project Leading incoming UK international youth tour operator · Timesaver London • Timesaver Plays • Timesaver Customs and Lifestyles in the UK and Ireland • Timesaver Newspaper

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  • 20 Fitzroy Square, London, W1t 6eJTel: +44 (0) 20 7916 8580 / 8581 / 2522Fax: +44 (0) 20 7916 8586

    international summer schools

    intensive english courses

    discover london

    uk school integration programmes

    london extension stays &year round london

    english plus

    homestay programmes

    academic year programmes

    university integration in oxford

    drama & english in stratford-upon-avon


    Leading incoming UKyouth tour operator

  • to Project International’s2014 brochure...

    Project are a leading incoming

    youth tour operator to the

    UK with experience dating back

    to 1986 and a reputation for

    quality, safety and attention

    to detail. Our staff, based in

    our offices in London, Milan

    and Taipei (covering Taiwan &

    China) are committed to a high

    level of personal service and all

    have the necessary dedication,

    experience and enthusiasm to

    ensure that our programmes

    retain their excellent reputation.

    project international is an established provider of international summer schools in the uk and has attracted students from all over the world, including japan, taiwan, hong kong, mainland china, korea, france, switzerland, italy, germany, scandinavia, Bulgaria, austria, spain, portugal, russia, estonia, oman, saudi arabia, egypt, jordan, turkey,israel, greece, uae, ukraine, mexico, lebanon, Brazil, iceland, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, nigeria, vietnam, ivory coast and morocco.

    The aim is to provide an educational, recreational, social and cultural experience filled with happy memories where new friendships are fostered and where returning the following year is a top priority Our caring staff are on site 24 hours a day and are recruited for their ability to work with children and for their flair/qualifications on the

    teaching and/or activity front. There are senior staff specifically responsible for English, Activites, Excursions, Social Activities

    and Welfare/Pastoral Care. Welfare and pastoral care are top priorities too and a doctor is always on call. We also

    place a huge emphasis on safety and security and are constantly reviewing these vital areas.

    Each day is structured so that the students are occupied morning, afternoon and evening. There is appropriate variation and always an emphasis on fun and all round

    enjoyment and we have found, over the years, that this makes for a truly

    memorable programme for all concerned.

    The international environment enables students from different parts of the world to exchange ideas and experiences, and to communicate in English.


    Page Product

    3-12 Residential international summer schools (including english plus)new for 2014 - Bredon in gloucestershire

    12 Uk day camps

    13 One to one home tuition/immersion stays

    13 Homestay/ministay programmes

    14 London stays & london extension stays

    15 Discover London

    16/17 School integration programmes. University integration programmes too

    18 Boarding school placement programmes

    See separate sport academy brochure

    Project’s elite sports academy – featuring intensive soccer (in partnership with Watford FC), dance (in partnership with DAPA), tennis and golf camps. New for 2014 - Basketball





    2 Project InternatIonal Summer SchoolS

  • 09.15-12.45 14.15-15.15 15.45-16.45 16.30-17.30 20.00-22.00Day 1









    Arrival at airport & transfer to school -Arrive & orientation tour & talk




    Settle in & games

    Day 2 English placements tests Activities EG: Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Drama, Arts & Crafts Campus quiz

    Day 3 English lessons Activities EG: Football, Unihoc, Kwik Cricket, Volleyball, Arts & Crafts Disco or Karaoke

    Day 4 English lessons Half day excursion Filmshow

    Day 5 English lessons Activities EG: Rugby, Tennis, Badminton, Aerobics, Drama Team Challenge

    Day 6 English lessons Activities EG: Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball, Drama, Arts & Crafts Talent Show

    Day 7 Full day excursion Full day excursion Disco

    Note: this is a SAMPLE programme; possible excursion destinations are given under the appropriate centres on pages (6-11). For more details on the destinations, contact our Head Office in London.

    SAmpLE WEEKLy pRogRAmmE


    For dates at each school see pages 6-12 under appropriate school. Different schools have different changeover days. Note • 2 or 3 weeks is the ADVISED length of stay, though it is possible to book stays of less (or more) than this as long as the stay falls within the above dates and subject to availability. Please ask for further details.


    Students are taken on escorted coach excursions twice a week. Nor-mally these are Wednesdays for half days and Saturdays for full days though days vary from school to school. There are also free (or change-over) days (normally Sundays) when extra excursions can be organised (some suggestions are listed under each school in this brochure) and it is popular to lay on recreational, rather than cultural, trips on such days. We have a Director of Excursions who liaises with foreign group leaders regarding their planned trips, coaching etc... We cannot guarantee to send groups exactly where they want to go but we do our utmost. The more warning we have the better. Please also bear in mind that there are STANDARD excursions from each school; if groups want to go further afield from these destinations, an extra charge is made which is dependent on number in group and distance. There are standard en-trances included on most excursions (listed on each centre page in this brochure); be aware that if a different entrance is required from that offered (and can be accommodated) then a supplement may be payable. Please also bear in mind that we have to maximise the occupancy of the coaches on excursions and therefore CANNOT send groups/individuals wherever they choose to go.

    For groups going to a centre where London is NOT a standard excur-sion, a London overnight stay may be ideal this can be tagged on at the end of the stay, prior to departure and gives a group far more quality time in the capital with the possibility of a theatre trip as well as sight-seeing. Project can organise the whole of this trip (see page 14).

    please note the recommended airports for appropriate centre given under relevant centre on pages 6-12. supplements may apply if a dif-ferent airport is chosen.


    There is a Director of Social Activities whose job it is to lay on a varied and popular schedule of evening entertainment. These include discos, karaokes, BBQ s, Blind Date, Talent Shows, Fashion Shows, Film Shows, Lucky Numbers, Project Olympics, etc... On certain evenings, there are two different activities one aimed at the younger students, the other at the older ones.


    Meals are carefully planned with our on site chef/catering manager. A mixture of English and Continental Breakfasts are served. At lunch and dinner, there is always a salad bar with choice of hot meal (including a vegetarian option) and plenty of fruit. Students and leaders alike are urged to give us feedback on the meals; there is scope for flexibility and change! All food is freshly prepared on site and all dietary require-ments are catered for (providing advance warning is given!!) Please bear in mind that the chefs are often having to cater for as many as 10 nationalities which is particularly difficult when children are involved as cultures/tastes vary so much.


    General information on each school as well as details of accommodation are given on the appropriate centre page (pages 6-12). More detailed in-formation (ie. telephone numbers) will be sent out a month or so prior to departure. We also have fact sheets on each school including a sample programme. Do contact Head Office for these. Please note that most schools provide a full internet service for staff students but this cannot be absolutely guaranteed; some schools have emergency work to do on their networks others are loathe to let outside groups onto their network. In the main, however, internet should be fully accessible to all students. A laundry facility (NOT necessarily service!) is provided in all our centres. However this should not be taken to mean that a bespoke laundry service is done for students. Some schools will do the laundry for the students, others just provide the facility.


    There is a wide range of activities on offer and we have a Director of Activities who plans each afternoon according to the demands of the students and in liaison with group leaders. Students can sign up for preferred activities in the mornings or make their selection when the students congregate for activities at 2.15pm. The activity programme is designed for maximum participation and enjoyment; it is NOT a coaching establishment although, for an extra charge, we can organise 1:1 tuition in certain activities with coaches we bring in specially for this purpose.

    Activities are many and varied and normally include aerobics, archery, art/craft, badminton, boomerang, basketball, drama, frisbee, football, golf, handball, hockey, horse riding*, kwik cricket, lacrosse, netball, pool, rugby, shooting, short tennis, squash, table tennis, tennis, treasure trail, unihoc, volleyball, water polo etc...* supplement payable.


    See separate sheet for our 2014 prices. They are all fully inclusive.

