topic was not possible due to limited size of the project.

    Response from the employees was not up to the expectations.

    Due to change of existence of ambiguity in some of the answers provided by the

    respondents there may be a small chance for presence of error in analysis of


    Process of the study was limited to few employees not all.

    Survey has been conducted for short period so there is a time constraint.


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    CHAPTER- 2



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    Organisational climate is a relative enduring characteristic of an organization

    which distinguishes it from other organization: (a) and embodies members collective

    perceptions about their organization with respect to such dimensions as autonomy,

    trust, cohesiveness, support, recognition, innovation and fairness: (b) is produced by

    members interaction; (c) serves as a basis for interpreting the situation; (d) reflects the

    prevalent norms, values and attitudes of the organizations culture; and (e) acts as a

    source of influence for shaping behavior. (Moran and Oelwein, 1992, p.2)

    Frances (1993) who examined the effect of climate in service responsiveness;

    Meudell and Gadd (1994) who studied climate and culture in short life

    organizations; and Vallen (1993) who was concerned about organisational climate

    and service staff burnout. Organisational climate has much to offer in terms of its

    ability to explain the behaviour of people in the workplace. Ashforth (1985, p. 838)

    put forward the view that climate has the potential to facilitate a truly integrative

    science of organisational behavior, Schneider later discussed in terms of:

    The atmosphere that employees perceive is created in their organizations by practices,

    procedures and rewards Employees observe what happens to them (and around

    them) and then draw conclusions about the organizations priorities. They then sit

    their own priorities accordingly. (Schneider, 1994, p. 18)

    Schneider, Brief and Guzzo (1996, p.9) argue that sustainable organisational

    change is most assured when both the climate what the organizations, membersexperience and the culture what the organizations members believe the

    organization values change.

    Early Formulations of the climate construct

    The concept of climate can be traced back to the work ofLewin, Lippitt and White

    (1939) and a work entitled Patterns of aggressive behaviour in experimentally

    created social climates (Denison, 1996; Schneider, 1990). The Lewin et. Al. (1939)study investigated the relationship between leadership style and climate, a factor that


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    has remained central to the concept, Joyce and Slocum (1982) trace the concept back

    to the studies ofKoffka (1935) on behavior environment; Lewins (1936) study on

    life space; and Murrays (1938) work on organisational climate. Lewins (1951)

    approach to climate was conceptualized by the relationship between individuals, their

    social environment and how that is set in a framework. Lewin expressed this in terms

    of simple equation:

    B = f (P.E.) in which B = Behavior, E= Environment, and P = the person

    It is clear from Lewins equation that the concept of climate takes a psychological

    approach, focusing upon the individual and seeking to understand the cognitive

    processes and behavior. Lewins conceptualization of the theory provides the

    underpinnings of many studies and approaches to climate research.

    Three approaches to the climate construct

    James and Jones (1974) conducted a major review of the theory and research on

    organisational climate ad identified climate in three separate ways that were not

    mutually exclusive, (a) multiple measurement organisational attribute approach, (b)

    perceptual measurement organisational attribute approach, and (c) the perceptual

    measurement individual attribute approach.

    In the multiple measurement organisational approach james and jones cite forehand

    and Gilmer (1964) as defining organisational climate as a defining organisational

    climate as a set of characteristics that describe an organization and that (a)

    distinguish the organization from other organizations (b) are relatively enduring over

    time, and (c) influence the behavior of people in the organization.

    Schneider and Bartlett (1968) had proposed four organisational climate dimensions,

    Individual autonomy: based on the factors of the individual responsibility,


    interdependence, rules orientation and opportunities for exercising individual



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    The degree of structure imposed upon the position: based on the factors of

    structure, managerial structure and the closeness of supervision.

    Reward orientation: based upon the factors of reward, general satisfaction,

    promotional-achievement orientation, and being profit minded and salesoriented.

    Consideration, warmth and support: based upon the factors of managerial

    support, nurturing of subordinates and warmth and support.

    In reviewing psychological climate as a set of perceptually based, psychological

    attributes Jones and James (1979) noted that the process reflected the developments

    that had occurred in the conceptualization of climate and the nature of its major

    influences. They propose that psychological climate:

    (a) refers to the individuals cognitively based description of the situation;

    (b) involves a psychological processing of specific perceptions into more abstract

    depictions of the psychologically meaningful influences in the situation;

    (c) tends to be closely related to situational characteristics that have relatively

    direct and immediate ties to the individual experience; and

    (d) Is multidimensional, with a central core of dimensions that apply across a

    variety of situations (through additional dimensions might be need to better

    describe particular situations. (Jones and James, 1979, p.205)

    Schneider and Hall (1972) describe climate as a global perception held by

    individuals about their own organisational environment.

