7/25/2019 Litrature Study of Hotel http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/litrature-study-of-hotel 1/36 LITRATURE STUDY SUBMITTED BY: CHOUDHARY 

Litrature Study of Hotel

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• A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging

paid on a short-term basis.

• Facilities provided may range from a basic bed andstorage for clothing, to luxury features like en-suitebathrooms.

Larger hotels may provide additional guest facilitiessuch as a swimming pool, business centre ,childcare, conference facilities and social functionservices.

• otel rooms are usually numbered !or named in

some smaller hotels and "#"s$ to allow guests toidentify their room

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Acess road!parking ,garage$











%tores)ool room







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• otel rooms account for the largest share of ahotel by area. 0he 1uality of hotel rooms is anessential criterion for the evaluation of a hotel byguest.

•  0raditionally ,the trend has been to standardiseand schematise 2oor plans and arragements

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FEATURES• According to the classi3cation system of the

4erman hotel and inn association!(/4A$,0heraare 3ve categories essentially determined by theroom5s si6e and features7

• 8 %0A'!0ourist$7 single room 9m ,double room8:mxm!minimum area for ;<= of the hotel rooms

without bathroom$bed wardrobe ,washbasin in theroom,reception as a separate area

• : %0A'%!%tandard$7single room 8:m,double room8> m !including area for ;<= of the hotel roomsincluding bathroom and corridor$, bathroom in room!for ;?= of hotel rooms$, seat per bed ,color tv

• @ %0A'!)omfort$7single room 8m and double room

89 m,bathroom in room!for all rooms in

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%0A'!First )lass$7single room 8>m,double room::,minibar,armchair with co&ee table ,lobby withseating and drink service

< %0A'!Luxury$7single room 89 m,double room :>m,:= of hotel rooms as suites !at least two$ ,eachwith armchair Bsofa per bed, additional washbasinin double rooms and suites,additional color tv in

suites and reception lobby

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the entry to the site should be sophisticated, wellmaintained and having welcoming e&ect.

• minimum width of the entrance should be properenough to accommodate : e class ;? vehicles at

a time.so the ideal width of the entrance is <m to>m.

• a security pit should have been installed with allthe proper security instruments. aving the

dimension @m C @m.•  the entrance should be well connected to the

porch, open B basement as well as multi levelparking if applicable.

•  all entrance points should have car scannersinstalled at ever entr exit oints.

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• entry # exit points to the site should be same withone emergency entry !width m$ and one serviceentry !width 9m$

•  emergency entry should be mechanical as well asmanual override in case of emergency.

•   service entries are very critical as far as security isconcerned so : or more checking pits ! :m C :m$

with highly trained sta& is re1uired.

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• according to ")-:??< the hotel comes incommercial category with special sub groupresidential commercial.

• parking norms for this has been decided by the

occupancy as an average of commercial residential

• Darking normsE 8 )ar per guest rooms !") part@ appendix "$

• this can be further classi3ed in to

• open parking, tourist bus parking ! at least :$

• basement parking

• multi level parking


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• service parking !: trucks$

•  the parking for at most @? cars in open is forvisitors, shoppers

•   reserved parking for <? cars should be eitheropen or underground

•   apart from parking for 8< hotel cars is reservedfor delegates and tourist who could order #

serve accordingly

•   in underground or multi level parking thereshould be provision of a lift to be accessible forphysically challenged persons

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• on the ground 2oor 8-:= rooms provision forD persons

•  ramps provision also mandatory for everypublic place inside or outside

• building compound with slope !87:?$

• )orridors width 8< mm

•  clear door opening 98< mm

lobbies >? mm wider than the door onlatch side

• closet doors either narrow or sliding

• shelves 8@@; mm high



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• bathroomsE central turning space 8<:? mm, width:.;< m, vanity tops

•   9>? mm high, >9< mm knee space, mirrorextending down to 8?? mm,

•  compromise toilet seat height @? mm.

•  grab bars are needed on the head walls or on thesides of the bath and toilet.

• standard bedroom @><? mm wide

• space bBw bed # furnitures 8? mm

•  beds <?-<?? mm high with toe space below

•   eye level from a wheel chair 8.?;-8.@; mtrs

•   dressing table should allowed for this # have>9< mm knee space

•   low window sills are also preferable.