  • tuition

    Students have 15 hours contact time per week (normally Monday to Friday inclusive) and there are generally no more than 15 students in a class. A lot of emphasis is placed on trying to get students to interact and converse in English as much as possible. This is accomplished by providing students with interesting communicative activities that help stimulate and encourage language use.

    DIRECToR oF STUDIESEach centre has a Director of Studies who coordinates the English programme. He/she organises the testing, monitors the day-to-day teaching, provides advice and assistance to teachers and meets regularly with representatives of the various groups at the centre. There is also an overall Project International English Coordinator who visits each centre to check that the English programme is running well.

    TEACHINg mATERIALSWe have a wide range of communicative resource materials available to our teachers. These include an array of interesting and exciting language activities. Some of the EFL resources found at each centre include the following:

    • Jet Primary 1, 2, and 3• Junior English Timesaver Drama in the Classroom• Timesaver Phrasal Verbs and Idioms• Timesaver Reading• Timesaver Grammar Activities:• Timesaver London• Timesaver Plays• Timesaver Customs and Lifestyles in the UK and Ireland• Timesaver Newspaper Articles• Timesaver Speaking Activities: Advanced• Reward Resource Packs• Project International Ideas Book

    THE EFL SyLLABUSThere is a specially-designed syllabus for all our language levels, which ties in closely with the CEFR. This clearly presents the topics and the language structures/functions that are covered in class. Our teachers all follow this syllabus, however, there is also some flexibility to allow teachers an opportunity to integrate their own ideas and materials.

    ENgLISH pLUS ENgLISHThere is also the possibility for students to take English as a Plus option. This means that students have an additional two hours English tuition in the afternoon. For more information regarding our English Plus options, please contact head office.

    CERTIFICATESAn end of course EFL certificate is awarded to each student.

    TRINITy CoLLEgE SpoKENENgLISH EXAmIt is possible for groups to take the Trinity College Spoken English Exam. These must be booked by the 1st June wherever possible. Students who take the exam are given assistance and didactic support during the English course to ensure that they are well prepared for the exam. Many Trinity exam topics are covered in the Project International EFL syllabus.

    The English programme is a central part of the overall package we provide.

    A typical teaching dayClasses begin at 0915 and finish at 1245. There are two 15 minute breaks.

    09:15-10:15 The teacher presents a topic and some related vocabu-lary. A new grammatical structure or language function is also introduced, which is then reinforced using either a written or spoken activity.

    10:15-10:30 Break

    10:30-11:30 The focus here is on getting students to work together on a specific task, using the language function or gram-matical structure covered in the first hour. By setting an interesting skills-based task, we feel it stimulates com-munication and is also more enjoyable.

    11:30-11:45 Break

    11:45-12:45 The final hour of each teaching day is devoted to more creative language use. Thus, students are encouraged to work on a range of small projects related to the day’s topic, which are often presented by students to the class.

    Use of English Course

    We organise a ‘use of english’ course for students with a high level of english proficiency. the aim of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to learn more about British culture, engage in lively debate, improve their public speaking skills, and explore various aspects of english literature and drama.

    4 Project InternatIonal Summer SchoolS

  • english plus options

    ENgLISH pLUS HoRSE RIDINg Tuition in riding itself as well as stable management etc. This is not suitable for total beginners and it is vital correct attire is worn! Any age within the range at the given school. Available at sherBorne, Bruton, Bredon, dover, aBBotsholme, stonar, st. teresa’s. Total of 8 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS goLF Group tuition from a club professional, normally with a mixture of time on the range and on the course. Not suitable for beginners. Note golf club hire is extra. Available at Bruton, aBBotsholme, Bredon, royal Wolverhampton, stonar, st. teresa’s. Total of 8 hours a week

    ENgLISH pLUS DANCESpecialist tuition in both jazz & ballet for 12 hours a week. Available at Bruton, dover, cranBrook, royal Wolverhampton, stonar (For those wanting an intensive course, our Elite Dance Academy at Epsom is highly recommended).

    ENgLISH pLUS oUTWARD BoUND A course that combines the best in outdoor pursuits at one of the internationally recognised top outward bound areas in the UK. Activities with top level tuition to include kayaking, abseiling, climbing, rafting, assault course etc. Available at Brecon. Total of 12 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS BASKETBALLBasketball camp with professional coaching and matches locally where possible. Not suitable for beginners. Suggested age range 12-16. Available at Brecon. Total of 8 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS mUSIC 1:1 instrumental or singing tuition with a qualified music teacher. Available at dover, Bruton. Total of 4 hours a week is standard, longer available if required.

    ENgLISH pLUS DRAmA Drama workshops leading to a production at the end of each week. Qualified drama teacher with experience of children’s workshops. Available at dover, aBBotsholme, cranBrook. Total of 8 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS ENgLISHOption of intensive English tuition with qualified teachers in small classes. Available at dover, aBBotsholme, cranBrook, Bruton, stonar, royal Wolverhampton. Total of 8 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS SoCCERFor those not wanting a really intensive soccer programme, this is ideal. Coaching from a Level 1 or 2 coach in all aspects of the game finishing with small sided games & a tournament. Available at Brecon, Brendon (July) and cranBrook (August). 8 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS RUgByWe are again offering this popular sport. With top qualified coaches, all aspects of the game will be covered. (This option is wholly subject to a reasonable number of enrolments) Available at aBBotsholme. 8 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS SURFINgA fantastic opportunity to surf one of the best beaches (Westward Ho!) in the UK with top tuition from the North Devon Surf School. All equipment & wetsuit provided and all levels catered for. Available at kingsley. 8 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS FILmTV workshops with coaching from professional directors. Students will learn how to use the latest cameras and editing equipment before creating their very own films. Intermediate to Advanced English students only. Available at dover. 12 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS SAILINgTop quality tuition at local water sports centre. Students will have access to a range of boats – from Taz’s to Toppers to Topaz’s. Larger dinghies will also be used. Students will work towards the

    RYA Level One Certificate. Available at dover. Three hours a day for 4 days.

    ENgLISH pLUS KAyAKINgIntroducing kayaking with the highly established Skern Lodge Activity Centre based near Bideford, just 5 minutes from our North Devon Centre. All levels catered for in this scintillating sport. Other activities on offer include Mountain Biking and Coasteering. highly recommended!!! Available at kingsley. 12 hours a week.

    ENgLISH pLUS TENNIS (with our own, live-in, fully qualified LTA coaches)Group tuition in all aspects of the game. Please enquire first if applicant is a beginner. Available at sherBorne, Bredon, stonar, rWs, dover, Bruton, aBBotsholme, Brecon, cranBrook, st. teresa’s. Total of 8 hours a week. (For those wanting intensive tennis, we would recommend our Elite Tennis Academy at Epsom).

    With the English pLUS options, please note the following:• Early booking is advisable. When we reach the

    maximum advisable for each option, we will close bookings for that particular week.

    • It is NOT possible to pull out of an option that has been pre booked without forfeiting 100% of the monies paid. This is because we commit to teachers in most options based on a minimum number. If a student decides to change option on arrival he/she will forfeit monies paid for that option and will have to pay for any new option he/she may decide to take up.

    • It is NOT possible to join an option in the middle of a week.

    • English PLUS options are wholly dependent on a satisfactory/suitable level of participants. Without this Project International reserves the right to cancel a particular option in a particular week. Obviously any monies paid will be fully reimbursed.

    For further details regarding supplements payable and other details, please contact our Head Office. Always check with Head Office first rather than assuming an option is available. should students decide against the english plus option, they will of course participate in the usual english plus multi activity programme.

    In 2014, we will again be offering our highly popular English PLUS options (see under each school as to what is offered where). Here the student can choose from a wide range of different activities and he/she will receive top quality, professionally qualified tuition in this field on 4 (normally) afternoons a week. It will enable the student to go home feeling they have genuinely achieved something in a particular field and have something to show for it. the options are:

  • dover12-17 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 6 – AUgUST 17 | CHANgEoVER DAy SUNDAy

    12-17 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 13 – AUgUST 10 | CHANgEoVER DAy SUNDAy

    using dover college

    cranBrookusing cranBrook school

    CENTRE FACTS Dover College is situated just outside the town centre of Dover, famous for its towering white chalk cliffs and medieval castle. Dover is located on the south east tip of England, about 75 miles from London. The college itself is in the Old Town and is within a leisurely walk of both the town centre and the railway station.

