1 Presentation 7 – How to conduct cleaner production assessments? P resentation 7 Pre s entation 7 How to conduct cleaner production assessments?

Presentation 7 – How to conduct cleaner production assessments?1 Presentation 7 Presentation 7 How to conduct cleaner production assessments?

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How to conduct cleaner production assessments?

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Presentation 7 – How to conduct cleaner production assessments?

About Cleaner Production Assessments

Cleaner Production Assessment (CPA) is a core service of a cleaner production centre. CPAs should be conducted in a systematic manner and not on an adhoc basis. A structured, systematic approach is essential for getting the best results and ensures that the outcomes of the CPA are consistent with those identified in the organization's broader planning process.

A generic CPA process consists of the following milestones:1. Planning and Organization 2. Pre-assessment 3. Assessment4. Feasibility analysis5. Implementation 6. Monitoring

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Benefits of CPA

• Identification , characterization and quantification of waste streams and thus environmental and economic assessments of loss of resources (material and energy).

• Identification of easy to implement low cost cleaner production options which may be implemented immediately.

• Preparation of investment proposals to financing institutions that involve high cost cleaner production options of technology or equipment change.

• In fact, conducting CPAs is an excellent method of building the competence of the staff at the cleaner production centre.

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Generic Process of CPA



Planning & organizationPlanning & organization

Assessment Assessment

Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility Analysis

Implementation & monitoring

Implementation & monitoring

Conduct a walkthrough

Involve employees

Organize a team

Prepare a detailed material and energy balance

Conduct cause diagnosis Generate options

Screen options

Select feasible options

Prepare a cleaner production plan

Sustain cleaner production


Prepare a preliminary material and energy balance

Prepare an eco-map

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Planning and Organization

A CPA can be initiated after a conscious decision has been made by the management to take action. Planning and organization starts once one or a few staff members of an enterprise become interested in cleaner production. This interest is often the result of awareness-raising and training programmes.

The elements that are important for the successful start of a CPA are:

• Obtaining the commitment of the top management of the enterprise• Involving employees of the enterprise• Organizing a cleaner production team• Identifying impediments and solutions to the CPA as a process

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Planning and Organization

Obtain commitment of top


Involve employees

Organize a cleaner production team

Identify impediments and solutions to the


Obtain commitment of top


Involve employees

Organize a cleaner production team

Identify impediments and solutions to the


• Signing an MoU with the centre • Directing formation of a cleaner production team • Making available the required resources and • Being responsive to the results of CPA • All staff (top-down, with shop-floor staff)• Across all or limited departments • For larger enterprises – core team plus sub teams• For smaller enterprises – owner plus sub team• Getting the right mix is crucial• Attitudes• Information• Technical• Financial

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Organizing a Cleaner Production Team

For a Large Organization For an SME

SubTeam 1

SubTeam 2

SubTeam 3

External Consultant

External Consultant

Top Management


Overlap of the circles indicate the extent of common interaction

Dept. 1 Dept 2 Dept 3 Note: In the case of SMEs TopManagement will have moreparticipation in the Core Team

Note: In large organizations, finance, administrationsection, utilities and stores are also depts.


Top Management

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Identify Impediments and Solutions to the CPA as a Process


• Impediments in obtaining information from some departments

• Lack of awareness amongst staff

• Lack of appropriate skills amongst staff

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Deciding the Focus of the CPA

Deciding the focus of the CPA involves making decisions concerning:

• The scope; i.e. whether to include the entire plant or limit it to certain units / departments

• The emphasis in terms of materials; e.g. water, energy or chemicals

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Pre-assessment consists of four important steps:

1. Compiling and preparing the basic information; i.e. • Preparing a Process Flow Diagram or PFD• Preparing an eco-map using layout maps of

the site / unit2. Conducting a walkthrough

3. Preparing preliminary material and energy (M&E) balances

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Compilation and Preparation of Basic InformationPreparation of Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

• Use block representation to denote operations

• Write the name of the operation, special operating conditions, Show points of inspection or quality control, quantities (if available), use symbols

• Indicate batch or continuous operations

• Use colour codes to indicate different piping or material flow patterns

• Capture start up, shut down and maintenance related activities, seasonal variations in production, etc. Best done by preparing a flowchart which indicates how a process or unit operation is operated for a special situation.

