'. An AeioW ed ■Pro88 Newspaper Mcasurc~i:o~Pgmit^PistiTct5'ip~Sc^p~Ncw _v ■ S-ChooIs U rgcd and .Opposed . 1 _. ;. Economy .• -------tBr'The-AKOcltitcaiTCM) ----------- --■BOl3Er JaTir20=Tnc-Iclahoiscnate voted 31-to 8 todayto _-i::vapprbv(i-a74jllU'(b'-perml{^orBainlzaU6n'-o£-dl3U^cis-IXbiilc:it^l^' ............Jlshment of Junior.colleges.--; --------- ----- ^-TTlC-TOCIt! ' ' Ada); who made the principal nrgument Tor its pnssaeo. IL 11QW goes to the house of representatives. The bin provided: That 300 qualified electors may pelltion _ __ c';patlon.pf.junior,college clj.i; trlcls by'a majority vo'te of f-lhaMwntHftHuefl-might-beJ-l niip^ovcd byjLJJS'o-tlilrclfi vole of Ihc tftxpnycni: Uinl 'Ol/ilrlcLs could 1)8 "formed only In coiinllM hnvliiB ■ " . i!Q cpqU on.gncii tlw!oi.li;tfe»ca-VHL^ iii\Uon: clitirslnp of tiililon: nnU porilonmcnt of a.tinri or (lie : Rnii(!'now Rolns Inlo-lhe nlnle Kcti- eral fiiiid lo Uie Junlo)- cottcRH. "TIic bin I* drnvni ntoiiB vcrj' c ■■ ‘ ‘ allphof _NetT3«>/l. OppOTM ~ - Serinbr' JSffit.V-Nni-pdrf^.Cnn' yon) wns Die princlpnl opponent- uf tlir nicnMirc. snyiiiR; , * "For Uie-piuit»ix.yc[ir.i.lhL'j mnltcr b<Miu.bcfore'*.tjfl,— ftnd~IiTrn*pro*n tentlnc pnly-bccntisf.U seems.to me' to-corry pur edutfatlonnl facmUw beyond tlie Ability of the people of Idaho^to pay._ . _ ■:'l t “Is:'onV"a >mnll -bejlirnlne;— ' " ■"AnytlilngTKny.' sTiomil ' nDr Ba m .Icrprttcd M oppoMd to n'plon io, «xpnnd the University of Idaho sotiihem brnncli, ' .-ujuLiniuwt. of what huppena when wc pMs btlLi like tnU. •„ . "First H jilnrtcd out., mnnjr yearsl ch-Hfr —*g»-g3Hhff-Acadnnr~of tgailom iUc m>» Vww .more than a hlch whool. Tben It nlverMty of Idaho aoutJjcm bmnrt>-««rt'tmr.-tl3or,arc4iajig-‘5i;' n'Joiir-yenr tchoolmd fund».to ------‘ ...lZs:peak«-ro^-^o«at«ile~ , * S'liator George Piigmlre (D-Bnn' nock; .-iiild; ' _ "I nm urf ndvocatc of.-'ucU-deter - inlnntlon. We nl Poentcllo have trl^ ,,.Jor JO yenrs to offer the people-of Idnntnvhnf they need In Uic'Iteid •a•-ycs^''o},^.v■,^lwu^.two w « k » . Of tho-crtyilitiltS on'.Klmberly r r think before tlilj Vesaioh ______ Uicy hnvo hml f,oinetiilnB‘ more lo do nlonj; Uiat line." Sciml'or A. M. Derr (D-Doiuier) ricclnred. wl.ibll.shmcul of Junior collcRcs would IlBliteii the burden on tho tnxpnycr* .n.i a whole, b ^ . Hrciiter fncllilles ftl'the presci\t .itnlc ' histllutloiw; • . ' • , •said, he personally 'favored the bill but^vot«l^^aln»c,- it,on tlic.Rrounds •cnrr rw v'vw —(D-JerOme),, Harry Hnni (D*CInrk), Tliomn.i Hi;nth (R> r ranktln). James Neiyport tD-Cnu-I __ .yor.)^aud:_Efi:tllJ{o’Ho3dsLiD.ca>.| 'JWrs.-Catheripe-JcnninGSr27> in'Critical €ondftioi1 - After Crash' cal-'cohdltlon In the Twlii' FalU- county general hospital luit nliilit ;**-JhP-J*«ilh<»filt>iurlea-re«ire(t:4a,- automobile neeWent, that occur-' ithe bncked her car from ths EconHmy Bloc Calls'Attcrition . To Woi^ers^._^j)j).c:ars -For-tar^'r^pprdpriatior>' -f-t'oiiccprloii. Cllllr. No arrurulr-ai ci.unls -c.f "llir M.-fiiii.sr" «rrr “ ‘lie zflurnment at'Santlatn »ald:"\SiltiatlDii'm(»( xrrii>ii% av » rr^nli" iftlic rarUiiiuiilirrTnalilf In M'nle'ituhiJirr nf r^iiiallln l.ul m.inv ' fCy ,Tlid X!^i6cfnfc<( Prc^M • WASHlNdTON.. Jan, 2G — . While a.clqjcly cfivld.cd sciiritc wavered—between-cutting-tjr not cutting a work rclief^:- , proprfatloiT rislrcd-by-Prfr.'slmnt' |— |-Uoosovol,^Senator—A-dti-m-flr -le_adec-roi.'_lts_-cconomyj;aioc;- djnma'tlcally asserted- today that WPA workens were being urged to wire their .senatocs in JUUc-Color Ofileers who ' Investlgntcd .lald ,Uit^ ft:*AV Armstronir: -<!irSecoiitJ- ftvenuo norUi, erashed Into'tlio left «r side -of Mrs.-.4«inlni(s’ cur. ,.. Mrs.';>;ninlnca-wu.cftEilod-80-fer&tCT flm-thcjoin t, of Impact, on Armstrong machlnc. officers said, CondUloii “ Very Poor" .... waa taken to the hospital whert phyjlclaiu Mid her condl- Uon 'WM- "Teo' l>oor.“-3hc-»nfferwl ahocic, concuMlon, severe" lacera- tlon.1 and bnilsej. a-bicflk-ln-lhp-dcbnie-nmlr-wnvlns two >ll|w of paper, awerled timt llmllatloru upoiV polUlc* in. relief apparently did - “hdt. operate -both wayn." llie papers' he Mild, came from l>ulleUn l»artl.i In WPA .hendqunr- ters hcic. Ttie *cnatc llalencd. In- •tcmiy a.i hc're!id from them;------- .•■apeiid twenty.flvt cctii.v "Toil.iy. ■Troteu wPA appro'pftatlon rut.'S. t'ProlpM cini Kcrvice bsn of WPA ."Senator Alva B. Adnms. ••■'Clialrmaij., of approprlatloivi Lead A ttacks an Metv BaMle^ljine Crmii|)]<‘s .^unl K<>i‘r<\«< I’T n T ri^ h a n i 1 chunky -------ly urge your Mippoi. lOMp OOO approprlailon-aivl opj; ^11 service ban on WP' from-tljc .Twin. Pall? -police department inrcttlsalcd the eras)), The nccldenl occurred at (Has p. it.two ■■■■ ■ ‘ rOftd. from - - ...... - . . wlliie.iMMi, •offlocrH---,*iua ^ that --Mhi.~J«hlnifs had climbed'into her car. a IDM niodel machine, and batjced out of Uie d r i v e w on a rouUne trip to - store. ' The car. trnvcllni; In. reverse; nearly ncrovi' Kimberly ,road ,mtnilned-,_fromijioiUl.ca|_acllv«y. CTrillM objected Ujal the move tend- ed to give WPA II permanent xintai. Senator Barkley (D -K jj. ihe ad- mlnlstratlon-Jloor leader.- quickly rcaiieated n quonim call; nnd when ■chicles. . , ’ , . -----.-r— Uiiable-lo.Stop................. 'Aincmvnj; [iaviqihn'' w-C!,t ' Into' Twin Palls, ws.unablQ to .sioji iia Mrs.. Jcnnlni;s''liacketl. into, the .patli ■of hla maehlnc. ' IIL^ ear stnick Uic JennlnRs'au- toinobllo on the left rear fender. ' rsaJtWWW-npproprtatloiir TliLs off dlJ.ciu.-,ion of ilie iioil-.-cs for lho-t!mo-l)ohrK'.'''tzr ' ' Dcnltk Kiiuivledce Iiitcr ^nalor ,McKellar. .ili- Tcim) lold (he senate he had talked with Col; F.-C.niarrhiKion, head 6; -by telcplione: tlial UarrlnB' ton denied nil knowlcdfie , of tlia bnlleliai: Uiat they, had been pwted without the approval of any \VPA '>fflclalrntid-thnflie waji attempt .Uue_ IDAHO'PALLS. Jan, 20 . «,P>—El- , ier-M0ull0t>r26.-vaa-irltteallrln' hyTfrn—1n-ti-‘^ rf>)nr.-p;inipfl-Trfini~a Shell Oil company .casoUne tank lRte_lo<Iay, biit thc~ Tdah oT tn iii- " diiMrlaLcllstrlcl escKpca .wlial.nili.— liavfi been a devastating expiation l.antL. flrcr-*rhen-rHhe=youn(c=inan's meaxurement-taiMi contaelcd n high ;.T.-olt8RnTK)wer-lln<>:-----------------’ - - Zjianrdtiiib:.C2^i_________________ —^^uilnoHl'•-u•ln>n-ho-p^«poMd.-Mflrl• VlcU. 2<. teiUfled In e{)urU . ■ She jnld "No." Uien called police. , Th^y chn'iTied tlu* youth with car- rj'lne a -concealed weapon, .lie ' pleaded guilty nnd received a six- month gentenee. . fctorMi'ne- i’rt'e^l^.'^Pa.-AnlhVny-Marl; - , It’s'a donfcst ,r_. •. ,noREao.-:-ciT: wiiSi^SKjo; voiers-vote they vole.____ _____ “ AC Uie KOVe?riUcFcr<R;tlon ' CliarlM - jnd Alex MacUod each _ ' . . » Mcond election Peamey-goll 19. MacLeod 17. but one of the waa challensed. The m ult dei It depends I.' not' yet ................... ......... --.itlBnton? marvelled that he c.scnpcd elcetro- cuilon. lie ha~d been atandlns on ’•iitc’el"nlaifonir ftf'a" jn ’arehnusj plodcd.ln.Uie.boy.’a-faw because.ife waa burned *lJs;lit1)\"Tlie faerfljat the Upe - ...... . . . . - Wa*llfcH- U?P?aVU’3 r . . - w « afiocitJatruck-h I*- ' Tlie-entire tank. );ontAlnlni; S3.009’ :trallonji of Basollnc,. wotild have,ex- ploded, had Uie mtnsuremcnl tape been lailde, Mr. Ocsaa aald.' TlUriy. five' thousand additional gallons an 8lor*d oiriho premlw. _ idihs'HhcTiteti lt_t\galnsr.tho power, line.!. (Jhiaiig Predicts " - ^TnentirafcVictorv CHUNOKINO, Clilha. Jan. 20 (,Vi JenerallMlmo ChlanrKnl-8he>: dc- tiared today that-Chlnrwlinievcr, comproroUc.or Jmrrender-cveii-linif-l \ay*^h-rTKia-’'C1ilnarcTeniual^ will emerce.Uie ylclor.v-.„ .Chlna.'a.Ieatlcr..ln. Uie -la-mouUu d-*arrnddrcwln8*thft-centrarc*'-.- ecuUvo commlttec of .Uie Kuomln- Ung. or government part>-;-a»erte<l ^at ■ Japfln.a, : i.U ic qucjiUon of M75.O0O.OM nsked . - .............. ,»713,000,000-vot«l by the houic and approved by ihe ''PJ’.roi)Lln(lou3_c(}mmlttec iUly would aetUe the queit'lou oiie way or the oUier. .Wlien the ecoii- ocny bloc found at-the biilaet of the dar-mnt~tt~Tcw~'of~IL~<llTc?rni?. ^<L'«ntt»urU^«n*J'm 8. ,Column I __NK\y Y O rtK ’ .Inn 2B -Worlmannr^9.->tlio.ro«!.frbn«-ilrai>- <ry-t{rpre.itdent.:of'I.‘udwIff^n(iu. •mhnn. •Now Tork's' nnrgc.U’ furnU turo <tora-«haln. fell.to hLi.deaCh.ln an~elcTBfor ‘ " - ' Tnlcrnalional Situation 'Bv 'Hu' I’ rri.s* 'Ili:.NnAYi:-Ti!iiiiipliniil ln;ini:<ii!N <)crup,v Ilartclonii; Spain's Iiirc- r i;rr,iir;,t. vlflory of civil >iin: loiilliiiic ptir^ni of jjov- C:il’a* MoundsW Quake Yietwts '-rtmoiiTTocTaiv-prli^c for .flie:Brcaic.u .Victory In. the .lonff. luid ,• i-saviiBo civil conflict, " ---------- ,•• '' Thc. ln.surgciils but. .sllBht-.resisUnQc in. the erstwhile ______ Rovornniont-enpllul.—A-3mnllrcOT-crinB"lorccrhacl-bccnTicrt-r--‘TB behind to def'cnd the retreat of the lov.ill.st arniv nroLoctlhir- ’ TiTTi—T 'T tr . i ___ti. a_.' lj' ,_ " ' .• • *— Estimated Dead liairge Ffpni, 4,00Q".to^2;00py Governniont Considers Coninlcte Evacuation ot City -;fcl.I)l-’Cb(:.^0tlaic4-f:rE ^ ......... . n,'20-r>ltwnds "ot uhiurlcd cartficivtakc-in south .central Chtlt! qawsed’ tlio-'-Rovernmcnt tonight'- to consider compleCc evacuation .of the disaster- 'shoclced city of Chilian. Estimates, of tlie toll of dead in .tlTC-rcgion- ayjtciiuc 200 mlle.<!. south'of, Santlngo range^.from -l.OOO to 12.000 with conservative,<jstlmatcsl>Inclt^B iumGEir F R iS ii Filer Meeting Declares for .Botention-of-Oustcci--- "Leader' inlrn£t7 rnr:^^ cBsualllc.s In Ghlllnn'at- 5.000, a18'rt.'e. _nT^briccl)c]gh- nfr^OIT nml ln;othcr ellle.s at 1 .000. ^ —N^-*Ic33 .-. than -.50.000 •were homeles.*;, lli was iiolloved. Broken' coiiimunlcAlluiu »y.'.lcm.s .and tha^lnunen;ilty-o{-tlic ’catastro« phe 1 h'd c(')ii prelienslve compllatloiui of Uic death and de.itruclloiv which rcaclind from ViiHturnlw, north of Snntlnno, •Valdivia, 250 miles south. . lalncd-to’ bt* < l •Ha!e-i»ns:dlsihii«d-n»couiUy-BBrnl, the Twin Fulls County Pofnoi OranRp ' executive cominltifc d \ meeting In Filer Ia.it prnster;urenQearnt:JiiitiKccuflyQjji3ErJ!?cnc:jWlttz.nncU«5ishi board meeting, Bc^lde.1 ■dlreclorT'. TeprcsentHlive.i‘ ofelBhi coopcrallvc asaoclallonajn that counly and rep-' reacntfttlves o f K in c" aiibofdlnatc -Uje.ataTe.MieJicli^crgj>tr. —-Emnloycj _f aunfl^jiimrscillTTaliVf; atop an xlevator. He dfed' 20 minutes ' '.Slbre.offIeiali;*ald'tljey bVllevcil he .toll IhrouRh an oiien Vlevalor door on-Ui(v.lltli'floor. but pollcc -Mld-no-door^- Checkth6' A-SSUaiiD;iiAGE=| for Rood, buys or rentals In . — ■and— . if-you' have propcrty_to.sclL_‘ !rt~:Phone'S^i*^&-::—I ;.PIaw!, j;our n<l. jolo_15x(>?0_liomcj throug1#^lhe*c5niljUlca-cIrcula-' Won of the'. ' • ' , , ; ^ NEWS and TIMES •TtprtaenliBC::cemily-rGretu:ca=uii>d-|-reguUUmed-cutomoblles and-trucktt] cooperative a.woelivjloiw and piu^-^d by tlie entire meetlni: plaelnR them on rccordUftvorlne-reitailon jiU lafc bOi^ c reiiiona.................. _____________ ^..alF.mcaiu-a.iecr'iain, Uie^aentlmcnU of ua before tnnktnK any chAnRe »n personnel."' ’ '.CanyiuM Defended <-:Polnicd out that* Hale, being n official rtfpresentAtlye, of the ejtlenslon sfrvlce. 'had authority to .maiUouUbairotfr-ci ' ' ' urging- the- coVpty,.falr boardrn'ml commlMlonera (o ' rclhln ’ ' Thomas of RIer as se9rctnr)--manngcf —XIU>TBK-¥^H10MB-GUAK»bU— MEXICO CITY. Jan, 28 (/!■) f ollce cent 50.utra officers to guard thc-.«itturba‘n'lwmc-of-l»n---rrot- BoWievlk exile f;om BoVlet ‘‘ UMla .tomght.after 'an anU-Jew- aislgrbancrln-thk heart of thb chrlindfbeen quelled, r, - - -- the dlf.n.nter . ............ hodlps remalncfl-to- bt* dl.'jio.Ked.... thoueh'cfforis nl hiirrled barliil hiid bc«n m a d e .'b y ' worker?; dlKgiri'K trenches In i<veria..itfeei.s .about the IbftTi ptaia.~Tlic-towii • wns-Blmo*ij. ESS ■(l0ctor«'.-ni<Hlla 1- ^ flnst popular front preiild'-nt RaniM relief men.iurea.''"' TnrM'Rellef-TralriB— - "T n 'o tralnlonda of-tniok*. motor: ew,i.nnd tractors.were sent lo the' raiakc.afca. while. 100 doctor*. wlUi iiur^.-foodi-me^lcalTSuppllcgTnna ‘lwny..''rbrl.Oma:to.'CDnvcr. ihe dead and lhp Injured, •“ '--■Hnur,i;nn I-.ce »,.Co iEEBME £ugcn_e - Conlractor-^^Submils Low Bid on 22.06' ;• Mile Link POn*rl-AND, Ore,, ho .OrcRon' ’ hli-.hmiy—ro n«-nr<t«rTCna^*7g~^rrnro' .'.uil uf Ullfil'iifi "S' R'22:<h' rronrrr KOn-N‘.-v.idu- ^<•cw^dafy. hl^h-.vay in i.uiithfAtlcrir Oregon. ; ... . O'Ni'll. H'llh an offer of $8G,ti:«, wa.sJow-bldder for-Uic. Job. . .. Completion of ihe ,;;i-ctlon will luavL- only is miles of unlmprovpd ro.id on Ihe entlrc.roulc which Ilnlw .'>outlicrn Idaho wlili trunk esl hlRhways to Callfbnila, Previously gwded' and. from McDcnnOlt; Nev.'. on the Nc vadrt-OreRon border. Tlip new worir will extend 'north 23 mlle.s rutther., ro«chlng-to-wIthlti-U-mllea of-the Owyheo river. Front Ihe nortii ihe ro.id Is t i'oiirjiijurcd i'ti tSalrtalic^FiFif hotel here tonlght.-rf......... .. . esilmnl'ed, by. Fire Chief Walter KniRlit au»50XOa----------- :Jtiurr-ol-Hhe.nOO~ f Ireinen ~ ' mimv ,",liycC-t.Mir3’','. .Mrp:; (<i 1 Jrilnc-iloac-io. Malii- -litrcuHih.-.. - . ..... •nO.Mlv-^PrnnU'r -Mil.v.olllil. h:ill riinnli-;.; .rvokp.'i n-nrv.i .monc :tI,avi...i'ri;udj»Uiai;in .. UitfciuicM V".-- i>nn(iyiitiv.,.i:iniUi-Uilllih jiRrccmeiit, on :ccp Italy Iroiii uMm; iiL-uiiiciii S|Kiln b-< siep- Mu'.iolli |-araw-ri(,Mi si..iii F!aUi:RAa--lcn.i of lliouf...... mill ^(Jwn^ ot norihern Sjjnlii ii MARSi:iI.I,i:-'Milily Amnlruii in.wrfut buiiibiirdnieiii ;i,\ iiirv i , nuciiAniai--.-n.rc-o .Miuior, .of Ilanir-ihrowiMi: con.splrncy by i trnment b.i' t mcnt pruml.<c_io .n-fuKt'.i relate. cspfHcnctfR-durlne- Cfrt in board n-r.ciie ^hlp••. rrporird n.i jinlicc pwMie probe 'tiinrini:, of outliiwcd Nar.i-hke Iron iTorir.m, ---------- y llie 4 HKNDAYE. rr.inci-; Jiin., to.- Goin'rnll.'i.simo- Fmrreo I'laifd'pfe.'.M -Wnr-buuered - Qarcelona fell ’ Down .the palm-llncd boulc- vards of. the Mediterranean porL'm'etrop^I.s UiFTiciorlou.s InsurRonls. marchetl, and rode' ■thnil'nnd'; of »hlu-.mbt.L fllihli arrtviind Itallnn.s of the Llliorlo dl- vioton. ^ , . _.C'irf?Jux.Cpntiuc£flr»!*.',. 'r"MtrTTy' atpDTTr~nr " .weary nopulailoii ' --------- -UmnRrTT:— •/Pertce of a i.ort to B,in;rlona, but tlte war'stlll rnt-i'd nloni: the I'dRi! of the iKirthenMi'rn Ciitaloii- •Ian wne the Koverumeni had cho.'scn to defend. Eratico'a..nlrmcji-ralncU-boiiibi on ilWflS, -hon><‘- 60-tnllrw iieiHiCTrt- Mussolini.--Rroclair' ••Fall of Barcelona -trio*-] .U moved when thr 'insuriirnij......... sicce to Harrrlaiiii, 'pichu^l - IruurRfnfdl.i- ichi-.Vreachhie the Firncli border, i '6: 01^1^11611 of Barceloiia had :omi)aiilon Itlghlijthl In the distri- bution of larKC fllorts ot food which Ifnd been irnn.siiorted hi the wake o f , .Uic.o»eni.lve-n£ro,vi Calnionla.------- ^1 Barcelona' had been JtmiJoiL New DefensB I.Ine Ahno;,l all of. Uie .Kovemmcnfs 300.000.man Catalonian army had iJKUi-KlUidraun northwiira-io-thc ' dcfea-ie line running'from ArenyH de .Mar.-on the co.wt about 20 mllcs; "•■hriift ' - fflKTilTAIN: OHim LONDON: Jafi.:2C.6T^. .._ announced nRruemcni wlth Bi ttidny on “nece-viao-’ *lepi to Haly~TromMl-'lnfr In'.urfftil - ' ’ iw-nning ......... eelona as • ‘another chapter ot the . Jicw Europe-wcTaro-creoUng."-""— Voicing official feara la boUt - _ •Fr«nee-and-Brttaln -at-the Impllea--------1 lions of \he -liuursent, conquest of Barcelona. French Foreign Wnlstcr OeorRpa Bonnet warned the' ehamV iffr.of deputjes Umt-.tht-rrcacli-'.- Itallan dispute over colonial tcni- tory soon may become “«-<iuc3tion'- -'-rorrc:------------------------------------------- 1 boixler. by.wny of SoUona. Tliey h.-id ' clio-^en to rellnqul.ih c e T i ^ wiUiout Ihc Imn'd-lo-l'iand siriiKR[e threatened at the'TIih hour b^ the g'ove'nimcnt radio ntnifon. l i ~ijycaimeni'.^AU«uflricra. Insisted i-lo « j Cnrnplete- enrupatlon-of" Cftuilonla, the norlheasleni com er'of Siialn, j^utd-lmve ihp goverjimcni 6Ull In jaaacMl.gn-of=tlifcwuUi(»atcm-inn^ ______ 3rr»ln!ift »r- Sharp eontrastto the.Bicce ol ilrill- whieir started enrlyin' No\‘ftii'-’ Knight .f,n;id he Jiad not dclcr*! b'er. J03Q. ,nlid IstsillI lined Uie cati.se ot ihr f<re ■ ■■ . U. »VH.UnuM nn i>j.. 5 - l ' ’ i S S ''(r m '’-OT f J ? * coflt. of, sji.ln,'- .i.m , • jiut .im ' mn- abo-ird. the tJnltcrt Stales cruiser ihlnR^appeared to-.jbe going verj- Omiihn. I .law. American tailors res- smoothly, five fast.-.'modem-type , cue American refitjjee* from .Spain bombing plane.-L flcfti_otcrhcad.„al.| "Im S S fJ S S S S s f ' ■^^^^=^5qnttined 'tt rftN ff^ o v e -r....... ■yea;a..ago. Inlcrfretcd^'belni: ... .. «»gMwl^toi o'iiUJt)\iCTStrtinlrjwrl: economy more nnd did not rcflect - Halc-a nblllti ' villefnintherhnd^qt •cipected'^ttie 'Ih'STFrniciraMlrt^nmcf^lddT rounded up Monday when a wire- Into action, •- Wal.tfrjpiurstfi!j. JjMuQOlat dSifalroA-iit-Siir- lerlcff:**-Hiiid « lthoxit7thc~lom‘.'t;f' » itlic'OimvUft «xond;i'Uii>..Omahft’(i,antI-alr gtins --------- -.imedlotely. ^'ere loaded" nnd,slgWd .on Ujt P.{''}a' >L«P.chorfdJiff_mc.cpa8t bomber!t.~Tlie._Omahn. didn't .ftrc, ^.mUe*:abov<> Barcelona.-We- tut-shr-wB.'rrtndy U rtorr.xlirtctiy. could, see antl-alr •btitlery stiell.i |,menac«l. __________ •BBrcelonti ami htar ahej , J--siiw:iiTiti-uircrait shells bunt rumbling echo o.f 'bomb, explosions, pver lhtf coast nwr’ uVPrench dc- ■mat was-ntoul «:30-nteylayere- alroyers.- At-flrat:it appeared that, tilne-and-lt-elKady-l)a.d--be«om» -the-btmi^cjunc-lronniaatr'ljasiijv were completed, to pul .if f aniall Almost, lmme<jl#uiy anoUKr Lbo»U-lo bring aboard the refugees, squadron' of bomber* atoptared.' Itiic Badjer,'-Tli«-destroyer~«hlch ''They-'irergtilng'TH-.arpnTnoretiwr' followed ;ui, 'had-bHUed the ilohii someone s h o u t e d .^ A S d ^ B iit near the. highway which skirls the const and into the .village of Atxai'as De. Lmar.;, ,<•• , - ; . Great aiarm was felt for tiie safe- ly ofUie rescue party and the r^f-,.-------- ------------- - -Ugeca. AjnotorJaunctijiad Aj.'liale*.j.ol(m_stiv£niincnLjsulelal*. ttierftupandUwey-Wfre-rtght-lB-the I'.--- i.— .jn..— jrrrzr botolis fell In ibo br«kkwalcrs-i ■wncncan-... iHtm whistle u th^ ........ Uie men had to fjill flat on‘ the h&reina tw»p fmm 't><>ing'htt,~ ' - I-Baw Mme- Qf-tlie'bohihj'. hit ------- ........ » rt.' r ?fuje« aald Ihey-faw TwrommuF, __________ _______ ^hoH! to complete the rcacue. Itu x* refugee*,-whUe’ eljht 6th- ,crs..rlncludln»..tne- embassy *t*«, tftrnft ttboird.UiB.Omah*. ^ ____ .nl*ht. trm- Cd- He declared Prhnec had the sol- id .flupiiort of-BrIlBln- In resisting---— llallan dalm.i;for part of the Pwricli ‘coloiilhl emplre.'Tlic'clmmbeV voted. ~ 3J5 to 200. lu confidence ip Ihe gov- ' ermnenfs .foreign policy of refusing (ConllnL^I o . -r.M Colun Rcfugoos-Jam-tnto^^ Small Ti'wns"' -QPhiTjijgrcnniie land |.tnrJ.‘£*»U»gTllhe3'7drew~ ^-iTn^tlVWlWtnrwt'Ud'ailHHCHeai.. J in rarlpus placer In-np&em' « « « - — Ionia ftrtiT harried -Mcretarles and • - departnient chiefs buit^Kl tlhroiigh . ,the streets of lltUe,;communiUea . --•• offices-* - _mltil«ter£;^l»ed:-t».rHstieri8iL.u..,___ T r w « - floa - ncprcasedcmnaaic8=flS that the unconqufc»e<i:pMt«C«ta-5;- JonJA-aUll-reoiiW-hoW-T ‘ ......... . ■•People a ilebeatrlOBded-^ri^{-«lefen»lTe poweia flf flpanlt »rtht I- flefugies pTOr«KlTnto''npjwwri9^5fSM jnllt. lrom_lhc riineh j-art;Tiungrr «>d cold . - ^hour«,on,{h?,«Mnlle . P i e . -trKlna-.- - ------- nfiaTHiEarear forfied to lathe'-’

Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

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Page 1: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

'. A n A e i o W e d ■Pro88 Newspaper

— M c a s u r c ~ i : o ~ P g m i t ^ P i s t iT c t 5 ' i p ~ S c ^ p ~ N c w

_v ■ S -C h o o Is U r g c d a n d . O p p o s e d . 1

_. ; . E c o n o m y

• .• -------tBr'The-AKOcltitcaiTCM)----------- --■BOl3Er JaTir20= T nc-Iclahoiscnate voted 31-to 8 to d a y to_-i::vapprbv(i-a74jllU'(b'-perml{^orBainlzaU6n'-o£-dl3U^cis-IXbiilc:it^l^'............Jlshment o f J u n io r .c o l le g e s .- - ; ---------

-----^-TTlC-TOCIt! ' 'A d a ); who made the principal nrgum ent Tor its pnssaeo. IL 11QW goes to the house o f representatives. • •

T h e bin provided: That 300 qualified electors m ay pelltion

_ __c ';patlon .p f.ju n ior ,college clj.i;trlcls b y 'a m ajority vo'te of

f-lhaMwntHftHuefl-might-beJ-lniip^ovcd byjLJJS'o-tlilrclfi vole of Ihc tftxpnycni: Uinl 'Ol/ilrlcLs could 1)8

• "formed only In coiinllM hnvliiB ■ "

. i!Q cpqU on.gncii tlw!oi.li;tfe»ca-VHL iii\Uon: clitirslnp of tiililon: nnU porilonmcnt of a.tinri or (lie : Rnii(!'now Rolns Inlo-lhe nlnle Kcti- eral fiiiid lo Uie Junlo)- cottcRH.

