Program 1 Tania Singfield

Program 1 Booklet

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Program 1 Tania Singfield

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FOOTWORK  - Forward / Backwards (sideways)

!Place 8 cones in a line with a distance of 1-yard between cones.

!Start behind the cones by moving forward with the inside foot placing itbetween the two cones. Follow with the back foot. Repeat again to

arrive in front of the cones in a stance.

!Now repeat the movement going backwards, arriving behind the cones.

Work  4 sets (right side x 2) – (left side x 2)


STRENGTH  - Chest/Ball Push Ups

! Keeper starts with a ball placed under chest area.

! Have a wide stance with hands and a tight stance with feet.

! Keep body straight (like a board) and lower chest down to ball.

! Touch ball gently and return to the starting position.

Work  for 45 x 3 sets.

BALL HANDLING  - Seated Juggling - Fist

! Keeper starts in a seated position holding a ball.

! K tosses the ball into the air.

! K forms a fist with each hand, and tries to juggle the ball while keeping it

above the head.

! Try to keep the ball in front of body.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

RECOVERY  - Seated Rocker

! Keeper starts in a standing position.

! Squat down and roll onto back, tuck the inside foot in.

! Immediately rock onto tucked knee, place outside foot forward and

stand up.

! Try to lean forward when rocking back up.

Work  for 4 reps per side x 3 sets

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STRENGTH  - Stance Squats

! Keeper starts in a standing position with a ball behind heels.

! K squats down slowly with hands by side.

! K touches the ball with bum and then returns to a standing position.

! Try to work a 4-second count going down & coming up.

Work  for 6 reps x 3 sets.

BALL HANDLING  - Kneeling Juggle - Fist

! Keeper starts in a kneeling position holding a ball.

! K tosses the ball into the air.

! K forms a fist with each hand, and tries to juggle the ball while keeping it

above the head.

! Try to keep the ball in front of body.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

FOOTWORK  - Step & Set (moving forward & backwards)

! Place 8 cones in a line with a distance of 1-yard between cones.

! Start beside the first cone. Step with the inside foot between the two cones.

! Push off the inside foot and arrive in a stance on the outside of the next


! Repeat going towards the opposite side.

Work  for 6 sets (3 sets moving forward & 3 sets moving backwards)

RECOVERY  - Side Rocker

! Keeper starts in a standing position.

! Squat down and roll onto side, followed by tucking foot in.

! Immediately rock onto tucked knee, use bottom fist for balance and place

weight on outside foot to stand up.

! Try to lean forward when rocking back up.

Work  for 4 reps per side x 3 sets

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STRENGTH  - Ball Sit Ups

! Keeper starts on their back holding a ball in front of the chest.

! Feet should be flat and knees are bent.

! Keeper performs a sit up; lead with the ball.

! Reach past the knees with he ball and then return onto back.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

BALL HANDLING  - Standing Juggle- Fist

! Keeper starts in a standing position holding a ball.

! K tosses the ball into the air.

! K forms a fist with each hand, and tries to juggle the ball while keeping it

above the head.

! Try to keep the ball in front of body.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

RECOVERY  - Side Step Rocker

! Place 2 cones 10-yards distance. Keeper starts in a standing position.

! Squat down and roll onto side, followed by tucking foot in.

! Immediately rock onto tucked knee, use bottom fist for balance and place

weight on outside foot to stand up.

! Step with inside foot (transfer weight) and land on side. Keeper is moving

sideways towards 2nd cone.

Work  for 4 reps per side x 3 sets

FOOTWORK  - Sprint (moving forward & back)

! Start beside the 1st cone. Sprint forward to the 3rd cone.

! Back pedal to the 2nd cone. Sprint forward to the 4th cone, back pedal to

the 3rd cone and repeat.

! 3-2, 4-3, 5-4, 6-5, 7-6, 8-7 and out.

Work  for 6 sets.

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STRENGTH  - Shin Rolls Crunch

! Keeper starts in a crunch position with ball placed on top of legs (shins).

! Lift arms up and hold them straight out.

! While balancing, roll the ball from toes to knees without it falling off.

Hands do not touch the ball

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

FOOTWORK  - Cross Step & Set (moving forward)

! Place 8 cones in a line with a distance of 1-yard between each.

! Start beside the first cone. Do a cross over step with the outside footbetween the two cones.

! Push off the outside foot and arrive in a stance on the outside of the next

cone. Repeat going between the next set of cones.

