Prep Newsletter Friday 25 th September 2015 Dear Parents and Friends, Welcome to our first Newsletter this academic year. We seem to have flown through September, with everyone settling in and learning the new routines expected of a step up into a higher year group. The Reception children, whilst so tiny, are happy, have made friends and are learning so much so quickly! The Year 6s certainly have stepped up, being more mature and the role models we expect them to be. In fact, for every year group the nerves have settled and smiles are everywhere. At break times girls have been seen going out of their way to be friendly and kind to those who are new and learning about St Margaret's. At break this morning a Year 3 girl was sitting on the bench "having a bit of quiet time" when she was 'bombarded' by others in her class asking to play with her! Over the last couple of weeks I have enjoyed meeting parents in the Class Talks. By hearing your daughter's teacher explain the routines and expectations of their class I anticipate that you have a greater understanding of the year ahead for your daughter. Year 5 and 6 parents had the opportunity to meet with Miss Caher and Mrs Jolley last Monday in the Senior School before the 'Preparation for St Margaret's Senior School' tour and talk.

Prep Newsletter 25-09-15

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Prep School Newsletter Friday 25th September 2015

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Prep Newsletter Friday

25th September 2015

Dear Parents and Friends,

Welcome to our first Newsletter this academic year. We seem to have

flown through September, with everyone settling in and learning the new

routines expected of a step up into a higher year group. The Reception

children, whilst so tiny, are happy, have made friends and are learning

so much so quickly! The Year 6s certainly have stepped up, being more

mature and the role models we expect them to be. In fact, for every year

group the nerves have settled and smiles are everywhere. At break

times girls have been seen going out of their way to be friendly and kind

to those who are new and learning about St Margaret's. At break this

morning a Year 3 girl was sitting on the bench "having a bit of quiet

time" when she was 'bombarded' by others in her class asking to play

with her!


Over the last couple of weeks I have enjoyed meeting parents in the

Class Talks. By hearing your daughter's teacher explain the routines and

expectations of their class I anticipate that you have a greater

understanding of the year ahead for your daughter. Year 5 and 6 parents

had the opportunity to meet with Miss Caher and Mrs Jolley last Monday

in the Senior School before the 'Preparation for St Margaret's Senior

School' tour and talk.

Charity Last term during the Lower Prep’s Environmental Day the children made

a coin hedgehog with 1 and 2 pence coins and raised a stunning £32.50.

Mrs Hilton took this and the large number of donations to Tiggywinkles.

The talks by Mrs Hardy, Miss Chatkiewicz, Mrs Erdil and myself were

very informative, explaining what we, as a Prep School, do to ensure a

smooth transition into Year 7 and how once they arrive into Year 7 they

are supported, challenged and nurtured. This was obviously beneficial to

Hermione and Tania, who as ex-St Margaret’s Prep School girls, spoke

so passionately and eloquently about their experiences of the transition

and the lives in Years 7 and 8.

Our aim at St. Margaret's is that we want each girl to achieve her full

potential. In order to achieve academically a girl needs to feel happy and

secure in herself. The importance of giving girls security and support at

what is a crucial stage in a young person's life is recognised by our

strong pastoral care. Although they are still children they are growing

up and preparing to take their first steps to becoming independent

young adults, and as such they still need guidance. Our experienced

team of pastoral staff can tailor this to suit their needs. As you are aware

it is a time in their lives that can be fraught with difficulties and

anxieties. But is also an exciting time when lifelong friendships are

forged and new activities are undertaken. Through feeling happy and

secure in school your daughter will be able to confidently towards

achieving her dreams.

Tania and Hermione told us that the best thing about Year 7 were the

friendships they maintained from the Prep School and the new ones they

gained with those who were new. They liked the diversity of pupils and

as a result feel their horizons have been broadened. They also like being

in small classes and the fact that we are a small school where they know

everyone and everyone knows them. They were grateful that the teachers

know them so well and adapt the work to individual needs, whilst

constantly challenging them.

Congratulations Lower Prep Star of the Week (last week)

Reception: Diya Year 1: Morayo Year 2: Aditi

Recently your daughter’s teacher talked to the class about E-Safety and

she was given an Internet Safety Agreement booklet with a form to sign.

If this has not yet been signed and returned to school please would you

do so as soon as possible in order for your daughter to use the internet

in lessons.