"TIic bin I* drnvni ntoiiB vcrj' c■’ ■■ ‘ ‘ allphof

_NetT3«>/l. OppOTM~ - Serinbr' JSffit.V-Nni-pdrf^.Cnn'

yon) wns Die princlpnl opponent- uf tlir nicnMirc. snyiiiR; , *

"For Uie-piuit»ix.yc[ir.i.lhL'j mnltcr b<Miu.bcfore'*.tjfl,—ftnd~IiTrn*pro*n

• tentlnc pnly-bccntisf.U seems.to me' to-corry pur edutfatlonnl facmUw beyond tlie Ability of the people of Idaho^to pay._ • • . • • _■:'l t “Is:'onV"a >mnll - be jlirnlne;— '

" ■ "AnytlilngTKny.'sTiomil 'nDr Ba m .Icrprttcd M oppoMd to n'plon io, «xpnnd the University of Idaho sotiihem brnncli, '.-u juL in iuw t.of what huppena when wc pMs btlLi like tnU. • • „ .

"First H jilnrtcd out., mnnjr yearsl ch-Hfr —*g»-g3Hhff-Acadnnr~of tg ailom iUc m>» Vww

.more than a hlch whool. Tben It

nlverMty of Idaho aoutJjcm • bmnrt>-««rt'tmr.-tl3or,arc4iajig-‘5i;'

n'Joiir-yenr tchoolm d fund».to

------‘ ...lZs:peak«-ro^-^o«at«ile~, * S'liator George Piigmlre (D-Bnn'

nock; .-iiild; ' _"I nm urf ndvocatc of.-'ucU-deter

- inlnntlon. We nl Poentcllo have trl^ ,,.Jor JO yenrs to offer the people-of

Idnntnvhnf they need In Uic'Iteid

•a•-ycs ''o}, .v■, lwu .two w «k ». Of tho-crtyilitiltS on'.Klmberly r

r think before tlilj Vesaioh ______Uicy hnvo hml f,oinetiilnB‘ more lo do nlonj; Uiat line."

Sciml'or A. M. Derr (D-Doiuier) ricclnred. wl.ibll.shmcul of Junior

• collcRcs would IlBliteii the burden on tho tnxpnycr* .n.i a whole, b ^ .

Hrciiter fncllilles ftl'the presci\t .itnlc ' histllutloiw; • . ' • ,

•said, he personally 'favored the bill but^vot«l^^aln»c,- it,on tlic.Rrounds

•cnrr rw v'vw —(D-JerOme),, Harry Hnni (D*CInrk), Tliomn.i Hi;nth (R> r ranktln). James Neiyport tD-Cnu-I

__ • .yor.)^aud:_Efi:tllJ{o’Ho3dsLiD.ca>.|

'JWrs.-Catheripe-JcnninGSr27> in'Critical €ondftioi1 - ■ After Crash'

cal-'cohdltlon In the Twlii' FalU- county general hospital luit nliilit ;**-JhP-J*«ilh<»filt>iurlea-re«ire(t:4a,-

automobile neeWent, that occur-' ithe bncked her car from ths


Bloc Calls 'A ttcrition . To Woi^ers ._ j)j).c:ars -F o r -ta r ^ 'r ^ p p r d p r ia t io r > '

-f-t'oiiccprloii. Cllllr. No arrurulr-ai ci.unls -c.f "ll ir M.-fiiii.sr" «rrr “

‘ lie zflurnment at'Santlatn »ald:"\SiltiatlDii'm(»( xrrii>ii% av » rr^nli" iftlic rarUiiiuiilirrTnalilf In M'nle'ituhiJirr nf r^iiiallln l.ul m.inv '

fCy ,Tlid X! i6cfnfc<( Prc M • W ASHlNdTON.. Jan, 2G — .

W hile a .clq jcly cfivld.cd sciiritc wavered—betw een -cu ttin g -tjr not cutting a work r c l i e f ^ : -

, proprfatloiT rislrcd-by-Prfr.'slmnt' |— |-Uoosovol,^Senator—A-dti-m-flr

-le_adec-roi.'_lts_-cconomyj;aioc;- djnm a'tlcally as serted - today that WPA workens were being urged to wire their .senatocs in


Ofileers who ' Investlgntcd .lald ,Uit ft:*AV Armstronir: -<!irSecoiitJ- ftvenuo norUi, erashed Into'tlio left

« r side -of Mrs.-.4«inlni(s’ cur. ,.. Mrs.';>;ninlnca-wu.cftEilod-80-fer&tCT flm-thc j o in t , of Impact, on

Armstrong machlnc. officers said, CondUloii “ Very Poor"

... . waa taken to the hospital whert phyjlclaiu Mid her condl- Uon 'WM- "Teo' l>oor.“ -3hc-»nfferwl ahocic, concuMlon, severe" lacera- tlon.1 and bnilsej.

a-bicflk-ln-lhp-dcbnie-nmlr-wnvlns two >ll|w of paper, awerled timt llmllatloru upoiV polUlc* in. relief apparently did - “hdt. operate -both wayn." • ■

llie papers' he Mild, came from l>ulleUn l»artl.i In WPA .hendqunr- ters hcic. Ttie *cnatc llalencd. In-

•tcmiy a.i hc're!id from them;-------.•■apeiid twenty.flvt cctii.v

"Toil.iy.■Troteu wPA appro'pftatlon rut.'S. t'ProlpM cini Kcrvice bsn of WPA

."Senator Alva B. Adnms. ••■'Clialrmaij., of approprlatloivi

Lead A ttacks an Metv BaMle^ljine

C r m i i | ) ] < ‘ s . ^ u n l

K<>i‘ r<\«< I ’T n T r i ^ h a n i

1 chunky

-------ly urge your Mippoi.lOMpOOO approprlailon-aivl

opj; ^11 service ban on WP'

from-tljc .Twin. Pall? -policedepartment inrcttlsalcd the eras)), The nccldenl occurred at (Has p.

• it.two■■■■ ■ ‘ rOftd.

from- - ...... - . . wlliie.iMMi,

•offlocrH---,*iua that --Mhi.~J«hlnifs had climbed'into her car. a IDM niodel machine, and batjced out of Uie d r iv e w on a rouUne trip to- store. '

The car. trnvcllni; In. reverse;nearly ncrovi' Kimberly ,road

,mtnilned-,_fromijioiUl.ca|_acllv«y. CTrillM objected Ujal the move tend­ed to give WPA II permanent xintai.

Senator Barkley (D -K jj. ihe ad- mlnlstratlon-Jloor leader.- quickly rcaiieated n quonim call; nnd when

■chicles. . , ’ , .-----.-r— Uiiable-lo.Stop.................'Aincmvnj; [iaviqihn'' w-C!,t ' Into'

Twin Palls, ws.unablQ to .sioji iia Mrs.. Jcnnlni;s''liacketl. into, the .patli ■of hla maehlnc. '

IIL ear stnick Uic JennlnRs'au- toinobllo on the left rear fender. '

rsaJtWWW-npproprtatloiir TliLs off dlJ.ciu.-,ion of ilie iioil-.-cs for

lho-t!mo-l)ohrK'.'''tzr '' Dcnltk Kiiuivledce

— Iiitcr ^nalor ,McKellar. .ili- Tcim) lold (he senate he had talked with Col; F.-C.niarrhiKion, head 6;

-by telcplione: tlial UarrlnB' ton denied nil knowlcdfie , of tlia bnlleliai: Uiat they, had been pwted without the approval of any \VPA '>fflclalrntid-thnflie waji attempt

. U ue_

IDAHO'PALLS. Jan, 20 . «,P>—El- , ier-M0ull0t>r26.-vaa-irltteallrln' hyTfrn—1n-ti-‘^ rf>)nr.-p;inipfl-Trfini~a Shell Oil company .casoUne tank lRte_lo<Iay, biit thc~ TdahoTtniii- " diiMrlaLcllstrlcl escKpca .wlial.nili.— liavfi been a devastating expiation

l.antL. flrcr-*rhen-rHhe=youn(c=inan's meaxurement-taiMi contaelcd n high

;.T.-olt8RnTK)wer-lln<>:-----------------’ - -


VlcU. 2<. teiUfled In e{)urU . ■ She jnld "No." Uien called police. , Th^y chn'iTied tlu* youth with car- rj'lne a -concealed weapon, .lie

' pleaded guilty nnd received a six- month gentenee. • .

fcto rM i'n e -i’rt'e^l^.'^Pa.-AnlhVny-Marl;

- , I t ’ s 'a d o n fc s t ,r _ . •. ,noREao.-:-ciT: w iiS i^SK jo;

voiers-vote they vole.____ _____“ AC Uie KOVe?riUcFcr<R;tlon 'CliarlM

- jnd Alex MacUod each_ • '

. . » Mcond election Peamey-goll 19. MacLeod 17. but one o f the

• waa challensed. The m ult deiIt depends I.' not' yet

................... .........--.itlBnton?marvelled that he c.scnpcd elcetro- cuilon. lie ha~d been atandlns on

’•iitc’el"nlaifonir ftf'a " jn’arehnusj

plodcd.ln.Uie.boy.’a-faw because.ife waa burned *lJs;lit1)\"Tlie faerfljatthe Upe - ...... . . . . -Wa*llfcH-

U?P?aVU’3 r ..-w « afiocitJa truck-h I*-' Tlie-entire tank. );ontAlnlni; S3.009’ :trallonji of Basollnc,. wotild have,ex­ploded, had Uie mtnsuremcnl tape been lailde, Mr. Ocsaa aald.' TlUriy. five' thousand additional gallons an 8lor*d oiriho premlw. _


lt_t\galnsr.tho power, line.!.

( Jh ia i ig P r e d ic t s " - ^ T n e n t i r a f c V i c t o r v

CHUNOKINO, Clilha. Jan. 20 (,Vi JenerallMlmo ChlanrKnl-8he>: dc- tiared today that-Chlnrwlinievcr, comproroUc.or Jmrrender-cveii-linif-l \ay*^h-rT K ia-’ 'C1ilnarcTeniual^will emerce.Uie ylclor.v-.„

.Chlna.'a.Ieatlcr..ln. Uie -la-mouUud-*arrnddrcwln8*thft-centrarc*'-.-

ecuUvo commlttec of .Uie Kuomln- Ung. or government part>-;-a»erte<l^ a t ■ Japfln. a, :

i.Uic qucjiUon of M75.O0O.OM nsked

. - .............. ,»713,000,000-vot«lby the houic and approved by ihe


iUly would aetUe the queit'lou oiie way or the oUier. .Wlien the ecoii- ocny bloc found at-the biilaet of the dar-mnt~tt~Tcw~'of~IL~<llTc?rni?.

^<L'«ntt»urU «n*J'm 8. ,Column I

__NK\y YOrtK ’ .Inn 2B-Worlmannr^9.->tlio.ro«!.frbn«-ilrai>- <ry-t{rpre.itdent.:of'I.‘udwIff^n(iu. •mhnn. • Now Tork's' nnrgc.U’ furnU turo <tora-«haln. fell.to hLi.deaCh.ln an~elcTBfor ‘ " - '

Tnlcrnalional Situation'Bv 'Hu' I’rri.s*

'Ili:.NnAYi:-Ti!iiiiipliniil ln;ini:<ii!N <)crup,v Ilartclonii; Spain's Iiirc- r i;rr,iir;,t. vlflory of civil >iin: loiilliiiic ptir^ni of jjov-


Mounds W Quake Yietwts '-rtmoiiTTocTaiv-prli^c for .flie:B rcaic.u .Victory In. the .lonff. luid ,•i-saviiBo civil conflict, " ---------- • ,• • • ' '

T hc. ln.surgciils but. .sllBht-.resisUnQc in . the erstw h ile______Rovornniont-enpllul.— A -3m nllrcO T-crinB"lorccrhacl-bccnTicrt-r--‘TBbehind to def'cnd the retreat o f the lov.ill.st arniv nroLoctlhir- ’TiTTi—T 'T t r . i ___ti. a _ . ' l j ' ,_ " ' .• • * —

Estimated Dead liairge Ffpni, 4,00Q".to^2;00py Governniont Considers Coninlcte

Evacuation ot C ity-;fcl.I)l-’Cb(:.^0tlaic4-f:rE ......... .n ,'2 0 -r> ltw n d s "ot u h iu rlcd

cartficivtakc-in south .central Chtlt! qawsed’ tlio-'-Rovernmcnt tonight'- to consider compleCc evacuation .o f the disaster-

'shoclced city o f Chilian.Estimates, o f tlie toll o f dead in .tlTC-rcgion- a y jtc iiu c 200

mlle.<!. s o u th 'o f , Santlngo ran ge^ .from -l.OOO to 12.000 withconservative,<jstlmatcsl>Inclt^B

iumGEirF R iS ii

Filer Meeting Declares for .Botention-of-Oustcci---



cBsualllc.s In Ghlllnn'at- 5.000, a18'rt.'e. _nT^briccl)c]gh- n fr^O IT nml ln ;oth cr e llle.s at 1 .000. —N^-*Ic33 .-. than -.50.000 • were homeles.*;, lli was iiolloved.

Broken' coiiimunlcAlluiu »y.'.lcm.s .and tha^lnunen;ilty-o{-tlic ’catastro«phe 1 h'd c(')iiprelienslve compllatloiui of Uic death and de.itruclloiv which rcaclind from ViiHturnlw, north of Snntlnno, •Valdivia, 250 miles south. .

lalncd-to’ bt* <l

•Ha!e-i»ns:dlsihii«d-n»couiUy-BBrnl, the Twin Fulls County Pofnoi OranRp ' executive cominltifc d

\ meeting In Filer Ia.it

prnster;urenQearnt:JiiitiKccuflyQjji3ErJ!?cnc:jWlttz.nncU«5ishiboard meeting, Bc lde.1 ■dlreclorT'.

TeprcsentHlive.i‘ ofelBhi coopcrallvc asaoclallonajn that counly and rep-' reacntfttlves o f K inc" aiibofdlnatc

-Uje.ataTe.MieJicli^crgj>tr.—-Emnloycj _ faunfl jiimrscillTTaliVf; atop an xlevator. He dfed' 20 minutes

' '.Slbre.offIeiali;*ald'tljey bVllevcil he .toll IhrouRh an oiien Vlevalor door on-Ui(v.lltli'floor. but pollcc -Mld-no-door^-

C h e c k t h 6 '

A -S S U a iiD ;iiA G E = |for Rood, buys or rentals In

.—■and— .if-you' have propcrty_to.sclL_‘

! r t ~ : P h o n e 'S ^ i * ^ & - : : — I

;.PIaw!, j;our n<l. jolo_15x(>?0_liomcj throug1#^lhe*c5niljUlca-cIrcula-' Won of the'. ' • ’ ' , , ; ^

N E W S a n d T I M E S

•TtprtaenliBC::cemily-rGretu:ca=uii>d-|-reguUUmed-cutomoblles and-trucktt]cooperative a.woelivjloiw and piu - d by tlie entire meetlni: plaelnR them on rccordUftvorlne-reitailon jiU lafc

bOi c reiiiona..................

_____________^..alF.mcaiu-a.iecr'iain,Uie^aentlmcnU of ua before tnnktnK any chAnRe »n personnel."'

’ '.CanyiuM Defended <-:Polnicd out that* Hale, being n official rtfpresentAtlye, of the

ejtlenslon sfrvlce. 'had authority to .maiUouUbairotfr-ci ' ' '

urging- the- coVpty,.falr boardrn'ml commlMlonera (o ' rclhln ’ ' Thomas

of RIer as se9rctnr)--manngcf

—XIU>TBK-¥^H10MB-GUAK»bU— MEXICO CITY. Jan, 28 (/!■)

f ollce cent 50.utra officers to guard thc-.«itturba‘n 'lw m c-of-l»n ---rrot-

BoWievlk exile f;om BoVlet ‘ ‘ UMla .tomght.after 'an anU-Jew-

aislgrbancrln-thk heart of thb chrlindfbeen quelled, r , - - - -

the dlf.n.nter . ............hodlps remalncfl-to- bt* dl.'jio.Ked... . thoueh'cfforis nl hiirrled barliil hiid bc«n made.'by' worker?; dlKgiri'K trenches In i<veria..itfeei.s .about the IbftTi ptaia.~Tlic-towii • wns-Blmo*ij.

E S S ■(l0ctor«'.-ni<Hlla

1- ^ flnst popular front preiild'-nt

RaniM relief men.iurea.''"'TnrM'Rellef-TralriB— -

"T n 'o tralnlonda of-tniok*. motor: ew,i.nnd tractors.were sent lo the' raiakc.afca. while. 100 doctor*. wlUi iiur^.-foodi-me^lcalTSuppllcgTnna

‘lwny..''rbrl.Oma:to.'CDnvcr. ihe dead and lhp Injured,

•“ '--■Hnur,i;nn I-.ce »,.Co

iEEBME£ugcn_e - Conlractor- Submils

Low Bid on 22.06';• Mile Link •

POn*rl-AND, Ore,, ho .OrcRon' ’hli-.hmiy—ro

n«-nr<t«rTCna^*7g~^rrnro'.'.uil uf Ullfil'iifi "S'R'22:<h'

r ron rrr

KOn-N‘.-v.idu- <•cw dafy. hl^h-.vay in i.uiithfAtlcrir Oregon. ; . . . .

O'Ni'll. H'llh an offer of $8G,ti:«, wa.sJow-bldder for-Uic. Job. . ..

Completion of ihe ,;;i-ctlon will luavL- only is miles of unlmprovpd ro.id on Ihe entlrc.roulc which Ilnlw .'>outlicrn Idaho wlili trunk

esl hlRhways to Callfbnila, Previously gwded' and.

from McDcnnOlt; Nev.'. on the Nc vadrt-OreRon border. Tlip new worir will extend 'north 23 mlle.s rutther., ro«chlng-to-wIthlti-U-mllea of-the Owyheo river.

Front Ihe nortii ihe ro.id Is t

i ' o i i r j i i j u r c d i 't i

t S a l r t a l i c ^ F i F i f

hotel here tonlght.-rf......... .. .esilmnl'ed, by. Fire Chief WalterKniRlit au»50XOa-----------:Jtiurr-ol-Hhe.nOO~ f Ireinen ~ 'mimv

,",liycC-t.Mir3’','. .Mrp:; (<i 1Jrilnc-iloac-io. Malii- -litrcuHih.-.. - . . . . . .

•nO.Mlv-^PrnnU'r -Mil.v.olllil. h:ill riinnli-;.; .rvokp.'i n-nrv.i


:tI,avi...i'ri;udj»Uiai;in .. UitfciuicM V".-- i>nn(iyiitiv.,.i:iniUi-Uilllih jiRrccmeiit, on :ccp Italy Iroiii uMm; iiL-uiiiciii S|Kiln b-< siep-

Mu'.iolli |-araw-ri(,Mi si..iii

F!aUi:RAa--lcn.i of lliouf......mill (Jwn ot norihern Sjjnlii ii

MARSi:iI.I,i:-'Milily Amnlruii in.wrfut buiiibiirdnieiii ;i,\ iiirv i , nuciiAniai--.-n.rc-o .Miuior,

.of Ilanir-ihrowiMi: con.splrncy by i trnment b.i' t

mcnt pruml.<c_io

.n-fuKt'.i relate. cspfHcnctfR-durlne-Cfrt in board n-r.ciie hlp••. rrporird n.i jinlicc pwMie probe 'tiinrini:, of outliiwcd Nar.i-hke Iron iTorir.m, • ----------

y llie 4HKNDAYE. rr.inci-; Jiin.,

to.- Goin'rnll.'i.simo- Fmrreo

I'laifd'pfe.'.M-W n r-b uu ered - Qarcelona fell ’

Down .the palm -llncd boulc- vards o f. the Mediterranean porL'm'etrop^I.s UiFTiciorlou.s InsurRonls. marchetl, and rode'

■thnil'nnd'; of »hlu-.mbt.L fllihli

arrtviind Itallnn.s of the Llliorlo dl- vioton. ^ •

, . _.C'irf?Jux.Cpntiuc£flr»!*.',. 'r"MtrTTy' atpDTTr~nr "

.weary nopulailoii' ---------

-UmnRrTT:—• /Pertce of a i.ort to B,in;rlona, but tlte war'stlll rnt-i'd nloni: the I'dRi! of the iKirthenMi'rn Ciitaloii- •Ian wne the Koverumeni had cho.'scn to defend.

Eratico'a..nlrmcji-ralncU-boiiibi on ilWflS, -hon><‘- 60-tnllrw iieiHiCTrt-

Mussolini.--Rroclair' •• Fall of Barcelona

-trio*-] .Umoved when thr 'insuriirnij.........sicce to Harrrlaiiii,

'pichu^l - IruurRfnfdl.i- ichi-.Vreachhie the Firncli border, i '6:01 1 11611 of Barceloiia had :omi)aiilon Itlghlijthl In the distri­

bution of larKC fllorts ot food which Ifnd been irnn.siiorted hi the wake o f ,.Uic.o»eni.lve-n£ro,vi Calnionla.------- ^1

Barcelona' had been JtmiJoiL

New DefensB I.Ine Ahno;,l all of. Uie .Kovemmcnfs

300.000.man Catalonian army had iJKUi-KlUidraun northwiira-io-thc ' dcfea-ie line running'from ArenyH de .Mar.-on the co.wt about 20 mllcs;

"•■hriift ' -


LONDON: Jafi.:2C.6T^. .._ announced nRruemcni wlth Bi ttidny on “nece-viao-’ *lepi to Haly~TromMl-'lnfr In'.urfftil -' ’ iw-nning ■ ■ .........

eelona as •‘another chapter ot the .Jicw Europe-wcTaro-creoUng."-""—

Voicing official feara la boUt - _•Fr«nee-and-Brttaln -at-the Impllea--------1lions of \he -liuursent, conquest of Barcelona. French Foreign Wnlstcr OeorRpa Bonnet warned the' ehamV iffr .o f deputjes Umt-.tht-rrcacli-'.- Itallan dispute over colonial tcni- tory soon may become “«-<iuc3tion'- -'-rorrc:-------------------------------------------

1 boixler. by.wny of SoUona.

Tliey h.-id ' clio- en to rellnqul.ih

c e T i^ wiUiout Ihc Imn'd-lo-l'iand siriiKR[e threatened at the'TIih hour b the g'ove'nimcnt radio ntnifon. l i

~ijycaimeni'.^AU«uflricra. Insisted

i- lo « j Cnrnplete- enrupatlon-of" Cftuilonla, the norlheasleni com er'of Siialn, j^utd-lmve ihp goverjimcni 6Ull In jaaacMl.gn-of=tlifcwuUi(»atcm-inn^

______ 3rr»ln!ift »r-Sharp eontrastto the.Bicce ol ilrill- whieir started enrlyin' No\‘ftii'-’

Knight .f,n;id he Jiad not dclcr*! b'er. J03Q. ,nlid IstsillI lined Uie cati.se ot ihr f<re ■ ■■ . U. »VH.UnuM nn i>j.. 5

- l ' ’ i S S ' ' ( r m ' ’-OT f J ? *coflt. of, sji.ln,'- . i . m , • jiut . i m ' m n -

abo-ird. the tJnltcrt Stales cruiser ihlnR^appeared to-.jbe going verj-Omiihn. I .law. American tailors res- smoothly, five fast.-.'modem-type ,cue American refitjjee* from .Spain bombing plane.-L flcfti_otcrhcad.„al.|

" I m S S f J S S S S s f ' ■■ ^ = 5qnttined 'ttrftN ff^ove -r.......■yea;a..ago. Inlcrfretcd^'belni: ... ..«»gMwl^ toi o'iiUJt)\iCTStrtinlrjwrl: economy more nnd did not rcflect - Halc-a nblllti '

villefnintherhnd^qt •cipected'^ttie 'Ih 'ST F rn iciraM lrt^nm cf^ lddT

rounded up Monday when a wire- Into action,• • • - Wal.tfrjpiurstfi!j. JjMuQOlat

dSifalroA-iit-Siir- lerlcff:**-Hiiid « lthoxit7thc~lom‘.'t;f' » itlic'OimvUft «xond;i'Uii>..Omahft’(i,antI-alr gtins

--------- -.imedlotely. 'ere loaded" nnd,slgW d .on UjtP.{''}a' >L«P.chorfdJiff_mc.cpa8t bomber!t.~Tlie._Omahn. didn't .ftrc, ^.mUe*:abov<> Barcelona.-We- tut-shr-wB.'rrtndy U rtorr.xlirtctiy.

could, see antl-alr •btitlery stiell.i |,menac«l. __________•BBrcelonti ami htar ahej , J--siiw:iiTiti-uircrait shells bunt

rumbling echo o.f 'bomb, explosions, pver lhtf coast nwr’ uVPrench dc- ■mat was-ntoul «:30-nteylayere- alroyers.- At-flrat:it appeared that, tilne-and-lt-elKady-l)a.d--be«om» -the-btmi^cjunc-lronniaatr'ljasiijv

were completed, to pul . i f f aniall Almost, lmme<jl#uiy anoUKr Lbo»U-lo bring aboard the refugees, squadron' of bomber* atoptared.' Itiic Badjer,'-Tli«-destroyer~«hlch ''They-'irergtilng'TH-.arpnTnoretiwr' followed ;ui, 'had-bHUed the ilohii someone s h o u t e d .^ A S d ^ B iit

near the. highway which skirls the const and into the .village of Atxai'as De. Lmar.;, ,<• • , - ; .• Great aiarm was felt for tiie safe-ly ofUie rescue party and the r^f-,.-------- ------------- -

-Ugeca. AjnotorJaunctijiad Aj.'liale*.j.ol(m_stiv£niincnLjsulelal*.ttierftupandUwey-Wfre-rtght-lB-theI'.--- i.—.jn..— jrrrzr

botolis fell In ibo br«kkwalcrs-i■wncncan-...iHtm whistle u t h ^ ........Uie men had to fjill flat on‘ the h&reina tw»p fmm 't><>ing'htt,~ '- I-Baw Mme- Qf-tlie'bohihj'. hit------- ........ » rt.' r —

?fuje« aald Ihey-faw

T w ro m m u F ,__________ _______^hoH! to complete the rcacue. Itux*

refugee*,-whUe’ eljht 6th-,crs..rlncludln»..tne- embassy *t*«,tftrnft ttboird.UiB.Omah*. ^ ____

.nl*ht. trm- Cd-

He declared Prhnec had the sol­id .flupiiort of-BrIlBln- In resisting---— llallan dalm.i;for part of the Pwricli

‘coloiilhl emplre.'Tlic'clmmbeV voted. ~ 3J5 to 200. lu confidence ip Ihe gov- ' ermnenfs .foreign policy of refusing

(ConllnL I o . -r.M Colun

— ■ Rcfugoos-Jam-tnto^^ Small Ti'wns"'

-QPhiTjijgrcnniie land |.tnrJ.‘£*»U»gTllhe3'7drew~^-iTn^tlVWlWtnrwt'Ud'ailHHCH eai.. J in rarlpus placer In-np&em' « « « - —Ionia ftrtiT harried -Mcretarles and •- departnient chiefs buit^Kl tlhroiigh .,the streets of lltUe,;communiUea .

--•• offices-* -

_mltil«ter£;^l»ed:-t».rHstieri8iL.u..,___T r w « - floa - ncprcasedcmnaaic8=flS that the unconqufc»e<i:pMt«C«ta-5;- JonJA-aUll-reoiiW-hoW-T ‘ ......... .

