PROG2 Assessment

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment



    PROG2 Chapter 2: ................................................................................................................................2Objective: (2.2.1) Explicitly control output of observations to SAS dataset.......................................................2Objective: (2.2.2) Writin to !ultiple SAS datasets..........................................................................................."

    Objective: (2.2.#) Subsettin $%&state'ent..........................................................................................................

    Objective: (2.2.) *ontrollin +ariable output....................................................................................................,

    Objective: (2.2.") *ontrollin -ic Observations are /ead............................................................................11Objective: (2.2.) 0e'porary +ariables............................................................................................................1#

    Objective: (2.2.,) Writin to an External %ile...................................................................................................1PROG2 Chapter 3: ..............................................................................................................................15

    Objective: (2.#.1) *reatin an Accu'ulatin +ariable.....................................................................................1"

    Objective: (2.#.2) Accu'ulatin 0otals for roup of ata...............................................................................2#

    Objective: (2.#.#) Subsettin $%&state'ents.......................................................................................................2PROG2 Chapter 4................................................................................................................................27

    Objective: (2..1) /eadin ra- data files..........................................................................................................2,

    Objective: (2..2) /eadin ierarcical files.....................................................................................................#3PROG2 Chapter 5................................................................................................................................39

    Objective: (2.".1) 4sin SAS %unctions............................................................................................................#5Objective: (2.".2) !EA6 %unction...................................................................................................................7

    Objective: (2.".#) S*A6 %unction....................................................................................................................2Objective: (2.".) $6068 %unction...................................................................................................................

    Objective: (2.".") S49S0/ and *oncatenation................................................................................................"

    Objective: (2.".) S49S0/...............................................................................................................................Objective: (2.".,) *oncatenation ......................................................................................................................5

    Objective: (2.".3) S*A6 %unction and *oncatenation....................................................................................."7

    Objective: (2.".5) $6E8 %unction..................................................................................................................."1Objective: (2.".17) 0/A6W/ %unction........................................................................................................."2

    Objective: (2.".11) /O46 %unction..............................................................................................................."

    Objective: (2.".12) *E$ %unction...................................................................................................................."Objective: (2.".1#) %OO/ %unction................................................................................................................",

    Objective: (2.".1) $60 %unction......................................................................................................................"3

    Objective: (2.".1") S4! %unction....................................................................................................................7

    Objective: (2.".1) ate %unctions....................................................................................................................2PROG2 Chapter 7................................................................................................................................65

    Objective: (2.,.1) O oop ;rocessin............................................................................................................."

    Objective: (2.,.2) S4! State'ent.....................................................................................................................

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    PROG2 assessment !est"#ns

    PROG2 Chapter 2:

    Objective: (2.2.1) Explicitly control output of observations to SAS dataset

    $tem: 2.2.1.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data a b; set c; if Dept = 'Admin' then output a; run;

    Given the dataset work.cbelow, how many obsevations will the datasets aand bcontain!

    "# a $ %b $ &

    '# a $ %b $ (

    )# a $ %b $ *

    +# a $ &b $ &

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.2.1.%.1

    The following data step executes:

    data a b; set c; if Dept = 'Admin' then output; run;

    Given the dataset work.cbelow, how many obsevations will the datasets aand bcontain!

    "# a $ %b $ &

    '# a $ %b $ %

    )# a $ %b $ *

    +# a $ &b $ &

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    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.2.1.&.1

    The following data step executes:

    data a; set b; Total + 1; output; Total + 1; output; Total + 1; output; run;

    .ow many obsevations will be witten to dataset awith ea&h "terat"#n!

    "# 1

    '# %

    )# /

    +# 0one of the above#

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.2.2) Writin to !ultiple SAS datasets

    $tem: 2.2.2.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data a b; set c; if Dept = 'Admin' then output a else output b; run;

    Given the dataset work.cbelow, how many obsevations will dataset aand bcontain!

    "# a $ %

    b $ *

    '# a $ %b $ (

    )# a $ %b $ &

    +# a $ &b $ &

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.2.") Subsettin #$%state&ent

    $tem: 2.2.3.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data a b; set c; if Dept = 'Admin'; run;

    Given the dataset work.cbelow, how many obsevations will datasets aand bcontain!

