Project 1 Litrature Review

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  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review


    Project 1(literature Review)

    Group Member :

    Mohamad Najib Bin Zulkifi 01!"1#$10%1Mohd $ajar Bin Mohd &a'ar 01!"1#$10#

    Mohamad $adli Bin Muta*a 01!"1#$10%+

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review



    ,n Mala-ia rental houe i ver- .ommon *or tudent and *reh /raduate worke

    the- not ha table nan.ial or the- jut live there *or hort period o* time2 ,n thhoue the houe i not .omplete with *urniture and home applian.e2 3he iuneed to bu- new *urniture *or them ue in the houe and in.onvenien.e them wto move out2

    4in.e that we reali5ed that we need *urniture that portable and ea- to mana/ome reear.h we have dei/n a *urniture whi.h i made *rom the .ardboard2 ".ardboard i ver- li/ht material and ea- to hape it2 6ther *eature that we addpurpoe *urniture that i .an ave pa.e *or -our houe2 ,t .an be ue a wardr

    hel* and portable table at the ame time2 4o thi *urniture i .ollapible portabli/htwei/ht and uer7*riendl-2

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review



    $urniture *rom .ardboard i idea *rom Za.har- Rothol52

     Za.har- Rothol5 i $ounder 8 96 at .hairi/ami and /rad ;ale in n/ineerin/2

     3he- have dei/n and manu*a.ture *urniture in.e

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review




    =e dei/n thi *urniture with three *un.tionwardrobe book hel* and portable table

    >i/ht wei/ht

     3he main material i .ardboard a we know

    .ardboard i made *rom .ardboard bo? i bamade up o* a fute (made up o* re.-.led papandwi.hed between two liner

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review



     3riple wall .ardboard

    @v. pipe


    Aot /lue ti.k (i* needed)

    4tapler /un

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review


    Engineering properties



    9ardboard i known *or it durabilit-2 3he wood ber that make up .ardboarreilient2 9ardboard i pun.ture reitant and doe not tear eail-2 3he ar.heinterior futin/ lend durabilit- to the .ardboard a well2 3he futin/ i lined uthe interior paper *orm .olumn that are able to upport a /reat deal o* wei/


    4in.e .ardboard i made up o* wood ber it i re.-.lable and utainable2 "9orru/ated @a.ka/in/ "llian.e the avera/e .orru/ated bo? i made with #+ re.-.led ber2 9ardboard i alo the mot re.-.led material and nearl- all o*.ardboard i made into new .ardboard produ.t2 9ardboard i utainable bematerial .ome *rom tree a renewable reour.e2 Ninet-7three per.ent o* allbo?e are made with raw material upplied b- the 4utainable $oretr- ,nitiaor/ani5ation that upport *oret mana/ement2

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review



    9orru/ated .ardboard ha inulatin/ propertie due to the futin/ dei/n o* it "..ordin/ to 3ea.her omain when *or.e i applied to an ar.h it tran*er aloo* the ar.h to the bae2 3here*ore the ar.hed fute allow the .ardboard to tolee?ternal *or.e2 3he fute alo trap air between the two la-er o* .ardboard e?amount o* time needed to tran*er heat ener/- *rom the e?terior o* the bo? to


    9ardboard i eail- .utomi5ed to t the need o* the end .onumer2 9ereal bo

    .orru/ated while pa.kin/ bo?e are2 9ardboard .an alo be .ut and *olded to mdi'erent i5ed and haped bo?e or dipla-2 3he paper material i eail- printwarnin/ and other in*ormation2 ,t .an be treated to be fame retardant or to 9ardboard bo?e are o*ten .utom7made to t hippin/ reuirementhel* pa.e2

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review


    @v. pipe

    @C9 i a thermoplati. pol-mer2 ,t propertie are uuall- .ate/ori5on ri/id and fe?ible @C92

    @C9 ha hi/h hardne and propertie

    @C9 i a pol-mer with /ood inulation propertie be.aue o* it hi

    nature the inulatin/ propert- i in*erior to non polar pol-

    a pol-eth-lene and pol-prop-lene2


    ,t ha /ood propertie e?.ellent /amma radiation reita

    .an be radiation terilied but ha poor and DC reitan.

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review



  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review




    Mortie are .ommonl- ued on man- houehold due to their dtren/th and reitan.e *rom an- *or.ed intruion into a houe

    Mortie alo ha aetheti. value and ha tron/ .onne.tivit- m

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review


    Green initiative

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review


    Aesthetic value

    $riendl- uer

    Multi *un.tion

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review


    PREVIO! !T"# 

    9ollapible *urniture :

    • 9ollapible obje.t are one o* the martet wa- to olve pa.e7avin/ problem2

    •  3he- are e?pandable and .ollapible2

    • $or e?ample o* .ollapible obje.t u.h a umbrella tent tripod and .hair2

    • 9ollapible obje.t have to be reuable there*ore the- have to be well7.ontru.ted to latime2

    • ,t .an not be a dipoal (pelupuan) obje.t2

    ?pandable and .ollapible *urniture i uitable *or olvin/ the iue o* pa.e7avin/ inpa.e2

    • Mu.h .ollapible *urniture i dei/ned *or fe?ibilit- and mobilit- (per/erakan) 2

    "dvanta/e :

     it .an be tored in mall pa.e2

    ,t ver- .onvenient *or a temporar- ua/e2

    ,t ver- portable and li/htwei/ht2

  • 8/19/2019 Project 1 Litrature Review



    6ne diE.ult tak that , had to reear.h and olve wa that o* hin/e to impli*- the *urniture makin/ it uer *riendl-2