■•People ailebeatrlOBded-^ri^{-«lefen»lTe poweia flf flpanlt


I- flefugies pTOr«KlTnto''npjwwri9^5fSM jn llt. lrom_lhc riineh

j-art;Tiungrr «>d cold . - ^hour«,on,{h?,«M nlle■ .P ie . -trKlna-.- - -------nfiaTHiEarear forfied to la t h e '- ’

Page 2: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

\ r - --P -A C E T W a ____ Y w i n j ; , m A iT n /F n iT )A V

m nr s m m

Mare- (o Fsrm- Mr. antt Mrs, Uar mn-nniininBs juvf inovcrt nom T^ii nilli to a fanii rn.n of KlmUcrl ’.

£ountI0i=J4S .0tfis£SI]Q5vs! ■ 868 iirTavbr-or

- Harvey Hale

THiiiliii: Mii)i«iri” c7r 02 prr 'fri c IVhi r«llr, r.itinly fiinnow

tnckril linllot hox-ln ; ••■■-Halt'.i pllicg-and-munlrtl-linrii

_ ■ 'illrfcUftii of nnymnntl TlionmJ,.

-----------To-.llii* qtn-.lIon “tlo yow favi

.• -con \'o

>i_;------ Ilpf!.'; MO-vrtt/d|r . m e iiniioiim:?• ^Vllcu l,n U-..

lEllcd n mrt vrltli Ihn Unlver- lr> roiillinir tbi* exlcn- ni:r!eii!liin; prnvftlinc

ftr=2rlfc-ri oiint:

•2.000 ..f ihp- cnimiy'A 3,100 rnrmm. ■•'aclviNfd thrm tUni "the Unlvrrsllyll____QLIcIiiliDL£Xlem!fla i.vlca.4etJrf'jt:tn

-linow-i!ir-wl*hes-tjf the fnrmf;* of Tfl'lii Fnll-f county nil tjils mnttcr

llio im lvwltv fxtmi'lon srrvlcr at Mo.-cov.-. nmU-:(l«Ullccl-»int tlic, d\z.

iji oijuiiauitu im,mo^rmciil to'appcnl" from (he dr rl l(>n of U»p l.'wln Pflll/v-ctmnty com

. mlwlonfVa to rcplftce Unlw_______

tinfirly ouc-thlnl of ill |r------- tlic cotinlrnrtJ “ Imti excellent crani-m--hni ’■-Hnic

_ 'julssloncrs.' C. .•JJT Llnib.v._B<sn.'.E. PoUer nntl Oeorpe n. Hart, tlie Po- tiionii GrnnRc and nil orsnnluillanf that hnd cjuloryrd Itn]c',< rr-anpolnt-

■would be informed of the b«l-

W e a th e r

rtoii — Mr». Kll;> CIccitKi •ichiy-Jor Clanyiitiilc, On' ic-M ii- 'u n F tFrciiaiji—

I’anl-Not Guilty of ‘Joy ridc’ Charqc

-Ju jW trlln ■— Mn J, .1, Kcli:nrl.T.'* KOIlrvUl-be-ihe^tiuut-olTirlenil:

i:na.i'Vl5ll-1l. K. Joiic.-. of J: iiiUttc nMircuiTiwrt imtT .


-Of-Uic-Chaimy^j . .ln.ll Jan. li

.............. ' c btiycr', iiml'trmi

Dauihlrr Itoni-Mr, ami .Mr , Uai Crafloil aic tllP iiaipiil.n of ii d iiii:li

' liorn yc.iicrilay at ilir antiiirlj;ii itrriilly home,..........................

.......... - .nlndenicttnor charsLanil broiiuht buck from Pocatcllo,' Snilili iP>tlflMl lir hnil prcvloiuly iir.pcl t'vo of Clinney.i cars for dcrn- oii.'.iraifuns, . • .

Ue Vas irprr.'.rntcd'fll trlftl by W. L. Dmiu. l\vJi\ Fnlli dttomey. . ‘

MlDIllnwli fo 1 lOlI t«. Jield it lp . m.


iDv nil- ■A;. Ol•t;lt('Ii lTc;,.s) =Pi:<'i;»<ire3aVi declU»c<l-«i(pBrttir-in- I,.;- liocHy m<.tii.lal.i.-pl,.lraie- nnd ua;.Uj.U>U>;-Jlii: Utiih-VMIOKkUuio........... '•tcr.t.'. lire much. \ '

irtti-Pnclfltnow p

uic.ciiuro -*ctui)If. tlic divide...Tcnipcratiiru. nifAijiicioisMii.aKmKcariiiKir

Hroi*«ro-|iroviillrt1n-ili&-retifml-jiw- c'foJ-Wfl'HtCr. A.Mini;

Clieyenne ..,-,<0 »* '.oo CloudyCliJcajo-......... 22 SO -T-Cloudy -Jlelena ...........31 J8 ' .00 CloudyKanxM^ity ...AZ n: .00 ClearLo* Antflrt ....^2 j : .00 CloudyMpCr.-St. r . .- :C B T Clfar Nc.t York ...:.:Z(S~'6 r CloudjPocaleUo-.....00 Cli>u<iy-


OTTHukliToi^Ur^jind Mi.-. «\l>crry ot Cnldwi'ii-me '

ffiCiidN 111 tlil.< vicinity niul ii -y’hey-mT^lormfr-I-'lIrr rwidtn

Iniiianctlng buslue.v.

-Un-lji22tzlJ-ft-----Mr. ■iMiil____L JiaiUfr, )rj *lll-lrMV,..|iiiR:morn- nw lor . Calrioriila to vL-it

TTSTncTorCTFrT u bicR

- - ' ^ c ^ d ’ thnT’rfbc.sn'nddrhti^ . . the I'xieit.'loii nrrvice would ft1«o re- cp|« a tritr\.M:rlpt of the offlclBlJab’

Anothrr coiiiit-of bnllols' will lil nindr at. n Ja^er dntp when „idd!'UonM vMWfttfWelvert..........■ A. 7. RCMi. coiirthoine ciu.toainn

•oinloclt^lh_p bftUot box when .Tliom'; a« arfhtd-nFIfiilFs-orflcc-yrstcrdAy-

Mnll carriers wlio make ddlverlc; loHMe\i office lmdjlroBPca.thc biil- lolA Into the box iipoii rccHpt,

Newapapcrn lachM tabiilntfd vote.i •nnounccd tmiiIh . ■

» ’Hioma

Cnmment by Voters '.Uniiy of the ballotji carried writ*

£en cwnmenl, of voirr.v T>*ci tnrm- •-m-%-nlepfl-thelr^reltn)rn<-foiiaws;

. L^jhMammU'iionf ra-dccldjU'crc elcclpd

»V>40Blli o fo fflte U -to Ihr bMt.of my Wr^bnUyMo my-coiinty7ind .my'ilhte,’ Sfi,-7 ».w lint. tliry *nv hoc.', for mr. joo."

Another farm?r sow lin iillrrlor /VHa.wn for removliip Hale. He wrote.

' o.rtouljCyocwoiDd br pul. out tt- . J arc nttalnsl Idaho Power com-

-pany.-. More power to you /i^ .. ------------------------------UlJmntuLSluiL

. ,...viid Crlfl.ralioii-Mr. and -Mia. J. ,K. Olllfsidii iaiul-iuiu.4mv<.-J»- tiiriie<l from ClftrJndii, Iowa, where they iitlendrd llin iOUj ui;t)dUlK . ll-- nlvfrsnr>' lelcbrnllon of Mi. GIIIc.‘- ple;ii pareiiiji. -------- . ..

Pep A»iicmbly~A pep a:«cmblv for ;ha Twin I'a11,i.Jrroiii<-' b,i.^krlbi.ll timie lipro thU-evcnhi« will be helct.

yell ouern. In clinrcr.

wctiaSouthern Idaho A&sociatiori

Slatps Atlhiial Gathering , in Twin--Fails

joiitticrn Idaho Boai'i Oimver.'T i nwlnilon will hold lLi niimifl Jiicv... •4aa-.«alifrdoj; JaUiB- »ir. m. - I.O.O.I-'. tmll 111 •IViir Kulh. Joli ' IVIdliii.'.cii. mniiagpr.

__Krotii 1-oritr fl'Ali-nf —M .^ t> HMiMinpy mid son. Ulck ^^oolley. of G»>cur-iil'AUMi<>- Hi»- iwiitci.id. .lo.u**

iVHrrinnTTilni:.- >r, Mooiir.v will marry •MlM.-VIrBlillo- Liuvrrncc Sunday, afternboii.

••Ji.T--Cillrlle of iliyU .' . - r EuT\ T!«r


ut'erliii-oRuaucuuiaLddwliinf Idnlin Kalh h rpcorcrhiK fiK-ltirlly after beliiK Injiirrd 10 dnv; nKo m nn aiftoriiobik nccklent ncnirofiatello. J/ieofi' l^ve Irarneil, Hth the fon 'of Mrs. I'raiik DaUhvlh of

-‘JliK'o dircctorh will bp rlrctr ieriiis.of_\V.4.:sael:oti,-Twln-I R. K.- Alidernoii;-Twiii p.iin,- Fxl Reichert. Pllrr. pviM.r - ihrrc are ellslble-for _Ilnklm<T_Olrciiorx i

lCllllbec ,v.-p^p ldenl:Ihii'l: nay rcttljolin

E. PDole. Ill

celrciioii. . e Car) Invin. S. »,-.lasrIS,' TVlu- F;ill.s: I’pier Erlr k.

iJubUlmvc been adtnlited ..........Tvym_ U.«lliql££5pcra:Ui2-iL'lL!arr-LT-r-rcourlnny....

. and L. iTie n.v^oclallon now operntr.-.

...iielioiiM-!;- locntPd at Kliflb.-rlv nipr, Uazelton.'Kmill, Gotlwln aiu MllPCj;_^_____•■-.KniiaTlJia tirtusn tUr grnnp oitrr. ated..ii;.-a nmrkrlliiB ukpi.cv, b:il

At I.lcrif«e rniintef -r Aiipllr.ViiK for mart-lnRe llcfiwe.i l.v'upd nt UVin t'alLi county recordrr> ollli-e y w .trrdivy were Ororci- U, I.ockwooM nn>l MarKtierlle Cole. boifi'of-FJJn ; nobert I* neSfcliert and UlJ)r. I'v An

'.tjoUi* a t.nie r,

Woman Kohirn.s _ T o l ’ cuilciiliiu--y

bcry commlwrd-r In" Twlir~T^Ib; wnV Jnkcii tjack to llie prhon-vm- tcrtnyrby. Wnrdcir r . ‘ c . Morrdlih,

KaK-I.akBCIIy-3H-2«-.00-Clot., .San FrancfKo M . IS .00 CloudySeattle ______50 40 .iQ lUliiSpokane-r:^

L bcal’WpnraiTs ’ —Ifailieii-StiiiamnilrsOrrf.Tliiliilf■p'lrikV'i'v.’jii l-'alix,' left

Ml-. Yount hud visited In Twli Fniu oil sPvrri.l.o.-(-aj.ioijs.nnd_wa iTnowji bv a c^mltleriible number o local re. lcIPnl . ■ v..

P i-O i'ec(|h i"s j nKslalc Slai-lcd

- Ml'.v n il’ .'iitow of

cream parlor iwner who dliil 111.-:! Jarr. 20, uppl;?!!-to-tl(r jirdbifli courr yp;,irul,iv: foi- iipiKilnimcgt of A. J, YomiC ot •I lll Kalis a:, ild ' JalralDr-oL_U»t- eUate.— Value of Ulo bufcliwj w». rpi i<t J3.0M: Jlelra be,-.ldM the widow. .->rr tro ;.nn; oiip dailKhtci-.

Hral’Inii on Uic' pr'tiiioii u-,ifor.l--^b; a,.Kaxi.. - ..........

ank L.Slpplinn and ,f II II! forjl iiC Twin F.ill.i me llm nm

rGHOOSfflDERSW illie Willis~-Lijy-llOUEKT - QUILtEN—

n-E!,y-of-Buhl-Elcctcd Head o(. Central

._ -Idaho GroufK

. . . . lor the BiiminJ high txhool juuMc.Jc£ilval_y>‘crc-OuLUncd,-and. ilie date Ml (or. April 21 and 23 Ji culit.“ AppTOXtn:ately.-2S ichools arc

ipccltd-tolparllclpale.-______ —

ll croup will be chosen. na,,la3tand will iirt.’ienl. a procrom.—......

:lie finarevcninr. It .wa* decided. T T „ . t-'lif- er<>u|>»«>»r»=tom»wi=ot=rcpreg’ A I mj putative* of all eompetlns organ-

tratlons and led by special dlrectors. Profcr.iorArchle. Jones’ ofUioTJnl- vcr.illy of Idaho. Motcow, wl]l di­rect the, vocal sroup. . . .. MnrchliiR^wlIl again be a fe«lure nf ihr feMlv^. Solo and group pre.v- tat.iiions* iii'ay be entered In botH ,.vwnmnmnsmifflemin-^amsTBrai^

_.m.(Uiej»_l*WtB»=3ate_itlicjiJ_beL him m y dad could llrh hl< dad.

,Ilh mother,dnr^.tlip dclvln': jnd when .IhC- iro;nan -docs-tiie-drlvlii'. the nuii'.M a nm«.^.,v

Coming- Events

iiiA\)iaE<S)ealcrK- PJiiii-Boise -l\toct

REXDURO, Idaho. Jan. 20 (fl-j-a A', llartb. of-Jicxburs,_nj:crildciil .of

,lhe;Inkermoimlaln Hardware omo- clui'lon,-»aid ioday-liU-orsBnlMtloti

It iiTTiiiiPl ooliventjQn at ’jabH ijr.--ir:2:rind 3, ,

'w'. Tiibrtw.

—SimT.of Caldwell »nd . State Heprc.ienta- tlvp M, C. IJnldrldee of Parma nrr arnoiBUiK 'hr proBriuii which will Include talk.', by a , L. Jenfcln.i, jilate

n’cc rommbj.joiicr: CIniido Bl»-

-atl - Of.- sail t.ai;r cuy.- and "other

,pot-luck luncheon .III i p. m. .today il.tlic±omcjif A lrr_i.x:,^ineldci

TfSroii, — J 7 " --------- — T_?•llarrLi'Pniddi’ii.-pnte.v frpmenstem

jreijon. i.oiiijicrn Idaho, iiorihem - 'avrtd ;-wo l>'lll'WyOlnln)^And-Utn>r

fteA P ^ et fW 'a -W A N T -Aca:—

MSllBif aElENlW;Voluntoor-W 0 r k c r-s‘ Push • . -Tiokot-Sfllling—

.C.ampaig[u___. rorly Cnmi) nrts-Glrla-Jn ... vice unlforin?i -wlll--contlnuc-t«eIr gamaii-nt_Uip.’ hii.»,lnpM_anri rr U dcutlA]_tlL\tricU..or.Tu.‘lri J^l&-to-

10 fell tlckeU) to the Pre.<ildei

,in<r will conclude tlie-drive tomor* .rAW^BPSUllft-of-tho-drlv<*-for-fTi^ first day were aatUfuctcry. it i« aimonnced. ' »— "nenldeniA^wlio aro-nob called-

ld_, cornmimicato with Camp iiuardiui»»-or wlUv-JJri. Mmy.

.......Ill, r.ccreliiry.'' . aceordlns to.i*tT;=«l»f.ii=-Fow«IfFprf*UI*i»«r the Guardians’ a.vioclatlon, "catnc of tiuxllmltrd time thi__*nui c:uivo.v. the entlro .cftyT niid If rc.N|deii!K_notlly us. the .filrla will

•calUaUthair-homM-wiUt-Ui4-tlolc- cU,"..Gu'ardiaiu.of. Uie sroup5-partlcU

'v v ic ir ct'o-aT '


: $ S i7 5 -5 0 c - P c r -S a c k -r N E I L ’S "

paunt aa a ^Mrj.-.auy RyniBnrTkirB; -w.~fl-. van. Engelen, Mrs., Arne Rommetvcdl, Mn. J, S. Klmcj. Mrs. William Mor- > Ban.JiTrs; R.-p.'Parry3lr*.'RieliaVd~ ■BobettJon.^Mffl. ~noyd Campbell,.« and MlM EllzAbeUi DIakfl'.; .-Tunda'colleeJed are given crich etenlnp-to the dan'ee-commlttee. •

‘drpftV -work. TIio roit will go lo Che national foundation. I

u.SaleA-&U_ovor-tt>e-. country. aro-- - progrcMlnif rapidly." according lo_ Mrt.-'-Prankl« '•'Alworilv’-assLitaiil couuly” chalrVnatr Tlcl:oir a're'irn'' ialc_aUJic_£lla_cluli_BntLl^«i:iiLl • ig'Mores, aa-,well a» by-commun--

:halrmen in towns throughout

— TltAfPIC-tlAKKTt-^JEROME. Jan..26-Earle.JJ.-\vilw

italc iroopct; sptJ'ie on Itiw , 1 . •«HforCcmenl'and traffic•Mfcty'.U'n---------


Bring! Happy Rallif Xliny •ulfrrfn i«ll»« nacxlnr birV

■ !iS w S s ?S felo»p<opli put *twui-3 plBU • dix w ■f^ynjl 0? K»nir pMtUM'wluTimii

D ale Fixed For .D islrk l O c I k i I c s

21 and 23Ju Al.blon, iiceordliiK nnouncp'meni rrrclml firrr by t!Id Wnllftcr. Twin PalK IiIkIi wliont sndi. It will be- folloupd, liv the alp tournanielit at Pocatelio. Tijp Unlrcrflltrof *dmD.".\OTinicn

rniwl\,.wil\ bt liort the even'

" “ SPECIXJ/» .P I«e Service for*. GIJASS JUNNElt 8ET-E*lra S^.clal'

$2.98nFaiV'CLAss-XUu Ti^iisr


"SPlfeCIAL. . - -.-PETROI.ATII.M - -- *• (Mineral Jelly)--

Fur veterinary use.

Lh. .. 10ct -tar ie .-U &lEItJNE "fO OTW- '

Pa»tc. Apc tube. PROPirV.., LACTIC 'rOOTIIDRUSK. 50e

BOTli FOR-V_:,„- _ 5 9 c . '

I S A V -^ M O R b y P A Y ^ ^

These are EVERYDAY in the week prices! .Come in and-help yourself!

^ V I T A M I N S -— VJTAPI.EX. CArKI.XKH,' A. •

U. G. n.-C. K. vll4mlK» «lthIron and liver .......... S 1 .4 9PAhKE DAVIS VIOSTKROL rn ? ii.-s c .e - .- ';r : :. .." .- :.5 3 c " IIAUnUT l.fVKR Olf. CAP-

-TOBACCO — 1SAV-MOR brought t o b a c c o prices DOWN in Twin F.ills — and' these arc K VERY-DAirriN ZTnK -W EEK prices.


Page 3: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

HITm m o i

“ GdJioranrrCDnvlnc'cdrpsoplif: — -Don’.tiWanl-P-CcmiLloLi-.

_B j)_osU ;axB s____

- m r j i l d a h o - ’E i q u o r - G

' of veto for. Ulc Hnit llmc lo<lny,c

nmciirt the Lcu'htoii cHy clinrtcr.

Tl)(! bill would i>criiilt an Incrcue ^

______ ...................................................nf city onllnntlecs 111 book* fonii

_ _ railirr lliiin- piibllcalloti III nowsiw-

•TJiU.ljl!!. commonly n.t Uic Clinrlrr -0111. > ln «; ,U' ))CrtallCi tii

. nincndmcnt of llio cliiiricr' of the City of Lewiston'. Itnfl been ibc r.iili*. jccl or-4UUcl>- <U.scu»ilon (<litcu II cniufl 10’ my dc.ik" BottolfMa siUit

tnf^ingcjo iliC-CCDaic.—

<leJcKnU«jiIceMiilti conccmliiR llie bit) with

.. m i f clnl rrfrrriipf in. Uw aiiniigrji - Ujc-bill..woum.mftto W Hio cliy.tttX;

slriituiirp. I njf cotifUlriii. Ihni the “ Iieoj>rc Utrjwts.KiTi»t ilila-bill iip-

iftovril>^ . X ■' Scnf&or R. S.“Erb (D->fo2*l>L'rccT' •iitftr nr>ii^i:nlhTlvd~IIobcrrorBnll-

THOMAS MADDKN (Icri), Lcfflnlon sllorncf. and G. NIctinlax: Jffl (ric>it). roratclln nrmimper'tnam-wrre 7e*trn1a}’ appnlnlrct'Iiy (Tnv r- «8r"C..'A; notloH«n Id he the two nepuWicon menitirri'tit tlic.JlqHgcaantrotTlwnrtli^hc^gow^w^ilayf^^^ tmlny -----menl of llie llilfil member,who U lo be a Dcmocral. _____

JcL-ome Laiiiiclics .fee.ciuaiiou D m c

=WKKOM£»lan:n.sao- -tin=VTirplnn- tln'n proKrnm for ^mnllno.t luiil dlulu tlffflii ttmoMR^jp eliiltlrcn' nr ilm Llncnlif.-W n s !i m K I o n. PIimmhu Plain.-, nncl Cnnyoti.iidr .%cliooLs Will

tULi wiTk~l>y'.MErrhftfhcl. Ilu.vicM, Jerome coiiiilv.'iiubllc licnllli mir:.e,

All clvlldrm.ot Ihe^iehooli of Ap- rlrlon.-miII.?--Cir5^ntr-Sll{;;frtffiiT, Tvliroe'Tinrciilr. w&h lo' iiatt^i*tTn hfvc llil;i Iitnllli iirolcciioii •>iioiil(l

Jirlnjfhf'iiijit.niiy.tir.ttic.alnuLinm: etl.icliooUi.ia'ilio .nliHiintcil limir.-

■Dn Momlar. Jim.'aff’ ni'n a.'m

lr[igttiy-to-thr'-Jiiioif..'ioiiVorr5w~ imintrnn7rffnin(fTn6inie3n''ifiTiir

f'tRiiincnb'by-attonicys. i Tlic'ihsi' (lien would ko to tlic

iiry ^>j'j,l,''lplij>ll\nll(iii_(ij^ljejitiilcil..riUiliic nni! !icre«iiliiK pliuit lo slate lilKlnviiy. burcali:li»*au lUeanl iiiaitni>r.

Slnt'cK ntlornoyr. wfrn I'lallrtl by ilc'li'iir.c objections In tbclr ojioit to nliiiiln Iioni Mk . Ki»rl Evtnui. hlomlc loimcr .wietnry of rx-KOVenioV C. ..... ic.'.timoiiv I'eiinrclluK c" '

,j£ rA R T S F R IB A Y f C O R N IN GA n A n n u a l M o n e y r S a v in g E v ^ n t a t th e C O L D E N ROT.E-i. - „ ---------------- ---------- . E v e r y Hem -

_ FT Im e ly= a«a= iieaso h a t-V 'alng T 7 T - E v e r y lt e w r P r ic e d to C l e a m ■ M ostly ::: F u l l A s s o r tm e n ts o f S iz e s , : S t y ie s a n d C o lo rs . S h o p th e G o ld e n R u l e D u r in g T h is E y e n t .a n d iS a v e . ; . .

ic.'.imioiiv I'ciTnrciuiK con*

11...,II. ______________ —n.

.Govi:rnor” Delays~fl|jt)oliii- - mcnt of Third l\(cmbcr,

— OcmocraU____BOISE.. Jaii.-^o — Governor

?T*^—nolftlfiwif-nMmeil-Coiliiy-lhr- ' '0 iicjjHlilicnii IneniGcr.i

ibar4-biiV-».l«UI>o-li.Ml-not-yel-flc-- j ’• tcrmln«l:tl)e-Ocmoernllc nppolntee |

- J

i«. r.Inp nt (he covcmor" by movlur. , lor pii.isiisc;oi.’crtlio vi:to. • “ ,

nolh e-^plnlncd In IciiLslutlve de- bnte they had found U ■•cllfflcuir .

•to Irnim-cxRctly wlictttcr-or-norUiTT ‘• >^peop»-of'Xewi.'ifon 'wauled the ,

P , (imendment. .• ' LewLtton. Bol«e nml Uelleviie nrc

• .Ihe only Idaho eltl».i l>flnK oi>ernlcd • apcclal- loKl-ilatlvc ehnrtcr

!ti\Vljk>; *blTU Uijiuill--i-xn!'i'/iiiijfllned Btntehood.

l l i iN P ^Appropriation of $1468,000

. for Next Two Years'

tnometu I slsn'the'6111 ....... .........KlgnlnR nf ihc mon.iiinr 111 terml- nnte the .exHteiice of llie prc.ient

' CnnyuH!,Wc ?dwol; ‘(h« s os\ Tuc.ilnv.-TJ(inr3t-Umo n. m rPldraiim am .T

tcliool »-hlldrcii niiiy rrorlvp v.icrliic.•Tlic fi-P. 1. -fitly rrnl'i for .-nrl.

- ........... vaccine niid aone dnlliir fee will bo rlianscd o.ich child fcir llie dliihlherlii viirclne

All pari ni.s. wj».J>pvc prp-;.ch(>ol children uiid who to have iliem vncrlii:uc<l .'hoiilil hrlni: ttiriil

. lamiiTimi wiih Uiiltca.5liil<v; Sen- jUic-U-W.ii'ilt-Cliirtf-wiiCTrlhc'latWT" I'.n, .(it nttomcy

In mlini lt't> lo Mni. Eviiii.i. who wi>.-. -JonuiTly. Mi^fOcri-Hichnfdron-'ol- I'.ofiihrllo; llie .Mntc ii-srd'lhrec other rptiiiiial wlinc.s.ic.1, 'Hit defeiwe of- frred no i-flnKtnl- [c3(lniotr>’.

^ ‘ a l w T f i i ’ i v o C ov_

: ^ . c l r o o r y e i f i 1 ) o o k— l\|)proxljiiatclv—aii-w iltu-flf—ji'k*- V'D'nir, 'IWIiriMliriilKh . cllool• Shr mial. have bcrjj niode by Uie r.-ile;i

. It wii.T Hnrinunccd at ii hiLsl.. ne,'.'. nicclliiK thla wecH. Al lca.it -1254mLsL.bc.u>ld..........

TliV rnnipniiin will cotiiliiiie iiiuil February.I. • ;-^11i»Mkiwn-payTnmrtins-BcfnTra.'iC .poneil to promote .sales, mid need f lol be iinde .imlil. rebninry. It l;i ?:;i>laliu'd. wllh thi- lialjiici- piild.miy lUmr before the deliver}' of the yenr- bool:.

P j- e - In n e n to ry : ■ — C learan ce-’

G i r l s ’ ; ™

^^PARKAP r e - I n v e n t o r y C I c a r a h c e L


' ( h i e H a l f —

Cnal.s (jfi^jiimlly |»ricc(l-

slyk-.s in lioiicic, ii('ivclt>:

□ottolfsen lunld lie would 'nppolnl-

piipcrmiui. and Tliomnn Mnddeit.':r?a'TOnmwrcit'-:-------- . ■ .—

Both nre, Repiibllcna-i' nnd' the hliji member. unUlir.Hie law,''6 a DenioeralV ,■IIo Nild-lin *xpecled to tleteVmlne

the other member tomorrow.••r"hnve“ nnrrowc(r~tttc~iL':t“ o f

i)(>toibiir~Hppbintoc.'; “ i'ar' me~'iTi>FH" I>o.ililon down to iliree,".Governor Boitolf.'icn .i.ild.

TIC Kiild nbhe"of ‘ {hr'iiifce

« ; A _ a - f ' m T r \ V i r £ e - - r - 7 , p ,i{ate.s-conii,,retry tvery-WiiiteEJiadJerribre Golds”

reMdent of Bohe but liccllned to .

. Iliehard C. Ro.-.m, [cdcrid Mat- l.%ltchn iriiorled loilny.

-■niL' lulMimh-rntiilojTi

“TStirfie.'i CriircfinTclU'f'-I ..m to Ili.hV >.» J.r Ih, iiiK r.lA mrdlrlpr. miCKf.......

I U»tM-lhr (ir>l-h<iiil»cl" h>il°7<rrli>i*

BOISE. Jan,- 28 . f;r)-Ait appro'- prlntlon of W.<C8.000 for relief of Idnlio-n M.OOO nwriy during the next two yenr.i—In eoopejytlon with Uie

, fKleral Kovenimcnt iii’id the, eoiin- • tle--.-wM provided hijone of lo new

.A xvomun l.s not behiK conaldared for-the post, he i.nld. '■

Pxcvlously reiioit.'i were eiincnl' lint tUe D««u3cc»i.lc member ot tl\c

board-ml«hl,be Mr«. Ciirtla I>lke of Bolr.r. foniier'Add county Demo- cmtic bcnator.