    The college and the grounds have a lengthy and interesting history. The college itself was opened in 1871 with the aim of giving “first class education at moderate cost”. However some of the buildings are far older and formed part of a Benedictine Priory, which in 1130 had been reconstituted from a collegiate church founded in 696. There is a stunning lawned “quad” around which the buildings are situated. The quad has 6 grass tennis courts, soccer pitch and volleyball court. There are other hard tennis courts and a large sports hall.

    ACCommoDATIoN We use a number of boarding houses at Dover College and each house is equipped with a television room, games area and homely bedrooms which vary in size from single to rooms

    with 4/5 beds and some larger multi-bedded rooms. Bathrooms are situated on all floors and these comprise wash basins, lavatories and both separate showers and baths. Each house sleeps about 50 students.

    note: we can now offer homestay accommodation at dover (families based in Folkestone).

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Tennis, English, Sailing, Horse riding, Drama, Music, Dance, Film

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNS:half day: Canterbury (Treasure Hunt), Deal Castle, Maidstone Leisure Centre. full day: London (British Museum or River Trip), Cambridge (Kings College), Brighton (Sea Life Centre).

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNS:half day: Dover Castle, Kent Life, Leeds Castlefull day: Brighton (Pavilion), Windsor (Eton College)

    CENTRE FACTS The school is situated near to the centre of the town of Cranbrook, which is a pleasant market town in the heart of rural Kent. Founded in 1518 by John Blubery, it has developed into a thriving co-educational grammar school which serves over 700 students including over 200 boarders. The campus boasts some excellent facilities including an astroturf pitch, a state of the art theatre, swimming pool and sports hall. Cranbrook is situated about 1 hour south of London between Tunbridge Wells and Ashford and is easily accessible from all the London airports as well as Ashord International Railway Station (for Eurostar services to Europe).

    ACCommoDATIoN Accommodation in the school is split across 6 boarding houses (Blubery, Scott, Rammell, Cornwallis, Crowden & School Lodge). Rooms vary but consist mainly of singles, doubles & triples. There are some larger rooms which are ideal for younger students. All boarding houses are well furnished with kitchens & large common room areas, and all have a warm & homely feel about them.

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Tennis, English, Dance, Drama, Soccer (August)

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNS/ENTRANCES:half day: Canterbury (Cathedral), Hastings (Treasure Hunt)full day: London (British Museum or River cruise), Cambridge (King’s College), Brighton (Sea Life Centre)

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNS:half day: Hever Castle, Kent Lifefull day: Brighton (Pavilion), Windsor (Eton College)

    Dover College, Effingham Crescent, Dover, Kent CT17 9RH. recommended airports: Gatwick, Heathrow, Stansted.

    Cranbrook School, Cranbrook, Kent. recommended airports: Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted.

    6 Project InternatIonal Summer SchoolS

  • Bredonusing Bredon school

    Breconusing christ college, Brecon

    10-16 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 12 – 26 | CHANgEoVER DAy SATURDAy

    12-17 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 8 - 22 | CHANgEoVER DAy TUESDAy

    Bredon School, Pull Court, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6AH. recommended airports: Birmingham, Bristol, London (Heathrow)

    CENTRE FACTS Bredon School occupies an absolutely stunning setting in the heart of Gloucestershire. Boasting 85 acres of beautiful school grounds, it is a perfect location for a residentialsummer school. The school was founded in 1962 and started with just 17 pupils, recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary and is well established, catering

    especially on promoting self-discipline & self confidence in all its pupils, as well as leadership & teamwork skills. As stated the grounds are extensive and include an adventure playground, swimming pool and impressive sports hall. Geographically it is well located with easy links to Birmingham, Stratford on Avon, Oxford & Bristol.

    ACCommoDATIoN Boarding facilities are split between 3 areas – Quad, Stable House & Main House. All houses have their own common areas and situated around campus close to all the amenities. Rooms are a mixture of singles, twins, threes and fours as well as some larger rooms with up to 8.

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNS:half day: Bristol (SS Great Britain), Stratford (Shakespeare’s Birthplace), Hereford (Hereford Cathedral) full day: Oxford (River Cruise), Bath (Roman Baths), Cardiff (Cardiff Castle)

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNS (SUppLEmENTS pAyABLE):half day: Birmingham, Cheltenham, Gloucesterfull day: Swansea, London, Windsor

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Riding, Tennis, Golf, and Soccer.

    CENTRE FACTS Christ College is situated very close (a 2 minute walk) to the centre of the market town of Brecon, in the heart of South Wales. The majority of the school buildings are set around 2 “quads” with generous sports fields adjoining the campus. Facilities include a heated swimming pool, tennis courts & modern sports hall. The school was founded by royal charter in 1541 and has a rich history. It is also set in a beautiful location with views of the Brecon Beacons and Usk valley making it a picturesque campus. The school is less than an hour from Cardiff and Bristol and has easy

    access to the M4 motorway.

    ACCommoDATIoN Accommodation is provided in the school boarding houses, which are centrally located on campus. There is a mixture of singles, doubles & triples as well as some larger rooms which are ideal for the younger students All houses have ample toilet/shower facilities, as well as common room areas.

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Tennis, Outward Bound, Basketball, Soccer

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNS:half day: The Big Pit Museum, Hereford Cathedral, St Fagansfull day: Bristol (SS Great Britain), Cardiff (Cardiff Castle), Bath.

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNS (SUppLEmENTS pAyABLE):half day: National Showcaves, Caerphilly Castle full day: Birmingham, Aberystwyth,Bristol (@ Bristol)

    Christ College, Brecon, Powys, LD3 8AF. recommended airports: Bristol, Cardiff, Birmingham.

  • Wolverhampton12-17 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 6 – 27 | CHANgEoVER DAy SUNDAy

    10-16 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 13 – AUgUST 10 | CHANgEoVER DAy SUNDAy

    using the royal school

    staffordusing aBBotsholme school

    CENTRE FACTS The Royal Wolverhampton School is set in a 28-Acre campus, situated less than a mile from the centre of the city of Wolverhampton. The school, originally started as an orphanage, quickly became a well-established boarding school thanks to some generous donations during its early history. It is now a highly respected boarding school and includes amongst its patrons the Earl of Wessex (Prince Edward). The school boasts some fantastic facilities including a gymnasium, tennis courts and playing fields as well as the new indoor swimming pool which was completed this year. It also has some very good

    non-sporting facilities such as an art and design centre, 3 computer suites and a cyber café.

    ACCommoDATIoN Accommodation is provided in a mixture of single, double, 3-bedded and 4-bedded rooms spread across three boarding houses on campus. All houses are close to main facilities making it a very convenient campus for students. (note also that all accommodation is being refurbished and updated)

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Dance, English, Golf, Tennis

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNShalf day: Birmingham (Sea Life Centre), Ironbridge (Blists Hill Museum).full day: Oxford (River Cruise or Christ Church), Nottingham (Galleries of Justice), Stratford Upon Avon (Shakespeare’s Birthplace), Manchester (MOSI)

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNShalf day: Shrewsbury (Boat Tour)full day: Cadbury World, Alton Towers

    The Royal Wolverhampton School, Penn Road, Wolverhampton, WV3 0EG recommended airports: EastMidlands, Birmingham

    CENTRE FACTS Abbotsholme School was founded in 1889 as a progressive boys school for students of 10-19yrs and quickly proved popular with parents from all over England. The stunning campus lies within an estate of 140 acres on the banks of the River Dove in rural Derbyshire. Abbotsholme is located in Rocester about 10 minutes from the market town of Uttoxeter. It is within easy reach of, East Midlands, Manchester and Birmingham International Airports (60mins). The school is also only 30mins from Nottingham and the Peak District National Park and Alton Towers, the largest theme park in the UK

    (15mins), provides a possibility for a great extra full day excursion. The school has a ‘state of the art’ sports hall and its own Equestrian Centre as well as plenty of other sports facilities.

