THE WASBOTOTON TIMES FRIDAY JULY 5 1907 PRELIMINAR Y ABOUT MISLEADING a 10 REPORTS SQUIRES Times Led by While the crowd was waiting in front of another Washington office yesterday to hear the preliminary details of the big fight near San Francisco the announcement of the sudden ending of the contest was on The Times bulletin board Seventeen before the man behind the megaphone of the other paper announced that Squires had been KnocKed out The Times bulletin appeared and there was no necessity for hanging around any longer CHAMPION LEMON ENT TO AMERICASt- rong Slow Willing Oaf Totally Lacking in Science and With No Headwofyk Proves Snap for Tommy Burns One Round Is Game Loser l H H mutes 1 t minutes t SQUIRES FOR flEA HONOR In 17 cJ y newspa- per EVER + By EDWARD H HAMILTON SAN FRANCISCO Gal July 1 again We had to go clear to Australia- I to find one man that was worse than- I the JeffriesMonroe fiasco but we are an Industrious and persistent people I find this time we picked the training thought he was Jes a fool did not seem possible that a champion of Australia o slow and a champion of Way Back Center for that matter thought he must be holding out and affecting a waywardness like had to do in his rowing he was getting ready to scoop up the t money of Petersons backers their wise minds that- I Squires was plotting for a cleanup Fought Like He Trained So the odds of the betting men were on the slow old farm wagon from Australia Nobody ever gave Burns any Jn fact he was lined up as a good deal of a mutt who had lumbered along up to the top of the second raters So the went piling on the stranger- on the theory be a wonder whenever he could set out of his own way But he was not faking or stalling or simulating at Squires of Australia was just the same In the ring as ho was In his training strong slow willing oaf and Burns hardly knew what had happened when he put this antipodean unchapcen down and out In two minutes of fighting and without having a blow landed on him that would have damaged a consump- tive On the pugilistic tombstone of the rough Australia wilt be the Inscription usually given the ama teur baby If I was to be soon done for I wonder what I was begun for Jeff Could Beat Both Sold t who 1taw SQuires In his In awkwardor Th t I t t divine right to be a worlds champion quartersa They some- thing I ¬ ¬ Jeffries looming in the ring with a swollen Jaw from an ulcerated tooth was one of the ugliestlooking Reubens ever seen by man but he very probably could whip both Burns and Squires in tho same at the same time training ulcerated tooth and all He could certainly put either away with his right nand tied to his suspenders- It can be said right here however that Squires and his backer took their medicine like men It must be an awful dose to come so far just to make a two minute farce But there was never a whimper or an objection Squires said he was beaten by a better man and his backer kissed his thousands goodby with a philosophical smile and the remark that in Autralla So there was something to redeem the fiasco after all On the Level All Right One chap often gouged at the game asked me dubiously Was it a Of course it was not If they had been putting over another of those ras- cally that have so numer- ous they certainly would have long enough to make the moving pic- tures a good attraction for where the promoters make big Jimmy Coffroth told me hed be ashamed- to say how fast the stuff came in from the BrIttNelson pictures So it was not a fak and theres a little JEFFRIES SAYS INEXPERIENCE BEAT SQUIRES take leen d In that money consolation ¬ ¬ ¬ By JAMES J JEFFRIES SAN FRANCISCO Cal July outcome of the fight certainly surprised me I expected to see a longer battle and hardly expected to see the go end first round I must say that Burns is a much bet ter fighter than he gets credit for being He has all that has been asked of him so far and 18 a greatly improved boxer Sn Francisco judged him Ills appearance here long ago and his fights down have been overlooked by the followers of the game up here It does not follow that Squires Is not a pruod man because flume beat him There are lots of men who would be easy for Squires but a man who has studied the game as thoroughly as haS In the last twb years the Australian showed up very Squires showed no ring generalship due to the that he never had boon In a long tight his other battles he was a winner and an easy one at that and whet ho needed to use some hoadwork to help him out h suffered from his inexperi- ence In this line The referees Job in yesterdays fight was a sinecure as was no ques tion to arise Naughton Tells How Australian Met His Defeat- By W W NAUGHTON COLMA RINGSIDE Cat July 5 Bill Squires of Australia proved the biggest failure as a championship can didate that ever entered the ring here yesterday afternoon literally no defense when he The Tcmm ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ THAT ONE ROUND Round camo together quickly and Squires forced Burns around Tommy backed away and finally clinched Both tried to punch and failed Burns felled Squires with- a right to the jaw Squires arose immediately and went in scoring on the body with the right They clinched and worked across the floor Squires landed right on the body and left on oar Burns landed another right on the head and followed with another knocking Squires down again Squires and was knocked down again Squires took count