■rcpte«nl.ilIvc5’ iotlny, " ■' .• In addition, the. mensiirr which ))rovide.% for rare of tlie .ikwI. blind, dependent children nnd uiirmplov-

. .ible. nl.so deslcnated an nddltlnnal

Ilie.iiew bill on-wlilcli.nllomci’S haj'c been workUiB for iwo'week.i

. BM~{ic3lrnetl, tt}..mect. Icdernl so-• rial security boiinl objections to

Idaho laws relaUns to dbbiirsemcnt• 6 f tile-funds. ‘ ' ......... .........

federal .’Hoiir);'Halted No federnl money. . which 1:

matche<l by *iato nnd comity rtiiid;i. has come to Idnho .'Incc Jnnuiir>’

V i l ^ Jl A (ITiy'iiial

•nie rftilly waKe with bo.ir<l K SI.’ O and wlllioiit comparedwiUl. JI.7S iiiid S2.3J. JC.vpecllveiy, In Oiiiiumy. 193«. ‘ .

Oil. July } l.isl year farmers paid. vVllh boanl . .luppllfd,- S-10.25 per month or *2 <lally. -and Mvlthoutr

- - ........... ly'iiiul espflivie.%-tthUein Kc.vilon. must. name, n miitiimer for the_prr^eni store lin'd dUiienwiry Ry.Mcm which operiitc.i in 12a Idaho communllles.

Siilnry of each of the thi

...,‘!*J'Ui'e Mnwiitulmrlhirnoni adminL'.triitivo board fw the prc.-.- ent eomrtiKsion does not chaticfr.ciu .forccment fcaturca of the llnnor


—A-Vaiue‘Y ou€an not-A fford-to ‘ ' M is s ‘ :

N ation ally .Known


2 P a i r s $1

nnti .(.wcctls.JL^’L

few Tiir (riniiticd lioiiclc.

I C v o r , ,-1 iic»- w'inK'r s(>;Ic.’ Svc tlicrr

T m il'v ^ ri !ili|irci'i:itc liiC - piii'u anil-value.- -------- -

G ir d le s a n d :^.^antie_Gii*dles.

■■ Itrcr.A mitinually kiinnii Iwit-uuy >lrrl.'h slrille rpdiir.ril_nrjrly u

Vp ran nnt civet emplia'lir Ills valur. Slisht lrrrKuUr% iit 1 nationally litnnvn SI iiualUy )u( tie'knn»*<Yu<l ■'iinnul Iliid ' - li.uVrrfp irDiis.''

. .J ___22 LtjjUcb!.—_________


‘ rnrts o n cin a lly p r icc tf bp III S'i.iiS: pricctl foK c Ic a r -"

C h i l d r e n ' s '

X -StocM ne

printing «82.000 for J.miinry.relief ne«I. hft.i pas-wO tJie leRlslnture, but the bill offered toilay would' repenl that act. ,... The prcitnl ttutc.and.comriy-ad.-

. mtnlsimUmi' ' '. cliaiiRed.’.

would caucus on-the-Wltrtwnorrow and attcmpl- to -pa»s It under

read on three sepdrntc dayn.— .WltJi onlj;, four,daw j-emttlnto«

until the,denc/llne for Introdiiejloiv onncllvidiJally - .sponsored blllswio — -measurejr, camc • to-tfio-.nmntp;h|igJiauaiitx6tluc<i l

o>^ornorniloni. ............vldlnR that Inud nnd bulldlnc cor- liorauon*.'. bulldlnif' nnd bail n.s- soclatlonsr-savlnjaTfttid-loan-nsso- ^atlom.-Anrt.othcr-jnieli................

- f r : r r proper,.eom.TiltteC3.— ~• • In llouie l(op^er

- ........ -.Tlie-acw lioiiw) l>lllB-enleftd twlay

_-By.Rj.M -em 1ltlvc.s-E.-V7-Oyr.-Jrr -(D-Kootcnifl).- TfiornM D'.'Wood (D- Koolcnallft-'B. .j4_An'dcrson_

COURSE^EGINS-Sat.-Jan.-28th— 'M r.R e ln a D e V V ic s w H I l^

O n iy 3 S 0 P q i r ^ ^ o B e E a r l y - P r e - In v e n to r y C le a ra n c e :-

SLIBS^l « i €

ciiiitirctrK Hil.von K nit *titles-ajia^

- B lo o m e rs . '

I9 cReeplarl^iXSc and M c.^^qe'

? l.4 9 e.trade..

KtnULAItljTS'I.OR -.Salln tailored jinil lace (rimmed l)lfls*cut. We've sold. hundreds

«r them at SI.9K. AM, «lx<k Tea role color. .

Prei’Inventory C learan ce '» Nationan3)=Kn’OW|i=|=

Poplar Sheets. 5 9 ^

m mM e n ’s O r e M '

l:jS h iftS~ 6 ^ ..

-■Cimiion-Bnth—= T O W E E S ^


I5c" B t A N K E T S

Laree--klter^doubte^lliret^r W ilte with eetdred barden.


7 7 r

..Bne-rlnventnry C le a ra n c e-

A v?iJuff_no-m nn-fnn,nf« B „ -lortl lo m iss, d c - .

.— -siR ns .and. w h ile ._ I 'a s t -./•nlnptf ‘ f inn pntinl fnli.__■_

^ c s i^ n -s iie flr 't i ir

P O L O S H IR T S“ / j r c n ’.srTaraon

U N IO N r S U l t S -

■Thc. JHc .q u a lily . sh irt tull cu(, random knit. .

a p«vloii».blll jo.iis..to-pcrmlt-t nlcl^lUes to Mil'.or lease bn

_Ji!>'!.J’ r_f«>tbnll,:p(irK3.. '

J.- ouy ■aiecd,-<D-Oneldft» —; -AmencunrimiCiirbiii^rsnirnrirsr

I,™ '.,»n of ■sisisi to. onc-

^ fly_aerlciiliuro.ciif^tloo----- Per^' A mittlne opproval of ngrecmcnt.s and - eodes-Br-uttrldftho ngrtctntirntlTd" '

Jujtment board ulthin any arjn of proiductlon. . • •.By corporatlon.\ committee—Pro-

---------- vl<ilafr--«i#t-ony*land. nnd bulldlnc '• ...corporation, bulldlnir nnd loan 1

g-ytvuna,—■ g n '^ 'yqu 5 'nt-ivato'^swKiis' for ^nlyA t U n it l id 'G r ih c o wceiw ii yovi w is lv lo

.-blly^^hc'95.oo:^^it|-:rpply,Tt)n■■^lrc-pllrchfla(r. . . pricc. ' . . . . . . . . . _ ,

-----------Oi*-yyu-cann-ont-nhe^cci7i^r«)h-rriF ......o t lic f 5 > ;c c k s fo r ..another SS.DQ mid re ;


- - p r n c U e n I - f o r - « ^ h ^ ;


- O V E R A X X S =69 c

f n o t ,li2i»U>iil£sU31ai;la. - - iwn 111 medlntn. . and low '<—•Plnid-FrinK«d-------


Page 4: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

-P A G E 'F O O a r •:

TWliN FALLS IN liWS -cS "!;:

IDAHO'S SURPLUS UEANS - , __ Jatiire'.QUldlcl J iera olfln H yciir with tho.

»]1. : iVsiilt th at the-bean'B row ers" o f IBalfo micl ' ■otlior-becin-proUiiclng-BU tos.arS-ai’alnliacfcdi: !jr;— wlth-the-probtom -bf-ndjUBUng consumer-clc- ' 1“;! mand lo the Increased supply o f edible dry

t i 1 iiu-Itiaho;Jii«frO nn>rerr3tablll7:ail^com -- m '.. m iltce h fu s -^ ic k e d the-prob lem —idTllJ'did

In o f undcr-consum ptlon. ralli-thnTV'SvdiisPKQilUCtlopi iincl hns nf;ft|n e n - ,.|

listed th e organized retailers In another na­tional ■ ■ bedn - s a le s -cam paign—to^ tlm u la tc-

— consnmptiuu'TJf lliu'coinnioQiiyT ►Ir . n i l s retail aid proved Invaluable, In the u:— li:risls-whl&h-conirontcd-Idayid:s_?!).OOfl.OO.Q_:!r!____ beah-Uidustry lo s t year, and tlio com m ltlco-ls

con fid en t the .1D3S cam paign will prove leUhg a. almllnr cur-cqually bcneficia l li

• .ten t problem ." T l i c iiatlon-w rde drive wlll ^bc'copducted' d v i io a ^ h c week, o f February‘2 to 8, and Ihi

as those throughout the .state, will hope that th e A m cflc'an public co-operate.s gfnerously

iiJ n r^ p n ilp n a c m m r T T T ^ ir ^ p ij^ ^ _____•■Retailors as a 'w h o le ’arc deservlnR of'm iich

’• credit- f o r •tH'c]r*'asslsCance lt\ this respect, ■ b u t we’ c a iy jo l overloolt a“ rcc'e'hftll,’icmirftglnff

d lscovcry right In our own .vicinity, which Is rrdUf4cult to «?xplnln- la v{eu- bf~tWs~^Tmli

| ^ “ T -ln ff-Id a h o -b c a n s -ln :-a T m a n n o r -that-would- r “ : ' " n e i t h e r encourage ■ their 'consumption, nor

serve as ’ any crecMl to One o f Idaho's best, t-pnrfucta ’

dozen h ats apiece, for. that- Is the nu_____the Hat S tyle Council says is essential fo r the

■ ^.The 'L\vervc~liat Im peratlvcs’.a re - 'lh o high .silk, the foldlnB'D pora, the black or m idnight .bl,ue--3oft hat. the derb y ,-th e hom burgr tl't?'

jTcaiiy 'w cll-drcsscd m a n ......................~.•inap brim , the o f f- th e - fa c c . the ilght-w clght fgU.. tllO spnrtR;_thf» 'ctr.-iu?, , tho pniin'mn nn<l

Emwcia|Jbisidex:s-Predict - becisioii:in-FflYor_df_Ti VJA..

. l-s jio r^ ty p er ;_______ _■ 'niafgrbup.doublTcs.'! takes ca'fo o f fa'ther'i

nrcchs'fb f socIuV fM nctioris,.binlneis. cHUrch" :rul.se and golf-c o u r se, but It allll sccm siln^ : i^omplete; N othing l.s said b'f w h a t-fa th er

US' w h en -he ’a - c a ^ ln g '' out thq^ashcsrtln -

0ver-the•c«lint«r-4l>-«)— .lnt•oTt- }rt«nl^cd;p«;ll(l0ltes)■^•f He - fcmplo^ iUtemenUi of Ihelr flRnn- elfll-eoiicIiUon-At-regular. Int^'ola.^


111 Mulno l)y iwt torrent ilrlvo tui lioMppowi^r? T}i<


tlio sky.hnnu liiL .............---------- smnwrtn«i[i!>[i(ty"(iir(i

ity feet. Why not let )li.m uul Rciicruti

Innii^ntc it Icait 500,000

"Cooper apen . tlileriL

lOt bccsuse Dc.xicr Ci)oi>rr wns to lio clruiifil rwitjt •pprprttrai*TTi(iHon-TrBnlfn.ljnr*1w:aWff‘ tti(T-*iiV

' ' iinre for a .Udnl po\Yer plAiit In Mnlne, (leiirfwloii. Pnniiioxlcnlly ciioiljfli Imrcl'

licfxl Mines for Cooper, ‘nie presl*t listened. Pcihsl........................... .......... ..

-•-'.Utly lil.'i nbsorjillan In powi iliiii m.ule liim-riLTiT-liT wlitrc Imiikc

the Kcfttral I’oni fi-Jriv.

' proli- lc,-tretl.

Ill hl. nL-<lilnif with wUle-ppen

Cohimlwloii.nnd a PWA.board of

Alipr donii’ inlUlai^ hiul been Bpenl Ihg jupslilcii^ wrided iii.'April. IMdrtrinC he would iilii\hdon "I’ liclfly.' Nnw-lir rrtiiri!5 lo » . - ! n » letter IQ neprMemntiV- Mliiwdclil. clnirinutroriurKlvv.i nmmhrbor.i Coni- ini.vlqfi, tic nsw thnt "reiiewctl tiUcnllou'’ be Klvn

•M) a project wliicli cver>’body tlinuBlil was dcnd. Mnlii -.LvtiicJii:- off.Jitlj|t);\Jt ;j;niuiwMaliu5 jnoxUio Jitlpcd^ . ,.so-at.raugivj t-t : oo,ocojoo-i»fty-t>c t-iiout iff

lUQOirRriiciiiu: 200,000 hofM'poiiur-for tinliwi;,-.vl’hlcli,-If.Uiey illcl'c-xlst could l>c

iowcr-coaf 1>v i>iram' ■i7lom3..':tXgH:{lJn_niori‘-mvprable;lQCttUUea-Liimi port, Miiirtc.-New York ;i1nie:i,

"If I Hncl II Mlllloii'’-r^oiiJclhliiK iiTuiik tlie line of lliti rvr:V(Jiiy topic of f.oclnj-ipeculatlon emcrijes. Ironi

,rc!KcU-lluit.oiiii.Archlba]d.li. Undesa>.oI-Mai>c})c.it£r. .M v i, h3s_su(ldcuiy inlierlted Uio ulatc. of u Sc'otUAl) earldom, title, canlle and jill—escept lhe*e'.‘ ;ln the fiinilly iiamc, Moro .lunirlMiiK than tlie Ihlfteenth cnrl•of Llinljny’a acrinliiit............................■XTiUTlean Mirtnvmdli

|-pnrlti.ih noblenniTr-Siirprlr.lnir, did. . , ............ «aj:7TpmaprriiiisKlnattun li n.\, Kood n.% manj- voyacr.v" Mimeoilc

■ha.i uLiely /iftld.."nnd, how much Cheaper.’ ' It inayTJc. .mc_JtMikJu*Ju*plr«4-inor«JiAftnliiliiB«-oii-ih< of ihc benefld.irv than we uuppoae, ImiielnlnB; hold forth no anurcnic-iit.H tnorn appeallns thai

' <Heo((»h' -ttt>:Jr»:tttelriiican M yt

ICfttti"TTlrtHTlfftT"TnfitCil5lrT)OMe?C!lDtot.'*wflO'tliny the drcL'ilon to remnltrln- n i/ invar ' -- *•-

:e''Klonlof eaalles nearer lioinel


■The beM S,'prom tnentlyd lap !aycd-ln^eU o~ ,,, p h anc.-bags , could hardly bo-classified as y . b e a n s 'a f all. T he fact that many o f the

"beanH w e r e shriveled and dlscolorcd would ■ h ave been bad enough, but the accumulatloh.■OT^rrt. stlcksTTJlurof luva Rjck and“win»t"noL;

\-— sa cl:ed -u 'lt li-th csc -b ea n s ..4 jia d c_ th c-£ orx y -‘ , look ing package anything but InvlWng.

. H ow .m any Idah o merchanJjS_are .so carc- . less and. IncopsldL'ratc as to^ presbnt'Idaho'

- beans In such a ' fash ion , we do not know, but

Irreparable dam age to an^hnporlant'l'ndt'i^^ .E v e r y . I d a h o 'm e rch a n t .should . take aiif-

— Jtlcient-prlde In-Jila.jitato'.s hom e-grown prod- -ucts to-dlsplay rind mercl^andlte them at their very best, particu larly when It Is-true that

.._. Idah o ;s .b ean s, potatoc5,.onlons._and.tht;.lW e; take second place' to none produced Wse- w here In the country! . •■ Llktwls'e.' Idah'o-consumcr.<! ehoiiki take su f-

-tiC lentJfJdeJlL^hegO nntlv<> rftmmnfimps tn~ • dem and that they“be soio on ly m e very be,su: ' U nder n o circum stance .should we.permlt It jr to b ecom c Known th at o iii-ot-state.retailers L .„_-a tc.dolnB a .b c lte r jo b .o f mcrchJindlzlng IdahoJ __ prpdiicj.s_than ..\yc-arc,.doIiu i- ourselvca. a tI .h om e ’. . . . _

T h a t Is a m atter to which thii Idaho Bean

••.thc_rccciialoii r = d proceeded to^Jiurua-'iH. .it; _1037_fe^corc!,. The prosiH'Clsjur,I!!i;:'J';iic .'X-

cellon t.. New Y ork ha."; Jina- liad ^ motqr..boaV show oycr^ ioid 'thofi

t e n d a h c i i j v n d v > a l t : s . ' . , . . ,.■ , TllL^-pien^lant-rccorri^!1-t^^^rfm^T7J^-:^mt’r “

-sports--=-m otcn— boatiTTs.‘ ' '5 nm nrr"cahoom gr _,_SWhnmlnR3iid"SQ'nmrr!r3i(MUc-ilIU-mllIIon''.C

alres with, yachts, ^ t they are puiiiy tlnu'ji =:o T^ilnlmb ered=b3T^the 'r eat- o f -UB;'-v,’b O'-have

taken to .th e w a ter In all sQrts o f lesser cruft.

VT'j^-XN^u'^SINKStr-INCUR-iJTIlll'll— -----------AND-lNORATITUDli-- - ' i i;lerl.itlc o f n cerliilii cIium of benellclarle;; of

?j:p “ '!''*rntlon, who borrow./roin oni: lireAiiirc from another. Is the attlinric

irwisfrrrert hcr inortjjiitic

>ubIlL.....IpiiiJcr're relic

BrooKIyii ........................ .a money lender io llie -'lioi Ion" four

. . . . leniento w liu t .------- ---------------------------------------------------------. Since Ih.c chsnsc ahe him occupied hie premtiea ntjd failed to mal:e payjiicnu agreed tipon. Slic lias enjoyed n freedom trom outlay lllat no imniortKatfed jielKlUjnr doej. Wlilioiii payln» n • •• linil (he use of tlip p______ _______roinTlv for iilmnsf fmir vpar>i.

uw Shi; iu>k« tiii; court jo ilcclaro the federal cor- illnii miroiiMhritlonnl, lo.rniirH tllClJaiu jQ.ailllUl. I?aii.'actl67i pnd llfl'lipp out of the debtor claw here hnvc lieeii units of iW* klnd.aU over (ho couii- -eveii here In Utah. Ilott’ liorrtiwi'rs .wlp rniiiiot pe pa 'niery *01' filrrclaMiv froiii. private eoncerr' Justify Uyfr efloi^s to'cv.ido tin: .innie obllgfttioii

,ioM!iP_;i.iui)iic Is oiicuf.thi:.vai!^rJci,ofJiuiiuin liaUii

Itiuc—I .........................th» Innrenlljatlon that Nfewrf. Miller mu' We.1t would not linve dt-.cln.Hrd llicli nIniS-WKhIn 'u. few btoc)j-.n[ (he While ilousc-wltlioHl

■nifi United fllnte.i Kuverninent .'liould 'retire from, tlw loan yind morteaRc biulnc.v.' u.-.’rapidly lu- Ilquldn*

.ttu;i K.iKulblc.Jl.never ..should hiivu'ciitmd.Uio lUt.i of jeiider.i-lo private apiillninL'.', Tlu- Uiipulst Jo hid IndtWdiiali lit dl.itrcM and hi danucr of Io.-duK tl/;lr' hoMif-% u too Mjfi for .iftfeiy or iipprrclailon. •

.Qnvemmcnoi.ftre ■,i:liini)tlc..ccriiurcUons .orcQnlzcd and mnhitalned for Kfncral am and protection of pri- vnlo or local toniorafloni. mduilrlea, elemenls. n-uo- clatloiB or Indlvldtmbj'When tlipy enter the liphei M or flctlvlUes of Mibjeet.i. cltlrer.i nr dc-pendi>iiUi. they nre InvltlrT rr-r,u------ ------- ---------------

- o r im .-S i

IltSUANnSwVKi: S'lL'l ■ SlRli-1 of BprliiR'nrc kliyly npiieaiii Olarksion valle>’.-Llsht couien ii -I niornlnR a|ld lln|Iel' ton<{cr In Ihn r lieli!h(rn the bcauly of

■ill the Lewlston- tn rurllcr":in Uie nine, no.ilcr llnt.i ■■ liie perennial

--------.iHidiiril-Dcnmiii* to up-Id llbcrllea of "NotUi achliawlB

Ukclyta. rcsuHr-ttween'

IJe.-.lKi=i;. ;ii:d. Unlors ot.Tieii'i cIOUiUlR.havr COH- uiU'ii iiii'h' iiiiimal convonllori iind piit_f<irlli lliclr ivariauip incdlctloaf. Tlir rrpofi'” inii:iiiM>«' kept' ai»iii:r; in tyjie from year lo jt;ir imd lakcn out nnd .!.‘ tiu-ori for prp-Ki)rlnirdi.'.pI.ny.-Mcii'a fa.ihiOiu“ nro >0111 io.cnlcr ll:r.« m t Intcreiitliii; and colorfid epoch

y. pWlfcr'IIie medicine mixer.'.

j\JlLJ>-.LJJi:iii;uiuin{L'rhami>ii;:n<^TOlDraLli«Klax. . »ui_ji'jijjai.i->nti(uilove.ai-ji3jcre-ii-iii'.'ao-jiut-no-llmit;^! Prp<l(p!>rthr-TtTenrnnnmmrpmcm; "The domestlcntca' lm>b.-\nd ttUl look like n ralnWm- ii hU tailor linji hln

ODSTHUCTION. Irmldftra i - ......Ihnl Inrcc' Inalltntionai Jioiderji of~ Tallrond secnrltles arc privately l ■- Inir to block Icaljilation that would farllllnte the financial rcnrjanlza-

tlicm to'tak(*'larRC loj-ie.i on the b<vilcTnliii'"of lliHr’ hotdInf;A,"ifffti' mftltu to be seen whetlior their bnclJ. IaBfl e’ lsiruellnn will nr.rvem ?(fec.

tlve aclimt 'on OnpltoI.HlH. - - ....... .

"'News- Behlifa-’ "The News

ly Tucker .'.anmer-ToE-Preal-.

ha.', reached tin , t:nd. bold way. It I Khiih’ly'contrast.^ rMJiialuy end-phi-

•.ililcnt'.i. IJie Chit lha .1 liten'ralmlrfinur.s"nt' f'.'pn

............CoiiKiL'i^iuiul-Htw.'d ol..pteeli by' Hey Miller. Inlluciulal

Ti'xiin and Oanicr______;CorpiirChrl'(i l;in Deeemoi placed In-that cailly Irankablc.d'-’C'

.liivluR exprnsfi joi JU'p. -Mllloii...JI.,

rtt of Texna, Tlii’ lat Mr. aamer In tlio hou.sp \A

u veteran waA elevated .lo ilir v | l l':ll v, In fnet. Mr. V/r.n '.. ........ --.idldBic fo r ............I ilm-wayft-and roeaiw comniitiei id he led iiH rls rlvab In the vr;

•of-the caticii.1. Tliey me e.Weirc l |K-rsontil friend', ils iite M

.Miller and the No, :> nKiif;

Mr, Oar r him:,elf. Toli the. llrAt a.iIlnlUi-L

'On.M. Wial."JuilKe'’ Wi---.t said hi priiUe of Mr- Oanier iipset

p ]Vwldeni(ii! heni worshippers far o iu.Mlolenlly Ihim the fact that

lie u k l It at all. Here, for initnncl', cbntentlon lid to

das":"The only tliInK thiil 1j o ■ " irner' Is xomii ot lih

ilrr He ‘stni bpllevi llnned virtue.',, of ,<

thrllt nnd self-reliance. '1 word-1, lie 'fiplltves -In the' c loned. fund.Tmentiil princ'

, bleuliiK It would be If that y£tcfI could be aijpllcd'to Anierlcn today!'

lii~aiio:H(3r pnii.aR<i ih*’ ' Onnif j.poliPMiiaa appears to condemn (hi thlr.-\;|orni s'lieme, to-wit; "We of' for no coioplitlni concernhiR tiu. ■flllblli'iiciAorofrirlsn rerord^gi^y-* ~------------ ------------ -------------'ou rtfcr ffirnflr;nly i II Di'inocni

Inn In ri‘"iu‘ei

lUt not If ' P. p . n, hla pface.

nio.is." Krov.'lei they kick me U shown-cauUiin i mnkeri, re;.iirti no .part in i. eleantlm:.

ijh»Vp—-lor- reeonelMittten i> iiiftke -ic^iie'cncnilu of*

old-frleiidn. ' Svvrral .lenatorn loyal Iti all llilnu lo the White Jlouic

I ‘ niirt,I the fne.. i-ehoofllne hl.i. iR lo men who took ;e lUtempted parly

leo-iKnr-that-'tiw _:jire beuiif biHiprfd.,tip

jobfl ami i>rc5idpntlal Invlinllonj IjcRln.i- lo Iiiuk lo 'm C iiftld onerrue^" fully, "ibat.ilic wiiy lo got tavnm- tTonninirrc IsloTTo' Infleppnqepti’

m.i James E. Murray, colIeaRiie.—

• the ba;,lilal non.

uiatioii rntiier tt\nn iii accord:lual nccfJ Jn ,vorloiUiivm'‘ii____Under the South Carollnlitn's per-

;ntaRc • tj'ntcm soiitlienj iilalei oiild ctrac doWn a-i larRr a propnr' on^^ol dallijrn an nortlietn cuai>

Li 27^•nt.< as ngalfist »r in WIiconMn. liiir; tile pcrcentaRe method ot dLi- ljHiUou.WQUltl.)jcnnit Sot^Ui Ciiru- iiT (o ciire for almi»t four WPA-

dollar Hull hired

ubcr: ileicci u-and lilt ii: iiilncrlty jircitesi. Jlmm

Irrii thn'polut for-(ho nri'.Tfv-ivir tr

IDIO WJ*A r.p|>roilrlatlcn r .••cniile.

KAVOllK, i:ml?.*irfes c ll:iK-i o£ Inicu have'bet' quietly thn

-OkiftT, • mr;i _Kha-AYanuTd'::Oiiraggi on hon'emen who Th:u-.ccl nnD

iri d Cdvntr;. hi Hi.- al;ebnlot . n-r'-'ir-TT»m-=T.’’r-i.-.-.,,t,.Ki,n ln- :imnni-;.li-iii (liTli-.secl hl.i Ideil-:

■"Cheerful c;pllmisiri!N;u.pi-,-; i,ir the be.'-t—iliat ilic •op-.'ii .. iM. nii: v.iit

C.ONKUSIONVTlie woefiil JMk of jordi'nailon.lu fMimhm the nntlon'a realejt rennniitrtcnl •])!

m<l deprewed both po- mittwy-RtfftJ----------------


lear it may. warn tliu dictators that a7atniomtS^cimnol~prfi)ar'a~efrir clcntly for wnr cveuM yien they.) wiint- io, Take the slot}' of Ojiaiti '

The Hepbiini proiwal to fortify

-eofterov.:u publicly 4Ubiiilt(c;l ndriplte strong stnte dcpai.........jpsllon.i. • lip i'e - Nav.ll ^ f f a I r Ch.ilaiian Vliucn. a big-jiavy mar ImiiiedliitPly framed a bUl alo'rut

e line il forwi 'ded II

nably coii.-;u!llng 'with the pre about It'— If he-didn't, ho

.shDiilil luve. .ML'unwhllo, Japan |>io- leiited.-and-l'V-D.-Rr uuthDrlscd thc- 'tatempiit (hat he liatl not teen.the Viiiion measure. Sccreliiry Early ihrew down UiC whole idea, Dut next ihe i)rejldcnt.r.ald ho wanted ;hc (juexllon nludled—]X)ssibly a« the

■ for hcnrt'tO'heart talk.% wjihTokyo. Not yet does anybody ki '•VlifitiCLaunni; will becomc .a 'base, lop-lnitlestil: -----

The confusion over alr ilanc Con­struction tt-a.s e?cn worse, aecrctiiry iVoodrlnc foreca.it a prosmrn call- iiR .!£r- V.Ci.-g --how- plancjnvhllc

Anbiant Secret-iry John ftn' pil- •lyMil,M-.ii'd (Iiiil lUnuaLbciOJMQ

»hlp^. 'OfflclaP flRure. jidw ■ ilii ..............

iir^ppiDs 10 bp only’ » pir>.-L" ■

___ jifTmTncTsvn'-tAiairma-flf.U. -S; rDLilttCf JudKP Floyil •Its of VlrBlnla,-nom1niil«l-by- pieJdcnt'against tlie wlahe.i of

SciiataiH OIau and Oyrd.w-, '.-Connl- i| per.s cbmplnln • Maritime


.\tcCltirc>'Newspnper Syndl-

ZTSrA'GICUN... Meanwli(l"-rrpor(i ire flylUR (hick, nnd fMt.throusl ill-slreeU Ihnl the ndmlnlst; onlv w»Hlij8-.fotdlt"-T.-V: A: lo innke anntlier hand.wme "peace' flc^tura-io'fards Uie.priVAlc-uUimi.