    ACCommoDATIoN Boarding facilities are split between 4 houses on campus (Orchard, Cedarholme, St Vincents, Flaxfield). All houses have their own common areas and situated around campus close to all the amenities. Rooms are a mixture of singles, twins, threes and fours. Project also has the option to take on some purpose built ‘log cabins’ which the school use to accommodate older students. Although they are easily supervised they will give older students some sense of independence. We are confident these will prove very popular.

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNS/ENTRANCEShalf day: Nottingham (Galleries of Justice), Poole’s Cavern, Bolsover Castle full day: Manchester (MOSI), Birmingham (Sea Life Centre), Liverpool (Beatles Story), Stratford (Shakespeare’s Birthplace)

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNShalf day: Waterworld, Monkey Forest, Heights of Abraham full day: Chester (Dewa Experience) Alton Towers

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Riding, Tennis, Golf, Rugby and English.

    Abbotsholme School, Rocester, Uttoxeter, Staffs, ST14 5BS recommended airports: Birmingham,East Midlands, Manchester



  • Brutonusing Bruton school for girls

    Bathusing stonar school

    10-16 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 9 – AUgUST 6 | CHANgEoVER DAy WEDNESDAy

    10-16 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 6 - AUgUST 3 | CHANgEoVER DAy SUNDAy

    CENTRE FACTS Bruton is situated 2 hours south west of London and about 40 minutes from Bath and Salisbury. The school, founded in 1900, is set on a beautiful 40 acre campus in the heart of the East Somerset countryside. The old saxon town of Bruton is 5/10 minutes walk from the school and has a selection of shops, banks, and restaurants.

    The facilities include a beautiful 25 metre swimming pool, tennis courts, gymnasium, theatre, art/craft studio, as well as extensive playing fields and other recreational areas.

    ACCommoDATIoN There are 3 boarding houses, Highcroft, Cumberlege, and Old Vicarage. Each house is extremely well equipped with a common room with TV/video, kitchen facility and modern bedrooms which are of a very good standard. Rooms are single, double, triple and quadruple with a few occupying 5 & 6 persons.

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Tennis, Horse riding, Dance, Golf, Music, English

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNS/ENTRANCEShalf day: Bath (Roman Baths), Wells Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral & Stonehenge (drive past), Bristol (SS Great Britain)full day: Oxford (River Cruise or Christ Church), Cardiff Castle, London (British Museum or River Cruise), Exeter (Cathedral).

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNShalf day: Longleat (full tour), Cheddar Gorge, Wookey Hole, Stonehenge (with entrance)full day: Bournemouth (Splashdown), Windsor (Castle or River Cruise)

    note: We can now offer Homestay accommodation from Bruton.

    CENTRE FACTS Stonar School is set amid 80 acres of private parkland right in the heart of the Wiltshire countryside providing a picture perfect location and idyllic panoramic views.  Situated very close to the World Heritage City of Bath and with London being only 90 minutes away,  Stonar is in a great position geographically.  The school was founded in the early 1900s and moved to Wiltshire during the second World War. The facilities on offer include an indoor heated swimming pool, sports hall, Astroturf, dance studio, multi gym, tennis courts, theatre, IT suites and  music studio. All the facilities are close together, ensuring the students safety and overall enjoyment.

    ACCommoDATIoN Accommodation is arranged over 5 houses (York, Curnow, Hart, Ganbrook & Fuller) and all of them provide very homely accommodation with lounge areas comprising TV, kitchen and IT suites. Bathroom facilities are plentiful. All houses are situated around the campus close to all the amenities and classrooms. Rooms are a mixture of single, twin and triples with a number of dorms offering up to 5 beds, making them ideal for younger students.

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNS/ENTRANCEShalf day: Bristol (SS Great Britain), Bath (Roman Baths), Wells Cathedralfull day: Oxford (River Cruise or Christ Church), Cardiff (Cardiff Castle), London (River Cruise or British Museum)

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNS (SUppLEmENTS pAyABLE)half day: Longleat, Cheddarfull day: Bournemouth, Stratford Upon Avon

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Golf, English, Dance, Horse Riding, Tennis

    The Stonar School, Cottles Park, Atworth, Wiltshire, SN12 8NT recommended airports: Bristol, Exeter, London

    Bruton School for Girls, Sunny Hill, Bruton, Somerset. recommended airports: Heathrow, Bristol

  • harrogate12-17 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 10 – 24 | CHANgEoVER DAy THURSDAy

    12-17 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 8 – AUgUST 5 | CHANgEoVER DAy TUESDAy

    using ashville college

    guildfordusing st teresa’s school

    CENTRE FACTS Ashville College is an independent day and boarding school founded in 1877 by the Methodist Church. It caters for 800 students, 115 of whom live in the boarding houses during term time.

    The college is located in Harrogate, one of the North of England’s most historic and attractive towns, and is close to the local airport and major road and rail links.

    Ashville College is set in stunning grounds, and has excellent facilities. There are a range of classrooms and halls, a sports centre with indoor

    swimming pool, two sports halls and outdoor tennis courts. The college also provides an excellent catering service.

    ACCommoDATIoN The college has four boarding houses spread around the campus. Each has its own common area for students and plenty of showers and bathroom facilities. Rooms accommodate between 1 and 6 students, depending on requirements.

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNShalf day: Leeds (Thackray Museum), York(Jorvik Museum).full day: Manchester (MOSI), Durham (Durham Cathedral), Nottingham (Galleries of Justice), Liverpool

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNS (SUppLEmENTS pAyABLE)half day: Forbidden Corner, Mother Shipton’s Caves, Leeds (Royal Armouries)full day: Newcastle, Alton Towers

    Ashville College, Green Lane, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 9JP recommended airports: Leeds Bradford,Manchester International, Liverpool.

    St Teresa’s School, Effingham Hill, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6ST recommended airports: Heathrow, Gatwick.

    CENTRE FACTS St Teresa’s is situated in 45 acres of beautiful rural grounds in a designated area of outstanding natural beauty amid the Surrey Hills. Only 40 minutes drive from Heathrow & Gatwick Airports and less than an hour’s travelling distance from Central London, St Teresa’s offers an excellent location for groups wishing to explore south east England. St Teresa’s was founded by the Reli-gious Order of Christian Instruction in 1928 on what was originally part of a manor site recorded in the Domesday Book. The main house, dating from 1799, forms the centre of the Senior School, and has been greatly extended to provide the modern facilities needed for the 21st Century.

    The excellent facilities include an indoor swim-ming pool, all weather pitch and a new theatre & arts centre.

    ACCommoDATIoN The accommodation is split between the main building and the sixth form centre. Rooms are well decorated and equipped and are mainly single & double with one dormitory which is ideal for younger students.

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNShalf day: Windsor (River Cruise), Wimbledon. full day: London (St Paul’s Cathedral), Brighton (Sea Life)

    opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNS (SUppLEmENT pAyABLE)half day: Cambridge, Bath, Salisburyfull day: Hever Castle

    ENgLISH pLUS Golf, Horse Riding, Tennis

    10 Project InternatIonal Summer SchoolS

  • sherBorneusing sherBorne prep school and sherBorne Boys’ school

    north devonusing kingsley school

    9-17 yEARS *, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 1 – 29 | CHANgEoVER DAy TUESDAy

    CENTRE FACTS The school is situated on a very pleasant but compact 12 acre campus, with its own attractive grounds & gardens, and two minutes walk from the centre of the picturesque ancient abbey town of Sherborne. The school was founded in 1885 and is one of the leading Preparatory schools in England. The architecture is typical of that found in the area with new buildings blending in tastefully with the older ones. All the facilities are close together on the one campus (classrooms, including a brand new block, sports hall, tennis courts, common rooms, accommodation, dining room, art/craft studio & theatre.)

