Project Summary-BFRDP 0

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  • 8/18/2019 Project Summary-BFRDP 0




    The summary is limited to 250 words. The names and affiliated organizations of all Project Directors/Principal Inestigators !PD/PI" should #e listed in addition

    to the title of the project. The summary should #e a self$contained% specific description of the actiity to #e underta&en and should focus on' oerall projectgoal!s" and supporting o#jecties( plans to accomplish project goal!s"( and releance of the project to the goals of the program. The importance of a concise%informatie Project )ummary cannot #e oeremphasized.

    Title: Title *f Project $ +,, -haracter imit Including )paces

    PD: PD/PI ame !ast% irst% 1I" Institution:

    CO-PD: PD/PI 2 ame !ast% irst% 1I" Institution: 

    CO-PD: PD/PI ame !ast% irst% 1I" Institution:

    CO-PD: PD/PI , ame !ast% irst% 1I" Institution:

    CO-PD: PD/PI 5 ame !ast% irst% 1I" Institution:

    CO-PD: PD/PI 3 ame !ast% irst% 1I" Institution:

    CO-PD: PD/PI 4 ame !ast% irst% 1I" Institution:

    The project summary is limited to 250 words narratie% plus include the following'

    *ther colla#orating organizations not on PD list'

    Percent !6" of total federal funds re7uested that are allocated to 8*/-9*/):;*s'