•inthtMor-lt^iBhftskriiic-njniror a sUitement by the Securllles nnd


CHARCOAI.: jap;m'i r n u a i-r , r„« ,i,i„,iMi.rrnM le for,Bub«lltul*s for nwlcrlalf.

to pr.y for imiwrtfl she vitally nijed). lc:bicomUiii Keiite^hns~produeed'''a— curious Innovation In n. Thr .tnpnnpjip pnmtnitrying (n iinpiilarltp cli

t^'con.itriittlTrlre^Or-|tnni;:nri55Trn armtmficeirrtrnC'nifitrCTrrTrfrfmmHit 'won't be i,o encer'hi future to oubjl- dlt^t^nlelpaljf)nUJClltiotL.\vJlh-cxi>. :isUnir private plants,. ' • ' '

take rtlp.v! rumors (iprloii.ily Certain br'okeraEe houses with active Wash- inBton'connN'ttnii.f dldm lalld-offlce biLilne.w'ln-n(lll(y peciirlMea for a couple of^nw last week, But hlnlily placed.New Vorker.i arc still from

, MtMoiirl. ' ■■ .:— ATTCin'Wini’ l'SlIftiaiiiirWf 'Jm Dio ' Kovcmment nntl the power. Indaitry 1» Impoulble until an'a'srecment Lt

- - uy T. V. A7 TUlirO -

Ka.i6linf purchMCS..The charcoal.UMd (0 Renerato rok with wl\lcli ‘

__ ; caja'a re driven. Tlic aim fa to-TiaveTi'iyOO tnicka nnd l.OOC'tW*-' Mintor vehicles .e<julpueil'-.wltli .charr.. coal burners durliiR Ihe next-ypar.

Informed New Yorknm ri’mack ' that the commerce otilco wlU rate :rcdlt for ti latter-day nilraclft If It ran put Ihl.i over. Doiibl I* exprf«ert“ Uutt even tlio docllo and patriotic Jnnaneso will-put . up with Ute In- omclwn^vzrdlrtiniuirfltnsral-obndiil^-*

r If

■TrgaithritrsoTitftoficcrriHininetraTaf 'th?-Joriner shall pay forthe latter'* pro]>ertlr;i_jn Hh. tt'rrllori'.-NeitOlla- .................... Iitandjitlll for

-Umt-lfarry Hopkins- la nup'posed’ .. bo preparlnit'-to'solve In lifa spure tlmercomiiient runs lhat If Harry

.can, dope, jjut.nn.uiuwcr. acceptable to botli partlPH, he will (luallfy a.t an up-to-date rrlneamntlon of Solo­mon nnd Uoiidlnl combined,

Iract* atrcngtljeri Die pound-slBrllnT, tenTpororlly,.' . . Current firmness von't laf.t. . . Vlsir

iJ lliilpave way for a 'new-.lrade promotion proKram Involvlnis U. S. credlti . . . American ouUiorltlcs hope'for acree- ment that can be used n.i model In liejetlallnj: wlHi other Lntln coiiii- trlp.n... . Jiipan'n nntlonnl debt now

ree llme.i as1at8«.as Cliinals---------tCo|iyrlsht McClure New.-ipaper ■


•I'lu-ant It. Ltt’ anl.it^andehe.won’l, Mr. ratrJ hai prtpsreil a tesflet.

0 himt Mnrle. Can't you i enUtled, •Trouble witli Numbtt,.Tablei,". In .whicfi -he explain^ an pa<y way lo heJp elilldreu- Improve .

"O, tvcviT mlvHt, t il B«t you tvii* In arllUmetlc. 5i«nA (or ll> aUdr««lt>K' ....... ~

........... ~ ' FaILt New*. _EncIo»eL« -#el(-ued, KUmped .(3-cepl>’ ejiTc- .

Tor i___ lid that iMt time, bui

■.dmilT-Cet'Wo’ bnc'Titid'lie'lof / new blankbook. -TliIs.U Uie only p-I liiive. nnd nnyhov you dpn’t— 'You let lilm l^vc lt. 'l any; and n't tell me what I did or didn't do 111 Jti.ll do what-1 tell'you nnd n't let-him'keep 'i'elllnR hli hi ' \ I'm irylnR to sleep."•But mother,—" ‘

.'Slop IL Olvc hlnuwhat he wni If I have to coma out there—- •

all. Here.' Take t»c bottle of Ink, 1 c.in't help It If‘you drink I f or If you net It ftll o<-eriver>-U;lnK..yDU

,in have It. 'Hero il b . ' Taku It," ,'Marlel Marlef Are-you crarj-J

.Slop, tlmt!..Ue!.can't.h»ve.iho-Ink ---;! you know It."


iWlu:rc-'ls that Ink? Iln trying ----------------------- --------------- liair

lilm.hiive.it^dQ.yout,lJm d-lobellcvotmw iMcaUiftj'QuavcreJtfJ' lerlnit 40 nt inc. I f he*, yells loi. ■MimethlnR lic'lhlnks he has.to have

because you make us all rIvo in hlm .;JM had given hlm.ijjc Ink

-■rBui.you>ycllcd al-nio-to-niake 1 doi • •

r Bood-by hollerin* ;<7T It.

:Morie, slvo-ino-ft-rent.-fi U- sukc, . .1 . sucss-you'r .'II hn'vr to do sompihlni.' vidi

^ biu,j^nny..<eUM»rlo-iiuL- - '-------^

n for no.-ueA.ilmr n i.-i~ ufd be bet'te'r

early. -----

T h e F o ru m

T olera n ce f jr g e d :in '—:r < T h ese P er ilo u s T im es

.proved -th«--annihllntloir o f ' thV" '.'bciuL.'Mt j>omphow-tliBt-could-hi* - •accomplLVhcd. He «r«Med the Ufa- toric character- Qf_-tlita _book. -it£_.

jtoaeetitfd,- dfa-

fnnnUcat - imcrpi'etAlIonrsIni..........book Is ttiorp' hWortrtJiairprophetlc.

-Ths-next-PoninmrtlclCTvas-^TTlt-- ;llJa-a lInf!,.Chrlf,llau ^Plril nt.Mi,

■Bnrunrai...Jug clearly.eH I> fE S f5=W H 0‘Pl*KlTS^

• vtrhe-J(yw--tiowYTjn'-thtrCmmc.';cwnr!ippe •liv a Japahi’ sc jet;d •catalogue recclvcd from Osaka lately, by Am erican nursery men, Herb

—Is-tbc-Jltuatloo-:- - J - — ■‘I'ThirAVaronlv-rtQinti _

- ’C h liicsc alrqplanes-hn«*flow n oVer Japanese sky . In .'ou r .country real peace'cbniinR at

. a ll tim es. n.s-Japane.ie are’toyer o f PoucerSome '.very lUtle perdentagc o f Japanese arc f ig h t ' ' Irtfe a fw lnst unum erablo Chinese nrniv for Or

= 1 0 p tS T ^ trt67=^-• 1-'

~T»K~tnni:i:~i}Tir.i; r.tAhSs bcfuie ilic hunipV'HI:i’' fc.iili. Now don't begin — Kood-

A-.Mirvcy mlidediirlni; i m by (lie American n tll of I*ut)li,v0inmon ;.ho«.-.-r ihr Uibi.- h ,M.ili the fuvoriin l)t>ok.or the prop),-, Hut nccOTflins X'CrcVrTirCfnllupr dlrcelor Iberc U-u stnrtllnir vailntifw n-i

■■-«.Kf6'uiii-oi*'ihoT*;auLrt_____ — ------ ------ --- ~ - t-»HUiUilc-li-ihr-fnTorit<-bwtk-of-srpn-cenr-rtf-niir ■*'

people fifty >xar> old and nijv.arii; In the aRc nroup :(I)lriv (0 fdrty-nUip II 1 Uip l»<-k c.'t n pcK cenlr'Ainoni: ppi' .na.', uiiiK'r itiirly ypur.-; oT-.irc- ft In the fav'orltc Ijook,

He'hns feili-d many n i:rni(' ■'UL'* enmilen nre Iralnn; liii ?KV stipcib; Ills, optimf.m :flplratli

.\nnouneed — Nfr’. and-Mn Wiseman were ndvbcd o 'nJ-ofnA daDBliKinsHni ti

'the-e-lndliui. raltc^

rlbiir IXTexn

JOfi llw lr»w.i>fcrroni«(>p nf hii a'mOTptheyounKfr'

, .-opti- l i .............Ived hcrp (Suco; Went

■chool. but imip, I am a Coal? 01l-«indiinip.- 'lYee.i. broad pgilrlcfl.

:alns and Ood''................... .. nny

:rltcj;. .Mr.-Cralunn,—— * —

,. .t55iniF-'i.'.'V.-:ry..tIlilt.iI3 I the pres.'. larnicr*..puirluUi' I'l and count)' nlfk-crs lo lulii c Biyne law.i; support wapd^m rp.itlnn (jnmi' nnd hi lu i wliy Ilfi^^iijowpJi loih .' .-hil

■rpinark;itjlc mmibrr i.: i;i. volved ‘ ‘*1 cqu^^ t^ iiiiil

juitUlnushlcMndf ^oonatd—VVls£maix-x

miitiKehlm. Cnme bn; Boiuiy.. Well Jnut-imaRet-tnoUibrberTnilcL'Ycs,'


twa demosroclMosed^to'"^

Silioi.i* Operelta—Tlie "Simbon- r nirl" hM' Deen' chfl.icn ns'the' :iL-itu lo be slven'.by'tho'llanscn 'it hclijiol In Ihe'early *prlnlf, Thp 1 will be cIVosen.idlhIn the nrxt

'-> .week.'*:— -----------------Inyal *Ndshboni — Mrs: Stella

(JAiL4n-iny-jK>okel.'J-------------------------i—Onrt!-aiitnMm^lftrl6‘ ktrBIeariies icliariip to. the ttlnR. "I-want that inKixjn,".. said Sonny, »pylt'R lil*

elRhbor wlUt n red talloon ilt>d on uMlpstlck.-----

g , •rPporl-S .frdm"^Mcws^pers-yicy.-ar<i-aU.do jf. gogues an d w hoppers from Chlne.’se Bide. Ja»-

a h e sc are ju st people , so .they, have bcc'n de'-

fl-jr 'w h lqh .ln form eti bverTthe'world from Chinese ■'-•government.'' . . , , -

t's..ty u;»uL..onU'.J &raicia):-U;Mc-w«ta-luaUtuU». pi.,____ IC’.OplnlQnjU-rcvtal. by countluH nosui. Uiat. »udi•wn-1 the situation.- AftiT all. li U <iulte normal. Youtli <'nnnnt-«-ii‘.Hy-iinnKitie-|i.t <;rnrd:Mntesratlrn=lt'prelcrs: to rvnile the pmblem.N ol ptcriilly until elprnlty dinw/i

thc flrrwith the Olble opejieifnnd dlAcovcrt.Uuit.ji'hUi prerjously .was a duty (o rciid.Ims now. become n pJcajiUttjuja an Ulun»lnallan.--Patdand-Ocpaohluii___'

''(fitin 'Rti ‘ irr'TlTiijisiriiiJa uve Ili.s’ iiiid' rniiiwiied—llv

Onlv-xr btconir.*

, ^ainp'faUo’ nptillps’ to nriimnh.nnn'tlPTLV tail to pol.ion*

iirt (riin«, but one with n masteriinn-von-KKvniiuniCoTiii niip-dnrlv.' ifls f.tralps

aRp.Jhci;* r have ri'M)>rti

mimoj'iU'Nclslibor.s at-ii-«>oiiii-i -tmb-Tir^er fiomr Tue-trtnrcTr;


rr-.-v..c^iI'll-iak»-7wrouwmnuK: Wld-Jir'takff'thla «Hpper and win

’tiii"i>ndir(ri)orf;........................Nnw In iiiatrlinniiy.'^ lipn- i!r~

'hniipon in tlVrlinrnr b:idl

liainiinu Jwir' t^ofOroclou-1


•IN DISP E N SA B LE H A T S •____H urrah LA m crlC a 'haa twelve “ be.st-hflttprl

m en ." .They w ere name.d recently by the hot Induatry. - .A pparently they ow n at least a

B rea k fast F oodTO MAKE AMEMIST

WobR}-—Tvo Rot'to dL-icliarRcriliairchauffcur orlnine—hp'ii nearly killed me fifJr times,'

Uoogy—Oh. 8lvo htni another: chance.

Followins •_! ariihiim'^'irlbutc to :Ui?.Uob V/hlte. •. - . f ,, "Friend Of. the farmer, line tinsel- I —pefrlfss •Rnnifl bird; proud n?i a peacock;, ufillunt arid loyal, to his malc._)i?_l:eIiii-jdJi<‘_Ui6.. lajuUy: teaches them whnt lnseci.i and fc'ccd

hetvj?. He.Bii;, bnm In I3l2;' future' brill" on\ ilir jam moi'idi; ill* inuuriaRp llCPivp cntc wns mimt«!r i j ; it Ti-a; on Frldrij', .innnatj' 13; hr o"ii Friflay. ihr 13th. and m: an-cvcnlii; of rtancliH: im number 15. • ■ '

. ... , .'ni'e }\fioto^Bitr-Bl-UiB Unlvcrsilj' ii :i»-, '>! Arizona Is uied for measurInK Hif cit;ii-;>‘Ri>i from dlJlanl »tnr*, Eaulpped

pnotoffmpwio-platea. the instni-•'rriccil'nnil^couM. rfwrd tjie lljht of_a

JOO.wntt THJlb at New Zealand. If i!>i. - '<>nlv it were possible <o see nround. I the-curvd'OfTJio cw tlrr-:

"l.Wen, ■ Sonn>\ You Ju...*‘yffU"can'l-haVe.jVo nle’#.balloot{,;if ,yo

•■uicii, aoniiy. i*mntinij:intnM‘y<m” ci

.. Uilrd-eontrlbutor prwnl*ea'-"a--- few lact« .ftbcul-UiU-power-, ind, ihlnfci th^t ••nono of.ltie lndlrid»aLi‘-

powers brought to-llB httbyU « . i-Ioua writers fit Into the pro-

ofldrc:ttTTmoiJlrcn In Ona_Xamlly ana oniy tpcir i

much In ju e jiou a a k w 'tinftlr wonder U iai.ahe.tokc^ie'

.•'Jettinfc them- have It," If. one or.the older Qnes, llkl

hold of the sltufl^on imT Jvlih the children; let It. bo so. 1 have niwfty* noticed that one child can <10 more for another than Bay grown eluded"'*” ^

ChlldrcTv-cannot lia-ve oil Uiey •fttit. "I -RBnt- it;" 1* aU n aom-

w lhenrilh btotorj-, "wUI reveal Ulc l-beart-.power,’'— Ho- .promtaed— tiii •'fce(^“ then wt\rcUma* his artlel*.

.wrtler'^wUl-iieiB any* of 'tinw world nnx,- •

lutbreak of tile World war. we niust ' ibovp all UilnRS a^old cverytWna In

the, nature o f Jntolefnnl controvciBy,. Ail Chrlilenaom must-now itandmast be app^eclaUveV oU, utd tol> erftht loivnrd all. I ■


Page 5: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

AL.L.4, JUiVTlU, 1’ lU U AT NlNU, JANUAllT 27,'J9n!)

Singing Movie Star Elopes .

—ucLi IIS cottnn n iid___A'lfciiiifm! di'’ confcrcnce55_3ViicatrPTm'MCtn-lrom 5l

' slates wlin cninC to WiuililnRton for “ IT rouiitl-iiiWc •ll'ciiv‘'loin)f tlif

' ‘ llic'brt'atTKriHn- ’•■'Tlre»l n f -C lia n ct i / '— —-

— ui'{iTfln« -' 10 • cuiiiiregjHiiiBt-TTrus-__UC3<Uji.to cliunBb'cxUllnn-lcitWnUOnr

/ V Wiillaeu dcclnreil pcr.ioim friendly to iiKi'Icultiirc "ri'fillru ihnl Innncro are riU-intinnTl'O?! or linvinif Uie pro* r;rnm. chnnticd In the Inter winter iiiia fiirjy uprltiR. Tlicy.<l'2)i‘l wniitnnv iiifn-is nt tint Uilnn "

•. ..... .. ttlili_5l.OQ.OJ100-lnal..yM r;“ A'<'iiiirir"rcdncilon li ntlvLi- nblc. offleli'tS Imvc tiilil. h«c«ur-c of liiixi- jirlce-denrcsslnB itiirpliuicn. botli

_it.thUr.counti3LJmiLjiliri)ftd.:.;_ , . tllCfUW Uetfrfwrfu»\

. . . rnufMTnce Is to-<!L»ciL"-n-to*iiiorrow ilic |iu.vilbllUy of I'l ivowcr

, n-tiMcndiiiii In llio i.prlim-.. “ r.ii;

i f t C A N C E L ^

"Executor and Guardiari"Win Claims in Siro Vblpi

— ^ EstM c ------------

Exoculor'of tlie-M (nte'of" Btfft Voljii; -rricitiiblp" itnllaii rancluT. hn.% i)liliiliii-(i In <ll.-,irlct.. conn .in fi'ri:U.im.,[ii;ct)rtjloii idi

Elks-IVIcel-foi*. Sw e d ish K o jia s l

- Allrncted-bv itif awerihh-ctimicr pininlrrd I>y iho coinmlurc,

_ Hr lilMoo- o! tliP.local ElL'i lodii-;., ,\UUi JUijQXi:iLaL Hik-duL.. nlulit. .............. . . .

K::allf(! RiiU-r C.itl Oill) rr;)crti'cl ml JiO Kl»w (’Iill) ini-inbvnt- nl- ncl<-<l ilip (iimiCr. •• • •

—Mrmlnvr—wnnrr-DlrtlHsy.T—rnmr- l:v Uu-tmbfr .•mil .i;imi:iiy Riie.-.t.i; . ; •

Mr*. E<1lUi

DISEASE FEMED ■i w i n i

th£ home of-WJiJlam-B;TtlnT.urrect', fouricl Connur backcd'Y lip ngnltLM (tie Uou.fo nnd looUne'- Into the-i

Sc'Vrii liuiidi'i'd C4i|iil'iliirr<vt vi-r>' sfiir fmm siininrr' tn I'o pc.iio- duly. •nii- Jiiiiiv lic;:aii liisMlliif; n nwrlnl

Tiiflli) i.uiioii .a Conccpi'lnii. ^- •Avla'('--r.'!. nnd olhcra nlio vUl 4'(l 11m art’ii. Il.vln'i: In dodor.', Mippllcf; anti n'tviui-'il wllli tnril

W r a U if iil C ilizen--r*J ICaplV i'reslPeepo^^^_HL'lil.al..Uit-polut_ct-a-JjoLKiin.livUiii iKuid;. of mi-irutC-J«.'lt>. ra lti. he. ilLcnvtred-Conncr. linuM'holrtpr .iintlj , police arrived

Tilghil V . A. ConiicL :;o.«a.i lirld lii-thP.rlty jiill ye.itmliiy on II rharci- of ilUtiilblnK tlin pi-acir liy r.-iiKlrra- jircplnff, l’olleo-Mld-Ji«.‘Imd c»infi‘.'.'.i'(I. ■ '~rai(T~Fv;iM(iIhk'~ld~Kl:nirtrbiif

- pollfo cnief Howard aillctt«.-yes-' HWti<T" t t l'inr d -n ii»oka- ‘-lliP- kind ' or eitirm tiie"j)oiico npprcclatc." ■

Mitiriijnsp' iiiTrtciirrrciJ. To'Tii.'T

a.v.crli'dly. of pn^vcntliiR liL-. <ll» dance lolfctloii.'. on the iiroRfam, I I'hlldini vlMicd

H«-y-S.ONJt<WiXiJ»lcnjLj'»na\nt_TJoT5cj!lr,Lanl,ljdJeTca-tme_otJlolly.. —uood’ii coHflrnifd Itaohelors. rlnprd (o Ij»h V«afl.-Ner., wUh-^irs. Ann

1). FranUlin. formrr wifo of .SWnpy KmnkUii; nintloii plcHirr priiduwr. Tliry are uliown Ju-lt attrr tlifir ninrrlacc liv ni-itrlpt .IimIpp n il"

Prin'Tlie-irioriHaRu covcrcd an 0 ncre’ Salmoirrlver'J.rojcclfarm”

Kvltlcnte iltaclosciJ no coiislrtrm- « 'tlon wn.i ftlvcn for ilic. tnorlKiiKc. .

'Ilie court ordrr to clear llllo to |rulU-1 cxecuU.. „JnlULWu^GluillUh_______ .tomi-v, »■< giinrtliaH nd lltcm for Vol' pl'H minopson.-llder’ l'redTolpl.' '

Urcortl'i Indlcntwi Volpl obtained II divorci- tiocree A))rH ;!3. 1030, nmt ■•xwiitcd (he inortKaRo tlic followlmt June 24. lie died ihc amL• year.' Trank I.., Sicpimn mid J. II. niand'

ford. Twin p.iHa. Insiliiiicd tlic iiC'fjnn ITITT-<Uawy U SVaa iluU~n ti'H».'>1,~J|7, 1~

i O l i f e

i r i l D E D7 . lc;jTmn\iBi~ffom neb .ont)

I \>t«v;vprt llinl ntnfil 5Ct) Amcrlaiiin uvrr vaL-iitiouln': Ip tlie

;ir f'licoin iind V;il-

-•nBA£>THE-NKWa WANT A m -


C R E O M U tS lO K :

---- ------ • iwrrg.iiar\Mo ordiiV -Micl} a refcrejiili'ini. .

""■Wiillncc (nlfl rile farincni Ihnl.llie

l i W t B E ■KoUifiaiis V ic V

fci'f'increa.iluK export diiriiiR ilic . .('onilnt; mi.Wi \ycrc nol brlRlit. lie

. ilfclnrod. liowevxr. tliiit prc.sont do- r' -.incallc pri«;i would be . iiboiiL' IS----- buahcl lower.U.Uie.?ovcmi-

meni liiid nol IniiUKuniliid an exporl Mlh lrty pfOffrnin dwlKHwi-io ,pli»i r.f ATT1T*1

' lean V'licat In world mhrkeU;.

^ i i l i

^ i i w e K s. (CoiitlniinT'trmn I

- 'Hte war'sliiVtcd Jiily'lB.. lliiu y

ftinciioii now pc-rfonncd by prl' ala ayciitlLVi.Tlie j.onulc recommlltvd to Hi"

•stale nffairs c(>inmliK'«-<i-blll-ttlilclj would liavf plnc?<l the a'.au* Iravpl. InK library inidgr.Miix-Tvi-iio)

»-tiltomey-3cneniJnwi‘..............Male and aiijKirimendcnt'of public tUialnjctlonr

nijniidr? Rfaveli^l rciidy for'olllaK.

■;i of lii.surcenl Spain wliun ilie In MirKcnUt took over. Tlie fliii:S. lUu

~*~oltf~fflpnarcltlttl color.*!.' h.td■“ bctMV

.wJilcJ» cfallwl-for-nn-tnircn.io front' $2U (0’ $2!> ln-hiT'n)K{lonoc-i''>r llcunu and cltjnliiatwl Ironj‘ Uio .p.rc:.eni iaw.:ia:Lnrpyl.-'i('n-ili»i.H'ooiilifi-mk- ■tlonccrs.to 1‘puro special ill uddliloiiftl coiinnv.'i m Wlileh llipv flslv to wflU:. . • . .

- . Hhiup Artlim ‘Bill.'! ftcteJ on. In tiic.5i6u.se were:

.ly - Ri-prt'SciilalivJ.i M.iy iR-Po;v

A.„CurU4..j-tiUicitt .pl-Bunuri. lot_U-y<Mih-niHl-B .rftinil-fnmcr.. Iiro'i-uit'd II dhplay oMmll;in. oii-'.UfnUmpitiniinl.i uf..ivarlurc Jo'r niKuba;.- ur-iUt Jiiuii.,j'Uil:—jind nulil «niarliiii'i*M II nipeilnc at the Pnrii li(J(ol Wcdiir-.-.day nlwlil. .U t‘ha--..U;L'n lirvited lo.wljlba'hi;

, ollrrUiHi iri, ilie Srin Kriiri' lr'o c.i' p?; illl'0 liib ycar.and Ji3a.l;cDii.aiii' tiict<-(i 1.J iipiK-iir ou tUo "Hobby Lolibv" |iroi:nini. ft-rmll-v

Tri)i)!ilfs•C(mmii~Xuuo ^peclinviis’ nl Indian

. .... .alniwk;!, fjicar and nrmw Jx' ‘i.;ViHnlvv-v;-flWj ,44»rk'tf'.-bUins~ ilMn-. Hl.slmiliii!. i»Liflr %--.-•

; n•owll(•: l!.•;.,!iIl ^ )caIllcnTls .arc .diililayod in ili-slmts llmi Mr. Ciir- itT-trnns, Slttlui Dtili;'. llir.vKiliTi, filar of Urtli!-;hciii..Aiiiurtciin Eiiclu. mid SIIK Moili, •.Stuart II. Tiiylor. prci.ldi'nt, <if iln

’IVln r.in.1 rlim;' |)le. il 'd u_l " Iln .•. . ion. Mti:ilc wat. .liirnlJ.ltcd by till' n. - " ■ ■

iiWir. ____ Dolsc. IdMiu, to

Sim KrancL'.co by tin* I>Q.<N roiiU' is OM mllrn, rciiutc<l|y 110 iniles .•;lioflcr...OmiU-i»j' \say o f l l ie Yidi lowfltono lilKliwny llirouRli Orruon and n o mllM-shorter than by way of Twin Kalh, Idaho, and the WelLs' ll^Kcr-ion cmotf. •

S U u ie iil 8 [)t‘a k c rs

TViOjiWli .wlibol dobiil 'rs, 1 narnbnrt ,:intl Drice Ev.ans.

ierda>-;-------................— ------— Kiielt'spoite cxttmiJohiiico'u'ily ft .iiibjfct-si^xwisd by-club mi... bcr^r.-mntlinrrr ft'wninr. spoke oil" •’Should ihc Op:n Door BeMaln- .llln.vrtn Fy....i.- n |i|ll|nri<lUciwi-<l ."World - Hviicc—Can Wo M.^\lnl.iliril7"• Crrnld Wallace. 1V|h Rllla.JildL

■n^uHs rj'uiu lUiiQlJ.'!THul U al-A •. Kinlp*. ---- '■=---“ The Darcelonu nidlo «i

ii'oprncd uilh lliKUnii'iit.'i ln .rhnrBt------- -— An'lilMirRciiL broiKlcanlcr cnnwi oi.

.--lolruailnR xuv.«ii'niiK'iil-troo|m-nnd .'.ympullilrori' lo MiiriMtder.wUIiQiil jjrolonKliiis'.the fluhi in the rewl of.

.............CiilHlonln.--7. - • ■•'SurrciHlcr and you cun coimi

- ■ lliu pardon of Oencr.il I^afico,

lirTiro miit'TIcj! pefte .................J.flb cla.s.i Urtx -OT'flass'oan 'Onel’ dll eounly_ In claw four

to Ilic flfl'h .cis.n.»—P.-\'By "Tndu.'ilry eoininlCG^Pv

llnK. Idiiho li.-irbcr colk-Kca tu —. ploj- one in.itViictor -for cn^ri- 15' WKlrniK-lni-fnirt of-ow 7for <“voiy

ruqulrc;!. Pa.s jd

E W E r B i i i r

vtcc pruirljinl. ' liilsocluccd llli! !.lndcnl .ijM'aki'i

Hnboratc trlbiito in liunioroiis . vcUi was paUl by IT. J. -S;:luwndlnia» - 4ti-mcnil;t£u--uliQic-h:rUula;; 111 Jnwiary- -r'Wllbur S, 11

pre»l(lvni; Dr. R, G. la u't, »;ilnbrld«<;, Hnill llnrd.-.vick, j . p.

^11 Jone-t.- , cirrnr.T*ccin7r“ ivirrTvccImTTnto

- -jncrbcrslilp. .-. ----------...............•Dr. A. A. Ncwljcrrj . C.ildncli Kl-

-DoiJiil.ntion. ot.-Uarcflonir ii.s tcJoIc- .Inc iii.ilic eomjn:; of (he UUitirRenU.' M»ny of tliu' u'clcominK (hro'iiRH.

—1t-«'ns. .vald; wept for Joy n.i they nwicd out to cinbracc’ lhc j.oldlers.

• ‘I lir ;:oldlcr:i replied ‘n'lilrshoul.-i-of- ••l>3iiK live Spain!" and ■•Lohs llvo' Sj^anlali CnlAlonla!"

