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Problem Gambling Prevention Monthly Connect: April 2014 Meeting Minutes

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OHA-AMH Problem Gambling Prevention Coordinators Monthly Connect

April 4, 2014 Minutes 10:00am-11:00am

Time Topic Participation: Becca (Yamhill County), Deanne (Union County), Kelly (Benton County), Debbie (Lake County), Susan (Marion County), Andy (Washington County), Michele (Jackson County), Danette (Linn County), Kim (Clackamas County),and Greta (AMH). Agenda Items:

State Updates Youth Calendar Art: Youth art for the calendar needs to be submitted to the State no later than April 11. On April 11, AMH treatment and prevention staff and the PG Latino Advisory Committee members will be assisting with the selection. An email will be sent to Prevention Coordinators on the week of April 14 to announce the winners. Artwork will be scanned for the calendar and then all art will be returned by the end of the month to prevention coordinators. OHT Data: OHT data on problem gambling cross tabulated with other risky behaviors is still being worked on by Rusha. We had a problem with our data server when pulling the data and this is what caused the problems and inaccuracies. The data server is still not cooperating, however Rusha is working on it with IT staff and once the data is accurate, the OHT PG data will be once again sent to prevention coordinators. Thanks for your patience. Reward and Reminder Update: After an extensive review of ORS and OARs, it was determined that lottery products do not have similar laws to tobacco and alcohol-- in that youth can possess lottery products without breaking any laws. With this said, the reward and reminder type campaigns using youth under 18 can be implemented. The State had asked Lane County’s PG Advisory committee if they might propose language to be added to OARs during the 2015 legislative session and we still might consider this to cover all bases but is not necessary. The only law regarding minors pertaining to lottery is that signs must be posted in VLT establishments that minors are not allowed in those areas and that retailers should not sell to minors, however if they do, the disciplinary action would come from the lottery and law enforcement does not get involved. Lottery Partnership: We continue to grow our partnership with the Oregon Lottery. We found out that Lottery does integrity checks of their retailers

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through contracts with Oregon State Police. These are mostly background checks on vendors or employees and making sure the right people are doing the right things. 25% of lottery retailers are reviewed each year for contract requirements, however compliance-like checks are not done. The data collected on the contract requirements is not really the type of data we are looking for and the type we would like is not collected by the Lottery. Within establishments with VLTs, it is required by contract and OAR that posters and brochures, developed by the Lottery, be displayed near the machines. If you were to notice that this is not occurring, you should report this to Chuck Bauman, public information officer for the Lottery, at [email protected] and he will contact the field manager and sales representative for the area to take care of. Each Tuesday in Salem the Lottery offers a new retailer training regarding contract requirements to provide and sell lottery products. Part of the training does include problem gambling. If you are interested in attending a training, please let Greta know. Helpline New Look and Feel: As previously mentioned, the Lottery is in the process of designing a new look and feel to the Helpline web page and accompany materials. The new design will have a feel of hope using brighter colors and modeled from other recovery type web pages, in additional to being more user friendly. This will be complete by July 1, along with the accompany materials with the same branding. The materials review committee will be called upon to review materials in the next few months when they are ready. Outreach: A large focus of effort from the state over the next two years will be on client finding outreach. Usually this does not involve the prevention coordinators; however the state will be calling on you for assistance. The State will be drafting an outreach strategy plan in the near future to tackle outreach and bring up enrollment numbers. A part of the plan will be for prevention coordinators and treatment providers in the counties to work more closely together. More information on these strategies will be discussed in future calls and at regional trainings. Regional Trainings: This summer the State will be hosting half day regional trainings for pg providers. This will be an opportunity to discuss outreach efforts, collaboration and to bring providers together for networking efforts and learning circles. It is important for prevention coordinators to attend the training in your region. Dates and locations for these trainings will be available early May and trainings will begin in June.

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Voices of Problem Gambling Recovery: Over the next year, the plan is to expand the Voices of Problem Gambling Recovery efforts to move outside the metro area and across Oregon. Voices would assist with setting up the expanded Voices groups; however they would need your assistance in the beginning with coordination in your counties. More information on this will come in future calls.

Discussion Topics: Spring Prevention Summit: Registration for the Spring Prevention Summit is open and closes on May 13. Summit dates are May 21-22 in Lincoln City. If you did not receive the registration form, contact Patricia at [email protected]. The planning committee is finalizing the agenda and it should be available in the next few weeks and will be send via email.

Check In and Sharing: Yamhill County: Becca reported that the county Juvenile Dept. is now asking youth about gambling and capturing that data for her. This summer she and the treatment providers will be gearing up for presentations with banks, Chamber of Commerce, etc. as they are seeing a lot of theft and embezzlement cases in local courts. Lake County: Debbie reported that she did not get any artwork for calendar and reached out and offered teacher prizes. She has been providing talks to prevention groups in Middle and High Schools and incorporating problem gambling. Jackson County: Michele reported county is incorporating problem gambling information and activities into all activities. Due to the topic of marijuana legalization and community forums, this has provided an opportunity to speak about pg to an array of prevention services. Also conducted a breakfast with lottery retailers; however it did not get off the ground this year. Washington County: Andy reported he did a press release regarding Problem Gambling Awareness Month; however it did not generate too many calls. He spoke to a couple of recovery mentor groups last month and had a few poster submissions. He will be providing 26 presentations in High Schools over the next two weeks. It’s an exhausting schedule but he has finally gotten into the schools and is called upon each year. Clackamas County: Kim reported that for awareness month, Cascadia provided two open houses which was a great opportunity to get the word out about services. She is new to this position and it getting involved in local coalitions and training Cascadia staff regarding the connection of A/D and MH services and gambling addiction and working with clients with lower stages of change. Linn County: Dannete reported that they have infused PG into the Lifeskills

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curriculum and artwork was a part of the homework for the class, so they received lots of submission for the calendar this year. They have also inserted pg information with paychecks. Marion County: Susan reported that they have been doing presentations in Middle schools and have collected artwork and displayed it within the public health department for staff and public to vote, which provided a good opportunity to see the work and messages and open minds to this information. They continue to integrate pg into alcohol retailer licensing training and are focusing on increasing social media use for the agency and this includes pg messages.

Agenda Items for Next Meeting- Becca to Facilitate • Spring Prevention Summit in Lincoln City, opportunity to partner with tribes

(continuous item) • Update on Partnership with Lottery • New Electronic Gambling Machines at Lottery Retailer Venues (continuous

item) Next meeting May 2, 2014 10:00am-11:00am 1-877-336-1828 Code: 90776 Facilitator of Meeting: Lisa