    We will be using lyon House as well in 2014 – situated immediately to the rear of the Prep School.

    ACCommoDATIoN There are two boarding houses at the Prep School: acreman & netherton, both recently refurbished. Each house is equipped with a recreational area, a lounge area with TV, and comfortable, homely bedrooms which vary in size from 3-6 in a room. There are generous

    bathroom & toilet facilities close to all the bedrooms. Accommodation in lyon House is of an excellent standard with mainly single and twin rooms but also a couple of larger rooms. Total capacity in lyon is 72 beds.

    ENgLISH pLUS opTIoNS Tennis (with our own live-in qualified LTA coach),

    Horse Riding

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNS/ENTRANCEShalf day: Salisbury Cathedral & Stonehenge (drive past), Weymouth (Sea life centre).full day: Bath (Roman Baths), Cardiff Castle, Bristol (SS Great Britain), Exeter (Exeter Cathedral), Oxford (Christ Church or River Cruise) note: London full day is possible but at a supplement

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EXCURSIoNShalf day: Wells Cathedral, Cheddar Gorge, Wookey Hole, Longleat (full tour)full day: London

    HomESTAyHomestay accommodation is possible at Sher-borne giving the benefit of a residential course with family accommodation. However, we would emphasise that this will be for 2/3 students per family and we cannot place students on their own in the family. Families are carefully selected by our local, on the spot organiser and students are transported to & from school each day by the families.

    Ashville College, Green Lane, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 9JP recommended airports: Leeds Bradford,Manchester International, Liverpool.

    Sherborne Prep School, Acreman Street, Sherborne, Dorset. recommended airports: Heathrow, Bristol. note: Age range: 9-14 years, boys & girls – Junior Course. 14-17 years, boys & girls – Senior Course (weeks 1 & 2 only)

    CENTRE FACTS Kingsley School is located on the outskirts of the small town of Bideford in the heart of beautiful, rural North Devon, which is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Several of the UK’s outstanding bathing and surfing beaches are nearby, with the closest, Westward Ho!, just a mile away. The National Parks of Exmoor and Dartmoor are within easy driving distance, the South West Coast Path passes within a mile of the school, sailing, rowing and kayaking are

    popular on the River Torridge, and the Tarka Trail, a 30-mile off-road cycle route passes through the town. An independent boarding school, Kingsley lies in a peaceful and green 25-acre campus, with modern facilities all on-site. These include a sports hall, tennis courts, dojo and extensive playing fields, a theatre, dance studio and music centre, plus learning facilities, whilst the main kitchen and dining room pro-vide good value, nourishing meals if required.

    ACCommoDATIoN Three smartly appointed, homely boarding houses complete the accommodation. There is a mix of single and double rooms, and all the houses include shower and toilet facilities, a kitchen and lounge.

    ENgLISH pLUS Surfing, Kayaking, Ultimate Adventure

    poSSIBLE STANDARD EXCURSIoN DESTINATIoNShalf day: Exeter (Cathedral), Ilfracombe Prin-cess full day: Plymouth (Aquarium), Bristol (SS Great Britain), Bath (Roman Baths)

    poSSIBLE opTIoNAL EXTRA EX-CURSIoNS (SUppLEmENT pAyABLE)half day: Bude. full day: Cardiff Castle, Eden Project

    11-16 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 6 –26 | CHANgEoVER DAy SUNDAy

    Kingsley School,Northdown Road, Bideford, North Devon, EX39 3LY recommended airports: Exeter, Bristol note : this course lasts 20 nights for those staying 3 weeks

  • 13-17 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 18 – AUgUST 1 | CHANgEoVER DAy FRIDAy

    stratforddrama and english course

    King Edward VI School, Church Street, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 6HB recommended airports: Birmingham, East Midlands, London

    CENTRE FACTS King Edward VI School (or KES) can be traced back to 1295 when it was established by the Guild of the Holy Cross and there is a record of the ordination of Richard as Rector Scolarum, to teach the basics of learning the alphabet, psalters & religious rites to boys.

    The School was independently endowed by Thomas Jolyffe, a chaplain of the Guild, in June 1482. He gave to the Guild all the lands in Dod-swell and Stratford; the income from them was to be used, under certain conditions, on behalf of the School.

    Although the Guild survived the reign of Henry VIII, it was suppressed by his son Edward VI. When Royal Commissioners visited Stratford in 1545-1546, they made note of the School above the Guildhall. Edward VI granted a Royal Charter in 1553, making the Guildhall their headquar-ters, and assuring the future of the school. In the 1570’s, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, William Shakespeare was educated in the room above the Guildhall. In what is known as “Big School”, from the age of seven, Shakespeare would have been taught Latin, Rhetoric and perhaps Greek. Lessons began with prayers at 6am during summer, and continued until 5pm in the afternoon. In winter, although boys were expected to bring their own candles, the poor light meant a shorter day lasting from 7am.During the following four centuries, the School numbers fluctuated – at one time, in 1776, there were only three boys whose initials are engraved on a beam in Big School. In 1811, new regulations were drawn

    up stating no more than twenty boys could be in the school at any one time. If others wished to enter, they had to wait until a boy had left.With the 1944 Education Act fees were abolished and boarding ended. Major building work over the following half century has provided the space to provide an advanced curriculum of subjects for a school that now has over 550 boys.

    CoURSE DESCRIpTIoNThe drama course will be taught by professional teachers of Performing Arts, high profile theatre professionals and teachers, with degree level qualifications in their field.

    The course will focus on English in its spoken form, using drama and classroom-based learning to explore the themes of Shakespeare’s plays, the use of language and the style of Elizabethan theatre.

    During the two week course, students will discover the themes and dramas of the stories presented in Shakespeare’s most famous plays, leading to a staged performance at the end of the course. As well as developing spoken English, the use of drama and theatre exercises will offer a unique opportunity for the students to dis-cover themselves, to work as a team and to learn important life skills.

    We will have a Programme Director to oversee overall arrangements. There will be two full day excursions in addition to a visit to Shakespeare’s Birthplace in Stratford and a visit to a Show in Stratford. Sundays will be spent with the families.

    SCHooL FACILITIESKES is situated right in the middle of this world famous market town which is close to Oxford (to the south) and Birmingham (to the north). Aside from the infamous Big School described above and the drama studio, the school is very well equipped with ample classroom space, sports hall, adequate outdoor recreational space and playing fields (10 minutes walk).

    ACCommoDATIoN Accommodation will be with local families (2 or 3 students per family). Families will provide breakfast & dinner and a packed lunch to bring to school. Some families live close to the school and will accompany them to & from school; oth-ers, who live a short drive away, will transport students to & from school each day. We have our own local area coordinator to oversee all host family arrangements.

    EXCURSIoNSThere will be two full day excursions during the stay, one to Oxford & one to London. 

    project International are delighted to introduce a new programmes combining drama with English in the historical market town of Stratford upon Avon and at the school where William Shakespeare was a student!

    12 Project InternatIonal Summer SchoolS

  • uk day camps

    Where?We will offer 2 locations – Norwich & Hemel Hempstead (will be dependent on availability on booking)

    accommodationAccommodation will be with host families local to where the camps are held in the above two towns.

    agesRecommended age range is 10-16.

    activitiesA sample daily programme is available from Head Office but some of the activities offered include: Quad bikes, orienteering, Aquaslide, Trampolining, Assault Course, Archery, Sandstorm Challenge, Circus Skills, Vedeo making, Jewellery Making, Basketball, Minesweeper, Popstars, Lab Rats, Skills Builder Courses, Criss Cross Collision…. There is, in short, something for everyone.

    datesUK Day Camps will start on July 21 and run on into late August.

    pricesFor all prices enquire at Head Office

    In 2014 we will be again be joining forces with Barracudas to offer the unique chance of participating in a UK Activity Camp with English children. There will be no lessons offered; it will be an out & out activity programme.