,... taken nccc.-.-iary 'incasurcs In Ihiat<i .s'jito liffalr^ coinuilt- Mi‘rlllf‘rran"an" _______

Morocro I----------------------------■ ■ ‘*^--T7i::flK.'^i;iSrririfllaT^ironv«iiorea,

I M M E A f e


iPd o i - i /r^-----------...ale JudleUry I'ninmltltc—

Pcriiiltllng dUlrlbultorOf Miprtiiic

By ncprc.'.enlatlvc.s T. C.. .W.id- ifouiM lU-UuUc) and Slla.-. wn«ht.' tfl-Bcar l.akc>—Cr.mUnic rtnideiiK

■Dy wnate bank.n ntid baiiklhR cominlttco — Prrinltilnij wldow.i'to dmw iii>-4o-M00-on-bnnIt-dept>NlW of hu. band.i Iminedlutely ' after •'-nth.llirough jtrobalc court

-lijTiviK./i. rrzn --------------------Any necc.iAlly for a moderate fill-

<lcr.-:pas*otl-C5:Midiilsltt SliOHg

liiiud-i. haii brtii rcpni..........;iIcr..conj,W(:ruiri&ir;suclf‘ rriuvcOh'i Itftllaa'i liiiVf <lcclnrcd would be coii' fiidi-rcd provoentlvo l>y-Iialy,- -Miissoiinl'a oviTi wcrii t o ’far lst!. clicerlne tinder hLs.tialcbny ionlRlil 10 rclcbmle the cnpliirt.-of Bar- ccIcDa Indicated’'‘ItHly would prCu clnliiu HRiilnst l-'rnnce \vlUi.i;rcntcr forc<^now_tha_t_ftji-lnnuQj^iVlct<?rj'________iifrti rlvlVu-nr « ‘rrTWt1 ninn-certain.

n il ."ipcecli before a wllrtly clieer IiiR. thronff wiui iniernpcRicd' wlUj fiUoiita ■Of-'Tiini!ia'."T^unce'«-’norilj .African-, protectornlo.-aritt -"Carslcn." Inland ’dcpiinmcnt in the -Medltcr- _-_____raiwaii;■ From Warsaw i

..... ........... . -nt-am ■vawryjtimft-/iurlnB 'tJsu '.Aiinurl'JirVcaS'

announci'd, • . .•riie lodn club win observe l.itllcj'

•nlght.-'l iir?iriiirrl'’cb,-10. - -. ---...

F o r i u e i * M i u - y l a i u l

S e T i a t o r S i i c c i i u i l y sIJOnT-DEPOSIT. M\\.. Jan. 2C m ------ - former


irtcntlnl nomination In io32 ftnd*"v«s ejected, from .Uic nepub!!cna.-na» tlonnl convention Jn pWcaBO In n crcdentl.Hs "diiipuljfcj died - in liLi j.li-cp Inst nlRlit ni Covcrland. hij JOq.acro.,^to ovci iooklBg-tli'o-Sufa- tiueliannn river. He was In liia Cflth

tConllmiKt from -Poko C Tlie. JfnnUiM cnr was knonkwl

pamllfl to Ariasironi:‘.s car and' a atr.t. ' JcmitoHt. foil- . OMt; •,iic wa_.

point M -rci'rirdiii'lhi.t .cm;.li. 'Slio wiui found, iincoii.sclaun u..

the , cdRc of the -pavrmr'ntr~(vhllfT- AnnstroiiK drove, hla cnr on Into the-

Jjorrow pU. ' j ~£;t;iirciifilcr~of''lfan;<;rr'drnfi^

TnJmt iiiu llmu orTIie arclil fttT clli>p<.-<i iho HkIiI fi'ntfcr oflli^Jcn- nlnKc cnr as It wiui knookcd b.ick incrosaJUuiljcHy-Toad-by-Uu»-iiiH>u'cW

.. ,. .;-mncliine.-------------_No .irre;;l;i xvcro m;vdc.. XtrV.~Jl-iihlnirjJ‘ llI!>' ninthcr’ ’or . tlirtc-moiUh.o;<| llangliHv.

- R e c l s k - i I i s - H e f e a l -

l { u ] ) o r l * Q i i i ' n l e lRUPKIIT. Jan. 26-Rupert Dooat- •n lwii|p<! ,lhu InviidlnK Sha'ihonu I

•npdrkini m-cnly. forthc-flrst-ijn ir f but tlifii .tiirninibcd to ..Ihc deadly ' i hdotiiii; nr the vl.sitom ‘I0-23 In ii annkp Vnllpy Outlaw leaRUc b.-w- ki-tball name playrd Ju-re tonli;ht.

The Hedsklna -led - lfl-13. nl Uio- 1. ■ • • • lnfiri6t>r:-6hf>r.hiiiir.rco i lcrr»lrTip~

pojiil.i lliioiiKh the rUiL- forFilRlf iiSiior.'i,'*". • • • . • •

The lineup. :Siia-aionn•■Rediklivr ■»- An-Mlii.

Cratac«,-iX;i (4)—Jladdoci:pJr^^«> K'feiusbiirnru^ iKTTiwiina^rifc^T. - Deliiii. -K.-1" ) ; giewrt rt.Che.ia, B,'

HupMt—Rich. f. (Q): Willlama. r. !i:-Uhl. c.-(Olr-Klmball.’ -c.- H);

Calmull. f. .<4); Alli'ii. f. <I):-Dlck- ,-ion. B,..(3L_

W a r S c i i r c B l a m e t l

O n N a t i o n ’ s C l i i e fWASmNOTON. Jim. lifl MV-Rep-

rcscnuitlvc' Fbh <R*NY) ncctuetlnoflay-ortfttntr

TM i iolii tl^ l ioWe’clic nation^.... -lr»-<»->tl«'lC'«f'W«r li^jilerift-nnd-thflt- womcii_3vcrc Jookiii}? luidcr their- bcd.'» III iilRht' "for n ^ap. a Ocriiian — ih Italian will) b rtady lo |>c«ncc.

poor iftllc Aiiicrlca^nna.cabblc it up."

....EaVJJtTY AXO ItlimM AT'lSM I • LONDON 7-V, - Poverty.itrickcn falnlllr.1 liehn-d tdgctlicf 'ili nTiith arcfts.^iDW. lc » rlicntnatUrn. Uiah tlio.se~jiBfnbovD'tlio TioVeny- line, dcclarcd R- C o v o - f ...................


e ftd- of which 'RcprcsenUtlvc Victor T. mnnds v/itli Itali-li ,

fllicU Hic.iihambciv with omtorj - IhrouKliout the mmIoij. Includlnir

, • Dnrklcy. Livtcr- nn •|iRrcement' v _-_:.-..-._rnaoHod-ta-vote-toinanw-nt -I'

- " s . T.n iienw "5Bnrinr“ lnT»x

Tlirsenate dcb.Hc found Scn'atof Poiipcr tQ-Flai. and, ecnfltot

- -Scliwellcnbnch— (D-Wanh)— tirRlns-__tiic^apprwirjatlon af*thp ?*?3Jl(}0.000

rffiuMlcirty ilfifprc.ildeni

Pepper"aliiocmpliluiad.'ilwt’ EQmci'

cnimcntlctl ni;.iliist prm:inj{ 6f the. bill introitnce<l two' dni'i' nao which . w.otiId_prohlblt. tljcaicra to,, opcralc bciweon- lioiim or'mldnlKhl'Snlur-

... . .’.mlnK for diversion of Sl.000,000 Jii.gMolino^Ux-lmidj- to-Uio-coim* tlc.*..to rclmJjurfl} Uicm for losse« theywnr .-.uffcFiiV iV rfsnir orrci-

and JVnncA.—Ocrinany nnd .Poland wcr« re­

ported'to'liave drafted rt.johifproi j»iftJ-fer^r»-!ntcTnnt!ohaI'CoI6ni5l

'ifiornirig 'by 'Hli secretary. Mrs. Catllcrlne.CralR. whon-slio wont to JnYwyBRtfliWitfJitLliadriMLcomeito: Ills offlec. Franee had.tiuffered from wnw-tlrnc buf

O d clfFe llo w s- lo ^ e s n m e T )a iic e s

-Wcukly-danien of Uia Odd Fell. jQilECj)fJrw'in Falki.wlH.hc rcatmicd

inlf'invi: cnnma:

—As-^^a^^•lnna•s^ennU)r"rrom'^OlTto W23. Piantc ehnropVontd n\». 4iJm;rccoBnlUon nnd repeftl of pro*hlbHIon_c-.........--NaUons.

-----KIBM 'BAPS-SIX-M EN------LOUISyiLLB..Ky„ Jan.jfl U1 -

VoJ)r!LnX£<LtijlClL niRed out •


SEARS r o e b x jc k :

SoUins=:F3lTlrJ!4S=-Astitl8-•fr.f> Y

••Bciwlor-lVdlfUts tDsMdl sald'thnt ~-prot»ripnts-«fVthcr*WS;000.000-tlB-

ure l)nd contended thatmrnn^'ns n''Ptl'Wuliciii prolilcin:

p«L on a ''pay na yon bo b.isis"* and be flnoi^ced from current trcna- ury TccelpiS’ rjitner Uta« bor­rowed mtincy.' • ".■ ... .

He held that ollicrv.’l.ie the na- ..:.Uon-would-4lavo-A-^lnlbllo-'deb(r-«^ . .*00,000,000.000 by_ 10'

■ -Schy^-llpnbjiglLtft . . . - . — ------------»«75,ooo,po0’ e.uiinjitc. of . relief needs

CecH .Pomeroy, will, be Ih clift^o .(Inneea, lii»ln'»« f^ < y iw - -antl'

C.'^vftji priqc 'i'erc iitvcncd on the 33Aruiliiinisiuf coniinltte(irrftui tljoiflub during F.'bniur>'

-^ e w ^ c ^ o f -= M e n -s ^ P T ^ s ^ h ^ ^ ^ ^= Bssley-- SlvirtSi radfpi’d: :Shii ^ ^

IS Ytfars LaterI,I3!lNaTOiI. Ky. T. a .

O.Uvrr lost her wcddinB xliiB.18 ytivra ARo olt'ft'fnrm ncar.-IndcUcndcncc. Iowa, but «ho has It back. i '


3 ^ K 3 5 d B u r :n i" $ M F -6 i= I i5 6 iS < ^ s = ■ r t - ’O fY o u ’ll fin d oil ili-splav-.nt our store brand new iclenB in ' * ' . .■ - ' ..

UAKUilV rui sir.

------ aetaised—01

■ lion iw to, buslnca? trendsi wiUj Uie

r bsckword'T6''aa' not.fd 'bc--------------of-rnnat!re3Umiianr~-in(

■ .'jKi.wlhlllUM Of econom'ra reM -ejy. i_S«n«t«r-WftBncr^D-NY»=aulwilb - tc,d ft.ioicBmm froM the N w York

Fedcrallati ’ or' I^bor 'tuning I8Y8,-' 003,000. ------ ••'------ -—..— —

Ubor-fi non-partt-rnn.IcsEiic; itead- ed by John L. Lewia, annotmced ta- nlRht ,ll wiui dIstributinB. to'-ln- bor. farm-nni] llbenit'ffrroni one TOllllon copies ot

-u»lnlng.TJ'ft-piirt4(il-««i--^taOTO- Jiaf piirporllnB to.ahow. how many member* ol the house voted tu-bo-

:^twccnthe’ lw o « l ic f figures, _

^ P E N :^ T Q D A Y ^- T, — . J i . _

FR E E -G R E A SE O Q &

Y o u ’ll fin d oil (Ii.splny, nt our store brand new ideas in .-honio.furniflliing.<‘ Aftcr,dci)IotmK our stoc\dijrin8r our Christjnag and prq-invenlorj’'sa les , ;vc hav<j filled th e s e

!>llIny_8D(icc!L:iyitli_ultrnctiM-XMr.iiilvirc_anch_aallivins_ . :room auitcs .with’ iiiiusua!. beaiitiful covers— bedroom ;’

•Vtitrnctlve' d in ing rooTn-ftirnitui't?;-%n th l& ng-cxtenaion- ' ibfc9~ no'’;^ ~sVSver}f nfttHietlon=ufi’dcfneath7t^

sratchcd ■ op ' b^ Uii! n holc” fnriiilyr‘^ trt i4 H ik c~ th em r ’

iJ llR lil-a lo n R .w iU i our r cK u la r_a lo ck .:_ w c .j in v c added 52-dozcn .crijip new

•n-hand-pfcked-^Tiirtjr—o fT r th c m c ffc s l '. . e r e a l io n s jn ’ patterns; coloringg and r

Several hundred;*6f~ these,~ — s h i r t ^ i n i t l i e - c h o i c e s t - b f 'P a t T r r

ViaifrYour lmQtty-'ninc~disiaWy o f O fc ^ y T r n jl jF u r n i : • . J _ Tfan?ri\Vp;liaTc is ^ T iff;c h T n r5 r-^ k a ,-t& d «t^ iC !it f lrr u g ^ -

j= I^EVCTy^liirt"W hicTi-ha8-tl|^^^ J= ^f4J8ed^ollir^ llTsiz€6^44^^^fJ


.z::.'— . ’J w p s .-C tc ., fof:yput'appn3vai.

',To ?vcrycua(onitr.today w h o p u rth ^ lo enilons of MobllRartind- .6<iulIrta-ofMol)lloll'ft Tree tlekefwlll'bo'Blvcn for a eom'plcle IpbrlcAtion Job ffood nnytlme.«lthln'30 days. .

iHOijLiMOBlLcAi^STATlON^.-in s .B h orton iiB ft.. - . ' '

H arry M u sgrqve 's -^ ^ M e ir t f id f ia is e M a r t

■ I-.

Page 6: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

.'iOH N'lN O, JA N U A H Y~27=l!l3r~

& ( e y t s ~ R e f l l l - ^

■ , C l c v c i : l ^ - A r j ' M i i g e i L J l e d .

O f f i ' G t & l S " A n n M t t i j b " ' l H d h ' i ~ ~ - - -

lEdr— B io iie e i— Cdstrume—dBail-^Cii.i)yKk-ci fruui Uie ccHliiK. aiul ublfSiifM-iirt lUiOieiUlc clrcil;

I,,, . u n ^ h liy c o b r cd balluoi c " cluslcretl 6yer iiic-w a lls ( .

moaphcro - y ^ c r d n y f l/ic n jo o j) wJh'ji «rcjnbt>rs'6f'Jh'fT TvvJii' T a n s^ g ln s^ a H 9 b ^ 3 ~ n n d -ih H r -A v iv « -a -W L ‘ ro7<>ntet'lnlned

- s lz t y v - - . - ~ '~ T K c 'cv c n t 'to o )c -p iu c f la- Uli“-fi^;llo^)^-<ll^1^Ilg-^onm-l)otwop^ _16UV miu O'Clutik; ■ O il' iauU\n-'iiii'iluui

- — -----------------------------------------preslilcnl nml general chair'- .niaii._ilu:_BUcsl3 en icted ihc i I brliihi rooms.- T h ey were sent-Unmual Pdrfv

Is Announced I c t l ' 'iiT. 'laW es ' ccn lc rcd v.1ili Iclcvvr buUooiu lu itiiUiiuI-furiri ojk

:m l wiih nil and yuUow crrin ----------------------—

NbVeT amoriB t-hc evcnU ' or Jiinuury w ill biJ- ih c c l c ’ •Roiimi l l i c W orld" party or Tuesday cvniliiB.- All mcni.-

;a.-ulUj. a cJrcus-tont,- clcvrr orliiUiiil ‘viTi'c liullciilcd fo V.'ll()lll cnrli |)1>icr> liad l)pfti I.CI.. Cot.MiKc.' lo-Mfj.. Huiiicr M. DavLi

- been Jny]ted l o . t h o . cvcju ,

B'i ■ . iho-Lndlos’ Aid Boclety. Mem-'' '■‘ 1— bcrs-a t-thcld iv lsIon a^ iirc..as:

stitlnif in iirrniiEtmcnl.v ^ •: tiuwy,lwinj;!iirjcrj:l'ui'iaaj-ia’c'

. nluK.nl seven o'clock In ilic clnircl ^-narlori. where-■‘jickclaV lor llu-li

• -crulM—m a y be ofriatred;~ rT5urJiiirtridT?vetllnjrinPy‘wni-prn. rTrrurdu'Ttrreui^dUfercntanjmcsr.ttiicrir.

. rMth'lllP npproprlnic t<

Mirs JlrJriJ mil •rolli-fj ir^riilnr cln!.'i .IirwldcU nl Hiu lc;i inbk. u'Vai f*ni‘pri’f1 <vlH' <1 Inrff rlnlli 'muI

Mai)V yr tlifilalaiv jainJivltliC-.-w w.

Tlii; V

'{Ticfc wlH'te II McxUai '.I,, mMpncro crcftte<l. Irclnnrt will rclsH nl: _iin Ctic nioilviilljiir iiplrlt. nt that of'!

Mrs. Gcoryc Clillils. nnd {he home I____ oJ-Mra. M .M . Mouie-WUJ-tc.liimi.— Xortucd l:ilo a Nonvcslnii scciic'. AV

the M. a.-McCTftlUter liomc. live ■ hundred sixteen second flttccV -

tljcro wlJl b e -A ’Cl)hicse InJh

;Se]lcviii>-hAVO i)imDui]ccU..Ui tlflse of their djiiiKliler. Mli Inn Irene \VVrrj-, to DNlx-ri Norluniir vro’u" ‘ of J-cwls Norliiiid' el •Vttllcjo.-.CnHfoniU. on Jnniiaryl

" Lwciillrll.. The rllc:i eislit o'clock llial c\-cnlijr nt. ,Uii liomo ol Uie briile'.i y.ireni . Hev Mr. Lehman of the Prcsljylcr_lai-, chureh- perfornjrdHhe cn-rnioiiy In 1 the preacnee of mtmbiT.s of tlic Ini'

'mcdlulo ftimlly.Mrs. Norliinti niienJi'd ihe'Colhy:*

cllSILS..Aflcr;t!ie iiroymm'.Ml.M Dfliy Mi:

Cotnl) entered rui u popcnrn in«n an wiili ii Mu'k <i

the iratluioiml ulititi Uciit. ___'MIm aiiKly.i Wl llt•,•M1 ^ 3clr<.th

Ciill,_Gcnild Wiillace. .Ufa' Juli. Flalt, nn'HilwTs or Uie taeuUy, iiski-

I,........ Uovd. lyiwrdUn. andlOMerluh; rcporlcr.,

ard parly was : of l-'ebriiniy I


dccoracloai.TiirHKht . lirovlrtod by Mi.v, Mnrllyii Uii?. MIm Arlrcn Tctickincl:; ai«l_ Mi "rrnc □avld.'on,'

Mi5s &l«Pr'noinimavc;di Iil-.kIci}. ihe Tffre.'limcni comniliitrc. Mi,«lljehUL',, MK I/5i.rs, 1111(1 MIi3 l;i,.


•l>e n ft member of the Lincoln .'chool ' lUiyr-wlM're-slie-wlll completr-llm

minder of Uie lemi, After June1..::__Uie Jlrst tlie couple U1I1 be at home“ Iri Bcllcnic. where the brliln ‘

•ii.vnsaficd Jn biuliieiA.-''V-l"-

wk for-llie-brld,e7


Approxlmtti«ly tuo ' Iniiiilrcil in­tended tile gnlii event'ftrraniscd I.t.i cvenlnK ,by :Uie-x:aU»t>lic .WoniPn'* Liaijuo In Ihe parWt hnll. •

Prom , Ilvc-thlriy until ;.cvcn -o'clovk-A-elilie-ftiiiiper-was MTv*,‘d,

■ j ; - •' the suejU seated ai Mimi'- Muiill «n<l- ■if:— . AOmft laffli»n^»blK,--T Icni1)0i.n-,r-thi

- cftoir-fomied^7oj;e Ioxkc .parU'.A.Vnlenllntf Mieme jiiVdnmii

i]|l will! rea.nnd whiu; Up'v.ri.. ,i:

I'Mhn Cltii • pn

■riirhfeTOUv HTrt' ninnp ny ' .\irrnfiir' < lunwhemirarly thlriv•flathciwl ............" ’Vloln' Ilnlnllm-, vlre pitTldcntducUal-iiiH.inccUnif. ---- '

Mr5, Lcla KrciJ iM 'xroud i Of ."Amcrira the Uraiillful,-'

-------- . . roll caIl.,TlX'. raiirlUliicv|oT Mr.i. no? EVuiLs'fcir Americnn

MoiluT wii.t undorM-d., -Mri. AV. «eed and. .Mr.i. .Iiiiinlin -ItCi'd uuve rradiiiK-. ilunii-j, :!i.' K>-



Tlie annual pioneer ball of^ilur UaiigiUi'ifi.of.lliii Utah P1&- nccrr., tjnlqtio flmoiil;-. lo ca 'L cvrn is .'w lirbc an, uut.standlnK no­d a l cv cn l of n cx l m onth. aiicordhiK tff pluiiir liiade j i i a rc- ctint-TOtictlnrof-TjonTOanynanttixamjnoiticoctyitnnorii-oirt^'i TVTrsTJ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

propriately w ith -tile stflte i I u ' e s . o f W y o m l n i : . Idnlio. OrtBun, t-oiorutio, Arizona, and Nevada, nnd llio,national, eni;'

Lodge Memher's . . Eltcl LeiidtrS,

I New orftccr.s'''wiTC 'elected la card parly planned', arid iir- i,nun:cin(‘ni.s f o r 'a Valentine dancf coniplcted a f an im porlant m e e t in g -o f - ll io S u -

Dtt-JllfcBJll'aidWiiudmcnVGir-!: CIO- Tuesday'cvtiilnK T lSvei'ilyr i-{.wo-mcjnbcTi;— oX__Ujc— OivJn.: Kails Krove Kuthered in tlfe I.O.O.K Imll,

ornrrr:; cno.ipirw crc'xm rEllz^ TflirAtVIii^ii, paifBiinrtiian; Mrs'.',i/>i;i.iioynol(t:-rccoaimcn:c£ri!Urr;'•rs. iJrrlhii Babcock, tlnanclai t ec-

'iirj; M«_awcndQlii_Lohr_clxap. In: .Mr;,. Wanda; WIdeiier, awkl-

..... dant; ' - •• •

kcriciM. iinrt .Mra. ElMc OMi-iloli, JlrM LCZflud—amla^iiHixudJtw*;—All! IJi'rlha ,Hiilwock. uinfor roinwclor

■ tcti fur Ihc:e pliu c horn If Mr.

Mr.i. William Jelbmh 'l-'inal dcinlls werr in.sldrrrd fo

'Shall t A/ruld. ... lie, aiKl "Let Us-AII Prc; n Ilie dieine !.niiff, Mrs. TI0.V.I1; rkinnn ai'id Mrs', IvyTJeiuien

- .iiPd a vcval dnpi.'"I Xove Truly,'- .Mrv, -pdlii'-Arrhiyton ildcd,. .......................

. Rl one thlrly’ o'clock v followed'l>y Ihe theoloKy- -".h -M rj. .Myrtle Dlbbln .t .

..,uT-,T.;.:..-viui ^ htlrntntiinJhihT Mty 0/ ldnli6.,joiiilifrn branch, Po caltllo, wnn u uKurnt of honor day nrrtrnooii nt-n'dellKliltul bon voyacc-pariy-arranqcd-by-mnmborfi of Dan McCcioh Clrclu. LiidlK of tlie Orand.Ariny ot the Hepiiljllc. '

lostcTji.. -Atrs.'.Mr>, Idn'awct

.......Jnlin-.()n rind. Mr.'i. liaieiQnrdncr iX-vr.. -tn • i.rrHrfe-nt

All guejits have been ur(;ed -to -wc^ar^tlio--iw^^

HOSTESS. UONOnS clUB aitovp.

M<inib«n;-flf-lM.r-brWfl ..... ..ilorlalnetl b«_Mm. Itoy-Llncoln. >pi<ilprdnv nfteniog-i ni-nn eveniTTr tho BMd opnrtmentv A pretty des-

of dio nlternoon. went to Mrs. Jock JIollapiUnml^-Mra— CSarcncc-iJJj-e.Mr5..I‘’nnlQaw-'"‘ ' was'u sm

I illx.iy.nln.r; u U m iie . .1 lull iklrli. j>Uirchc(l Jietu and tlKhi waLiLs, with ili.'li

• Olcn Halci.’ orchestra will jiby fur an • c«-enl:iK-. of j.cliotilichc polka.1. three and two-steps, nii

‘ ‘ ■ M17,-----------------

imrTh,Tinrt fi|Kv iJ'Ctt-'-tiliTtnliiiJirni ;vHl lilshmii the IntrrmlMlon.

.TlcltfLi are nviijliihli; to nil rjli;llile ,DaiiBl)1.iT.t.-oflUinli.Pioneers who-, luicwtori.. croMCd- tlic.pLuiu -iton ejKMretuiorU’.:iCV'Cii liHhUiy-iilm niVl their e:icort.<;‘ Kic'jr'ttonTinri t;e(Iili-;.(ed to brJiiK a basket hinch. Wlilrlt- wlii- be- niicllonrd.- Lrim>iia<lii u-lll be ;.med.

Uiilil. i-d<T, .Mi;

■y Jun.».);n miil | tr.•.r t ic r m fc z t n q m ^ :

i‘. K(l<‘nI'tiiURh, Kinibcrlv. •Hcznltom3rilI[;iit ni'rrs wlshl|U; (0..... <<,Ulnl

buy tlckt'b. l..,.j iwininuiiuavw niut' 'Mi.s. r j i i i i i a Mr.s, L c i i o n x Ciir- i, I-6I,- MFT.-Mnfilic Kirhnmr'I Sopliroiilit Ihc ipou.'.nr

U. ,ind the Iifxi. inrriiiiK \v;i- r r.'bniiib' tweiiiv-.-ii:iiih a: «nc- or Mr*. EdlUi Keeiil^-rri Hni


•«m-tif-Prrnehi'Irliih-VlTlem:*IfirlaJjovpi. i)layhic..' carlett Q'lUra. Sbr made her name In

CLEVBli c e n t e r p i e c e 's USED ON TABLES _ ■Amiii([i-meiil.i of red swtfct peas,

the flortvrA bankliiK tiiiicrn In nmtdi- InK eoloT.'., .were the cffcctl'

. _ , l-^nd^rtrrHarrrj .•J.-m ur H pi.i ho*lpw.‘fc. H t. II Miiarlly

.•(1 hiijclirtii). 'J'Jii- rvent look pln.'p in Ihc Sibyl FVarlcr party hou-M'. •• .•

.Dalllti•. pincc carcl:;.al!i>_iiJlecEd .Uii:..Vivlciillhi!,Uicinc.'un(J.'tbi

mrnts-for.TinUgc, divei

PA RTY IS . . PLANNED'• Plans for ilieir iiaii ^D-'World BVi'nU-wcru

"Mrs, Roy Evaim wim I■ooorBfCinppi'fi' jrvyp'memPen pttenricd. -


Tcocher.t and officers of the V byterliin Siincliiy mIiooI wi ru^--

h o ^ ’ ’ (5}" I^.'A.' Salisbflo’i Kei'tr*! superlntcndeiil. -■■ A p( clal •progrnm mftrkiinc 'th birthday' of Lliicnln was pt»nn^ lor February twelfth..’

About tweiilyflvc were present.

A R E H O N O R E D -

oiir.: In (he* I

............blei 'of ennlrncl were nlpni.v, Ucmni;; went lo Mrs. Roberi

■TOirrcsitcaiui MVivHTG:------------

Mr.-, nobcrf Orjhatn and Mi...

:intPM.s nrranRcd. •>i'*twdny iifier! poii ''.hen^Mir, WUll,nn. llUcn'. ...... ■■ hosim tp- members

ihepKAI.c rnjoved was. tr' riTidlni; Iv

Mn;, Don aitiffo»d, Mr*.'A, N, Pulley won Uie ulilte elephant, • ;

foi; FJ-Druary ninth in llic Idal Pourr fOMipany niidllorluui. .M'

OlLbe. ■

Mra— Kociilk' 1 -»tr.'] r\CAClA CLVB '.-DANCES- . . .: Twln.Jr-'all waa-ufll. n'liryJQiil

Cyinp. HniiM-n: M^^f..................Helen nccboiil, Mfs. P.-ldi, • jfii'

..Eltobelh , .McrJi-owtjul .Mrj. .Nao'ni, PrW of Eden:;NTrsj 'WliHney. .\lr;; ...... ■ ■ , .Mi'S. l ii>liiii'ivnp, Mn

' ' lii;:t+'*-Titml .fiif the (icllahlMI cvr- I'TTu: of /cstlvltic.i.• - H i e - f t l i a i r took .pl.icr

In'iho American I-Oslmv Mi'iiiori.il hall -Uit;rtv-'k'W>-‘lwii;in;;-»-.u:vii

HOSTESS- GIVES ’DE.SSKRT ....................................

T. Uiirftr prtiidi .l l;o5 ye.Mi-rday aJlernoon nl her Imini lie Colonial npartmpntj with i

l.lirellll.v iiiiwhiicd.dcJJ'CrL liUictlMU[IViimiilni: niPiiibfril of'ihc iiible clas:

if llu■• • p byterlan church,Mr.i. J. Gjetn. urt.-iidi'nt, eniv

diietetl Ihc nuanerly luioiiuw iiieM- -Mm.'ChrUUaiiM’n .iriKl.a pa'-

. . livHTlblnt: • die booL> of dii Plbli'; Mm. Kaut,- conduci-rl 11 qiir.n.

