The use of dramatic irony because David blunkett is actually blind so the use of a play on words as a slang “the man who saw it all” is a really witty and intelligent pun and really grabs the readers attention, the picture of the eye also helps to support the slogan. Having the channel logo in the same place within every print advert is very important as a signifier for where it can be found channel fours logo is always on the right hand side in the centre so as an audience we know where to look and can immediately find its location as it is Codes and Conventions of print advertiseme nts Scheduling is also found as the last thing to be read on the print ad.

Print advertisements conventions

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Page 1: Print advertisements conventions

The use of dramatic irony because David blunkett is actually blind so the use of a play on words as a slang “the man who saw it all” is a really witty and intelligent pun and really grabs the readers attention, the picture of the eye also helps to support the slogan.

Having the channel logo in the same place within every print advert is very important as a signifier for where it can be found channel fours logo is always on the right hand side in the centre so as an audience we know where to look and can immediately find its location as it is always in the same place.

Codes and Conventions of print advertisements

Scheduling is also found as the last thing to be read on the print ad.

Page 2: Print advertisements conventions

Channel four logo is in its usual place and the scheduling slogan and title can all be found along the opposing side to the logo.

Having the missing children posters on the great wall of china instantly places where the documentary is about by having an establishing shot that has had posters edited on top of it, this is very clever as without even reading any of the few words the picture alone depicts the subject matter of the documentary which is very clever.

Page 3: Print advertisements conventions

The logo for channel four is in the expected place and this meets the codes and conventions for a print advert by always having the channel logo in the same place. The slogan is also the biggest text on the page and then the title and the scheduling is the last thing on the bottom of the print advertisement all these things are the correct codes and conventions of a print advertisement.

The placing of the slogan is slightly unconventional however because it actually blocks the picture but this convention has been broken in order to create an interest as it goes with “the picture nobody wanted you to see” this also suits the theme of the documentary which is investigating who the falling man actually was so having the writing over his face also supports connotations of the man being anonymous which is the theme of the documentary and it a very good use of how breaking conventions can work well and support your theme rather than distract from it.

Page 4: Print advertisements conventions

The ITV logo is located in the lower left hand side of their print adverts. The Slogan can be found in a bigger font and then the title and scheduling underneath although it is in slightly different positions to the channel four print advertisements all the codes and conventions are still exactly the same

Death Row is a play on words which is used very clever it is attention grabbing because at first you could be mislead to believe it is a documentary about that topic however it is actually based upon the idea of rowing a boat and this is a pun that grabs attention which is very clever it also captivates people who may not usually watch a documentary about boat racing by having dramatic and humorous use of slogans which again is a convention of the slogan itself and the print advertisement.