    Due to popular demand, we are introducing an intensive English programme in 2014. This will involve 25 hours a week in small classes (no more than 8 in a class) with qualified teachers and working towards the Trinity College oral Exam at the end of the course.

    12-16 yEARS, BoyS & gIRLS | JULy 13 – 27 | CHANgEoVER DAy SUNDAy

    intensive englishAbbotsholme School, Rocester, Nr Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, CV37 6HB recommended airports: Birmingham, East Midlands, Manchester


    CENTRE FACTS For all details on Abbotsholme and its facillities, see page 8

    ACCommoDATIoN For details of accommodation, see page 8

    EXCURSIoNSStudents will follow the normal excursionprogramme for Abbotsholme


    london staysProject International offer London Cultural stays all year round for any number of nights, based in host family or hotel accommodation.

    We can tailor make a programme to suit any group’s needs – with transportation, specialised sightseeing tours, meals, entrances, theatre trips or full day trips out to cities like Oxford & Cambridge. We have a range of hotels catering for all budgets, and all centrally located and near an underground station.

    Many groups attending one of our residential summer programmes voice their concern that they do not get long enough in London on the full day excursion. As in many countries, traffic seems to get heavier every year and, accordingly, journey time increases and the whole day becomes rushed. We are recommending that groups consider either having 2 days/1 night in London prior to departure (either 13/20 nights in school followed by a night in London or an extra night in London over & above the 14/21 nights in school) or consider an overnight stay in London on the free day – though this may mean missing a morning’s teaching. For all further information & prices for 2013 Year Round London Stays and for Extended London Stays in summer 2013, please contact Head Office.

    MORNING AFTERNOON EVENINGday 1 Depart school after breakfast

    Arrive LondonSightseeing TourLunch

    River Trip from Westminster to GreenwichTransfer to hotel (coach departs)Settle into hotel

    DinnerTheatre Trip

    day 2 BreakfastUse underground withday travel passEntrance to British MuseumShopping in Covent GardenLunch

    Visit to Natural History MuseumReturn to hotelCollect luggage and transfer to Airport


    A typical programme might look like this:


    academic year programmesBoARDINg SCHooL pLACEmENTSProject International acts for over 30 independent (private) schools (some girls only, some boys only, some mixed, some highly academic, others less so, some big, some small) and place children from overseas in such schools as full time boarders normally with a view to going on to a degree course in an English university.

    We can cater for children aged from 10 to 18 years and, as an ex Head of Department in a top English boarding school, our Managing Director is ideally placed to recommend the most suitable school for a particular individual. This is done in consultation with the parents or an agent representing such parents.

    Project International can assist the parent, or agent, in one of three ways:

    1. Project International, after discussion with the parent/agent, will recommend a school (or schools) and makes the necessary introduction. The agent/parent then deals directly with the school, completing all paperwork etc. No charge is made for this service by PI.

    2. As for 1) above but PI assists with all paperwork and acts as a local agent prior to entry. A charge is made for this service some of which is refunded if the student proceeds with one of the selected schools.

    3. As with 2) above but PI can also assist with guardianships, transport at start/end of each term and generally be a point of contact in the UK post entry, providing peace of mind for the parent. A charge is made depending on amount of support required.

    We also offer a range of government run schools with a minimum commitment of 2 terms. The cost is roughly half that of private schools and students live with carefully selected host families near to the school they attend. Please contact Head Office for further details of schools, termly fees, application procedures etc.

  • The programme offers students aged 13 - 18 the opportunity of learning in depth about London and all the hidden delights of the English capital. The course will be for 2 weeks (6th - 20th July). Students will be accommodated with families, principally in the Harrow area but also in other carefully chosen locations. Each weekday they will travel into Central London, by train, either for morning lessons with experienced and highly motivated teachers or to proceed directly with that days visit. When there are lessons, they will be held in excellent classrooms belonging to the Institute of Education in Central London and will be of varying length according to the nature of that day’s visit. A classroom session will focus on a different aspect of London - The Monarchy, St Pauls Cathedral, Entertainment in London, etc. Later, students will visit sites related to the topic they have studied in the mornings accompanied by their teacher.

    This is a unique opportunity to combine seeing London with actually learning in detail from an inspirational expert about the capital’s different attractions and seeing them at first hand!

    CoURSE INFoage: 13 - 18 years oldlanguage: Need a good level of English (min. Intermediate)date: 6th July - 20th July

    SpECIAL FEATURES• London Travelcards for unlimited use on the underground & most trains.• On Saturdays, full-day excursions will be organised to oxford &

    camBridge with Escort• One free Sunday

    Groups and individuals accepted; however the programme is subject to a minimum total of 10 students enrolling.

    moRNINg LESSoNSinstitute of education (20 Bedford Way, london)The Institute of Education (IOE) is one of the colleges that make up the University of London. The IOE is the leading centre in the UK for research into Education and related disciplines.

    location: It is located in the fashionable Bloomsbury area of the city, close to the British Museum and Covent Garden. This enables students to have unrivalled access to West End of London and to the heart of the shopping district.

    facility: The IOE provides excellent classroom with state-of-art equipment for the lessons. There will also be Teacher access to the Internet.

    lessons: 15 hours of classroom based learning is included over the two weeks and when applicable classroom sessions will focus on a different aspect of London. Not only learning about London, students will interact, discuss and present their opinions with other international classmates and the teacher.

    The teachers will be well qualified in their knowledge of London. It should be noted that these are not TEFL classes, although help with English vocabulary will be given where necessary.Topics which are expected to be covered include:• The Monarchy• History of the Tower of London• Art in London• Religion in London• London Theatre

    AFTERNooN ACTIVITIESvisits in london - discover the gems in the cityAfter lessons, the students and the teacher will visit a place of interest related to what they studied that morning. The aim is to deepen their understanding and discover a new aspect about this fascinating city. For example:•Greenwich and Royal Naval College• London land marks - Tower of London, Parliament Buildings•Tate Morden, National Gallery, British Museum, etc•Musical show

    FAmILy STAy - HARRoW oR oTHER CAREFULLy CHoSEN AREAHarrow is about 8 miles from Central London. The students will be issued with London Travelcards to travel in and out of London. Journey time is around 20 minutes by underground to Euston Square or Russell Square which is then a short walk to the IOE. Guidance about living with a host family in the UK will be provided nearer the date. Host families will provide full-board accommodation (breakfast, packed lunches and dinner). Dinner on the arrival day and breakfast/packed lunch on the departure day are included.

    SAmpLE SCHEDULEMorning sessions start around 09.30. Afternoon visits will finish around 17.30. The schedule below is a sample only and timing may vary due to the nature of the visit. On some days there will be no classroom session but instead a full day visit(s).


    discover london


    sun Arrival & transfer to host families

    Dinner & eveningwith families

    2 Welcome:History of London Museum of London

    3 Lesson: The Monarchy Royal Walk

    4 Lesson: Religion St Pauls Cathedral

    5 Lesson: Entertainment in London Theatreland: Covent Garden Musical

    6 Thames River Cruise Royal Naval College, Greenwich Dinner & eveningwith families

    7 Excursion to Cambridge

    sun with Host family (or departure for one week stay)


    uk school integrationIn the school year 2013/14 we again increased our numbers for UK Integration stays. They are becoming extremely popular and a great opportunity to mix with English students immersed in a school environment. The programmes enable students to attend an English School and “shadow” an English counterpart through the school day. In 2013/14 we will be continuing to expand this product and will be opening up new schools/areas as well as offering these stays in boarding schools.