    "# a $ %b $ %

    '# a $ &b $ &

    )# a $ %b $ *

    +# a $ %b $ &

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.2.') ontrollin ariable output

    $tem: 2.2.4.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data b; set a; drop Salary; Bonus = Salary * .1; run;

    Given the dataset work.abelow, which of the following vaiables will appea in dataset b!

    "# mp0o, +ept and 'onus

    '# mp0o, +ept and 2alay

    )# mp0o, 2alay and 'onus

    +# mp0o, +ept, 2alay and 'onus

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    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.2.4.%.1

    The following data step executes:

    data b; set a; drop Salary; Bonus = Salary * .1; run;

    Given the dataset work.a below, which of the following vaiables will appea in the P+4 5Pogam +ata4ecto6!

    "# mp0o, +ept and 'onus

    '# mp0o, +ept and 2alay

    )# mp0o, 2alay and 'onus

    +# mp0o, +ept, 2alay and 'onus

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    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.2.4.&.1

    The following data step executes:

    data b!"eep = Salary Bonus#; set a!drop = $mp%o#; Bonus = Salary * .1; run;

    Given the dataset work.a below, which of the following vaiables will appea in the P+4 5Pogam +ata4ecto6!

    "# +ept and 2alay

    '# 2alay and 'onus

    )# +ept, 2alay and 'onus

    +# mp0o, 2alay and 'onus

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    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.2.4.'.1

    The following data step executes:

    data b; set a!"eep = $mp%o Salary#; Bonus = Salary * .1; run;

    Given the dataset work.a below, which of the following vaiables will appea in the P+4 5Pogam +ata4ecto6!

    "# mp0o and 2alay

    '# mp0o, +ept and 2alay

    )# mp0o, 2alay and 'onus

    +# mp0o, +ept, 2alay and 'onus

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.2.*) ontrollin +,ic, Observations are -ead

    $tem: 2.2.5.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data a; set b !obs = run;

    8hich of the following obsevations will be ead!

    "# 1 to *

    '# * till end

    )# obsevation * only

    +# * andomly selected obsevations

    $tem: 2.2.5.%.1

    The following data step executes:

    data a; set b !firstobs = & obs = run;

    8hich of the following obsevations will be ead!

    "# ( to *

    '# ( and *

    )# ( and * till end

    +# * obsevations, stating at obsevation (

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    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.2.5.&.1

    The following data step executes:

    data a; set b !firstobs = run;

    8hich of the following obsevations will be ead!

    "# obsevation * only

    '# obsevations 1 to *

    )# * till end of dataset

    +# obsevation * fist, then andomly selected obsevations

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.2.) /e&porary ariables

    $tem: 2.2.6.a.1

    8hich of the following is epesented by the automatic vaiable_N_ !

    "# The numbe of active datasets#

    '# The numbe of obsevations in a dataset#

    )# The numbe of iteations of the +"T" step duing dataset pocessing#

    +# The obsevation numbe being pocessed duing the +"T" step pocessing#

    $tem: 2.2.6.%.1

    8hich of the following coectly descibes the effect of using the END= option in the SET statement!

    "# The last obsevation is ead fom a dataset#

    '# The data step label is executed at the end of the data step#

    )# " vaiable is set to 1 until the last obsevation is ead fom a dataset#

    +# " vaiable is set to 1 when the last obsevation is ead fom a dataset#

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.2.0) Writin to an External $ile

    $tem: 2.2.7.a.1

    8hich of the following pogams coectly wites the obsevations fom the dataset below to a aw data file!

    "# data (%)(; set or".patients; file 'c,-clinic-patients-referals.dat'; put id 1/ se0 a2e 34 hei2ht 111&

    ei2ht 1/1 pulse 13&;run;

    '# data (%)(; set or".patients; infile 'c,-clinic-patients-referals.dat'; input id 1/ se0 a2e 34 hei2ht 111&

    ei2ht 1/1 pulse 13&;run;

    )# data referals.dat; set or".patients; input id 1/ se0 a2e 34 hei2ht 111& ei2ht 1/1 pulse 13&;run;

    +# data (%)(; set or".patients; file c,-clinic-patients-referals.dat; put id 1/ se0 a2e 34 hei2ht 111& ei2ht 1/1 pulse 13&;run;

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    PROG2 Chapter 3:

    Objective: (2.".1) reatin an Accu&ulatin ariable

    $tem: 2.3.1.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data ne; set old; retain Total ; Total = Total + Sales; run;

    Given the input file below, what will be the esult!




