Prep Newsletter Friday 20 th March 2015 Dear Parents and friends, Solar Eclipse Following Miss Caher’s assembly on Thursday when the girls were told what an eclipse is and why it is important, as well as hearing very important safety information, the girls experienced it this morning. From about 9am we noticed the light diminishing and at 9.30am it was mostly dark. Mrs Walsgrove took the Year 4s outside in their Science lesson to Swimming Gala The friendly swimming gala on Wednesday between St Margaret’s and St Hilda’s was exciting. It was a great learning experience as for most of our girls as this was their first gala. Many were proud of their achievements. Quotes from our girls at the gala: “Teamwork is key.” “It was really hard, but I tried my best.” “It was stressful but I managed to come 2nd.” “We all wanted to win but it was great to take part.” “It was all about taking part, not just winning!” “In a gala you always push yourself.” mostly dark. Mrs Walsgrove took the Year 4s outside in their Science lesson to experience the dip in temperature and to hear the birds quieten. Thankfully it was very cloudy so the whole experience was very safe but it was a great experience and one that we hope the girls will remember.

Prep Newsletter 20 March 2015

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Page 1: Prep Newsletter 20 March 2015

Prep Newsletter Friday 20th

March 2015

Dear Parents and friends,

Solar Eclipse Following Miss Caher’s assembly on Thursday when the girls were told

what an eclipse is and why it is important, as well as hearing very

important safety information, the girls experienced it this morning. From

about 9am we noticed the light diminishing and at 9.30am it was mostly

dark. Mrs Walsgrove took the Year 4s outside in their Science lesson to


Swimming Gala

The friendly swimming gala on Wednesday between St Margaret’s and St

Hilda’s was exciting. It was a great learning experience as for most of our

girls as this was their first gala. Many were proud of their achievements.

Quotes from our girls at the gala:

“Teamwork is key.”

“It was really hard, but I tried my best.”

“It was stressful but I managed to come 2nd.”

“We all wanted to win but it was great to take part.”

“It was all about taking part, not just winning!”

“In a gala you always push yourself.”

mostly dark. Mrs Walsgrove took the

Year 4s outside in their Science lesson

to experience the dip in temperature

and to hear the birds quieten.

Thankfully it was very cloudy so the

whole experience was very safe but it

was a great experience and one that

we hope the girls will remember.

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Chess Tournament Our chess team performed incredibly well whilst encountering some

fierce opposition at times. Over the 3 tournaments this academic year the

team’s points were totalled and cumulatively they secured 7th place out

of the 20 participating Hertfordshire schools. A wonderful result and one

which we are very proud of. Congratulations to all of the girls who have

participated in the team this year.

LAMDA exams This week the girls who take Speech and Drama lessons have had their

LAMDA exams. Tensions were high and nerves evident but when

speaking with the girls on the whole they enjoyed the experience and felt

proud of their hard work. Results will be with us soon.

Determination In our Monday assemblies we have been considering the values expected

of a St Margaret’s girl. This week we thought about determination and

how important it is to have a goal, work hard, try our best and if it’s

tough, keep persevering. In other words, having the determination to

succeed. I then set a challenge which would need thought, trial and error,

overcoming failure and most importantly, determination.

The challenge: Using nothing else, insert a plastic drinking straw through

a raw potato.

Well done to all of the girls who brought in their potatoes and have each

received an Award Mark for their efforts:

Here are successful potato challenges from Easha, Yoana and Amita.

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Chess Match Report by Lucy, Year 4

In our first round we did very well. These were the results:

Mia – Won Lucy – Won Scarlet – Won

Chuwen – Won Anika – Drew Yukie – Lost

Round 1 Facts

We played the first round against Brickland Park School. Mia

won without knowing! Lucy was in a losing position but did win

in the end. Scarlet found out that the man training the other

teams was called Mr Peroolin. Anika and Chuwen had normal

games. Yukie was doing well but lost because she ran out of


In our second round these were the results:

Mia – Won Lucy – Lost Scarlet – Lost

Chuwen – Drew Anika – Lost Yukie – Won

Round 2 Facts

We played the second round against Mable School. Mia won in

just over 5 minutes. Lucy lost very slowly. Scarlet, Anika and

Yukie had really good games.

Overall we came 7th

out of 20 teams!

More Chess News

Last Saturday Scarlet, Year 3, joined a team of 14 boys and 1 girl

and represented Hertfordshire in the Under 9’s South of England

qualifier for the National Final. Scarlet scored 2 out of 3 and

helped Hertfordshire finish a clear 2nd

, just behind reigning

national champions Barnet and ahead of Kent and Essex, among

others. Along with the rest of the team, Scarlet was awarded a

silver medal. Congratulations Scarlet!

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Mrs C Aisthorpe

Head of St. Margaret’s Preparatory School

Lift Share/Car Pool Requests

1. A Lower Prep parent is looking for help with collection at the end of

the day as she is unable to take her daughter home. The parent

would be able to help with taking a child to school if you wish. She

lives on Little Bushey Lane (WD23).

2. A Lower Prep parent is looking for a possible lift share/car pool from

the Barnet (EN5) area.

If you are able to help please contact Mrs Daws

[email protected]

Special Person / Mother’s Day assembly Following last year’s successful assembly we just had to do a similar

assembly this year. As I have been popping into classes and

experiencing some of the delights that you will encounter next

Wednesday. The Senior School Hall will be open at 8.30am and there will

be refreshments available to you. The assembly will start at 9am and is

expected to finish at approximately 9.30am. We look forward to you

joining us.