    Schneider and Snyder (1975) further clarified the approach by defining climate

    as a summary perception which individuals form of (or about) an organization.

    For them it is a global impression of the organization.


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    Development of Climate Instruments

    Current instruments include Patterson, Payne and west (1996) Business

    Organization Climate Index that consists of 28 item scales however only eight wereused because of the length. Kozlowski and Dohertys (1989) instrument uses 55

    measures consisting of 11 sub-scales that overlap with Jones and James (1979). Joyce

    and Slocum (1982) used the same measures as Pritchard & Karasick (1973) with

    10 dimensions that were factor analysed and reduced to six. Drexlers (1977) survey

    of operations that was based upon Taylor and Bowers (1972) a composite of several

    other instruments. Likerts (1976) profile of organisational characteristics.

    Ryder and Southey (1990) used the James and Jones (1979) questionnaire as the

    basis for their instrument which they applied to employees with a large public

    building construction and maintenance authority in Australia. Modifications to the

    original instrument were threefold, consisting of modifications to the wording, scaling

    and presentation format. Ryder and Southey judged the scaling of the original

    instunment to be unsatisfactory.

    Climate researchers typically placed greater emphasis on organisational members

    perceptions of observable practices and procedures that are closer to the surface of

    organisational life and categorization of these practices and perceptions into analytic

    dimensions defined by the researchers. (Denison, 1996, pp. 621 622). The studies

    have claimed that climate has a considerable impact upon organisational


    Kopelman, Brief and Guzzo (1990) provided a linear model of organisational

    climate and underlined the role of culture in understanding organisational climate.

    They linked organisational climate and organisational culture to productivity.

    Moran and Vokwein (1992) examined the constraints of culture and climate, tracing

    the theoretical antecedents and positions while attempting to demonstrate the

    difference the climate construct and culture construct. They also tried to establish a

    link between them.


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    Easton (1992) tried to create organisational climate construct by studying the

    American industry there by creating a climate construct. His emphasis was on

    financial and cost factor of the decision making aspect. He did not consider other

    social and psychological indicators governing individuals and groups in the

    organization. He tried to create a topology of organisational climate.

    Silox, Cacioppe and soutar (1996) related organisational climate to various

    psychological aspects. They focused on the way sub cultural changes could be

    managed while introducing HRD inventions.

    Klien and Sorra (1996) observed tat organisational climate refers to the

    implementation of innovation processes in the organization. They also argued that

    both climate and culture are important in the successful implementation of

    innovations. They opined that organisational climate will influence change

    implementation process.

    Napier (1997) felt that organisational climate is the implementation of TQM

    programs in the organization. He addressed the issues of psychological / behavioral

    aspects that were prerequisites for such changes. He argued that without a paper

    understanding of organisational climate the quality systems are doomed to fail if


    Dean (1997) demonstrated the methodology for making comparative studies in the

    organisational climate by focusing on health car industry. They formulated a general

    edifice of the organisational climate study which can be relevant for further studies in

    the banking sector throughout the world. The author developed a generic service

    measurement tool and established a correlation between the organisational climate

    and service quality.

    Hoque (2000) opined that organisational climate is the linking of good HRM

    practices to business strategies which can enhance the performance.


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    Profile of APOLLO



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    "Our mission is to bring healthcare of International standards within the reach of

    every individual. We are committed to the achievement and maintenance of

    excellence in education, research and healthcare for the benefit of humanity"

    It is often said that nothing happens, unless there is a dream first. At the genesis of the

    Apollo story there was a dream. A dream so powerful, that it helped transform the medical

    landscape in India.

    Company Vision

    Apollo's vision for the next phase of development is to 'Touch a Billion Lives'.

    The dream nurtured and grew within Dr. Prathap C Reddy, the founder Chairman of

    Apollo Hospitals, until the point of inflection happened in 1983. A young man succumbing to

    an ailing heart was what it took to ignite Dr. Reddy's vision into a reality - a vision where

    quality healthcare was given, where the pursuit of clinical excellence was daily endeavour,

    India a hub in the medical tourism map and where the Apollo family touches and enriches

    lives every minute, every day.

    Today, with over 8500 beds across 53 hospitals, and a significant presence at every

    touch-point of the medical value chain, Apollo Hospitals is one of Asias largest healthcare

    groups. Commenced as a 150 bed hospital, today the group has grown exponentially both in

    India and overseas.