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    PROG1 assessment questions


    $tem: 2.3.1.%.1

    The following data step executes:

    data ne; set old; Total = Total + Sales; run;

    Given the input file below, what will be the esult!



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    PROG1 assessment questions



    $tem: 2.3.1.&.1

    The following data step executes:

    data ne; set old; Total + Sales; run;

    Given the input file below, what will be the esult!


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    PROG1 assessment questions




    $tem: 2.3.1.'.1

    The following data step executes:

    data ne;

    set old; retain Total 1; Total + Sales; run;

    Given the input file below, what will be the esult!

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    PROG1 assessment questions





    $tem: 2.3.1.e.1

    The following data step executes:

    data ne; set old; retain Total ; Total = sum!Total5Sales#; run;

    Given the input file below, what will be the esult!

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    PROG1 assessment questions





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    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.3.1.(.1

    The following data step executes:

    data ne; set old; retain Total 1; Total = sum!Total5Sales#; run;

    Given the input file below, what will be the esult!





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    PROG1 assessment questions

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.".2) Accu&ulatin /otals for roup of ata

    $tem: 2.3.2.a.1

    8hich of the following is indicated when LAST.variable is true!

    "# The last element of an aay#

    '# The last iteation of a DOloop#

    )# The cuent obsevation is the last one in the dataset#

    +# The cuent obsevation is the last one of BY goupx#

    $tem: 2.3.2.%.1

    The following data step executes:

    data summary; set employees; drop $mp%o; by Dept; if first.dept = 1 then total = ; Total + Salary; if last.dept; run;

    Given the input file below, what will be the esult!


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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.3.2.'.1

    8hich of the following statements is )A*SE!

    8hen using the '< statement with the 2T statement###

    "# 9R2T# and ;"2T# ae stoed in the dataset#

    '# 9R2T# and ;"2T# identify the fist and last obsevation in each '< goup espectively#

    )# the dataset listed in the 2T statement must be indexed o soted by the values of the '< vaiable#

    +# the +"T" step automatically ceates two vaiables = 9R2T# and ;"2T# = fo each vaiable in the 'T statement vaiables#

    8hich of the following 09; statements option should be used!

    "# +2+

    '# ;R);$

    )# ;02A$

    +# B22O4R

    $tem: 2.4.1.'.1

    The following pogam executes:

    data sales; infile radata; input date date8. Dailysum 77; run;

    Given the aw data file below, how many obsevations will be ceated!

    "# *

    '# 1(

    )# 1*

    +# (

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    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.4.1.e.1

    The following pogam executes:

    data one; infile radata; input 7: year /.; if year = 1448 then input 73 amount :.; run;

    Given the aw data file below, how many obsevations will be ceated!


    '# /

    )# *

    +# -

    $tem: 2.4.1.(.1

    8hich of the following types of input will be used to ead chaacte and numeic data that ae 0OT stoed infixed locations!

    "# ;2T input

    '# )O;>B0 input

    )# 9ORB"TT+ input

    +# 0one of the above#

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.4.1.+.1

    8hich of the following types of input can be used to ead standad chaacte and numeic data that ae stoedin fixed locations!

    "# )O;>B0 input only

    '# 9ORB"TT+ input only

    )# )O;>B0 and ;2T input

    +# )O;>B0 and 9ORB"TT+ input

    $tem: 2.4.1.h.1

    8hich of the following types of input can be used to ead non=standad chaacte and numeic data that ae

    stoed in fixed locations!

    "# ;2T input

    '# 0"B+ input

    )# )O;>B0 input

    +# 9ORB"TT+ input

    $tem: 2.4.1.".1

    8hich of the following 2"2 statements associates the fileef crime with the aw data file !"#$Docume%ts"rime!

    "# filename crime ,-

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.4.1.,.1

    8hich of the following statements coectly eads the fields in this ode: StockNo, &rice, 'tem, (i%is), St$le!