stood up before Tommy Burns and was knocked out in less than a minutes fighting Burns retreated around the ring before and clinched and laughed as the Australian tried to pin a corner Whop they worked to the center again Buens drew Squires fire and then went at him with a snappy right on the left temple that dropped him Squires Did Land I Squires eyes were Winking and he was clearly rattled when he arose There was a lump between the ear and eye He went at Burns In a rather shaky manner and forced him across the platform getting la a couple of body punches and a lefthander on the side of the face Burns was as cool as a cucumber but Squires was still suf- i fering from the effects of the I oneThey rose he knock- down Burns watched his chance and land ed another snappy blow and Squires went to the boards again He got up and reeled around ducking from imag inary blows and trying to clinch with an imaginary opponent Burns Measures Distance Burns coolly measured him sent him down and out from a hard right hander on the point of the chin Squires rested on his back hIs head slightly raised from the mat and his eyelids trembling He was dead to his sur roundings until the time had elapsed and Jeffries had proclaimed Burns the winner Along with the victory and the 8000 guarantee Burns takes the 10000 side bet which was handed to Jeffrie in the form of a check by the writer before the battle began It was the shortest heavyweight championship fight on record The actual time of fighting was about half a minute Talk of Burns Fighting Jeff Is A WearinessB- y THOMAS s RICE One of the first sights to greet the eyes of sporting editors of afternoon papers this was a telegraphed bleat from San Francisco to the effect that Tommy Burns would like to fight Jim Jeffries May this never come to pass ana i morn g ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Had Squires been the victor instead of being a lomon thore might have boon some slight reason for Jeffries meeting him but there is absolutely none for Jeffries oven considering a match with Burns and such a bout Is ever arranged it will be the greatost piece of surething business that over hit the American ring and should be enough to close the boxing game forever on the Coast Should Never Be Matched Burns Is a light heavyweight and despite his easy time with False Alarm Squires yesterday never will be considered a real classy man even In the lightheavy ranks In the days when pugilism was going good and there were giants In the squared circle Burns would never have been considered- at all for a big match and it was In those days that Jeffries won his undis- puted title as champion pugilist of the World from men of undoubted merit To match a man of Burns undoubted inferior caliber with Jeffries would re sult in either one of two things Either Jeffries would beat him as easily is Is the most healthful dark t beer that can be produced Brewed under perfect from best malt and hops amply matured Delicious S satisfying whole some two SI 7C i i dozen MTSOc REBATE for empty bottles t Washington Brewery Co 1 5lh and F Sis N E Phono E 254 I t tmmmtmmu mmm n condI- tions mnmumu llllIHmmnmmamu- ml ii C5 u m acer k ¬ ¬ > = as Burns beat Squires or Burns would win because found phys- ically impossible to prepare for bout was not properly quali fied to defend the title Burns would claim In neither case would the battle be worth In fistic an nals and it would probably be as an Squires Selected and Squelched Squires was dug up by Bill Naughton and other Coast fight fans who wanted- to see action in the heavyweight For months they flooded the papers with tiresome stories saying Jef fries would reenter the ring and then promptly issued denials of what they wrote the day before Squires was se lected and squelched as a means of forcing the champion into the arena and it might be hoped that they would kcop quiet for awhile but as a mat ter of fact we are likely to be deluged with Jeffries will and Jeffries wont stories by people to get In on thfc ground floor the thirdterm boom ers In fact there is a humorous sim- ilarity between the two movements The sudden eclipse of Squires shows how little faith can from the training camps of pugilists His were issuing we were told he was the real goods After he was so decisively beaten the same boosters one loud wall to the effect that he was a mutt and never did have warranting a firstclass engagement The Times Gave Good Tip Fight writers at a distance had nothing to go on as they had not seen Squires and his record was of no value in this country Also most of us have lad enough experience to appreciate the weight camp yarns have in forecasting result of a fight The only clear statement was that of i re- ports Of his and ab- solutely tratnIng tae the uninter- esting di- vision strength and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Joe Thomas the welter middleweight fighter who trained with Squires He said that Squires would Be outboxed and outfought by Burns for the first six or seven rounds This was at variance with all previous reports and seems to have slipped through zrhile the press slept It was in The to beat Burns in seven rounds he would not have sufficiently greater strength to wear him down in more seven and the opinion expressed that on Tomas statement Burns looked like a good bet This proved exactly correct Fine Hindsight Jts remarkable that none of the critics noticed before the