Work  for 6 sets (3 sets moving forward & 3 sets moving backwards)

BALL HANDLING  - Spider Hands

! Keeper starts with the ball held between legs, one hand in front of bodyand the other behind.

! K lightly tosses the ball between legs and switches hands.

! K catches the ball and repeats.

! Try to keep knees bent and eyes on the ball.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

RECOVERY  - Toss & Spin

! Keeper twists body around and holds ball with left hand.

! K tosses the ball into the air.

! K twists the opposite way to catch the ball with both hands.

! Try to keep knees bent and eyes on the ball.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

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STRENGTH  - Over & Under

! Keeper raises hips and lower back off the ground.

! Roll the ball under the body to opposite hand and then pass the ball over

the body to other hand.

! Keep body as stiff as possible. Contract the abdominal muscles for balance.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

FOOTWORK  - Rapid Change (Shuffle & Cross Over)

! Place 3 cones in a line with a distance of 2-yards between each.

! Start beside the 1st cone. Do a shuffle step towards the 2nd cone and set.

! Shuffle back to the 1st cone, set.

! Shuffle across to the 3rd cone, set. Return to the 1st cone and set. Repeat.

Work  for 3 sets per side for shuffling, and 3 sets per side for cross overs.

BALL HANDLING  - Front to Back

! Keeper stands with legs spread not too wide.

! Bounce the ball using both hands between legs from back to front.

! Catch the ball using both hands and repeat from front to back.

! Remember to use the hips by moving forward and back as the ball is

being bounced.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

RECOVERY  - Drop & Spin

! Keeper holds the ball behind the head using both hands.

! Stretch as far back as possible.

! Drop the ball, spin around to collect it off the bounce.

! If possible, try to catch the ball before the bounce but don’t dive.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

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STRENGTH  - Ball Crunches

! Keeper starts in a crunched position with feet together and off the ground.

! Hold the ball using both hands above chest.

! Leading with the ball come up and touch the toes.

! Return onto back and repeat.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

FOOTWORK  - Box (Shuffle, Cross Over & Sprint)

! Make a box-shape using 4 cones with a distance of 4-yards between each.

! Do a shuffle step towards the ball in the middle. Shuffle back towards the2nd cone. Return to the ball.

! Shuffle towards the 3rd cone, back to the ball.

! Repeat the same pattern to the 4th cone and back to the ball.

Work  for 3 sets per side for shuffling, cross overs and sprinting.

RECOVERY  - Drop, Spin & Dive

! Keeper holds the ball behind the head using both hands.

! Stretch as far back as possible.

! Drop the ball, spin around and dive onto the ball off the bounce.

! If possible, try to dive onto the ball the before the bounce.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

BALL HANDLING  - Down & Up Fist Juggling

! Keeper starts juggling from a standing position. Lower body into a kneeling

position while juggling.

! Continue to lower body into a seated position while juggling.

! Repeat all 3 positions without stopping while trying to return to a standing


! Try to keep the ball in front of body.

Work  for 45 seconds x 3 sets.

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Progression 1 - High Knees /Forward 

! Place 8 cones in a straight line with a distance of 1-yard

between each.

! K lifts knees to step over and between cones. Both feet land

between cones while moving forward.

! At the end of the cones, set to receive a shot from coach.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving


Progression 2 - High Knees /Sideways 

! Place 8 cones in a straight line with a distance of 1-yard

between each.

! K lifts knees to step over and between cones. Both feet land

between cones while moving sideways.

! At the end of the cones, set to receive a shot from coach.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets (moving right), 3 sets (moving left).

Progression 3 - Forward & Back / Sideways 

! Place 8 cones in a straight line with a distance of 1-yardbetween each.

! Moving sideways, K sprints forward between the 1st two cones

and then back pedals between the next set of cones.

! At the end of the cones, set to receive a shot from coach.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets (moving right), 3 sets (moving left).

Progression 4 - Mini Shuffles / Forward 

! Place 8 cones in a straight line with a distance of 1-yard

between each.

! Moving forward, K shuffles between the 1st two cones and then

sets to shuffle back between the next set of cones. K must get

(2) mini shuffles while going from side to side.

! At the end of the cones, set to receive a shot from coach.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets (moving right), 3 sets (moving left).

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Progression 6 - Shuffling 

! Place 8 cones in a straight line with a distance of 1-yard

between each.

! K shuffles from side to side while moving forward between the

two sets of cones.