    "# input Stoc"%o 6 1: rice &8:& >tem 6 &&/ ?inish 6 4 Style 6 1113;

    '# input 6 Stoc"%o 1: rice &8:& 6 >tem &&/ 6 ?inish 4 6 Style 1113;

    )# input Stoc"%o 6 1: ?inish 6 4 Style 6 1113 >tem 6 &&/ rice &8:&;

    +# input Stoc"%o 6 1: rice 6 &8:& >tem 6 &&/ ?inish 6 4 Style 6 1113;

    $tem: 2.4.1.-.1

    8hich of the following will be egaded as non=standad data!

    "# 13#-

    '# =*#%

    )# ,%31#-1

    +# 1#*/C(%

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.4.1..1

    8hat is an infomat!

    "n instuction that specifies to 2"2###

    "# to ceate a vaiable#

    '# how to ead aw data#

    )# how to display data values#

    +# how to display vaiable labels#

    $tem: 2.4.1.m.1

    8hat is the default length of chaacte vaiables that ae ceated when using ;2T input!

    "# &

    '# **

    )# ((

    +# The length of the vaiable being ead#

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.4.1.#.1

    The following pogam executes:

    data one; infile ',-numbers.dat'; input @ 77; if @=1 then @=; if @=& then @=/; if @=/ then @=:; if @= then @=1; run;

    Given the aw data file below, what will the contents of the 2"2 dataset o%ebe!




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    PROG1 assessment questions


    $tem: 2.4.1.p.1

    The following pogam executes:

    data staff; infile radata;

    input name 64. 71 dept 6. 71 salary . 7&1 office 6:. 7&/ country 6&.; run;

    Given the table below, what value will be assigned to the vaiable salar$!

    "# 13

    '# 13*(

    )# 13#*(

    +# # 5missing6

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.4.1..1

    n which of the following statements can the DL#= option be used!

    "# 2T statement

    '# +"T" statement

    )# 0P>T statement

    +# 09; statement

    $tem: 2.4.1.r.1

    8hat will the default delimete be set to when the +2+ option is used!

    "# blan@

    '# : 5colon6

    )# , 5comma6

    +# tab chaacte

    $tem: 2.4.1.s.1

    8hich of the following 2"2 statements coectly eads the values fo (%ame, L%ame,A**ress, it$, State and+ip in that ode!

    "# >nput ?name 6 name 6; Address 6&.; ity 6 State 6 ip 6;

    '# >nput ?name 6 name 6 Address 6&.

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    ity 6 State 6 ip 6;

    )# >nput ?name 6 name 6 Address 6&. ity 6 State 6 ip 6;

    +# >nput ?name 6 name 6 ;

    Address 6&. ; ity 6 State 6 ip 6;

    $tem: 2.4.1.t.1

    8hich of the following statements about the *ouble traili%, -at si,%5??6 is NOT TR/E!

    "# t must be the last item specified in the 0P>T statement#

    '# t is eleased when the input pointe moves past the end of the ecod#

    )# t enables the next 0P>T statement to ead fom the cuent ecod in the same iteation of the+"T" step#

    +# t enables the next 0P>T statement to ead fom the cuent ecod acoss multiple iteations of the+"T" step#

    $tem: 2.4.1.!.1

    8hich of the following statements is tue!

    " ecod that is being held by a si%,le traili%, -at si,%5?6 will be automatically eleased when###

    "# the next iteation of the +"T" step begins#

    '# anothe value is ead fom the obsevation#

    )# the input pointe moves past the end of the ecod#

    +# anothe 0P>T statement that has an ? executes#

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    PROG1 assessment questions


    8hich of the following is an example of standad numeic data!

    "# 1D

    '# *(E

    )# =%/#*-

    +# F/,%/#*

    $tem: 2.4.1..1

    8hich infomat should be used to ead the values in column 1 = *!

    "# w#

    '# Fw#

    )# w#d

    +# commaw#d

    $tem: 2.4.1..1

    8hich of the following statements coectly identifies the name of a aw data file which is to be ead with afileefpro*uctsand specifies that the data step only eads ecods 1 = 1*!