    Apollo Hospitals is driven by a single thrust, to provide the best standards of patient

    care. It is this passion that has led to the development of unique centers of excellence across

    medical disciplines, within the Apollo Hospitals network. Apollo Hospitals has JCI

    accreditations for 7 of its hospitals, the largest by any hospital group in the region.


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    True to its founding principles, the group has made quality healthcare accessible to the

    people of India, and even overseas. It has become an institution of trust, and a beacon of hope

    to so many searching for a cure for their ailments.

    The legacy of touching and enriching lives stems from the pillars of the Apollophilosophy - experience, excellence, expertise and research.

    Apollo Hospitals Group, today, is an integrated healthcare organization with owned

    and managed hospitals, diagnostic clinics, dispensing pharmacies and consultancy services. In

    addition, the groups service offerings include healthcare at the patients doorstep, clinical &

    diagnostic services, medical business process outsourcing, third party administration services

    and health insurance. To enhance performance and service to customers, the company also

    makes available the services to support business, telemedicine services, education, training

    programs & research services and a host of other non-profit projects.


    Since its inception, Apollo Hospitals has seen three decades. And each has brought with it, its

    own share of cherished memories. The most memorable are-

    1983 - 1st hospital at Chennai

    1991 - Chairman awarded Padma Bhushan

    2000s-6 Apollo hospitals become JCI accredited

    2010 -53rd hospital of the group launched.


    1. Joint Commission International Accreditation

    The Joint Commission International (JCI) is a U.S based accreditation body dedicated to

    improving healthcare quality and safety around the world. The accreditation is an

    international gold standard for hospitals.

    The Apollo hospitals group achieved the unique distinction of achieving accreditation for

    its hospitals at Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ludhiana, Bangalore, Kolkata and Dhaka.

    2.NABH accreditation


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    National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a

    constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation

    programmes for healthcare organizations.. Apollo Speciality Hospitals, Madurai and Apollo

    Speciality Hospitals Chennai were accredited by the NABH.

    3.NABL Accreditation

    Apollo Hospitals, Chennai was assessed & accredited in accordance with the Standard ISO

    15189: 2003 "Medical Laboratories - particular requirements for Quality & Competence" for

    its facilities in the field of Medical Testing.

    4.ISO 9002

    The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)

    Apollo Hospitals, Chennai was the first hospital in India to be awarded an ISO 9002

    certification. The ISO 9000 series is concerned with 'quality management'.

    5.Apollo Hospitals entered the 'Super brand' category in 2004.


    The vision of the Apollos HR Department is to foster a spirit of team work, a

    culture of excellence in the workplace and link the human capital to the achievement of

    business objectives by a process of continuous learning and training.

    Apollo regards its human resource as its most valuable asset and its dynamic growth

    is largely based on its focused attention towards development of human resource.

    They currently engage more than 19,000 doctors, nurses, paramedics, clinical staff and

    management professionals to manage over 8065 beds across 46 hospitals in India and abroad.

    According to them the talent and passion of their people is critical to the success and they

    foster it by providing an exhilarating working environment that inspires lateral thinking,

    fosters team spirit and encourages open communication. Teamwork, professionalism, focus

    on clinical excellence and goals of continuous medical innovation and commitment to

    progress make Apollo Hospitals an ideal environment for doctors to practice medicine,

    explore new frontiers and conduct path breaking research.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter





  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter



    Table 1

    Work area is a safe working environment.

    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors



    % Total %



    11 7.33 15 10 30 20 56


    Agree 9 6 13 8.67 5 3.33 27 18.00

    Disagree 0 0 2 1.33 5 3.33 7 4.67



    0 0 0 0 60 40 60


    Total 20 30 100 150 100


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    CHART -1


    It presents the opinion of sample respondents of the statements the work area provides safe

    working environment. Among the 150 sample respondents 37.33% of the employees

    strongly agreed to the statement. 27% of the sample respondents agreed to the statement and

    40% of the respondents strongly disagreed.

    The present majority of paramedical and administration and support staff replied

    in affirmative when they were asked about the safe working environment. However 60% of

    doctors and nurses strongly disagreed that the work area provides safe environment.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    TABLE 2

    2. It can able to strike a balance between my work life and personal life.

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    3 2.00 5 3.33 15 10 23


    Agree 15 10 18 12.00 6 4.00 39 26.00

    Disagree 2 1.33 1 0.67 18 12.00 21 14.00


    0 0 6 4 61 40.66 67


    Total 20 30 100 150 100


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    CHART -2


    When the employees were asked whether they are able to strike a balance between work life

    and personal life, 15.33% of sample respondents strongly agreed but majority of respondents

    (44%) strongly disagreed.