    We can offer integration stays at any time during the English School Academic Year. Minimum stay is 2 weeks, maximum 7 weeks For details on UK school holidays in 2013/14 contact PI Head Office.

    Remember government schools in the UK do not finish their school year until mid/late July so the summer is a popular time to participate in these programmesWe recommend a weekend arrival in the UK so that students can start school on Monday morning.






    In government schools, we offer several areas for integration stays:

    • Devon (including Torquay, Exeter, Dartmouth)• Sussex (including Bexhill)• Lancashire (including Blackpool, Preston &

    Lancaster)• London suburbs• Dorset (including Bournemouth, Poole)

    We also have some private boarding schools who can offer integration stays though numbers are more limited and space is strictly on request, mainly dependent on available boarding space for the period in question (gender & age are obviously key areas in determining availability). Schools are located in :

    We welcome individuals as well as groups

    On government school programmes, accommodation is in carefully chosen local families. Students are normally accommodated 2 or 3 per family.

    We have an on the spot local coordinator who inspects the families and is on hand to solve any issues. Breakfast & dinner are taken with the host families, whilst lunch (on weekdays) is taken at school.

    On the Boarding School programme, students live on campus and all meals are taken in school.

    We offer these stays in primary as well as secondary schools so can cater for the 8-18 year age range though we strongly suggest those under 11 years do not come without a group leader.

    • Somerset• Devon• Lancashire

    • Dorset• Midlands








    • Students are “buddied up” with a local student as soon as possible after arrival. This enables students to feel more “at home” when at school.

    • Excursions are organised at weekends for groups (of 10 or more) only. Often we can accommodate smaller groups, or even individuals, on excursions if we have bigger groups in the same area.

    • Group leaders are welcome but please be warned that NOT all schools allow adults in to school during the day (child protection issues).

    • Certificates of participation are presented at the conclusion of the stay.

    • We can organise arrival & departure transfers as well as London stays at the start or end of the programme.

    • Many schools expect students to wear clothing that AT LEAST resembles the school uniform

    Further details on price, availability and schools used can be obtained from Head Office.

    Other points





    16 Project InternatIonal Summer SchoolS

  • university integration

    DAy 3 TUESDAy



    BREAKFAST & Depart for schoolRegistrationP.E.GeographyBREAKEnglishScienceLUNCHNon academic subjectsReturn home to family for homework, dinner & overnight.




    BREAKFAST & Depart for School.RegistrationMathsFood TechnologyBREAKPersonal DevelopmentP.E.LUNCHNon academic subjectsReturn home to family for homework, dinner & overnight.

    DAy 5 THURSDAy



    BREAKFAST & Depart for schoolRegistrationEnglishMathsBREAKHistoryScienceLUNCHNon academic subjectsReturn home to family for homework, dinner & overnight.

    DAy 6 FRIDAy



    BREAKFAST & Depart for School.RegistrationTechnologyGeographyBREAKEnglishFrenchLUNCHNon academic subjectsReturn home to family for homework, dinner & overnight.

    DAy 7 SATURDAy

    08:00 BREAKFAST.Full day excursion or day with family.

    DAy 1 SUNDAy

    Arrival Group met at airport by staff; transfer by coach to centre. Welcome talk, introduction to local organiser & family and return home with host families.

    DAy 2 moNDAy




    BREAKFAST & Depart for School.Introduction to “buddies”RegistrationEnglishMusicBREAKArtMathsLUNCHNon academic subjects (sports, drama, ICT, DT etc)Return home to family for homework, dinner & overnight.

    UK school full integration 1 week sample programme

    The programme targets students of 19 years and over and requires a certain level of English (IELTS 5.5 or equivalent). Groups will ideally be of minimum 10 students though smaller groups can be catered for (please contact PI Head Office). Accommodation is with local families.

    Students will attend English lessons (15 hours per week; maximum 15 students per class) during the programme at the with qualified teachers, focusing on four skills: Speaking; Writing; Reading and Listening based on the IELTS examination.

    Depending on their interest, students can choose two subjects to study at University of Oxford / Oxford Brook University *. The subjects includes; Literature; Art History; History; International Relations; Social & Natural Sciences.

    *Strictly subject to availability.

    The lectures can take place anywhere across the university campuses (dependent on choice of subjects). Lectures can be in the afternoon or evening. The maximum number of students in each lecture is restricted – students need to have a wide range of interests.


    In 2014, we are delighted to offer Integration for university age students in Oxford. The programme enables students to experience student life in Oxford – one of the top university cities in the world – with ‘Buddies’ who are actually studying at the universities there . Students will engage in an EFL course provided by Oxford International Study Centre and learn subjects of interest at the University of Oxford / Oxford Brookes University.


    Morning Afternoon Evening

    1 Arrival & transfer to host families Dinner & evening with families

    2 Writing, Grammar, Speaking , Presenting

    Time with Buddy Uni Lecture: History. Dinner & evening with families

    3 Writing, Vocabulary, Reading, Listening

    Uni Lecture: History Free Time. Dinner & evening with families

    4 Listening, Writing, Reading Uni Lecture: History Free Time. Dinner & evening with families

    5 Sample IELTS, Speaking, Writing, Presenting

    Time with Buddy Uni Lecture: Literature. Dinner & evening with families

    6 Speaking, Reading, Grammar, Listening

    Uni Lecture: Literature Time with Buddy. Dinner & evening with families

    7 Full Day Excursion: Cambridge Dinner & evening with families

    8 Time with Family. Transfer to Airport

  • family stay programmesSUmmER FAmILy STAy pRogRAmmE | LoNDoN 2014

    We will again be offering a family stay programme in 2014 based in the London area. We can offer families & teaching centres in Morden, Wallington, Harrow, West Wickham, Twickenham, Eltham & Bromley. For full details contact Head Office.

    yEAR RoUND HomESTAySWe can offer year round homestay programmes to individuals and groups either combining a study course (more suitable for groups) or merely a cultural stay. In the summer, we can also offer combination courses where students stay in an English family but study at one of our residential schools (see summer school section). The map below shows where our homestay centres are located.

    mINISTAySOur ministay centres are in caterham, tWickenham, Bromley, eastBourne, Brighton, sevenoaks and canterBury. We have first rate organisers in these centres and can offer an excellent product for groups wanting a programme either concentrating on cultural visits or study & culture. We can lay on all transportation for those groups coming without their own bus.

    ImmERSIoN STAySImmersion stays enable students to live with an English family and spend each day with that family. They are geared for individuals who have no contact with anyone from their own country during their stay (normally between 2 and 4 weeks.) Families would almost often have children of the same age as their foreign guest and they would totally immerse their guest in their day to day lives. No tuition is involved.

    We operate these stays in a number of towns around England including Hastings, Stratford upon Avon, Gloucester, Torquay & Brighton. Further details from Head Office.

    oNE To oNESAs the term implies these are courses where students live in a family and have one to one tuition, normally with the mother or father in the family. Tuition can be for 15, 20 or 25 hours a week.

    The student spends the rest of the day with his/her host family, again being totally welcomed into every day family life. Again we can offer a number of centres around the UK.

    contact head office for more information on all the above products.


    mAp KEy

    1) London (9 centers)2) York3) Chester4) Torquay5) Hastings

    6) Canterbury7) Oxford8) Cambridge9) Bath10) Stratford Upon Avon










    18 Project InternatIonal Summer SchoolS


    THE BooKINg CAN BE mADE IN oNE oF TWo WAyS:1) Bank transfer (There will be an additional

    charge of £10 for each transfer)2) Cheque drawn on a UK Bank.

    General Booking Terms & Conditions1) The first move by a client towards booking a

    group with PROJECT INTERNATIONAL (PI) must be to request a set number of places for a specified time period (arrival and departure to be clearly stated.) PI will then send a letter of allocation specifying how many places are being held, name of centre and the exact arrival and departure dates. It will also specify a cut off date by which time the reservation will be released. Deadline dates can be extended on request, though PI cannot guarantee to do so. An allocation letter does NOT constitute confirmation of booking in any shape or form.

