UNIT 11: ROME 1º ESO Made by: Alejandro, Manuel, Rocío, Inma y Juan Francis

presentation of rome

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UNIT 11: ROME 1º ESOMade by: Alejandro, Manuel, Rocío, Inma y Juan Francisco

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Political Organisation

• Monarchy (753-509 BC)

King had absolute power The Senate was made up of rich and powerful families In 509 there was a revolt against the Etruscan king Tarquin the Proud

and he was expelled

• Republic (509-27 BC)

Big Expansion (Mediterranean) Good Army Goberment had 3 main institutions

Voting Assemblies (laws and magistrates) Senate (Take important decisions) Magistrates (group of elective positions)

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• The Roman Empire (27BC-476 AC) Maximun expansion. Pax romana, this time of peace allowed

the empire (Octavian Augustus) to develop its economy, cities and culture.

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Roman Economy

• Agriculture

Cereals, fruits, olives, beans…. Farming of sheep, goats, donkeys and The land was divided into different parts:

small properties cultivated by their owners large estates and villas worked by slaves

• Craftwork They made differents types of

objects and food (oil, wine, salted fish)

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• Trade

Between Rome and the rest of the Empire Exportation of manufactured products

Importation of raw materials and luxury items Trade was helped in several ways:

Use of a common currency Development of a road network Control over the Mediterranean Sea

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Roman Society

• Free People:

Patricians(nobles). Political power and rich Plebeians (most people). With no political power at the start, they demand rights.

During Republic they created the Tribune. Later, they achieved equal rights.

• Slaves (no rights at all)

Liberti are slaves liberated by their owners or that buy it themselves).

• Roman Women

Belonged to their fathers or husbands They could own properties Fathers arranged marriages Cared for the home and the children

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Roman Religion

• Romans were polytheistic, and they adopted gods from the provinces they conquered

• Romans gods were assimilated with Greek gods.

• Christianity

First century in Palestine It was a new religion preached by Jesus ( his message was of equality and love. Monotheism: only a God. Roman authorities considered this religion dangerous and Jesus was crucified

and Christians were persecuted by the Romans In 313, the Emperor Constantine allowed Christians to practice their religion

freely with the Edict of Milan. In 380, the Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity to be the official religion of

the Empire with the Edict of Thessalonica.

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• Roman architecture was practical and functional• buildings were designed to satisfy

the needs of the population• The Romans adopted architectural elements

from the lands that the conquered• Materials used in construction:

• - stone• - brick• - concrete (a mix of lime,rock and sand)

• Architectural elements:• - flat ceilings• - columns• - arches

The Romans used the same architectural orders as the Greeks

• - introduced a new one, the Tuscan order• - combined different architectural orders


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Romans built both religious, and public buildings, as well as other engineering constructions.

Types of Buildings

Public buildings: Theatres

Religious buildings: Temples

BridgesRoman Engineering: