Father Jon Misty aka Josh Tillman

Presentation 1 Father Jon Misty

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Father Jon Mistyaka

Josh Tillman

Page 2: Presentation 1 Father Jon Misty

Joshua Tillman was born May 3, 1981, also known as J. Tillman. He is an American folk singer-songwriter, guitarist, drummer, and songwriter,

who has self-titled himself as: Father John Misty.

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• Josh Tillman has been maintaining a steady output of solo recordings since 2004

• Tillman is a former member of a couple indie rock bands: Saxon Shore and a personal favourite, Fleet Foxes along with touring with Pacific Northwest artists Damien Jurado, Jesse Sykes, and David Bazan.

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• ‘’Tillman was brought up as an Evangelical Christian household. Tillman said he grew up in Rockville, Maryland, the suburbs of Washington, D.C. He is the oldest of four children: a younger brother named Zach Tillman and two younger sisters. His father was an engineer at Hewlett-Packard.’’ (wikipedia)

• Tillman discovered he wanted to be a singer and songwriter after years of aspiring to be a pastor mainly because it was the only stage he knew. He states "I was actually a pretty aimless kid, I didn’t really do anything: I never really studied hard and all my parents were interested in was my spiritual status. When I was younger my reality was heaven and hell and angels and all this bullshit that doesn’t mean anything in terms of becoming an actualised human being."

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Tillman actively uses a variety of websites and social networking sites

such as tumblr, twitter, facebook, grooveshark, soundcloud, youtube, his own network: http://www.fatherjohnmisty.net/ and within all of these sites

Tillman is very aware of the messages he wants to send to his audiences.

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• Tillman manages to stay very personable and ironic through being a honest online media user. He choses to present himself and his persona in a very true way, he writes into these sites as if he is speaking straight from his humorous mind to a creature of human-kind, for example, the titles and quick interchanging quotes throughout his Tillman's artist site are not that of which to be considered professional, they are whatever he wants them to be and his fans appreciate the weirdness which allows him to be himself even in a professional setting.

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• Continued: A couple of these titles being: "I'M COMING TO YOUR TOWN SO YOU CAN FILM ME ON YOUR IPHONE!" "LOTS OF SEXY PICS!" "FJM CAN FLUB" (Tillman's sarcastic response to the idea of a fan club for a single person) and the quotes: about youtube "A VERY USEFUL WEBSITE TO WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET, BUT I HAVE BEEN DISAPPOINTED IN SOME OF THE VIDEOS THAT CLAIM TO FEATURE FEMALE NUDITY" and "LOVE MOTHERFUCKERS." In addition to this point, his music is extremely powerful, corky, raw, technical and melodic, as is his online presence.

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• Josh Tillman has a variety of sites, that he connects into every couple of weeks, to update his blogs and facebookpage with new photos, videos or announcements, Tillman only does this mostly for his fans. His fans are the soul of Father Jon Misty’s online community, because as he has made apparent, the online community is not where he feels at ease.

• Josh Tillman has certainly found his audience, and it is only expanding. His versatility and personality/persona have made him a very inspiring and popular artist. He promotes himself through his online communities using humour and honesty. He appeals to multiple genres of music, his music spreads quicker than that of a very specific genre.

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• Tillman writes songs about the world, he is so in tune and aware of what is happening in the present times, and he makes the effort to use his music as his messenger. He posts and promotes charities for good causes all around the world. He also posts very blunt and true statements, straight from his imaginative mind, which allows those of us to connect with him, we get what he is saying and we’ve been afraid to say it because it would be considered weird or frowned upon. Everything he posts is meaningful and brightens the day.

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• Josh Tillman does not have a physical space where he personally sells anything, everything is online and it is universally effective. He does not care as much as someone with a business mind set in music to promote himself and sell his stuff, he’d rather affect his listeners in a changing and positive way.

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Lastly, Tillman posts and engages with his online audience every so often, he promotes not spending all of ones time surfing the web instead of running around outside or writing music. This is very effective because when his fans chose to check up on his sites they can be content in knowing there will probably be something new and updated about their favourite artist. Also, Tillman is constantly creating, so his fans appreciate and love his music so they play the waiting game.

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