fight that Squires was so dead slow and that when he rushed he went in with arms wide open and leaving his Jaw exposed Those are a blind man can see through his smoked glasses but none of the experts on the coast got wise until they saw the Australian taking the count SQUIRES GAME AFTER LOSINGS- AN FRANCISCO July Burns still in his ring togs entered Squires dressing room and he pushed his way through the crowd and tapped Squires on the shoulder his hand Times It the skill I 5Tommy Squires have ex- tending ¬ Well Tommy old boy said the Australian you swung on me and- I got I got a good fair licking Youre the best man and you won I feel all right and satisfied Youll get somebody else Squires replied Burns as I got you and you can start again but not with meNo IV am satisfied answered Squires and go home now it Ill I I HA HA REVENGE BARNEY OLDFIELD WHO WAS PINCHED Barney Eddie Ball and others gave a weird exhibition of close finishes in Washington last Labor Day that nearly killed the auto racing game here and the fact that he has been arrested in Portland Ore charged with faking races will cause no regrets in this city or Baltimore where he also performed FIRST METHODIST WINS TWO GAMES FROM NINTH First and Ninth of the East Washing- ton Sunday School League met in two games at Thirteenth and D streets yes terday and First was the victor In both contests Scores 9 to S and 8 to 7 The first game went eleven innings First winning on a bASe on balls to Harris a stolen baseband a single by Moffltt GAME Ninth First AB H O A E Wheelr 2b S 2 2 2 Cotemn 2b S 4 1 S 1 Evans 3b I 2 Clemes lb 1 0 t- Thomn 3b 4 1 1 Turner Ib 2 1 17 1 McDM If 4 e 0 1 Ste kcr If 4 2 3 0 Ib 4 0 16 1 rf 5 1 Clark S 2 1 4 t Duffey cf 0 cf 3 t 1 1 1 Jsfensn Jb 5 1 3 3 3 Broome rf 3 6 1 8 1 Harris BS 3 9 0 E 3 Kerper e 5 3 0 1 9 Mofflt e 6 2 7 1 9 Balser p 4 9 1 7 1 Barry p B 1 9 2 1 Lltchd p 9 9 9 9 9 Totals 37 7 Totals 41123 IS S Flat Ninth 0 09907991908 Runs vn ler Thompson McDonald Quantrelle Clark 2 Broome Kerper Cole- man 2 Clements Turner Stocker S Roundtree and Barry Earned runs Ninth 2 First 4 Left on bases Ninth 11 First 11 First base on ball O C Balser 2 oft Barry C off IJtchfleM 1 Innings pitched 9 by Lltcbfleld 2 Hits made lOn NG AD H O A E Qua le und lit C 8 I a o i Y o e 11 t By Barry I 1 1 5 0 ss 0 1 Ham on 3317 o 2 0 ¬ ¬ < Off Balser 9 off Barry 7 oft Lltcnneld 1 Struck out By Balser 8 by Garry 4 by LltchfleM 2 Twobase hits Wheeler Clark 2 Kerper Coleman Turner and Mofflt Sacrifice hits Clark Hamnaon and Turner 2 Stolen bases Vheeler t Thompson Hamtnon Harris 2 and Motet Double play Roundtree to Clements Wild pitches Barry 1 UtchHeW 1 Passed Hoffman Time of game S hours Attendance 1500- ATTTERNOON GAME Klntbi First Connor U 4 0 2 8 9Coemnr 2b 2 2 6 2 Evans 3b Round rf 3 8 0 0 0 MoDoMd It 0 lb 3 2 13 1 0 Mdrelad c 4 2 7 4 If 3 1 1 0 9 Quano lb 2 1 9 1 cf 3 6 1 0 0 Broome 2b 1 0 2 2 0 c S 1 5 1 1 Kerper rf 4 2 1 0 1 Johnson 3b 4 1 3 5 2 Hamon cf 2 0 0 ft 1 Harris as Thomn 0 0 2 Quigley p 1 0 0 3 0 Wheeler 2b 1 1 fMofflt Totals 27 52413 4 Totals M 72717 5 None out when winning run was scored tBattad for QUIgley in ninth Ninth 07 First 2 00903003SR- uns Connor Evans 2 Horend 2 Quantrelle 2 Coleman Roundtree 2 Tur- ner 2 Robertson Johnson Harris Earned runs Ninth 3 First 4 First base on errors Ninth 6 First 5 Left on bases Ninth 3 First 4 First base on balls Off Thompson 4 off 3 Hits Off Thompson off Quigley S Struck Thompson 5 by 4 Threebase Two base hits Moreland Turner Stocker 2 Harris Double to Quantrelle Hit by pitcher By Thompson Quigley Passed balls Robertson 2 Moreland Um- pire Mr Hoffman Time of hour and 50 minutes Estimated attendance 1500 ballKerper UmpIreMr AB H 0 A AB H 0 A E 3 0 1 8 Ole er I tecker trey 2 0 3 0 p3 ell 0 0 e 0 0 8 3 0 0 0 QubJe 7 outBy playMoreland gameI 8 0 0 hit ¬ ¬ BLOOD POISONI- n no other disease is a thorough cleansing of the blood more neces sary than in Contagious Blood Poison The least particle of this insidi ous virus multiply in the circulation and so thoroughly contaminate the blood that no part of the body will be exempt from the ravages of this disease Usually the first symptom a little sore or ulcer insignificant in itself but soon the blood becomes so contaminated that the mouth and throat ulcerate glands In the groin swell hair and eye brows come out copper colored spots appear on the body and frequently sores and ulcers break out on the flesh to humiliate the sufferer SSS cures Contagious Blood Poison by purifying the circulation It attacks the in the right way by down Into the circulation neutral izing and forcing out every particle of the poison and making this fluid pure and healthsustaining The improvement commences as soon as the patient gets under the influence of S S S and continues until every trace of the disease is removed from the blood and the sufferer completely restored to health Not one particle of the poison is left for future outbreaks after S S S has purged and purified the blood Book on the home treatment of this disease and any medical advice desired free THE SWIFTf SPECIFIC CO ATLAHTJL GJ- Lm A sss will frE sh iJ I I i H CURES ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ COLUMBIA ATHLETICS LOSE TO ST STEPHENS St Stephens Institute hit REd Wahler hard In last three innings and de- feated Columbia Athletic Cub at Park yesterday by 7 to 1 The batting of Bradley and the field- ing of Taylor the features- C