    Among the paramedical staff, majority of them who constitute 75% agreed and 15%

    strongly agreed and 2% disagreed. With regard to administration and support staff 60% of the

    sample respondents agreed and 16.66% strongly agreed. Just a miniscule majority (3.33%)

    disagreed and 20% strongly disagreed.

    In case of doctors and nurses 61% of the respondents strongly disagreed and 18%

    disagreed. Only 15% of the doctors and nurses responded very positively and 6% agreed that

    they were able to bring harmony between work life and personal life.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    TABLE 3

    3. Individuals are clear about their role in achieving the organization goals

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    11.00 7.33 15.00 10.00 37.00 24.67 63.00


    Agree 8.00 5.33 15.00 10.00 4.00 2.67 27.00 18.00

    Disagree 1.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 5.00 3.33 6.00 4.00


    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.00 36.00 54.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    CHART -3


    The views of the employees regarding the clarity of their respecting roles in achieving the

    organization goals were elicited and presented in table 3 among the sample respondents 42%

    strongly agreed that they are pretty clear about their roles.36% of sample respondents strongly

    disagreed over their role clarity.

    Further analysis of the individual occupation groups reveals the following facts and

    figures.55% of administrator and support staff and 37% of doctors and nurses strongly

    agreed. 40% of paramedical staff and 50% of administration and support staff, 4% of doctors

    and nurses agree with the view. None of the administrative and support staff disagreed and

    5% each of the paramedical and doctors and nurses disagreed. Overwhelming majority of the

    doctors and nurses strongly disagreed regarding the clarity of their roles.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    TABLE 4

    4. Clear reporting structures have been established

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    9.00 6.00 12.00 8.00 30.00 20.00 51.00


    Agree 9.00 6.00 15.00 10.00 2.00 1.33 26.00 17.33

    Disagree 1.00 0.67 1.00 0.67 11.00 7.33 13.00 8.67


    1.00 0.67 2.00 1.33 57.00 38.00 60.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    CHART -4


    It reveals the opinion of employees regarding the reporting structures in the organization. Out

    of 150 respondents 34% of them strongly agreed that their reporting structures have been

    established and 17% of the total respondents agreed. However, 40% of the people strongly


    Among the paramedical staff, majority of the respondents have a positive opinion about the

    clear reporting structure of their organization only 5% of them disagreed.40% of the

    administration and reporting staff and 30% of doctors and nurses are strongly agreed. One

    half of the administration and support staff and just 2% of doctors and nurses agree with the

    view. Majority (57%) of the doctors and the nurses strongly disagreed with this view.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    TABLE 5

    5. Direct supervisor makes employees having clear goals to achieve

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    9.00 6.00 12.00 8.00 34.00 22.67 55.00


    Agree 10.00 6.67 15.00 10.00 7.00 4.67 32.00 21.33

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.33 9.00 6.00 11.00 7.33


    1.00 0.67 1.00 0.67 50.00 33.33 52.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -5


    An analysis of it reflects that 36% of the total respondents strongly agreed that theirsupervisor set the goals and monitor them to achieve the said goals. 21% of respondents

    agreed and 7.33% of total respondents disagreed.34.6% of the total sample respondents

    strongly disagreed with the view.

    Analysis of the individual occupational groups reveals that 45% of the paramedical and

    40% of the administration and support staff, 34% of the doctors and nurses strongly agreed

    with the view. Half of the paramedical and administrative and supportive staff agreed with

    this view. Only 5% of paramedical staff and 3.33% of administrative and support staff

    disagreed with the view. But 50% of doctors and nurses strongly disagreed with this view.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    TABLE 6

    6. Immediate superior listens and respects view of individual job characteristics

    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors


    % Total %



    9.00 6.00 12.00 8.00 26.00 17.33 47.00


    Agree 10.00 6.67 15.00 10.00 6.00 4.00 31.00 20.67

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.33 22.00 14.67 24.00 16.00



    1.00 0.67 1.00 0.67 46.00 30.67 48.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -6


    A good number of respondents expressed their positive opinion about the superiors attitude

    towards individual job characteristics. Pick of the respondents 31.33% strongly agree the stmt

    and 20.67% agreed 16.62$rspondenc disagree where as 32.32% strongly disagree with the

    above statement

    TABLE 7


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    7. Gaining satisfaction from current job responsibilities

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    8.00 5.33 13.00 8.67 31.00 20.67 52.0034.67

    Agree 9.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 2.67 19.00 12.67

    Disagree 2.00 1.33 1.00 0.67 14.00 9.33 17.00 11.33


    1.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 51.00 34.00 52.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -7


    It presents the opinion of sample respondents about the satisfaction the derive from the

    present responsibilities. Equal number of sample respondents (34.66%) strongly agreed and

    strongly disagreed with the view.