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A PFD for a Wet-textile Processing Factory











NaOH 50 kg/daywater 60000 L/day

NaOCl 50 kg/daywater 50000 L/day

Liquid discharge

Liquid discharge

Liquid discharge

Air emission vapour

DewateringDewatering Liquid discharge



Liquid discharge


NaOCl 50 kg/daywater 50000 L/day

BOD 400 mg/LpH 9.3

BOD 200 mg/LpH 6.3

BOD 350 mg/LCOD 800 mg/LpH 8 Temp 80 °C

Liquid dischargeBOD 650 mg/LpH 10

These operations are batchwiseand eachprocess batch comprises certain operationssuch as washes etc. Fill and draw techniqueis used. There are about 4 batches a day foreach process, i.e. 4 discharges / day

Indicates wastewater sampling location

to Quality Control











NaOH 50 kg/daywater 60000 L/day

NaOCl 50 kg/daywater 50000 L/day

Liquid discharge

Liquid discharge

Liquid discharge

Air emission vapour

DewateringDewatering Liquid discharge



Liquid discharge


NaOCl 50 kg/daywater 50000 L/day

BOD 400 mg/LpH 9.3

BOD 200 mg/LpH 6.3

BOD 350 mg/LCOD 800 mg/LpH 8 Temp 80 °C

Liquid dischargeBOD 650 mg/LpH 10

These operations are batchwiseand eachprocess batch comprises certain operationssuch as washes etc. Fill and draw techniqueis used. There are about 4 batches a day foreach process, i.e. 4 discharges / day

Indicates wastewater sampling location

to Quality Control

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A Flow Chart Indicating a Process Operation in a Wet-textile Processing Unit for Special Situations

(i.e. whether bleaching / scouring / dyeing is required)

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Conducting a Walkthrough

• Walkthroughs are one of the best techniques for getting first-hand information about a production operation within a short span of time

• Walkthroughs should not be conducted on holidays, when operations are closed, when production is low, and when equipment is under maintenance • Follow the PFD - Begin from the raw materials receiving area and end at the department of finished products

• Cover all the support utilities such as boilers, power generators, fuel storage tanks, pump-house, refrigeration plant, raw water treatment plant, wastewater treatment facility, etc.

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Conducting a Walkthrough – Dos and Don’ts

• Do not find faults – the walkthrough is not a fault finding mission

• Do not dominate the conversation

• Ask real and open questions; do not attempt to show your own knowledge of the topic but to get information from the responsible staff

• Ask questions only when absolutely required. Request explanations if required

• Do not leave the group

• Conduct a closure meeting to capture findings of the walkthrough

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What to ask in a walkthrough?What to carry with you in a walkthrough?

Walkthrough areas…• Workfloor or shop floor• Machines and Operations• Waste and Emissions• Labor• Storage areas• Utilities

Ask questions related to operating practices, housekeeping, equipment maintenance and control, safety and health, waste generation, handling etc. • A camera to take photographs

• A scrap book (A3 size) to make quick sketches, especially for layouts, eco-maps (see next section) and the PFD

• Color pens or highlighter to mark important points

• A tape recorder to record your site observations

Take with you…..

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Preparation of an Eco-map

• Eco-mapping is a very useful application for a cleaner production team to use

• Eco-mapping can easily capture observations made during the walkthrough

• Eco-maps visually present issues of concern, and can also note good practices

• Eco-maps are often the direct indicators of the housekeeping status of the enterprise

• Colour coding and symbols may be used to show areas that have been monitored or areas where problems will have to be dealt with on a priority basis

• Eco-maps can be made easily by using the layout maps of the site / unit

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Preparation of an Eco-map (continued…)

Eco-mapping may be used for specific themes, such as:

• Water consumption

• Wastewater discharge

• Solid waste generation

• Odours

• Noise

• Dust

• Safety risks

• Environmental risks

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Preparation of layout maps

Key map: Show the location of the enterprise, access roads, neighbourhoodcharacteristics, and especially sensitive receptors Layout map of the entire operations in the organization: Show the internal roads, entry and exits, waste storage, processing, disposal facilities, utilities, wastewater outlets

Layout map of key departments: Layout maps may be drawn for departments of concern indicating the positions of the major equipment, water piping, steam lines, drains and vents / stacks. Separate layout maps are required for each floor

Preparation of an Eco-map requires a Layout Map…

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Typical Layout Map for a Manufacturing Factory



Finished Product Storage

Raw Material Storage

Manufacturing Process LineProd. Capacity 10,000 product items per day

Administrative Block

Quality Control and Final Packaging

Proposed Production line of capacity 10,000 product items per day



Toilet Block

30m Stack for emissions







100m 100.5m 101m

Municipal Water Supply


Not to scale


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An Eco-map for Water for an Electroplating Factory

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Preparing Preliminary Material and Energy Balances

A material and energy (M&E) balance is a basic inventory tool, which allows for the quantitative recording of material and energy inputs and outputs.

The basis of the material balance is the PFD.

An essential step in the M&E balance is to check that "what goes in must come out somewhere."

All inputs should thus have related outputs.

OutputsRaw materialsEnergyWaterChemicals

Enterpriseor plant


WastesAir emissionsEffluentsSolid wasteHeat lossesOff-specification productsBy-products

Products,Useful by-products

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Understanding Material and Energy Balances

• Material balances are typically carried out to inventory of material flows (raw materials, chemicals, water, energy etc.) entering and leaving a manufacturing / service company.

