Professional Development for the Medical Transcriptionists Instructor: Lisa Kay Lashley

Professional Development for the Medical Transcriptionists Instructor: Lisa Kay Lashley

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Page 1: Professional Development for the Medical Transcriptionists Instructor: Lisa Kay Lashley

Professional Development for the Medical Transcriptionists

Instructor: Lisa Kay Lashley

Page 2: Professional Development for the Medical Transcriptionists Instructor: Lisa Kay Lashley

IntroductionsMy name is Lisa Kay Lashley you can call me Lisa or

Lisa Kay, or professor, or whatever is comfortable for you. I have my degrees in organizational management and development, and business administration in specific human resources; however, my experience is in the medical world. I had worked in the emergency room for 7 years where I got the opportunity to learn transcription. Then I got a part-time job working at a community college as a paraprofessional (teaching assistant), then part-time instructor, and eventually full-time instructor and now head of the department. I would have never thought to be a teacher, but love it now. I look forward to working with you all.

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Course Outline/ SeminarsThis course is designed to get you ready for the

work world. We will be discussing a variety of issues, and even be doing some scenarios.

There are two books for this course. One you should have gotten from the bookstore (The RMT Review Guide, 2007), the other is an e-text and is located in doc sharing by chapter (Professionalism: Real Skills for Workplace Success, 2008).

We will be having seminar every week; however, I will be in Nicaragua for a Service Learning trip May 6. I will let you know as to whether I will have a substitute for this course or make other arrangements for the material.

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Course Outline/ SeminarsFor seminars, you have reading materials for each

week. The Professionalism e-text, and the WebSite mentioned under that weeks tab for reading, will correspond with each weeks discussions and seminars.

You will also have projects throughout this course which are listed under specific weeks (Check you syllabus, too).

You will also have a simulated activity in Unit 5. Seminar is mostly discussion based; however, I will also

be asking questions on the material. I will alternate through students to answer that question. So, please listen and look for your name as I will type it in as well.

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Let’s Get StartedIn your own words, what is professionalism? “Characterized by or conforming to the technical

or ethical standards of one’s profession.” (Belcher, per Websters dictionary).

What are some of the characteristics of professionalism?PolitenessCourteousWell-spoken

These are all easier said then done. Can any of you think of a time where if was

hard for you to keep your cool?

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ProfessionalismAccording to Gerri Smith, “Professionalism is

a skill that must be practiced to be mastered; it does not need to be explained to yourself or others—it just is.”

So what does she mean it doesn’t need to be explained?

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Unprofessional HabitsThe unprofessional habits Smith outlines in

her article, I believe, also can apply to our daily living.

Such as;Arguing LyingDomineeringExaggerating, andJudging

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Unprofessional/Daily LivingArguing—no one wins an argument eventually

someone concedes, wouldn’t have served a bigger purpose to have not argued at all? What did you accomplish?

Lying—Do we tell the truth 100 % of the time? Do circumstances sometimes dictate when and when not to lie?

Domineering—Always being the center of attention to the point of being offensive.

Exaggerating—Overstating or embellishing the truth to make yourself look better.

Judging—Comparing yourself to others that could be damaging to your own self-worth. (Keeping up with the Jones’).

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Describe YourselfGive me three words that describe yourself.Are these traits that can be used in the

workplace?Personality—how important is your

personality to your workplace?Which are your:

Extroverted-at ease in talking to others; Sociable.Introverted-Shy; shows social discomfort.

Which one is more likely of a transcriptionist?

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YOUWhat is the difference between Self-Esteem

and Self-Image?Self-Esteem—How you perceive yourself.Self-Image—How others perceive you.

Envision a hand mirror. The handle of the mirror (the foundation) is your personality. The frame of the mirror is your personal values. The mirror itself is your attitude, which is reflected for you and the world to see. The way you view yourself is your self-esteem; the way others see you is your self-image.

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The MirrorSo how we perceive ourselves in the

mirror is how others would perceive us, so the book tells us; however, when most of us (woman more so than men), look in the mirror we don’t think “I am a good person” we think does my hair look okay, my shirt, pants …on and on..So when they say look in the mirror what are they really saying? Is it really about the hair, shirt, etc…?

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Mirror continuedWell, Yes, to a certain extent how we feel about

ourselves physically also shows in our work. How? If we are having a bad hair day, we are thinking about what others are thinking about our hair instead of the job at hand. You put on a pair of pants and they are too tight, nothing you put on feels right; hence, you have this feeling that the whole day will be wrong. We have all done it. So, how do we turn it around and not project these types of “mirror” images at work, or that matter at home?

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What would you do?How would you deal with an

employee/co-worker who displays poor self-esteem?

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Learning StyleWhat learning style are you?

Visual (seeing)Auditory (hearing)Tactile/kinesthetic (learn best by feeling,

touching, or holding)How would recognizing different

learning styles to help you be a better boss/co-worker?

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The EndAny questions?Same time same place next week.Next week (Unit 2) you have a project.Discussion and seminar.Have a great week, see you in the Discussion
