CS 2430 Day 9

CS 2430 Day 9. Announcements Quiz on Friday, 9/28 Prog1: see email, see me as soon as possible with questions/concerns Prog2: do not add any public methods

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CS 2430

Day 9


• Quiz on Friday, 9/28

• Prog1: see email, see me as soon as possible with questions/concerns

• Prog2: do not add any public methods to any classes

Agenda for today

• Finish Date methods

• Introduction to inheritance

• Inheritance details



Method lessThan()

Using lessThan()public boolean lessThan(Date rhs) { . . . }. . .

public static void main(String args[]){ Date fall2012Start = new Date(2012, 9, 4); Date fall2012End = new Date(2012, 12, 21); // How to count the number of days in the semester?

Date date = new Date(fall2012Start); int count; for (count = 1; date.lessThan(fall2012End); count++) date = date.tomorrow(); System.out.println("Days in 2012 fall semester: " + count);}

Implementing lessThan()public boolean lessThan(Date rhs){ if (year < rhs.year) return true; if (year > rhs.year) return false; if (month < rhs.month) return true; if (month > rhs.month) return false; return day < rhs.day;}

Method addDays()

Using addDays()public void addDays(int numDays) { . . . } // modifies the object

public static void main(String args[]){ Date prog2Grace = new Date(2012, 10, 1);

// Some students want a two-day extension: prog2Grace.addDays(2); }

Implementing addDays()public void addDays(int numDays){ // How to do the add? // Wrong: this.day += numDays

Date date = new Date(this); // make a copy of current Date for (int count = 0; count < numDays; count++) date = date.tomorrow(); this.year = d.year; this.month = d.month; this.day = d.day;}

Class Date is no longer “immutable”!

Immutable objects

Definition: objects whose state (i.e., the object's data) cannot change after construction.

For now, we will say that Date, without addDays(), is immutable, although technically, it is not.

Example: Strings are immutable

Any questions?



Features of OOP

• Encapsulation

• Data hiding

• Abstraction / abstract data type

• NEW: Inheritance

A new keyword: extendspublic class A{ private int x = 0;

public void doIt(int y) { x += y; }

public void print() { System.out.println(x); }}

public class B extends A{ // empty!}

public static void main(String args[]){ B b = new B();

// The method is inherited: b.doIt(10);

// x is printed out! b.print();}

Inheritance examle

UML: Class B inherits from class A


Inheritance represents an “is a” relationship

public class A


. . .


public class B extends A


. . .


Is-a relationship

• public class Student extends Person{ . . . }

• public class Square extends Rectangle{ . . . }

• public class Civic extends Car { . . . }

An example project// Assume Class A and B exist and B a sub-class of A

public class C


public static void main(String args[])


A a = new A();

B b = new B();







UML for example project

Class C uses classes A and B

Class B inherits from class A



Any questions?

Why use inheritance?

• Basic idea: when you want to create a new class and there is already a class that includes some of the code you want

• Simply extend the existing class!

• Can reuse the fields and methods in the existing class

• Less typing!

Some inheritance details

Subclass and superclass

• A class that is derived from another class is called a subclass (a.k.a., child class)

• The class from which a class is derived is called a superclass (a.k.a., parent class)

Subclasses and constructors

• A subclass inherits all members of its parent

• Constructors are (technically) NOT members, so they are not inherited by subclasses

• The constructor of the superclass can (and MUST) be invoked from the subclass using super()– Must be invoked on the first line of the


Any questions?