    Among the paramedical staff strongly agreed that they gain satisfaction from the present

    responsibilities 43.44% of administrator and support staff and 31% of the doctors and nurses

    expressed the same view.45% of the paramedical staff, 53% of the administrator and support

    staff and 4% of the doctors and nurses agreed with the view.51% of the doctors and nurses

    disagreed with the view

    TABLE 8


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    8. Information is the shard freely thought out the company

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    8.00 5.33 14.00 9.33 24.00 16.00 46.0030.67

    Agree 12.00 8.00 11.00 7.33 4.00 2.67 27.00 18.00

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.33 7.00 4.67 9.00 6.00


    0.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 65.00 43.33 68.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -8


    Majority of number of respondents expressed their views regarding the role of organization in

    the career development of individuals. 30.66% respondents strongly agreed with the statement

    and rest of 18% agreed. 6% disagree with the statement where as 45.33% strongly disagreed

    with the statement.

    TABLE 9


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    9. Information is the shard freely thought out the company

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    8.00 5.33 10.00 6.67 21.00 14.00 39.0026.00

    Agree 11.00 7.33 13.00 8.67 5.00 3.33 29.00 19.33

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 4.00 2.67 13.00 8.67 17.00 11.33


    1.00 0.67 3.00 2.00 61.00 40.67 65.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -9


    26% of the total respondents strongly agreed with the statement and 19.33% agreed with thestatement.11.33% and 43.33% disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively.


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    TABLE 10

    10. Confidence in co- workers at my organization

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    9.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 41.00 27.33 59.00


    Agree 8.00 5.33 21.00 14.00 2.00 1.33 31.00 20.67

    Disagree 3.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 6.00 12.00 8.00


    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.00 32.00 48.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -10


    A huge number of respondents express that thy have confidence in their co-workers.39.33%

    strongly agree with this statement where as 20.66% agreed. 8% disagree where as 32%

    strongly disagree with this statement

    TABLE 11


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    11. Organization encourages helping in developing improved work process

    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors



    % Total %



    10.00 6.67 18.00 12.00 37.00 24.67 65.00


    Agree 9.00 6.00 11.00 7.33 4.00 2.67 24.00 16.00

    Disagree 1.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 9.00 6.00 10.00 6.67



    0.00 0.00 1.00 0.67 50.00 33.33 51.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -11


    Around 65% of the respondents strongly agreed that organization encourages to help in

    developing improved work process.10% of the paramedical,18% administration support

    staff,37% strongly agreed.16% of respondents agreed the above mentioned statement. Around

    7% of the total respondents disagreed. But 34% of the respondents strongly disagreed with

    the above statement.

    TABLE 12


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    12. Employees are satisfied with the pay and benefits given by the organization.

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    1.00 0.67 8.00 5.33 8.00 5.33 17.0011.33

    Agree 11.00 7.33 21.00 14.00 27.00 18.00 59.00 39.33

    Disagree 7.00 4.67 1.00 0.67 31.00 20.67 39.00 26.00


    1.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 34.00 22.67 35.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -12


    Around the 51% of the respondents agreed that they are satisfied with the pay and benefits.

    But around 49% of the people are dissatisfied with the pay and benefits given by the

    organization. 11.33% of the respondents are strongly agreed 39.99% agreed the statement.

    But 23.33% responds are strongly disagreed the above statement.

    TABLE 13


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    13. The welfare schemes and events are appropriate to needs and the time.

    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors



    % Total %



    7.00 4.67 8.00 5.33 15.00 10.00 30.00


    Agree 11.00 7.33 21.00 14.00 8.00 5.33 40.00 26.67

    Disagree 1.00 0.67 1.00 0.67 18.00 12.00 20.00 13.33



    1.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 59.00 39.33 60.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -13


    Regarding the welfare schemes events to need the time majority of the respondents expressed

    their discontement 53.33% respondents are not happy with the above statement 46.67% of

    respondents agreed the statement. But rest of the respondents is disagreed with the statement.

    TABLE 14

    14. Employees receive the feed back at least as often as negative feedback.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors



    % Total %



    6.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 17.00 11.33 29.00


    Agree 14.00 9.33 20.00 13.33 3.00 2.00 37.00 24.67

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 19.00 12.67 22.00 14.67



    0.00 0.00 1.00 0.67 61.00 40.67 62.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -14


    Around 19.33% to 24.67% of respondents strongly agreed and disagreed that the employees

    receive the feedback at least as often as negative feedback. Majority of the respondentsstrongly disagreed the above statement.