RHOAB Taylor eT J 1 J 1 BMnrich MI Lay If cfS Z 2 IJl- K ok M 1 2 1 jSttUM lfl 2 X Sabina lb 8 212 a- ZaaiMlU rf 1 1 jBw cber M 2 2 2 Mullen Jb 0 2 4 rfl Baboon Sb 1 2 2 M Cork 2b Smith e 11 3 2 5 1 t Wafcfer p 41 1 e p 9 1 9 K 0 Fufefear 1 t Totals 71436 13 S Totals 3 82711 Batted fey Wabtor in last Innta- tMttlfen oat Mt br batted MIL St Stephens IKS 2 fl 8 a 3 1 C A C 1 1 I Flrst by errors C A C 2 St Stephens 2 Left oa bas a C A C St Stephens 6 FIrst base OB balte Off Clark 1 oft Wahlr 2 Struck out By Clark 3 by Wahktr 7 Tfere bas bit King Twobase hlt Hook Mccormick Sacrifice blt Lay 2 Stolen hase Taylor HcJnrlch Kerr Clark Kraft Bradley Dou ble plays Babson Smith to Sablnx to Smith tTmalre Parsona Time game 1 hour and 2S minutes the Na- tional A C R1tOAZ S L 1 1 1 1 a 1 e1 S 4 17 1 base t were 8t 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 lb 5 5 5 S Kerr 1 1 5 2 1 1 Clark S S I S 5 0 1 0 Tay- lor ¬ ¬ ¬ > > HONEY MELLODY STOPS DONOVAN IN SEVENTH NEW YORK July S Honey Mellody the welterweight champion successfully defended his title against a local fighter of prominence at the Brown A A C last night The Boston boy won la the neveath round the referee stopping battle to save the New Yorker from a knockout At no stage of the fighting did Dono- van have a lookin and in the second round he was floored three times Be ginning with third round Jim opened a bit but the raehtog tactics of the champion were too ranch rot him and beginning with the sixth round he began to weaken Donovan was game but simply outclassed LAUREL BEATS BERWYN- In a loosely played game Laurel won from Berwyn at Laurel yesterday by S to 6 The score RHE Berwyn 80116 4 e6 i 5 Laurel 0010214 8 7 6 Batteries Berwyn McGregor Brown a fl Sfowatt Laurel Kinney and Ful ton oy tIM the 0 ¬ ¬ ISEMAN Outfitters for Both Men and Boys Corner Seventh and E Streets N W Our SemiAnnual Sale Starts OneThird Off Every 2 and 3 Piece Fancy Suit Twice a year we make this great reduction This time we are a little earlier than usual We want to give you the benept of wearing good honestmade garments right in the height of the season at an un usual reduction in price Every fancy suit including single and doublebreasted styles light and dark shades worsteds and cheviots All sizes Every gar ment in the sale is right from our regular stock the E B production Make your selection early Heres the scale of prices now prevailing t 667 for Suits Marked 1000 835 900 for Suits for Suits Marked Marked 1250 1350 1500 for Suits for Suits 1235 1335 1500 2000 for Suits for Suits for Suits Marked Marked Marked f lOOQ Marked Marked 1850 2000 2250 J i 1 k BRO1 415SI 3000 ¬ ¬ > Oldfield Arrested PORTLAND Ore July Charged with obtaining money under fake pretenses by eenduetSng a fake atttm mobile speed contest Barney OM field the MMMMI atttoraoblie raoer was placed under arrest yeetaeday The complaint was made by a tocai paper which aaearts that yesterdays contests in this city were Mt legitimate business manager T A Morse to being sought by U e pales In 1U teat night the paper as- serts that Oldfteid sad his imaiagw used JMUM of a local aittomabMe club far the purpose of gaining prestige without the sanction of the club and that the promoters f tits race meet offered a card of seas when they know none of the eatrtos listed intended to AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterdays Results Afternoon games Boeton 7 New Philadelphia New York L 7 Cleveland 1 Detroit 7 St Leek g Morning Boston Washington I- Clevefead 2 alt 9 St Lewis 4 Todays Games PailadelpMe at Detroit NeW York at Cteveteati Standing of the Clubs Won LaeL 9 41 Cleveland 3 Philadelphia K 36 New York K- EL Louts 3S Boston Yesterdays Results Afternoon games Chicago 2 bttedeiph Sriestoa 0 New York I Break 3 PIttsbwg 9 St Lewis Si Cafeaet Cfactoaati 1 Boston 4 Brooklyn 1 New York 4 St Lents Standing of the Clubs Wee Lest Chleaee e X- PMtedalpMa 27- natt Boston 37 St Louie If PERFECT LAGER YOUre on the safe side always if you choose At Bars H rl a Lager It never upsets the stomach nor btHe j s be ua brewed foe Bottled QUALITY aad l varta aged 37 dr JLJ Ma r JL E 2 dds bottle rebate Delivered In tislet tered wagons If de 4red Chi Heurich Brewing Co Everwear HoseS- ix pairs neatly boxed with Uic strongest of written Should a par rip the slightest hole 01 tear appear within six months well you six o O A A- new pairs OUR SPECIAL 4 PRICE per box X V EISEMAN BROS Agents Seventh and E Sts The Regent S250 SHOES 843 Pa Ave ar w YALE RACYCLE PIERCE On Easy terms all guaranteed for 1 year HAZLETONS 42931 10th Street Made to Measure Write for our handsomely booklet picturing the very newest styles NEWCORN GREEN 1002 F St N W Open Saturday Evenings WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR OUTING WANTS Ready to take that trip getting your together come direst to WALFORDS for sporting goods the largest stock town prices the lowest Steel Rods 150 up Bamboo Rods ate up Reels Large Stock 35c up WALFORBS Times Want Ads Bring Results for Pake- r I I r I Old elds t J Q 3 J I I games S ChIc m J i r 1 1 t- I 1 XOrai L Now YerK S S on 3S Q Br 3S 4S Iii tIII lIS and causes cause Ny FULLY Ph t3JZ one n Senate I I AA A A AA AA t N W t t- AA A A- Serges15 Issue the s I participate- d l Washing h y P 51 1d x 3l f 41 Washington 41 NATIONAL LEAGUE games- t P is S Pat 3 C 3 3B Lf- lParityC1eanIfneseLxcellence J s zen ad sec J il- lustrated f 9Q9 Pa Avenue ¬ > > >>

