Primates and other mammals of KIRINDY Field Guides

Primates and other mammals of - Tropical Biology Association · Characteristics Coat colour is reddish-brown. Behaviour Diurnal behaviour coupled with nocturnal activity (known as

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Page 1: Primates and other mammals of - Tropical Biology Association · Characteristics Coat colour is reddish-brown. Behaviour Diurnal behaviour coupled with nocturnal activity (known as

Primates and other mammals of


F i e l d G u i d e s

Page 2: Primates and other mammals of - Tropical Biology Association · Characteristics Coat colour is reddish-brown. Behaviour Diurnal behaviour coupled with nocturnal activity (known as

This document was developed during Tropical Biology Association field courses in Kirindy. It was

drawn together by Rosie Trevelyan and the TBA staff. We would like to thank all our TBA alumni

and teachers who have allowed us to use their photos for this guide. A special thanks to Manfred

Eberle, Kate Lessells and Scott Armbruster. This publication was funded by the European

Commission (B7-6200/01/0370/ENV).

© Tropical Biology Association 2007

A Banson production

Printed by Swaingrove

KIRINDY FOREST AND ITS MAMMALSKirindy is a dry deciduous forest covering about 12 000 hectares and is managed by theCentre de Formation Professionelle Forestière (CFPF). Dry deciduous forests areamong the world’s most threatened ecosystems, and in Madagascar they have beenreduced to 3 per cent of their original extent. Located in Central Menabe, Kirindyforms part of a conservation priority area and contains several locally endemic animaland plant species.

Kirindy supports eight species of lemur; Madagascar’s largest predator, the fossa; andother unusual vertebrates such as the giant jumping rat. Kirindy’s plants are equallynotable and include two species of baobab, as well as the Malagasy endemichazomalany tree (Hazomalania voyroni).

Animals that are endemic to the Menabe region include the giant jumping rat(Hypogeomys antimena), the narrow-striped mongoose (Mungotictis decimlineatadecimlineata), Berthe’s mouse lemur (Microcebus berthii) and the Madagascar flat-tailedtortoise (Pyxis planicaudata).

This guide describes the lemurs of Kirindy forest alongside three other large mammalsthat are specialities of the forest.

Page 3: Primates and other mammals of - Tropical Biology Association · Characteristics Coat colour is reddish-brown. Behaviour Diurnal behaviour coupled with nocturnal activity (known as

Primates and other mammals of


F i e l d G u i d e s

Page 4: Primates and other mammals of - Tropical Biology Association · Characteristics Coat colour is reddish-brown. Behaviour Diurnal behaviour coupled with nocturnal activity (known as


LEMURS 3LEMURIDAERed-fronted brown lemur – Eulemur fulvus rufus 4

CHEIROGALEIDAEPale fork-marked lemur – Phaner furcifer pallescens 5Grey mouse lemur – Microcebus murinus 6Berthe’s mouse lemur – Microcebus berthae 6Coquerel’s dwarf lemur – Mirza coquereli 7Fat-tailed dwarf lemur – Cheirogaleus medius 7

MEGALADAPIDAE (LEPILEMURIDAE)Red-tailed sportive lemur – Lepilemur ruficaudatus 8

INDRIDAEVerreaux’s sifaka – Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi 9


HERPESTIDAENarrow-striped mongoose – Mungotictis decemlineata decemlineata 11

NESOMYINAEGiant jumping rat – Hypogeomys antimena 12



TBA Field Guide

Page 5: Primates and other mammals of - Tropical Biology Association · Characteristics Coat colour is reddish-brown. Behaviour Diurnal behaviour coupled with nocturnal activity (known as


All 71 species and subspecies of lemur are endemic to Madagascar. The island separatedfrom the mainland of Africa some 140 million years ago, which is before modernmammals, including lemurs, appear in the fossil record. It appears that lemurs colonizedMadagascar through a single dispersion event by crossing the Mozambique channel, afterwhich they radiated into the groups that we see today.

Extant lemurs are divided into five families, though 2000 years ago there were a furtherthree families and 16 species which are now all extinct.

The five living families of lemurs are:Lemuridae

bamboo lemurstrue lemurs*ruffed lemurs

Cheirogaleidaefork-marked lemurs*mouse lemurs*dwarf lemurs*

Megaladapidae (Lepilemuridae)sportive lemurs* (seven species within a single genus Lepilemur)

Indridaewoolly lemurssifaka*indri

Daubentoniidaeaye aye

*Lemurs found in Kirindy


Mammals of Kirindy

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Divided into two subfamiles, the truelemurs (Lemurinae) and bamboo lemurs(Hapalemurinae). In Kirindy, the family isrepresented by genus Eulemur.

Red-fronted brown lemurEulemur fulvus rufus

Characteristics Coat colour is reddish-brown.

Behaviour Diurnal behaviour coupled withnocturnal activity (known as cathemeralactivity). Live in matrilineal groups ofapproximately three females and four males.Groups are territorial. The dominant malesires 60 per cent of the infants in the groupsstudied in Kirindy.

Diet Mainly fruit.