• Energy balances are useful to find options to minimize the use of energy or to recover the energy lost in the system.

• Preliminary M&E balances are normally set using secondary data, supported by the information recorded during the walkthrough. Water and energy bills paid give some idea of their consumption levels. On the output side, production figures or orders serviced over a certain period of time can give an estimate of average production. Often, approximate calculations will need to be used, based on "typical" values given in the literature.

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Understanding M&E Balances (continued…)

• Generally, M&E balances at the preliminary level are best set by examining three months data and computing monthly averages.

• Care should be taken to ensure that all quantification is expressed in the right units (preferably SI units), that they are uniform, and that the associated costs are provided

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• Preparation of detailed material and energy balances

• Cause Diagnosis

• Option Generation

• Screening of Options

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Detailed Material and Energy Balances

• It is probable that the cleaner production team finds substantial discrepancies in the preliminary M&E balance.

• This may require revising of the data used for inputs and outputs, rediscussion on assumptions behind the numbers or conduct of measurements.

• Hence, the next task of CPA is for the team to prepare detailed material and energy balances around the PFD.

• Developing a detailed material balance for each operation is neither practical nor relevant. The critical operations are generally chosen based on the focus of the CPA, the results of the preliminary M&E balance, and the types of materials and processes used (i.e. operations where hazardous materials are used or where materials used are expensive or where materials are used in quantities exceeding the benchmarks).

• Detailed M&E balances are often performed when the processes have long operational sequences

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A Detailed Material Balance for a Wet-textile Processing Factory

• An important last step in preparing an M&E balance is assigning costs to the waste streams that have been identified in the balance.

• This could be the single most important step in convincing the management of an enterprise about the value of cleaner production and securing their commitment for all the further activities.

• Monetization of waste streams means that they should not only be characterized in classical environmental terms such as BOD, COD, concentration in liquid wastes, etc. The team needs to also characterize the streams in terms of material content, which can then also be monetized.

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A Detailed Material Balance for a Wet-textile Processing Factory

While charging costs to waste streams, the team should consider the following cost items –

• Cost of raw materials / intermediate products / final products lost in the waste streams • Cost of energy in waste streams, in terms of the energy consumed to heat or chill them, cost of treatment / handling / disposal of waste streams, including tipping or discharge fees if any • Costs incurred, if any, in protecting the workers and maintaining safe working conditions, the potential costs from a possible accidental spill, discharge, or leakage.

Obviously, the high-cost waste streams would be the most interesting ones to focus on from an economic point of view.

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A Detailed Material Balance for a Wet-textile Processing Factory

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A Detailed Energy Balance for a Wet-textile Processing Factory

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Cause Diagnosis through the Fishbone Diagram

Possible through conducting a cause diagnosis exercise

This exercise involves asking the question “why? – why did such a problem / outcome occur?”

Essentially an exercise to hypothesize over the root causes of any problem / outcome

Can be conducted easily through the use of a tool called the fishbone diagram

The cleaner production team now needs to start generating cleaner production options.

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Cause Diagnosis through the Fishbone Diagram (continued…)

Fishbone diagram

Four generic categories:


Each generic category has a primary cause

Each primary cause has one or more secondary


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Fishbone Diagram: Facilitating Cause Diagnosis for low RFT in the Dyeing Process

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Allotting Priorities to Causes Identified in the Fishbone Diagram

• The causes identified in the fishbone diagram are “theorized” or “probable” causes.

• Therefore, the extent to which each cause contributes to the problem has to be calculated before any major decisions are taken.

• The cleaner production team would need to analyze the extent to which each of these probable causes contributes to the principal problem – i.e. Right First Time (RFT) is low.

• Such analysis is only possible through observations, record keeping, setting up planned and controlled experiments designed to isolate the cause of the problem, and specific tools such as the Pareto Analysis.

• These efforts will assist the team in validating the primary and secondary causes, and prioritizing cause elimination.

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Many cleaner production teams stumble at this juncture, since estimating the relative importance of each probable cause seems a wearisome task.

It cannot be stressed too much that teams should be strongly encouraged to push through with this step completely, since it can avoid significant wastage of time (and money) later on in the CPA.

Allotting Priorities to Causes Identified in the Fishbone Diagram

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Cleaner Production Option Generation through Brainstorming

Idea 1

SupportingIdea 1

Extensionto Idea 1

Opposing Idea 1

Idea 2

Idea 3based on 1and 2

SupportingIdea 3

SupportingIdea 3

Idea 4

• Option generation is a creative process, and is best performed, as in the case of the cause diagnosis, by the team as well as the enterprise personnel.