PRELIMINAR Y REPORTS ABOUT SQUIRESENT TO AMERICASt-rong Slow Willing Oaf Totally Lacking in Science and With No Headwofyk Proves Snap for Tommy Burns One Round Is Game Loser l H H

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Page 1: PRELIMINAR Y REPORTS ABOUT SQUIRESENT TO AMERICASt-rong Slow Willing Oaf Totally Lacking in Science and With No Headwofyk Proves Snap for Tommy Burns One Round Is Game Loser l H H





While the crowd was waiting in front of another Washingtonoffice yesterday to hear the preliminary details of the big fight near

San Francisco the announcement of the sudden ending of the contest was onThe Times bulletin board Seventeen before the man behind themegaphone of the other paper announced that Squires had been KnocKedout The Times bulletin appeared and there was no necessity for hangingaround any longer



rong Slow Willing Oaf Totally Lacking in Science andWith No Headwofyk Proves Snap for Tommy Burns

One Round Is Game Loser


H H mutes 1






17 cJ y





SAN FRANCISCO Gal July1 again We had to go clear to Australia-I to find one man that was worse than-I the JeffriesMonroe fiasco but we arean Industrious and persistent people

I find this time we picked the

training thought he was Jes a fooldid not seem possible that a

champion of Australia o slowand a champion of WayBack Center for that matterthought he must be holding out

and affecting a waywardness likehad to do in his rowing

he was getting ready to scoop up thet money of Petersons backers

their wise minds that-I Squires was plotting for a cleanupFought Like He Trained

So the odds of the betting menwere on the slow old farm wagon fromAustralia Nobody ever gave Burns any

Jn fact he was lined up as a good dealof a mutt who had lumbered alongup to the top of the second raters Sothe went piling on the stranger-on the theory be a wonderwhenever he could set out of his ownway

But he was not faking or stallingor simulating at Squires ofAustralia was just the same In the ringas ho was In his trainingstrong slow willing oaf and Burnshardly knew what had happened whenhe put this antipodean unchapcen downand out In two minutes of fighting andwithout having a blow landed on himthat would have damaged a consump-tive

On the pugilistic tombstone of therough Australia wilt be

the Inscription usually given the amateur baby If I was to be soon donefor I wonder what I was begun forJeff Could Beat Both



who 1taw SQuires In his






tt divine right to be a worlds champion






Jeffries looming in the ring with aswollen Jaw from an ulcerated toothwas one of the ugliestlooking Reubensever seen by man but he very probablycould whip both Burns and Squires intho same at the same timetraining ulcerated tooth and all Hecould certainly put either away with hisright nand tied to his suspenders-

It can be said right here howeverthat Squires and his backer took theirmedicine like men It must be an awfuldose to come so far just to make a twominute farce But there was never awhimper or an objection Squires saidhe was beaten by a better manand his backer kissed his thousandsgoodby with a philosophical smile andthe remark thatin Autralla So there was something toredeem the fiasco after allOn the Level All Right

One chap often gouged at the gameasked me dubiously

Was it aOf course it was not If they had

been putting over another of those ras-cally that have so numer-ous they certainly would havelong enough to make the moving pic-tures a good attraction forwhere the promoters make bigJimmy Coffroth told me hed be ashamed-to say how fast the stuff came in fromthe BrIttNelson pictures So it was nota fak and theres a little





In that







outcome of the fight certainly surprisedme I expected to see a longer battleand hardly expected to see the goend first round

I must say that Burns is a much better fighter than he gets credit for beingHe has all that has been asked ofhim so far and 18 a greatly improvedboxer Sn Francisco judged him Illsappearance here long ago and his fightsdown have been overlooked by thefollowers of the game up here

It does not follow that Squires Is nota pruod man because flume beat himThere are lots of men who would beeasy for Squires but a man whohas studied the game as thoroughly as

haS In the last twb years theAustralian showed up verySquires showed no ring generalship dueto the that he never had boon In along tight

his other battles he was a winnerand an easy one at that and whet honeeded to use some hoadwork to helphim out h suffered from his inexperi-ence In this line

The referees Job in yesterdays fightwas a sinecure as was no question to arise

Naughton TellsHow Australian

Met His Defeat-



Bill Squires of Australia proved thebiggest failure as a championship candidate that ever entered the ring hereyesterday afternoon

literally no defense when he




> ¬




Round camo togetherquickly and Squires forced Burnsaround Tommy backed away andfinally clinched Both tried to punchand failed Burns felled Squires with-

a right to the jaw Squires aroseimmediately and went in scoring onthe body with the right Theyclinched and worked across the floorSquires landed right on the body andleft on oar Burns landed anotherright on the head and followed withanother knocking Squires downagain Squires and was knockeddown again Squires took count

stood up before Tommy Burns and wasknocked out in less than a minutesfighting Burns retreated around thering before and clinched andlaughed as the Australian tried to pin

a corner Whop they worked tothe center again Buens drew Squiresfire and then went at him with asnappy right on the left temple thatdropped himSquires Did Land I