! At the end of the cones, set to receive a high toss from coach.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving

Progression 5 - Cross Overs / Forward 

! Place 8 cones in a straight line with a distance of 1-yard

between each.

! Moving forward, K does a cross over between the 1st two cones

and then sets to cross back between the next set of cones.

! At the end of the cones, set to receive a high toss from coach.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving back).

Progression 7 - Cross Over 

! Place 8 cones in a straight line with a distance of 1-yard

between each.

! K does cross overs from side to side while moving forward

between the two sets of cones.

! At the end of the cones, set to receive a high toss from coach.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving

Progression 8 - Cross Over / High Ball 

! Place 8 cones in a straight line with a distance of 1-yard

between each.

! K crosses over from one set of cones to the outside of the

opposite set.

! K takes off inside leg to drive outside knee and arms straight up.

! K lands and repeats going back to the opposite side.

! At the end of the cones, set to receive a high toss from coach.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving


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Progression 1 - One/Two Forward 

! K performs quick feet while moving forward by placing both feet (one after

the other) inside every square.

! At the end of the ladder, set to receive a pass from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (forward), 3 sets (backwards)


Progression 2 - One/Two Sideways 

! K performs quick feet while moving sideways by placing both feet (one after

the other) inside every square.

! At the end of the ladder, turn & set to receive a pass from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (moving right), 3 sets (moving left)

Progression 3 - In & Out / Sideways 

! K performs quick feet while moving sideways by placing both feet (one after

the other) inside a square and then stepping back out.

! At the end of the ladder, turn & set to receive a pass from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (moving right), 3 sets (moving left)

Progression 4 - In & Out / Forward 

! K performs quick feet while moving forward by placing both feet (one after

the other) inside a square and then stepping out on the opposite side.

! At the end of the ladder, set to receive a pass from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving backwards)

Progression 5 - Cross Over Step / Forward 

! K performs quick feet while moving forward by crossing into the box with

outside foot and then arriving with both feet square on the opposite side.

! At the end of the ladder, set to receive a pass from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving backwards)

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Progression 1 - Straddle Hop / Sideways 

! K starts with a foot in each square, hoping sideways with both feet jumping

and landing at the same time.

! At the end of the ladder, turn to receive a perimeter shot from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (moving left), 3 sets (moving right)

POWER - Ladder

Progression 3 - Single Hop / Forward 

! K performs a single leg hop while moving forward, using the same foot for

every square.

! At the end of the ladder, set for a perimeter shot from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (right foot), 3 sets (left foot)

Progression 5 - Straight Jumps / Forward 

! K starts with one foot inside a square and performs a straight jump forward.

! K lands into the next square and repeats.

! At the end of the ladder, set for a perimeter shot from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving backwards)

Progression 2 - Straddle Hop / Forward 

! K starts with one foot in a square, hoping side to side while moving forward.

! Always land with the opposite foot in the square and on the outside of the


! At the end of the ladder, set for a perimeter shot from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (moving forward), 3 sets (moving backwards)

Progression 4 - Single Hop / Sideways 

! K performs a single leg hop while moving sideways, using the same foot for

every square. Jump off inside foot.

! At the end of the ladder, turn and set for a perimeter shot from coach.

Work  for 3 sets (right foot), 3 sets (left foot)

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Progression 1 - Kneeling Rapid Hands / Low

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using both hands

kneeling 2 yards a part.

! Toss the ball across at the same time; catching each other’s ball

at waist height. Repeat back and forth.

! Try to stay in rhythm with one another.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 2 - Kneeling Rapid Hands / Chest

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using both hands

kneeling 2 yards a part.

! Toss the ball across at the same time; catching each other’s ball

at chest height. Repeat back and forth.

! Try to stay in rhythm with one another.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 3 - Kneeling Rapid Hands / High

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using both hands

kneeling 2 yards a part.

! Toss the ball across at the same time; catching each other’s ball

at above head height. Repeat back and forth.

! Try to stay in rhythm with one another.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 4 - Standing Rapid Hands (Low, Chest, High)

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using both hands

standing 2 yards a part.

! Toss the ball across at the same time; catching each other’s ball

at waist height. Repeat back and forth.

! Try to stay in rhythm with one another.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets per height.

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Progression 1  - Standing Rapid Hands & Feet / Low

! Both keepers start on the opposite side of the line.

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using both hands.

! Toss the ball across at the same time.

