Do not stop learning as long as you still li fe, because no one is born smart, and not the same someone who had knowledge and the ignorant  “Menakjubkan urusan seorang mu’min, jika ia mendapatkan ni’mat maka ia bersyukur dan syukur itu sangat baik baginya. Dan jika ia ditimpa musibah maka ia bersa bar dan sabar itu sangat baik baginya.” (HR Muslim & Tirmidzi  Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa sallam bersabda, “Demi Alloh, DUNIA ini dibanding AKHIRAT ibarat seseorang yang mencelupkan JARINYA ke LAUT; air yang TERSISA di JARINYA ketika diangkat itulah NILAI DUNIA ( akhirat = LAUT) ” (HR Muslim) The Present Simple - The Tenses 1. It may refer to habitual or customar y activity , seen as a whole .The writer is concerned with what happens every time - He goes to the cinema twice a week - They usually sit at the back of the class - Indians celebrate the Republic Da y on 26 January - Dinesh smokes 2. It may express what the writer believes to be a general truth, valid at all times and not merely just at present  - The sun rises in the east - Rain always alls from the clouds - A magnet attracks iron - Positive electricity always moves to negative electricity - Lemons taste sharp 3. Quite a different use of the Present Simple is often made in scientific and similar demonstrations . The actions referred to occur at the time of speaking and are usually visible. They may be either brief or prolonged - I take the test-tube, tran sfer the liquid in it to the fl ask, hold it up to the light, and observe the sudden change of colour 4. Rather similar is the use of the Present Simple in radio comentaries on, for instance, football or cricket matches - Ambedkar passes the ball to Gaekward, dashes forward, passes again, gets it back again, kicks it up the field 5. The Present Simple may also refer to f uture time, as in : - Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, leaves f or London on Saturday 6. Another distinct use in seen in the so-called Present Historic which sometimes alternates with the Past Simple in narration of past events, making them seem more immediate and more vivid - Bharat goes to the forest t o bring Rama back to Ayodhaya 7. When reference is made to an author's writings, the Present Simple is often the tense used, whether the author is living or dead

Present Tenses

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  • Do not stop learning as long as you still life, because no one is born smart, and not the same someone who had

    knowledge and the ignorant

    Menakjubkan urusan seorang mumin, jika ia mendapatkan nimat maka ia bersyukur dan syukur itu sangat baik baginya. Dan jika ia ditimpa musibah maka ia bersabar dan sabar itu

    sangat baik baginya. (HR Muslim & Tirmidzi

    Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa sallam bersabda, Demi Alloh, DUNIA ini dibanding AKHIRAT ibarat seseorang yang mencelupkan JARINYA ke LAUT; air yang TERSISA di

    JARINYA ketika diangkat itulah NILAI DUNIA ( akhirat = LAUT) (HR Muslim)

    The Present Simple - The Tenses

    1. It may refer to habitual or customary activity, seen as a whole .The writer is concerned

    with what happens every time

    - He goes to the cinema twice a week

    - They usually sit at the back of the class

    - Indians celebrate the Republic Day on 26 January

    - Dinesh smokes

    2. It may express what the writer believes to be a general truth, valid at all times and not

    merely just at present - The sun rises in the east

    - Rain always alls from the clouds

    - A magnet attracks iron

    - Positive electricity always moves to negative electricity

    - Lemons taste sharp

    3. Quite a different use of the Present Simple is often made in scientific and similar

    demonstrations. The actions referred to occur at the time of speaking and are usually visible.

    They may be either brief or prolonged

    - I take the test-tube, transfer the liquid in it to the flask, hold it up to the light, and observe

    the sudden change of colour

    4. Rather similar is the use of the Present Simple in radio comentaries on, for instance,

    football or cricket matches

    - Ambedkar passes the ball to Gaekward, dashes forward, passes again, gets it back again,

    kicks it up the field

    5. The Present Simple may also refer to future time, as in :

    - Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, leaves for London on Saturday

    6. Another distinct use in seen in the so-called Present Historic which sometimes alternates

    with the Past Simple in narration of past events, making them seem more immediate and

    more vivid

    - Bharat goes to the forest to bring Rama back to Ayodhaya

    7. When reference is made to an author's writings, the Present Simple is often the tense used,

    whether the author is living or dead

  • - Milton says in Paradise Lost that . . . . .

    8. The Present Simple is used to replace the Future Tense after when, wherever, until, till,

    as soon as, before, after, as long as, if, unless in subordinate adverbial clauses of time - If you don't arrive early, you will not get a seat

    - Unless it rains, I shall go on the river

    - I'll wait here until father comes back

    - As soon as he comes, I will give him your message

    - You shall never enter this house as long as I live in it

    - They will visit us after they return from Madras

    - Before they go to the pictures they will come to us

    - I shall discuss it with you whenever you like to come

    - When the lecturer calls my name, will you tell him I am ill ?

    Note : The tense used in main clause is future, but in the subordinate clause the Simple

    Present is used even though the future is referred to

    Do not stop learning as long as you still life, because no one is born smart, and not the same someone who had

    knowledge and the ignorant

    Menakjubkan urusan seorang mumin, jika ia mendapatkan nimat maka ia bersyukur dan syukur itu sangat baik baginya. Dan jika ia ditimpa musibah maka ia bersabar dan sabar itu

    sangat baik baginya. (HR Muslim & Tirmidzi)

    Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa sallam bersabda, Demi Alloh, DUNIA ini dibanding AKHIRAT ibarat seseorang yang mencelupkan JARINYA ke LAUT; air yang TERSISA di

    JARINYA ketika diangkat itulah NILAI DUNIA ( akhirat = LAUT) (HR Muslim)

    The Present Continuous - The Tenses

    1. It refers to actions in progress at the moment of speaking or writing :

    - "What are you doing, Narendra ?" "I am reading a novel."

    2. It can refer to future time :

    - We are having a party nect week. I am meeting him tomorrow

    3. It refers to an activity which is temporary. It describes something happening now, but

    not necessarily at the very moment

    For example , we could say :

    "My father is writing a book on Nuclear Physics," although we know that at this moment he

    is talking to guests

    Note : there are certain verb s which are rarely used to the continuous form. They include see,

    feel, hear, smell, notice, know, think, understand, suppose, want, wish, hope, believe,

    like, doubt, prefer, remember, forget, seem, certain, belong, possess-mainly verbs of

    perception or feeling

  • I see the servant at the door

    I smell something burning

    I am not guessing- I really know

    I think I understand you

    I doubt the truth of your story

    I dont suppose, I shall see you next week

    I realise my error

    I notice that you have had a haircut

    I forget his name - was it Narendra ? I remember your name

    I wish to see the Headmaster, please

    I want someone to take this letter to the post-office

    That bag belongs to me

    I hear the postman's knock

    This atlas contains forty maps

    We hope you will come and see us tomorrow

    He has a cold