Squires eyes were Winking and hewas clearly rattled when he aroseThere was a lump between the ear andeye He went at Burns In a rathershaky manner and forced him acrossthe platform getting la a couple ofbody punches and a lefthander on theside of the face Burns was as cool asa cucumber but Squires was still suf-

i fering from the effects of the





Burns watched his chance and landed another snappy blow and Squireswent to the boards again He got upand reeled around ducking from imaginary blows and trying to clinch withan imaginary opponentBurns Measures Distance

Burns coolly measured him senthim down and out from a hard righthander on the point of the chin Squiresrested on his back hIs head slightlyraised from the mat and his eyelidstrembling He was dead to his surroundings until the time had elapsedand Jeffries had proclaimed Burns thewinner

Along with the victory and the 8000guarantee Burns takes the 10000 sidebet which was handed to Jeffrie in theform of a check by the writer beforethe battle began It was theshortest heavyweight championshipfight on record The actual time offighting was about half a minute

Talk of BurnsFighting Jeff Is

A WearinessB-

y THOMAS s RICEOne of the first sights to greet the

eyes of sporting editors of afternoonpapers this was a telegraphedbleat from San Francisco to the effectthat Tommy Burns would like to fightJim Jeffries

May this never come to pass



morn g





Had Squires been the victor insteadof being a lomon thore might haveboon some slight reason for Jeffriesmeeting him but there is absolutelynone for Jeffries oven considering amatch with Burns and such a boutIs ever arranged it will be the greatostpiece of surething businessthat over hit the American ring andshould be enough to close the boxinggame forever on the CoastShould Never Be Matched

Burns Is a light heavyweight anddespite his easy time with FalseAlarm Squires yesterday never willbe considered a real classy man evenIn the lightheavy ranks In the dayswhen pugilism was going good andthere were giants In the squared circleBurns would never have been considered-at all for a big match and it was Inthose days that Jeffries won his undis-puted title as champion pugilist of theWorld from men of undoubted merit

To match a man of Burns undoubtedinferior caliber with Jeffries would result in either one of two things EitherJeffries would beat him as easily

is Is the most healthful dark tbeer that can be producedBrewed under perfect

from best malt and hopsamply matured Delicious

S satisfying wholesome two SI 7C

i i dozenMTSOc REBATE for empty bottles t

Washington Brewery Co

1 5lh and F Sis N E Phono E 254 I


tmmmtmmu mmmn


mnmumu llllIHmmnmmamu-

ml ii C5

u m acer






as Burns beat Squires or Burns wouldwin because found phys-ically impossible to prepare for bout

was not properly qualified to defend the title Burnswould claim In neither case would thebattle be worth In fistic annals and it would probably be

as anSquires Selected and Squelched

Squires was dug up by Bill Naughtonand other Coast fight fans who wanted-to see action in the heavyweight

For months they flooded thepapers with tiresome stories saying Jeffries would reenter the ring and thenpromptly issued denials of what theywrote the day before Squires was selected and squelched as a means offorcing the champion into the arenaand it might be hoped that they wouldkcop quiet for awhile but as a matter of fact we are likely to be delugedwith Jeffries will and Jeffries wontstories by people to get In on thfcground floor the thirdterm boomers In fact there is a humorous sim-ilarity between the two movements

The sudden eclipse of Squires showshow little faith canfrom the training camps of pugilistsHis were issuingwe were told he was the real goodsAfter he was so decisively beaten thesame boosters one loud wallto the effect that he was a mutt andnever did have warranting afirstclass engagementThe Times Gave Good Tip

Fight writers at a distance hadnothing to go on as they had

not seen Squires and his record wasof no value in this country Also mostof us have lad enough experience toappreciate the weight campyarns have in forecasting result ofa fight

The only clear statement was that of


re-ports Of his and







strength and











Joe Thomas the welter middleweightfighter who trained with Squires Hesaid that Squires would Be outboxedand outfought by Burns for the first sixor seven rounds This was at variancewith all previous reports and seemsto have slipped through zrhile the press

slept It was in The

to beat Burns in seven rounds he wouldnot have sufficiently greater strength towear him down in more seven andthe opinion expressed that on Tomasstatement Burns looked like a goodbet This proved exactly correctFine HindsightJts remarkable that none of the

critics noticed before the fight thatSquires was so dead slow and thatwhen he rushed he went in with armswide open and leaving his Jaw exposedThose are a blind man can seethrough his smoked glasses but noneof the experts on the coast got wiseuntil they saw the Australian takingthe count



AN FRANCISCO JulyBurns still in his ring togs enteredSquires dressing room and he pushedhis way through the crowd andtapped Squires on the shoulder

his hand

Times It the skill



Squires have



Well Tommy old boy said theAustralian you swung on me and-

I got I got a good fair lickingYoure the best man and you wonI feel all right and satisfied

Youll get somebody else Squiresreplied Burns as I got you andyou can start again but not withmeNo IV am satisfied answeredSquires and go home now


IllI I



Barney Eddie Ball and others gave a weird exhibition of close finishes in Washington last Labor Day thatnearly killed the auto racing game here and the fact that he has been arrested in Portland Ore charged withfaking races will cause no regrets in this city or Baltimore where he also performed