! Step across the line to catch incoming ball; repeat.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 2  - Standing Rapid Hands & Feet / Chest

! Both keepers start on the opposite side of the line.

! Each GK holds a ball at chest height using both hands.

! Toss the ball across at the same time.

! Step across the line to catch incoming ball; repeat.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 3  - Standing Rapid Hands & Feet /High

! Both keepers start on the opposite side of the line.

! Each GK holds a ball above head height using both hands.

! Toss the ball across at the same time.

! Step across the line to catch incoming ball; repeat.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 4  - Double Foot Hop

! Place 2 cones a distance of 3-yards apart.

! Keeper stand beside cone with a ball in hands. Partner stands

across with a ball in hands.

! P tosses ball into the air towards opposite cone, K toss ball at P.

! K shuffle across and jump off both feet to catch P’s ball above

head. K land and repeat.

Work  for 10 tosses x 2 sets.

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Progression 1 - Kneeling Single Rapid Hands / Low

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using one hand, kneeling

2 yards a part.

! Toss the ball across at the same time; catching each other’s ball

at waist height. Repeat back and forth.

! Try to stay in rhythm with one another.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 2 - Kneeling Single Rapid Hands / Chest

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using one hand, kneeling

2 yards a part.

! Toss the ball across at the same time; catching each other’s ball

at chest height. Repeat back and forth.

! Try to stay in rhythm with one another.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 3 - Kneeling Single Rapid Hands / High

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using one hand, kneeling

2 yards a part.

! Toss the ball across at the same time; catching each other’s ball

at above head height. Repeat back and forth.

! Try to stay in rhythm with one another.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets.

Progression 4 - Standing Single Rapid Hands (Low, Chest, High)

! Each GK holds a ball below their waist using one hand, standing

2 yards a part.

! Toss the ball across at the same time; catching each other’s ball

at waist height. Repeat back and forth.

! Try to stay in rhythm with one another.

Work  for 20 tosses x 2 sets per height.

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Progression 1 - Seated Rocker Toss / Single 

! K1 start on back, tuck foot in and roll onto knee to stand up.

! K2 tosses the ball in the air for K1 to step forward and catch it.

! K1 passes the ball back to K2 who returns onto back and repeat

working the opposite leg.

Work  for 10 tosses x 2 sets per side / per keeper.

Progression 2 - Seated Rocker Toss / Double 

! K1 start on back, tuck foot in and roll onto knee to stand up.

! K2 tosses the ball in the air for K1 to step forward and catch it.

! K2 rocks onto back and then gets up for tossed ball from K1.

! Repeat back and forth (1 keeper drop, 1 keeper toss)

Work  for 10 tosses x 3 sets. (Alternate side each time.)

Progression 2 - Side Rocker Toss / Double 

! K1 start on side, tuck foot in and roll onto knee to stand up.

! K2 tosses the ball in the air for K1 to step forward and catch it.

! K2 rocks drops onto side and then gets up for tossed ball from K1.

! Repeat back and forth (1 keeper drop, 1 keeper toss)

Work  for 10 tosses x 3 sets. (Alternate side each time.)

Progression 1 - Side Rocker Toss / Single 

! K1 start on side, tuck foot in and roll onto knee to stand up.

! K2 tosses the ball in the air for K1 to step forward and catch it.

! K1 passes the ball back to K2, returns onto opposite side to


Work  for 10 tosses x 2 sets per side / per keeper.

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Progression 1  - Receiving (step & set)

! Keeper starts beside cone opposite to server.

! K steps to opposite side of cone and sets.

! Server releases the ball after the keeper says “set.”

! Basket, Smother, Mid-Basket, Contour, High Contour, High Knee


Work  for 4 reps per s ide, per save x 2 sets.

Progression 2  - Receiving (Shuffle step & set)

! Place 3 cones 2-yards apart. Keeper starts beside far cone

opposite to server.

! K shuffles across to opposite side of cone s and sets.

! Server releases the ball after the keeper says “set.”

! Basket, Smother, Mid-Basket, Contour, High Contour, High Knee


Work  for 4 reps per s ide, per save x 2 sets.

Progression 3  - Receiving (Cross Over step & set)

!Place 2 cones 5-yards apart. Keeper starts beside far coneopposite to server.

! K crosses over to opposite side of and sets.

! Server releases the ball after the keeper says “set.”

! Basket, Smother, Mid-Basket, Contour, High Contour, High Knee


Work  for 4 reps per s ide, per save x 2 sets.