, Bvmi; Filer, ••.taii 'nolll,'.;

^SnCrAL SERVICE -, ■ ■\ IS TOPIC _ - -------- -, • The tiocliil wn'ici- ic.sioii. "ShouU l l Be Afiidd?"wiL-< inleir;,tlnKly pir-

jnted-leatler,. ye;ilerdiiy a/teriii

I 11 iiicctlni.-cf the L.DB. chu Roilof

l~^^.•-apc^:e Ward TnmitiiftVcl tite i.ej.'Jciiii A icncral ilbcuu'.lon iol. lowed-ihe-lr«on.

Chon'is practice concliit'/d thr ^ftrnioon.- TwentytiTc-wrrt_prc::

......... . . _ dinner armnijed . ..,rho .1. C, Ri-vnnldx.hnm'e. Tlie ho.it U jH.O.-TOn j f .Ih<- hnnnrrp . •

.•n»e-cou[sie WC.TC buKTlle 1 dlirlnK Ihe'day Ifoiu Ooodlnk’, wl; Kev, Mr. Hpynnl(i:i Is pvtor ot .tUc Chrlsllan chiii<h.

^ J E R O M E -

BRIDGE LUNCHEON ■ Mr .■ M-.'A'.’ nishop ana-Mr.T.~wiP llam-Z.—Zahn entertnlned 'nt Jour table.s of brlcliic l-'rlday. Carila Iol- lowed luncheon at l«3o. ,

HONORED AT SHOWER .Mr.H. llownrd Biiker wax lionored

at a .-iliflwer Klvi'il on Tuesday a ' thp liounL.gt„Mr:i_ma-.LynclOaf;

Mitntn-lfli’ lhg Chj:

SALENTJNE-SOCIAL .ah'niliie bankfit Aocial will'be by..UiiL\Voodmca-i:Utic_


brldKc club Wednc.sdfty .irnoon nt a de.v«rf luncheon.-.

. I clltloiml Ruwts »ere Mesdame.s U, . . |j4.il2!£i'tuJ}*-K^nf{irj07iipJ_Knun: n « n d MrMlnmc.1 William Powers; W;

nichardkoii. LTOvllIe Brown, J. W. i_J._*sr_Brfnnan....Tlie_mcmi. added Ihelr r-care.i for future

prizes imd hlt:)v i.cciru amontc cue.its

•. will be Klvcn to the .un.biUiiiUiiUhPjmo.-f'nnmctlvc- ;.-i. The T>vln l--all.t lodsc Ijm

■INTERNATIONAL TEA- , ..MernlHTi. of ihe MelhodtsI Aid

... .'etjruary 7. with Mr.i, Kr.cnimcT m-charue.-MethedlifT

;hroushmit ihe world will h' oil that dti.v.Uuilar t

. O, O. f\ hall. witJt i:iic;iU from Rupert, Twin Fiilla,

Buhl, Pociilelb nnd Jcrpuie. A ban- qut' ■^>n^■cnjo5T^^7o owccn)y clanc- 1ns.-Le.s . Kliubli’ , mnnaner-of the lo'.al sioi e. uiia tonatipairtcc..

SH OW SR-FOR-Tm m z--------------Ml Anna Jci)pjoii and MJs.t Ad- III) I’owcrn enierialncd iiv.u inli- •llinipous .-bower 'liiejday. c.i'CiihiB . llip CFTnrle.1 llalshl liome fit honor

of .MlA.'i Gwen' D.-tnfcs. 'ha^e mar- rlagejto Cllen Hamilton-of E\-n7is- lon; W>o.. took place Sunday -nl Oi:deii...0innci:_waa_icrvca_lo_Jr

Lh nttracl4ye nrrannemcnt!

.... Burley comer?-. Well,’ It really IsnTju.1t it-thntter nf'*omo ouo'f ab- sent-mlnacrtacH: Rconraphlcnlly. It

................. "

Burley p lace,.TIic wholc-mattcr •If«nMy-«oi)((i»liiH;;^iit^liav-<!oul<l-Mr. Durlpy cxpcetl*-----------------------

1— ^ft-llttlr-tnwn-ijot-tco' • farlere has the dlstlncllpn-uny .........•ho;.thbd« mej- know, or belnsjhe nly'lown In (he UhitcU Slate** wlili'

sporla sliop.

t'YoiEj3{Sni>iy--jfentnV--.lhfit-zlfi.-l'0i Ro-lnto-thr-locnl-llicnlerii very Intt In thn cvenine, n^er even the tlckei girl-hiu* gohe lmme,~Uift iwher .wIL uaually luke .vour money and iihow you lo II' seat, aomeilines. If the

'laxt showliik' t)f th'c-Jealurc I.1 about liftIf_ovcr,.-he.KilI ji'ftvc-you ln.i\'llS;|


Mbs Mildred nnd MIsr.‘Mnrfinre •floboler-pnlprlnlned-Bt^Uiolf-home (H.-llh-iv.wiirni‘ jii'iiiper Mniftlny n ' Mti— RuUi_.rhlllip»--Lo»)Pck IlUf t ,<>{ -honor. Mr*, Lobeck will leave in a short lime for Pomoii Cailfornlft, ki Jcrlii liiT l»u.buncl,-

L’H trR C ff-ftlC ftT - ^cIilH«T^MitVWrofflhTFXiTin>F

iieia in the Mctliodl.-.t cliurch I 'meiifMnuday evcninkUA.no-......dinner will be'.i'ched-at fl;30 o'clock nllcrjvlilclL.lhcl01d-BiluauUSun day r.chooJ cla.-iii will |iio;ient'« corn 'dy proKrmu. ^


recelvftl by 'Nj'r.s, Morsnn ....,;^ js> ^ n j;pe frim l low Rcnrir:

.CLUBS^iTERTAINS— :'- -.-ZZl—-Tli«t-FlltT-Womnns-c!ub-membeffl

nlcrlalnetl WedncMlny i

nirt. Rp>,pvvivi Iwtrf rhnrr**;iblc dccoratlni;, .uTvIni; nnd dui •ashlm:. The dii

conle.'i. Klshly-. rvfu^pCSiOh!' ,'ai* tended. Tlie prosraMi.consIStrd-aL vocal t>olM by Arnold Peterson and trombone .sclecllon.s 'by' Kllnini.

;e 'uium arbard Bcem 'uccom- pimylnc both ntunbem. M b. E. A. Beent Rave an ndilrerji of- welcome.

ilnhl' liucn. toj:etuui.of..t|ic. prise, fight nnd .never<tl tJaines of Chlne.se :hccker.i louiuled out the evenln'K'ii :nlerlaUunenl,

:nlnB.'lwv»vcr.‘ft vl«»

Sftlurdny, nnd he'suddenly decldeil tcf tvlillc away the hours Jusr be­fore mldnlehi by.aeclnB a pleturo. So lie .<lfode conlldenHy im t a cerlnln

voii!d-ne_pniron. naked. wnlllna-C'

. Tlie-Ctwtstl........................ .. ,Tlie u-thcr lookeaT^oubiful.-thought

. over, lin'd .said ho- would 50 to flnrt the head ushj;r.- ir^unicj)ack_ ifjer nwlil|e,-and r-iilil lie f.eeine\l r'?_

know wheUuT he could ;.ell li or.nut. uiid.lie..\

'L JUmC*.Uic.cutL>m«r-i.h6iild-Junt-no-u«iM. - ^ •HeRhc-|«l;er, JuiT^oinaiTticlTnm ® ' In,

—aa-Uip'g-nnld.Wjmlrn.-.,-',-)., i:-.i .Mopik-d--.';mllinc w)mc. time., before,

illied back Into the nlKht. nnd'tlie ■■ • - ,icr re.'.led englly, probably sails-

flPit Ihnt he had lolvttd/irpcrplexlni; ' ':T5uman=rramT3m'V.zimvVriiiTrzr ihhiRii RO««Oi,t<ir. Tlie mlnute the . .(.■•Jier iw u to f/nd Ills suixrlor-

j-Wie ■ Avoulil have made a hoc*lbie .trnlitht dov,n ihe'alAle nnd aeurrlcd

.mi«-aJuiut.-)a thn-mldKCof ajJi:TU_lui:i»ma.oilo=wyito dUlodtjo- 'hcr:;--------' . ■ .-.-rr:.-....r' --------------

: K liIdjesjIOe-Anjllm c '_ •


Page 7: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

Uuk-fJ-----1, Any public mcptlii[;j not /iiitic-

-JJajica.l>y,Mm’.orJliu;uc's «llr«tor Of inihlli; Mifoty. . , .

------••j -’l'n.-diiirlbir.Ioil in "iiny.Klrer.i.ur..(iubtlc .placet ()t-in-Ju;i-il-miUtcr- oi'„ ikiw.'..

■7 ~ :m i;=Tn!m ia ^ pm:::::3iK arrtnc- -rirrrrcJKccuiimstofy-^anu iincfiu-

Miluilonii!. Of ilic (-ommil, tiii- <Ic- Cl;.Ion »nl(l: "liivallcJ niion .!(.■> fun-. Ill {Uul'it vlpIaii-3 frei'duiii of xpccclV

• of tJje pTcM." * - ■ — “ ~ '’T!lc cUilcjfcc la ..uitcoiilfOVdU .I)1i " ’ miI(I'llic' circuit'ciinrr liT-rc-

‘pirffeiidliiqsror t}\p. Jnv.-- cr (loitvl. "Ilini 111! il!ii!:n^) unr ttiu

of ilic movoin<’ntTo keep till'* ■aiijx'31i''i 'J;ibor'Kry’npi uiU

■Boactl-J ccoDimfinds-iDcvsU- opmcnt ot.Subnwine.aod:.

••-•■rAviation Facilities---. WA-SillNr.TON. .Jon.-ail. <,v, — Conp/fM* Unmcrt lottnjr |lini ;» *]«.

r. cl^iLjuvaLJioajaLlicamaLlifc■^itliyt''7rT7TopiinfTliltik?r....:r-VIU^.ilcet ;im>e oii qlie blaiid_of

.(iiiniii,. cnuiiiik ,ol. mamiRliiini; - •mujor i>nia of ,tlic JIci-i. would •'fi..

••tic-" ililH-couutr>''a iioilUun'lh tlif far cii.'t. ‘"Ailmlrnl. 'Urjiburn ' IcJtiflcd

u-nctlk Ijrfdro Uicir6(L\i>imvnl uit4.tc‘. wtiich Li (joeisldcriiiB tlic

— ------------- 'jrTnirmmty-rcTiytimr

Sccrclarv’s Talk to.Busincss liDctinite'iy-Encouraging.’-z

- -^ays Rail-Executive—

Avrrcll' llnrrlmftn.'clialrnmn of miEincs.-r-fnlvi5or5—coiinciir” flKc.'i!iriI'

llml— Unix L. IqjjIcIiia'I'odny wftls ••(IcflnHriy.fneonrnsInU;

';mp-i-r»yr ir»oia-pol'o^plasing-Tci 1 or n’ {AI1101I3 railroad fnmlly. who

. t:. oiericti to.»jMrajcrin.iia.couix- cll'c^ifiinnnn tortny. ilecllncd tO'dU -iilKo wliaf, If nny. i*ix)Hriim of bml- ipf.-i conrtlhtlon Hapkliis niny linve

ouiiUicO,.l)ill'TlHrcouficll w'ns very inucli lai-

l)rcs.'.('(l by. Ills npDroncIi to tUc ta-.l: lot Mcrciari' ot con\m«vc«i 5\c i>iui umlertnkeii.”—Tla>i<yimglN>f-binilhc'-'' nyh.-ntfti).v ot thcm■.c ltlefl -of-*o^1n *n 'w d«fti ■pollclM. W1U1 forhicU' when Uanlcl

advl.-.r'on rconomlc qiicstloii.-i.Uy lncrpn.'liis Uje_miinUcr of It/:

.•ic(j_chiiifnuii from 'ilirco 'id Jour' , (Tie- enmiell cnw « ' tip, nccnntlrifr'

l.Mrn| luii.bu;.l»i?j£ roopfratlou' pro-

mwc“ofrici'i-:ri(> iirmciif';. liuprlvale llfp. Is clialr- bonrri of tlie Union Pii-

•iwilroad'cntnpnnj-nilfl .viiarr^. -- In.Browii.BcotJicr.i. Jtnrtlman iiiul coiiiiiaiiy. It New York InvcM

fedt-ijil wiiKt nncl liniir .................ucxil Kroucr* tin- full M• p'r-of

''' •'nii'dloiii for n?Tlcii1tiir;it trade;

«'ri.l«s4iii[,i Storrcl.O|i|)0.wl "(ll.wrlmt!ialpry nllack by

nidlo, prcAS ormovic relo(u.f\ bv fed- m^MigmtlnK-virlrn),,

........ ruUr. proiiriKaiiduAfuilii-'t yie wr.sirni fivniiPr ns » {»'• --iiyiri- til' thi' imllnniil fon-M mu!

TiPtfr Df-ttiP imblic'ranptf'hiKl prlviit.'ly <nv:ii-d hiul;.,"

Cumintiulcd •'cDnirrr.'.'i and''.Kov- • ninu-iij. ritfirlatj for ihc^ppom it .ISlUiOUliliuiculJ.''-'mrirruiTiii 'oTj' '■

Junjl:_l_______ _. rc'clicicd liidutlta i ’rcfcl.

H, C. Illch ot Btirli“y.' Idfilio; ;.0£Tri»ry. •?; « Mrtrslmll of'S ;ili. ■Lnt:c Cl!y,.ri|i[i_\lce.ur«ltitnti.svi* vim J. Piiiily of Di'er t.oiluc, Miini,. and T, .1: DninilsPllel- iif Wiltii WaU la. \V;wli,

Mr.'. noorrt r<ii>i<ir "I , Kniini'ti; Idnlio. va.i fli'ctcd prcJiltli'ni ot tlipwnmrn'.Vaiixlllnry. ' -................. Ovhi-r rmUrinnl ottlrw rVrtrd .were Mto Aimnbf) LnlUlnw of UoUi-,

i IdRlio.-sccreinryrMrs.- W. Arnon- . crto of Yflkln\n. Wn*U-, tir t vlcf

W age-H onr (^hief Ey<*s^Exciin?tjoiis. SHiNa'foS.-..Jnn. so --M'j-Kr--

i!»rr~P- Andr«)ivji.„;v,iR«-liour adiiilii- tnilor, .said today lip wti.'i pliiniHiHtpiibiririii'al-lni{ wll!ii« ii /ow Wo'li;.\ pVciptvnlt. 10 rSt'mpl "lilKh pr(i->-d hllr rolbi' workor;.'' froiil lllr fall

•latnjrTmdarasitvei- ...............

. . . . .............exriiipuTiro(f:.aotii.i;-adnilnir.lniUvL-'iiiul <-x. ptutlvo tt-orkrrr.jmd ilii- admlnhtr.i-

nUI hr bad rct-rivi-d many mikt

iio:! lit a Kiir-oUiic wrvlcc. .station at

Tin* district courti iiicisinrnt-w.i^

V, A. KcIiiT.'.KnraRc *o\s'iiit.«, but titr laltiT rxptx-.vs.'d dL'.iiitlsfKctloilK'llli the uwunl-ntiil-nppciilpd;-------

Cllli-t JiLillrc Jimir;; F .' Alhlile u-r»i<“ llu- diHiilon In wblcli .IihIIcm Alfred It: .Diali;e-^n(l. lluymiiiid I/, nivnu cnnrinn-d.. .Ini.ilf). Wllllntn 7.tr l(TrrtiiPtirrtH-*hTiTF.«r 61drn‘

■dL ciit-;d.

mmllfled tlip dinri< i couit. iidlnc biiL Inter crnnlcd'a ro.l»^irln«. Jui-

■S a8 P « lg ^ '« 3 iW!!clinnRCtl Ills po.'Jffinn ('» affliiiTUic"

■^KlNG’S'great9cSALli>;enas'Saturda3^night:-Gom-Fin=and-look— “■ aroTind ■==== rherc "arc^hxindretls oLjie^\:;imoiiey-savijig- valiies-

'uwailing yuu' Lhis.Friilay!:inil"Sirturday.“ —‘ iikvjb lur iiiiiiiuiiiy lu S5.0(».000,-Jmprovln(: tlie Imrbor ... Oiinw ■xmf-tirwvldlns »0BW-(|ii!irttrr3

-l«p-v>cuomwl-iUe:e. . . ' --------------:-««niniUffc DU-I.Icu

Qticstioiis’ or committ«(nncmScr.s.. Inrtlmlgd-anmp-^nvnrrrf.thu |);o|>0«ul

Tlie council.'41 of wbaic 53'i;_.T.n iiru liero lot Uio monthly n,___ItWJ.Jvlilcli uUl • cloic lomorrnw. niKlit. acccptcd Hopklas' Invltntloti

MnUmio n« work,................

by rc'Killiilloii (<} liicliiili- ntlifr v. l•r of jliU. lypci' in'cltiitlnt: new S>el' reJK)tlcc . FILER

Interest^ >^1 ot hpmg and ih tlie.

Iicniilve K'Al u bo n device to "pull- Urltnln's clic^tiiutj out of, the fire."

■nif nclmlnil Icallfled. yml_ 1 ^ bo.irdi which nindc nil Inve.illKntion

_.'»c,conires.'^iM^ii«ror.tje need

^ i'joie ttaPflnoh-of Wc-UiSeti- s5m^ iPanlUoii In Uio far east could bo

—conHdtrcf!—»mi)1o -w id —.\cttlcd II -Guam Wt:fc mriilc .HD.mlvniiced llpct ■bast.." •

— i»olnttnB -ouL: howcvcrrtliaf tlic bo.nrd rccommentjed only <ltvclop*

.incni of ui) iilr luid lubniarliio.t>;t/u- oii_.tlic Island, nt Oils Umc Adnilmi:

ilcpbutji anld the sroup rKOijnlzcd Umt IM! qiitillon wIirtliN- a tlcei liniic llotllU bu utnbllslicd..involved

- iroiitlcal "nlid economic cbnnldcra- - isj^mokle. Jt3-iiureiy-iiiimar>-.

In I'ieyiKla B udgetCAUaON CITY. Ncv,. Jan. 2C (,V)

Tfnliillyc flgure.'t Kulmilttcd bv slnio' 'dep •tmpiit.i Jiidlcntc tlirrr liiiixJis’— Inr'rfw Q(.nb8)iL-«;262.mh in thf---- tasanncrfTnraie;---

Sntt Ihke c icy. ycond vli!i». prpiil^

Tlie ear-wln.ilCH's not enter peo- Bh> .cur". It Is ’known In vnrloiis coimtrle.s as Viir-Horm. ear-bnrrr. tar-aucviiiw -'tor»^Ulp^ -n nrt-par.

B.TiscIi W ills iir:7 ^ zr^ S yH T n m rC m O T

nOTSii.. Jan. 2jl ov,—ilic Idubo .'iiipremc eourt affirmed lodiiy. after II •n-hcarln^. a Tn’ln- f'all.i oaunty diMHc'i court judiinicnl for JotnrA.flr;lr.rli. Jr.. defcildam In .an actloij. hJ2HSt?;yo rccovcr luoiity ii.v%crlstUi‘..... ...........gpnm uanm yinK 'PTBBc

. In CaHfornla--Mr.iiii<l>iIi'.s, Milto Balcer' mid-.';nn;‘ nobewrwlio have ■ipent tlip pn>it yeiir iit bi-lmib, Calif,

Ity. Tlirlr ^on,'Piiul., remiilnetl to Jliil.ili liln ((clicol year.

Jloinc from Trip—Co'b Fender and Ted Nebckcr i*re liomc fwrn n trip

. Qdvcrnor B. P. ,Car>'llte

■Tiera':• Slrnne llaK Ju>tUlcd .

'A jtrontf nirplanc atid ;>iibm»rlne >ibo on ilic Wand, 5,700 mllea out In

-tbc-raclflo from-eonUnenlnl-Unlted

_;_b;u,l.\ ofjlcfciuB alone, he said the — — coiiunl[l£e_.bcllc1eil- .■*' r rnrai 11 bn*e would rcdlice'the

9 — imrtjtrnr"or^ik-Riulini:. Ilnivnii ‘ and

terin;;, lie continued, but Iio iniHtcr ' V how stroniJ tlit- buM- Jt would not -pl^ico .ilil*^eouniry..in-B-wjlilo» t6 , project oCienslve ncilon bcyoj'id tlio—WflnD.':---------- — • --------------l__:nic>cl«iol,csDcudltur(t.Kljiai.Uw•- navy li«s aokcd conarcM to BUtlior- —im—, Hie, nfliniral Vi’nu'rt mnVi-

the Imrbor iisnble for.tcflplancs and.. Pofialbly pciTnll somo tubmnrlne op.

cratloiu there. But a otrong air b-iM

-l.iy3-.for;^A'-f|ylnB-field-for land rplnnea-nnd-faellltlCT-'for'a-gnmrnn-

Mld lQd.-uv . __________________Tills, Im 'niUI; lidded to powlble-

riefirleiicir,':: mriv rMiiic'tn .nn In- crpiw lrj Ilic'iit's levy of about elRht cetiifl,


WASiriNOTON, Jan -29 (4-}~:Thc nnUcmnl Iorv.it.xcicn-ntloii.commU- ftlori aullforltetl t'odny the HurchOsc- of- aw.2p3 ncrcs of Innfl-fcr addlUotj to 40 .national forests In S< stales and Puerto lUco. . .•Tlie land will ewt a totaUof II.-

415ii08..-"-Annrtjvtd'unrrlin.wrthe -flcrtfltrc- Al'.a-llie coit liiiiiidnl----------------------“

P E T T lJO H If f S D R I \ f t l »HOME - MARKET — . iifiMP. .

- OWNED 63^ M ain East ....... Phone <166 OI ERATED-

Mixinj? Bdwf9 c

Chore (;irl

9 c


:3‘r:;77: v - ' M

, Plates9 Inch ^riille

- R u b b e r SolesCeiueiit'on . A m

-Style j f V .

M i _5[Cr

S h oetolish

OreKoii—Mar>;M"'Wuk| ICO nnd-



_Bcplacc ol'd-piidUliia-wiWi-Brulcre;- —

^ R A P E ---FRW T—

.-CANNED:GpODfc-B E E T S ,.. " ______n -

_ S U c c d _ i i i_ a u a L -------^ - U -j - c o n N , 'M b . w n . :

MotorLsU co.iivicted of -.drlvlnc rN6::2rsiM:;.T...T..:.;_JL_ JLC _o i

:P Eu\NU.T:BUITER^ -Real lld n s t -

W H E A T 'F L A K E S . Dirnnt;

-^pkjr^HBA-TIESj- A l l - f o r * - . . . :C R A C K E R S



rA -G cn era lF ood s Product-


bread 'paiu.' plo,/platei<,' cake pahs — (inWrtriuf/ln'pana tit-th’l.n I'o^'prlec.

Kayon-lMnties.• ChHarrn's

The Sonp T h a t is AH Suds

C R Y S T A L r W H lT E - .P -and-G ,-W Jiile K in g




Hand Lotions “■ r:...-..::9c

MEN’S - .- . '- -GOTTON'SOeKS-


9C"iMXta will' sivc you a:loi. ot wear; J-Glovcs-

__Cunlfln-BmncLJ .. IMue Knit Wrl*l

Z 3SI*

We Feature ExyCel JSrgnd o f Beef~Pork~Bacon-Lard and Lunch Meals ;~ 7.7 rr FJMItt& ahd VEGETABLES-Oranges-_....^-‘4-:d<>?^-Z9ic-^I'ett“ “ -'--------Z J o E - lS C -


C loth :-

Mony chccrtul pouama .to -

rG oin bs"



a'~iller Paper


T W I N F A L L S G t A S r « ^ P * I N T r ^

- ^ B a n a n a s 4 J t 3 . . f o r 7 j 5 ( f _ l# r ie Jiantllf* of.bf«rl».___ -Cauliflswcr, hea^'

-lOfer^ L t : iCAMXK-

I 7c:— -^e Sure io'-ViifU-Our store for Qt^^^^Spedals^’ Noi'Listed ^bovc


H. KING COIDAHOrS HOJIE C * i ® D ’V A B teT K S ro)liB S '

Page 8: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

P A G E ETg TTT" 7T\VIN -l'^ALi:SryK\ySnTW lN iJ-:^L-b9rlDAH -OrFRII^^^ I IOUNING. .TANU A IIY 27rinr>n

FILERI ^rrvliT» -Ui'v; -I. It. !■. Ilipliuii c.r

Wji.’ Iit; u!I1 ioiicIulI .III ilu' Ili'.iiil.'t cliurcli com*

iibtr-tnn^njj^a i«]

Frunes Make 'I'asty l 'are TFo t ^Nations Livesta^^

—tliroiigli curltTR nndItfniilv. narlors call Uic- ‘Ilrtn co'ii-umr; Oiiiy ri>ccial vnrlctiM. ^wpct

iiiitlcr the procfwcs of uippliiK, rln.i- -iii9;:BratlinR'siitl »un«di7i)<S Uiroiliilt; ‘ whleh the Inill. must pnas Irom Uic

''LcA.1' Uinii 50 ycnra neo Undo Sam wna n (jlR'pnino lmporlcr..l)U>'-

iiillllon potmds ii year. Todny. owliiK to wcM' con»t plum orclmrils, tliR UnKccI Sliitcx [luiiiivlly sells. abruaU j naarly-Iour.tiincs.Uinl ntnquiiL.Hie._- 7lriK®PpUim-oV-c.a a-rjl-wr- — •■ -n|nn(ea^i'Amcrlcn-imlll-tn70

Page 9: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

.• -.. . iv ;— -☆— -if— *-..... ■— ;->■ • tv--' •>• • ..... -■:-— ------x — j .— x ~ ■. ' ■• t • i.. ~ -•

Omne}^ B i l l

Experts Guess’ HuglrfaceJ<a|ied^ i a i i o K t e f e

. .DOSTON,.Jan. 20 (/7>)—Jim ­m y 'F o x x ’ ,1939 contract t'o- n lglU '.. undoubtedly , brought

. • ' - h t m nearer t o • rcallzatlorf' o f — : - lilB -fon dcst-drcam— io -b o .tho- '• " " ’'■•hlBhcst"palcr pJnycr ln~l

Uall. - Tlie salary specified In the

....... -b lK first basom nn’s now-iiRreo-incnt w ith the Boston Reel Sox, l{rnelI tmlny wllliout Ximfnre. wns

, •— .iioL.iiiatlc. nubile, bul .ilm'cxiicrM "Bite.wd" It nt S30.DOO.

"J«emc"'K6t iiCout J23.W0 Iiml yrnr. ' ‘r r “ i<!(rtn«''AiiK'riejiint:'i!iitrih"B,Ttmfii

• wHli J«-ftiicl-.«'on Ills liilrri nwnrd •H.llio mo,«t vuliiiiblc plnycr In llie

_______ ii ncl ftlUiouBli Uie liot-stover« <loii'l—iiKurB'ToiirynwVfj ' 'iPiintriflilRfTr • •• , lir pfobnbly diit ft urnil dcnl bcltci

ilinn «3.000. ■No nffflcuKy •

, As aotieral Jklaiwacr Eddie, Col.• • m»:i jioluted oiilr-^'mfro-u-Mi»:t.,ihc

illKlitMt dlffleiilty."A' couple of Yftukce cloutcrs. How;

c*!r.- iirobnbly.'coinc'hci’s'ccn—llfl ^ (loublr-X nml hi<i tlrc.im tliDi year

' One 1.1 Lou acUrlir. who liad n' bail

dOiibUcu'mi to oroim<143.'i.0IK) from ,~nrn Wooor=-wiTicir=7nn«e=T3{rr[irnr •ilic iinllniiiil iinstlnic'.i lilKlic.it ti ■:-Wal(l- tilaycc lul'xcaf. Tlv :Vlbvv'’*'iTC-

Job-DiMnrtrlo, wlio tlic cxprrt.i be­lieve rnlc,i moro <lmn the 125.000 In sol 111 llie In«t.cniT<pa!Bi.».

