Press Release - CEDO 30th Anniversary

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  • 8/8/2019 Press Release - CEDO 30th Anniversary


    14 February, 2003

    9 September 2010


    A Great Celebration of Puerto Peasco

    30 Years Conserving Nature

    The Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans, better known as CEDO, is a non-profit, bi-nationalorganization based in Puerto Peasco, Sonora, celebrating 30 years of continuous work in conservation and

    education. In its research projects, CEDO has collaborated with prestigious Mexican institutions such as CIBNOR,

    UABC, CICESE and INAPESCA, and in the United Status, with the University of Arizona, the University of

    California/Santa Cruz, and NOAA, and others. In its 30 years, CEDO has accomplished much, including helping

    establish the Biosphere Reserves of the Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar and of the Alto Golfo de California an

    Colorado River Delta, as well as working with species in danger of extinction such as the vaquita marina porpoise,

    the least tern and the Sonoran Pronghorn Antelope.

    For these accomplishments, CEDO received Mexicos National Conservation Award for 2007, awarded to non-governmental organizations by CONANP (Comisin Nacional de reas Naturales Protegidas) of SEMARNAT

    (Secretara del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales); and recently CEDO received the 2009 Environmental

    Education Award from the Center for Education and Training for Sustainable Development from SEMARNAT. And

    on September 23, 2010, CEDO will receive the Human Diversity in Field Sciences award from the Organization for

    Biological Field Stations (OBFS).

    Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y OcanosCEDO, A.C.Apartado Postal #53Puerto Peasco, Sonora, Mxico C.P. 83550Telfono y FAX: 06-382-0113, 0115

    [email protected]

    Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and OceansCEDO, Inc.

    P.O. Box 44208Tucson, AZ , USA 85733-44208

    Telephone /FAX: [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 Press Release - CEDO 30th Anniversary


    Anna Varney Recommendation Letter P. 2

    CEDO is known throughout Mexico and the World for its leadership in conservation in the Northern Gulf ofCalifornia, but even more significantly, for its commitment to local communities to help find sustainable ways to

    use and develop their natural resources. Today, CEDO is working with about 135 coastal fishing cooperatives in

    eight communities; involving more than 150 people in the sustainable use of the coastal zone; and in the last tour

    years, CEDOs Environmental Education program has reached more than 4,000 students in seven communities in

    northern Sonora. In addition, its traditional natural history talks have reached many thousands of tourists visiting

    the region, giving them insight into the nature of the region. Over these 30 years, CEDOs programs have touche

    hundreds of thousands of people.

    The ecotourism corridor NaturArte, created by CEDO, is a good example of a sustainable development Projectwhose great potential as alternative tourism is receiving attention on the local, national and international levels.

    Its goal is to promote ecotourism, develop small businesses with cooperatives and other community groups, with

    vision of sustainability to minimize negative impacts on the ecosystem. Today, the tourist market is looking for

    responsible environmental businesses. Puerto Peasco has an excellent opportunity to become a leader in this

    quest through the NaturArte program. We invite you to the NaturArte Festival on October 9th

    , and other events

    celebrating CEDOs 30th anniversary. Details about these events will follow shortly.

    Dont miss this opportunity to participate in CEDOs 30th Anniversary Campaign take advantage of thepromotional packets and become a sponsor, and even better, participate in these three planned events.

    CEDO thanks the community of Puerto Peasco for its support and participation in the celebration of its 30 yearsof conservation work, and above all, for accompanying us on this road to sustainability. Working for conservation

    and sustainable use of resources requires the participation of everyone.

    For more information: in the US, contact Sherie Steele, CEDO Development and Communication Assistant,

    520-320-5473 or [email protected]; In Mexico, contact Reynaldo Nava, CEDO NaturArte and

    Sustainable Tourism Assistant at 638-382-0113 or [email protected].

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]