    "# input products 1 1;

    '# infile products obs 1;

    )#input products obs = 1;

    +# infile products obs = 1;

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.'.2) -eadin ,ierarc,ical files

    $tem: 2.4.2.a.1

    8hich of the following statements ae tue when eading hieachical files!

    To wite a data step to ceate one obsevation pe detail ecod it is necessay to

    >. distinguish between heade and detail ecods# >>. hold the cuent value of each ecod type so that the othe values in the ecod can be ead# >>>. etain the heade ecod as pat of each obsevation until the next heade ecod is encounteed#

    "# >. and >>. only

    '# >. and >>>. only

    )# >>. and >>>. only

    +# >.5 >>. and >>>.

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    PROG2 Chapter 5

    Objective: (2.*.1) 3sin SAS $unctions

    $tem: 2.5.1.a.1

    8hich of the following chaactes is used to sepaate aguments within a 2"2 function!

    "# blan@

    '# : 5colon6

    )# , 5comma6

    +# 5semi colon6

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.2) !EA4 $unction

    $tem: 2.5.2.a.1

    The following pogam executes:

    data aCera2es; set uarters; aCera2e = mean!tr15tr&5tr:5tr/#; run;

    Given the obsevation shown in the table below, what will the value of avera,e be!

    "# (

    '# %

    )# /

    +# # 5missing6

    $tem: 2.5.2.%.1

    .ow can the list of aguments in the B"0 function of the pogam below be abbeviated!

    data aCera2es; set uarters; aCera2e = mean!tr15tr&5tr:5tr/#; run;

    "# mean !tr1 /#

    '# mean !tr1 tr/#

    )# mean !of tr1 /#

    +# mean !of tr1 tr/#

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    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.2.&.1

    The following pogam executes:

    data aCera2es; set uarters; aCera2e = mean!of tr1tr/#; run;

    Given the obsevation shown in the table below, what will the value of avera,e be!

    "# (

    '# %

    )# /

    +# # 5missing6

    $tem: 2.5.2.'.1

    8hich of the following functions calculates the aveage of the vaiables /tr0, /tr1, /tr2 and /tr3!

    "# AEF !of Gtr15Gtr/#


  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.3.&.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t1 = HI$J 2

    '# +O0";+

    )# +O0";+ +>)J

    +# I+O0";+ +>)J

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.') #4/45 $unction

    $tem: 2.5.4.a.1

    The esult of

    !...# >%T%@!'J$AM'5'&4?$B143'D51# !...#

    is a new date#

    8hat will the new date be if the +"T7# fomat is used!

    "# (1K"017&1

    '# &9'17&1

    )# 79'17&1

    +# (1B"R17&1

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  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.*) S36S/- and oncatenation

    $tem: 2.5.5.a.1

    The following pogam executes:

    data strin2s; len2th te0t 6 : te0t& 6 :; Te0t = H?M>$%DS5 $%D

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.) S36S/-

    $tem: 2.5.6.a.1

    " new vaiable which was not peviously defined with a ;0GT. statement is ceated with the 2>'2TR


    8hat will the length of the new vaiable be!

    "# &

    '# 1

    )# ((

    +# The length of the vaiable used in the function#

    $tem: 2.5.6.%.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t1 = HI$J

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.6.&.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t1 = HI$J

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.6.e.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t1 = HI$J

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.0) oncatenation

    $tem: 2.5.7.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t = H

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.7) SA4 $unction and oncatenation

    $tem: 2.5..a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t1 = HI$J H OO scan!Te0t15 run;

    8hat will the length of the vaiable Textbe!

    "# 7

    '# 1*

    )# ((

    +# (/

    $tem: 2.5..%.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; len2th Te0t& 6 1; Te0t1 = HI$J H OO H H OO Te0t&; run;

    8hat will the length of the vaiable Textbe!

    "# 1(

    '# 1*

    )# 1-

    +# (*

    Page *( of --

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.8) #4E5 $unction

    $tem: 2.5.9.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t1 = HI$J

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.19) /-A4W- $unction

    $tem: 2.5.1.a.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t1 = HI$J

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.1.&.1

    The following data step executes:

    data strin2s; Te0t1 = HI$J

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.11.&.1

    The following statement executes:

    Ear1 = round!&:./835.1#;

    8hat will the value of the vaiable 4ar0 be!

