Advanced restorative techniques using tooth-coloured restorative materials Summary Multiple tooth composite build-ups Toothwear An increasing problem Patients keeping their teeth for longer New ‘insults’ to integrity of tooth structure Erosion Abrasion Burke et al., Dental Update 2011;38:165-168 Attrition

Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

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Page 1: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

Advanced restorative techniques

using tooth-coloured restorative



• Multiple tooth composite build-ups


• An increasing problem

• Patients keeping their teeth for longer

• New ‘insults’ to integrity of tooth structure



Burke et al., Dental Update 2011;38:165-168


Page 2: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth


• Erosion

– Identify and address cause

• Attrition

– Correct habits if possible

– Parafunction

• Splint

• Hypnosis

• Masseteric botox

• Abrasion

– Identify and address cause

How can we restore what is left?

Do it with composite

• Semi-reversible

• Requires planning

• No specialist in-put required

• Follow some basic rules

BDJ 2011;211:E9

With some degree of maintenance, repeated

use of composite resin restorations to treat

localised anterior tooth wear at an increased

occlusal vertical dimension is a viable

treatment option over a ten-year period.

Initial evaluation (dentist)Duplicate in stone and vacuum-formed


Page 3: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

Initial hygiene phase therapy

• Must have good standard of OH

• Must be dexterous enough to use floss

• Periodontal condition must be stable

Preservation of interdental spaces

Etch widely Composite application

Polishing and flossing Lower arch

Page 4: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

Completed case Increased OVD

The Dahl principle

Minor axial tooth movement

Dahl BL, et al., J Oral Rehab., 1975;2:209-214

The Dahl principle

The Dahl principle

Poyser et al., British Dental Journal 2005; 198: 669–676

The Dahl principle

• Younger patients

– Initial intrusion and

– Maximise over-eruption of non-contacting teeth

– May take up to 3 months

• Older patients (40+)

– Mainly intrusion

– Some over-eruption

– May take up to a year

Page 5: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

Your patient……..

Your patient

• 65 yrs fit and healthy

• Does not like the appearance of his teeth

• Can eat ok but tends to nibble

• What can you do?

Initial presentation Initial presentation


• Toothwear

• Periapical periodontitis 32

• Generalised moderate chronic periodontitis

First steps

• Develop some thinking time

• Make sure OH is ideal

– Hygiene phase therapy

– Lots of instruction re interdental cleaning

– MUST be able to do this

• Sort out endo

= dentist

Page 6: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

Develop some thinking time Back to complete denture prosthetics

• Upper and lower record blocks

• Mandible closes along a retruded arc

– ie get the mandible back as it closes

• Stop at an appropriate height

– = RCP?

– = Approx height pt would have had if no wear

• Occlusal plane is usually a very good guide

Occlusal plane Re-design the teeth?

Ask for technical help Ask for technical help

Undercut for claspUndercut for clasp

Cingulum rests

Page 7: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

Ask for technical help Ask for technical help

Ask for technical help Start treatment

Wedgets Isolate

Page 8: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

Etch everywhere! Dry

Initial composite More composite!

Cure, cure, cure Polish and floss

Page 9: Presntation 3 Advanced restorative techniques using tooth

Upper arch Completed composite


Now its your turn!