    TABLE 15

    15. Employee under stand the specific needs of Organization.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors



    % Total %



    11.00 7.33 15.00 10.00 35.00 23.33 61.00


    Agree 8.00 5.33 12.00 8.00 2.00 1.33 22.00 14.67

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.33 10.00 6.67 12.00 8.00



    1.00 0.67 1.00 0.67 53.00 35.33 55.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -15


    Majority of respondents understand the specific needs of the organization i.e., about 55% and

    40.67% strongly agreed and 14.67% respondents agreed the above statement 8% disagreedand 36.67% strongly disagreed the above statement.

    TABLE 16

    16. The services meet customers expectations.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors



    % Total %



    8.00 5.33 13.00 8.67 27.00 18.00 48.00


    Agree 10.00 6.67 13.00 8.67 5.00 3.33 28.00 18.67

    Disagree 2.00 1.33 3.00 2.00 10.00 6.67 15.00 10.00



    0.00 0.00 1.00 0.67 58.00 38.67 59.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -16


    As far as meting the customers expectation of services are concerned that 32% and 18.67%

    strongly agreed respectively. But 10% disagreed and 39.33% of respondents stronglydisagreed the above statement that expectations are not met with properly.

    TABLE 17

    17. Management pays careful attention to suggestions.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    6.00 4.00 10.00 6.67 16.00 10.67 32.00


    Agree 11.00 7.33 15.00 10.00 7.00 4.67 33.00 22.00

    Disagree 2.00 1.33 5.00 3.33 28.00 18.67 35.00 23.33


    1.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 49.00 32.67 50.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -17


    Around 43% of the total respondents responded positively regarding the managements

    attention towards the suggestions of the employees.23.33% strongly agreed and 22% agreed

    the statement .23% of respondents disagreed and 33.33% strongly disagreed with the


    TABLE 18

    18. Management has a good understand of what goes in the department.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    10.00 6.67 13.00 8.67 30.00 20.00 53.00


    Agree 9.00 6.00 14.00 9.33 3.00 2.00 26.00 17.33

    Disagree 1.00 0.67 2.00 1.33 22.00 14.67 25.00 16.67


    0.00 0.00 1.00 0.67 45.00 30.00 46.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -18


    Majority of the respondents expressed that management has a good understanding about very

    individuals department. 35.33% of the respondents strongly agreed with the statement and

    17.33% agreed. Around 16.67% strongly disagreed and on the other hand 30.67% of the total

    respondents strongly disagreed about the statement.

    TABLE 19


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    19. It is proud to work in this organization.

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    18.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 46.00 30.67 82.0054.67

    Agree 2.00 1.33 2.00 1.33 4.00 2.67 8.00 5.33

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 2.67 4.00 2.67


    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.00 30.67 46.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -19


    Majority of the employees working in the organization feel proud for being an employee of

    the organization of the total respondents 54.67% strongly agree and 5.33% agreed with the

    statement. About 2.67% disagreed and 30.67% strongly disagreed about the statement.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    TABLE 20

    20. It can be recommended the Organization as the best place to work others.

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    12.00 8.00 13.00 8.67 35.00 23.33 60.0040.00

    Agree 8.00 5.33 13.00 8.67 3.00 2.00 24.00 16.00

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 4.00 2.67 12.00 8.00 16.00 10.67


    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 33.33 50.0033.33

    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -20


    A good number of the employees felt that the present organization in which they are working

    can be recommended for other people to work as better plac.40% of the respondents strongly

    agreed and 16% of agreed with the above mentioned statement. Rest of the respondents

    disagreed with the statement.

    TABLE 21

    21. In the organization management keeps the involvement of the employees when makingimportant decisions.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    4.00 2.67 8.00 5.33 21.00 14.00 33.00


    Agree 13.00 8.67 17.00 11.33 9.00 6.00 39.00 26.00

    Disagree 2.00 1.33 5.00 3.33 19.00 12.67 26.00 17.33


    1.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 51.00 34.00 52.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -21


    Majority of the employees felt the organization is not involving the employees when making

    important decisions. 22% are strongly agreed with the above statement and 26% agree while17.33% and 34.67% disagree and strongly disagree with the statement.

    TABLE 22


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    22. Management keeps the department adequately informed about what is going on in theOrganization.