Size Body is ~450mm; tail is ~525mm; andweight is 2.3kg.

Status Least concern (IUCN).


Mammals of Kirindy

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All members of this family are nocturnal,sleeping in nests or tree holes by day. Somespecies undergo prolonged sessions oftorpor.

Pale fork-marked lemurPhaner furcifer pallescens

Characteristics Distinct black y-shapedlines running from their eyes, joining at the top of the head (the “fork mark”). Thiscontinues down the back, including the tail.

Behaviour Nocturnal. Very territorial and can be heard throughout the night in Kirindy. Live in pairs: females aredominant. They forage alone, spending 90 per cent of their time apart. Mostinteractions between males and females are conflicts over food – the female wins.

Diet They specialize on tree exudates(gum) and defend territories containinggum-producing trees. In Kirindy, thegenus Terminalia forms the main source of their diet. They also eat the secretionsof insects.

Size Head and body length ~250mm; tail~300mm; and weight is ~460g.

Status Data deficient (IUCN).



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Mammals of Kirindy


Grey mouse lemurMicrocebus murinus

Characteristics Very small mouse-likelemur with a grey back and off-whiteunderparts. Note the white patch on itsnose and dark eye-rings. Mouse lemurs canbe seen rapidly scurrying and leapingamong the trees.

Behaviour Nocturnal. Both sexes foragealone at night in multiple overlappinghome ranges. Males increase their homeranges during the mating season and canleave sperm plugs to reduce competition.Both sexes undergo torpor during the day:males sleep alone while related femalessleep together. Adult females hibernate forseveral weeks each year; males hibernate foronly a few days at a time.

Diet Largely fruit but can eat insects.

Size Head and body length ~125mm andtail ~135mm; females are 17 per cent largerthan the males; weight ~109g.

Status Least concern (IUCN).

Berthe’s mouse lemurMicrocebus berthae

Characteristics Red head, rufous-looking,cinnamon round eyes, line down back.

Behaviour Nocturnal. They are solitary –female ranges show little overlap whilemale ranges are more dispersed. If caughtunder a flashlight at night they are morelikely to freeze than run away like othermouse lemurs.

Size This is the smallest primate species inthe world. Its body weight is ~30g (agorilla’s body weight is ~160kg). Bodylength ~61mm; tail length ~136mm.

Status Endangered (IUCN).

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Coquerel’s dwarf lemurMirza coquereli

Characteristics Coquerel’s dwarf lemursare brown or grey-brown, with large earsand a long bushy tail. The large ears andsharp, pointed nose are distinguishingfeatures.

Behaviour Nocturnal. They forage alone at night and males and females haveseparate home ranges of 1-4ha. Motherscarry the young by mouth and park themwhile foraging. Coquerel’s dwarf lemurs donot hibernate, but are less active on coldernights. They build spherical nests about 2-10m above the ground.

Diet Omnivorous: feeds on fruits, flowers,gum, spiders, frogs, insects and even onsmaller mouse lemurs.

Size Head and body length is ~200mm;tail length is ~330mm; weight ~305g.

Status Vulnerable (IUCN).

Fat-tailed dwarf lemurCheirogaleus medius

Characteristics Fawn-grey on the dorsalcoat and cream white underneath. Note the dark rings round the eyes.

Behaviour Nocturnal. These lemurs havethe unusual behaviour of hibernating in treeholes for six to eight months during the dryseason. During hibernation, they do notfeed, relying on stored fat reserves, some ofwhich are in the tail – hence the name. Fat-tailed dwarf lemurs live in small familygroups (an adult male, a female pair andone or two offspring). Both males andfemales take part in raising the young.Territories are 1-2ha and are marked bysmearing faeces on to trees.

Diet Omnivorous: feeds on fruits, flowers,seeds, gum, insects.

Size Head and body length is ~200mm;tail length is ~250mm; weight ~200g.

Status Data deficient (IUCN).


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Nocturnal, vertical clingers and leapers,with legs that are elongated compared totheir trunks and arms. Leaves constitute thebulk of their diet.

Red-tailed sportive lemurLepilemur ruficaudatus

Characteristics The overall body is grey-brown. Note the reddish tail.

Behaviour Nocturnal. They live in pairs insmall home ranges of 0.3-1.2ha but foragesolitarily. The males grunt whilst femaleschatter. They sleep in tree holes by day; thisspecies does not hibernate.

Locomotion Vertical clinging and leaping(compared with Cheirogaleus, which movesquadrupedally).

Diet Almost exclusively eats leaves. Thisspecies has one of the lowest recordedmetabolic rates for mammals, which may bean adaptation to its low-quality diet.

Size Body length is ~280mm; tail length is~255mm; and weight is ~800g.

Status Vulnerable (IUCN).


Mammals of Kirindy

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This family contains the largest livinglemur – the indri. In Kirindy, the family isrepresented by the sifaka. This name comesfrom the animal’s characteristic threatbehaviour in which it issues an explosive,hiss-like “shee-faak” and jerks its headrapidly backwards.

Verreaux’s sifakaPropithecus verreauxi verreauxi

Characteristics White body andblack/brown crown.