    "# %#/&

    '# %#/&(

    )# %#*

    +# /

    $tem: 2.5.11.'.1

    The following statement executes:

    Ear1 = round!&:./851#;

    8hat will the value of the vaiable 4ar0 be!

    "# (

    '# %

    )# %#*

    +# /

    Page ** of --

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Ob5ective! 61.7.038 'NT (u%ctio%

    $tem: 2.5.14.a.1

    The following statement executes:

    Ear1 = int!&:.1&3#;

    8hat will the value of the vaiable 4ar0 be!

    "# %

    '# %#1

    )# %#1&

    +# %#1%

    $tem: 2.5.14.%.1

    The following statement executes:

    Ear1 = int!&:.3/#;

    8hat will the value of the vaiable 4ar0 be!

    "# %

    '# %#&/

    )# %#7

    +# /

    Page *& of --

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.14.&.1

    The following statement executes:

    Ear1 = int!&:.3/#;

    8hat will the value of the vaiable 4ar0 be!

    "# =%

    '# =%#&/

    )# =%#7

    +# =/

    Page *7 of --

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.1*) S3! $unction

    $tem: 2.5.15.a.1

    The following pogam executes:

    data aCera2es; set uarters; total = sum!tr15tr&5tr:5tr/#; run;

    Given the obsevation shown in the table below, what will the value of totalbe!

    "# %

    '# 7

    )# 1

    +# # 5missing6

    $tem: 2.5.15.%.1

    .ow can the list of aguments in the 2>B function below be abbeviated!

    data aCera2es; set uarters; total = sum!tr15tr&5tr:5tr/#; run;

    "# sum !tr1 /#

    '# sum !of tr1 /#

    )# sum !tr1 tr/#

    +# sum !of tr1 tr/#

    Page -( of --

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.15.&.1

    8hich of the following functions calculates the total of vaiables /tr0, /tr1, /tr2 and /tr3!

    "# sum !of Gtr15Gtr/#

    '# tot !of Gtr15Gtr/#

    )# sum !of Gtr1 Gtr/#

    +# tot !of Gtr1 Gtr/#

    Page -1 of --

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.*.1) ate $unctions

    $tem: 2.5.16.a.1

    8hich of the following statements will coectly ceate a 2"2 date value fo the 1 Oct ((!

    "# dt1 = mdy!15&15&

    '# dt1 = dmy!&1515&

    )# dt1 = date!15&15&

    +# dt1 = mmmddyy!15&15&

    $tem: 2.5.16.%.1

    8hich of the following statements will coectly ceate a 2"2 date value fo the 1 Oct ((!

    "# dt1 = mdy!15&15&

    '# dt1 = dmy!&1 1 &

    )# dt1 = date!1,&1,&

    +# dt1 = mmmddyy!1 &1

    $tem: 2.5.16.&.1

    The following statement executes:

    DayCal = DAJ!TKDAJ! ##;

    8hat will the value of Da$val be fo Bonday, 1 Oct (( as todayMs date!


    '# 1

    )# # 5missing6

    +# 1*-%/ 50umbe of days since 1 Kan 17-(6

    Page - of --

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.16.'.1

    The following statement executes:

    DayCal = P$$IDAJ!TKDAJ! ##;

    8hat will the value of Da$val be fo Bonday, 1 Oct (( as todayMs date!

    "# 1


    )# 1

    +# 1*-%/ 50umbe of days since 1 Kan 17-(6

    $tem: 2.5.16.e.1

    The following statement executes:

    JrCal = J$AM!TKDAJ! ##;

    8hat will the value of Yrval be fo Bonday, 1 Oct (( as todayMs date!


    '# (

    )# ((

    +# # 5missing6

    Page -% of --

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    $tem: 2.5.16.(.1

    The following statement executes:

  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


  • 8/13/2019 PROG2 Assessment


    PROG1 assessment questions

    Objective: (2.0.2) S3! State&ent

    $tem: 2.7.2.a.1

    8hich of the following statements is a coect example of a 2>B statement!

    "# Total+1;

    '# 'Total' + 1;

    )# Total = Total +1;

    +# Total = S)