    2) Once a client wishes to go ahead and confirm the reservation, they must put this confirmation in writing CLEARLY stating dates (as on allocation letter,) number in group (excluding free places) and clearly signed by the person responsible for handling the booking. All future correspondence will be addressed to this person. (NB. Numbers can be added at a later date subject to availability.) The booking will be confirmed and a contract will then exist, once PI have confirmed the details of the booking in writing. This will be done within 24 hours of having received the client’s confirmation letter.

    3) Within two weeks of having confirmed the booking, PI will require a deposit, an invoice will be raised for the projected total and the client will be in breach of contract if this payment is not made by the date specified.

    4) The balance will be due four weeks prior to arrival in the UK. (In the event of an option being taken out less than four weeks before arrival in the UK, full payment will be due on confirmation.)

    5) As stated above, extra numbers can be added to a group at a later date (subject to availability.) This will be confirmed in writing and an invoice raised accordingly; payment will be expected immediately if less than four weeks before arrival.

    6) Should a client have to cancel a booking, it must be done in writing to PI and, once received by us, we will acknowledge this in writing within three working days of receiving the client notification. Cancellation charges are payable as follows:

    More than 4 weeks before commencement date - loss of deposit 3-4 weeks before commencement date - 60% of holiday cost will be charged 2-3 weeks before commencement date - 85% of holiday cost will be charged Less than 2 weeks before commencement date - 100% of holiday cost will be charged

    7) PI reserve the right to exclude, expel or refuse any person at any time to any course or activity if, in the opinion of PI, that person is not compatible with the general enjoyment or well being of other clients. In this case, no refund will be given for any unexpired portion of the activity, course or tour.

    8) No cancellation will be paid or refund given if the cancellation or change by PI is brought about by war or threat of war, strikes, disaster, terrorist activities, quarantine, technical problems with transportation, weather or any other event outside the control of PI.

    9) PI shall not be liable for any loss or damage to any luggage or any person undertaking a holiday, or any loss, delay or inconvenience, or fatal or other injuries or illness suffered by that person, provided PI has exercised reasonable care

    10) The details in the PI brochure and outlined in other literature are published in good faith as of September 2013. Holiday activities (incl. English Plus), centres, travel details and host families are subject to change and are dependent on weather, programme requirements, and a satisfactory level of participants. PI reserve the right to make any necessary change for any aspect of the programme prior to arrival or during the holiday. Where it is necessary this will at all times be done with the success of the programme, and the overall enjoyment by the group(s) concerned, in mind.

    11) Bookings made directly by persons under 18 cannot usually be accepted.

    12) Bed linen is provided but towels and soap are not.13) No responsibility can be taken by Project

    International for any damage done to articles of clothing while being laundered.

    14) It is a condition that all students are covered by a recognised travel insurance policy. Project International can arrange such a policy as detailed alongside. Proof may be required that all students are covered prior to travelling.

    15) Project International reserves the right to inspect all student bedrooms in the unlikely event of thefts occurring on campus.

    16) The price of your holiday is fully guaranteed and will not be subject to any surcharges. [EXCEPT: Prices quoted include VAT where applicable at 20%, the rate at the time of printing, September 2013. Any increase in VAT , however, will be added to the price of the holiday.]

    17) This contract is made on the terms of these booking conditions which are governed by English Law and both parties shall submit to the jurisdiction of English court at all times.

    18) Students will be required to pay a deposit of GBP 30.00 IN CASH against damages on arrival at the school. This will of course be returned to them at the end of their stay should they not be responsible for any damages. This deposit can be paid in Euros and, with groups, the group leader will be responsible for collecting & depositing such monies.

    19) Please note that we cannot ever guarantee which rooms and what size of room any students will occupy. We can take requests and will do out utmost to accede to these requests but can make no promises whatsoever.

    20) No refunds can be given whatsoever if groups/individuals decide not to take any particular element of the course (ie. an entrance or an excursion).

    21) For English PLUS options, no refunds will be given once an option is booked. Students can cancel before or during the course but no money will be refunded.

    hoW to Book

    Methods of Payment1) BANK TRANSFERAll bank transfers must be made in pounds sterling to our bank, details as follows:


    ACCoUNT NUmBER: 77912438

    SoRT CoDE: 50-30-10

    IBAN NUmBER: GB40 NWBK 503010 77912438


    There will be a charge of £10 for each such transfer.

    2) CHEQUEAny cheques which are drawn on a UK bank are accepted by PI. Non UK cheques are subject to a charge.

    Insurance Cover

    It is vital that every student on a Project holiday is fully insured. We can arrange cover as follows:

    personal possessions £800

    personal money £50

    passport, tickets +

    travel document replacement £200

    Reimbursement of fees £5000

    personal liability £1,000,000

    medical & other expenses £1,000,000

    personal injury £30,000

    Please contact us for details of premium payable etc.

  • Project InternatIonal Summer SchoolSEMAIL: [email protected]: www.projectinternational.uk.com





    PRICE: £ 595.00 PER STUDENT

    The above price INCLUDES the following:

    7 nights full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) accommodation

    15 hours English Tuition per week (maximum class size 15 students)

    All course related materials plus course completion certificate

    1 full day coach excursion

    1 half day coach excursion

    Entrances as arranged

    Fully structured afternoon and evening activity programme

    Use of equipment and agreed on site facilities

    Laundry facilities (in some schools a bespoke service is provided)

    Project Staff (ratio of 1:10).

    Price DOES NOT INCLUDE the following:

    Personal insurance

    Entrances other than those specified

    Off campus activities

    Transportation unless stated



    Please return to [email protected] oder Fax: +49 (0)881 927 96 561Edulingo Sprachreisen Lydia Kreyer, Admiral-Hipper-Str. 8, 82362 Weilheim

    Please complete a different form in respect of each child booking a PROJECT INTERNATIONAL holiday. Use BLOCK CAPITALS.

    1) SURNAME..........…........................………... FIRST NAME...............................……

    MR/MISS................ AGE.…..……. DATE OF BIRTH...........………….…


    ADDRESS..........… ....………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….

    POSTCODE................….….TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME)...........……………….(WORK)………………………...FAX NUMBER:…………………. EMAIL: …………………………………………………



    DOVER …………………………………………………………………………………………..SHERBORNE … ……………………………………………………………………………………….BRUTON ……….………………………………………………………………………………….ABBOTSHOLME …………………………………………………………………………………………..BREDON …………………………………………………………………………………………..CRANBROOK…….…………………………………………………………………………………………BRECON…………………………………………………………………………………………………….STONAR…………………………………………………………………………………………………….RWS………………………………………………………………………………………………………….ASHVILLE……………………………………………………………………………………………………KINGSLEY…………………………………………………………………………………………………….ST TERESA’S…………………………………………………………………………………………………

    4) TRANSPORT. Airport transfers are not included in the price for individuals though we do, of course, offer an airport pick up andmeet/greet service at an extra cost.Will your child require this service? YES NO (Please circle)If yes, please specify where you want your child collected from PICK UP LOCATION.................................……….Will your child require a return transfer at the end of his/her stay? YES NO (Please circle)If they will require a return transfer, will you need someone to check your child in?


    5) PAYMENT. Payment must be made in sterling either by cheque drawn on a UK bank or by bank transfer.Bank details are as follows: PROJECT TRAVEL LTD, NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK, KENSINGTON ROYALGARDEN BRANCH. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 77912438. SORT CODE: 50-30-10. IBAN GB40 NWBK 503010 77912438For payment terms see general booking terms and conditions.

    6) DECLARATIONI have read and understood the booking conditions and accept them on behalf of the above named child.

    SIGNED ............................................................................. DATE ........................ ………….

    school-small.pdfss indiv (edulingo).pdfBkg SS 2014.pdf