On Friday after our end of term assembly we will all take part in an Easter

Egg Hunt around the grounds. Then after lunch at 2pm the holidays

begin. Please note that the coaches will run, but there will not be an After

School Club.

This is the last

Newsletter this term,

but there will be an end

of term letter in your

daughter’s bag next

Friday which will detail

the events happening

next term.

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25th 09:00-09:45 Prep School – “Our Special People” Assembly, Senior School Hall

26th 17:00-18:30 Gym & Dance Display, Sports Hall

27th 14:00 Term Ends


21st 08:30 Summer Term begins


4th Bank Holiday – no school

7th 09:30-12:00 School at Work Open Morning


Book Fair


020 8416 4501 [email protected]

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This week Reception Class had a special ‘Road

Safety’ Week. We learnt how to cross the road safely

and practised on our very own miniature road. Then

we wrote instructions on how to cross the road


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We also did a

traffic survey

using a tally

chart, we then

used the

information to

make a bar chart.

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Reception and Year 1 had a fantastic Environmental

Day on Wednesday. We looked at different types of

spring flowers and trees. Thank you so much to Mrs

Hilton for organising such a lovely day.

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Year 1 have been learning about the Solar

Eclipse that occurred this morning. They

learned that it happens when the Moon

blocks the light from the Sun. We used balls

of wool and an inflatable globe to

demonstrate how the eclipse occurs. We were

hoping the skies would be clear enough so

that we can observe the effects of the eclipse

using a pin hole camera. We know we must

never look directly at the Sun even if it is

cloudy or we are wearing sun glasses.

Year 1

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Year 2's English lessons have had a Scottish theme this

term, so in Art the girls have been learning how to paint

thistles. They started by sketching a thistle with their spiky

flowers, and went on to learn how to use water colours to

make the thistles more life-like.

Year 2

The results are beautiful. You

can see how a wash has been

used to create the flowers and

darker, thicker paint has been

applied using a fine brush.

Mrs Charlesworth was very

pleased with the girls'

creativity. All of their

paintings are displayed in the

Upper Prep art room.

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Year 3 As the Spring Term comes to an end we can look back on a wonderful term. We have made things and drawn things. Learnt about negative numbers, division, drawn graphs, learnt about money and fractions. We have learnt about the Water Cycle, Pollution, continents and countries. We have finished our studies about the Romans and had a wonderful visit to Verulamium. We have written stories and poems. We have learnt about adjectives, prepositions, proper nouns, collective nouns, verb tenses, commas and singular and plural nouns.

We have done gymnastics, played games and been swimming. Goodness! There was also time for looking after each other, lots of fun, laughing, learning poems and so much more. A term in Year 3 and lots of happy memories!

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Year 4

Year 4 had a fantastic fun day at the Science Museum where they met a Russian cosmonaut who told us about the highs and lows of working in space. She explained that although men originally thought that women would not cope well in space, scientists have proved that actually the female brain is better suited to some tasks than the male brain, for example women’s colour differentiation is much more accurate in space than men’s!

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shadows, spinning like a skater and designing an arch bridge. They showed great teamwork, supporting and helping each other until they had constructed a bridge that supported them! It actually held the weight of 9 girls! Well done Year 4. We had a brilliant day and their behaviour was impeccable throughout.

We watched an amazing live show called ”Flash, Bang, Wallop!” where we saw how explosions occurred and then spent time in the Launch Pad. Here the girls carried out some practical activities such as capturing their

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Year 5

Last week Year 5 visited St Alban’s Abbey as part of our studies of the Victorians. The girls arrived at school dressed in a variety of Victorian costumes. Did you know that from 1553 to 1871 the Lady Chapel in the Cathedral was used as a school? Using this as our inspiration, the girls considered the changes that going to school brought to the lives of Victorian children, before entering the Victorian Classroom to experience life as a Victorian school child. Under the tutorship of 2 stern and strict teachers, the girls learned the 3 R’s, experienced drill and enjoyed an object lesson all about a pheasant. Following Camille’s ‘caning’ for stealing apples the girls were in constant fear of the cane, and poor Aryana had to wear the dunce’s hat!

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afternoon they participated in a workshop. Using toy and game artefacts, the girls became historical detectives exploring pastimes in the Victorian age. They considered the contrast between toys owned by the rich and poor of society, what the toys were made of and how they worked. Having handled examples, the girls then had the chance to make a Victorian Thaumatrope of their own to take home.

At the end of the session the girls had the chance to reflect on their experiences and compare them with modern day teaching. They decided they would return to school calling Miss Caher ‘Mam’ in future. In the

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Year 6 visited the RAF Museum in Hendon as part of their history studies about World War 2. It was such a rewarding experience. We started the day in a 1940’s classroom with old fashioned furniture (including desks like our own!), ink wells, quill pens and a very strict teacher who told us about discipline in the classroom at that time. The girls even experienced an air raid and had to hide under the desks to take cover from potential bombs with their gas mask

boxes. It was great fun and brought history to life.


Year 6

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We also saw real planes from the Second World War including

a Spitfire and Lancaster bomber. They were much bigger than we expected and sat alongside the German Luftwaffe which was a sight to see.

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