,• joH. aa.-(/n — uuc- -cnicaso Cubs won Ihe 1938 fjfttloiinl •icnjnie cliamplonslUp. bul Owner V-:If-\Vrl[il»}r-npp(iTcnUy htw rte- eldca'toTKinrtlie dividend on tnat

lanl.. Uu3

Owner Wrlclcy, as lie liiapecifl wlUi (lokur-faco the IncoinlnK. mnll tronr Ills lilrc'U liandsniittlcalc*' lions jiof

iifrlHir tilt, ,.• Jcremc mode 11 Jree.Uiro niirli'v mntlc niiip- fmyrwltn Burley Iwlng chnr.. . ,10 roula nnd Jerome Jnycee.i with 16. i

Jliilftvlu?; Diirlry Riinril. Klcrtiird < 10-polnt?!- for-hlRh -polnf-honnn.-------f

Jcromr JaycfW— »'«>mli *; JL-ik'cr. f. 1: J. Norby, r, 4; nil- JlaniiL.c. 7; lIollIlianelvjEi.ShBurUcr.J, 3: Iipaii. fr, 1— . . -______

llUTJry JWman. i. 11'. llos-

JisiiHV FOXK ...-•-»i£rts-roc;uii-(lUrln ril Kum.>«tlttiatfil by ba,ic- liiill oliHprvfr-^at ?.10.0DO. '

J e r S p la y c e e sElks, Chalkr.Up .3l_tQl23. ^ . ,i/Vin in Snalcc-River, - “ ■ L'oaflue Gallic" . ’


- ••NEWTORK.’ ‘J a n . '20 (JP)~ -A lthpugh-thc-latcstrvtctlnr o7 Joe Lo'ulf?', sleeping potion,^ hadn 't yet "com e ou t o f the. ■ether," prom’oter M ike Jacobs ind 'tho-Brown-Bomber'y bniln -

■tYnsTTVr’ e n f inccT a middTe tO' d a y to d<*cJ<Jo,, the nc.vt tnsty dl.ih to ,set beforo the heavy ' wclijhtTicinEr:— r - . 'lliry ;inlvc<\ iit’ iio di'Jliill-- foii tlii.',loii. alic.iii ni l . iijrioor.ikln. II ' '••iMi.rSyuarc (inrdriUOlTi.-rj; Mike r«t)iiUnl:m II. woulij liil:r

• — V—"' _ _......Tennl« riayem? , Hammer'Thro»»er!i?iJm-«romwlch/-Au»lM!la----- >------ toiu-artthity, n . TTSlalc' iter (UaC/l), - s p o k a n l :,, W4i.sh.. Jaiir 20^

fled w lih - -profesjilonal- .seiill-iito b:iseb;vll in Spokuno.

:rtimcci~todny, a.s 'ini.slne.'Cs ■ '

Uurlo- ciincr.i ni:.lli

■i!u?SS#S‘SKSrV iS¥%S-:l[f Jgi'omc

InirfJT .....'I'lul Iilni to III,' i;Ir;inpr« l.*l ttWlil, till- only liiMvvwclRlil.i ralcil war- r;m1tiu: .u :lioL at Jolting Juc were Mii'loui) Maxlp nner, l.ou 'KoviciO

Jiura,.T..|iv .!)iii-Hiim)-On!ento antiUry<l«' »ol> PaM or„________

Joe WaMU.l'ailor iiiiici; Uiicr iiiul Novii nlrciiily 'itre

iiiii:hcil for Mny I’wiinl Inawnucli- hmil n unlnrnl

, saukc Valley Oiiilaw '

lor oiiiKfxin, Par.ior U oon.ilrirrrd'.... I. jnQiLiitchi«ui«jniij!:{oTififl' inacHiV ■*rnck ill Mi'rcli, A:id if Mike nnd

mi:-.- m:<nrTrliil_-:t3ff-C3iT-la-/-.nmr

—P.i.'lor U'ciit me W-roiiiKl rf • .with Joe i\v(> yrnrA neo—would ..

ii;net..aiwiher ilOOOCO. houn‘, yoi

- Joe-ivnji] n cntoli .

’ «iili ilfi- biirk-pcdnllin; PiL'tor llic L next tlBiR,oiii, ■“

Ihe fifht wrlter.t. nnd..of cnltect for Incl nlulit'« iinrty, Jpo;

SlC20ia.<3 Rnle w,i» M4. fxT crijf, or. brMililii'

it doi-n Xn tl«iirp.i of "oiii' . vllnWe, .nhonl. $53aj3B for t'och .leionil In* wn1» tl>cn»- Kllclilng_nt_I.i:ivI'i— »»(>!JI1.

Tracksters.Vie In New Event

Two-TIiTr'driViilc Run Added


--, .,10 Mjlifosc-lVleets ' ' - ■ ^ ; ” -P ro ‘()rai)iV

~ REW vuim,;-jaiu-:’0-n-;ii- iifflclabr today nnnmmcrd llic. l)k-lr*.ilx m»n field Hint will ill the tw»>lltirclvinlle r ii),

nt Mndbnii Stinam Oardcii. Hc.idlii? Ihc entry 114 bi Wnyr

RI.I(>>.'iH -Norlh -rpxftM BlntffTenplv, wi'.o i-pt II tlircc-iiiinrter

rccord of 3 ;00.3 i; l /ivmimjr, Ilmmed against lilm will be l.c>llc Mnc* Mltrhffll, brlllliliit Nw York U frc',<limnn: Hcwic Horck t'flhi? nmii

lU-TiK-lei-diaiiiiiroii: .Jolm Drrlrali of llic Hliorc- A.c..- Kmrroii, N . J., iinllonnl t’ rnlntlilon nnd Juninr con , uicterpliy’ of Imllnim, imd I'lill Omvc.i New Yori: A.C.

- KT, I . O U I S i ' ^ a i i / l f t ‘l ~ M rfr-!iu Kco.it Ray CaliUl of • ilie i,L* nro«,j;r, llic k^1drrilnrte!l look''^-

ccL III! iirob'nbly wl'll ■’

.. illffr;ont In tin: old rtavs " Jie wliij-'O-.•.idi, "All.tllpywaiilDd wau.u rlinm "

CfthllL'yrho__ __'irinib' iira:iix-ct'ir"iic'wHi ui)" ...... '

•:Wlicn I .lUrted you ttnild

iLZhilU! ' (iirtcp-ui.

•iii;irl playIW-. In the

••VoiiM find yoimcHcrii .llm,«(i]u)»IH(,ivl>y-})tlt!‘ !nr'Tind stpal'

liold. ihe. .liauat < ;i<! and.-trj for home runs.” • . , ' . , .

Gridiran Midgets Thank --^Goewkes-fyt^Pi'-oi^^

2!, t,v,- I ) lliant for not i rllliiK-, WASHINOTON. Jnii, W - I conclic-'lo m««*5g~sijp SSS& I--;™ .........rb.iU,. -OasU. .,j proieclloii of ,i wlio rver“j?inyeri' i/ijib,vll, *'

...................... ,,..r-nwqiirl.stlan> iaw lo llinl.v^ •

"Crnili'jiip.’i.''j»?ld Joiinny, ."mine •i\n,i' ihe i)rotectlnii of Iron nim. Hr mcmbfr old Dw WllUam.i and tli- Mlnnooia ihlft Im ln\pnied? Tli:ii


■Tliccc—Midslflpi- -Slacs.

St|U(ic]OCONOMOWOC.AVl; , ........... . _

■rrircn niidHc.'tiTii ll'c wore

Sta!r,« in il.r iQ.llt Olyiniye.n. i.-nraTlQlS.Bams.Gi;ori:t: Shlnick. sturdy ipilcdiicr

m m Ciiiiiir _lii.,: .AlTKweiti,CiilcnRo.-arti redhalrcrf-Uob

H-fkcllbich. iiLvj of' Clilf«KO. trre rorrtftl plnrw in 'Hu final day

.iif ilK'-Olynihlc'trlaK - ' - The live mcti jifuelouily dibsn

for llii- Olvmiiir iiri' l.oii-r.tb.inHor,.ClilcnKo; Kildle bi'ltfcK!- dcr. Ctjicaso; Gcorsa Wairacc.-S.-mi I-rancbro: Ui'lbcrt L;mjb, illlw.m Itce. i\nd ClinrlM Uelt.litou. MUmr.

i B M S a l e s Show Big Gam

::r*-tt-ntetirlne!urtf-tlic— Twin I'nil. Qmboya nnd Spokniif- TTiTtt-K; nf'ilii. WV.-v-n; Ijiirmaiioniil

v.ill bp rrlaliicd In lliat cj>- wilii ol.'icrv In fipokanr, UI- 'llPC.iH'.iiit: ;; in»lnliiB-tliaU-P<»y<

nnd iitui Iiu: wimnknr.u tu L-r;ile lia.-; made Uie'.ft|ipoliit- t vrry-3nlistnelorr,"-Meni6cm--i!_Sd; ___ . .J

IT ji’jiycil 't.cinl-pre'biiw:bnlT'ln ■

........................ _.e>ame Umc^iil«rl.(l the Uie;Urleal,bur.lncs.i.He bpfame trcn-iure

........., - .....^..iier.alifi_jicff_'_;Amtrlr.in tneatcr.------------------------------. In,' 1915..1ic_JoUii:d_tlie-Spok«ie._____.Indlan.1 undrr Ou-ner P , C. Parr nnrt Matiaccr Uob Witter, bul nn-

.He rcKcted nn ' offer of JudBO MtCrcwly. then owner o fllie Porl- limd Ui-avcrs of . the Pacific Cowl U-acue;. to ‘pLiy .profttuilonol Uific* -

>-i»^lunu-cj -coliaiso .UurlnH tll^•— — «-orlrt-serles:------ • ■— » — --------- : -

— llemian'i Salary n<;(lureilBilly. Herman, stnr isecond base-

m.m..rctunied liLi slffiieil contract today. He will play for less motipj-

, • than he rwelvec! laafiimon; wheu . Imcporifriiy dryw-tlltiOOOi-'ntc ile:

paldey, Burley M?Menjriumph

cna pay^iicck. trlmiulnR, - for no . - —■ .......... Cassia GtiTiniy QnTTTtematyforincr-Bria nnn'ualiy the dub'fl’ No.

. 1 holdout ^jwpeci. III! hit only,.a77

... , Jim (r Tj))’ Coilliu,'uie first, baflo- man who alaonulfcrcd ihrouHh’n poor-ma campalsn. Ici It be ifno vn

• lie-would-not-iJsn-Uio contmcf of­fered lilm. cmphfl*lilnii lie was "nol

_ - to bc.claKcd oa a holdout," To which' Wrialcy repllctl;-......... ............... - .

.,, ,"Wq do not offer-eontrnot»-f<Fr llic nexl season on nnUclpatlon.' Wc reward the .men on ,thc work they

• did lt)e «ason before. However. If they Improve their work, ihere’ll be .wllsfoctorj- ndjusttnent/i,- •

For Steeplechase^^R5al-Maiiv-1937^lttrtGf^r

-Classic at Aintree, Given^V75-Pounds-

Twin Falls.EirsLWard - t : Team. 61-33 " VOAKLEY, Jan, 2C-^Oal;li'y'<i stronii

8ccoiid-wftr<l-M-men-bapbetbail-ttani- oiitclasspil the Twin Falbi Plr.it ward M-mtn 01-.33 hi » R.ime played Iiern lonlRhl,- -ivhlle the~Burlcv-Seconil ward M-mm-trluraphedia-n over tile Mnrlon wnrd bk.a preliminary conlc.-.t, ‘ . ' •»

UlK cuns.lM Uic Oakley attack .'ere LcSueur. rescrv-e for^varcl, who

ui> 14 points, unil MnrtlndulL'.' - •---------- • n . . Wells. Twill, , ■■B—ig - twiijtr

lead the l&ilnR cUib.-----...— •nuiiprt-int&T

.niiiiiu- 'irm ? . . 0.lncupsJor Hie Twin-Fnlli-Oalc-

ley Ranic:Oakley—Q..lIalc.f.;5;-3IarUnUalc,

.r .-J i-lIan l/.-r , 8} Jtlarthi, t 5',W. Hale. I..2 : Ilunler; V; H: USueui , f, K riee . r. fJ: Belf. e.,1: Severe.

Twin l-‘nII»~A<lkliu>. f.'6 : Ulbnon, r. C; Kchltrman. r. 2: Slevrnii. (, C;

fo ■$l.'>.05(5-ond loM oL.folk.1 won. dercd If the bcallliifw-a« worih.Jt. •

■ -u'.iMrt iiurt" ■ ' John Hpnry *pfir\ed' 111:p a man

Jni<V' cflme'.oiil of an ftnapntliellc, l)Ui iln- abdicntcd ll^ilit-hcavs’WolRln Wnn-...............................

“KeforlfC Feai'oil •Spi-ious Iiijiirv !1\) Jo llii lloiii-y

jiliv.xaEic, j3n_2P 4;-R<4--

Ijack ,liil.'i yrar.-.-iiininnnr w Uanr.i.'mml;— ' —

'•How nrn'cli do jou.wcli:li. Qiivey ••Bout 150." lie rtriiwlcd.Sonipbcxly , 'uikeU Johnny how

much Jie had' wciKl'< d tihun lie wa;i tearlnii up • tlie urtdlroiis'In’ 1011

till- Wn.'hlntjton Water Power cv pany.- rtec'spent 12ychr.i wltluilie' latfcr firm, taklns only a few monUw off hi 1917 to play ball wltJi tJio ” Siwkiine Indlatw under Nick Wll- ll.ims,'inannfier. ,

Kft a.chancc lo net warmed iip.._l wn%n'lliurl nl all."

"Did yoii’-kiiow you .floatK-.ho-wM a.«kcd.

"No, 1 didn't."hfi w.v. down llirce'

Form er Champ Picked. W inner

LouIj'Jolni Henty. Lewis heavy*.wrlfld flL-lir fiiiiii^Luiil "Ihi- nnlvway It could." and added- that Jop

tlio challenser muld "tin: tWvd kHOcWowsi rcriou'ly hurl,

— 'I-wouia'Hiivp rountcd John Henry out If he had rcinnlned on the floor," lald ths urbltcr. "Bui bythp tlmc l-rcarhcd the•^oun:-

.or:/ ■ >-JI■o■n■nd• stcUKtlcil- lo.lila- knef.i and I sav/ l-.e umild rencli libi reel before (lie full count. I dldn'l'ivunl him .to Iw hll a;;aln, no mattcr'how same he was."

lliere had been rome depute :naztQ-tiicrcnQncn.i!cr.viPomir.ii: when the tiuht wn .-:iennprt. romn

forfiiii."• Stjindlni; .-ildi' by nlde dld.tvlicii .Davty wUi tifi

-M'ry.WnlUVCamp ,\!emorlftl trophy, ihoy •U’cre a lot alike. . ' - •

MeOovcrn. who Wiw nn '.Walter Cnmp'j«.all-Anierlp«ii..teani ..hi_llie. old rta>\i,-ls 'a little•Rftol’tPl'",'iiVd o little wider, Bulli have bis liandn; quiek; iflldliiK stfUIe.i, knotty muj. ele.i, and big broad. JimlUj. - *•

TJur question of the lltilu player Jii.bl«-.tlino-football nime uii. .Both

hnd--^hclr •

. ••'riic point If," explained Johnnv

.'■rtOlvr^r'UV'liliTi' smBrti lni9 yoii.

Sports': Tm iV- - '.

iniPiit ranpjti7 In post >ul n

’ By w tm ;!! :Y -jiARTrN '

By-KAnLE L. JESTi;il — noiftE; Jan. 2<J <.r>—J o lw w iw n• lo-lnki> ft ftcivp-off llic'-nfh barjcl, wlr«! It onto liLi Khoes and r(> .iklin«.

Now hi! Inve.-\i.n In sclenllflcnllv- pr(«iucf"d_rqu!j)ni up to SIOO,

, .'nuit. iTtJie-charcerthatrhXTtnktTniaoe—nlihoiiRh not qirtt? »o nbrnpl- ly—In Idaho's wliitiT spori.i picture In less thiin a decade.,•* - -

In ■ between ' those 'extreme.-, coiir/‘t'. .camo tlit-iiae of.Jiome^mado 5H.i_p_roduprd v.-Uh:Bfeat earr, nr ■ '....... of fiielory*ihnde pine xkl.s.

.............. Sp<d;anfl-FaItL<»int-Bne< ■jrnaKlatlon-eanie'liiti-exElHiccT"'IK n:>i,ut.iuiiuii came mu> cxuitcnce, e liM l«en-tn chRTSe-tiJ-Btvtts'.tmti '

"The Pioneer lengpe'ahowa prbin- I;« of being one of the most suceeju- ful minor |pnn»e« in ihw i-o.int,T,” _

ce deelar.cd. ■ fftnvco- liappy (o P—.uw.oelal«j^th-UlrJC)n-liail Monti" Komery In this enterprise." .. .

liribubiy would -tllluUolder for i onie lime,

"I don't alwa>\rplck th...............bul I tulfl-o!I -IQ. L nlKht.‘'-ihe for­mer chftiriHlon luu^Ucd.j__ : t-*_

. ;in\wykji i.osk!? l ic k s s b •imicrr “ TTOtSK, Jan. 215 M5-5ain OtKfla-

of • Boiie,- 3etretar>--.of-the-lclalii atiiU! Name of Team

TiiifflR acclili'nis have lijcr'eaae'd a ..ir.ualya: .bul. the tienlji- rate

to.Uio supreme court alv■lpcn loll i KrnneUi-8. IUdfCTfn>TPoWcllo_ii

to_--_A iii’body.. iha

Louis eouklu'i. inlMv liln\ la an clshl- er« flcW; •,..^ u Novil—T<>i> hiexpprltnifefj.and

sl.ind*iip“ 'flpii'cr, LouU would pUyrhlKTltxrime-n'xjlophoni

.Max Baer—He tiK-d oncu.-a Iho List few JOundK,

111 thL.1 Kiatc lu llie'psatjlvo years, fiiliTTlob, TlllnL'-oli; winter fpori.i rcprcientalivo on ilio nolj;n Junlo'r' cn-’infbet' nrcomme'rcc.boartl on irjPctnriiAx-.:.— '."Vts;;.'

nwr-Tlliw orejof Kmertck-K-wwrhiri:"

222 .iliiRlc KOint.untl knocked down. fiW-plnj-ln-Uin-n i-gamcs-tor-top;"

Page 10: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v
Page 11: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

/rW IW -FALLS-1\E\Yij,^i W lN FjnDwVY-MORNiNdrJ^^^^^^^ I 'A G li U L I5V E N ;'

m E C K T H E i^ E A M iix in L x a m g ^ ^B E E lR iisa G B ll i :

Page 12: Pro88 Newspapernewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · An A e io W e d Pro88 Newspaper — M casurc~i:o~Pgm it^PistiTct5'ip ~ S c^ p ~ N cw _v

- ...... ;^:>TWTCrr^£i5fi!vsiDy,™pSAU,s,;mAH

A N DE N D ^ O F - M Q N T H -

S P E C IA L ! ^^CL,


(} CUATS— HcKtiliir .$20.7.1 •SSI;''"

lo—;* 1 4 r 7 5 —

-■ 5 .;c 6 a TS—rilcfjj SijCTij-Vnlucs $ - 9 ,9 5

-CO ATS— KcK.-S;{5).7f;' and ■VJ!):75- ■ T n = n52 4;7 5-h -^ c3 :

10 Corduroy Bush Coaty ;A nWm. wntcrproof Bnrmrnt.' lias four fj

- pockeU and u lull lii'lt—Jn navy bliiif color.,] rt-n'CTlnr -------- ----------- *'

iirf nrariy.nii 11:11111

• 8‘ only - boys'-lcnl!icrcUe-niifi -iHk- fril>ric-S Jackcu 'tiiliy..lln«l.'CulI,. sljiiwrr'Jronl-:iU sire'It-nfpV S2;»8 ..........T..',.',,.-

“ ;;:'Z:;::Ski:I'ants11 only ' wnirrl'roof atl |>;ini:. — wllh S

r'sn.'>jicn‘cl(;rs—woOr knll“ emr.'“ S.'>mp"lincct:*l nomo-ujilhica, SiScs i.lo li. Rvr. ISI.DU to

-S2.<3i— — L.uA::.r:zrr-....; ......,

l-lfl 10 cirnti ii]) for ..

5 'A lf Wool Sweaters ; --! jnirir_'lil>-ovL-r unJ t\fo,butloir<fiiAii 1 _ luLuLUiU hcafcon’fi.oricr* M ' iJliRn, Oood rolciis. Sulil Rci;. /or J2.Ga, Slzrs

40-rj.-H-to flnm ui>'............. .........................

v\lt W ooU ackcts.____ -4Hoy/.' plum 'blur .M<'lt_ou‘ ,?.fpiifr froni jncl:; ^ 8

tiy’or. i j .V o o n ig : ' S3,MVA^wwrrVfl^^'fito III) .......................... ..... C................


-WoollMaidJackctsi ■ —C'tS:i-nnl3*^ll’ 'vooi-’ iiiniir'3n,cKcUT--Tmr7ippcr^Pg by-iiwJim-biicrt, 6iwn-3-fl>.. ll-rj'A,-,iri(7.r— g

i»*. n«i. *'100 Jr

d ^ a H g r D d y ^

Of Fine Dress and Street^Shoes for


,;I .C O A T S --R ck. S5).nO ................. $ 4 . 9 5 - ;:= =L iG ri»u ji.l}H E SS E L r»vk luet^ ------- - - • r S-J}REa9EH-&l():flfl^~'ft-5irr.1:7f;..........

S5.D0 .............................. -Vnlucs ............................................ ..... $ 6 .9 8- i)KESsi:s: s7.'jo iogio.«jd. : . . ki i)REsSKS^$i.i;7r, 4o-st«"n.v ^

8 ------- V nllicn:-.v.;:;-:/;:;..ryiiliica:;-


" 1 Lot Pajamas1. oiib'^viUuc-iisa_______________


tiiof=itickecni<;k7= Combraziers

sire.-, ne flnd 11. WJJfi vnltic. Pr..........



■1 Group Pajama Shorts. S■iLOB-yj>liiex.-Fof.|w'ltv-p-- ..............[ _________ ■-


tqH badies^R rtyoir^T : Pajamas - '^|

20. J1.40.Vi\Iiie. 2 I’M .............. J L

Tuckstitch J1ns. . . .


jo&.s,T>'f:'p;T1 Group Ladies’ Satin ■' ^

Stepins. '^I

Sirr Ifi .nnil 20.

AMorlod Pr. ,

im v_G ooiJS, D_Er'T.1 Group Ladies’

.llnions.SiuHll :ii«l iucdl«w. 29c vrtliK's,,


W e H ave Taken SIh..-. Frtim a ti?irT :in cs~ \ s— : -<-c.8.10-i4,^noRr7Pt.>r4

DUY GOODS DEPT. ■ ^ DRY COODS'DKPT.J llGroup Chikkcn’s Cotton t l - “ Group Children’s

' Unions - " ‘* 1............^Tucl«titch Pants—Sir.f(t 4-0.8-10-14,-n<‘Rr iDt.‘r4-Pni.-;-..... .•:....... * A i rQ(ll lnl imil Inrge. Reg. 25c vnliic.v 6 for.___•

noYS' D E rr.

___ Sliecplincd CoalsS Olity bop ' nioleskln sfi'epiJliiiHlVo.H.”

IJOV.S- DKl’ f :

~'50'Cnily Boys’ Paulsew lii-nvy i-iiToUi!nuU!ualLivDaiililQi

. ,-:=HL'unds._________ _________^• ' Aiici >rV*’ Ul>('il lln'in-tr>i'i'Uu'i; for Ihi.tcvciU . Sizes n o t ..

A-AAA to C in ni'oiij). V»lin:.s t'o Jjcjlij.

. 1 Gruup CbilJrcn'H M ’lece All Wool------------~Sno\v"Suitff^------' $:i.nn vnUir.-.. Sbrs 3 nnd 4. E.icll...........L _

' nOYS: DEI-T.-

Small Boy Corduroy SlacksJ3 only ’fco).-'' corduroy’ ilai-te—Ilnlii tiin.^H

-?lii;hti}^50ttrrfT-nir-c ■Sl.OQ MK'cli'l. C M're 3, O 4. To clfiili in) ■

■MEN-.S DEl'T..:--__1.200_Xies___

_Jici:' 19c lo 'n w ; l»: «n<l n

- ; f 77'-:"l-:Small'Group'.‘H;98- J Curtains

Color:; «lnt1: crcrn; hlnr atiiJ’Uhllc and brown ; 'nnd wlilic: 2 for

rTJTTOBSTnvP'1 Group Ladies’ Rayon-

Panties'c viiUif.irS'Prs. for

^ t :A b i '-V 6 .»VEAIl DEPT.,1' Group Wbmen^s Sweat^s jSojnc twin .\wcfttfr Mta In the nasorltncnl'.'V

...... ________ - • . ■ •

I'H Pair Wpi>' S“xOlic ;of oiir 'bcttrr smdc- wooV .'OXr-.C»pw

■ Piitlcrui ttlilch JornU'rly so)d lor sX.OO i . clrun lip 2 for ..... ..... ........ .....

■ 60 Pair'W ool Sox . “— ^Airnlt-TTOnnislc Unca-lio:,tr'ih.-t;riKla-Ti.-\t--S

Icin-i whlcli were u uood v alue ni UD.c—iinil H • ;inBkc n wonilcrful Rchool lio «—to cltlm up

.i-wooi-imrd--io cican HIT 3 .lor.

120_Pair Wool So.\' ' ^A 'vo'o! drc.-; flock in tir'v-i'i'H.’-‘rilii-oinl-Jj) I nood wliiHi (oruicrly-iuld for*75cI'pair—1'» cli’^n up 3 for . , . . .

SIKN'S DKJ’-T.-.............. ....■ilS Outing Pajamas ,

Hmtr- mat- • and’ ‘ r,llr-6vcr -mylc- Olovcr'r- (p .artd' l-'<oM.Wns;—lull ciiC some > c and otiipra tic liVllJi. patlrrns ~uri" c.vcpnt-'iil. m licnvy 'ivcii:! omiuK. -

r-.l3c. I 4 j

G Pound Gan’ Snowdrift..:..,

- 1 Pound Linton Black tea., 1 Pound Hill's Kcd ,CanCoffee-..


" ' r KCOSOSlY HASEMKNT ••— '.H o y s ’ .iintl'iM cn's— - • • -

:---------- ^.press-Capsi-:—. ICiKliL iilcct wool toivi. Uiibrrnl:* M ■ % ^

'■able rubbni' vLior—larKo nrioh- ■ - tpriil-Of-cOlnrw.- AH-wlgta—Rc)rr-4Pe -------- —

' e co n o m y H<kSKMENT • ------- '

. e c o n o m y b asem e n t ' ............. 51.00 O ff On Men’s -— Carlsbad-Hats------t i i i A n '0 only—McnLf scnulnt! lur f c I l - A Imts. • S17X.-1 3-7ii. I

........ e c o n o m y BASEMENT...-Boysl-WooU

■ ' '__nrown nnd Krcy clicck ftiid.^Mpiv

--------7T-:-----------:>iEN's DE r 'r.---------------..'jil 9-Wool Shirts ~

* Colors arir • iiavv bliin and ollvi- uri-eu— — these nn*‘ 8.V,i-wo<'il—sujiir. I'mvli .the. iliii'd

• - chwl niKl doubU' olboa.. llicy are tllc bi-il'vnliic ly sl'lfl'- olfrrc-d tlil.i

__ I3eaa0u_ftiid-i0fiifctly..i0ld- lor, »nd~~>23Br51M3~in»V tnid-n-nnl>—

~ OS IJress'Sljirts ' •-.I lot?: ot cur^bcttri; drr.'-i NjilrUi. Oood •m^!<fiif!l yo'tir M£rl.i hrrc-<ii)n'ypn.«

.......' UiCiis thc-y-formri'l ' Mild (loni »1.3S.tiT $ir.o,. si/r-i 25-u’t, ic-u ;/.s,

2 ....

1 .S9c'0:Cedar Mop arid " -n -P B lis lrr -— ...... ~

IXrR. I1.9S—End of inomli rpcclali p a .:._Pj.csajeaivts_

> Stnck nlyle—check and t

men ;r iirp'T.

------5^iJe Jackcts- ~ ^

$ 1 ' ■ 3‘ I*mrn'd*Can^GoUleh West -

■ 1 Pound Calumet Baking - ■ Powder . •

0 Only Clilldrcn'.i ,T\vlirS3Yeater:Sets

sire.' i-S, 4>4.- l-G, ^ e . 98c. Cibs- . g " ^ i r W '

C Only Sicn’s He*vy ‘ Uriulicd - Wool ■ ; -

—= -—Sw eaters^ '"—SI7.C/1 1-34. J-3(T.'2-38, 1-44.-ricg.. $149

Women’.s Outiug and , ^ .Tuckstitch'-Pajamas and -^ i "

Gowns ,• Sirx.s lO-SO. Pliiin and prliit', 2 !ur

-.^MtY ioons »i:r'T.. Kayons awl Silk I'Tibricsnr„’ ."i)c .niul 6Uc Yd. A.vso/ird tiiloi.l. ’ 3 Yds. for ..•...... ..............■ ...................

1 Pikes Peak Cake Flour,.,, - 1 C'aliiinct Baiting Powder

1 H).,Hersheys Cliocolate,, ^ /l .o z . JBottlc-Yanilla —

■ Mri.', U'oolTEtTSHOES.''- A - ' A aitrs.-Sl.63. NOW ....<... .................... ^ * » W WMen’* CowVlliir BELTS;: J l S c

GIrU- All Wool nultQn,I-ron( a « a A RWEAT-BRS. Reg.-JUl* ...........WOMEN'S rLANNEL GOWNS— White, ■plnk,*'’ ’'! MKC..HemiUCeIied -Yoke.; •Ree. 50e 1----- \Zl for « ? *

-t-Lot'-IiADlEB’ -

^^ rou n ^I^iTlHc-61offis^-^ L i a r ^ e G r o u p i3 N ^ o 6 I a ri Coi'tt<nAr<>ii^rinvssr.S^'’T ^