Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies

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  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies



    4!usIo11e at Uptown Professional convened this spring and made a decision to draw a line in the sandand publ ish our own Top Companies in Diversity & Inclusion list.While similar lists have been undertaken and advanced by other magazines and organizations,

    it is critical to n ote that while we see the benefi ts of surveys, we a ls o recognize that some degree ofsubjectivity will result in no two lists being the same . Meaning, while there will always be companies thatsimply get it and will consequently appear on our list as well as most others, there are also those hiddenjewels that frequently escape recognitioneither because their accomplishments a re j us t emerging orbecause their achievements are noteworthy in categories and measures that matter to u s in particular.We also believe that it is absolutely no accident that many of these Top Companies have the most diverseand inclusive rosters and bench strength in terms of their top executives and boards of directors. Theinclusion in senior ranks of persons of color and women is a factor that weighed heavily in terms ofcompanies we chose to recognize.Additionally, we unabashedly sought to recognize those companies and organizations that support diverse-owned and diverse-focused media by way of advertising and sponsorship. There is a direct correlationbetween our companies and those t ha t a re top advertisers in constituent media that targets Latinos,African-Americans, Asians and women.These companies are knowledgeable and savvy about new and emerging markets. They demonstrate asophistication in their media spending by deftly supporting and targeting media and outlet s that aptly calltheir readers, listeners and viewers to action. In targeting them, these companies demonstrate a respectthat cannot be translated through a p ur e general-market approach.Other criteria that were important to us in evaluating these Top Companies include: support of diverseprofessional and community associations; the development and funding of robust and engaged employeeresource and network groups; a structured and successful minority supplier a nd vendor developmentprogram; and, of course, a demonstrated vision and commitment from t he t op of the organization.

    U PTOWNPROmag.

  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


  • 8/3/2019 Professional Magazine - Top 40 Companies


    Industry: Gove rnmentNumber of Employees Worldwide:634,246 Active, Rese rve and CiviliansChief of Naval Operations:Admiral Gary Roughead,Monica Emerson, Department of the NavyDiversity OfficerCapta in Anne Hammond, Navy DiversityDirectorHeadquarters: Washington, D.C.

    The U.S. Navy foste rs an envi ronment tha trespects the individuals worth based onhis or her perfo rma nce reg ardl ess of race,gende r or creed. In 2010 , there wer e morethan 70,0 00 African Americans serving inthe Navy with distinction, During that sametime period, close to 50,000 Asian- andPac ific-Americans served the Navy, withabout 19 ,000 in uniform. Latino sailors andcivilians comprised 11 percent, or 63,000,of the Navys active, reserve and civilianforces. Peopl e of color are predicted torep resent one-th ird of the Navys rankswithin 10 years and reach 50 percen t by2050. Currently, the Navy has more than54,000 service women, including 8,000officers, 2,5 00 chief petty officer s and43,500 enlisted service members.

    PHOTO: Ms. Monica Emerson,Department of the Navy Diversity Officer