    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    2.00 1.33 8.00 5.33 19.00 12.67 29.00


    Agree 16.00 10.67 19.00 12.67 5.00 3.33 40.00 26.67

    Disagree 2.00 1.33 2.00 1.33 22.00 14.67 26.00 17.33


    0.00 0.00 1.00 0.67 54.00 36.00 55.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -22


    The above mentioned data in this table indicates the management is not keeping the

    departments adequately informed about what is going on in the organization. About 19.33%

    of the respondents strongly agreed rest of the 26.67 agreed at the Sam time 17.33% disagreed

    and 36.67% strongly disagreed about the statement.

    TABLE 23

    23. During the time of adversities, Employees work as a team, not restricting our selves to ourkey responsibilities alone.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration&Support

    % Doctors&


    % Total %


    8.00 5.33 11.00 7.33 32.00 21.33 51.00


    Agree 11.00 7.33 17.00 11.33 4.00 2.67 32.00 21.33

    Disagree 1.00 0.67 1.00 0.67 6.00 4.00 8.00 5.33


    0.00 0.00 1.00 0.67 58.00 38.67 59.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -23


    It is clear from the data that the organization has good culture of team work and they face the

    adversities collectively. 34% of the respondents strongly agreed with the statement and21.33% agreed. At the same Time 5.33% disagreed 39.33% of the respondents strongly

    disagree with the statement.

    TABLE 24

    24. Promotions at Organization are handled fairly and are based on merit/performance.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors



    % Total %



    6.00 4.00 10.00 6.67 18.00 12.00 34.00


    Agree 11.00 7.33 15.00 10.00 18.00 12.00 44.00 29.33

    Disagree 2.00 1.33 4.00 2.67 17.00 11.33 23.00 15.33



    1.00 0.67 1.00 0.67 47.00 31.33 49.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -24


    The respondents expressed their satisfaction about their promotion system which is fair and

    frank purely based on merit and performance 22.67% of respondents strongly agreed with the

    statement where as 29.33% agreed and 15.33% disagreed 32.67% of the respondents strongly

    disagreed with the statement

    TABLE 25

    25. Organization provides training in the current skills when an employee needs to be

    effective in the job


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Response Paramedical % Administration


    % Doctors



    % Total %



    9.00 6.00 15.00 10.00 37.00 24.67 61.00


    Agree 11.00 7.33 13.00 8.67 2.00 1.33 26.00 17.33

    Disagree 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.67 6.00 4.00 7.00 4.67



    0.00 0.00 1.00 0.67 7.00 4.67 8.00


    Total 20 30 100 150 100

    CHART -25


    Majority of the respondents expressed their satisfaction regarding response of organization in

    providing training to update their skills according to the requirements of the job.40.67%

    responded strongly agree with the statement 29.33% agreed where as 15.33% disagreed and

    32.67% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the statement.



  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    The survey revealed that 57.63% of the respondents are satisfied with the existing

    organisational environment. It can be analysed that the employees in the organisation are

    satisfied with the existing environment design, supervision, compensation, communication

    and appraisal system of organisation. 52.27% of the respondents expressed their

    dissatisfaction regarding role in the career development, sharing of information, payed

    benefits, and welfare schemes of the employees.

    Doctors and Nurses: the survey revealed that more than 75% of the doctors and nurses are

    concerned they expressed their dissatisfaction of existing environment career development,

    sharing of information, and involvement in decision making.

    Administration and support: The study reveals that 95.43% of the employees are satisfied

    with the existing environment only 4.52% is expressed their dissatisfaction

    Paramedical staff: the study analysed that 95.42% of paramedical staff are satisfied with

    existing organisational climate which is conductive to develop the career.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    is observed. As far as this environmental dimension of ogranisation climate is

    concerned employees are very much satisfied.

    Employees are very clear about their role in the achievement of individual and

    organisation goals. The study reveals that there is clear reporting structure is

    existing which is very much helpful to avoid overlapping.

    It is observed that supervisors are very cooperative and helpful to the

    individuals to achieve their goals. Supervisors are very much attentive to listen

    to their employees and respecting them.

    It is found that majority of the employees are satisfied with their job

    responsibilities. It is expressed that organisation is helpful to the development

    of individual career.

    Communication is the heart of any organisation. The organisation which

    shares information plays a significant role in the success of organisation. It is

    observed that most of the employees expressed their dissatisfaction that

    information is not properly shared but an interesting phenomenon is that

    employees have confidence and trust in their co-workers.