First and Ninth of the East Washing-ton Sunday School League met in twogames at Thirteenth and D streets yesterday and First was the victor In bothcontests Scores 9 to S and 8 to 7

The first game went eleven inningsFirst winning on a bASe on balls toHarris a stolen baseband a single byMoffltt

GAMENinth First AB H O A E

Wheelr 2b S 2 2 2 Cotemn 2b S 4 1 S 1

Evans 3b I 2 Clemes lb 1 0 t-

Thomn 3b 4 1 1 Turner Ib 2 1 17 1McDM If 4 e 0 1 Ste kcr If 4 2 3 0

Ib 4 0 16 1 rf 5 1Clark S 2 1 4 t Duffey cf 0

cf 3 t 1 1 1 Jsfensn Jb 5 1 3 3 3Broome rf 3 6 1 8 1 Harris BS 3 9 0 E 3Kerper e 5 3 0 1 9 Mofflt e 6 2 7 1 9Balser p 4 9 1 7 1 Barry p B 1 9 2 1

Lltchd p 9 9 9 9 9Totals 37 7

Totals 41123 IS S

FlatNinth 0 09907991908

Runs vn ler Thompson McDonaldQuantrelle Clark 2 Broome Kerper Cole-

man 2 Clements Turner Stocker SRoundtree and Barry Earned runs Ninth2 First 4 Left on bases Ninth 11 First11 First base on ball O C Balser 2 oftBarry C off IJtchfleM 1 Innings pitched

9 by Lltcbfleld 2 Hits made


Qua le und litC


I a o i Y o e 11


By Barry

I 1 15


ss 0 1Ham on


o 2 0




Off Balser 9 off Barry 7 oft Lltcnneld 1

Struck out By Balser 8 by Garry 4 byLltchfleM 2 Twobase hits Wheeler Clark

2 Kerper Coleman Turner and MoffltSacrifice hits Clark Hamnaon and Turner

2 Stolen bases Vheeler t ThompsonHamtnon Harris 2 and Motet Double play

Roundtree to Clements Wild pitchesBarry 1 UtchHeW 1 Passed

Hoffman Time of game Shours Attendance 1500-


Connor U 4 0 2 8 9Coemnr 2b 2 2 6 2Evans 3b Round rf 3 8 0 0 0MoDoMd It 0 lb 3 2 13 1 0Mdrelad c 4 2 7 4 If 3 1 1 0 9Quano lb 2 1 9 1 cf 3 6 1 0 0Broome 2b 1 0 2 2 0 c S 1 5 1 1Kerper rf 4 2 1 0 1 Johnson 3b 4 1 3 5 2Hamon cf 2 0 0 ft 1 Harris asThomn 0 0 2 Quigley p 1 0 0 3 0Wheeler 2b 1 1 fMofflt

Totals 27 52413 4 Totals M 72717 5None out when winning run was scored

tBattad for QUIgley in ninthNinth 07First 2 00903003SR-uns Connor Evans 2 Horend 2

Quantrelle 2 Coleman Roundtree 2 Tur-ner 2 Robertson Johnson Harris Earnedruns Ninth 3 First 4 First base on errors

Ninth 6 First 5 Left on bases Ninth 3

First 4 First base on balls Off Thompson4 off 3 Hits Off Thompsonoff Quigley S Struck Thompson 5by 4 Threebase Twobase hits Moreland Turner Stocker 2Harris Double to QuantrelleHit by pitcher By Thompson QuigleyPassed balls Robertson 2 Moreland Um-pire Mr Hoffman Time of hourand 50 minutes Estimated attendance 1500


AB H 0 A AB H 0 A E3 0 1 8

Ole erI tecker


2 0 3 0p3 ell 0 0 e

0 0 8 3 0 0 0

QubJe 7outBy




0 0




BLOOD POISONI-n no other disease is a thorough cleansing of the blood more neces

sary than in Contagious Blood Poison The least particle of this insidious virus multiply in the circulation and so thoroughly contaminatethe blood that no part of the body will be exempt from the ravages of this

disease Usually the first symptom a little sore or ulcerinsignificant in itself but soon the blood becomes so contaminated thatthe mouth and throat ulcerate glands In the groin swell hair and eyebrows come out copper colored spots appear on the body and frequentlysores and ulcers break out on the flesh to humiliate the sufferer S S Scures Contagious Blood Poison by purifying the circulation It attacksthe in the right way by down Into the circulation neutralizing and forcing out every particle of the poison and making this fluidpure and healthsustaining The improvement commences as soonas the patient gets under the influence of S S S and continues untilevery trace of the disease is removed from the blood and the sufferercompletely restored to health Not one particle of the poison is left forfuture outbreaks after S S S has purged and purified the blood Bookon the home treatment of this disease and any medical advice desiredfree THE SWIFTf SPECIFIC CO ATLAHTJL GJ-

Lm A


frE sh

iJ I


i H







St Stephens Institute hit REd Wahlerhard In last three innings and de-

feated Columbia Athletic Cub atPark yesterday by 7 to 1

The batting of Bradley and the field-

ing of Taylor the features-C RHOAB

Taylor eT J 1 J 1 BMnrich MILay If cfS Z 2 IJl-K ok M 1 2 1 jSttUM lfl 2 X

Sabina lb 8 212 a-

ZaaiMlU rf 1 1 jBw cber M 2 2 2Mullen Jb 0 2 4 rflBaboon Sb 1 2 2 MCork 2bSmith e 11 3 2 5 1 tWafcfer p 41 1 e p 9 1 9 K 0Fufefear 1 t