Behaviour Easily spotted clingingvertically to a tree trunk during the day.Sifakas are powerful jumpers in the treesbut on the ground they hop and boundbipedally, often with arms held above thehead. They live in small matrilineal groupsof approximately two related females andtwo unrelated males where the females aresocially dominant.

Diet Leaves, fruit, flowers and bark.

Size Body size is ~430mm; tail length is~580mm; and weight is 3.5kg.

Status Vulnerable (IUCN).



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Mammals of Kirindy



FossaCryptoprocta ferox

The largest mammalian carnivore inMadagascar. Top of food chain.

Characteristics Brown upper parts andcream underparts. The head is similar to amongoose’s with a broader muzzle. Its tailaids balance when climbing trees but is notprehensile.

Behaviour A very agile mammal. It wasbelieved that fossa were completelynocturnal, but studies show this belief wasformed more because of their rarity. Theyare active during the day and at night,depending on season and prey availability.

Diet The predominant predator for manyspecies in the region, it eats small- tomedium-sized animals, from fish to birds,and even hunts lemurs.

Size Length ~1.4m, tail is roughly thesame length as the body; weight ~6.7kg.

Status Endangered (IUCN).

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Narrow-striped mongooseMungotictis decemlineata decemlineata

This subspecies of mongoose is endemic tothe dry deciduous forests of the Menaberegion.

Characteristics Eight to 10 dark stripes onits back and sides; known to the localMalagasy people as boky boky because of thesound it makes.

Behaviour Diurnal and can be bothterrestrial and arboreal; lives in variablegroups of up to 10 individuals.

Diet Mostly insects, but will also eat small vertebrates, birds’ eggs and otherinvertebrates.

Size Body length is ~350mm; and weightis ~2.2kg.

Status Endangered (IUCN).

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An endemic subfamily. This species isendemic to the region.

Giant jumping ratHypogeomys antimena

Characteristics The largest rodent inMadagascar is the giant jumping rat;rabbit-like with conspicuous large ears, longhind legs and short forelegs. Found only intwo forest blocks in Menabe, it is one ofMadagascar’s most endangered mammals.

Behaviour Territorial, with a range ofaround 3.5ha. Nocturnal, living in burrowsby day. Monogamous; the male contributesto the care of young. One offspringnormally produced per litter.

Locomotion Walks on all four limbs.

Diet Fruit, seeds, leaves and young shootson the forest floor.

Size Body length ~330mm excluding thetail; weight ~1.3kg.

Status Endangered (IUCN).


Mammals of Kirindy

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German Primate Center. Accessed on 27 October

2006 at www.dpz.gwdg.de/sociobiology/


Goodman, S.M. & Benstead, J.P. 2003. The Natural

History of Madagscar. University of Chicago Press,


Knoxville Zoo animal information. Accessed on

27 September 2006 at www. knoxville-zoo.org.

Mittermeier, R., Konstant, W., Hawkins, F., Louis,

E., Langrand, O., Ratsimbazafy, J., Rasoloarison,

R., Ganzhorn, J., Rajaobelina, S., Tattersall, I. and

Meyers, D. 2006. Lemurs of Madagascar.

Conservation International, USA.

Rowe, N. 1996. The Pictorial Guide to Living

Primates. Pogonias Press, USA.

Wild Madagascar. Accessed on 27 September 2006 at



Manfred EberleCheirogaleus mediusMicrocebus berthaePhaner furcifer pallescensMirza coquereli Microcebus murinusLepilemur ruficaudatus

Kate LessellsEulemur fulvus rufus

Scott ArmbrusterCryptoprocta ferox

Tropical Biology AssociationPropithecus verreauxi verreauxiMungotictis decemlineata decemlineataHypogeomys antimena

TBA has endeavoured to attribute photoscorrectly and seek permission for their use.If, however, a mistake has been made,please contact TBA, who will make everyeffort to correct it in subsequent printings.



Page 16: Primates and other mammals of - Tropical Biology Association · Characteristics Coat colour is reddish-brown. Behaviour Diurnal behaviour coupled with nocturnal activity (known as

Mammals of KirindyThis guide was developed to help participants on Tropical BiologyAssociation field courses to learn about the primates and otherinteresting mammals of Kirindy forest. It is not designed to be acomplete field guide. It provides notes on their characteristics,ecology and behaviour to help the reader distinguish them fromother Kirindy species.

Tropical Biology AssociationThe Tropical Biology Association is a non-profit organizationdedicated to providing professional training to individuals andinstitutions involved in the conservation and management oftropical environments. The TBA works in collaboration withAfrican institutions to develop their capacity in natural resourcemanagement through field courses, training workshops and follow-up support.

European Office African OfficeDepartment of Zoology Nature KenyaDowning Street PO Box 44486Cambridge CB2 3EJ 00100 – Nairobi, KenyaUnited Kingdom Tel: +254 (0) 20 3749957Tel: +44 (0) 1223 336619 or 20 3746090e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Funded by the European Commission (B7-6200/01/0370/ENV)