• The option generation exercise is conducted through brainstorming, a commonly used tool for generating ideas

• Given a particular item which needs to be resolved, the team and the enterprise personnel have to deliberate on the ways and means of obtaining a solution to it

• The principle question to be asked during the brainstorming session would be "how - how does one solve this particular problem effectively?"

Once the points of action and priorities are understood and listed, the cleaner production team should move on to the logical next phase; i.e. option generation.

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Cleaner Production Options - Categories

• Housekeeping

• Management and personnel practices

• Process optimization

• Raw material substitution

• New technology

• New product design

• Recovery of useful byproducts and resources

• Onsite recycling and reuse

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Important Points to Remember During Option Generation

• The team should always remember that in general it is better to not generate a waste in the first place, rather than generate it and later recycle or recover / reuse it. Therefore, the team should only consider these options once all the others that could prevent waste generation have been examined.• Some of the chosen options may require major changes in the processes or equipment or product redesign. Often, these will dramatically reduce waste generation or increase productivity, but they also often imply considerable investments.• Certain chosen options would require thorough laboratory / bench scale / pilot studies to ensure that the product quality does not degrade as a result of their application, and that it is acceptable to the market

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Feasibility Analysis

Screening of options


evaluation•Materials and

energy consumption

•Product / byproduct quality

•Improvement on Right First Time


•Human resource requirement

•Ease of implementation

•Cross-linkages with other options

•Time for implementation


evaluation•Materials and

energy consumption

•Product / byproduct quality

•Improvement on Right First Time


•Human resource requirement

•Ease of implementation

•Cross-linkages with other options

•Time for implementation

Environmental evaluation

•Entire life cycle of the product

•On-site / off-site neighbourhood improvements

•Reduction in amount of waste /


•Reduction in consumption of

natural resources

•Reduction in noise / odour / safety risks

Environmental evaluation

•Entire life cycle of the product

•On-site / off-site neighbourhood improvements

•Reduction in amount of waste /


•Reduction in consumption of

natural resources

•Reduction in noise / odour / safety risks

Economic evaluation

•Payback period

•Net Present Value (NPV)

•Profitability Index (PI)

•Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

•Sensitivity analysis

Economic evaluation

•Payback period

•Net Present Value (NPV)

•Profitability Index (PI)

•Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

•Sensitivity analysis

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Economic Evaluation

• A simple payback period is evaluated based on the annual savings and the initial investment. Indicates the time period to return the initial investment

Payback Period in years = (Capital Investment/Annual Savings)

• Consists of analyses and computations of the evaluation criteria [e.g. pay back period, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), etc.] based on project costs and benefits

• Should be generally considered only as a ballpark assessment, as it ignores depreciation of the investment made and time value of money. Usually, investment decisions can only be made on the basis of payback period alone if the investment required is low and / or the returns are high so that the payback period is less than two years

• A better approach is to use the concepts of NPV and IRR. These concepts consider the time value of cash inflows and outflows during the useful life of the investment made

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Economic Evaluation (continued…)

Economic evaluation therefore requires building information on:

• Capital costs associated with required investments (if any); • Net revenue, which is computed as a difference between total revenue (that is generally higher than the base case) and the operating costs (that are typically lower in the changed scenario); and • Rates of interest and depreciation to enable computation of the Present Value

•For computation of NPV:

•CFo = Cash outflow in the first year (capital investment)•r = opportunity cost of capital (i.e. for a rate of 10% ‘r’ would be 0.1)•n = useful life of the investment in years

For an investment to be economically feasible NPV must be greater than zero


i ii



00 )1()(

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Economic Evaluation (continued…)

• The PI is computed as the ratio of the present value of the total cash inflows and the present value of the total cash outflows

• For an investment to be economically feasible, the PI must be greater than 1

• IRR is essentially the rate of return of investment during its life by way of net cash inflows (i.e. inflows – outflows)

• IRR is to be compared with the rate of interest of the borrowings that may be needed from the market

Also carry out a sensitivity analysis by varying input and output parameters, costs other indicators so as to get different scenarios – pessimistic and optimistic

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Example of Cash Inflows and Outflows – Replacement of a Winch Machine with a Jet Dyeing Machine


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Capital Cost(110040)

Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)


Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)

Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)

Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)

Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)

Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)

Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)

Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)

Operating Costs +Depr.(23520)










Simple Payback = 36 months, NPV = US$ 9141, IRR = 25.5%Simple Payback = 36 months, NPV = US$ 9141, IRR = 25.5%

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Implementation of Options and Sustaining CPAs

• Implement feasible cleaner production measures

• Draw up and adopt a Cleaner Production (Implementation) Plan; prioritize options depending on the resources available, prepare technical specifications, allocate responsibilities, set up monitoring and review functions

• Monitor the cleaner production implementation plan

• Sustain Cleaner Production; adopt CPAs as an on-going activity by integrating cleaner production into the enterprise’s management system