Progression 4  - Receiving (Foot Speed)

! Place 4 cones in a straight line 1-yard apart. Keeper starts

beside far cone opposite to server.

! K performs a foot pattern through the cones to opposite side

of cone and sets for shot.

! Server releases the ball after the keeper says “set.”

! Basket, Smother, Mid-Basket, Contour, High Contour, High Knee


Work  for 4 reps per s ide, per save x 2 sets.

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Progression 1 - Seated / Dead Ball 

! K starts in a seated position resting on hip.

! Ball is across from inside knee about 1- yard away.

! K drives arms towards the ball and land on side.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 2 - Kneeling / Dead Ball 

! K starts in a kneeling position.

! Ball is across from inside knee about 1- yard away.

! K drives arms towards the ball and land on side.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 3 - Standing / Dead Ball 

! K starts in a standing position.

! Ball is across from inside foot about 2- yards away.

! K step towards the ball and drives arms.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 4 - Served Ball 

! K starts beside line.

! C serves a low ball on opposite side of the line.

! K steps towards the ball, reaching out using both

hands to make a diving save.

! Sequence: Step, Hip, Ball, Shoulder.

Work  for 8 reps x 2sets (left), 2 sets (right).  

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Progression 1 - Seated / Hold Ball 

! K starts in a seated position resting on hip.

! Ball is held above head using both hands.

! K rolls onto hip, lowering the ball towards the ground.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 2 - Kneeling / Hold Ball 

! K starts in a kneeling position resting on outside knee.

! Ball is held above head using both hands.

! K lowers down onto hip, lowering the ball towards the

ground at the same time.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 4 - Served Ball 

! K starts beside line.

! C serves a high ball on opposite side of the line.

! K steps towards the ball stretching up using both

hands to catch the ball.

! Sequence: Catch, Hip, Ball, Shoulder.

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).  

Progression 3 - Standing / Hold Ball 

! K starts in a standing position.

! Ball is held above head using both hands.

! K lowers down onto hip, lowering the ball towards the

ground at the same time.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

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DIVING - Extension

Progression 1 - Kneeling / hold & drop 

! K starts on one knee in a kneeling position holding a ball

above the head.

! K lowers the ball as quickly as possible while falling onto


! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 2 - Kneeling / hold & power 

! K starts on one knee in a kneeling position holding a ballat waist level.

! K pushes off inside foot and drives the ball and body into

the air.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 3 - Standing / hold & power 

! K starts in a standing position holding a ball at waist level.

! K pushes off inside foot and drives the ball and body into

the air.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 4 - Served Ball 

! K starts beside line.

! C serves a ball on opposite side of the line.

! K needs to make a “high” diving save.

Work  for 6 reps x 2 sets per side, per stance.

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Progression 1 - Kneeling / Near Hand Low 

! K starts in a kneeling position across from coach.

! C rolls the ball wide of the keeper.

! K pushes off inside leg towards the ball and pushes it wide of

body using near hand.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 2 - Kneeling / Double Hand Low 

! K starts in a kneeling position across from coach.

! C rolls the ball wide of the keeper.

! K pushes off inside leg towards the ball and pushes it wide of

body using both hands.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets.

Progression 3 - Kneeling / Near Hand High 

! K starts in a kneeling position across from coach.

! C tosses the ball wide of the keeper.

! K pushes off inside leg to power up to meet the ball and

push it wide of body with nearest hand.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

Progression 4 - Kneeling / Top Hand 

! K starts in a kneeling position across from coach.

! C tosses the ball high and wide of the keeper.

! K meets the ball and pushes it wide of body with top hand.

! Sequence - hip, ball, shoulder

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 2 sets (right).

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Progression 1 - Seated / Top Hand 

! K starts in a seated position across from coach.

! C tosses the ball over top of the keeper.

! K reaches up towards the ball and pushes it up and over

using top hand.

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 3 sets (right).

Progression 3 - Kneeling or Standing 

! K starts in a kneeling position across from coach.

! C tosses the ball high above the keeper’s head.

! K stands up and powers up to meet the ball to push it high

and over.

! Variation: Standing position.

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 3 sets (right).

Progression 2 - Seated / Double Hands 

! K starts in a seated position across from coach.

! C tosses the ball over top of the keeper.

! K reaches up towards the ball and pushes it up and over

using both hands.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets.