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kitchen si6e is determined by the number of

workstations, the space re1uired by the e1uipment, therange of meals # the extent of food preparation.

therefore no. of seats, or no. of covers are not ade1uateguides. 0he following table provides an approximate

basis for initial estimates of space re1uirement


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HOTELSStana!" o# hotel $la""%&$at%on :•  any countries allow various classi3cation

systems for hotels in accordance to chain nameand type of hotel, however, there is nointernational classi3cation which has been

adopted.• any attempts at unifying the classi3cation system

so that it becomes an internationally recogni6edand reliable standard but large di&erences exist in

the 1uality and the si6e and design of theaccommodation.

• Food services, entertainment, view, roomvariations such as si6e and additional amenities,spas and 3tness centers and location are also vital

in establishing a standard.

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One'Sta! Hotel":

• small and independently owned, with a familyatmosphere.

• %ervices may be provided by the owner and family onan informal basis.

limited range of facilities and meals may be fairlysimple.

• Lunch, for example, may not be served.

• %ome bedrooms may not have an en suitebathBshower rooms.

•  aintenance, cleanliness and comfort should,however, always be of an acceptable standard.

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T)o'Sta! Hotel":

• hotels will typically be small to medium si6ed ando&er more extensive facilities than at the one-starlevel.

• comfortable, well e1uipped, overnightaccommodation, usually with an en-suitebathBshower room.

• 'eception and other sta& will aim for a more

professional presentation that at the one-star level• o&er a wider range of straightforward services,

including food and drink

Th!ee'Sta! Hotel":• hotels are usually of a si6e to support higher staGng

levels, and a signi3cantly greater 1uality and rangeof facilities

• 'eception and the other public rooms will be morespacious and the restaurant will normally also caterto non-residents.

•  All bedrooms will have an en suite bath and shower

F St H t l

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Fo*!'Sta! Hotel":

• /xpectations at this level include a degree of luxury aswell as 1uality in the furnishings, decor and e1uipment,

in every area of the hotel.•  "edrooms will also usually o&er more space than at

the lower star levels, and well designed, coordinatedfurnishings and decor.

•  0he en-suite bathrooms will have both bath and 3xed

shower.•  0here will be a high enough ratio of sta& to guests to

provide services like porterage, :-hour room service,laundry and dry-cleaning.

•  0he restaurant will demonstrate a serious approach toits cuisine.

•  0he four-star hotel is a good business hotel.•  /verything works smoothly, thereHs Internet in every

room, a well-e1uipped business center, theyHll arrange

your airport transfer and room service is palatable andonl somewhat ex ensive.

F% St h t l

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F%+e'Sta! hotel"

•  0he 3ve-star hotels is the 1uintessential luxury hotel,o&ering thrills above and beyond the actual needs of

the travel.•  0hey have restaurants and night spots that are world

class, with food and entertainment• Five-star hotels also tend to have opulent and

expensive decorationsJ fancy gyms, swimming pools

and spas.• spacious and luxurious accommodation throughout the

hotel, matching the best international standards.•  Interior design should impress with its 1uality and

attention to detail, comfort and elegance.• Furnishings should be immaculate. %ervices should be

formal, well supervised and 2awless in attention toguestsH needs, without being intrusive.

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"K%I/%% 0D/%

• pen sales- unrestricted entrance and exit!specialised shops and retail chains,departmentstores$

• )losed sales-unrestricted entrance,exit onlythrough sta& checkout!specialised supermarkets$

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TYPOLOGIES• %pecialised shops-small shops!<?-<??m$,mostly

only one sector!pharmacy,shoe shop,2owershop$,service

• %peciali6ed supermarket-chain stores , small to

very large business, one or more branches , selfservice!pharmacy ,drugstores toys,(I, electricalgood , groceries,supermarket,close sales

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• %peciali6ed retail chains-chain stores,mostly onesector presented like speciali6edshops!Meweller,fashion,shoe shop$open sales

• (epartment store-often chain stores,very large

shops mostly multi storey,various sector,sectionscan be rented to often chain!shop in shopprinciple$,open sales

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• A shopping arcade-is from 8?,???m in areausually approx. :?,???-:<???m in area , roofedmostly a :-@ storey street space with multi levelaccess , exploiting urban block 6ones, external

excess via s1uares, street or shopping areas, semipublic access routesJ no 3xed opening times

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• A %hopping )entreBmall-is a large and moreelaborate collection of retail outlets, eatingpalaces etc.it had 3xed opening times thereforeno semi public access routesJ main external

excess normally from one road but additional sideaccess from a car park or multi storey car park ispossible.

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/mergency stairways