During some of the Class Talks I spoke about the importance of being at

least one step ahead of our children regarding our knowledge and use of

the internet. The internet has many positives that the internet and

related technologies brings to us all, both educationally and socially,

which we want our young people to enjoy. In our daily lives we use the

internet for online banking, shopping, holidays and flights and of course

we use our mobile phones. The internet is somewhere young people feel

is their area to learn, play, have fun. They feel the internet is their private

space. They do not want us to take this away from them. However there

are a number of dangers which we need to be aware of as parents and


The Internet is a changing environment. Can

you remember your school days? I certainly

can; we had one computer in the whole school

which we could look at. I never knew of

anyone who used it! The teaching of ICT has

developed hugely in the last 30 years. Today

adults mostly download but children are

increasingly putting their own things online.

Adults use online information, young people

like to create.

Mobile phones allow us to make calls, play music, navigate the Web,

edit/upload photos, play/upload movies, visit chat rooms and send text

messages as well as do a multitude of other things. Adults have had to

be self-taught as to how to use devices, their technologies and the

internet, Children are growing up with them and particularly young

people consider them an essential part of daily life. Therefore because

we have not grown up with the technology some of us often lag behind

our children with our understanding.

So, what can we do? In school we regularly and consistently teach the

children how to be safe online and teach them what to do if they feel

their safety is compromised; in an age appropriate child friendly way we

alert them to certain dangers, but most importantly we encourage them

to be responsible.

At home, you can:

☺Practical principles Talk with, NOT at your children.

Agree family guidelines and rules.

Regularly discuss online safety.

☺Infrastructure Virus and firewall software up to-date,

Browser ‘safe search’ enabled.

☺Education Learn together about new technologies and


Reflect together about new technologies, the

benefits, dangers and potential.

☺Systems Keep webcams in family rooms.

Monitor time spent on the internet.

View the ‘History’ or purchase filtering


Have proportionate responses to problems.

•http://www.parentscentre.gov.uk/ •www.thinkuknow.com

•http://www.getnetwise.org/ •http://www.childnet-int.org/

•http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/ •http://www.iwf.org.uk/

Open Day Tomorrow is our Open Day 09:30 - 12:30.

If you would like to take a tour of a part of

the school of which you are unfamiliar,

we would be very happy for you to join


Girls in Years 5 and 6 are expected to

attend the Open Morning and will act as

tour guides for prospective parents. They

will work in pairs or trios. Girls should

wear their winter uniform and join us in

the marquee outside the Lower Prep at

09:20. They can be collected from the

marquee at 12:30. Light refreshments will

be on offer for the girls.

Outfits for Special occasions

It was really lovely yesterday seeing some of the

girls wearing their Eid outfits, they were so colourful

and in some cases sparkly too! Rainbows,

Brownies, Guides can wear their uniforms on saints

days and the Guiding Thinking Day (the joint

birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell) which is

on 22nd February. Equally Beavers, Cubs and

Scouts, as they accept girls, may wear their

uniforms too.

Car Share Requests

We have two set of parents seeking a possible

car/lift share to and from school each day. If you

live near the following postcodes and may be

interested in sharing the driving please can you e-

mail Mrs Daws ([email protected])

HA9 8PR and HA8 6RT

Mrs C Aisthorpe

Head of St. Margaret’s Preparatory School

Rewards Commendations in Years 2 - 6 are awarded for working incredibly hard

and applying huge effort, or for going above and beyond expectations.

Also for demonstrating the kindness and respect values we expect of a

St Margaret's girl.

Award Marks are presents for the amazing or extraordinary - beyond

Commendations. Last week each class earned an Award Mark in the

Friday Celebration Assembly for settling in so well and displaying

kindness and respect. In addition, Isabelle in Year 3 received an Award

Mark for showing another child how to do something rather than just

doing it for her. For a 7 year old, this is so mature! ohich you are

unfamiliar, we would be very happy for you to join us.

Girls in Years 5 and 6 are expected to attend the Open Morning and will

act as tour guides for prospective parents. They will work in pairs or

trios. Girls should wear their winter uniform and join us in the marquee

outside the Lower Prep at 09:20. They can be collected from the

marquee at 12:30. Light refreshments will be on offer for the girls.

And Finally…. We have been asking the girls what make St Margaret’s such a happy

school. These are some of the responses:

“Playing outside.” “I like to help my friends.”

“Learning new things.” “Hard work.”

“Always having a friend to play with.” “Lovely teachers.”