Totals 71436 13 STotals 3 82711Batted fey Wabtor in last Innta-

tMttlfen oat Mt br batted MILSt Stephens IKS 2 fl 8 a 3 1C A C 1 1 I

Flrst by errors C A C 2 StStephens 2 Left oa bas a C A CSt Stephens 6 FIrst base OB balte OffClark 1 oft Wahlr 2 Struck out ByClark 3 by Wahktr 7 Tfere bas bitKing Twobase hlt Hook MccormickSacrifice blt Lay 2 Stolen hase TaylorHcJnrlch Kerr Clark Kraft Bradley Double plays Babson Smith to Sablnx

to Smith tTmalre Parsona Timegame 1 hour and 2S minutes



A C R1tOAZ S L1 1


1 a 1e1S






8 21 1 1

1 1lb 5

5 5S Kerr 1 1

5 2

1 1 ClarkS S

I S5 0 1 0








NEW YORK July S Honey Mellodythe welterweight champion successfullydefended his title againsta local fighter of prominence at theBrown A A C last night

The Boston boy won la the neveathround the referee stopping battle tosave the New Yorker from a knockout

At no stage of the fighting did Dono-van have a lookin and in the secondround he was floored three times Beginning with third round Jimopened a bit but the raehtog tactics ofthe champion were too ranch rot himand beginning with the sixth round hebegan to weaken Donovan was gamebut simply outclassed

LAUREL BEATS BERWYN-In a loosely played game Laurel won

from Berwyn at Laurel yesterday byS to 6

The score RHEBerwyn 80116 4 e6 i 5Laurel 0010214 8 7 6

Batteries Berwyn McGregor Browna fl Sfowatt Laurel Kinney and Fulton







ISEMANOutfitters for Both Men and Boys

Corner Seventh and E Streets N W

Our SemiAnnual Sale Starts

OneThird Off Every 2 and3 Piece Fancy Suit

Twice a year we make this great reduction Thistime we are a little earlier than usual We want togive you the benept of wearing good honestmadegarments right in the height of the season at an unusual reduction in price Every fancy suit includingsingle and doublebreasted styles light and darkshades worsteds and cheviots All sizes Every garment in the sale is right from our regular stock the

E B production Make your selection earlyHeres the scale of prices now prevailingt667 for Suits Marked 1000835900

for Suitsfor Suits


125013501500for Suits

for Suits1235133515002000

for Suitsfor Suitsfor Suits



lOOQ MarkedMarked 1850



i 1 k







PORTLAND Ore July Chargedwith obtaining money under fakepretenses by eenduetSng a fake atttmmobile speed contest Barney OMfield the MMMMI atttoraoblie raoerwas placed under arrest yeetaeday

The complaint was made by a tocaipaper which aaearts that yesterdayscontests in this city were Mtlegitimate

business manager T AMorse to being sought by U e palesIn 1U teat night the paper as-serts that Oldfteid sad his imaiagwused JMUM of a local aittomabMeclub far the purpose of gainingprestige without the sanction of theclub and that the promoters f titsrace meet offered a card of seaswhen they know none of the eatrtoslisted intended to


Yesterdays ResultsAfternoon games

Boeton 7New

Philadelphia New York L7 Cleveland 1

Detroit 7 St Leek g

MorningBoston Washington I-

Clevefead 2alt 9 St Lewis 4

Todays GamesPailadelpMe at Detroit

NeW York at Cteveteati

Standing of the ClubsWon LaeL

9 41Cleveland 3Philadelphia K

36New York K-EL Louts 3SBoston

Yesterdays ResultsAfternoon games

Chicago 2bttedeiph Sriestoa 0

New York I Break 3PIttsbwg 9 St Lewis Si

Cafeaet Cfactoaati 1

Boston 4Brooklyn 1 New York

4 St Lents

Standing of the ClubsWee Lest

Chleaee eX-

PMtedalpMa 27-

nattBoston 37St Louie If

PERFECT LAGERYOUre on the safe side

always if you chooseAt Bars H rl a Lager It never

upsets the stomach norbtHe j s be

ua brewed foeBottled QUALITY aad l varta

aged37 dr JLJ Ma r

JL E2 dds bottle rebate

Delivered In tislettered wagons If de 4red

Chi Heurich Brewing Co

Everwear HoseS-

ix pairs neatly boxed with Uicstrongest of writtenShould a par rip the slightest hole 01tear appear within sixmonths well you six o O A A-new pairs OUR SPECIAL 4PRICE per box X V

EISEMAN BROSAgents Seventh and E Sts

The RegentS250

SHOES843 Pa Ave ar w


PIERCEOn Easy terms all guaranteed

for 1 year

HAZLETONS42931 10th Street

Made to MeasureWrite for our handsomely

booklet picturing thevery newest styles


Open Saturday Evenings


Ready to take that trip gettingyour together come direstto WALFORDS for sporting goodsthe largest stock town pricesthe lowestSteel Rods 150 upBamboo Rods ate upReels Large Stock 35c up

WALFORBSTimes Want Ads Bring Results

for Pake-r




IOld elds








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