Progression 4 - Standing 

! K starts on goal line, sprints around stick that is placed 4-

yards in front of net.

! K crosses back to goal line and tips a high ball over the cross

bar served by coach.

! Variation: ball can be sent towards the corners of the cross


Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 3 sets (right).

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 – Moving Into Position Down

Progression 1 - Near Post Shot / Static 

! Place a stick (cone) 4-yards from goal line & 2-yards inside

post. K start in front of stick, C has the ball standing just pastthe corner of the 6-yard box.

! C rolls lays the ball, K shuffle into position (Ball Line) and make

the save off C’s shot.

! Saves: Perimeter Saves, Diving, Deflecting, Tipping, High Ball

(toss the ball)

! Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets per side, per save.

Progression 2 - Near Post Shot / Dynamic 

! Place a stick on the center of the goal line. Place 3 more (1-

yard apart in a straight line 4-yards away from the goal line. K

sprint from goal line stick, quick foot movement through the 3

sticks and times his movement into the shot from the C.

! C rolls lays the ball, K shuffle into position (Ball Line) and make

the save off C’s shot.

! Saves: Perimeter Saves, Diving, Deflecting, Tipping, High Ball

(toss the ball)

! Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets per side, per save.

Progression 3 - Moving Across Net / Static 

! Place a stick 2 –yards in front of goal line. K circle around the

stick timing the shot.

! C strikes the ball towards the near post as soon as the K is in

front and has set up to make the save.

! Saves: Diving, Deflecting, Tipping.

! Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets per side, per save.

Progression 4 - Moving Across Net / Dynamic 

! Place 3 cones 1-yard a apart on one side of the net. K

shuffles to 3rd cone, back to 2 and then crosses over towards

far post.

! C strikes the ball towards the far post as soon as the K arrives

towards the center of the net.

! Saves: Diving, Deflecting, Tipping.

! Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets per side, per save.

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1 V 1  – Closing Down 

Progression 1 - Closing Down / Dead Ball 

! Place 2 sticks about 3-yards wide on top of the 6-yard box.

! K starts on the goal line and sprints towards the dead ball

(placed about 9-yards away) arriving between the sticks in a

“fully-loaded” stance.

! C starts about 6-yards behind the ball, at the same time as the

K sprints towards the ball. C shoots low at the K trying to it his

feet or hands. K stays big and gets hit by the ball.

! Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets.

Progression 2 - Closing Down / Cut 

! Place 2 sticks about 3-yards wide on top of the 6-yard box.

! K starts on the goal line, C has the ball starting from the top of

the 18-yard box.

! C dribbles towards the sticks, K sprints to close down by

arriving in a “fully-loaded” stance between the sticks, forcing

C to cut to the left or right to get by before shooting on net.

! K dives to the ball immediately after the ball is cut wide.

! Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets.

Progression 3 - Closing Down / Decision Making 

! Same as above but now the C can either push the ball too

far allowing the K to win it before she gets there.

!  Or try to dribble by the K to then shoot on net.

Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets.

Progression 4 - Closing Down / Decision Making 

! Repeat the same set up as above but now there are 3


! Push the ball too far – K sprint out to win it.

! Dribble and cut wide of the K.

! Dribble and shoot wide of the K, forcing the K to stay big and

close the angle.

! Work  for 8 reps x 3 sets.

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Progression 1 - Kneeling / Dead Ball (standing) 

! K starts in a kneeling position just behind the white line.

! K dives down to the ball the ball, driving hands towards the

dead ball that is resting on the line.

! Both the K and the ball land past the white line.

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 3 sets (right).

Progression 3 - Attack Thru Ball / dead ball 

! K starts in the net beside the post. The ball is resting at the

top of the 6-yard box.

! K sprints towards the ball “diagonal run” driving hands and

body thru the ball, landing past the white line.

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 3 sets (right).

1 V 1  – Thru Ball

Progression 2 - Kneeling / Contact (standing) 

! K starts in a kneeling position just behind the white line.

! C is standing across, serves a light ball towards the line. Both

K and C attack the ball.

! K drives hands to protect the ball as C makes contact with


Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 3 sets (right).

Progression 4 - Attack Thru Ball / dead ball & challenge 

! K starts in the net beside the post. The ball is resting at the

top of the 6-yard box.

! K and C sprint towards the dead ball trying to get to it first.

K drives down using hands and body to protect it as C

makes contact with foot.

Work  for 8 reps x 2 sets (left), 3 sets (right).