“Lovely friends.” “We play with everyone.” “Fridays.”

“Kind, helpful teachers.” “Sticky toffee pudding and custard.”

“Trust.” “Playing in the orchard.”

“There’s always someone to talk with.”

“A mix of girls, we’re all different, yet we’re all equal.”

“Being confident.”

“Being myself in speech and Drama.” “Fixtures with other schools.”

“Lots of help and support in class.” “Fun lessons.”

“Small classes.”

“Different things to do in lessons that make learning interesting.”

“Visits - I can’t wait to go to the theatre in November!” “Mufti



26th 09:30-12:00 Open Day Year 5 & 6 girls to attend

30th 16:15-17:15 No Wednesday Swimming Training


5th 16:00-16:30 Year 6 PGL Information Meeting

7th - 8th Upper Prep Young Shakespeare Company Workshops

8th -14th Travelling Book Fair

10th 18:30-21:00 Connections Family Cultural Evening

13th 16:00-19:00 Upper Prep Parents’ Evening

14th 15:30-19:00 Lower Prep Parents’ Evening

16th Prep School Mufti Day

09:00-09:30 Prep School Harvest Festival

09:30-16:00 Prep School Enterprise Day


15:30/16:00 Half-term begins


2nd Term recommences

2nd-6th Prep School E-Safety Week

5th 09:30-12:00 School at Work Open Morning

15:30-17:00 Prep School Work Sharing & Bonfire Party

12th Years 3 – 6 Visit to Young Shakespeare’s Company

13th St Margaret’s Day


020 8416 4501

[email protected]


This week we have been

learning all about numbers. We

have enjoyed learning how to

write them and how to put them

in order, haven’t we done well!

Year 1

Year 1 have been learning about “Sources of Light”

in Science. On Wednesday we tested some

materials to find out if they reflected light.

We discovered that the foil banner reflected the

most light but are not sources of light. It was great


Year 2

Year 2 are working very hard in their new classroom

which is much more spacious. Everyone has settled in

well and is getting used to the new and exciting things we


Amaya – “I liked painting the fish in Art.”

Fatima –“ I like everything. School is amazing.”

Zoya – “I have enjoyed German.”

Anqi – “I have especially enjoyed History and Art.”

Issey – “I like everything.”

Grace – “I have loved all the new subjects.”

Rudrani – “I have loved learning about the weather and it is exciting to

choose our own lunch. I have enjoyed spending time with Mrs Franklin the


Eloise – “I have loved everything. I loved making our stars and I love having

my own desk.”

Arya – “Everything is better that I ever expected. I love History and

learning about the Celts and the Romans.”

Mathura – “I like Mrs Franklin’s magic stick. She uses it for our times


Adite – “I have loved everything.”

Lily – “I have loved everything, I particularly like being with Mrs Franklin.”

Aneesa –“ I have loved lunchtimes. The food is yummy.”

Tia – “I have enjoyed everything. I love our pretty, colourful classroom.”

Isabelle – “I like it at playtimes because we can play with the older girls.”

Alessia – “I have loved everything. It was fun making the stars.”

Kitty – “I like being taught by Mrs Franklin and it is great to have our own


Ammara – “I have loved everything.”

Isabella – “I have loved P.E., swimming and History and it is lovely to be

able to put my books in my desk.”

Doris – “I have loved everything, especially Art.”

Mrs. Franklin – “I have loved getting to know my new class. They have

worked very hard and I feel very proud of them. They are going to be

a great Year 3 I am sure. Well done everybody!”

We have had a wonderful start to the term. Everyone has settled well and

is very excited to be in the Upper Prep Department.

We had a discussion about all the things that we have enjoyed in the first

two weeks of term. These are some of the things that we said….

Year 3

Year 4

We are learning about

the 8 points of a

compass. During

Geography we had to

find points on a map

and write the compass

direction that they were

in compared to another


Year 5

Year 5 have been writing some fabulous autobiographies in English.

The girls have worked extremely hard and included some lovely

information about where they were born, their earliest memories and

places they have visited. Lots of them wrote about their aspirations

and goals for the future and were a pleasure to read. Well done Girls!

Year 6

Year 6 have taken full advantage of the beautiful surroundings we have

here at St Margaret’s. They looked carefully at the view from the Art

room windows and reproduced their observations using watercolours.

These calming

pictures are

now displayed

in the Year 6

classroom, the

Prep school

reception and



office for

everyone to