    It is observed that employees are satisfied with work process existing in the

    organisation. Compensation system is concerned a few expressed is not

    satisfied. Regarding welfare schemes are a concerned majority expressed their


    There is dissatisfaction regarding appraisal system is concerned. It found that

    meeting the customer needs is also to improved.

    It is opined that management is not giving that much attention to the

    suggestions given by employees. But it is felt that management has good

    understanding of work process and what is happening in departments.

    It is observed that employees feel proud working in Apollo Hospitals and most

    of the employees expressed that they would suggest others also it is better

    place to work. In this regard employees are highly satisfied.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    As far involvement in the decision making is concerned employees are

    dissatisfied to some extent because there is no proper encouragement in

    participation of decision making. At the same time it is expressed that

    departments are not properly informed what is going in the organisation.

    It is observed that employees strongly face any adversity occur in their work

    life. Promotions are given purely depending upon performance and abilities.



  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Information sharing is very essential to the success of the organisation. It is

    suggested information should be freely shared.

    Pay and benefits should be reached to the employees properly. It is the one of

    the major motivating factor.

    Welfare schemes should be reached to the people at right time. Proper steps to

    be taken.

    Feedback has both its positive and negative impact on the performance of

    employee. Proper feedback mechanism is to be developed.

    Improving performance of the employees to meet the expectations of the

    customers. For this a suitable training programme should have to design.

    Success of the organisation depends to the greater extent on the employee

    participation in decision making. Employees are encouraged employees

    towards participation in decision making.

    Management should keep departments adequately what is going on in the

    organisation. As a result employees feel belongingness.

    Every individual has his own set of intelligence whatever his rank and file. It

    is suggested giving attention and taking possible suggestions to be



  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter




  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter





    1. Name :

    2. Age :

    3. Gender :

    4. Education :

    5. Cadre :

    6. Section/Department

    in which employed :

    7. Service in years :

    8. Communicable address :

    Organisational Climate in APPOLO HOSPITAL

    As a part of Project work, a survey is being conducted on Organisational Climate

    of your organisation. In this regard, I request you to express your opinion on the following


    1 strongly agree

    2 agree

    3 disagree

    4 strongly disagree

    I also request you to express your opinion fairly and frankly without any prejudice or bias.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    Questionnaire 1

    2 3 4

    1. Work area is a safe working environment.

    2. It can able to strike a balance between my work

    life and personal life.

    3. Individuals are clear about their role in

    achieving the organization goals.

    4. Clear reporting structures have been established.

    5. Direct supervisor makes employees having clear

    goals to achieve.

    6. Immediate superior listens and respects view of

    individual job characteristics.

    7. Gaining satisfaction from current job


    8. The organization helps to develop individual

    and career.

    9. Information is the shard freely thought out the


    10. Confidence in co- workers at my organization.

    11. Organization encourages helping in developing

    improved work process.

    12. Employees are satisfied with the pay and

    benefits given by the organization.

    13. The welfare schemes and events are appropriate

    to needs and the time.

    14. Employees receive the feed back at least as

    often as negative feedback.

    15. Employee under stand the specific needs of


    16. The services meet customers expectations.

    17. Management pays careful attention to



  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    18. Management has a good understand of what

    goes in the department.

    19. It is proud to work in this organization.

    20. It can be recommend Organization as the bestplace to work others.

    21. In the organization management keeps the

    involvement of the employees when making

    important decisions.

    22. Management keeps the department adequately

    informed about what is going on in the


    23. During the time of adversities, Employees work

    as a team, not restricting our selves to our key

    responsibilities alone.

    24. Promotions at Organization are handled fairly

    and are based on merit/performance.

    25. Organization provides training in the current

    schools when employees need to be effective in

    the job.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter




    1.Udai Parke and T.V.Rao Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems, Oxford &

    IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2003.

    2. V.Nilakant and S.Ramnarayan, Managing Organisational Change, Response Books, 1998.

    3. Udai pareek, Organisational Behavior Processes, Rawat Publication, Jaipur, 1996.


  • 8/6/2019 Project Work-Introduction Chapter


    4. Udai Pareek, Understanding organisational Behavior, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,


    5. Para, G Diwan, Human Resource Development Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi,

    1997, pp.120-121.

    6.Maheswari, G.D, Human Resource Development, S.Chand Company Ltd., New Delhi,

    1998, pp.170-171.

    7. PC Tripathi, Human Resource Development, Sultan sham and sons, New Delhi, 1997.

    8. Bhattacharya, sk., Human Resource Development, Himalaya Publishers, New Delhi.

    9. P.Subbarao, Human Resource Management, Himalaya publishers, New Delhi.

    10. Aswatappa, Human Resource Management TMH publishers