PROJECT #4 Design Heejoon Jung Kyu Hou Eunyoung Cho Minho Jeung

PROJECT #4 Design Heejoon Jung Kyu Hou Eunyoung Cho Minho Jeung

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PROJECT #4Design

Heejoon JungKyu HouEunyoung ChoMinho Jeung


Focus Area I Prototyping I-1 Prototyping I-2 Evaluation Focus Area II Prototyping II-1 Prototyping II-2 Evaluation Conclusion

Focus Area I

1. Choose search type

Choose search type both menu manipulation and voice command


●Choose search type●Change search type●Cancel previous voice command

Links> Search map

Object menu items

Sequence• Make a voice command to pick “search by firm name” among three different search types.• Speak a firm name.• Change the search type to search by address.

Prototyping I-1

원하시는 메뉴를 입력하시거나 말씀하여 주십시오.

Navigation을 시작합니다.

원하시는 메뉴를 입력하시거나 말씀하여 주십시오.

즐겨찾기주소검색 상호검색현재위치상호검색 주소검색 즐겨찾기 현재위치


ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ … A B C D E F ...ㅏ ㅔ ㅣ ㅗ ㅜ … a b c d e f ...

즐겨찾기주소검색 상호검색현재위치

입력 :

서울 도곡동 상위메뉴

서울 도곡동

상호검색이 입력되었습니다.

지역을 말씀하여 주십시오.



Prototyping I-1


ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ … A B C D E F ...ㅏ ㅔ ㅣ ㅗ ㅜ … a b c d e f ...

즐겨찾기주소검색 상호검색현재위치

입력 : 다보여안경점

서울 도곡동 상위메뉴


서울 도곡동이 입력되었습니다.

상호를 말씀하여 주십시오.




경로를 탐색합니다.

안전운전 하십시오.

경로가 검색되었습니다.


• Advantage: The search result has very limited area because the searching area is specified.• Disadvantage: There is no feedback when unacceptable command is received

Prototyping I-2


목적지검색 즐겨찾기

상호검색 주소검색 주변시설검색

상호명을 입력하거나 말씀 하세요


목적지검색 즐겨찾기

상호검색 주소검색 주변시설검색

상호명을 입력하거나 말씀 하세요


Error MessageError Message

Your command is not translated correctly.Please say again

• Advantage: A user can move one menu to another menu by various commands. • Disadvantage: Because of not restricting search area, the search results can include many places that have same firm name.


Feedback - look and listen the response- watch the state of the navigation.

- look and listen the response

- watch the state of the navigation.


-Navigation speaks and displays what the driver can do.

- Convey messages about possible search types.

User’s Mental Model

If a driver says “ 상호검색” , the navigation display “ 상호검색” interface. So the mapping can be easily learned and remembered.

- Driver can easily choose the menu by saying left, right, up, down. The user naturally thinks that the 4 triangles can be used in order to shift menu.

Selective Attention and Focus

Focused on the Voice User Interface, so the GUI might be complex due to commands.

Focused on the Voice User Interface, so the GUI might be complex due to commands.

Design for Error

This prototype can undo activity, when the driver make a command which the drive do not want.

This prototype maps the various voice commands to a certain function.

Focus Area II

2. Search map

Point out the designated location and move to four directions by menu selection or voice command


●Move four directions●Zoom in/out map ●Indicate current location

Links> Choose search type

Object Map information

Sequence• Move the map according to four directions.• Zoom in the map• Zoom out the map• Move to current location

Prototyping II-1






• The arrows represent the direction. • Zoom in, zoom out button and Move to current location button. • A user tells arrow’s direction.

• Advantage: A user can identify the menu intuitively. • Disadvantage: When a user zooms in or out, he should iterate voice command.

Prototyping II-2


이동 위


좌확대 110%




150%축소 90%




Sliding menu bar is movable



• This does not show menu bars at first. • When a user tells a menu name, the pull-down menu, will be appeared. • Advantage: Sub menus enable a user to select specific sub menus like magnifications.• Disadvantage: When a user speaks menu name, the sub menus will be represented.


Affordances • Four direction arrows and command buttons enables a user grasp the function of menus because four direction arrows and command buttons have visibility

• Menus are not appeared until a user commands an initial menu.

The seven stages of action

• Good visibility.

• Natural Mapping.

• Use both knowledge in the world and knowledge in the head.

• Easy to use.

• Good visibility, when sub-menus are displayed.

• Feedback. • Uses knowledge in the head.

• Difficult to use.

User’s mental model

• The arrows are natural mapping.

• When a user commands arrows’ direction, the map focus is moved according to the command.

• Zoom in/out buttons are bad case of natural mapping because a user can not expect how much the map will be magnified or reduced.

• Driver may not know what he can do in this prototype. Thus, this is bad case of natural mapping. • The sub-menus are good natural mapping.


Focused on User Centered DesignProviding Better UsabilityFast and Easy WayUser Feedback Early