Prezentari - How To

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  • 7/30/2019 Prezentari - How To


    Developed by Faye Ross, Learning & Advising Center Director


    Learning & Advising Center

    Philadelphia University


    The Overall Plan

    Theres a take-off on the motto of Bill Clintons first campaign

    Keep it simple, stupid. [Actually, the motto was The economy, stupid.]

    Since a presentation must be easy for your audience to follow, you must make your main point absolutely clear.

    1. What is the point you want to make?State it briefly and clearly and plan to repeat it more than once.

    What can you do to make your audience remember your point?

    2. What evidence will convince your listeners that your point is valid?

    Make it clear to them

    What kinds of information are you going to use to support your point?

    examples? explanations?

    an anecdote? a joke? a sketch? pictures? handouts? samples for the audience?

    Making Your Presentation Effective

    1. How are you going to get your audiences attention and arouse their interest in the first place?

    a controversial statement? a quote? a question for the audience [did you know]?

    Would a gimmick help?Something you wear? a prop? a recording? a conspirator in the audience?

    2. How are you going to help them follow your argument?

    Be sure to use transition words that help your listeners follow you:

    first, next, the most important, however, finally

    3. How are you going to leave a good impression?

    Dont just end. Exit in style. At the very least, exit with a wrap-up.4. Take advantage of visuals as well as audios.

    Most people learn more effectively from theireyes than from their ears.

    If you use visuals, keep them simple and LARGE.

    Can people see them from the back and sides of the room?

    Visuals should enhance your presentation, not distract from it.

    Some PowerPoint presentations which use sound can be annoying. Be aware of the range of possibilities, from using the blackboard to wearing a sign to ??

    5. In speaking

    Dont read the entire presentation. Use index cards, an outline, brief notes, etc. Convey the

    impression that you are knowledgeable enough to talk about your topic.

    Look at your audience establish eye contact.

    Try to look professional pleasant without smiling excessively, serious without being grim.

    Speak to each segment of your audience, not to just one part of the room.

    Speak clearly slowly and distinctly. Most presenters speak too quickly.

    Assume a take-charge stance that conveys authority as if you belong in the front of the room.

    Work from behind a lectern if you feel uneasy. Move around if possible.

    Avoid distracting mannerisms, gestures, words [you know, like, uh].

    Try to avoid speaking in a monotone.

    Have a clock or watch thats easy to see without distracting your audience.

    6. Practice! It takes practice to seem casual as well as authoritative.

    7. Do a trial run with an audience.

    Ask a friend, roommate, relative to listen to you and react to your materials.

    Record yourself. Videotaping is even better.

    See the Presentation Skills tutor at the Learning & Advising Center!

    Ask yourself: Would I enjoy listening to my own presentation?